Research Profile

Maria Dempsey


Research Interests

Reflective Teaching & Learning; Mental health; Reproductive health, and Pluralistic Methodology
My research, as a scholar-practitioner, focuses on advancing knowledge and generating impact (e.g. scholarship, societal engagement, advancing public knowledge, health initiatives and policy development) in four areas; reflective teaching and learning, reproductive health, mental health and pluralistic methodology. In terms of strategy it has been important to me that there is a clear link between theory and practice in terms each area of my work namely research, teaching and clinical practice. To this end my research on reflective teaching and learning has been routed back into course development and developing supervision processes for professionals post graduation – a significant issue in terms of Continuing Professional Development. My research on teenage sexual activity and pregnancy contributed to the development of the ‘Slouchy Couch’, a service specifically catering for teenagers needs and has also been incorporated into training provision for a range of health care professionals including counselling psychologists and public health nurses. Having worked in a support area for mothers parenting alone and their children I became interested in moving beyond the quantification of problems and investigating what the experience of teenage pregnancy was like from the inside out. To this end I completed the first study of its kind (qualitative analysis of the experience of teenage pregnancy N=72) in Ireland through the Dept of General Practice, UCC and the then SE Health Board. As well as the previously mentioned ‘Slouchy Couch’ this study resulted in the investigation of developing a peer sexual health education process in the health board area. Following from this work I secured a grant together with Professor Colin Bradley, from the then Mid Western Health Board to conduct a mixed methods study into teenagers' sexual knowledge, attitudes, experiences and behaviour. This study built on the previous one by engaging with Dr. John Tripp and the APAUSE team in the University of Exeter. The findings from these studies have been published by the funding bodies.  
Since 1997 I have been engaged in work with colleagues from Applied Social Studies, Education and Adult & Continuing Education on Reflective Teaching & Learning. The objectives of our work focused on developing knowledge, teaching materials and assessment procedures to support reflective learning on professional education courses. Reflective learning is a constructivist, phenomenological approach to learning based on the ideas of Dewey (1933), Schon (1983), Kolb (1984), Lyons (1998), Nakkula (1998) and Seidal (1998). Kolb’s loop concept suggests that experience is acted upon through reflective observation that in turn acts as a basis on which active experimentation followed by feedback, produces change in behaviour. This process encourages students to develop a sense of their own value base and how this relates to theories, methods and professional ethics. Reflective learning is an approach to learning that encourages students to develop a framework of values, knowledge and skills that can be added to, modified and expanded throughout their lifecycle.As I see teaching and research as being firmly interwoven, in 2000 I engaged in the process of constructing a teaching portfolio, a documentation of the collaborative process of intentional enquiry into aspects of my teaching. A primary goal of teaching is enabling students to develop the skills of enquiry – these are also the fundamental skills of research. The collaborative research I have undertaken with Drs. Murphy & Halton has been focused on developing methods of engaging with students in terms of developing an understanding of their knowledge construction. This work resulted in a being awarded a UCC Presidents Award for Research on Innovative Forms of Teaching and Learning in 2002 and a range of journal publications. The phenomenological underpinnings of this work mirrors the theoretical underpinnings of humanistic and existential approaches to counselling psychology both of which I teach at a postgraduate level. To this end there is a clear relationship between the subject matter of courses I teach, the focus of my areas of research and my own approach to research, teaching and practice.   

Research Grants

Start DateEnd DateAward
[MID WEST HEALTHBOARD] {M Dempsey } VHealth Boards01-SEP-0231-AUG-03€59,455.00
research into reflective learning in social work education (NAIRTL02-JUN-08€1,000.00
Advancing Recovery: Implementation of Open Dialogue in HSEHealth Service Executive03-MAR-1504-SEP-20€10,000.00
Understanding Fertility - Phase 2 Developing Critical MassOther: Not Listed01-MAR-1831-OCT-18€3,289.15
Development of INPQR (Ireland Network for Pluralism in Qualitative Research)Other: Not Listed07-JAN-1903-FEB-20€3,800.00
Advancing the Ireland Network for Pluralism in Qualitative ResearchOther: Not Listed31-JUL-1923-DEC-21€7,200.00
Irish transsexual experience of accessing healthcareIrish Research Council01-OCT-1930-SEP-24€96,000.00
'Establishing Precedent?' Peer assessment in inter-disciplinary collaboration between Schools of Law and Applied PsychologyUCC Strategic Research Fund01-JUN-2131-OCT-21€1,656.35
Understanding Fertility: A pilot projectOther: Not Listed01-JUN-1601-JUN-18€2,000.00
Evaluation of Single Point Assessment Hub (SPAH)Health Service Executive19-JUL-2116-MAR-22€17,161.00


Peer Reviewed Journals

(2024)'Healthcare Avoidance and Delay in the Transgender Population: A Systematic Review Exploring Associations with Minority Stress'
Thomas, S., Dempsey, M., King, R., & Murphy, M. (2024) 'Healthcare Avoidance and Delay in the Transgender Population: A Systematic Review Exploring Associations with Minority Stress'. Transgender Health, [DOI] [Details]
(2023)'Demographic factors associated with healthcare avoidance and delay in the transgender population: Findings from a systematic review'
Thomas, S., King, R., Murphy, M. & Dempsey, M. (2023) 'Demographic factors associated with healthcare avoidance and delay in the transgender population: Findings from a systematic review'. Dialogues in Health, [DOI] [Details]
(2023)'The relationship between social support, coping strategies and psychological distress and positive mental well-being in carers of people with borderline personality disorder'
Hayes, A., Dempsey, M., Kells, M., Murphy, M. (2023) 'The relationship between social support, coping strategies and psychological distress and positive mental well-being in carers of people with borderline personality disorder'. Borderline Personality Disorder And Emotion Dysregulation, 10 (31) [DOI] [Details]
(2023)'The effect of COVID-19 lockdowns on women's perinatal mental health: a systematic review'
Wall, Stephanie; Dempsey, Maria (2023) 'The effect of COVID-19 lockdowns on women's perinatal mental health: a systematic review'. Women and Birth, 36 (1):47-55   [DOI] [Full Text] [Details]
(2023)'Living With Endometriosis: A Reflexive Thematic Analysis Examining Women’s Experiences With the Irish Healthcare Services'
Lightbourne A, Foley S, Dempsey M, Cronin M (2023) 'Living With Endometriosis: A Reflexive Thematic Analysis Examining Women’s Experiences With the Irish Healthcare Services'. Qualitative health research, [DOI] [Details]
(2022)'‘Establishing Precedent?’ A pilot study of peer assessment in inter-disciplinary postgraduate education'
Dempsey, M., King, R., Whelan, D., & Power, B (2022) '‘Establishing Precedent?’ A pilot study of peer assessment in inter-disciplinary postgraduate education'. Irish Educational Studies, [Details]
(2022)'What Does She See in Him? Hybristophiles and Spree Killers'
Shreesta, A;Dempsey, M;Tuohy-Hamil, S;King, R (2022) 'What Does She See in Him? Hybristophiles and Spree Killers'. Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology, [DOI] [Details]
(2023)'Family functioning and the emotional and behavioural well-being of children and youth with autism spectrum disorder: A systematic review of prospective studies'
Fitzgerald, B., McCusker, C., Dempsey, M. & Dunn-Galvin, A. (2023) 'Family functioning and the emotional and behavioural well-being of children and youth with autism spectrum disorder: A systematic review of prospective studies'. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders,   [Details]
(2022)'Viola Ten Project: Lessons Learned from Fooling (Consenting) Scientists'
McQueen, S., Dempsey, M. and King, R. (2022) 'Viola Ten Project: Lessons Learned from Fooling (Consenting) Scientists'. Journal of Performance Magic, [Details]
(2020)'An Open Dialogue-informed approach to mental health service delivery: experiences of service users and support networks'
Twamley I.;Dempsey M.;Keane N. (2020) 'An Open Dialogue-informed approach to mental health service delivery: experiences of service users and support networks'. Journal Of Mental Health, [DOI] [Details]
(2019)'Am I Lazy, a Drama Queen or Depressed? A pluralistic analysis of participant and researcher data when analysing accounts of depression posted to an Ireland-based website'
Dempsey, Maria; Foley, Sarah; Frost, Nollaig; Murphy, Raegan; Willis, Niamh; Robinson, Sarah; Dunn-Galvin, Audrey; Veale, Angela; Linehan, Carol; Pantidi,Nadia; McCarthy, John (2019) 'Am I Lazy, a Drama Queen or Depressed? A pluralistic analysis of participant and researcher data when analysing accounts of depression posted to an Ireland-based website'. Qualitative research in psychology, [DOI] [Full Text] [Details]
(2019)'“That which is crooked can be made straight”: Challenges and opportunities of Assistive Reproductive Technologies (ART) in Ireland in the 21st century'
King, Rob; Nagy, Andrea; Dempsey, Maria; Rice, Aoife (2019) '“That which is crooked can be made straight”: Challenges and opportunities of Assistive Reproductive Technologies (ART) in Ireland in the 21st century'. Personality and Individual Differences, 151 :1-5   [DOI] [Full Text] [Details]
(2018)'Pot of gold at the rainbows end? A spectrum of attitudes to ART in Ireland'
Dempsey, M., King, R., & Nagy, A. (2018) 'Pot of gold at the rainbows end? A spectrum of attitudes to ART in Ireland'. Journal Of Reproductive And Infant Psychology, [Details]
(2016)'Keeping things under control: Exploring migrant Eastern European womens’ experiences of pregnancy in Ireland'
Dempsey, M., & Peeren, S. (2016) 'Keeping things under control: Exploring migrant Eastern European womens’ experiences of pregnancy in Ireland'. Journal Of Reproductive And Infant Psychology, [Details]
(2016)'Measuring sperm backflow following female orgasm: a new method'
King, R., Dempsey, M. & Valentine, K (2016) 'Measuring sperm backflow following female orgasm: a new method'. Socioaffective Neuroscience & Psychology, 6 (Special Issue):1-13 [DOI] [Full Text] [Details]
(2016)'Construction of peer support groups in child protection social work: Negotiating practicalities to enhance the professional self'
Halton, C., & Dempsey, M. (2016) 'Construction of peer support groups in child protection social work: Negotiating practicalities to enhance the professional self'. Journal of Social Work Practice, [DOI] [Details]
(2013)'Exploring experiences of adoption: Emerging implications for therapeutic practice'
Jordan, C., & Dempsey, M (2013) 'Exploring experiences of adoption: Emerging implications for therapeutic practice'. Counselling Psychology Review, Vol. 28 (1):37-46 [Details]
(2008)'The transfer of reflective engagement from social work education into the workplace: a study of the value of scaffolded reflection'
Murphy,M., Halton,C., & Dempsey,M.; (2008) 'The transfer of reflective engagement from social work education into the workplace: a study of the value of scaffolded reflection'. Irish Educational Studies, 27 (1):71-80 [Details]
(2008)'Introducing tools of reflective learning into peer supervision groups in a social work agency: An action research project'
Dempsey, M., Murphy, M., & Halton, C. ; (2008) 'Introducing tools of reflective learning into peer supervision groups in a social work agency: An action research project'. The Journal of Practice Teaching and Learning, 8 (2):25-43 [DOI] [Details]
(2007)'Reflective learning in social work education: researching student experiences'
Halton, C., Murphy, M. & Dempsey, M.; (2007) 'Reflective learning in social work education: researching student experiences'. Reflective Practice, 8 (4):511-523 [Details]
(2002)'Quantative Outcomes of a Parent Education Group'
Dromey, S., Dempsey, M., O’Sullivan, K. (2002) 'Quantative Outcomes of a Parent Education Group'. The Irish Psychologist, [Details]
(2001)'Reflective learning in social work education: scaffolding the process'
Dempsey, M., Halton, C. & Murphy, M.; (2001) 'Reflective learning in social work education: scaffolding the process'. Social Work Education, 20 (6):631-641 [Details]
(1997)'The Use of Self in Social Work: Opportunities for Reflection During Professional Training'
Dempsey, M., Halton C., & Murphy, M; (1997) 'The Use of Self in Social Work: Opportunities for Reflection During Professional Training'. Irish Social Worker, [Details]

Book Chapters

(2023)'Teaching Pluralism and Teaching Pluralistically: Pluralistic Qualitative Research as a model for teaching and learning qualitative research in psychology'
Foley, S., Frost, N., & Dempsey, M. (2023) 'Teaching Pluralism and Teaching Pluralistically: Pluralistic Qualitative Research as a model for teaching and learning qualitative research in psychology' In: Eleftheria Tseliou, Carolin Demuth, Eugenie Georgaca, Brendan Gough (eds). The Routledge International Handbook of Innovative Qualitative Psychological Research. UK: Routledge. [Details]
(2023)'Taking Qualitatively-Driven Mixed Methods Research Further'
Frost, N., Dempsey, M and Foley, S (2023) 'Taking Qualitatively-Driven Mixed Methods Research Further' In: S. Bager-Charleson & A. McBeath (eds). Supporting Research in Counselling and Psychotherapy: Qualitative, Quantitative and Mixed Methods Research. UK: Palgrave Macmillan. [DOI] [Details]
(2019)'Age of Parent'
Dempsey, M & King, R (2019) 'Age of Parent' In: Shackelford, T., Weekes-Shackelford, V (eds). Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Psychology. Switzerland: Springer. [DOI] [Details]
(2020)'Qualitative versus Quantitative in Evolutionary Science'
Dempsey, M, & King, R (2020) 'Qualitative versus Quantitative in Evolutionary Science' In: Shackelford, T., Weekes-Shackelford, V (eds). Enclyclopedia of Evolutionary Psychology. Swizerland: Springer. [DOI] [Details]
(2010)'Reflective Inquiry in Professional Social Work Education Chapter in Lyons, N. (Editor)'
Murphy, M., Dempsey, M. & Halton, C; (2010) 'Reflective Inquiry in Professional Social Work Education Chapter in Lyons, N. (Editor)' In: Nona Lyons (eds). A Handbook of Reflection and Reflective Inquiry. New York: Springer. [DOI] [Details]

Other Journals

(2005)'An investigation of teenagers sexual knowledge, attitudes, experiences and behaviours in the MWHB region of the country'
Dempsey, M., Bradley, C. & Dromey, S. ; (2005) 'An investigation of teenagers sexual knowledge, attitudes, experiences and behaviours in the MWHB region of the country' National Institute of Health Sciences: Research Bulletin, 3 (1) :42-43. [Details]
(2001)'The experience of teenage pregnancy in the South East of Ireland (3.34 MB)'
Dempsey, Maria and Heslin, Julie and Bradley, Colin (2001) 'The experience of teenage pregnancy in the South East of Ireland (3.34 MB)' -1465, . [Details]
(2002)'Tus Nua: A new start for mothers parenting alone'
Ryan, T., & Dempsey, M; (2002) 'Tus Nua: A new start for mothers parenting alone' Insight Reflective Practice Journal, 2 :23-24. [Details]

Published Reports

(2022)Social intervention supporting rehabilitation of people in custody: insights for working with excluded populations.
Marron,S., Dempsey,M., Regan, E., McGowan, C., Dorai-Raj,C., & Betts-Symonds,G. (2022) Social intervention supporting rehabilitation of people in custody: insights for working with excluded populations. Psychological Society of Ireland, Dublin. [Details]
(2000)The South East Teenage Pregnancy Study: A qualitative analysis of the experience of teenage pregnancy in the South East of Ireland.
Dempsey,M., Heslin,J., & Bradley, C.; (2000) The South East Teenage Pregnancy Study: A qualitative analysis of the experience of teenage pregnancy in the South East of Ireland. . [Details]

Electronic Source

(2021)The process of developing theory in grounded theory research.
Maria Dempsey (2021) The process of developing theory in grounded theory research. London: Electronic Source   [DOI] [Details]

Invited papers

(2021)Reflection on Practice.
Nollaig Frost (2021) Reflection on Practice. London: Invited papers [Details]


(1999)It's not cancer - it's a baby!.
Dempsey, M; (1999) It's not cancer - it's a baby!. Other [Details]

Published abstracts

(2001)Teenage pregnancy in the context of service provision.
Dempsey, M.; (2001) Teenage pregnancy in the context of service provision. Published abstracts [Details]

Review Articles

(2003)Follow up Study of MSW Graduates on Reflective Teaching and Learning.
Halton, C. (2003) Follow up Study of MSW Graduates on Reflective Teaching and Learning. Review Articles [Details]
(2001)'Reflective Teaching and Learning in Social Work Education'.
Dempsey, M., Halton, C. and Murphy, M; (2001) 'Reflective Teaching and Learning in Social Work Education'. Review Articles [Details]

Unpublished Reports

(2022)CACSSS Placements Survey Report.
Professional Accredited Progs & Work placement Working Group (2022) CACSSS Placements Survey Report. Unpublished Reports [Details]
(2019)PSI Treasurers annual report.
Maria Dempsey (2019) PSI Treasurers annual report. Unpublished Reports [Details]
(2001)The experience of teenage pregnancy in the South East of Ireland.
Dempsey,M., Heslin, J., & Bradley, C.; (2001) The experience of teenage pregnancy in the South East of Ireland. Unpublished Reports [Details]
(2000)Mature Student Tutor Advisor Programme Report.
Dempsey, M. & O’Connell, A. (2000) Mature Student Tutor Advisor Programme Report. Unpublished Reports [Details]
(1999)Mature Student Tutor Advisor Programme Annual Report.
O’Connell, A. & Dempsey, M. (1999) Mature Student Tutor Advisor Programme Annual Report. Unpublished Reports [Details]

Research Report

(2022)Single Point of Access: Pathway to Mental Services Evaluation of the Specialist Mental Health Assessment Unit.
Murphy, L., Hayes, S., Dempsey, M.,Young,M., & Kennelly, J (2022) Single Point of Access: Pathway to Mental Services Evaluation of the Specialist Mental Health Assessment Unit. Kerry, Ireland: Research Report [Details]
(2004)An Investigation of Teenagers Sexual Knowledge, Attitudes, Experiences and Behaviour in the Mid Western Health Board Region.
Dempsey, M., Bradley, C., & Dromey, S; (2004) An Investigation of Teenagers Sexual Knowledge, Attitudes, Experiences and Behaviour in the Mid Western Health Board Region. Research Report [Details]

Professional Activities

Honours and Awards

 YearTitleAwarding Body
2017Impact Award, University Staff Recognition Awards, UCC UCC
2017MAAP-MH Shortlisted for Best New Course Graduate Ireland Award
2002Presidents Award for Research on Innovative Forms of Teaching and Learning. UCC
2006Student Unions Award for Services to Student Students Union, UCC

Professional Associations

 AssociationFunctionFrom / To
Chartered Member, Psychological Society of Ireland (PSI) Chartered Member01-SEP-99 /
Associate Fellow, PSI PSI01-SEP-99 /

Conference Contributions

(2022)From Molecules to People,
Ayisha Lighbourne, Mary Cronin, Sarah Foley & Maria Dempsey (2022) Living with Endometriosis. [Poster Presentation], From Molecules to People, UCC , 22-SEP-22 - 22-SEP-22. [Details]
(2022)PSI Annual Conference,
King, R., Dempsey, M., Minihane, K., Butler, N., Shreesta, A, & Tuohy-Hamill, S (2022) Spree Killers and their Fans: An Evolutionary Perspective. [Oral Presentation], PSI Annual Conference, Portlaoise , 09-NOV-22 - 11-NOV-22. [Details]
(2022)PSI Annual Conference,
Wall, S., & Dempsey, M. (2022) A Systematic Review on Perinatal Mental Health during COVID-19 lockdown. [Oral Presentation], PSI Annual Conference, Portlaoise , 09-NOV-22 - 11-NOV-22. [Details]
(2022)From Molecules to People,
Stephanie Wall & Maria Dempsey (2022) Practice implications from a systematic review on perinatal maternal mental health during COVID-19 lockdowns. [Poster Presentation], From Molecules to People, UCC , 22-SEP-22 - 22-SEP-22. [Details]
(2021)Irish Association of Law Teachers,
Darius Whelan, Maria Dempsey, Robert King and Bláthín Power (2021) Establishing Precedent? Peer assessment in interdisciplinary collaboration between Schools of Law and Applied Psychology. [Oral Presentation], Irish Association of Law Teachers, Cork , 19-NOV-21 - 21-NOV-21. [Details]
Thomas, S., King, R. Murphy, M. & Dempsey, M. (2020) Factors associated with healthcare avoidance within the Transgender population: A systematic review. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], PSI, Online . [Details]
(2020)Navigating Trans Healthcare in Ireland. PSI,
Thomas, S., Murphy, M., King, R. & Dempsey, M (2020) Barriers to health care. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Navigating Trans Healthcare in Ireland. PSI, Ireland . [Details]
(2020)Psychology Health and Medicine Conference,
Thomas, S., Dempsey, M. Murphy, M. & King, R (2020) A Qualitative Investigation of Healthcare Avoidance among Transgender Adults and the Role of the Doctor-Patient Relationship. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Psychology Health and Medicine Conference, Online . [Details]
(2021)European Qualitative Researchers in Psychology EQuiP,
Maria Dempsey (2021) Creating Bridges. [Invited Oral Presentation], European Qualitative Researchers in Psychology EQuiP, Greece online , 16-JUN-21 - 19-JUN-21. [Details]
(2021)European Qualitative Researchers in Psychology EQuiP,
Maria Dempsey, Sarah Foley, Nollaig Frost (2021) Pluralistic analysis as a process for examining reflexivity. [Oral Presentation], European Qualitative Researchers in Psychology EQuiP, Greece online , 16-JUN-21 - 19-JUN-21. [Details]
(2020)46th International Academy of Sex Research,
Siobhan Danette Thomas, Rob King, Mike Murphy & Maria Dempsey, (2020) Barriers to Health-Seeking in Transgender Populations: Healthcare Avoidance and Communication Apprehension. [Poster Presentation], 46th International Academy of Sex Research, Online DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.12962.56005 , 11-JUL-20. [Details]
(2020)PSI, Annual Conference,
Siobhan Danette Thomas, Rob King & Maria Dempsey, (2020) “You’re left to cobble a solution together for yourself”: Navigating Trans Healthcare in Ireland. [Oral Presentation], PSI, Annual Conference, Online , 14-NOV-20. [Details]
(2020)Ireland Network for Pluralistic Qualitative Research,
Maria Dempsey (2020) Pluralistic research: Focus on team work. [Oral Presentation], Ireland Network for Pluralistic Qualitative Research, UCC , 30-JAN-20 - 31-JAN-20. [Details]
(2020)17th Annual Psychology, Health & Medicine Conference,
Sarah Foley, Maria Dempsey, Nollaig Frost et al (2020) Supporting Practitioners Who Service Online Mental Health Support: A Pluralist Qualitative Analysis. [Poster Presentation], 17th Annual Psychology, Health & Medicine Conference, UCC , 19-JUN-20 - 19-JUN-20. [Details]
(2020)50th Anniversary Annual PSI online conference,
Murphy, R., Dempsey, M., Boylan, E., Byrne, L., O'Brien, E. & West, S. (2020) Partners Living with Depression: A Visual Psychometric Tool. [Oral Presentation], 50th Anniversary Annual PSI online conference, Ireland , 19-NOV-20 - 20-NOV-20. [Details]
(2019)PSI Annual conference,
Dempsey, M., Touhy-Hamill, S.Ward, M., &Buckley, N, (2019) The EGUIDE in Headway: A pilot study if users experiences. [Oral Presentation], PSI Annual conference, Kilkenny , 06-NOV-19 - 08-NOV-19. [Details]
(2019)PSI Annual conference,
Dempsey, M., Browne, K., Rowell, L, Laboissere, M & Moore, M. (2019) 'Like a bird out of a cage' Exploring lived experiences of the Horticulture and Prison Psychology InitiatIve (HaPPI) from the perspective of those in custody. [Oral Presentation], PSI Annual conference, Kilkenny , 06-NOV-19 - 08-NOV-19. [Details]
(2019)PSI Annual conference,
Woulfe, O; Murphy, R.; Howe, N. & Dempsey, M (2019) Development of a Partners Living with Depression Psychometric Tool. [Poster Presentation], PSI Annual conference, Kilkenny, Ireland , 06-NOV-19 - 08-NOV-19. [Details]
(2019)PSI Annual conference,
Howe, N; Dempsey, M, Woulfe, O & Murphy, R (2019) Living with depression - scale development. [Oral Presentation], PSI Annual conference, Kilkenny, Ireland , 06-NOV-19 - 08-NOV-19. [Details]
(2018)European Health Psychology Conference,
Dempsey, M., Willis, N. & Murphy, R (2018) It's like living with a ghost’: Experiences of intimate partners of people living with depression. [Oral Presentation], European Health Psychology Conference, NUI Galway , 21-AUG-18 - 25-AUG-18. [Details]
(2018)38th Annual SRIP Conference,
Nagy,A., King, R., Dempsey, M & Rice, A (2018) Attitudes to, and knowledge of, Assisted Reproductive Technologies in Ireland. [Oral Presentation], 38th Annual SRIP Conference, University of Lodz, Poland , 11-SEP-18 - 12-SEP-18. [Details]
(2018)Trauma and Methodologies,
Dempsey, M., Murphy, R. & Willis, N. (2018) Outside In? Adapting methodologies to achieve nuanced insights into depression. [Invited Oral Presentation], Trauma and Methodologies, UCC , 14-SEP-18. [Details]
(2017)7th World Congress on Women's Mental Health,
Maguire, C., Carolan, M., Dempsey, M., & Tobin, M. (2017) Exploring the process of change within parents-to-be taking part in a transition to parenthood group in an area of high deprivation. [Oral Presentation], 7th World Congress on Women's Mental Health, Dublin , 06-MAR-17 - 09-MAR-17. [Details]
(2016)PSI Annual Conference,
Nagy, A., Dempsey, M., King, R. & Clifford, H. (2016) ARTs and Life. [Poster Presentation], PSI Annual Conference, Athlone, Ireland , 10-NOV-16 - 12-NOV-16. [Details]
(2016)P.S.I. (Health),
Nagy, A., Dempsey, M. & King, R. J. (2016) Practitioners’ Understanding of Assistive Reproductive Technologies. [Oral Presentation], P.S.I. (Health), Cork (Ireland) . [Details]
Nagy, A. Dempsey, M., King., R. (2016) Assistive Reproductive Technologies: Practitioner and User Experiences. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], P.S.I, Ireland . [Details]
(2016)PSI Annual Conference,
McGrath, N., Dempsey, M. & King, R. (2016) How About a Walk? Exploring the terrain of Walk and Talk Therapy. [Oral Presentation], PSI Annual Conference, Athlone, Ireland , 10-NOV-16 - 12-NOV-16. [Details]
(2016)Open(ing) Dialogue National Conference,
Dempsey, M. (2016) Scaffolding Open Dialogue Research in the Irish Context. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Open(ing) Dialogue National Conference, Cork , 13-SEP-16 - 13-SEP-16. [Details]
(2016)Society for Reproductive & Infant Psychology,
Peeren, S., & Dempsey, M. (2016) MOMI: Motherhood and migration: A mixed methods consideration of social support in Ireland. [Poster Presentation], Society for Reproductive & Infant Psychology, Leeds, UK , 13-SEP-16 - 14-SEP-16. [Details]
(2016)Open(ing) Dialogue National Conference,
Twamley, I., Keane, N. & Dempsey, M. (2016) An Open Dialogue-informed approach to mental health service delivery: Pilot study of the experiences of service user and their support networks. [Poster Presentation], Open(ing) Dialogue National Conference, Cork , 13-SEP-16 - 13-SEP-16. [Details]
(2016)Psychology, Health and Medicine Conference,
Nagy, A., Dempsey, M., King, R., & Aldridge, J. (2016) Concepts of infertility among health care professionals: An exploratory study. [Poster Presentation], Psychology, Health and Medicine Conference, UCC , 26-MAY-16 - 27-MAY-16. [Details]
(2015)PSI Annual Conference,
Dempsey, M., Clancy, M., & Dunne, S (2015) Living with Depression: Intimate partners perspectives on depression. [Oral Presentation], PSI Annual Conference, Galway , 11-NOV-15 - 14-NOV-15. [Details]
(2014)PSI, Annual Conference,
Dempsey, M. & O'Brien, G (2014) Would a band-aid be of use to you? Developing understanding of male perspectives on menstruation. [Oral Presentation], PSI, Annual Conference, Kilkenny Ireland , 12-NOV-14 - 15-NOV-14. [Details]
(2014)PSI, Annual Conference,
Buckley, T & Dempsey, M (2014) Gastric bands: Silent friends?. [Oral Presentation], PSI, Annual Conference, Kilkenny Ireland , 12-NOV-14 - 15-NOV-14. [Details]
(2014)PSI, Annual Conference,
Hogan, V. & Dempsey, M. (2014) A Family Problem? Exploring Experiences of Parenting Adolescents With Substance Abuse Problems. [Oral Presentation], PSI, Annual Conference, Kilkenny Ireland , 12-NOV-14 - 15-NOV-14. [Details]
(2013)PSI Annual conference,
Siofra Peeren and Maria Dempsey (2013) Migrant Eastern European Womens’ Experience of Pregnancy and Motherhood in Ireland: An exploratory study. [Oral Presentation], PSI Annual conference, Sligo , 06-NOV-13 - 09-NOV-13. [Details]
(2011)PSI Annual Conference,
Jordan, C. & Dempsey, m. (2011) The experience of adoption from the inside out. [Oral Presentation], PSI Annual Conference, Galway . [Details]
(2013)PSI Annual Conference,
Maria Dempsey (2013) Title: Teenage pregnancy in Ireland: Constancy and change. [Oral Presentation], PSI Annual Conference, Sligo , 06-NOV-13 - 09-NOV-13. [Details]
(2013)PSI Annual conference,
Maria Dempsey & Lucy Rowell (2013) Identity Development of Irish Mothers Parenting Alone. [Oral Presentation], PSI Annual conference, Sligo , 06-NOV-13 - 09-NOV-13. [Details]
(2013)The 3rd European Conference on Social Work Research,
Halton, C., & Dempsey, M. (2013) Child Protection Social Workers Experiences of Peer Support Groups: A longitudinal study. [Oral Presentation], The 3rd European Conference on Social Work Research, University of JYvaskyla Finland , 20-MAR-13 - 22-MAR-13. [Details]
(2012)Psychological Society of Ireland Annual Conference,
Dempsey, M., & Kamphuis, C. (2012) Perceived stress and maintenance of weight management strategies. [Oral Presentation], Psychological Society of Ireland Annual Conference, Cork , 08-NOV-12 - 11-NOV-12. [Details]
(2012)Psychological Society of Ireland Annual Conference,
Dempsey, M. (2012) It’s not cancer, it’s a baby’; Lived experiences of teenage pregnancy. [Oral Presentation], Psychological Society of Ireland Annual Conference, Cork , 08-NOV-12 - 11-NOV-12. [Details]
(2007)AERA Conference,
Murphy, M., Halton, C., & Dempsey, M.; (2007) Sustaining Reflective Development in the Workplace: Researching epistemological responses to reflective engagement by social work practitioners. [Oral Presentation], AERA Conference, unknown , 01-JAN-07 - 01-JAN-07. [Details]
(2006)American Education Research Association (AERA),
Lyons,N., Halton, C., Dempsey, M., Murphy, M. & Rath, A.; (2006) Reflective Engagement as Professional Development: In service of the public good? . [Oral Presentation], American Education Research Association (AERA), San Francisco , 07-APR-06 - 11-APR-06. [Details]
(2006)American Educational Resarch Association (AERA),
Halton, C., Dempsey, M., & Murphy, M.; (2006) Education for responsible social work practice; the role of reflective engagement. [Oral Presentation], American Educational Resarch Association (AERA), San Francisco, USA , 06-APR-06 - 12-APR-06. [Details]
(2005)Women in Need of Greater Support (WiNGS) Across Europe initiative, (European Grundtvig II Learning Partnership),
Dempsey, M.; (2005) Teenage pregnancy: Implications for supports in educational settings. [Oral Presentation], Women in Need of Greater Support (WiNGS) Across Europe initiative, (European Grundtvig II Learning Partnership), Bessborough Care Centre, Cork , 01-JAN-05 - 01-JAN-05. [Details]
(2005)European Conference for Educational Research (ECER),
Lyons, N., Murphy, M., Halton, C., Dempsey, M. & Rath, A.; (2005) Reflective Engagement as professional development in higher education: Does new research support or refute the argument. [Oral Presentation], European Conference for Educational Research (ECER), UCD , 07-SEP-05 - 07-SEP-05. [Details]
(2005)ESAI Annual Conference,
Lyons, N., Dempsey, M., Halton, C., Murphy, M. & Rath, A.; (2005) Reflective Engagement as Professional Development: Does new research support or refute prior claims?. [Oral Presentation], ESAI Annual Conference, UCC , 11-MAR-05 - 11-MAR-05. [Details]
(2005)European Educational Research Association Conference ECER,
Dempsey, M., Halton, C., Murphy, M.; (2005) Tracking the Experience of Reflective Learning in Social Work Education : A Case Study. [Oral Presentation], European Educational Research Association Conference ECER, UCD, Dublin, Ireland.September , 07-SEP-05 - 07-SEP-05. [Details]
(2005)ESAI Annual Conference,
Murphy, M., Dempsey, M.,& Halton, C.; (2005) Tracking the experience of reflective learning in social work education: a longitudinal case study. [Oral Presentation], ESAI Annual Conference, UCC , 11-MAR-05 - 11-MAR-05. [Details]
(2005)La Leche League Conference,
Dempsey, M.; (2005) Voices of teenage pregnancy: experiences, meanings and connections with lone parenting. [Invited Oral Presentation], La Leche League Conference, Kilkenny , 11-MAR-05 - 13-MAR-05. [Details]
(2003)Psychological Society of Ireland (PSI),
O'Connell, B., Dempsey, M. & O'Sullivan, K; (2003) 'Pink Prejudice? An exploratory Study of the prevalence and aspects of homophobia amongst Irish Counsellors, Psychotherapists and Counselling Psychologists' . [Oral Presentation], Psychological Society of Ireland (PSI), * , 01-NOV-03 - 01-NOV-03. [Details]
(2001)International Portfolio Conference,
Dempsey, M., Halton, C., Murphy, M.; (2001) Cross Disciplinary Perspectives on Scaffolding Reflective Portfolio Development on a Professional Training Course,. [Oral Presentation], International Portfolio Conference, UCC, Cork , 01-FEB-01 - 03-FEB-01. [Details]
Murphy, M., Halton, C., & Dempsey, M. ; (1999) Sustaining Reflective Development in the Workplace: Researching Epistemological Responses to Reflective Engagement by Social Work Practitioners. . [Oral Presentation], AERA, Chicago , 30-DEC-99 - 30-DEC-99. [Details]
Halton, C., Lyons, N., Dempsey, M., & Murphy, M.; (1999) Epistemological Development through Practitioner Research by Social Workers Engaged in a Masters Degree by Portfolio. [Oral Presentation], AERA, Chicago , 30-DEC-99 - 30-DEC-99. [Details]
(1999)ESAI Conference,
Dempsey, M., Halton,C., & Murphy, M; (1999) Tracking the experience of reflective learning of MSW Students. [Oral Presentation], ESAI Conference, Cork , 30-DEC-99 - 30-DEC-99. [Details]
(1999)International Portfolio Conference,
Dempsey,M., Halton, C., & Murphy, M; (1999) Cross Disciplinary perspectives on scaffolding reflective portfolio development on a professional training course. [Oral Presentation], International Portfolio Conference, Cork , 30-DEC-99 - 30-DEC-99. [Details]
(1998)International Portfolio Conference,
Dempsey, M., Halton, C., & Murphy, M.; (1998) Reflective Learning in professional education. [Oral Presentation], International Portfolio Conference, Maine, USA , 04-JUL-98 - 06-JUL-98. [Details]
(1998)Reflective Learning Seminar,
Dempsey, M., Halton, C. and Murphy, M; (1998) Reflective Learning in Professional Education. [Invited Oral Presentation], Reflective Learning Seminar, Kennebunkport, Maine, USA , 10-JUL-98 - 12-JUL-98. [Details]
(1995)American Psychological Association,
Heppner, P.P., O’Leary, E., & Dempsey, M (1995) Is problem solving related to depression, anxiety and anger? A cross cultural investigation in Ireland and Kenya. [Oral Presentation], American Psychological Association, New York . [Details]


 CommitteeFunctionFrom / To
UCC Student Success Strategy Working Group Rep for CACSSS Student Experience2020 / 2021
UCC Student Survey Board Rep for CACSSS Student Experience2020 / 2021
Academic Council UCC CACSSS Rep2018 / 2021
CACSSS Student Experience Committee Chair2018 / 2021
Academic Strategy Implementation Working Group: Strand 1 ‘People and Ideas, Portfolio of Programmes’ Committee member CACSSS CADC rep2017 /
CACSSS Executive Management Committee Chair CADC / Chair Student Exp2017 / 2021
ACE Academic Standards Board (ACE ASB) Committee Member2017 /
CACSSS CADC Chair2017 / 2018
Young Knocknaheeny Research Committee Committee Member2017 /
Psychological Society Ireland Council Council member2017 / 2020
Bessborough Research Ethics Committee Committee Member2016 /
Board of Professional Conduct, PSI Board member2016 / 2018
Board of Directors, MTAS Ltd. Member2014 / 2022
CACSSS Graduate School Executive Member2014 / 2015
UCC Mitigation Committee committee member2012 /
CACSSS Graduate studies committee Committee member2011 /
Faculty of Arts Staff-Student Committee Chair2003 / 2006
Faculty of Arts Development Committee *2003 / 2006
Faculty of Arts Regulations Committee member2003 / 2006
Faculty of Arts Admissions Liasion Committee *2003 / 2006
Faculty of Arts Library Committee *2003 / 2006
Faculty of Arts Postgraduate Studies Committee *2003 / 2006
Faculty of Arts Research Committee *2003 / 2006
Faculty of Arts Adult Liason Group *2003 / 2006
Interim College Management Committee (ACSSS) Member2005 / 1899
Division of Teachers and Researchers in Psychology, PSI. Committee member2008 /
Sexual Diversity and Gender Issues Special Interest Group, PSI Member2008 /
Child Health Information Service Project (CHISP) Collaborative research work with SEHB2002 / 2003
Kerry Counselling Centre: A Centre for Counselling, Education & Development External Examiner2007 / 2010


 EmployerPositionFrom / To
University College Cork College Lecturer in Applied Psychology01-JAN-01 /
University College Cork Assistant Dean (for Student Affairs)01-JAN-03 / 31-DEC-06
University College Cork Researcher01-JAN-98 / 31-DEC-01
University College Cork College Lecturer in Dept. Applied Psychology01-JAN-94 / 31-DEC-98


1992NUI Galway BAPsychology
2022University College Cork Postgraduate Cert -Professional practice and reflective leadership in Higher Education
2011UCC Ph.D.Applied Psychology
1994University College Cork MACounselling Psychology


Turning Point Institute
Programme design and support, thesis marking
St. Johns Central College Cork
Programme evaluations

Outreach Activities


I am a Board Member of this service which provides free Drug and Alcohol treatment for young people ages 14 – 23 years. MTAS CLG is committed to providing treatment services for young people with substance misuse issues and their families. The values of this services are respect, clinical excellence, integrity and human rights. The vision of this services is to be a leading influence in substance misuse treatment provision for children and young people by creating centres of excellence within their continuum of care.

Director of inner city based community support group, Tus Nua, for mothers parenting alone and their children 1996 - 2002

2017 - 2019

I sourced internal funding and organised for Cork Life Center staff to provide ASiST training for SoAP staff and students and UCC security staff on an annual basis.

Revised and updated research policy, responsible for chairing research meetings, offering guidance on research practice and processing research ethics applications

Attended research ethic committee meetings, considered applications and offered feedback on research protocols

Journal Activities

 JournalRoleTo / From
Counselling Psychology Review Peer Reviewer07-FEB-22 -
Journal Of Reproductive And Infant Psychology Peer Reviewer26-JAN-22 -
Research For All Peer Reviewer21-JAN-22 -

Other Activities


2017: Invited by Cengage EMEA to peer review The Skilled Helper by G. Egan

Examiner DCounsPsy Natalia Griem TCD 2022

Examiner DCounsPsy Leora DeFlumere TCD 2022

Examiner DCounsPsy Jack Loxham TCD 2022

Independent Chair PhD 
Sarah McCreedy UCC 2022

Examiner DClinPsy Alice Cashman UCC 2022

Examiner DCounsPsy Sheldon DeSilva TCD 2021

Examiner DCounsPsy Kate McMahon TCD 2021

Examiner DCounsPsy Ariel Baptiste TCD 2021

Examiner DClinPsy Conal Gillespie UCC 2021

Examiner DClinPsy Rachel McMahon UCC 2021

Examiner PhD Sylvia Dempsey UCC 2021

Examiner DCounsPsy Katie McQuillan TCD 2020

Examiner DCounsPsy Mary Keegan TCD 2020

Examiner DCounsPsy  Meg Ryan TCD 2020

Examiner DCounsPsy Angie Chircop TCD 2020

Independent Chair PhD Lorraine O'Donovan UCC 2020

Examiner PhD Mary Galvin UCC 2016 

2019: Invited to Chair, MIC first Quality Assurance Panel for Dept of Psychology

2022: Appointed by University of Edinburgh as external examiner for new PG programme: Introduction to Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) 

2023: Invited as external examiner by TUS for MPhil to PhD viva voce progression

Oct 2019: Invited to Chair the inaugural quality review process for the School of Psychology in Mary Immaculate College, Limerick. 

2020: Appointed as external examiner by University of Edinburgh for MSc in Mental Health in Children and Young People: Psychological Approaches online & campus based programmes 

2020 Appointed as external examiner for 3 years by Trinity College Dublin for DCounsPsy programme

2020: Appointed as external examiner by  Technological University of the Shannon: Certificate in Change Leadership

Teaching Activities

Teaching Interests

Recent Postgraduates

 Graduation YearStudent NameInstitutionDegree TypeThesis Title
2019Orla Woulfe, MA UCCDevelopment of a Psychometric Tool to Measure Partners’ Living with Depression
2019Senan Tuohy-Hamill, MA UCCEvaluation of the implementation of the EGUIDE in Headway: A pilot study
2022Stephanie Wall, MA UCCPerinatal Mental Health care during Covid-19: A systematic review.
2019Naoimh Howe, MA UCCLiving with Depression, Study 3
2019Katie Browne, MA UCCExploring the lived experiences of the HaPPI (Horticulture and Prison Psychology Initiative)
2019Mathilde McCarthy, MA UCCOpen Dialogue: Developing a National Baseline of Knowledge- Phase 2
2019James Groake, MA UCCHaPPI: Perspectives on developing and implementing a horticultural programme within the IPS
2022Bláthín Power, MA UCCPandemonia? Me, My Mental Health and My Degree
2022Kate Murphy, MA UCCCounselling in Primary Care
2022Ayisha Lightbourne MA UCCLiving with chronic illness: A qualitative study exploring women’s lived experiences of endometriosis.
2021Sophie Marron, MA UCCInmates Explanations of How Volunteering with the Red Cross Impacts their Personal Development
2019Niamh Doyle, DClinPsy UCCA Study of Meaning-Making in Open Dialogue using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis
2021Clare Harris, MA UCCExploring Experiences of IVF Egg Donation Pregnancies
2021Ellen Holloway, MA UCCWorking our way through a Pandemic: Student’s in employment during Covid-19
2021Nora Conway, MA UCCIn the Making and Telling of A Story An exploratory analysis into the therapeutic and transformative benefits of filmmaking for individuals with Brain injury.
2021Rebecca Russell, MA UCCA Narrative Review of the experience of Open Dialogue trainees in the Irish mental healthcare setting
2019Dan Harnett, DClinPsy UCCTrauma informed care and the Open Dialogue approach to mental health care: A mixed methods study of practitioner attitudes and perspectives.

Current Postgraduate Students

 StudentDegree Type
Nic Lochlainn Miriam Practitioner Doctorates

Research Information

Internal Collaborators

Professor Nollaig Frost UCCIRELAND
Dr. Sarah Foley UCCIRELAND

External Collaborators

 NameOrganisation / InstituteCountry
Dr. Samira Hayes HSEIRELAND
Dr. Iseult Twamley HSEIRELAND
Dr. Deborah Bailey-Rodriguez Middlesex UniversityUNITED KINGDOM
Professor Nona Lyons U.S.A.
Dr. Emma O'Regan Irish Prison ServicesIRELAND

Contact details

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School of Applied Psychology

Síceolaíocht Fheidhmeach

Cork Enterprise Centre, North Mall, Cork.,
