CELT document G301021A

Tochmarc Emire

Witness list

  • U: Leabhar na hUidre: p 121a-127b (Dublin, Royal Irish Academy). 2 hands: Main, LU 10113-10250 middle, Interpolator, LU 10250-10556; this part contains lacunae and a gap between 124/5 and 125/6.
  • S: Stowe D IV 2: f 74Ra-78Vb (Dublin, Royal Irish Academy). Complete; written at Frankford, King's County, possibly around 1300.
  • R: Rawlinson 512: f 117Ra-118Rb; first part missing (Oxford, Bodleian Library). 15th century, contains second half of tale and Verba Scathaige.
  • F: Book of Fermoy 23 E 29: p 207a-212b (Dublin, Royal Irish Academy). Fragment, beginning illegible, gap within, end wanting; derived from LU.
  • E: Egerton 92=Fermoy: f 24Ra-25Vb. (London, British Library). Fragment; derived from LU, written around 1453.
  • H: Harleian 5280: f 27R-35Rb (London, British Library). Complete; written by Gilla Riabhach mac Tuathail O'Clery.
  • N: 23 N 10 (formerly Betham 145): p 21-24; 113-124; 11-12; 25-26; 125-128. (Dublin, Royal Irish Academy).
  • LL: Book of Leinster, f 20a46 ff (Trinity College Dublin).


Edited by Kuno Meyer

Whole text


Tochmarc Emire

Do  117a1 asselbhthea dine cecha cethræ for seilb Beil. Bel-dine iarom .i. belltine. Co Brón Trogin .i. taiti fogmuir .i. is and dobroni trogan fua torthib. Trogan diu ainm do thalam.

Adfiadatar iarom an(a) ingena dona brugadaib int oclæch dodanaicc issin carpat sainemail. Adfiadatar side do Forgall Monach cechidepirt ind ingen friss.

“Fir”, or Forgall. “Ind riastardai o Emain Machæ. Do tanaicc do accallaim Eimere ⁊ rochar ind ingen. Is aire cot-nacalt. 10  Ni ba cobair dó. Doroirbiur-sa conamanairceba”, ol se.

Is de iarom dolluid Forgall Manach dochom n-Emnai Machæ isnahib Gallecuscaib amail bitis techta ríg Gall do accallaim Concabuir co n-imchomarc do di orduisib ⁊ fin Gall.

15 Ferthai failti fris. Triar al-lin. Ho rolaa a muintir as dia  p.444 tres la, molta Cuculaind ⁊ eirrid hUlad fiadai. Asbeir-som dona ba fir ⁊ ba hamrai, acht namma dana da rissed Cuculaind Domnall Mildemail ar Alpi, ropad amra de. Sech ba do fachairt-sam son, ar nicontissed aridisse. Cotsela Forgall, ho arraill 20 for Coinculaind ani ba haccobor leiss.

Luid cammæ Cuculaind iarom ⁊ Loegaire Buadach ⁊ Conchabur. Is hed luide Cuculaind dar Bregai ar adall na hingine. Adgladasdar Emir oc techt inna noi. Tingell cach di alaili a genass co comristaís.

25 Ho roancatar Domnall, forcéta leiss aill for licc dercain, foseted cetharbolcc. Noclistis fuiri iarom, napdar duba na glassa a fond  117a2. Aill for slig frisndringtíss, conclistíss for a rind, na ferad for a fonnib.

Caraiss Coinchulaind iarom ingen Domnaill. Dornoll 30 Olldornai a hainm. Batir morai a gluine. A sala reme, a traigthi ina diaid. Ba hetig a delb. Atoop Cuculaind. Tindgellaid sí a degdigail fair.

Asmbert Domnall iarom nadmbai foisitiu forcoitil Conculaind conrissed Scathaig boi fri hAlpai anair. Nalotar dana a 35 triur .i. CuculaindConchabur ríi Emna ⁊ Loigairi Buadag tar Alpi.

Is and daadbas dóib Emain Machæ ar a suil. Ni rucait Conchabur ⁊ Loigairi sech sodin. Luid Cuculaind dia daim huadaib. Ninderba, ni gat ni de, air batair erdrach a cumachtai 40  na hingine. Fofer erchoad dosam, coscar a muinter friss. O dochoid tar Alpi, ba bronach do díth a coiceli. Anais dana desuidiu o roairigestar.


Fochairt iarom allaili m-beasti n-uathmair amail leoman, dudfich ⁊ nad dingne erchoad do. ⁊ missimbert na maccrada 45 conidtibset. Die cetharmad lai scarais an beist fris.

Focairt iarom for tech n-and i nglind. Is and foranicc ingin. Adatngladastar. Ferais failti friss. Asbert-som can bai dia aithgne. Asbert si batir comaltai díb línaib la hUlbecan Saxa, “dia m-bamar matau lais oc foglaim bindiussa”, ol sí.

50 Imarnic dono fri oclaich n-aile. Ferais ind falti fris cetna. Is eside inchoisecht eulas do darsa mag n-dobuil bái ar a chind. Leth in moige noseccdis doine de. Al-leth allaill co-taocbad for ind feur. Birt roth leiss ond oclaich, araressed amail an roth sin tar leth in maigi, arna rosecce(a)th. Dobert 55 dono uball do, araliad di lar amail noliad ind uball sin. Cotela samlaid tarsa mag fortanaic ar a chind iarsuidiu.

Asbert fris bui glend mar ar a chind. Oentset coel tairiss, noch ba si a chonair do thig Scathchai. Tar ard lecde n-uathmar son dana.

60 Luid dono in set sinnisin. Luidea don daun. Bi in chomlaid co n-eu a slige coluid trea.

Luid hUathach ingen Scathchai ar a chend. Danecachae. Ninacaldastar ar meit dombert toil di an delb. Tafaisig cammaibh ⁊ molsi fria madair.

65 “Ruttolnastair in fer”, ol a mathair. “Tafeid im' tolc-sai ⁊ foid leiss d'adaich.”

“Ni scith limb-sai indní sin.”

Tonimthirend ind ingen co n-uisciu ⁊ biud. Ferais esomni fris fo deilb cobari. Craitsiusa conbobig am-mer. Eigis ind 70 ingen. Faraith son in dunchare huli coteracht an trenfer do  p.448 .i. Cochor Crufe. Araselid-side ⁊ Cuchulaind ⁊ fichi in trenfer.

Ba brónach in ben Scathach desuidiu co n-epert-seom frie nungeabad mamu ind fir duscer. Dobert iarom ind ingen 75 comarli do Coinchulaind dia tress lau, ma bu denam læchthachtai dolluid, arateissed dochom Scathchai magen a m-bui oc forcetal a da mac .i. Cuar ⁊ Cet ar in corad ich n-erred isind ibardoss mor i m-boi si, ⁊ si foen and, conidfurmud eter a da cich cona chlaideb contardaud a trí indrosc do .i. a 80 forcetal cin díchell ⁊ a hernaidm-si co n-icc a tindscrae ⁊ epert ind neich aritmbui, ar ba faith si dana.

Dognith samlaid huile.

Is hi ind inbaid si tra boi-som la Scathaig ⁊ a munterus hUathchæ a hingine, is and dolluid alaili óclaich amrai bai la 85 Mumain, Lugaid Noes mac Alamaicc, ind rí, doluid aniar ⁊ da airrig deacc leiss di airrigaib Muman do thochmarc da ingin deacc Corpri Niodfer. Arnassa side remib huile. Init-chuala-som Forgall Monach, faruim do Themair. Arnaiss a ingin dond rig ⁊ da ingin deacc in dá brugaid deac olchenæ.

90 Dutheitt ind ri don baṅfeiss a dochumb. Intan m-bretha Emer co Lugdaich dochum in chetaich i m-boi do suidiu for a laím, gabaid si a da n-gruaid ⁊ dosmbeir for fir a einich ⁊ addamair do bad Cuculaind charais. Nislamair ind rí iarom ⁊ scartha de. 95 Boi cath for Scathaig isind aimsir sin dono fri tuathu eile form-ba banflaith Aiffe. ⁊ conrecht la Scathaig Cuculainddobreth deog suaín do riam, arna teissed isin cath, ar nach rissed ni and. Ar choimainchi dognith. Dufochtrastar didiu  p.450 ellam inte Cuculaind. A mba mithissi cetheora n-uar  118a1 100  fichet do neuch aili den dig suain hi cotlud, ba hoenuair do-som.

Luid iarom la da mac Scathchai ar cend tri mac Ilsuanach .i. Cuar, Cet, Cruffe, tri milith Aiffe. Arusainic-side a oinar a triur. 105  Luid didiu arabarach a thriur chetna ar chend tri mac Eissæ Enchende .i. Ciri ⁊ Biri ⁊ Bailcne, tri milith aili Aiffe. Focherded didiu Scathach osnaid cech lái ⁊ ní fedeth cid nom-bith, co m-bo hiaram nothegedsom forsan tsét. Aill on, ba boith can tris fer la a macsi frisna triru; aill, ba homan Aiffe 110  odeu banfendith ba handsom bái isin bith.

Luid Cuculaind iarom ar chenn Aiffe ⁊ iarmifoacht cid ba moam sercc lea riam. Asbert Scathach: “Is ed is moo serc la hAiffe .i. a hara ⁊ a da hech carpait.” 115  Fersat iarom cuimleng forsan tsét, Cuculaind ⁊ Aiffe. Dochumbai iarom a arm ar Choinculaind conna ba sia dorn a chlaideb. Is ann asbert Cuculaind: “Aill amæ!” ol se. “Dorochair aræ Aiffe ⁊ a da ech carpait fon n-glend, conid aptha huile.” 120  Decid Aiffi lasodain. Fosdichet Cuculaind. Lasodain gabthas foa cich, dosmbert tarsna amail aires, contulid co a sluagu fadeisin. Aconrodasta(i)r a beim fria talmain. “Anmain a n-anmain!” ol si. “Mo thri indrosc dam-sa!” ol se. 125  “Rotbiat.” “It he mo thri indroscc. Giallnai do Scathaig cin nach frith-orcain, muinterus dana frimsa d'adaich ar belaib do daunaith fein, coruice mac dam.” Atmur samlaid, ⁊ dognith huile. 130   118a2 Asbert si iarom bá torrach. Asbert dana is mac noberath ⁊ arataised dochum n-hErend in mac dia secht m-bliadan. ⁊ fuacaib ainm do.

Atonintoi iarom. Teit aitherrach. Tofornic sentainde caich  p.452 tuathchaich ar a chind forsint set. Asbert fris ar ferchaire 135  arna beith ar a chind. Nacha boi dochoissed isind all moro. Tolleicc sís dint set ⁊ giuil a ladair aire namma. A n-doluid si huaise, fornessa a orddain arancorath foan alld. Focherd iarom ich n-erreth de súas afrithissi ⁊ benaith a cend dissi. Ba si indsin mathair ind erred dedenaich docher leis-seom .i. 140  Eiss Enchend.

Lotar iarom int sluaig la Scathaig dua críchaib ⁊ anaiss denass taidslantai hi foss. ⁊ asmbert si friss indni aridmbui iar tichtain hErend co n-epert si indni Scathach: Aritossa ollgabad ⁊ rl. atá isind libar.

145 anic-som iarom dochomb n-hErend ⁊ tuarnic tain bo Cuailngi. Luid iarom amail dorairngert du Luglochtaib Loga do dun Forgaill Manaig. Focherd bedg dar na tri lisu ⁊ bi tri beimmennai isinn lis, cotorchair ochtar cach beimme ⁊ anacht 150  fer h(i)medon nonbair, Scibor ⁊ Ibor ⁊ Catt, tri derbrathri inna hingine. ⁊ dobert ind ingin .i. Emer cona comaltai cona n-dib n-erib di ór. ⁊ fuscerd bedg tarsan treduai aitherrach cona dib n-ingenaib. ⁊ rochomallustar na gníma sin hule do-rairngert dii, ⁊ dolluidh co m-boi ind-Emain Machæ.

Document details

The TEI Header

File description

Title statement

Title (uniform): Tochmarc Emire

Title (extended): [from Rawlinson B 512, fo. 117a1–118a2]

Title (translation, English Translation): The Wooing of Emer

Author: unknown

Editor: Kuno Meyer

Responsibility statement

Electronic edition compiled by: Beatrix Färber

Proof corrections by: Hilary Lavelle

Funded by: The HEA via the LDT Project and PRTLI4

Edition statement

1. First draft, revised and corrected.

Extent: 4500 words

Publication statement

Publisher: CELT: Corpus of Electronic Texts: a project of University College, Cork

Address: College Road, Cork, Ireland.—http://www.ucc.ie/celt

Date: 2009

Distributor: CELT online at University College, Cork, Ireland.

CELT document ID: G301021A

Availability: Available with prior consent of the CELT programme for purposes of academic research and teaching only.

Source description

Manuscript sources

  1. Dublin, Royal Irish Academy, Leabhar na hUidre, p 121a–127b.
  2. Dublin, Royal Irish Academy, Stowe D IV 2 (=MS 992), fo 74ra–78vb.
  3. Oxford, Bodleian Library, Rawlinson 512, fo 117ra–118rb; first part missing.
  4. Dublin, Royal Irish Academy, Book of Fermoy 23 E 29, p 207a–212b; fragment.
  5. London, British Library, Egerton 92 (=Fermoy), fo 24ra–25vb; fragment.
  6. London, British Library, Harleian 5280, fo 27r–35rb.
  7. Dublin, Royal Irish Academy, 23 N 10 (olim Betham 145): p 21–24; 113–124; 11–12; 25–26; 125–128.
  8. Dublin, Trinity College Library, Book of Leinster, f 20a46 ff.


  1. Kuno Meyer, The oldest version of Tochmarc Emire, Revue Celtique 11 (1890) 434–457 [The Wooing of Emer. Text from Rawlinson B 512, fol. 117a, Zeitschrift für Celtische Philologie 7 (1910) 510].
  2. A. G. van Hamel, Tochmarc Emire. Version III, in: Compert Con Culainn and other stories (Medieval and Modern Irish Series, vol. 3) Dublin 1933, reprinted 1978 [edited from Stowe D IV 2 with occasional variants from LU, Harleian 5280 and Rawlinson B 512].
  3. Kuno Meyer, Verba Scáthaige fri Coin Chulaind. From the Bodleian MS. Rawlinson B 512, fol. 118b, collated with Egerton 88, fol. 11a and Egerton 1782, fol. 19b. (Anecdota from Irish MSS. V 28–30, 1913). [Paragraph 79 of this electronic edition].
  4. Rudolf Thurneysen, Verba Scáthaige nach 22 N 10, Zeitschrift für Celtische Philologie 9 (1913) 487f.


  1. Kuno Meyer, Archaeological Review 1, London 1888 68ff [Based on LU and Stowe MS 992 (D IV 2)] (English).
  2. Eleanor Hull, The Cuchullin Saga, Dublin 1898 [abridged version of Meyer's translation].
  3. Henri d'Arbois de Jubainville, L'épopée celtique en Irlande, 1892, 39–50 [Comment le héros Cúchulainn fit sa cour à Emer] (French).
  4. Thomas Kinsella, The Tain, Oxford 1969, 25–39 [Cúchulainn's courtship of Emer and his training in arms with Scáthach] (English).
  5. C.-J. Guyonvarc'h, La courtise d'Emer, Version A, Ogam 11 (1959) 413–423 (French).
  6. A. Agrati and M. L. Magini, La saga irlandese di Cu Chulainn, Milano 1982, 33–41 [Cu Chulainn corteggia Emer] (Italian).

Comments and secondary literature.

  1. Eugene O'Curry, Lectures on the Manuscript Materials of ancient Irish History, New York 1861, 278–282.
  2. Arthur C. L. Brown, The Knight of the Lion, Modern Language Association of America 20 (1905) 673–706.
  3. Rudolf Thurneysen, H. Hessen and G. O'Nolan: Zu Tochmarc Emire, Zeitschrift für Celtische Philologie 8 (1912) 498–524.
  4. Rudolf Thurneysen, Die irische Helden- und Königssage, Halle/Saale 1921, 377ff.
  5. J. Baudiš, On Tochmarc Emere, Ériu 9 (1923) 98–108.
  6. H. P. A. Oskamp, Notes on the history of Lebor na hUidre, Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy 65C (1966–67) 117–137, especially 126–127.
  7. Doris Edel, Helden auf Freiersfüßen. Studien zur frühen inselkeltischen Erzähltradition, Amsterdam/Oxford/New York 1980.
  8. Review of above: Rev. Tomás Ó Cathasaigh. Celtica 20 (1988) 168–177.
  9. William Sayers, Concepts of Eloquence in 'Tochmarc Emire', Studia Celtica 26/27 (1991–1992) 125–154.
  10. Tomás Ó Concheanainn, Textual and historical associations of Leabhar na hUidhre, Éigse 29 (1996) 65–120, esp. 94.
  11. Gregory Toner, The Transmission of Tochmarc Emire, Ériu 49 (1998) 71–88.
  12. Joanne Findon, Negotiating Female Territory: The Hero's Journeys in Tochmarc Emire. In: R. Black, W. Gillies, and R. Ó Maolalaigh (eds.), Celtic Connections: Proceedings of the Tenth International Congress of Celtic Studies, Vol. 1, 507–508, East Linton 1999.

The edition used in the digital edition

‘The oldest version of Tochmarc Emire’ (1890). In: Revue Celtique‍ 11. Ed. by Kuno Meyer, pp. 434–457.

You can add this reference to your bibliographic database by copying or downloading the following:

  editor 	 = {Kuno Meyer},
  title 	 = {The oldest version of Tochmarc Emire},
  journal 	 = {Revue Celtique},
  address 	 = {Paris},
  publisher 	 = {Émile Bouillon },
  volume 	 = {11},
  date 	 = {1890},
  pages 	 = {434–457}


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Project description: CELT: Corpus of Electronic Texts

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The electronic edition covers even pages 442 to 452. All editorial introduction has been omitted.

Editorial declarations

Correction: Text has been checked, proof-read once and parsed using NSGMLS.

Normalization: The electronic text represents the edited text. Lowercase v representing u was changed to u.

Quotation: Direct speech is marked q.

Hyphenation: Hyphenation was introduced.

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Interpretation: Where expansions of abbreviations are shown in italics in the hardcopy edition, this is not marked in the digital text. Names of persons (given names), places and group names are tagged. Page breaks are marked pb n="". Text supplied by the editor is tagged sup resp="KM". Variants are omitted.

Profile description

Creation: By (an) unknown Irish author(s).c.600-900

Language usage

  • The text is in Old and Middle Irish. (ga)
  • A few words are in Latin. (la)
  • Details of the witness list are in English. (en)

Keywords: saga; Ulster Cycle; prose; medieval; Emer

Revision description

(Most recent first)

  1. 2009-11-13: Header created; more encoding added; file parsed. (ed. Beatrix Färber)
  2. 2009-02-12: SGML and HTML versions created; online proofing. (ed. Beatrix Färber)
  3. 2006: File proofed (1) (ed. Hilary Lavelle)
  4. 2005-10: Text scanned; XML encoding applied. (data capture Data Capture Company)

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