Research Profile

Jerome Aan De Wiel


Jérôme aan de Wiel was born in Enkhuizen in the Netherlands in 1966. His mother was French and his father Dutch. In 1975, he moved to Etampes, in the southern suburbs of Paris. He studied in the Sorbonne nouvelle and later in the University of Caen in Normandy and in the College for Education in Amsterdam. His interests are twentieth-century European and Irish history, and European Studies. He is fluent in Dutch, French, English and German, and has a good reading knowledge of Afrikaans and Italian.
Jérôme is married and has two sons.     

Research Interests

Research interests
20th century European and Irish history with an emphasis on:
  • political history,
  • military history,
  • intelligence studies,
  • WW1,
  • WW2,
  • Cold War,
  • European integration,
  • Irish-continental European relations,
  • Church history,
  • humanitarianism.
Project: "Ireland's foreign children, 1945-1950"
(manuscript & research in progress)
An additional humanitarian operation to Ireland's sending of supplies to Europe between 1945 and 1950 was the welcoming of continental children. Around 1,100 children from France, Germany, Austria, Central Europe (Jews) and Poland (cadets from the Polish forces based in the UK) stayed in Ireland in the immediate post-war years in order to recuperate. The study seeks to analyse their stay in the country and how the Irish authorities and people dealt with them within a comparative European context.

Project: "Ireland during the Cold War, 1945-1990"
(manuscript & research in progress)
This project seeks to analyse Ireland's role during the Cold war, i.e. anti-Communism, domestic and foreign intelligence activities, strategic importance, media, civil defence, Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, East-West trade, human rights etc.

Project: “East German intelligence activities against the British forces in West Germany and West Berlin, 1949-1990”
(research in progress) 
I have begun a new research project concerning East German intelligence activities against the British forces forces based in West Germany and West Berlin during the Cold War. The federal Stasi Records Archive in Berlin has to date sent me over 3,000 photocopies of original material. 



(2026)Ireland's Aid to Europe in Photographs, 1939-1950.
Jérôme aan de Wiel (2026) Ireland's Aid to Europe in Photographs, 1939-1950. Budapest: Central European University Press. [Details]
(2021)Ireland's Helping Hand to Europe, 1945-1950; Combatting Hunger from Normandy to Tirana.
Jérôme aan de Wiel (2021) Ireland's Helping Hand to Europe, 1945-1950; Combatting Hunger from Normandy to Tirana. Budapest: Central European University Press, pp. 537. [Details]
(2015)East German Intelligence and Ireland, 1949-90; Espionage, diplomacy & terrorism.
Jérôme aan de Wiel (2015) East German Intelligence and Ireland, 1949-90; Espionage, diplomacy & terrorism. Manchester: Manchester Univesity Press, pp. 313. [Details]
(2008)The Irish Factor, 1899-1919; Ireland's strategic and diplomatic importance for foreign powers.
Jérôme aan de Wiel (2008) The Irish Factor, 1899-1919; Ireland's strategic and diplomatic importance for foreign powers. Dublin: Irish Academic Press, pp. 428. [Details]
(2003)The Catholic Church in Ireland, 1914-1918: War and Politics.
Jérôme aan de Wiel (2003) The Catholic Church in Ireland, 1914-1918: War and Politics. Dublin: Irish Academic Press, pp. 380. [Details]

Book Chapters

Jérôme aan de Wiel (2025) 'Irland' In: Thomas Wegener Friis & Helmut Müller-Enbergs (eds.), DDR-Auslandsnachrichtendienst, A-Z. unknown: unknown. [Details]
(2025)'‘Austria-Hungary, the New Austria and the Irish Revolution, 1912-1923’'
Jérôme aan de Wiel (2025) '‘Austria-Hungary, the New Austria and the Irish Revolution, 1912-1923’' In: Dermot Keogh, Mervyn O’Driscoll & Owen Magee (eds.), The Internationalisation of the Irish Revolution, 1916-1923. Cork: Cork University Press. [Details]
(2023)'‘L’Irlande, de l’Entente cordiale à la Guerre civile, 1900-1923; Terre d’espionnage international oubliée’'
Jérôme aan de Wiel (2023) '‘L’Irlande, de l’Entente cordiale à la Guerre civile, 1900-1923; Terre d’espionnage international oubliée’' In: Eric Denecé & Benoît Léthenet (eds.), Histoire mondiale du Renseignement, vol. 4. Paris: Ellipses. [Details]
(2022)'‘Ireland’s Post-War Humanitarian Aid to Europe, 1945-50; Catholic Networking, Remembrance and Missionary Tradition in Action’'
Jérôme aan de Wiel (2022) '‘Ireland’s Post-War Humanitarian Aid to Europe, 1945-50; Catholic Networking, Remembrance and Missionary Tradition in Action’' In: Alexandra Maclennan (ed.), The Irish Catholic Diaspora; Five Centuries of Global Presence. Oxford: Peter Lang. [Details]
(2020)'“Irish Police Intelligence, 1820s-1922”'
Jérôme aan de Wiel (2020) '“Irish Police Intelligence, 1820s-1922”' In: Cultures of Intelligence in the Era of the World Wars. Oxford: Simon Ball, Philipp Gassert, Andreas Gestrich & Sönke Neitzel (eds.), Oxford University Press. [Details]
(2017)'Ireland's War and the Easter Rising in European Context'
Jérôme aan de Wiel (2017) 'Ireland's War and the Easter Rising in European Context' In: Atlas of the Irish Revolution. Cork: Cork University Press. [Details]
(2016)'“Catholic Ireland during the First World War”'
Jérôme aan de Wiel (2016) '“Catholic Ireland during the First World War”' In: “Inutile Strage”; I Cattolici e la Santa Sede nella Prima Guerra mondiale. Vatican: Lorenzo Botrugno & Pontifical Committee for Historical Sciences (eds.). [Details]
(2013)'The Commission, the Council and the Irish Application for the EEC, 1961-73'
Jérôme aan de Wiel (2013) 'The Commission, the Council and the Irish Application for the EEC, 1961-73' In: Ireland Through European Eyes; Western Europe, the EEC and Ireland, 1945-1973. Cork: Cork University Press. [Details]
Jérôme aan de Wiel (2013) 'Belgium' In: Ireland Through European Eyes; Western Europe, the EEC and Ireland, 1945-1973. Cork: Cork University Press. [Details]
Jérôme aan de Wiel (2013) 'Luxembourg' In: Ireland Through European Eyes; Western Europe, the EEC and Ireland, 1945-1973. Cork: Cork University Press. [Details]
(2013)'The Netherlands'
Jérôme aan de Wiel (2013) 'The Netherlands' In: Ireland Through European Eyes; Western Europe, the EEC and Ireland, 1945-1973. Cork: Cork University Press. [Details]
(2009)'The French Invasion that never was; the Deuxième Bureau and the Irish Republicans, 1900-1904'
Jérôme aan de Wiel (2009) 'The French Invasion that never was; the Deuxième Bureau and the Irish Republicans, 1900-1904' In: Franco-Irish Military Connections, 1590-1945. Dublin: Four Courts Press. [Details]
(2007)'Irlande, 1916: considerations strategiques'
Jerome aan de Wiel (2007) 'Irlande, 1916: considerations strategiques' In: 1916, La Grande Bretagne en Guerre. Nancy, France: Presses Universitaires de Nancy. [Details]
(2007)'Europe and the Irish Crisis, 1900-17'
Jerome aan de Wiel (2007) 'Europe and the Irish Crisis, 1900-17' In: 1916, the Long Revolution. Cork: The Mercier Press. [Details]

Edited Books

(2013)Ireland Through European Eyes; Western Europe, the EEC and Ireland, 1945-1973
Mervyn O'Driscoll, Dermot Keogh & Jérôme aan de Wiel (Ed.). (2013) Ireland Through European Eyes; Western Europe, the EEC and Ireland, 1945-1973 Cork: Cork University Press, pp. 478. [Details]

Peer Reviewed Journals

(2023)''Ireland’s Humanitarian Efforts in Post-War Europe, 19451-950; The Forgotten Irish Helping Hand’''
Jérôme aan de Wiel (2023) ''Ireland’s Humanitarian Efforts in Post-War Europe, 19451-950; The Forgotten Irish Helping Hand’''. Etudes Irlandaises, 48-2 :7-22 [Details]
(2023)''L’Irlande et sa longue Seconde Guerre mondiale, 1939-2022: Participation, reconnaissance, mémoire, non-mémoire et controverse''
Jérôme aan de Wiel (2023) ''L’Irlande et sa longue Seconde Guerre mondiale, 1939-2022: Participation, reconnaissance, mémoire, non-mémoire et controverse''. Guerres Mondiales et Conflits Contemporains, 290 (2023/2):81-93 [Details]
(2020)'The shots that reverberated for a long time; The Easter Rising, James Connolly's execution, the Bolsheviks and the European far-left'
Jérôme aan de Wiel (2020) 'The shots that reverberated for a long time; The Easter Rising, James Connolly's execution, the Bolsheviks and the European far-left'. The International History Review, [Details]
(2016)'‘The Embarrassments of Irish Nationalist Commemorations for Western Europe, from Fontenoy in 1907 to the Easter Rising in 1966’'
Jérôme aan de Wiel (2016) '‘The Embarrassments of Irish Nationalist Commemorations for Western Europe, from Fontenoy in 1907 to the Easter Rising in 1966’'. Irish Studies In International Affairs, 27 :85-107 [DOI] [Full Text] [Details]
(2014)'What will the British do? The Irish Home Rule Crisis in the July Crisis, 1914'
Jérôme aan de Wiel (2014) 'What will the British do? The Irish Home Rule Crisis in the July Crisis, 1914'. The International History Review, [Details]
(2014)'The Trouble with Frank Ryan; “corpse diplomacy” between Ireland and East Germany, 1966-1980'
Jérôme aan de Wiel (2014) 'The Trouble with Frank Ryan; “corpse diplomacy” between Ireland and East Germany, 1966-1980'. Irish Studies In International Affairs, [Details]
(2014)'The Long Rupture, 1870-1970; The darker side of Franco-Irish relations'
Jérôme aan de Wiel (2014) 'The Long Rupture, 1870-1970; The darker side of Franco-Irish relations'. The International History Review, [Details]
(2012)'German Invasion and Spy Scares in Ireland, 1890s-1914; between fiction and fact'
Jerome aan de Wiel (2012) 'German Invasion and Spy Scares in Ireland, 1890s-1914; between fiction and fact'. Etudes Irlandaises (France), [Details]
(2011)'French military intelligence and Ireland, 1900-1923'
Jerome aan de Wiel (2011) 'French military intelligence and Ireland, 1900-1923'. Intelligence and National Security, [Details]
(2008)'Propagande française en Irlande pendant la Première Guerre mondiale; Autopsie d'un échec'
Jérôme aan de Wiel (2008) 'Propagande française en Irlande pendant la Première Guerre mondiale; Autopsie d'un échec'. Revue LISA / LISA e-journal, [Details]
(2007)'La Relation inconnue: L'Autriche-Hongrie et l'Irlande, 1900-1914'
Jerome aan de Wiel (2007) 'La Relation inconnue: L'Autriche-Hongrie et l'Irlande, 1900-1914'. Guerres Mondiales et Conflits Contemporains, [Details]
(2006)'Propagande et contre-propagande en Irlande pendant la Première Guerre mondiale'
Jérôme aan de Wiel (2006) 'Propagande et contre-propagande en Irlande pendant la Première Guerre mondiale'. Revue LISA / LISA e-journal, [Details]
(2006)'Austria-Hungary, France, Germany and the Irish Crisis from 1899 to the Outbreak of the First World War'
Jerome aan de Wiel (2006) 'Austria-Hungary, France, Germany and the Irish Crisis from 1899 to the Outbreak of the First World War'. Intelligence and National Security, [Details]
(2005)'L'Eglise catholique irlandaise pendant la Premiere Guerre mondiale'
Jerome aan de Wiel (2005) 'L'Eglise catholique irlandaise pendant la Premiere Guerre mondiale'. Guerres Mondiales et Conflits Contemporains, [Details]
(2005)'Au-revoir Fontenoy! L'Entente cordiale et la fin des relations traditionnelles franco-irlandaises, 1899-1916'
Jerome aan de Wiel (2005) 'Au-revoir Fontenoy! L'Entente cordiale et la fin des relations traditionnelles franco-irlandaises, 1899-1916'. Etudes Irlandaises (France), [Details]
(2004)'Count Plunkett's letter to Pope Benedict XV'
Jerome aan de Wiel (2004) 'Count Plunkett's letter to Pope Benedict XV'. The Irish Sword, [Details]
(2000)'Archbishop Walsh and Mgr Curran's opposition to the British War Effort in Dublin, 1914-1918'
Jerome aan de Wiel (2000) 'Archbishop Walsh and Mgr Curran's opposition to the British War Effort in Dublin, 1914-1918'. The Irish Sword, [Details]
(2000)'The Second French Mission, August 1918: an account of Anglo-French recruitment efforts in Ireland'
Jerome aan de Wiel (2000) 'The Second French Mission, August 1918: an account of Anglo-French recruitment efforts in Ireland'. Etudes Irlandaises (France), [Details]
(1999)'Mgr O'Riordan, Bishop O'Dwyer and the shaping of new relations between nationalist Ireland and the Vatican during World War One'
Jerome aan de Wiel (1999) 'Mgr O'Riordan, Bishop O'Dwyer and the shaping of new relations between nationalist Ireland and the Vatican during World War One'. Archivium Hibernicum, [Details]
(1999)'Mgr O'Riordan, Bishop O'Dwyer and the shaping of new relations between nationalist Ireland and the Vatican during World War One'
Jerome aan de Wiel (1999) 'Mgr O'Riordan, Bishop O'Dwyer and the shaping of new relations between nationalist Ireland and the Vatican during World War One'. Etudes Irlandaises (France), [Details]
(1999)'The 'Hay Plan': an account of Anglo-French recruitment efforts in Ireland, August 1918'
Jerome aan de Wiel (1999) 'The 'Hay Plan': an account of Anglo-French recruitment efforts in Ireland, August 1918'. The Irish Sword, [Details]

Other Journals

(2017)'Ireland and the Bolshevik Revolution'
Jérôme aan de Wiel (2017) 'Ireland and the Bolshevik Revolution' History Ireland, . [Details]
(2017)'Ireland and the German Revolutionsprogramm after 1916'
Jérôme aan de Wiel (2017) 'Ireland and the German Revolutionsprogramm after 1916' History Ireland, . [Details]
(2011)'The Irish Factor in the Outbreak of War in 1914'
Jerome aan de Wiel (2011) 'The Irish Factor in the Outbreak of War in 1914' History Ireland, . [Details]
(2010)'Sabotage in the USA! Imperial Germany and Irish-American contacts, 1900-1917'
Jerome aan de Wiel (2010) 'Sabotage in the USA! Imperial Germany and Irish-American contacts, 1900-1917' History Ireland, . [Details]
(2007)'The Principality of Thomond and His Royal Highness Raymond Moulton Seaghan O'Brien, 1936-1963'
Jerome aan de Wiel (2007) 'The Principality of Thomond and His Royal Highness Raymond Moulton Seaghan O'Brien, 1936-1963' The North Munster Antiquarian Journal, . [Details]
(2002)'Bishop O'Dwyer's Rise in the Nationalist Opposition Movement during the First World War, 1914-1917'
Jerome aan de Wiel (2002) 'Bishop O'Dwyer's Rise in the Nationalist Opposition Movement during the First World War, 1914-1917' Unknown, . [Details]
(2000)'From 'Castle Bishop' to 'Moral Leader'? Edward O'Dwyer and Irish nationalism, 1914-1917'
Jerome aan de Wiel (2000) 'From 'Castle Bishop' to 'Moral Leader'? Edward O'Dwyer and Irish nationalism, 1914-1917' History Studies, . [Details]

Book Reviews

(2022)John Mulqueen, 'An Alien Ideology'; Cold War Perceptions of the Irish Republican Left (Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2019), in Canadian Journal of Irish Studies, 44.1, 2022.
Jérôme aan de Wiel (2022) John Mulqueen, 'An Alien Ideology'; Cold War Perceptions of the Irish Republican Left (Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2019), in Canadian Journal of Irish Studies, 44.1, 2022. Book Reviews [Details]
(2005)Nicholas Allen, George Russell (AE) and the New Ireland, 1905-30 (Dublin, Four Courts Press, 2003), in The Journal of Modern History (Chicago, USA), vol. 77, no 4, December 2005.
Jérôme aan de Wiel (2005) Nicholas Allen, George Russell (AE) and the New Ireland, 1905-30 (Dublin, Four Courts Press, 2003), in The Journal of Modern History (Chicago, USA), vol. 77, no 4, December 2005. Book Reviews [Details]
(2005)Nikolaus Braun, Terrorismus und Freiheitskampf; Gewalt, Propaganda und politische Strategie im Irischen Bürgerkrieg, 1922/23 (München: Oldenbourg, 2003), in The Journal of Modern History (Chicago, USA), vol. 77, no 4, December 2005.
Jérôme aan de Wiel (2005) Nikolaus Braun, Terrorismus und Freiheitskampf; Gewalt, Propaganda und politische Strategie im Irischen Bürgerkrieg, 1922/23 (München: Oldenbourg, 2003), in The Journal of Modern History (Chicago, USA), vol. 77, no 4, December 2005. Book Reviews [Details]
(2004)John A. Murphy (ed.), Les Français sont dans la baie; L’Expédition en baie de Bantry, 1796 (Caen: Presses universitaires de Caen, 2004), in Etudes Irlandaises, 29-2, automne 2004.
Jérôme aan de Wiel (2004) John A. Murphy (ed.), Les Français sont dans la baie; L’Expédition en baie de Bantry, 1796 (Caen: Presses universitaires de Caen, 2004), in Etudes Irlandaises, 29-2, automne 2004. Book Reviews [Details]
(2002)Ben Novick, Conceiving Revolution; Irish Nationalist Propaganda during the First World War (Dublin: Four Courts Press, 2001), in North Munster Antiquarian Journal (Irisleabhar Ársaíochta Tuadh-Mhumhan, Thomond Archaeological Society, Limerick, vol. 42, 2002).
Jérôme aan de Wiel (2002) Ben Novick, Conceiving Revolution; Irish Nationalist Propaganda during the First World War (Dublin: Four Courts Press, 2001), in North Munster Antiquarian Journal (Irisleabhar Ársaíochta Tuadh-Mhumhan, Thomond Archaeological Society, Limerick, vol. 42, 2002). Book Reviews [Details]

Newspaper Articles

(2022)‘Ndihma e harruar humanitare irlandeze për Shqipërinë, 1945-1947’, Gazeta Bulevard, Albania; this article in Albanian in the translation of my article in English published in the Tirana Times.
Jérôme aan de Wiel (2022) ‘Ndihma e harruar humanitare irlandeze për Shqipërinë, 1945-1947’, Gazeta Bulevard, Albania; this article in Albanian in the translation of my article in English published in the Tirana Times. Newspaper Articles [Details]
(2022)Ireland's forgotten humanitarian help to Albania, 1945-47, Tirana Times.
Jérôme aan de Wiel (2022) Ireland's forgotten humanitarian help to Albania, 1945-47, Tirana Times. Newspaper Articles [Details]
(2022)Hungerhilfe für Berliner, Berliner Zeitung (article based on my book Ireland's Helping Hand to Europe, 1945-1950).
Maritta Tkalec (2022) Hungerhilfe für Berliner, Berliner Zeitung (article based on my book Ireland's Helping Hand to Europe, 1945-1950). Newspaper Articles [Details]
(2022)How did the Irish come to think of us? Irish Examiner.
Jérôme aan de Wiel (2022) How did the Irish come to think of us? Irish Examiner. Newspaper Articles [Details]
(2016)The bishops speak out, The Revolution Papers.
Jérôme aan de Wiel (2016) The bishops speak out, The Revolution Papers. Newspaper Articles [Details]
(2014)What will the British do? The Irish Times [special supplement, Countdown to War, 1914].
Jérôme aan de Wiel (2014) What will the British do? The Irish Times [special supplement, Countdown to War, 1914]. Newspaper Articles [Details]

Radio Presentation

(2022)Ireland's helping hand to Europe [1945-1950], The History Show, RTÉ1.
Jérôme aan de Wiel (2022) Ireland's helping hand to Europe [1945-1950], The History Show, RTÉ1. Radio Presentation [Details]
(2021)Ireland's World War 2 humanitarian effort, Moncrieff Show, Newstalk.
Jérôme aan de Wiel (2021) Ireland's World War 2 humanitarian effort, Moncrieff Show, Newstalk. Radio Presentation [Details]
(2014)Irlande [1916], Radio France/France Culture.
Jérôme aan de Wiel (2014) Irlande [1916], Radio France/France Culture. Radio Presentation [Details]
(2014)Ireland and the First World War, The History Show, RTÉ1.
Jérôme aan de Wiel (2014) Ireland and the First World War, The History Show, RTÉ1. Radio Presentation [Details]
(2014)Lest we forget; The Irish in WW1, Radio Vatican.
Jérôme aan de Wiel (2014) Lest we forget; The Irish in WW1, Radio Vatican. Radio Presentation [Details]

Podcast - Media

(2021)Closing In, Gun Plot [The arms trial in Ireland, 1970], consultant and participant, RTÉ, podcast.
Jérôme aan de Wiel (2021) Closing In, Gun Plot [The arms trial in Ireland, 1970], consultant and participant, RTÉ, podcast. Podcast - Media [Details]

Professional Activities

Honours and Awards

 YearTitleAwarding Body
2021National Teaching Hero Award National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education & the Union of Students in Ireland (USI)
2019Grant in aid of publication, €2,000 Senate of the National University of Ireland
2014Grant in aid of publication, €2,000 Senate of National University of Ireland
2009Grant in aid of publication, €2,000 Senate of National University of Ireland
2007Grant in aid of publication, €2,000 Senate of National University of Ireland

Professional Associations

 AssociationFunctionFrom / To
Société française d'Etudes irlandaises (SOFEIR), France, 1999-present member/
European Federation of Associations and Centres of Irish Studies XXXX-present; Advisory board member of RISE, Review of Irish Studies in Europe member/
Association for Franco-Irish Studies (AFIS), 2021-present member/
Centre for Irish-German Studies, University of Limerick, Ireland, 2008-present member/
British International History Group, UK, 2004-2007 member/


 CommitteeFunctionFrom / To
Research Committee, 2024-present (chairman) Chairman/
European Studies Committee, 2019-present (member) member/
College of Arts, Celtic Studies and Social Sciences-Research Ethics Committee, 2022-present (member) member/
Department of Graduate Studies Committee, 2015-2019 (member) member/
Research Committee, 2015-present (vice-chairman & convenor of research seminar papers) Vice-Chairman/

Conference Contributions

(2023)Annual Bishop Neil Willard Lecture, Jérôme aan de Wiel 19th Peter O’Brien Visiting Scholar in the School of Irish Studies, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada,
Jérôme aan de Wiel (2023) ‘Ireland’s Helping Hand to Europe, 1945-1950; Combating Hunger from Normandy to Tirana’. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Annual Bishop Neil Willard Lecture, Jérôme aan de Wiel 19th Peter O’Brien Visiting Scholar in the School of Irish Studies, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada, Concordia University, Montreal, Québec, Canada . [Details]
(2022)25th Anniversary Conference of the Centre for Irish-German Studies, 1997-2022, 'Reflecting-Connecting-Transforming, in honour of Professor Joachim Fischer, University of Limerick, Ireland,
Jérôme aan de Wiel (2022) 'A photographic narrative of Irish humanitarian aid to Germany and Austria after the Second World War, 1945-1950'. [Invited Seminars/Guest Lectures], 25th Anniversary Conference of the Centre for Irish-German Studies, 1997-2022, 'Reflecting-Connecting-Transforming, in honour of Professor Joachim Fischer, University of Limerick, Ireland, University of Limerick . [Details]
(2022)History Research Seminar, School of History, University College Cork, Ireland,
Jérôme aan de Wiel (2022) 'A photographic narrative of Irish humanitarian aid to Germany and Austria after the Second World War, 1945-1950'. [Invited Seminars/Guest Lectures], History Research Seminar, School of History, University College Cork, Ireland, University College Cork . [Details]
(2022)‘The Irish Civil War; National Conference”, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland,
Jérôme aan de Wiel (2022) ‘French military intelligence and the War of Independence and Civil War in Ireland, 1919-1923’. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], ‘The Irish Civil War; National Conference”, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland, Cork . [Details]
(2022)Symposium, “Les lieux de mémoire de la Première et Seconde guerres mondiales dans le monde anglophone”, Univeristy of Bordeaux, France,
Jérôme aan de Wiel (2022) ‘L’Irlande et sa longue Seconde Guerre mondiale, 1939-2022; participation, reconnaissance, mémoire, non-mémoire et controverse’. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Symposium, “Les lieux de mémoire de la Première et Seconde guerres mondiales dans le monde anglophone”, Univeristy of Bordeaux, France, Bordeaux . [Details]
(2021)History seminar, University of Paderborn, Germany,
Jérôme aan de Wiel (2021) ‘Ireland’s Helping Hand to Europe, 1945-1950; Combatting Hunger from Normandy to Tirana’. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], History seminar, University of Paderborn, Germany, Paderborn . [Details]
(2021)History seminar, National University of Ireland, Galway (NUIG),
Jérôme aan de Wiel (2021) ‘Ireland’s Helping Hand to Europe, 1945-1950; Combatting Hunger from Normandy to Tirana’, book presentation. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], History seminar, National University of Ireland, Galway (NUIG), Galway . [Details]
(2021)Irish Studies seminar, University of Lille, France,
Jérôme aan de Wiel (2021) ‘Ireland’s Helping Hand to Europe, 1945-1950; Le cas de la France’. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Irish Studies seminar, University of Lille, France, Lille . [Details]
(2021)Conference, ‘The Irish Religious Diaspora; From the 17th to the 21st century’, University of Caen, Normandy, France,
Jérôme aan de Wiel (2021) ‘Ireland’s post-war humanitarian aid to Europe, 1945-1950; Catholic networking and missionary activities in action’. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Conference, ‘The Irish Religious Diaspora; From the 17th to the 21st century’, University of Caen, Normandy, France, Caen . [Details]
(2020)“Lives and Legacies; Lesser known figures in Irish-German relations” organised by the Department of German, Univeristy College Cork, Cork, Ireland,
Jérôme aan de Wiel (2020) ‘Ireland’s forgotten or unknown humanitarian aid to the Soviet-Occupied Zone of Germany and Berlin, 1945-1949’. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], “Lives and Legacies; Lesser known figures in Irish-German relations” organised by the Department of German, Univeristy College Cork, Cork, Ireland, Cork . [Details]
(2020)School of History, Research Seminar Series, Univeristy College Cork, Cork, Ireland,
Jérôme aan de Wiel (2020) ‘Ireland’s forgotten or unknown humanitarian aid to the Soviet-Occupied Zone of Germany and Berlin, 1945-1949’. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], School of History, Research Seminar Series, Univeristy College Cork, Cork, Ireland, Cork . [Details]
(2019)The Irish in Italy, organised by the Department of Italian, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland,
Jérôme aan de Wiel (2019) ‘Ireland’s post-war aid to Europe, 1945-1950; The case of Italy’. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], The Irish in Italy, organised by the Department of Italian, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland, Cork . [Details]
(2017)The World of Edward Thomas O'Dwyer (100th anniversary of Bishop O'Dwyer's death), Mary Immaculate College, Limerick, Ireland,
Jérôme aan de Wiel (2017) Bishop O'Dwyer, Mgr O'Riordan, Benedict XV and Irish-Vatican relations during the First World War. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], The World of Edward Thomas O'Dwyer (100th anniversary of Bishop O'Dwyer's death), Mary Immaculate College, Limerick, Ireland, Mary Immaculate College, Limerick, Ireland . [Details]
(2017)Irish-German relations 2017; Between Böll and Brexit, 20th anniversary of the Centre for Irish-German Studies, University of Limerick, Ireland,
Jérôme aan de Wiel (2017) Recent historical research on Irish-German relations, 1870-1922; An overview. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Irish-German relations 2017; Between Böll and Brexit, 20th anniversary of the Centre for Irish-German Studies, University of Limerick, Ireland, Centre for Irish-German Studies, University of Limerick, Ireland . [Details]
(2017)Neither local or isolated; Ireland and a revolutionary world, 1912-23, University College Cork, Ireland,
Jérôme aan de Wiel (2017) Irish self-determination, the Soviet revolution and the shots that reverberated for a long time, 1916-1931. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Neither local or isolated; Ireland and a revolutionary world, 1912-23, University College Cork, Ireland, University College Cork, Ireland . [Details]
(2016)What could Germany do for Ireland? German dimensions of 1916, colloquium, University of Limerick, 28 September 2016,
Jérôme aan de Wiel (2016) 'We have no idealistic interest in Ireland and no revolution, no rifles'; Imperial Germany's half-hearted attempts to support Irish republicans, 1904-1919. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], What could Germany do for Ireland? German dimensions of 1916, colloquium, University of Limerick, 28 September 2016, University of Limerick, 28 September 2016 . [Details]
(2016)'Le Soulèvement de Pâques, 1916-2016', Université de Montréal et Université du Québec à Montréal, Québec, Canada,
Jérôme aan de Wiel (2016) 'Le Soulèvement de Pâques, Irlande, avril 1916; un événement complexe'. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], 'Le Soulèvement de Pâques, 1916-2016', Université de Montréal et Université du Québec à Montréal, Québec, Canada, Montréal, Québec, Canada . [Details]
(2016)School of History, UCC, UCC public lectures,
Jérôme aan de Wiel (2016) 'We have no idealistic interest in Ireland and no revolution, no rifles; Imperial Germany's half-hearted attempts to support Irish republicans, 1904-1919'. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], School of History, UCC, UCC public lectures, Cork . [Details]
(2016)'Cultures of Intelligence', German Historical Institute London,
Jérôme aan de Wiel (2016) At every railway terminus there stands at least one G-man; Irish intelligence, red tape and bias, 1880s-1922. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], 'Cultures of Intelligence', German Historical Institute London, London . [Details]
(2015)Department of German Studies, Mary Immaculate College, Limerick,
Jérôme aan de Wiel (2015) German Invasion and Spy Scares in Ireland and Britain, 1890s-1914: between fiction and fact. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Department of German Studies, Mary Immaculate College, Limerick, Department of German Studies, Mary Immaculate College, Limerick . [Details]
(2014)25 Jahre Mauerfall; Reflections on GDR literature, its legacy and connections between the GDR and Ireland, University of Limerick,
Jérôme aan de Wiel (2014) The Trouble with Frank Ryan; 'Corpse diplomacy' between Ireland and the GDR, 1966-1980. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], 25 Jahre Mauerfall; Reflections on GDR literature, its legacy and connections between the GDR and Ireland, University of Limerick, University of Limerick . [Details]
(2014)Workshop for MA students, Department of German, University of Limerick,
Jérôme aan de Wiel (2014) Irish-East German relations and Stasi activities, 1949-1990. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Workshop for MA students, Department of German, University of Limerick, Workshop for MA students, Department of German, University of Limerick . [Details]
(2014)'Inutile Strage', I Cattolici e la Santa Sede nella Prima Guerra mondiale, Pontifical Committee of Historical Sciences, Vatican,
Jérôme aan de Wiel (2014) I Cattolici irlandesi nella Prima Guerra mondiale. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], 'Inutile Strage', I Cattolici e la Santa Sede nella Prima Guerra mondiale, Pontifical Committee of Historical Sciences, Vatican, Vatican . [Details]
(2014)Ireland and the First World War; 'in defence of right, freedom, and religion'?, University College, Cork,
Jérôme aan de Wiel (2014) The Irish Factor: Ireland and the diplomacy of war. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Ireland and the First World War; 'in defence of right, freedom, and religion'?, University College, Cork, Cork . [Details]
(2014)Department of Politics and Public Administration, University of Limerick,
Jérôme aan de Wiel (2014) 1914: The Forgotten Irish Crisis in the July Crisis. [Invited Seminars/Guest Lectures], Department of Politics and Public Administration, University of Limerick, Limerick . [Details]
(2014)Irish Studies group, Sorbonne nouvelle, Paris,
Jérôme aan de Wiel (2014) L'Eglise catholique irlandaise pendant la Première Guerre mondiale, 1914-1918. [Invited Lectures (Workshops)], Irish Studies group, Sorbonne nouvelle, Paris, Paris . [Details]
(2014)Centre for Historical Research, University of Limerick/Mary Immaculate College,
Jérôme aan de Wiel (2014) 1914: The Forgotten Irish Crisis in the July Crisis. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Centre for Historical Research, University of Limerick/Mary Immaculate College, Limerick . [Details]
(2013)Department of German, University College, Cork,
Jérôme aan de Wiel (2013) The Elysée Treaty: History and Legacy. [Invited Seminars/Guest Lectures], Department of German, University College, Cork, Cork . [Details]
(2013)European Federation of Associations and Centres of Irish Studies (EFACIS), National University of Galway,
Jérôme aan de Wiel (2013) Ireland's post-war aid to a devastated continent; history of a brief rapprochement with Europe, 1945-1953. [Plenary Lecture], European Federation of Associations and Centres of Irish Studies (EFACIS), National University of Galway, Galway . [Details]
(2013)European Federation of Associations and Centres of Irish Studies (EFACIS), National University of Ireland, Galway,
Jérôme aan de Wiel (2013) The Embarrassments of the 50th Anniversary of the Easter Rising in 1966 for the Member-States of the EEC. [Invited Lectures (Workshops)], European Federation of Associations and Centres of Irish Studies (EFACIS), National University of Ireland, Galway, Galway . [Details]
(2012)Department of German Studies, Mary Immaculate College, Limerick,
Jérôme aan de Wiel (2012) German Invasion and Spy Scares in Ireland and Britain, 1890s-1914: between fiction and fact. [Invited Seminars/Guest Lectures], Department of German Studies, Mary Immaculate College, Limerick, Limerick . [Details]
(2012)School of History, research seminar, University College, Cork,
Jérôme aan de Wiel (2012) The Stasi's interest in Ireland/Northern Ireland; A commented inventory of the archives. [Invited Seminars/Guest Lectures], School of History, research seminar, University College, Cork, Cork . [Details]
(2012)Russian-East European Relations: From Tsarism to Gazprom, IARCEES conference, University College, Cork,
Jérôme aan de Wiel (2012) Chairman of roundtable Stalin's control of Eastern Europe. [Chair Sessions at Symposia], Russian-East European Relations: From Tsarism to Gazprom, IARCEES conference, University College, Cork, Cork . [Details]
(2012)Association for Franco-Irish Studies (AFIS), Mary Immaculate College, Limerick,
Jérôme aan de Wiel (2012) The Long Rupture, 1870-1970; The darker side of Franco-Irish relations. [Invited Lectures (Workshops)], Association for Franco-Irish Studies (AFIS), Mary Immaculate College, Limerick, Limerick . [Details]
(2011)Department of German Studies, Mary Immaculate College, Limerick,
Jérôme aan de Wiel (2011) German Invasion and Spy Scares in Ireland and Britain, 1890s-1914. [Invited Seminars/Guest Lectures], Department of German Studies, Mary Immaculate College, Limerick, Limerick . [Details]
(2010)History and Memory in France and Ireland, Association for Franco-Irish Studies (AFIS), University of Rheims, France,
Jérôme aan de Wiel (2010) The Embarrassments of Irish Nationalist Commemorations for Western Europe, from Fontenoy in 1907 to the Easter Rising in 1966. [Plenary Lecture], History and Memory in France and Ireland, Association for Franco-Irish Studies (AFIS), University of Rheims, France, Rheims . [Details]
(2010)The 60th Anniversary of the Schuman Declaration, Alliance Française and University College, Cork,
Jérôme aan de Wiel (2010) The Six and Ireland, 1945-1973; Perceptions and enlargement. [Plenary Lecture], The 60th Anniversary of the Schuman Declaration, Alliance Française and University College, Cork, Cork . [Details]
(2010)Department of German Studies, Mary Immaculate College, Limerick,
Jérôme aan de Wiel (2010) German Invasion and Spy Scares in Ireland and Britain, 1890s-1914. [Invited Seminars/Guest Lectures], Department of German Studies, Mary Immaculate College, Limerick, Limerick . [Details]
(2010)Centre for Irish-German Studies, University of Limerick,
Jérôme aan de Wiel (2010) Germany and Austria-Hungary's Geostrategic Interest in Ireland, 1900-1917. [Invited Seminars/Guest Lectures], Centre for Irish-German Studies, University of Limerick, Limerick . [Details]
(2009)Centre of Military and Strategic Studies, National University of Ireland, Maynooth,
Jérôme aan de Wiel (2009) French Military Intelligence and Ireland, 1900-1923. [Invited Seminars/Guest Lectures], Centre of Military and Strategic Studies, National University of Ireland, Maynooth, Maynooth . [Details]
(2009)Life on the Fringe? Ireland and Europe between 1800-1922, Queen's University, Belfast,
Jérôme aan de Wiel (2009) From Traditional Alliance to a Distant Memory; The Deterioration in Franco-Irish relations, 1904-1921. [Plenary Lecture], Life on the Fringe? Ireland and Europe between 1800-1922, Queen's University, Belfast, Belfast . [Details]
(2008)Giornata Europea delle Lingue, University of Palermo,
Jérôme aan de Wiel (2008) Plurilingualism and Linguistic and Cultural Identity; A Witness account. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Giornata Europea delle Lingue, University of Palermo, Palermo . [Details]
(2008)Annual Conference, Economic and Social History Society of Ireland, Mary Immaculate College, Limerick,
Jérôme aan de Wiel (2008) Ireland's Aid to the Netherlands, 1945-1953; From the 'Hunger Winter' to the Flood Disaster. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Annual Conference, Economic and Social History Society of Ireland, Mary Immaculate College, Limerick, Limerick . [Details]
(2008)Centre of Historical Research, University of Limerick & Mary Immaculate College, Limerick,
Jérôme aan de Wiel (2008) The Embarrassments of Irish Nationalist Commemorations for Western Europe, from Fontenoy in 1907 to the Easter Rising in 1966. [Invited Seminars/Guest Lectures], Centre of Historical Research, University of Limerick & Mary Immaculate College, Limerick, Limerick . [Details]
(2007)Franco-Irish Connections; Military aspects, 17th-20th centuries, Société d'Etudes Militaires Franco-Irlandaises (SEFMI), Vincennes, France,
Jérôme aan de Wiel (2007) Le Deuxième Bureau et les Républicains Irlandais, 1900-1905. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Franco-Irish Connections; Military aspects, 17th-20th centuries, Société d'Etudes Militaires Franco-Irlandaises (SEFMI), Vincennes, France, Vincennes . [Details]
(2006)The Long Revolution; The 1916 Rising in Context, University College, Cork,
Jérôme aan de Wiel (2006) Austria-Hungary, France, Germany, the Vatican and the Irish Crisis from 1900 to 1917. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], The Long Revolution; The 1916 Rising in Context, University College, Cork, Cork . [Details]
(2005)British International Studies Association/British International History Group, University of Cambridge, England,
Jérôme aan de Wiel (2005) Kulok! Kulok! Kulok!; German Gun-Running in Ireland during World War One. [Oral Presentation], British International Studies Association/British International History Group, University of Cambridge, England, Cambridge . [Details]
(2005)Littératures et Sociétés Anglophones, University of Caen, France,
Jérôme aan de Wiel (2005) Propagande et Contre-Propagande en Irlande pendant la Première Guerre mondiale. [Oral Presentation], Littératures et Sociétés Anglophones, University of Caen, France, Caen . [Details]
(2005)British International Studies Association/British International History Group, University of St Andrews, Scotland,
Jérôme aan de Wiel (2005) The Forgotten Relation; Austria-Hungary and Ireland, 1899-1916. [Oral Presentation], British International Studies Association/British International History Group, University of St Andrews, Scotland, St Andrews . [Details]
(2005)Société des Anglicistes de l'Enseignement Supérieur (SAES), University of Touolouse, France,
Jérôme aan de Wiel (2005) Février 1917; Aufgabe P. [Oral Presentation], Société des Anglicistes de l'Enseignement Supérieur (SAES), University of Touolouse, France, Toulouse . [Details]
(2004)British International Studies Association/British International History Group, University of East Anglia, England,
Jérôme aan de Wiel (2004) Goodbye Fontenoy; The Entente Cordiale and the End of Traditional Franco-Irish Relations, 1899-1907. [Oral Presentation], British International Studies Association/British International History Group, University of East Anglia, England, Norwich . [Details]
(2004)British International Studies Association/British International History Group, University of Warwick, England,
Jérôme aan de Wiel (2004) The British Military War Effort in Ireland, 1914-1918. [Oral Presentation], British International Studies Association/British International History Group, University of Warwick, England, Warwick . [Details]
(2003)Military History Society of Ireland, Dublin,
Jérôme aan de Wiel (2003) The Irish Factor in Great Power Concerns, 1899-1919. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Military History Society of Ireland, Dublin, Dublin . [Details]
(2003)Irish Studies Group, Sorbonne nouvelle, Paris,
Jérôme aan de Wiel (2003) Archives et Recherche en Irlande; Travail sur les sources primaires. [Invited Lectures (Workshops)], Irish Studies Group, Sorbonne nouvelle, Paris, Paris . [Details]
(2003)Irish Studies Group, Sorbonne nouvelle, Paris,
Jérôme aan de Wiel (2003) L'Irlande dans le Concert européen des grandes Puissances, 1899-1919. [Invited Lectures (Workshops)], Irish Studies Group, Sorbonne nouvelle, Paris, Paris . [Details]
(1998)Irish Catholic Historical Committee, St Patrick's College, Dublin,
Jérôme aan de Wiel (1998) Mgr O'Riordan, Bishop O'Dwyer and the Shaping of New Relations between Nationalist Ireland and the Vatican during World War One. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Irish Catholic Historical Committee, St Patrick's College, Dublin, Dublin . [Details]


 EmployerPositionFrom / To
University of Concordia, Montréal, Québec, Canada (19th) Peter O’Brien Visiting Scholar in the School of Irish Studies.01-SEP-23 / 31-DEC-23
University College Cork, Ireland Lecturer in 20th-century European and Irish History & European Studies, School of History (permanent full-time contract)01-SEP-18 /
University College Cork, Ireland Lecturer in 20th-century European and Irish History & European Studies, School of History (permanent part-time contract, 50%)01-SEP-15 / 01-SEP-18
University College Cork, Ireland Part-time lecturer (contracts), School of History, 20th-century Irish and European History & European Studies01-OCT-10 / 01-SEP-15
University of Limerick, Ireland Part-time lecturer in European Studies, Department of Politics and Public Administration01-SEP-12 / 01-JUN-14
University College Cork, Ireland Visiting Professor, School of History, full-time researcher/writer for project “Ireland and European Integration in a Comparative International Context, 1945-1973”, IRCHSS-financed, supervised by Prof Dermot Keogh (PI)01-SEP-06 / 31-JAN-10
University of Rheims (Reims), France Full-time lecturer, Department of English Studies, Irish, British & American history01-SEP-02 / 31-AUG-06
Mary Immaculate College, Limerick, Ireland Part-time lecturer, Department of History, Irish, French & American history01-FEB-02 / 30-JUN-02
Glenstal Abbey (secondary) School, Murroe, County Limerick, Ireland History & French teacher & Housemaster in boarding school (1994-97)01-SEP-94 / 31-JAN-02
Secondary schools in the Netherlands (Alkmaar, Enkhuizen, Amsterdam) English teacher (including in adult education)01-SEP-93 / 30-JUN-94
Ecole Militaire, Institute of Strategic Studies, Paris, France (military service) French teacher for foreign staff officers01-SEP-91 / 31-AUG-92
Presentation Convent Secondary School, Bandon, County Cork, Ireland Foreign language assistant (French)30-SEP-89 / 31-MAY-90


2021National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education & the Union of students in Ireland (USI) National Teaching Hero AwardTeaching
2019University College Cork, Ireland CertificateCountinuous Professional Development (CPD), "RSS Research Skills Training Programme”
2013University of LImerick, Ireland trainingteaching Problem-Based Learning (PBL)
1998University of Caen, Normandy, France Ph.DIrish Studies (history)
1994Hogeschool van Amsterdam, Netherlands (National College for Education) H-DipFrench
1993Hogeschool van Amsterdam, Netherlands (National College for Education) H-DipEnglish
1992Sorbonne nouvelle, Paris, France MA2English/Irish Studies (history)
1991Sorbonne nouvelle, Paris, France MA1English/Irish Studies (history)
1990Sorbonne nouvelle, Paris, France BAEnglish (major) & history modules
1986Lycée Albert Einstein, Sainte-Geneviève des Bois, France Leaving-CertificateLeaving-Certificate
1975Boschschool, Enkhuizen, Netherlands NonePrimary School


French FluentFluentFluent
Dutch FluentFluentFluent
German FluentFluentFluent
Italian FunctionalNoneNone
Afrikaans FluentNoneNone

Outreach Activities


05.07.23: ‘A photographic narrative of Irish humanitarian aid to Europe and Germany, 1945-1950’, Irish embassy, Berlin, Germany, lecture series for the 50th anniversary of Ireland’s entry unto the EEC'

27.03.23: ‘Ireland’s Help to Foreign Children after World War Two’, paper for 1st and 2nd year pupils of Villiers Secondary School, Limerick

27.03.23: 'Ireland’s Helping Hand to Europe, 1945-1950’, paper for 3rd and 4th year pupils of Villiers Secondary School, Limerick

19.11.22: 'The French landings that never were, 1900-1904 & 1922', public paper, Dick Barrett Centenary Symposium, Conakilty GAA Club, Clonakilty County Cork, Ireland

25.04.22: ‘Ireland’s Helping Hand to Europe, 1945-1950 & Ukraine, 2022’, online discussion based around my book Ireland’s Helping Hand to Europe, 1945-1950; Combatting Hunger from Normandy to Tirana (Oct. 2021), UCC’s Bus Stop Chats

03.11.21: ‘Ireland’s Helping Hand to Europe, 1945-1950; Le cas de la France’, online paper given for AMOPA (Association des Membres de l’Ordre des Palmes Académiques), Ireland

10.10.20: ‘Terence MacSwiney, Cork Men’s Gaol, and the Political Hunger Strike, 1920-2020’, UCC online conference, 8-10 October 2020, chair of panel I “Spirituality, ethics and the fast as protest’

25.10.19: ‘From the Paris Peace Conference to Bolshevik revolutionaries; Ireland on the international stage, 1919’, public paper for ‘1919 in Limerick: A Centenary’, St Mary’s Cathedral, Limerick Museum, Limerick

10.10.19: ‘Operation Shamrock, Discussion and Exhibition’, chair of roundtable regarding ‘Operation Shamrock, 1946-1950’ with Monica Brandis, curator of the exhibition, Friedhelm Krüll and Klaus Armstrong-Braun, survivors, Her Excellency Deike Potzel, German ambassador to Ireland, organised by the Centre for Irish-German Studies, University of Limerick

05.06.19: ‘The French landings in Cork that never were, 1900-1905’, paper for the Cork Harbour Festival, St Peter’s Church, Cork

20.05.19: ‘Ireland’s foreign children, 1945-50; The story of foreign children who came to Ireland to recuperate after WW2’, paper for the Parents Teachers Association of St Michael’s National School, Pery Square No 1 Hotel, Limerick

01.05.18: ‘Irish self-determination, the Soviet revolution and the shots that reverberated a long time, 1916-1931’, paper for Probus (private) group, Strand Hotel, Limerick

27.02.18: "Essayer de revivre normalement; les enfants français et étrangers en Irlande, 1945-1950", public lecture, Alliance française, Limerick

30.01.18: "Ireland's post-war aid to Europe, 1945-1950", public lecture for the Parents Teachers Association, St Michael's National School, Pery Square Number One Hotel, Limerick, Ireland

28.02.17: “L’aide humanitaire de l’Irlande à l’Europe, 1945-1950; le cas de la France”, paper for the Alliance Française, Limerick

06.09.16: "Ireland's War and the Easter Rising of 1916 within a European Context", paper for Probus (private group), Strand Hotel, Limerick

02.07.16: "Irlands Hilfe für den zerstörten Kontinent, 1945-50; der Fall Deutschland", paper for the Deutsch-Irische Gesellschaft (German-Irish Society), Bonn, Germany

04.04.16: “Ireland, the Great War and the Easter Rising”, paper/talk for Villiers Secondary School, Limerick

28.03.16:“’Kulok! Kulok! Kulok!’; 1916, the Easter Rising within a European context”, paper for RTÉ, RTÉ, 1916 Reflecting the Rising, Dublin Institute of Technology, Augnier Street, Easter Monday, 28 March 2016 (celebration of the Easter Rising’s centenary)

28.03.16: “Patrick Pearse’s overtly Catholic Rising was immoral and anti-democratic/‘The People, the Catholic nation is with us’”, papers & discussion with Patsy McGarry, religious correspondent of The Irish Times, for RTÉ, RTÉ, 1916 Reflecting the Rising, Dublin Institute of Technology, Augnier Street, Easter Monday, 28 March 2016 (celebration of the Easter Rising’s centenary)

27.03.16: “Ireland’s War and the Easter Rising in a European Context”, paper for the National Gallery of Ireland, Dublin, Easter Sunday 27 March 2016

01.03.16: “Ireland, the First World War and the Easter Rising”, class for Limerick Project School (primary school)

25.02.16: “The Easter Rising of 1916 within a European Context”, paper for the Great Island Historical Society, Cobh

22.02.16: “The Easter Rising of 1916 within a European Context”, paper for the Parents Teachers Association of St Michael’s National School, Pery Square No 1 Hotel, Limerick

22.01.16: “The Easter Rising of April 1916”, class for St Michael’s National School, Limerick

19.01.16: “Ireland and the First World War”, class for St Michael’s National School, Limerick

07.04.15: “’A drop in the Ocean’; Ireland’s aid to Europe, 1945-50”, paper for for Probus (private) group, Strand Hotel, Limerick

02.09.14: “What will the British do? The Irish Home Rule Crisis in theJuly Crisis, 1914”, for Probus (private) group, Strand Hotel, Limerick

29.08.14: “The First World War, 1914-1918; Ireland within the wider European context”, public lecture in Hunt Museum, Limerick

01.04.01: “Mgr. O’Riordan, Bishop O’Dwyer and the shaping of new relations between nationalist Ireland and the Vatican during World War One”, public lecture for the City Library Evening Lectures Series, Limerick, April 2001

01.02.01: “Mgr. O’Riordan, Bishop O’Dwyer and the shaping of new relations between nationalist Ireland and the Vatican during World War One”, public lecture for the Thomond Archaeological Society, Limerick, February 2001

01.10.99: “From ‘Castle Bishop’ to ‘Moral Leader’? Edward O’Dwyer and Irish nationalism, 1914-1917”, public lecture for the Newcastle West History Society, October 1999

01.05.99: “Mgr. O’Riordan, Bishop O’Dwyer and the shaping of new relations between nationalist Ireland and the Vatican during World War One”, public lecture for the Newcastle West History Society, May 1999

Journal Activities

 JournalRoleTo / From
Journal Of Transatlantic Studies Referee-
Diplomacy &Statecraft Referee-
Revue Francaise De Civilisation Britannique Referee-
Review Of Irish Studies In Europe Member of Advisory Board-
Revue Francaise De Civilisation Britannique Referee-
Etudes Irlandaises Referee-

Other Activities


Peer-reviewer for:

-Cork University Press
-Irish Academic Press
-Bloomsbury Academic
-Palgrave Macmillan

Teaching Activities

Teaching Interests

Teaching interests:
  • EU foreign policy
  • East-West confrontation in Europe during Cold War
  • Minority issues, nationalism and identity politics in Europe
  • East and West Germany, 1945-1990
  • European democracy, memory and identity
  • First World War, 1914-1918
  • State formation in Europe, 1618-1990s
  • Intelligence studies (East German Stasi)
Modules taught (see UCC's Book of Modules):
  • ES1002: Introduction to Europe and the European Union (Europe during the Cold War)
  • HI2051: The First World War, 1914-1918; Politics, culture and society
  • HI2105: Case Studies in Research Skills (the East German Stasi)
  • ES2022: The European Union and the International System (EU foreign policy)
  • ES4027: Capitalism, Communism and the Cold War; East and West Germany from the 'Hour Zero' to the 1989 Revolution (1945-1990)
  • ES4029: The EU Periphery; Minority issues, nationalism and identity politics
  • ES6014: European Democracy, Citizenship, Memory and Identity
  • HI6045: War and Peace; The European State System from 1648 to 1990
I also previously taught in:
  • HI3022: History Research Seminar (history of Irish foreign policy)
  • HI3045: The Politics of Church and State (in Ireland)
I supervise research projects in:
  • HI2104: Special Research Project (5,000-word research project)
  • HI3302: Special Research Project (5,000-word research project)
  • ES4022: Research Dissertation (10,000-word dissertation)
  • PO3001: Dissertation (9,000-word dissertation)

Recent Postgraduates

 Graduation YearStudent NameInstitutionDegree TypeThesis Title
2021Jack Hurley University College CorkMASTER OF ARTS‘Poland, Russia and Right-Wing Politics within the European Union’
2020Nusi Cornelissens University College CorkMASTER OF ARTS‘Bringing Niertjes to the Netherlands. Dutch Community Holidays for the Northern Irish during the Troubles’
2018Thomas Galvin University College CorkMASTER OF ARTS‘Mit sozialistischen Grüßen; Disenfranchisement and ideological cleansing in reunited Germany’s diplomatic state apparatus’
2018Brian Carroll University College CorkMASTER OF ARTS‘The First Moroccan Crisis, 1905-1906, and British Foreign Policy; The advent of Franco-British dependence’

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School of History

Scoil na Staire

Tyrconnell,Off College Road,Cork,Ireland.
