Research Profile

Pedro Nilsson-Fernández


I am a lecturer at the Department of Digital Arts and Humanities at University College Cork. I previously held a teaching position the Department of Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American Studies, where I completed my PhD entitled Mapping the works of Manuel de Pedrolo in relation to the post-civil war Catalan landscape (2019) and MRes entitled The Figure of the Last Man in Manuel de Pedrolo’s Mecanoscrit del segon origen.

I obtained my Bachelor degree on English Philology at the Universitat de Barcelona (2011) and moved to Ireland in 2009 after an Erasmus stay at University College Cork.

Research Interests

I am a digital humanist looking at literary spaces in the context of Iberian minoritised languages and cultures, particularly through the use of text-mining and GIS to map post-war Catalan literary and cultural heritage. I am also interested in multilingual approaches to Digital Humanities, sustainability and the maker community, and the enhancing of learning and teaching through the ethical use of digital technologies.

I preside the Associació d’Humanitats Digitals Catalanes, a private non-profit organization created with the aim of promoting digital scholarship and best practices within the field of Catalan Studies. I am also a co-convenor of the UK and Ireland Association of Digital Humanities' Community Interest Group Multilingual DH.

Research Grants

Start DateEnd DateAward
implementation of OJS to the Journal of Catalan Studies (JOCS)15-JAN-2001-AUG-20€6,000.00
Mapping the Works of Manuel de Pedrolo in Relation to the Post-civil War Catalan Landscape. Combining traditional Spatial Humanities methodologies with Text Mining, Geoparsing and Data VisualisationIrish Research Council€47,300.00
Mapping the Works of Manuel de Pedrolo in Relation to the Post-civil War Catalan Landscape.University College Cork€5,770.00


Book Chapters

(2023)'Multilingual Digital Humanities'
Nilsson-Fernàndez, Pedro & Dombrowski, Quinn (2023) 'Multilingual Digital Humanities' In: James O’Sullivan (eds). The Bloomsbury Handbook to the Digital Humanities. New York: Bloomsbury Publishing.   [Full Text] [Details]
(2018)'Alba, mare eterna: espais de violència i l’‘Última Dona’ a Mecanoscrit del segon origen'
Nilsson-Fernàndez, Pedro (2018) 'Alba, mare eterna: espais de violència i l’‘Última Dona’ a Mecanoscrit del segon origen' In: Sara Martín Alegre (eds). Explorant Mecanoscrit del segon origen: noves lectures. Tarragona: Orciny Press.   [Details]
(2017)'Escrivim la terra: Spatial Allegories in Manuel de Pedrolo’s Aquesta matinada i potser per sempre'
Nilsson-Fernàndez, Pedro (2017) 'Escrivim la terra: Spatial Allegories in Manuel de Pedrolo’s Aquesta matinada i potser per sempre' In: Pasqual Bernat López, Eduard Castanyo, Carlos Gámez Pérez, Víctor Martínez-Gil, Anna M. Moreno, A. Munné-Jordà (eds). Ciència i ficció: l’exploració creativa dels mons reals i dels irreals. Palmanova (Calvià): Edicions Talaiots.   [Details]

Published Reports

(2024)Multilingual DH in the UK and Ireland: Summary Report and Future Recommendations.
Nilsson-Fernàndez, Pedro; Spence, Paul & Wells, Naomi (2024) Multilingual DH in the UK and Ireland: Summary Report and Future Recommendations. Zenodo, UK & Ireland.   [DOI] [Details]

Peer Reviewed Journals

(2017)'Alba as Eternal Mother: Violent Spaces and the ‘Last Woman’ in Manuel de Pedrolo’s Mecanoscrit del segon origen'
Nilsson-Fernàndez, Pedro (2017) 'Alba as Eternal Mother: Violent Spaces and the ‘Last Woman’ in Manuel de Pedrolo’s Mecanoscrit del segon origen'. Science Fiction Film and Television, 4 (2) [DOI] [Details]

Professional Activities

Honours and Awards

 YearTitleAwarding Body
2022XXXIV Premi Josep M. Batista i Roca IPECC

Professional Associations

 AssociationFunctionFrom / To
UK & Ireland Association of Digital Humanities Multilingual DH CIG Convenor15-FEB-23 /
Associació d'Humanitats Digitals Catalanes (AHDCat) President01-MAR-20 /
The Anglo-Catalan Society Treasurer01-NOV-20 / 01-NOV-23
Journal of Catalan Studies (JOCS) Technical Editor01-OCT-14 / 01-OCT-21


 EmployerPositionFrom / To
University College Cork Lecturer in Digital Arts and Humanities01-SEP-23 /
University College Cork University Language Teacher01-SEP-13 / 31-AUG-23


2019University College Cork PhDCatalan Studies and Digital Humanities
2012University College Cork M.ResEnglish and Catalan Studies
2011University of Barcelona (UB) BA English Philology English language history & literature, TESL, linguistics, translation

Teaching Activities

Teaching Interests

Current Role present and past teaching

· DH1001: Introduction to the Digital Humanities
· DH2001: Digital Humanities: Theories, Concepts, & Practices 
· DH2009: Gender, Race and Digital Humanities
· DH6012/PG6010: Contemporary Practices in Publishing and Editing 
· DH4001: Research Seminar 
· DH2006: Curation and Dissemination in the Digital Age
· DH2007: Computer-assisted Text Analysis for the Arts and Humanities

Teaching in past roles

· HS1101:First Year Spanish Language for Beginners
· HS5015 Spanish Language for Post-Primary Teachers: B2 (CEFR) 
· HS5018 Digital Technologies in the Spanish Language Classroom 
· LL3102 European Cultural Identities: Cultural Capitals. 
· HS2102 Second Year Spanish Language (Ex-Non-Beginners) 
· HS3004 Translating Business, Culture and Society in the Hispanic World 

Contact details

  • Pedro Nilsson-Fernández
    Lecturer in Digital Arts and Humanities

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English Department

Roinn an Bhéarla

O'Rahilly Building, University College Cork, Cork. Ireland
