Research Profile


I studied Hispanic Languages and Literature at the University of St Andrews, taking an MA degree there in 1977. In 1978 I came to Cork to take up a temporary full-time Assistant Lectureship in Spanish at UCC. I was made permanent in this post in 1980, promoted to College Lecturer (below the Bar) in 1983 and to College Lecturer (above the Bar) in 1999. I was responsible for the establishment of Catalan Studies as a sub-discipline within the Department in 1980 and, in 1982, of a Lectorat de català subvented by the Generalitat of Catalonia. I am a member of the Association of Hispanists of Great Britain and Ireland, the Asociación de Cervantistas, the Asociación Internacional Siglo de Oro and of the Irish Translators' and Interpreters' Association.  

Research Interests

The literature and visual art of the Spanish Golden Age, especially the works of Cervantes, the poetry of Luis de Góngora and the paintings of El Greco and Velázquez.

Catalan language and literature of all periods



(2017)Ramon de Perellós, Journey to Purgatory.
Boyd, Stephen (2017) Ramon de Perellós, Journey to Purgatory. Barcelona; Woodbridge: Barcino; Tamesis. [Details]
(2012)Welttheater: übersetzen, adaptieren, inszenieren - World Theatre: translation, adaptation, production.
Boyd, Stephen; and Manfred Schewe (2012) Welttheater: übersetzen, adaptieren, inszenieren - World Theatre: translation, adaptation, production. Berlin: Schibri Verlag. [Details]

Edited Books

(2014)Artifice and Invention in the Spanish Golden Age
Boyd, Stephen, and Terence O'Reilly (Ed.). (2014) Artifice and Invention in the Spanish Golden Age Oxford: Legenda. [Details]
(2005)Antes y después del 'Quijote', en el cincuentenario de la Asociación de Hispanistas de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda
Boyd, Stephen, Robert Archer, Valdi Astvaldsson, Michael Thompson (Ed.). (2005) Antes y después del 'Quijote', en el cincuentenario de la Asociación de Hispanistas de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda Valencia: Generalitat Valenciana. [Details]
(2005)A Companion to Cervantes's 'Novelas ejemplares'
Boyd, Stephen (Ed.). (2005) A Companion to Cervantes's 'Novelas ejemplares' Woodbridge: Tamesis. [Details]
(2002)Spanish Poetry of the Golden Age
Boyd, Stephen, and Jo Richardson (Ed.). (2002) Spanish Poetry of the Golden Age Manchester: University of Manchester, Department of Spanish & Portuguese Studies. [Details]
(2000)Don Quijote by Miguel de Cervantes. Trans. P.A. Motteux. Introduction and Notes by Stephen Boyd
Boyd, Stephen (Ed.). (2000) Don Quijote by Miguel de Cervantes. Trans. P.A. Motteux. Introduction and Notes by Stephen Boyd Ware: Wordsworth. [Details]

Book Chapters

(2015)'‘A Twenty-First Century Auto Sacramental?: Thomas Hürlimann’s Das Einsiedler Welttheater (2007) and Calderón’s El gran teatro del mundo’'
Boyd, Stephen (2015) '‘A Twenty-First Century Auto Sacramental?: Thomas Hürlimann’s Das Einsiedler Welttheater (2007) and Calderón’s El gran teatro del mundo’' In: Aaron M. Kahn (eds). Connecting Past and Present: Exploring the Influence of the Spanish Golden Age in the Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. [Details]
(2014)''Wind and Will in Cervantes's El celoso extremeño''
Boyd, Stephen (2014) ''Wind and Will in Cervantes's El celoso extremeño'' In: Stephen Boyd and Terence O'Reilly (eds). Artifice and Invention in the Spanish Golden Age. Oxford: Legenda. [Details]
(2010)''Engaged but not Married?: Diego Velázquez's La túnica de José and La fragua de Vulcano''
Boyd, Stephen; (2010) ''Engaged but not Married?: Diego Velázquez's La túnica de José and La fragua de Vulcano'' In: Humanism and Christian Letters in Early Modern Iberia (1480-1630). Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. [Details]
(2008)''Velázquez’s Fábula de Aracne and its Ovidian Source''
Boyd, Stephen (2008) ''Velázquez’s Fábula de Aracne and its Ovidian Source'' In: Latin and Vernacular in Renaissance Iberia, III. Manchester: Manchester Spanish and Portuguese Studies. [Details]
(2006)''A Tale of Two Serpents: Biblical and Mythological Allusions in Cervantes's El celoso extremeño''
Boyd, Stephen (2006) ''A Tale of Two Serpents: Biblical and Mythological Allusions in Cervantes's El celoso extremeño'' In: Isabel Torres (eds). Rewriting Classical Mythology in the Hispanic Baroque. London: Támesis: London: Támesis. [Details]
(2005)''Cervantes's Exemplary Prologue (Chapter 1)''
Boyd, Stephen; (2005) ''Cervantes's Exemplary Prologue (Chapter 1)'' In: A Companion to Cervantes's `Novelas ejemplares'. Woodbridge: Tamesis. [Details]
Boyd, Stephen; (2005) 'Introduction' In: A Companion to Cervantes's `Novelas ejemplares'. Woodbridge: Tamesis. [Details]
(1996)''Lorca's Bodas de sangre and Synge's Riders to the Sea''
Boyd, Stephen; (1996) ''Lorca's Bodas de sangre and Synge's Riders to the Sea'' In: Cross-currents in European Literature. Dublin: Department of Italian, University College Dublin. [Details]
(1994)''Cervantes and the Art of Re-creation''
Boyd, Stephen; (1994) ''Cervantes and the Art of Re-creation'' In: Belief and Unbelief in Hispanic Literature: Papers from a Conference at the University of Hull, 12 and 13 December 1994. Warminster: Aris & Phillips. [Details]
(1984)''Sin and Grace in El casamiento engañoso y el coloquio de los perros''
Boyd, Stephen (1984) ''Sin and Grace in El casamiento engañoso y el coloquio de los perros'' In: What's Past is Prologue: A Collection of Essays in Honour of L.J. Woodward. Edinburgh: Scottish Academic Press. [Details]

Conference Publications

(2005)Antes y después del `Quijote': en el cincuentenario de la Asociación de Hispanistas de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda
Boyd, Stephen (2005) `Por el hilo se saca el ovillo: Don Quijote's Entry into El Toboso (Don Quijote, II, 9)' . In: Robert Archer and others eds. Antes y después del `Quijote': en el cincuentenario de la Asociación de Hispanistas de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda Valencia: Biblioteca Valenciana, , pp.CD 591-600 [Details]
(2002)Spanish Poetry of the Golden Age
Stephen Boyd (2002) ‘Góngora’s Sonnet “En este occidental”’ . In: Stephen Boyd and Jo Richardson eds. Spanish Poetry of the Golden Age , pp.1-10 [Details]
(2004)Actas del VI congreso de la AISO
Boyd, Stephen (2004) `Un espacio ejemplar cervantino: El patio de Monipodio en Rinconete y Cortadillo' . In: María Luisa Lobato and Francisco Domínguz Matito eds. Actas del VI congreso de la AISO Madrid: Iberoamericana; Frankfurt: Vervuert, , pp.Vol. II, 353-363 [Details]
(1996)Cross-Currents in European Literature
Boyd, Stephen (1996) `Lorca's Bodas de sangre and Synge's Riders to the Sea' . In: Catherine O'Brien eds. Cross-Currents in European Literature Dublin: University College Dublin, Department of Italian, , pp.39-48 [Details]
(1995)Belief and Unbelief in Hispanic Literature
Boyd, Stephen (1995) 'Cervantes and the Art of Re-creation' . In: Helen Wing and John Jones eds. Belief and Unbelief in Hispanic Literature Warminster: Aris & Phillips, , pp.19-24 [Details]

Peer Reviewed Journals

(2013)'‘El misterio de la identidad personal en La gitanilla’'
Boyd, Stephen (2013) '‘El misterio de la identidad personal en La gitanilla’'. Insula, 799-800 (Las ejemplares):11-14 [Details]
(2011)''Classics in Miniature - QUIXOTE. A Film by Steven Ritz-Barr''
Boyd, Stephen (2011) ''Classics in Miniature - QUIXOTE. A Film by Steven Ritz-Barr''. Scenario - Drama and Theatre In Language Education, 2010 (2):58-62 [Details]
(2008)''John J. Allen and Patricia S. Finch, Don Quijote en el arte y pensamiento de Occidente''
Boyd, Stephen (2008) ''John J. Allen and Patricia S. Finch, Don Quijote en el arte y pensamiento de Occidente''. Hispanic Research Journal, 75 (3):362-363 [Details]
(2008)''Parker and the Anti-Romantic Interpretation of Don Quijote''
Boyd, Stephen (2008) ''Parker and the Anti-Romantic Interpretation of Don Quijote''. Bulletin Of Spanish Studies, 85 (6):3-16 [Details]
(1981)'Imagination: A Preliminary Walk through the Forest'
Boyd, Stephen; (1981) 'Imagination: A Preliminary Walk through the Forest'. Journal of The Philosophical Seminar, 5 :16-17 [Details]
(1981)''The Mystery of Cervantes's La gitanilla''
Boyd, Stephen (1981) ''The Mystery of Cervantes's La gitanilla''. Forum For Modern Language Studies, 17 (4):312-321 [Details]

Published Reports

(2018)DUBERT GARCÍA, Francisco; REI-DOVAL, Gabriel; SOUSA, Xulio (eds.) En memoria de tanto miragre: Estudos dedicados ó profesor David Mackenzie.
Stephen Boyd (2018) DUBERT GARCÍA, Francisco; REI-DOVAL, Gabriel; SOUSA, Xulio (eds.) En memoria de tanto miragre: Estudos dedicados ó profesor David Mackenzie. Galicia 21, Bangor (UK) / Cork.   [Details]
(2017)Obituary: David Mackenzie, 1943–2016.
Stephen Boyd (2017) Obituary: David Mackenzie, 1943–2016. Bulletin of Hispanic Studies, Liverpool. [DOI] [Details]
(2017)Reescrituras bíblicas cervantinas. By RUTH FINE. Pamplona: Universidad de Navarra / Madrid: Iberoamericana/Frankfurt am Main: Vervuert. 2014. 279 pp.
Stephen Boyd (2017) Reescrituras bíblicas cervantinas. By RUTH FINE. Pamplona: Universidad de Navarra / Madrid: Iberoamericana/Frankfurt am Main: Vervuert. 2014. 279 pp. Bulletin of Spanish Studies, Glasgow. [DOI] [Details]
(2016)Amy Fuller, Between Two Worlds: The 'Autos Sacramentales' of Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz. (MHRA Texts & Dissertations,100) Cambridge: Modern Humanities Reseach Association. 2015. ix + 198 pp. .
Stephen Boyd (2016) Amy Fuller, Between Two Worlds: The 'Autos Sacramentales' of Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz. (MHRA Texts & Dissertations,100) Cambridge: Modern Humanities Reseach Association. 2015. ix + 198 pp. . Modern Language Review (2016), 111.3, Cambridge. [Details]
(2009)Robert Havard, The Spanish Eye: Painters and Poets of Spain. Woodbridge: Tamesis. 2007. xvii + 150 pp.
Boyd, Stephen (2009) Robert Havard, The Spanish Eye: Painters and Poets of Spain. Woodbridge: Tamesis. 2007. xvii + 150 pp. Bulletin of Spanish Studies 86.6, Glasgow. [Details]
(2008)‘Don Quijote’ en el arte y pensamiento de Occidente (Madrid: Cátedra, 2004).
Boyd, Stephen (2008) ‘Don Quijote’ en el arte y pensamiento de Occidente (Madrid: Cátedra, 2004). Bulletin of Spanish Studies, 75.3, Glasgow. [Details]
(2007)Hispania: Special Quixote Issue, Volume 88, Number 2, May 2005, pp. 1-113.
Boyd, Stephen (2007) Hispania: Special Quixote Issue, Volume 88, Number 2, May 2005, pp. 1-113. Hispanic Research Journal, 8.2, London. [Details]
(2004)Patrick Lenaghan, Javier Blas and José Manuel Matilla, Imágenes del ‘Quijote’: Modelos de representación en las ediciones de los siglos XVII a XIX. Exhibition Catalogue. Madrid: Museo Nacional del Prado and Calcografía Nacional de la Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando, 30 September 2003 – 7 January 2004. (Madrid: Museo del Prado; Hispanic Society of America, 2003).
Boyd, Stephen (2004) Patrick Lenaghan, Javier Blas and José Manuel Matilla, Imágenes del ‘Quijote’: Modelos de representación en las ediciones de los siglos XVII a XIX. Exhibition Catalogue. Madrid: Museo Nacional del Prado and Calcografía Nacional de la Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando, 30 September 2003 – 7 January 2004. (Madrid: Museo del Prado; Hispanic Society of America, 2003). Print Quraterly, 21, London. [Details]
(2002)Dominick Finello, Cervantes: Essays on Social and Literary Polemics (London, Tamesis, 1998).
Boyd, Stephen (2002) Dominick Finello, Cervantes: Essays on Social and Literary Polemics (London, Tamesis, 1998). Modern Language Review, 97.2, London. [Details]
(2002)José Lara Garrido, Los mejores plectros: teoría y práctica de la épica culta en el Siglo de Oro (Málaga: Analecta Malacitana, 1999).
Boyd, Stephen (2002) José Lara Garrido, Los mejores plectros: teoría y práctica de la épica culta en el Siglo de Oro (Málaga: Analecta Malacitana, 1999). Bulletin of Spanish Studies, 79, Glasgow. [Details]
(2001)Judith Etzion, The ‘Cancionero de la Sablonara’ (A Critical Edition) (London: Tamesis, 1996).
Boyd, Stephen (2001) Judith Etzion, The ‘Cancionero de la Sablonara’ (A Critical Edition) (London: Tamesis, 1996). Bulletin of Hispanic Studies, 78, Glasgow. [Details]
(1999)Soledades. By Luis de Góngora, ed.and trans. by Philip Polack (London: Bristol Classical Press, 1997).
Boyd, Stephen (1999) Soledades. By Luis de Góngora, ed.and trans. by Philip Polack (London: Bristol Classical Press, 1997). Bulletin of Hispanic Studies, 76, Glasgow. [Details]
(1998)Crepúsculos pisando. Once estudios sobre las ‘Soledades’ de Luis de Góngora ed. Jacques Issorel (Perpingnan: CRILAUP, Presses Universitaires de Perpignan. 1995).
Boyd, Stephen (1998) Crepúsculos pisando. Once estudios sobre las ‘Soledades’ de Luis de Góngora ed. Jacques Issorel (Perpingnan: CRILAUP, Presses Universitaires de Perpignan. 1995). Glasgow, Bulletin of Hispanic Studies, 75. [Details]
(1989)Michael Smith, On the Anvil: Francisco de Quevedo (Dublin: Dedalus Press, 1989).
Boyd, Stephen (1989) Michael Smith, On the Anvil: Francisco de Quevedo (Dublin: Dedalus Press, 1989). The Irish Review, 7, Dublin. [Details]

Film or Broadcasts

(2012)FILM: Cork's World Theatre 2012 - Translation, Adaptation, Performance.
Manfred Schewe / Stephen Boyd (2012) FILM: Cork's World Theatre 2012 - Translation, Adaptation, Performance. University College Cork: Film or Broadcasts   [Details]


(2010)Performance Project: Cork's World Theatre.
Manfred Schewe / Stephen Boyd (2010) Performance Project: Cork's World Theatre. University College Cork: Performances [Details]


(1998)Marta Pessarrodona, Confession: Translations from the Catalan.
Boyd Stephen and others; (1998) Marta Pessarrodona, Confession: Translations from the Catalan. Dublin: Translations [Details]
(1998)Àlex Susanna 'Entering the Cold': Translations from the Catalan.
Attala, Jenny. Boran, Pat. Boyd, Stephen. Curtis, Tony. Dorgan, Theo. Herbert, Bill. O'Malley, Mary. Puig, Eugenia.; (1998) Àlex Susanna 'Entering the Cold': Translations from the Catalan. Dublin: Translations [Details]

Professional Activities

Professional Associations

 AssociationFunctionFrom / To
Association of Hispanists of Great Britain and Ireland Member/
Asociación Internacional Siglo de Oro (AISO) Member/
Asociación de Cervantistas Member/
Irish Translators Association Member/


 CommitteeFunctionFrom / To
BA International Board Member/
Examination Appeals Committee Member2014 /
School of Languages Literatures and Cultures: Quality Review Coordinating Committee Chair2012 /
Board of Drama and Theatre Studies Member/


 EmployerPositionFrom / To
UCC TemporaryFull-Time Assistant Lecturer01-SEP-78 / 31-AUG-80
UCC Assistant Lecturer01-SEP-80 / 31-DEC-82
UCC College Lecturer (below the Bar)01-JAN-83 / 31-DEC-98
UCC College Lecturer (above the Bar)01-JAN-99 /

Conference Contributions

(2018)Praying the Passion of Christ Through Art,
Stephen Boyd (2018) Els Greco's El espolio. [Oral Presentation], Praying the Passion of Christ Through Art, Mount Melleray Abbey , 17-FEB-18 - 19-FEB-18. [Details]
(2017)Ennismore Conversations,
Stephen Boyd (2017) Fernando Gallego's Cristo bendiciendo. [Oral Presentation], Ennismore Conversations, Cork , 18-DEC-17 - 18-DEC-17. [Details]
(2016)The Paintings of José de Ribera,
Boyd, Stephen (2016) Talk on Spanish Baroque Painter. [Invited Oral Presentation], The Paintings of José de Ribera, Ennismore (Dominican Retreat House) Cork , 05-DEC-16 - 05-DEC-16. [Details]
(2016)Golden Age Research Symposium,
Boyd, Stephen (2016) Biennial Symposium. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], Golden Age Research Symposium, UCC , 25-NOV-16 - 27-NOV-17. [Details]
(2016)Cervantes, Don Quixote and the Cultivation of Judgement,
Boyd, Stephen (2016) Seminar Paper. [Invited Oral Presentation], Cervantes, Don Quixote and the Cultivation of Judgement, University of St Andrews , 27-OCT-16 - 27-OCT-16. [Details]
(2016)Miramar Comes to Cork: A Symposium on the Legacy of Ramon Llull,
Boyd, Stephen (2016) Round Table Discussion. [Chair Sessions at Symposia], Miramar Comes to Cork: A Symposium on the Legacy of Ramon Llull, UCC , 14-OCT-16 - 14-OCT-16. [Details]
(2016)Instituto Cervantes (Dublin) Lecture Series,
Boyd, Stephen (2016) All the World's a Book: Life and Literature in Miguel de Cervantes. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Instituto Cervantes (Dublin) Lecture Series, Instituto Cervantes (Dublin) , 11-OCT-16 - 11-OCT-16. [Details]
(2015)Terence MacSwiney and Catalonia,
Boyd, Stephen (2015) Historical Links Between Catalonia and Ireland. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Terence MacSwiney and Catalonia, Cork City Hall , 10-JUN-15 - 10-JUN-15. [Details]
(2015)Ennismore Conversations,
Boyd, Stephen (2015) El Greco. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Ennismore Conversations, Ennismore (Dominican Retreat House) Cork , 07-DEC-15 - 07-DEC-15. [Details]
(2015)Passion and Persuasion; Images of Baroque Saints,
Boyd, Stephen (2015) Religious Imagery in Spanish Art of the Golden Age: El Greco's El Espolio. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Passion and Persuasion; Images of Baroque Saints, National Gallery of Ireland (Dublin) , 29-MAR-15 - 29-MAR-15. [Details]
(2015)Dante Public Lecture Series (2015),
Boyd, Stephen (2015) A Spanish Dante? The Comedy in Iberia. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Dante Public Lecture Series (2015), UCC , 27-JAN-15 - 27-JAN-15. [Details]
(2014)Fifth Golden Age Research Symposium,
Boyd, Stephen (2014) The Turning Wheel of Fortune in Don Quijote, II, 30. [Oral Presentation], Fifth Golden Age Research Symposium, University College Cork , 28-NOV-14 - 30-NOV-14. [Details]
(2014)60th Annual Anglo-Catalan Society Conference,
Boyd, Stephen (2014) Lur costumas he maneras son a nos altres fort estranyhas: Ireland through Medieval Catalan Eyes. [Oral Presentation], 60th Annual Anglo-Catalan Society Conference, Cork , 05-SEP-14 - 07-SEP-14. [Details]
(2014)Annual Conference of the Association of Hispanists of Great Britain and Ireland,
Boyd, Stephen (2014) He si son ells dels pus bells homes he pus bellas fempnas que yo ages vistes en lo mon: Ireland and the Irish in Ramon de Perellós's Viatge al Purgatori. [Oral Presentation], Annual Conference of the Association of Hispanists of Great Britain and Ireland, NUI Galway , 14-APR-14 - 16-APR-14. [Details]
(2013)Annual Conference of the Association of Hispanists of Great Britain and Ireland,
Boyd, Stephen (2013) Wind and Will in Cervantes’s El celoso extremeño. [Oral Presentation], Annual Conference of the Association of Hispanists of Great Britain and Ireland, University of Oxford , 25-MAR-13 - 27-MAR-13. [Details]
(2012)Annual Conference of the Association of Hispanists of Great Britain and Ireland,
Stephen Boyd (2012) 'Re-imagining Calderón's El gran teatro del mundo: Thomas Hürlimann's Das Einsiedler Welttheater'. [Oral Presentation], Annual Conference of the Association of Hispanists of Great Britain and Ireland, University of Stirling , 02-APR-12 - 04-APR-12. [Details]
(2012)Golden Age Research Symposium,
Stephen Boyd (2012) 'Velázquez's Two-Faced Bacchus'. [Oral Presentation], Golden Age Research Symposium, University College Cork , 23-NOV-12 - 25-NOV-12. [Details]
(2012)Friends of the Crawford Gallery: Spring Lecture Series on Spanish Art,
Stephen Boyd (2012) El Greco: The Burial of Count Orgaz. [Invited Seminars/Guest Lectures], Friends of the Crawford Gallery: Spring Lecture Series on Spanish Art, Crawford Gallery, Cork , 30-MAR-12 - 30-MAR-12. [Details]
(2012)Comparative Literature Association of Ireland. First International Conference: Transitions,
Stephen Boyd (2012) ‘Translation / Transition: Thomas Hürlimann’s Das Einsiedler Welttheater to Cork’s World Theatre’. [Oral Presentation], Comparative Literature Association of Ireland. First International Conference: Transitions, University College Cork , 28-JUN-12 - 30-JUN-12. [Details]
(2011)Annual Conference of the Association of Hispanists of Great Britain and Ireland,
Boyd, S (2011) 'Sir Richard Fanshawe's Translations of Góngora'. [Oral Presentation], Annual Conference of the Association of Hispanists of Great Britain and Ireland, University of Nottingham , 11-APR-11 - 13-APR-11. [Details]
(2010)Golden Age Research Symposium,
Stephen Boyd (2010) ‘Images of Poverty in Lazarillo de Tormes.’. [Oral Presentation], Golden Age Research Symposium, University College Cork , 19-NOV-10 - 21-NOV-10. [Details]
(2010)Annual Conference of the Hispanists of Great Britain and Ireland,
Stephen Boyd; (2010) 'Góngora in England: Thomas Stanley's Translation of Soledad primera'. [Oral Presentation], Annual Conference of the Hispanists of Great Britain and Ireland, King's College London , 12-APR-10 - 14-APR-10. [Details]
(2010)Golden Age Research Symposium,
Stephen Boyd (2010) Papers on the literature, history and visual arts of the Spanish Golden Age (1474-1681). [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], Golden Age Research Symposium, University College Cork , 19-NOV-10 - 21-NOV-10. [Details]
(2008)Golden Age Research Symposium,
Stephen Boyd (2008) ‘Velázquez’s La túnica de José and La Fragua de Vulcano’. [Oral Presentation], Golden Age Research Symposium, University College Cork , 21-NOV-08 - 23-NOV-08. [Details]
(2008)Golden Age Research Symposium,
Stephen Boyd (2008) Papers on the literature, history and visual arts of the Spanish Golden Age (1474-1681). [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], Golden Age Research Symposium, University College Cork , 21-NOV-08 - 23-NOV-08. [Details]
(2008)Annual Conference of the Association of Hispanists of Great Britain and Ireland,
Stephen Boyd; (2008) Parker and Cervantes. [Oral Presentation], Annual Conference of the Association of Hispanists of Great Britain and Ireland, University of Sheffield , 25-MAR-08 - 27-MAR-08. [Details]
(2007)Symposium `Spain in the Mirror: The Challenges of Reflection in the Golden Age', Early Modern Research Strand,
Boyd Stephen; (2007) `Images of State and Self in Lope de Vega's Peribáñez'. [Oral Presentation], Symposium `Spain in the Mirror: The Challenges of Reflection in the Golden Age', Early Modern Research Strand, Humanities Institute of Ireland, University College Dublin , 16-JUN-07 - 16-JUN-07. [Details]
(2007)Latin and Vernacular in Renaissance Iberia, III: Ovid from the Middle Ages to the Baroque,
Boyd Stephen; (2007) `Velázquez's Fábula de Aracne and its Ovidian Source'. [Oral Presentation], Latin and Vernacular in Renaissance Iberia, III: Ovid from the Middle Ages to the Baroque, University of Nottingham , 20-APR-07 - 20-APR-07. [Details]
(2007)Translation: Process and Performance,
Manfred Schewe, Stephen Boyd; (2007) 'Calderón in Cork (via Einsiedeln): Translating Thomas Hürlimann's Das Einsiedler Welttheater'. [Oral Presentation], Translation: Process and Performance, organised by 'Betwixt and Between: The Research Forum in Translation and Cultural Encounter' at Queen's University Belfast in cooperation with the Department of Spanish and Spanish American Studies of King's College London. Senate House, University of London, 23-24 November 2007 , 01-NOV-07 - 01-NOV-07. [Details]
(2006)Cork City Library, Readers' Club,
Boyd, Stephen (2006) Cervantes's Don Quijote. [Invited Seminars/Guest Lectures], Cork City Library, Readers' Club, Cork City Library , 29-NOV-06 - 29-NOV-06. [Details]
(2006)Cork World Book Fest, Cork City Library,
Stephen Boyd (2006) 'Catalonia's Literary Tradition'. [Invited Seminars/Guest Lectures], Cork World Book Fest, Cork City Library, Cork City Library , 22-APR-06 - 22-APR-06. [Details]
(2006)Hispanic Research Seminar, University College Cork,
Stephen Boyd (2006) ‘Beauty, Virtue and Rank in Cervantes’s La ilustre fregona’. [Oral Presentation], Hispanic Research Seminar, University College Cork, University College Cork , 10-MAR-06 - 10-MAR-06. [Details]
(2006)Association of Hispanists of Great Britain and Ireland (AHGBI) Conference,
Boyd Stephen; (2006) `Beauty, Virtue and Rank in Cervantes's La ilustre fregona'. [Oral Presentation], Association of Hispanists of Great Britain and Ireland (AHGBI) Conference, University of Liverpool , 24-APR-06 - 24-APR-06. [Details]
(2006)Golden Age Research Symposium,
Stephen Boyd (2006) ‘“Heaven in Disguise”? The Duque de Ferrara as Agent of Divine Justice in El castigo sin venganza’. [Oral Presentation], Golden Age Research Symposium, University College Cork , 24-NOV-06 - 26-NOV-06. [Details]
(2006)Golden Age Research Symposium,
Boyd Stephen; (2006) Papers on the literature, history and visual arts of the Spanish Golden Age (1474-1681). [Conference Organising Committee Member], Golden Age Research Symposium, UCC , 24-NOV-06 - 26-NOV-06. [Details]
(2005)Sub-Faculty of Spanish Research Seminar, University of Oxford,
Stephen Boyd (2005) ‘“Un otro Pródigo”: Fathers and Sons in Cervantes’s El celoso extremeño’. [Invited Seminars/Guest Lectures], Sub-Faculty of Spanish Research Seminar, University of Oxford, University of Oxford , 08-FEB-05 - 08-FEB-05. [Details]
(2005)Colloquium in Celebration of Don Quijote (1605), University College Cork,
Stephen Boyd (2005) 'Don Quijote'. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Colloquium in Celebration of Don Quijote (1605), University College Cork, University College Cork , 15-DEC-05 - 15-DEC-05. [Details]
(2005)Department of Hispanic and Lusophone Studies, Research Seminar, University College Dublin,
Stephen Boyd (2005) ‘“Por el hilo se saca el ovillo”: Cervantes at Work’. [Invited Seminars/Guest Lectures], Department of Hispanic and Lusophone Studies, Research Seminar, University College Dublin, University College Dublin , 01-MAR-05 - 01-MAR-05. [Details]
(2005)Royal Irish Academy Symposium on Don Quijote,
Stephen Boyd (2005) 'Don Quijote'. [Invited Seminars/Guest Lectures], Royal Irish Academy Symposium on Don Quijote, Royal Irish Academy, Dublin , 14-DEC-05 - 14-DEC-05. [Details]
(2005)Association of Hispanists of Great Britain and Ireland (AHGBI) Conference `Antes y después del `Quijote,
Boyd Stephen; (2005) `¿Por el hilo se saca el ovillo?: Don Quijote's Entry into El Toboso (Don Quijote, II, 9)'. [Oral Presentation], Association of Hispanists of Great Britain and Ireland (AHGBI) Conference `Antes y después del `Quijote, Valencia , 29-MAR-05 - 29-MAR-05. [Details]
(2005)Antes y después del Quijote, en el cincuentenario de la Asociación de Hispanistas de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda,,
Boyd, Stephen (2005) Antes y después del Quijote, en el cincuentenario de la Asociación de Hispanistas de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda,. [Editorship of Whole Conference Proceedings], Antes y después del Quijote, en el cincuentenario de la Asociación de Hispanistas de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda,, Valencia: Generalitat Valenciana , 28-MAR-05 - 02-APR-05. [Details]
(2004)PERFORUM Lecture Series,
Manfred Schewe / Stephen Boyd (2004) Theatres of the World: Calderon's Journey to Switzerland (Thomas Hürlimann's Adaptation of El Gran Teatro del Mundo). [Invited Lectures (Workshops)], PERFORUM Lecture Series, UCC , 18-FEB-04 - 18-FEB-04. [Details]
(2004)School of Languages, Linguistics and Cultures Research Seminar, University of Manchester,
Stephen Boyd (2004) ‘Cervantine Exemplarity in El celoso extremeño’. [Invited Seminars/Guest Lectures], School of Languages, Linguistics and Cultures Research Seminar, University of Manchester, University of Manchester , 05-MAY-04 - 05-MAY-04. [Details]
(2004)PERFORUM - Lecture Series,
Schewe, Manfred & Boyd, Stephen; (2004) 'Theatres of the World: Calderon's Journey to Switzerland (Thomas Hürlimann's Adaptation of El Gran Teatra del Mundo)'. [Oral Presentation], PERFORUM - Lecture Series, UCC , 18-FEB-04 - 30-DEC-99. [Details]
(2003)Postgraduate Diploma in Spanish for Post-Primary Teachers (Government Initiative), University College Cork,
Stephen Boyd (2003) ‘Golden-Age Painting: El Greco’. [Invited Lectures (Workshops)], Postgraduate Diploma in Spanish for Post-Primary Teachers (Government Initiative), University College Cork, University College Cork , 08-NOV-03 - 08-NOV-03. [Details]
(2003)Postgraduate Diploma in Spanish for Post-Primary Teachers (Government Initiative), University College Cork,
Stephen Boyd (2003) ‘The Poetry of Castile: Antonio Machado’s “A Orillas del Duero”’. [Invited Lectures (Workshops)], Postgraduate Diploma in Spanish for Post-Primary Teachers (Government Initiative), University College Cork, University College Cork , 22-NOV-03 - 22-NOV-03. [Details]
(2002)Hispanic Research Seminar, University College Cork,
Stephen Boyd (2002) ‘Monipodio’s Patio (Rinconete y Cortadillo): A Cervantine Exemplary Space’. [Oral Presentation], Hispanic Research Seminar, University College Cork, University College Cork , 22-MAR-02 - 22-MAR-02. [Details]
(2002)VI Congreso de la Asociación Internacional Siglo de Oro (AISO),
Stephen Boyd (2002) ‘Dos espacios ejemplares cervantinos’. [Oral Presentation], VI Congreso de la Asociación Internacional Siglo de Oro (AISO), Universidad de Burgos , 15-JUN-02 - 19-JUN-02. [Details]
(2002)Spanish Poetry of the Golden Age: Papers of a Colloquium,
Boyd Stephen; (2002) Spanish Poetry of the Golden Age: Papers of a Colloquium. [Editorship of Whole Conference Proceedings], Spanish Poetry of the Golden Age: Papers of a Colloquium, UCC , 01-JAN-02 - 31-DEC-02. [Details]
(2001)Artificio e invención: Cervantes's Novelas ejemplares,
Boyd Stephen; (2001) Artificio e invención: Cervantes's Novelas ejemplares. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], Artificio e invención: Cervantes's Novelas ejemplares, UCC , 06-APR-01 - 07-APR-01. [Details]
(1999)Hispanic Research Seminar, University College Cork,
Stephen Boyd (1999) ‘Àusias March’s Poem No. XLVI “Veles e vents han mos desigs complir”’. [Oral Presentation], Hispanic Research Seminar, University College Cork, University College Cork , 29-JAN-99 - 29-JAN-99. [Details]
(1999)Spanish Poetry of the Golden Age: A Colloquium in Honour of Patrick Gallagher,
Boyd Stephen; (1999) Spanish Poetry of the Golden Age: A Colloquium in Honour of Patrick Gallagher. [Conference Organising Committee Member], Spanish Poetry of the Golden Age: A Colloquium in Honour of Patrick Gallagher, UCC , 08-OCT-99 - 09-OCT-99. [Details]
(1999)Insubstantial Pageants: A Conference on Historical Theatre Practice,
Boyd Stephen; (1999) Insubstantial Pageants: A Conference on Historical Theatre Practice. [Conference Organising Committee Member], Insubstantial Pageants: A Conference on Historical Theatre Practice, UCC , 29-OCT-99 - 31-OCT-99. [Details]
(1998)Hispanic Research Seminar, University College Cork,
Stephen Boyd (1998) ‘The Topos of the “River of Time” Renewed: Góngora’s Soledad primera (181- 211)’. [Oral Presentation], Hispanic Research Seminar, University College Cork, University College Cork , 18-FEB-98 - 18-FEB-98. [Details]
(1997)Annual Confrence of the Association of Hispanists of Great Britain and Ireland,
Stephen Boyd (1997) ‘The Missing Engraving in the Prologue to Cervantes’s Novelas ejemplares’. [Oral Presentation], Annual Confrence of the Association of Hispanists of Great Britain and Ireland, King's College London , 14-APR-97 - 16-JUL-97. [Details]
(1997)Hispanic Research Seminar, University College Cork,
Stephen Boyd (1997) ‘Christian Imagery in Calderón’s El alcalde de Zalamea’. [Oral Presentation], Hispanic Research Seminar, University College Cork, University College Cork , 12-FEB-97 - 12-FEB-97. [Details]
(1996)Hispanic Research Seminar, University College Cork,
Stephen Boyd (1996) 'Velázquez's Las meninas'. [Oral Presentation], Hispanic Research Seminar, University College Cork, University College Cork , 24-APR-96 - 24-APR-96. [Details]
(1995)Dublin City University: Guest Lecture Series,
Stephen Boyd (1995) 'Catalonia: Histopry and Identity'. [Invited Seminars/Guest Lectures], Dublin City University: Guest Lecture Series, Dublin City University , 15-NOV-95 - 15-NOV-95. [Details]
(1995)UCC Cross Currents in Literature IV,
Boyd Stephen; (1995) UCC Cross Currents in Literature IV. [Conference Organising Committee Member], UCC Cross Currents in Literature IV, ucc , 17-FEB-95 - 18-FEB-95. [Details]
(1994)Belief and Unbelief in Hispanic Literature,
Boyd, Stephen (1994) Cervantes and the Art of Re-Creation. [Oral Presentation], Belief and Unbelief in Hispanic Literature, University of Hull , 12-DEC-94 - 13-DEC-94. [Details]
(1984)Ecumencial Studies Group: St Fin Barre's Cathedral, Cork,
Stephen Boyd (1984) 'St Theresa of Avila'. [Invited Seminars/Guest Lectures], Ecumencial Studies Group: St Fin Barre's Cathedral, Cork, St Fin Barre's Cathedral, Cork , 07-NOV-84 - 07-NOV-84. [Details]
(1984)Ecumenical Studies Group: St Fin Barre's Cathedral, Cork,
Stephen Boyd (1984) ‘St John of The Cross’ . [Invited Seminars/Guest Lectures], Ecumenical Studies Group: St Fin Barre's Cathedral, Cork, St Fin Barre's Cathedral, Cork , 24-OCT-84 - 24-OCT-84. [Details]
(1981)Cork Spanish Circle,
Stephen Boyd (1981) ‘The Prólogo al Lector of Cervantes’s Novelas ejemplares’. [Invited Seminars/Guest Lectures], Cork Spanish Circle, Cork , 15-APR-81 - 15-APR-81. [Details]
(1979)Annual Conference of the Association of Hispanists of Great Britain and Ireland,
Stephen Boyd (1979) 'The Mystery of Cervantes's La gitanilla'. [Oral Presentation], Annual Conference of the Association of Hispanists of Great Britain and Ireland, University of Aberdeen , 10-APR-79 - 10-APR-79. [Details]


1977St Andrews MAHispanic Studies


Spanish FluentFluentFluent
Catalan FluentFluentFluent
Portuguese FunctionalBasicFunctional
French FluentFunctionalFunctional
Italian FluentFunctionalFunctional


UCC Hispanic Society
Advice for and participation in production of Cervantes's La cueva de Salamanca
UCC Dramat
Advice for and participation in production of Lorca's Don Perlimplín 
Trinity College Dublin
External Assessor on Appointment Committee for Five-Year Post (specialism in Golden Age Literature) in the Department of Hispanic Studies
Cork City Library
Liaison with Institut Ramon Llull (Barcelona) and organization of participation of Catalan writer, Mattthew Tree, in Cork World Book Fest 2008.  Facilitation of and introduction for readings by the author at UCC (25 April 2008) and at Cork City Library (26 April 2008)
Cork City Library
Liaison with Institut Ramon Llull (Barcelona) and organization of participation of Catalan writers, Màrius Serra and Sebastià Alzamora in Cork World Book Fest 2007.  Translation of extracts from Màrius Serra, La veritable història de Harald Bluetooth segons Màrius Serra and of selected poems by Sebastià Alzamora for readings by the authors, Cork City Library, 21-23 April 2007.
Boydell & Brewer (Tamesis Books)
Reader's Report for Tamesis Books on Carmen R. Rabell, Under the Law: Rewriting the Italian Novella in Counter-Reformation Spain.
Manchester University Press
Reader’s Report on Anthony Lappin (ed.), Lope de Vega, El caballero de Olmedo.
Cork School of Music and Drama
Programme note for produaction of Lorca's Bodas de sangre. 
Crawford Gallery, Cork
Advice to organizers of exhibtion, 'Six Views of Farrera'. 
Kinsale Players
Advice on and programme note for production of Lorca's La casa de Bernarda Alba. 
Poetry Ireland
Provision of literal translations, and acting as interpreter for a three-day encounter between Irish and Catalan poets at the Tyrone Guthrie Centre (Co. Monaghan). 
UCC Hispanic Society
Advice and programme note for a production of Lorca's La casa de Bernarda Alba. 
Corca Dorca Theatre Company
Advice and programme note for a production of Lorca's Don Perlimplín.
Goldberg Solicitors
Opening of ‘Sevillanas’, an exhibition of paintings by José García Blanca, Goldberg Solicitors, Cork.
Interpreter (Catalan / English) for EC conference on water management (Blarney Park Hotel, Co. Cork). 
COCO Television
Translation into Catalan for a proposal for a documentary on the work of Antoni Gaudí.
Scenario (Journal for Drama and Theatre in Foreign and Second Language Education) Volume V, Issue 1, Year 2011
Reader's report on article submitted for publication
Bulletin of Hispanic Studies
Reader's report on article submitted for publication.
Bulletin of Spanish Studies
Reader's report on article submitted for publication.
Scenario (Journal for Drama and Theatre in Foreign and Second Language Education), Volume 1, Issue 2, Year, 2007
Reader's Report on article submitted for publication
Cork City Library
Liaison with Institut Ramon Llull (Barcelona) and organization of participation of Catalan writer, Toni Sala, in Cork World Book Fest 2009.   
University of Exeter
External Examiner for Department of Hispanic Studies and Foreign Language Centre (Spanish) 

Journal Activities

 JournalRoleTo / From
Bulletinetin Of Spanish Studies Referee01-JAN-07 - 31-DEC-07
Scenario 1 Referee01-JAN-07 - 31-DEC-07
Bulletin Of Spanish Studies Referee01-JAN-06 - 31-DEC-06
Modern Language Review Referee01-JAN-00 - 31-DEC-00

Other Activities


Visits Abroad:

25-29 July 2007: Einsiedeln (Switzerland); attendance at performances of Thomas Hürlimann's Das Einsiedler Welttheater; conduct of interviews with the author, artistic directors and actors.

1 January - 1 June 2005: Greyfriars Hall, University of Oxford (Visting Fellow): 
Research in Bodleian and Taylor Institutution Libraries

January - June 1994: University of St Andrews, Department of Spanish (Visiting Fellow)

October - December 1984: Barcelona: Research in Biblioteca de Catalunya 

July to August: London: Research in British Library

September 1979: Madrid: Research in Biblioteca Nacional 

Research Funding *Golden Age Research Symposium (2014): €500 School of Languages, Literatures and Cultures (UCC) €1,000 Department of Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American Studies (UCC) *Golden Age Research Symposium (2012): 2012:

     SLLC (UCC) €500

     Department of Hispanic Studies (UCC): €500 

*Cork's World Theatre (Project Video): Office of Media and Communiations (UCC): 2012: (500)

*Postgraduate Scholarship (Karel Matula): IRCHSS: 2011-2012: €16,000

*Cork's World Theatre
(Performance): 2010:

     Embassy of Switzerland: €3,500

     Embassy of Germany: €800

     Embassy of Austria: €500

     CACSSS (UCC): €600

     SLLC (UCC): €200

     Department of German (UCC): €500

     Department of Hispanic Studies (UCC): €500 

(joint applications with Dr Manfred Schewe)

*World Theatre: Text, Translation, Adaptation, Performance, Stephen Boyd/Manfred Schewe (Berlin: Schibri-Verlag, 2012): CACSSS Research Publication Fund: 2010-2011: €2,500 (joint application with Dr Manfred Schewe)

*Cork's World Theatre Project: CACSSS Research Project Fund: 2007: €2,000 (joint application with Dr Manfred Schewe)

*Golden Age Research Symposium:CACSSS Conference Fund: 2006-2007  €1,500

*A Companion to Cervantes's
Novelas ejemplares, ed. Stephen Boyd (London: Támesis, 2006):

     CACSSS Research Publication Fund: 2003-2004: €1500
     NUI Reserach Publication Grant: 2003-2004: €3,000 

Teaching Activities

Teaching Interests

The literature and visual culture of the Spanish Golden Age. 

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University College Cork

Coláiste na hOllscoile Corcaigh

College Road, Cork T12 K8AF
