Research Profile

Gillian Murphy


I am a lecturer in the School of Applied Psychology and a member of the People & Technology research group

Research Interests

My research interests primarily relate to understanding attention and memory in everyday scenarios. I have conducted research examining distraction and attention failure in simulated driving environments and eyewitness memory for crimes. 

Much of my recent research relates to misinformation - assessing who is most susceptible to misinformation, how and when do false memories form in response to misinformation, and developing interventions to reduce harm. I also have a particular interest in the ethics of misinformation research, including evaluating the effectiveness of our debriefing procedures. 

Research Grants

Start DateEnd DateAward
What's Driving Selective Attention? Load Theory Behind the WheelIrish Research Council01-OCT-1301-OCT-16€72,000.00
SFI 13/RC/2094 - LERO - P2 Deep Fake - Gillian Murphy [X]Science Foundation of Ireland01-OCT-2131-DEC-25€322,300.00
Serious Games as an Intervention to Improve Critical Appraisal of Conspiracy Theories.Irish Research Council01-SEP-2131-AUG-24€82,500.00
Susceptibility for Political Online Falsehoods: Assessing Individual Differences in False Memory ConstructionIrish Research Council01-MAY-1901-FEB-21€4,200.00
False Memories for a Real World ReferendumRoyal Irish Academy01-JAN-1831-DEC-18€1,900.00
Liberty Insurance dac; Sponsored research agreement; "Young Driver Research Review"; Dr Gillian MurphyIndustry10-APR-1730-SEP-19€35,343.00


Peer Reviewed Journals

(2021)'False Memories for Me, Too? Attitudes towards feminism predict susceptibility to feminism-related fake news'
Murphy, Gillian; Murray, Emma; Gough, Doireann (2021) 'False Memories for Me, Too? Attitudes towards feminism predict susceptibility to feminism-related fake news'. Applied Cognitive Psychology, [DOI] [Full Text] [Details]
(2021)'Misremembering Brexit: partisan bias and individual predictors of false memories for fake news stories among Brexit voters'
Greene, CM;Nash, RA;Murphy, G (2021) 'Misremembering Brexit: partisan bias and individual predictors of false memories for fake news stories among Brexit voters'. Memory, 29 :587-604 [DOI] [Details]
(2021)'The Medium and the Message: Comparing the Effectiveness of Six Methods of Misinformation Delivery in an Eyewitness Memory Paradigm'
Greene, CM;Bradshaw, R;Huston, C;Murphy, G (2021) 'The Medium and the Message: Comparing the Effectiveness of Six Methods of Misinformation Delivery in an Eyewitness Memory Paradigm'. Journal Of Experimental Psychology-Applied, [DOI] [Details]
(2021)'Driving and cognitive function in people with stroke and healthy age-matched controls'
Groeger, JA;Murphy, G (2021) 'Driving and cognitive function in people with stroke and healthy age-matched controls'. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, [DOI] [Details]
(2021)'Deepfake false memories'
Murphy, G;Flynn, E (2021) 'Deepfake false memories'. Memory, [DOI] [Details]
(2021)'Push polls increase false memories for fake news stories'
Murphy, G;Lynch, L;Loftus, E;Egan, R (2021) 'Push polls increase false memories for fake news stories'. Memory, 29 :693-707 [DOI] [Details]
(2021)'Remembering facts versus feelings in the wake of political events'
Levine, LJ;Murphy, G;Lench, HC;Greene, CM;Loftus, EF;Tinti, C;Schmidt, S;Muzzulini, B;Grady, RH;Stark, SM;Stark, CEL (2021) 'Remembering facts versus feelings in the wake of political events'. Cognition &Amp; Emotion, 35 :936-955 [DOI] [Details]
(2021)'Quantifying the Effects of Fake News on Behavior: Evidence From a Study of COVID-19 Misinformation'
Greene, CM;Murphy, G (2021) 'Quantifying the Effects of Fake News on Behavior: Evidence From a Study of COVID-19 Misinformation'. Journal Of Experimental Psychology-Applied, [DOI] [Details]
(2020)'Individual differences in susceptibility to false memories for COVID-19 fake news'
Greene, CM;Murphy, G (2020) 'Individual differences in susceptibility to false memories for COVID-19 fake news'. Cognitive Research-Principles And Implications, 5 [DOI] [Details]
(2020)'Fool me twice: how effective is debriefing in false memory studies?'
Murphy, G;Loftus, E;Grady, RH;Levine, LJ;Greene, CM (2020) 'Fool me twice: how effective is debriefing in false memory studies?'. Memory, [DOI] [Details]
(2020)'Misremembering Motives: The Unreliability of Voters' Memories of the Reasons for their Vote'
Murphy, G;Loftus, E;Grady, RH;Levine, LJ;Greene, CM (2020) 'Misremembering Motives: The Unreliability of Voters' Memories of the Reasons for their Vote'. Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition, 9 :564-575 [Details]
(2020)'Fool me twice: How effective is debriefing in false memory studies?'
Murphy, Gillian; Loftus, Elizabeth; Hofstein Grady, Rebecca; Levine, Linda J.; Greene, Ciara M. (2020) 'Fool me twice: How effective is debriefing in false memory studies?'. Memory, 28 (7):938-949 [DOI] [Full Text] [Details]
(2020)'Driver performance under simulated and actual driving conditions: Validity and orthogonality'
Groeger J.A.;Murphy G. (2020) 'Driver performance under simulated and actual driving conditions: Validity and orthogonality'. Accident; analysis and prevention, 143 [DOI] [Details]
(2019)'Trait mindfulness & self-reported driving behaviour'
Murphy, G; Matvienko-Sikar, K. (2019) 'Trait mindfulness & self-reported driving behaviour'. Personality and Individual Differences, 147 :250-255   [DOI] [Full Text] [Details]
(2019)'Handing over the Keys: A Qualitative Study of the Experience of Automation in Driving'
Linehan C.;Murphy G.;Hicks K.;Gerling K.;Morrissey K. (2019) 'Handing over the Keys: A Qualitative Study of the Experience of Automation in Driving'. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, [DOI] [Details]
(2019)'False Memories for Fake News During Ireland's Abortion Referendum'
Murphy, G., Loftus, E., Hofstein-Grady, R., Levine, L. & Greene, C. M. (2019) 'False Memories for Fake News During Ireland's Abortion Referendum'. Psychological Science, [Full Text] [Details]
(2018)'Time to drive: Present vs. future orientation and self-reported driving behaviour'
Murphy, L;Murphy, G (2018) 'Time to drive: Present vs. future orientation and self-reported driving behaviour'. Transportation Research: Traffic Psychology & Behaviour, 56 :1-13 [DOI] [Details]
(2018)'Perceptual load affects change blindness in a real-world interaction'
Murphy, G;Murphy, L (2018) 'Perceptual load affects change blindness in a real-world interaction'. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 32 :655-660 [DOI] [Details]
(2018)'Reducing young drivers' crash risk: Are we there yet? An ecological systems-based review of the last decade of research'
Cassarino, M;Murphy, G (2018) 'Reducing young drivers' crash risk: Are we there yet? An ecological systems-based review of the last decade of research'. Transportation Research: Traffic Psychology & Behaviour, 56 :54-73 [DOI] [Full Text] [Details]
(2018)'Time to Drive: Present vs. Future Orientation and Self-Reported Driving Behaviour'
Murphy, L., & Murphy, G. (2018) 'Time to Drive: Present vs. Future Orientation and Self-Reported Driving Behaviour'. Transportation Research Part F-Traffic Psychology And Behaviour, 56 :1-13 [DOI] [Details]
(2018)'The role of prenatal, obstetric, and post-partum factors in the parenting stress of mothers and fathers of 9-month old infants'
Matvienko-Sikar, K;Murphy, G;Murphy, M (2018) 'The role of prenatal, obstetric, and post-partum factors in the parenting stress of mothers and fathers of 9-month old infants'. Journal Of Psychosomatic Obstetrics And Gynecology, 39 :47-55 [DOI] [Details]
(2017)'Load theory behind the wheel; perceptual and cognitive load effects'
Murphy G;Greene CM; (2017) 'Load theory behind the wheel; perceptual and cognitive load effects'. Canadian Journal Of Experimental Psychology = Revue Canadienne De Psychologie Experimentale, 71 (3) [DOI] [Details]
(2017)'Visual feature vs. conjunction searches as a robust manipulation of perceptual load'
Murphy, G;Greene, CM (2017) 'Visual feature vs. conjunction searches as a robust manipulation of perceptual load'. Journal Of Cognitive Psychology, 29 :305-326 [DOI] [Details]
(2017)'Under High Perceptual Load, Observers Look but Do Not See'
Greene, CM;Murphy, G;Januszewski, J (2017) 'Under High Perceptual Load, Observers Look but Do Not See'. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 31 :431-437 [DOI] [Details]
(2017)'The Elephant in the Road: Auditory Perceptual Load Affects Driver Perception and Awareness'
Murphy, G;Greene, CM (2017) 'The Elephant in the Road: Auditory Perceptual Load Affects Driver Perception and Awareness'. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 31 :258-263 [DOI] [Details]
(2016)'Twenty years of load theory-Where are we now, and where should we go next?'
Murphy G;Groeger JA;Greene CM; (2016) 'Twenty years of load theory-Where are we now, and where should we go next?'. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, [DOI] [Details]
(2016)'Perceptual Load Induces Inattentional Blindness in Drivers'
Gillian Murphy & Ciara M. Greene (2016) 'Perceptual Load Induces Inattentional Blindness in Drivers'. Applied Cognitive Psychology, [Details]
(2016)'The Effects of Mindfulness Interventions on Prenatal Well-being: A Systematic Review'
Matvineko-Sikar K;Lee L;Murphy G;Murphy L; (2016) 'The Effects of Mindfulness Interventions on Prenatal Well-being: A Systematic Review'. Psychology & Health, [DOI] [Details]
(2016)'Perceptual Load Affects Eyewitness Accuracy and Susceptibility to Leading Questions'
Gillian Murphy & Ciara Grene (2016) 'Perceptual Load Affects Eyewitness Accuracy and Susceptibility to Leading Questions'. Frontiers in psychology, 7 (1322) [DOI] [Full Text] [Details]
(2015)'High perceptual load causes inattentional blindness and deafness in drivers'
Murphy, G;Greene, CM (2015) 'High perceptual load causes inattentional blindness and deafness in drivers'. Visual Cognition, 23 [DOI] [Details]
(2014)'Easily Distracted? Take a load off'
Gillian Murphy & Ciara M. Greene (2014) 'Easily Distracted? Take a load off'. The Boolean, [Details]

Professional Activities

Honours and Awards

 YearTitleAwarding Body
2018Charlemont Award Royal Irish Academy
2015Fulbright Scholar - Albert Einstein College of Medicine, New York Fulbright Ireland
2015OPAM Conference Travel Award Object Processing, Attention & Memory (OPAM) Meeting 2015
2015APA Division 3 Award - Best Poster Presentation American Psychological Association
2015'Making An Impact' Finalist Higher Education Authority
2015Famelab National Final Audience Choice Award Famelab Ireland
2012School of Applied Psychology Studentship UCC School of Applied Psychology
2012Peter Dempsey Award in Applied Psychology UCC School of Applied Psychology

Conference Contributions

(2019)Society for Applied Research in Memory and Cognition - Conference,
Murphy, G., Murphy, L. & Greene, C.M. (2019) Perceptual load effects on change blindness and memory for human faces. [Oral Presentation], Society for Applied Research in Memory and Cognition - Conference, Cape Cod, USA . [Details]
(2018)Psychonomic Society Annual Meeting,
Greene, C.M., Loftus, E., Hofstein-Grady, R., Levine, L. & Murphy, G. (2018) Flashbulb Memories of a National Referendum on Abortion. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Psychonomic Society Annual Meeting, New Orleans, USA . [Details]
(2019)Society for Applied Research in Memory & Cognition - Conference,
Murphy, G., Loftus, E., Hofstein-Grady, R., Levine, L. & Greene, C. M. (2019) Can Voters Consistently Recall the Reasons for Their Voting Choice?A one-year study of voters in the Irish abortion referendum. [Oral Presentation], Society for Applied Research in Memory & Cognition - Conference, Cape Cod, USA . [Details]
(2018)Auditory Perception, Cognition & Action Meeting,
Murphy, G. & Murphy, L. (2018) Cross-modal attention in emergency medical professionals vs. regular drivers. [Oral Presentation], Auditory Perception, Cognition & Action Meeting, USA . [Details]
(2018)Psychonomic Society Annual Meeting,
Murphy, G., Loftus, E., Hofstein-Grady, R., Levine, L. & Greene, C. M. (2018) False Memories for Fabricated Political Scandals During Ireland’s Abortion Referendum. [Poster Presentation], Psychonomic Society Annual Meeting, New Orleans, USA . [Details]
(2017)Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Gathering,
Murphy, G. & Murphy, L. (2017) Eyes on the Road? Inattentional Blindness in professional EMT Drivers. [Oral Presentation], Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Gathering, Kinsale, Ireland . [Details]
(2017)Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Gathering,
Murphy, G., & Murphy, L. (2017) Eyes on the Road? Inattentional Blindness in professional EMT Drivers. [Oral Presentation], Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Gathering, Kinsale, Ireland . [Details]
(2015)Annual Nursing & Midwifery Research Conference,
O’ Leary, K., Lee, L., Murphy, G., & Murphy, L. (2015) A Review of Mindfulness Intervention Effects on Prenatal Stress, Depression and Anxiety. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Annual Nursing & Midwifery Research Conference, University College Cork . [Details]
(2015)College of Arts, Celtic Studies & Social Sciences: Symposium on Teaching, Creativity & Technology,
Murphy, L., & Murphy, G. (2015) Using Driving Simulation in Creative Research & Teaching. [Invited Seminars/Guest Lectures], College of Arts, Celtic Studies & Social Sciences: Symposium on Teaching, Creativity & Technology, University College Cork . [Details]
(2016)Psychology, Health & Medicine Conference,
Murphy, G., O'Leary, K & Dockray, S. (2016) Trier on Wheels? Cardiovascular reactivity in a simulated stressful driving scenario. [Oral Presentation], Psychology, Health & Medicine Conference, Cork . [Details]
(2016)13th Annual Psychology, Health and Medicine Conference,
Matvienko-Sikar, K., Murphy, G. & Murphy, M. (2016) The role of perinatal and obstetric factors in post-partum parenting stress for mothers and father. [Oral Presentation], 13th Annual Psychology, Health and Medicine Conference, UCC Cork . [Details]
(2016). 13th Annual Psychology, Health and Medicine Conference,
Murphy G., Matvienko-Sikar, K. & Dockray, S. (2016) Trier on Wheels? Cardiovascular Reactivity in a Simulated Stressful Driving Scenario. [Oral Presentation], . 13th Annual Psychology, Health and Medicine Conference, UCC, Cork . [Details]
(2015)The 15th Annual Nursing & Midwifery Research Conference,
O’ Leary, K., Lee, L., Murphy, G., & Murphy, L. (2015) A review of mindfulness intervention effects on prenatal stress, depression and anxiety. [Poster Presentation], The 15th Annual Nursing & Midwifery Research Conference, UCC Cork . [Details]
(2016)British Psychological Society Cognitive Section Annual Conference,
Murphy, G. & Greene, C.M. (2016) The Effect of Verbal & Visuo-Spatial Cognitive Load on Driving Behaviour. [Oral Presentation], British Psychological Society Cognitive Section Annual Conference, Barcelona, Spain . [Details]
(2016)British Psychological Society Annual Conference,
Murphy,G. & Greene, C. (2016) Cross-Modal Effects of Perceptual Load on Driver Attention. [Oral Presentation], British Psychological Society Annual Conference, Nottingham, UK . [Details]
(2016)Psychological Society of Ireland EGG Conference,
Murphy, G. & Greene, C. (2016) Too Loud to See? Auditory Load Impairs Visual Awareness in Drivers. [Oral Presentation], Psychological Society of Ireland EGG Conference, Dublin . [Details]
(2016)British Psychological Society Annual Conference,
Greene, C. & Murphy, G. (2016) Perceptual load impairs eyewitness memory: behavioural and eye-tra. [Oral Presentation], British Psychological Society Annual Conference, Nottingham, UK . [Details]
(2015)Psychonomic Society Annual Meeting,
Gillian Murphy & Ciara M. Greene (2015) Perceptual Load Affects Eyewitness Accuracy & Susceptibility to Leading Questions. [Poster Presentation], Psychonomic Society Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois . [Details]
(2015)Psychological Society of Ireland ECG Conference,
Gillian Murphy & Ciara M. Greene (2015) The Effect of Visual Perceptual Load on Eyewitness Reports. [Oral Presentation], Psychological Society of Ireland ECG Conference, National Univerity of Ireland, Galway, Ireland . [Details]
(2015)Object Processing, Attention & Memory Meeting,
Gillian Murphy & Ciara M. Greene (2015) High Perceptual Load Causes Inattentional Blindness & Deafness in Drivers. [Oral Presentation], Object Processing, Attention & Memory Meeting, Chicago, Illinois . [Details]
(2015)Auditory Perception, Cognition & Memory Meeting,
Gillian Murphy & Ciara M. Greene (2015) The Elephant in the Road: High auditory perceptual load causes inattentional blindness in drivers. [Oral Presentation], Auditory Perception, Cognition & Memory Meeting, Chicago, Illinois . [Details]
(2015)Symposium on Teaching, Creativity & Technology,
Gillian Murphy & Lisa Murphy (2015) Using Driving Simulation in Creative Research & Teaching. [Invited Seminars/Guest Lectures], Symposium on Teaching, Creativity & Technology, University College Cork . [Details]
(2014)College of Arts, Celtic Studies & Social Sciences Postgraduate Conference,
Gillian Murphy & Ciara M. Greene (2014) Perceptual Load affects Eyewitness Reports. [Oral Presentation], College of Arts, Celtic Studies & Social Sciences Postgraduate Conference, University College Cork . [Details]
(2013)28th International Congress of Applied Psychology,
Gillian Murphy & Ciara M. Greene (2013) ‘Feature vs. Conjunction Tasks, a Robust Manipulation of Perceptual Load?’. [Oral Presentation], 28th International Congress of Applied Psychology, Paris, France . [Details]


 CommitteeFunctionFrom / To
School of Applied Psychology Teaching & Learning Committee Staff-Student Liaison Officer/
School of Applied Psychology Ethics Committee Acting Chair/
13th Psychology Health and Medicine Conference Scientific Committee2016 / 2018
13th Psychology Health and Medicine Conference Organising Committee2016 / 2018


2012University College Cork BAApplied Psychology
2021University College Cork DiplomaTeaching & Learning in Higher Education
2019University College Cork Postgraduate CertificateTeaching and Learning in Higher Education
2017University College Cork PhDCognitive Psychology

Teaching Activities

Teaching Interests

I am the head of First Year in the School of Applied Psychology and teach on a range of undergraduate and postgraduate modules, mostly related to cognitive psychology and quantitative research methods.

Current modules taught:

AP1030 Critical Skills for Psychologists
AP1031 Biological Psychology I
AP1035 Introduction to Neuroscience, Perception & Attention
AP1039 Research Methods in Psychology
AP1046 Introduction to Human-Computer Interaction
AP2043 Biological Psychology II
AP6016 Research Methods & Data Analysis

Research Information

External Collaborators

 NameOrganisation / InstituteCountry
Dr. Ciara Greene University College DublinIRELAND
Professor Elizabeth Loftus University of California, IrvineU.S.A.
Professor John Groeger Nottingham Trent UniversityUNITED KINGDOM
Professor Linda Levine University of California, IrvineU.S.A.

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School of Applied Psychology

Síceolaíocht Fheidhmeach

Cork Enterprise Centre, North Mall, Cork.,
