Research Profile


Manfred Schewe
Note how to pronounce my first name and surname: MAHN-frehd SHEH-veh
(capital letters: emphasised element of name; small letters: non-emphasised)

is Professor Emeritus at University College Cork (UCC). He completed a teacher training course (German, English, History, Educational and Social Sciences) at Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg in 1981. As a DAAD-/Temporary Full-Time Lecturer he spent five inspiring years in the Department of German at UCC (1982-1987). He then returned to Germany to complete a Drama and Theatre Training course and also his influential PhD research project Fremdsprache inszenieren (1993). In 1994 he took up a permanent position in German at UCC where he
 paved the way for the SCENARIO PROJECT (, consisting of an online journal, a book series and Scenario Forum, an international network of researchers and practitioners. He served as Head of German from 2005 to 2014, and as Head of Theatre from 2016 to 2018. He retired in 2019, but continues to engage in research, give lectures and lead workshops for institutions and associations in different parts of the world. For more detailed information regarding his research and professional activities click on the relevant links in the navigation pane.   

Research Interests

My research continues to focus on innovative connections between the performing arts and education. 

While my academic home discipline is German Studies/German as a Foreign language, I have always had a keen interest in building bridges to other disciplines, especially Drama Pedagogy, Theaterpädagogik,
 Drama and Theatre Studies, Literature Studies, Intercultural Studies, Education, Applied Linguistics and Language Pedagogy. 
Given my special interest in aspects of German/Austrian/Swiss Drama and Theatre of the 20th and 21st centuries I have over the years collaborated with UCC's Drama and Theatre Studies department and its Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Performance Practices (CIR). From 2005 - 2010 I coordinated the Applied Pathway of the MA in Drama and Theatre Studies. Similarly, given my special interest in aspects of foreign language teaching and learning, I was involved in the MA Programme in Applied Linguistics (from 2001 - 2005 Director of the Board of Linguistics).  I paved the way for  UCC’s first Online Journal SCENARIO, a bilingual, peer-reviewed journal with a special focus on performative teaching, learning, research. Since its launch in 2007 I have co-edited the journal with Susanne Even (Indiana University). In 2012 a new SCENARIO Book Series was launched which aims at promoting intercultural dialogue in the area of drama and theatre pedagogy. The first bilingual (German-English) book in this series, co-authored by Stephen Boyd and Manfred Schewe, is entitled World Theatre: translation, adaptation, production – Welttheater: übersetzen, adaptieren, inszenieren and complements the performance project Cork’s World Theatre (for YouTube film click here). A further extension of the SCENARIO project is the the SCENARIO ARCHIVE and  SCENARIO FORUM which hosts international symposia and conferences. For a short film on the 2017 conference which marked '10 Years SCENARIO' click here. For further details, including the more recent SCENARIO CORRESPONDENTS INITIATIVE through which people from around the world report on the state of performative teaching, learning, and research in their respective countries, go to the SCENARIO PROJECT homepage.   
Specific research interests include: 
  • Links between Theatre and Education: Culturally specific concepts in the area of theatre and education (Drama in Education, Theaterpädagogik, Jeux Dramatiques etc.)
  • The Theory and Practice of Performative Teaching, Learning and Research
  • Community Theatre in different parts of the world / 'World Theatre'
  • Literary and Cultural Analysis - Literature and Performance 

RESEARCH-related activities
My research-related activities aim at paving the way for a new, performative teaching and learning culture. Over the years I have been invited to contribute to numerous conferences (for details click on Professional Activities in navigation pane and go to Conference contributions). I have also led numerous seminars, workshops as well as extensive in-service courses for professional associations and institutions in different parts of the world. These include:
  • Universität Tübingen
  • Universität Hamburg (Zentrales Fremdspracheninstitut) 
  • Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg (Zentrum für Wissenschaftliche Weiterbildung; Zentrum für Pädagogische Berufspraxis; Oldenburger Fortbildungszentrum; IBKM) 
  • Universität Jena 
  • Universität Hannover
  • Universität Dresden 
  • Universität Kassel 
  • Universität Potsdam
  • Universität der Künste, Berlin 
  • Hochschule Konstanz
  • Universität Leipzig
  • University of Paderborn
  • University of Rostock
  • Pädagogische Hochschule Freiburg
  • Freie Universität Berlin
  • Universität Bonn
  • Universität Würzburg
  • Seminar für Waldorfpädagogik, Berlin
  • Universität Wien
  • Universität Graz
  • Pädagogische Hochschule Wien
  • Katholische Pädagogische Hochschule Wien/Krems
  • Theaterpädagogisches Zentrum, Brixen
  • University of Zagreb
  • University of Zadar
  •  University of Bordeaux
  • University of Grenoble
  • Aristoteles University Thessaloniki
  • Jindal Global University
  • Allameh Tabataba'i University, Teheran
  • Iranzamin International School, Teheran
  • University of Bologna
  • University of Florence
  • University of Bologna-Forli
  • University of Padua                   
  • Barcelona (Catalan Ministry of Education) 
  • University of Valencia 
Great Britain
  • University of Durham/GB 
  • University of London, King’s College 
  • University of Central England, Birmingham 
  • University of Essex
United States: 
  • Uninversity of Indiana, Bloomington
  • University of Missouri 
  • University of St. Louis
  • New York University / Campus Berlin
  • Middlebury College/Vermont
Canada: University of Waterloo  
New Zealand: University of Christchurch
Mexico: UNAM (National Autonomous University of Mexico) 
Ukraine: Taras Sevchenko National University Kiev


  • Canadian Association of University Teachers of German (CAUTG) 
  • German Studies Association Ireland (GSAI) 
  • Deutsche Gesellschaft für Fremdsprachenforschung (DGFF) 
  • Fachverband Deutsch als Fremdsprache (FaDaF) 
  • FAGE / APEG (Germanists' Associations of Spain and Portugal) 
  • AATG (American Association of Teachers of German) 
  • IDEA (International Drama and Education Association) 
  • EUROPEARLL (European Association for Performing Arts in Language Education) 
  • Österreichischer Bundesverband für Schul/Jugend/Amateurtheater
  • Bremen 
  • Göttingen 
  • Schwäbisch Hall 
  • Frankfurt 
  • Düsseldorf 
  • Munich 
  • Berlin 
  • Amsterdam
  • Athens 
  • Thessaloniki 
  • Budapest 
  • Lisbon 
  • Brussels 
  • Dublin 
  • Manchester 
  • Lille 
  • Ljubljana 
  • Milan 
  • Trieste 
  • Montreal 
  • Ottawa 
  • Toronto 
  • Chicago 
  • Boston 
  • St. Louis 
  • Houston
  • Kiev 
  • Nairobi 
  • Bangalore
  • Mexico City
  • Zadar
  • Vienna
  • Bratislava
  • London (OeAD)

  •  DAAD Paris
  •  DAAD London
  •  DAAD Bonn

(OeAD: Österreichischer Akademischer Austauschdienst)
  • London
  • India Foundation for the Arts (IFA) 
  • Robert Bosch-Foundation
8. THEATRESI have led a number of seminars with with a specific focus on theatre-based language teaching at (or in association with) the following theatres: 
  • Weimar: Nationaltheater Weimar 
  • Berlin: Berliner Ensemble, Schiller-Theater, Berlin, Gorki Theater, Grips Theater, Deutsches Theater, Volksbühne
  • Hanover: Staatstheater - Schauspiel Hannover
  • Cork: Granary Theatre                       


Book Chapters

(2023)'Ein Streifzug durch verschiedene Entwicklungsphasen der deutschen Abteilung am University College Cork'
Joachim Beug & Manfred Schewe (2023) 'Ein Streifzug durch verschiedene Entwicklungsphasen der deutschen Abteilung am University College Cork' In: Gisela Holfter (eds). Rückblicke und Reflexionen. A History of German Studies in Ireland. Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier.   [Details]
(2024)'Engaging with History Through Story: A Performative Perspective'
Manfred Schewe (2024) 'Engaging with History Through Story: A Performative Perspective' In: Ina Bergmann & Maria Eisenmann (eds). History in Stories: The Irish Past and the Challenges of the Present. tbc: tbc. [Details]
(2021)'O diese Sehnsucht nach Knistern und Verzauberung... - Eine persönliche Rückschau auf Stationen interkultureller Lehre'
Manfred Schewe (2021) 'O diese Sehnsucht nach Knistern und Verzauberung... - Eine persönliche Rückschau auf Stationen interkultureller Lehre' In: Clive W. Earls (Guest Editor) (eds). Germanistik in Ireland - Vol 16 / Yearbook of the German Studies Association of Ireland (GSAI). Special Issue: The Right Blend – Mischung, Überblendung und Identität in interkulturellen Kontexten. Festschrift in Honour of Arnd Witte. Konstanz: Hartung-Gorre Verlag. [Full Text] [Details]
(2020)'Literatur performativ: Spanische Lyrik der Gegenwart - Literatura performativa: poesía española actual'
Manfred Schewe (2020) 'Literatur performativ: Spanische Lyrik der Gegenwart - Literatura performativa: poesía española actual' In: Annegret Thiem, David Conte (eds). Performative Literaturdidaktik: Mehr Kunst wagen!. Münster: LIT Verlag. [Details]
(2020)'Facetten performativer Literaturlehre – berufsbiografische Streiflichter'
Manfred Schewe (2020) 'Facetten performativer Literaturlehre – berufsbiografische Streiflichter' In: Almut Hille / Oliver Völker (eds). tbc. Munich: iudicium. [Details]
(2019)'Fremdsprachen performativ lehren und lernen'
Manfred Schewe (2019) 'Fremdsprachen performativ lehren und lernen' In: DOMINGUES, José de Almeida, [et al.] (eds). Para lá da tarefa: implicar os estudantes na aprendizagem de línguas estrangeiras no ensino superior. Porto: FLUP.   [DOI] [Details]
(2019)'Drama- und Theaterpädagogik als Wegbereiter einer performativen Literaturdidaktik'
Manfred Schewe (2019) 'Drama- und Theaterpädagogik als Wegbereiter einer performativen Literaturdidaktik' In: Christiane Lütge (eds). Handbuch Literaturdidaktik. Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag. [Details]
(2019)'Handbuch Methoden im Fremdsprachenunterricht'
Manfred Schewe (2019) 'Handbuch Methoden im Fremdsprachenunterricht' In: Wolfgang Hallet, Frank G. Königs, Hélène Martinez (eds). Dramapädagogische Methoden. Seelze: Kallmeyer. [Details]
(2018)'Performative Foreign Language Didactics in Progress: About Still Images and the Teacher as ‘Formmeister’ (Form Master)'
Manfred Schewe (2018) 'Performative Foreign Language Didactics in Progress: About Still Images and the Teacher as ‘Formmeister’ (Form Master)' In: Olivier Mentz & Micha Fleiner (eds). The Arts in Language Teaching. International Perspectives: Performative – Aesthetic – Transversal. Münster: LIT Verlag. [Details]
Manfred Schewe (2017) 'Dramapädagogik' In: Carola Surkamp (eds). Metzler Lexikon Fremdsprachendidaktik. Ansätze – Methoden – Grundbegriffe. 2. Auflage. Stuttgart: Metzler. [Details]
(2016)'Dramapädagogische Ansätze'
Manfred Schewe (2016) 'Dramapädagogische Ansätze' In: Eva Burwitz-Melzer / Grit Mehlhorn / Claudia Riemer / Karl-Richard Bausch / Hans-Jürgen Krumm (eds). Handbuch Fremdsprachenunterricht. Tübingen: Francke Verlag. [Details]
(2016)'Einige Gedanken zur Handlungsorientierung in der Dramapädagogik, ergänzt durch Vorschläge zum ‚begrifflichen Handeln’'
Manfred Schewe (2016) 'Einige Gedanken zur Handlungsorientierung in der Dramapädagogik, ergänzt durch Vorschläge zum ‚begrifflichen Handeln’' In: Anica Betz/Caroline Schuttkowski/Linda Stark/Anne-Kathrin Wilms (eds). Sprache durch Dramapädagogik handelnd erfahren – Ansätze für den Sprachunterricht. Baltmannsweiler: Schneider Verlag Honetteren. [Details]
Schewe, Manfred (2010) 'Dramapädagogik' In: Carola Surkamp (eds). Metzler Lexikon Fremdsprachendidaktik. Stuttgart / Weimar: Metzler.   [Details]
(2015)'Fokus Fachgeschichte: Die Dramapädagogik als Wegbereiterin einer performativen Fremdsprachendidaktik'
Manfred Schewe (2015) 'Fokus Fachgeschichte: Die Dramapädagogik als Wegbereiterin einer performativen Fremdsprachendidaktik' In: Wolfgang Hallet / Carola Surkamp (eds). Dramendidaktik und Dramapädagogik. Trier: WVT. [Details]
(2014)'Einen Ort für das Ästhetische schaffen. Deutsch als Fremdsprache als Bauhaus - ein Vorentwurf'
Manfred Schewe (2014) 'Einen Ort für das Ästhetische schaffen. Deutsch als Fremdsprache als Bauhaus - ein Vorentwurf' In: Nils Bernstein; Charlotte Lerchner (eds). Ästhetisches Lernen im Deutsch als Fremdsprache-Unterricht. Göttingen: Universitätsverlag. [Details]
(2013)'Skizze einer performativen Auslandsgermanistik'
Manfred Schewe (2013) 'Skizze einer performativen Auslandsgermanistik' In: Performance in Deutsch als Fremd- und Fachsprache, Linguistik und Kulturwissenschaft. Madrid: Hueber. [Details]
(2012)'Weiter auf dem Wege zu einer performativen Fremd- und Zweitsprachendidaktik'
Manfred Schewe; (2012) 'Weiter auf dem Wege zu einer performativen Fremd- und Zweitsprachendidaktik' In: Inci Dirim / Hans-Jürgen Krumm, / Paul R. Portmann-Tselikas / Sabine Schmölzer-Eibinger (eds). Theorie und Praxis. Jahrbuch für Deutsch als Fremd- und Zweitsprache 1 (2012). Graz: Praesens Verlag. [Details]
(2011)'Cork's World Theatre: Ein Beispiel performativer Auslandsgermanistik'
Manfred Schewe; (2011) 'Cork's World Theatre: Ein Beispiel performativer Auslandsgermanistik' In: Barbara Schmenk/Ursula Würffel (eds). Drei Schritte vor und manchmal auch sechs zurück. Internationale Perspektiven auf Entwicklungslinien im Bereich Deutsch als Fremdsprache. Tübingen: Gunter Narr. [Details]
(2011)'Die Welt auch im fremdsprachlichen Unterricht immer wieder neu verzaubern: Plädoyer für eine performative Lehr- und Lernkultur!'
Manfred Schewe; (2011) 'Die Welt auch im fremdsprachlichen Unterricht immer wieder neu verzaubern: Plädoyer für eine performative Lehr- und Lernkultur!' In: Almut Küppers, Torben Schmidt, Maik Walter (eds). Inszenierungen im Fremdsprachenunterricht: Grundlagen, Formen, Perspektiven. Hannover: Schroedel. [Details]
(2010)'Szenisch-dramatische Formen'
Schewe, Manfred; (2010) 'Szenisch-dramatische Formen' In: Handbuch Fremdsprachendidaktik. Seelze: Friedrich Verlag. [Details]
(2010)'Deutsch in Irland'
Joachim Fischer / Manfred Schewe; (2010) 'Deutsch in Irland' In: Internationales Handbuch Deutsch als Fremd- und Zweitsprache. Berlin / New York: Walter de Gruyter. [Details]
(2010)'Drama- und Theaterpädagogik in Deutsch als Fremdsprache / Deutsch als Zweitsprache'
Manfred Schewe; (2010) 'Drama- und Theaterpädagogik in Deutsch als Fremdsprache / Deutsch als Zweitsprache' In: Internationales Handbuch Deutsch als Fremdsprache. Berlin / New York: Walter de Gruyter. [Details]
(2010)'Community Theatre und Kulturtransfer'
Schewe, Manfred; (2010) 'Community Theatre und Kulturtransfer' In: Korrespondenzen: Theater - Ästhetik - Pädagogik. Berlin: Schibri Verlag. [Details]
(2008)''Drama und Theater in der Fremd- und Zweitsprachenlehre. Ein historischer Abriss.''
Manfred Schewe; (2008) ''Drama und Theater in der Fremd- und Zweitsprachenlehre. Ein historischer Abriss.'' In: In: Ingrid Hentschel/Gerd Koch/Beatrix Wildt (eds.): Theater in der Lehre: Inszenierungsmuster und Methoden in Lehrveranstaltungen und Hochschulalltag. Münster, Lit-Verlag: Münster, Lit-Verlag. [Details]
(2007)'Zur Inszenierung von Fremd- und Zweitsprache - Von 1850 bis heute'
Manfred Schewe; (2007) 'Zur Inszenierung von Fremd- und Zweitsprache - Von 1850 bis heute' In: In: Margret Bülow-Schramm/Dietlinde Gipser/Doris Krohn (eds.): Bühne frei für Forschungstheater. Theatrale Inszenierungen als wissenschaftlicher Erkenntnisprozess. Oldenburg: Paulo Freire Verlag. [Details]
(2007)''...über das Fremdwerden des Eigenen or 100 years of Switzerland, compressed into a collage of four scenes: Thomas Hürlimann's Das Lied der Heimat'
Manfred Schewe; (2007) ''...über das Fremdwerden des Eigenen or 100 years of Switzerland, compressed into a collage of four scenes: Thomas Hürlimann's Das Lied der Heimat' In: In: Patrick Studer/Sabine Eggers (eds.): From the Margins to the Centre. Irish Perspectives on Swiss Culture and Literature. Frankfurt am Main: Frankfurt am Main, Peter Lang. [Details]
(2006)'Szenische Eindrücke aus dem Inselalltag: ein erster Update-Versuch. In: Holfter, Gisela/Schmidt-Hannissa, Hans-Walter'
Manfred Schewe; (2006) 'Szenische Eindrücke aus dem Inselalltag: ein erster Update-Versuch. In: Holfter, Gisela/Schmidt-Hannissa, Hans-Walter' In: German-Irish Encounters. Deutsch-irische Begegnungen. Wissenschaftlicher Verlag: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag. [Details]
(2005)'Impressions of Cork people and Cork life'
Manfred Schewe; (2005) 'Impressions of Cork people and Cork life' In: As Others Saw Us - Cork Through European Eyes. Cork: Collins Press. [Details]
(2005)'Theatre Work (in social fields) (eds.)'
Manfred Schewe; (2005) 'Theatre Work (in social fields) (eds.)' In: Training Manual for Theatre Work in Social Fields. Frankfurt am Main: Brandes & Apsel. [Details]
(2005)'Ein Vollbad in Sprache, Text und Bildung. Bericht von einem Germanistentreffen'
Manfred Schewe; (2005) 'Ein Vollbad in Sprache, Text und Bildung. Bericht von einem Germanistentreffen' In: Language - Text - Bildung. Sprache - Text - Bildung. Essays in Honour of Beate Dreike. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang. [Details]
(2004)'Literaturvermittlung in der Auslandsgermanistik. Einige Thesen und kritische Kommentare'
Manfred Schewe; (2004) 'Literaturvermittlung in der Auslandsgermanistik. Einige Thesen und kritische Kommentare' In: Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (ed.): Germanistentreffen. Tagungsbeiträge. Deutschland, Großbritannien. Irland: DAAD. [Details]
(2004)'Theatre in Education'
Manfred Schewe; (2004) 'Theatre in Education' In: Handbuch Theaterarbeit in sozialen Feldern / Handbook Theatre Work in Social Fields. Frankfurt a.M: Brandes & Aspel. [Details]
(2004)'Himmlische Verhältnisse. Versuch einer szenischen Würdigung'
Manfred Schewe; (2004) 'Himmlische Verhältnisse. Versuch einer szenischen Würdigung' In: Denkbilder. Festschrift für Eoin Bourke. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann. [Details]
(2004)'Foreign Language Literature through Drama: a Research Project'
Manfred Schewe/Trina Scott; (2004) 'Foreign Language Literature through Drama: a Research Project' In: University College Cork as a Learning Organisation. University College Cork: The Staff Enhancement and Development Committee, University College Cork. [Details]
(2003)'Theatre in Education'
Manfred Schewe; (2003) 'Theatre in Education' In: Wörterbuch der Theaterpädagogik. Berlin/ Milow: Berlin/ Milow. [Details]
(2002)''Tapping the students' kinesthetic intelligence''
Manfred Schewe; (2002) ''Tapping the students' kinesthetic intelligence'' In: Body and Language: Intercultural Learning through Drama. Westport, Connecticut/London: Ablex Publishing. [Details]
(2001)'La cultura a través de la literatura y a través del teatro'
Manfred Schewe; (2001) 'La cultura a través de la literatura y a través del teatro' In: Perspectivas interculturales en el aprendizaje de idiomas. Enfoques a través del teatro y la etnografia. Madrid: Cambridge University Press. [Details]
(2000)''DaF-Stunden dramapädagogisch gestalten' - wie mache ich das?'
Manfred Schewe; (2000) ''DaF-Stunden dramapädagogisch gestalten' - wie mache ich das?' In: Pädagogische Konzepte für einen ganzheitlichen DaF- Unterricht. Berlin: Cornelsen Verlag. [Details]
(2000)'Deutschunterricht und Germanistik-Studium in Irland'
Joachim Fischer / Manfred Schewe; (2000) 'Deutschunterricht und Germanistik-Studium in Irland' In: Internationales Handbuch Deutsch als Fremdsprache. 1. Teilband: Sprachwissenschaft und Sprachdidaktik. Berlin / New York: Walter de Gruyter. [Details]
(1999)'Theorie ist Nachdenken über die Praxis, um sie zu verändern. Ein besonderer Kollege, ein besonderer Lehrer: Heinz Wilms zum Gedenken'
Manfred Schewe; (1999) 'Theorie ist Nachdenken über die Praxis, um sie zu verändern. Ein besonderer Kollege, ein besonderer Lehrer: Heinz Wilms zum Gedenken' In: Erinnerungen an Heinz Wilms. München: Langenscheidt. [Details]
(1999)''Learning and teaching culture from an aesthetic perspective''
Manfred Schewe,Joachim Beug; (1999) ''Learning and teaching culture from an aesthetic perspective'' In: Intercultural Communication and Language Learning. Dublin: Royal Irish Academy - The Irish Association for Applied Linguistics. [Details]
(1998)''Culture through Literature through Drama.''
Manfred Schewe; (1998) ''Culture through Literature through Drama.'' In: Foreign Language Learning in Intercultural Perspective - Approaches through Drama and Ethnography. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [Details]
(1998)'Dramapädagogisch lehren und lernen'
Manfred Schewe; (1998) 'Dramapädagogisch lehren und lernen' In: Praktische Handreichung für Fremdsprachenlehrer. Frankfurt/Bern/New York: Peter Lang. [Details]
(1997)'DaF-Lehrer/innen-Ausbildung: Nicht nur als Wissenschaft, sondern ebenso als Kunst!'
Manfred Schewe; (1997) 'DaF-Lehrer/innen-Ausbildung: Nicht nur als Wissenschaft, sondern ebenso als Kunst!' In: Gedächtnis und Sprachlernen - Prozeßorientiertes Fremdsprachenlernen - Deutschlehrerausbildung in West- und Osteuropa - Eine deutsche Literatur: AutorInnen nichtdeutscher Muttersprache. Regensburg: Fachverband Deutsch als Fremdsprache (FaDaF).   [Details]
(1995)'Zum methodischen Potential von Standbildern im DaF-Unterricht'
Manfred Schewe; (1995) 'Zum methodischen Potential von Standbildern im DaF-Unterricht' In: Mündliche Kommunikation - Unterrichts- und Übungsformen DaF - Themen und zielgruppenspezifische Auswahl von Unterrichtsmaterialien - Modelle für studien- und berufsbegleitenden Unterricht: DaF im Ausland. Regensburg: Fachverband Deutsch als Fremdsprache (FaDaF). [Details]
(1995)'Dramapädagogische Übungsformen'
Manfred Schewe; (1995) 'Dramapädagogische Übungsformen' In: Handbuch für Spracharbeit (3. Band). Munich: Goethe Institut. [Details]
(1993)'The Theoretical Architecture of a Drama-based Foreign Language Class: A Structure Founded on Communication, and Supported by Action, Interaction, Real Experience and Alternative Methods'
Manfred Schewe; (1993) 'The Theoretical Architecture of a Drama-based Foreign Language Class: A Structure Founded on Communication, and Supported by Action, Interaction, Real Experience and Alternative Methods' In: Towards Drama as a Method in the Foreign Language Classroom. Frankfurt/Bern/New York: Peter Lang. [Details]
(1992)'Wie kann das 'dramatische Defizit' gängiger Übungsforment in Deutsch als Fremdsprache-Lehrwerken behoben werden? Argumente für eine bewußtere Inszenierung fremdsprachlicher Lernprozesse'
Manfred Schewe; (1992) 'Wie kann das 'dramatische Defizit' gängiger Übungsforment in Deutsch als Fremdsprache-Lehrwerken behoben werden? Argumente für eine bewußtere Inszenierung fremdsprachlicher Lernprozesse' In: Deutsch als Fremdsprache im europäischen Binnenmarkt. Regensburg: Fachverband Deutsch als Fremdsprache (FaDaF). [Details]
(1990)'Theater und Drama im Fremdsprachenunterricht'
Joachim Neher-Louran/Hans Simon-Pelanda/Manfred Schewe; (1990) 'Theater und Drama im Fremdsprachenunterricht' In: Jahrbuch 1990 der Aristoteles Universität Thessaloniki. Thessaloniki: University of Thessaloniki. [Details]
(1987)'Szenische Eindrücke aus dem Inselalltag'
Manfred Schewe; (1987) 'Szenische Eindrücke aus dem Inselalltag' In: Irland. Ein politisches Reisebuch. vsa Verlag: Irland. Ein politisches Reisebuch. Hamburg. [Details]


(2012)Welttheater: übersetzen, adaptieren, inszenieren - World Theatre: translation, adaptation, production.
Boyd, Stephen; and Manfred Schewe (2012) Welttheater: übersetzen, adaptieren, inszenieren - World Theatre: translation, adaptation, production. Berlin: Schibri Verlag. [Details]
(1995)Texte lesen, verstehen und inszenieren: Alfred Andersch - Sansibar oder der letzte Grund.
Manfred Schewe, Heinz Wilms; (1995) Texte lesen, verstehen und inszenieren: Alfred Andersch - Sansibar oder der letzte Grund. Munich: Klett Verlag - Edition Deutsch. [Details]
(1993)Fremdsprache inszenieren. Zur Fundierung einer dramapädagogischen Lehr- und Lernpraxis.
Manfred Schewe; (1993) Fremdsprache inszenieren. Zur Fundierung einer dramapädagogischen Lehr- und Lernpraxis. Oldenburg: Zentrum für pädagogische Berufspraxis, Universität Oldenburg.   [Full Text] [Details]
(1990)Irish Experiences - Then and Now. (Lehrerhandbuch).
Manfred Schewe; Wrons-Passmann, Hans; (1990) Irish Experiences - Then and Now. (Lehrerhandbuch). Munich: Hueber Verlag. [Details]
(1990)Irish Experiences - Then and Now (Lehrbuch).
Manfred Schewe / Hans Wrons-Passmann; (1990) Irish Experiences - Then and Now (Lehrbuch). Munich: Hueber. [Full Text] [Details]

Edited Books

(2021)81 Sprüche zur Enthärtung unserer Welt – On the Softening of Our World: 81 Sayings
Manfred Schewe (Ed.). (2021) 81 Sprüche zur Enthärtung unserer Welt – On the Softening of Our World: 81 Sayings Berlin: Schibri.   [Details]
(2017)Going Performative in Intercultural Education – International Contexts, Theoretical Perspectives and Models of Practice
John Crutchfield & Manfred Schewe (Ed.). (2017) Going Performative in Intercultural Education – International Contexts, Theoretical Perspectives and Models of Practice Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.   [Details]
(2016)Performative Teaching, Learning and Research - Performatives Lehren, Lernen und Forschen
Susanne Even & Manfred Schewe (Ed.). (2016) Performative Teaching, Learning and Research - Performatives Lehren, Lernen und Forschen Berlin: Schibri (SCENARIO Book Series). [Details]
(2000)Pädagogische Konzepte für einen ganzheitlichen DaF-Unterricht
Gerald Schlemminger; Thomas Brysch; Manfred Schewe (Ed.). (2000) Pädagogische Konzepte für einen ganzheitlichen DaF-Unterricht Pädagogische Konzepte für einen ganzheitlichen DaF-Unterricht. Berlin: Cornelsen Verlag. [Details]
(1993)Towards Drama as a Method in the Foreign Language Classroom
Manfred Schewe; Peter Shaw (Ed.). (1993) Towards Drama as a Method in the Foreign Language Classroom Towards Drama as a Method in the Foreign Language Classroom. Frankfurt/Bern/New York: Peter Lang. [Full Text] [Details]
(1990)Drama und Theater in der Schule und für die Schule. Beiträge zur Einführung in die britische Drama- und Theaterpädagogik
Manfred Schewe (Ed.). (1990) Drama und Theater in der Schule und für die Schule. Beiträge zur Einführung in die britische Drama- und Theaterpädagogik Drama und Theater in der Schule und für die Schule. Beiträge zur Einführung in die britische Drama- und Theaterpädagogik. Oldenburg: Universität Oldenburg. [Details]

Peer Reviewed Journals

(2023)'Die Zeitschrift 'Info DaF' im Zeitraum 1980-1989: Eine spielerische Spurensuche. – Journal 'InfoDaF' 1980-1989: A playful search for traces'
Manfred Schewe (2023) 'Die Zeitschrift 'Info DaF' im Zeitraum 1980-1989: Eine spielerische Spurensuche. – Journal 'InfoDaF' 1980-1989: A playful search for traces'. Informationen Deutsch Als Fremdsprache, [Details]
(2023)'Arts education in Ireland: Visions of a performative teaching, learning and research culture'
Erika Piazzoli & Manfred Schewe (2023) 'Arts education in Ireland: Visions of a performative teaching, learning and research culture'. Journal of Research in Arts Education - Journal de recherche en éducations artistiques, 1 (1):85-94   [DOI] [Details]
(2022)'Performative arts, drama & theatre in education: A digital glossary'
Manfred Schewe & Florian Vassen (2022) 'Performative arts, drama & theatre in education: A digital glossary'. Scenario - Drama and Theatre In Language Education, 16 (1):166-173   [Full Text] [Details]
(2022)'Going performative in education - the artistry of teaching'
Manfred Schewe (2022) 'Going performative in education - the artistry of teaching'. Scenario - Drama and Theatre In Language Education, 16 (1):105-112   [DOI] [Full Text] [Details]
(2020)'Unterricht als Kunst - Perspektiven einer performativen Didaktik'
Manfred Schewe (2020) 'Unterricht als Kunst - Perspektiven einer performativen Didaktik'. Fremdsprache Deutsch, 31 (2020) (1):tbc-tbc   [Details]
(2020)'Performative in a nutshell'
Manfred Schewe (2020) 'Performative in a nutshell'. Scenario - Drama and Theatre In Language Education, XIV (02)   [DOI] [Full Text] [Details]
Manfred Schewe (2019) 'Foreword'. Scenario - Drama and Theatre In Language Education, XIII (2)   [Full Text] [Details]
(2019)'Performative Arts and Pedagogy: An Irish Perspective'
Annie Ó Breacháin, Roisín O’Gorman, Erika Piazzoli, Manfred Schewe, Fionn Woodhouse (2019) 'Performative Arts and Pedagogy: An Irish Perspective'. Scenario - Drama and Theatre In Language Education, XIII (2)   [DOI] [Full Text] [Details]
(2018)'Empfehlungen zur Förderung einer performativen Lehr-, Lern- und Forschungskultur an Hochschulen'
Manfred Schewe (with Bärbel Jogschies, Anke Stöver-Blahak) (2018) 'Empfehlungen zur Förderung einer performativen Lehr-, Lern- und Forschungskultur an Hochschulen'. Scenario - Drama and Theatre In Language Education, XII (2):47-51   [Full Text] [Details]
(2018)'Recommendations for Promoting a Performative Teaching, Learning and Research Culture in Higher Education'
Manfred Schewe (with Bärbel Jogschies, Anke Stöver-Blahak) (2018) 'Recommendations for Promoting a Performative Teaching, Learning and Research Culture in Higher Education'. Scenario - Drama and Theatre In Language Education, XII (2):52-56   [Full Text] [Details]
(2018)'Der Traum vom leeren Raum: Perspektiven einer performativen Lehr-, Lern- und Forschungskultur'
Manfred Schewe (2018) 'Der Traum vom leeren Raum: Perspektiven einer performativen Lehr-, Lern- und Forschungskultur'. Scenario - Drama and Theatre In Language Education, XII (2):63-67   [Full Text] [Details]
(2018)'Performative Foreign Language Didactics in Progress: About Still Images and the Teacher as ‘Formmeister’ (Form Master)'
Manfred Schewe & Fionn Woodhouse (2018) 'Performative Foreign Language Didactics in Progress: About Still Images and the Teacher as ‘Formmeister’ (Form Master)'. Scenario - Drama and Theatre In Language Education, XII (1):53-69   [Full Text] [Details]
(2016)'Drama in Foreign Language Classes – Theater im Fremdsprachenunterricht'
Manfred Schewe (2016) 'Drama in Foreign Language Classes – Theater im Fremdsprachenunterricht'. MAGAZIN SPRACHE,   [Details]
(2015)'Theater und Eigensinn'
Manfred Schewe (2015) 'Theater und Eigensinn'. Korrespondenzen, [Details]
(2013)'Taking Stock and Looking Ahead: Drama Pedagogy as a Gateway to a Performative Teaching and Learning Culture'
Manfred Schewe (2013) 'Taking Stock and Looking Ahead: Drama Pedagogy as a Gateway to a Performative Teaching and Learning Culture'. Scenario - Drama and Theatre In Language Education, VII (1):5-27   [Full Text] [Details]
(2008)'TheaterPädagogikPolitik in Irland'
Manfred Schewe; (2008) 'TheaterPädagogikPolitik in Irland'. Korrespondenzen, 24 (53):32-33 [Details]
(2007)'Drama und Theater in der Fremd- und Zweitsprachenlehre: Blick zurück nach vorn'
Manfred Schewe; (2007) 'Drama und Theater in der Fremd- und Zweitsprachenlehre: Blick zurück nach vorn'. SCENARIO - Drama and Theatre in Language Education, I (1):127-139   [Full Text] [Details]
(2007)'Research Bibliography Drama and Theatre in Foreign and Second Language Education'
Manfred Schewe; (2007) 'Research Bibliography Drama and Theatre in Foreign and Second Language Education'. SCENARIO - Drama and Theatre in Language Education, I (1) [Details]
(2004)'Dramapädagogik und fremdsprachlicher Deutschunterricht'
Manfred Schewe; (2004) 'Dramapädagogik und fremdsprachlicher Deutschunterricht'. GFL - German as a Foreign Language, 1 :1-16   [Full Text] [Details]
(2004)'Teaching intelligently by tapping into the students' multiple intelligences'
Manfred Schewe; (2004) 'Teaching intelligently by tapping into the students' multiple intelligences'. Foreign Languages, 1 :53-55 [Details]
(2003)'Teaching intelligently by tapping into the students' multiple intelligences'
Manfred Schewe; (2003) 'Teaching intelligently by tapping into the students' multiple intelligences'. The Modern Problems of International Relations, 41 (2):298-302 [Details]
(2003)'Literatur verstehen und inszenieren. Foreign Language Literature Through Drama. A Research Project'
Manfred Schewe; (2003) 'Literatur verstehen und inszenieren. Foreign Language Literature Through Drama. A Research Project'. GFL - German as a Foreign Language, 2003 (3):56-83   [Full Text] [Details]
(2002)'Theaterimpressionen in Deutschland im Jahre 2002 - ein (auch theaterpädagogischer) Blick von außen'
Manfred Schewe; (2002) 'Theaterimpressionen in Deutschland im Jahre 2002 - ein (auch theaterpädagogischer) Blick von außen'. Korrespondenzen, 2002 (41):61-66   [Details]
(2002)'Literaturvermittlung auf dem Weg von gestern nach morgen - eine auslandsgermanistische Perspektive'
Manfred Schewe; (2002) 'Literaturvermittlung auf dem Weg von gestern nach morgen - eine auslandsgermanistische Perspektive'. GFL - German as a Foreign Language, 2002 (3):25-47   [Full Text] [Details]
(2001)'Zukunftsgemäße Deutschlehrerausbildung - einige Assoziationen, Thesen, offene Fragen und Reformvorschläge'
Manfred Schewe; (2001) 'Zukunftsgemäße Deutschlehrerausbildung - einige Assoziationen, Thesen, offene Fragen und Reformvorschläge'. GFL - German as a Foreign Language, 2001 (1):20-40   [Full Text] [Details]
(1999)'Neue Erfahrungen mit sich selbst machen: eine Voraussetzung für lebendiges Lehren!'
Manfred Schewe; (1999) 'Neue Erfahrungen mit sich selbst machen: eine Voraussetzung für lebendiges Lehren!'. Fremdsprache Deutsch, I/1999 (Sonderheft):50-56   [Details]
(1998)'Serie Fremdsprache inszenieren (7-8) - Teil 7: Agierendes Erzählen; Teil 8: LiRo-Technik; Teil 9: LaRo-Technik'
Manfred Schewe; (1998) 'Serie Fremdsprache inszenieren (7-8) - Teil 7: Agierendes Erzählen; Teil 8: LiRo-Technik; Teil 9: LaRo-Technik'. Fremdsprachenunterricht, 42/51 (6):426-427 [Details]
(1998)'Serie Fremdsprache inszenieren (4-6) - Teil 4: Positionseinnahme; Teil 5: Selbstvorstellung; Teil 6: Stimmencollage'
Manfred Schewe; (1998) 'Serie Fremdsprache inszenieren (4-6) - Teil 4: Positionseinnahme; Teil 5: Selbstvorstellung; Teil 6: Stimmencollage'. Fremdsprachenunterricht, 42/51 (5):363-364 [Details]
(1998)'Serie Fremdsprache inszenieren (3) - Teil 3: Standbild'
Manfred Schewe; (1998) 'Serie Fremdsprache inszenieren (3) - Teil 3: Standbild'. Fremdsprachenunterricht, 45/51 (3):206-207 [Details]
(1998)'Serie Fremdsprache inszenieren (1-2) - Teil 1: Einfühlungsfragen beantworten; Teil 2: Rollenmonolog'
Manfred Schewe; (1998) 'Serie Fremdsprache inszenieren (1-2) - Teil 1: Einfühlungsfragen beantworten; Teil 2: Rollenmonolog'. Fremdsprachenunterricht, 42/51 (1):51-52 [Details]
(1997)'Seeing the dragons dancing together on the wind at sunset ... An aesthetic approach to understanding another culture'
Joachim Beug; Manfred Schewe (1997) 'Seeing the dragons dancing together on the wind at sunset ... An aesthetic approach to understanding another culture'. Fremdsprachenunterricht, 6 :418-422 [Details]
(1995)'Research Issues in the Year Abroad'
Manfred Schewe; (1995) 'Research Issues in the Year Abroad'. Teangeolas, 1995 (35):55-56 [Details]
(1994)'Mit Kopf, Herz, Hand und Fuß'
Manfred Schewe; (1994) 'Mit Kopf, Herz, Hand und Fuß'. Abrapa Projekt-Revista dos professores de Alemao Brasil, 1994 (14):6-9 [Details]
(1994)'Video as a Backstage to a (Dramatic) Teacher Training Course'
Manfred Schewe; (1994) 'Video as a Backstage to a (Dramatic) Teacher Training Course'. Der Fremdsprachliche Unterricht, 28/16 (4):28-31   [Details]
(1993)'Lehren und Lernen mit Kopf, Herz, Hand und Fuß: Dramapädagogische Fremdsprachenpraxis in multikulturellen DaF-Kursen'
Drama and Dance ; (1993) 'Lehren und Lernen mit Kopf, Herz, Hand und Fuß: Dramapädagogische Fremdsprachenpraxis in multikulturellen DaF-Kursen'. Fremdsprache Deutsch, 93 (II):44-52   [Details]
(1991)'Interkulturelles theaterpädagogisches Projekt für Schulen'
Manfred Schewe; (1991) 'Interkulturelles theaterpädagogisches Projekt für Schulen'. Der Fremdsprachliche Unterricht, 25 (2) [Details]
(1990)'Dramapädagogik oder Unterricht als gestaltete Improvisation'
Manfred Schewe; (1990) 'Dramapädagogik oder Unterricht als gestaltete Improvisation'. Zeitschrift für Sozialarbeit,Sozial-pädagogik & Sozialp, 1990 (7/8):54-59 [Details]
(1988)'Fokus Lehrpraxis: Für einen integrierten, dramapädagogischen DaF-Unterricht für Fortgeschrittene'
Manfred Schewe:; (1988) 'Fokus Lehrpraxis: Für einen integrierten, dramapädagogischen DaF-Unterricht für Fortgeschrittene'. Info DaF, 1988 (4):429-441 [Details]
(1984)'The Hidden Journey. An Irish Theatre in Education Project for German Schools'
Manfred Schewe; (1984) 'The Hidden Journey. An Irish Theatre in Education Project for German Schools'. Englisch-Amerikanische Studien, 1984 (4):608/635-622/641 [Details]

Other Journals

(2011)'Learning with Head, Heart, Hands and Feet'
Manfred Schewe; (2011) 'Learning with Head, Heart, Hands and Feet' Art Kitli, 2 (March 2011) :40-41. [Details]
(1998)'Dramapädagogisch lehren und lernen - eine kurze Einführung in ein neueres didaktisch-methodisches Konzept für den fremdsprachlichen Deutschunterricht'
Manfred Schewe; (1998) 'Dramapädagogisch lehren und lernen - eine kurze Einführung in ein neueres didaktisch-methodisches Konzept für den fremdsprachlichen Deutschunterricht' Per Voi, 1998 (4) :3-8.   [Details]
(1993)'An Outside View of Drama in Education in Great Britain Today'
Manfred Schewe; (1993) 'An Outside View of Drama in Education in Great Britain Today' 2D-Drama and Dance, 12 (1) :22-24. [Details]
(1990)'Dramapädagogischer DaF-Unterricht: Skizze einer integrativen Lehr-/Lernmethode'
Manfred Schewe; (1990) 'Dramapädagogischer DaF-Unterricht: Skizze einer integrativen Lehr-/Lernmethode' PV-Aktuell, 1990 (9) :5-7. [Details]

Conference Publications

(2022)Dramapädagogik-Tage 2022
Manfred Schewe (2022) Facets of Performative Literature Teaching . In: Stefanie Giebert & Eva Göksel eds. Dramapädagogik-Tage 2022 , pp.46-67   [DOI] [Details]
(2018)Performative Arts and Pedagogy
Manfred Schewe (2018) The Performative Arts and Pedagogy Project: Towards the Development of an International Glossary . In: Susanne Even; Manfred Schewe eds. Performative Arts and Pedagogy , 28-FEB-19 - 03-MAR-19 , pp.112-115   [Full Text] [Details]
(2014)Performing Arts in Language Learning
Manfred Schewe (2014) Paving the Way towards a Performative Teaching and Learning Culture - the story of SCENARIO . In: Carlo Nofri; Moreno Stracci eds. Performing Arts in Language Learning Rome (Edizioni Novacultur - ISBN 978-88-96875-01-8), , 22-OCT-14 - 24-NOV-14 , pp.44-51   [Details]
(2013)IDEA World Congress
Manfred Schewe (2013) Languages in Drama/Theatre and Education IDEA World Congress , 08-JUL-14 - 13-JUL-14   [Details]
(2011)Contemporary German-Irish cultural relations in a European perspective: Exploring issues in cultural policy and practice
Manfred Schewe; (2011) Die Zukunft der irischen Germanistik, oder: Trotz allem hartnäckig zuversichtlich? Plädoyer für eine stärkere Öffnung hin zu den (performativen) Künsten . In: Joachim Fischer and Rolf Stehle (eds) eds. Contemporary German-Irish cultural relations in a European perspective: Exploring issues in cultural policy and practice Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, [Details]
(2003)Grammatikvermittlung - Literaturrefexion - Wissenschaftspropädeutik - Qualifizierung für eine transnationale Kommunikation. 30. Jahrestagung Deutsch als Fremdsprache 2002
Manfred Schewe; (2003) Literaturvermittlung auf dem Weg von gestern nach morgen - eine auslandsgermanistische Perspektive . In: Armin Wolff/Ursula Riedner eds. Grammatikvermittlung - Literaturrefexion - Wissenschaftspropädeutik - Qualifizierung für eine transnationale Kommunikation. 30. Jahrestagung Deutsch als Fremdsprache 2002 Munich, , pp.33-55   [Details]
(1997)25. Jahrestagung Deutsch als Fremdsprache (1997, Mainz): Emotion und Kognition beim Fremdsprachenlernen - Lernen mit neuen Medien - Deutsch als Fremdsprache und die Attraktivität des Studien- und Lernortes Deutschland
Manfred Schewe; (1997) Emotion und Kognition im Fremdsprachenunterricht - eine dramapädagogisch-ästhetische Perspektive . In: Wolff, Armin / Eggers, Dietrich eds. 25. Jahrestagung Deutsch als Fremdsprache (1997, Mainz): Emotion und Kognition beim Fremdsprachenlernen - Lernen mit neuen Medien - Deutsch als Fremdsprache und die Attraktivität des Studien- und Lernortes Deutschland Regensburg, , 22-MAY-97 - 24-MAY-98 , pp.162-178   [Details]

Invited Lectures

(2012)IN DETAIL.
Schewe, Manfred (2012) IN DETAIL. Glucksman Gallery, UCC: Invited Lectures [Details]


(1998)Interkulturelle Begegnung verstehen - ein dramapädagogischer Unterrichtseinstieg anhand eines literarischen Textes.
Manfred Schewe; (1998) Interkulturelle Begegnung verstehen - ein dramapädagogischer Unterrichtseinstieg anhand eines literarischen Textes. Montreal: Articles [Details]
(1989)Dramapädagogik - eine erziehungswissenschaftliche Teildisziplin? Drama - eine importwürdige Lehr-/Lernmethode?.
Manfred Schewe; (1989) Dramapädagogik - eine erziehungswissenschaftliche Teildisziplin? Drama - eine importwürdige Lehr-/Lernmethode?. Oldenburg (Universität Oldenburg): Articles [Details]

Book Reviews

(2021)Rezension: Saßen, F. (2021). einfach zerschmeißen. Brecht Material: Lyrik - Prosa - Theater - Lehrstück. Mit einem Blick auf Heiner Müller. Schiri.
Manfred Schewe (2021) Rezension: Saßen, F. (2021). einfach zerschmeißen. Brecht Material: Lyrik - Prosa - Theater - Lehrstück. Mit einem Blick auf Heiner Müller. Schiri. University College Cork: Book Reviews   [DOI] [Details]
(2019)Sprachliche Kognitivierung im dramapädagogischen Deutsch-als-Fremdsprache-Unterricht Eine Bestandsaufnahme und empirische Expertenbefragung.
Manfred Schewe (2019) Sprachliche Kognitivierung im dramapädagogischen Deutsch-als-Fremdsprache-Unterricht Eine Bestandsaufnahme und empirische Expertenbefragung. Leipzig: Book Reviews [Details]
(2017)Sprachliche Kognitivierung im dramapädagogischen Deutsch-als-Fremdsprache-Unterricht. Eine Bestandsaufnahme und empirische Expertenbefragung.
Thomas Müller (2017) Sprachliche Kognitivierung im dramapädagogischen Deutsch-als-Fremdsprache-Unterricht. Eine Bestandsaufnahme und empirische Expertenbefragung. Leipzig: Book Reviews [Details]
(2013)Was sich bei der Inszenierung von Fremdsprache im Gehirn abspielt.
Manfred Schewe / Micha Fleiner (2013) Was sich bei der Inszenierung von Fremdsprache im Gehirn abspielt. Cork - UCC: Book Reviews   [Details]
(2011)Rezension: Peter Lutzker (2007), The Art of Foreign Language Teaching.: Improvisation and Drama in Teacher Development and Language Learning. Tübingen, Francke Verlag.
Manfred Schewe; (2011) Rezension: Peter Lutzker (2007), The Art of Foreign Language Teaching.: Improvisation and Drama in Teacher Development and Language Learning. Tübingen, Francke Verlag. Cork: Book Reviews   [Details]
(1995)Bernard Dufeu: Teaching Myself. Oxford 1994 (Oxford University Press).
Manfred Schewe; (1995) Bernard Dufeu: Teaching Myself. Oxford 1994 (Oxford University Press). Book Reviews   [Details]

Dictionary Entries

(2022)Performative Arts, Drama & Theatre in Education: A Digital Glossary.
Manfred Schewe & Florian Vassen (2022) Performative Arts, Drama & Theatre in Education: A Digital Glossary. University College Cork: Dictionary Entries   [Details]
(2003)Theatre in Education.
Manfred Schewe; (2003) Theatre in Education. Berlin: Dictionary Entries   [Details]

Film or Broadcasts

(2014)Pedagogy in Transition: Paving the Way towards a Performative Teaching and Learning Culture.
Manfred Schewe / Susanne Even (2014) Pedagogy in Transition: Paving the Way towards a Performative Teaching and Learning Culture. Cork: Film or Broadcasts   [Details]
(2013)Roundtable contribution - IDEA 2013 Congress.
Manfred Schewe (2013) Roundtable contribution - IDEA 2013 Congress. Paris: Film or Broadcasts   [Details]
(2012)FILM: Cork's World Theatre 2012 - Translation, Adaptation, Performance.
Manfred Schewe / Stephen Boyd (2012) FILM: Cork's World Theatre 2012 - Translation, Adaptation, Performance. University College Cork: Film or Broadcasts   [Details]
(1998)SchauForum oder spielerisches Deutschlernen.
Manfred Schewe; (1998) SchauForum oder spielerisches Deutschlernen. Montreal (Goethe Institut): Film or Broadcasts [Details]
(1993)Fremdsprache inszenieren: ein Begleitfilm zum dramapädagogischen Unterrichtskonzept von Manfred Schewe.
Schewe, Manfred; (1993) Fremdsprache inszenieren: ein Begleitfilm zum dramapädagogischen Unterrichtskonzept von Manfred Schewe. Oldenburg - Carl von Ossietzky Universität/ZEMA: Film or Broadcasts [Details]


(2013)Vorwort - In: Scenario VII, 1.
Manfred Schewe (2013) Vorwort - In: Scenario VII, 1. UCC - Cork: Foreword   [Details]
(2013)Vorwort - In: Scenario VII, 2.
Manfred Schewe (2013) Vorwort - In: Scenario VII, 2. CORK - UCC: Foreword   [Details]
(2012)Vorwort - In: SCENARIO VI, 2.
Manfred Schewe (2012) Vorwort - In: SCENARIO VI, 2. Foreword   [Details]
(2011)Vorwort - In: SCENARIO V, 1.
Manfred Schewe; (2011) Vorwort - In: SCENARIO V, 1. CORK: Foreword   [Details]
(2010)Vorwort - In: SCENARIO IV, 2.
Schewe, Manfred; (2010) Vorwort - In: SCENARIO IV, 2. Cork: Foreword   [Details]
(2010)Vorwort - In: SCENARIO IV, 1.
Manfred Schewe; (2010) Vorwort - In: SCENARIO IV, 1. Cork: Foreword   [Details]
(2009)Vorwort - In: SCENARIO III, 1.
Manfred Schewe (2009) Vorwort - In: SCENARIO III, 1. Foreword   [Details]
(2009)Vorwort - In: SCENARIO III, 2.
Manfred Schewe; (2009) Vorwort - In: SCENARIO III, 2. Cork: Foreword   [Details]
(2007)Vorwort - In: Scenario, I, 1.
Manfred Schewe; (2007) Vorwort - In: Scenario, I, 1. Cork: Foreword   [Full Text] [Details]
(2007)Vorwort - In: SCENARIO I, 2.
Manfred Schewe (2007) Vorwort - In: SCENARIO I, 2. Cork: Foreword   [Details]

Guest Lectures

(2008)Devising and performing a short piece: From role play to more complex scenarios.
Schewe, Manfred (2008) Devising and performing a short piece: From role play to more complex scenarios. UCC: Guest Lectures [Details]
(2006)Fremdsprache inszenieren.
Schewe, Manfred (2006) Fremdsprache inszenieren. Goethe Institute Boston: Guest Lectures [Details]
(2006)Lehren und Lernen mit Kopf, Herz, Hand und Fuß.
Schewe, Manfred (2006) Lehren und Lernen mit Kopf, Herz, Hand und Fuß. Melrose High School, Melrose MA: Guest Lectures [Details]
(2006)Literatur dramapädagogisch erfahren.
Schewe, Manfred (2006) Literatur dramapädagogisch erfahren. Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester MA: Guest Lectures [Details]
(1998)Drama as a Method in the Teaching of German as a Foreign Language.
Schewe, Manfred (1998) Drama as a Method in the Teaching of German as a Foreign Language. Cumberland Lodge: Guest Lectures [Details]
(1997)Deutschunterricht dramapädagogisch gestalten: Wie mache ich das?.
Schewe, Manfred (1997) Deutschunterricht dramapädagogisch gestalten: Wie mache ich das?. Granary Theatre, University College Cork: Guest Lectures [Details]


(2015)A Reading of Canto 15/Purgatorio as part of the AD ASTRA PER ASPERA Irish celebration of DANTE.
Manfred Schewe (2015) A Reading of Canto 15/Purgatorio as part of the AD ASTRA PER ASPERA Irish celebration of DANTE. Glucksman Gallery, UCC: Performances [Details]
(2010)Performance Project: Cork's World Theatre.
Manfred Schewe / Stephen Boyd (2010) Performance Project: Cork's World Theatre. University College Cork: Performances [Details]
(2008)The Yummy Hotel.
Manfred Schewe (2008) The Yummy Hotel. Performances [Details]
(2005)Lektor's Life - A Dramatic Exploration.
Schewe, Manfred (2005) Lektor's Life - A Dramatic Exploration. University of Oxford: Performances [Details]
(2004)Performance Project: BÄRLIN.
Manfred Schewe / Bernadette Cronin (2004) Performance Project: BÄRLIN. University College Cork: Performances [Details]
(2002)Performance Project: LITERA-TOUR. Eine kleine Reise in die deutsche Literatur.
Manfred Schewe / Trina Scott (2002) Performance Project: LITERA-TOUR. Eine kleine Reise in die deutsche Literatur. UCC: Performances [Details]
(2000)Performance Project: Hands on Brecht.
Bertolt Brecht (2000) Performance Project: Hands on Brecht. UCC: Performances [Details]
(1986)The Green Machine.
Schewe, Manfred (1986) The Green Machine. Performances [Details]
(1984)The Hidden Journey.
Manfred Schewe/Johnny Hanrahan (1984) The Hidden Journey. Performances [Details]
(1984)Ein Fest bei Papadakis (Volker Ludwig).
Manfred Schewe (1984) Ein Fest bei Papadakis (Volker Ludwig). Performances [Details]
(1982)Die Physiker.
Manfred Schewe (1982) Die Physiker. Granary Theatre, UCC: Performances [Details]

Radio Presentation

(2013)Interview with Manfred Schewe about his impressions of Ireland and German-Irish relations.
Manfred Schewe; (2013) Interview with Manfred Schewe about his impressions of Ireland and German-Irish relations. Cork: Radio Presentation   [Details]
(2009)Kälin wird zu Murphy. Zum Projekt 'Cork's World Theatre'.
Schewe, Manfred (2009) Kälin wird zu Murphy. Zum Projekt 'Cork's World Theatre'. Radio Presentation   [Details]
(2002)Interview with Manfred Schewe about living in Ireland.
Manfred Schewe (2002) Interview with Manfred Schewe about living in Ireland. Oldenburg: Radio Presentation [Details]


(1980)Zur Problematik multikultureller Erziehung in Großbritannien heute.
Manfred Schewe; (1980) Zur Problematik multikultureller Erziehung in Großbritannien heute. Oldenburg: Thesis/Dissertation [Details]


(1986)The Green Machine - a Theatre in Education Project.
Manfred Schewe; (1986) The Green Machine - a Theatre in Education Project. Cork: Other [Details]
(1984)The Hidden Journey - A Theatre in Education Project.
Manfred Schewe; (1984) The Hidden Journey - A Theatre in Education Project. Cork: Other [Details]


(2018)Book Launch: Embodying Language in Action.
Manfred Schewe (2018) Book Launch: Embodying Language in Action. Trinity College Dublin: Other [Details]


(2019)Turning Scientific Data into Physical Art - Sculpture as an aesthetic language.
Adrien Segal, Manfred Schewe (2019) Turning Scientific Data into Physical Art - Sculpture as an aesthetic language. Cork: Interview   [DOI] [Details]

Radio Feature

(2017)The theatre philosophy of Brecht is at the centre of Enter Stage Left, a new show at Cork’s Glucksman Gallery.
Manfred Schewe (2017) The theatre philosophy of Brecht is at the centre of Enter Stage Left, a new show at Cork’s Glucksman Gallery. Limerick: Radio Feature [Details]

Professional Activities

Honours and Awards

 YearTitleAwarding Body
2018Impact Case Study Narrative Prize College of Arts, Celtic Studies and Social Sciences
2013UCC Teaching Fellow University College Cork
2002UCC President's Teaching Innovation Award President, UCC
1988DAAD Research Scholarship DAAD
2010European Language Label European Union - LEARGAS

Conference Contributions

(2022)25th Anniversary Conference ot the Centre for Irish-German Studies,
Manfred Schewe (2022) 1997-2022: Reflecting-Connecting-Transforming. [Chair Sessions at Symposia], 25th Anniversary Conference ot the Centre for Irish-German Studies, Limerick University , 22-SEP-22 - 23-SEP-22. [Details]
(2022)Internationale Theaterpädagogik Tage 2022,
Manfred Schewe (2022) Sprache und Kultur inszenieren. [Invited Lectures (Workshops)], Internationale Theaterpädagogik Tage 2022, Brixen - South Tyrol / Italy , 28-OCT-22 - 30-OCT-22. [Details]
(2022)History in Stories,
Manfred Schewe (2022) The Irish Past and Present: A performative perspective. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], History in Stories, Würzburg , 28-JUL-22 - 29-JUL-22. [Details]
(2022)Internationale Theaterpädagogik Tage 2022,
Manfred Schewe (2022) Performatives Lehren und Lernen in fremd-, zweit- und mehrsprachigen Kontexten. [Keynote Speaker], Internationale Theaterpädagogik Tage 2022, Brixen - South Tyrol/Italy , 28-OCT-22 - 30-OCT-22. [Details]
(2021)Sommerliche FaDaF-Literaturtage,
Manfred Schewe (2021) https:/ [Oral Presentation], Sommerliche FaDaF-Literaturtage, Zoom Conference , 04-SEP-21 - 04-SEP-21. [Details]
(2020)Going Performative in Education – International Perspectives, Intercultural Contexts, Models of Practice,
Manfred Schewe (2020) 3rd International Scenario Forum Conference. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], Going Performative in Education – International Perspectives, Intercultural Contexts, Models of Practice, University College Cork , 21-MAY-20 - 24-MAY-20. [Details]
(2020)DaF und die Künste,
Manfred Schewe (2020) (postponed due to COVID crisis). [Keynote Speaker], DaF und die Künste, Zadar / Croatia , 17-APR-20 - 18-APR-20. [Details]
(2020)DaF und die Künste,
Manfred Schewe (2020) (postponed due to COVID19 crisis). [Invited Lectures (Workshops)], DaF und die Künste, Zadar / Croatia , 17-APR-20 - 18-APR-20. [Details]
(2019)Performativ lehren und Lernen,
Manfred Schewe (2019) Summer School with a focus on Sommerschule: Lehren und Lernen performativ: Theaterpädagogische Sprachförderung im Fremdsprachenunterricht Deutsch. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Performativ lehren und Lernen, University of Zagreb , 27-SEP-19 - 28-SEP-19. [Details]
(2019)Lehren und Lernen performativ: Theaterpädagogische Sprachförderung im Fremdsprachenunterricht Deutsch,
Manfred Schewe (2019) Plenary Lecture as part of a Summer School at the University of Zagreb. [Plenary Lecture], Lehren und Lernen performativ: Theaterpädagogische Sprachförderung im Fremdsprachenunterricht Deutsch, Philosophical Faculty, University of Zagreb , 26-SEP-19 - 29-SEP-19. [Details]
(2019)Le Corps du Textes,
Manfred Schewe (2019) Seminar Series at the University of Bordeaux. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Le Corps du Textes, University of Bordeaux , 10-APR-19 - 11-APR-19. [Details]
(2019)Gegenwartsliteratur in der internationalen Germanistik und im Fach Deutsch als Fremdsprache,
Manfred Schewe (2019) Tagung zum 10jährigen Bestehen des Masterstudiengangs 'Deutsch als Fremdsprache - Kulturvermittlung'. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Gegenwartsliteratur in der internationalen Germanistik und im Fach Deutsch als Fremdsprache, Freie Universität Berlin , 14-JUN-19 - 15-JUN-19. [Details]
(2019)Lehren und Lernen performativ: Szenen des Unterrichtens von Fremdsprachen,
Manfred Schewe (2019) Conference for Lecturers of the German Academic Exchange Service. [Keynote Speaker], Lehren und Lernen performativ: Szenen des Unterrichtens von Fremdsprachen, Bonn , 15-JUL-19 - 16-JUL-19. [Details]
(2019)Classroom Acts: performance, identity and the emergence of new communities in German language teaching,
Manfred Schewe (2019) Conference for Modern Language Teachers. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Classroom Acts: performance, identity and the emergence of new communities in German language teaching, King's College London . [Details]
(2019)The role of drama in higher and adult language education: teacher training and the challenges of inclusion,
Manfred Schewe (2019) Summer School, jointly organised by the universities of Padua and Grenoble. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], The role of drama in higher and adult language education: teacher training and the challenges of inclusion, Grenoble , 22-JUL-19 - 26-JUL-19. [Details]
(2019)Performative Arts and Pedagogy - An International Glossary,
Manfred Schewe (with Bärbel Jogschies, Anke Stöver-Blahak) (2019) A meeting of experts in the field of Performative Pedagogy. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], Performative Arts and Pedagogy - An International Glossary, University College Cork , 28-FEB-19 - 03-MAR-19. [Details]
(2019)(Re-)Generation Hochschullehre,
Manfred Schewe (2019) Annual Conference of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Hochschuldidaktik (DGHD). [N/A], (Re-)Generation Hochschullehre, Leipzig , 06-MAR-19 - 08-MAR-19. [Details]
(2018)6th Scenario Forum Symposium,
Manfred Schee (2018) Der Traum vom leeren Raum – Perspektiven einer performativen Lehr-, Lern- und Forschungskultur. [Plenary Lecture], 6th Scenario Forum Symposium, Hannover - Leibniz University , 21-SEP-18 - 22-SEP-18. [Details]
(2018)Colloquio Internacional Aprolinguas 2018 - Going beyond the task Engaging higher education students in the foreign language teaching-learning process,
Manfred Schewe (2018) Modern Languages Conference with an emphasis on innovation in teaching and learning. [Plenary Lecture], Colloquio Internacional Aprolinguas 2018 - Going beyond the task Engaging higher education students in the foreign language teaching-learning process, Porto , 20-SEP-18 - 22-SEP-18. [Details]
(2018)Universities on the way towards a performative teaching and learning culture?,
Manfred Schewe (2018) A collaboration between Leibniz University of Hanover (Fachsprachenzentrum), State Theatre Hanover (Department of Theatre Pedagogy) and University College Cork (Department of Theatre). [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Universities on the way towards a performative teaching and learning culture?, Hanover University , 21-SEP-18 - 22-SEP-18. [Details]
(2018)Second Advisory Board meeting of the Online Journal SAH,
Manfred Schewe (2018) A meeting which aimed at developing a concept for a new IOAJ (Irish Online Access Journals) platform. [Invited Oral Presentation], Second Advisory Board meeting of the Online Journal SAH, DBS Dublin , 16-MAR-18 - 16-MAR-18. [Details]
(2018)Theatre Connects - Performative Pathways Between Schools, Universities and the Wider Community,
Manfred Schewe & Fionn Woodhouse (2018) Symposiumj. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], Theatre Connects - Performative Pathways Between Schools, Universities and the Wider Community, University College Cork , 25-MAY-18 - 25-MAY-18. [Details]
(2017)2nd Internationnal SCENARIO FORUM Conference,
Manfred Schewe (2017) The 2017 SCENARIO Forum conference responds to increasing signs of a performative shift in education and explores potential PERFORMATIVE SPACES in language, literature and culture-related pedagogical contexts. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], 2nd Internationnal SCENARIO FORUM Conference, University College Cork , 24-MAY-17 - 28-MAY-17. [Details]
(2016)Annual Conference - Master Course in Theaterpädagogik - Pädagogische Hochschule Wien/Krems,
Manfred Schewe (2016) Keynote on 'Drama in Education'. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Annual Conference - Master Course in Theaterpädagogik - Pädagogische Hochschule Wien/Krems, Bildungshaus Großrußbach , 04-NOV-16 - 04-NOV-16. [Details]
(2016)Annual Lecture Series - Pädagogische Hochschule Wien,
Manfred Schewe (2016) Guest Lecture for students of German as a Foreign Language. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Annual Lecture Series - Pädagogische Hochschule Wien, Vienna , 03-NOV-16 - 03-NOV-16. [Details]
(2017)The Spirit of Language in Body, Mind and Spirit,
Manfred Schewe (2017) This is a week-long conference focusing on the arts in education, targeted especially at teachers of English. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], The Spirit of Language in Body, Mind and Spirit, Haus Altenberg, Odenthal-Altenberg, Cologne / Leverkusen, Germany , 12-NOV-17 - 18-NOV-17. [Details]
(2017)1st Annual Advisory Board Meeting - Studies in Arts and Humanities,
Manfred Schewe (2017) The First Advisory Board meeting of the Online Journal SAH. [Invited Oral Presentation], 1st Annual Advisory Board Meeting - Studies in Arts and Humanities, Dublin Business School , 17-FEB-17 - 17-FEB-17. [Details]
(2017)The role of drama in higher and adult language education: from theory to practice,
Manfred Schewe (2017) The Summer School is aimed at Master’s students, PhD students, young researchers, scholars and practitioners in the area of second language learning and teaching who already engage in or would like to become involved in theatre/drama activities and research into these. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], The role of drama in higher and adult language education: from theory to practice, University of Padua , 28-AUG-17 - 01-SEP-17. [Details]
(2017)Irish-German Relations 2017: Between Böll and Brexit,
Manfred Schewe (2017) 17th International Conference in Irish-German Studies:. [Chair Sessions at Symposia], Irish-German Relations 2017: Between Böll and Brexit, University of Limerick , 14-SEP-17 - 16-SEP-17. [Details]
(2017)International Colloquium “Poesía española en la interfaz de la estética y el arte performativo” (22.06.2017 – 23.06.2017, Universität Paderborn),
Manfred Schewe (2017) Keynote: About the Theory and Practice of Performative Teaching and Learning. [Keynote Speaker], International Colloquium “Poesía española en la interfaz de la estética y el arte performativo” (22.06.2017 – 23.06.2017, Universität Paderborn), University of Paderborn, Department of Spanish , 22-JUN-17 - 23-JUN-17. [Details]
Manfred Schewe (2016) Annual Event with a focus on performative teaching, learning, research. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], 4th SCENARIO FORUM SYMPOSIUM, University College Cork , 11-NOV-16 - 11-NOV-16. [Details]
Manfred Schewe (2015) Annual event. [Keynote Speaker], 3rd SCENARIO FORUM SYMPOSIUM, University of Indiana, Bloomington , 23-OCT-15 - 24-OCT-15. [Details]
(2015)DaF a la Bauhaus?,
Manfred Schewe (2015) Sprachen lernen - kreativ, aktiv, handlungsorientiert. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], DaF a la Bauhaus?, University of Kassel , 15-JAN-15 - 16-JAN-15. [Details]
(2015)Internationaler Kongress für Drama- und Theaterpädagogik,
Manfred Schewe (2015) Keynote on 'Drama Pedagogy, Interculturality and Migration'. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Internationaler Kongress für Drama- und Theaterpädagogik, Retzhof/Austria , 27-MAR-15 - 01-APR-15. [Details]
(2015)Interculturality and Migration,
Manfred Schewe (2015) 3x6hr drama workshops with a focus on migration. [Invited Lectures (Workshops)], Interculturality and Migration, Retzhof/Austria , 27-MAR-15 - 01-APR-15. [Details]
Manfred Schewe (2015) Towards a new, performative teaching and learning culture. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], 2nd SCENARIO SYMPOSIUM, University College Cork , 25-SEP-15 - 25-SEP-15. [Details]
(2015)The Arts in Language Teaching - International Perspectives: Performative - Aesthetic - Transversal,
Manfred Schewe (2015) Two hour lecture + Discussion Event entitled: About the Theory and Practice of Performative Teaching and Learning. [Invited Seminars/Guest Lectures], The Arts in Language Teaching - International Perspectives: Performative - Aesthetic - Transversal, University of Education, Freiburg , 23-APR-15 - 23-APR-15. [Details]
(2014)SCENARIO FORUM Conference on Performative Teaching, Learning and Research,
Manfred Schewe (2014) Conference Organising Committee Chair. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], SCENARIO FORUM Conference on Performative Teaching, Learning and Research, University College Cork , 29-MAY-14 - 01-JUN-14. [Details]
(2014)OeAD Lektor/inn/en-Treffen,
Manfred Schewe (2014) Annual Conference of the Austrian Academic Exchange Service. [Invited Lectures (Workshops)], OeAD Lektor/inn/en-Treffen, London , 13-NOV-14 - 15-NOV-14. [Details]
(2014)Process and Practice: Adaptation Considered as a Collaborative Art,
Manfred Schewe (2014) This conference invites contributions that focus therefore on the creative processes and practices involved in adaptation across the entire spectrum of genres and media. [Chair Sessions at Symposia], Process and Practice: Adaptation Considered as a Collaborative Art, University College Cork , 03-OCT-14 - 04-OCT-14. [Details]
(2014)SCENARIO Forum 1st international Conference: Performative Teaching, Learning and Research,
Manfred Schewe/Micha Fleiner/Stefan Kriechbaumer/Niko Preuschoff (University College Cork); Susanne Even (Indiana University, Bloomington) (2014) This conference aims to pave the way towards a new, performative teaching and learning culture. [Conference Organising Committee Member], SCENARIO Forum 1st international Conference: Performative Teaching, Learning and Research, UCC, Ireland , 29-MAY-14 - 01-JUN-14. [Details]
(2014)SCENARIO FORUM Conference on Performative Teaching, Learning and Research,
Manfred Schewe / Susanne Even (2014) Plenary lecture entitled: Pedagogy in Transition. [Plenary Lecture], SCENARIO FORUM Conference on Performative Teaching, Learning and Research, University College Cork , 29-MAY-14 - 01-JUN-14. [Details]
(2014)Performing Arts in Language Learning,
Manfred Schewe (2014) A conference at which EUROPEARLL, a new European Association for the Performing Arts in Language Learning was launched. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Performing Arts in Language Learning, Rome , 22-OCT-14 - 24-OCT-14. [Details]
(2014)DAAD Lektor/inn/en - Treffen,
Manfred Schewe (2014) Annual Conference of the German Academic Exchange Service. [Invited Lectures (Workshops)], DAAD Lektor/inn/en - Treffen, London , 16-DEC-14 - 18-DEC-14. [Details]
(2013)International Symposium on Performative Teaching and Learning - Exploring Performative Practices across Disciplines,
Manfred Schewe (2013) Oral presentation entitled: Towards a new, performative teaching and learning culture: A modern languages perspective. [Oral Presentation], International Symposium on Performative Teaching and Learning - Exploring Performative Practices across Disciplines, University College Cork , 13-SEP-13 - 14-SEP-13. [Details]
(2013)Performing Thought, Thinking Performance,
Manfred Schewe (2013) The Performance Working Group, an interdisciplinary project funded by the School of Music and Theatre, hosts a one-day public symposium featuring discussions, workshops and performances. Focusing on the productive engagement between theory and practice, and informed by recent developments in research on performance, the symposium will consider the potential and limits of an exchange in which theory is understood as a form of practice and practice is understood as a form of thought. [Oral Presentation], Performing Thought, Thinking Performance, University College Cork , 14-JUN-13 - 14-JUN-13. [Details]
(2013)Performative Teaching and Learning - Exploring Performative Practices across Disciplines,
Manfred Schewe (2013) Conference Organising Committee Chair. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], Performative Teaching and Learning - Exploring Performative Practices across Disciplines, University College Cork , 13-SEP-13 - 14-SEP-13. [Details]
(2013)8th Drama and Education IDEA World Congress,
Manfred Schewe / Susanne Even (2013) Taking stock and looking ahead: 6 Years SCENARIO – a bilingual journal for drama and theatre in foreign and second language education. [Oral Presentation], 8th Drama and Education IDEA World Congress, Paris , 08-JUL-13 - 13-JUL-13. [Details]
(2013)Ästhetisches Lernen im DaF-Unterricht. Musik – Kunst – Film – Theater – Literatur,
Manfred Schewe (2013) (planned): Conference Organisation/Coordination of the Theatre Section. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], Ästhetisches Lernen im DaF-Unterricht. Musik – Kunst – Film – Theater – Literatur, Mexico City , 11-MAR-13 - 13-MAR-13. [Details]
(2012)Special Training Day for Teachers of German,
Manfred Schewe (2012) A one day conference with invited speakers. [Conference Organising Committee Member], Special Training Day for Teachers of German, University College Cork , 10-MAR-12 - 10-MAR-12. [Details]
(2012)Artists Closed Door Seminar,
Manfred Schewe (2012) A two-day closed seminar, followed by a one day field trip to two regional government schools in Karnataka/India. [Other], Artists Closed Door Seminar, United Theological College, Bangalore , 30-JAN-12 - 01-FEB-12. [Details]
(2012)4. Konferenz Deutsch als Fremdsprache,
Manfred Schewe (2012) Sprach-, Literatur- und Kulturvermittlung als Kunst: Die Dramapädagogik als Wegbereiterin einer performativen Fremdsprachendidaktik. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], 4. Konferenz Deutsch als Fremdsprache, Athens , 06-SEP-12 - 07-SEP-12. [Details]
(2012)CAUTG/APAUC Annual Conference 2012,
Manfred Schewe (2012) Annual conference of the Canadian Association of University Teachers of German. [Plenary Lecture], CAUTG/APAUC Annual Conference 2012, Waterloo , 26-MAY-12 - 29-MAY-12. [Details]
(2012)Annual Conference of the German Studies Association of Ireland,
Manfred Schewe (2012) The intersection between German Studies and a range of other disciplines - with a special focus on ADAPTATION. [Oral Presentation], Annual Conference of the German Studies Association of Ireland, Dublin, University College Cork , 23-NOV-12 - 24-NOV-12. [Details]
(2012)Die Kunst des Unterrichtens - Unterrichten als Kunst,
Manfred Schewe (2012) A conference for teachers of German in South India, organized by the Goethe Institute, Bangalore. [Invited Lectures (Workshops)], Die Kunst des Unterrichtens - Unterrichten als Kunst, Hotel Regaalis, Bangalore , 03-FEB-12 - 05-APR-12. [Details]
(2012)The Artist and Education: Diversity and Justice,
Manfred Schewe (2012) A conference for key stakeholders in Arts Education in India and abroad - artists, teachers, educationalists, policy makers, donors and organizations interested in issues related to diversity and social justice. [N/A], The Artist and Education: Diversity and Justice, National Gallery of Modern Art, Bangalore , 30-JAN-12 - 04-FEB-12. [Details]
(2011)Contemporary German-Irish Cultural Relations in a European Perspective. Exploring Issues in cultural policy and practice,
Manfred Schewe; (2011) The conference marks 50 years Goethe-Institut in Ireland. Organised by the Centre for Irish-German Studies, University of Limerick, and the Goethe Institut Irland in partnership with the European Union National Institutes of Culture (EUNIC), the German Embassy, the Embassy of Switzerland, the Austrian Embassy and Improvised Music Company. [Invited Oral Presentation], Contemporary German-Irish Cultural Relations in a European Perspective. Exploring Issues in cultural policy and practice, Dublin, Goethe Institute , 06-MAY-11 - 07-MAY-11. [Details]
(2011)Jouer les langues. Theatre et performance dans l'apprentissage des langues etrangeres,
Manfred Schewe; (2011) Rencontre scientifique internationale sur le theatre dans l'apprentissage des langues etrangeres. (Departement de Sciences Humaines de l'Universita del Piemonte Orientale 'Amedeo Avogadro' et l'Universite Stendhal - Grenoble 3. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Jouer les langues. Theatre et performance dans l'apprentissage des langues etrangeres, Vercelli, Italy , 07-JUN-11 - 08-JUN-11. [Details]
(2011)Jahrestagung der DAAD-Lektor(inn)en und Sprachassisten(inn)en in Großbritannien und Irland,
Manfred Schewe (2011) Annual Conference of DAAD lecturers and language assistants in Great Britain and Ireland. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], Jahrestagung der DAAD-Lektor(inn)en und Sprachassisten(inn)en in Großbritannien und Irland, Cumberland Lodge, Windsor Great Park , 07-DEC-11 - 09-DEC-11. [Details]
(2010)Leadership in Challenging Times (Participant),
Manfred Schewe (2010) A conference addressing development of leadership and management capability across UCC. [N/A], Leadership in Challenging Times (Participant), UCC , 24-SEP-10 - 24-SEP-10. [Details]
(2010)Performance - Performanz,
Manfred Schewe; (2010) Plädoyer für eine performative Wende in der Sprach-, Literatur- und Kulturdidaktik. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Performance - Performanz, Valencia , 16-SEP-10 - 18-SEP-11. [Details]
(2010)Körper, Klang, Rhythmus: 13. Grazer Tagung DaF/DaZ,
Manfred Schewe; (2010) Auf dass sich die Welt immer wieder verzaubere: Plädoyer für eine neue performative Lehr- und Lernkultur im Deutsch als Fremd- und Zweitsprachenunterricht. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Körper, Klang, Rhythmus: 13. Grazer Tagung DaF/DaZ, University of Graz - Universitätslehrgang DaF/DaZ , 18-JUN-10 - 19-JUN-10. [Details]
(2010)Körper, Klang, Rhythmus: 13. Grazer Tagung DaF/DaZ,
Manfred Schewe; (2010) Sich im Vokal bewegen und geborgen fühlen. [Invited Lectures (Workshops)], Körper, Klang, Rhythmus: 13. Grazer Tagung DaF/DaZ, University of Graz , 18-JUN-10 - 19-JUN-10. [Details]
(2010)Arts, Education and Development,
Manfred Schewe; (2010) Arts Education and the Development of the Self. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Arts, Education and Development, Bangalore, India , 17-DEC-10 - 18-DEC-10. [Details]
(2010)Arts, Education and Development,
Manfred Schewe; (2010) Arts and Language Education. [Invited Lectures (Workshops)], Arts, Education and Development, Bangalore, India , 16-DEC-10 - 17-DEC-10. [Details]
(2009)Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Fremdsprachenforschung,
Manfred Schewe; (2009) Eine performative Wende in der Sprach-, Literatur- und Kulturdidaktik?!. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Fremdsprachenforschung, Leipzig , 30-SEP-09 - 03-OCT-09. [Details]
(2009)Divadlo jazyku,
Manfred Schewe (2009) Nationwide language learners' theatre festival and educational theatre conference. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Divadlo jazyku, Faculty of Education, Charles University , 12-JUN-09 - 19-APR-09. [Details]
Manfred Schewe (2009) Special conference for teachers associated with the Goethe Institute in Toronto. [Invited Lectures (Workshops)], Multiplikatoren-Fortbildung, Arnprior (near Ottawa) , 17-MAY-09 - 21-MAY-09. [Details]
(2009)Korrespondenzen: Theater - Ästhetik - Pädagogik,
Manfred Schewe; (2009) Community Theatre und Kulturtransfer: Calderon via Einsiedeln nach Cork. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Korrespondenzen: Theater - Ästhetik - Pädagogik, Leibniz Universität Hannover , 20-FEB-09 - 22-JAN-09. [Details]
(2008)Intercultural Perspectives on Drama and Theatre in Foreign Language Education. Paper and workshop given at conference,
Manfred Schewe; (2008) Teatro e insegnamento delle lingue straniere. Esperienze e pratiche a confronto in prospettiva interculturale. [Oral Presentation], Intercultural Perspectives on Drama and Theatre in Foreign Language Education. Paper and workshop given at conference, Universita di Bologna sede di Forli , 29-JAN-08 - 29-JAN-08. [Details]
(2007)Translation: Process and Performance,
Manfred Schewe, Stephen Boyd; (2007) 'Calderón in Cork (via Einsiedeln): Translating Thomas Hürlimann's Das Einsiedler Welttheater'. [Oral Presentation], Translation: Process and Performance, organised by 'Betwixt and Between: The Research Forum in Translation and Cultural Encounter' at Queen's University Belfast in cooperation with the Department of Spanish and Spanish American Studies of King's College London. Senate House, University of London, 23-24 November 2007 , 01-NOV-07 - 01-NOV-07. [Details]
(2006)Internationale Deutschlehrertagung (IDT),
Manfred Schewe (2006) Dramapädagogik im fremdsprachlichen Deutschunterricht auf dem Wege von gestern nach morgen. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Internationale Deutschlehrertagung (IDT), University of Graz , 01-AUG-06 - 06-JAN-05. [Details]
(2005)The cause of Cosmopolitanism and Beyond - 31st Research Symposium of the Royal Irish Academy Committee for Modern language, literary and cultural studies,
Manfred Schewe (2005) The World as a Fat Village Woman OR Each point on a globe is a centre point. [Oral Presentation], The cause of Cosmopolitanism and Beyond - 31st Research Symposium of the Royal Irish Academy Committee for Modern language, literary and cultural studies, UCC , 11-NOV-05 - 12-NOV-05. [Details]
(2005)The Cause of Cosmopolitanism and Beyond,
Manfred Schewe; (2005) The World as a Fat Village Woman or each point on a globe is a centre point. [Oral Presentation], The Cause of Cosmopolitanism and Beyond, 31st Research Symposium of the Royal Irish Academy Committee for Modern Language, Literary and Cultural Studies held in University College Cork under the title: , 11-NOV-05 - 12-NOV-05. [Details]
(2005)Dramapädagogik und experimentelle Lernformen at Internationale Deutschlehrertagung (IDT),
Manfred Schewe; (2005) Dramapädagogik im fremdsprachlichen Deutschunterricht auf dem Wege von gestern nach morgen. [Oral Presentation], Dramapädagogik und experimentelle Lernformen at Internationale Deutschlehrertagung (IDT), University of Graz , 01-AUG-05 - 06-AUG-05. [Details]
(2004)International Conference: Twisfer: Theatre Work in Social Fields - European Research,
Manfred Schewe (2004) Conference as part of the TWISFER - Research Project funded by the European Union. [Conference Organising Committee Member], International Conference: Twisfer: Theatre Work in Social Fields - European Research, University College Cork , 12-MAR-04 - 14-MAR-04. [Details]
(2004)Germanistenkongress Deutschland-Großbritannien-Irland,
Literaturvermittlung in der Auslandsgermanistik (2004) Germanists from German universities as well as British and Irish universities were invited to discuss recent developments within Germanistik. [Chair Sessions at Symposia], Germanistenkongress Deutschland-Großbritannien-Irland, Dresden , 30-SEP-04 - 03-OCT-04. [Details]
(2004)PERFORUM Lecture Series,
Manfred Schewe / Stephen Boyd (2004) Theatres of the World: Calderon's Journey to Switzerland (Thomas Hürlimann's Adaptation of El Gran Teatro del Mundo). [Invited Lectures (Workshops)], PERFORUM Lecture Series, UCC , 18-FEB-04 - 18-FEB-04. [Details]
(2004)Dramapädagogische Annäherungen an fremde Sprache, Literatur und Kultur,
Manfred Schewe (2004) Conference Theater in der Lehre III. [Invited Seminars/Guest Lectures], Dramapädagogische Annäherungen an fremde Sprache, Literatur und Kultur, University of Oldenburg , 20-MAY-04 - 22-MAY-04. [Details]
(2004)Teaching through the Target Language: Sharing of Practice,
Manfred Schewe (2004) Conference organised by the Department of Education, UCC. [Invited Oral Presentation], Teaching through the Target Language: Sharing of Practice, UCC , 19-MAR-04 - 20-MAR-04. [Details]
(2004)Towards a Definition of Theatre in Social Fields,
Manfred Schewe/Bernadette Cronin (2004) Contribution to 2nd Partner Conference on Theatre in Social Fields. [Invited Oral Presentation], Towards a Definition of Theatre in Social Fields, Berlin , 02-DEC-04 - 05-DEC-04. [Details]
(2003)The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education,
Manfred Schewe / Trina Scott (2003) This is going to be such a doss!?. [Invited Oral Presentation], The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, UCC , 23-MAY-03 - 25-MAY-03. [Details]
(2003)Project presentations - UCC Awards for Research into Innovative Forms of Teaching,
Manfred Schewe / Trina Scott (2003) Literature as Aesthetic Practice - Reporting on the Design of a New Final Year Course. [Invited Oral Presentation], Project presentations - UCC Awards for Research into Innovative Forms of Teaching, UCC , 10-JUN-03 - 10-JUN-03. [Details]
(2003)Drama and Theatre in the Teaching and Learning of Language, Literature and Culture,
Manfred Schewe/Trina Scott (2003) A conference which aimed at bringing together researchers and practitioners in the area of drama and theatre in foreign/second language teaching. [Oral Presentation], Drama and Theatre in the Teaching and Learning of Language, Literature and Culture, University College Cork , 18-APR-03 - 21-SEP-03. [Details]
(2003)International Conference: Drama and Theatre in the Teaching and Learning of Language, Literature and Culture,
Manfred Schewe; (2003) A conference which aimed at bringing together researchers and practitioners in the area of drama and theatre in foreign/second language teaching. [Conference Organising Committee Member], International Conference: Drama and Theatre in the Teaching and Learning of Language, Literature and Culture, University College Cork , 18-SEP-03 - 21-SEP-03. [Details]
(2003)PERFORUM Lecture Series,
Manfred Schewe (2003) Contemporary German Theatre (in Berlin). [Invited Lectures (Workshops)], PERFORUM Lecture Series, UCC , 26-MAR-03 - 26-MAR-03. [Details]
(2002)Jahreskonferenz des Fachverbands Deutsch als Fremdsprache,
Manfred Schewe (2002) Literaturvermittlung auf dem Wege von gestern nach morgen. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Jahreskonferenz des Fachverbands Deutsch als Fremdsprache, Munich , 30-MAY-02 - 31-MAY-02. [Details]
(2002)The Future of German,
Manfred Schewe (2002) Zukunftsgemäße Deutschlehrerausbildung - Assoziationen, Thesen und Reformvorschläge. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], The Future of German, King's College London , 13-JUN-02 - 14-JUN-02. [Details]
(2002)German Literature - then and now,
Manfred Schewe / Peter Jankowsky (2002) A Series of four lectures on German literature from Wolfgang Johann von Goethe to Thomas Hürlimann. [Invited Seminars/Guest Lectures], German Literature - then and now, Dublin City Central Library, Ilac Centre , 01-NOV-02 - 30-NOV-02. [Details]
(2001)Crime and Punishment,
Manfred Schewe / Grace Neville (2001) Conference Co-Organiser. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], Crime and Punishment, UCC , 01-MAY-01 - 01-MAY-01. [Details]
(2000)Annual Conference of Canadian Teachers of German,
Manfred Schewe (2000) Dramapädagogik im Deutsch als Fremdsprache-Unterricht. [Invited Lectures (Workshops)], Annual Conference of Canadian Teachers of German, Toronto , 15-SEP-00 - 16-SEP-00. [Details]
(2000)IXth Annual Conference on Cross-Currents in Literature, Film and the Visual Arts on The Sublime and the City,
Manfred Schewe (2000) Some Reflections on Multicultural Berlin at the end of the 1990's, based on GRIPS-playswright Volker Ludwig's CAFE MiTTE. [Chair Sessions at Symposia], IXth Annual Conference on Cross-Currents in Literature, Film and the Visual Arts on The Sublime and the City, UCC , 28-APR-00 - 30-APR-00. [Details]
(1998)Texts and Transformations: Drama, Theatre and Active Learning,
Manfred Schewe (1998) Drama as a Method in Modern Language Teaching and Learning at Third Level. [Invited Lectures (Workshops)], Texts and Transformations: Drama, Theatre and Active Learning, UCC , 03-APR-98 - 07-APR-98. [Details]
(1998)Annual Conference of Italian Teachers of German,
Manfred Schewe (1998) Dramapädagogische Methoden im DaF-Unterricht. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Annual Conference of Italian Teachers of German, Milano , 22-OCT-98 - 23-JAN-98. [Details]
(1998)Texts and Transformations: Drama, Theatre and Active Learning,
Manfred Schewe (1998) A conference which recognises and aims to celebrate the transformative potential of drama/theatre within education. [Other], Texts and Transformations: Drama, Theatre and Active Learning, University College Cork , 03-APR-98 - 03-JUL-99. [Details]
(1997)Internationale Deutschlehrertagung,
Manfred Schewe (1997) Co-organiser of Section on Alternative Sprachlehr- und lernansätze. [Conference Organising Committee Member], Internationale Deutschlehrertagung, Amsterdam , 04-AUG-97 - 08-AUG-97. [Details]
(1997)Internationale Deutschlehrertagung (IDT),
Manfred Schewe (1997) DaF-Stunden dramapädagogisch gestalten - eine Einführung in Inszenierungstechniken. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Internationale Deutschlehrertagung (IDT), Amsterdam , 06-AUG-97 - 06-AUG-99. [Details]
(1997)Annual Conference of French Teachers of German,
Manfred Schewe (1997) Lebendiges Lernen im Deutschunterricht. [Invited Lectures (Workshops)], Annual Conference of French Teachers of German, Lille , 18-OCT-97 - 18-OCT-97. [Details]
(1997)25. Jahrestagung Deutsch als Fremdsprache,
Manfred Schewe (1997) Emotion und Kognition im Fremdsprachenunterricht. [Chair Sessions at Symposia], 25. Jahrestagung Deutsch als Fremdsprache, Mainz , 22-MAY-97 - 25-MAY-97. [Details]
(1996)16. Fremdsprachendidaktik-Kongress (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Fremdsprachenforschung),
Manfred Schewe (1996) Das Spannende am Inhalt ist die Form! Fremdsprachenunterricht im Blickwinkel ästhetischer Erziehung. [Invited Oral Presentation], 16. Fremdsprachendidaktik-Kongress (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Fremdsprachenforschung), Halle (Martin Luther - University) , 04-OCT-96 - 06-OCT-96. [Details]
(1996)Royal Irish Academy Symposium on 'Culture and Language Learning',
Manfred Schewe (1996) Culture and Language Learning from an aesthetic perspective. [Oral Presentation], Royal Irish Academy Symposium on 'Culture and Language Learning', Limerick (University) , 07-NOV-96 - 08-NOV-96. [Details]
(1996)24. Jahrestagung des Fachverbandes Deutsch als Fremdsprache,
Manfred Schewe (1996) DaF-Lehrer/innen-Ausbildung: Nicht nur als Wissenschaft, sondern ebenso als Kunst. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], 24. Jahrestagung des Fachverbandes Deutsch als Fremdsprache, Göttingen (University) , 29-MAY-96 - 31-MAY-96. [Details]
(1995)Annual Conference of Irish Teachers of German (Gesellschaft der Deutschlehrer Irlands),
Manfred Schewe / Peter Jankowsky (1995) Nur der Mensch, der spielt, ist ganz Mensch (frei nach Schiller). [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Annual Conference of Irish Teachers of German (Gesellschaft der Deutschlehrer Irlands), Dublin (Trinity College) , 10-DEC-95 - 10-DEC-95. [Details]
(1995)Drama, Cultural Awareness and Foreign Language Teaching,
Manfred Schewe (1995) Imagination and Cultural Awareness. [Invited Lectures (Workshops)], Drama, Cultural Awareness and Foreign Language Teaching, Durham (University) , 16-FEB-95 - 18-FEB-96. [Details]
(1994)Prinzipien und Handlungsformen teilnehmerorientierter, kooperativer und praxisnaher Aus- und Fortbildung von Fremdsprachenlehrer/innen,
Manfred Schewe (1994) Dramapädagogische Übungsformen. [Invited Lectures (Workshops)], Prinzipien und Handlungsformen teilnehmerorientierter, kooperativer und praxisnaher Aus- und Fortbildung von Fremdsprachenlehrer/innen, Central Office, Goethe Institute, Munich , 22-MAR-94 - 22-MAR-94. [Details]
(1994)Internationaler Fremdsprachenkongress des FMF und der FIPLV,
Manfred Schewe (1994) Fremdsprache lehren und lernen mit Kopf, Herz, Hand und Fuß. [Chair Sessions at Symposia], Internationaler Fremdsprachenkongress des FMF und der FIPLV, University of Hamburg , 28-MAR-94 - 30-MAR-94. [Details]
(1993)10. Pädagogische Woche,
Manfred Schewe (1993) Innere und äußere Lernbewegungen im Fremdsprachenunterricht. [Invited Lectures (Workshops)], 10. Pädagogische Woche, University of Oldenburg , 17-SEP-93 - 17-SEP-93. [Details]
(1992)9. Pädagogische Woche an der Universität Oldenburg,
Manfred Schewe (1992) Fremdsprachenunterricht als Inszenierung. [Invited Lectures (Workshops)], 9. Pädagogische Woche an der Universität Oldenburg, Oldenburg University , 02-OCT-92 - 03-OCT-92. [Details]
(1992)1st conference of the IDEA (International Drama Education Association),
Manfred Schewe (1992) Workshop - Intercultural Learning through drama. [Oral Presentation], 1st conference of the IDEA (International Drama Education Association), Porto , 20-JUL-92 - 25-JAN-92. [Details]
(1992)Jahrestagung 92 des Fachverbandes Deutsch als Fremdsprache,
Manfred Schewe (1992) Theatermethoden zur Förderung mündlicher Kommunikation im Fremdsprachenunterricht. [Oral Presentation], Jahrestagung 92 des Fachverbandes Deutsch als Fremdsprache, Mainz , 11-JUN-92 - 12-JUN-92. [Details]
(1991)3. Regionaltreffen der Lehrgebiete Deutsch als Fremdsprache,
Manfred Schewe (1991) Dramapädagogische Übungsformen im DaF-Unterricht - am Beispiel von gängigen Lehrbuchtexten. [Chair Sessions at Symposia], 3. Regionaltreffen der Lehrgebiete Deutsch als Fremdsprache, University of Oldenburg , 25-SEP-91 - 25-SEP-91. [Details]
(1991)Jahrestagung Deutsch als Fremdsprache,
Manfred Schewe (1991) Arbeitsfomren in einem literarisch orientierten Fremdsprachenunterricht. [Chair Sessions at Symposia], Jahrestagung Deutsch als Fremdsprache, Mainz , 07-JUN-91 - 09-JUN-91. [Details]
(1991)8. Pädagogische Woche,
Manfred Schewe (1991) Dramapädagogischer Fremdsprachenunterricht - praktisch. [Invited Lectures (Workshops)], 8. Pädagogische Woche, University of Oldenburg , 27-SEP-91 - 28-SEP-91. [Details]
(1990)7. Pädagogische Woche,
Manfred Schewe / Ali Müller-Black (1990) Kulturverstehen mit Hilfe dramapädagogischer Lehr-/Lernverfahren. [Invited Lectures (Workshops)], 7. Pädagogische Woche, University of Oldenburg , 01-OCT-90 - 01-OCT-91. [Details]
(1988)Fachtagung Sprache lernen mit Theater,
Manfred Schewe (1988) Eine Kultur spielend verstehen!? - am Beispiel Irland. [Invited Lectures (Workshops)], Fachtagung Sprache lernen mit Theater, München , 01-DEC-88 - 03-DEC-88. [Details]
(1988)Didaktik des Faches Deutsch als Fremdsprache III,
Manfred Schewe (1988) Plädoyer für eine dramapädagogische Landeskunde. [Chair Sessions at Symposia], Didaktik des Faches Deutsch als Fremdsprache III, Berching , 13-SEP-88 - 16-JAN-88. [Details]
(1987)The Integration of the Teaching and Language and Literature at 3rd Level,
Manfred Schewe / Peter Shaw (1987) The Foreign and One's Own - A Comparative Use of Literary Texts in the Teaching of a Modern Language. [Invited Oral Presentation], The Integration of the Teaching and Language and Literature at 3rd Level, Cork (UCC) , 08-MAY-87 - 09-MAY-87. [Details]
(1986)The Teaching of Literature,
Manfred Schewe / Peter Shaw (1986) Cultural Competence through Studying Literature. [Chair Sessions at Symposia], The Teaching of Literature, UCC , 02-NOV-86 - 03-NOV-86. [Details]
Manfred Schewe (1984) Demonstration einer kommunikativ orientierten Konversationsstunde. [Chair Sessions at Symposia], DAAD-Lektorentagung, London , 16-MAR-84 - 16-JAN-84. [Details]
(1982)Vorlesungsserie der Bibliothek der Hochschule St. Gallen,
Manfred Schewe (1982) Soziale Utopien in der englischen Literatur seit Thomas Morus. [Invited Lectures (Workshops)], Vorlesungsserie der Bibliothek der Hochschule St. Gallen, Stadtbibliothek St. Gallen , 10-JUN-82 - 10-JUN-82. [Details]

Journal Activities

 JournalRoleTo / From
Research In Drama Education: The Journal Of Applied Theatre And Performance Peer Reviewer-
Die Unterrichtspraxis/Teaching German Referee-
Scenario - Drama And Theatre In Language Education Editor15-SEP-06 -
Language Learning Journal Referee-
Gfl - German As A Foreign Language Editor-
Gfl - German As A Foreign Language Referee-
Gfl - German As A Foreign Language Member of Editorial Board-
Informationen Deutsch Als Fremdsprache Referee20-MAY-11 -
The German Quarterly Referee01-JUL-14 - 30-JUN-17
System Referee-
Year Book Of The Centre Of Irish-German Studies Referee-

Professional Associations

 AssociationFunctionFrom / To
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Fremdsprachenforschung Member01-JAN-00 /
EUROPEARLL (European Association - Performing Arts in Language Learning) Member of Scientific Board22-OCT-14 / 25-SEP-17
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Hochschuldidaktik Member15-SEP-18 /
Fachverband Deutsch als Fremdsprache (FaDaF) Member01-JAN-89 /
Centre for Irish-German Studies Member15-SEP-02 /
German Studies Association Ireland (GSAI) Member15-SEP-02 /


 CommitteeFunctionFrom / To
Scientific Committee: 8th World Congress Drama in Education Member2013 / 2013
CACSSS College Executive Committee Member2007 / 2013
Academic Committee: Languages in Motion: Language Learning/Teaching and the Performing Arts Member2011 / 2011
CACSSS Postgraduate Studies Committee Member2012 / 2013
Departmental Graduate Studies Committee Chair2012 / 2013
Advisory Board - Department of Drama and Theatre Studies Chair2012 / 2013
Quality Review Committee - School of Languages, Literatures and Cultures Member2012 / 2013
Faculty Academic Development Committee Member2004 / 2007
Arts Faculty Research Committee Member1999 / 1999
Faculty of Arts Postgraduate Studies Committee Member1999 / 1999
Staff Enhancement and Development Committee Member2008 / 2010
School Executive Management Committee (School of Languages, Literatures and Cultures) Member2011 / 2014
College Executive Management Committee (College of Arts, Celtic Studies and Social Sciences) Member2011 / 2014
Board of Applied Linguistics Chair2001 / 2005
College Executive Management Committee (College of Arts, Celtic Studies and Social Sciences) Member2009 / 2011
Board of Drama and Theatre Studies Member1998 / 2009
Member of international Selection Committee / DAAD Bonn / German Academic Exchange Service Member2007 /


Universities and Cultural Institutes in different parts of the world
Over the years my research-related activities have included numerous seminars, workshops as well as extensive in-service courses for professional associations and institutions in different parts of the world (for details see the list under Research Information)
Routledge Publishers
Meridian Theatre Company, Cork
I have been on the Board of Directors of Meridian Theatre Company, Cork, from 1998 to 2010, including Chair of the Board for a number of years. 
Cyclone Repertory Company, Cork
I have been a member of the Board of Directors since 2006, including the role of Chair

Other Activities



1. Examining

External Examiner for the following institutions: 
  • University of Limerick (1 MRes)
  • University of Valencia (1 PhD) 
  • University of Durham (3 PhD) 
  • King's College London (1 PhD) 
  • University of Essex (Undergraduate Programme in German Studies) 
  • Trinity College Dublin (2 PhD) 
  • Waterford Institute of Technology (1 MRes) 
  • Waterford Institute of Technology (MA Programme in Second Language Teaching and Learning) 
2. Panel of Reviewers / Selection Committees Member of external Panels/Selection Committees
  • Member of international Selection Committee: DAAD Bonn / German Academic Exchange Service - (8 Lecturing Posts / 10 Language Assistant Posts) 
  • Member of Selection Committee: NUI Galway (Applied Language Teacher Post) 
  • External Member of Panel of Reviewers for the MA in Second Language Teaching and Learning (Waterford Institute of Technology) 
  • Member and also Chair of Selection Selection Board for DAAD Scholarships (German Embassy Dublin) 
  • Reviewer for Austrian Ministry of Science and Research (Research Scholarship Applications)
  • Reviewer (Evaluation of Study Programmes at Katholische Hochschule Wien/Krems)
  • Reviewer for American University (Evaluation of Application for Tenure)
  • Reviewer for Routledge Publishing House (Evaluation of Book Proposals)
3. Member of internal Interview Panels/Selection Committees 
  • Member of various Selection Committees, including role of Chair: College Lecturer Posts in Drama and Theatre Studies, Senior Lecturer and College Lecturer Posts in German Studies, College Language Teachers), Lecturing Posts in English Studies and Creative Writing 

Visits Abroad in the Context of ERASMUS STAFF EXCHANGE PROGRAMMES:

University of Rostock (July 2017) /  University of Potsdam (June 2016) / (June 2014) /  (2012); Universität der Künste, Berlin (2010) / University of Hanover (2006). 

Field trips to Berlin with 2nd and 3rd year students of German (2009) / Fieldtrip to Berlin with 2nd and 3rd year students of German (2008)

Performance Projects
See under Publications


 EmployerPositionFrom / To
University College Cork Head of German and Senior Lecturer01-OCT-04 /
UCC Professor01-OCT-15 /
UCC Professor15-SEP-16 / 30-JUN-18
University College Cork College Lecturer01-SEP-94 / 30-SEP-04
Carl von Ossietzky, Oldenburg, German Lecturer01-JAN-88 / 31-DEC-94
University College Cork Temp. Full-time lecturer01-JAN-82 / 31-DEC-87


1981Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg MEdGerman / English / Pedagogy
1993Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg PhDResearch Project
1989Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg DiplomaSpielleiterausbildung - Special training in Drama and Theatre Studies
1980Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg BAEnglish and German


German FluentFluentFluent
English FluentFluentFluent
French BasicBasicBasic
Spanish BasicBasicBasic
Swiss German FluentFunctionalBasic
Lower German FluentFluentFluent

Outreach Activities


19th January 2017, 5pm, CACSSS Mary Ryan Seminar Room, ORB G27, UCC

Public Lecture as part of a CASiLaC lecture series entitled: European Thought and Global Inspiration

The Global Brecht

The world over actors, writers, critics and educators continue to be fascinated by Bertolt Brecht. With reference to the biography and selected works of this inspirational theatre director, playwright and poet, Manfred Schewe will share some of his own Brecht fascination and refer to his Brecht-focused performative teaching practice in the area of language, literature and culture education.


2012-11-29 - Invitation from Centre for Irish-German Studies, University of Limerick, to launch book Contemporary German-Irish Cultural Relations in a European Perspective - Exploring Issues in Cultural Policy and Practice, edited by Joachim Fischer and Rolf Stehle. 29 November, 2012, Plassey House, University of Limerick

Enter Stage Left: Panel Discussion and Preview

4pm Friday 7 April 2017

The Glucksman invites you to a special preview and panel discussion accompanying our new exhibition Enter Stage Left: The craft of theatre in art. This panel discussion will feature exhibiting artists Lothar Götz and Aoibheann Greenan, and Professor Manfred Schewe (Drama & Theatre, UCC), discussing the works and themes that inform Enter Stage Left.

The theatre is traditionally seen as a space of storytelling and illusion, where the spectator surrenders to the narrative. In Enter Stage Left, various dramatic devices such as sets, props, lighting and script, are utilised by Irish and international contemporary artists in order to undercut this sense of artifice, following the playwright Bertholt Brecht’s conviction that: “the illusion created by the theatre must be a partial one, so that it can always be recognised as illusion.”

Artists: Ella de Búrca, Lothar Götz, Aoibheann Greenan, Barbara Kasten, Gareth Kennedy, David Noonan, Alexandre Singh, and Althea Thauberger.

Curated by Chris Clarke and Fiona Kearney

2012-06-12 - IN DETAIL - Looking closely at a work of art. Contribution to the Glucksman public conversations that focus on a single work of art (Exhibition The Sacred Modernist: Josef Albers as a Catholic Artist; Glucksman Gallery, UCC, April - July 2012) 

1986 - THE GREEN MACHINE - A Theatre in Education Project for secondary schools and universities in Germany and Switzerland. Producer. THE GREEN MACHINE was performed to around 17.000 students. (see report in IRISH TIMES - 07-01-1987)

1984 - THE HIDDEN JOURNEY - A Theatre in Education Project for secondary schools and universities in German speaking countries (see article by Johnny Hanrahan/Manfred Schewe (1984) (- for details see my list of publications)

2005-09-05 - Invited Workshop (leading to performance) entitled Lektor's Life - A Dramatic Exploration. As part of a conference for DAAD-Lektoren (09 - 11  Sept 2005), Venue: University of Oxford.

1997-10-18 - One day workshop Dramapädagogische Methoden im Unterricht Deutsch als Fremdsprache for French teachers of German, organised by the Goethe Institute Lille. Venue: Goethe Institute Lille

1997-11-21/22 - Week-end Workshop Deutschunterricht dramapädagogisch gestalten: Wie mache ich das? for teachers of German in the Munster region, organised by the Gesellschaft der Deutschlehrer Irlands in cooperation with the Goethe Institute Dublin. Venue: Granary Theatre, University College Cork

1998-12-10 - Invited (3,5 hr) Workshop Drama as a Method in the Teaching of German as a Foreign Language, organised by the London Branch of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). Target Group: DAAD-Lecturers; Venue: Cumberland Lodge

2006-09-21 - Workshop Literatur dramapädagogisch erfahren for teachers of German, organised by the Goethe Institute Boston. Venue: Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester MA

2006-09-20 - Workshop Lehren und Lernen mit Kopf, Herz, Hand und Fuß for teachers of German, organised by the Goethe Institute Boston. Venue: Melrose High School, Melrose MA

2006-09-16 - Workshop for American university teachers of German. Fremdsprache inszenieren, organised by Goethe Institute Boston. Venue: Goethe Institute Boston

2008-03-08 - Workshop Devising and performing a short piece: From role play to more complex scenarios as part of a one-day special training course entitled "Get ready for the Leaving Certificate German Oral examination", organised by the Department of German, UCC 

2013 - one-hour lecture and a series of five master classes at the Katholische Pädagogische Hochschule Wien/Krems (23-25 November) for postgraduates in the “MA Lehrgang Dramapädagogik"

Teaching Activities

Teaching Interests

  • 1981, German State Exam: completion of teacher training course at Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg [equivalent of 4 year B.A. course plus 2 year M.Ed. course]
  • 1989, completion of Spielleiterausbildung (three semester training course in drama and theatre pedagogy) at Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg
  • since 1989 numerous in-service courses at institutions in Germany, Ireland and Great Britain
  • 2002: UCC President's Award for Research on Innovative Forms of Teaching and Learning
  • 2002: UCC President's Award for Research on Innovative Forms of Teaching and Learning
  • 2013/14: UCC Teaching Fellowship Award (College of Art, Celtic Studies and Social Sciences)


Unversity of Würzburg (April - July):

Irish Studies in the EFL classroom: Exploring performative approaches to language, literature and culture – with a special focus on Ireland 

The 'performative turn', driven by developments in linguistics, theatre and also gender studies, is a paradigmatic shift in the humanities and social sciences that has affected many disciplines, including the modern languages. This module will introduce participants to the theory and practice of performative teaching and learning. Based on the premise that the performing arts are a rich source of inspiration for teachers, participants will be introduced to specific performative techniques (including still images, hot seating, sound-tracking, mantle of the expert, thought-tracking, teacher in role) and explore how these techniques can be applied to the study of language, literature and culture. Given the special emphasis in this module on Ireland, participants will engage with a range of materials and texts that focus on aspects of Irish culture, including a special focus on aspects of intercultural (German/Irish) encounters. The following question will serve as a point of reference throughout the module: Can performative approaches to language, literature and culture facilitate a deep(er) learning experience? It is expected that at the end of the module participants will have developed a good understanding of the main features of a 'Performative Fremdsprachendidaktik' (Performative Foreign Language Education) and be able to apply basic performative techniques in the EFL classroom. To prepare for the module participants are advised to watch a short film that captures moments of a conference on 'Performative Spaces in Language, Literature and Culture Education' (University College Cork - 2017):

Middlebury College / Vermont (Department of German) - 4 July to 27 July 
Teaching a module within the intensive Summer School Programme:

Eine Einführung in die Performative Fremdsprachendidaktik 

Die performative Wende, die durch Entwicklungen in der Linguistik, im Theater und auch in der Geschlechterforschung vorangetrieben wurde, ist ein Paradigmenwechsel in den Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften, der viele Disziplinen, darunter auch die modernen Sprachen, beeinflusst hat. In diesem Modul werden die Teilnehmer:innen in die Theorie und Praxis des performativen Lehrens und Lernens eingeführt. Ausgehend von der Prämisse, dass die darstellenden Künste eine reichhaltige Inspirationsquelle für Lehrer:innen sind, werden die Teilnehmer:innen in spezifische performative Techniken eingeführt (u. a. Standbild, Heißer Stuhl, 'Expertenmantel', Geräuschkulisse, Gedanken-Stopp, LiRo-Technik) und sie erproben, wie diese Techniken im sprach-, literatur- und kulturbezogenen Fremdsprachenunterricht gezielt eingesetzt werden können. Im Laufe des Moduls wird die folgende Frage zum Bezugspunkt für Reflexionsgespräche: Können performative Zugänge zu Sprache, Literatur und Kultur eine tief(er)gehende Lernerfahrung ermöglichen? Es wird erwartet, dass die Teilnehmer:innen sich intensiv mit relevanter Forschungsliteratur auseinandersetzen, zum Ende des Module ein gutes Verständnis für die Hauptmerkmale einer Performativen Fremdsprachendidaktik entwickelt haben und in der Lage sind, grundlegende performative Techniken im fremdsprachlichen Unterricht anzuwenden. Zur Vorbereitung auf das Modul wird den Teilnehmer:innen empfohlen, einen kurzen Film anzusehen, der Momente einer Konferenz zum Thema Performative Spaces in Language, Literature and Culture Education(University College Cork - 2017) einfängt:


  • GE1102 Introduction to Literature
  • GE2122 Field Trip to Berlin
  • GE2126 German Literature from 18th to 21st Century
  • GE3108 Introduction to German as a Foreign Language
  • GE3134 Field Trip to Berlin
  • LL3102 European Cultural Identies: Cultural Capitals
  • GE2129 German Drama and Theatre of the 20th and 21st Century
  • GE3118 Literatur verstehen und inszenieren
  • GE3136 Berlin in Literature, Theatre, Film and Visual Art
  • DR2019 Applied Drama & Theatre
  • DR3020 Applied Drama & Theatre
  • DR6042 Applied Theatre Social Studies
  • DR3024 In Semester Internship

1. MA in German Studies
  • GE6007 Research Dissertation
  • GE6008 Research Methods II GE6010 Introduction to German Studies
  • GE6011 The Teaching and Learning of Language, Literature and Culture GE6012 Drama and Theatre Pedagogy

2. MA in Drama and Theatre Studies / MRes in Drama and Theatre Studies
I have taught on this inter-departmental programme since 1998. My contribution in previous years have included the following modules:
  • DR6012 Special Studies in Applied Drama and Theatre I
  • DR6013 Special Studies in Applied Drama and Theatre II
  • DR6016 Research Dissertation
  • (in 2013/14 supervision of MRes thesis in DTS)

3. MA in Applied Linguistics
I have taught on this inter-departmental programme since 1998 and was Director of the MA-Programme and Board of Applied Linguistics from 2001 - 2005. 
My contribution in previous years has included the following modules:
  • AL6001 Aspects of Applied Linguistics 
  • AL6003 Areas of Specialisation in Applied Linguistics 
  • AL6000 Research Dissertation
4. MA in Translation Studies
I took on the role of coordinator of this programme in 2012. Since the introduction of this programme in September 2012 I have contributed to modules in the German Stream of the programme, including: GE6005 Translation Project
  • GE6008 Research Journal & Dissertation Presentation
5. MA in Languages and Cultures 

LL6022 The Teaching and Learning of Language, Literature and Culture 

See Book of Modules for detailed course descriptions.

Recent Postgraduates

 Graduation YearStudent NameInstitutionDegree TypeThesis Title
2018Alexandra Hensel --none--PHDDer performative-ästhetische Aspekt im performativen Fremdsprachenunterricht - eine Kursanalyse
2020Dragan Miladinovic UCCPHDKörpersprache - eine übersprungene Fertigkeit
2012Eucharia Donnery University College CorkPHDDrama and Theatre Studies
2012Jo-Ha-Kyu University College CorkPHDEnticement-Crux-Consolidation. From Study to Learning: Process Drama Projects in the Japanese English Language Classroom. Joint winner of 1st Prize in UCC's 2011 Doctoral Showcase Competition (Creative Minds Category)
2007Valerie Mannix University College CorkPHDGerman as a Foreign Language/Applied Linguistics): Motivation - the Language Learner and Teacher.
2002Susanne Even University College CorkPHDDrama Grammatik - Dramapädagogische Ansätze für den Grammatikunterricht Deutsch als Fremdsprache
2005Kara Gibbons University College CorkM.Phil.Towards Process Drama in the German Classroom at Primary Level in Ireland: An Investigation into the suitability of the dramatic method and in particular, process drama, in the teaching of German to younger learners in Ireland.
2007Emma Riordan University College CorkM.Phil.Learner Autonomy in Ab Initio German Language Learning at Third Level in Ireland.
2010Rachel Darby University College CorkMASTER OF ARTSAn argument for placing drama at the centre of the foreign language classroom in Irish Secondary Schools.
2013Lorraine O'Leary University College CorkMASTER OF ARTSA Functional Approach to the translation of: 9096 Leben: der unbekannte Judenretter Berthold Storfer.
2013Jacqueline Hughes University College CorkMASTER OF ARTSThe Effect of Social Media on the use of English in the 21st century.
2012Nevin McCarthy University College CorkMASTER OF ARTSGerman through Drama at an Irish Primary School: Exploring the Learning Potential of Still Images
2012Louise Leen University College CorkMASTER OF ARTSConversing with Autism: A Case Study of the Communicative Abilities of an Adolescent with Autism.
2012Katherine Scannell University College CorkMASTER OF ARTSNew Technologies Paving the Way for Improved Second Language Acquisition in Irish Post Primary Schools.
1995Melissa Bourke University College CorkM.Phil.The Interplay of "Lebens- und Zeigeschichte" in Elias Canetti's Autobiographical Writings.
2001PRENDERGAST, Mairin University College CorkMASTER OF ARTSSnapshots of Ibsen as taken by Brecht: A Practical theatre Project.
2008TALUTYTE, Valdone University College CorkMASTER OF ARTSTalent Glowing in the Dark. Black Light Theatre for People with Learning Difficulties.
2005BYRNES, Gemma University College CorkMASTER OF ARTSThe Use of Drama as an Aid to Teaching Irish in the Primary School Classroom.
2010BLACHINSKA-BOYBAY, Malgorzata University College CorkMASTER OF ARTSPädagogische Impulse aus den Lessingschen Werken - "Nathan der Weise" einmal anders erleben: Ein dramapädagogisches Unterrichtsmodell zur 'Ringparabel' von Gottfried Ephraim Lessing
2010MUYLLAERT, Cuan University College CorkMASTER OF ARTSTowards Drama as a Tool for Inclusive Practice in Special Needs Education in Ireland.
1998HAYES, Patricia University College CorkMASTER OF ARTSIrish University Students' Attitude towards Foreign Languages. A case study of First Year Students at UCC.
2006BORGE, Sheree University College CorkMASTER OF ARTSAn exploration of the use of drama activities in teaching German in a third-level classroom.
2005KELLEHER, Karen Maria University College CorkMASTER OF ARTSTowards a deeper understanding and appreciation of the imagination in teaching and learning.
2009MOONEY, Emma Patricia University College CorkMASTER OF ARTSTowards a more Interactive Second Language Infant Classroom.
2004O'BRIEN, Kathleen Margaret University College CorkMASTER OF ARTSTeaching Beginners French to an Irish Primary Fourth Class based on Drama in Education and Howard Gardner's Approach to Education.
2005CARSON, Luke University College CorkMASTER OF ARTSThe Benefits of Language Learning Autonomy. A new Focus for Teachers and Learners.
2010McCARTHY, Timothy University College CorkMASTER OF ARTSAlive, alive, oh!: A Case Study of the Sri Lanka Festival of Music, Dance and Speech.
2008McGRATH, Sinead University College CorkMASTER OF ARTSBefore the Drama: A Praxis Approach to Planning for Process Drama.
2008NOONAN, Bernadette Laura University College CorkMASTER OF ARTSImmigrant Children Acquiring the Language of Instruction in Primary School as an L2: Language Education Policy and Practice in Ireland in the Context of Europe.
2010Dara Collins University College CorkMASTER OF ARTSHow to empower the young artist? The exploration of an alternative directorial approach to a play in a youth theatre setting.
2009PENKERT, Sile University College CorkMASTER OF ARTSWhy parade? An exposition of communal celebration in Ireland between 1986 and 2008.
2001POWER, Kevin University College CorkMASTER OF ARTSBrecht from Page to Mouth: A Practical approach to Brecht's theatre on foot of an original translation of his BAAL Learning Play fragments of 1930.
2008WHITE, Katie University College CorkMASTER OF ARTSTo Determine the Effect of Integration on Motivationamong Immigrant children in the Irish Primary classroom
1997Murray, Ailne University College CorkMASTER OF ARTSLearning through Theatre - The Role of the German Play in Irish Third Level Education.
2009HEARNE, Catherine University College CorkMASTER OF ARTSPhysicality in the language classroom: Increasing boys' participation through Total Physical Response (TPR).
2005BOYLAND, Elizabeth University College CorkMASTER OF ARTSTowards Holistic Pedagogy - An Investigation into the Use of Music, Chanting and Relaxation to Enhance Second Language Acquisition.
2005CUMMINS, Una University College CorkMASTER OF ARTSTowards an Understanding of Intercultural Experience: Teaching Chinese students at Waterford Institute of Technology.
2010Eamon Doyle University College CorkMASTER OF ARTSFacilitating Shakespeare in the English Classroom. The Why, the How, and What Role You Must Play.
2008LYNCH, Paula University College CorkMASTER OF ARTS
2004BRUENING. Anneke University College CorkMASTER OF ARTSTowards a 21st Century Dramaturgy - Exploring the significance and possibilities of practical dramaturgy in differing theatre systems.
2009COLLINS, Mandy MASTER OF ARTSOrientation and Assessment of newly arrived non-native English speaking post-primary students: a framework for teachers.
2000BREWER, Ken University College CorkMASTER OF ARTSSuggestopedia - a critical evaluation of its pure version, some of its variants, and the application of suggestopedic techniques in the teaching and learning.
2008FRIMBERGER, Katja University College CorkMASTER OF ARTSTowards a Pedagogy of Strangeness. Language Learning as Preparation for the Unexpected.
2015Micha Fleiner UCCPhDTransversale Schnittstellen im Kontext einer performativ-ästhetischen Fremdsprachenlehrerausbildung: Konsequenzen für die Entwicklung eines hochschulischen Konzeptes zum Aufbau dramapädagogischer Französischlehrkompetenz
2017Jennifer Rogers UCCPHDInnovative approaches to Playwriting within performative pedagogies
2016Mandy Collins UCCPHDInnovative Approaches to Academic Language Development

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Department of German


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