CELT document G100040

Eine Irische Version von Beda's Historia

Unknown author

Edited by Kuno Meyer

Eine Irische Version von Beda's Historia

 p.321 87 a1

Augtar inna h-ealathan sa Béid h-uasalsacart ecnaid fer ratha De i n-ecna ⁊ i crabud. Fuair Beid dano forthachtaigthid .i. Alpin in t-ab ro h-airmitnech, in fer ro h-orcthe trisna h-uile disciplu  1 ina fer n-eolach Teodir epscoipAdrian inn abbad. Ar ro fogluind Alpin o descipluibh Griguir na h-í ro gnithe h-i cennuthaig Cantuariorum ⁊ isna ferannaib comacraibhibh ⁊ ana fuair o sencassaib na littre o tidnacul na senorach ⁊ ro tharmhinuid Albín co Béid inna h-í ro h-asneid dó Nothelmus h-uasalsacart na h-ecailsi lundonensis rodbo o littrib no o h-imaccalmaibh. Is é Nothelmus tucastar epistil o Grigoir p.322 nach  2 o Roim co Saxano. Is iat ro forcan Albín comtis echlanta don sairse Béid noibh. O thossach immorro na staire co creitem na Saxan oc scribendaib na n-arsata adiu 's anall ro foglaind Béid ⁊ ro thinol. Daniel immorro episcopus Saxan funetta ro faidestar cuca o h-epistlib stair a ceniuil fadéin ⁊ na Saxain descertachInse Uechtae.

Iris immorro intinscanta Merciorum Saxorum ra foglaim co r-raba side trésna dá h-uasalsacart CeddiCedda ⁊ co ro h-athnuiged treotha iris na Saxan airtherach .i. o braithribh na manistrech ro chumtaiged leo .i. Lestingaeu. Na h-í ro gnithe h-i cennathaig na Saxan airtherach aranic rainn de o thidnaicthib na n-arsatha, raind aile o atharcud inn abadh h-Essi. Na h-i immorro ro gnithe i l-leith ra h-iris Críst h-i cennathaig Lindis ro h-oglaind o guth biu in t-uasalsacart Cimbericht. Tidnacla immorro Nordanimbrorum .i. sencassa Saxan tuascertach, sochaide o fuair seom ⁊ ro-s-tuc fein.

3 Britania insola occiani cui quondam Albion nomen erat ocht cet mile chemend ina fot, .cc. ina lethet, inna h-imtimcell immorro .i. cuic mile sechtmogat  89 b2fo h-ocht cethrachat.{}  4

 92 b1Ro baded Romanus erchonsol ecailsi Hirofensis for muir Etalda. Is don eclais sin ro h-ordaig Paulín in pallium tucc ab Honorio. Iacob immorro deochon Paulin fer eclastacda ⁊ fer noeb ⁊ súi chantairechta h-i Cair re ciana.

Document details

The TEI Header

File description

Title statement

Title (uniform): Eine Irische Version von Beda's Historia

Title (extended): [Laud Misc. 610, fo. 87 b1]

Editor: Kuno Meyer

Responsibility statement

Electronic edition compiled by: Beatrix Färber

Funded by: University College, Cork and Professor Marianne McDonald via the CELT Project

Edition statement

2. Second draft.

Extent: 1025 words

Publication statement

Publisher: CELT: Corpus of Electronic Texts: a project of University College, Cork

Address: College Road, Cork, Ireland—http://www.ucc.ie/celt/

Date: 2002

Date: 2008

Distributor: CELT online at University College, Cork, Ireland.

CELT document ID: G100040

Availability: Available with prior consent of the CELT programme for purposes of academic research and teaching only.

Source description

Manuscript sources

  • Oxford, Bodleian Library, Laud Misc. 610, fo. 87b1–92a1. For further details see Brian Ó Cuív (ed.), Catalogue of Irish Manuscripts in the Bodleian Library at Oxford and Oxford College Libraries, 2 volumes (Dublin: Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, School of Celtic Studies, 2001–2003), vol. 1, 62–87.


  • Kuno Meyer, Eine irische Version von Beda's Historia, Zeitschrift für Celtische Philologie 2 (1899) 321–322. [Untranslated].

Secondary literature

  1. R. I. Best, 'Bodleian MS. Laud 610', Celtica 3 (1956) 338–39.
  2. Myles Dillon, 'Laud Misc. 610', Celtica 5 (1960) 64–76; Celtica 6 (1963) 135–55.
  3. Proinséas Ní Chatháin, Bede's Ecclesiastical History in Irish, Peritia 3 (1984) 115–30.

The edition used in the digital edition

‘Eine irische Version von Beda’s Historia’ (1899). In: Zeitschrift für Celtische Philologie‍ 2. Ed. by Kuno Meyer, pp. 321–322.

You can add this reference to your bibliographic database by copying or downloading the following:

  editor 	 = {Kuno Meyer},
  title 	 = {Eine irische Version von Beda's Historia},
  journal 	 = {Zeitschrift für Celtische Philologie},
  volume 	 = {2},
  address 	 = {Halle/Saale},
  publisher 	 = {Max Niemeyer},
  date 	 = {1899},
  pages 	 = {321–322}


Encoding description

Project description: CELT: Corpus of Electronic Texts

Sampling declarations

The present text represents pages 321–322 of the printed edition.

Editorial declarations

Correction: Text has been checked and proofread twice. All corrections and supplied text are tagged.

Normalization: The electronic text represents the edited text. Initial h has been hyphenated off, ro was written as a separate word. Text supplied by the editor has been marked sup resp="KM", expansions ex resp="KM", and corrections from the footnotes sic corr="".

Quotation: There are no quotations.

Segmentation: div0=the history; div1=the fragment; page-breaks are marked pb n="".

Interpretation: Personal, collective and place names have been tagged.

Profile description

Creation: By an unknown author.

Date: 9th century

Language usage

  • The text is in Old Irish. (ga)
  • A few names are in Latin. (la)
  • The editorial annotations are in German. (de)

Keywords: histor; prose; historiography; medieval; Bede

Revision description

(Most recent first)

  1. pre-1998: Text capture; first proofing of file; markup of expansions; conversion to ASCII. (ed. Staff at the CELT/CURIA Project)
  2. 2008-08-29: File validated; keywords added, encoding of footnotes and of personal/place names updated; new wordcount made. (ed. Beatrix Färber)
  3. 2005-08-25: Normalised language codes and edited langUsage for XML conversion (ed. Julianne Nyhan)
  4. 2005-08-04T15:28:51+0100: Converted to XML (ed. Peter Flynn)
  5. 2004-03-25: Additions to the bibliography. (ed. Benjamin Hazard)
  6. 2002-06-28: Header created; second proofing; more structural and content markup applied; file parsed; HTML file created. (ed. Beatrix Färber)

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For details of the markup, see the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI)

page of the print edition

folio of the manuscript

numbered division

 999 line number of the print edition (in grey: interpolated)

underlining: text supplied, added, or expanded editorially

italics: foreign words; corrections (hover to view); document titles

bold: lemmata (hover for readings)

wavy underlining: scribal additions in another hand; hand shifts flagged with (hover to view)

TEI markup for which a representation has not yet been decided is shown in red: comments and suggestions are welcome.

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  1. per omnia doctissimus scheint falsch verstanden. 🢀

  2. Hier scheint etwas ausgelassen worden zu sein. 🢀

  3. Darauf folgt dann ein Auszug aus den beiden ersten Büchern. Der Anfang lautet: 🢀

  4. Das Fragment bricht auf fo. 92 b 1 mit folgenden Sätzen ab, die den beiden letzten Absätzen in Holders Ausgabe (lib. II, cap. 20) entsprechen: 🢀


2 Carrigside, College Road, Cork
