CELT document G402044

Droichead na bpeacthach páis Dé


Whole text

    Droichead na bpeacthach páis Dé

  1. Droichead na bpeacthach páis Dé
    ród coitchionn—is cruaidh fínné;
    dá mbeith Dia ag cuma fa cheart
    cia bhus urra re h-imtheacht.
  2. Síol Ádhaimh ní iomdha dhíobh
    nach briseann aithne an airdríogh;
    bríogh 'n-a aithneadhaibh ní fhuil
    ag síol aithreamhail Ádhaimh.
  3. Níor fhiú Ádhamh go n-a chloinn
    a bhfuair Dia d'íoc an ubhoill
    más é an t-ubhall fo-deara
    sé d'fhulang a oigheadha.
  4. Gin gur ísligh a fhearg ruinn
    go dtáinig Críosd i gcoluinn
    gar a ghaol don uile fhear
    don taobh 'n-ar dhuine an Dúileamh.
  5. Ar cuairt ón gcomhairle móir
    táinig Críosd ar cionn tionóil;
    tug sidhe a hucht an Athar
    's a lucht tighe ar dtearcachadh.
  6. Mar tháinig a-nall do nimh
    le briathraibh óighe is aingil
    do thogaibh ceo don chruinne
    eo tobair na trócuire.
  7.  p.67
  8. Iomdha riochd 'n-a ndeachaidh Dia
    nar chubhaidh re Mac Maria;
    sé saor an droichid dar ndín
    saobh an oifig ón Airdrígh.
  9. Do chuir ciseal fa gach cheann
    don droichead ler airg Ifreann;
    bia tráth is budh damhna déar;
    cia fáth cabhra an dá chiseal.
  10. A chlochadh an uair do b'áil
    Domhnach Páise an Príomhfháidh
    gur cheannaigh sé an uile fhear
    ní duine an té nach tuigfeadh.
  11. Na clocha-so mar do chuir
    'n-a gcéidchiseal fan gcrannghail
    tug síoth Dé fa ghach dhuine
    fríoth é mar nach iarrfuidhe.
  12. 'N-a chiseal fa cheann eile
    do chuir aonchloch d'áiridhe;
    do bhí 'n-a luighe fan lia
    rí na n-uile 's ar n-aoinDia.
  13. Ceithre croinn do choisrig Dia
    sailghe droichid Mic Mairia;
    droichead é 's na sailghe sain
    daingne hé ná gach obair.
  14. I sgéalaibh na gceithre gcrann
    iomdha uirsgéal nach ionann;
    d'iomad sgéal n-iongnadh orra
    do-ghéan mh'ionnramh eatorra.
  15. Lán do tharthaibh gé tá a-bhus
    an crann dar chomhainm Pressus
    mó ná soin thall a thoradh
    crann gá bhfoil ar bhfuasgoladh.
  16. Ann sin do sáitheadh an chroch
    i ndeachaidh Críosd dar gceannach
    tortha uaisle i ngach am air
    crann as uaisle don fhiodhbhaidh.
  17. Móide mo mhuineachadh as
    an crann séanta Si-pressus;
    do-chím an-ois é ar m'aghaidh
    sé fan gcrois 'n-a cholamhuin.
  18.  p.68
  19. An crann tarsna a-tá ar an gcrois
    do chiseal failme Pharrthais
    tugadh ann leigheas ar locht;
    ní crann cheileas a chumhocht.
  20. Crann uasal re n-abar pailm,
    crann na mbuadh is é a fhorainm,
    crann gléasda na cruinne an crann,
    féasda na n-uile anam.
  21. Crann na hola an uair do chuir
    le síothcháin go síol Ádhaimh
    do mhaith sé a fhíoch 's a fhalaidh
    síoth Dé munar dhiúltabhair.
  22. M'anam ar chomairce an chroinn
    do chuir Dia d'íoc an ubhoill;
    dul ar a sgáth is díon damh
    madh síoth do chách madh cogadh.
  23. Míorbhuile croinn na croiche
    a n-áireamh ní fhéadfuithe;
    níor fhéad riamh neach gus a-niogh
    a leath nó a dtrian do thuiriomh.
  24. Na croinn far dhoirt Íosa a fhuil
    fa chéad is móide a míorbhuil
    —dul 'n-a gcaomhthach is díon dhamh—
    aonchroch dhíobh ar n-a dhéanamh.
  25. Do chruthuigh gach ní fa nimh
    d'fhoghnamh do dhís do dhaoinibh;
    mó an obair ar fhear dá fhuil;
    do thogaibh neamh ós néalluibh.
  26. Le fiochadh grás agus gaoil,
    don Choimdhidh gin gur chomaoin,
    do theilg sé a chlár dá chroidhe
    do ghrádh na sé sochuidhe.
  27. Na cóig doirse ór dhoirt a fhuil
    do cheannach cloinne hÁdhaimh
    sleagh 'n-a chígh, cló 'n-a bhonnaibh,
    's a dó dhíbh 'n-a dhearnannaibh.
  28. Ar sgoltadh a chóig gcroidhe
    do dhúisigh Dia a thrócoire;
    do chuir sé an chóir 'n-a colladh
    is dóigh mé dá mosgoladh.
  29.  p.69
  30. Níor thoguibh an chóir a ceann
    Mac Dé nó gur airg Ifreann;
    cia as tóir ar fhearaibh dá fhuil?
    dleaghair cóir i n-a chréachtaibh.
  31. Rí na cruinne ad-chuala mé
    gur bh'í a dheoch dh'éis a oibre
    domblas aoi d'fhagháil mar dhigh;
    níor bh'fharáil caoi dá chloisdin.
  32. Ar sgarthain cáich ré chéile
    —mór an t-adhbhar aigmhéile—
    a-tá lá cúirte 'n-ar gcionn
    is lá nach fúigfe fuighioll.
  33. Éaraic páise Mhic Muire
    cia ionnmhus re n-íocfuidhe
    muna díol créachta do chuirp
    is síodh an éachta orrdhuirc.
  34. Slighe choitchionn na gcóig sruth
    páis Dé droichead na bpeacthach;
    droichead hí don uile fhear
    go dtí an duine fa dheireadh.
  35. An droichead a-dubhairt sionn
    do chách gidh conair choitchionn
    aon do chéad gér chomha bheag
    ad-féad dola is an droichead.

Document details

The TEI Header

File description

Title statement

Title (uniform): Droichead na bpeacthach páis Dé

Author: unknown

Responsibility statement

Electronic edition compiled and proof-read by: Margaret Lantry

Funded by: University College Cork and Professor Marianne McDonald via the CURIA Project.

Edition statement

2. Second draft.

Extent: 1614 words

Publication statement

Publisher: CELT: Corpus of Electronic Texts: a project of University College Cork.

Address: College Road, Cork, Ireland—http://www.ucc.ie/celt

Date: 1997

Date: 2010

Distributor: CELT online at University College, Cork, Ireland.

CELT document ID: G402044

Availability: Available with prior consent of the CELT programme for purposes of academic research and teaching only.

Source description

Manuscript sources

  1. Dublin, Trinity College Library, 1340, 53 (alias H. 3. 19; see Abbott and Gwynn, Catalogue of Irish Manuscripts in Trinity College Library (Dublin 1921)).
  2. Brussels, Bibliothèque Royale 20,978-9, dated 1616–1618.
  3. Castlerea (Co. Roscommon), Clonalis House, Book of the O'Conor Don, 1631.
  4. Maynooth, Russell Library, MS B 10, possibly 18th century.

Secondary literature

  1. Pádraig Ó Macháin (ed), The Book of the O'Conor Don (Dublin: DIAS 2010).
  2. Salvador Ryan, ''No Milkless Cow': The Cross of Christ in Medieval Irish Literature', Studies in Church History 48 (January 2012) 83–106.

The edition used in the digital edition

‘Droichead na bpeacthach páis Dé’ (1938). In: Dioghluim Dána‍. Ed. by Láimhbheartach Mac Cionnaith. Dublin: Oifig an tSoláthair [Government Publication Office], pp. 66–69.

You can add this reference to your bibliographic database by copying or downloading the following:

  editor 	 = {Láimhbheartach Mac Cionnaith},
  title 	 = {Droichead na bpeacthach páis Dé},
  booktitle 	 = {Dioghluim Dána},
  editor 	 = {Láimhbheartach Mac Cionnaith},
  address 	 = {Dublin},
  publisher 	 = {Oifig an tSoláthair [Government Publication Office]},
  date 	 = {1938},
  pages 	 = {66–69}


Encoding description

Project description: CELT: Corpus of Electronic Texts

Sampling declarations

All the editorial text with the corrections of the editor has been retained. Variant readings and editorial annotations have not been reproduced in this edition. Variants may be entered in a future edition.

Editorial declarations

Correction: Text has been checked, proof-read three times and parsed using NSGMLS.

Normalization: The electronic text represents the edited text. Compound words have not been hyphenated after CELT practice.

Quotation: There are no quotations.

Hyphenation: The editorial practice of the hard-copy editor has been retained.

Segmentation: div0=the whole text. Metrical lines and quatrains are marked and numbered.

Interpretation: Names of persons (given names), and places are not tagged. Terms for cultural and social roles are not tagged.

Reference declaration

The n attribute of each text in this corpus carries a unique identifying number for the whole text.

The title of the text is held as the first head element within each text.

div0 is reserved for the text (whether in one volume or many).

The numbered quatrains provide a canonical reference.

Profile description

Creation: By an unknown Irish bardic poet. c.1200–1600

Language usage

  • The text is in Classical Modern Irish. (ga)

Keywords: bardic poetry; religious; crucifixion; original sin; legal terms

Revision description

(Most recent first)

  1. 2016-06-28: Queries resolved using information from the Irish Bardic Poetry Database; secondary literature added. (ed. Beatrix Färber)
  2. 2010-08-13: Header updated; new wordcount made. (ed. Beatrix Färber)
  3. 2008-10-13: Keywords added; file validated. (ed. Beatrix Färber)
  4. 2005-08-25: Normalised language codes and edited langUsage for XML conversion (ed. Julianne Nyhan)
  5. 2005-08-04T16:06:01+0100: Converted to XML (ed. Peter Flynn)
  6. 1997-08-25: Text parsed using NSGMLS. (ed. Margaret Lantry)
  7. 1997-05-15: Text proofed for the third time. (ed. Margaret Lantry)
  8. 1996-08-30: Text parsed using SGMLS. (ed. Mavis Cournane)
  9. 1996-08-27: Header constructed, structural mark-up entered checked. Lineation checked and verified. (ed. Margaret Lantry)
  10. 1996-08-27: Text proofed for the second time. (ed. Margaret Lantry)
  11. 1995-96: Text captured by scanning and proofed. (ed. School of Celtic Studies (Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies))

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For details of the markup, see the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI)

page of the print edition

folio of the manuscript

numbered division

 999 line number of the print edition (in grey: interpolated)

underlining: text supplied, added, or expanded editorially

italics: foreign words; corrections (hover to view); document titles

bold: lemmata (hover for readings)

wavy underlining: scribal additions in another hand; hand shifts flagged with (hover to view)

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