CELT document G100033

Aimirgin Glúngel tuir tend

Witness list

  • M: Dublin, Royal Irish Academy, 1225, folio 142r–v (Book of Uí Maine).
  • G: Dublin, National Library of Ireland, G 488, pages 21–28.
  • K: Dublin, King's Inns, 20, pages 187–91.

Gilla in Chomded Ua Cormaic

Whole text


    Aimirgin Glúngel tuir tend

  1. Aimirgein Glúngel tuir tend,
    cét-ugdar amra Éirend,
    ba breithem, ba coimgnid cain,
    ba file, ba fír-senchaid.
  2. I n-aimsir meic Leite lóir
    Fergusa ruibnig ríg-móir
    in darna fer gláime glé
    Sen mac Áige é-side.
  3. Bríg Ambáe ben Blaí Briugad
    in tres saí, bid sír-chuman;
    in cethramad saí srethach
    Connla Connacht caín-brethach.
  4. Is é in Connla cétna cóir
    co n-nirt Spirit Naím nert-móir
    ro-lá conflicht ro-s-conaig
    risna druídib díthoraid.
  5. At-bertatar na drúide
    athesc n-étig n-imthnúide,
    conid íat ro gní nime
    is talam co tromthige.
  6. At-bert Connla co céill n-glicc:
    dénaid dúind is creitfimit
    coro taitne in grían atúaid
    dar lind lera lethan-rúaid.
  7.  p.126
  8. Ór ná cumgaid, ar Connla,
    for gním n-ard co n-imdolma,
    is ferr dúind táeb risin fer
    do-rigne im cach náem núa-nem.
  9. Cid ima n-geibthe in bur leith
    gníma Meic Dé? Ní deig-breith,
    ní re fertaib ro fallta,
    ór ná techtaid cumachta.
  10. Ba h-é in cúiced sáer-chaín súad
    Sencha mac Cáelchlaín ón chúan;
    ba hé in sessed garta glain
    a mac Fachtna féthamail.
  11. Sencha mac Oilella ard,
    ba hé in sechtmad saí sáer-garg;
    in t-ochtmad, comall caín cas,
    mac Maín, Morand mór-amnas.
  12. In nómad, ní fíam follaig,
    Neire mac fíal Findchollaig;
    in dechmad ba nertmar nath
    in Find Fechtnach Feradach.
  13. In t-áenmad fer déc ba-déin
    ba h-é Fíthal co fír-chéill
    tarraid ré Láegaire ar leirg
    ó ré Chormaic cloidim-deirg.
  14. Sencha mac Cáelchlaín cen chol
    athair Fachtna, in fer fír-dron;
    Fachtna, fer co líthaib ,
    athair Fíthail, finnid-se.
  15.  p.127
  16. Cét-ugdair Éirend uile,
    fesa Fótla folt-buide—
    tucsat críchad ar gaís n-gil
    ó Fíthal co h-Aimirgein.
  17. Ro deilig Día dígrais dron
    do cach fir díb-sin sainmod
    co m-bered breith taitnim tricc
    rachta aicnid amnas-glicc.
  18. Aimirgein Glúngel ba gáeth
    ní bered bretha co báeth;
    fesa Féine leis tar ler
    roscada féige filed.
  19. Mac Áige dá m-bered bréic
    ástais bolga arin m-bláith-géic,
    dá ráided fír rib arís
    bolga-sin no sergatis.
  20. Ro thidnaic Día, deilm cen gáe,
    gaís aicnid do Bríg Ambáe
    coná bered, ba mín mod,
    acht breith fír ro fosugad.
  21. Connla caín-brethach ba caín,
    lán do rath in Spirit Naím
    coná ruc bréic ó ro baí
    ná ainbreth ná imargaí.
  22. Sencha mac Cáelchlaín calma,
    ba h-í a aiste adamra
    ná bered breith, foirbthe fair,
    cen oidche re h-urscrútain.
  23.  p.128
  24. Acus a mac Fachtna find,
    dá m-bered bréic, bad derb lim,
    tuited mes cach muine mín
    uile uile in n-aidche-sin.
  25. Mad i n-aimsir blechta báin
    no h-indised í i n-irdáil
    no séntais baí láega lis
    riu táeba ní tobraitis.
  26. Nó dá n-impód fri breith ̇fír
    ba h-óg arís in mes mín
    scardais fri sáetha laíg lis,
    baí báetha ro bligitis.
  27. Sencha mac Oilella úaig
    trí ailche leis ri breith m-búain.
    Ní bered breith saír suba
    cen trí ailche astuda.
  28. Fíthal mac Fachtna ba flaith;
    fír n-aicnid leis ba lán-maith,
    coná bered breith m-berta
    résin n-intlecht n-aicenta.
  29. Cid Morand, do chreit do Día,
    ba breithem rán, ba ríg-nía;
    móite ro ̇fúaig 'ma rig rath
    ó fúair in n-id n-ilbúadach.
  30. Ugdair na gaíse glaine
    cen béim baíse báeglaige,
    tucsat mór do díamair dam;
    cen dán íarraith ní annam.
  31.  p.129
  32. Finntar fégtar na filid,
    daíne deiligthe in dligid;
    do-fégthar cumma cumtaig
    don Gaídilc at glan-ugdair.
  33. Ba file díb Fergus fíal.
    Fergus Fíannaind, gleórda in grían,
    i n-inis Fíannaind, ferr de,
    rop é in chíall-̇find Cíarraige.
  34. Feircheirtne file, deilm n-dil,
    úa-side Dedad meic Ssin;
    Néide fúair comamra aíb
    ard-mac Adna meic Uithir.
  35. Athairne amnas ba h-áith.
    Ro lín a chlú clúasa cáich;
    ocus a mac Fergna fíal,
    ropo dalta co n-daig-míad.
  36. Cét-chuit chumtaig ar gaís n-glic
    cech ugdair díb-sin sloindmit
    fond <title TEIform="title">Senchais Móir</title>, lorg lethach,
    fúair mac Áige il-brethach.
  37. Imthórmach <title TEIform="title">Senchasa</title> sain
    ri Dubthach mac úa Lugair
    ocus fri Fergus filid;
    ra-n-dedlus ra dáer-finib.
  38. <title TEIform="title">Imart n-Áirechta</title> cen acht
    ugdaras Connla Connacht;
    cuit Fíthil fúair deg-dath n-dron
    <title TEIform="title">Aí Emnach</title> cen imreson.
  39.  p.130
  40. <title TEIform="title">Tailbretha Fachtna</title>, is cert caín,
    meic Sencha meic Cáelchlaín;
    athair dó in Sencha senna,
    Sencha mac Oilella.
  41. Airig Moraind delbaim dóib:
    <title TEIform="title">Cóir Féine Bic ocus Móir</title>,
    <title TEIform="title">Midba Breth</title> ocus <title TEIform="title">Caire Breth</title>;
    Morand ros-lá ima sech.
  42. Formna <title TEIform="title">Senchasa Móir</title>
    nónbar ro chumtaig co cóir;
    <title TEIform="title">Náėfis</title>, canóin cáemda cain
    re fesaib náemda in nónbair.
  43. Pátraic, Beinén, Cairnech cain,
    Láegaire mac Néill nertmair,
    Fergus file, gáire glan,
    ocus Dáire Ulad.
  44. Ocus Muman cen meirg
    Corc mac Luigdech co láim deirg;
    Dubthach úa Lugair don lind,
    saí in Bérla Rus mac Trichim.
  45. Náe suíde sin nír sáeb snas,
    ríaglaigset co sáer senchas
    íarna thúr dóib tre gaís n-gil
    as cach aís ó Aimirgein.
  46. Tríar nár geibed Banba bras
    i n-airde is i n-airechas
    mar ̇fácbait 'ca reic man-roind
    ria Cáin Pátraic meic Calproind:
  47.  p.131
  48. In cét-̇fer, fer coimgne cain
    re scélaigecht do Scotaib;
    fer cerda, ní monar mall,
    áer is molad na mór-rann.
  49. Breithem re breithemnas m-bil
    a fesaib a fásaigib
    rigit roscada filed,
    má do-fégthar fír-dliged.
  50. Ó tháinic Pátraic, mod mas,
    tucsat don ̇fir airechas,
    d' ̇fir in Bérlai Báin, ferr de,
    do chind cháid na canóine.
  51. Ó ruc Aimirgein gáeth grind
    cét-breith ar tús i n-Éirind,
    ba la fileda ná-ma
    bretha sáerda senchasa.
  52. Cosin n-imacallaim áin
    Feircheirtne is Néide nem-náir,
    ní damthea do neoch dliged
    acht a brethaib bard-filed.
  53. Cach flaith cundail ro-chúala
    dub-labra na Dá Thúara.
    Rucsat, ar síat, ar sligid
    úaind in fecht-sa fis filid.
  54. As-bert Concobar cen chol:
    léicid as bar n-imreson;
    cách in fecht-sa arin bith bras
    úaib co bráth fon m-breithemnas.
  55.  p.132
  56. Geibed cách a dréchta de
    —is ed téchta in túaslaicthe.
    Ná berat foscad filid
    acht a roscad rodligid'.
  57. Ó sin 'le ní rucsat breith
    filid a l-labrad ar leith,
    acht a cuit and amar cách
    in tan ná fégtha in fír-̇fáth.
  58. Amail ro gabsat, búan blad,
    <title TEIform="title">Bretha Fachtna meic Senchad</title>,
    <title TEIform="title">Bretha Moraind</title>, mitte fíach,
    is <title TEIform="title">Gúbretha Caratníad</title>.
  59. <title TEIform="title">Bretha Echach meic Luchta</title>,
    <title TEIform="title">Bretha Bríge</title> réill-rachta,
    <title TEIform="title">Breth Doet Neimtheine</title> íar n-alt,
    <title TEIform="title">Bretha Eógain meic Durrthacht</title>.
  60. <title TEIform="title">Bretha Dían Cécht</title> ó leigib.
    Cuit cáich i m-<title TEIform="title">Brethaib Neimid</title>
    acht ba fer cerda, guth glan
    Indse Elga ard-ollam.
  61. Persanda na m-<title TEIform="title">Breth Nemed</title>
    ótá tosach co dered:
    Athairne, ba comall n-glan,
    Dagda, Morand, Morrígan.
  62. Neire mac Findchollaig fíal,
    mac Adna Néide, ba níam,
    Senbec sídech saí senma,
    Cend Fáelad mac Oilella.
  63.  p.133
  64. Derg Scaleda, mind meda,
    ocus in Find Scaleda;
    ba días báige i n-gaís cen gus,
    dá mac dáime Ír mór-gus.
  65. Senchán Toirpéist ba rind ráid.
    Báethgalach húa Búirecháin,
    Forannán, Máel Tuile tair
    bráithre buile Báethgalaig.
  66. Cináeth úa Con Mind cen chol
    is é ro theip in tre-̇focol
    ri srethaib co gríanna glan
    a <title TEIform="title">Brethaib níamda Nemed</title>.
  67. <title TEIform="title">Auraicept na n-Éices</title> n-ard
    ro chum Feircheirtne fíam-garg
    i n-Emain Macha co m-blaid
    i r-ré in fír-chaím Conchobair.
  68. Ro-n-athnaig, ba rith renna,
    Cend Fáelad mac Oilella;
    i n-Daire Luráin ro-lá
    i r-ré Domnaill meic Áeda.
  69. Fénius Farsaid, céim co cloth,
    h-é ro ben in m-bobeloth
    cen lúad ar laic-litir lé,
    aipgitir na Gaídilce.
  70. Ogma mac in Dagda duinn
    ro ben beitheluis n-ogaim.
    Do-rala na secht m-beithe
    do Lugaid na láech-breithe.
  71.  p.134
  72. Úa Cormaic trén ó Thulaig
    ar túr eólais imchubaid,
    ríaglas runna íar lurg lir
    do cach urd íar n-Aimirgein.
    Aimirgein Glúngel.

Document details

The TEI Header

File description

Title statement

Title (uniform): Aimirgin Glúngel tuir tend

Author: Gilla in Chomded Ua Cormaic

Responsibility statement

Electronic edition compiled by: Donnchadh Ó Corráin

Funded by: University College, Cork and Professor Marianne McDonald via the CURIA Project.

Edition statement

2. Second draft.

Responsibility statement

Proof corrections by: Donnchadh Ó Corráin

Extent: 2753 words

Publication statement

Publisher: CELT: Corpus of Electronic Texts: a project of University College Cork

Address: College Road, Cork, Ireland—http://www.ucc.ie/celt

Date: 1996

Date: 2010

Distributor: CELT online at University College, Cork, Ireland.

CELT document ID: G100033

Availability: Available with prior consent of the CELT programme for purposes of academic research and teaching only.

Availability: Hard-copy copyright: Brepols Publishers. The electronic edition was made available with the kind permission of the copyright holder.

Source description

Manuscript sources

  1. Dublin, Royal Irish Academy, MS 1225, folios 142r–v (alias D ii 1, alias Book of Uí Maine, late 14th to early 15th century. Adam Cuisin copied this poem sometime between 1392 and 1407. R. A. S. Macalister (ed), The Book of Uí Maine, Facsimiles in Collotype of Irish Manuscripts IV (Dublin: Irish Manuscripts Commission 1942); Catalogue of Irish Manuscripts in the Royal Irish Academy, pp 3314–56). Digital images and a description of the MS are available on http://www.isos.dias.ie.
  2. Dublin, National Library of Ireland, MS G 488, pages 21–28 (18th to 19th century. Scribe unknown. Nessa Ní Shéaghdha, Catalogue of Irish Manuscripts in the National Library of Ireland, fasc. 10 (Dublin: Institute for Advanced Studies 1987) 99–101).
  3. Dublin, King's Inns, MS 20, pages 187–91 (c. 1720. Scribe: Tadhg Ó Neachtain. Pádraig de Brún, Catalogue of Irish manuscripts in King's Inns library, Dublin (Dublin: Institute for Advanced Studies 1972).)
  4. Dublin, Royal Irish Academy, MS 775, page 57 (alias F v 4. Fragmentary: first two quatrains only).
  5. Dublin, Trinity College Library, 1318, columns 341–42, lower margin (alias H 2. 16 alias Yellow Book of Lecan. A copy of quatrain 25 only).


  1. Liam Breatnach, Canon law and secular law in early Ireland: the significance of Bretha Nemed, Peritia 3 (1984) 439–59: 440–41 (edition of 6 quatrains of the poem).
  2. Peter Smith, Aimirgin Glúngel tuir tend: a Middle-Irish poem on the authors and laws of Ireland, Peritia 8 (1994) 120–50.


  1. Liam Breatnach, Canon law and secular law in early Ireland: the significance of Bretha Nemed, Peritia 3 (1984) 439–59: 440–41 (translation of 6 quatrains of the poem).
  2. Peter Smith, Aimirgin Glúngel tuir tend: a Middle-Irish poem on the authors and laws of Ireland, Peritia 8 (1994) 120–50.

Sources, comment on the text, and secondary literature

  1. Liam Breatnach, Canon law and secular law in early Ireland: the significance of Bretha Nemed, Peritia 3 (1984) 439–59: 440–41.
  2. Peter Smith, Aimirgin Glúngel tuir tend: a Middle-Irish poem on the authors and laws of Ireland, Peritia 8 (1994) 120–50.

The edition used in the digital edition

‘Aimirgin Glúngel tuir tend: a Middle-Irish poem on the authors and laws of Ireland’ (1994). In: Peritia‍ 8. Ed. by Donnchadh Ó Corráin, pp. 120–150.

You can add this reference to your bibliographic database by copying or downloading the following:

  editor 	 = {Peter Smith},
  title 	 = {Aimirgin Glúngel tuir tend: a Middle-Irish poem on the authors and laws of Ireland},
  journal 	 = {Peritia},
  editor 	 = {Donnchadh Ó~Corráin},
  volume 	 = {8},
  date 	 = {1994},
  pages 	 = {120–150}


Encoding description

Project description: CELT: Corpus of Electronic Texts

Sampling declarations

The electronic edition covers pages 125–134 of the article. All editorial introduction, translation, and textual notes, appendix and indexes have been omitted. The variants recorded by the editor on page 134 have not been reproduced.

Editorial declarations

Correction: Text has been thoroughly checked, proof-read and parsed using NSGMLS.

Normalization: The electronic text represents the edited text. M-dashes have been replaced by commas. Compound words have, however, been hyphenated after CELT practice.

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Profile description

Creation: By Gilla in Chomded Ua Cormaic, a monastic scholar of Tulach Léis. c. 1100–1160

Language usage

  • The text is in Middle Irish. (ga)
  • The witness list is in English. (en)

Keywords: histor; poetry; medieval; authors and laws

Revision description

(Most recent first)

  1. 2014-11-30: Header modified; new wordcount made. (ed. Beatrix Färber)
  2. 2010-04-01: Header updated; page-breaks added; new wordcount made; file reparsed. (ed. Beatrix Färber)
  3. 2008-09-27: Keywords added; file validated. (ed. Beatrix Färber)
  4. 2005-08-25: Normalised language codes and edited langUsage for XML conversion (ed. Julianne Nyhan)
  5. 2005-08-04T15:27:56+0100: Converted to XML (ed. Peter Flynn)
  6. 1997-09-15: Header modified; file parsed using SGMLS. (ed. Margaret Lantry)
  7. 1997-08-28: Header re-structured; text parsed using SGMLS. (ed. Margaret Lantry)
  8. 1996-05-14: Text parsed using SGMLS. (ed. Mavis Cournane)
  9. 1996-05-13: Header constructed, structural and in-depth mark-up. Lineation checked and verified. (ed. Donnchadh Ó Corráin)
  10. 1995-05-12: Text captured from digital version by the editor, Peter Smith. (text capture Donnchadh Ó Corráin)

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