CELT document G301008

Síaburcharpat Conculaind


Edited by Kuno Meyer


Síaburcharpat Conculaind

Luith Patraic do Temraig ⁊ rl. Luith Laogairi doa agaltam Patraic iar taibsin Conculaind do inai carput. Aspert Patraic fri Laogairi:“Indattarfas ni?” “Dodomarfas immurgu,” for Laogairi “⁊ nimta cumac dia faisneis mina senasu mo gin ⁊ mina coisreca.” “Ni senabsa” ol Patraic “do gin-si conamraib mo riar. Assenfa immurgu in t-aoer dotaod as do gin connecis in taidbsin tarfas duit.”

“A mba-sa eim” ol Laogairi “ag dul tar Fan an10  Carpait a Tulaig an Turcomruig do Chnoc Sighi an11  Broga a mBrug Maic ind Og confacusa in gaoith12  ndaghfuair n-aightighi amail croisigh debroi. Beg nach  p.4913  ruc ar bfolta diaar cenduiu ⁊ nach dechaith trin fodésin 14  co talmain. Rofiarfacht-sa do Benen in gaith sin” or15  Laogairi. Aspert Benen frim-sai:“Is ie gaoth ifirn16  iarna oslucad ria Coinculaind.” Confacamur in tromciaigh17  mair doleci forn. Roiarfacht-sa iarum do Benen in 18  tromciaigh sin. Aspert Benen batar anala fer ⁊19  ech imandechatur a magh-sa riam. Confacamur iarsin 20  in fechuine mar uasand tuas. Ba llan in t-æer nó in 21  tir di suigibh ⁊ ba itir nella nime batar i n-airde.22  Roiarfacht-sa do Benen ini-sin. Asbert Benen batar foid23  a cruaif na n-ech batar fo carput Conculaind.

24 A mbamur annsin confacamar fuat ina fer ⁊ na25  n-ech tresin ciaigh isin carput. Solam aræ apri eisi26  for ardsithbe sidhithi doriadhad seda. Confacusa iarsin27  in da ech commora comaille comcroda comdelbae comderga28  comluatha comcoire comgnima boislethna leislethna29  biruich airdcinn aiginmara gobcail dualaigh tuillethain30  forarda forrana forbreca. Ote cendbeca urderga bruinnederga31  beolaidhe slemna saitsidhe sogabaltaigh feigi faoburda32  femendæ casmogguich caine comcoire cascaircighi p.5033  brogha for fuil ina ndiaigh-sighi. Da ndroch duba34  tairchisi, dæ roth coire coicrisi. Feirtsi cruaidhe colgdirgi.35  Da n-all n-aipthi n-intlaisi. Sithbe co fethan findruine.36  Cuigg erdinnach fororda. Pupall corcurda. Fortci37  umaithi.

38 Laoch and isin carput sin. Suas mael dub deimsidhe39  fair suidhe. Ata lim is bo rodlelaig. Suil glas40  bannach ina cinn. Fuen corcurgormb im suidhe cona41  cetheoraib  14b oaibh airgid. Duillenn dergoir42  for a bruindif roleth fora di gualainn. Leine gealculpaitech43  co nderccinnliuth intlasi. Claideb orduirn44  enecruis seasta for a sliastaib. Manais lethanglas for45  crand mi(d)seagn ina laim. Foga feigh fobartach46  ina farrad. Sciath co tuagmilaif oir uasaif a dif47  n-imdadhaifh. Indalimm ba fras do nemantaif rola48  ina ceant. Duifethir leth dufhfolach cechturda a da49  bruar. Dergithir dual partaing a beola.

50 Ara ar a belaiph isin carput, araile fer seang foran51  fota forbrec. Folt forruad for a mulluch. Gibni52  for a eudun næ leced in folt fo agaid. Cuaich di or p.5153  for a di cula i taircent a folt. Coichlin etech uimphe54  co hurslocud a di uillenn. Bruidni do dergor ina láim55  dia tairceallad a eochu. Toigh leum-sa bidne Cuchulaind56 Laogh mac Riangapra nobeth ant ⁊ in Duf57  Saighlenn ⁊ in Liath Machai nobeth fon carput.

58 “In crete do Dia infechtsa?” ol Patraic, “uar59  dodecha Cuchulaind dot accaltaim.”

60 “Mas e Cuchulaind atconarc-sa,” ol Laogairi, “ is gairet61  lim-sa ropaoi com accaltaim.”

62 “Is folaid Dia”, ol Patraic, “mas eisium roboi ant,63  toraga dot accaltaim afridhisi.”

64 A mbatar ant iarsin confacatar in carpat isin maig65  ina ndochumaLaogh mac Riangabra ina aradacht66 Cuchulaind ina erredacht. Tairmcles nonbuir .i.67  cles cait, cles cuair, cles n-erre, dalltcles n-eoin. Secht68  cneslenti fichet uastaib, imasleig gach la beirt uman69  araid, gapail na n-ése bai os oaif ⁊ analaib na n-ech.

70 Toluid Cuchulaind do accaltaim Patraic ⁊ bennachais71  do ⁊ ispert fris:

  1. 72 Atateoch, a naom-Patraic,
    at arrad iteó,73 
    romfuca lat cretmechu
    a tiraiph na mbeo.
 p.5274  “Creit do Dia ⁊ do naom-Patraic, a Laogairi, na tudhchaith75  tont talman tarat, ar ni siaf donanaic. Is Cuchulaind76  mac Sualtaim. Ar is bith gach ruanaid reacht na talam,77  cacha ciuin celur cech triun talam, cach naoph neam, 78  ar is dord siafra cin midisi is bith caich ar uair79  imareidhi-siu.”

80 Pui Cuchulaind ina tast ⁊ ninarlastar Laogairi.81  “Cia rot Breagha, a Laogairi? Cia saigis a bfantai?82  Cia aires a n-athæ? Cia aithet a mna? Cia carait83  a n-ingina?”84  “Cia duit-si ⁊ dam-sa in fiarfaigid-si?” ol Laogairi.85  “Ba misi imateged, imaredhed, imatimcellad, imatoimdelladh.86  Ba misi allad curad cardais glonda ardaiph87  imanaghdis. Robui tan, a Laogairi, ba misi nosaighidh88  a margresæ, nosráinedh a marcongala. Pa misi in cú89  cathbuadach gnusachtach righderg derglethan rogeallach90  nobith a n-aonach Murtimni iar mbaigh. Creit do dia ⁊91  naom-Patraic, a Laogairi. Ni siabra donanaic, is92  Cuchulaind mac Sualtaim.”93  “Masa fil ant”, ol Laogairi, “atfet dun ni dia94  margnimaib.” p.5395  “Ba fir on, a Llaogairi”, ol Cuchulaind. “Pa-sa coillid96  gillasa i n-airitin atha mo tuath. Pa-sa bailcbemnech-sa97  for nithib ⁊ marsloghaiph. Imreidhinn-siu a ngraighi98  senggluatha mo namat isnahib luachraifh co bfagbainn-si99  a n-elta beomarba difh isnahib slebtib  15a iar100  n-airdbiu a comlond comarda na bfer nobidis foraib.”

101 “Manus fil na gnima-sin lat feib adrimi-su, batar gnima102  erred lat-sa, nipsatar gnima con.”103  “Bu fir son, a Laogairi”, ol Cuchulaind.104  “Nipsa cu-sa gabala lais, bam-sa cu-sa gabala uis.”105  “Nipsa cu-sa cuipp i n-urcuill, ba-sa cu-sa comnart do106  comlund.”107  “Nimsa cu-sa imlomtha fuidhel, ba-sa cu-sa tairdbi108  buiden.”109  “Nimsa cu-sai ingairc gamna, ba-sa cu-sa aurbuidhe110  Eamnai.”111  “Manusfilid na gnima-sin feib adrimi-siu, batar gnima112  aile lat-sa.”113  “Ba-sa herr-sa, ba-sa hara. Ba-sa hara carpait mair.114  Ba-sa maoth fri maithi, ba-sam imnedach frimm tair.115  Ba-sa cethreochur a cath, ba-sam cethreochur a nith, ba-sa116  nainendach mo namad. Nim-sa neimtenga mo crich.117  Ba-sa comrar gacha ruine do ainnrif Ulad. Ba-sa mac118  la macca, ba-sa fer la firiu. Ba-sa coscur-sa for ath.119  Ba-sa maith frim air, ba-sa ferr frim molad.”

120 “Mase Cu fil ant”, ol Laogairi, “atfet dun ni dona morgaibfi121  rogaifis.” p.54122  “Ba fir son, a Laogairi”, ol Cu.

  1. 123 Imareidhinn-se a margraighi
    la Conchufur cruaid,124 
    bam aileetuaith,
    arslighinn gach buaidh.
  2. 125 Roclisusa for analaib
    uasa uif na n-ech,126 
    romefdatar rium-sa
    mor cath for gach leth.
  3. 127 Robrisusa urgala
    for triuna na tuath,128 
    ba misi in cur claidebruad
    iar sligi na sluag.
  4. 129 Roclisusa a faoburclessa
    for innaif a claideb,130 
    rosiachtamar moroirgne,
    ba tria gatha teneth.
  5. 131 Tairret n-aile docuadhusa,
    acht ba hísin uair,132 
    curferus .l. morchath
    fri Lochann antuaidh.
  6. 133 Aroile laoch donarraithsi
    re techt dam for set,134 
    tricha cubat i n-airdi,
    ba hedh sin a met.
  7. 135 Iarsin roslelach-sa
    iar ngles duin fa tri,136 
    focart-sa a chend isin chath
    go torchair in ri.
  8. 137 Iarsin dorochrodar,
    roba tesbaid dif,138 
    secht coecait cach ainlaoithi
    ó rogabtha rimh.
  9. 139 Iarsin ronenusc-sæ
    foraif ina ndail140 
    secht cet talland argait fain
    im secht cet talland oir,141 
    ba hisin an cain.
  10. 142 Tarra n-aile docuadhusa
    dia lot a tir Sgaidh,143 
    dun ant go nglasaif iairn
    foruirmiusa laim fair.
  11. 144 Secht muir iman cathraig-si,
    ba heitigh a dend,145 
    sondach iairn for gach mur
    forsa mbatar noi cet cenn.
  12. 146 Doirsi iairn for gach lios,
    frim-sa ni rocosnaithe,147 
    atamcomcasa com lua
    condorala a mbrosnacha.
  13. 148 Bui cuithe isin dun
    lasin righ adfed,149 
    deich nathraig doroemdetar
    dara or, ba bed.
  14. 150 Arsin atarethisa
    ciarb adbal in drong, p.55151 
    co ndernusa  15a2 a n-oirnecha
    itir mo da dorn.
  15. 152 Iarsin adrethusa
    in tan ba fom rois,153 
    conamalt-sa comdar minbacha
    itir mo di bois.
  16. 154 Búi caire isinn dun,
    laogh na teora mbo,155 
    tricha aighi ina craos
    ni ba luchtlach do.
  17. 156 Taithighdis in coire-sin,
    ba mellach in bagh,157 
    ni theghtis uadh for nach leth
    co bfagbadis lan.
  18. 158 Bui mor n-oir is argait ant,
    ba hamra in frith,159 
    tobiur-sa an caire-sin
    la hingin in righ.
  19. 160 Na teora ba dobertamar
    rosnasit in mhuir,161 
    bui eire deisi dh'or
    la cach forai muin.
  20. 162 Iar tuidhacht dun forsin fairgi,
    ba hadhbal lao tuaith,163 
    baiti forenn mo curaigh
    laisin n-anfud cruaid.
  21. 164 Iarsin imanirusa,
    ciarbo gafud grind,165 
    nonbor cechtar mo di laim,
    tricha for mo cinn.
  22. 166 Ochtar for mo di sliastaib,
    roleltar dom corp,167 
    ba hamlaid-sin snadhusa in fairgi
    co mba forsin port.
  23. 168 In rocesusa d'imned
    for muir ocus tir,169 
    ba hannsa dam aonadaig i n-ifernn
    la deaman co n-ir.
  24. 170 Mo corpan ba crechtnaithe,
    la Lugaid a buaith171 
    rucsat deamnae m'anmain-si
    isin richis ruaidh.
  25. 172 Imrubairt-sa cleitine,
    gai bolga co leir,173 
    robadhusa a comchetfaid
    fri demon a pein.
  26. 174 Ba comnart mo gaisged-si,
    mo claideb ba cruaid,175 
    domrimart-sa demon co n-aonmeor
    isin richis ruaid.
  27. 176 In rig consnat a righi
    cia beth co met a mbrighi,177 
    ni cumgat ni la mac nDe
    acht a cubatt i ndire.
  28. 178 Sluaig Ulad um Chonchobur,
    batar calma in coraid,179 
    dosraighlet na demnaide
    i n-ifern isid bronaigh.
  29.  p.56
  30. 180 Acht in righ mac Neasa
    ar baigh ar mac Muire181 
    atait a pein ifeirn
    formna na laith ngaile.
  31. 182 Ba mad dolot-sa did breithir
    fri Patraic isin uair183 
    condomthuc-sa a hifirn
    conad dam a buaidh.
  32. 184 Is buaid mor do Gaodelaib
    co clothar in sluag,185 
    cach aon cretfes do Patraic
    i nim ni ba truagh.
  33. 186 Ceni creiti-si do Patraic
    nocretfet Ulaid,187 
    an roceasusæ d'imned
    ba mo a turim.
  34. 188 Ina heich-si, a Laogairi,
    retha rith co mbuaidh,189 
    is Patraic dorathbeoaigestar
    condate ada luaith.
  35. 190 In carpat-sa atcí-siu
    a ndegaid na n-ech,191 
    is Patraic rocruthustar,
    donug amail is dech.
  36. 192 Cusin fotugath
    cusan eirred clius,193 
    is cian mar oatrubalt-sa,
    o roscarus fris.
  37. 194 Is cian mar o roscarusa
    frim carpat, frim ech,195 
    is folaid cumachta mar
    donug amail is dech.
  38. 196 Atoteoch, a naom-Patraic,
    at farrad rombeo,197 
    romfuca lat creitmecha
    a tiraib na mbeo.

198 Creit do Dia ⁊ do naom-Patraic ar na tudhchaidh tont199  talman torad. Doraga ni ba conntapairt mina crete do200  Dianaom-Patraic, ar ni siafra donanic. Is Cuchulaind201  mac Sualtaim.

202 Rofiorad trath ini-sin. Doteachaid talam tar Laogairi203  ⁊ adfiadhar neam do Choinchulaind.

Document details

The TEI Header

File description

Title statement

Title (): Síaburcharpat Conculaind

Title (extended): [Egerton 88, fo. 14b1-15a2 collated with Add 33993 fo. 2b-3b]

Author: unknown

Editor: Kuno Meyer

Responsibility statement

Electronic edition compiled by: Beatrix Färber

Funded by: University College, Cork

Edition statement

1. First draft, revised and corrected.

Extent: 2625 words

Publication statement

Publisher: CELT: Corpus of Electronic Texts: a project of University College, Cork

Address: College Road, Cork, Ireland. — http:www.ucc.ie/celt

Date: 2001

Distributor: CELT online at University College, Cork, Ireland.

CELT document ID: G301008

Availability: Available with prior consent of the CELT programme for purposes of academic research and teaching only.

Source description

Manuscript sources

  1. London, British Library, MS Egerton 88, fo. 14b1-15a2.
  2. London, British Library, Additional 33993, fo. 2b-3b.
  3. Dublin, Royal Irish Academy, Lebor na h-Uidhre, p 113a-115b.

Editions and translations

  1. J. O'Beirne Crowe, Siabur-charpat Con Culaind. From Lebor na h-Uidhre (Fol. 37, et seqq.), a manuscript of the Royal Irish Academy, in: The Journal of the Royal Historical and Archaeological Association of Ireland, 1 (1870–71), 371–448 [LU]. With English translation. [Translation reprinted in Eleanor Hull, The Cuchullin Saga in Irish literature, London 1898.]
  2. Heinrich Zimmer, Keltische Beiträge I, Zeitschrift für deutsches Alterthum 32 (1888), 249–55.

Secondary literature.

  • Elva Johnston, The Salvation of the Individual and the Salvation of Society in Siaburcharpat Con Culaind, in: CSANA Yearbook 1: The Individual in Celtic Literatures, 109–125. Ed. Joseph Falaky Nagy, Dublin 2001.

The edition used in the digital edition

‘Síaburcharpat Conculaind (From the British Museum Egerton 88, fo. 14b1–15a2, collated with Additional 33,993, fo. 2b–3b.)’ In: Anecdota from Irish Manuscripts‍. Ed. by Kuno Meyer. Vol. 3. Halle/Saale: Max Niemeyer, pp. 48–56.

You can add this reference to your bibliographic database by copying or downloading the following:

  editor 	 = {Kuno Meyer},
  title 	 = {Síaburcharpat Conculaind (From the British Museum Egerton 88, fo. 14b1–15a2, collated with Additional 33,993, fo. 2b–3b.)},
  booktitle 	 = {Anecdota from Irish Manuscripts},
  address 	 = {Halle/Saale},
  publisher 	 = { Max Niemeyer },
  volume 	 = {3},
  date 	 = {1909–1910},
  pages 	 = {48–56}


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Creation: By (an) unknown monastic Irish author(s). 600–900

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  • The text is in Old Irish. (ga)

Keywords: saga; Ulster Cycle; prose; medieval

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(Most recent first)

  1. 2008-10-04: Header modified; keywords added; new wordcount made; file validated. (ed. Beatrix Färber)
  2. 2005-08-25: Normalised language codes and edited langUsage for XML conversion (ed. Julianne Nyhan)
  3. 2005-08-04T15:48:45+0100: Converted to XML (ed. Peter Flynn)
  4. 2001-11-19: Second proofing of file against hardcopy; insertion of line numbers; file parsed. (ed. Beatrix Färber)
  5. 2001-06-28: Header created; file parsed; quotes, supplied text and poetry marked up. Personal names marked up. (ed. Beatrix Färber)
  6. 1998: First proofing and application of structural markup. (ed. Students at the Department of History, UCC)
  7. 1998: Text captured by scanning. (ed. Students at the Department of History, UCC)

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