RecordAuthor |
Máirín Mac Carron |
ISODate |
2002-09-12 |
Date |
12 September 2002 |
PictureCredit |
Jane Hawkes |
County |
Worcestershire. |
Townland |
Hanley Castle. |
OSMapRef |
SO 835415 |
Area |
England |
GeneralContext |
Grave marker, called the Lechmere stone. |
Location |
house called Severn End. |
GeneralContext |
Stone type: local oolite. |
Dimensions |
1'8'' in height, and 11'' in width. |
GeneralDescription |
Grave marker known as the Lechmere stone. |
GeneralDescription |
The stone has a carving of Christ in Majesty. Christ is standing and is holding a book in his left hand. His head is haloed
and he has a pointed beard. He is robed in an under and an upper dress.