Research Profile

Hiram Morgan


Hiram Morgan (born Belfast 1960) was educated at St Patrick's College Knock, 1971-78 and studied BA to PhD at Cambridge, 1979-87. He held various research fellowships and posts from '88 to '96 and has been lecturing in history at UCC since 1996. He has authored Tyrone's Rebellion, published by the Royal Historical Society (1993) and edited Political Ideology in Ireland (1999), Information and Media Through the Ages (2001) and the Battle of Kinsale (2004). He co-authored with John Barry Great Deeds in Ireland (2013 and worked with Dorothy Convery on Ireland 1518 (2015). He has contributed many peer-reviewed articles and was co-founder of History Ireland, Ireland's popular history magazine. He has been a principal investigator on several local, national and international projects and is currently head of CELT, the world's largest website for Irish Studies which is hosted by the School of History at Cork.

The recently-published Stanihurst volume has been well received:

'John Barry and Hiram Morgan should be congratulated for this splendid edition, as should their publishers, who have made it so handsome and yet affordable', Times Literary Supplement, June 2013

'Their edition is enriched with incisive but unobtrusive annotations and with a lengthy introduction that offers an  appraisal both of Stanihurst¹s career and of how his Latin text has been read and received in succeeding centuries', Irish Times, Dec 2013

'This first full edition of the seminal Latin work by Richard Stanihurst captures the flavour of the author¹s unique style of writing', Recusant History, Sept 2013

Research Interests

Early Modern Ireland in context

Renaissance Texts of Ireland

Renaissance Images of Ireland 1521-1690

Hugh O'Neill, earl of Tyrone

Early Modern Irish Political Thought

Irish Battlefield Project

Spanish Armada and Ireland

William Penn

Albrecht Dürer

Ferdinand I of Austria

Information systems through the ages

Digitalization project - CELT

Irish National Institute for Historical Research

UCC Humanities Platform funded by PRTLI4

Philip O'Sullivan Beare

Sir Francis Bacon


Ireland & the British Empire

Pope Hennessy Family

Research Grants

Start DateEnd DateAward
Old English Identitiy and the Final Stages of the Tudor Conquest of Ireland 1599-1603.European Union01-MAY-1330-APR-16€229,776.00
University College Cork Humanities Platform (PRTLI4 Humanities)Higher Education Authority (HEA)01-OCT-0830-SEP-12€1,400,000.00
Europe and the sea in a global context EUROSEAUCC The world of William Penn: Ireland, Europe and North America: 1644-1718Irish Research Council01-MAR-1630-NOV-16€10,000.00
Irish Merchants and Bordeax - The Irish Role in the Invention of Grnds Crus Wines.Horizon 202001-AUG-1531-AUG-17€187,866.00
From Sidney's govenment to Spencer's view - a study in the principles of reform government in Elizabethan Ireland.Irish Research Council for Humanities and Social Sciences (IRCHSS)30-SEP-1130-SEP-13€78,756.00
EUROSEAUCCIrish Research Council25-MAR-1424-DEC-14€6,000.00
Ireland in the age of the Military Revolution - The Nine Years War.Irish Research Council01-OCT-1430-SEP-16€90,990.00



(2015)Ireland 1518: Archduke Ferdinand's Visit to Kinsale and the Dürer Connection.
Hiram Morgan with Dorothy Convery (2015) Ireland 1518: Archduke Ferdinand's Visit to Kinsale and the Dürer Connection. Cork: Crawford Art Gallery Cork.   [Details]
(1993)Tyrone's rebellion: the outbreak of the Nine Years War in Ireland (Royal Historical Society Series in History no.67).
Morgan, Hiram; (1993) Tyrone's rebellion: the outbreak of the Nine Years War in Ireland (Royal Historical Society Series in History no.67). : Boydell & Brewer. [Details]
(2013)Great Deeds in Ireland: Richard Stanihurst's De Rebus in Hibernia Gestis.
Hiram Morgan & John Barry (2013) Great Deeds in Ireland: Richard Stanihurst's De Rebus in Hibernia Gestis. Cork: Cork University Press. [Details]

Book Chapters

(2020)'‘Relatione Della Guerra d’Hibernia': Communications, Intelligence and News in the Nine Years War in Ireland and its Aftermath, 1593-1608'
Hiram Morgan (2020) '‘Relatione Della Guerra d’Hibernia': Communications, Intelligence and News in the Nine Years War in Ireland and its Aftermath, 1593-1608' In: Declan M. Downey & Igor Pérez Tostado (eds). Commerce, culture, politics and warfare: studies in Spanish-Irish connections. Valencia: Albatross Press. [Details]
(2018)'On the Pig's back: Sub-altern imperialism, anti-colonialism and the Irish rise to Globalism'
Hiram Morgan (2018) 'On the Pig's back: Sub-altern imperialism, anti-colonialism and the Irish rise to Globalism' In: Jürgen Elvert, Martina Elvert (eds). Agenten, Akteure, Abenteurer.: Beiträge zur Ausstellung »Europa und das Meer«. Berlin: Deutschen Historischen Museum Berlin. [Details]
(2014)''Tempt not God O Queen': Queen Elizabeth and the Irish crisis of 1590s'
Hiram Morgan (2014) ''Tempt not God O Queen': Queen Elizabeth and the Irish crisis of 1590s' In: Brendan Kane & Valerie McGowan-Doyle (eds). Elizabeth I and Ireland. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. [Details]
(2013)'News from Ireland: Catalan, Portuguese and Castilian Pamphlets on the Confederate War in Ireland'
Micheál Ó Siochrú & Jane Ohlmeyer 115-133. (2013) 'News from Ireland: Catalan, Portuguese and Castilian Pamphlets on the Confederate War in Ireland' In: 1641 Contexts and Reactions. Manchester: Manchester University Press. [Details]
(2013)'News from Ireland: Catalan, Portuguese and Castilian pamphlets on the Confederate War in Ireland'
Morgan, H (2013) 'News from Ireland: Catalan, Portuguese and Castilian pamphlets on the Confederate War in Ireland' In: IRELAND, 1641: CONTEXTS AND REACTIONS. MANCHESTER: MANCHESTER UNIV PRESS. [Details]
(2013)'The establishment of Irish-Spanish connection’'
Eduardo Peduelo Martin & Julia Rodriguez de Diego (2013) 'The establishment of Irish-Spanish connection’' In: Los Irlandeses y la Monarquia Hispanica (1529-1800): vinculos in espacio y tiempo. Madrid: Ministry of the Culture. [Details]
(2010)'Power and propaganda in Hugh O'Neill's connection with Europe'
Tom O'Connor and Mary Ann Lyons; (2010) 'Power and propaganda in Hugh O'Neill's connection with Europe' In: Awakening Irish Identities: The Ulster Earls in Baroque Europe. Dublin: Four Courts Press. [Details]
(2010)'True Likenesses? The Search for portraits for Authentic Portraits of the Great O'Neills'
Peter Murray; (2010) 'True Likenesses? The Search for portraits for Authentic Portraits of the Great O'Neills' In: People and Portraits: Art in Seventeenth-Century Ireland. Cork: Crawford Gallery Cork. [Details]
(2009)'Hugh Roe O'Donnell'
James McGuire; (2009) 'Hugh Roe O'Donnell' In: Dictionary of Irish Biography. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [Details]
(2009)'Hugh O'Neill'
James McGuire; (2009) 'Hugh O'Neill' In: Dictionary of Irish Biography. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [Details]
(2009)'Making Ireland Spanish: the political writings of Philip O'Sullivan Beare'
keith Sidwell & Jason Harris; (2009) 'Making Ireland Spanish: the political writings of Philip O'Sullivan Beare' In: Making Ireland Roman: the Latin writing of Early Modern Ireland. Dublin: Four Courts Press. [Details]
(2009)'Philip O'Sullivan Beare'
James McGuire; (2009) 'Philip O'Sullivan Beare' In: Dictionary of Irish Biography. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [Details]
(2007)'Hugh O'Neill's murders'
Morgan, Hiram; (2007) 'Hugh O'Neill's murders' In: Age of Atrocity: Violence and political conflict in early modern Ireland. unknown: Four Courts Press. [Details]
(2004)'England's Joy'
Morgan, Hiram; (2004) 'England's Joy' In: Battle of Kinsale. Bray: Wordwell Books. [Details]
(2004)'Birchensha's discourse'
Morgan, Hiram; (2004) 'Birchensha's discourse' In: Battle of Kinsale. Bray: Wordwell Books. [Details]
(2004)'The victor's version'
Morgan, Hiram; (2004) 'The victor's version' In: Battle of Kinsale. Bray: Wordwell Books. [Details]
(2004)'The Kinsale 'wild geese''
Morgan, Hiram; (2004) 'The Kinsale 'wild geese'' In: Battle of Kinsale. Bray: Wordwell Books. [Details]
(2004)'Jordan Roche of Kinsale'
Morgan, Hiram; (2004) 'Jordan Roche of Kinsale' In: Battle of Kinsale. Bray: Wordwell Books. [Details]
(2004)'Rider's News-Letter'
Morgan, Hiram; (2004) 'Rider's News-Letter' In: Battle of Kinsale. Bray: Wordwell Books. [Details]
(2004)'Disaster at Kinsale'
Morgan, Hiram; (2004) 'Disaster at Kinsale' In: Battle of Kinsale. Bray: Wordwell Books. [Details]
(2004)'Missions Comparable? The Lough Foyle and Kinsale landings of 1600 and 1601'
Morgan, Hiram; (2004) 'Missions Comparable? The Lough Foyle and Kinsale landings of 1600 and 1601' In: Battle of Kinsale. Bray: Wordwell Books. [Details]
(2004)'The historiography and heritage of the Battle of Kinsale'
Morgan, Hiram; (2004) 'The historiography and heritage of the Battle of Kinsale' In: Battle of Kinsale. Bray: Wordwell Books. [Details]
Morgan, Hiram; (2004) 'Introduction' In: Battle of Kinsale. Bray: Wordwell Books. [Details]
(2004)'Contemporary English maps of the siege and battle of Kinsale'
Morgan, Hiram; (2004) 'Contemporary English maps of the siege and battle of Kinsale' In: Battle of Kinsale. Bray: Wordwell Books. [Details]
(2003)'Nine Years War'
Morgan, Hiram; (2003) 'Nine Years War' In: MacMillan Reference USA Encyclopedia of Ireland. unknown: unknown. [Details]
(2003)'Ulster plantation'
Morgan, Hiram; (2003) 'Ulster plantation' In: Encarta. unknown: unknown. [Details]
(2002)'The island defenders: humanist patriots in early modern Ireland and Iceland'
Morgan, Hiram; (2002) 'The island defenders: humanist patriots in early modern Ireland and Iceland' In: Nations and Nationalities in historical perspective. [Details]
(2002)'The real Red Hugh'
Morgan, Hiram; (2002) 'The real Red Hugh' In: Beatha Aodh Ruadh: the life of Red Hugh O'Donnell historical and literary contexts Irish Texts Society, subsidiary series, no.12. [Details]
(2002)'Un pueblo unido...: the politics of Philip O'Sullivan Beare'
Morgan, Hiram; (2002) 'Un pueblo unido...: the politics of Philip O'Sullivan Beare' In: Irlanda y la Monarquia Hispanica, Kinsale 1601-2001. Guerra, Exilio y Religion. [Details]
(2001)'Spanish Armadas and Ireland'
Morgan, Hiram; (2001) 'Spanish Armadas and Ireland' In: The sea in European History. [Details]
(1998)'Perrot's Poison Plot'
Morgan, Hiram; (1998) 'Perrot's Poison Plot' In: Feagh McHugh O'Byrne: the Wicklow Firebrand . [Details]
(1998)'40 Entries'
S.J. Connolly; (1998) '40 Entries' In: Oxford Companion to Irish History. Oxford: Oxford University Press. [Details]
(1996)'British policies before the British state'
Morgan, Hiram; (1996) 'British policies before the British state' In: The British Problem, 1534-1707. [Details]
(1995)'The fall of Sir John Perrot'
Morgan, Hiram; (1995) 'The fall of Sir John Perrot' In: The reign of Queen Elizabeth: court and culture in the last decade. [Details]
(1994)'Reform and reaction in sixteenth-century Ulster'
Morgan, Hiram; (1994) 'Reform and reaction in sixteenth-century Ulster' In: Das Nordirlandproblem in Geschichte und Gegenwart. [Details]
(1993)'Tom Lee: the posing peacemaker'
Morgan, Hiram; (1993) 'Tom Lee: the posing peacemaker' In: Representing Ireland: literature and the origins of conflict, 1543-1660. [Details]

Edited Books

(2004)The Battle of Kinsale
Morgan, Hiram (Ed.). (2004) The Battle of Kinsale The Battle of Kinsale. Bray: Wordwell Books. [Details]
(2001)Information and Media through the Ages
Hiram Morgan (Ed.). (2001) Information and Media through the Ages Information and Media through the Ages. Dublin: University College Dublin Press. [Details]
(1999)Political Ideology in Ireland, 1541-1641
Hiram Morgan (Ed.). (1999) Political Ideology in Ireland, 1541-1641 Political Ideology in Ireland, 1541-1641. Dublin: Four Courts P)ress. [Details]

Peer Reviewed Journals

(2020)'‘Parallel Lives - A comparison between Jugurtha King of Numidia and Hugh O’Neill Earl of Tyrone by Sir James Perrot’'
Hiram Morgan (2020) '‘Parallel Lives - A comparison between Jugurtha King of Numidia and Hugh O’Neill Earl of Tyrone by Sir James Perrot’'. Analecta Hibernica, :53-73 [Details]
(2019)'Francis Bacon and policy making in Ireland under Elizabeth and James'
Hiram Morgan (2019) 'Francis Bacon and policy making in Ireland under Elizabeth and James'. Proceedings of Royal Irish Academy, 119C :173-198 [Details]
(2016)'The Affair of the Pictures'
Hiram Morgan (2016) 'The Affair of the Pictures'. History Ireland, [Details]
(2015)'The Long Shadow of Sean O’Faoláin’s Great O’Neill'
Hiram Morgan (2015) 'The Long Shadow of Sean O’Faoláin’s Great O’Neill'. Duiche Neill: Journal of the O'Neill Country History Society, [Details]
(2014)'The deputy's defence: Sir William Fitzwilliam's Apology on the outbreak of the Nine Years War in Ireland'
Morgan, H (2014) 'The deputy's defence: Sir William Fitzwilliam's Apology on the outbreak of the Nine Years War in Ireland'. Proceedings of The Royal Irish Academy Section C-Archaeology Celtic Studies History Linguistics Literature, 114 :181-214 [DOI] [Details]
(2004)''Never any realm worse governed': Queen Elizabeth and Ireland '
Morgan, Hiram; (2004) ''Never any realm worse governed': Queen Elizabeth and Ireland '. Transactions of The Royal Historical Society, * (*):295-308 [Details]
(2013)'A Spanish news report of the Battle of Benburb'
Morgan, Hiram (2013) 'A Spanish news report of the Battle of Benburb'. Duiche Neill: Journal of the O'Neill Country History Society, :34-43 [Details]
(1999)'Overmighty Officers: the Irish lord deputyship in the early modern British state'
Morgan, Hiram; (1999) 'Overmighty Officers: the Irish lord deputyship in the early modern British state'. History Ireland, 7 (4):17-21 [Details]
(1997)'The 1597 ceasefire documents'
Morgan, Hiram; (1997) 'The 1597 ceasefire documents'. Dúiche Néill: The Journal of The O'Neill Country Histor, 11 (See online version a):9-35 [Details]
(1997)'Festive Irishmen, an 'Irish' procession in Stuttgart, 1617'
Morgan, Hiram; (1997) 'Festive Irishmen, an 'Irish' procession in Stuttgart, 1617'. History Ireland, 5 (3):14-20 [Details]
(1995)'A booke of questions and answars concerning the warrs or rebellions of kingdome of Irelande: introduced and transcribed'
Morgan, Hiram; (1995) 'A booke of questions and answars concerning the warrs or rebellions of kingdome of Irelande: introduced and transcribed'. Analecta Hibernica, * (36):79-132 [Details]
(1995)'Faith and Fatherland in sixteenth-century Ireland'
Morgan, Hiram; (1995) 'Faith and Fatherland in sixteenth-century Ireland'. History Ireland, 3 (2):13-20 [Details]
(1995)'Lawes of Irelande: a tract by Sir John Davies'
Morgan, Hiram; (1995) 'Lawes of Irelande: a tract by Sir John Davies'. Irish Jurist, * (updated online versi):309-313 [Details]
(1994)'An unwelcome heritage: Irish involvement in British empire-building, '
Morgan, Hiram; (1994) 'An unwelcome heritage: Irish involvement in British empire-building, '. History of European Ideas, 19 (4-6):619-625 [Details]
(1994)'Faith and Fatherland or Queen and Country? An unpublished exchange between O'Neill and the state at the height of the Nine Years War'
Morgan, Hiram; (1994) 'Faith and Fatherland or Queen and Country? An unpublished exchange between O'Neill and the state at the height of the Nine Years War'. Dúiche Néill: The Journal of The O'Neill Country Histor, 9 (See online at http:/):9-65 [Details]
(1993)'Hugh O'Neill and the Nine Years War in Tudor Ireland'
Morgan, Hiram; (1993) 'Hugh O'Neill and the Nine Years War in Tudor Ireland'. The Historical Journal, 36 (1):21-37 [Details]
(1991)'Mid-Atlantic Blues'
Morgan, Hiram; (1991) 'Mid-Atlantic Blues'. The Irish Review, 11 (*):50-55 [Details]
(1990)'Making History: a criticism and a manifesto'
Morgan, Hiram; (1990) 'Making History: a criticism and a manifesto'. Text and Context, * (*):61-65 [Details]
(1988)'Writing up Early Modern Ireland'
Morgan, Hiram; (1988) 'Writing up Early Modern Ireland'. The Historical Journal, 31 (3):701-711 [Details]
(1988)'The end of Gaelic Ulster: a thematic interpretation of events between 1534 and 1610 '
Morgan, Hiram; (1988) 'The end of Gaelic Ulster: a thematic interpretation of events between 1534 and 1610 '. Irish Historical Studies, * (*):8-32 [Details]
(1987)'Extradition and treason-trial of a Gaelic lord: the case of Brian O'Rourke'
Morgan, Hiram; (1987) 'Extradition and treason-trial of a Gaelic lord: the case of Brian O'Rourke'. Irish Jurist, * (*):285-301 [Details]
(1985)'The Colonial Venture of Sir Thomas Smith in Ulster, 1571-75'
Morgan, Hiram; (1985) 'The Colonial Venture of Sir Thomas Smith in Ulster, 1571-75'. The Historical Journal, 28 (2):260-278 [Details]
(2010)'Hugh O'Neill Not Guilfy'
Hiram Morgan; (2010) 'Hugh O'Neill Not Guilfy'. Duiche Neill: Journal of the O'Neill Country History Society, [Details]
(2010)'Thomas Walker and the Earl of Tyrone'
Hiram Morgan; (2010) 'Thomas Walker and the Earl of Tyrone'. Duiche Neill: Journal of the O'Neill Country History Society, [Details]
(2006)'Teaching the Armada: an introduction to the Anglo-Spanish War, 1585-1604'
Hiram Morgan; (2006) 'Teaching the Armada: an introduction to the Anglo-Spanish War, 1585-1604'. History Ireland, [Details]
(2007)'The `Wild man of the Woods¿: Tyrone in English folk culture'
Hiram Morgan; (2007) 'The `Wild man of the Woods¿: Tyrone in English folk culture'. History Ireland, [Details]
(2005)'Gaelic Lordship and Tudor Conquest in Tír Eoghain, 1541-1603'
Hiram Morgan; (2005) 'Gaelic Lordship and Tudor Conquest in Tír Eoghain, 1541-1603'. History Ireland, [Details]
(2010)'`Treason against traitors': Thomas Walker, Hugh O'Neill's would-be assassin'
Hiram Morgan; (2010) '`Treason against traitors': Thomas Walker, Hugh O'Neill's would-be assassin'. History Ireland, [Details]
(2002)'Calendars in Conflict: dating the Battle of Kinsale'
Morgan, Hiram; (2002) 'Calendars in Conflict: dating the Battle of Kinsale'. History Ireland, 10 (2):16-20 [Details]
(2013)'Dances with Dublin'
Morgan, Hiram (2013) 'Dances with Dublin'. History Ireland, :24-26 [Details]
(2013)'The Rothe Collection'
Morgan, Hiram (2013) 'The Rothe Collection'. History Ireland, :16-19 [Details]
(2012)'6 June 1518: The day the Renaissance came to Ireland'
Morgan, Hiram (2012) '6 June 1518: The day the Renaissance came to Ireland'. History Ireland, :18-21 [Details]

Other Journals

(1995)'Saints and Scholars: a brief history of the Irish colleges on the continent'
Morgan, Hiram; (1995) 'Saints and Scholars: a brief history of the Irish colleges on the continent' Causeway, * :*-*. [Details]
(1991)'Milesian, Ulstermen and Fenians'
Morgan, Hiram; (1991) 'Milesian, Ulstermen and Fenians' Linen Hall Review, * :*-*. [Details]
(2007)'Review of Kevin Kenny's Ireland and the British Empire'
Morgan, Hiram; (2007) 'Review of Kevin Kenny's Ireland and the British Empire' Journal of Commonwealth Studies, . [Details]
(2007)'Review of Red Hugh O'Donnell & Docwra: Derry's Second Founder'
Morgan, Hiram; (2007) 'Review of Red Hugh O'Donnell & Docwra: Derry's Second Founder' The English Historical Review, CXXII :823-824. [Details]
(1993)'Deceptions of Demons'
Morgan, Hiram; (1993) 'Deceptions of Demons' Fortnight, * :*-*. [Details]

Book Reviews

(2004)Franco-Irish relations, 1500-1610: Politics, migration and trade.
Morgan, H (2004) Franco-Irish relations, 1500-1610: Politics, migration and trade. Book Reviews [Details]
(2007)Ireland and the British Empire.
Morgan, H (2007) Ireland and the British Empire. Book Reviews [Details]
(2014)journal of Military History, 78/1 The Battle of Kinsale: Study and Documents from the Spanish Archives, edited by Enrique Garcίa Hernán.
Hiram Morgan (2014) journal of Military History, 78/1 The Battle of Kinsale: Study and Documents from the Spanish Archives, edited by Enrique Garcίa Hernán. Book Reviews [Details]
(2014)Making Ireland English: The Irish Aristocracy In The Seventeenth Century by Jane Ohlmeyer.
Hiram Morgan (2014) Making Ireland English: The Irish Aristocracy In The Seventeenth Century by Jane Ohlmeyer. The Historian, 76/3: Book Reviews [Details]

Review Articles

(2006)Renaissance Images of Ireland.
Morgan, Hiram; (2006) Renaissance Images of Ireland. Review Articles [Details]
(1984)Tyrone's rebellion.
Morgan, Hiram; (1984) Tyrone's rebellion. Review Articles [Details]
(2005)RIA Committee for Historical Sciences.
Morgan, Hiram; (2005) RIA Committee for Historical Sciences. Review Articles [Details]
(2005)Renaissance Images of Ireland.
Morgan, Hiram; (2005) Renaissance Images of Ireland. Review Articles [Details]
(2005)Richard Stanihurst's De Rebus in Hibernia Gestis 1584.
Morgan, Hiram; (2005) Richard Stanihurst's De Rebus in Hibernia Gestis 1584. Review Articles [Details]
(2005)Hugh O'Neill.
Morgan, Hiram; (2005) Hugh O'Neill. Review Articles [Details]
(2004)Battle of Kinsale.
Morgan, Hiram; (2004) Battle of Kinsale. Review Articles [Details]
(2004)Renaissance Images of Ireland.
Morgan, Hiram; (2004) Renaissance Images of Ireland. Review Articles [Details]
(2003)Renaissance Images of Ireland.
Morgan, Hiram; (2003) Renaissance Images of Ireland. Review Articles [Details]
(2003)Battle of Kinsale revisited.
Morgan, Hiram; (2003) Battle of Kinsale revisited. Review Articles [Details]
(2003)Queen Elizabeth and Ireland.
Morgan, Hiram; (2003) Queen Elizabeth and Ireland. Review Articles [Details]
(2002)Calendars in Conflict: Dating the Battle of Kinsale.
Morgan, Hiram; (2002) Calendars in Conflict: Dating the Battle of Kinsale. Review Articles [Details]
(2002)Renaissance Images of Ireland.
Morgan, Hiram; (2002) Renaissance Images of Ireland. Review Articles [Details]
(2002)The Elizabethan Conquest of Ireland.
Morgan, Hiram; (2002) The Elizabethan Conquest of Ireland. Review Articles [Details]
(2002)Hugh O'Neill's greatest hits.
Morgan, Hiram; (2002) Hugh O'Neill's greatest hits. Review Articles [Details]
(2002)The Irish and Spain.
Morgan, Hiram; (2002) The Irish and Spain. Review Articles [Details]
(2002)The Real Red Hugh.
Morgan, Hiram; (2002) The Real Red Hugh. Review Articles [Details]
(2002)'By God I will beat Tyrone in the field': the Earl of Essex and Ireland.
Morgan, Hiram; (2002) 'By God I will beat Tyrone in the field': the Earl of Essex and Ireland. Review Articles [Details]
(2001)Philip O'Sullivan Beare.
Morgan, Hiram; (2001) Philip O'Sullivan Beare. Review Articles [Details]
(2001)Renaissance Images of Ireland.
Morgan, Hiram; (2001) Renaissance Images of Ireland. Review Articles [Details]
(2001)Battle of Kinsale and the end of Gaelic Ireland.
Morgan, Hiram; (2001) Battle of Kinsale and the end of Gaelic Ireland. Review Articles [Details]
(2001)Historiography of the Battle of Kinsale.
Morgan, Hiram; (2001) Historiography of the Battle of Kinsale. Review Articles [Details]
(2001)Battle of Kinsale.
Morgan, Hiram; (2001) Battle of Kinsale. Review Articles [Details]
(2001)The Derry and Kinsale campaigns compared.
Morgan, Hiram; (2001) The Derry and Kinsale campaigns compared. Review Articles [Details]
(2000)Renaissance Images of Ireland.
Morgan, Hiram; (2000) Renaissance Images of Ireland. Review Articles [Details]
(2000)The Sea in Irish History.
Morgan, Hiram; (2000) The Sea in Irish History. Review Articles [Details]
(1999)Revisionism in Irish History.
Morgan, Hiram; (1999) Revisionism in Irish History. Review Articles [Details]
(1999)Political Thought in Early Modern Ireland.
Morgan, Hiram; (1999) Political Thought in Early Modern Ireland. Review Articles [Details]
(1999)Renaissance Images of Ireland.
Morgan, Hiram; (1999) Renaissance Images of Ireland. Review Articles [Details]
(1998)Hugh O'Neill, an Irish Machiavellian?.
Morgan, Hiram; (1998) Hugh O'Neill, an Irish Machiavellian?. Review Articles [Details]
(1998)Giraldus Cambrensis and the Tudor Conquest of Ireland.
Morgan, Hiram; (1998) Giraldus Cambrensis and the Tudor Conquest of Ireland. Review Articles [Details]
(1998)Lord Deputies and Arbitrary Government in Ireland.
Morgan, Hiram; (1998) Lord Deputies and Arbitrary Government in Ireland. Review Articles [Details]
(1998)Renaissance Images of Ireland.
Morgan, Hiram; (1998) Renaissance Images of Ireland. Review Articles [Details]
(1998)Political Thought in Early Modern Ireland.
Morgan, Hiram; (1998) Political Thought in Early Modern Ireland. Review Articles [Details]
(1996)Giraldus Cambrensis and the Conquest of Ireland.
Morgan, Hiram; (1996) Giraldus Cambrensis and the Conquest of Ireland. Review Articles [Details]
(1995)Revisionism in Irish History.
Morgan, Hiram; (1995) Revisionism in Irish History. Review Articles [Details]
(1995)Renaissance Images of Ireland.
Morgan, Hiram; (1995) Renaissance Images of Ireland. Review Articles [Details]
(1994)Queen Elizabeth I.
Morgan, Hiram; (1994) Queen Elizabeth I. Review Articles [Details]
(1993)Myths in Irish History.
Morgan, Hiram; (1993) Myths in Irish History. Review Articles [Details]
(1993)The fall of Sir John Perrot.
Morgan, Hiram; (1993) The fall of Sir John Perrot. Review Articles [Details]
(1992)Ireland and the British Empire.
Morgan, Hiram; (1992) Ireland and the British Empire. Review Articles [Details]
(1992)The Fall of Sir John Perrot.
Morgan, Hiram; (1992) The Fall of Sir John Perrot. Review Articles [Details]
(1991)Hugh O'Neill and Political Ideology.
Morgan, Hiram; (1991) Hugh O'Neill and Political Ideology. Review Articles [Details]
(1991)Elizabethan Conquest of Ulster.
Morgan, Hiram; (1991) Elizabethan Conquest of Ulster. Review Articles [Details]
(1987)The end of Gaelic Ulster.
Morgan, Hiram; (1987) The end of Gaelic Ulster. Review Articles [Details]
(1985)Perrot's Lord Deputyship.
Morgan, Hiram; (1985) Perrot's Lord Deputyship. Review Articles [Details]
(2006)The Pope's Calendar: the reception of the Gregorian Calendar in Ireland.
Morgan, Hiram; (2006) The Pope's Calendar: the reception of the Gregorian Calendar in Ireland. Review Articles [Details]

Professional Activities

Honours and Awards

 YearTitleAwarding Body
2002Clare Hall Visiting Fellow Clare Hall College Cambridge
2011Research Fellow Folger Institute, Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington, DC
2015Visiting Scholar St Catharine's College Cambridge
2008Govt of Ireland Senior Fellowship IRCHSS
2000Visiting Scholar St Catharine's College Cambridge

Professional Associations

 AssociationFunctionFrom / To
Royal Irish Academy Committee for Historical Sciences Chair01-OCT-03 / 30-SEP-08
Europeana member/
Military History Society of Ireland Member/
Royal Historical Society Fellow/

Conference Contributions

(2016)Hugh O'Neill commemorating 400 years, 2016 gathering by Mid-Ulster Council,
Hiram Morgan (2016) Enemy of England: the career of Hugh O'Neill earl of Tyrone. [Keynote Speaker], Hugh O'Neill commemorating 400 years, 2016 gathering by Mid-Ulster Council, The Hill of The O'Neill, Dungunnon , 20-JUN-16 - 20-JUN-16. [Details]
(2014)The legacy of Andreas Vesalius, 1514-2014,
Hiram Morgan (2014) The Real Renaissance: Printing, Patronage and Practice in Andreas Vesalius’s Anatomical Revolution. [Conference Organising Committee Member], The legacy of Andreas Vesalius, 1514-2014, Jenner Gallery, Brookfield, University College Cork , 21-OCT-14 - 21-OCT-14. [Details]
(2015)'A safe place for ships': the 2nd annual maritime history conference,
Hiram Morgan & John Borgonovo (2015) Organiser. [Conference Organising Committee Member], 'A safe place for ships': the 2nd annual maritime history conference, Univeristy College Cork , 16-OCT-15 - 17-OCT-15. [Details]
(2014)A safe place for ships: first annual maritime history conference,
Hiram Morgan and John Borgonovo (2014) Organiser. [Conference Organising Committee Member], A safe place for ships: first annual maritime history conference, University College Cork , 28-NOV-14 - 29-NOV-14. [Details]
(2016)Hugh O'Neill at 400,
Hiram Morgan (2016) Hugh O'Neill: Enemy of England. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Hugh O'Neill at 400, Boston College , 29-FEB-16 - 29-FEB-16. [Details]
(2015)Cambridge Group for Irish Studies,
Hiram Morgan (2015) 'Micks on the Make: Subaltern Imperialism, Anti-Colonialism and the Irish rise to Globalism'. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Cambridge Group for Irish Studies, Magdalene College, Cambridge , 15-MAY-15 - 15-MAY-15. [Details]
(2014)“A Gathering of Friends, celebrating the history of Quakers,
Hiram Morgan (2014) The importance of Ireland in the career of William Penn. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], “A Gathering of Friends, celebrating the history of Quakers, Youghal , 19-SEP-14 - 21-SEP-14. [Details]
(2016)From Ulster to Rome: a retrospective on the career of Hugh O'Neill, 1550-1616,
Hiram Morgan (2016) Hugh O'Neill, 1550-1616. [Keynote Speaker], From Ulster to Rome: a retrospective on the career of Hugh O'Neill, 1550-1616, British School at Rome & Irish Embassy to Italy , 03-JUN-16 - 04-JUN-16. [Details]
(2016)Éigse Cholm Cille,
Hiram Morgan (2016) Aodh Mór Ó Néill: A Reappraisal. [Keynote Speaker], Éigse Cholm Cille, Ulster University, Derry Campus , 04-MAR-16 - 05-MAR-16. [Details]
(2015)Heritages and Memories from the Sea,
Hiram Morgan (2015) A neglected Renaissance travelogue: Laurent Vital’s Account of Charles V’s first voyage to Spain in 1517-18. [Keynote Speaker], Heritages and Memories from the Sea, University of Evora , 14-JAN-15 - 16-JAN-15. [Details]
(2013)MacCarthy Cultural Weekend,
Hiram Morgan (2013) 'Letter Book of Florence MacCarthy Mór. CELT,. [Keynote Speaker], MacCarthy Cultural Weekend, Dunmanway Cork , 29-MAY-14 - 31-MAY-14. [Details]
(2007)Flight of the Earls,
Morgan, Hiram; (2007) Invited lecture. [Oral Presentation], Flight of the Earls, Cloyne Historical Society , 01-NOV-07 - 01-NOV-07. [Details]
Hiram Morgan; (2010) 'Noticias de Irlanda': Castilian, Catalan and Portuguese newsletters on the war in Ireland. [Invited Lectures (Workshops)], FROM ACROSS THE CHANNEL: CONTEMPORARY READINGS OF THE ENGLISH REVOLUTION, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, Madrid , 14-APR-10 - 14-APR-10. [Details]
(1994)'The legacy of the Renaissance' workshop at 4th International Society for the Study of European Ideas conference,
Morgan, Hiram; (1994) Panel Organiser. [N/A], 'The legacy of the Renaissance' workshop at 4th International Society for the Study of European Ideas conference, Graz Austria , 01-AUG-94 - 01-AUG-94. [Details]
(1996)'History as Power: Renaissance uses of the Past' workshop at the 6th International Society for the Study of European Ideas Conference,
Morgan, Hiram; (1996) Panel Organiser. [N/A], 'History as Power: Renaissance uses of the Past' workshop at the 6th International Society for the Study of European Ideas Conference, Utrecht, Holland , 01-AUG-96 - 01-AUG-96. [Details]
(1999)Information, Media and Power: 24th Irish Conference of Historians,
Morgan, Hiram; (1999) Conference Organiser. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], Information, Media and Power: 24th Irish Conference of Historians, University College Cork , 20-MAY-99 - 22-MAY-99. [Details]
(1995)Text and Conquest: Political Ideas in Ireland, 1560-1630, Fall 1995,
Morgan, Hiram; (1995) Conference Organiser. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], Text and Conquest: Political Ideas in Ireland, 1560-1630, Fall 1995, Folger Shakespeare Library , 01-OCT-95 - 01-OCT-95. [Details]
(1998)Ireland 1598: context, representations and revolts,
Morgan, Hiram & Coughlan, Patricia; (1998) Conference Co-Organiser. [Plenary Lecture], Ireland 1598: context, representations and revolts, University College Cork , 08-MAY-98 - 09-MAY-98. [Details]
(2006)Ireland, Rome and the Holy See,
Morgan, Hiram & Scully, Diarmuid; (2006) Ireland, Rome and the Holy See. [Conference Organising Committee Member], Ireland, Rome and the Holy See, Pontifical Irish College, Rome , 31-MAR-06 - 01-APR-06. [Details]
(2005)History: New Opportunities in Syllabus and Society,
Morgan, Hiram; (2005) Conference Organiser. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], History: New Opportunities in Syllabus and Society, Royal Irish Academy, Dublin , 04-MAR-05 - 04-MAR-05. [Details]
(2005)Renaissance Images of the Irish,
Morgan, Hiram; (2005) Invited Lecture. [Oral Presentation], Renaissance Images of the Irish, National Gallery Dublin , 01-APR-05 - 01-APR-05. [Details]
(2006)Renaissance Images of the Irish,
Morgan, Hiram; (2006) Invited Lecture. [Oral Presentation], Renaissance Images of the Irish, Chester Beatty Library , 01-JAN-06 - 01-JAN-06. [Details]
(2006)Battle of Kinsale,
Morgan, Hiram; (2006) Battle of Kinsale. [Oral Presentation], Battle of Kinsale, Newberry Library, Chicago , 01-NOV-06 - 01-NOV-06. [Details]
(2006)Flight of the Earls,
Morgan, Hiram; (2006) Flight of the Earls. [Oral Presentation], Flight of the Earls, Dundalk Museum , 01-DEC-06 - 01-DEC-06. [Details]
(2007)Flight of the Earls,
Morgan, Hiram; (2007) Invited Lecture. [Oral Presentation], Flight of the Earls, Irish Centre for Hellenic Studies, Athens , 01-OCT-07 - 01-OCT-07. [Details]
(2008)In search of O'Neill's portrait,
Morgan, Hiram; (2008) Invited Lecture. [Oral Presentation], In search of O'Neill's portrait, Dundalk Museum , 01-JAN-08 - 01-JAN-08. [Details]
(2003)Queen Elizabeth Conference,
Morgan, Hiram; (2003) Our realm of Ireland: Elizabeth and Ireland. [Oral Presentation], Queen Elizabeth Conference, National Maritime Museum Greenwich , 01-SEP-03 - 01-SEP-03. [Details]
(2005)Irish Conference of Historians,
Morgan, Hiram; (2005) Closing Address as Chair of Committee. [Oral Presentation], Irish Conference of Historians, Trinity College Dublin , 19-MAY-05 - 21-MAY-05. [Details]
(2005)O'Neill Family History Society Conference,
Morgan, Hiram; (2005) Traitor or Patriot: life of Hugh O'Neill. [Oral Presentation], O'Neill Family History Society Conference, Shane's Castle, Co. Antrim , 01-JUN-05 - 01-JUN-05. [Details]
(2006)UCC History Conference, Ireland and Rome,
Morgan, Hiram; (2006) Gregorian Calendar in Ireland. [Oral Presentation], UCC History Conference, Ireland and Rome, Irish College, Rome , 01-APR-06 - 01-APR-06. [Details]
(2006)Flight of the Earls Conference,
Morgan, Hiram; (2006) Keynote address on Hugh O'Neill. [Oral Presentation], Flight of the Earls Conference, Loyola University Chicago , 01-NOV-06 - 01-NOV-06. [Details]
(2007)Flight of the Earls Conference, Tyrone,
Morgan, Hiram; (2007) Hugh O'Neill lecture. [Oral Presentation], Flight of the Earls Conference, Tyrone, Dungannon Council Building , 01-MAR-07 - 01-MAR-07. [Details]
(2007)Irish Battlefield Archaeology Conference,
Morgan, Hiram; (2007) Lecture on Maps of Irish Battlefields. [Oral Presentation], Irish Battlefield Archaeology Conference, Battle of Aughrim Centre, Aughrim, County Galway , 01-MAR-07 - 01-MAR-07. [Details]
(2007)Irish Post Medieval Archaeology Annual Conference,
Morgan, Hiram; (2007) Renaissance Images of the Irish. [Oral Presentation], Irish Post Medieval Archaeology Annual Conference, Rathmullen, Donegal , 01-APR-07 - 01-APR-07. [Details]
(2007)Jornadas Irlandeses-Argentinos,
Morgan, Hiram; (2007) Irlanda y America: conquistas comparables?. [Oral Presentation], Jornadas Irlandeses-Argentinos, University of San Salvador, Buenos Aires: , 01-AUG-07 - 01-AUG-07. [Details]
(2007)Ulster earls in Baroque Europe conference,
Morgan, Hiram; (2007) Hugh O'Neill in Europe context. [Oral Presentation], Ulster earls in Baroque Europe conference, Irish College Rome , 01-OCT-07 - 01-OCT-07. [Details]
(2007)European Battles Group Conference,
Morgan, Hiram; (2007) Battle of Kinsale. [Oral Presentation], European Battles Group Conference, Ename Centre, Oudenaarde Belgium , 01-NOV-07 - 01-NOV-07. [Details]
(2007)Irish Conference of Historians,
Morgan, Hiram; (2007) Spenser and Imperialism: a fresh look. [Oral Presentation], Irish Conference of Historians, Queen's University Belfast , 01-MAY-07 - 01-MAY-07. [Details]
(2005)Conference on New Leaving Certificate History Syllabus,
Morgan, Hiram; (2005) Conference Organiser. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], Conference on New Leaving Certificate History Syllabus, Royal Irish Academy , 04-MAR-05 - 04-MAR-05. [Details]
(2010)North American Conference of British Studies,
Hiram Morgan; (2010) Francis Bacon: A Moderate on Irish Policy?. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], North American Conference of British Studies, Baltimore, USA , 12-NOV-10 - 14-NOV-10. [Details]
(2009)Keynote Address,
Hiram Morgan; (2009) Queen Elizabeth & Ireland conference. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Keynote Address, University of Connecticut , 16-OCT-09 - 17-OCT-09. [Details]
(2002)Kinsale Winter School,
Morgan, Hiram; (2002) Conference Organiser. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], Kinsale Winter School, Acton's Hotel, Kinsale , 03-JAN-02 - 06-JAN-02. [Details]
(2011)The Metahistory Conference: History, History-writing and Historians in !9th Century Ireland,
Morgan, Hiram (2011) Portraits of Gaelic chiefs and leaders. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], The Metahistory Conference: History, History-writing and Historians in !9th Century Ireland, University College Cork , 06-MAY-11 - 07-MAY-11. [Details]
(2014)Renaissance Society of America, annual conference,
Morgan, Hiram (2014) The Supplication of the Blood', a neglected Spenser manuscript?. [Invited Oral Presentation], Renaissance Society of America, annual conference, New York City , 27-MAR-14 - 29-MAR-14. [Details]


 CommitteeFunctionFrom / To
National Archives Advisory Committee Member/
Irish Manuscripts Commission Member/
Irish Battlefields Project Committee, Dept of Environment. Member2006 /
Humanities Serving Irish Society Management Board UCC Representative/
Tuning Educational Systems in Europe History Rep. Ireland2006 / 2008
Digital Humanities Observatory Management Board UCC Representative/


 EmployerPositionFrom / To
University of Ulster, Coleraine Researcher, Oxford Companion to Irish History01-NOV-93 / 01-SEP-95
University of St Andrews Researcher, Scottish Diplomats Project01-FEB-93 / 30-SEP-93
University College Cork Senior Lecturer in History01-JAN-96 /
Folger Shakespeare Library Seminar Director01-OCT-95 / 31-DEC-95


1987Cambridge University PhD (Cantab)unknown
1986Cambridge University M.A. (Cantab)unknown
1982Cambridge University BA (Cantab)BA Hons


Cork City Council
MMIAH evolutionary study - Historical evolution of Cork City and its key

Teaching Activities

Teaching Interests

Early Modern Ireland
Renaissance and Reformation Europe
Colonialism and Imperialism
Irish History
Information Revolutions

Recent Postgraduates

 Graduation YearStudent NameInstitutionDegree TypeThesis Title
2015Bolger, Michael UCCBritish Attack on the Sallee Pirates, 1637
2018Stephen Kestell UCCThe demise of Feagh McHugh O’Byrne
2017Francis Kelly NUI (UCC)DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHYIn his majesty's service: The Career of Captain Francisco de Cuéllar in the Armed Forces of the Spanish Monarchy (1578-1606)
2012Canning, Ruth NUI (UCC)PHDOld English and Nine Years War

Modules Taught

 Term (ID))TitleLinkSubject
2022Changing Directions in History: Transformative Historians and Their Work HI6076Changing Directions in History: Transformative Historians and Their Work
2022Armadas: The Anglo-Spanish Conflict, 1585-1604 HI3082Armadas: The Anglo-Spanish Conflict, 1585-1604
2022Ireland and Rome: History, Culture and Contact HI2031Ireland and Rome: History, Culture and Contact
2022Culture and Power: Renaissance Intellectual History, 1450-1650 HI2003Culture and Power: Renaissance Intellectual History, 1450-1650

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School of History

Scoil na Staire

Tyrconnell,Off College Road,Cork,Ireland.
