CELT document G105001

Baile in Scáil

Witness list

  • R: Oxford, Bodleian Library MS, Rawlinson B 512 (Composite; vellum; late fifteenth century), ff. 101a-105b.
  • H: London, British Library MS, Harley 5280 (Vellum; ca. 1512), ff. 71r-72v.


Baile in Scáil

Von diesem wichtigen Texte, an dessen Entstehung sich manche Probleme knüpfen, enthält unser Kodex nur ein Bruchstück. Eine Ausgabe nach der Haupthandschrift in Rawlinson B. 512, fo. 101a-105b wäre sehr wünschenswert. Ich teile aus p.458 dieser hauptsächlich nur die zum Verständnis des ziemlich korrupten Harleyschen Textes dienenden Varianten mit. Das Bruchstück endet mit der Erwähnung Königs Fergal mac Móiledúin (709-718), während Rawl. noch 24 Könige aufzählt und mit dem fabelhaften Fland Cinach, tigfhlaith Hérenn (s. O'Curry, MS. Materials S. 401) endet. Für die irische Geschichte ist die Vision des Phantoms ein wichtiges Denkmal, indem sie mit ihrer Aufzählung von mehr als 50 Königen, den Angaben über ihre Regierungszeit und die Umstände ihres Todes, den Schlachtenlisten und anderen Einzelheiten eine unabhängige Quelle neben den Annalen 1 bietet. O'Curry, (MS. Materials S. 385—389) ist der einzige, der bisher eingehender über unseren Text gehandelt hat.

Unknown author

Edited by Kuno Meyer

Baile in Scáil

 71 a Laa robōi Cond i Temraig īar ndīoth dona rīgaib atracht matin moch for rígrāith na Temrach rīa turcbāil gréine ⁊ a trī drūith arōen ris .i. Maol, Bloc, Bluicne, et a trii filid .i. Ethain, Corb, Cesarn . Fodēgh attraiged-siom cach dīa in līon sen do airdēxin arnā gabdaois fir sīde for Ērind cen airiugud dō-som.

In dia n-dechaid som dogrēs co tarlaic cloich and foa cosaib ⁊ saltrais fuirri. Rogēs an cloch fo cosaib co clos fo Temraig uili ⁊ fo Bregaib .

Is andsin ro-īarfacht Conn dia drūdib cid arusgēs an cloch, cia hainm ⁊ can do-raladhno-ragadh cid ro-taraill Temraigh. Is ed idbert an drāi fri Conn nī slondad dō co cend cōicat laithi ⁊ a trī . In tan ro-cindiod an āiriom sin, ru-s-īarfacht Conn don draī afrīdhisi .


Is ann adbert an drāi: “Fāl anmaim na cloche” , “Inis Foail asa tardad , Temair Tīri Fāil i forromadh , Tīr Taillten a n-airisfe co brāth. Et is ī an tīr sen bus ōenach cluiche cēn uhes flaithios a Temraig ⁊ lā dēdinach an aonaigh in flaith nachus fāigfi , bid trū isan bliadain sin. Ro-gēs fāl foat cosaib-se anniū”, ol in drāi, “⁊ do-r-airngert. An līn gairm ro-gēs an cloch, is ed līon rīg bīas dot sīol co brāth.” “Nī ba mē nod-sloindfe det,” ol in drāi .

A mbatar īerum co n-acotar ciuich mōr immacūairt , co nā fedotar cid do-cotar ar mēd an dorchu dus-nāinecc, co cōlatar trethan in marcaig ara n-amus . “Moar mairc dūinn”, ol Conn , “diana ruccai a tīr n-ainiūil ”. Ier sin do-llēcci an marcach t orchora cucai ⁊ is traide dus-nāinic in t-orchor dēdenach inās 't-orchor tōisech . “Is do guin rīg ēmh”, or in drāi, “cibē dībraicius Conn a Temraig.” Anaid īar sin an marcach din dībraccud ⁊ tic cuca ⁊ ferais fāilti fri Conn et congart les dia treb .

Dus-cōtar īarum , condus-rulai isin mag n-ālaind co n-acatar an rīghrāith isin maig ⁊ bili ōrda ina dorus ⁊ co n-acatar tech n-ālaind n-ann fo octae findruine . Deich traigid fichit a fod. Lotar īarum isin tech co n-acatar an ingin macdachta isin toig ⁊ barr ōrda for a mullach . Dabach aircit co cerclaib ōrda impe ⁊ sī lān do derglind . Escrai ōir for a ur . Copān di ór for a beōlai. Co n-acatar p.460 an scāl fodesin isin tigh for a cinn ina rīgsuide. Nī frīth a Temraich rīam fer a mēde nach a caoime ar āille a chrotha, ar inganta a deuluha.

Prisgart side dōib ⁊ adbert friu: “Nīdom scāl-sa ēm ⁊ nīdom urtrach ⁊ dom uirdercus dūib īar mbās dodeochadus ⁊ is do cinēl . Ādaim daum. Iss ē mo slondad Lug mac Ethlend maic Tigernmais . Is dō dodechadus co n-ēcius ded-se saogal do flathau fēn ⁊ cech flathai bīas a Temraich .”

Ocus ba sí an ingen bōi isin tig for a ciond Flaithi Ērenn co prāth . Ba sī an ingen do-bert an diched do Cond .i. damasna ⁊ torcasnai. Cethri traigid fichet fod an damhasna, ocht traigid itir a tuaim ⁊ talmain. .

In tan luid an ingen don dāil, adbert friū: “Cīa da tibērthar an airdeoch sa ?” Frisgart an scāl . Ō ro-sluind-side cach flaith co brāth , lotar a foscadh an  71b scāil, co na ra-thaichsetar an rath nach an tech . Forrācbad lia Cond in dabach ⁊ in t-escrai ōrdao ⁊ and airdech . Is de sin atā Aisling an Scāil et Egtrai ⁊ Targraide Cuind.

“Cīa fora n-dāilfidir an airdech sa cosan derglaith ?” ol in ingen. “Dāil de”, or in scāl, “for Cond Cētchathach .i. cēd cathrāi brisfius.”

Cōica blīadan namā dodocaith na doibhdhá.”


“Firfid catha .i. cath Breg, cath Eli, cath Aiche, cath Machai, cath Cind-Tīri, secht cathai Moighi Line, cath Quailgne, secht catha Clāirīne” ⁊ rl. 2

    [an scāl]
  1. A comrac am Tibraiti,
    cet leth —comnart a n-uidhe,
    is ē gidniter ac dluigi
    na slūag bīas lassuide .
  2. Dirsan do Chonn Chétchathach
    īar n-ār tened tar cech magh,
    gontar īar timcell cech ruis
    dīaa Mairt a Tūaith Emruis .

“Cīa forsa ndāilfidir an airairdech sa cusin dergfhlaith?” or in ingen. “Dāil de”, or in scāl, “for Art mac Cuind , fer trī n-gretha . Firfid cath Fidruis

    [an scāl]
  1. Matan Maige Mucraime
    ima tōetsad mairb ili,
    ba dirsan do Art mac Quind
    cin mac n-Aililla Auluim.
  2. Dia dardóin fichid cath
    a taotus la sīl Lugdach,
    tricha bliadan namā
    in tan nodotibdáa .

“Cīa fora n-dāilfidir in airdech-sa cusan derclaith?” “Dāil de”, ol in scāl, “for Lugdaig mac Con. Cinfid do sīl Cuind . Doaidleba cōic bliadna fichet namā docaith nodoibdá. A longus co h-īath n-Alpan. Forbrisfi cethri mōrcatha for tūatha Orca.”

“Dīa domnaich fordusri hi dianaitbi fiacail fidbi.”

“Dāil de for an mōirbrethach, for Cormac ō Cuind. T bliadna namā docaith nododibdá.”

    [an scāl]
  1. Sīth n-oll co rīan ina rē
    bīaid t fichet bliadnae.
    BidTemrach comba trī,
    arambebad sīabrai .
    Tuili torad ina rē,
    bid aon do nirt na flaithe.


Fornaidm m-boraime n-Ērenn la Cormac fri Fergus airdrī n-Ulad. Do-tōed Fergus scēo Ēnda dia m-bīa slūag dērach dubach ad-cumbec. Bid marb dīa mairt i toaibh Cletig .

“Dāil de fo fer ilar nglonn , for Cairpri Lifechar. Tricha cath ina rē. T bl¯iadna fichit a flaithius 3.”

    [an scāl]
  1. Diubairt Ērenn cota muir,
    cath fesar a Lifemuigh.
“In mairt a Lifi arambebais an rīgnia . T maic Coirpri Lifechair .i. Eochu ⁊ Eochu Doimlen ⁊ Fiachu Raibtine la Laighne. Atorcratar a cath Tuamruis la Bresal m-Bélach mac Fiachrach Baicedha maic Cathāir. Cōica ar t mīlib an līon do Laignib do-tuit ann a frithghuin.”

“Dāil de fri Fiachraig Raibtine. Maidion Mide la saide ⁊ dā cath les.”

    [an scāl]
  1. Cōic blīadna fichet a rē
    oc saigid na boruime:
    cētāin a Cnāmros, bid glē,
    a tōeth Fiachu Sroibtine.

“Dāil de for Muiredach . Cethracha blīadan do caith no doibhdha.”

    [an scāl]
  1. Cath a Mōrmuig firfid glē
    fri Ulltu, fri h-Araide:
    for brū Dabaill isan cath
    do-taoth Muiredach T&īrech.

“Dāil de for Eochaig Muidmedhōn , tōebfoda Temrach, dūnadach Femin , fostadach Mōenmaighi, airmidne armar, airsid Life . Cōic blīadna docaith no doibdá.”

    [an scāl]
  1. Guin Glūnmair , bid mōr an t-ēcht
    guin Concobuir, guin Maic Cēcht.
“Forus” for Eochaig . Is ūad gignitir co bth bunad na flatha.” p.463
    [an scāl]
  1. A n-Ūib Conchobuir fria ré
    bīaid fotha la suide :
    na trī Colla glanfid ār an
    taoth Eochu Muigmedán.

“Cīa forsa n-dāilfidir?” ol in ingen. “Dāil de for Nīall Nōigīallach. Noafidhir tuir, mōrfaidir maigi, indsaigfidir gēill, firfidir catha . Secht m-blīadna fichet docaith. Totaim n-Ōthaili les antūaidh, bīet ile a gluinn ar Druim n-Alpuind . Bid adbor mairc truim am īarnōin ddīa SatSathuirnd.”

Dāil de {} .”

“Dāil de for Laogairi 4, fer ilar n-glond . Roaichfi Libthi ⁊ iltīre. Cōic blīadna a flaith. Tascor dīan. Secht m-blīadna docaith nodoibhda.”

    [an scāl]
  1. Scarfaid fri hardflaith, scēl nglē,
    do dēnumh na finghaile.

 72a“Ticfa Tāilcend .i. Pātraic, fer grāid mōir, nōifidius Dīa, mōr breō atandafa, līnfus Ērinn cota muir. Bebaid Lōigire for brū Caisi, flaith im bachla, mōr caur cicharda dofortat Tāilcend .”

“Dāil de for Ailill Molt mac Nathi maic Fīachrach, fer n-ūallach, fer attcuinti sochuide. Fiche blīadan namā dodacich.”

    [an scāl]
  1. Catha iliu ina flaith,
    ar bid hē an rī maith.

Cuiclidhi Temra, cumuscach Tailltin . Cath Ātha Talmaigh. Diubertach Seli, noicech Aichi. Cath Rātha Crūachan. Cēim for Sabruldai, cēim for Elpa. Togail an tuiri . Cēim for Eolaorcau. Cath Sratha Clūaidi . Fortuhi Gennedh . Cēim dar moir n-Icht dochum n-Elpa. Cichsett Ērennmaigh rēim dīan, atacumbat eachtraind secht m-bēl fri firu Gāidel for p.464 Ailill and-ōindhidin ar Elpa. Bīt ili atheat martrai, ba dirsan do feruib Ērenn. Is mōr arathá thoitim la hectranna.”

“Dāil de for Tūathal Mōelgarb .i. mac Cormaic maic Coirpri maic Nēill. Fiche blīadan. Cath Lūachrai Ailue, cath Dētnai, toitim n-Ardgail, cath Lēgi, cath Dromma Arbēlaig, cath Bregainn, fornaidm gīall n-Gāidel. Īar sin, ba scēl in cech moig, bebuid aonguine namā Tūathal h-oc Grellaig Elti, gentoir Mōelmōr dīa dīgail hi tūaith Imrois.”

“Dāil de for Lugdaig mac Lōegiri. XXVI co toitim dōu do qhūairt for Ērinn trē dīultad Tāilcind inn-Escir Forcha.”

“Dāil de for Muircertach mac Ercoi, id est ingen Loairn. Rī cathach coscrach, attcuinti sochuidi. Fonen Ērind, fir ⁊ mnā. Ar bid comurbo Temrai. Cath Ātha Sidhi . Īer sin līnfus co h-Ērind airbiu. Benuid dubuirt hi mairt in cairb coscrach col-Laigniu. Mōr atbai . Beabaid Murcertach ēcc atbai mairt Cletigh.”

“Dāil de for Ainmirig. Timgēra gīalla Gāidel cech moigi īartir cinip tair truimm do-foethsat ardaig rūad firfitir catha. Cethri blīadna nammā.”

“Dāil de for Bōetán ⁊ Eochaig. Cethri blīadna namā dodacich notaibha.”

“Dāil de for Dīarmait .i. mac Fearccusa Cerrbēoil, dubartach Tailltin , tairngertaich Temrai. Cēnmair ina flaith, ar bid hē in rī maith. Dīa secht m-blīadan īar sin cath fōebrach for Dīarmait Dremne.”

    [an scāl]
  1. In slōgh dosía antūaith
    glanfaid in rōi co h-Athlūain.
“Berthair a cathbūaidh.”
    [an scāl]
  1. Ind-ōinditin a Rāith Bicc
    dīth Dīarmata immarricc.
Fiche blīadan namā dodacich notaiobá.”

“Dāil de for Fercus ⁊ Domnall, dá mac Muircertaig maic Erca .i. Brannam mac Echach romarb. Dīblīnuib a comflaith . ”. 5

“Dāil de for Ōed Ūaridhnech mac Domnaill,  p.465 mōrfus flaith, fonen h-Ērind, flaith fodbach forranuch, firfid forbassa h-Ērend. Blīatain īar sin dofuit Ailill mac Domanguirt. Bīet gnīm a Temairmoig.”

    [an scāl]
  1. Iurait Laigin a n-dāma
    conbibsad a fīrdāla.
    Bid garg, bud coscrach a ree
    col-laithi na tangnacté .
    In mairt hi n-descirt Lifi,
    is ann at-beuha ind rii.
Secht m-blīadna namā.”

“Dāil de for Ōett Slāine. Sīth n-oll, flaith Gōidiul Cāin erni fini fuata lia mnā.”

    [an scāl]
  1. Do-tōet īar sin Aod Slāni
    īar līn catha ina ré.
Secht m-blīadna namā dodacich notaibhá .i. coirm catha prosompni ut dicebat.”

“Dāil de for Ōed Olldān. Secht m-blīadna dodacich notaibha. Dubartach Fālmoigi. Gēbaid for Lifimoigh, arnenai gīalla Gāidil, mōr marb, mōr , mōr ail cāinfit Gāidhil.”

“Dāil de for Domnall Mend Ulad. Nōi m-blīadna dēac namā. Dracc ilair band.”

    [an scāl]
  1. Firfius dā cath a Moig Roth,
    mairt is ann tōeth an rīgroth.
Ocus dergmatin Cruithne. Firfid cath Dūine Cethirn lia cath Rātha Almoichi. Cichis īoarum a rēim, mōr ail at-bath inn rīg.”

“Dāil de for Suibni Menn, dracc ilair bann. Blīattain coa secht bīas i flaith. Fonena gīalla gach rois. Cath Daithi firfid in rii.”

    [an scāl]
  1. Is ann do-tōet, nī ba gōu,
    Colmān Mōr mac Dīarmottou.

 72b“Dāil for Blathmac mac Aoda Slāine. Iss ē notaioba cōic blīadna ar a derbflaith.”

“Dāil de for in rūanaidh (.i. hi ruidioth hoc gabāil lāma Mocutta), [for] Dīarmait Daithi. A chētchath Sēnchua. Cath Rois Corcoi Būain, cath Osruidi, cath Eli, cath Slēbi itir dā inda. Firfid secht catha Aithne la cath Selgi īar lō nó nōin arataat dergmaitne Cruichne, bīd crūais cuimnech p.466 tūath in cuib. Īar sin in mortlaith for h-Ērind i mbíatt mūcna indt slūaig.”

“Dāil de for Findachta .i. mac Dunchada maic Aoda Slāine. Consaidfie for Mumain mōir. Firfid cath Cūlie Cōilāin scith i tōib Cithamrae fer mochtaiti . At-baild fingail mōir ind-ōindidin for Dollud. Duthoin a recht. Nī ba rī Aod īarum .i. mac Dlūthaigh. Fiche blīadna.”

“Dāil de for Sechnusach mac Blathmaic. Uno anno dotacaith. At-beuba ēcc at-bai isin Imbliuch ōs Bōinn.”

“Dāil de for Cendfōelad. Secht m-blīadna i flaith. Īar sin an cath i Temuirmaigh. Do-tōith Cendfōelad an domnach Cūili Cōelain.”

“Dāil de for Loingsech .i. mac Aongussa maic Domnaill, cobra for Fālmoigh, cosdaduch Lifi, buignech Bērriu .

    [an scāl]
  1. Di-tōett hoc lecuib finnaib
    lasna fianaip fo minnuib,
    ragaid an imguin fothūaith,
    mebuid for rīg Eassa Rūaid
.i. rīa Celluch Locha Cimbe.
    [an scāl]
  1. Dīe sathuirn cichis ar cel
    itir Corann uindsen
.i. fath Corainn Unsen . Aonblīadain dēac namā dodacich nodaiobha.”

“Dāil de for Fogartach n-ān ⁊ for Congal Cindmagair mac Fergusa Fanad . Cethri blīadna dēac namā. Do-tōit idna isin lūan īer samain, inddalanae hi tosach in laithi ⁊ alaili ina deriod. Hi Clūain Iraird sepulti sunt.”

“Dāil de”, for in scāl, “for Feargal” 6 “.i. a n-aondittin hi cath Almaine. Clethblugaid Ērenn, armach Line, airsid Āi.”

    [an scāl]
  1. Bebhaid la Laigniu ina 7 rē,
    Fergal hi cath Almuiné.
    Bīaid ár moar isin cath
    līnfus co h-Ērinn airpriu
    [hi tōeth ind rīgrad mōinech
    [immon Cāilech as amru.

Kuno Meyer, Liverpool, 1901.

Document details

The TEI Header

File description

Title statement

Title (uniform): Baile in Scáil

Editor: Kuno Meyer

Responsibility statement

Electronic edition compiled by: Beatrix Färber and Benjamin Hazard

Funded by: University College, Cork and The Higher Education Authority via the LDT Project

Edition statement

2. Second draft.

Extent: 4815 words

Publication statement

Publisher: CELT: Corpus of Electronic Texts: a project of University College, Cork

Address: College Road, Cork, Ireland—http://www.ucc.ie/celt

Date: 2004

Date: 2013

Distributor: CELT online at University College, Cork, Ireland.

CELT document ID: G105001

Availability: Available with prior consent of the CELT programme for purposes of academic research and teaching only.

Source description

Manuscript Sources

  1. Oxford, Bodleian Library MS, Rawlinson B 512, fo. 101r–105v. For details see Brian Ó Cuív, Catalogue of Irish language manuscripts in the Bodleian Library at Oxford and Oxford college libraries, 2 volumes (Dublin: Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, School of Celtic Studies, 2000, 2003), vol. 1, 223–54.
  2. London, British Library MS, Harley 5280, 71r–72 (Robin Flower (ed.), BL Cat. vol. 2, 298–323, 16th century). Ends imperfect at paragraph 41.

Editions and translations

  1. Eugene O'Curry, Lectures on the manuscript materials of ancient Irish history (New York 1861) 618–20 (beginning only of MS 2); 385–89, 620–22; part only.
  2. Kuno Meyer, 'Baile in Scáil', in Zeitschrift für Celtische Philologie 3 (1901) 457–66 (edition of MS 2 with variants from MS 1).
  3. Kuno Meyer, 'Das Ende von Baile in Scáil', Zeitschrift für Celtische Philologie 12 (1918) 232–38 (edition of MS 1, paragraphs 41–65; end only).
  4. Kuno Meyer, 'Der Anfang von Baile in Scáil', Zeitschrift für Celtische Philologie 13 (1921) 371–82 (edition of MS 1, paragraphs 1–40 with variants from MS 2).
  5. Rudolf Thurneysen, 'Baile in Scáil', Zeitschrift für Celtische Philologie 20 (1936) 213–27 (MS 1 paragraphs 1–40, with some variants from MS 2).
  6. Kevin Murray, Baile in Scáil: The Phantom's Frenzy. ITS volume 58 (London 2004).

Secondary literature

  1. Richard Irvine Best, Notes on Rawlinson B 512, Zeitschrift für Celtische Philologie 17 (1928) 389–402.
  2. Francis J. Byrne, Irish kings and high-kings (Dublin 1973, paperback ed. London 1987; 2nd, revised ed. Dublin 2001) 54–55, 91, 104, 110, 254.
  3. Tomás Ó Cathasaigh, The heroic biography of Cormac mac Airt (Dublin 1977) 25, 52, 71, 91, 112.
  4. Rudolf Thurneysen, Zu irischen Handschriften und Literaturdenkmälern, Abhandlungen der Königlichen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen, Neue Folge XIV, vol. 1 (Berlin 1912; repr. in Gesammelte Schriften, i–iii, ed. Patrizia de Bernardo Stempel & Rolf Ködderitzsch, Tübingen 1991).
  5. Rudolf Thurneysen (ed.), Die irische Helden- und Königsage bis zum siebzehnten Jahrhundert (Halle 1921; repr. 1980 Hildesheim/New York: Olms).
  6. Myles Dillon, The Cycles of the Kings (Oxford 1946) 11–14.
  7. Myles Dillon, Early Irish literature (Chicago 1948) 107–109.
  8. Gerard Murphy, On the dates of two sources in Thurneysen's Heldensage, Ériu 15 (1952) 144–56.
  9. Kevin Patrick Murray, Baile in Scáil: the literary and historical perspective (Unpublished PhD thesis, University College Dublin 1997).
  10. Kevin Patrick Murray, Baile in Scáil and Echtrae Chormaic, in: M. Richter and J.-M. Picard (eds.) Ogma: Essays in Celtic Studies in Honour of Próinséas Ní Chatháin, (Dublin 2001 [2002]) 195–199.
  11. Kevin Patrick Murray, Baile in Scáil and Baile Bricín, Éigse 33 (2002) 49–56.

The edition used in the digital edition

‘Baile in Scáil’ (1901). In: Zeitschrift für Celtische Philologie‍ 3. Ed. by Kuno Meyer, pp. 457–466.

You can add this reference to your bibliographic database by copying or downloading the following:

  editor 	 = {Kuno Meyer},
  title 	 = {Baile in Scáil},
  journal 	 = {Zeitschrift für Celtische Philologie},
  number 	 = {3},
  address 	 = {Halle/Saale},
  publisher 	 = {Max Niemeyer},
  date 	 = {1901},
  pages 	 = {457–466}


Encoding description

Project description: CELT: Corpus of Electronic Texts

Editorial declarations

Correction: Text has been checked and proof-read twice.

Normalization: The electronic text represents the edited text. In Meyer's edition, the acute accent and the macron are used to mark long vowels. Both are retained. Editorial corrections are tagged corr sic="" resp="KM" with the corrected form given in the 'sic' attribute. Expansions are marked ex. Variant readings are marked as such. (There are minor differences between some footnoted variants in R and Meyer's edition of R in Zeitschrift für Celtische Philologie 13.) Editorial notes are tagged note type="auth" n="", or integrated into the markup. Poems are treated as embedded texts; verses and lines are marked. Text other than in Irish is indicated. Names are capitalized in line with CELT practice.

Quotation: Direct speech is tagged q.

Hyphenation: The editor's hyphenation was retained.

Segmentation: div0=the tale. div1=the editor's paragraph. Page-breaks are marked pb n="". MS foliation is tagged mls unit="folio" n="".

Interpretation: Names are not tagged, nor are terms for cultural and social roles.

Profile description

Creation: By an unknown Irish scribe. 900-1200

Language usage

  • The text is in Middle Irish. (ga)
  • Some words are in Latin. (la)
  • Introduction and footnotes are in German. (de)
  • Text in the front matter is in English. (en)
<particDesc default="NO" TEIform="particDesc"><person id="S" TEIform="person">an scál [the phantom]</person><person id="I" TEIform="person">an ingen [the girl]</person></particDesc>

Keywords: genealogy; prose; medieval

Revision description

(Most recent first)

  1. 2013-04-24: Addition to bibliogrpahic details made. (ed. Beatrix Färber)
  2. 2008-10-22: Keywords added, file validated; new wordcount made. (ed. Beatrix Färber)
  3. 2005-08-25: Normalised language codes and edited langUsage for XML conversion (ed. Julianne Nyhan)
  4. 2005-08-04T15:32:56+0100: Converted to XML (ed. Peter Flynn)
  5. 2004-10-07: Additions to bibliography made. (eds. Benjamin Hazard)
  6. 2004-04-20: File proofed (2); poems, quotations and corrections marked up; integration of variant readings completed; additions and modifications to header; HTML file created. (ed. Beatrix Färber)
  7. 2004-03-23: File proofed (1); structural and content markup added to text; additions to bibliography; integration of variant readings begun. (ed. Benjamin Hazard)
  8. 2004-03-23: Header created. (ed. Beatrix Färber)
  9. 2004-03-23: Text captured by scanning. (text capture Benjamin Hazard)

Index to all documents

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For details of the markup, see the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI)

page of the print edition

folio of the manuscript

numbered division

 999 line number of the print edition (in grey: interpolated)

underlining: text supplied, added, or expanded editorially

italics: foreign words; corrections (hover to view); document titles

bold: lemmata (hover for readings)

wavy underlining: scribal additions in another hand; hand shifts flagged with (hover to view)

TEI markup for which a representation has not yet been decided is shown in red: comments and suggestions are welcome.

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  1. Ein Citat aus Baile in Scáil findet sich in den Annalen der Vier Meister, A.D. 773. Flann Mainistrech bezieht sich auf die Scálbaile in seinem Gedichte über die Könige von Tara (LL 132a 48) 🢀

  2. Here R gives a much longer list of battles. 🢀

  3. biaid .lx. bliadan [R] 🢀

  4. R places Ailill Molt before Loigaire. 🢀

  5. [R] has the better reading. 🢀

  6. [R has the better reading.] 🢀

  7. [R has the better reading.] 🢀


2 Carrigside, College Road, Cork
