CELT document G400039

Caíni amra laisin m-Bran

Unknown author

Whole text


    Caíni amra laisin m-Bran

    Manannán, god of the sea, describes his kingdom to Bran and predicts the birth of Mongán

    Imram Brain par. 32 Luith īarum Bran ara vārach for muir, tri nōnbuir a līon: aonfear for na tri nōnburuaiv dīa chomaltaibh & comaīsaib. Ō ro buī dí lā & dí aidchi forsan muir co n-aci a dochum in fer isin charput īsan muir. Canaid in fer hīsin dano tríchait rant n-aile dōu, & sloinnse dōu, & is-bert ba hē Manannān mac Lir, ocus as-vert bāoi aire tāoidecht n-Ērinn īer n-aimsiruiv cīanaiv, & no gigned mac hōad .i. Mongān mac Fīachnai iss ed forad-mbiad. Cachuin īerum in tríchait rannsa dōu:

  1. Caíni amra laisin m-Bran
    ina churchān tar muir n-glan;
    os mē, am charput do chēin,
    is magh sccothach ima-rēidh.
  2. A n-us muir glan
    don nāoi broindig a tā Bran,
    is Mag Meall co n-iumat scoth
    dam-sa a carput dá roth.
  3. At-chī Bran
    līn tonn tibri tar muir n-glan.
    At-chīu ca-dēin i m-Magh Mon
    sgotha cennderga gin on.
  4. Taithnit gabra lir a sam
    sella roiscc ro sire Bran.
    Brunditt sscotha sruaim do mil
    a crīch Manannāin mic Lir.
  5.  p.94
  6. Lí na fairge fora taí,
    geldod mora imme-roī:
    ra sert buidhe & glas;
    is talam nād ēcomrass.
  7. Lingit īch bricc ass de brū,
    a muir finn forn-aiccisiu;
    it lāoig it ūain co n-dath, .i. it lāoi & it ūain na bratāna at-chī Bran
    co cairde, cin imarbad.
  8. at-chetha āonchairpteach
    i m-Mag Meall co n-immat scoth,
    fil mōr di echaib ar brū,
    cen suide, nāt aiccisiu..i. boī mōr dírimi ina farrad ocus nī faca Bran
  9. Mētt in maigi, līon int slōig,
    taitnit līga co n-glanbōaid;
    finnruth airgit, drepa ōir,
    tāircet foīlti cech imrōild.
  10. Cluithi n-aīmin n-inmeldag
    aigdit fri fin nimborbad,
    fir is mnā mīne, fo doss,
    cen peaccad, cen immorbus.
  11. Is īarr m-barr fedha ro-snā
    do churchān tar innrada;
    fil fid fo mes i m-bī gnōe
    foa bruinne do bhecnāoi.
  12. Fid co m-blāth & torad
    for m-bīd fīne fīrbolad,
    fid cen erchra, cen esspath,
    fors fil duille co n-ōrdath.
  13. Fil dūn ō thossuch dūili,
    ce aīss, cin orphthi n-ūire;
    nī fescam dembethangus;
    nīn-tāraill int immorbus.
  14.  p.96
  15. Olcc līth do-luith ind nathir
    cosind athir dīa chathair;
    saībse, ceni, i mm-bith chē
    co m-bu h-aithbe nād bhue.
  16. Ron-ort h-i crōess & saint
    tresa n-derbaid a h-sāoerchlaoind;
    ethaiss, corp crīn, crō pēne,
    ocus bithaittrev rége.
  17. Is recht ūabair in bith chē
    creidem dūile,.i. adradh īdal dermat Dē,
    troīthad n-galar & aīss,
    aptha anma trīa thogaīs.
  18. Tiucfa tessorcan .i. Críst h-ūasal
    h-ōnd Rīg do-rea-rōssat;
    recht find fu-glōisfe muire;
    sech bidh Dīa bid duine.
  19. In dealb í no fethe-su
    ro-hicfa it lethi-su;
    arrum-thā echtra dīa tigh
    cosin mnāoi i l-Linimhaig. .i. coimpert Mongāin
  20. Sech is Manannān mac Lir
    asin charput cruth in fir,
    bied dīa chlaind densa n-gair
    fer cāoin hi curp crīad adgil. .i. MongánMoggān
  21. Con-lee Manannān mac Lir
    lūth lighe la Cāointigirn:
    gērthair dīa mac i m-bith gnō;
    ad-ndidma Fīachna mac n-dō.
  22. Moídfid sognāis gach sīdhe;
    bid treitil cach daghthīre;
    at-fíi rūna (rith ecne)
    isin m-bith can a ecli.
  23.  p.98
  24. Bieid hi fethol cech mīl
    itir glasmuir & tīr;
    bid drauc re m-buidnib hi froiss;
    bid cú allaid cech indroiss.
  25. Bid dam co m-bennuiph argait
    h-i mruig i nd-agthar carpait;
    bid écni brec i l-linn lāin;
    bid rōn, bid eala fionnbán.
  26. Biaid tre bitha sīora .i. post mortem
    cēt m-blīadna hi findrīghe;
    silis tearca (lecht imchīan); .i. amra infoircnedeg .i. in futuro .i. in corpore.
    dergfaid (?) roī roth imrīan.
  27. Im rīga la fēinnid
    bid lāth gaile fri aichni;
    ininnach m-brogha foraa
    fo-chicher airchend ailli. .i. proprium Iloch
  28. Art aru-ngēn la flaithe;
    gēbthair fo mac n-imragne;
    sech bid Moininnān mac Lir
    a athair, a fithigir.
  29. Bied bess n-gairit a ree in corpore
    coīcuit m-blēdna i m-bith chee;
    oircthi ail dracoin din muir .i. isī agid Mongāin cloch asin tadbaill ro lāad doa.
    h-isin nīth h-i Senlabair. .i. dūn.
  30. Timgēra dig a l-Log Lāu .i. post mortem
    in tan frisseill sidan crāu;
    gēbtha in drong finn fau ruth nēal
    do nāssad nāt etarlēn.
  31.  p.100
  32. Fossad air sin imraad Bran;
    nī cīan co Tīr ina m-Ban;
    Emna co n-ildath fēile
    riccfa re fuined n-grēine.

Document details

The TEI Header

File description

Title statement

Title (uniform): Caíni amra laisin m-Bran

Title (translation, English Translation): Manannán, God of the Sea, describes his Kingdom to Bran and predicts the Birth of Mongán

Responsibility statement

Electronic edition compiled by: Donnchadh Ó Corráin

Funded by: University College, Cork and Professor Marianne McDonald via the CURIA Project.

Edition statement

2. Second draft, revised and corrected.

Extent: 1565 words

Publication statement

Publisher: CELT: Corpus of Electronic Texts: a project of University College, Cork

Address: College Road, Cork, Ireland— http://www.ucc.ie/celt

Date: 1996

Date: 2010

Distributor: CELT online at University College, Cork, Ireland.

CELT document ID: G400039

Availability: The hard copy on which the present electronic edition is based is copyright by Oxford University Press, and is here used by kind permission of the publishers.

Source description

Manuscript sources

  • Dublin, Royal Irish Academy, MS 967, 58-60 (olim 23 N 10, see Catalogue of Irish Manuscripts in the Royal Irish Academy, fasc. 22, 2769). (B).


  1. Kuno Meyer, Voyage of Bran, vol. 1 (London 1895) 17–29.
  2. A. G. Van Hamel, Immrama (Dublin 1941) 13–17.


  • Kuno Meyer, Voyage of Bran, vol. 1 (London 1895) 17–29.

The edition used in the digital edition

‘Manannán, God of the Sea, Describes his Kingdom to Bran and Predicts the Birth of Mongán’ (1956). In: Early Irish lyrics, eighth to twelfth century‍. Ed. by Gerard Murphy. Oxford: Clarendon Press, pp. 92–100.

You can add this reference to your bibliographic database by copying or downloading the following:

  editor 	 = {Gerard Murphy},
  title 	 = {Manannán, God of the Sea, Describes his Kingdom to Bran and Predicts the Birth of Mongán},
  booktitle 	 = {Early Irish lyrics, eighth to twelfth century},
  editor 	 = {Gerard Murphy},
  address 	 = {Oxford},
  publisher 	 = {Clarendon Press},
  date 	 = {1956},
  pages 	 = {92–100}


Encoding description

Project description: CELT: Corpus of Electronic Texts

Sampling declarations

All editorial introduction, translation, glossary, notes and indexes have been omitted. Editorial corrigenda are integrated into the electronic edition. Only the text of the Murphy's edition is retained, and for this electronic edition the variants cited by Murphy are not reproduced. A full citation of variants is likely in a future electronic edition.

Editorial declarations

Correction: Text has been checked and proof-read. All corrections and supplied text are tagged. Further checking is required.

Normalization: The electronic text represents the edited text. Words are segmented in accordance with CELT practice, but this segmentation may not be yet complete.

Quotation: There are no quotation marks.

Hyphenation: Soft hyphens are silently removed. When a hyphenated word (hard or soft) crosses a page-break or line-break, the page-break and line-break are marked after the completion of the hyphenated word.

Segmentation: div0 encloses the whole text; div1 is the poem. Typographical line-breaks in prose passages are not marked. Page-breaks of the printed text are marked.

Standard values: There are no dates.

Interpretation: Names of persons (given names and surnames), groups (dynasties, tribes, peoples etc.), places are tagged. Numbers and dates are tagged.

Profile description

Creation: By anonymous authors in Irish monastic scriptoria. The poem is preserved in a 16th century manuscript. c.700–800

Language usage

  • The text is in Old and Middle Irish. (ga)
  • Five occurrences of Latin. (la)
  • The subtitle is in English. (en)

Keywords: poetry; medieval; saga

Revision description

(Most recent first)

  1. 2010-11-14: File updated; new wordcount made; conversion script run. (ed. Beatrix Färber)
  2. 2008-09-01: File validated. (ed. Beatrix Färber)
  3. 2008-07-30: Keywords added. (ed. Ruth Murphy)
  4. 2005-08-25: Normalised language codes and edited langUsage for XML conversion (ed. Julianne Nyhan)
  5. 2005-08-04T16:03:45+0100: Converted to XML (ed. Peter Flynn)
  6. 1997-09-05: Header created; text parsed using SGMLS. (ed. Margaret Lantry)
  7. 1996-02-05: Creation and insertion of TEI Header for the anthology; revision of structural mark-up. (ed. Donnchadh Ó Corráin)
  8. 1996-02-05: Revised text parsed and mark-up verified using SGMLS. (ed. Mavis Cournane)
  9. 1995-08: Checking and proofing text. (ed. Tiarnán Ó Corráin)
  10. 1995-02: Checking and proofing text. (ed. Mavis Cournane)
  11. 1994: Checking and proofing text. (ed. Aideen O'Leary)
  12. 1994: Proofing and correction of edition. (ed. Patricia Kelly)
  13. 1993: Data capture completed. (ed. Donnchadh Ó Corráin)

Index to all documents

Standardisation of values

  • There are no dates.

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page of the print edition

folio of the manuscript

numbered division

 999 line number of the print edition (in grey: interpolated)

underlining: text supplied, added, or expanded editorially

italics: foreign words; corrections (hover to view); document titles

bold: lemmata (hover for readings)

wavy underlining: scribal additions in another hand; hand shifts flagged with (hover to view)

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