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Monuments: B

1. Breedon

RecordAuthor Máirín Mac Carron
ISODate 2002-07-22
Date 22 July 2002
PictureCredit Jane Hawkes
County Leicestershire
Townland Breedon
OSMapRef SK 405225
Area England
GeneralContext Panel, right.
Location church at Breedon.
GeneralDescription These are fragments on a wall panel, at the east end of the south aisle. This is dated to the early ninth century.
GeneralDescription The three figures on the right of Mary seem to be moving to the right. They all seem to be carrying books. The figure on the right is dressed like the figures on the left of Mary. The other two are dressed differently. They look to be wearing an overgarment, where the frill hem is at about calf level.

  1. Cramp, Rosemary J., , ‘Schools of Mercian sculpture’. In Mercian Studies (1977) 191-233.
  2. Dornier, A., Mercian Studies1st, Leicester U.P., Leicester (1977) .