CELT document G402239

Bríathra cogaidh con chath Laighnech

Seithfín Mór

Whole text


    Bríathra cogaidh con chath Laighnech

    Seithfín Mór cct.

  1. Bríathra cogaidh con chath Laighnech,
    cath lé ngorthoir gallchloch,
    atá tríall ar nach téid toirmesc
    con fhéin ó íath Almhan.
    Tic in damhraidsi dá nderbadh
    gallbailti gan ghalldacht.
    Is gerr inn aga gan imthecht
    a cenn chatha in Calbach.
    Ar scibadh greg suaichnidh sibhlach
    gluaisit gusin ngallchath,
    ar scibadh a lúirech loindrech,
    a crúisiuch 'se carbad,
    'sa sciath n-asnach do chlecht comrac,
    'sa scabal mbrec mballghlas,
    ar ngormadh clogat corr coinnlech,
    'sar clochadh colg raghlas,
    sibal con tshlógh fhíchmar Fhailghech. p.155
    ar límadh bróg mbarrlag.
    Tógbhaid anocht ortha ac imthecht
    cor gortha don ghalldacht.
    Coinne in tshlúaighsi gá tá a tennguth
    a Ráth Gúaire gabthur.
    Áth Truimm ar dheóradhuib dergas
    beóghasraidh fhuind Alman,
    co leiget sein gaeith tre ghalltor,
    láeich a leith a farchadh.
    Sibal dána ón oirecht Fhailghech,
    Droiched Átha d'adhnadh;
    co hÁth Cliath, ní cúairt can chennseal.
    do-sía cúairt ón Chalbhach.
    Cin agon lethanchath Laighnech
    a Cethurlach carntar.
    Co Cill Coinnigh nochar chromsat,
    in toisg-sin is tarbach.
    Hí Fhailghi, is dá n-eiri ac immthecht
    aighne is greidle gallchloch;
    is imdha ón Fhailghech ar immchur
    gaillcherc agus ganndal.
    Sreth cabún ac techt 'na theghlach,
    sreth bagún is brannrad.
    A n-eiri ón echtra-sin Fhailghech
    ar echlachuibh d'adhbras.
    Géill fa shíthlaibh óir gá n-imchur
    ac rígraidh fhóid Alman.
    Fine Chonchubair a comruc
    comlasaid fan Chalbhach.
    Soighde lethna ón ágh ar imchur,
    slegha ar áth mar aradh.
    Anait súd ar losgadh longphort
    re goradh chúl calbthad.
    Ceilter a áladh con Fhailghech
    bántor noco mbarrlass.
    Do dherg Caisel do dherg Durlus_
    aister is fherr anfadh.
    Do-béra fóss lá do Luimnech,
    in tráth bus mó in margadh. p.156
    Cill Dara gá lá nach lingfedh?
    Nás aga do hadhnadh.
    Atá tuilledh is ar thuirmes,
    cuirther ar an Calbach.
    Mac meic Muirchertaigh, bos barrghel,
    rosg muinntremail mallghlas,
    aithris con macsain ar Murchadh,
    do fhalaigh gach annsmacht.
    A gemhel ghlúinech ghlas ghailbech
    ac snas chúiledh calpthadh.
    Fer lé cumthar cís ar coblach,
    dá tundtar fín Frangcach.
    Scíath brec ina aici ar imchur,
    fer scailti scíath n-amlach.
    Fer do grís an t-áth gá imthecht,
    lámh re sním na samhthach,
    fer sleighi go dorn do dergadh,
    tonn is treisi anfadh.
    Fer le linged brugh a bidhbad,
    dá tug inghen annsacht;
    derc ar éndath is [in] t-ogradh,
    fer lé mbrécthur banntracht.
    Mac Gormlaithi, nár fhaem ainchert.
    fraech borbthuinde balbus.
    Do cuiredh súas don fhód Ultach
    lé glór cúach ón Chalbhach.
    Faemthar don bosfhada bronntach
    Connachta fa chrandchur.
    Do coisged leis medhair Muimnech,
    freagraid sein in samhrad.
    Is deredh d'ossadh na n-Ulltach:
    in codladh don Chalbach?
    In codladh don Chalbhach?
    Clú Mairgréd ar cor a caemna,
    failmgég nach blodh bríathra,
    ben nár chuir eól ar an éra,
    cnú beó d'fhuil na n-íarla;
    cíab gégach dan hoide Íssa,
    croidhe dércach díadha;
    ar ól fledh nír thréig a trátha, p.157
    ben do réir a ríaghla;
    atá sí ar an ceird gá caemna,
    is leind bíd a bríathra.
    Bríathra .c.

Document details

The TEI Header

File description

Title statement

Title (uniform): Bríathra cogaidh con chath Laighnech

Author: Seithfín Mór

Responsibility statement

Electronic edition compiled by: Beatrix Färber

Funded by: School of History, University College Cork

Edition statement

1. First draft.

Extent: 1025 words

Publication statement

Publisher: CELT: Corpus of Electronic Texts: a project of University College Cork.

Address: College Road, Cork, Ireland.—http://www.ucc.ie/celt

Date: 2012

Distributor: CELT online at University College, Cork, Ireland.

CELT document ID: G402239

Availability: Available with prior consent of the CELT programme for purposes of academic research and teaching only.

Source description

Manuscript source

  • Dublin, Trinity College Library, MS 1363 (olim H 4 22) the Seithfín-Duanaire; 15th-17th century.

The edition used in the digital edition

‘Bríathra cogaidh con chath Laighnech’ (1970). In: Irish Bardic Poetry‍. Ed. by Osborn Bergin. Dublin: Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, pp. 154–157.

You can add this reference to your bibliographic database by copying or downloading the following:

  editor 	 = {Osborn Bergin},
  title 	 = {Bríathra cogaidh con chath Laighnech},
  booktitle 	 = {Irish Bardic Poetry},
  editor 	 = {Osborn Bergin},
  address 	 = {Dublin},
  publisher 	 = {Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies},
  date 	 = {1970},
  pages 	 = {154–157}


Encoding description

Project description: CELT: Corpus of Electronic Texts

Sampling declarations

All the editorial text with the corrections of the editor has been retained.

Editorial declarations

Correction: Text has been checked, proof-read and parsed.

Normalization: The electronic text represents the edited text.

Quotation: There are no quotations.

Hyphenation: The editorial practice of the hard-copy editor has been retained.

Segmentation: div0=the whole poem. Metrical lines and quatrains are marked and numbered; page-breaks are marked.

Interpretation: Names of persons (given names), and places are not tagged. Terms for cultural and social roles are not tagged.

Reference declaration

The n attribute of each text in this corpus carries a unique identifying number for the whole text.

The title of the text is held as the first head element within each text.

div0 is reserved for the text (whether in one volume or many).

The numbered quatrains provide a canonical reference.

Profile description

Creation: By Seithfín Mór (surname not known), an Irish bardic poet c.1425–1451

Language usage

  • The text is in Classical Modern Irish. (ga)

Keywords: bardic; poetry; 15c

Revision description

(Most recent first)

  1. 2012-07-06: Queries resolved using information from the Bardic Poetry Database at the DIAS website; SGML and HTML files created. (ed. Beatrix Färber)
  2. 2012-07-06: Header created; file converted to TEI-conformant XML; markup completed; file parsed. (ed. Beatrix Färber)
  3. 1995-96: Text captured by scanning and proofed. (ed. School of Celtic Studies (Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies))

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page of the print edition

folio of the manuscript

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 999 line number of the print edition (in grey: interpolated)

underlining: text supplied, added, or expanded editorially

italics: foreign words; corrections (hover to view); document titles

bold: lemmata (hover for readings)

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