Edited by J. G. O'Keeffe
Whole text
Cáin Eimíne Báin annso
1Do-lotar flaithi Laighen isin duinebath co a r-rig .i.2 prim-acallaim co Bran h-ua Faelain dus cidh do-ghentais3 ar cind na foicheda tanic a tír Laighen .i. imbad cách4 dia eclais duthaig do gabail bachla banaba i n-aen-chathair5 .i. i n-aentaig na righ gebhthar ina toghaid-side.6 Fris-gart didiu Bran doibh ⁊ is-bert friu: issed at-gegainn-se7 .i. i n-ddimda fri Dia ro bamar cose ocin neoch aga8 ro bhamar. Iss ed is cóir ann innosa beith dun immaleith9 fri fot ar saeghail oc dighde ar cinn in duinebath.10 Fris-gartatar iarum na flaithi: is toghadh duinne uile anni-sin.11 Iss ed is-bert doibh {⬌} a n-imacallma .i. taudacht cu12 h-Eimeine m-Bán. Do-llotar iarum. Im-raidit co h-Eimeine13 m-Bán aní imde-racht fri h-aithridhe do Dhía ⁊ fri gabail14 bachla lais ⁊ fri les a n-anmanna do denum oirit15 no beth i saeghal. Fris-gairt Eimine: as doibh: guidim16 Dia uile anocht co tarda comairli dúin forsani ime-raidit-si.17 Ainsit iarum uili ind oidchi-sin. At-gladastar18 iarum Eimheine a muindtir tosach laithe ⁊ is-bert friu:19 cacha m-biam frisin greis donn-ainic? Ma ata-bosum iarnar p.411 toichid bid bare leo, ma anat linn bid mélad duin2 ma at-balat din plaigh seo, otte diar n-attug im chobair3 doib. Fris-gart iarum a muindter do Eimene: inní bus4 comairle lat-sa is sí bas chomairle linne. Is si eim mo5 chomairli-si, mad coir libh-si: attach duinn in Choimdhedh6 im anacul na fer-so din plaigh ⁊ a comlín uainne do7 dhul tar a cenn, meise fein tar cend m-Brain. Cet, cet,8 ol a muindter fri Emene; is coir linne inní-sin.
429At-gladastar Émene na flaithi iarum ⁊ is-bert friu:10 immunn-arlasamair-ni tra, ol Emene, umuib-si ⁊ ro gadamar11 in Coimdidh im fortacht duinn im bar n-anacol-si12 din plaigh-so ⁊ is e cruth asin-cotatsum: bar comlín dom13 muindtir-si do dul tar uor cenn dochum neime, meissi14 féin tar cenn m-Brain.
15Atlaighsetar iarum na flaithi buidhi do Dia ⁊ d' Eimine16 acht ba n-dúais la Bran do dul do-sum tar a chenn17 ⁊ slechtsat uili in caeca flaithi imme righ for oigreír18 Emene Áin ce secha ce beradh forro. As-bert iarum Émine19 friu: isi-so mo riar-so, oman De daib ⁊ a sherc ⁊20 aitherrach cáin-bescna daib fri Dia doní a ratha dó is ferr21 araile. As-bertatar iarum na flaithi fri h-Emene: Cisne22 folaid tra rot-biat-sa uain-ne tar éis na fortachta do-berar23 duinn? Imba ar n-dilsi conar claind a mainche duit-si24 co brath? Fris-gart Émine: ni taet dam bar mainche;25 ard-chaerich adob-comnaic-si, ard-lias duib, lias bec ani-siu,26 caerig beca ann, ataet mor i toil Dé.
p.421Cesc tra, cidh do-beram? Imbad tíre ⁊ feranna fa2 set ⁊ máine? Fris-gart Emene dóibh: ni taurga n-dam3 báa n-de arna h-eipri is cunnrad ro gadamar-ne Dia lib-si4 im uar n-anocal ossib-si co foltaib máine ⁊ tíre tar a5 éise.
6Cest tra, in fuil innaill do-bermais deit? Fuil eim,7 ol Emine, nert ⁊ sochraidi duib in puirt-so ⁊ a shaeirid8 co brath ⁊ saeirid a fheraind indni ad-roipre ⁊ do-ruaicle9 ⁊ ado-ibertair ⁊ cid urthar ar cinn a chesta ⁊ a caingne10 re cestaib Laighen do dénum.
11Madh fri sil m-Brain beit a cestud-sum, riar na muintire12 fodeisin im sodhain; madh fri nach aile, it feichemain ⁊ it13 brethemain t-shil m-Brain ⁊ raithi Laighen olchena a n-ogh lesaigte14 Emine Ain ⁊ a muintire fri Laighniu.
4415Ad-raeghaid tra Bran h-ua Faelain co flaithi Laigin16 olchena ratha i n-ogh na saire-seo. At-raegatar na flaithi17 olchena airriu fadeisne ⁊ ara clannaib co brath.
18It é na ratha at-rogesa sunn ⁊ do-dechatar fri laim19 Emine Ain .i.
- Cellach mac Aedha Croin ⁊
- Culdub mac20 Certain
- Degchairdil mac Brocain
- Fínán mac Maeil Dibid 21
- Ardmesach mac Maeil Ruis
- Dubh Cluana mac Furodran 22
- Eltine mac Brocáin
- Buidhe mac Laighnein
- Dub Da Crich23 mac Maeil Ochtraidh
- Dimusach mac Congaile
- Mael Tuile24 mac Maeil Uidhir
- Aedan mac Echach ⁊
- Fabnith h-ua Tusechain, ⁊ 25
- Lapan ⁊
- Mescell do Leighis
It aena tra na fir-seo do-ruirmisum ro saertha don p.431 mortla la Bran ⁊ is cusin flaith theit in muinter; is2 iside do-gair na tigerna chuca fri fual no fuasna no3 indilsi na saeirid-seo Ruis Ghlaise.
4Is é ord tra bai la h-Emene for tighnacul a muintire:5 in coica righ-seo ima righ .i. mórseisiur cach laithi co6 cenn sechtmuine ⁊ Emene féin fa deoigh tar cenn m-Brain7 iar n-gabail écnairce a muindtire ⁊ anas Bran afos a8 coicait laech co cenn sechtmuine co taiselbud don coicat9 flaithi in coicat clerech do-chuaidh tar a cend, ⁊ fo-cres10 a crannchor forsin coica fer do muinntir Émene co 'ma-fitir11 cach cach morseisir no thegadh tar cenn alaile. No thegedh12 didiu in mórseisir do muintir Emene i n-aentaig a manach13 do laubair. In morseisir tara teitis cenn. No chlaidis uadha14 doibh co tictis iarum, no gabhdais a n-étach sacarbaicce15 umpu, no teigdis do laim ⁊ no theighedh Émene16 reime docum na flaithi tara teitis cenn ⁊ is-berid: uinnsi17 secht slan dochathig dib sunn gin cneit cin galur ⁊18 nis-ber nach accais aile acht dul tar bur cenn-si. No ceilebraitis19 na clerig dona laechaib tara teitis cenn ⁊ do-berid20 cach dib laim tar bragait alaile. No ciitis na laeich21 oca; failti immurgu na clerig oc dul dochum neime.
4622Cene tra, ol Emene, bes cumain lib a n-ad-ruiglisid23 dam-sa ro m-biadh fortacht Dé do neim ⁊ ar n-itchi-ne uile.24 Is dual daibh mo chlocc ad-chondarcid ⁊ do-chualaid oc p.441 talgud mo muintire tar bar cenn ni fouirne a beim foraib.2 Ar, a l-la m-bither da bur n-escaine in bur cintaib do-imdibaidter3 uar saeghul. Ni biadh righ na rigdamna on righ4 na on flaith na on oc-tigerna forsa m-biter ⁊ ni 'mman-aicim5 for neim ⁊ ni ba soinmech didiu doibh i talum ⁊6 siccib e forsa m-bentar olchena, acht co m-beth cinaid leo, ni7 ba neime na talman. Is aen didiu ad-roighle i saire na8 h-eclaisi cidh be manach doda-goad ⁊ cib can a cinel acht9 rop airithe laisin muindtir aig-dilmuine do Eimeine Ban10 cin fuasna cin indilsi. Ocus neimbiathad laech na laeichis11 a tri corgusaib na bliadna nach a cétain nach a n-ain ditin12 na i n-domnach nach iar n-espartain na ria teirt ⁊ na13 h-imirtar ⁊ na tardar sall na feoil na im do fiur Laighen14 co la m-bratha ⁊ is tar turtugud Émine Bhain ⁊ tar a15 miscaid conid uile naemaib ⁊ fhírénu ⁊ is tar turtugud na16 righ-seo ⁊ na flaithi cin chomallad na timna-so co la17 m-brátha.
18Anais Emine iar sin .xl. aidhche fri gabail écnairce19 a muindtire ⁊ fri cosc ⁊ cuindrech na caingen. O20 thanic dó co dul dochum neime do-grath Bran co maithibh21 Laigen lais do cheilebradh dóib ⁊ do thaisilbad do Bran22 dula do-sum tar a chenn dochum neime ⁊ ni roibhe co23 m-beredh aes ⁊ críne mina thísad a n-urlaithibh-so tar24 cenn m-Brain. Do-forgeis dó aní ima-ragha a charbat do25 neoch bu mellach lais do Laighnibh ⁊ ni ro et o Bran p.451 annsin acht aen namá, ol Eimine, gurba uladh ríg mo2 reilicc. Ticfaid nech dod chloinn-si, ol Eimeine, ⁊ bidh3 Bran a ainm ⁊ bid im purt-sa bet a auladh curob4 tormach saire ⁊ airmitiu dom muindtir ⁊ dom purt la5 Laighniu uili.
6Berid Émine bennachtain ona flaithib ⁊ facbaidh-sium7 alaile. Luid iarum cin cneit cin galar for snadad dochum8 neime for saire Ruis Glaise o Laighnib co brath ⁊ reliqua.
Document details
The TEI Header
File description
Title statement
Title (uniform): Cáin Eimíne Báin annso
Author: unknown
Editor: J. G. O'Keeffe
Responsibility statement
Electronic edition compiled by: Donnchadh Ó Corráin
Funded by: University College, Cork and Professor Marianne McDonald via the CURIA Project.
Edition statement
2. Second draft.
Extent: 2620 words
Publication statement
Publisher: CELT: Corpus of Electronic Texts: a project of University College, Cork
Address: College Road, Cork, Ireland—http://www.ucc.ie/celt
Date: 1996
Date: 2011
Distributor: CELT online at University College, Cork, Ireland.
CELT document ID: G201028
Availability: Available with prior consent of the CELT project for purposes of academic research and teaching only.
Source description
Manuscript sources
- Dublin, Royal Irish Academy, MS 1242, 16r–v (alias 23 P 3); written by Uilliam Mac an Legha in 1467. For a description of the MS see Kathleen Mulchrone & Elizabeth FitzPatrick, Catalogue of Irish manuscripts in the Royal Irish Academy, fasc. 27 (Dublin 1943) 3433–40; Erich Poppe, A new edition of Cáin Éimíne Báin, Celtica 18 (1986) 35–52: 37–39.
- London, British Library, MS Additional 30512, 27a–28r (vellum, saec. XV with later material, the original part was written by Uilliam Mac an Legha.) For a description of the manuscript see Robin Flower, Catalogue of Irish manuscripts in the British Library [formerly British Museum] ii (London 1926, repr. Dublin 1992) 470–505; Poppe, op. cit. 37–39).
- Dublin, Trinity College, MS 1285, 133b–34v (alias H. 1. 11; for a description of the manuscript, see T. K. Abbott & E. J. Gwynn, Catalogue of Irish manuscripts in the Library of Trinity College Dublin (Dublin 1921) 24–35, 331–32; paper, saec. XVIII, written by Hugh O'Daly in 1752; as far as the current text is concerned, this MS is a copy of MS 2 and is of no independent critical value.)
- Brussels, Bibliothèque royale, MS 2324–40, 99r–101r (papers, XCII; written in 1631 by Míchéal Ó Cléirigh; a modernisation of the text based on MS 2; unpublished).
- J. G. O'Keeffe, Cáin Eimíne Báin annso, Anecdota from Irish Manuscripts i (Halle/Saale 1907) 40–45; the editor cites variants from MSS 1, 2, 3 but offers no explanation of how he established his eclectic text.
- Erich Poppe, A new edition of Cáin Éimíne Báin, Celtica 18 (1986) 35–52. This is a critical edition based on MS 1 and 2 in which the text has been normalised to an Old-Irish standard but some Middle-Irish forms have been allowed to stand. Manuscript readings are not exhaustive.
- W. M. Hennessy, The Cáin Emine (Emine's Tribute or "Rule"). From 3 P 3, f. 16 a', M. Comerford, Collections relating to the dioceses of Kildare and Leighlin, 2nd series (Dublin 1886) 209–13.
- Charles Plummer, Cáin Éimíne Báin, Ériu 4 (1908) 39–46.
- Erich Poppe, A new edition of Cáin Éimíne Báin, Celtica 18 (1986) 35–52: 40–47.
Sources, comment on the texts, and secondary literature
- P. Grosjean, Analecta Bollandiana 78 (1960) 390–5.
- Vernam Hull, Early Irish e(i)mid, Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie 29 (1962/64) 320-21.
- Charles Plummer, Cáin Éimíne Báin, Ériu 4 (1908) 39–46.
- Erich Poppe, A Middle Irish poem on Éimín's bell, Celtica 17 (1985), 59–72.
- Erich Poppe, A new edition of Cáin Éimíne Báin, Celtica 18 (1986) 35–52.
- Erich Poppe, The genealogy of Émín(e) in the Book of Leinster, Ériu 40 (1989) 93–97.
- Erich Poppe, The list of sureties in Cáin Éimíne Báin, Celtica 21 (1990) 588–92.
The edition used in the electronic edition
‘Cáin Eimíne Báin annso’ (1907). In: Anecdota from Irish Manuscripts 1, pp. 40–45.
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@article{G201028, editor = {J. G. O'Keeffe}, title = {Cáin Eimíne Báin annso}, journal = {Anecdota from Irish Manuscripts}, editor = {O. J. Bergin, R. I. Best, Kuno Meyer, J. G. O'Keeffe}, address = {Halle a. S}, publisher = {Max Niemeyer}, volume = {1}, date = {1907}, pages = {40–45} }
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Project description: CELT: Corpus of Electronic Texts
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Profile description
Creation: By an unknown monastic Irish author. 700–800
Language usage
- The text is in Old Irish, with much Middle-Irish orthography. (ga)
- Two words are in Latin. (la)
Keywords: religious; prose; medieval
Revision description
(Most recent first)
- 2011-01-28: Conversion script run; header modified; new wordcount made. (ed. Beatrix Färber)
- 2008-09-30: Keywords added; file validated. (ed. Beatrix Färber)
- 2008-07-24: Value of div0 "type" attribute modified, content of 'langUsage' revised; minor modifications made to header. (ed. Beatrix Färber)
- 2005-08-25: Normalised language codes and edited langUsage for XML conversion (ed. Julianne Nyhan)
- 2005-08-04T15:41:37+0100: Converted to XML (ed. Peter Flynn)
- 1997-09-15: Header modified; file parsed using SGMLS. (ed. Margaret Lantry)
- 1997-09-01: Header re-structured; text parsed using SGMLS. (ed. Margaret Lantry)
- 1996-12-09: Creation of a HTML file using OmniMark. (ed. Peter Flynn)
- 1996-12-09: Second parsing of text using SGMLS. (ed. Mavis Cournane)
- 1996-12-08: Addition of in-depth mark-up; proofing; word-segmentation; revision and extension of the header. (ed. Donnchadh Ó Corráin)
- 1996-12-05: Construction of TEI header. (ed. Margaret Lantry)
- 1996-12-03: Proofing of text. (ed. Philip Irwin)
- 1996-08-22: Parsing of text using SGMLS. (ed. Mavis Cournane)
- 1996-08-22: Verification of structural mark-up, and proof corrections. (ed. Donnchadh Ó Corráin)
- 1996-08-14: Collation of the electronic text with the printed, using hardcopy proofing and subsequent entry of digital data. (ed. Vibeke Dijkman)
- 1996-06: Data capture by scanning. (ed. Kaarina Hollo)
- 1995-06: Proofing of text. (ed. Kaarina Hollo)