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Shawn Day blends the aesthetic and informative as an entrepreneur, digital historian, economist.
Raised in Canada, he is a Lecturer in Digital Humanities at University College Cork and also pursuing research with the School of Geography, also at UCC.
In the past few years, he has lectured at Queen's University Belfast, University College Dublin, M<aynooth University and Trinity College Dublin, fostering Irish scholarship in Digital and Medical Humanities and Social Computing.
His personal research explores the cultural geography of craft beer in Ireland. He has investigated the social and economic circumstances of the nineteenth century retail liquor trade and its impact on the Canadian family. He applies digital, spatial and social network analysis to the relationships between credit, respectability, and order in the Victorian community. Recent articles have examined the social dimensions of the Victorian public mental hospital using GIS and statistical modeling tools.
Shawn has been involved in a number of successful and innovative digital humanities projects. These include building a digital humanities community (Digital Humanities Observatory/Royal Irish Academy), the Network for Digital Methods in the Humanities (NeDiMAH) in the Dariah Project,large manuscript census databases in the 1871/1891 census project (University of Guelph), the national TAPoR text analysis portal project, the Canadian Network for Economic History (CNEH) and the Network for Canadian History and the Environment (NiCHE).
Shawn has blended his background in management economics and digital history with an entrepreneurial ethos to found a number of successful software development ventures in Canada and bringing this experience to academic pursuits.
Research Interests
- Cultural Geography of Irish Craft Beer
- 19th Century Economic HIstory
- Spatial Humanities
- History of Health and Medicine
- Information Visualisation
- Canadian Social History
- Candian Business History
Peer Reviewed Journals
| Year | Publication |
| (2008) | 'A Janus-Like Asylum: The City and the Institutional Confinement of the Mentally Ill in Victorian Ontario' Wright, David; Day, Shawn; Smith, Jessica; Flis, Nathan (2008) 'A Janus-Like Asylum: The City and the Institutional Confinement of the Mentally Ill in Victorian Ontario'. Urban History Review-Revue D Histoire Urbaine, 36 (2):43-53 [DOI] [Details] |
| (2007) | 'Distancing the mad: Jarvis's Law and the spatial distribution of admissions to the Hamilton Lunatic Asylum in Canada, 1876-1902' Smith, Christopher A; Wright, David; Day, Shawn. (2007) 'Distancing the mad: Jarvis's Law and the spatial distribution of admissions to the Hamilton Lunatic Asylum in Canada, 1876-1902'. Social Science and Medicine, 64 (11):2362-2385 [Details] |
Professional Activities
Professional Associations
| Association | Function | From / To |
| Canadian Network for Economic History | Coordinator | 21-OCT-03 / |
| Institute for Collaborative Research in the Humanities | DH Strategist | 02-SEP-13 / 27-MAY-16 |
| European Health Futures Forum | Director | 04-APR-12 / |
| Open Knowledge Foundation Ireland | Director | 15-OCT-13 / |
| Network in Canadian History of the Environmenta | Web Coordinator | 04-JAN-07 / 22-MAY-08 |
| Network for Digital Methods in the Arts and Humanities (NeDIMAH) | Co-Chair WG1 Spatial and Temporal Representation | 01-JAN-12 / |
| Association for Information Systems | Member | 05-MAR-09 / |
Conference Contributions
| Year | Publication |
| (2017) | Improving Research Integrity and Reproducibility through Openness and Transparency, Day, Shawn (2017) FAIR Data Principles. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Improving Research Integrity and Reproducibility through Openness and Transparency, UCC , 23-OCT-17 - 23-OCT-17. [Details] |
| Committee | Function | From / To |
| CACSSS Community Engagement | Delegate | 2018 / |
| Employer | Position | From / To |
| Royal Irish Academy | Project Manager | 01-JUL-08 / 15-SEP-13 |
| Ardesic Corporation | Founder and VP R&D | 01-JAN-97 / 30-MAY-01 |
| McMaster University | Research Assistant | 01-SEP-04 / 30-JUN-08 |
| Year | Institution | Qualification | Subject |
| 2004 | University of Guelph | MA | History |
| 1988 | University of Guelph | Specialised Hons BA | Management Economics |
Other Activities
Teaching Activities
Teaching Interests
- Information Visualisation
- Social Computing
- Digital Humanities
- Social History
- Economic History
Modules Taught
| Term (ID)) | Title | Link | Subject |
| 2020 | Digital Tools and Methodologies 1 | DH1002 | Digital Tools and Methodologies 1 |
| 2020 | Digital Humanities Institute | DH6003 | Digital Humanities Institute |
| 2020 | History and Theory of Digital Arts | DH6005 | History and Theory of Digital Arts |
| 2020 | Humanities and New Technologies: Tools and Methodologies | DH6024 | Humanities and New Technologies: Tools and Methodologies |
| 2020 | Humanities and New Technologies: Tools and Methodologies | DH6034 | Humanities and New Technologies: Tools and Methodologies |
| 2020 | Humanities and New Technologies: Tools and Methodologies | DH6110 | Humanities and New Technologies: Tools and Methodologies |
| 2020 | Research Project | DH4003 | Research Project |
| 2020 | Humanities and New Technologies: Tools and Methodologies | DH6010 | Humanities and New Technologies: Tools and Methodologies |
| 2020 | Work Placement | DH3003 | Work Placement |
| 2020 | Digital Tools and Methodologies II | DH2002 | Digital Tools and Methodologies II |
Research Information
External Collaborators
| Name | Organisation / Institute | Country |
| Professor Kris Inwood | Canadian Network for Economic History | CANADA |
| Prof John Thompson | Institute for Collaborative Research in the Humanities | UNITED KINGDOM |
| Dr David Somekh | European Health Futures Forum | UNITED KINGDOM |
| Professor Leif Isaaksen | NeDIMAH | UNITED KINGDOM |