Whole text
- A fhir, ná suid ar in síd,
Síd n-Eóchaill co n-ilar gním,
ba síd' fir buile bechtaig
óic ildelbaig ilrechtaig. - Dlegait Síl Muiredaig móir
a uaisle ocus a onóir;
do-ní in fer 's a síd so
báig im a rígai rompa. p.41 - In chulabair fecht eile
turas Áine ingine
dá n-dechaid fecht ar fogail
le Cathal Ua Conchobair? - Do-luid Cathal cét curad
d' fhogail ar maithib Muman;
ac urnaide a aesa braith
do fhuirig féin in fírfhlaith. - Ro chotail Cathal crechach
fosaid cróda certbrethach
co facaid fís, ba fáth neirt
ós Loch duiblinntech Deirgdeirc. - Is ed at-chonnairc in chraeb
mac Conchobair, Cathal caem,
ingen fhinn ar a aigid
gruaidgel détbán di-ainim. - Brat uaine glan im in n-géic,
nír décad leis a leithéit,
seinginar lúpach lepthach
bláith forórda finnchlechtach. p.42 - Do-rinne caí thoirsech thrén,
do fháisc a basa 's a bél
co táinic fras fanna fala
tar a roscaib rinnglana. - A-dubairt Cathal cuanach:
Cia thusa, a ingen uallach,
crét rot-chuir mar nach coimse
fó maíth is fó mórthuirse?- Lennán duit-se, a Chathail chaím,
mise ó méit cach macaím;
is ret leith a-atá mo theg,
is é m' ainm Aíbenn Uchtgel.- 'Tusa marbthar a-márach
le sluag Muman mórdálach;
is tú chaínim tar conair
a Chathail meic Conchobair.- Cia lé maiter in gním garb
do chath Luimnig na laecharm,
caide anmann fós na fer
beires orainn, a ingen? p.43- Berid Longargán, dar lim,
ort ocus Coscrach cúilfhinn;
beirid Ceinnéitig na cath
ort is Congalach cétach'.- Beirid ort Mathgamain mer
mac Ceinnéitig na caíned;
berait trí chét fer fuirmech
ort do maithib mór Muimnech.- Crét im scar na ríg rim-sa,
innis, a ingen fhinn-sa,
cá lín ternós as in ág
do maicne lonngairg Lorcán?- Ní tusa nach digned maith,
a ua Echach, a ardfhlaith;
loiscfid ort, a ua na Tadg,
imarcraid na ríg ro-garg.- Táncatar tar Echtge fuair
triar ar cét Connachtach cruaid;
terc ar doman a-dertais
trí chét fer nach foirrechtais. p.44- Ráidim-se rit, is fír so,
na cúic ríg ráide rompa
nach nesa olc dam ná dáib,
a Aíbenn gruaidderg gnúsnáir.- Déchais, dar leis, dá leith chlí
Cathal mór a moig Da Thí
co faca in tur a Temraig
in n-ingin maill móirmenmnaig.- Brat corcra co corthair chaím
im in n-ingin slisgil saír,
inar sróill taebamlaid tláith,
léine arshnáithech órshnáith.- Dá assa co n-ublaib óir
'm in fleisc ro-gasta ro-móir
etir a troigthib tana
is na fóitib fonnglana.- Do-riacht 's in n-duma n-glas
in ingen chaem co Cathal
cor iarfaig in taebgel sheng- crét siút inniseas Aíbenn?'
p.45- Do iarfaig Cathal coscrach:
Cia thusa, a mín mallrosach?
Innis uait dúinn-ne can doilb
do chomshloinned, do chomainm.- Eóchaill a Síd Chruachna chuirr
m'athair, a rí cinid Chuinn,
Áine m' ainm féin ac fledaib
do Shíl mórgarg Muiredaig.- It degaid-se, a Chathail chais,
tánac ó Chruachain chraebglais
ar cach lergmoig, ar cach linn,
dot anacal ar Aíbinn.- A-deir-se marbthar mise
cid uathmar re n-innise
is in maitin-se a-márach,
a Áine shaer sho-grádach.
Celg sin, a Chathail chlemnaig
a ua Tuathail a Temraig
dot chur-sa tar Sinainn sláin
can creich can áithes d' fhagbáil. p.46- Béra-sa chreich truim tarthaig
a ua Duach Galaig graifnig
bérdait deich cét cenn i cenn
ort mar innises Aíbenn.- Do-bér-sa maidm co moch
do chorraib dá long don loch
muirbfe coíca fer co fír
ocus dias d'fine in airdríg.- Ní h-inmaíte na h-échta,
a maídem ní dó is dénta;
gébaid Brian Banbain m-bladaig
tair oraib-se, a anbalaig.- Crechfaid in Muiredach mer,
Tadg a Temraig braenaig Breg,
fer choiscfes Brian dá báire,
Tadg na Cruachna cladbáine.- A n-dingne re Brian m-Banba
Tadg a Cruachain comchalma
digélaid Donnchadh dírmach
a mac maisech móirgnímach. p.47- Ticfa in dam dásachtach dian
chuirfes Mumain múr tar grian;
mairg ris a n-dingne debaid
Aed in tarbda taebshlemain.- Gébaid a mac, Ruaidhrí in rí
Éire mar do gab Da Thí;
cen co laige ar Leth Moga
do Leth Chuinn is comroga.- Frithóilfid Muirchertach mór,
Leth Chuinn do-béra fá brón;
gébaid Éirinn tuaid is tes
Connachta fo chís chuirfes.- Fásfaid cuilén i Cruachain
d' fhine thoirbertaig Thuathail;
scérfaid re Síl m-Briain na m-benn
coeca oirechas Éirenn.- Cuirfid secht catha calma
Toirdelbach na tromfhagla,
a Aíbenn, innisim deit,
is ar Leth Moga moidfit. p.48- Frithóilfid Domnall dámach
ón ló théit ón Roth Rámach
loiscfider co Loch Cime
tair ón ráith-se ainfine.- Freisteólaid Conchobar cruaid,
mac Ruaidrí is rígda sluaig,
loiscfid Cill Da Lua lennmair,
do-béra dáib do-menmain.- Fritháilter lib-se Leth Cuinn
'm in Croibderg a Cruachain chuirr;
bid fer can aen 'na agaid;
bid tonn brátha ar bidbadaib.- Ní bia don Banba can buain
acht aenfhrém a Cruachain chruaid;
nocha bia aenfhrém bus ferr
choiteóchas fhira Éirenn.- Biaid derna des in deigfhir
re Síl m-Briain in boiceinig;
Conall is Eógan can cheilg
beit fó dernainn chlí in Chroibdeirg. p.49- A ucht re Mide matlaid
ocus re Sinainn slaitgil,
bráige fer talman 'na thig,
is ed do innis, a fhir.
A fhir.- A sein gébaid Aed Idan
cennas Érenn na n-ibar;
bid ríge chathach chrechtach
buadach álainn ilchrechach- Ní h-ar idna a-derar ris
Aed Idan co caímchnis
acht ar idna na cath cruaid
chuires fó Éirinn armruaid.- Cath Moige h-Eine ágmair
ar Chlannaib Néill nertbágaig,
cath Muirtheimne ro mebaid
cath Sléibe Breg báingregaig.- Cath shraenfas ac Ráith Thoga
cath ós Cuan Life longa,
cath ós Port Láirge lepthaig
is cath cróda ós Báinleitir. p.50- Cuirfid cath Luimnig, dar lem,
Aed Idan co n-imat rann;
brisfid cath tuaid ac Tulaig
mac na mná don mórMumain.- Is ed do innis Áine:
Aed na Cruachna cladbáine
trícha bliadan, is báid lib.
a cennas Éirenn, a fhir.
A fhir ná suid.
p.40Document details
The TEI Header
File description
Title statement
Title (uniform): A fhir ná suid ar in síd
Author: unknown
Responsibility statement
Electronic edition compiled by: Donnchadh Ó Corráin
Funded by: University College, Cork and Professor Marianne McDonald via the CELT Project
Edition statement
1. First draft, revised and corrected.
Responsibility statement
Proof corrections by: Donnchadh Ó Corráin
Extent: 2180 words
Publication statement
Publisher: CELT: Corpus of Electronic Texts: a project of University College, Cork
Address: College Road, Cork, Ireland
Date: 2000
Distributor: CELT online at University College, Cork, Ireland.
CELT document ID: G400110
Availability: Available with prior consent of the CELT programme for purposes of academic research and teaching only.
Notes statement
Dublin, Royal Irish Academy, D ii 1 (Book of Uí Maine), folio 215r–216r. See R. A. S. MacAlister (ed.), The Book of Uí Maine, otherwise called The Book of the O'Kelly's, with a descriptive introduction and indexes (Facsimiles in collotype of Irish manuscripts 4, Dublin 1942). Digital images and a description of the MS are available on http://www.isos.dias.ie. Translation: Brian Ó Cuív, Celtica 19 (1987) 40–50.
Source description
‘A poem of prophecy on Ua Conchobair kings of Connacht’ (1987). In: Celtica 31–54. Ed. by Brian Ó Cuív.
You can add this reference to your bibliographic database by copying or downloading the following:
@article{G400110, editor = {Brian Ó~Cuív}, title = {A poem of prophecy on Ua Conchobair kings of Connacht}, journal = {Celtica}, number = {19}, date = {1987}, number = {31–54} }
Encoding description
Project description: CELT: Corpus of Electronic Texts
Sampling declarations
This document represents pp 40–50 of the text of the published edition. All editorial preface, introduction, translation and notes have been omitted. The editor's text is rendered exactly and all MS readings reported by the editor and that diverge from his text are recorded in corr sic="".
Editorial declarations
Correction: Text has been thoroughly checked and proof-read. All corrections and supplied text are tagged.
Normalization: The electronic text represents the printed text, and the editor's word-divisions are retained.
Quotation: Quotation marks, which in this text surround speeches by various personages and which run across lines and line groups are rendered by tagging the SP who="X" and SP sameAs="X">tags. The abbreviations for these personages are detailed in the PARTICDESC element.
Hyphenation: The editor's hyphenation is rendered exactly in the electronic edition.
Segmentation: div0=the poem; page-breaks are marked using milestone pb.
Interpretation: Names of persons (given names), groups (dynasties, peoples etc.), and places are tagged. Names of professions, numbers and technical terms are tagged.
Reference declaration
The n attribute of each text in this corpus carries a unique identifying number for the whole text.
The title of the text is held as the first head element within each text.
div0 is reserved for the text.
Page-numbers of the printed text are tagged pb n="nn". A canonical reference can be made from the lg numbers.
Profile description
Creation: By an unknown poet-retainer of the Uí Chonchobair Chonnacht. c.1180–1220
Language usage
- Text is in Late Middle Irish to Early Modern Irish. (ga)
Keywords: histor; bardic; poetry; medieval; 12c; 13c; prophecy
Revision description
(Most recent first)
- 2020-01-16: Header modified. (ed. Beatrix Färber)
- 2014-11-30: Header modified; new wordcount made. (ed. Beatrix Färber)
- 2008-09-01: File validated. (ed. Beatrix Färber)
- 2008-07-30: Keywords added. (ed. Ruth Murphy)
- 2008-07-25: Value of div0 "type" attribute modified, content of 'langUsage' checked; minor modifications made to header. (ed. Beatrix Färber)
- 2005-08-25: Normalised language codes and edited langUsage for XML conversion (ed. Julianne Nyhan)
- 2005-08-04T16:04:44+0100: Converted to XML (ed. Peter Flynn)
- 2001-05-23: Speeches within poems tagged; particDesc inserted; file re-parsed, HTML file created. (ed. Beatrix Färber)
- 2000-08-22: Header created; file parsed using GNU Emacs. (ed. Beatrix Färber)
- 2000-07-01: Thorough re-collation of electronic text with the printed. (ed. DÓC)
- 1995-06-30: Collation of electronic text and addition of mark-up of names, terms, and numbers. (ed. DÓC)
- 1995-06-15: Completion of text capture and first proofing (ed. DóC)