She has held numerous visiting professor posts, including the post of Visiting Academic at Boston College, USA, of Professeure invitée at the Université de Rennes 2 and of Research Fellow at the Centre Culturel Irlandais / Irish College, Paris. in 2013, she was awarded an adjunct professorship of French at UCD. Since 2012, she has been invited to speak on various aspects of higher education by the ministries of education in the Czech Republic, Tunisia, Saudi Arabia and France.
A native of Cork city, Grace was awarded the Honan Scholarship and an Entrance Scholarship to UCC where she studied French and Irish under Professor Kathleen O'Flaherty and an tOllamh Seán Ó Tuama respectively. After graduating with a double first class honours degree in French and Irish, Grace won the French Government scholarship to l'Université de Caen for the academic year, 1972-73. She later taught at l'Université de Lille and l'Université de Metz. She was awarded her doctorate on comparative French and Irish literature by l'Université de Lille ('mention très bien avec les félicitations unanimes du jury'; supervisors: Prof. Patrick Rafroidi, President of l'Université de Lille 3 and Prof. Sean O Tuama, UCC). Grace has published on Franco-Irish relations from the medieval to the modern period, on language issues and on women's writings. She has published and edited a number books and has presented over 230 research papers at venues including the Sorbonne, the Collège de France, the French Senate (Palais du Luxembourg), Harvard and Berkeley. She has been involved in making a number of TV documentaries with RTÉ and the BBC, and is a frequent interviewee on Raidio na Gaeltachta..
During her career at UCC, she served on numerous UCC committees. She served for many years on the board of directors of the Glucksman Gallery and was Chair of Cork University Press publishing committee, and Chair of the UCC Board of Women's Studies. She was and remains active in the local community, serving for many years on the board of management of two local secondary schools, and as a Director of the Presentation Brothers Schools Trust, as well as working as a member of the Cork-Rennes twinning committee at the Cork City Hall.
She has been involved in Teaching and Learning initiatives since the early 1980s, from the UCC Teaching Development Unit to more recent initiatives inspired by the Teaching and Learning Scholarship at Harvard and the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. In 2002, she was one of the first recipients of the President's Awards for Excellence in Teaching at UCC. As Vice President for Teaching and Learning, she had particular responsibility for Ionad Bairre, the Centre for the Support of Teaching and Learning in UCC and was a member of the teaching/organizing team of the Certificate, Diploma and Masters in Teaching and Learning, as well as the university-wide postgraduate module in Teaching and Learning. Until her retirement in 2012, she was Director of NAIRTL, the National Academy for Integration of Research, Teaching and Learning as well as overseeing the operation of UCC's Centre for Adult Continuing Education.
In France, over the past decade she has been an invited member of the international jury of the IDEX/ I-SITE initiative (a major part of the French government's Investissements d'avenir programme) at the ANR / Agence Nationale de la Recherche, Paris. In October 2014, she was appointed as Chair of the Strategic Planning Committee of Sorbonne-Université, Paris (a multi-institution cluster which includes Paris-Sorbonne Université, l'Université Pierre et Marie Curie, l'Université de Technologie de Compiègne, INSEAD, le Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, le CNRS, INSERM and IRD). She is an invited member of the International Scientific Advisory Board and main board of le CRI / Centre de Recherche Interdisciplinaire, Paris. Since 2012, she has been frequently invited as evaluator, guest speaker and collaborator by various French state bodies including the Ministère de l'Education Nationale, Paris, the French National Research Agency (l'ANR - l'Agence Nationale de la Recherche, Paris), Sorbonne-Université, Paris andthe CPU / Conférence des Présidents d'Université. She has been an invited evaluator for the European Commisssion, the AERES (Agence de l'Evaluation de la Recherche et de l'Enseignement Supérieur), the HCERES (Haut Conseil de l'Evaluation de l'Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche), Paris, and the EUA (European University Association, Brussels). In 2012, she was appointed Chair of a French national initiative on innovative teaching in French higher education at the Ministère de l'Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche, Paris (the IDEFI initiative, budget c.180 million euro), and in 2015 was appointed Chair of an initiative on innovative technology in French higher education at the Ministère de l'Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche, Paris (the IDEFI-N initiative, budget 12.3 million euro). Both of these initiatives are part of the French government's Investissements d'avenir programme. In 2019, she was appointed to the Comité d'Orientation Stratégique of l'Université de Rennes 1, and to the audit committee of l'Université Cergy-Pontoise/ Université de Paris-Seine.
She was awarded the highest distinction bestowed by the French state, the Légion d'Honneur (promotion 14 July 2015) as well as the Palmes Académiques, and is honorary secretary of the Irish Board of the Légion d'Honneur (French Embassy, Dublin), as well as President of AMOPA Irlande (the Irish branch of l'Association des Membres de l'Ordre des Palmes Académiques (French Embassy, Dublin). She has been an invited judge for various literature and history publication awards, including the Elias Fellowship jury and the ACIS Donal Murphy book prize.
Among my current research projects:Over the past number of years, I have been researching into French scholars of Irish language and literature who carried out fieldwork in Ireland from the mid-nineteenth to the mid-twentieth century. I have discovered a wealth of hitherto unexplored material on this topic in a number of archives in Paris, for instance in various Government ministries as well as in the Archives Nationales. My work in this area has formed the basis of research papers I have presented in Harvard and in the Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies. In addition, I have been working on the analysis of Irish perceptions and experiences of France especially in the 18th and 19th centuries from material in the UCC archives, mainly the Ryan of Inch family papers and the Bantry House archives. I am a member of le Groupe de Recherche en Etudes Irlandaises de l'Université de Paris 3, Sorbonne Nouvelle.
Professor Grace Neville is Emeritus Professor in the French Department, University College Cork (National University of Ireland), having retired from UCC in 2012 after a career of c. 35 years as lecturer in French literature and language. From 2006-08, she was also Head of the Dept of French; from 2008-12 she was Vice-President for Teaching and Learning, and Director of NAIRTL (the National Academy for the Integration of Research, Teaching and Learning). She was an elected member of the UCC Governing Body for several terms.She has held numerous visiting professor posts, including the post of Visiting Academic at Boston College, USA, of Professeure invitée at the Université de Rennes 2 and of Research Fellow at the Centre Culturel Irlandais / Irish College, Paris. in 2013, she was awarded an adjunct professorship of French at UCD. Since 2012, she has been invited to speak on various aspects of higher education by the ministries of education in the Czech Republic, Tunisia, Saudi Arabia and France.
A native of Cork city, Grace was awarded the Honan Scholarship and an Entrance Scholarship to UCC where she studied French and Irish under Professor Kathleen O'Flaherty and an tOllamh Seán Ó Tuama respectively. After graduating with a double first class honours degree in French and Irish, Grace won the French Government scholarship to l'Université de Caen for the academic year, 1972-73. She later taught at l'Université de Lille and l'Université de Metz. She was awarded her doctorate on comparative French and Irish literature by l'Université de Lille ('mention très bien avec les félicitations unanimes du jury'; supervisors: Prof. Patrick Rafroidi, President of l'Université de Lille 3 and Prof. Sean O Tuama, UCC). Grace has published on Franco-Irish relations from the medieval to the modern period, on language issues and on women's writings. She has published and edited a number books and has presented over 230 research papers at venues including the Sorbonne, the Collège de France, the French Senate (Palais du Luxembourg), Harvard and Berkeley. She has been involved in making a number of TV documentaries with RTÉ and the BBC, and is a frequent interviewee on Raidio na Gaeltachta..
During her career at UCC, she served on numerous UCC committees. She served for many years on the board of directors of the Glucksman Gallery and was Chair of Cork University Press publishing committee, and Chair of the UCC Board of Women's Studies. She was and remains active in the local community, serving for many years on the board of management of two local secondary schools, and as a Director of the Presentation Brothers Schools Trust, as well as working as a member of the Cork-Rennes twinning committee at the Cork City Hall.
She has been involved in Teaching and Learning initiatives since the early 1980s, from the UCC Teaching Development Unit to more recent initiatives inspired by the Teaching and Learning Scholarship at Harvard and the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. In 2002, she was one of the first recipients of the President's Awards for Excellence in Teaching at UCC. As Vice President for Teaching and Learning, she had particular responsibility for Ionad Bairre, the Centre for the Support of Teaching and Learning in UCC and was a member of the teaching/organizing team of the Certificate, Diploma and Masters in Teaching and Learning, as well as the university-wide postgraduate module in Teaching and Learning. Until her retirement in 2012, she was Director of NAIRTL, the National Academy for Integration of Research, Teaching and Learning as well as overseeing the operation of UCC's Centre for Adult Continuing Education.
In France, over the past decade she has been an invited member of the international jury of the IDEX/ I-SITE initiative (a major part of the French government's Investissements d'avenir programme) at the ANR / Agence Nationale de la Recherche, Paris. In October 2014, she was appointed as Chair of the Strategic Planning Committee of Sorbonne-Université, Paris (a multi-institution cluster which includes Paris-Sorbonne Université, l'Université Pierre et Marie Curie, l'Université de Technologie de Compiègne, INSEAD, le Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, le CNRS, INSERM and IRD). She is an invited member of the International Scientific Advisory Board and main board of le CRI / Centre de Recherche Interdisciplinaire, Paris. Since 2012, she has been frequently invited as evaluator, guest speaker and collaborator by various French state bodies including the Ministère de l'Education Nationale, Paris, the French National Research Agency (l'ANR - l'Agence Nationale de la Recherche, Paris), Sorbonne-Université, Paris andthe CPU / Conférence des Présidents d'Université. She has been an invited evaluator for the European Commisssion, the AERES (Agence de l'Evaluation de la Recherche et de l'Enseignement Supérieur), the HCERES (Haut Conseil de l'Evaluation de l'Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche), Paris, and the EUA (European University Association, Brussels). In 2012, she was appointed Chair of a French national initiative on innovative teaching in French higher education at the Ministère de l'Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche, Paris (the IDEFI initiative, budget c.180 million euro), and in 2015 was appointed Chair of an initiative on innovative technology in French higher education at the Ministère de l'Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche, Paris (the IDEFI-N initiative, budget 12.3 million euro). Both of these initiatives are part of the French government's Investissements d'avenir programme. In 2019, she was appointed to the Comité d'Orientation Stratégique of l'Université de Rennes 1, and to the audit committee of l'Université Cergy-Pontoise/ Université de Paris-Seine.
She was awarded the highest distinction bestowed by the French state, the Légion d'Honneur (promotion 14 July 2015) as well as the Palmes Académiques, and is honorary secretary of the Irish Board of the Légion d'Honneur (French Embassy, Dublin), as well as President of AMOPA Irlande (the Irish branch of l'Association des Membres de l'Ordre des Palmes Académiques (French Embassy, Dublin). She has been an invited judge for various literature and history publication awards, including the Elias Fellowship jury and the ACIS Donal Murphy book prize.
Research Interests
Franco-Irish interface in literature and history from medieval to modern periods; travel writing; language legislation; women's studies.Among my current research projects:Over the past number of years, I have been researching into French scholars of Irish language and literature who carried out fieldwork in Ireland from the mid-nineteenth to the mid-twentieth century. I have discovered a wealth of hitherto unexplored material on this topic in a number of archives in Paris, for instance in various Government ministries as well as in the Archives Nationales. My work in this area has formed the basis of research papers I have presented in Harvard and in the Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies. In addition, I have been working on the analysis of Irish perceptions and experiences of France especially in the 18th and 19th centuries from material in the UCC archives, mainly the Ryan of Inch family papers and the Bantry House archives. I am a member of le Groupe de Recherche en Etudes Irlandaises de l'Université de Paris 3, Sorbonne Nouvelle.
Research Grants
Project | Funding Body | Start Date | End Date | Award | |
Research Support | Miscellaneous Non Exchequer | 01-JUN-10 | 31-MAY-12 | €10,000.00 |
Year | Publication | |
(2015) | Erin and Iran: Cultural Encounters between the Irish and the Iranians. Grace Neville and H. E. Chehabi (eds) (2015) Erin and Iran: Cultural Encounters between the Irish and the Iranians. Boston, USA: Harvard University Press/ Ilex Foundation. [Details] | |
(2005) | As Others Saw Us: Cork through European Eyes. Neville, Grace and Fischer, Joachim; (2005) As Others Saw Us: Cork through European Eyes. : Collins Press. [Details] |
Book Chapters
Year | Publication | |
(2017) | 'The 1916 Rising in the French Press' Grace Neville (2017) 'The 1916 Rising in the French Press' In: John Crowley, Donal O Drisceoil et al (eds). The Atlas of the Irish Revolution. Cork: Cork University Press. [Details] | |
(2017) | 'Walking on air: Le Docteur Potain Takes to the Skies over Dublin in 1785' Grace Neville (2017) 'Walking on air: Le Docteur Potain Takes to the Skies over Dublin in 1785' In: Frank Healy and Brigitte Bastiat (eds). Voyages between France and Ireland: Culture, Tourism and Sport. Bern, Switzerland: Peter Lang. [Details] | |
(2015) | ''Tonguetwisted: Learning the 'New' Language in France and Ireland (late 19th-early 20th century)'' Grace Neville (2015) ''Tonguetwisted: Learning the 'New' Language in France and Ireland (late 19th-early 20th century)'' In: Bretagne/Irlande: Quelles Relations? Brittany/Ireland: What Relations?. Brest, France: Centre de Recherche Bretonne et Celtique, Université de Bretagne. [Details] | |
(2012) | 'Le faubourg du purgatoire? St Patrick's Purgatory in French traveller accounts from the early modern period onwards' Grace Neville (2012) 'Le faubourg du purgatoire? St Patrick's Purgatory in French traveller accounts from the early modern period onwards' In: Phyllis Gaffney and Jean-Michel Picard (eds). The Medieval Imagination: Mirabile Dictu. Dublin: Four Courts Press. [Details] | |
(2012) | ''Things fall apart: Boullaye-Le-Gouz, an Angevin Traveller to Ireland in 1644'' Grace Neville (2012) ''Things fall apart: Boullaye-Le-Gouz, an Angevin Traveller to Ireland in 1644'' In: Franco-Irish Connections in Space and Time: Peregrinations and Ruminations. Oxford: Peter Lang. [Details] | |
(2012) | ''Le pays classique de la faim: France and the Great Irish Famine'' Grace Neville (2012) ''Le pays classique de la faim: France and the Great Irish Famine'' In: Atlas of the Great Irish Famine. Cork: Cork University Press. [Details] | |
(2011) | ''The People's War: Cork, Ireland and the Franco-Prussian War, 1870 -71'' Grace Neville (2011) ''The People's War: Cork, Ireland and the Franco-Prussian War, 1870 -71'' In: France, Ireland and Rebellion. Rennes: TIR. [Details] | |
(2010) | 'From Dry Ice to Plutarch's Fire: The Integration of Research and Teaching and Learning' McCarthy, M; Neville, G; Higgs, B; Murphy, J ; (2010) 'From Dry Ice to Plutarch's Fire: The Integration of Research and Teaching and Learning' In: Medical Education: The State of the Art. New York: Nova Science. [Details] | |
(2010) | ''I got second in Latin, Greek, and English, and eleventh in French': Attitudes to Language(s) in the Correspondence of Daniel O'Connell (1775-1847)' Neville, Grace; (2010) ''I got second in Latin, Greek, and English, and eleventh in French': Attitudes to Language(s) in the Correspondence of Daniel O'Connell (1775-1847)' In: Language Issues: Ireland, France, Spain. Brussels: Peter Lang. [Details] | |
(2010) | ''To the East': Paris, Ireland and the Jews in Derry O'Sullivan's 'An La go dTainig Siad'' Neville, Grace; (2010) ''To the East': Paris, Ireland and the Jews in Derry O'Sullivan's 'An La go dTainig Siad'' In: Ireland: Looking East. Brussels: Peter Lang. [Details] | |
(2009) | 'In at the Death: The French Press and the Celtic Tiger' Grace Neville; (2009) 'In at the Death: The French Press and the Celtic Tiger' In: Cultural Perspectives on Globalisation and Ireland. Bern: Peter Lang. [Details] | |
(2009) | 'Daniel O'Connell and France' Grace Neville; (2009) 'Daniel O'Connell and France' In: The Iveragh Peninsula: A Cultural Atlas. Cork: Cork University Press. [Details] | |
(2009) | ''Le peuple est poete': French Travellers and Language in Ireland' Grace Neville; (2009) ''Le peuple est poete': French Travellers and Language in Ireland' In: Bretagne et Irlande: Peregrinations: Melanges a Jean Brihault. Rennes: Publication du CRBC Rennes 2: Universite Europeenne de Bretagne. [Details] | |
(2009) | ''Trasna na dTonnta: Donall O Chonaill agus an Fhrainc'' Grace Neville; (2009) ''Trasna na dTonnta: Donall O Chonaill agus an Fhrainc'' In: Sruth agus Saile: Aibhne, Locha agus Farraige in Uibh Rathach, Eigse na Brideoige 2007 agus 2008, 2009. Dublin: Coisceim. [Details] | |
(2009) | ''Guest of the nation' : Charles de Gaulle's visit to Ireland in the Irish press (1969)'' Grace Neville; (2009) ''Guest of the nation' : Charles de Gaulle's visit to Ireland in the Irish press (1969)'' In: Franco-Irish Connections Essays, memoirs and poems in honour of Pierre Joannon. Dublin: Four Courts Press. [Details] | |
(2008) | 'Introduction: Postmodern Conditions - the Conditional Postmodern' Grace Neville, Eamon Maher and Eugene O'Brien; (2008) 'Introduction: Postmodern Conditions - the Conditional Postmodern' In: Mondernity and Post-modernity in a Franco-Irish Context. Frankfurt, Berlin, Bern, Brussels, Oxford, Vienna: Peter Lang Publishers. [Details] | |
(2007) | 'Death in Ireland' Grace Neville; (2007) 'Death in Ireland' In: Death and Desire exhibition catalogue. Cobh: Sirius Gallery. [Details] | |
(2007) | 'The Commodification of Irish Culture in France and Beyond' Grace Neville; (2007) 'The Commodification of Irish Culture in France and Beyond' In: La France face a la Mondialisation. Lewiston, New York/ Queenstown, Ontario, Canada: Peter Lang. [Details] | |
(2006) | 'Cultural Chameleons: Religion and Identity in the Ryan of Inch Papers' Grace Neville; (2006) 'Cultural Chameleons: Religion and Identity in the Ryan of Inch Papers' In: Irish and Catholic? Towards an Understanding of Identity. Dublin: Columba Press. [Details] | |
(2006) | 'Language? Whose Language? Who Owns the French Language?' Neville, Grace; (2006) 'Language? Whose Language? Who Owns the French Language?' In: Living on the Edge, Living at the Centre: Ireland, Newfoundland, the Francophone World. [Details] | |
(2005) | 'Mine, all mine: Who Owns the French Language?' Grace Neville; (2005) 'Mine, all mine: Who Owns the French Language?' In: Living at the Edge, Living at the Centre / Vivre en marge, vivre au seuil des possibilités. Waterford: Waterford Institute of Technology School of Humanities publications. [Details] | |
(2005) | ''Normalement on devrait être anormales': Normes, marges et identité chez Claire Bretécher' Neville, Grace; (2005) ''Normalement on devrait être anormales': Normes, marges et identité chez Claire Bretécher' In: Regards en arrière vers la littérature d'expression française du XXe siècle: Questions d'Identité et de marginalité. [Details] | |
(2005) | 'Outside, Over There, Otherness' Neville, Grace; (2005) 'Outside, Over There, Otherness' In: Language, Text, Bildung / Sprache, Text, Bildung. [Details] | |
(2004) | 'Mother Courage? Irish Mothers and Emigration to North America' Neville, Grace; (2004) 'Mother Courage? Irish Mothers and Emigration to North America' In: Motherhood in Ireland. [Details] | |
(2004) | 'Normalement on devrait être anormales: Normes, marges et marginaux chez Claire Bretécher' Neville, Grace; (2004) 'Normalement on devrait être anormales: Normes, marges et marginaux chez Claire Bretécher' In: Un Regard en arrière sur la littérature d'expression française au vingtième siècle. [Details] | |
(2004) | ''I hate France with a mortal hatred': Daniel O'Connell and France' Neville, Grace; (2004) ''I hate France with a mortal hatred': Daniel O'Connell and France' In: France-Ireland: Anatomy of a Relationship. [Details] | |
(2004) | 'Norman-French' Neville, Grace; (2004) 'Norman-French' In: The Encyclopaedia of Irish History and Culture. [Details] | |
(2001) | 'Frères ennemis? Writings of the French Expeditionary Leaders in Late Eighteenth Century Ireland' Neville, Grace; (2001) 'Frères ennemis? Writings of the French Expeditionary Leaders in Late Eighteenth Century Ireland' In: Littératures Francophones: La Problématique de l'Altérité. [Details] | |
(2001) | 'La Réception de l'oeuvre de Pierre-Jakes Hélias dans l'univers anglophone' Neville, Grace; (2001) 'La Réception de l'oeuvre de Pierre-Jakes Hélias dans l'univers anglophone' In: Pierre-Jakes Hélias: Bigoudin Universel. [Details] | |
(2000) | 'Rites de passage: Rituals of Separation in Irish Oral Tradition' Neville, Grace; (2000) 'Rites de passage: Rituals of Separation in Irish Oral Tradition' In: New Perspectives on the Irish Diaspora. [Details] | |
(1999) | 'Not waving but drowning: Metaphors and the French Language' Neville, Grace; (1999) 'Not waving but drowning: Metaphors and the French Language' In: Intercultural Communication and Language Learning. [Details] | |
(1998) | 'L'Invention du mythe de Napoléon dans la mémoire irlandaise' Neville, Grace; (1998) 'L'Invention du mythe de Napoléon dans la mémoire irlandaise' In: Irlande: Vision(s)/ Revisions. [Details] | |
(1998) | 'Cette contrée méconnue et si souvent outragée: Towards an Analysis of the Writings of J.-J. Prévost, a Traveller in mid-Nineteenth Century Ireland' Neville, Grace; (1998) 'Cette contrée méconnue et si souvent outragée: Towards an Analysis of the Writings of J.-J. Prévost, a Traveller in mid-Nineteenth Century Ireland' In: Cycnos: Irlande - Exils. [Details] | |
(1997) | 'L'Essentiel est invisible aux yeux: Les Représentations de l'au-delà dans la tradition orale en Irlande' Neville, Grace; (1997) 'L'Essentiel est invisible aux yeux: Les Représentations de l'au-delà dans la tradition orale en Irlande' In: L'Irlande: Imaginaire et Représentation. [Details] | |
(1997) | 'Le Regard des Irlandais sur la France et les Français dans la tradition orale en Irlande' Neville, Grace; (1997) 'Le Regard des Irlandais sur la France et les Français dans la tradition orale en Irlande' In: Le Même et l'Autre: Regards Européens. [Details] | |
(1997) | 'Land of the Fair, Land of the Free? The Myth of America in Irish Folklore' Neville, Grace; (1997) 'Land of the Fair, Land of the Free? The Myth of America in Irish Folklore' In: Exiles and Migrants: Crossing Thresholds in European Culture and Society. [Details] | |
(1996) | 'The Lady Vanishes: Vertical Segregation and Barriers to Promotion for Female Academics' Grace Neville; (1996) 'The Lady Vanishes: Vertical Segregation and Barriers to Promotion for Female Academics' In: Women Staff in Irish Colleges. Cork: Higher Education Authority Equality Unit. [Details] | |
(1996) | 'Short shrouds and sharp shrews: Echoes of Jacques de Vitry in the Dánta Grádha' Neville, Grace; (1996) 'Short shrouds and sharp shrews: Echoes of Jacques de Vitry in the Dánta Grádha' In: The Fragility of her Sex: Medieval Irishwomen in their European Context. [Details] | |
(1996) | ''He spoke to me in English: I answered him in Irish': Language Shift inthe Folklore Archives' Neville, Grace; (1996) ''He spoke to me in English: I answered him in Irish': Language Shift inthe Folklore Archives' In: L'Irlande et ses Langues. [Details] | |
(1996) | ''All These Pleasant Verses'? Grá, Caipadh Agus Ceasadh Sna Dánta Grádha [B694]' Grace Neville; (1996) ''All These Pleasant Verses'? Grá, Caipadh Agus Ceasadh Sna Dánta Grádha [B694]' In: Nua-Léamha: Gnéithe De Chúltur, Stair Agus Polaitíocht na hÉireann C.1600 - C.1900. Dublin: An Clochomhar Teoranta. [Details] | |
(1995) | 'Littérature Irlandaise: Introduction, Traductions Et Notes [B696]' Neville, Grace; (1995) 'Littérature Irlandaise: Introduction, Traductions Et Notes [B696]' In: Patrimoine Littéraire Européen: Prémices De L'Humanisme. [Details] | |
(1995) | 'Les Dánta Grádha et la poésie de troubadours: un genre littéraire paradoxal' Grace Neville; (1995) 'Les Dánta Grádha et la poésie de troubadours: un genre littéraire paradoxal' In: Aquitaine and Ireland in the Middle Ages. Dublin: Four Courts Press. [Details] | |
(1995) | 'Poésie irlandaise: introduction, traduction et notes' Neville, Grace; (1995) 'Poésie irlandaise: introduction, traduction et notes' In: Patrimoine Littéraire Européen: Prémices de l'Humanisme1400-1515. [Details] | |
(1995) | 'Les {Dánta Grádha} Et La Poésie Des Troubadours: Un Genre Littéraire Paradoxal [B689]' Neville, Grace; (1995) 'Les {Dánta Grádha} Et La Poésie Des Troubadours: Un Genre Littéraire Paradoxal [B689]' In: Aquitaine and Ireland in the Middle Ages. [Details] | |
(1995) | 'Bridging that Gap: from Leaving Certificate to First Year University French Studies' Neville, Grace; (1995) 'Bridging that Gap: from Leaving Certificate to First Year University French Studies' In: Sharing the Experience: Teaching French in Ireland: Proceedings of the National Colloquium on the Teaching of French. [Details] | |
(1995) | 'Dark Lady of the Archives: Towards an Analysis of Women and Emigration to America in Irish Folklore' Neville, Grace; (1995) 'Dark Lady of the Archives: Towards an Analysis of Women and Emigration to America in Irish Folklore' In: Chattel, Servant or Citizen: Women's Status in Church, State and Society. [Details] | |
(1992) | 'Poésie Irlandaise: Introduction, Traductions Et Notes [B678]' Neville, Grace; (1992) 'Poésie Irlandaise: Introduction, Traductions Et Notes [B678]' In: Patrimoine Littéraire Européen. [Details] | |
(1992) | 'Fox Eats Heron in Learned Irish Love Poetry' Neville, Grace; (1992) 'Fox Eats Heron in Learned Irish Love Poetry' In: Mythes, Croyances et Religions dans le Monde Anglo-Saxon. [Details] | |
(1991) | 'Romantic Ireland's dead and gone: Did it ever exist? The case of the Dánta Grádha' Neville, Grace; (1991) 'Romantic Ireland's dead and gone: Did it ever exist? The case of the Dánta Grádha' In: In Honorem Patrick Rafroidi: Les Romantismes Irlandais. [Details] | |
(1989) | 'The Humanities and the Universities in Modern Society' Neville, Grace; (1989) 'The Humanities and the Universities in Modern Society' In: The Future of Univesity College Cork: Proceedings of a Symposium. [Details] | |
(1988) | 'Mythe et folklore et leurs expressions littéraires dans la légende de Diarmuid et Gráinne' Neville, Grace; (1988) 'Mythe et folklore et leurs expressions littéraires dans la légende de Diarmuid et Gráinne' In: Mythe et Folklore et leurs Expressions Littéraires en Irlande. [Details] | |
(1987) | 'Minority Languages in Contemporary France' Grace Neville; (1987) 'Minority Languages in Contemporary France' In: Third International Conference on Minority Languages: General Papers. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters. [Details] |
Edited Books
Year | Publication | |
(2011) | France, Ireland and Rebellion Grace Neville, Yann Bevant and Anne Goarzin (Ed.). (2011) France, Ireland and Rebellion France, Ireland and Rebellion. Rennes: CRBP / Centre de Recherche Bretonne et Celtique de l'Universite de Rennes 2. [Details] | |
(2009) | Issues of Globalisation and Secularisation in France and Ireland Grace Neville, Eamon Maher, Yann Bevant and Eugene O'Brien (Ed.). (2009) Issues of Globalisation and Secularisation in France and Ireland Issues of Globalisation and Secularisation in France and Ireland. Frankfurt, Germany: Peter Lang. [Details] | |
(2008) | Modernity and Post-modernity in a Franco-Irish Context Grace Neville, Eamon Maher and Eugene O'Brien (Ed.). (2008) Modernity and Post-modernity in a Franco-Irish Context Modernity and Post-modernity in a Franco-Irish Context. Frankfurt, Berlin, Bern, Brussels, Oxford, Vienna:: Peter Lang Publishers. [Details] | |
(2007) | Re-inventing Ireland Through a French Prism Grace Neville, Eamon Maher, Eugene O'Brien (Ed.). (2007) Re-inventing Ireland Through a French Prism Re-inventing Ireland Through a French Prism. Frankfurt, Berlin, Bern, Brussels, Oxford, Vienna:: Peter Lang Publishers. [Details] | |
(2004) | France-Ireland: Anatomy of a Relationship Neville, Grace & Maher, Eamon (Ed.). (2004) France-Ireland: Anatomy of a Relationship France-Ireland: Anatomy of a Relationship. York, Bern, Hamburg: Peter Lang. [Details] |
Peer Reviewed Journals
Year | Publication | |
(2015) | 'Into the West: The West of Ireland in the Writings of French Travellers' Grace Neville (2015) 'Into the West: The West of Ireland in the Writings of French Travellers'. Etudes Irlandaises, 40 (1):259-272 [Details] | |
(2014) | 'Celtic Studies in 37 Boxes: the Papers of Joseph Vendryès in the Collège de France' Grace Neville (2014) 'Celtic Studies in 37 Boxes: the Papers of Joseph Vendryès in the Collège de France'. Proceedings of The Harvard Celtic Colloquium, 34 :225-239 [Details] | |
(2014) | ''Il y a des larmes dans leurs chiffres': French Famine Relief for Ireland, 1847-84' Grace Neville (2014) ''Il y a des larmes dans leurs chiffres': French Famine Relief for Ireland, 1847-84'. Revue Francaise de Civilisation Britannique, 19.2 (2014):67-87 [Details] | |
(2012) | 'Remembering and Forgetting the Great Famine in France and Ireland' Grace Neville (2012) 'Remembering and Forgetting the Great Famine in France and Ireland'. The New Hibernia Review, 16 (4):80-94 [Details] | |
(2010) | 'Up Close and Personal: The French in Bantry Bay (1796) in the Bantry Estate Papers' Neville, Grace; (2010) 'Up Close and Personal: The French in Bantry Bay (1796) in the Bantry Estate Papers'. Proceedings of the Harvard Celtic Colloquium, xxvi/xxvii :132-145 [Details] | |
(2008) | 'French Connections from Tipperary to Toulouse in the Ryan of Inch papers, 1820' Grace Neville; (2008) 'French Connections from Tipperary to Toulouse in the Ryan of Inch papers, 1820'. Proceedings of The Harvard Celtic Colloquium, xx (11):172-202 [Details] | |
(2007) | ''Words, words, words': Language about Language in France and Ireland' Grace Neville; (2007) ''Words, words, words': Language about Language in France and Ireland'. Proceedings of the Harvard Celtic Colloquium, xx / xxi (2007):112-129 [Details] | |
(2006) | 'Dictionary of Munster Women Writers, 1800-2000' Grace Neville; (2006) 'Dictionary of Munster Women Writers, 1800-2000'. Etudes Irlandaises, [Details] | |
(2006) | 'Narratives of Old Age in a French Fabliau and an Irish Folktale' Grace Neville; (2006) 'Narratives of Old Age in a French Fabliau and an Irish Folktale'. Proceedings of the Harvard Celtic Colloquium, [Details] | |
(2005) | 'History from Below: John Healy's Nineteen Acres, Mayo and America' Grace Neville; (2005) 'History from Below: John Healy's Nineteen Acres, Mayo and America'. New Hibernia Review, [Details] | |
(2002) | 'Dark Forces: Music and Silence in the Fabliaux' Grace Neville; (2002) 'Dark Forces: Music and Silence in the Fabliaux'. The Irish Journal of French Studies/ Cahiers de l'ADEFFI, [Details] | |
(2001) | 'The Death of Terence MacSwiney: A French Perspective' Neville, Grace; (2001) 'The Death of Terence MacSwiney: A French Perspective'. Journal of The Cork Historical and Archaeological Society, 106 (*):143-166 [Details] | |
(2001) | 'God's Own Language? Attitudes to Irish, Then and Now' Neville, Grace; (2001) 'God's Own Language? Attitudes to Irish, Then and Now'. Études Irlandaises, 26/ii (*):81-96 [Details] | |
(1995) | '`En Français Dans Le Texte': La Loi Toubon, 1994 [B688]' Neville, Grace; (1995) '`En Français Dans Le Texte': La Loi Toubon, 1994 [B688]'. French Teachers' Association Bulletinetin, :12-14 [Details] | |
(1994) | 'Two Years in the Life of a Language: French in 'Le Monde', 1990-91 [B687]' Neville, Grace; (1994) 'Two Years in the Life of a Language: French in 'Le Monde', 1990-91 [B687]'. French Teachers' Association Bulletinetin, Spring/Summer :8-12 [Details] | |
(1993) | '`Tous Les Jours Fête'? Games and Pastimes in Irish Folklore [B686]' Neville, Grace; (1993) '`Tous Les Jours Fête'? Games and Pastimes in Irish Folklore [B686]'. Cycnos, 10.2 :35-48 [Details] | |
(1993) | ''Les Images Derrière Les Images': Léamh Bachelardien Ar Na Dánta Grádha [B685]' Neville, Grace; (1993) ''Les Images Derrière Les Images': Léamh Bachelardien Ar Na Dánta Grádha [B685]'. Oghma, 5 :11-18 [Details] | |
(1992) | 'Fox Eats Heron in Learned Irish Love Poetry [B681]' Neville, Grace; (1992) 'Fox Eats Heron in Learned Irish Love Poetry [B681]'. Mythes, Croyances Et Religions Dans Le Monde Anglo-Saxo, 0.1 :83-96 [Details] | |
(1992) | 'Westward Bound: Emigration to North America in the Irish Folklore Commission Archives [B679]' Neville, Grace; (1992) 'Westward Bound: Emigration to North America in the Irish Folklore Commission Archives [B679]'. 17.1 :195-207 [Details] | |
(1992) | 'La Symbolique Des Nombres Dans {Tóruighéacht Dhiarmada Agus Ghráinne} [B680]' Neville, Grace; (1992) 'La Symbolique Des Nombres Dans {Tóruighéacht Dhiarmada Agus Ghráinne} [B680]'. Pris-Ma: Bulletinetin De Liaison De L'Équipe De Recherche S, :31-45 [Details] | |
(1992) | 'Irish Literature in English: The Year's Work: Autumn 1991-Autumn 1992 [B682]' Neville, Grace; Alluinn-Popot, Raymonde; (1992) 'Irish Literature in English: The Year's Work: Autumn 1991-Autumn 1992 [B682]'. Études Irlandaises, 17.1 :175-209 [Details] | |
(1992) | 'Review of Julia Carson's 'Banned in Ireland: Censorship and the Irish Writer'' Neville, Grace; (1992) 'Review of Julia Carson's 'Banned in Ireland: Censorship and the Irish Writer''. Etudes Irlandaises (France), :232-234 [Details] | |
(1992) | 'Westward bound: Emigration to North America in the Irish Folklore Commission Archives' Grace Neville; (1992) 'Westward bound: Emigration to North America in the Irish Folklore Commission Archives'. Etudes irlandaises, :195-207 [Details] | |
(1992) | ''She Never Then After That Forgot Him ': Irishwomen and Emigration to the United States in Irish Folklore [B683]' Neville, Grace; (1992) ''She Never Then After That Forgot Him ': Irishwomen and Emigration to the United States in Irish Folklore [B683]'. Mid-America: An Historical Review, 74.3 :271-289 [Details] | |
(1991) | 'A la recherche de l'Irlande perdue: Two French Photographers in Ireland in 1913' Grace Neville; (1991) 'A la recherche de l'Irlande perdue: Two French Photographers in Ireland in 1913'. Etudes irlandaises, :75-89 [Details] | |
(1991) | 'Irish literature in English: The Year's Work, Autumn 1990-Autumn 1991' Neville, Grace; (1991) 'Irish literature in English: The Year's Work, Autumn 1990-Autumn 1991'. Études Irlandaises, * (*):173-207 [Details] | |
(1990) | 'Teaching Civilisation through Cartoons' Neville, Grace; (1990) 'Teaching Civilisation through Cartoons'. Teanga: The Irish Yearbook of Applied Linguistics, X (*):23-35 [Details] | |
(1990) | 'Irish literature in English: The Year's Work, Autumn 1989-Autumn 1990' Neville, Grace; (1990) 'Irish literature in English: The Year's Work, Autumn 1989-Autumn 1990'. Études Irlandaises, xv (*):181-214 [Details] | |
(1990) | 'French Language and Literature in Medieval Ireland' Neville, Grace; (1990) 'French Language and Literature in Medieval Ireland'. Études Irlandaises, XV (*):23-35 [Details] | |
(1990) | 'French Language and Literature in Medieval Ireland' Grace Neville; (1990) 'French Language and Literature in Medieval Ireland'. Etudes irlandaises, :23-35 [Details] | |
(1990) | 'The Status of French at Second Level in the Cork Area: Results of a Recent Survey' Neville, Grace; (1990) 'The Status of French at Second Level in the Cork Area: Results of a Recent Survey'. French Teachers' Association Bulletinetin, * (*):15-17 [Details] | |
(1989) | 'Medieval French Fabliaux and Modern Urban Legends: Back to Square One?' Neville, Grace; (1989) 'Medieval French Fabliaux and Modern Urban Legends: Back to Square One?'. Béaloideas. The Journal of The Folklore of Ireland Soci, 57 (*):133-149 [Details] | |
(1989) | 'Irish literature in English: The Year's Work, Autumn 1988-Autumn 1989' Neville, Grace et al.; (1989) 'Irish literature in English: The Year's Work, Autumn 1988-Autumn 1989'. Études Irlandaises, xiv (*):197-220 [Details] | |
(1988) | 'Cartoon-Based Language Work: A Practical Approach' Neville, Grace; (1988) 'Cartoon-Based Language Work: A Practical Approach'. French Teachers' Association Bulletinetin, * (*):9-12 [Details] | |
(1988) | 'Irish literature in English: Autumn 1987-Autumn 1988' Neville, Grace et al.; (1988) 'Irish literature in English: Autumn 1987-Autumn 1988'. Études Irlandaises, xiii (*):161-191 [Details] | |
(1987) | 'Minority languages in contemporary France' Neville, Grace; (1987) 'Minority languages in contemporary France'. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Matters, viii (*):147-157 [Details] | |
(1987) | 'Irish literature in English: The Year's Work, Autumn 1986-Autumn 1987' Neville, Grace et al.; (1987) 'Irish literature in English: The Year's Work, Autumn 1986-Autumn 1987'. Études Irlandaises, xii (*):211-233 [Details] | |
(1982) | 'Medieval Irish Courtly Love Poetry: An Exercise in Power Struggle?' Neville, Grace; (1982) 'Medieval Irish Courtly Love Poetry: An Exercise in Power Struggle?'. Études Irlandaises, vii (*):19-30 [Details] | |
(1982) | 'Medieval Irish Courtly Love Poetry: An Exercise in Power Struggle' Grace Neville; (1982) 'Medieval Irish Courtly Love Poetry: An Exercise in Power Struggle'. Etudes irlandaises, :19-30 [Details] | |
(1980) | 'Franco-Irish Relations in the Latter Middle Ages' Neville, Grace; (1980) 'Franco-Irish Relations in the Latter Middle Ages'. Études Irlandaises, V (*):50-63 [Details] | |
(1978) | 'Autour de l'idée de la nature' Neville, Grace; (1978) 'Autour de l'idée de la nature'. Etudes Anglaises, 67 (*):*-* [Details] |
Other Journals
Year | Publication | |
(2015) | ''Le Petit Journal', Clowns and Children in Victorian London' Grace Neville and Anthony Ryan (2015) ''Le Petit Journal', Clowns and Children in Victorian London' Medical Humanities, . [Details] |
Book Reviews
Year | Publication | |
Video recording / TV
Year | Publication | |
(2013) | What Makes a Good Teacher Series (UCC). Byrne, E.P. with Neville, G. (2013) What Makes a Good Teacher Series (UCC). Video recording / TV [Details] | |
(2007) | The Lost World of Albert Kahn. Grace Neville; (2007) The Lost World of Albert Kahn. Video recording / TV [Details] | |
(2007) | Anamnocht: Fuil, Fion agus Fanaiocht. Grace Neville; (2007) Anamnocht: Fuil, Fion agus Fanaiocht. Video recording / TV [Details] | |
(2005) | Stirling Architecture Prize. Grace Neville; (2005) Stirling Architecture Prize. Video recording / TV [Details] | |
(2005) | Sweet Cork of Thee. Grace Neville; (2005) Sweet Cork of Thee. Video recording / TV [Details] | |
(2005) | TV programme on Irish travellers in Continental Europe. Grace Neville; (2005) TV programme on Irish travellers in Continental Europe. Video recording / TV [Details] | |
(2004) | TV documentary: 'Not Fade Away'. Neville, Grace; (2004) TV documentary: 'Not Fade Away'. Video recording / TV [Details] |
Year | Publication | |
Professional Activities
Honours and Awards
Year | Title | Awarding Body | |
2009 | Chevalier dans l'Ordre des Palmes Academiques | the French state | |
2015 | Chevalier dans l'Ordre National de la Légion d'Honneur | The French state | |
2002 | President's Award for Excellence in Teaching | UCC institutional award | |
1972 | French Government Gold Medal for Proficiency in French | French Government | |
1972 | The French Government Scholarship | The French Government | |
1971 | Edward & Matilda Ryan Scholarship | University College Cork | |
1969 | Honan Scholarship, University College Cork | University College Cork | |
1969 | UCC College Entrance Scholarship | University College Cork |
Professional Associations
Association | Function | From / To | |
National Association of Franco-Irish Studies (NCFIS) | Founding member/board member | / | |
Association des Etudes Francaises et Francophones d'Irlande (ADEFFI) | Member | / | |
European Federation of Associations and Centres of Irish Studies (EFACIS) | Member | / | |
Pole de Recherche en Etudes Irlandaises de l'Universite de Paris 3 - Sorbonne Nouvelle | Member | / | |
Societe Francaise d'Etudes Irlandaises (SOFEIR) | Member | / |
Committee | Function | From / To | |
University Management Team (Strategy) | / | ||
Academic Council Committee for the Student Experience | / | ||
Academic Council Committee for Learning & Teaching | / | ||
UCC Governing Body | / | ||
UCC Academic Council | / | ||
UCC Academic Board | / | ||
Student Needs and Academic Development (SNAD) | / | ||
Budget Monitoring Group | / | ||
Cork-Rennes Twinning Committee (Cork City Hall) | Member | / | |
Board of Managers, Scoil Stiofain Naofa (local second level school) | / | ||
NAIRTL Management Board, Director | Director of NAIRTL | / | |
Academic Workload Development Model | / | ||
Governing Board Committee on Staff | / | ||
Student Survey Steering Group | / | ||
Student Portal Steering Group | / | ||
Undergraduate Awards of Ireland & Northern Ireland | Chair of Languages & Linguistics panel of judges | / | |
Glucksman Gallery, Board of Directors | Board Member | / | |
Cork University Press (CUP), Chair of Publishing Committee | Chair | / |
Conference Contributions
Year | Publication | |
(2017) | Annual AFIS / Association of Franco-irish Studies conference, Grace Neville (2017) 'I don't know what I would have done without the French': An Analysis of Reviews of Irish Literature in Le Monde, 1950-present. [Oral Presentation], Annual AFIS / Association of Franco-irish Studies conference, Limerick MICL/University of Limerick . [Details] | |
(2017) | Towards a Learning Planet: On the Future of R&D for Lifelong Learning, Grace Neville (2017) Insights from Other Learning Societies. [Invited Oral Presentation], Towards a Learning Planet: On the Future of R&D for Lifelong Learning, Institut Pasteur, Paris . [Details] | |
(2016) | CPU / Conférence des Présidents d'Université / université d'été, Grace Neville (2016) Diversité croissante des étudiants: enjeux et perspectives. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], CPU / Conférence des Présidents d'Université / université d'été, CPU, Bd St Michel, Paris . [Details] | |
(2016) | Pédagogie innovante en France, Grace Neville (2016) Pédagogie innovante en France: Bilan et Perspectives. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Pédagogie innovante en France, Université de Grenoble, France . [Details] | |
(2016) | Pédagogie innovante, Grace Neville (2016) Comment faire avancer les nouvelles pédagogies?. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Pédagogie innovante, Supmeca Engineering school, St Ouen, Paris . [Details] | |
(2016) | JIPES / Journée des Innovations Pédagogiques dans l'Enseignement Supérieur, Grace Neville (2016) L'Innovation Pédagogique en France, échos d'avenir. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], JIPES / Journée des Innovations Pédagogiques dans l'Enseignement Supérieur, Ministère de l'Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche, rue Descartes, Paris . [Details] | |
(2016) | University College Dublin French Dept guest lecture, Grace Neville (2016) Higher Education Reform in Contemporary France. [Invited Seminars/Guest Lectures], University College Dublin French Dept guest lecture, University College Dublin . [Details] | |
(2016) | Public lecture series, Grace Neville (2016) Is it a siege, a riot, a revolt or a revolution? Perceptions of the 1916 Rising in the French Press. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Public lecture series, National Library of Ireland, Dublin . [Details] | |
(2015) | Annual AFIS / Association of Franco-irish Studies annual conference, Grace Neville (2015) Up in the Air: A French Balloonist in Dublin in 1785. [Plenary Lecture], Annual AFIS / Association of Franco-irish Studies annual conference, Université de La Rochelle, France . [Details] | |
(2015) | Public conference to commemorate the centenary of the sinking of the Lusitania in 1915, Grace Neville (2015) The Sinking of the Lusitania: The French Perspective. [Oral Presentation], Public conference to commemorate the centenary of the sinking of the Lusitania in 1915, University College Cork . [Details] | |
(2014) | French University Presidents' and Grandes Ecoles directors' annual conference, Grace Neville (2014) L'enseignement superieur en France vu de l'etranger. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], French University Presidents' and Grandes Ecoles directors' annual conference, CPU/ Conference des Presidents d'Universite, 103 bd St Michel, Paris , 27-AUG-14 - 28-AUG-14. [Details] | |
(2014) | Alternance: Outil de développement économique, Grace Neville (2014) La France vue de l'étranger - concernant l'alternance. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Alternance: Outil de développement économique, Université de Valenciennes, France . [Details] | |
(2014) | Innovation pédagogique: enjeux et perspectives, Grace Neville (2014) Innovation pédagogique - échos d'ailleurs. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Innovation pédagogique: enjeux et perspectives, Université de Rennes, France . [Details] | |
(2014) | Association of Franco-Irish Studies / AFIS annual conference, Grace Neville (2014) Mirror, Mirror: Ireland and War in the Photojournalism of Le Miroir, 1915-20. [Oral Presentation], Association of Franco-Irish Studies / AFIS annual conference, National Concert Hall, Dublin . [Details] | |
(2014) | Association of Franco-Irish Studies / AFIS annual conference, Grace Neville (2014) Mirror, Mirror: Ireland and War in the Photojournalism of Le Miroir, 1915-20. [Oral Presentation], Association of Franco-Irish Studies / AFIS annual conference, National Concert Hall, Dublin . [Details] | |
(2013) | IDEFI - Premeir colloque, Grace Neville (2013) dialogue de cloture avec Madame Simone Bonnafous. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], IDEFI - Premeir colloque, Ministère de l'Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche, rue Descartes, Paris . [Details] | |
(2014) | Assemblée Générale de FIGURE/ IDEFI, Ministère de l'Education Nationale, Paris, Grace Neville (2014) La voix de l'étudiant dans l'enseignement supérieur. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Assemblée Générale de FIGURE/ IDEFI, Ministère de l'Education Nationale, Paris, Université de Franche-Comté, Besançon, France , 12-JUN-14 - 13-JUN-14. [Details] | |
(2014) | Annual Harvard University Celtic Colloquium, Grace Neville (2014) Everything you ever wanted to know about Celtic Studies in 37 boxes: An Analysis of the Papers of Joseph Vendryès in the Collège de France, Paris. [Oral Presentation], Annual Harvard University Celtic Colloquium, Harvard University, USA , 10-OCT-14 - 12-OCT-14. [Details] | |
(2014) | Association of Franco-Irish Studies annual conference, Grace Neville (2014) Mirror, mirror: Ireland and War in the Photojournalism of 'Le Miroir' (1915-20). [Oral Presentation], Association of Franco-Irish Studies annual conference, National Concert Hall, Dublin , 23-MAY-14 - 24-MAY-14. [Details] | |
(2014) | Brittany and the English-speaking World, Grace Neville (2014) Hard Words: Learning the 'New' Language in France and Ireland in the 19th/early 20th Century. [Plenary Lecture], Brittany and the English-speaking World, Université Bretagne Sud, Lorient, France , 13-JUN-14 - 14-OCT-14. [Details] | |
(2014) | Dublin Gastronomy Annual Symposium, Grace Neville (2014) Eating their Words: Food and the French Language. [Oral Presentation], Dublin Gastronomy Annual Symposium, DIT/ Dublin Institute of Technology , 03-JUN-14 - 04-JUN-14. [Details] | |
(2014) | Daniel O'Connell Summer School, Grace Neville (2014) Food, feast and famine in Daniel O'Connell's correspondence. [Oral Presentation], Daniel O'Connell Summer School, Cahersiveen public library, Kerry , 29-AUG-14 - 30-AUG-14. [Details] | |
(2014) | Ecrire la Guerre: Symposium on War and Writing, Grace Neville (2014) Comme à la guerre: War in Annie Ernaux's Memoir, Les Années (2008). [Invited Seminars/Guest Lectures], Ecrire la Guerre: Symposium on War and Writing, Institute of Technology, Tallaght, Dublin , 07-OCT-14 - 07-OCT-14. [Details] | |
(2013) | Notre Dame University Summer School, Paris, Grace Neville (2013) France and the Holocaust in Irish Poetry. [Invited Seminars/Guest Lectures], Notre Dame University Summer School, Paris, Centre Culturel Irlandais, Paris , 08-JUL-13 - 28-JUL-13. [Details] | |
(2013) | ongoing series of talks on French-related issues, Grace Neville (2013) Humanitarian Aid from Cork to France during the Franco-Prussian War 1870-71. [Invited Seminars/Guest Lectures], ongoing series of talks on French-related issues, Alliance Française, Cork , 13-NOV-13 - 13-NOV-13. [Details] | |
(2013) | Outside the Frame: Challenging Representations of France and Ireland, Grace Neville (2013) Visual Representations of Irish Politics in 'Le Petit Journal', late 19/early 20 Century. [Oral Presentation], Outside the Frame: Challenging Representations of France and Ireland, Université de Rennes 2 France , 23-MAY-13 - 25-MAY-13. [Details] | |
(2013) | Daniel O'Connell Summer School, Grace Neville (2013) France in Daniel O'Connell's correspondence. [Oral Presentation], Daniel O'Connell Summer School, Cahirsiveen public library, Kerry , 03-SEP-13 - 05-SEP-13. [Details] | |
(2013) | Irish Cultural Institute, State University of St Petersburg, Russia, annual symposium, Grace Neville (2013) From Mayo to St Petersburg: the Earl of Mayo's 'Visit to the Court of the Czar' (1846). [Plenary Lecture], Irish Cultural Institute, State University of St Petersburg, Russia, annual symposium, Nabokov Museum and Library, St Petersburg, Russia , 14-JUN-13 - 14-JUN-13. [Details] | |
(2013) | Global Legacies of the Great Irish Famine: Transnational and Interdisciplinary Perspectives, Grace Neville (2013) Cette contrée qui souffre: French Literature and the Great Irish Famine. [Oral Presentation], Global Legacies of the Great Irish Famine: Transnational and Interdisciplinary Perspectives, Radboud University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands , 27-MAR-13 - 30-MAR-13. [Details] | |
(2013) | The Mental Health of Politicians, Grace Neville (2013) Slainte siceolaiochtuil na bpolaiteoiri. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], The Mental Health of Politicians, Ionad an Bhlascaoid, Dun Cahoin, Kerry , 06-MAY-13 - 06-MAY-13. [Details] | |
(2013) | Société Française d'Etudes Irlandaises annual conference, Grace Neville (2013) Poverty-trapped: French Traveller Accounts of Poverty in Irish Towns over the Centuries. [Oral Presentation], Société Française d'Etudes Irlandaises annual conference, Université de Strasbourg, France , 15-MAR-13 - 16-MAR-13. [Details] | |
(2013) | Colloque in memoriam Paul Brennan, Grace Neville (2013) Into the West: the West of Ireland in French Traveller Accounts (up to early 20th century). [Oral Presentation], Colloque in memoriam Paul Brennan, Université de Caen, France , 22-NOV-13 - 23-NOV-13. [Details] | |
(2013) | Dublin Institute for Advanced StudiesTionol annual conference, Grace Neville (2013) Mission en Irlande: French Scholars in early Twentieth century Ireland. [Oral Presentation], Dublin Institute for Advanced StudiesTionol annual conference, Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies , 15-NOV-13 - 16-NOV-13. [Details] | |
(2013) | Initiatives d'Excellence en formations Innovantes, Grace Neville (2013) Pourquoi et comment innover?. [Plenary Lecture], Initiatives d'Excellence en formations Innovantes, Ministere de l'Enseignement Superieur et de la Recherche, Paris , 09-DEC-13 - 09-DEC-13. [Details] | |
(2012) | ongoing series of talks on French-related issues, Grace Neville (2012) Cartoons and Contemporary French Politics. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], ongoing series of talks on French-related issues, Alliance Française, Cork , 10-OCT-12 - 10-OCT-12. [Details] | |
(2012) | Le Paysage Universitaire a l'Horizon 2025, Grace Neville (2012) Regards sur l'Innovation Pedagogique en France. [Invited Seminars/Guest Lectures], Le Paysage Universitaire a l'Horizon 2025, Ministere de l'Enseignement Superieur et de la Recherche , 27-JUN-13 - 27-JUN-13. [Details] | |
(2012) | Les Universites europeennes a l'horizon 2020, Grace Neville (2012) Les grandes tendances d'innovation en France et les convergences avec d'autres modeles europeens. [Plenary Lecture], Les Universites europeennes a l'horizon 2020, Palais d'Iena, Paris , 16-NOV-13 - 16-NOV-13. [Details] | |
(2012) | The 2012 French Presidential Elections: Issues and Challenges, Grace Neville (2012) Mes 60 Engagements pour la France: Analysing François Hollande's Vision for France. [Invited Seminars/Guest Lectures], The 2012 French Presidential Elections: Issues and Challenges, Dept of Government, University College Cork , 20-APR-12 - 20-APR-12. [Details] | |
(2011) | Erin-Iran: literary encounters and socio-cultural comparisons, Grace Neville (2011) Literary encounters and socio-cultural comparisons. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], Erin-Iran: literary encounters and socio-cultural comparisons, UCC , 22-OCT-11 - 22-OCT-11. [Details] | |
(2011) | Invited guest lecturer, MICL, Neville, G; (2011) Franco-Irish Studies. [Invited Seminars/Guest Lectures], Invited guest lecturer, MICL, Mary Immaculate College, Limerick , 08-FEB-11 - 08-FEB-11. [Details] | |
(2011) | John Healy Weekend, Grace Neville (2011) French reporting on the Great Irish Famine. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], John Healy Weekend, Charlestown, Mayo , 12-NOV-11 - 12-NOV-11. [Details] | |
(2011) | Mary Ryan Symposium, Neville, G; (2011) Mary Ryan, Women and Higher Education. [Plenary Lecture], Mary Ryan Symposium, UCC , 22-JAN-11 - 22-JAN-11. [Details] | |
(2011) | Annual AFIS conference, Neville, G; (2011) Ireland and the Famine. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Annual AFIS conference, Lille, France , 28-MAY-11 - 28-MAY-11. [Details] | |
(2010) | Shanghai World Expo 2010, Grace Neville; (2010) Managing Change in the University - the Irish Experience. [Invited Oral Presentation], Shanghai World Expo 2010, Shanghai , 08-SEP-10 - 08-SEP-10. [Details] | |
(2010) | Centenary celebrations of appointment of first female professor in Ireland and Britain, Mary Ryan, Grace Neville; (2010) Keynote speech. [Plenary Lecture], Centenary celebrations of appointment of first female professor in Ireland and Britain, Mary Ryan, UCC , 28-JUN-10 - 28-JUN-10. [Details] | |
(2010) | Annual Conference of the AFIS/ Association of Franco-Irish Studies, Grace Neville; (2010) 'Whatever happened to the Famine?' French Perceptions of the Irish Famine. [Oral Presentation], Annual Conference of the AFIS/ Association of Franco-Irish Studies, Universite de Reims, France , 28-MAY-10 - 28-MAY-10. [Details] | |
(2010) | HEA conference on Teaching/Staff Mobility, Grace Neville; (2010) Presentation on Staff Mobility/Erasmus teaching exchanges. [Invited Oral Presentation], HEA conference on Teaching/Staff Mobility, CIT , 09-DEC-10 - 09-DEC-10. [Details] | |
(2010) | Byrne Perry Summer School 2010, Grace Neville; (2010) Etre en face de moi-meme: Charles de Gaulle in Ireland, 1969. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Byrne Perry Summer School 2010, Gorey, Wexford , 26-JUN-10 - 26-JUN-10. [Details] | |
(2010) | 12th Annual Conference of the ADEFFI, Grace Neville; (2010) 'Rats de Bibliotheque' and Other Addictions. [Oral Presentation], 12th Annual Conference of the ADEFFI, MICL/ UL, Limerick , 29-OCT-10 - 29-OCT-10. [Details] | |
(2010) | FP7-related research symposium on European, Grace Neville; (2010) French Perceptions of the Irish Famine: Making the Case for Interdisciplinarity. [Oral Presentation], FP7-related research symposium on European, UCC , 18-SEP-10 - 18-SEP-10. [Details] | |
(2009) | Annual AFIS Conference, Grace Neville; (2009) 'La France amputee': The Franco-Prussian War: A Cork Connection in the Writings of Alfred Duquet. [Plenary Lecture], Annual AFIS Conference, UCC , 22-MAY-09 - 15-MAY-09. [Details] | |
(2009) | Occasional Lectures, Alliance Francaise, Grace Neville; (2009) Charles de Gaulle's Visit to Ireland: Forty Years Later. [Invited Oral Presentation], Occasional Lectures, Alliance Francaise, Alliance Francaise, Cork , 14-MAY-09 - 14-MAY-09. [Details] | |
(2009) | Annual Feile na Brideoige Symposium, Grace Neville; (2009) Vers l'ouest: An Sceilg i Litriocht na Fraince. [Invited Oral Presentation], Annual Feile na Brideoige Symposium, Uibh Rathach, County Kerry , 01-JAN-09 - 01-JAN-09. [Details] | |
(2009) | The John Healy Weekend, Grace Neville; (2009) Freedom, Failure and Fortune in John Healy's Nineteen Acres. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], The John Healy Weekend, Charlstown, Co Mayo , 01-JAN-09 - 01-JAN-09. [Details] | |
(2009) | Conference Internationale Jean Moulin, Grace Neville; (2009) Regards Croises: La France en Irlande. [Invited Seminars/Guest Lectures], Conference Internationale Jean Moulin, Lyon, France , 09-NOV-09 - 09-NOV-09. [Details] | |
(2008) | Annual Eigse na Brideoige Symposium, Grace Neville; (2008) Trasna na dTonnta: an Comhairleoir agus an Fhrainc. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Annual Eigse na Brideoige Symposium, Brideog Winter School, Caherdaniel, County Kerry , 01-JAN-08 - 01-JAN-08. [Details] | |
(2008) | Invited Paper, IRCHSS seminar, Humanities Institute, UCD, Grace Neville; (2008) Living in the Material World: Women and the Fashioning of America in the Irish Folklore Archives. [Invited Oral Presentation], Invited Paper, IRCHSS seminar, Humanities Institute, UCD, IRCHSS seminar, Humanities Institute, UCD , 01-JAN-08 - 01-JAN-08. [Details] | |
(2008) | Invited Paper, MIC/UL, Grace Neville; (2008) Comme à la guerre: War and Memory with particular reference to Annie Ernaux' Les Années. [Invited Oral Presentation], Invited Paper, MIC/UL, Mary Immaculate College , 01-JAN-08 - 01-JAN-08. [Details] | |
(2008) | Joint conference of UCD Humanities Institute and the National Centre for Franco-Irish Studies, Grace Neville; (2008) A French Perspective on the Impact of Globalisation. [Plenary Lecture], Joint conference of UCD Humanities Institute and the National Centre for Franco-Irish Studies, Newman House, UCD, Dublin , 16-MAY-08 - 16-MAY-08. [Details] | |
(2007) | Images of Emigration in Irish Archives, Grace Neville; (2007) Images of Emigration in Irish Archives. [Invited Oral Presentation], Images of Emigration in Irish Archives, Universite de Paris 111 / Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris , 01-JAN-07 - 01-JAN-07. [Details] | |
(2007) | Annual SOFEIR conference, Grace Neville; (2007) To the East: France and the Jews in Derry O'Sullivan's 'An La go dTainig Siad'. [Invited Oral Presentation], Annual SOFEIR conference, Universite de Paris 111 / Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris , 01-JAN-07 - 01-JAN-07. [Details] | |
(2007) | Second Symposium of Irish Studies in South America, Grace Neville; (2007) Press Coverage of the Death of Terence MacSwiney in France and Spain, 1920. [Invited Oral Presentation], Second Symposium of Irish Studies in South America, Universidad del Salvador, Buenos Aires, Argentina , 01-JAN-07 - 01-JAN-07. [Details] | |
(2006) | Harvard University Annual Celtic Colloquium, Grace Neville; (2006) Up Close and Personal: The French in Bantry Bay, from the Bantry Estate Archives. [Oral Presentation], Harvard University Annual Celtic Colloquium, Harvard University , 01-JAN-06 - 01-JAN-06. [Details] | |
(2006) | From Montreal to Mizen: Quebec Visitors to Ireland in the Late Nineteenth Century, Grace Neville; (2006) From Montreal to Mizen: Quebec Visitors to Ireland in the Late Nineteenth Century. [Oral Presentation], From Montreal to Mizen: Quebec Visitors to Ireland in the Late Nineteenth Century, Concordia University, Montréal, Canada , 01-JAN-06 - 01-JAN-06. [Details] | |
(2006) | Annual Franco-Irish studies conference, Grace Neville; (2006) A la recherche de Marie-Louise Sjoestedt (1900-40): a Hibernophile French Scholar in West Kerry. [Oral Presentation], Annual Franco-Irish studies conference, UCC , 01-JAN-06 - 01-JAN-06. [Details] | |
(2006) | Paris in the 1930s: Nabokov, Joyce and Beckett, Grace Neville; (2006) Paris in the 1930s: Nabokov, Joyce and Beckett. [Oral Presentation], Paris in the 1930s: Nabokov, Joyce and Beckett, Nabokov Museum, St-Petersburg, Russia , 01-JAN-06 - 01-JAN-06. [Details] | |
(2005) | Women's Studies Post-Graduate Programme, UCC, Neville, Grace; (2005) 'Stones, stone and more stones': Two French Women Photographers in Ireland, 1913. [Invited Oral Presentation], Women's Studies Post-Graduate Programme, UCC, University College Cork , 14-JAN-05 - 14-JAN-05. [Details] | |
(2005) | Teaching and Learning in Higher Education certificate course, UCC, Neville, Grace; (2005) Interdisciplinary Styles in Third Level Teaching. [Invited Oral Presentation], Teaching and Learning in Higher Education certificate course, UCC, University College Cork , 10-MAR-05 - 10-MAR-05. [Details] | |
(2005) | IRCHSS / CNRS workshop on language diversity, Neville, Grace; (2005) Language and Revolution: French Travellers and Language in Ireland in the Late Eighteenth and Early Nineteenth Centuries. [Oral Presentation], IRCHSS / CNRS workshop on language diversity, University College Cork , 04-NOV-05 - 05-NOV-05. [Details] | |
(2005) | Annual Conference of the International Association for the Study of Irish Literatures, Neville, Grace; (2005) 'Cet horrible jargon': French Visitors and Language in Ireland. [Oral Presentation], Annual Conference of the International Association for the Study of Irish Literatures, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic , 25-JUL-05 - 29-JUL-05. [Details] | |
(2005) | Culture of Change: The Library as an Agent of Change in the Learning and Research Environment, Neville, Grace; (2005) The Changing Academic Environment: Research Then and Research Now. [Invited Oral Presentation], Culture of Change: The Library as an Agent of Change in the Learning and Research Environment, University College Cork , 17-JUN-05 - 19-JUN-05. [Details] | |
(2005) | Glucksman Gallery lecture series, UCC, Neville, Grace; (2005) An Leabhar Mor / The Great Book of Gaelic: A Personal Assessment. [Invited Oral Presentation], Glucksman Gallery lecture series, UCC, Glucksman Gallery, University College Cork , 25-MAY-05 - 25-MAY-05. [Details] | |
(2005) | Teaching and Learning in Higher Education certificate course, UCC, Neville, Grace; (2005) Portfolios in Third-Level Teaching. [Invited Oral Presentation], Teaching and Learning in Higher Education certificate course, UCC, University College Cork , 05-FEB-05 - 05-FEB-05. [Details] | |
(2005) | Mourir a l'étranger / Mourir en étranger: Groupe de Recherches en Etudes Irlandaises conference, Neville, Grace; (2005) Bas in Eirinn: Death and the French Travller. [Oral Presentation], Mourir a l'étranger / Mourir en étranger: Groupe de Recherches en Etudes Irlandaises conference, Université de Paris 3 - Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris, France , 18-NOV-05 - 19-NOV-05. [Details] | |
(2005) | RIA Modern Languages Committee Symposium, Neville, Grace; (2005) A European Capital of Culture? Discourses on the Global, National and Provincial in European Accounts of Cork. [Oral Presentation], RIA Modern Languages Committee Symposium, University College Cork , 11-NOV-05 - 12-NOV-05. [Details] | |
(2005) | School of Languages and Literature Annual Conference, UCC, Neville, Grace; (2005) Freedom, Failure and Fortune in John Healy's 'Nineteen Acres'. [Oral Presentation], School of Languages and Literature Annual Conference, UCC, University College Cork , 06-MAY-05 - 08-MAY-05. [Details] | |
(2005) | Merriman Winter School, Neville, Grace; (2005) Cuirt na mBan san Eorap. [Plenary Lecture], Merriman Winter School, Bunratty, County Clare , 28-JAN-05 - 30-JAN-05. [Details] | |
(2005) | Irish and Catholic? Towards an Understanding of Identity, Neville, Grace; (2005) Religion? What Religion? Religion and Identity in the Ryan of Inch Papers. [Invited Oral Presentation], Irish and Catholic? Towards an Understanding of Identity, The Priory Institute, Tallaght, Dublin , 23-JUN-05 - 24-JUN-05. [Details] | |
(2005) | Clogher Historical Society seminar, Neville, Grace; (2005) Two French Women Photographers in Ireland, 1913. [Invited Oral Presentation], Clogher Historical Society seminar, Lisnaskea, County Fermanagh , 12-APR-05 - 12-APR-05. [Details] | |
(2004) | Departmental post-graduate research seminar, Neville, Grace; (2004) France's War Dead: the Case of Terence MacSwiney. [Invited Oral Presentation], Departmental post-graduate research seminar, Department of History, University College, Cork , 27-JAN-04 - 27-JAN-04. [Details] | |
(2004) | seminar for visiting American students, Neville, Grace; (2004) 'Do you know my daughter? She's out there this good many years'. [Invited Oral Presentation], seminar for visiting American students, University College Cork , 05-JUN-04 - 05-JUN-04. [Details] | |
(2003) | Harvard University Twenty Third Annual Celtic Colloquium, Neville, Grace; (2003) Dirt, Disorder and Dislocation: John Ryan, a Traveller in pre-Revolutionary France. [Oral Presentation], Harvard University Twenty Third Annual Celtic Colloquium, Harvard University, USA , 10-OCT-03 - 12-OCT-03. [Details] | |
(2003) | France and Ireland: Cultural, Literary and Spiritual Bonds, Neville, Grace; (2003) I hate France with a mortal hatred: Daniel O'Connell and France. [Conference Organising Committee Member], France and Ireland: Cultural, Literary and Spiritual Bonds, Institute of Technology, Tallaght, Dublin , 27-MAR-03 - 28-MAR-03. [Details] | |
(2003) | Annual National Conference of the French Teachers' Association of Ireland, Neville, Grace; (2003) Ways with words: French language issues and the French BD tradition. [Plenary Lecture], Annual National Conference of the French Teachers' Association of Ireland, University College Cork , 18-OCT-03 - 18-OCT-03. [Details] | |
(2003) | Living at the Edge, Living at the Centre/ Vivre en marge, vivre au seuil des possibilités, Neville, Grace; (2003) Is French doomed?. [Plenary Lecture], Living at the Edge, Living at the Centre/ Vivre en marge, vivre au seuil des possibilités, Institute of Technology, Waterford , 03-APR-03 - 04-APR-03. [Details] | |
(2002) | Harvard University Twenty-Second Annual Celtic Colloquium, Neville, Grace; (2002) French connections from Tipperary to Toulouse: Perceptions of France in the Ryan of Inch papers. [Oral Presentation], Harvard University Twenty-Second Annual Celtic Colloquium, Harvard University, USA , 04-OCT-02 - 08-OCT-02. [Details] | |
(2002) | Merriman Winter School, Neville, Grace; (2002) Gaelu na hEorpa no Eorpu na Gaeilge. [Invited Oral Presentation], Merriman Winter School, Glanmire, County Cork , 10-FEB-02 - 10-FEB-02. [Details] | |
(2001) | School of Languages and Literature Annual Conference, UCC, Neville, Grace; (2001) French perspectives on the Death of Terence MacSwiney. [Oral Presentation], School of Languages and Literature Annual Conference, UCC, University College Cork , 01-MAY-01 - 03-MAY-01. [Details] | |
(2001) | Francophopnie au pluriel, Neville, Grace; (2001) Grandeurs et misères de la langue française. [Plenary Lecture], Francophopnie au pluriel, Paris: Sorbonne , 17-MAY-01 - 20-MAY-01. [Details] | |
(2001) | Teaching and Learning seminar, UCC, Neville, Grace; (2001) Inspiring Passion in Off-Beat Literature. [Invited Oral Presentation], Teaching and Learning seminar, UCC, University College Cork , 02-FEB-01 - 02-FEB-01. [Details] | |
(2001) | Annual conference of ADEFFI/ Association des Etudes |Françaises et Francophones d'Irlande, Neville, Grace; (2001) Musique ou es-tu? Music and silence in the fabliaux. [Oral Presentation], Annual conference of ADEFFI/ Association des Etudes |Françaises et Francophones d'Irlande, Dublin City University/ DCU , 27-OCT-01 - 27-OCT-01. [Details] | |
(2001) | McGlinchy Summer School, Neville, Grace; (2001) Great swells of girls. [Plenary Lecture], McGlinchy Summer School, Inishowen, County Donegal , 29-JUN-01 - 01-JUL-01. [Details] | |
(2001) | Irlande: Etat des lieux, Neville, Grace; (2001) A new Celtic revival? Irish culture as a marketing tool in France and elsewhere. [Plenary Lecture], Irlande: Etat des lieux, Rennes: Université de Rennes 11, France , 01-MAR-01 - 02-MAR-01. [Details] | |
(2001) | Irish studies in France, Neville, Grace; (2001) Une matriarche peut en cacher une autre. [Invited Oral Presentation], Irish studies in France, Rennes: TNB/ Theatre National de Bretagne , 01-MAR-01 - 03-MAR-01. [Details] | |
(2001) | Crime and Punishment, Manfred Schewe / Grace Neville (2001) Conference Co-Organiser. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], Crime and Punishment, UCC , 01-MAY-01 - 01-MAY-01. [Details] | |
(2001) | EU programme intensif/ intensive programme on Ireland, Neville, Grace; (2001) Looking at them looking at us: French writers and Ireland, 1915-1925. [Plenary Lecture], EU programme intensif/ intensive programme on Ireland, Lille: Université de Lille 111, France , 10-SEP-01 - 14-SEP-01. [Details] | |
(2000) | UCC Outreach Programme, Neville, Grace; (2000) Women and Emigration in Irish Oral Tradition. [Invited Oral Presentation], UCC Outreach Programme, Outreach Education Centre, Cahersiveen, County Kerry , 01-JUN-00 - 01-JUN-00. [Details] | |
(2000) | UCD French Dept Post-Graduate Seminar, Neville, Grace; (2000) Strong Language: Language Legislation in France in the 1990s. [Oral Presentation], UCD French Dept Post-Graduate Seminar, University College Dublin , 21-FEB-00 - 21-FEB-00. [Details] | |
(2000) | Harvard Twentieth Annual Celtic Colloquium, Neville, Grace; (2000) Words, words, words: Language about language in France and Ireland. [Oral Presentation], Harvard Twentieth Annual Celtic Colloquium, Harvard University, USA , 19-OCT-00 - 22-OCT-00. [Details] | |
(2000) | Marginalisation in twentieth century French literature, Neville, Grace; (2000) Normalement on devrait être anormales: Normes, marges et marginalisation chez Claire Bretécher. [Plenary Lecture], Marginalisation in twentieth century French literature, Institute of Technology, Tallaght, Dublin , 03-FEB-00 - 04-FEB-00. [Details] | |
(2000) | The Sublime and the City, Graham Allen and Grace Neville; (2000) 9th Annual Conference on Cross-Currents in Literature, Film and the Visual Arts. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], The Sublime and the City, School of Languages and Literature, University College Cork , 27-APR-00 - 28-APR-00. [Details] | |
(2000) | Annual conference of the American Conference for Irish Studies/ ACIS, Neville, Grace; (2000) Monsieur le Maire: An Analysis of the coverage of the death of Terence MacSwiney in the French press, Autumn 1920. [Oral Presentation], Annual conference of the American Conference for Irish Studies/ ACIS, University of Limerick , 26-JUN-00 - 01-JUL-00. [Details] | |
(1999) | Annual conference of ADEFFI/ Association des Etudes |Françaises et Francophones d'Irlande, Neville, Grace; (1999) Musique ou es-tu? Music and silence in the fabliaux. [Oral Presentation], Annual conference of ADEFFI/ Association des Etudes |Françaises et Francophones d'Irlande, Dublin City University/ DCU , 30-DEC-99 - 30-DEC-99. [Details] | |
(1999) | UCD French Dept Post-graduate research seminar, Neville, Grace; (1999) Strong language: Language legislation in France in the 1990s. [Invited Oral Presentation], UCD French Dept Post-graduate research seminar, UCD French Dept , 30-DEC-99 - 30-DEC-99. [Details] | |
(1999) | First International Conference of EFACIS/ European Federation of Associations and Centres of Irish Studies, Neville, Grace; (1999) Ici, là-bas, ailleurs: Outside, over there in Irish tradition. [Invited Oral Presentation], First International Conference of EFACIS/ European Federation of Associations and Centres of Irish Studies, Lille: Université de Lille 111 , 30-DEC-99 - 30-DEC-99. [Details] | |
(1999) | Annual Research Conference of EFACIS (European Federation of Associations and Centres of Irish Studies), Neville, Grace; (1999) French Presence in Irish Legends. [Oral Presentation], Annual Research Conference of EFACIS (European Federation of Associations and Centres of Irish Studies), Université de Paris 3 - Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris, France , 20-DEC-99 - 21-DEC-99. [Details] | |
(1999) | The Folklore, Ethnology and Celtic Civilisation Society, UCC, annual lecture series, Neville, Grace; (1999) Urban Legends and their Origins in the Fabliaux. [Invited Oral Presentation], The Folklore, Ethnology and Celtic Civilisation Society, UCC, annual lecture series, University College Cork , 21-FEB-99 - 21-FEB-99. [Details] | |
(1999) | Harvard University Nineteenth Annual Celtic Colloquium, Neville, Grace; (1999) Returning the gaze: men and masculinities in the 'Dánta Grádha'. [Oral Presentation], Harvard University Nineteenth Annual Celtic Colloquium, Harvard University, USA , 29-APR-99 - 02-MAY-99. [Details] | |
(1999) | Medieval and Renaissance Studies seminar, UCC, Neville, Grace; (1999) Girlzone: Women and Space in the Fabliaux. [Oral Presentation], Medieval and Renaissance Studies seminar, UCC, University College Cork , 22-FEB-99 - 22-FEB-99. [Details] | |
(1999) | Crime and Punishment, Schewe, Manfred & Neville, Grace; (1999) *. [Conference Organising Committee Member], Crime and Punishment, UCC School of Langauges and Literature , 30-DEC-99 - 30-DEC-99. [Details] | |
(1999) | Annual research conference of le Centre Universitaire d'Etudes et de Recherches Médiévales d'Aix, Neville, Grace; (1999) Belles de jour: Images de la beauté féminine chez les troubadours d'Irlande au moyen age. [Oral Presentation], Annual research conference of le Centre Universitaire d'Etudes et de Recherches Médiévales d'Aix, Aix-en-Provence: Université de Provence (Aix-Marseille) , 25-FEB-99 - 27-FEB-99. [Details] | |
(1999) | Folklore, Ethnology and Celtic Civilisation Society, UCC, Neville, Grace; (1999) Urban Legends and their Origins in the Fabliaux. [Invited Oral Presentation], Folklore, Ethnology and Celtic Civilisation Society, UCC, University College Cork , 30-DEC-99 - 30-DEC-99. [Details] | |
(1999) | Thirteenth annual conference of La Société Internationale Renardienne, Neville, Grace; (1999) La femme et l'espace dans les fabliaux. [Oral Presentation], Thirteenth annual conference of La Société Internationale Renardienne, Poitiers: Centre d'Etudes Supérieures de Civilisation Médiévale de l'Université de Poitiers, France , 23-AUG-99 - 28-AUG-99. [Details] | |
(1999) | Littératures francophones: la problématique de l'altérité, Neville, Grace; (1999) Frères ennemis: the Writings of the French expeditionary forces in late eighteenth century Ireland. [Invited Oral Presentation], Littératures francophones: la problématique de l'altérité, Institute of Technology, Waterford , 11-MAR-99 - 12-MAR-99. [Details] | |
(1999) | Post-graduate research seminar, UCC French Dept, Neville, Grace; (1999) Growing old in a French fabliau and an Irish folk tale. [Oral Presentation], Post-graduate research seminar, UCC French Dept, University College Cork , 30-DEC-99 - 30-DEC-99. [Details] | |
(1999) | Rencontres rennaises internationales autour de P.-J. Hélias, Neville, Grace; (1999) La Réception de l'oeuvre de Pierre-Jacques Hélias dans l'univers anglophone. [Invited Oral Presentation], Rencontres rennaises internationales autour de P.-J. Hélias, Rennes: City Hall and Université de Rennes 11 , 24-SEP-99 - 25-SEP-99. [Details] | |
(1999) | Transition Year programme, Neville, Grace; (1999) La BD franco-belge au vingtième siècle. [Invited Oral Presentation], Transition Year programme, St Angela's College, Cork , 09-SEP-99 - 09-SEP-99. [Details] | |
(1999) | Medieval and Renaissance Studies post-graduate seminar, Neville, Grace; (1999) Girlzone: Women and space in the fabliaux. [Oral Presentation], Medieval and Renaissance Studies post-graduate seminar, University College Cork , 30-DEC-99 - 30-DEC-99. [Details] | |
(1998) | Staff Research Seminar, Neville, Grace; (1998) Rien ne va plus: Peurs millénaires et déclin de la langue française. [Invited Oral Presentation], Staff Research Seminar, University of Limerick/ Mary Immaculate College of Education , 01-JAN-98 - 30-DEC-99. [Details] | |
(1998) | Research Seminar, Neville, Grace; (1998) The French language in translation. [Invited Oral Presentation], Research Seminar, Arras: Université d'Arras, France , 01-JAN-98 - 30-DEC-99. [Details] | |
(1998) | Ninth Biennial Conference of the International Association of Canadian Studies, Neville, Grace; (1998) High treason? French, the language of science and contrasting reaction in France and Québec to 'L'A'ffaire Pasteur, 1989. [Conference Organising Committee Member], Ninth Biennial Conference of the International Association of Canadian Studies, University College Cork , 01-JAN-98 - 30-DEC-99. [Details] | |
(1998) | Staff Research Seminar, Neville, Grace; (1998) French and the French in their own words. [Invited Oral Presentation], Staff Research Seminar, University of Limerick , 01-JAN-98 - 30-DEC-99. [Details] | |
(1998) | Geography Society seminar, UCC, Neville, Grace; (1998) The Death of the French Language. [Invited Oral Presentation], Geography Society seminar, UCC, University College Cork , 01-JAN-98 - 30-DEC-99. [Details] | |
(1998) | EFACIS/ European Federation of Associations and Centres of Irish Studies annual research conference, Neville, Grace; (1998) Ici, là-bas et ailleurs: Outside, Over There in Irish Oral Tradition. [Oral Presentation], EFACIS/ European Federation of Associations and Centres of Irish Studies annual research conference, Université de Lille 3, France , 08-NOV-98 - 09-NOV-98. [Details] | |
(1998) | Annual conference of la Société Française d'Etudes Irlandaises, Neville, Gracew; (1998) Cette contrée méconnue et si souvent outragée: Towards an analysis of the travel writings of J.-J. Prévost. [Invited Oral Presentation], Annual conference of la Société Française d'Etudes Irlandaises, Nice:Université de Nice , 01-JAN-98 - 30-DEC-99. [Details] | |
(1998) | Irish Diaspora Symposium, Neville, Grace; (1998) Rites de passage: Rituals of separation among emigrants in Irish oral tradition. [Plenary Lecture], Irish Diaspora Symposium, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale , 01-JAN-98 - 30-DEC-99. [Details] | |
(1998) | Harvard University Eighteenth Annual Celtic Colloquium, Neville, Grace; (1998) Towards an analysis of a French and Irish variant of a folk tale of filial ingratitude. [Oral Presentation], Harvard University Eighteenth Annual Celtic Colloquium, Harvard University, USA , 01-MAY-98 - 03-MAY-98. [Details] | |
(1997) | The Scattering: Ireland and the Irish Diaspora: A Comparative Perspective, Neville, Grace; (1997) Not Ireland, Not America: Irish Migants outside North America in Folk Tradition. [Oral Presentation], The Scattering: Ireland and the Irish Diaspora: A Comparative Perspective, University College Cork , 24-SEP-97 - 28-SEP-97. [Details] | |
(1997) | Comhdháil: Roinn na Gaeilge UCG anual research conference, Neville, Grace; (1997) Napoleon sa Traidisiun Béil. [Oral Presentation], Comhdháil: Roinn na Gaeilge UCG anual research conference, University College Galway , 01-OCT-97 - 01-OCT-97. [Details] | |
(1997) | Transition Year programme, Neville, Grace; (1997) Using Archives. [Invited Oral Presentation], Transition Year programme, Loretto School, Fermoy, County Cork , 07-APR-97 - 07-APR-97. [Details] | |
(1997) | Comhdahil, UCG, Neville, Grace; (1997) Napoleon sa Traidisiun Béil. [Oral Presentation], Comhdahil, UCG, University College Galway , 01-OCT-97 - 02-OCT-97. [Details] | |
(1997) | Société Française d'Etudes Irlandaises Annual Conference, Neville, Grace; (1997) Entre l'ange et la bête: L'invention de Napoléon dans la mémoire irlandaise. [Oral Presentation], Société Française d'Etudes Irlandaises Annual Conference, Tours: Université de Tours , 01-MAR-97 - 03-MAR-97. [Details] | |
(1997) | Universite de Rennes 11 seminars, Neville, Grace; (1997) series of workshops and seminars on the interface between aspects of French and Irish culture. [Invited Oral Presentation], Universite de Rennes 11 seminars, Université de Rennes 2, France , 15-MAR-97 - 15-APR-97. [Details] | |
(1997) | Staff Research Seminar, Neville, Grace; (1997) Using the Press as a Resource in Langague Studies. [Invited Oral Presentation], Staff Research Seminar, University of Limerick , 01-NOV-97 - 01-NOV-97. [Details] | |
(1997) | L'Irlande: Imaginaire Et Représentation, Neville, Grace; (1997) L'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux: the afterlife as depicted in Irish oral tradition. [Plenary Lecture], L'Irlande: Imaginaire Et Représentation, Lille: Université de Lille 111, France , 01-JAN-97 - 30-DEC-99. [Details] | |
(1997) | Medieval and Renaissance Society, UCC, annual lecture series, Neville, Grace; (1997) The Fabliaux and Urban Myths. [Invited Oral Presentation], Medieval and Renaissance Society, UCC, annual lecture series, University College Cork , 07-OCT-97 - 07-OCT-97. [Details] | |
(1997) | *, Neville, Grace; (1997) The Fabliaux and Urban Myths. [Invited Oral Presentation], *, University College Cork , 30-MAR-97 - 30-MAR-97. [Details] | |
(1997) | Le Même et L'Autre: Regards Européens, Neville, Grace; (1997) Le Regard des Irlandais sur la France et les Français dans la tradition orale en Irlande. [Plenary Lecture], Le Même et L'Autre: Regards Européens, Paris: Senate of the French National Parliament, Palais du Luxembourg , 01-JAN-97 - 30-DEC-99. [Details] | |
(1997) | RIA/ Royal Irish Academy Annual symposium on modern languages: 'Exiles and Migrants: Crossing Thresholds in European Culture and Society', Neville, Grace; (1997) Land of the fair, land of the free? The Myth of America in Irish Folklore. [Oral Presentation], RIA/ Royal Irish Academy Annual symposium on modern languages: 'Exiles and Migrants: Crossing Thresholds in European Culture and Society', Dublin City University , 01-JAN-97 - 30-DEC-99. [Details] | |
(1996) | Women Staff in Irish Colleges, Neville, Grace; (1996) The Lady vanishes: Vertical segration and barriers to promotion for female academics. [Invited Oral Presentation], Women Staff in Irish Colleges, Galway: University College Galway , 01-JAN-96 - 30-DEC-99. [Details] | |
(1996) | Women's Studies Programme Post-Graduate Seminar, Neville, Grace; (1996) Women and Emigration to North America in Irish Folk Tradition. [Invited Oral Presentation], Women's Studies Programme Post-Graduate Seminar, University College Cork , 20-FEB-96 - 20-FEB-96. [Details] | |
(1996) | Comhdhail, UCG, Neville, Grace; (1996) Ta na Francaigh ar an bhFarraige. [Oral Presentation], Comhdhail, UCG, University College Galway , 01-OCT-96 - 02-OCT-96. [Details] | |
(1996) | Department of Education, Dublin, in-service course / French Teachers' Annual National Conference, Neville, Grace; (1996) Sages comme des Images: L'Importance du Visuel dans l'Enseignement du français Langue Etrangère. [Plenary Lecture], Department of Education, Dublin, in-service course / French Teachers' Annual National Conference, St Patrick's College, Drumcondra, Dublin , 11-OCT-96 - 11-OCT-96. [Details] | |
(1996) | Imaginaire Irlandais programme. conference, Neville, Grace; (1996) Défenses et Illustrations Linguistiques en France et en Irlande. [Oral Presentation], Imaginaire Irlandais programme. conference, Paris (Centre Culturel Irlandais) , 01-JUL-96 - 02-JUL-96. [Details] | |
(1996) | RIA National Committee for Modern Languages Annual Symposium, Neville, Grace; (1996) 'Not waving but drowning': the French Language and its Metaphors since 1986. [Oral Presentation], RIA National Committee for Modern Languages Annual Symposium, University of Limerick , 01-NOV-96 - 02-NOV-96. [Details] | |
(1996) | Staff Training Day, Neville, Grace; (1996) Designing suitable course materials for non-specialist language students. [Invited Oral Presentation], Staff Training Day, Institute of Technology, Tallaght, Dublin , 07-APR-96 - 07-APR-96. [Details] | |
(1995) | *, Neville, Grace; (1995) Vers une didactique du français langue étrangère en première année de faculté. [Invited Oral Presentation], *, Facultés Universitaires Notre-Dame de la Paix, Namur, Belgium , 01-NOV-95 - 01-NOV-95. [Details] | |
(1995) | HEA conference on 'Women Staff in Irish Colleges', Neville, Grace; (1995) The Lady Vanishes: Vertigal Segregation and Barriers to Promotion for Female Academics. [Plenary Lecture], HEA conference on 'Women Staff in Irish Colleges', University College Galway , 11-OCT-95 - 11-OCT-95. [Details] | |
(1995) | Twenty-First Annual Conference of Historians, Neville, Grace; (1995) Dark lady of the Archives: Women and emigration in Irish folklore. [Plenary Lecture], Twenty-First Annual Conference of Historians, Belfast: Queen's University, Belfast , 01-JAN-95 - 30-DEC-99. [Details] | |
(1995) | Sharing the Experience: Teaching French in Ireland, Neville, Grace; (1995) Bridging that gap: from Leaving Certificate French to First Year University Studies. [Plenary Lecture], Sharing the Experience: Teaching French in Ireland, Dublin: University College Dublin , 01-JAN-95 - 30-DEC-99. [Details] | |
(1995) | Annual National Convention of the French Teachers' Association of Ireland/ National Department of Education in-service course, Neville, Grace; (1995) 1994 as Depicted in Cartoons in the French Press. [Plenary Lecture], Annual National Convention of the French Teachers' Association of Ireland/ National Department of Education in-service course, University College Cork , 11-NOV-95 - 12-NOV-95. [Details] | |
(1995) | Doctoral seminar, Sorbonne, Paris, Neville, Grace; (1995) Towards an Analysis of the Depiction of America in Irish Folklore. [Oral Presentation], Doctoral seminar, Sorbonne, Paris, Université de Paris 3 - Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris, France , 01-MAR-95 - 01-MAR-95. [Details] | |
(1995) | American Conference for Irish Studies Annual Conference, Neville, Grace; (1995) Towards an Analysis of the Depiction of America in Irish Folklore. [Oral Presentation], American Conference for Irish Studies Annual Conference, Queen's University, Belfast , 01-JUL-95 - 06-JUL-95. [Details] | |
(1995) | *, Neville, Grace; (1995) Towards an Analysis of the Depiction of America in Irish folklore. [Oral Presentation], *, Collège des Irlandais, Paris , 19-MAR-95 - 19-MAR-95. [Details] | |
(1995) | *, Neville, Grace; (1995) Towards an Analysis of the Depiction of America in Irish Folklore. [Invited Oral Presentation], *, Université de Caen, France , 17-MAR-95 - 17-MAR-95. [Details] | |
(1994) | Language, Education and Society in a Changing World, Neville, Grace; (1994) Towards 'un patois de luxe'? The Fortunes and Misfortunes of the French Language, 1987 - 92. [Oral Presentation], Language, Education and Society in a Changing World, Marino Institute, Dublin , 11-MAY-94 - 12-MAY-94. [Details] | |
(1994) | Centre d'Etudes et de Recherches Irlandaises de l'Université de Lille 3, France, seminar, Neville, Grace; (1994) La France et les Français dans le Folklore Irlandais. [Invited Oral Presentation], Centre d'Etudes et de Recherches Irlandaises de l'Université de Lille 3, France, seminar, Université de Lille 3, France , 21-APR-94 - 21-APR-94. [Details] | |
(1994) | History Teachers' Association of Ireland Annual Seminar, Neville, Grace; (1994) Women and Emigration to North America in Irish Folklore. [Invited Oral Presentation], History Teachers' Association of Ireland Annual Seminar, The Teachers' Centre, Cork , 11-MAY-94 - 11-MAY-94. [Details] | |
(1994) | Alliance Française annual lecture series, Dublin, Neville, Grace; (1994) François Villon: Best Loved and Worst Known Poet in Medieval France. [Invited Oral Presentation], Alliance Française annual lecture series, Dublin, Alliance Française, Dublin , 04-APR-94 - 04-APR-94. [Details] | |
(1994) | Transition Year presentation, Neville, Grace; (1994) Women and Emigration to North America in Irish Folklore. [Invited Oral Presentation], Transition Year presentation, Loretto Convent, Fermoy, County Cork , 10-OCT-94 - 10-OCT-94. [Details] | |
(1994) | RIA Committee for Modern Languages Annual Symposium, Neville, Grace; (1994) Land of the Fair, Land of the Free? The Myth of America in Irish Folklore. [Oral Presentation], RIA Committee for Modern Languages Annual Symposium, Dublin City University , 01-NOV-94 - 02-NOV-94. [Details] | |
(1994) | Annual Conference of the Teachers' Association of Ireland, Neville, Grace; (1994) The Dreaded L-word: Approaches to the Teaching of Literature. [Plenary Lecture], Annual Conference of the Teachers' Association of Ireland, St Patrick's College, Dublin , 09-DEC-94 - 09-DEC-94. [Details] | |
(1994) | UCD French Dept Post-Graduate Seminar, Neville, Grace; (1994) Whose Language is it Anyway? Towards an Analysis of the Fortunes of the French Language inside and outside France, 1990 to the Present. [Oral Presentation], UCD French Dept Post-Graduate Seminar, University College Dublin , 22-FEB-94 - 22-FEB-94. [Details] | |
(1994) | *, Neville, Grace; (1994) Bachelard agus an Feiniméineolaiocht i Litriocht na Gaeilge. [Oral Presentation], *, The Writers' Centre, Parnell Square, Dublin , 10-FEB-94 - 10-FEB-94. [Details] | |
(1994) | Parnell Summer School, Neville, Grace; (1994) Women and Emigration in Irish Folklore. [Plenary Lecture], Parnell Summer School, Avondale, County Wicklow , 15-AUG-94 - 19-AUG-94. [Details] | |
(1993) | L'Aquitaine et l'Irlande de la Fin de l'Antiquité a l'Aube des Temps Modernes, Neville, Grace; (1993) The French World of the Matter and the Irish World of the Manner? Towards a Reappraisal of Late Medieval Gaelic Courtly Love Poetry. [Plenary Lecture], L'Aquitaine et l'Irlande de la Fin de l'Antiquité a l'Aube des Temps Modernes, Université de Bordeaux, France , 01-APR-93 - 02-APR-93. [Details] | |
(1993) | *, Neville, Grace; (1993) Strange Bedfellows: Linguistic Cohabitation of Irish and English in Modern Ireland. [Invited Oral Presentation], *, Concordia University, Montréal, Canada , 07-MAR-93 - 07-MAR-93. [Details] | |
(1993) | *, Neville, Grace; (1993) Women and Emigration to North America. [Invited Oral Presentation], *, UCC Geography Department , 01-FEB-93 - 01-FEB-93. [Details] | |
(1993) | University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Medieval and Renaissance Colloquium, Neville, Grace; (1993) Virgos and Viragos: Towards a Study of Misogyny in Learned Irish Love Poetry. [Invited Oral Presentation], University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Medieval and Renaissance Colloquium, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA , 03-APR-93 - 03-APR-93. [Details] | |
(1993) | Doctoral research seminar, Neville, Grace; (1993) Jeux et passetemps en Irlande au dix-neuvième siècle. [Invited Oral Presentation], Doctoral research seminar, Université de Paris 3 - Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris, France , 13-APR-93 - 13-APR-93. [Details] | |
(1993) | Canadian Association of Irish Studies Annual Convention, Neville, Grace; (1993) Women and Emigration in the Irish Folklore Archives. [Plenary Lecture], Canadian Association of Irish Studies Annual Convention, Lennoxville (Bishop's University), Québec, Canada , 10-JAN-93 - 12-JAN-93. [Details] | |
(1993) | Department of Education in-service course for second-level teachers, Neville, Grace; (1993) In the Picture: Using Cartoons and Other Visual Aids in Language Teaching (four workshops/ sessions). [Invited Oral Presentation], Department of Education in-service course for second-level teachers, Dublin City University , 22-AUG-93 - 27-AUG-93. [Details] | |
(1993) | American Conference for Irish Studies Annual Mid-West Regional Conference, Neville, Grace; (1993) She never then after that forgot him: Woman and Emigration to America in Irish Folklore. [Plenary Lecture], American Conference for Irish Studies Annual Mid-West Regional Conference, Loyola University, Chicago, USA , 20-MAR-93 - 22-MAR-93. [Details] | |
(1993) | Doctoral seminar, Université de Lille 3, France, Neville, Grace; (1993) La France en Irlande. [Invited Oral Presentation], Doctoral seminar, Université de Lille 3, France, Université de Lille 3, France , 20-MAR-93 - 20-MAR-93. [Details] | |
(1993) | Doctoral seminar, Université de Paris 3 - Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris, France, Neville, Grace; (1993) France in Ireland. [Plenary Lecture], Doctoral seminar, Université de Paris 3 - Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris, France, Université de Paris 3 - Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris, France , 06-APR-93 - 06-APR-93. [Details] | |
(1993) | Departmental research seminar, Neville, Grace; (1993) Anglicisms in the Work of Claire Bretécher. [Invited Oral Presentation], Departmental research seminar, Ann Arbor French Dept, University of Michigan, USA , 01-FEB-93 - 01-FEB-93. [Details] | |
(1992) | Comhdhail, UCG, Neville, Grace; (1992) Ainilis ar na Shamhlaoidi 'sna 'Danta Gradha'. [Oral Presentation], Comhdhail, UCG, University College Galway , 11-NOV-92 - 12-NOV-92. [Details] | |
(1992) | *, Neville, Grace; (1992) Problems and Difficulties - Linguistic and Sociological - Regarding the Learning of Irish. [Invited Oral Presentation], *, Facultés Universitaires Notre-Dame de la Paix, Namur, Belgium , 11-JAN-92 - 11-JAN-92. [Details] | |
(1992) | Postgraduate Interdisciplinary Research Seminar, Medieval Studies Programme, UCC, Neville, Grace; (1992) Le Ménagier de Paris: The Text and Beyond. [Oral Presentation], Postgraduate Interdisciplinary Research Seminar, Medieval Studies Programme, UCC, University College Cork , 22-FEB-92 - 22-FEB-92. [Details] | |
(1992) | American Conference for Irish Studies / Canadian Association for Irish Studies joint Annual Research Conference, Neville, Grace; (1992) Women and Emigration to North America in Irish Folklore. [Oral Presentation], American Conference for Irish Studies / Canadian Association for Irish Studies joint Annual Research Conference, University College Galway , 05-JUL-92 - 10-JUL-92. [Details] | |
(1992) | *, Neville, Grace; (1992) Rapports du gaélique et de l'anglais au vingtième siècle. [Invited Oral Presentation], *, Facultés Universitaires Notre-Dame de la Paix, Namur, Belgium , 02-MAR-92 - 02-MAR-92. [Details] | |
(1992) | *, Neville, Grace; (1992) La Fin d'une Epoque: Une Vision Française de l'Irlande à la Veille de la Première Guerre Mondiale. [Plenary Lecture], *, Université de Caen, France , 01-MAR-92 - 01-MAR-92. [Details] | |
(1992) | Departmental Research Seminar, UCD French Dept, Neville, Grace; (1992) Language Policy under the French Socialists, 1987-89. [Invited Oral Presentation], Departmental Research Seminar, UCD French Dept, University College Dublin , 02-MAY-92 - 02-MAY-92. [Details] | |
(1992) | Annual research conference of la Société Française d'Etudes Irlandaises on 'L'Irlande Et Ses Langues', Neville, Grace; (1992) Labhair si liom as Béarla: thug mé freagra air as Gaeilge: Language shift in the Folklore Archives. [Plenary Lecture], Annual research conference of la Société Française d'Etudes Irlandaises on 'L'Irlande Et Ses Langues', Rennes: Université de Rennes 11, France , 01-JAN-92 - 30-DEC-99. [Details] | |
(1991) | Comhdhail, UCG, Neville, Grace; (1991) Staid na Gaeilge i bhFoinsi an Choimisiuin le Béaloideas Eireann. [Oral Presentation], Comhdhail, UCG, University College Galway , 01-OCT-91 - 02-OCT-91. [Details] | |
(1991) | Fifth Annual Conference of Medievalists, Neville, Grace; (1991) More Exempla Echoes in the 'Danta Gradha'. [Oral Presentation], Fifth Annual Conference of Medievalists, St Patrick's College, Maynooth , 10-JUN-91 - 11-JUN-91. [Details] | |
(1990) | *, Neville, Grace; (1990) Les Fabliaux et les Légendes Urbaines: Le Revers de la Medaille?. [Invited Oral Presentation], *, Université de Caen, France , 11-FEB-90 - 11-FEB-90. [Details] | |
(1990) | *, Neville, Grace; (1990) La Symbolique des nombres dans 'Toruigheacht Dhiarmaide agus Ghrainne'. [Invited Oral Presentation], *, Université de Caen, France , 30-MAY-90 - 30-MAY-90. [Details] | |
(1990) | Fourth Annual Conference of Medievalists, Neville, Grace; (1990) Fox eats Heron: Animal Imagery in the 'Danta Gradha'. [Oral Presentation], Fourth Annual Conference of Medievalists, St Patrick's College, Maynooth , 01-JUN-90 - 02-JUN-90. [Details] | |
(1990) | *, Neville, Grace; (1990) Vers une analyse du néologisme en français contemporain. [Invited Oral Presentation], *, Facultés Universitaires Notre-Dame de la Paix, Namur, Belgium , 01-NOV-90 - 01-NOV-90. [Details] | |
(1990) | *, Neville, Grace; (1990) A la recherche de l'Irlande perdue: Two Female French Photographers in Ireland, 1913. [Plenary Lecture], *, University College Cork , 01-APR-90 - 01-APR-90. [Details] | |
(1989) | Annual Research Conference of the Association for French Language Studies, Neville, Grace; (1989) Lexical Innovation in the Work of Claire Bretécher. [Oral Presentation], Annual Research Conference of the Association for French Language Studies, Portsmouth Polytechnic, England , 02-SEP-89 - 03-SEP-89. [Details] | |
(1989) | Research Seminar, Cumann le Béaloideas Eireann, Neville, Grace; (1989) O Thosach go Deireadh: O Fabliaux na Fraince 'sna Meanaoiseanna go Finscéalta Cathracha na Linne Seo. [Invited Oral Presentation], Research Seminar, Cumann le Béaloideas Eireann, Newman House, University College Dublin , 11-NOV-89 - 11-NOV-89. [Details] | |
(1989) | *, Neville, Grace; (1989) Women in Medieval Irish Literature. [Invited Oral Presentation], *, University of Lowell, Mass, USA , 30-MAY-89 - 30-MAY-89. [Details] | |
(1989) | Research seminar directed by Prof. Claude Brémond, Neville, Grace; (1989) Une Etude comparative des fabliaux et des légendes urbaines. [Invited Oral Presentation], Research seminar directed by Prof. Claude Brémond, Collège de France, Paris, France , 01-NOV-89 - 01-NOV-89. [Details] | |
(1989) | American Conference for Irish Studies Annual Conference, Neville, Grace; (1989) French 'amor' and Irish 'Gra'. [Plenary Lecture], American Conference for Irish Studies Annual Conference, University of Syracuse, New York, USA , 01-JUL-89 - 04-JUL-89. [Details] | |
(1989) | IFUT seminar, Neville, Grace; (1989) The Humanities and the University in Modern Society. [Invited Oral Presentation], IFUT seminar, University College Cork , 23-JUN-89 - 23-JUN-89. [Details] | |
(1988) | Sixth International Conference on Contemporary Legend, Neville, Grace; (1988) From the Fabliaux of Medieval France to Contemporary Urban Legends: Back to Square One?. [Oral Presentation], Sixth International Conference on Contemporary Legend, University of Sheffield, England , 22-JUN-88 - 23-JUN-88. [Details] | |
(1988) | Post-Graduate Interdisciplinary Research Seminar, Neville, Grace; (1988) Villon and the Bible. [Oral Presentation], Post-Graduate Interdisciplinary Research Seminar, University College Cork , 05-MAY-88 - 05-MAY-88. [Details] | |
(1988) | Second Irish Conference of Medievalists, Neville, Grace; (1988) Medieval French Fabliaux and Modern Urban Legends: The Attraction of Opposites. [Oral Presentation], Second Irish Conference of Medievalists, St Patrick's College, Maynooth , 01-JUN-88 - 03-JUN-88. [Details] | |
(1988) | European Movement seminar, Neville, Grace; (1988) Languages: Towards 1992. [Invited Oral Presentation], European Movement seminar, University College Cork , 03-MAR-88 - 03-MAR-88. [Details] | |
(1988) | RIA Committee for Modern Languages Fifteenth Annual Research Symposium, Neville, Grace; (1988) Language Teaching through Cartoons: Claire Bretécher's 'Les Frustrés'. [Oral Presentation], RIA Committee for Modern Languages Fifteenth Annual Research Symposium, NIHE, Limerick , 01-NOV-88 - 02-NOV-88. [Details] | |
(1988) | Research seminar, UCC French Dept, Neville, Grace; (1988) Quelquechose me gêne au niveau de la verbalisation: A Study of Vocabulary and Neologisms in the Work of Claire Bretécher. [Invited Oral Presentation], Research seminar, UCC French Dept, University College Cork , 02-DEC-88 - 02-DEC-88. [Details] | |
(1988) | Medieval Studies Annual Research Seminar, Neville, Grace; (1988) A Study of Wives and Mistresses in the Medieval French Fabliaux. [Oral Presentation], Medieval Studies Annual Research Seminar, University College Cork , 02-MAY-88 - 03-MAY-88. [Details] | |
(1987) | Women's Studies Research Group seminar, UCC, Neville, Grace; (1987) The Women's Movement in Contemporary France. [Invited Oral Presentation], Women's Studies Research Group seminar, UCC, University College Cork , 11-NOV-87 - 11-NOV-87. [Details] | |
(1987) | *, Neville, Grace; (1987) Using Cartoons in the Classroom. [Invited Oral Presentation], *, The Teachers' Centre, Cork , 01-FEB-87 - 01-FEB-87. [Details] | |
(1987) | Dublin Medieval Society guest lecture series, Neville, Grace; (1987) Images of Women in Irish Courtly Love Poetry. [Invited Oral Presentation], Dublin Medieval Society guest lecture series, University College Dublin , 14-MAY-87 - 14-MAY-87. [Details] | |
(1986) | EU Bureau for Lesser-Used Languages Second International Conference on Minority Languages, Neville, Grace; (1986) Monority Languages in Contemporary France. [N/A], EU Bureau for Lesser-Used Languages Second International Conference on Minority Languages, University College Galway , 01-JUN-86 - 03-JUN-86. [Details] | |
(1986) | British Comparative Literature Association Annual Research Conference, Neville, Grace; (1986) Comedy as Social Criticism in the Medieval French Fabliaux. [Oral Presentation], British Comparative Literature Association Annual Research Conference, Manchester University, England , 01-NOV-86 - 02-NOV-86. [Details] | |
(1986) | Centre d'Etudes et de Recherches Irlandaises de l'Université de Lille 3 Annual Research Conference, Neville, Grace; (1986) Mythe et folklore et leurs expressions littéraires dans la légende de Diarmuid et Grainne. [Invited Oral Presentation], Centre d'Etudes et de Recherches Irlandaises de l'Université de Lille 3 Annual Research Conference, Université de Lille 3, France , 01-JUN-86 - 03-JUN-86. [Details] | |
(1986) | Medieval and Renaissance Society Annual Presidential Address, Neville, Grace; (1986) The Poet and the City. [Invited Oral Presentation], Medieval and Renaissance Society Annual Presidential Address, University College Cork , 29-MAR-86 - 29-MAR-86. [Details] | |
(1986) | French Dept seminar, Neville, Grace; (1986) Les Romans de Tristan et le Monde Celtique. [Invited Oral Presentation], French Dept seminar, Université de Lille 3, France , 01-MAR-86 - 01-MAR-86. [Details] | |
(1985) | Medieval Studies Annual Research Seminar, Neville, Grace; (1985) The Holy Land as Depicted in Medieval French Crusade Songs. [Oral Presentation], Medieval Studies Annual Research Seminar, University College Cork , 25-MAY-85 - 25-MAY-85. [Details] | |
(1983) | *, Neville, Grace; (1983) French Culture in Medieval Ireland. [Invited Oral Presentation], *, St Patrick's College, Maynooth , 01-DEC-83 - 01-DEC-83. [Details] | |
(1982) | RIA Committee for Modern Languages Ninth Annual Research Symposium, Neville, Grace; (1982) Hiberno-French: French Literature in Medieval Ireland. [Oral Presentation], RIA Committee for Modern Languages Ninth Annual Research Symposium, Queen's University Belfast , 03-OCT-82 - 05-OCT-82. [Details] | |
(1981) | Société des Anglicistes de l'Enseignement Supérieur Annual Research Congress, Neville, Grace; (1981) Women in Medieval Irish Courtly Poetry. [Plenary Lecture], Société des Anglicistes de l'Enseignement Supérieur Annual Research Congress, Université de Lyon, France , 05-MAY-81 - 07-MAY-81. [Details] | |
(1975) | Société des Anglicistes de l'Enseignement Supérieur Annual Research Congress, Neville, Grace; (1975) Nature in Early Irish Poetry. [Oral Presentation], Société des Anglicistes de l'Enseignement Supérieur Annual Research Congress, Université de Saint-Etienne, France , 02-JUN-75 - 04-JUN-75. [Details] |
Employer | Position | From / To | |
Department of French UCC | Demonstrator | 01-JAN-72 / 01-JAN-73 | |
Universite de Lille 3, France | Lectrice, 1974 - 1976 | 01-JAN-74 / 01-JAN-76 | |
Universite de Metz, France | Lectrice, 1976 - 1977 | 01-JAN-76 / 01-JAN-77 | |
Department of French, UCC | Lecturer, 1977 - 1991 | 01-JAN-77 / 01-JAN-91 | |
Department of French, UCC | Statutory Lecturer, 1991 - 2005 | 01-JAN-91 / 01-JAN-05 | |
Department of French, UCC | Associate Professor, 2005 - | 01-JAN-05 / 31-DEC-06 | |
Department of French, UCC | Head of Department, 2006 - 2008 | 01-JAN-06 / 31-DEC-08 | |
UCC | Vice-President for Teaching & Learning, 2008 - | 01-JAN-08 / |
Year | Institution | Qualification | Subject | |
1980 | l'Université de Lille 3 | DOCTORATE | French | |
1976 | l'Université de Lille 3 | DIPLOMA | French | |
1972 | University College Cork | BA | French and Irish | |
1974 | University College Cork | MA | French |
Language | Reading | Writing | Speaking | |
French | Fluent | Fluent | Fluent | |
Irish | Fluent | Fluent | Fluent | |
English | Fluent | Fluent | Fluent |
Outreach Activities
Description | |
member of 2 boards of management in Cork secondary schools, and a Director of the Presentation Brothers Schools Trust | |
Scéim na Scoil - secondary schools Irish-language liaison scheme. Visiting local schools, promoting the Irish language. Organised by Bórd na Gaeilge, UCC. Frequent interviews on RTE national radio/ Radio na Gaeltachta, most recently on 'An Saol o Dheas', Sept. 2014 |