Research Profile

Lidia Julianna Guzy


I was born in Poland from where I started my international academic journey between Poland, Germany, France, India, Brazil, Bolivia, Colombia and Mexico. I am a social anthropologist and scholar of religions.

Since September 2018  I am the Programme Director of the MA Anthropology at Study of Religions Department, UCC.

Since 2013 to now I am a Director of the Marginalised and Endangered Worldviews Study Centre (MEWSC) at University College Cork, National University of Ireland.

Since 2015 to now I represent the Board  of India Study Centre Cork (ISCC), University College Cork, National University of Ireland.
Since 2010 to now I have been Associate Researcher (chercheur associé) at the Centre d’Anthropologie Sociale (CAS-LISST, EHESS, Toulouse) and from March to April 2016 I was visiting Professor in Anthropology, Université Toulouse Jean Jaurès, France
From Dec 2022- Dec 2024 I am Visiting Research Fellow  Indira Gandhi National Tribal University, Amarkantak (M.P.) IGNTU, (Central University establishment by an Act of parliament), Department of Sociology & Social Anthropology IGNTU, Amarkantak (M.P.), India
Since 2011 till now I am also  Privatdozent at Freie Universitaet Berlin (honorary professor).

Since Oct 2024 I take part in CLIMAR Project  - Strengthening research, innovation and knowledge transfer on Climate Change & Tourism in Higher Education Institutions in Latin America - an OBREAL and EU funded Erasmus Plus proect 

Research Interests

From October 2023 till  now  Participation in CLIMAR research project -
Strengthening research, innovation and knowledge transfer on Climate Change & Tourism in Higher Education Institutions in Latin America
Academic Years 2017 till now
Eco-cosmologies: Indigenous Knowledge and Sustainability                                                           
At present I am pursuing research on marginalised and endangered worldviews, indigenous knowledge systems and eco-cosmologies. In this sense, I am interested in interdisciplinary research tackling the issue of indigenous knowledge and sustainability.  

Academic Year 2023
March till April 2023  Erasmus Plus Training at Indian Institute of Technology, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, (IIT) Madras  with a research on Indian concepts of Wellbeing,  

Academic Year 2018 from mid Nov till mid Dec 2018
Erasmus Credit Mobility Research stay at  Universidad Tecnica de Oruro, Bolivia from mid Nov till mid Dec 2018 Research: "Indigenous Education and indigenous Universities in International Perspective - example Bolivia " . 

An exchange with Bolivia, Technical University of Oruro-Bolivia, enriches the study and understanding of dynamics of indigeneity in Higher Education from a global perspective. Bolivia is an example of indigenous modernity, education and citizenship. The educational exchange with Bolivia under an International Credit mobility feeds into an internationalised European education on sustainability and the indigenous issue on the global stage

Academic Year 2014/2015
“Brazil-India - A Comparison of indigenous and marginalised socio-political groups”
 AMIDILA Erasmus Mundus scholarship with Brazilian partner University Universidade Federal do Piauí
The aim of this research at the partner University is to develop comparisons between India and Brazil in relation to its indigenous and socio-politically marginalised groups. Especially the situation of Indian and Brazilianindigenous peoples will be analysed. I also would like to establish socio-political comparisons between afro-Brazilian religious formations and subaltern religious groups in India.
The point of departure: An industrial neo-colonial intrusion into mineral rich territories of indigenous and analogous peoples takes place in India and Brazil. During the process of industrial extraction of natural resources diverse indigenous / analogous communities are deprived of their fundamental human rights for secured livelihood and preservation of ecosystems. The industrial boom and global rising of BRICS countries, such as Brazil, India, China, South Africa as well as South East Asian countries foster a genocidal, culturecidal and ecocidal dynamic against vulnerable indigenous/analogous peoples. With the ecological destruction most valuable local knowledge resources and worldviews dramatically disappear. These worldviews and local knowledge systems could however harbour a key for finding local and global solutions for a sustainable and philanthropic world of cultural and eco-biological diversity, justice and mutuality. With the destruction of ecological landscapes also cultural and social systems collapse. Culture preservation and the inclusion of culturally creative expressions such a language and the arts have proven to be a solution for emancipatory and inclusive claims of marginalised pre-colonial communities. The aim of my research is to develop a forum for discussion with Brazilian social and political scientists at Universidade Federal do Piauí in order to seek new solutions and imagination how to build up resilience of vulnerable indigenous/ analogous communities against today’s new phases of globalisation and modern colonisation processes. Local modes of expressions, communications and symbolic effectiveness such a languages, performances, visual arts and oral literatures will be discussed in order to substantially revalue the worldviews and local ecological knowledge systems of indigenous and analogous peoples. The example of cultural resilience of afro-Brazilian worldviews will be taken into account and compared with diversity of socio-cultural groups in India.  The goal of my research visit to Brazil is to promote a dialogic transcultural imagination and reflection on resilience of threatened worldviews and ecological landscapes of indigenous/analogous peoples or socio-politically marginalised communities which will help to imagine and create a transcultural philanthropic world of social, cultural and ecological justice.  
Since September 2013

Marginalised and Endangered Worldviews Study Centre (MEWSC)

Directors:  Lidia Guzy and James Kapalo

The mission of the Centre is to promote the study of contemporary endangered cultures, religions and worldviews. Cultural expressions - both tangible and intangible - and the worldviews of marginalised, endangered and persecuted peoples, social groups and indigenous communities are the focus of MEWSC. As an academic community the Centre aims to promote engaged and philanthropic scholarship for an inclusive and reflective global society.

The Marginalised and Endangered Worldviews Study Centre (MEWSC) is conceived as a genuinely global hub for key strategic networks and research strands already established within the Study of Religions Department, such as the Adivasi Research Network, Orthodoxy in Migration Network and the Study of Religions Department’s engagement with the Brazilian Science without Borders.
The centre has four regional priorities; Brazil, South Asia, Russia/Eastern Europe (all within the BRICS grouping) and economically marginalised Southern Europe. At the heart of the centre’s mission is the aim to interlink with transnational agencies such as UNESCO, The Council of Europe and the United Nations in order to support emancipatory claims of threatened communities globally. It is the first centre in Ireland to place endangered worldviews and their cultural expressions as a core mission statement and to bring together scholars and non-governmental actors. The centre’s innovative trans-disciplinary approach, its global reach and its social and cultural integrative mission position UCC well in order to capitalize on both European and global research.

Since September 2011 to now   

Establishment of a new emerging research area in the Study of Religions:
Indian Studies, Adivasi Religions  and Indigenous Cultures.

Adivasi Research Network research network involved visiting lectures on Adivasi people (ie. by Gregory Alles, Mc Daniel College, USA; Uwe Skoda, Aarhus Unviersity; Uelo Valk, Tartu University; Marine Carrin, CNRS, Centre d`anthropologie Toulouse, Dr. Dr. Ravi Ranjan, Zakir Husain College, Delhi University) and has also already attracted 1 US PhD student Claire Scheid, (IRC postgraduate scholarship from Sept 2013), 1 EU postdoctoral researcher Dr. Cecile Guillaume-Pey (France) and a 3rd year doctoral exchange scholar from Estonia, Margret Lyngdoh.

This led to a research workshop on  "Adivasi Religions in Indigenous India- Dialoques with the Divine"
 The indigenous people of India, also known as ādivāsīs, “tribals,” and “ST’s”, constitute around 8 % or even more of the Indian population (1,21 billion) and are the largest grouping of indigenous peoples in a state, but in the study of South Asia and South Asian religions they are largely invisible and voiceless. Adivasis however have their own religious traditions, observances, stories, and ideas which deserve documentation recognition and study. 
From the emic point of view, indigenous people communicate with devs/ devis/ devtas— male or female deities or spirits—and ancestors (purbo lok) through “ritually embodied dialogues with the divine,” namely, mantras, songs, incantations, poetic utterances, instrumental sounds and above all dramatic events that take place when a dev or ancestor enters a human body (“possession”/ “embodiment”), the male or female trance medium.                    

Nov. 2006 to May 2010 Project Co-Director within the Tandem Museum project From Imperial Museum to Communication Centre”
Role as Project Co-Director ·   Carried out eleven months of ethnographic field work research on the new museum movement throughout India with special reference to the collection of intangible cultural heritage (including religious and artistic expressions) of subaltern groups in India, such as the Adivasi and Dalits) ·   Established sound archives of endangered sacred music ·   Co-operated with the Phonogramm-Archiv of the Ethnological Museum in Berlin; organized the permanent exhibition ‘Village music of Eastern India’ ·   Co-organized the academic, administrative and financial coordination of the project ·   Supervised the project ·   Co-conceptualized and organized the project exhibition “ Museum Islands” ·   Co-conceptualized and organized the project conference ·   Published research results Sept. 2005 to October 2006 Senior Research Associate (wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin) at the Institut für Religionswissenschaft, Freie Universität Berlin Role as Senior Research Associate ·   Teaching in the anthropology/sociology of religions and research on oral culture, performing arts, music and religion in South Asia ·   Supervisor and advisor for graduate and undergraduate students June 2002 to April 2005 Senior Research Associate at the Institute of Ethnology, Freie Universität Berlin within the Orissa Research Programme funded by the German Research Foundation
Role as Senior Research Associate ·   Carried out eleven-month ethnographic research on the musical traditions of subaltern musicians (Ganda) in the town of Sambalpur and in remote villages in Western Orissa/eastern India. ·   Documented the local music, dance and theatre traditions of the region and analyzed the local theological and moral systems channelled and transmitted through diverse musical forms. Thereby, special emphasis was placed upon the inter-village orchestra of the marginalised Ganda musicians and the emotional and transformational power of funeral and mourning music and songs performed by non-Brahmin priests. ·   Collected and documented music and recordings of the endangered local music of Western Orissa. ·   Co-operated with local culturally focused NGOs and organized cultural programmes for local artists and musicians in Sambalpur/Western Orissa. ·   Studied the interwoven nature of music with ritual, indigenous theology, ethnicity and local politics. ·   Co-operated with the Museum of Ethnology, Berlin. Particular effort was made to curate and conceptualise an exhibition  and to create a CD collection of the musical traditions of western Orissa for the museum.

May 1999 to May 2002Junior Research Associate at the Institute of Ethnology/Social Anthropology, Freie Universität (FU) Berlin Doctoral research within the Orissa Research Programme funded by the German Research Foundation Role as Junior Research Associate ·   Conducted a thirteen-month ethnographic research project in Orissa among ascetics and tribal converts. Ethnographic work covered investigations on forms of local asceticism and on religious missions in Hindu rural and tribal regions. ·   Studied local networks of ascetics and the social structure of conversion; carried out recordings and transcriptions of local religious songs.  ·   Successfully completed bi-national Ph.D. thesis (for the FU Berlin and the EHESS Paris)on the spread and structure of a new ascetic religion in Orissa/India  

Nov 2018 – Dec 2018           One month field work in Oruro & La Paz in Bolivia on indigenous universities  
01/2016 -03/2016           Two-months field work in Madya Pradesh, Odisha and Karnataka   03/2015- 05/2015           Two-months field work in North East of Brazil
09/2009 – 10/2009        Two-months field work in the context of the VW Tandem-Project “From Imperial Museum to Communication Centre” (final revision of research on local museums in India and on local music and museums in Orissa).                 

11/2008 – 02/2009 Three-months field work in the context of the VW Tandem-Project “From Imperial Museum to Communication Centre” (documentation of local museums in Orissa, Gujarat and Chhattisgarh, and of local music in Orissa). 

10/2007 – 01/2008 Three-months field work in the context of the VW Tandem-Project “From Imperial Museum to Communication Centre” (documentation of local museums in Orissa, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Sikkim and the Andaman Islands, and local music in Orissa).

12/2006 – 03/2007 Three-months field work in the context of the VW Tandem-Project “From Imperial Museum to Communication Centre” (documentation of local museums mostly in Orissa and Chhattisgarh).      

02/2006 – 03/2006  Two-months field work in Orissa in the context of research on music and religion.

2002 – 2004            Twelve-months field work in rural and urban Western Orissa in the context of research on sound, society and value-systems in the context of postdoctoral research project. 

1999 – 2001            Thirteen-months field work on the spread and structure of the ascetic new religion Mahima Dharma in Hindu and tribal Orissa as part of research for my doctoral dissertation. 

1994 – 1995            Three-months participant observation in a Hindu-Moslem village in Gujarat as part of a student excursion.

Research Grants

Start DateEnd DateAward
The Mediterranean Imaginary: Music as Ritual and Reconciliation in a Cypriot ContextIrish Research Council01-OCT-1830-SEP-19€45,923.00
IRC GOIPG/2013/403 Claire Scheid :p The Donyl-Polo Revival in Arunachal Pradesh, India - Talom Rukbo and the Formalisaiton of Animal Practice.Irish Research Council01-OCT-1308-JAN-16€46,600.00



(2017)Marginalised and Endangered Worldviews –Comparative Studies on contemporary Eurasia, India and South America.
Lidia Guzy & James Kapalo (2017) Marginalised and Endangered Worldviews –Comparative Studies on contemporary Eurasia, India and South America. Bern London Berlin: Lit. [Details]
(2013)Marginalised Music. Music, Religion and Politics from The Bora Sambar Region/ western Orissa.
Lidia Guzy (2013) Marginalised Music. Music, Religion and Politics from The Bora Sambar Region/ western Orissa. Bern Berlin: Lit Verlag. [Details]
(2009)Museum Islands. On the New Role of Museums.
Lidia Guzy, Rainer Hatoum, Susan Kamel (2009) Museum Islands. On the New Role of Museums. Berlin: Panama Verlag. [Details]
(2008)Par e Sur – Sounds of the Goddess from the Boro Sombar region of Eastern India.
Lidia Guzy (2008) Par e Sur – Sounds of the Goddess from the Boro Sombar region of Eastern India. Mainz: Wergo Schott. [Details]
(2002)Babas and Aleks - Askesis and Ecstasy. A Religion in its Making (Original in German: Alekhs – Askese und Ekstase einer Religion im Werden. Vergleichende Untersuchungen der asketischen Tradition Mahima Dharma in Orissa/östliches Indien.
Lidia Guzy (2002) Babas and Aleks - Askesis and Ecstasy. A Religion in its Making (Original in German: Alekhs – Askese und Ekstase einer Religion im Werden. Vergleichende Untersuchungen der asketischen Tradition Mahima Dharma in Orissa/östliches Indien. Berlin: Weissensee Verlag. [Details]

Edited Books

(2018)Vulnerability, Marginalization and Culture - Felicitation Volume for Prof. Deepak Kumar Behera
Rashmi Pramaniak, Uwe Skoda, Lidia Guzy (Ed.). (2018) Vulnerability, Marginalization and Culture - Felicitation Volume for Prof. Deepak Kumar Behera New Dehli: Concept Publisher. [Details]
(2012)Voices from the Periphery. Subalternity and Empowerment in India
Carrin, Marine and Lidia Guzy (Ed.). (2012) Voices from the Periphery. Subalternity and Empowerment in India Voices from the Periphery. Subalternity and Empowerment in India. New Delhi: Routledge India. [Details]
(2011)From Imperial Museum to Communication Centre? On the New role of Museums as Mediators between Science and Non-Western Societies
Lidia Guzy, Rainer Hatoum, Susan Kamel (Ed.). (2011) From Imperial Museum to Communication Centre? On the New role of Museums as Mediators between Science and Non-Western Societies From Imperial Museum to Communication Centre? On the New role of Museums as Mediators between Science and Non-Western Societies. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann Verlag. [Details]
(2009)Wohin mit uns? Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler der Zukunft. Bern, Berlin: Peter Lang
Lidia Guzy, Anja Mihr, Rajah Scheepers (Ed.). (2009) Wohin mit uns? Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler der Zukunft. Bern, Berlin: Peter Lang Wohin mit uns? Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler der Zukunft. Bern, Berlin: Peter Lang. Berlin: Peter Lang. [Details]
(2008)Religion and Music. The Proceedings of the Interdisciplinary Workshop at the Institute of Scientific Studies of Religions, FU Berlin, May 2006
Lidia Guzy (Ed.). (2008) Religion and Music. The Proceedings of the Interdisciplinary Workshop at the Institute of Scientific Studies of Religions, FU Berlin, May 2006 Religion and Music. The Proceedings of the Interdisciplinary Workshop at the Institute of Scientific Studies of Religions, FU Berlin, May 2006. Berlin: Weissensee Verlag. [Details]
(2008)Power plays. Politics, Rituals, Performances in South Asia
Lidia Guzy, Uwe Skoda (Ed.). (2008) Power plays. Politics, Rituals, Performances in South Asia Power plays. Politics, Rituals, Performances in South Asia. Berlin: Weissensee Verlag. [Details]
(2002)Vielstimmigkeit als Konzept. Beiträge zu Theorie und Praxis der Ethnologischen Forschung. Polyphone Schriften 1
Hansjörg Dilger, Lidia Guzy, Nadine Sieveking (Ed.). (2002) Vielstimmigkeit als Konzept. Beiträge zu Theorie und Praxis der Ethnologischen Forschung. Polyphone Schriften 1 Vielstimmigkeit als Konzept. Beiträge zu Theorie und Praxis der Ethnologischen Forschung. Polyphone Schriften 1. Berlin: Verlag Hans Schiler. [Details]
(2002)Askese – Entsagung und Disziplinierung. Lokale Traditionen im Vergleich
Lidia Guzy, Hildegard Piegeler (Ed.). (2002) Askese – Entsagung und Disziplinierung. Lokale Traditionen im Vergleich Askese – Entsagung und Disziplinierung. Lokale Traditionen im Vergleich. Tübingen: Medien Verlag Köhler. [Details]
(2002)Tradition im Wandel: Weibliche Religiosität im Hinduismus, Jainismus und Buddhismus
Lidia Guzy, Katharina Poggendorf-Kakar (Ed.). (2002) Tradition im Wandel: Weibliche Religiosität im Hinduismus, Jainismus und Buddhismus Tradition im Wandel: Weibliche Religiosität im Hinduismus, Jainismus und Buddhismus. Tübingen: Medien Verlag Köhler. [Details]

Book Chapters

(2024)'Social Organization and Everyday Norms. Religious Ideas and Values'
Lidia Guzy (2024) 'Social Organization and Everyday Norms. Religious Ideas and Values' In: A Cultural History of Hinduism edited by Gwylim Bekkerledge. London: Bloomsbury Series. [Details]
(2021)'The Dream as a Metapher of Transformative Change'
Lidia Guzy (2021) 'The Dream as a Metapher of Transformative Change' In: Ian Hughes, Ed Byrnes, Ger Mullaly (eds). Metaphor, Sustainability, Transformation: Transdisciplinary Perspectives. London: Routledge. [Details]
(2021)'Transformation of Rituals to Art'
Lidia Guzy (2021) 'Transformation of Rituals to Art' In: Marine Carrin (eds). Brill’s Encyclopedia of the Religions of the Indigenous People of South Asia. London: Brill.   [Details]
(2018)'Editorial Vulnerability, Marginalization and Culture'
Rashmi Pramanik,Uwe Skoda, Lidia Guzy (2018) 'Editorial Vulnerability, Marginalization and Culture' In: Vulnerability, Marginalization and Culture. New Dehli: Concept Publisher. [Details]
Lidia Guzy and James Kapalo (2017) 'Preface' In: Lidia Guzy and James Kapalo (eds). Marginalised and Endangered Worldviews –Comparative Studies on contemporary Eurasia, India and South America. Bern London Berlin: Lit. [Details]
(2017)'Thea-phony in Western Odisha'
Lidia Guzy (2017) 'Thea-phony in Western Odisha' In: Uwe Skoda and Bisamoy Pati (eds). Highland Odisha. Life and Society beyond the coastal World. New Delhi: Primus. [Details]
(2017)'An Indigenous think tank. A Vision for Indigenous Knowledge Transmission in the 21st Century'
Lidia Guzy (2017) 'An Indigenous think tank. A Vision for Indigenous Knowledge Transmission in the 21st Century' In: Lidia Guzy and James Kapalo (eds). Marginalised and Endangered Worldviews –Comparative Studies on contemporary Eurasia, India and South America. Bern London Berlin: Lit. [Details]
(2016)'Transfer of Knowledge through Music and Dance: socialisation and the girl Child in the Dalkhai Dance of Western Odisha'
Lidia Guzy (2016) 'Transfer of Knowledge through Music and Dance: socialisation and the girl Child in the Dalkhai Dance of Western Odisha' In: Marrin Carrin, Harald Tambslyche, Dominique Blanc (eds). Transfer of Knowledge and Children’s Agency. Dehli: Primus books. [Details]
(2016)'Adivasi Art: the convergence of the intangible and the tangible'
Lidia Guzy (2016) 'Adivasi Art: the convergence of the intangible and the tangible' In: The Language Loss of the Indigenous. Dehli, London: Routledge India. [Details]
(2015)'The Nag Baccha – Childeren of the Snake: possession and Performance in Western Odisha'
Lidia Guzy (2015) 'The Nag Baccha – Childeren of the Snake: possession and Performance in Western Odisha' In: Deepak Kumar Behera (eds). Contemporary Tribal Society Volume 10 Tribal Children and Their Childhood. Dehli: Concept Publisher. [Details]
(2015)'Boil Rituals in Western Odisha. On Goddess Spirit Possession, Music and Healing in Indian Religiosity'
Lidia Guzy (2015) 'Boil Rituals in Western Odisha. On Goddess Spirit Possession, Music and Healing in Indian Religiosity' In: Tina Otten & Uwe Skoda (eds). Dialoques with Gods. Possession in Middle Indian Rituals. Berlin: Wessensee Verlag. [Details]
(2015)'Media Transformations: Music, Goddess Embodiment, and Politics in Western Orissa/India'
Lidia Guzy (2015) 'Media Transformations: Music, Goddess Embodiment, and Politics in Western Orissa/India' In: Behrend, Heike; Dreschke, Anja: Zillinger, Martin (eds). Trance Mediums and New Media. Spririt Possession in the Age of Technical Reproduction. New York: Fordham Press. [Details]
(2014)'Landscape as Resistance - The Gandhamardan Environmental Movement of the Bora Sambar Region'
Lidia Guzy (2014) 'Landscape as Resistance - The Gandhamardan Environmental Movement of the Bora Sambar Region' In: Kamal K Mishra and N K Das (eds). Dissent Discrimination and Dispossession. Tribal Movements in Contemporary India. New Delhi: Manohar Publishers. [Details]
(2013)'Mahima Dharma'
Lidia Guzy (2013) 'Mahima Dharma' In: Imaging Odisha. Delhi: Prafulla Publisher. [Details]
(2013)'Sambalpuri Dance and Music'
Lidia Guzy (2013) 'Sambalpuri Dance and Music' In: Imaging Odisha. Delhi: Prafulla Publisher. [Details]
(2011)'Dulduli – the Music which touches your heart and the Re-Enactment of Culture'
G. Berkemer, H. Kulke (eds.) (2011) 'Dulduli – the Music which touches your heart and the Re-Enactment of Culture' In: Centres out There? Facets of Subregional Identities. Delhi: Manohar Publishers and Distributors. [Details]
(2010)'After Museum. On Museums and De-Musealisation in India'
Lidia Guzy (2010) 'After Museum. On Museums and De-Musealisation in India' In: From Imperial Museum to Communication Center. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann. [Details]
(2009)'Wo Leidenschaft zum Erfolg wird – Nischenfächer mit Potenzial'
Lidia Guzy (2009) 'Wo Leidenschaft zum Erfolg wird – Nischenfächer mit Potenzial' In: Wohin mit uns? Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler der Zukunft. Frankfurt / M. / Wien: Lang, Peter, Gmbh, Internationaler Verlag Der Wissenschaften. [Details]
(2009)'Displaying Diversity'
Lidia Guzy (2009) 'Displaying Diversity' In: Museumsinseln- Museum Islands. On the New Role of Museums. Berlin: Panama Verlag. [Details]
(2009)'Cultural Plurality and Regional Movements: Music and Dance as Markers of Identity'
Lidia Guzy (2009) 'Cultural Plurality and Regional Movements: Music and Dance as Markers of Identity' In: Identity, Cultural Pluralism and State. Delhi: McMillan India. [Details]
(2008)'Translocal Rituals of Mahima Dharma: The Fire and the Prayer'
Ishita Banerjee Dube, Johannes Beltz (2008) 'Translocal Rituals of Mahima Dharma: The Fire and the Prayer' In: Popular Religion and Ascetic Practices: New Studies on Mahima Dharma. Delhi: Manohar Publishers and Distributors. [Details]
(2008)'The Power of Ecstatic Song: Poetic Language in Alekh Vocal Rituals'
Lidia Guzy (2008) 'The Power of Ecstatic Song: Poetic Language in Alekh Vocal Rituals' In: The Power of Discourse in Ritual Performance. Münster, Basel, New York: Lit Verlag. [Details]
(2008)'Music, Musicians and Non Brahmin priests in Western'
Lidia Guzy (2008) 'Music, Musicians and Non Brahmin priests in Western' In: Contemporary Society: Identity, Intervention and Ideology in Tribal India. Tribal Studies VII. Delhi: DK Agencies. [Details]
(2007)'Tabu – Die Grenze im Körper'
Lidia Guzy (2007) 'Tabu – Die Grenze im Körper' In: Geschlecht als Taboo. Bielefeld: Transcript. [Details]

Peer Reviewed Journals

(2024)'Special Issue - Eco-cosmology, Sustainability and a Spirit of Resilience. The Oriental Anthropologist'
Lidia Guzy, Uwe Skoda, Stefano Beggiora (2024) 'Special Issue - Eco-cosmology, Sustainability and a Spirit of Resilience. The Oriental Anthropologist'. Sage, [Details]
(2024)'Introduction to the Special Issue - Eco-cosmology, Sustainability and a Spirit of Resilience'
Lidia Guzy, Uwe Skoda, Stefano Beggiora (2024) 'Introduction to the Special Issue - Eco-cosmology, Sustainability and a Spirit of Resilience'. Sage, [Details]
(2023)'Indigenous Shamanic Worldviews as Eco-cosmologies and Indigenous Knowledge Systems of Sustainability'
Lidia Guzy (2023) 'Indigenous Shamanic Worldviews as Eco-cosmologies and Indigenous Knowledge Systems of Sustainability'. Religion and Development, 2 (3):418-444 [DOI] [Details]
(2022)'Askesekonzeptionen in Mahima Dharma'
Lidia Guzy (2022) 'Askesekonzeptionen in Mahima Dharma'. Paragrana, vol. 31 (no. 1):185-208 [Details]
(2021)'Indigenous Shamanic Worldviews as Dialogical Eco-Cosmology'
Lidia Guzy (2021) 'Indigenous Shamanic Worldviews as Dialogical Eco-Cosmology'. Lagoonscapes. The Venice Journal of Environmental Humanities, 1 ((2)):281-294   [Details]
(2020)'Art as Education: The Revaluation of Adivasi Art in Higher Education Examples from the Indira Gandhi National Tribal University'
Lidia Guzy (2020) 'Art as Education: The Revaluation of Adivasi Art in Higher Education Examples from the Indira Gandhi National Tribal University'. Journal of Adivasi and Indigenous Studies (JOAIS), Vol. X (No. 2):64-71   [Details]
(2020)'Special Issue -The Performative Power of Indian Tribal Art'
Lidia Guzy and Marine Carrin (2020) 'Special Issue -The Performative Power of Indian Tribal Art'. Journal of Adivasi and Indigenous Studies (JOAIS), Vol. X (No. 2) [Details]
(2018)'Editorial - Fear and Fright in South Asia. Encounters with Ambivalence and Alterity in Vernacular Religion and Society'
Stefano Beggiora, Uwe Skoda, Lidia Guzy (2018) 'Editorial - Fear and Fright in South Asia. Encounters with Ambivalence and Alterity in Vernacular Religion and Society'. International Quarterly for Asian Studies, Vol. 49 (No. 3-4):5-18   [Details]
(2018)'Special Issue - Fear and Fright in South Asian Religion and Society'
Stefano Beggiora, Lidia Guzy, and Uwe Skoda (2018) 'Special Issue - Fear and Fright in South Asian Religion and Society'. International Quarterly for Asian Studies, Vol. 49 No (3-4)   [Details]
(2016)'Symbolic Adivasi Memories and the Ethnological Museum'
Lidia Guzy (2016) 'Symbolic Adivasi Memories and the Ethnological Museum'. Irish Journal of Anthropology, Vol 19 (2):115-125   [Details]
(2016)'Special Issue Emerging Adivasi and Indigenous Studies II. Identity Assertions and Symbolic Re-Appropriations in India'
Lidia Guzy and Marine Carrin (2016) 'Special Issue Emerging Adivasi and Indigenous Studies II. Identity Assertions and Symbolic Re-Appropriations in India'. Irish Journal of Anthropology, 19 ((2)) [Details]
(2015)'Baja Bazaar - the Market of Music'
Lidia Guzy (2015) 'Baja Bazaar - the Market of Music'. Irish Journal of Anthropology, VOLUME 18(2) :65-77   [Details]
(2015)'Emerging Indian Adivasi/Indigenous Studies in Ireland:Local Agents, Performances, and Traditions'
Lidia Guzy,Greg Alles,Uwe Skoda (2015) 'Emerging Indian Adivasi/Indigenous Studies in Ireland:Local Agents, Performances, and Traditions'. Irish Journal of Anthropology, VOLUME 18(2) :12-20   [Details]
(2015)'Special Edition - Contemporary Indigeneity and Religion in India'
Lidia Guzy/Greg Alles/Uwe Skoda/Ulo Valk (2015) 'Special Edition - Contemporary Indigeneity and Religion in India'. International Quarterly for Asian Studies, Vol. 46 (No. 1-2)   [Details]
(2015)'Special Issue - Emerging Adivasi and Indigenous Studies in Ireland'
Lidia Guzy (guest editor) (2015) 'Special Issue - Emerging Adivasi and Indigenous Studies in Ireland'. Irish Journal of Anthropology, VOLUME 18(2) (Special Issue)   [Details]
(2015)'Music and Non-Brahmin Priests of the Bora Sambar Region in Western Odisha'
Lidia Guzy (2015) 'Music and Non-Brahmin Priests of the Bora Sambar Region in Western Odisha'. International Quarterly for Asian Studies, Vol. 46 (No. 1-2):17-38   [Details]
(2015)'Contemporary Indigeneity and Religion in India- Editorial'
Lidia Guzy/Greg Alles/Uwe Skoda/Ulo Valk (2015) 'Contemporary Indigeneity and Religion in India- Editorial'. International Quarterly for Asian Studies, Vol. 46 (No. 1-2):5-15   [Details]
(2013)'Ritual Village Music and Marginalized Musicians of western Odisha'
Lidia Guzy (2013) 'Ritual Village Music and Marginalized Musicians of western Odisha'. International Journal Of Asia-Pacific Studies,   [Details]
(2004)'Facets of Orissan Studies. Special Issue, Journal of Social Sciences (together with Cornelia Mallebrein'
Lidia Guzy and Cornelia Mallebrein (2004) 'Facets of Orissan Studies. Special Issue, Journal of Social Sciences (together with Cornelia Mallebrein'. Journal of Social Sciences (JSS), [Details]

Other Journals

(2021)'Endangered Humanity – Preliminary Reflections from the Marginalised and Endangered Worldviews Study Centre (MEWSC)'
Lidia Guzy (2021) 'Endangered Humanity – Preliminary Reflections from the Marginalised and Endangered Worldviews Study Centre (MEWSC)' Sociológia a spoločnosť, . [Details]

Professional Activities

Honours and Awards

 YearTitleAwarding Body
2019Erasmus Plus Award for staff training at Aristotele University, Thessaloniki, Greece European Union Erasmus
2019Erasmus Plus Award for staff training at Pantheon University, Athens, Greece European Union Erasmus
2019Erasmus Plus Award for staff exchange at Tartu University, Estonia European Union Erasmus
2018Leadership Award UCC
2018Erasmus Credit Mobility for staff exchange at Universidad Tecnica de Oruro, Bolivia. Erasmus Plus
2018Erasmus Plus Award for staff exchange at University Ca’Foscari, Venice, Italy. Erasmus Plus
2017Erasmus Plus Award for staff exchange at Pantheion University, Athens, Greece. Erasmus Plus
2015AMIDILA Erasmus Mundus for research at Brazilian partner University, Universidade Federal do Piauí European Commission
2015Erasmus Plus Award for staff exchange at Aristotele University, Thessaloniki, Greece Erasmus Plus
2014UCC Stragegic Research Fund UCC
2013University College Cork Strategic Research Fund / CACSSS Transitional Research Fund UCC
2012Publication award by National University of Ireland National University of Ireland
2011Travel grant by the DAAD (German Academic Exchange) for active participation at SSEASR Conference on Mountains in the Religions of South and Southeast Asia: Place, Culture, and Power, at Thimphu, King DAAD (German Academic Exchange)
2010Fund by the Freie Universität for editorial office Freie Universität
2009Fund by the VolkswagenStiftung (Volkswagen Foundation) for exhibition Museum islands at the Ethnological Museum, Berlin Volkswagen Foundation
2007Fund by the Freie Universität for editorial office Freie Universität
2007Fund by the VolkswagenStiftung for conference Wohin mit uns? Volkswagen Foundation
2006Fund by the Freie Universität Berlin for publication Freie Universität Berlin, Germany
2006Fund by the German Research Council (DFG) for conference Religion and Music German Research Council
2010Travel grant by the DAAD (German Academic Exchange) for active participation at the XXth IAHR Quinquennial World Congress Religion a Humane Phenomenon in Toronto. DAAD (German Academic Exchange)
2006Fund by the VolkswagenStiftung, VW Tandem-Project From Imperial museum to communication Center ? Volkswagen Foundation
2008Fund by the Freie Universität Berlin for international conference Indigenous Theories and Religions in India in Berlin und Jagdalpur Freie Universität Berlin
2006Travel grant by the DFG (German Research Foundation) for active participation at the International Conference Identity, Cultural Pluralism and State. Celebrating Dialogue and Diversity, Anthropologica German Research Foundation
1999Doctoral and Post-Doctoral scholarship by the German Research Foundation (DFG) within the Orissa-Research Project German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft)

Professional Associations

 AssociationFunctionFrom / To
European Association for the Study of Religions member/
International Society for Academic Research on Shamanism member15-OCT-15 /
European Association of Social Anthropologists (EASA) member/
Indian Association for Asian and Pacific Studies IAAPS member/
European Association for South Asian Studies member/
Irish Society for the Academic Study of Religions (ISASR) member/

Conference Contributions

(2024)Eco-cosmology: A new paradigm for reevaluating indigenous knowledge and indigenous concepts on sustainability?,
Dr hab. Lidia Guzy (2024) March 7, 2024; Event at Environmental History and Humanities of India. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Eco-cosmology: A new paradigm for reevaluating indigenous knowledge and indigenous concepts on sustainability?, Ca'Foscari Unviersity, Venice . [Details]
(2023)Iconic Women in Anthropology, key-note lecture,
Lidia Guzy (2023) Two-day International Conference cum Webinar on “The Contribution of Women Anthropologists and Sociologists: India and Beyond”, organised by the Department of Sociology & Social Anthropology IGNTU, Amarkantak (M.P.) on 6th and 7th January 2023. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Iconic Women in Anthropology, key-note lecture, Department of Sociology & Social Anthropology IGNTU, Amarkantak (M.P.) on 6th and 7th January 2023 , 06-JAN-23 - 07-JAN-23. [Details]
(2023)Eco-Cosmology, Indigenous Worldview and Sustainable Development Discourse at 19th IUAES conference in Dehli (Indian Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Studies.),
Lidia Guzy (2023) Convenor of Panel No PO45 with Co-convenor Dr. Nava Kishor Das. [Invited Seminars/Guest Lectures], Eco-Cosmology, Indigenous Worldview and Sustainable Development Discourse at 19th IUAES conference in Dehli (Indian Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Studies.), New Dehli . [Details]
(2022)Muzyka, marginalizacja, religia i polityka. Przykłady długotrwałej dokumbadań terenowych w zachodniej części stanu Odisha, Indie),
Lidia Guzy (2022) at international workshop „Anthropological Laboratory: Workshop Methodologies Revisited” a. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Muzyka, marginalizacja, religia i polityka. Przykłady długotrwałej dokumbadań terenowych w zachodniej części stanu Odisha, Indie), Torun, Faculty of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology, Poland (Katedra Etnologii i Antropologii Kulturowej UMK w Toruniu (Instytut Nauk o Kulturze) , 25-MAY-22 - 25-MAY-22. [Details]
(2022)A Universal Wellbeing for All – Utopia or Dystopia in its making?,
Lidia Guzy (2022) paper at international workshop on ‘Good Life’ and Development: Exploring the nexus between two entangled concepts in contemporary India and beyond 27/28 March 2022. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], A Universal Wellbeing for All – Utopia or Dystopia in its making?, Aarhus University, Denmark , 27-MAR-22 - 28-MAR-22. [Details]
(2022)Eco-cosmology- Perspectives on indigenous cultures. A worldview of ecological sustainability,
Lidia Guzy (2022) at Faculty of Theology, Humboldt Universitaet (HU), Berlin ( Gesprächswerkstatt „Religionsgemeinschaften und Nachhaltigkeit: Ökologische Perspektiven religiöser Praxis.”). [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Eco-cosmology- Perspectives on indigenous cultures. A worldview of ecological sustainability, Berlin , 22-MAY-22 - 22-MAY-22. [Details]
(2022)Anthropological Laboratory: Workshop Methodologies Revisited”,
Lidia Guzy (2022) Organisation of international Marginalised and Endangered Worldviews Study Center (MEWSC) workshop „Anthropological Laboratory: Workshop Methodologies Revisited” 25th May 2022. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Anthropological Laboratory: Workshop Methodologies Revisited”, Mikolaj Kopernicus University, Torun, Faculty of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology, Poland (Katedra Etnologii i Antropologii Kulturowej UMK w Toruniu (Instytut Nauk o Kulturze) , 25-MAY-22. [Details]
(2022)Marginalised and Endangered Worldviews,
Lidia Guzy (2022) Organisation of EASR (European Association of Study of Religions) Panel “Marginalised and Endangered Worldviews”, UCC, Ireland (27th June to 1st July 2022). [Chair Sessions at Symposia], Marginalised and Endangered Worldviews, UCC . [Details]
(2021)Humanity as endangered and marginalised worldview,
Lidia Guzy (2021) Invited presentation at “Risks in the Risk Society: Old and new vulnerabilities in the age of COVID-19, online 23 Feb 2021. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Humanity as endangered and marginalised worldview, Thessaloniki, Greece , 23-FEB-21 - 23-FEB-21. [Details]
(2019)Insecurities and uncertainties at the margins of institutionalised religions: ghosts, monsters, witchcraft and other dangerous matters,
Lidia Guzy, Ulo Valk (2019) Organisation of Marginalised and Endangered Worldviews (MEWSC) Conference Insecurities and uncertainties at the margins of institutionalised religions: ghosts, monsters, witchcraft and other dangerous matters at 17th EASR Conference “Religion – Continuations and Disruptions” (together with Prof Uelo Valk, University of Tartu 25-29th June 2019). [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Insecurities and uncertainties at the margins of institutionalised religions: ghosts, monsters, witchcraft and other dangerous matters, Tartu, Estonia , 25-JUN-19 - 29-JUN-19. [Details]
(2018)Sacred Landscape, Indigeneity and Cultural Heritage,
Lidia Guzy (2018) Florianópolis, 16.-20 July 2018 Organisation and Convenor of panel Sacred Landscape, Indigeneity and Cultural Heritage at the18th World Congress of the IUAES (International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences) World (of) Encounters: The Past, Present and Future of Anthropological Knowledge, in Florianópolis, Brazil. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Sacred Landscape, Indigeneity and Cultural Heritage, Florianópolis, Brazil . [Details]
(2018)International Winterschool on Endangered Cultures and Sustainability with special reference to Tribal and Folk communities in India, an der Indira Gandhi National Tribal University,
Lidia Guzy (2018) Organisation of the international Winterschool on Endangered Cultures and Sustainability with special reference to Tribal and Folk communities in India. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], International Winterschool on Endangered Cultures and Sustainability with special reference to Tribal and Folk communities in India, an der Indira Gandhi National Tribal University, Amarkantak, Madhya Pradesh, India , 08-JAN-18 - 12-OCT-18. [Details]
(2018)Eco-cosmology, Sustainability and a Spirit of Resilience,
Lidia Guzy (2018) Anthropology Association of Ireland and Marginalised and Endangered Worldviews conference. [Conference Organising Committee Member], Eco-cosmology, Sustainability and a Spirit of Resilience, UCC , 21-SEP-18 - 22-SEP-18. [Details]
(2018)Sacred Landscape, Indigeneity and Cultural Heritage,
Lidia Guzy (2018) 18th World Congress of the IUAES (International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences) World (of) Encounters: The Past, Present and Future of Anthropological Knowledge. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Sacred Landscape, Indigeneity and Cultural Heritage, Florianopolis, Brazil , 16-JUL-18 - 20-JUL-18. [Details]
(2017)‘Women, Place and Space’,
Gender Studies (Catherine Lawless, Trinity College Dublin), History (Malgorzata Krasnodebska-D'Aughton, Finola Doyle-O’Neill), Art History (Panayota Volti, Université Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense; Mary Healy), Study of Religions (Lidia Guzy), Theatre Studies (Marie Kelly), Classics (Catherine Ware) and Applied Social Studies (Caitríona Ní Laoire) (2017) CACSSS masterclass that explored the presence of women in physical and ideological spaces across a chronological and geographical span. [Oral Presentation], ‘Women, Place and Space’, University College Cork . [Details]
(2016)Latin American Indigeneities,
Lidia Guzy (2016) organisiation of interdisciplinary workshop on indigeneities in Latin America. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], Latin American Indigeneities, UCC , 06-OCT-16 - 06-OCT-16. [Details]
(2016)INDIA AND THE BALKANS. A comparative perspective on symbols of subaltern identity in two world regions,
Lidia Guzy (2016) Comparative studies of two world regions. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], INDIA AND THE BALKANS. A comparative perspective on symbols of subaltern identity in two world regions, UCC , 23-SEP-16 - 23-SEP-16. [Details]
(2015)Panel: Transgressive Transformations through Art,
Lidia Guzy and James Kapalo (2015) AAI Conference: Permanence and Transition/Transitoriness: Anthropological Perspectives. [Chair Sessions at Symposia], Panel: Transgressive Transformations through Art, UCC , 06-MAR-15 - 07-MAR-15. [Details]
(2015)Launch of India Study Centre Cork (ISCC) and conference Medialising Tradition –South Asia Transforms,
Lidia Guzy (2015) launch of India Study Centre Cork and 1st ISCC workshop Medialising Tradition –South Asia Transforms. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], Launch of India Study Centre Cork (ISCC) and conference Medialising Tradition –South Asia Transforms, UCC , 12-MAR-15 - 12-MAR-15. [Details]
(2014)Indigenous ontologies - reassessing human and non-human relations,
Lidia Guzy, James Kapalo, Ülo Valk (2014) international workshop of MEWSC Marginalised and Endangered Worldviews Study Centern. [Conference Organising Committee Member], Indigenous ontologies - reassessing human and non-human relations, Tartu, Estonia , 28-JUL-14 - 30-MAY-14. [Details]
(2014)Assertions identitaires et réappropriations symboliques en Inde,
Lidia Guzy (2014) Journées organisées par Marine Carrin (CAS) et Guillaume Sibertin-Blanc (ERRAPHYS). [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Assertions identitaires et réappropriations symboliques en Inde, Toulouse, France , 26-MAY-14 - 28-MAY-14. [Details]
(2014)Adivasi Dharam-Indian Indigenous Religion as Response to Marginalisation at Religion,,
Lidia Guzy (2014) Transformation and Conflict. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Adivasi Dharam-Indian Indigenous Religion as Response to Marginalisation at Religion,, Institute for the Study of Conflict, Transformation, Queens University Belfast , 30-MAY-14 - 30-MAY-14. [Details]
(2014)Performance, Art and Experience at the 11th Conference of the SIEF Working Group on Ethnology of Religion,
Lidia Guzy (2014) 11th Conference of the SIEF Working Group on Ethnology of Religion. [Invited Oral Presentation], Performance, Art and Experience at the 11th Conference of the SIEF Working Group on Ethnology of Religion, Lissabon, Portugal , 22-MAY-14 - 23-MAY-14. [Details]
(2014)Eurasian Alterities: Comparative perspectives on Indigenous and Minority Worldviews,
Lidia Guzy and James Kapalo (2014) 3rd Marginalised and Endangered Worldviews Study Centre (MEWSC) workshop. [Conference Organising Committee Member], Eurasian Alterities: Comparative perspectives on Indigenous and Minority Worldviews, UCC , 13-NOV-14 - 13-MAR-15. [Details]
(2014)Tradition, Creativity and Indigenous Knowledge,
Lidia Guzy (2014) Winter School of International Folkloristics and Indigenous Culture. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Tradition, Creativity and Indigenous Knowledge, Ranchi India , 12-MAY-14 - 21-MAY-14. [Details]
(2014)The 23rd European Conference on South Asian Studies (ECSAS),
Lidia Guzy (2014) International Annual Conference. [Oral Presentation], The 23rd European Conference on South Asian Studies (ECSAS), Zurich Switzerland , 23-JUL-14 - 26-MAY-14. [Details]
(2013)Mewsc – Marginalised and Endangered Worldviews Study Center – An axis between Ireland and India,
Lidia Guzy (2013) International conference Ireland-India-Asia. Entangled Histories and Cultural Processes. [Invited Oral Presentation], Mewsc – Marginalised and Endangered Worldviews Study Center – An axis between Ireland and India, New Delhi India , 28-MAY-14 - 29-MAY-14. [Details]
(2013)Launch of Marginalised and Endangered Worldviews Study Center (MEWSC) and workshop Indigenous Aesthetics and Marginalised Knowledge Systems,
Lidia Guzy, James Kapalo, Cecile Guillaume-Pey (2013) international conference and workshop Launch of MEWSC and workshop on Marginalised Knowledge SystemsC. [Conference Organising Committee Member], Launch of Marginalised and Endangered Worldviews Study Center (MEWSC) and workshop Indigenous Aesthetics and Marginalised Knowledge Systems, University College Cork , 30-SEP-13 - 01-OCT-13. [Details]
(2013)Indigenous Aesthetics and Marginalised Knowledge Systems,
Lidia Guzy and James Kapalo (2013) Marginalised and Endangered worldviews Study Centre launch and first workshop rk. [Conference Organising Committee Member], Indigenous Aesthetics and Marginalised Knowledge Systems, UCC , 30-SEP-13 - 01-OCT-13. [Details]
(2012)Adivasi religions in indigenous India. Dialogues with the Divine,
Lidia Guzy (2012) international conference on Adivasi Religions. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], Adivasi religions in indigenous India. Dialogues with the Divine, University College Cork , 01-OCT-12 - 02-OCT-12. [Details]
(2009)From Imperial Museum to Communication Center?,
Lidia Guzy, Rainer Hatoum, Susan Kamel (2009) International Conference on New Museum movementt. [Conference Organising Committee Member], From Imperial Museum to Communication Center?, Berlin , 23-SEP-09 - 26-SEP-09. [Details]
(2009)Indigenous Theories and Local Narratives in India,
Lidia Guzy, N.K. Das, Ranju Hasini Sahu (2009) International Workshop on indigenous theories and local knowledge systems. [Conference Organising Committee Member], Indigenous Theories and Local Narratives in India, Jaddalpur Bastar (India) , 02-FEB-09 - 03-FEB-12. [Details]


 CommitteeFunctionFrom / To
School Quality Review Committee Head of Study of Religions Department2019 / 2019
Internationalisation Committee member/
School Managment Committee Head of Study of Religions Department2016 / 2020
CACSSS Research Committee member2013 / 2013
CACSSS Graduate Studies Committee member2014 / 2014


Polish FluentFluentFluent
English FluentFluentFluent
French FluentFluentFluent
German FluentFluentFluent


no consultancy

Outreach Activities


member of the Scientific Board of International Society for the Study of Shamanism (ISARS), Rome/Athens

Member of the Scientific Board of the MA Partnership Studies e Tradizioni Native Letterature, Psicologia Ethno-Antropologia e Societá at Undine University, Italy

Journal Activities

 JournalRoleTo / From
Irish Journal Of Anthropology Member of Editorial Board01-MAR-18 -
International Quarterly For Asian Studies Member of Editorial Board01-JAN-18 -
Irish Journal Of Anthropology Guest Editor01-DEC-15 - 01-FEB-17

Other Activities


Sept 21&22 2018 Verrier Elwin exhibition at UCC within the Eco-cosmology conference. ORB Building, University College Cork. 

September – November 2009: concept and curatorship of the exhibition Museum Islands of the VW Tandem Museum Project From Imperial Museum to Communication Centre in the Ethnological Museum, together with Dr. Susan Kamel, Dr. Rainer Hatoum and Patrik Metzger.  

October 2008 – November 2008: concept and curatorship Village Music of Eastern India Department of Ethnomusicology, Phonogramm-Archiv, Ethnological Museum, Berlin   

13 September 2003 – 12 October 2003 (duration of the exhibition): The Divine and the Present. Feasts and rituals in Eastern India (Das Göttliche und Gegenwärtige. Feste und Rituale im östlichen Indien), photo exhibition at the Ethnological Museum Berlin in cooperation with Dr. Wibke Lobo, Peter Berger, Roland Hardenberg, Tina Otten and Uwe Skoda (Colleagues in the Orissa Project), within the framework of the Asien–Pazifik–Wochen Berlin 2003

08 April 2003 – 02 May 2003 (duration of the exhibition): concept and curatorship of exhibition Shadows of life – photography and lyrics from Orissa / India (Lebensschatten. Fotographie und Lyrik aus Orissa/Indien) at the Humboldt-University in Berlin (together with Uwe Skoda).  

Concept and organisation of Mutual UCC-IGRMS-IGNTU- winter school at the Indira Gandhi National Tribal University (IGNTU), Amarkantak, January 8-12th Jan 2018     Co-organised by

Dr hab Lidia Guzy, Marginalised and Endangered Worldviews Study Centre & India Study Centre Cork, University College Cork, National University of Ireland.

Prof. Ranju Hasini Sahoo, Departments of Sociology and Social Anthropology, Indira Gandhi National Tribal University,

Prof Dr Sarit Kumar Chaudhuri, Director of the Indira Gandhi Manav Sangrahalaya (Museum of Mankind), Bhopal, India  
Amarkantak, Madhya Pradesh, India

 15-20 January, 2020

Organised by:  University of Tartu, Department of Estonian and Comparative Folklore, Estonia Karbi Anglong Autonomous District Council, Karbi Anglong, Assam Centre for Karbi Studies, Diphu, Karbi Anglong
In collaboration with Marginalised and Endagered Worldviews Study Center (MEWSC), UCC

“Indigeneity”, Orality, and Liminal Ontologies: Methodological Pluralisms and Approaches to Culture
This five-day Winter Workshop brings international scholars of all academic levels into the dense belief-environment of Karbi Anglong, Assam, Northeast India. Participants will have the opportunity to explore the “indigeneity” of Eastern Assam, with a special focus on the orality and liminal ontologies of the Karbi, the most populous “indigenous” group in Assam. The Karbi speak a Tibeto-Burman language and much of their expressive culture exists in the form of orally transmitted narratives. A sizeable number of oral narratives comprising multiple genres can be found in variation across Karbi Anglong. 

"Eco-cosmology, Sustainability and a Spirit of Resilience"
21st & 22nd September 2018
Co-Organisation of

A two-day interdisciplinary conference on "Eco-cosmology, Sustainability and a Spirit of Resilience" for discussions from anthropological, environmental, cultural, economic and political perspectives. Local knowledge systems can be viewed as cultures of sustainability, they are often embedded in heterogenous ecological knowledge, a reflection of indigenous cosmologies, epistemologies and ontologies (Kopenawa/Albert 2013). These local knowledge systems are often criminalised, colonised, subverted or commodified. With the process of industrial extraction of natural resources, diverse indigenous, analogous (co-existing but different) peoples, and local communities are deprived of their fundamental human rights for secured livelihood and preserved eco-systems. An industrial, and even digital, neo-colonial intrusion into the territories and minds of indigenous and analogous peoples is taking place worldwide. With ecological degradation, the vulnerable worldviews, rituals, practices and knowledge systems of indigenous/analogous peoples, and local communities are critically threatened. Yet these worldviews and local knowledge systems could be central for finding local and global solutions for a sustainable and philanthropic world where cultural and eco-biological diversity and mutuality may thrive. This conference invites contributions on the broad theme of environmental, cultural and social sustainability with reference to indigenous/analogous peoples, and local communities.   Suggested themes:
  • local ecological practices and worldviews
  • threatened forms of ecological knowledge transmitted by local traditions
  • ecological sustainability and cultural knowledge
  • eco-cosmologies as solutions for a sustainable world
  • indigenous cultures and worldviews
  • language ecologies
  • digital ecologies
  • shamanic worldviews & ontologies
  • indigenous practices in diasporic communities
  • local heritage, global appropriation
  • vulnerabilities, damage and resilience
  • historical ecologies
Conference Organisers: James Cuffe UCC, Criminology Department, Lidia Guzy (UCC, Study of Religions Department), Cormac Sheehan (Anthropological Association of Ireland)

Contact details

  • Lidia Julianna Guzy
    Assistant Professor/Lecturer in South Asian and Indigenous Religions
  • Study of Religions Department, CACSSS
    University College Cork (UCC)
    National University of Ireland
    Cork[no postcode], Ireland
  • 00353(0)21 4903278

  • Visiting Research Fellow Indira Gandhi National Tribal University, Amarkantak (M.P.) IGNTU, (Central University establishment by an Act of parliament), Department of Sociology & Social Anthropology IGNTU, Amarkantak (M.P.), India

  • Since 2011 till now Privatdozent at Freie Universitaet Berlin (honorary professor), Fachbereich Geschichts- und Kulturwissenschaften, Institut fuer Religionswissenschaft

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Study of Religions Department

Staidéar Reiligiún

Room 2.22, O'Rahilly Building, University College Cork, College Road, Cork, T12 ND89
