Research Profile


Dr. Carol Linehan is a Professor in the School of Applied Psychology, University College Cork.  Her key interests relate to the application of psychology to the workplace.  She has particular interest in gender at work, emotion work in organisations, and the impacts of organisational work practices on employee identities and experiences of work.  
She has a track record of engaged, impact focused research work particularly in the area of improving gender equality in organisations.  A current project is 'Stronger Together' funded via the HEA Gender equality enhancement fund September 11th 2023.  Partner on project ‘Stronger together: An exploration of leadership programmes’.  National network including TUD (lead), UCD, UL, NUIG and UCC
Previously she was awarded, in conjunction with ISS21 and the UCC equality committee, a Pobal grant to create a gender equality action plan for the university sector.  This project was awarded an extension of funding in 2012, see further details at  
Leading on from this work Carol was a member of the UCC team that won over 2 million FP7 funding for a multi-site EU project entitled 'Genovate: Transforming organisational culture for gender equality in research and innovation'.  The project began in January 2013 and ran for four years.
Carol holds a Masters in Occupational Psychology and Human Resource Management and a PhD in the area of learning and identity in organisations.  Before joining UCC she worked at the University of Leicester where she contributed to the setup of the MSc in Occupational Psychology and the Diploma in the Psychology of Work. 
Carol has developed and directed a number of academic programmes including the professionally accredited MA in Work and Organisational Psychology and before that the Higher Diploma in Human Resource Management and the MSc in Human Resource Management in collaboration with ACE.

Research Interests

Occupational Psychology; Gender and Identity in Organisations; Emotional Labour; Impacts of Work Flexibility; Boundaries between Work and Home

Awarded funding via the HEA Gender equality enhancement fund in 2023 for the project ‘Stronger together: An exploration of leadership programmes’.  National network including TUD (lead), UCD, UL, NUIG and UCC.
She was part of the UCC team involved in RRING, a H2020 project on Responsible Research and Innovation.  See project site at  Her role in this project, with colleagues in ISS21, was to bring gender expertise to further align the gender equality sustainable development goals with the overall RRI goals of the project.    
For details on a recent project see  GENOVATE is a four-year collaborative European project involving partners in seven European universities. It is an action-research project based on the promotion of a Gender Equality Action Plan (GEAP) in each partner university. 

For details on a related project see  Through the Glass Ceiling: Career Progression Programme and Strategy (CPPS) for Female Academics and Researchers <> or   


Peer Reviewed Journals

(2024)'Placement experiences as identity work: Crafting fit with professional possibilities'
Dempsey, S., Healy, M. and Linehan, C. (2024) 'Placement experiences as identity work: Crafting fit with professional possibilities'. Studies In Higher Education, 49 (8):1346-1359 [DOI] [Details]
(2024)'From being to doing: Exploring the situated discourses and performances of work engagement'
Linehan, C.; O'Brien, E. (2024) 'From being to doing: Exploring the situated discourses and performances of work engagement'. Management communication quarterly, 0 (0):1-30 [DOI] [Details]
(2022)'Am I lazy, a drama queen or depressed? A journey through a pluralistic approach to analysing accounts of depression'
Maria Dempsey, Sarah Foley, Nollaig Frost, Raegan Murphy, Niamh Willis, Sarah Robinson, Audrey Dunn-Galvin, Angela Veale, Carol Linehan, Nadia Pantidi, John McCarthy (2022) 'Am I lazy, a drama queen or depressed? A journey through a pluralistic approach to analysing accounts of depression'. Qualitative research in psychology, 19 (2):473-493 [DOI] [Details]
(2021)'Context matters: Problematizing the policy-practice interface in the enactment of gender equality action plans in universities'
Laoire, CN;Linehan, C;Archibong, U;Picardi, I;Uden, M (2021) 'Context matters: Problematizing the policy-practice interface in the enactment of gender equality action plans in universities'. Gender Work And Organization, 28 :575-593 [DOI] [Details]
(2020)'Mentoring and skill development in e-Internships'
Jeske, D. and Linehan, C. (2020) 'Mentoring and skill development in e-Internships'. Journal of Work-Applied Management, 12 (2):245-258 [DOI] [Details]
(2019)'Modelling the subjective experience of fun at work'
Clancy, M, Linehan, C. (2019) 'Modelling the subjective experience of fun at work'. Employee Relations, 41 (3):520-537 [DOI] [Details]
(2019)'When is a bed not a bed? Exploring the interplay of the material and virtual in negotiating home-work boundaries'
Koslowski, N.K., Linehan, C. and Tietze, S. (2019) 'When is a bed not a bed? Exploring the interplay of the material and virtual in negotiating home-work boundaries'. Culture and Organization, 25 (3):159-177 [DOI] [Details]
(2019)'Problematizing the authentic self in conceptualisations of emotional dissonance'
O'Brien, E. & Linehan, C. (2019) 'Problematizing the authentic self in conceptualisations of emotional dissonance'. Human Relations, 72 (9):1530-1556 [DOI] [Details]
(2018)'The last taboo?: surfacing and supporting Emotional Labour in HR work'
O'Brien, E;Linehan, C (2018) 'The last taboo?: surfacing and supporting Emotional Labour in HR work'. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 29 (4):683-709 [DOI] [Details]
(2017)'From tell-tale signs to irreconcilable struggles: The value of emotion in exploring the ethical dilemmas of human resource professionals'
Linehan, C. and O'Brien, E. (2017) 'From tell-tale signs to irreconcilable struggles: The value of emotion in exploring the ethical dilemmas of human resource professionals'. Journal of Business Ethics, 141 (4):763-777 [DOI] [Details]
(2017)'Employment engagement in discussion: Goals, perspectives and recommendations'
Jeske, D., Sheehan, M., Linehan, C. and Moran, M. (2017) 'Employment engagement in discussion: Goals, perspectives and recommendations'. Journal of Human Resource Management, 2 :21-29 [Details]
(2015)'Naming the parts: a case-study of a gender equality initiative with academic women'
O Grada, A., Ni Laoire, C., Linehan, C., Boylan, G., Connolly, L. (2015) 'Naming the parts: a case-study of a gender equality initiative with academic women'. Gender in Management: An International Journal, 30 (5):358-378   [DOI] [Full Text] [Details]
(2014)'Females and Precarious Leadership Positions: Further Evidence of the Glass Cliff'
Mulcahy, M. B. and Linehan, C. (2014) 'Females and Precarious Leadership Positions: Further Evidence of the Glass Cliff'. British Journal of Management, (25(3)):425-438   [DOI] [Details]
(2014)'A balancing act: Emotional challenges in the HR role'
O'Brien E., and Linehan C. (2014) 'A balancing act: Emotional challenges in the HR role'. Journal of Management Studies, 51 (8):1257-1285 [DOI] [Details]
(2013)'Getting in and getting on in medical careers: How the rules of the game are gendered'
Linehan, C., Sweeney, C., Boylan, G., Meghen, K, and O'Flynn, S. (2013) 'Getting in and getting on in medical careers: How the rules of the game are gendered'. Gender sexuality and feminism, 1 (2):19-37   [Details]
(2013)'Women in hospital medicine: Facts, figures and personal experiences'
Meghen K.;Sweeney C.;Linehan C.;O'Flynn S.;Boylan G. (2013) 'Women in hospital medicine: Facts, figures and personal experiences'. Irish medical journal, 106 (2) [Details]
(2011)'Identifying the Medical X Factor or the XY Factor: Health Professions Admission Test (HPAT) for Irish medical school entry'
Linehan, C.; (2011) 'Identifying the Medical X Factor or the XY Factor: Health Professions Admission Test (HPAT) for Irish medical school entry'. Irish Journal of Public Policy, 3 (2) [Details]
(2009)'Backwards and in high heels: Exploring why women are under-represented at senior academic levels 1987-2010'
Linehan, C., Buckley, J. and Koslowski, N. ; (2009) 'Backwards and in high heels: Exploring why women are under-represented at senior academic levels 1987-2010'. Journal of Workplace Rights, 14 (4):399-418 [Details]
(2005)'Stopping and starting: A case study of innovation in the public sector'
Buckley, J. and Linehan, C.; (2005) 'Stopping and starting: A case study of innovation in the public sector'. Administration, 53 (3):80-102 [Details]
(2004)'Challenges translating vision to practice in the public service'
Linehan, C. and Buckley, J.; (2004) 'Challenges translating vision to practice in the public service'. Labour Relations Commission Review, 3 (1):15-19 [Details]
(2001)'Reviewing the community of practice metaphor: An analysis of control relations in a primary school classroom'
Linehan C.;McCarthy J. (2001) 'Reviewing the community of practice metaphor: An analysis of control relations in a primary school classroom'. Mind Culture and Activity, 8 (2):129-147 [DOI] [Details]
(2001)'Re-viewing the 'Community of Practice' Metaphor. An analysis of control relations in a primary school'
Linehan, C. & McCarthy, J.C.; (2001) 'Re-viewing the 'Community of Practice' Metaphor. An analysis of control relations in a primary school'. Mind Culture and Activity, 8 (2):129-147 [Details]
(2000)'Positioning in practice: Understanding participation in the social world'
Linehan, C;McCarthy, J (2000) 'Positioning in practice: Understanding participation in the social world'. The Journal For The Theory of Social Behaviour, 30 [Details]
(2000)'Positioning as a means of understanding the narrative construction of self'
Swan, D. & Linehan, C.; (2000) 'Positioning as a means of understanding the narrative construction of self'. Narrative Inquiry, 10 (2):403-427 [Details]
(2000)'The internet and offending behaviour: A case study'
Quayle, E., Holland, G., Linehan, C., and Taylor, M.; (2000) 'The internet and offending behaviour: A case study'. Journal of Sexual Aggression, 6 (1):78-96 [Details]
(1996)'Blind and Partially Sighted Students' Access to Mathematics and Computer Technology in Ireland and Belgium'
Cahill, H.; Linehan, C.; McCarthy, J. C.; Bormans, G.; Engelen, J.; (1996) 'Blind and Partially Sighted Students' Access to Mathematics and Computer Technology in Ireland and Belgium'. Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness, 90.2 (*):105-114 [Details]

Book Chapters

(2019)'Performing the 'Ideal Professional' Insights From Worker's Accounts of Emotional Labor in Contemporary Workplaces'
Linehan, C., and O'Brien, E. (2019) 'Performing the 'Ideal Professional' Insights From Worker's Accounts of Emotional Labor in Contemporary Workplaces' In: Kelliher, C. and Richardson, J (eds). WORK, WORKING AND WORK RELATIONSHIPS IN A CHANGING WORLD. ABINGDON: ROUTLEDGE. [Details]
(2012)'Flexible work flexible selves: The impact of changing work practices on identity'
Linehan, C. (2012) 'Flexible work flexible selves: The impact of changing work practices on identity' In: Kelliher, C. and Richardson, J (eds). New Ways of Organizing Work: Developments, Perspectives and Experiences. Abingdon: Routledge. [Details]
(2010)'Health System: Ireland (Chapter 6)'
Linda F. Dennard, Joan Buckley, Carol Linehan, and Patricia Gunn ; (2010) 'Health System: Ireland (Chapter 6)' In: Johnson, J.A. and Stoskopf, C.H (eds). Comparative Health Systems: Global Perspectives for the 21st Century. Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett Publishers. [Details]
(2006)'From project ontologies to communities of virtue'
Linehan, C. and Kavanagh, D. (2006) 'From project ontologies to communities of virtue' In: Hodgson, D. and Cicmil, S (eds). Making Projects Critical. Houndsmill: Palgrave Macmillan. [Details]
(2001)'A relational approach to understanding classroom practice'
Linehan, C. and McCarthy, J. (2001) 'A relational approach to understanding classroom practice' In: Hedegaard, M (eds). Learning in classrooms: A cultural-historical approach. Aarhus: Aarhus University Press. [Details]
(2000)'Psychological perspectives of 'abandoned' and 'abandoning' street children'
Veale, A., Taylor, M & Linehan, C.; (2000) 'Psychological perspectives of 'abandoned' and 'abandoning' street children' In: Panter-Brick, C. and Smith, M.T (eds). Abandoned children. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [Details]
(1997)'Using conversation to model interaction in the MATHS workstationwor'
Linehan, C. and McCarthy, J.C. (1997) 'Using conversation to model interaction in the MATHS workstationwor' In: Harris, D (eds). Engineering Psychology and Cognitive Ergonomics, Vol. 2 Job Design and Product Design. New York: Routledge. [Details]
(1995)'Ensuring Usability in MATHS'
Cahill, H. Linehan, C., McCarthy, J. C.; Bormans, G.; Engelan, J.; (1995) 'Ensuring Usability in MATHS' In: Porrero, I. and Bellacasa, R (eds). The European Context for Assistive Technology. Amsterdam: IOS Press. [Details]


(2002)Behavioural sciences for marketing and business students.
McDonagh, J., Linehan, C., & Weldridge, R.; (2002) Behavioural sciences for marketing and business students. Dublin: Gill & MacMillan. [Details]

Other Journals

(2011)'Change comes dropping slow: women's experiences of academic life'
Buckley, J. & Linehan, C.; (2011) 'Change comes dropping slow: women's experiences of academic life' UCC News, (59) :8-9. [Details]
(2011)'The choices we make: Equality and academia'
Linehan, C. & Buckley, J.; (2011) 'The choices we make: Equality and academia' LeCheile: UCC Equality Newsletter, (2) . [Details]

Conference Publications

(2017)European Association for Work and Organisational Psychology
Linehan, C., Dockray, S. and Lee, L. (2017) Anyone shout at you today Mum?: Mapping the physiological and subjective impacts of emotional labour demands on pharmacy staff European Association for Work and Organisational Psychology [Details]
(2017)UFHRD: International Conference on Human Resource Development Research and Practice
MacKenzie, C., Carbery, R., O'Brien, E., Sherman, U. and Linehan, C. (2017) Masking the Cracks: Above, Behind, and Beneath the Perceived Diversity & Inclusion Issues at a large US MNC UFHRD: International Conference on Human Resource Development Research and Practice Lisbon, , 07-JUN-17 - 09-JUN-17 [Details]
(2016)17th International conference on HRD research and practice across Europe
Clancy, M. and Linehan, C. (2016) Nerf guns, picnics and parties: Building a model of individual subjective experience of fun in a work environment 17th International conference on HRD research and practice across Europe Manchester, , 08-JUN-16 - 10-JUN-16 [Details]
(2016)Institute of Work Psychology
Linehan C. & OBrien, E. (2016) Faking it to Make it: Challenging the need to bring the 'Authentic Self' to work via a study of emotional dissonance Institute of Work Psychology [Details]
(2014)The work and family researchers network conference
Koslowski, N. & Linehan, C. (2014) Weaving connections and distinctions: Conceptualising home-work as a community of practice The work and family researchers network conference New York, , 21-JUN-15 - 23-JUN-15 [Details]
(2014)European Group for Organization Studies
Koslowski, N., and Linehan, C. (2014) Connectivity or Connectedness? Exploring the paradoxes of home-workers participation in their work communities European Group for Organization Studies Rotterdam, , 03-JUL-15 - 05-JUL-15 [Details]
(2013)British Academy of Management
Mulcahy, M. B., and Linehan, C. (2013) Females and Precarious Leadership Positions: Further Evidence of the Glass Cliff British Academy of Management Liverpool, UK, [Details]
(2013)European Academy of Management
Koslowski, N. & Linehan, C. (2013) Being caught in between: Home-workers modes of belonging at home and at work European Academy of Management Istanbul, , 26-JUN-13 - 29-JUN-13 [Details]
(2013)Irish Academy of Management
Mulcahy, M. B. and Linehan, C. (2013) Risky Business: The Impact of Corporate Performance on Board Gender Diversity Irish Academy of Management Waterford, Ireland, [Details]
(2012)Irish Accounting and Finance Association
Mulcahy, M. and Linehan, C. (2012) Females and Precarious Leadership Positions: Further Evidence of the Glass Cliff Irish Accounting and Finance Association Galway, Ireland, [Details]
(2012)Irish Academy of Management
Buckley, J., & Linehan, C. (2012) Play the game or leave the pitch: Lack of transformation in gender outcomes in academia Irish Academy of Management [Details]
(2010)European Group for Organization Studies
Linehan, C; Buckley, J; Koslowski, N; (2010) The lady (still) vanishes: An exploration of the under-representation of women at senior academic levels 1985-2010 European Group for Organization Studies [Details]
(2010)Irish Academy of Management
Koslowski, N., & Linehan, C. ; (2010) Home workers negotiations and conceptualisations of spatial and temporal boundaries: Beyond segmentation and integration Irish Academy of Management [Details]
(2009)European Group for Organization Studies
Linehan, C.; (2009) Flexible work...flexible selves: The impact of changing work practices on identity European Group for Organization Studies [Details]
(2009)Irish Academy of Management
Koslowski, N; Linehan, C; (2009) 'Why don't you just get a proper job?' Adjusting to telework through the voices of friends Irish Academy of Management [Details]
(2008)Irish Academy of Management
Gubbins, C., Linehan, C., & OBrien, E.; (2008) The emotional labour of HR managers to build social capital Irish Academy of Management [Details]
(2006)Irish Academy of Management
Linehan, C.; (2006) 'Who am I today?' The personal consequences of changing workplaces Irish Academy of Management [Details]
(2004)2nd International Workshop `Making Projects Critical'
Linehan, Carol and D. Kavanagh, Donnacha; (2004) From project ontologies to communities of virtue 2nd International Workshop `Making Projects Critical' Bristol, [Full Text] [Details]
(2003)19th EGOS Colloquium: Subtheme 12: Project organizations, embeddedness, and repositories of knowledge
Linehan, Carol and Kavanagh, Donncha ; (2003) Creating contexts for knowing: Contrasting project ontologies 19th EGOS Colloquium: Subtheme 12: Project organizations, embeddedness, and repositories of knowledge Copenhagen, [Details]
(1998)ISCRAT 1998, the fourth congress of the International Society for Cultural Research and Activity Theory
Linehan, C. and McCarthy, J.; (1998) A relational approach to thinking about participating in classroom social practice . In: M. Hedegaard and S. Chaikilin eds. ISCRAT 1998, the fourth congress of the International Society for Cultural Research and Activity Theory Aarhus, Denmark, , 07-JUN-98 - 11-JUN-98 , pp.182-183 [Details]
(1996)The British HCI Conference: People and Computers XI
Linehan, C. and McCarthy, J.C.; (1996) Deriving information requirements in the design of a mathematics workstation for the visually impaired The British HCI Conference: People and Computers XI , pp.113-128 [Details]

Published Reports

(2019)Report on the self-assessment tool to assess the integration of gender dimensions in RRING.
Ní Laoire, C, Linehan, C, Gaffney, C (2019) Report on the self-assessment tool to assess the integration of gender dimensions in RRING. RRING Consortium, University College Cork. [Details]
(2018)Gender protocol: Implementing gender equality in RRING.
Gaffney, C, Linehan, C, Ní Laoire, C. (2018) Gender protocol: Implementing gender equality in RRING. RRING Consortium, University College Cork. [Details]
(2017)Gender equality and diversity competent research excellence standards: Guiding principles.
Genovate Consortium (2017) Gender equality and diversity competent research excellence standards: Guiding principles. Genovate Consortium, University of Bradford. [Details]
(2017)Diversity and inclusion survey: Findings and insights.
MacKenzie, C., Carbery, R., O'Brien, E., Sherman, U. and Linehan, C. (2017) Diversity and inclusion survey: Findings and insights. For Boston Scientific Ireland, University College Cork. [Details]
(2016)Continuities and changes: Gender culture and working climate assessment report.
Genovate Consortium (2016) Continuities and changes: Gender culture and working climate assessment report. Genovate consortium, University of Bradford. [Details]
(2016)Developing learning circles: 'Sharing and learning' from the Genovate project.
Genovate Consortium (2016) Developing learning circles: 'Sharing and learning' from the Genovate project. Genovate Consortium, University of Bradford. [Details]
(2016)Implementing measures for gender equality in recruitment, promotion and progression in academic and research careers.
Genovate Consortium (2016) Implementing measures for gender equality in recruitment, promotion and progression in academic and research careers. Genovate Consortium, University of Bradford. [Details]
(2012)Through the Glass Ceiling: Career progression programme and strategy for female academics and researchers.
O Grada, A., Ni Laoire, C., Connolly, L., Linehan, C. and Boylan, G. (2012) Through the Glass Ceiling: Career progression programme and strategy for female academics and researchers. Pobal/Equality for Women Measure, Dublin/UCC. [Details]
(2009)Women's career progression in academia.
Linehan, C. Buckley, J. and Koslowski, N. (2009) Women's career progression in academia. ISS21, University College Cork. [Details]
(2005)Innovation in the provision of homehelp services in the Southern Health Board area.
Buckley, J. and Linehan, C. (2005) Innovation in the provision of homehelp services in the Southern Health Board area. Publin: NIFU STEP, Oslo, Norway. [Details]
(2003)Evaluation of Pilot Phase.
Buckley, J. and Linehan, C. (2003) Evaluation of Pilot Phase. Southern Health Board, Cork. [Details]
(2003)An examination of the changing role of community health workers.
Linehan, C. and Buckley, J. (2003) An examination of the changing role of community health workers. The Northside Community Health Initiative, Knocknaheeny Cork. [Details]
(2003)Staff perspectives on the home help service.
Linehan, C. and Buckley, J. (2003) Staff perspectives on the home help service. Southern Health Board, Cork. [Details]
(2003)The Niche story: A management and marketing perspective.
Buckley, J. and Linehan, C. (2003) The Niche story: A management and marketing perspective. The Northside Community Health Initiative, Knocknaheeny Cork. [Details]
(1996)MATHS evaluation report: Ireland. EC TIDE project no 21.
Linehan, C., Lyddy, F., & McCarthy, J.; (1996) MATHS evaluation report: Ireland. EC TIDE project no 21. EC TIDE Project, Ireland. [Details]
(1995)A task analysis of students doing mathematics: Contributing to the design of the input and manipulation languages.
Linehan, C and McCarthy, J. (1995) A task analysis of students doing mathematics: Contributing to the design of the input and manipulation languages. EC TIDE Project, EC TIDE Project. [Details]


(2014)A Balancing Act: Emotional Challenges in the HR Role.
O'Brien, E;Linehan, C (2014) A Balancing Act: Emotional Challenges in the HR Role. HOBOKEN: Reviews [DOI] [Details]

Professional Activities

Honours and Awards

 YearTitleAwarding Body
2017Research Team of the Year University College Cork
2013Best Paper Award Irish Academy of Management Irish Academy of Management
2013Best Full Paper Award British Academy of Management British Academy of Management

Professional Associations

 AssociationFunctionFrom / To
Psychological Society of Ireland Chartered Work and Organisational Psychologist01-DEC-14 /
Division of Work and Organisational Psychology Treasurer01-NOV-21 / 01-SEP-23
European Association for Work and Organisational Psychology Member20-FEB-17 /
Chartered Institute of Personnel Development Academic Member04-JAN-13 /
Irish Academy of Management Member04-JUL-12 /
European Group for Organizational Studies Member01-MAY-03 /

Conference Contributions

(2024)Irish Academy of Management,
Linehan, C., Healy, M., Dempsey, S. (2024) The personal touch in a digital age: How 'others' shape students situated learning across 'Landscapes of Practice'. [Oral Presentation], Irish Academy of Management, Munster Technological University, Cork , 28-AUG-24 - 29-AUG-24. [Details]
(2024)BAFA Accounting Education SIG,
Healy, M., Linehan, C. & Dempsey, S, (2024) Understanding the lived experience of accounting work placements: How 'Others' shape students situated learning across landscapes of practice. [Invited Oral Presentation], BAFA Accounting Education SIG, University of Leeds, UK , 29-MAY-24 - 31-MAY-24. [Details]
(2024)IAFA Annual conference,
Healy, M., Linehan, C. & Dempsey, S, (2024) The human touch in a digital age: Understanding how 'Others' shape students situted learning across landscapes of practice. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], IAFA Annual conference, Ulster University, Belfast , 13-JUN-24 - 14-JUN-24. [Details]
(2023)European Association of Work and Organisational Psychology,
Dempsey, S., Linehan, C. and Healy, M. (2023) Destiny, detours or disengagement: Differing trajectories of professional identity in higher education placements. [Oral Presentation], European Association of Work and Organisational Psychology, Katowice, Poland , 24-MAY-23 - 27-MAY-23. [Details]
(2023)Irish Accounting & Finance Association annual conference,
Dempsey, S., Healy, M & Linehan, C. (2023) Negotiating perceived employability in the context of accounting. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Irish Accounting & Finance Association annual conference, University of Galway, Ireland . [Details]
(2023)European Association of Work and Organisational Psychology,
Linehan, C., Ní Laoire, C. and Gaffney, C (2023) Invited speaker at the Alliance for Organizational Psychology Panel on Promoting Gender Equality in the Workplace with a talk entitled 'Gender washing or meaningful change: Reflecting on a self-assessment approach to integrating gender into a large-scale research project.'. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], European Association of Work and Organisational Psychology, Katowice Poland . [Details]
(2022)Irish Accounting & Finance Association annual conference,
Dempsey, S., Healy, M & Linehan, C. (2022) The placement journey: An empirical investigation of accounting students' experiences. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Irish Accounting & Finance Association annual conference, Maynooth University, Ireland , 09-JUN-22 - 10-JUN-22. [Details]
(2022)British Accounting & Finance Association Accounting Education SIG,
Dempsey, S., Healy, M & Linehan, C. (2022) Placement as situated learning: Student experiences of imagination, engagement and alignment. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], British Accounting & Finance Association Accounting Education SIG, University of Glasgow, Scotland , 18-MAY-22 - 20-MAY-22. [Details]
(2019)European Association of Work and Organisational Psychology,
Linehan, C. & O'Brien, E. (2019) From being to doing: Reconceptualising work engagement from state to situated practice. [Oral Presentation], European Association of Work and Organisational Psychology, Turin, Italy , 29-MAY-19 - 01-JUN-19. [Details]
(2019)Gender studies and research in 2019: Centenary achievements and perspectives,
Gaffney, C., Ni Laoire, C., and Linehan, C. (2019) Implementing and integrating gender equality into responsible research and innovation (RRI). [Oral Presentation], Gender studies and research in 2019: Centenary achievements and perspectives, Vilnius Lithuania , 21-NOV-19 - 23-NOV-19. [Details]
(2018)10th European Conference on Gender Equality in Higher Education and Research,
Ní Laoire, C, Linehan, C, Archibong, U., Picardi, I, Uden, M. (2018) Context matters: Context sensitivity in developing gender equality action plans in universities. [Oral Presentation], 10th European Conference on Gender Equality in Higher Education and Research, Dublin , 20-AUG-18 - 22-AUG-18. [Details]
(2017)European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology,
Linehan, C., Dockray, S., & Lee, L. (2017) “Anyone shout at you today Mum?”: Mapping the physiological and subjective impacts of emotional labour demands on pharmacy staff. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology, University College Dublin . [Details]
(2017)European Association for Work and Organisational Psychology,
Dempsey, S. , Linehan, C. and Healy, M. (2017) It confirmed that this is a good choice for me...The journey has started: Development of professional identity during work placement. [Poster Presentation], European Association for Work and Organisational Psychology, Dublin , 17-MAY-17 - 20-MAY-17. [Details]
(2017)10th International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation,
Dempsey, S., Healy, M. & Linehan, C. (2017) Accounting is my Favourite Module in University, but is being an accountant really for me? I suppose I'll find out: Students' Developing Professional Identity during Work Placement. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], 10th International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation, Seville, Spain , 16-NOV-17 - 18-NOV-17. [Details]
(2017)British Accounting and Finance Association SIG Accounting Education,
Dempsey, S., Healy, M. and Linehan, C. (2017) There's always tax..: An empirical investigation of accounting students' sense-making in the context of their undergraduate placement experiences. [Oral Presentation], British Accounting and Finance Association SIG Accounting Education, Cardiff , 03-MAY-17 - 05-MAY-17. [Details]
(2016)Institute of Work Psychology,
Linehan C. & OBrien, E. (2016) Faking it to Make it: Challenging the need to bring the 'Authentic Self' to work via a study of emotional dissonance. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Institute of Work Psychology, Sheffield . [Details]
(2016)Institute of Work Psychology Conference,
Dempsey, S., Linehan, C. and Healy, M. (2016) Formation of professional identity during work placement: Findings from third level accounting students. [Oral Presentation], Institute of Work Psychology Conference, Sheffield , 21-JUN-16 - 23-JUN-16. [Details]
(2016)British Accounting and Finance Association _ Accounting Education Special Interest Group Annual Conference,
Dempsey, S., Healy, M. & Linehan, C. (2016) Doing, Being & Becoming: Development of Professional Identify of Third-Level Accounting Students association with Work Placement. [Invited Oral Presentation], British Accounting and Finance Association _ Accounting Education Special Interest Group Annual Conference, Belfast, UK , 04-MAY-16 - 06-MAY-16. [Details]
(2015)16th International Conference on Human Resource Development Research and Practice across Europe,
MacKenzie, C., Linehan, C., & Buckley, J. (2015) The HR Sin-Eaters: Absolving the Organisation. [Oral Presentation], 16th International Conference on Human Resource Development Research and Practice across Europe, Cork , 03-JUN-15 - 05-JUN-15. [Details]
(2014)The work and family researchers network conference,
Koslowski. N.C., Linehan, C. and Tietze, S. (2014) Weaving connections and distinctions: Conceptualising home-work as a community of practice. [Oral Presentation], The work and family researchers network conference, New York , 21-JUN-14 - 21-JUN-14. [Details]
(2014)European Group for Organization Studies,
Koslowski, N., and Linehan, C. (2014) Connectivity or Connectedness? Exploring the paradoxes of home-workers participation in their work communities. [Oral Presentation], European Group for Organization Studies, Rotterdam , 03-JUL-14 - 05-JUL-14. [Details]
(2013)Women on Board,
Mulcahy, M. B. and Linehan, C. (2013) Risky Business: Exploring the Impact of Corporate Performance on Board Gender Diversity. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Women on Board, Brookfield Health Sciences Building, University College Cork , 21-JUN-13 - 21-JUN-13. [Details]
(2013)27th Annual Conference of the British Academy of Management,
Mulcahy, M. and Linehan, C. (2013) Managing to Make a Difference. [Invited Oral Presentation], 27th Annual Conference of the British Academy of Management, University of Liverpool, Liverpool , 10-SEP-13 - 12-SEP-13. [Details]
(2012)The Irish Academy of Management,
Linehan, C. (2012) Human Resource Management Track Chair. [Chair Sessions at Symposia], The Irish Academy of Management, Maynooth , 06-SEP-12 - 07-SEP-12. [Details]
(2012)The Irish Academy of Management,
Buckley, J. and Linehan, C. (2012) Play the game or leave the pitch: Lack of transformation of gender outcomes in academia. [Oral Presentation], The Irish Academy of Management, Maynooth, Ireland , 06-SEP-12 - 07-SEP-12. [Details]
(2011)In the Presence of Ladies,
Buckley, J. and Linehan, C.; (2011) Displaced mother hen or totalitarian fascist: Womens' experience in University. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], In the Presence of Ladies, University College Cork , 22-JAN-11 - 22-JAN-11. [Details]
(2010)Gender Equality in Academia,
Linehan, C.; (2010) Seminar on Gender Equality and Launch of 'Beyond the Glass Ceiling' Project. [Conference Organising Committee Member], Gender Equality in Academia, UCC , 01-DEC-10 - 01-DEC-10. [Details]
(2010)European Group for Organization Studies,
Linehan, C., Buckley, J., & Koslowski, N.; (2010) The lady (still) vanishes: An exploration of the under-representation of women at senior academic levels 1985-2009. [Oral Presentation], European Group for Organization Studies, Lisbon , 01-JUL-10 - 03-JUL-10. [Details]
(2010)Irish Academy of Management,
Koslowski, N & Linehan, C.; (2010) Home workers negotiations and conceptualisations of spatial and temporal boundaries. [Oral Presentation], Irish Academy of Management, Cork , 01-SEP-10 - 03-SEP-10. [Details]
(2009)Computer Science Research Group,
Linehan, C.; (2009) Ethical considerations in the use of new technologies. [Invited Oral Presentation], Computer Science Research Group, UCC , 26-JUN-09 - 26-JUN-09. [Details]
(2009)Irish Academy of Management,
Koslowski, N. & Linehan, C.; (2009) Why don't you just get a proper job? Adjusting to telework through the voices of friends. [Oral Presentation], Irish Academy of Management, Galway , 01-SEP-09 - 03-DEC-09. [Details]
(2009)European Group for Organization Studies,
Linehan, C.; (2009) Flexible work...flexible selves? The impact of changing work practices on identity. [Oral Presentation], European Group for Organization Studies, Barcelona , 01-JUL-09 - 04-JUL-09. [Details]
(2008)Irish Academy of Management,
Linehan, C. & O'Brien, E. (2008) The Insincerity of Trying to be Sincere: Learning the Emotion Display Rules to be a HR Manager. [N/A], Irish Academy of Management, Limerick . [Details]
(2008)Irish Academy of Management,
Gubbins, C., Linehan, C. & O'Brien, E.; (2008) The emotional labour of HR managers to build social capital. [Oral Presentation], Irish Academy of Management, Dublin , 01-SEP-08 - 03-SEP-08. [Details]
(2006)Partnership the next challenge -- Delivering workplace change and a better quality working life,
Linehan, C.; (2006) National Centre for Partnership and Performance. [Other], Partnership the next challenge -- Delivering workplace change and a better quality working life, Kilmainham Dublin , 22-JUN-06 - 22-JUN-06. [Details]
(2006)Irish Academy of Management,
Linehan, Carol; (2006) Who am I today? The personal consequences of changing workplaces. [Conference Organising Committee Member], Irish Academy of Management, University College Cork , 06-SEP-06 - 08-SEP-06. [Details]
(2004)Making Projects Critical,
Carol Linehan and Donncha Kavanagh; (2004) From project ontologies to communities of virtue. [Plenary Lecture], Making Projects Critical, Bristol , 18-DEC-04 - 20-DEC-04. [Details]
(2003)European Group of Organizational Studies,
Linehan, C. and Kavanagh, D.; (2003) Creating contexts for knowing: Contrasting project ontologies. [Oral Presentation], European Group of Organizational Studies, Copenhagen , 03-JUL-03 - 05-JUL-03. [Details]
(2003)Irish Academy of Management,
Linehan, C.; Buckley, J.; (2003) From vision to practice: Examining the Challenge of HRM in the Public Sector. [Invited Oral Presentation], Irish Academy of Management, Dublin , 01-SEP-03 - 03-SEP-03. [Details]
(2003)Irish Academy of Management,
Linehan, C.; (2003) Examining the challenges of human resource management in the public sector. [Oral Presentation], Irish Academy of Management, Dublin , 01-SEP-03 - 03-SEP-03. [Details]
(1999)International Society for Cultural Research and Activity Theory,
Linehan, C.; (1999) Looking at what practice forgot: A dialogical account of agency in organisations. [Oral Presentation], International Society for Cultural Research and Activity Theory, Aarhus , 30-DEC-99 - 30-DEC-99. [Details]
(1997)Engineering Psychology and Cognitive Ergonomics, Statford-Upon-Avon, UK (October 1996),
Linehan, C.; McCarthy, J. C.; (1997) *. [N/A], Engineering Psychology and Cognitive Ergonomics, Statford-Upon-Avon, UK (October 1996), Analysing Task-Related Discourse to Model HCI Dialogue in the MATHS Workstation [B3209] , 01-JAN-97 - 30-DEC-99. [Details]
(1996)People and Computers 11, Proceedings of the British HCI Group Conference,
Linehan, C.; McCarthy, J. C.; (1996) *. [N/A], People and Computers 11, Proceedings of the British HCI Group Conference, Deriving Information Requirements in the Design of a Mathematics Workstation for the Visually Impair , 01-JAN-96 - 30-DEC-99. [Details]


 CommitteeFunctionFrom / To
MA WOP/WOB Board of Studies Chair to 2020; Member 2020 onwards/
Academic Council Member as Head of School2020 / 2023
Professional accreditation working group Programme Director2022 / 2024
CACSSS Executive Management Committee Member as Head of School2020 / 2023
Lecturer Promotions and Establishment Board Member2018 / 2022
Athena Swan Working Group Technical advisor2015 /
School Executive Chair2020 /
School Executive Member2014 / 2020
Athena Swan Steering Group Member2016 /
University Examinations Appeals Member2016 / 2020
Chair School Teaching and Learning Committee Chair2015 / 2019
College Teaching and Learning Committee Member2014 / 2017
50th Anniversary Steering Group Chair of Committee2014 / 2014
Co-Director for Accreditation Process Co-Director2012 / 2014
Steering group for HR programme development Academic Director2012 / 2014
Departmental BComm steering committee Chair2011 / 2012
BComm Board of Studies BComm Liaison for Dept of Management & Marketing2010 / 2012
Human resources stream of the Irish Academy of Management Track Chair2012 / 2012
Teaching and Curriculum Development Committee Departmental representative2008 / 2010
National Centre for Partnership and Performance Member of the Research Advisory Panel2002 / 2008
Course Team Re-designing Higher Diploma in Management & Marketing 2005 / 2005
Quality Committee Steering Group Benchmarking Report/
Blended Learning Group Committee member2009 /
Family Business Partnership Board Course Director2003 / 2004
School of Management and Marketing Graduate Studies Committee Member2012 / 2014


 EmployerPositionFrom / To
School of Applied Psychology Head of School01-MAY-20 / 01-JUN-23
School of Applied Psychology Vice Head of School01-FEB-19 / 01-MAY-20
School of Applied Psychology Senior Lecturer28-APR-14 / 01-JUL-20
School of Management and Marketing, University College Cork College Lecturer01-SEP-01 / 27-APR-14


2000University College Cork PhD
1994University College Cork Masters in Human Resource and Occupational Psychology
1993University College Cork BA

Outreach Activities


Invited keynote speaker for Network Cork event 2nd Feb 2022. Faking it or feeling it? Exploring emotion and resilience at work. Lapps Quay, Cork. [Network Ireland supports the professional and personal development of women and Cork is its largest branch.]

Invited speaker for Cork City Council International Women's Day event on March 8th 2021 'Choose to Challenge'

Invited keynote speaker for PSI Early Graduate Group Conference 18th September 2021. Panel exploring “Productivity culture: Help or hindrance.”

Industry engagement
Carol engages regularly with local industry for example as an invited speaker on 'Applying Psychology at Work' to the OPEX PharmaChemical group on May 28th 2015.  Giving an invited workshop on 'Leading across Genders' at Boston Scientific Cork on October 15th 2015

Dissemination of work in practitioner and public fora.

For example my research on the glass cliff (with Dr M. Mulcahy) was featured as "Women on boards: Look out for the glass cliff" in the practitioner magazine 'In a nutshell' published by the Chartered Institute of Personnel Development (Issue 38, September 2014).   I have also contributed to media articles for example in 'The Irish Times' piece on 'Leavism' in the workplace on Jan. 29th 2016 or in 'The Irish Examiner' in a piece on gender and ability, published November 29th 2014.

Journal Activities

 JournalRoleTo / From
Education Review Referee-
Human Relations Referee-
Irish Journal Of Public Policy Referee-
British Journal Of Management Referee-
British Journal Of Management Referee-
European Journal Of Training And Development Referee-
Equality, Diversity And Inclusion: An International Journal Referee-
The Irish Journal Of Management (Incorporating Ibar) Referee-
Organization Management Journal Referee-

Other Activities


Frequently act as mentor for colleagues.  Some recent examples: 
-- Aurora mentor for Dr Silvia Arroyo from January 2023 for six months.
-- Invited to act as senior mentor in the ‘Preparing for Academic Advancement’ PAA programme in June 2023 and took up role in national mentoring programme to advance women in academia.

Chairing Panel discussion for symposium on institutionalising gender equality in higher education, hosted by the GendeResearchIreland project.  UCC, 14th November 2022.  

Frequently Chair/Member of University academic selection panels

Invited speaker at Maynooth University Athena Swan seminar on 3rd December 2021

Lead the application in 2018 for re-accreditation of the MA in Work and Organisational Psychology by the professional society, The Psychological Society of Ireland.

Organised a joint event with the Division of Work and Organisational Psychology, Psychological Society of Ireland, carrying CPD credit.  Held in School of Applied Psychology March 9th 2016

Chair of 'Caring and academic and research careers'.  Genovate hosted seminar held in UCC on December 8th 2015.

Reviewer for the 15th International Conference on Human Resource Development Research and Practice across Europe. Edinburgh Napier University, 4th-6th June 2014

Recently awarded full academic membership of the Chartered Institute of Personnel Development.  This level of membership is awarded to those recognised to be at a senior level of teaching and research in the field of human resource management

Acting Head of Department, School of Management and Marketing for periods in 2012 to 2013

Conducted an investigation of student supports for the dept of management and marketing 2010-2011.  Produced report on supports Linehan & Kelleher (2011).

Editor of the Departmental Working Paper Series (2004-2006)

Teaching Activities

Teaching Interests

Carol has delivered courses at undergraduate, postgraduate and executive education levels.  
Most recent modules taught are listed below.  
Her core teaching interests relate to understanding people and organisations.  A core value is to examine work from a multiple stakeholder perspective.  This addresses not only management issues/concerns but also the consequences of work design and management for a range of stakeholders.  Particular topics include understanding emotion management in the workplace; work-life balance; identity & work; workplace flexibility; home-work boundaries; and gender at work.  

As well as teaching Carol developed, directs, and lead the accreditation bid for the postgraduate programme, MA in Work and Organisational Psychology/Behaviour.  This programme is  professionally accredited by the Division of Work and Organisational Psychology, Psychological Society of Ireland

Recent Modules Taught
AP3037 Work Psychology
AP6166 Personnel Selection and Assessment
AP6169 Learning, Well-Being and Participation at Work
AP6170 Professional Skills

Recent Postgraduates

 Graduation YearStudent NameInstitutionDegree TypeThesis Title
2022Olive Fives University College CorkPHDMaking Sense of Incentive Experiences: A Discourse Analysis of Middle Managers’ Accounts
2021Julia Sylvia Dempsey University College CorkPHDHow placement in accounting degree programmes influences developing professional identities: an empirical analysis
2015Maeve Clancy University College CorkMSC COMMERCEWhat makes 'fun' fun? An investigation of the individual subjective experience of fun in a work environment
2012Nora Koslowski UCCPhDNegotiating the boundaries between home and work practices: The case of home-workers
2011Elaine O'Brien University College CorkPHDBeyond the Front-line: Exploring the Emotional Labour of Human Resource Professionals

Research Information

External Collaborators

 NameOrganisation / InstituteCountry
Professor Uduak Archibong University of BradfordENGLAND

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University College Cork

Coláiste na hOllscoile Corcaigh

College Road, Cork T12 K8AF
