CELT document G402151

Iomdha ród díreach go Dia


[YBL col 138 (.Y); TCD H 3 19 (H)] 2a not in Y 3d aimhréi(dhe H 5a
i g(ci(on H, illegible in Y 6c cidh taobh H 12c gabhuidh H d on Tr. HY
13d ní bus c. H 16a go beadh lis HY 18 not in H 23b dhiomorchar H
c nir meall– H, domeallaid Y d an pheacuidh H, in peacthaidh Y 25a
tiocfadh Y c mhuin chéille H 26a dal Y 29d mar fhuair H, ní fuair (?)
Y 34a Pol H.Y 36 not in H 39d dhgisi.Y 40f sa chr. H 41c don chr. H.

Tadhg Óg Ó hUiginn

Whole text



  1.  138Iomdha ród díreach go Dia
    nach gabhthar go Mhac Maria
    óg ná arsaidh nochan fhuil
    gan ród gcosmhail fá chomhair.
  2. Tabhram ar n-aire d'iúl ghrinn
    déanam imtheacht go hinill
    is baoghal dham seachrán suas
    dá rabh cleathrámh im choguas.
  3.  p.11
  4. Gach ród nach iongabhtha d'fhior
    d'fhios an tighe i dtá an Dúileamh
    tualaing gach aon lé mbudh áil
    raon ré ghualainn do ghabháil.
  5. Gabhaid daoine is is díobh mé
    an ród aimhréidh as fhaide
    athraighid is claon céille
    raon athghairid eichréidhe.
  6. Tiaghaid is truagh a n-aithne
    síol Éabha ar fhód mhearaighthe
    d'éis a ndeimhnighthe dhóibh sain
    sein-shlighthe Póil is Peadair.
  7. Slighe an chreidmhe a cion an chroinn
    do dhorchuigh Ádhamh oruinn
    níor shoillsigh ó shoin i le
    go goin Coimsidh na cruinne.
  8. Do leathnuigh orainn dá éis
    ar Mac nDé mar fríoth faisnéis
    go taobh an tighe neamhdha
    slighe chaol na creideamhna.
  9. Slighe na humhla is í a-tá
    dóibh ag breith iúil gach n-éan-lá
    Dia is a thrí ceathrair ré chais
    do leathnuigh í don eaglais.
  10. A chlann Ádhaimh madh áil libh
    ród do rochtain an Dúilimh
    ní caol suas-an bhar slighe
    raon uasal na haithrighe.
  11. Faoiside is fulang do bhreath
    dá shlighe go Dia dúileach
    doirbh rochtain acht na raonaibh
    tar docraibh an droch-shaoghail.
  12. Re n-éag muna deachar dhí
    ar shlighidh ainiúil eile
    ród na déirce a Dhé Athar
    ní léigfe mé ar mhearachadh.
  13. Ag sin agat adhair dhí
    a fhir iarras iúl nimhe
    slighe dhearg na ndeich n-aithne
    go reich ceard ar gcruthaighthe.
  14. A n-imtheacht do badh hé ar leas
    na seacht róid-se do ráidheas
    gur gabha sinn na seacht róid
    's a gcinn ag teacht don Tríonóid.
  15. Dul sa ród go Rígh nimhe
    ó nach fiú fear mh'aithrighe
    ar dtoirrsei-ne go dtí dhí
    ní budh cais-slighe chuige.
  16. Dá dtíosadh d'fheirg an Athar
    go léigfeadh mé ar mhearachadh
    ná léig gan iúl mé a Mhuire
    a shiúr na sé sochuidhe.
  17. Dá n-agra Dia dul sa chrann
    a Mháthair Íosa oram
    agair bheith re n-iodhnaibh air
    's a bhreith i n-iomdhaidh asail.
  18. Trom ré n-íoc gion go mb'eadh leis
    na trí déara do dháilis
    it luighe a Mhoire ar do Mhac
    is dá Mhuire oile iomad.
  19. Ar an gcích do dháilis dó
    is leat mh'fhagháil ó Íosa
    i n-anáir a ghlac do ghoin
    led Mhac mh'fhagháil ón Athair.
  20. An chíoch do cuireadh 'n-a bhéal
    's an chneadh fuair feirrde an leith-sgéal
    go dtí don chíoch is don chneidh
    mo shíoth agus Rí an ríchidh.
  21. Do chífeam do bhreith breithe
    cóir eagla fan áirithe
    é ag teachta ós ar gcionn i gcnoc
    sionn an ealta is sé an seabhac.
  22. An fhuil dhearg do dhoirt an ga
    tar bhar gcionn a chlann Éabha
    's an fheoil a-tá gan téachtadh
    an lá fa dheoidh díghéaltar.
  23.  p.12
  24. Gidh mór beag do bhéaradh sibh
    is síodh a chréacht don Choimdhidh
    ní bhia ar tí altruim fhaladh
    ó 'd chí th'acmhaing d'aontaghadh.
  25. Ionmhuin le hAird-rígh nimhe
    déirc do dhruim na haithrighe
    a nead ní hannsa le héan
    gémadh beag almsa an fhíréan.
  26. A dhaoinei-se lén dochar
    an aithrighe d'iomachar
    dom meallaid na fir nach fuil
    libh i bpeannaid a bpeacaidh.
  27. Déanadh Chríosd do chum sinne
    leigheas d'aindeoin mh'inntinne
    le mbiú do dheis Dé do nimh
    más fiú leis mé dá mhuinntir.
  28. Don Tríonóid tiocfa mo chosg
    díom féin ní thig mo theagosg
    fóireadh mé do mhuin éigne
    mar do chuir lé ar leithéid-ne.
  29. I n-aghaidh Dé gan dáil sguir
    do bhí Pól mar tú ar tosaigh
    a Dhé gurab séad samhail
    gur bhréag é ó Íobhalaibh.
  30. Lá dá raibhe sé ag siobhal
    ag tuar diomdha an Dúiliomhan
    fuair an lá-sa seach gach lá
    grása uaidh as ar iompá.
  31. Ar smuainis d'ulc ó aois leinb
    is a ndearnais do dhíbheirg
    ós a chionn do chan taidhbhse
    gabh lionn agus loghaim-se.
  32. Ó do ráidh Dia fa doirbh lais
    Pól ag anmain 'n-a éagmhais
    do chuaidh Sbiorad Dé 'n-a dháil
    ní fhuair sé a ionad iompáidh.
  33. An rosg dá bhfaiceadh an fear
    pobal Dé ag dul dá sgaitheadh
    a chosg ó nar fhéad don ulc
    do bhréag ón rosg a radharc.
  34. Ní bhiú ris acht rámig sin
    i gcéimeannaibh an chreidimh
    gur bh'é asbal Dé fa dheoidh
    do sgag-san é dá aindeoin.
  35. Tig dó Pól i bpurt nimhe
    i n-éaraic a aithrighe
    d'éis a sbreaghta ón Sbiorad Naomh
    ionad leabtha dá leath-taobh.
  36. Re hoidhre nDé a-déara mé
    tabhair mar thugais roimhe
    lámh fúm ar éigin nó ar áis
    rún an chéid-fhir do chlaochláis.
  37. Is meince do pheacuigh Phól
    iná mé gé a-tá ar dtéarnódh
    a Dhé ní d'anaibhse mh'olc
    é nach faghaim-se furtocht.
  38. Pól asbal acht gidh olc mé
    d'iompúdh fa iris creidmhe
    deacra a Choimsidh na cruinne
    foillsigh th'fhearta oruinne
  39. A Mheic Dhé déana fearta
    oram d'iompódh mh'aigeanta
    do theachta i gcorp dom cheannach
    deacra ná m'olc d'aithearrach.
  40. Is tú do chuaidh dar gcabhair
    dot urlaidhe d' Íobhalaibh
    tú a naoidhe muirneach Muire
    fuighleach caoire ar gceardchain-ne.
  41. Is tú do bheir an ngréin geal
    i n-éin-fheacht is an t-oighreadh
    is tú thug na haibhne ann
    's na maighre ar fhud na habhann
  42. An chnú do bheith i n-a bláth
    a Chríosd is ceardacht neamh-ghnáth
    dod ghréas ar aon 's an t-eitne
    a dhéas chaomh dar gcruithneicht-ne.
  43.  p.13
  44. Gidh olc cheannchaid clann Eabha
    na healta is na héigneadha
    is é an beo do bhí 'n-a chroich
    do ní idir eo agus éanlaith.
  45. Bláth na n-áirne 's é do bhir
    do theacht tré thaobh an droighin
    bláth na gcnó tré chraoibh oile
    ré thaoibh gá mó míorbhuile.

Document details

The TEI Header

File description

Title statement

Title (uniform): Iomdha ród díreach go Dia

Author: Tadhg Óg Ó hUiginn

Responsibility statement

Electronic edition compiled and proof-read by: Beatrix Färber and Mairéd Carey

Funded by: The HEA via the LDT Project and School of History, University College Cork

Edition statement

2. Second draft with variants.

Extent: 2160 words

Publication statement

Publisher: CELT: Corpus of Electronic Texts: a project of University College Cork.

Address: College Road, Cork, Ireland—http://www.ucc.ie/celt

Date: 2014

Date: 2020

Distributor: CELT online at University College, Cork, Ireland.

CELT document ID: G402151

Availability: Available with prior consent of the CELT programme for purposes of academic research and teaching only. CELT would like to thank the Irish Province of the Society of Jesus for granting permission to reproduce this work in electronic form.

Source description

Manuscript sources

  1. Dublin, Trinity College Library, 1318, (alias H. 2. 16 alias Yellow Book of Lecan); an Duanaire; see Abbott and Gwynn, Catalogue of Irish Manuscripts in Trinity College Library (Dublin 1921). Digital images and the description from Abbott and Gwynn are available on http://www.isos.dias.ie.
  2. Edinburgh, National Library of Scotland, Advocates 72 1 29, dated 16th–17th century. Digital images and a description of the MS are available on http://www.isos.dias.ie.
  3. Dublin, Trinity College Library, 1340 (H. 3. 19, The Tinnakill Duanaire); 17th century additions. Digital images and a description of the MS are available on http://www.isos.dias.ie.
  4. Edinburgh, National Library of Scotland, Advocates 72 1 39, dated 17th century. Digital images and a description of the MS are available on http://www.isos.dias.ie.


  1. This poem is listed in the Irish Bardic Poetry Database (see http://bardic.celt.dias.ie/main.html) and dated early to mid-15th century.
  2. An English translation is available in Dá Dé, 78–80.

The edition used in the digital edition

‘Iomdha ród díreach go Dia’ (1940). In: Dán Dé‍. Ed. by Lambert McKenna. Dublin: The Educational Company of Ireland, pp. 10–13.

You can add this reference to your bibliographic database by copying or downloading the following:

  editor 	 = {Lambert McKenna},
  title 	 = {Iomdha ród díreach go Dia},
  booktitle 	 = {Dán Dé},
  editor 	 = {Lambert McKenna},
  address 	 = {Dublin},
  publisher 	 = {The Educational Company of Ireland},
  date 	 = {1940},
  pages 	 = {10–13}


Encoding description

Project description: CELT: Corpus of Electronic Texts

Sampling declarations

All the editorial text with the corrections of the editor has been retained. Variant readings and editorial annotations have not been reproduced in this edition.

Editorial declarations

Correction: Text has been checked and proof-read twice. All corrections and supplied text are tagged.

Normalization: The electronic text represents the edited text.

Quotation: Quotation marks are rendered q. They are not used within lines of poetry.

Hyphenation: Soft hyphens are silently removed. When a hyphenated word (hard or soft) crosses a page-break, the page-break is marked after the completion of the hyphenated word.

Segmentation: div0=the whole poem. Metrical lines and quatrains are marked and numbered.

Standard values: Dates are standardized in the ISO form yyyy-mm-dd.

Interpretation: Names of persons (given names), and places are not tagged. Terms for cultural and social roles are not tagged.

Reference declaration

The n attribute of each text in this corpus carries a unique identifying number for the whole text.

The title of the text is held as the first head element within each text.

div0 is reserved for the text (whether in one volume or many).

The numbered quatrains provide a canonical reference.

Profile description

Creation: Poem by Tadhg Óg Ó hUiginn, an Irish bardic poet, who died in 1448; the Duanaire was written in 1473 by 'Scanlan, son of Maolmhuire Ó Maolchonaire'. c.1400–1448

Language usage

  • The text is in Classical Modern Irish. (ga)

Keywords: bardic; poetry; religious; 15c

Revision description

(Most recent first)

  1. 2020-01-06: Variant readings added in front matter. (ed. Beatrix Färber)
  2. 2014-11-04: Files proofed (2). (ed. Máiread Carey)
  3. 2014-10-31: Corrections on p. 152 entered; file parsed and validated; SGML and HTML files created. (ed. Beatrix Färber)
  4. 2014-10-07: Separate file for individual poem created; TEI header created. (ed. Beatrix Färber)
  5. 2014-10-01: Text re-coded for poetry, with verses and metrical lines; mid-dot eliminated; page-breaks added; supplied text encoded; more proofing. (ed. Beatrix Färber)
  6. 2014-09-26: TEI header created. Encoding revised/updated. (ed. Beatrix Färber)
  7. 2006: File proof-read (1). (ed. Hilary Lavelle, LDT Project, University of Ulster at Coleraine)
  8. 2006: Text scanned, as part of Dán Dé; basic XML prose markup applied. (Text capture Data capture company)

Index to all documents

Standardisation of values

CELT Project Contacts



For details of the markup, see the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI)

page of the print edition

folio of the manuscript

numbered division

 999 line number of the print edition (in grey: interpolated)

underlining: text supplied, added, or expanded editorially

italics: foreign words; corrections (hover to view); document titles

bold: lemmata (hover for readings)

wavy underlining: scribal additions in another hand; hand shifts flagged with (hover to view)

TEI markup for which a representation has not yet been decided is shown in red: comments and suggestions are welcome.

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