Research Profile

John O'Brien


John O'Brien is a sociologist in the Department of Sociology and Criminology, UCC. His teaching and research interests focus on social theory, alcohol regulation and criminology.

Research Grants

Start DateEnd DateAward
Sociology in SchoolsNational Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education01-JAN-2231-DEC-22€2,500.00
WIT PhD ScholarshipOther: Not Listed01-JAN-1931-DEC-21€74,000.00
SETU PhD Scholarship01-JAN-22€74,000.00
Commemoration: Cultivating Mutual Understanding by Addressing Contested Pasts?Irish Research Council01-JAN-1631-DEC-16€9,800.00
WIT PhD Scholarship01-JAN-1431-DEC-17€50,000.00
Aiseiri Treatment Services EvaluationIrish Research Council01-JAN-1531-DEC-17€48,000.00
Research Connexions SETU fundingOther: Not Listed01-JAN-2231-DEC-22€1,000.00
Commemoration: Contexts and ConceptsIrish Research Council01-JAN-1531-DEC-15€5,140.00
Commissioned Research. Evaluation Study of 12-Step programme in Aiseiri01-JAN-1431-DEC-14€22,250.00



(2018)States of intoxication: The place of alcohol in civilisation.
O'Brien J. (2018) States of intoxication: The place of alcohol in civilisation. [DOI] [Details]

Book Chapters

(2022)'Ritual to Reflexivity – From Promotion and Problematisation of Intoxication to Proportionality'
O’Brien, John (2022) 'Ritual to Reflexivity – From Promotion and Problematisation of Intoxication to Proportionality' In: Routledge Handbook of Intoxicants and Intoxication. London: Routledge. [Details]
(2022)'Formal Generations of Drinkers: Generational Change in Irish Drinking Culture to 1950'
O’Brien, John (2022) 'Formal Generations of Drinkers: Generational Change in Irish Drinking Culture to 1950' In: Fenton, Laura & Thurnell-Read (eds). Alcohol, Age, Generation and the Life Course. London: Palgrave McMillan. [DOI] [Details]
(2020)'Plato’s Statesman: Protecting Phronesis from Coding'
O’Brien, John (2020) 'Plato’s Statesman: Protecting Phronesis from Coding' In: Modern Leaders: In between charisma and trickery. London: Routledge. [Details]
(2018)''The Subversion of Worldviews and Possibility of ‘Virtuous Drinking’ through Public Health Policy'
O'Brien, John (2018) ''The Subversion of Worldviews and Possibility of ‘Virtuous Drinking’ through Public Health Policy' In: Horvath, A. & Roman, C (eds). Divinisation and Technology. London: Routledge. [Details]
(2015)'On the Statistical Composition of Unemployment'
O’Brien, John and Griffin, Ray (2015) 'On the Statistical Composition of Unemployment' In: Boland, Tom & Griffin, Ray (eds). The Sociology of Unemployment. Manchester: Manchester University Press. [Details]
(2015)'Graceful Living: The Experience of Unemployment and the Built Environment'
O’Brien, John (2015) 'Graceful Living: The Experience of Unemployment and the Built Environment' In: Boland, Tom & Griffin, Ray (eds). The Sociology of Unemployment. Manchester: Manchester University Press. [Details]

Peer Reviewed Journals

(2023)'What the Banshees of Inisherin is about'
Keohane K.;Kuhling C.;O’Brien J. (2023) 'What the Banshees of Inisherin is about'. Irish Journal of Sociology, 31 (2):271-278 [DOI] [Details]
(2021)'The dialectic of alienation and sociability: A Simmelian reading of the pandemic'
O’Brien J. (2021) 'The dialectic of alienation and sociability: A Simmelian reading of the pandemic'. Irish Journal of Sociology, 29 (1):113-117 [DOI] [Details]
(2021)'The use of public houses as a collective representation of the COVID-19 pandemic in Ireland'
O’Brien J. (2021) 'The use of public houses as a collective representation of the COVID-19 pandemic in Ireland'. Irish Journal of Sociology, 29 (3):353-371 [DOI] [Details]
(2020)'A path to the future, or ambivalent payoffs: tragic complexity, or a foundation for good order?'
O’Brien J. (2020) 'A path to the future, or ambivalent payoffs: tragic complexity, or a foundation for good order?'. Journal Of Political Power, 13 (3):382-396 [DOI] [Details]
(2020)'A cacophony of protocol: Disability services in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic'
Doyle L.;O’Brien J. (2020) 'A cacophony of protocol: Disability services in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic'. Irish Journal of Sociology, 28 (3):370-374 [DOI] [Details]
(2017)'Precarity in the Night-Time Economy'
O’Brien, John, Doyle, K. and Maguire, N. (2017) 'Precarity in the Night-Time Economy'. Irish Journal of Anthropology, 19 (1):19-30 [Details]
(2015)'Editors Introduction'
O’Brien, John & Byrne, Lorcan (2015) 'Editors Introduction'. International Political Anthropology, 14 (2):3-5 [Details]
(2015)'Commemoration in the Civilizing Process: Reconciliation, Melancholy and Abstraction in Contemporary Memorializing'
O’Brien, John (2015) 'Commemoration in the Civilizing Process: Reconciliation, Melancholy and Abstraction in Contemporary Memorializing'. International Political Anthropology, 14 (2):99-116 [Details]
(2014)'The Battle of the Clarence Hotel’'
O’Brien, John (2014) 'The Battle of the Clarence Hotel’'. Irish Journal of Anthropology, 17 (2) [Details]
(2009)'ntoxication and Civilization: Drinking Culture and the Politicization of Everyday Life’'
O’Brien, John (2009) 'ntoxication and Civilization: Drinking Culture and the Politicization of Everyday Life’'. International Political Anthropology 1, 2 (2):221-238 [Details]


(2020)Debates editors’ introduction: Sociological responses to Covid-19 (Part II).
Flores R.;O'Brien J. (2020) Debates editors’ introduction: Sociological responses to Covid-19 (Part II). Editorship [DOI] [Details]


(2020)Debates editors’ introduction: Sociological responses to Covid-19 (Part I).
Flores R.;O’Brien J. (2020) Debates editors’ introduction: Sociological responses to Covid-19 (Part I). Note [DOI] [Details]
(2014)Trends in public order offences.
O’Brien J.;Doyle K.;Maguire N. (2014) Trends in public order offences. Note [DOI] [Details]

Professional Activities

Honours and Awards

 YearTitleAwarding Body
2004UCC Departmental PhD Scholarship UCC
1999UCD Undergraduate studentship UCD

Professional Associations

 AssociationFunctionFrom / To
European Sociological Association Member11-FEB-20 / 07-DEC-23
President of the Sociological Association of Ireland President02-JUN-19 / 04-AUG-23
Sociological Association of Ireland Member04-JUN-03 / 07-DEC-23
British Sociological Association Member04-JUN-13 / 07-JUN-22


 CommitteeFunctionFrom / To
CACSSS Teaching and Learning Forum Member2022 /
CACSSS College Council Member2022 /
Undergraduate Student Experience Committee Member2022 /
WIT Research Strategy Committee Member2019 / 2022
BA Social Science WIT Course Leader2014 / 2014


 EmployerPositionFrom / To
University College Cork College Lecturer, Department of Sociology and Criminology07-MAR-22 /
Waterford Institute of Technology Lecturer in Sociology04-SEP-23 / 06-MAR-22
Oscail National Distance Education Centre, Dublin City University Tutor in sociology01-SEP-03 / 31-AUG-23
Waterford Institute of Technology Assistant Lecturer in Sociology01-SEP-08 / 04-SEP-11
University College Dublin Tutor in sociology02-SEP-01 / 31-MAY-02
University College Cork Tutor in sociology01-SEP-03 / 05-MAY-06


2001School of Philosophy, Sociology and Social Work, University College Dublin BSocScSociology and Social Policy
2003Department of Sociology, University College Dublin MSocScSociology
2011UCC PhD SociologySociology


English FluentFluentFluent
Irish BasicBasicBasic
Spanish BasicBasicBasic
French FunctionalFunctionalFunctional

Outreach Activities


2019. Interviewed in June by Lucas Richart on the Points Podcast about my book ‘States of Intoxication’

Company Secretary

On 13th November 2015, I was interviewed on the Moncrieff Show, Newstalk, on the topic ‘What are the Moral Foundations of the Irish State’, which was focused on my research on commemoration.

Guest Columnist for Public Service Review: Journal of the Public Service Executive Union: ‘The Moral Foundations of the Easter Rising’.

I have worked with the office of the President of Ireland on the Ethics Initiative, in the Decade of Centenaries.

2017. Appeared on ‘The Cave’ podcast, in an interview on 'smart cities'

Journal Activities

 JournalRoleTo / From
Irish Journal Of Sociology Editor01-NOV-23 -
International Political Anthropology Member of Editorial Board07-FEB-17 -
Deviant Behavior Peer Reviewer-
Capital And Class Peer Reviewer-
Memory Peer Reviewer-

Teaching Activities

Teaching Interests

Module areas taught
Alcohol and Society, Body and Society, Sociology of Deviance, Criminology, Penology, Sociology for Social Care Workers, Classical Social Theory, Modern Social Theory, Social Research Methods, Interdisciplinary Seminar, Human Rights and Theories of Social Justice.

Contribution to developing blended learning programmes
  • Member of the course board of the Higher Certificate in Custodial Care: I was part of the course board that developed this innovative blended programme delivered between the influential think tank Social Justice Ireland and WIT, training professionals working in public policy in advocacy and social analysis.  
  • Member of the course board of the Masters in Social Justice and Public Policy. An innovative blended programme delivered between the influential think tank Social Justice Ireland and WIT, training professionals working in public policy in advocacy and social analysis. 
Curriculum redesign
  • Redesign of the suite of sociology modules on the BA Social Care WIT as a part of the CORU accreditation process and on the BA Arts as part of the School Review.
Faculty member in Summer Schools
  • Cultural Trauma PhD Summer School, Lesvos, Greece. July 2017, 2018
  • Economy and Society PhD Summer School, Blackwater Castle, Cork. May 2014-18, 2021.
  • International Political Anthropology Summer School, Acquapendente, Italy. June 2012, 2013, 2014, 2017
  • Theory and Philosophy Summer School, Blackwater Castle, Cork. May 2013

PhD / Masters by research supervision. Examination
Graduated PhDs
  • Irena Loveikaite (graduated, PhD). Thesis title: How can I become a woman?' Media discourses and the formation of feminine identity among teenage girls in Ireland: a qualitative study. 
Graduated MAs by Research
  • Pat Coughlan (Year 2, Masters by Research). Thesis Title: A Moral Ferment: An Examination of the Moral Foundations Shaping the Involvement of Religious Organisations in Addressing Alcohol Problems in Contemporary Irish Society. (IRC Postgraduate Scholar)
PhDs in process
  • Kelly Fitzgerald (Year 5, PhD). Thesis title: Exploration of Site-Specific Engagement and Cultural Heritage Produce of Difficult Past Remembrances in Ireland through Cultural Memory.
  • Laura Doyle (Year 3, PhD) Thesis title: Moving towards Rights-Based Practice in Disability Services: an analysis of social care worker skills and competencies.
  • Catherine McCarthy (Year 2, PhD) Thesis title: Reading Yourself into Being: Establishing the Role of Children’s Literature in Identity Formation. 
  • Shannon Hughes-Spence

Examination of PhDs
  • 2018 PhD Viva Voce Internal Examiner for Noel Connors- Glimpsing the alternative: An anthropological exploration of the GAA as an alternative organisation. 
  • 2022 External Examiner for Kenny Doyle- Assessing Ireland's Pathways to Work: The impact of behavioural conditionality and sanctions 
  • 2023 PhD Viva Voce Internal Examiner for Kate Bollard- The Power of Empty Places: A Re-appraisal of Modernity through Void Experiences 
Internal examiner for transfer from MPhil to PhD on 6 occasions.

Research Information

Internal Collaborators

Analysing Social Change Research Group Waterford Institute of TechnologyIRELAND
Crime and Justice Research Group Waterford Institute of TechnologyIRELAND
Pedagogy of Sociology in Professional Practice Study Group Sociological Association of IrelandIRELAND
Alcohol Research Community Links Project Atlantic Technological UniversityIRELAND
Sociology of Consumption Research Network of the European Sociological Association European Sociological AssociationFRANCE
Social Theory Research Network of the European Sociological Association European Sociological AssociationFRANCE
Drinking Studies Network VariousUNITED KINGDOM
Centre for the Study of the Moral - Foundations of Economy and Society. University College Cork/ Waterford Institute of TechnologyIRELAND

External Collaborators

 NameOrganisation / InstituteCountry
ACORN. UK-Ireland Alcohol Research Network VariousUNITED KINGDOM
Alcohol Study Group of the British Sociological Association British Sociological AssociationUNITED KINGDOM

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Department of Sociology & Criminology

Socheolaíocht & Coireolaíocht

Askive, Donovan's Road, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland, T12 DT02
