Research Profile

Michael John Delargey


Michael Delargey is a College Lecturer in ICT and Mathematics Education since September 2001. Prior to becoming an academic he was a teacher of mathematics and science at St. Colman's Community College, Midleton, Co.Cork and St. Joseph's Patrician College ('The Bish'), Galway.

He teaches both pre-service and in-service courses in mathematics methodology and ICT in education and supervises trainee teachers on school placement. His research interests are in STEM (Science, Technology and Mathematics) education and teacher education.

His main interest outside of his academic duties is the Trade Union movement and Michael is the Incoming President of the Irish Federation of University Teachers (IFUT) having served at every level of the organisation at both UCC and National level.

Michael currently sits on the Governing Body of UCC where he represents the non-professorial academic staff.

Research Interests

I am an active researcher in STEM (Science, Technology and Mathematics) Education and  teacher education. Since joining UCC in 2001, I have worked on a number of research and innovation projects both independently and collaboratively.

These have included

  1. Datalogging and mathematics teaching where I was PI. This was a short project funded by the College of Arts, Celtic Studies and Social Studies Research Fund. I investigated and developed classroom resources for the integration of datalogging into school mathematics teaching at second level.
  2. The Learning to  Teach Study (LETS) (2007 - 2010) where I was an associate investigator (Paul Conway PI). I took responsibility for the design, data collection, and analysis and writing up of the sections on learning to teach mathematics and learning to teach science.
  3. FIRSTMATH Piloting -Ireland (2012-2013) - I worked with my colleagues Paul Conway and Vanessa Rutherford here in UCC in piloting Instruments with Irish mathematics teachers and primary teachers and used as part of the University of Michigan State project FIRSTMATH which researches the first five years of mathematics teaching post graduation.  
  4. Language Descriptors in Mathematics Teaching (2013 to date) - I was nominated by Leargas to be one of two Irish Representatives to a in intensive 2 day workshop in the European Centre for Modern Languages in Graz, Austria in March 2013. The workshop included over 30 participants from across the European Community refining language descriptors for the teaching of mathematics, history and civics to aid the teaching of these subjects to minority and migrant children. I am currently researching the incorporation and adaptation of language descriptors into teaching Project Maths.
  5. Curriculum Implementation - My doctoral research focusses on the implementation of both the Revised Junior Certificate Mathematics Syllabus of 2000 and Project Maths by second level mathematics teachers. I am studying the implementation using a complexity framework

I have competed for and received small amounts of research funding over the years. 

  1. IRL£400 - Conference attendance grant received from Intel to attend and present research findings on the assimilation of Intel Teach to the Future at a workshop on ICT in initial teacher education in Maynooth, Co. Kildare on 29th May 2002
  2. GB£300 - Small grant from the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications towards a study of managing second level mathematics departments - June 2005
  3. €1,400 - Grant obtained from the College of Arts, Celtic Studies and Social Sciences Research Fund for a study titled 'The Development of Datalogging Resources for Mathematics Teachers' - November 2005
  4. €1,100 - Grant obtained from the College of Arts, Celtic Studies and Social Science Research Fund for a study titled 'Changing the Teaching of Mathematics? A study of the Implementation of the Revised Junior Certificate Mathematics Syllabus of 2000 - November 2007
  5. €5,000 - The NUI Mary L Thornton Scholarship in Education towards my doctoral study - November 2008.


Book Chapters

(2012)'Developing ‘good’ post-primary teachers and teaching in a reform era: cultural dynamics in a programme level study of the ‘Dip’'
Conway, PF., Murphy, R., Delargey, M., Hall, K; Kitching, K., Long, F.,McKeon, J., Murphy, B., O'Brien, S., & O'Sullivan, D. (2012) 'Developing ‘good’ post-primary teachers and teaching in a reform era: cultural dynamics in a programme level study of the ‘Dip’' In: Re-imagining Initial Teacher Education (ITE): Perspectives on Transformation. Dublin: Liffey Press.   [Details]
(2006)'Five Initiatives in Mathematics Education'
Conway Paul F., Sloane Finbarr C., Rath Anne and Delargey Michael; (2006) 'Five Initiatives in Mathematics Education' In: International Trends in Post-Primary Mathematics Education: Perspectives in Learning, Teaching and Assessment. [Details]

Peer Reviewed Journals

(2003)'Mathematics provision in Further Education in Ireland'
Delargey M.J.N.; (2003) 'Mathematics provision in Further Education in Ireland'. Teaching Mathematics and Its Applications, 22 (3):103-112 [Details]
(2001)'How to learn science 'quickly, pleasantly and thoroughly': Comenian thoughts'
Delargey M.J.N.; (2001) 'How to learn science 'quickly, pleasantly and thoroughly': Comenian thoughts'. School Science Review, 82 (301):79-84 [Details]

Other Journals

(2008)'Potential uses of Datalogging in Mathematics Teaching'
Michael JN Delargey; (2008) 'Potential uses of Datalogging in Mathematics Teaching' NEWSLETTER (Irish Mathematics Teachers Association), (108) :9-15. [Details]
(2006)'Drawing Parallel Lines - A Bohemian Approach'
Michael JN Delargey; (2006) 'Drawing Parallel Lines - A Bohemian Approach' Mathematics In School, 35 (5) :34-35. [Details]
(2003)'Substitution, Simultaneous Equations and Spreadsheets'
Delargey M.J.N.; (2003) 'Substitution, Simultaneous Equations and Spreadsheets' NEWSLETTER OF THE IRISH MATHEMATICS TEACHERS' ASSOCIATION, * :2-8. [Details]
(2003)'Observation - A Cornerstone of Science Education'
Delargey M.J.N.; (2003) 'Observation - A Cornerstone of Science Education' SCIENCE, 38 :10-12. [Details]
(2001)'Spontaneous Thoughts on Simultaneous Equations'
Delargey M.J.N.; (2001) 'Spontaneous Thoughts on Simultaneous Equations' NEWSLETTER OF THE IRISH MATHEMATICS TEACHERS ASSOCIATION, * :48-50. [Details]
(2000)'The Recycling of Rust'
Delargey M.J.N.; (2000) 'The Recycling of Rust' SCIENCE, 36 :17-18. [Details]
(2000)'A Nomogram - an Alternative to Fraction Formulae'
Delargey M.J.N.; (2000) 'A Nomogram - an Alternative to Fraction Formulae' SCIENCE, 35 :19-22. [Details]
(1999)'The Life Cycle of a Star: Fieldwork in Junior Certificate Astronomy'
Delargey M.J.N.; (1999) 'The Life Cycle of a Star: Fieldwork in Junior Certificate Astronomy' SCIENCE, 34 :15-18. [Details]
(1999)'Distant Moons, Shooting Stars and Iron Sulphide'
Delargey M.J.N.; (1999) 'Distant Moons, Shooting Stars and Iron Sulphide' SCIENCE, 35 :36-38. [Details]
(1996)'The Use of Spreadsheets in Teaching Leaving Certificate Mathematics'
Delargey M.J.N.; (1996) 'The Use of Spreadsheets in Teaching Leaving Certificate Mathematics' NEWSLETTER OF THE IRISH MATHEMATICS TEACHERS ASSOCIATION, * :50-56. [Details]
(1995)'Food Studies using Nutri-Test'
Delargey M.J.N.; (1995) 'Food Studies using Nutri-Test' SCIENCE, 30 :37-39. [Details]

Conference Publications

(2012)Teaching at the Heart of Learning: Science and Mathematics Education Conference (SMEC)2012
Delargey, M., Conway, P.F. and Murphy, R. (2012) Mixed Messages Concerning Science Teaching: The Contested Feasibility of Active Learning Teaching at the Heart of Learning: Science and Mathematics Education Conference (SMEC)2012 Dublin City University, , 07-JUN-12 - 09-JUN-12 , pp.118-123 [Details]
(2012)Teaching at the Heart of Learning: Science and Mathematics Education Conference (SMEC)2012
Delargey, M. and Conway, P.F. (2012) Irish Mathematics Education Reform – A Complexity Theory Perspective Teaching at the Heart of Learning: Science and Mathematics Education Conference (SMEC)2012 Dublin City University, , 07-JUN-12 - 09-JUN-12 [Details]
(2011)Mathematics Education in Ireland 4
Conway, P. F., Delargey, M. Murphy, R. and O'Brien, S. ; (2011) Learning to teach in the context of reform-oriented mathematics . In: Dooley, T., Corcoran, D eds. Mathematics Education in Ireland 4 Dublin, , pp.94-111   [Details]
(2012)Trends in Mathematics Education
Delargey, M., Conway, P.F., and Murphy, R. (2012) Learning to Teach Mathematics-Really! Trends in Mathematics Education [Details]
(2012)Trends in Mathematics Education Conference
Paul Conway, Vanessa Rutherford, Michael Delargey (Eds.) (2012) Conference Proceedings Trends in Mathematics Education Conference [Details]

Published Reports

(2010)Learning to Teach (LETS): Developing curricular and cross curricular competences in becoming a 'good' secondary teacher.
Conway, PF; Murphy, R; Delargey, M; Hall, K; Kitching, K; Long, F; Mc Keon, J; Murphy, B; O'Brien, S; O'Sullivan, D; (2010) Learning to Teach (LETS): Developing curricular and cross curricular competences in becoming a 'good' secondary teacher. School of Education/DES, School of Education, UCC.   [Details]
(2011)Learning to Teach (LETS): Developing curricular and cross curricular competences in becoming a 'good' secondary teacher. School of Education/DES, School of Education, UCC. [Executive Summary].
Conway, PF; Murphy, R; Delargey, M; Hall, K; Kitching, K; Long, F; Mc Keon, J; Murphy, B; O'Brien, S; O'Sullivan, D. (2011) Learning to Teach (LETS): Developing curricular and cross curricular competences in becoming a 'good' secondary teacher. School of Education/DES, School of Education, UCC. [Executive Summary]. School of Education, University College Cork, Cork.   [CORA Link] [Details]


(2002)The Ireland Environmental Health Sciences Education Initiative:An Initial Response.
Delargey M.J.N.; (2002) The Ireland Environmental Health Sciences Education Initiative:An Initial Response. Other [Details]

Professional Activities

Honours and Awards

 YearTitleAwarding Body
2008The NUI Mary L Thornton Scholarship in Education National University of Ireland
2014Frank McGrath Perpetual Award for Equality and Welfare University College Cork - Staff Recognition Awards

Professional Associations

 AssociationFunctionFrom / To
Irish Federation of University Teachers (IFUT) Incoming President10-MAY-14 /
British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics Member01-OCT-08 /
Irish Mathematics Teachers Association Member01-SEP-93 /


 CommitteeFunctionFrom / To
Professional Diploma in Education (PDE) - School of Education, UCC Member (2001 to date)2001 / 2014
Governing Body of University College of Cork Non-Professorial Academic Member (2007 to date), Governing Body Sub Committe on Staff (2007 - 2011), Disciplinary Statute Working Group (2007), University Statutes Consolidation and Review Working Group (2008 - 2009),2007 /
National Council for Curriculum and Assessment Council Member - Representative of the Irish Federation of University Teachers (April 2009 to date), Course Committee on Leaving Certifcate Physics Member - Representative of the Irish Science Teachers Association (2001 - 2002), Course Committee on Senior Cycle Mathematics Member - Representative of the Teachers Union of Ireland (1999 - 2001)2009 / 2012
Board of Management of Little Island National School, Co. Cork Chairman and Patron's Representative (2007 - 2011), Parental Nominee (2011 to date)2007 / 2011
Human Resources Transformation Group Member2008 / 2010
Cork County Council - Strategic Policy Committee on Economic Development and Enterprise Member - Trade Union Pillar Nominee2014 /
Board of Management of St.Colman's Community College, Midleton Staff Nominee1999 / 2001
College of Anaesthetists of Ireland - Examinations Committee Lay Representative2012 /
National Council for Curriculum and Assessment - Leaving Certificate Physics Course Committee Member - Irish Science Teachers Association Nominee2001 / 2002
Discipline Statute Working Group Member2008 / 2008
Governing Body Sub-Committee on Strategy and Innovation Member2012 /
Governing Body Sub-Committee on Staff Member2007 /
Tyndall Job Evaluation Oversight Committee Member2014 /
Staff Development and Enhancement Committee - College of Arts, Celtic Studies and Social Sciences Member2005 / 2008
College Executive Management Committee - College of Arts, Celtic Studies and Social Sciences Member2011 /
National Council for Curriculum and Assessment Senior Cycle Mathematics Course Committee Member - TUI Representative1999 / 2001
M.Ed Development Committee - School of Education Member2001 /
Board of Management of Little Island National School Parental Nominee2011 /
Employee Assistance Programme Tender Committee Member2013 / 2013
Adult and Continuing Education Board of Studies Member2004 / 2010
Academic Promotion Appeals Working Group Member2014 / 2014
Statutes Consolidation Work Group Member2008 / 2009

Conference Contributions

(2005)Second Level School Mathematics and Science Conference (Biology Support Service and Junior Certificate Mathematics Support Service),
Michael Delargey (2005) Data-logging for Mathematics Teachers. [Invited Lectures (Workshops)], Second Level School Mathematics and Science Conference (Biology Support Service and Junior Certificate Mathematics Support Service), University College Cork , 15-OCT-05 - 15-OCT-05. [Details]
(2005)Second Level School Mathematics and Science Conference (Biology Support Service and Junior Certificate Mathematics Support Service),
Michael Delargey (2005) School Mathematics and School Science: A Symbiotic Relationship?. [Invited Oral Presentation], Second Level School Mathematics and Science Conference (Biology Support Service and Junior Certificate Mathematics Support Service), University College Cork , 15-OCT-05 - 15-OCT-05. [Details]
(2012)Teaching at the Heart of Learning: Science and Mathematics Education Conference (SMEC) 2012,
Delargey, M., Conway, P.F. and Murphy, R. (2012) Mixed Messages Concerning Science Teaching: The Contested Feasibility of Active Learning. [Oral Presentation], Teaching at the Heart of Learning: Science and Mathematics Education Conference (SMEC) 2012, Dublin City University , 07-JUN-12 - 09-JUN-12. [Details]
(2011)Re-Imagining Initial Teacher Education: Perspectives on Transformation,
Michael Delargey, Paul F. Conway and Rosaleen Murphy (2011) Learning to Teaching Mathematics and the Challenge of 'Realistic Mathematics'. [Oral Presentation], Re-Imagining Initial Teacher Education: Perspectives on Transformation, St. Patrick's College, Drumcondra, Dubline , 30-JUN-11 - 02-JUL-11. [Details]
(2011)Fourth Conference on Research in Mathematics Education MEI4: Mathematics Teaching Matters,
Michael Delargey, Paul F. Conway, Rosaleen Murphy and Stephen O'Brien (2011) Learning to Teach in the Context of Reform-Oriented Mathematics. [Oral Presentation], Fourth Conference on Research in Mathematics Education MEI4: Mathematics Teaching Matters, St. Patrick's College, Drumcondra, Dublin , 22-SEP-11 - 23-SEP-11. [Details]
(2010)Ed Tech 2010,
Michael JN Delargey; (2010) Creating Web Quests with Google Docs -A School based example of Software as a Service. [Peer Reviewed Abstract], Ed Tech 2010, Athlone Institute of Technology , 20-MAY-10 - 21-MAY-10. [Details]
(2004)Ed Tech2004,
Micahel JN Delargey; (2004) Changing educational technology in initial teacher education: from posters to posting. [Oral Presentation], Ed Tech2004, Institute of Technology, Tralee, Co. Kerry , 20-MAY-04 - 21-MAY-04. [Details]
(2006)EdTech 2006,
Delargey, M.J.N.; (2006) Datalogging: A New Techology for Mathematics Teaching?. [Peer Reviewed Abstract], EdTech 2006, Institute of Technology, Sligo , 25-MAY-06 - 26-MAY-06. [Details]
(2003)EdTech 2003: The Fourth Annual Irish Educational Technology Users' Conference,
Delargey, M.J.N.; (2003) Pedagogical Based ICT Training in Initial Teacher Education. [Oral Presentation], EdTech 2003: The Fourth Annual Irish Educational Technology Users' Conference, Waterford Institute of Technology , 22-MAY-03 - 23-MAY-03. [Details]
(2002)Intel Teach to the Future in Pre-Service Teacher Education,
Delargey, M.J.N.; (2002) Intel Teach to the Future - the UCC Experience. [Invited Oral Presentation], Intel Teach to the Future in Pre-Service Teacher Education, Glenroyal Hotel, Maynooth Co. Kildare , 29-MAY-02 - 29-MAY-02. [Details]
(2012)Trends in Mathematics Education Conference,
Michael Delargey, Paul F. Conway and Rosaleen Murphy (2012) Learning to Teach Mathematics - Really!. [Poster Presentation], Trends in Mathematics Education Conference, University College Cork , 26-NOV-12. [Details]
(2012)Trends in Mathematics Education Conference,
Conway, P.F., Rutherford, V., and Delargey, M (2012) Co-Organiser of Conference. [Conference Organising Committee Member], Trends in Mathematics Education Conference, University College Cork , 26-NOV-12. [Details]
(2014)Science and Mathematics Education Conference (SMEC) 2014,
Killilea, M., O'Brien, S. and Delargey, M. (2014) Sociocultural Lessons for Reform-Based Mathematics: Tracing Pedagogical Shifts in a Transition Year Classroom. [Poster Presentation], Science and Mathematics Education Conference (SMEC) 2014, Dublin City University , 24-JUN-14 - 25-JUN-14. [Details]


 EmployerPositionFrom / To
St. Patrick's College, Maynooth, (NUIM) Mathematics Tutor/Grader01-JAN-92 / 31-DEC-93
St. Joseph's Patrician College, Galway Science/Maths Teacher01-JAN-94 / 31-DEC-95
St. Colman's CC. Midleton, Co. Cork Science/Maths Teacher01-JAN-95 / 31-DEC-01
Department of Education, University College Cork Lecturer09-JAN-01 /


1991NUI Maynooth BSCMathematics, Experimental Physics, Chemistry
1993NUI Galway DIPLOMASystems Analysis
1998UCC MASTERSEducation
1994NUI, Galway DIPLOMAEducation
1992Maynooth University DIPLOMAMathematics


Spanish BasicBasicBasic
French FunctionalBasicBasic
Irish FunctionalFunctionalFunctional


Waterford Insititute of Technology
Supervision of Minor Thesis (20-30,000 words) for a student on the M.A. in Management in Education
Cork Institute of Technology
Supervision of five dissertations as part of the B.Sc Technology which staff members from the School of Trades at CIT were undertaking in 2006
Paul F. Conway and Finbarr Sloane
Contributing a section of ICT in mathematics towards their book on International Trends in Post-Primary Mathematics Education

Outreach Activities


ICT and Funding Advice for Little Island National School from 2008 to date. Drawing on my training and experience as a systems analyst and professional knowledge of ICT in education, I did some ICT development work for the school. I developed an ICT strategy and funding strategy for same. This enabled the school to obtain €20,000 from Little Island Industrial Development Company towards the purchase of Interactive Whiteboards and laptops.

Other Activities


Abstract Reviewer for OMEP (Organisation Mondiale pour l'Education Prescolaire) International Conference 2014

Member of the Junior Certificate Mathematics Support Service 2000 - 2002. This involved giving In-service to practising mathematics teachers on the revised Junior Certificate Mathematics Syllabus

Blind Paper Reviewer for the British Congress for Mathematics Education 2010

Assistant Examiner Junior Certificate Mathematics 1996 - 2001

Language Descriptors for minority and migrant learners' success in compulsory education - Invited Irish (Leargas) Nominated Participant expert on mathematics teaching to the European Centre for Modern Languages Workshop held in Graz, Austria, 7/8th March 2013.

Teaching Activities

Teaching Interests

My main teaching interests are in mathematics methodology and ICT in education. I also supervise trainee teachers on school placement and I supervise Minor Dissertations (15,000 words) undertaken by teacher-researchers at M.Ed. level. 

Minor Dissertations - MEd (Modular) 

Siobhan Ni Mhuirithe – Exploring the Effects of a Mathematics Problem Solving Intervention in a Bilingual Setting.

Olivia O’Mahony – A Study of Attitudes and Performance in relation to Collaborative Problem Solving in Mathematics among a group of 5th Class Primary School Students

Ian Farrell – An Examination of the Effectiveness  of using Cross-Curricular Links to Teach Mathematics.


Catherine Coffey – A Study of using ICT in the 3rd class Mathematics Curriculum for the Teaching of Word Problems

Padraig Clifford – A Study of the Future Viability of Small Schools from a Principal’s Perspective


Trevor Collins – A Study of the use of ICT in classroom administration and preparation

Marguerite Hanley – An investigation into the factors affecting teacher’s use of ICT in the Primary School and implementation of an e-learning plan to ameliorate the factors – A Case Study

Elaine Hyland – An exploratory study on the influence of model based activities in the development of scientific inquiry skills and analysis on the extent to which model based practice at Primary level reflects international best practice.

Anne R. Leahy -  An Evaluation of the Process of ICT Integration in all areas of School life, through the creation and implementation of a Post Primary e-learning Plan

James O'Donoghue - A Case Study of the Leadership Styles of Primary School Principals in County Cork 

Johanna Mary Brosnan - Fidelity or False Clarity: A Study of the Extent to which the Revised Junior Certificate Science Syllabus has Served as an Agent for Change in Irish Classrooms

Caroline Foley - An Investigation into the Assessment of Leaving Certificate Biology 

Nora Meade - An Investigation of the Problem Solving area of the Primary Mathematics Curriculum in an Area of Educational Disadvantage 

Frances Hurley - Is Continuing Professional Development (CPD) in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) empowering teachers to integrate new technologies into teaching and learning?

Mark Sheehan - An Appraisal of Primary School Governance in Ireland - Has the arrival of the Community National School brought true plurality to our system?

Elmarie Lynch – Teaching Junior Certificate Mathematics

Mary Singleton - The Use of ICT in Learning and Teaching: Case Study of a Second Level School

Mary Anne Foley - Exploring the Teaching and Learning of Geometry: Geometers Sketchpad

Laura O' Sullivan  - An Investigation into the occurrence of Learning Difficulties in Mathematics in the Junior Certificate Classroom paying particular attention to the prevalence of Dyscalculia

Margaret Ryan - The SSRI and its Impact on St. Fanahan's College

Anne Bevan - An Investigative Approach to Practical Work in Junior Certificate Science: Are Teachers using appropriate Teaching Strategies to prepare their Students for Practical Work (Coursework B)? 

Michelle Butler - A Discussion on the Tipperary Town School Completion Programme 2002 - 2006

Marian O'Callaghan - Did Involvement in a Comenius Project impact on the use of Information and Communications Technology in the Primary School?

Catherine O'Mahony (Dwyer) - Have Neo-Liberalist approaches altered the Teaching Profession from that of a Vocationalist Professional to skilled Journeyman?
Sheila Crowley - The Story of Catherine McCauley with particular reference to her contribution to Education - especially Teacher Training

Sean Ronan - A Case Study of how Family Factors affected the educational achievement of students in St. Fachtna's De La Salle Skibbereen 

Research Project - M.A. in Curriculum Studies (Mathematics)

Eric Graham - To what extent in Irish Second Level Schools is mathematics taught outside the traditional classroom?

Bernice O'Leary - Mentoring in Mathematics Teaching 

Minor Dissertation - M.A. in Management in Education (Waterford Institute of Technology)

Donal Cronin - An Evaluation of the B.Sc. in Technology's role in Staff Development

Recent Postgraduates

 Graduation YearStudent NameInstitutionDegree TypeThesis Title
2012Marie Killilea University College CorkM.Ed.A Critical Study of the Pedagogical Impact of Sociocultural Understandings of Mathematics on Transition Year Pupils within One Classroom Setting

Modules Taught

 Term (ID))TitleLinkSubject
2015The Teaching of Mathematics ED4334The Teaching of Mathematics
2015The Teaching of Mathematics ED6317The Teaching of Mathematics
2015Literacy and Numeracy Development in the Post-Primary Classroom ED6354Literacy and Numeracy Development in the Post-Primary Classroom
2015Conceptual Foundations in School Placement Research Portfolio B ED4108Conceptual Foundations in School Placement Research Portfolio B
2015ICT in Teaching and Learning ED6041ICT in Teaching and Learning
2015Conceptual Foundations in School Placement Research Portfolio A ED4103Conceptual Foundations in School Placement Research Portfolio A
2015The Teaching of Mathematics 2 ED6345The Teaching of Mathematics 2
2015School Placement: Research and Professional Experiences Portfolio A ED6331School Placement: Research and Professional Experiences Portfolio A
2015School Placement: Research and Professional Experiences Portfolio B ED6332School Placement: Research and Professional Experiences Portfolio B

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School of Education

Scoil an Oideachais

Leeholme, O'Donovan's Road, Cork, Ireland
