CELT document G105020

Texte zur Mog Ruith Sage


Edited by Käte Müller-Lisowski

Texte zur Mog Ruith Sage


1. Verse über Mog Ruith

LL 144a 50 (im Gedicht von Gilla-in-Chomded ua Cormaic)

  1. Ré nói rig déc diaid in diaid
    Saegul Moga Ruith ra gliaid,
    Ó Ruth m. Rigo borr in blad
    co Cairpri lond Liphechar.
  2. Croéib craind fhorbba 1 i Sleib Elpa
    do buaib Shimōin is tshneachta,
    ed robriss a lethrosc lór
    X mbliadna dó la Simōn.


2. Tlachtga

BB 406

Tlachtga canas roainmniged? Ni ansa. Tlachtga ingen Moga Ruith meic Fergusa. fordaroebleingatar tri meic Simoin druad. doluid lie athair do foglaim druideachta in betha. Ar bith is i do righni do Thriun in Roth Ramach ⁊ in lia i Forcarthu ⁊ in Coirthi hi Cnamcaill. Tarlai iarum anair ⁊ in dēde sin lei co toracht Tulach Tlachtgai. conid and roslamnad. ⁊ ruc tri maca .i. Doirb a quo Mag nDoirb ⁊ Cumma a quo Mag Cuma ⁊ Muacha a quo Mag Muaich ⁊ co ndechsat na tri hanmann sin indermat a hEre nistoraig digal echtrann. Unde Tlachtga dicitur. 2

  1. Tlachtga tulach ordan uais
    Forbad mōr rīgh corocruais
    ōn cēm rosgabh Tlachtga toich
    ingen modha rēil righ Roigh p.159
    Mog Roith mac Fergusa Fāil
    meic Rosa rīghdha ronāir.
    Cacht ingen Caitmind na cleas
    a māthair daith-grind dhiles.
    Roth mac Riguill rohalt hē
    de ba Mog Roth rogaide.
    Da meic Mogha: Buan is Corb
    sona dar sluagh ac saerord.
    ba hī māthair na mac mas
    Der-Droighen dūr dron —amhnas
    ⁊ māthair cert Cairpri
    is becht romoblain Húi-Bairdne. 3
    Inghen Moga mīlib sluag
    Tlachtga toga na r'thaebfuar—
    Luid le hathair ndīmor ndil
    co Simon saer seacht-maisidh.
    Tri meic la Simon ba sām
    ba dīmōr an diabulbhāgh p.160
    nero cairpeint 4 i su-etir 5
    ba balcgeint 6 co mbeogletin 7
    Doradsat na meic mo alle
    serc do Tlachtga trathaite
    cor silsat a broind 8 gan brēig
    du chloind 9 a comadais coimēid
    Tlachtga do Triun 10 nirbo thim
    dorigni in Roth ruad roigrind
    moraen la Mog ndīmōr ndil
    is ra Simon seachtmaisigh
    hī durod lē in fuighell fis
    forfāgaib in roth roclis
    Lia foirbthi Forcarthain faind
    ⁊ in Coirthi hi Cnāmhcaill.
    Dall gach n-aen nodn-aiccfe sell,
    bodhur gach aen nod-chlunend
    marb risambenfai ni de p.161
    dun roth gharbh grennach grinne.
    Iar tuideacht anair don mnai
    ruc tri macca co morghnai,
    adbath diambreith in mer mend,
    scēl mor gan chleith do chluinam.
    Anmand na mac—luadh nad creas—
    Muach is Cuma is Doirb diles.
    In tsloig o toraid roseacht
    dōib is comaid a cloisteacht
    hi cēin bed os Banba 11 bil
    anmand na mac i martain
    i scel fir fri silad sin
    na tic dibad dia daīnib.
    In cnoc in rohoilad uag
    do mnai na n-airer nad uar
    tar gach soghairm sui sana
    is dō is togairm Tul Tlachtga.

  2. Tlachtga.


3. Stammbäume.

Rawl. B 502, 157 Z. 36.

Mug Roith m. Fergusa a quo Fir Maigi Fēine. Is e luid do fhoglaim druīdechta co Simon n-druid. ⁊ is maroen doronsat in roth ramach tic dar Eoraip riambrath hisin bliadain ri cathugud do Simon fri Pol ⁊ Peter. Ocus is aire chairigthir for Eoraip ar daig dalta cach gnee (?) robae moalle fri Simon i cathugud fri Peter.

Cacht ingen Cathmind rig na mBretan māthair Moga Ruith.

Roth mac Riguill rodnalt. Is de asberar Mug Roith.

Da meic Moga Ruith: Buan ⁊ Fercorb.

Derdraigen mathair 2 mac Moga Ruith ⁊ mathair Chairpri Lifichair, di siair do Chorco Barddeine ō dūn Chermna.

Dron immorro ingen Lairine cētmuinter Moga Ruith. Ocus ingen do Mug Ruith Tlachtga tualudnert cho rustoirrchitar 3 meic Simoin ria techtain anair ⁊ ruc tri macco doib  p.163 hissi tuc lē Coirthi Cnamchaille .i. fuidel ind roith ⁊ is ē nodmbrisse. Dall cach n-oen nodnaiccfe, bodar cach oen nocluinfe, marb cach oen frisambenfa {}

Clann Celtchair dano Eogan ⁊ Ailill, Sem ⁊ Fer Tlachtga, Cathnia ⁊ Huathnia ⁊ Druithnia a quo Muindruine 12 la Connachto. Clann Uathnia Huaithni Thīre ⁊ Uaithni Cliach. Clann Cathnia Coenruige {} Clann Fir Tlachtga diatā Dāl nUmain ⁊ na da fortuaith Arad {}

Genelach Sil Moga Ruith (Rawl. B 502, 158a 38).

Cū allaid m. Laisre. m. Finain Bic m. Laithre m. Dathail Suire m. Saiglenn m. Dee m. Dere m. Labrada m. Caiss m. Buen m. Moga Ruith m. Fergusa vel ita Mug Roith m. Cuinisc Firthechet m. Firglainn m. Loga m. Mathlam m. Mathrai Magdoin m. Matheirm m. Alloit m. Noende et rel. Vel ita Mug Roith m. Ceithirn m. Fintain m. Ailella Nertlaim m. Trichim etc.

4. Notiz über Mog Ruith

BB 253a 17

Mug Ruith .i. Roth mac Riguill rodnalt. Is de ba Mogh Ruith vel Mod Ruith .i. Magus Rotarum .i. is a rothaib do-nidh a taiscēlad.


Document details

The TEI Header

File description

Title statement

Title (uniform): Texte zur Mog Ruith Sage

Author: unknown

Editor: Käte Müller-Lisowski

Responsibility statement

Electronic edition compiled by: Benjamin Hazard

Funded by: University College, Cork and The HEA via the LDT Project.

Edition statement

2. Second draft.

Extent: 1425 words

Publication statement

Publisher: CELT: Corpus of Electronic Texts: a project of the Department of History, University College, Cork

Address: College Road, Cork, Ireland—http://www.ucc.ie/celt

Date: 2006

Date: 2010

Distributor: CELT online at University College, Cork, Ireland.

CELT document ID: G105020

Availability: Available with prior consent of the CELT project for purposes of academic research and teaching only.

Source description

Manuscript sources

  1. Dublin, Trinity College Library, MS 1339 (H 2. 18, Book of Leinster), 144a 50. See T. K. Abbott and E. J. Gwynn (eds.) Catalogue of Irish Manuscripts in the Library of Trinity College Dublin (Dublin 1921) 158–161.
  2. Dublin, Royal Irish Academy, 23 P 12 (Book of Ballymote) 253a 17; 406. See Catalogue of Irish manuscripts in the Royal Irish Academy (Dublin 1926–70) MS 536, 1610–55.
  3. Oxford, Bodleian Library, Rawlinson B 502, 157–58. See Brian Ó Cuív (ed.) Catalogue of Irish manuscripts in the Bodleian Library at Oxford and Oxford College Libraries, vol. 1 (Dublin 2001) MS 34, 163–200.

The edition used in the digital edition

‘Texte zur Mog Ruith Sage’ (1923). In: Zeitschrift für Celtische Philologie‍ 14. Ed. by Käte Müller-Lisowski, pp. 157–163.

You can add this reference to your bibliographic database by copying or downloading the following:

  editor 	 = {Käte Müller-Lisowski},
  title 	 = {Texte zur Mog Ruith Sage},
  journal 	 = {Zeitschrift für Celtische Philologie},
  volume 	 = {14},
  address 	 = {Halle/Saale},
  publisher 	 = {Max Niemeyer},
  date 	 = {1923},
  pages 	 = {157–163}


Encoding description

Project description: CELT: Corpus of Electronic Texts

Editorial declarations

Correction: Text has been proof-read twice.

Normalization: The electronic text represents the edited text. The editorial introduction, notes and indexes have all been omitted. Text supplied by the editor is tagged sup resp="KML". Expansions to the text are marked ex.

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Segmentation: div0=the group of texts; div1=the section; stanzas are marked lg. Paragraphs are marked p.

Interpretation: Names are not tagged, nor are terms for cultural and social roles.

Reference declaration

A canonical reference to a location in this text should be made using “section”, eg section 1.

Profile description

Creation: 900–1200

Language usage

  • The text is in Middle Irish. (ga)

Language usage

  • Titles and annotations in German. (de)
  • Some words are in English. (en)

Keywords: saga; prose; medieval; Mog Ruith

Revision description

(Most recent first)

  1. 2010-04-13: Conversion script run; header updated; new wordcount made; file parsed. (ed. Beatrix Färber)
  2. 2008-09-30: Keywords added; file validated. (ed. Beatrix Färber)
  3. 2006-09-06: File parsed; header modified; HTML version created. (ed. Beatrix Färber)
  4. 2006-05-30: Parsing begun. (ed. Benjamin Hazard)
  5. 2006-05-25: Text proof-read (2); structural and content markup applied; header compiled. (ed. Benjamin Hazard)
  6. 1997-07-23: Text captured and proof-read (1); some content markup added. (ed. Staff of the CURIA Project)

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TEI markup for which a representation has not yet been decided is shown in red: comments and suggestions are welcome.

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Search CELT

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  2. Soweit auch Rennes Dindshenchas, Rev. Celt. xvi, 16. 🢀

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2 Carrigside, College Road, Cork
