RecordAuthor |
Máirín Mac Carron |
ISODate |
2002-09-12 |
Date |
12 September 2002 |
PictureCredit |
Jane Hawkes |
County |
Staffordshire. |
Townland |
Leek. |
OSMapRef |
SS 985565 |
Area |
England |
GeneralContext |
Cross Shaft fragment. |
Location |
St.Edward's Church. |
GeneralContext |
Stone type: millstone grit. |
Dimensions |
19.5'' high, 13'' tapering to 11'' at the top wide, and 7'' thick. |
GeneralDescription |
Cross Shaft fragment, known as The Calvary Stone. |
GeneralDescription |
The main face of the stone has a draped figure holding a short-armed cross in his left hand and over his shoulder. He may
have a nimbus. There are serpentine shapes carved on either side of the shaft of the cross, and part of a serpent under the
left arm of the main figure. This may represent Christ carrying the cross to Calvary.
GeneralDescription |
Above this figure's head there is the lower part of the body of another figure. There is a disc or pellet carved in relief
near his left foot.