Research Profile


Aisling Parkes is a Senior Lecturer in Law with specialist expertise in international children's rights, child law and Sports Law. She joined UCC School of Law in 2008. Aisling's work is multidisciplinary in nature as, in addition to her research and teaching in law, she maintains a strong interest in Applied Psychology, having recently completed a BA in Applied Psychology. She is a UCC law graduate, (BCL 2000; LLM 2001; PhD 2006; PGCTL 2009, PG Dip TL 2010, MATLHE 2011, MA in Applied Psychology (Coaching Psychology) 2015; BA in Applied Psychology 2020).
Aisling is currently co-director and founder of the Sports Law Clinic at UCC. She is also the Disability Liaison Representative for the School, a role which together with that of Student Wellbeing Officer, she was awarded the  UCC Frank McGrath Perpetual Award for Equality and Welfare in 2016. She was also the Evening BCL Programme Director until 2017. Aisling was awarded the UCC President's Award for Teaching Excellence in October 2014. Aisling's research interests lie in the areas of international children's rights, child development and psychology and in particular, the right of children to be heard (Article 12 CRC) and the rights of children with a parent in prison. Her research also engages with critical areas of child law (including child care proceedings in the district court and adoption),  as well as international disability law and sports law. Aisling's publications and conference papers are of a national and international nature. Her book Children and International Human Rights Law: The Right of the Child to be Heard, was published by Routledge-Cavendish in 2013.
Aisling is actively engaged in interdisciplinary research on the rights of children with a parent in prison (with Dr Fiona Donson, School of Law), research which has attracted a great deal of funding and has had real impact nationally and internationally. For example, in 2017, Aisling and her colleague Dr Fiona Donson, led the development and design of the first ever National Advocacy and Research Strategy for Ireland on the Rights of Children with a parent in prison, together with two prominent NGOs who work with children - the Children's Rights Alliance and the Irish Penal Reform Trust. Furthermore, the international profile of the work conducted by Aisling and Dr Donson, led  to them being invited to contribute to the drafting of a Council of Europe Recommendation on the Rights of Children with a Parent in Prison. This recommendation was adopted by the COE Committee of Ministers in April 2018 and is applicable to all 47 member states of the COE. Aisling was also a member of the Child Care Proceedings Research Group UCC, the latter being awarded UCC Research Team of the Year in 2016. This research has also attracted IRC funding which has led to the generation of a significant number of national and international outputs, mainly of a peer reviewed nature.
Aisling has worked with UNICEF at the Innocenti Research Centre, Florence, Italy and has also worked as a researcher on a variety of different projects in areas such as Children's Rights, Matrimonial Property Law, Child Abduction and the rights of children with disabilities. Aisling teaches annually at the Law School at Charles University in Prague.

Research Interests

To date, the central focus of my research has been on international children's rights law and, in particular, the right of the child to be heard in all matters affecting them. My research has focussed specifically on the nature and scope of this right and the extent to which it has been implemented under international law. Indeed, it represents the first international comparative legal analysis of its kind, the primary aim of which was to identify the extent to which the right of the child to be heard has been implemented in practice across a variety of jurisdictions.

At national level, I am actively engaged in research on Irish Adoption Law and Policy as well as the rights of children affected by parental imprisonment. I also have an avid interest in the issue of cyber bullying.

The publications which I have completed to date have built upon this research and have not only explored the extent to which this right has been reflected in specific areas of Irish Law such as legal proceedings, but it has also identified the extent to which the voice of the child is protected for certain vulnerable groups of children such as children with disabilities or indeed children in care. Conference papers I have presented have also built upon this research further and have explored the conflict which exists between this fundamental right of the child and the use of age limits in areas such as adoption, custody and access and healthcare. The extent to which this right is respected in Ireland in areas of youth justice has also been illustrated.

I have also been actively involved in other research projects as a research assistant in the areas of the children's court, matrimonial property law and barriers to the implementation of children's rights. My Masters thesis was grounded in Family law and focussed specifically on The Nature and Scope of Common Law Marriage.

Research Grants

Start DateEnd DateAward
Adoption.Irish Research Council15-MAR-1430-NOV-14€6,000.00
Exploratory workshop - bringing together key experts on the rights of children with a parent in prison.Irish Research Council01-MAR-1530-NOV-15€4,960.00
Silence in the courtroom, silence in the street? An exploratory study of women's experiences of the Irish family law system in parental separation and divorce01-APR-2129-DEC-22€5,000.00
IRC"New Foundations Award 2014 Sports Law Clinic"Dr A Parkes [X]Irish Research Council01-MAR-1530-NOV-15€4,390.00
A research study to explore the experiences of victims/survivors of domestic violence and abuse, including Children, in custody and access proceedings in the Irish Family Law system.Other: Not Listed01-JUN-2330-DEC-24€100,000.00
Research report on guidance on contact time for infants and young children in separated families,Other: Not Listed15-DEC-2115-DEC-22€30,000.00
IRC 2012-13 - Seen and not heard? The lived realities of children and young people’s participation in Ireland in their homes, schools and communitiesIrish Research Council01-JAN-1331-DEC-14€50,000.00
IRC New Foundation Award 2014 The Rights of Children of Incarcerated Parents.Irish Research Council15-MAR-1415-DEC-14€5,452.00



(2015)Children and International Human Rights Law: The Right of the Child to be Heard.
Parkes, A. (2015) Children and International Human Rights Law: The Right of the Child to be Heard. UK/NYC: Routledge-Cavendish. [Details]

Book Chapters

(2023)''Contact Time for very Young Children: A Review of the Literature''
Devaney C., Crosse R. (2023) ''Contact Time for very Young Children: A Review of the Literature'' In: International Perspectives on Parenting Support and Parental Participation in Children and Family Services. London: Routledge. [Details]
(2023)''The Voice of the Child in Family Law Proceedings in Ireland: Reflections on the challenges of achieving first world principles within a third world infrastructure'
M. MacLean & R. Treloar (2023) ''The Voice of the Child in Family Law Proceedings in Ireland: Reflections on the challenges of achieving first world principles within a third world infrastructure' In: Research Handbook on Family Justice Systems. London: Edward Elgar Publishing. [Details]
(2022)'Hearing children in civil law proceedings'
Aoife Daly and Aisling Parkes (2022) 'Hearing children in civil law proceedings' In: Miranda Horvath (eds). Oxford Handbook of Forensic Psychology. Oxford: Oxford University Press. [Details]
(2021)'Making children visible: Children’s rights and their role in parent–child contact within the prison system'
Donson, F & Parkes, A (2021) 'Making children visible: Children’s rights and their role in parent–child contact within the prison system' In: Donson, F. & Parkes, A (eds). Parental Imprisonment and Children’s Rights. UK: Routledge. [Details]
(2019)'The Rights of Children with an Imprisoned Parent in the Republic of Ireland'
Aisling Parkes Fiona Donson (2019) 'The Rights of Children with an Imprisoned Parent in the Republic of Ireland' In: Hutton, M. Moran, D (eds). The Palgrave Handbook of Prison and the Family. UK: Springer Link.   [DOI] [Details]
(2019)'The Rights of Children with an Imprisoned Parent in the Republic of Ireland'
Parkes, A;Donson, F (2019) 'The Rights of Children with an Imprisoned Parent in the Republic of Ireland' In: PALGRAVE HANDBOOK OF PRISON AND THE FAMILY. BASINGSTOKE: PALGRAVE. [DOI] [Details]
(2018)'The Rights of Prisoner’s Children in Ireland”'
Aisling Parkes and Fiona Donson (2018) 'The Rights of Prisoner’s Children in Ireland”' In: Hutton, M. & Moran, D. (eds). Handbook on Prison and the Family. london: Palgrave. [Details]
(2018)'Rights and Security in the Shadow of the Irish Prison: Developing a Child Rights Approach to Prison Visits in Ireland'
Aisling Parkes and Fiona Donson (2018) 'Rights and Security in the Shadow of the Irish Prison: Developing a Child Rights Approach to Prison Visits in Ireland' In: Conroy, R. & Scharff-Smith, P. (eds). Prisons, Punishment and the Family: Towards a New Sociology of Punishment. london: OUP. [Details]
(2017)''Child removal decision-making systems in Ireland: Law, policy and practice'
Kenneth Burns, Conor O’Mahony, Caroline Shore and Aisling Parkes (2017) ''Child removal decision-making systems in Ireland: Law, policy and practice' In: Kenneth Burns, Tarja Pösö and Marit Skivenes (eds). Child Welfare Removals by the State: A Cross-Country Analysis of Decision-Making Systems. Oxford: Oxford University Press. [Details]
(2016)'Making space for listening to children in Ireland: State obligations, children’s voices, and meaningful opportunities in education'
Parkes A. (2016) 'Making space for listening to children in Ireland: State obligations, children’s voices, and meaningful opportunities in education' In: Politics, Citizenship and Rights. [DOI] [Details]
(2008)'Age Limits and the Right of the Child to be Heard under Article 12 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child 1989'
Parkes A.; (2008) 'Age Limits and the Right of the Child to be Heard under Article 12 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child 1989' In: Child Protection and Welfare Social Work: Contemporary Themes and Practice Perspectives. Dublin: A & A Farmar. [Details]

Peer Reviewed Journals

(2014)'Fit for Purpose? Professional Perspectives on District Court Child Care Proceedings in Ireland'
Conor O’Mahony, Kenneth Burns, Aisling Parkes and Caroline Shore (2014) 'Fit for Purpose? Professional Perspectives on District Court Child Care Proceedings in Ireland'. Journal of Law and Society, [Details]
(2016)'Children and Young People's Participation in the Community in Ireland: Experiences and Issues'
Forde, C., Martin, S., Horgan, D., Parkes, A. and Mages, L. (2016) 'Children and Young People's Participation in the Community in Ireland: Experiences and Issues'. Youth Studies Ireland, [Details]
(2008)'Tokenism versus Genuine Participation: Children’s Parliaments and the Right of the Child to be Heard under International Law'
Parkes, A. (2008) 'Tokenism versus Genuine Participation: Children’s Parliaments and the Right of the Child to be Heard under International Law'. Willamette Journal of International Law and Dispute Resolution, 16 (1) [Details]

Other Journals

(2011)'National Report: Ireland'
Parkes A (2011) 'National Report: Ireland' American University Journal of Gender, Social Policy and Law, 19 (1) :221-223. [Details]
(2008)'Hearing the Voices of the Vulnerable: Children with Disabilities and the Right to be Heard under International Law'
Parkes A.; (2008) 'Hearing the Voices of the Vulnerable: Children with Disabilities and the Right to be Heard under International Law' Irish Law Times, :170-176. [Details]
(2012)'Changing mindsets, changing lives: increasing the visibility of children’s rights in cases involving parental incarceration'
Donson F and Parkes A (2012) 'Changing mindsets, changing lives: increasing the visibility of children’s rights in cases involving parental incarceration' International Family Law, (4) :408-413. [Details]
(2008)'Children should be Seen and Not Heard: A Reflection on the Proposed Constitutional Amendment'
Parkes, A. (2008) 'Children should be Seen and Not Heard: A Reflection on the Proposed Constitutional Amendment' Irish Journal of Family Law, 11 (3) . [Details]
(2009)'The Right of the Child to be Heard in Family Law Proceedings: Article 12 UNCRC'
Parkes, Aisling; (2009) 'The Right of the Child to be Heard in Family Law Proceedings: Article 12 UNCRC' International Family Law, :238-244. [Details]
(2013)'Beyond the Courtroom: Enhancing Family Law Mediation Using the Voice of the Child'
Parkes, A. (2013) 'Beyond the Courtroom: Enhancing Family Law Mediation Using the Voice of the Child' Irish Journal of Family Law, 16 (1) . [Details]
(2013)'Viewing Adoption through a Children's Rights Lens: Looking to the Future of Adoption Law and Practice in Ireland'
Parkes, A. & McCaughren S (2013) 'Viewing Adoption through a Children's Rights Lens: Looking to the Future of Adoption Law and Practice in Ireland' Irish Journal of Family Law, . [Details]
(2002)'Children and the Right to Separate Legal Representation in Legal Proceedings in Accordance with International Law'
Parkes A; (2002) 'Children and the Right to Separate Legal Representation in Legal Proceedings in Accordance with International Law' Irish Journal of Family Law, :18-22. [Details]
(2012)'Ireland and the Global Landscape of Adoption: The Adoption Act 2010-A Missed Opportunity?'
Parkes, A. & McCaughren S (2012) 'Ireland and the Global Landscape of Adoption: The Adoption Act 2010-A Missed Opportunity?' Irish Journal of Family Law, 15 (1) :3-10. [Details]

Published Reports

(2003)Annual Evaluation Report on Dáil na nÓg 2002.
Parkes A; (2003) Annual Evaluation Report on Dáil na nÓg 2002. . [Details]
(2002)Annual Evaluation Report on Dáil na nÓg 2002 (The National Children¿s Office, 2002).
Parkes A.; (2002) Annual Evaluation Report on Dáil na nÓg 2002 (The National Children¿s Office, 2002). Ireland. [Details]
(2010)Inaugural National Report on Same Sex Marriages in Ireland.
Parkes, A. (2010) Inaugural National Report on Same Sex Marriages in Ireland. Congress of the International Academy of Comparative Law, Washington DC. [Details]
(2015)Seen and Not Heard: Children and Young people's Experiences of Participation in the Home, School and Community.
Horgan, D., Forde, C. Martin, S., Parkes, A., O'Connell, A. (2015) Seen and Not Heard: Children and Young people's Experiences of Participation in the Home, School and Community. Department of Children and Youth Affairs, Dublin. [Details]


(2012)Legal Analysis of the Children's Referendum: Article 42A.4.2.
Parkes, A. (2012) Legal Analysis of the Children's Referendum: Article 42A.4.2. Blog   [Details]

Book Reviews

(2010)Review of - Holly Cullen, The Role of International Law in the Elimination of Child Labor (Martinus Nijhoff, 2007).
Parkes, A. (2010) Review of - Holly Cullen, The Role of International Law in the Elimination of Child Labor (Martinus Nijhoff, 2007). Book Reviews [Details]


(2010)Inaugural National Report on Same Sex Marriages in Ireland.
Dr. Aisling Parkes; (2010) Inaugural National Report on Same Sex Marriages in Ireland. Congress of the International Academy of Comparative Law in Washington D.C: Other [Details]

Newspaper Articles

(2013)New Network for Children of Incarcerated Parents.
Parkes, A; Donson, F. (2013) New Network for Children of Incarcerated Parents. Newspaper Articles [Details]
(2013)Landmark decision gives children own voice in courts.
Parkes, A. (2013) Landmark decision gives children own voice in courts. Newspaper Articles [Details]
(2013)The impact of imprisonment beyond the offender.
Donson, F.; Parkes, A. (2013) The impact of imprisonment beyond the offender. Newspaper Articles [Details]
(2013)No danger to children in same-sex marriage.
Parkes, A. & McCaughren S (2013) No danger to children in same-sex marriage. Newspaper Articles [Details]
(2012)Changing the way we think of our children.
Parkes, A; McCaughren S. (2012) Changing the way we think of our children. Newspaper Articles [Details]
(2014)Rights of Offenders' Children in Focus.
Donson, F; Parkes, A (2014) Rights of Offenders' Children in Focus. Newspaper Articles [Details]
(2012)In all our children’s best interests.
Parkes, A; McCaughren S. (2012) In all our children’s best interests. Newspaper Articles [Details]
(2012)We need to reconsider in-camera rule in child law cases.
Parkes, A. (2012) We need to reconsider in-camera rule in child law cases. Newspaper Articles [Details]
(2012)Correcting the Mistakes of the Past.
Parkes, A. (2012) Correcting the Mistakes of the Past. Newspaper Articles [Details]
(2012)An issue that cannot be easily solved.
Parkes, A; McCaughren S. (2012) An issue that cannot be easily solved. Newspaper Articles [Details]
(2014)Rights of offenders’ children in focus.
Donson, F; Parkes, A (2014) Rights of offenders’ children in focus. Newspaper Articles [Details]
(2012)State under obligation since 1992 on rights amendment.
Parkes, A. (2012) State under obligation since 1992 on rights amendment. Newspaper Articles [Details]

Radio Presentation

(2014)Radio Interview on Cyber Bullying.
Parkes, A. (2014) Radio Interview on Cyber Bullying. Radio Presentation [Details]
(2013)Radio Interview on Adoption.
Parkes, A. (2013) Radio Interview on Adoption. Radio Presentation [Details]

Web Page

(2013)Sentencing: The impact of imprisonment on offenders’ children (Justice for Children of Prisoners).
Donson, F.; Parkes, A. (2013) Sentencing: The impact of imprisonment on offenders’ children (Justice for Children of Prisoners). Web Page   [Details]
(2013)New Network for Children of Incarcerated Parents (Guest Article for the PILA Bulletin).
Donson, F.; Parkes, A. (2013) New Network for Children of Incarcerated Parents (Guest Article for the PILA Bulletin). Web Page   [Details]

Professional Activities

Honours and Awards

 YearTitleAwarding Body
2016Research Team of the Year UCC
2016The Frank McGrath Perpetual Award for Equality and Welfare UCC
2014President's Award for Excellence in Teaching and Learning UCC
2003Aiden Synott Travel Bursary UCC Faculty of Law
2002National Children's Strategy Scholarship Office of the Minister for Children

Conference Contributions

(2023)Psychological Society of Ireland Annual Conference,
Parkes A. and Donson, F., (2023) Moving out of the Shadow of Prison: Adopting Policy and Practice Centring the Rights and Needs of Children and Families with a Family Member in Prison,. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Psychological Society of Ireland Annual Conference, Clayton Hotel Cork . [Details]
(2023)Psychological Society of Ireland Annual Conference,,
Donson, F. and Parkes, A., (2023) The Impact of Parental Incarceration on Families Involved: A Social Identity Approach,. [Oral Presentation], Psychological Society of Ireland Annual Conference,, Clayton Hotel Cork . [Details]
(2023)Children's Rights Network Annual Conference,
Dr Simone McCaughren; Dr Aisling Parkes, Dr Stephanie Holt (2023) Adults first, then children? ‘…this is the pervading culture’ – An Inter-disciplinary study exploring the voice of young children in decisions regarding parental contact. [Oral Presentation], Children's Rights Network Annual Conference, University College Dublin . [Details]
(2023)12th European Conference of Social Work Research - ESWRA,
McCaughren, S., Holt, S., Parkes, A. & Gregory, S., (2023) The Voice of the Child Do children really get heard in decisions affecting their welfare? The Voice of Young Children in Contact Arrangements,. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], 12th European Conference of Social Work Research - ESWRA, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan . [Details]
(2023)t the Annual District Court Judges Conference,
McCaughren, S., Parkes, A. & Holt (2023) An absent presence? The Voice of the Child in Family Law Proceedings. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], t the Annual District Court Judges Conference, Dunraven Arms Hotel, Adare, Co Limerick . [Details]
(2023)The Prevention and Early Intervention Summit,
McCaughren, S., Parkes, A. & Holt, S., (2023) Not Seen and Not Heard? An Irish Study Exploring the Voice of Young Children in Decisions regarding Parental Contact. [Oral Presentation], The Prevention and Early Intervention Summit, Thomond Park, Limerick . [Details]
(2023)Psychological Society of Ireland Annual Conference,
Bradshaw D., Donson, F., Parkes, A., (2023) The Impact of Parental Incarceration on Families Involved: An Evidence and Gap Map. [Oral Presentation], Psychological Society of Ireland Annual Conference, Clayton HOtel Cork . [Details]
(2022)Research Evidence: What Works for contact/access time for young children in separated families?,
McCaughren, S., Holt, S., Parkes, A. & Gregory, S., (2022) Building a Family Law System for Separating Families. [Invited Seminars/Guest Lectures], Research Evidence: What Works for contact/access time for young children in separated families?, , Building a Family Law System for Separating Families, Online . [Details]
(2021)British Society of Criminology Conference,
Parkes A & Donson. F (2021) Children’s Rights and their Significance in Interactions with the Prison System. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], British Society of Criminology Conference, Online covid . [Details]
(2021)National Child Protection & Welfare Conference, Cork, Cork,
McCaughren, S., Holt, S. & Parkes, (2021) Silence in the Courtroom, Silence in the Streets,. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], National Child Protection & Welfare Conference, Cork, Cork, Cork . [Details]
(2017)Inaugural Conference of the International Network for the Children of Prisoners,
Aisling Parkes, Fiona Donson, Beatrice Vance (Children’s Rights Alliance), Michelle Martyn (Irish Penal reform Trust (2017) Developing a Child Rights based approach to Children affected by Parental Imprisonment: Thoughts from Ireland. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Inaugural Conference of the International Network for the Children of Prisoners, Rotorua, New Zealand . [Details]
(2017)Department of Children and Youth Affairs, Child Care Act 1991 – Open Policy Debate,
Kenneth Burns, Caroline Shore, Conor O'Mahony and Aisling Parkes (2017) The Interaction Between Law and Social Work. [Keynote Speaker], Department of Children and Youth Affairs, Child Care Act 1991 – Open Policy Debate, Dublin Castle , 05-SEP-17 - 05-SEP-17. [Details]
(2017)108th Annual Conference of the Society of Legal Scholars,
Aisling Parkes and Fiona Donson (2017) Weighing in the balance: Taking account of the best interests of the child when sentencing parents. [Oral Presentation], 108th Annual Conference of the Society of Legal Scholars, Dublin, Ireland . [Details]
(2017)IASW World Social Work Day,
Kenneth Burns, Caroline Shore, Conor O'Mahony and Aisling Parkes (2017) What Social Workers Talk About When They Talk About Child Care Proceedings. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], IASW World Social Work Day, Cork , 21-MAR-17 - 21-MAR-17. [Details]
(2017)Errors and Mistakes in child protection: An International workshop on policies, discourses and research,
Aisling Parkes, Caroline Shore, Conor O'Mahony and Kenneth Burns (2017) Errors and Mistakes in Child Protection:Republic of Ireland Country Report. [Invited Lectures (Workshops)], Errors and Mistakes in child protection: An International workshop on policies, discourses and research, University of Applied Sciences and Arts North Western Switzerland, Basel, Switzerland , 30-MAY-17. [Details]
(2017)Seminar Series,
Aisling Parkes and Fiona Donson (2017) Weighing in the balance: Reflections on the sentencing process from a children’s rights perspective,. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Seminar Series, University of Canterbury Christchurch New Zealand . [Details]
(2017)34th International Social Philosophy Conference at Loyola University, Chicago, Illinois,
Aisling Parkes and Fiona Donson (2017) Reflections on the sentencing process from a children's rights perspective’,. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], 34th International Social Philosophy Conference at Loyola University, Chicago, Illinois, Loyola University, Chicago, Illinois . [Details]
(2017)Children’s Research Network conference,
Hynes, P., Lynch, H. & Parkes, A. (2017) Remaining client-centred and ensuring children’s participation in occupational science and occupational therapy research. [Poster Presentation], Children’s Research Network conference, Dublin, Ireland . [Details]
(2017)IASW World Social Work Day,
Kenneth Burns, Caroline Shore, Conor O'Mahony and Aisling Parkes (2017) What Social Workers Talk About When They Talk About Child Care Proceedings. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], IASW World Social Work Day, Cork , 21-MAR-17. [Details]
(2017)Department of Children and Youth Affairs, Child Care Act 1991 – Open Policy Debate,
Caroline Shore, Kenneth Burns, Conor O'Mahony and Aisling Parkes (2017) Listening to and involving children. [Keynote Speaker], Department of Children and Youth Affairs, Child Care Act 1991 – Open Policy Debate, Dublin Castle , 05-SEP-17. [Details]
(2017)Errors and mistakes in child protection: An international workshop on policies, discourses and research,
Aisling Parkes, Caroline Shore, Conor O'Mahony and Kenneth Burns (2017) Errors and Mistakes in Child Protection: Republic of Ireland Country Report. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Errors and mistakes in child protection: An international workshop on policies, discourses and research, University of Applied Sciences and Arts North Western Switzerland, Basel, Switzerland , 30-MAY-17 - 01-JUN-17. [Details]
(2017)Barnardos Conference:Getting the Balance Right: Propotionality, timeliness and decision making in childcare proceedings,
Caroline Shore, Kenneth Burns, Conor O'Mahony and Aisling Parkes (2017) District Court Child Care Proceedings in Ireland:Learning from a Cross-Country Perspective. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Barnardos Conference:Getting the Balance Right: Propotionality, timeliness and decision making in childcare proceedings, Dublin , 04-APR-17. [Details]
(2017)Barnardos Conference: Getting the Balance Right: Proportionality, timeliness and decision making in childcare proceedings,
Caroline Shore, Kenneth Burns, Conor O’Mahony and Aisling Parkes (2017) District Court Child Care Proceedings in Ireland: Learning from a Cross-Country Perspective. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Barnardos Conference: Getting the Balance Right: Proportionality, timeliness and decision making in childcare proceedings, Dublin , 04-APR-17 - 04-APR-17. [Details]
(2017)17th Annual Conference of the European Society of Criminology,
Aisling Parkes and Fiona Donson (2017) Developing a child’s right to effective contact with a father in prison: an Irish Perspective’. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], 17th Annual Conference of the European Society of Criminology, Cardiff . [Details]
(2017)Legal Aid Board Annual Conference,
Conor O’Mahony, Kenneth Burns, Aisling Parkes, Caroline Shore (2017) Representation and participation in child care proceedings: what about the voice of the parents?. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Legal Aid Board Annual Conference, Dublin , 17-NOV-17 - 17-NOV-17. [Details]
(2017)Department of Children and Youth Affairs, Child Care Act 1991 – Open Policy Debate,
Kenneth Burns, Caroline Shore, Conor O'Mahony and Aisling Parkes (2017) The Interaction Between Law and Social Work. [Keynote Speaker], Department of Children and Youth Affairs, Child Care Act 1991 – Open Policy Debate, Dublin Castle , 05-SEP-17. [Details]
(2016)Oxford Symposium on Imprisonment and Families,
Aisling Parkes and Fiona Donson (2016) The Rights of Children Visiting Prison in Ireland: Challenges And Opportunities in Maintaining Contact With Imprisoned Fathers Prisoners. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Oxford Symposium on Imprisonment and Families, Oxford . [Details]
(2016)The Rights of the Child in Practice: Exploring a Multidisciplinary Approach to Child-Friendly Justice in European Law,
Aisling Parkes (2016) Listening to Children in Legal Proceedings. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], The Rights of the Child in Practice: Exploring a Multidisciplinary Approach to Child-Friendly Justice in European Law, The Honorable Society of King's Inns, Dublin, Ireland , 11-FEB-16 - 12-FEB-16. [Details]
(2016)18th International Conference on Sociology and Humanities, San Francisco, USA,,
Aisling Parkes and Fiona Donson (2016) Moving Forward to Stand Still: Social Experiences of Children with a Parent in Prison in Ireland. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], 18th International Conference on Sociology and Humanities, San Francisco, USA,, San Francisco, USA, . [Details]
(2016)18th International Conference on Sociology and Humanities,
Aisling Parkes and Fiona Donson (2016) Moving Forward to Stand Still: Social Experiences of Children with a Parent in Prison in Ireland. [Invited Oral Presentation], 18th International Conference on Sociology and Humanities, San Francisco, USA , 09-JUN-16 - 10-JUN-16. [Details]
(2016)Department of Children and Youth Affairs,
Kenneth Burns, Caroline Shore, Conor O'Mahony and Aisling Parkes (2016) Findings of the Child Care Proceedings in the District Court Study: Implications for Policy and Legislative Reform. [Invited Oral Presentation], Department of Children and Youth Affairs, Department of Children and Youth Affairs, Dublin , 15-MAR-16 - 15-MAR-16. [Details]
(2016)Barnardos Guardian ad litem Service National Team Meetings,
Shore, C., Burns, K., O'Mahony, C., and Parkes, A. (2016) Parental Participation in Child Care Proceedings in Ireland. [Invited Seminars/Guest Lectures], Barnardos Guardian ad litem Service National Team Meetings, Cork , 16-JUN-16. [Details]
(2016)Barnardos Guardian ad litem Service National Team Meeting,
Shore, C., Burns, K., O'Mahony, C. and Parkes, A. (2016) Parental Participation in Child Care Proceedings in Ireland. [Invited Seminars/Guest Lectures], Barnardos Guardian ad litem Service National Team Meeting, Barnardos, Cork , 16-JUN-16 - 16-JUN-16. [Details]
(2016)The Rights of the Child in Practice: Exploring a Multidisciplinary Approach to Child-Friendly Justice in European Law,
Aisling Parkes (2016) What does Effective Participation for children in legal proceedings look like?. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], The Rights of the Child in Practice: Exploring a Multidisciplinary Approach to Child-Friendly Justice in European Law, Polish School of Judiciary and Public Prosecution (KSSiP), Krakow, Poland , 05-MAY-16 - 06-MAY-16. [Details]
(2016)Experiencing Prison 7th Global Conference Budapest, Hungary,
Aisling Parkes and Fiona Donson (2016) The rights of children to effective contact with a parent in prison: challenges and opportunities in Irish Prison visiting rooms. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Experiencing Prison 7th Global Conference Budapest, Hungary, Budapest . [Details]
(2016)The Rights of the Child in Practice: Exploring a Multidisciplinary Approach to Child-Friendly Justice in European Law,
Aisling Parkes (2016) The Right of the Child to be Heard under Article 12 CRC. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], The Rights of the Child in Practice: Exploring a Multidisciplinary Approach to Child-Friendly Justice in European Law, Spanish Judicial School - General Council for the Judiciary, Barcelona, Spain , 02-JUN-16 - 03-JUN-16. [Details]
(2016)Contemporary Childhood Conference. Young Citizens and Society: Fostering Civic Particiaption,
Deirdre Horgan (2016) Child participation: Moving from the performative to the social. [Oral Presentation], Contemporary Childhood Conference. Young Citizens and Society: Fostering Civic Particiaption, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow , 02-SEP-16 - 03-SEP-16. [Details]
(2016)Inter-disciplinary.Net Prison7, Experiencing Prison 7th Global Conference,
Aisling Parkes and Fiona Donson (2016) The rights of children to effective contact with a parent in prison: challenges and opportunities in Irish Prison visiting rooms. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Inter-disciplinary.Net Prison7, Experiencing Prison 7th Global Conference, Budapest, Hungary , 17-MAR-16 - 19-MAR-16. [Details]
(2016)Department of Children and Youth Affairs,
Kenneth Burns, Caroline Shore, Conor O'Mahony and Aisling Parkes (2016) Findings of the Child Care Proceedings in the District Court Study: Implications for Policy and Legislative Reform. [Invited Seminars/Guest Lectures], Department of Children and Youth Affairs, Dublin , 15-MAR-16. [Details]
(2015)European Inter-Disciplinary, Socio-legal Care Decision-Making Network,
Kenneth Burns, Conor O’Mahony, Caroline Shore, Aisling Parkes, Tarja Pösö and Marit Skivenes (2015) Irish Research Council New Foundations Colloquium and Network Meeting. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], European Inter-Disciplinary, Socio-legal Care Decision-Making Network, Cork, University College Cork , 10-AUG-15 - 13-AUG-15. [Details]
(2015)Journal of Youth Studies Conference,
Shirley Martin (presenter), Deirdre Horgan, Catherine Forde and Aisling Parkes (2015) Children and Young People’s participation in decision-making in the community: Place, Space and Voice. [Oral Presentation], Journal of Youth Studies Conference, Copenhagen . [Details]
(2015)European Inter-Disciplinary, Socio-legal Care Decision-Making Network,
Kenneth Burns, Conor O'Mahony, Caroline Shore, Aisling Parkes, Tarja Poso, and Marit Skivenes (2015) Irish Research Council New Foundations Colloquium and Network Meeting. [Conference Organising Committee Member], European Inter-Disciplinary, Socio-legal Care Decision-Making Network, Cork , 10-AUG-15. [Details]
(2015)International Conference on Child Protection and the Law,
Conor O'Mahony, Kenneth Burns, Aisling Parkes and Caroline Shore (2015) Parental Representation and Participation in Child Protection Proceedings: A Qualitative Analysis of the Irish District Court. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], International Conference on Child Protection and the Law, Dublin , 13-APR-15. [Details]
(2015)Networkcope conference,
Aisling Parkes and Fiona Donson (2015) Supporting children with imprisoned parents and their families: rights, opportunities and responsibilities. [Invited Oral Presentation], Networkcope conference, Stockholm, Sweden , 22-MAY-15 - 23-MAY-15. [Details]
(2015)Prisoners' Families Symposium,
Aisling Parkes and Fiona Donson (2015) The Rights of Children Visiting Prison in Ireland: Challenges And Opportunities in Maintaining Contact With Imprisoned Fathers. [Invited Oral Presentation], Prisoners' Families Symposium, Oxford University , 25-JUN-15 - 26-JUN-15. [Details]
(2015)British Criminology Conference,
Aisling Parkes and Fiona Donson (2015) The Rights of Children with a Parent in Prison in Ireland. [Oral Presentation], British Criminology Conference, Plymouth . [Details]
(2015)The rights of the child in practice: exploring a multidisciplinary approach to child-friendly justice in European law,
Aisling Parkes (2015) This conference provides training on the promotion, protection and fulfilment of the rights of the child in the context of judicial proceedings. An exchange of best-practice and the perspectives of different professionals concerned with children in justice will be promoted with the aim of exploring a multi-disciplinary approach to child-friendly justice. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], The rights of the child in practice: exploring a multidisciplinary approach to child-friendly justice in European law, Croatian Judicial Academy, Zagreb, Croatia , 19-NOV-15 - 20-NOV-15. [Details]
(2015)The Rights of the Child in Practice: Exploring a Multidisciplinary Approach to Child-Friendly Justice in European Law,
Aisling Parkes (2015) This conference provides training on the promotion, protection and fulfilment of the rights of the child in the context of judicial proceedings. An exchange of best-practice and the perspectives of different professionals concerned with children in justice will be promoted with the aim of exploring a multi-disciplinary approach to child-friendly justice. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], The Rights of the Child in Practice: Exploring a Multidisciplinary Approach to Child-Friendly Justice in European Law, National Courts Administration of Lithuania, Vilnius , 16-SEP-15 - 17-SEP-15. [Details]
(2015)Networkcope conference - Stockholm 2015,
Aisling Parkes and Fiona Donson (2015) Rights of Children with a parent in prison. [Other], Networkcope conference - Stockholm 2015, Stockholm . [Details]
(2015)ISS21 Research Findings Showcase Day: Towards a Better Understanding of Children's and Young People's Lives in Ireland,
Conor O'Mahony, Kenneth Burns, Aisling Parkes and Caroline Shore (2015) Child Care Proceedings in the District Court: A Qualitative Analysis of Professional Perspectives. [Oral Presentation], ISS21 Research Findings Showcase Day: Towards a Better Understanding of Children's and Young People's Lives in Ireland, Cork , 29-JUN-15. [Details]
(2015)Senior Research Conference on Child and Family Welfare,
Burns, K., Parkes, A., Shore, C. and O'Mahony, C. (2015) Irish Child Welfare System: Children's Participation, Transparency and Removal Systems. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Senior Research Conference on Child and Family Welfare, University of Bergen, Norway , 07-OCT-15 - 09-OCT-15. [Details]
(2015)International Conference on Child Protection and the Law,
Conor O'Mahony, Kenneth Burns, Aisling Parkes, Caroline Shore (2015) Parental Representation and Participation in Child Protection Proceedings: A Qualitative Analysis of the Irish District Court. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], International Conference on Child Protection and the Law, Law Society of Ireland, Blackhall Place, Dublin , 13-APR-15 - 13-APR-15. [Details]
(2015)British Criminology Conference,
Aisling Parkes and Fiona Donson (2015) The RIghts of Children with a Parent in Prison in Ireland. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], British Criminology Conference, Plymouth University, UK , 30-JUN-16 - 03-JUL-16. [Details]
(2015)ISS21 Research Findings Showcase Day: Towards a Better Understanding of Children’s and Young People’s Lives in Ireland,
Conor O’Mahony, Kenneth Burns, Aisling Parkes and Caroline Shore (2015) Child Care Proceedings in the District Court; A Qualitative Analysis of Professional Perspectives. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], ISS21 Research Findings Showcase Day: Towards a Better Understanding of Children’s and Young People’s Lives in Ireland, Cork, University College Cork , 29-JUN-15 - 29-JUN-15. [Details]
(2013)Adoption Change: The Future For Adoption Law and Practice in Ireland,
McCaughren, S. & Parkes, A. (2013) Adoption Change: Looking Ahead to the Future of Adoption in Ireland. [Oral Presentation], Adoption Change: The Future For Adoption Law and Practice in Ireland, University College Cork . [Details]
(2011)Summer School - Keeping Children Safe and Secure in Ireland:Maximising the use of existing data to inform Research, Policy and Practice,
Parkes, A. (2011) The Committee on the Rights of Child (CRC): Putting CRC Data to work To Promote Children’s Rights in Ireland. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], Summer School - Keeping Children Safe and Secure in Ireland:Maximising the use of existing data to inform Research, Policy and Practice, UCC Cork , 12-SEP-11 - 16-SEP-11. [Details]
(2011)SLS Conference, Law in Politics, Politics in Law,
Parkes, A (2011) Listening to the Voices of the Vulnerable – A Comparative Perspective on Children with Disabilities and the right to be heard in Family Law Proceedings. [Oral Presentation], SLS Conference, Law in Politics, Politics in Law, SLS Conference, Cambridge , 07-SEP-11 - 08-SEP-11. [Details]
Parkes A; (2011) A Tale of two Countries: A Comparative Analysis of Initiatives taken to ensure the Right of the Child to be Heard in family law proceedings in Ireland and New Zealand in accordance with Article 12 of the CRC. [Oral Presentation], ISCL, UCD , 29-APR-11 - 30-APR-11. [Details]
(2011)SLSA Conference, University of Sussex,
Parkes A; (2011) Socio-Legal Studies Conference. [Oral Presentation], SLSA Conference, University of Sussex, Brighton, UK , 12-APR-11 - 14-APR-11. [Details]
(2011)Early Childhood in Developing World Contexts-An International Conference,
Parkes A; (2011) The aim of the conference is to deepen understanding of children¿s lives in developing country contexts, drawing attention to early childhood development in the majority world and the importance of including local traditions, culture and knowledge in professional practice. [Oral Presentation], Early Childhood in Developing World Contexts-An International Conference, UCC , 07-AUG-11 - 08-AUG-11. [Details]
(2012)SLS Conference 2012,
Parkes A (2012) Some Reflections on the Adoption Act 2010: Admirable Aims but Lost Opportunities. [Chair Sessions at Symposia], SLS Conference 2012, Bristol , 11-SEP-12 - 13-SEP-12. [Details]
(2012)ISCL Conference,
Parkes, A. (2012) Ireland and the Global Landscape of Adoption: The Adoption Act 2010 - A Missed Opportunity?. [Oral Presentation], ISCL Conference, UCC, Cork , 02-MAR-12 - 04-MAR-12. [Details]
(2012)'Making Children Visible' - The Principles of Best Interests and Hearing the Voice of the Child in Irish Law,
Parkes A (2012) The Voice of the Child in Family Law Proceedings: Challenges and Opportunities. [Invited Oral Presentation], 'Making Children Visible' - The Principles of Best Interests and Hearing the Voice of the Child in Irish Law, The Law Society, Dublin 7 , 06-JUL-12 - 06-JUL-12. [Details]
(2012)Child Law 2012: Challenges and Issues in Child Law Scholarship,
Parkes, A. (2012) The Changing Face of Intercountry Adoption Law in Ireland. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], Child Law 2012: Challenges and Issues in Child Law Scholarship, UCC , 09-MAR-12 - 09-MAR-12. [Details]
(2010)Conference to mark International Day for Social Work,
Dr. Aisling Parkes; (2010) The Voice of the Child in Family Law Proceedings. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], Conference to mark International Day for Social Work, IASW Southern Branch, Cork , 23-MAR-10 - 23-MAR-10. [Details]
(2010)Centre for Disability Law and Policy, NUIG,
Dr. Aisling Parkes; (2010) Not Seen or Heard: Children with Disabilities, Special Needs Schools and the Ryan Report. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], Centre for Disability Law and Policy, NUIG, NUIG , 30-APR-10 - 30-APR-10. [Details]
(2009)Child Law Conference,
Dr. Aisling Parkes; (2009) The Right of the Child to be Heard ¿ the Implementation of Article 12 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child 1989¿. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], Child Law Conference, Central Legal Training Ireland, Dublin , 20-MAR-09 - 20-MAR-09. [Details]
(2009)Commemoration ceremony marking the 20th Anniversary of the CRC,
Dr. Aisling Parkes; (2009) The voice of the Child. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], Commemoration ceremony marking the 20th Anniversary of the CRC, CCJHR & Alliance Française de Cork, UCC, Cork , 10-DEC-09 - 10-DEC-09. [Details]
(2009)Children and the Law: International approaches to children and their vulnerabilities,
Dr. Aisling Parkes; (2009) The Right of the Child to Participate in Family Law Proceedings: A Comparative Analysis of the Extent to which Article 12 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child 1989 has enhanced child protection under Family Law over the past two decades¿. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], Children and the Law: International approaches to children and their vulnerabilities, Prato, Italy , 07-SEP-09 - 10-SEP-09. [Details]
(2009)Children and the European Union: Legal, Political and Research Perspectives,
Dr. Aisling Parkes; (2009) Listening to the Voices of Children in Europe. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], Children and the European Union: Legal, Political and Research Perspectives, University of Liverpool , 20-APR-09 - 22-APR-09. [Details]
(2009)SLSA Conference,
Dr. Aisling Parkes; (2009) The Dual Criteria of ¿Age and Maturity¿: Unlocking the Door to the Voice of the Child in Family Law Proceedings. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], SLSA Conference, Leicester De Montfort Law School , 07-APR-09 - 09-APR-09. [Details]
(2009)Inaugural Conference of the Irish Society of Comparative Law,
Dr. Aisling Parkes; (2009) Children should be seen and not Heard? A Comparative Analysis of the Implementation of Article 12 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child 1989. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], Inaugural Conference of the Irish Society of Comparative Law, University of Limerick , 28-FEB-09 - 28-FEB-09. [Details]
(2008)FLAC Seminar, University College Cork,
Parkes A.; (2008) The Right of the Child to be Heard: The Key to Recognising Children's Rights in Ireland. [Oral Presentation], FLAC Seminar, University College Cork, Cork , 13-NOV-08 - 13-NOV-08. [Details]
(2007)Office of the Minister for Children, St. Stephen's Green Hotel,
Parkes A.; (2007) The Nature and Scope of Article 12 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child 1989 and the Extent to which it has been Implemented under International Law. [Oral Presentation], Office of the Minister for Children, St. Stephen's Green Hotel, Dublin , 01-NOV-07 - 01-NOV-07. [Details]
(2007)National Conference: Sharing the Task: Achieving Child Protection and Welfare through Inter-Agency, Children's Acts Advisory Boards,
Parkes A.; (2007) Listening to Children in Conflict with the Law: The Impact of Article 12 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child 1989 on the Youth Justice Process. [Oral Presentation], National Conference: Sharing the Task: Achieving Child Protection and Welfare through Inter-Agency, Children's Acts Advisory Boards, Kilkenny, Ireland (Special Residential Services Board Kilkenny Ormonde Hotel) , 23-OCT-07 - 24-OCT-07. [Details]
(2007)Child Protection and Social Work: A Changing Profession in a Changing Ireland,
Parkes A.; (2007) Age Limits and the Right of the Child to be Heard under Article 12 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child 1989. [Oral Presentation], Child Protection and Social Work: A Changing Profession in a Changing Ireland, University College Cork , 26-OCT-07 - 26-OCT-07. [Details]
(2003)Implementation of International Standards Unit of the Innocenti Research Centre,
Parkes A.; (2003) The Rights of the Child under the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child 1989: the Importance of a Rights-Based Approach for the work of UNICEF. [Oral Presentation], Implementation of International Standards Unit of the Innocenti Research Centre, Florence, Italy , 27-AUG-03 - 27-AUG-03. [Details]
(2014)Diploma in Child Law,
Parkes, A. (2014) The Right of the Child to be Heard in Family Law Proceedings. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Diploma in Child Law, The Law Society, Dublin , 05-MAR-14. [Details]
(2014)Presentation for Ionaid Barra,
Parkes, A. (2014) Teaching and Learning for Students with Disabilities. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Presentation for Ionaid Barra, University College Cork , 20-MAR-14. [Details]
(2014)European Science Foundation Exploratory Workshop on Socio-Legal Models of Care Order Proceedings in Europe,
Parkes, A. Shore, C., Burns, K. and O’Mahony, C. (2014) Effective Participation in Child Care Proceedings in Ireland: Professional Perspectives. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], European Science Foundation Exploratory Workshop on Socio-Legal Models of Care Order Proceedings in Europe, University College Cork , 20-AUG-14 - 22-AUG-14. [Details]
(2014)Restorative Justice, Responsive Regulation,
Aisling Parkes (2014) The Meaningful Involvement of Children in Restorative Justice Processes. [Invited Lectures (Workshops)], Restorative Justice, Responsive Regulation, Burlington Vermont . [Details]
(2013)Irish Law Conferences,
Parkes, A. (2013) Tackling Cyber Bullying from a Children’s Rights Perspective. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Irish Law Conferences, Dublin , 17-OCT-13. [Details]
(2013)University of Haifa Conference,
Parkes, A. (2013) Implementation of Article 12 in Family Law Proceedings in Ireland and New Zealand: Lessons Learned and Messages for Going Forward. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], University of Haifa Conference, Israel , 01-OCT-13. [Details]
(2012)4th Biennial Child Protection and Welfare Social Work Conference,
Parkes, A. (2012) Child Care Proceedings in the District Court. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], 4th Biennial Child Protection and Welfare Social Work Conference, UCC , 01-OCT-13. [Details]
(2013)UCC Conference,
Parkes, A. (2013) Interdisciplinary Research - Seen and Not Heard? Children and Young People’s Experiences of Participation in the Home, School and Community. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], UCC Conference, University College Cork , 01-SEP-13. [Details]
(2013)Research Forum on the Rights of Children of Incarcerated Parents,
Parkes, A. (2013) Co-hosted and organised. [Conference Organising Committee Member], Research Forum on the Rights of Children of Incarcerated Parents, Faculty of Law, UCC , 05-SEP-13. [Details]
(2013)RGS-IBG Annual International Conference,
Parkes, A.; (2013) Children and Young People’s Experiences of Participation in the Home, School and Community. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], RGS-IBG Annual International Conference, Kensington, London , 29-AUG-13. [Details]
Parkes, A.; McCaughren (2013) Adoption - The Legislative Position: What might change? What needs to change?. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], IASW, IASW , 28-JUN-13. [Details]
(2013)Presentation at Central Statistics Office,
Parkes, A. (2013) Cyber Bullying: A Children’s Rights Perspective. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Presentation at Central Statistics Office, Blackrock, Cork , 13-JUN-13. [Details]
(2013)Invited to present at Nemo Rangers by MEP Sean Kelly,
Parkes, A. (2013) Cyber bullying and Children’s Rights. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Invited to present at Nemo Rangers by MEP Sean Kelly, Cork , 01-JAN-13. [Details]
(2013)University College Cork Conference,
Parkes, A. (2013) Viewing Adoption Through a Children’s Rights Lens: The Current Landscape of Adoption Law and Practice in Ireland. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], University College Cork Conference, University College Cork , 01-JAN-13. [Details]
(2011)Early Childhood in Developing World Contexts Conference,
McCaughren, S. & Parkes, A. (2011) Ireland and the Global Landscape of Adoption: The Adoption Act 2010 - A Missed Opportunity?. [Oral Presentation], Early Childhood in Developing World Contexts Conference, University College Cork , 07-APR-11 - 08-APR-11. [Details]
(2013)4th Biennial Child Protection and Welfare Social Work Conference. New Agency, New Rights, New Systems: Are Children Any Safer,
Shore, C., Burns, K., Parkes, A., O’Mahony, C. (2013) Professional Perspectives on Childcare Proceedings in the Irish District Court. [Oral Presentation], 4th Biennial Child Protection and Welfare Social Work Conference. New Agency, New Rights, New Systems: Are Children Any Safer, University College Cork , 25-OCT-13 - 25-OCT-13. [Details]
(2013)13th ISPCAN European Regional Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect,
Burns, K., O’Mahony, C., Shore, C. and Parkes, A. (2013) Fit for Purpose? Professional Perspectives on District Court Child Care Proceedings. [Oral Presentation], 13th ISPCAN European Regional Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect, Burlington Hotel, Dublin , 15-SEP-13 - 18-SEP-13. [Details]
(2014)European Colloquium on Socio-Legal Decision-Making Models in Child Protection,
Burns, K., O'Mahony, C., Parkes, A., and Shore, C. (2014) District Court Child Care Proceedings in Ireland. [Invited Oral Presentation], European Colloquium on Socio-Legal Decision-Making Models in Child Protection, University of Bergen, Norway , 30-JAN-14 - 31-JAN-14. [Details]
(2013)International Occupational Sciences Conference,
Forde, C., Parkes, A., Mages, L. (2013) Seen and Not Heard? Children and Young People's Experiences of Participation in Home, School and Community. [Invited Oral Presentation], International Occupational Sciences Conference, University College Cork , 05-SEP-13 - 07-SEP-13. [Details]
(2014)Centre for the Study of Childhood and Youth International Conference: Researching Children's Everyday Lives: Socio-Cultural Contexts,
Horgan, D. (presenter), Forde, C., Martin, S. and Mages, L. (2014) Exploring Children's Experience of Participation in Home, School and Community In Ireland. [Oral Presentation], Centre for the Study of Childhood and Youth International Conference: Researching Children's Everyday Lives: Socio-Cultural Contexts, Sheffield University, UK , 01-JUL-14 - 03-JUL-14. [Details]
(2014)European Science Foundation Exploratory Workshop on Socio-Legal Models of Care Order Proceedings in Europe,
Burns, K., Skivenes, M., Poso, T., Shore, C., O'Mahony, C. and Parkes, A. (2014) ESF Exploratory Workshop. [Conference Organising Committee Member], European Science Foundation Exploratory Workshop on Socio-Legal Models of Care Order Proceedings in Europe, University College Cork, Ireland , 19-AUG-14 - 22-AUG-14. [Details]
(2013)4th Biennial Child Protection and Welfare Social Work Conference. New Agency, New Rights, New Systems: Are Children Any Safer?,
Caroline Shore, Kenneth Burns, Aisling Parkes and Conor O'Mahony (2013) Fit for Purpose? Professional Perspectives on District Court Child Care Proceedings. [Oral Presentation], 4th Biennial Child Protection and Welfare Social Work Conference. New Agency, New Rights, New Systems: Are Children Any Safer?, University College Cork , 25-OCT-13 - 25-OCT-13. [Details]
(2014)Creative Engagements: Thinking with Children, 9th Annual Conference,
Horgan, D., Forde, C., Parkes, A., Mages, L. (2014) Seen and Not Heard? An Explanation of Children and Young People's Experiences of Participation in the Home, School and Community. [Oral Presentation], Creative Engagements: Thinking with Children, 9th Annual Conference, Prague, Czech Republic , 14-MAR-14 - 16-MAR-14. [Details]
(2014)3rd annual conference of the Children's Research Network for Ireland and Northern Ireland - Caring for our Children: Lessons learnt - informing future practice and policy,
Shore, C., Parkes, A., Burns, K. and O'Mahony, C. (2014) Children's Participation in District Court Child Care Proceedings. [Oral Presentation], 3rd annual conference of the Children's Research Network for Ireland and Northern Ireland - Caring for our Children: Lessons learnt - informing future practice and policy, Dublin , 10-DEC-14 - 10-DEC-14. [Details]
(2013)Royal Geographical Society-IBG Annual Conference,
Parkes, A., Forde, C., Horgan, D., Martin, S and Madges, L. (2013) Children and Young Peoples Experiences of Participation in Home, School and Community. [Oral Presentation], Royal Geographical Society-IBG Annual Conference, London , 29-AUG-13 - 30-AUG-13. [Details]
(2014)What's Working for Young People,
Forde, C., Madges, L., Horgan, D., Parkes, A and Martin, S. (2014) Children's Participation in Home, School and Community. [Oral Presentation], What's Working for Young People, Dublin , 25-MAR-14 - 26-MAR-14. [Details]
(2014)Creative Engagements: Thinking with Children, 9th Annual Conference,
Horgan, D.(presenter), Forde, C., Parkes, A, Madges, L. and Martin S. (2014) ‘Seen and not Heard? An exploration of children and young people’s experiences of participation in the home, school and community using creative child-centred methodological approaches. [Oral Presentation], Creative Engagements: Thinking with Children, 9th Annual Conference, Prague , 16-MAR-14 - 17-MAR-14. [Details]


 CommitteeFunctionFrom / To
International Academy of Comparative Law National Reporter2008 /
European Parliament Project entitled- Member States' Policies for Children with Disabilities: National Report-Ireland National Expert for Ireland2013 /
ISCL National Committee of the Republic of Ireland Appointed Inaugural National Reporter on Same Sex Marriages in Ireland2008 / 2010
Socio-Legal Studies Association Member/
Society of Legal Scholars Member/


 EmployerPositionFrom / To
University College Cork Lecturer in Law01-SEP-08 / 01-SEP-08
Griffith College Cork Course Director of the Undergraduate Law School01-SEP-06 / 01-JUL-08
University College Cork Part-time Lecturer in Law01-SEP-05 / 01-MAY-06
University College Cork Part-time Tutor/Lecturer in law01-JAN-03 / 01-SEP-05


2011UCC MA in Teaching and Learning in Higher EducationMasters in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education
2010UCC Postgraduate Diploma in Teaching and Learning in Higher EducationInquiry portfolio
2009UCC Postgraduate Certificate in Teaching and Learning in Higher Ed.Course Portfolio
2006University College Cork PhD in LawLaw
2001University College Cork LLMLaw
2000University College Cork BCLLaw


Law Society of Ireland
FE-1 Examiner for the Law of Real Property 
Milieu Limited, Brussels
Consultant on Projects for Children’s Rights and Disability

Outreach Activities


Provide number of Information sessions within UCC as well as in the wider community on various areas of law such as the Children's Rights Referendum October 2012.

Other Activities


External Examiner: School of Applied Social Studies, Trinity College Dublin (2011-Present)

External Examiner: University of West of England (2013-Present)

External PhD Examiner: WIT, Waterford, Ireland (2013-2014)

Training Provision: Engaged as a trainer for the National Advocacy Service on Disability and the Law, Children’s Rights (March 2013)

Internal UCC Examiner: LLM by Research in Family Law (UCC 2012)

Teaching Activities

Teaching Interests

Aisling was awarded the UCC President's award for Excellence in Teaching in October 2014.

Her teaching interests are diverse and are conducted at undergraduate and postgraduate levels.

Undergraduate Modules
Aisling has taught Family Law: Child Law at the School of Law since 2010. This module is of an interdisciplinary nature and engages with areas which are sensitive in nature and are constantly changing. Topics covered include: adoption, guardianship, custody and access, mediation and children, domestic violence and children amongst others.

Aisling together with her colleague, Dr Séan Ó Conaill developed a Sports Law Module in 2014-15 which runs on an annual basis. On the back of  a New Foundations Award, Dr Parkes and Dr Ó Conaill founded and established an undergraduate Sports Law Clinic, the first student led undergraduate sports law clinic in the world. This Clinic has since successfully run on an annual basis.  

Since 2008, Aisling has taught other subjects including Contract Law, Irish Property Law, Landlord and Tenant Law, English Land Law and Laws of Evidence. 

Interdisciplinary teaching includes:  Law for Social Workers (years 1 and 2).

Contact details

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School of Law

Scoil an Dlí

Room 1.63, Aras na Laoi, T12 T656
