CELT document G402225

Beannacht ar anmain Éireann

Fear Flatha Ó Gnímh

Whole text


    Beannacht ar anmain Éireann

    Fear Flatha Ó Gnímh cc.

  1. Beannacht ar anmain Éireann,
    inis na gcéimeann gcorrach:
    atá Treabh Briain na mbogglór
    dom dhóigh ar dhobrón torrach.
  2. Ionann is éag na Fódla
    ceilt a córa 's a creidimh,
    táire a saormhac 's a saoithe,
    más fíor laoithe ná leitir.
  3. Deacair nach bás don Bhanbha
    10 d'éis an tréid chalma churadh
    11 do thriall ar toisg don Easbáin
    12 mo thruaighe beangáin Uladh.
  4. 13 Ní leigeann eagla an ghallsmaicht
    14 damh a hanstaid do nochtadh:
    15 atá an chríoch réidhse ríNéill
    16 do chrú fíréin dá folcadh.
  5. 17 Ni fhuil cion innte ar fhéiltibh,
    18 ní fhuil ná ar chléircibh caingean,
    19 ní mhaireann greann a dáimhe,
    20 ní mhaireann náire a hainnear.
  6.  p.116
  7. 21 Atáid gan lúth gan lámhach,
    22 mór an t-árach ar Éirinn,
    23 gan ágh gan innmhe ógán
    24 i n-Inis fhódbhán Fhéilim.
  8. 25 Dursan milleadh na macaomh,
    26 díorma ghlacshaor chleas ngoile:
    27 craosól ag clódh a gcéille,
    28 ag sin a dtréidhe oile.
  9. 29 Ní mhaireann aicme Chonaill,
    30 dream budh rothoil i n-iomrádh,
    31 no síol Eoghain na mbéimeann—
    32 d'fhearaibh Éireann is iomnár.
  10. 33 Ní mhaireann acht a n-iarmhar
    34 crú na n-iarladh ó Sheanaid
    35 laochraidh Máighe agus Méinne
    36 mo thruaighe gléire Gearailt.
  11. 37 Clann Charthaigh gan cheann feadhna,
    38 mór na teadhma ré n-aithris:
    39 ag so na síona saobha—
    40 dobudh baoghal teacht tairis.
  12. 41 Dobudh mór an meall dearmaid
    42 gan saoirshliocht seanBhloid d'fhaisnéis
    43 caor rathmhar gan rún cionnta
    44 gion go bhfuil ionnta aithspéis.
  13. 45 Ó Ruairc agus Mág Uidhir,
    46 laoich nár fhuirigh ó ghábhadh;
    47 is cealgach croidhe an chriothshluagh,
    48 mo bhraon diombuan a mbádhadh.
  14. 49 Síol gConchubair, rádh rodhocht,
    50 ríoghraidh Connacht annallód,
    51 giodh saithe saor na slata,
    52 gan ríghe aca acht anshódh.
  15.  p.117
  16. 53 Sliocht Murchadha is Ó Mórdha,
    54 féinnidh fá cródha i ngliathaibh,
    55 tearc aoinneach don tsíol shaoróg
    56 'gá bhfuil aonfhód dá n-iathaibh.
  17. 57 Síol na saorchlann ó Bhéarra,
    58 laochraidh gan éara i ndeabhaidh,
    59 do chuir mé ar caoi mearbhaill,
    60 Ó Cearbhaill is Ó Ceallaigh.
  18. 61 D'éag a huaisle 's a hoireacht
    62 gan toidheacht aice ón oilbhéim,
    63 dá lamhadh sinn a mhaoidheamh,
    64 d'fhine Gaoidheal is oilchéim.
  19. 65 Atá ó bhéim súl Balair
    66 i dteidhm galair a gealghort
    67 a hioth gan bhláth i dtalmhain
    68 bíodh ar a hanmain beannacht.

  20. Beannacht.

Document details

The TEI Header

File description

Title statement

Title (uniform): Beannacht ar anmain Éireann

Author: Fear Flatha Ó Gnímh

Responsibility statement

Electronic edition compiled by: Benjamin Hazard

Funded by: University College Cork and Professor Marianne McDonald via the CELT Project

Edition statement

2. Second draft.

Extent: 1000 words

Publication statement

Publisher: CELT: Corpus of Electronic Texts: a project of University College Cork.

Address: College Road, Cork, Ireland—http://www.ucc.ie/celt

Date: 2003

Date: 2010

Distributor: CELT online at University College, Cork, Ireland.

CELT document ID: G402225

Availability: Available with prior consent of the CELT programme for purposes of academic research and teaching only.

Source description

Manuscript source

  1. Dublin, Trinity College, MS H. 4. 5, p. 160.
  2. Dublin, Royal Irish Academy, MS 23 E 15, p. 112.
  3. Dublin, Royal Irish Academy, MS 23 N 12, p. 30.

The edition used in the digital edition

‘Beannacht ar anmain Éireann’ (1970). In: Irish Bardic Poetry‍. Ed. by Osborn Bergin. Dublin: Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, pp. 115–117.

You can add this reference to your bibliographic database by copying or downloading the following:

  editor 	 = {Osborn Bergin},
  title 	 = {Beannacht ar anmain Éireann},
  booktitle 	 = {Irish Bardic Poetry},
  editor 	 = {Osborn Bergin},
  address 	 = {Dublin},
  publisher 	 = {Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies},
  date 	 = {1970},
  pages 	 = {115–117}


Encoding description

Project description: CELT: Corpus of Electronic Texts

Sampling declarations

All the editorial text with the corrections of the editor has been retained.

Editorial declarations

Correction: Text has been checked, proof-read and parsed using NSGMLS.

Normalization: The electronic text represents the edited text.

Quotation: There are no quotations.

Hyphenation: The editorial practice of the hard-copy editor has been retained.

Segmentation: div0=the whole text. Line-breaks, metrical lines and quatrains are marked and numbered.

Interpretation: Names of persons (given names), and places are not tagged. Terms for cultural and social roles are not tagged.

Reference declaration

The n attribute of each text in this corpus carries a unique identifying number for the whole text.

The title of the text is held as the first head element within each text.

div0 is reserved for the text (whether in one volume or many).

The numbered quatrains provide a canonical reference.

Profile description

Creation: Fear Flatha Ó Gnímh, an Irish bardic poet c.1620–1640[?]

Language usage

  • The text is in Classical Modern Irish. (ga)

Keywords: bardic; poetry; 17c

Revision description

(Most recent first)

  1. 2010-11-21: New wordcount made; conversion script run. (ed. Beatrix Färber)
  2. 2008-10-10: File updated, header modified; dates and keywords added. (ed. Beatrix Färber)
  3. 2005-08-25: Normalised language codes and edited langUsage for XML conversion (ed. Julianne Nyhan)
  4. 2005-08-04T16:11:55+0100: Converted to XML (ed. Peter Flynn)
  5. 2003-05-14: Minor changes to header; line-breaks inserted; HTML file created. (ed. Beatrix Färber)
  6. 2003-05-12: Header constructed, structural mark-up entered and checked. Lineation checked and verified; text parsed using NSGMLS. (ed. Benjamin Hazard)
  7. 1995: Text captured by scanning and proofed. (ed. Staff at the School of Celtic Studies (Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies))

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For details of the markup, see the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI)

page of the print edition

folio of the manuscript

numbered division

 999 line number of the print edition (in grey: interpolated)

underlining: text supplied, added, or expanded editorially

italics: foreign words; corrections (hover to view); document titles

bold: lemmata (hover for readings)

wavy underlining: scribal additions in another hand; hand shifts flagged with (hover to view)

TEI markup for which a representation has not yet been decided is shown in red: comments and suggestions are welcome.

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