Research Profile

Janas Harrington


I am a Senior Lecturer and Director for the BSc Public Health Sciences, School of Public Health UCC.  I graduated with a BSc (Nutritional Science) in 1996, an MA (Health Promotion) in 1997 a PhD (Nutrition Epidemiology) in 2012 and a PG Certificate in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education in 2013.  Between 2012 and 2015 I held the post of Health Promotion Pathway Co-ordinator on the Master of Public Health, UCC. Between 2015-2016 I was the Director of the online Master of Public Health, UCC.   

I lead the Food Policy Research team in the Centre for Health and Diet Research, School of Public Health, UCC.     Since completing my PhD in the School of Public Health UCC in 2012 my research has focussed on the determinants of dietary patterns and the links between these dietary patterns and disease outcome, in particular in relation to obesity and cardiovascular risk.  Initially, my focus was on the individual level and determinants of individual behaviours. In recent years recognising the importance of the upstream determinants of dietary behaviours my focus has shifted to taking a wider systems approach, specifically at the food policy level.  Funding from the EU Joint Programme Initiative Healthy Diet for a Healthy Life funding, as part of the European Policy Evaluation Network (PEN afforded me the opportunity to collaborate with the INFORMAS network to lead the development of Ireland’s first Healthy Food Environment Policy Index (Food EPI) benchmarking the Irish food environments against international best practice.  This work has been a springboard for further national and international collaborations and including Horizon Europe funding on " Food Systems that support transitions to healhty and sustainable diets (FEAST)" and safefood funding to focus on food policy and incorporating sustainability into food based dietary guidelines in Ireland.  

I have been involved in some of the largest epidemiological studies in Ireland including the 1st National Health and Lifestyle Study (SLAN 1998) and the General Healthcare Study of the Prisoner Population of Ireland (2000), National Health and Lifestyle Survey (SLÁN 2007), Cork and Kerry Diabetes and Heart Disease Study Re-Screen (2008) and the Mitchelstown Cohort Study (2010). I was the lead investigator in the Mitchelstown Cohort Study Re-Screen , with responsibility for designing the dietary intake assessment for the study and coordinating the study fieldwork.   

I am Chair of the Cork Food Policy Council. My key aim in this position is to support the work of the Food Policy Council to work and to lead the development and implementation of a Food Strategy for Cork City.    I am chair of the GAA National Health and Wellbeing Committee. I am co-Chair of the Public Health Task Force as part of the European Association for the Study of Obesity. 

 Current active research projects include:
  • FOODPATH: Food Policy Pathways for Equal Population Nutrition in Europe. 
    • the overarching aim of FOODPATH is to identify and understand the societal, commercial and political determinants and mechanisms of food-related inequalities, and to provide solutions which have the potential to break through the cycles maintaining unhealthy dietary behaviours and foodrelated inequalities in Europe.
  • FEAST: Food systems that support transitions to healthy and sustainable diets (
    • FEAST aims to catalyse Europe’s just transition to a ‘Win-Win-Win-Win' food system that sees major gains for people, the planet, and the public and private sectors.
  • SuHEGuide Project: SUstainable & HEalthy Dietary GUIDElines:
    • Critical and cultural analysis of Irish dietary patterns to profile nutritional, health  and environmental outcomes : FIRM Funded

    Recently competed projects include:
  • Review of International Practice on Building Sustainability into National Healthy Eating Guidelines and Practical Implications for Policy: Safefood Funded
  • Diet, Health & Lifestyle Study (DHL study) (FSAI Funded)
  • Best practices in the field of marketing of unhealthy food products to children and adolescents (EU JA BestReMap ) 
  • EU JPI Policy Evauation Network:
    • 1st Irish Food Environment Policy Index
    • EU-Food EPI
  • Evaluation of the National Obesity Policy & Action Plan 
 I am involved with the following committees:
  •  JPI HDHL Scientific Advisory Board member,  
  • Member of the Healthy Eating Sub-group of the Obesity Policy Implementation Oversight Group, convened by the Department of Health. 
  • Chair of the GAA National Health and Wellbeing Committee. 
  • Chair the Cork Food Policy Council.   
  • Co-chair EASO Public Health Task Force
  • Co-Chair ISBNPA Policy and Environment Special Interest Group


2023 ·        

  • ERA4Health Inequity.  Food systems and policy pathways for equal population nutrition in Europe.  Total funding €1,680,960.  UCC Funding: €499802. Role: PI. April 2024-March 2027
2022 ·         
  • Horizon Europe. “FEAST - Food systems that support transitions to hEalthy And Sustainable dieTs”.  Total funding €12,759,534.00.  UCC funding € 332,310.  Role Partner ·         
  • JPI STAMIFY “Wearable sensors for the assessment of physical and eating behaviours”. Role Partner.  Funding €59017 ·         
  • HEA CoVidFund €25, 123 
  2011-2021 ·        
  •  HEA Covid Fund €28,991 ·        
  • Joint Action on Implementation of Validated Best Practices on Nutrition: Best ReMaP Role Partner. Funding ·        
  • HRB Definitive Intervention and Feasibility Awards  "Enhancing Men's Awareness of Testicular Diseases (E-MAT): A Feasibility Study and Study Within A Trial (SWAT)". Funding €391,821. Role Collaborator ·        
  • Safefood: Review of International Practice on Building ‘Sustainability’ into National Healthy Eating Guidelines and Practical Implications for Policy. Funding €127881; role PI Jan 2021-June 2022 ·        
  • FIRM: Food based dietary guidelines for sustainable and healthy lifestyles. Funding Sought: 1,155,345.25. Role Co-PI.  UCC funding, €58,812. ·        
  • Safefood: “Exploring the world of food – the perspective of families with children”.Funding Sought:  €98231; Role Co-PI ·        
  •  FSAI: Sodium and Potassium excretion in Irish adults.  €135,111. Role PI Apr 2019-Jan 2021 ·        
  • EU JPI-Healthy Diet for a Healthy Life  Joint Funding Action :“Effectiveness of existing policies for lifestyle interventions – Policy Evaluation Network (PEN)”; Funding Sought: €129,303. Role, PI. Feb 2019-Jan 2021 ·        
  • HRB Knowledge Exchange and Dissemination: Overweight & Obesity in Ireland: translating policy into action; Funding Sought €59,681; Role : Co-PI January 2018-February 2019 ·        
  • safefood: What’s on your child’s plate? Food portion sizes and the proportion of different food groups eaten by children on the island of Ireland”; Funding Sought: €97,242.  Role, PI. April 2017-May 2018 ·        
  • HRB Knowledge Exchange and Dissemination: DEDIPAC Ireland: National one day Symposium on determinants of Diet and Physical Activity. Funding Sought € 29,375.00. Role Co-PI December 2015-September 2017 ·        
  •  HRB Knowledge Exchange and Dissemination: Diet, health and sustainability - narrowing the gap between what we know and what we do.  Funding sought € 59,863.00. Role Co-applicant. December 2015-December 2016 ·        
  • safefood: Weaning practices on the island of Ireland: A Qualitative Approach.  Funding sought: €147,407.64. Role: collaborator January 2016-January 2017 ·        
  • HRB Interdisciplinary Enhancement Awards 2014: Designing, evaluation and implementing a complex intervention in childhood obesity. Funding sought: € 666,437.00. Role: Co-Applicant ·        
  • EU-JPI Healthy Diet for a Healthy Life: DEterminants of DIet and Physical Activity (DEDIPAC) Knowledge Hu. Total Award: €316,000; Role: PI Dec 2013-Nov 2016.  ·        
  • HRB Interdisciplinary Enhancement Awards 2012:Lifestyle Transitions Through the Lifecourse: Enhancing Capacity in Irish Cohort and Cross-sectional Studies: Total Award: €567,394: Role: Co-Applicant Sept 2012-Aug 2015 ·        
  • National Children’s Research Centre, Crumlin 2011: Childhood obesity in Ireland: recent trends and determinants at the individual and ecological level.  Total Award: €302, 371 Role: PI Jan 2010-Dec 2013

Research Interests

I lead the Food Policy Research team in the Centre for Health and Diet Research, School of Public Health, UCC.     Since completing my PhD in the School of Public Health UCC in 2012 my research has focussed on the determinants of dietary patterns and the links between these dietary patterns and disease outcome, in particular in relation to obesity and cardiovascular risk.  Initially, my focus was on the individual level and determinants of individual behaviours. In recent years recognising the importance of the upstream determinants of dietary behaviours my focus has shifted to taking a wider systems approach, specifically at the food policy level.  Funding from the EU Joint Programme Initiative Healthy Diet for a Healthy Life funding, as part of the European Policy Evaluation Network (PEN afforded me the opportunity to collaborate with the INFORMAS network to lead the development of Ireland’s first Healthy Food Environment Policy Index (Food EPI) benchmarking the Irish food environments against international best practice.  This work has been a springboard for further national and international collaborations and including Horizon Europe funding on " Food Systems that support transitions to healhty and sustainable diets (FEAST)" and safefood funding to focus on food policy and incorporating sustainability into food based dietary guidelines in Ireland.  

I have been involved in some of the largest epidemiological studies in Ireland including the 1st National Health and Lifestyle Study (SLAN 1998) and the General Healthcare Study of the Prisoner Population of Ireland (2000), National Health and Lifestyle Survey (SLÁN 2007), Cork and Kerry Diabetes and Heart Disease Study Re-Screen (2008) and the Mitchelstown Cohort Study (2010). I was the lead investigator in the Mitchelstown Cohort Study Re-Screen , with responsibility for designing the dietary intake assessment for the study and coordinating the study fieldwork.       

Research Grants

Start DateEnd DateAward
Determinants of Diet and Physical Activity (DEDIPAC) Knowledge HubHealth Research Board01-DEC-1330-NOV-16€302,000.00
What’s on your child’s plate? Food portion sizes and the proportion of different food groups eaten by children on the island of IrelandOther: Not Listed05-APR-1701-MAY-18€97,242.00
: Overweight & Obesity in Ireland: translating policy into action; Funding €59,681Health Research Board30-APR-1830-MAY-19€59,681.00
Childhood Obesity and Food Proportions - What's on your child's plate? Food portion sizes and the proportion of different food groups eaten by childern on the island of Ireland.Irish Funded Research10-APR-1711-MAY-18€58,372.00
EU JPI-Healthy Diet for a Healthy Life Joint Funding Action :“Effectiveness of existing policies for lifestyle interventions – Policy Evaluation Network (PEN)”Health Research Board01-FEB-1930-JAN-22€129,303.00
Designing, evaluation and implementing a complex intervention in childhood obesityHealth Research Board02-FEB-16€666,437.00
Lifestyle Transitions Through the Lifecourse: Enhancing Capacity in Irish Cohort and Cross-sectional Studies:Health Research Board01-SEP-1231-AUG-15€567,394.00
HRB"SS-2018-140 Fionnuala Keane" Dr. Janas Harrington [X]Health Research Board11-JUN-1803-AUG-18€2,400.00
DEDIPAC Ireland: National one day Symposium on determinants of Diet and Physical ActivityHealth Research Board01-DEC-1501-SEP-17€29,375.00
Weaning practices on the island of Ireland: A Qualitative ApproachOther: Not Listed01-JAN-1631-JAN-17€147,407.64
HRB "SSS/2014/808 Gillian Maher - Dr Janas Harrington" - "Food and mood: The association between diet quality and mental health and well-being in middle aged Irish men and women"Health Research Board07-JUL-1425-AUG-14€2,000.00
Multi Institional project.Health Research Board19-DEC-1318-SEP-17€101,394.00
Cork Children's Lifestyle Study (CCLaS)01-APR-1230-APR-15€316,000.00

Contract Researchers

 Researcher NameProjectRoleFunding Body
Ms Amy O'FlynnCork Children's Lifestyle StudyResearch AssistantOther: Not Listed
Ms Lisa DelaneyMitchelstown Cohort RescreenResearch AssistantHealth Research Board
Ms Catherine PerryCork Children's Lifestyle StudyResearch AssistantOther: Not Listed
Ms Catherine PerryDEDIPACResearch AssistantHealth Research Board
Ms Shauni FitzgeraldDEDIPACResearch AssistantHealth Research Board
Ms Fiona RiordanDEDIPACResearch AssistantHealth Research Board
Ms Kathleen RyanCork Children's Lifestyle StudyResearch AssistantOther: Not Listed


Conference Publications

(2018)The Lancet Public Health Science
Matvienko-Sikar, K., Byrne, M., Kelly, C. , Toomey, E., Hennessy, M., Devane, D., Heary, C., Harrington, J., McGrath, N., Queally, M., Kearney, P. (2018) Developing an infant feeding core outcome set for childhood obesity prevention The Lancet Public Health Science [Details]
(2017)European Congress on Obesity
Matvienko-Sikar, K. Toomey, E., Delaney, L., Harrington, J., Byrne, M. & Kearney, P. (2017) Effects of early infant feeding interventions on parental feeding practices European Congress on Obesity [Details]
(2017)24th European Congress on Obesity
Matvienko-Sikar K., Toomey, E., Delaney, L., Harrington, J., Byrne, M., Kearney P. (2017) Effects of early infant feeding interventions on parental feeding practices: A systematic review 24th European Congress on Obesity Porto, [Details]
(2014)European Society of Cardiology
O'Flynn AM, McHugh SM, Madden JM, Harrington JM, Perry IJ, Kearney PM (2014) Spousal concordance for cardiovascular health in a primary care based sample European Society of Cardiology [Details]
(2014)European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology
Mc Carthy VJC, Perry IJ, Harrington JM, Greiner BA (2014) Co-occurrence of lifestyle factors and psychosocial job characteristics European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology London, , 14-APR-14 - 16-APR-14 [Details]
(2014)Irish Cardiac Society
O'Flynn AM, McHugh SM, Madden JM, Harrington JM, Perry IJ, Kearney PM (2014) Spousal concordance for cardiovascular health in a primary care based sample Irish Cardiac Society [Details]
(2014)11th Conference of th European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology in London, 2014
McCarthy VJC, Perry IJ, Harrington J, Greiner BA (2014) Co-occurrence of lifestyle factors and psychosocial work conditions 11th Conference of th European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology in London, 2014 London,   [Details]
(2006)Public Health Nutrition Abstracts of the Ist World Congress of Public Health Nutrition
Harrington J., Friel S., Thunhurst C., Kirby A., McElroy B. (2006) An Obseogenic Island: The financial cost of physical activity in Ireland Public Health Nutrition Abstracts of the Ist World Congress of Public Health Nutrition [Details]
(2013)Society for Social Medicine Annual Scientific Meeting
Mc Carthy VJC, Perry IJ, Harrington JM, Greiner BA (2013) Postively Living Positively Working lifestyle behaviours in a working and non-working population Society for Social Medicine Annual Scientific Meeting [Details]
(2013)HRB Centre for Health and Diet Research Annual Conference
Harrington JM (2013) Dietary patterns and health: a cardiovascular disease perspective HRB Centre for Health and Diet Research Annual Conference Cork, Ireland, [Details]
(2013)European Society for Hypertension Summer School
Harrington JM (2013) DASH Diet score and distribution of blood pressure in middle aged men and women European Society for Hypertension Summer School Porto, Portugal, [Details]
(2013)Society for Social Medicine 57th Annual Scientific Meeting
Perry, IJ,Harrington, JM,Kabir, Z,Browne, G,Fitzgerald, AP,Kearney, PM (2013) PP16 The Contribution of Changes in Diet and other Risk Factors to recent Favourable Trends in Blood Pressure in Middle-Aged Irish Adults Society for Social Medicine 57th Annual Scientific Meeting [Details]
(2013)Society for Social Medicine, Brighton
Perry IJ, Harrington J, Kabir Z, et al (2013) The Contribution of Changes in Diet and other Risk Factors to recent Favourable Trends in Blood Pressure in Middle-Aged Irish Adults Society for Social Medicine, Brighton [Details]
(2013)Society for Social Medicine 57th Annual Scientific Meeting
McCarthy V J C, Perry IJ, Harrington J, Greiner BA (2013) PP08 Work Status and Blood Pressure – “A Job of Work” Society for Social Medicine 57th Annual Scientific Meeting Brighton and Sussex Medical School, , 11-SEP-13 - 13-SEP-13 , pp.A51-A52   [DOI] [Details]
(2013)International Society for Behaviour, Nutrition and Physical Activity
Harrington JM, Dahly DL, Fitzgerald AP, Gilthorpe MS, Perry IJ (2013) Capturing changes in dietary patterns among older adults: A latent class analysis of an aging Irish cohort International Society for Behaviour, Nutrition and Physical Activity Ghent, Belgium, [Details]
(2013)European Congress on Obesity
Harrington JM, Dahly DL, Fitzgerald AP, Gilthorpe MS, Perry IJ (2013) Capturing changes in dietary patterns among older adults: A latent class analysis of an aging Irish cohort European Congress on Obesity Liverpool, [Details]
(2012)Food Choice, Health and Change Conference, University College Cork
Harrington J, Fitzgerald AP, Mc Carthy VJC, Kearney PM, Browne G, Dolan E, Perry IJ (2012) Diet quality and blood pressure in middle aged Irish men and women Food Choice, Health and Change Conference, University College Cork [Details]
(2013)Diabetic Medicine
Buckley, CM and Madden, J and Fahy, L and Barron, S and Balanda, K and Harrington, J and Bradley, CP and Perry, IJ and Kearney, PM (2013) Prevalence estimates and determinants of pre-diabetes in adults>=45 years in the Republic of Ireland: the Survey of Lifestyle, Attitudes and Nutrition in Ireland 2007 Diabetic Medicine , pp.184-185 [Details]
(2012)Society for Social Medicine
Buckley, CM,Kearney, PM,McHugh, S,Harrington, J,Bradley, CP,Perry, IJ (2012) DIABETES AND PRE-DIABETES PREVALENCE RATES IN THE SURVEY OF LIFESTYLES, ATTITUDE AND NUTRITION (SLAN) IN THE REPUBLIC OF IRELAND Society for Social Medicine , pp.43-43   [DOI] [Details]
(2012)Society for Social Medicine Annual Scientific Meeting
Harrington J, Fitzgerald AP, Mc Carthy VJC, Kearney PM, Browne G, Dolan E, Perry IJ (2012) Diet quality and blood pressure in middle aged Irish men and women Society for Social Medicine Annual Scientific Meeting [Details]
Kearney PM, Mc Carthy VJC, Harrington J, Fitzgerald AP, Dolan E, O'Brien E, Perry IJ (2012) Blood pressure variability EuroPRevent [Details]
Kearney PM, Harrington J, Mc Carthy VJC, Fitzgerald AP, Perry IJ (2012) Ideal cardiovascular health EuroPRevent [Details]
(2010)Society for Social Medicine 54th Annual Scientific Meeting
Browne, G; Loughrey, M; Harrington, J; Lutomski, J; Fitzgerald, AP; Perry, I; (2010) Dietary salt intake in Irish adults Society for Social Medicine 54th Annual Scientific Meeting Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health 64:A50, [Details]
(2009)Psychology, Health and Medicine
Harrington J, Perry IJ, Lutomski J, Fitzgerald AP,Sheily F, McGee H, Barry MM, Van Lente E3, Morgan K, Shelley E ; (2009) LIVING LONGER AND FEELING BETTER: Healthy lifestyle, self-rated health, obesity and depression in Ireland Psychology, Health and Medicine Trinity College, Dublin, , 01-JUN-09 - 01-JUN-09 [Details]
(2009)UK Society for Social Medicine
Shiely, F, Hayes, K, Lutomski, J, Harrington, J, McGee H, Kelleher CC4 Perry IJ; (2009) A 10-YEAR DECLINE IN SELF-RECOGNITION OF OBESITY - TRENDS IN SENSITIVITY AND SPECIFICITY FROM THREE POPULATION SURVEYS IN IRELAND UK Society for Social Medicine Newcastle, , 06-SEP-09 - 09-SEP-09 [Details]
(2009)European Congress on Obesity
Lutomski, J, Harrington, J, Shiely, F, Fitzgerald, A1 Perry IJ; (2009) Characteristics and dietary patterns of under- and over-reporters of energy intake, findings from the 2007 Irish Survey of Lifestyle, Attitudes and Nutrition (SLÁN) European Congress on Obesity Amsterdam, , 06-MAY-09 - 09-MAY-09 [Details]
(2009)European Congress on Obesity
Harrington J, Perry IJ, Lutomski J, Fitzgerald T, Shiely F ,McGee H, Morgan K, Shelley E; (2009) Healthy living- exploring the the combined impact of four protective health behaviours on obesity and functional health in the Irish population: Results from the third Survey of Lifestyles, Attitudes and Nutrition (SLÁN) European Congress on Obesity Amsterdam, , 06-MAY-09 - 09-MAY-09 [Details]
(2009)European Congress on Obesity
Harrington J, Perry IJ, Lutomski J, Fitzgerald AP,Shiely F, McGee H, Barry MM, Van Lente E, Morgan K, Shelley E (2009) ). Living Longer And Feeling Better: Healthy lifestyle, self-rated health, obesity and depression in Ireland. [Oral presentation] European Congress on Obesity European Congress on Obesity, , 01-MAY-09 [Details]
(2008)2nd Ann. UCC/Cork University Teaching Hospitals Research Day
Harrington J, Lutomski J, McGee H, Morgan K, Shelly E and Perry IJ; (2008) The Prevalence of Overweight and Obesity in Irish Adults in 2007 2nd Ann. UCC/Cork University Teaching Hospitals Research Day Cork, Ireland, , 01-JUN-08 - 01-JUN-08 [Details]
(2008)Interdisciplinary Research Day
Harrington J., Lutomski J., McGee H., Morgan K., Shelley E. and Perry I.J.; (2008) Prevalence of Overweight and Obesity in the Irish Population in 2007 Interdisciplinary Research Day University College Cork, , 01-MAY-08 - 01-MAY-08 [Details]
(2007)How Much Heavier Are We? Secular Obesity Trends In The Republic of Ireland
Whelton, H, Harrington, J, Crowley, E, Kelleher, V, Cronin, M, Perry, IJ; (2007) How Much Heavier Are We? Secular Obesity Trends In The Republic of Ireland How Much Heavier Are We? Secular Obesity Trends In The Republic of Ireland , pp.209-209 [Details]
(2007)Society of Social Medicine Annual Conference
Harrington J, Whelton H, Perry IJ; (2007) How much heavier are we? Secular childhood obesity trends in the Republic of Ireland Society of Social Medicine Annual Conference University College Cork, , 12-SEP-07 - 14-SEP-07 [Details]
(2006)Dietary Patterns inf Ireland: An assessment of individual and household level dietary patterns
Kirby, A., Thunhurst C, McElroy B, Friel S, Harrington J.; (2006) Dietary Patterns inf Ireland: An assessment of individual and household level dietary patterns [Details]
(2006)Public Health Nutrition Abstracts of the Ist World Congress of Public Health Nutrition
Thunhurst, C., Kirby A, McElroy B, Friel S, Harrington J; (2006) Socioeconomic determinants of food choice on the Island of Ireland Public Health Nutrition Abstracts of the Ist World Congress of Public Health Nutrition , pp.188-188 [Details]
(2006)J Public Health Nutrition 1
Harrington, J., Friel S, Thunhurst C, Kirby A, McElroy B ; (2006) An Obesogenic Island: The financial cost of physical activity in Ireland J Public Health Nutrition 1 , pp.202-202 [Details]
(2006)UK Public Health Forum
Harrington J., Friel S., Thunhurst C., Kirby A., McElroy B; (2006) Regional housing cost inequalities in the Republic of Ireland UK Public Health Forum [Details]
(2006)Socioeconomic determinants of food choice on the Island of Ireland
Thunhurst, C., Kirby A, McElroy B, Friel S, Harrington J.; (2006) Socioeconomic determinants of food choice on the Island of Ireland [Details]
(2006)Public Health Nutrition Abstracts of the 1st World Congress of Public Health Nutrition
Kirby, A., Thunhurst C, McElroy B, Friel S, Harrington J; (2006) Dietary Patterns inf Ireland: An assessment of individual and household level dietary patterns Public Health Nutrition Abstracts of the 1st World Congress of Public Health Nutrition , pp.65-65 [Details]
(2006)14th UKPHA Annual Public Health Forum
Friel, S., J. Harrington, Thunhurst C, Kirby A, McElroy B; (2006) The standard of healthy living on the island of Ireland 14th UKPHA Annual Public Health Forum Telford, UK, [Details]
(2006)Public Health Nutrition Abstracts of the 1st World Congress of Public Health Nutrition
Friel, S., J. Harrington, Thunhurst C, Kirby A, McElroy B ; (2006) Food Poverty on the Island of Ireland: Issues of access and availability Public Health Nutrition Abstracts of the 1st World Congress of Public Health Nutrition , pp.248-248 [Details]
(2004)Safefood - Food Safety Promotions Board, Cork
Kirby A., Harrington J., Friel S., Thunhurst C., McElroy B; (2004) Food safety knowledge and communication Safefood - Food Safety Promotions Board, Cork [Details]
(2003)Nutrition Society Annual Conference, University College Cork
Harrington, J., Lydon AM, Evans D; (2003) Food and healthy eating during working hours: Attitudes and behaviours of Western Health Board Staff Nutrition Society Annual Conference, University College Cork [Details]

Published Reports

(2010)Dietary salt intake and related risk factors in the Irish population.
Perry IJ, Browne G, Loughrey M, Harrington J, Lutomski J & Fitzgerald AP ; (2010) Dietary salt intake and related risk factors in the Irish population. Safefood, Dublin. [Details]
(2009)SLÁN 2007: Survey of Lifestyle, Attitudes and Nutrition in Ireland. Injuries in Ireland: Findings from national population surveys.
Molcho, M; Barry, M; Van Lente, E; McGee, H; Morgan, K; Conroy, R; Watson, D; Perry, I; Harrington J; (2009) SLÁN 2007: Survey of Lifestyle, Attitudes and Nutrition in Ireland. Injuries in Ireland: Findings from national population surveys. Department of Health and Children. Dublin:The Stationery Office, Dublin. [Details]
(2009)SLÁN 2007: Survey of Lifestyle, Attitudes and Nutrition in Ireland. Alcohol use in Ireland: A profile of drinking patterns and alcohol-related harm from SLÁN 2007.
Morgan, K.; McGee, H; Dicker, P; Brugha, R; Ward, M; Shelley, E; Van Lente, E; Harrington, J; Barry, M; Perry, I; Watson, D; (2009) SLÁN 2007: Survey of Lifestyle, Attitudes and Nutrition in Ireland. Alcohol use in Ireland: A profile of drinking patterns and alcohol-related harm from SLÁN 2007. Department of Health and Children. Dublin: The Stationery Office, Dublin. [Details]
(2008)Surevy of Lifestyles, Attitudes and Nutrition in Ireland. Dietary Habits of the Irish Population.
Harrington, J., Perry IJ, Lutomski J, Morgan K, McGee H, Shelley E, Watson D, Barry M. ; (2008) Surevy of Lifestyles, Attitudes and Nutrition in Ireland. Dietary Habits of the Irish Population. Department of Health and Children. Dublin: The Stationery Office, Dublin. [Details]
(2007)Survey of Lifestyles, Attitudes and Nutrition in Ireland. Dietary Habits of the Irish Population.
Harrington, J., Perry IJ, Lutomski J, Morgan K, McGee H, Shelley E, Watson D, Barry M; (2007) Survey of Lifestyles, Attitudes and Nutrition in Ireland. Dietary Habits of the Irish Population. Department of Health and Children. Dublin: The Stationery Office. [Details]
(2008)SLAN 2007: Survey of Lifestyles, Attitudes and Nutrition in Ireland. Main Report.
Morgan K, McGee H,Watson D, Perry IJ, Barry M, Shelley E, Harrington J, Molcho M, Layte R, Tully N, van Lenthe E, Ward M, Lutomski J, Conroy R, Brugha R; (2008) SLAN 2007: Survey of Lifestyles, Attitudes and Nutrition in Ireland. Main Report. Department of Health and Children. Dublin, The Stationery Office, Dublin. [Details]

Peer Reviewed Journals

(2019)'Barriers and facilitators to adoption, implementation and sustainment of obesity prevention interventions in schoolchildren- a DEDIPAC case study'
Hayes, CB;O'Shea, MP;Foley-Nolan, C;McCarthy, M;Harrington, JM (2019) 'Barriers and facilitators to adoption, implementation and sustainment of obesity prevention interventions in schoolchildren- a DEDIPAC case study'. BMC Public Health, 19 [DOI] [Details]
Matvienko-Sikar, K;Byrne, M;Kelly, C;Toomey, E;Hennessy, M;Devane, D;Heary, C;Harrington, J;McGrath, N;Queally, M;Kearney, PM (2019) 'CHANGING PARENT'S INFANT FEEDING BEHAVIOURS TO PREVENT CHILDHOOD OBESITY: IDENTIFYING IMPORTANT OUTCOME MEASURES (vol 25, pg 1, 2018)'. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 26 :110-110 [Details]
(2019)'Understanding engagement in a family-focused, multicomponent, childhood weight management programme delivered in the community setting'
Kelleher, Emily; McHugh, Sheena M.; Harrington, Janas M.; Perry, Ivan J.; Shiely, Frances (2019) 'Understanding engagement in a family-focused, multicomponent, childhood weight management programme delivered in the community setting'. Public health nutrition, 22 (8):1471-1482 [DOI] [Full Text] [Details]
(2018)'Do mothers accurately identify their child' overweight/obesity status during early childhood? Evidence from a nationally representative cohort study'
Queally, M;Doherty, E;Matvienko-Sikar, K;Toomey, E;Cullinan, J;Harrington, JM;Kearney, PM (2018) 'Do mothers accurately identify their child' overweight/obesity status during early childhood? Evidence from a nationally representative cohort study'. The international journal of behavioral nutrition and physical activity, 15 [DOI] [Details]
(2018)'Associations of self-reported physical activity and depression in 10,000 Irish adults across harmonised datasets: a DEDIPAC-study'
Mc Dowell, CP;Carlin, A;Capranica, L;Dillon, C;Harrington, JM;Lakerveld, J;Loyen, A;Ling, FCM;Brug, J;MacDonncha, C;Herring, MP (2018) 'Associations of self-reported physical activity and depression in 10,000 Irish adults across harmonised datasets: a DEDIPAC-study'. BMC Public Health, 18 [DOI] [Details]
(2018)'Plating up appropriate portion sizes for children: a systematic review of parental food and beverage portioning practices'
Kairey, L., Matvienko-Sikar, K., Kelly, C., McKinley, M.C., O Connor, E.M., Kearney, P.K., Woodside, J.V., Harrington, J.M. (2018) 'Plating up appropriate portion sizes for children: a systematic review of parental food and beverage portioning practices'. Obesity Reviews, [Details]
(2018)'Do mothers accurately identify their child’s overweight/obesity status during early childhood? Evidence from a nationally representative cohort study'
Queally, M., Doherty, E., Matvienko-Sikar, K., Toomey, E., Cullinan, J., Harrington, J., Kearney P.M. (2018) 'Do mothers accurately identify their child’s overweight/obesity status during early childhood? Evidence from a nationally representative cohort study'. International Journal Of Behavioral Nutrition And Physical Activity,   [Full Text] [Details]
(2018)'Plating up appropriate portion sizes for children: a systematic review of parental food and beverage portioning practices'
Kairey, L;Matvienko-Sikar, K;Kelly, C;McKinley, MC;O'Connor, EM;Kearney, PM;Woodside, JV;Harrington, JM (2018) 'Plating up appropriate portion sizes for children: a systematic review of parental food and beverage portioning practices'. Obesity reviews : an official journal of the International Association for the Study of Obesity, 19 :1667-1678 [DOI] [Details]
(2018)'Effects of healthcare professional delivered early feeding interventions on feeding practices and dietary intake: A systematic review'
Matvienko-Sikar, K., Toomey, E., Delaney, L., Harrington, J., Kearney, P.M. (2018) 'Effects of healthcare professional delivered early feeding interventions on feeding practices and dietary intake: A systematic review'. Appetite, 123 (1):56-71   [DOI] [Details]
(2017)'Barriers and facilitators to the implementation of a community-based, multidisciplinary, family-focused childhood weight management programme in Ireland: a qualitative study'
Kelleher E;Harrington JM;Shiely F;Perry IJ;McHugh SM; (2017) 'Barriers and facilitators to the implementation of a community-based, multidisciplinary, family-focused childhood weight management programme in Ireland: a qualitative study'. Bmj Open, 7 (8) [DOI] [Details]
(2017)'Development of an infant feeding core outcome set for childhood obesity interventions: study protocol'
Matvienko-Sikar, K., Byrne, M., Kelly, C. , Toomey, E., Hennessy, M., Devane, D., Heary, C., Harrington, J., McGrath, N., Queally, M., Kearney, P. (2017) 'Development of an infant feeding core outcome set for childhood obesity interventions: study protocol'. Trials, 18   [DOI] [Full Text] [Details]
(2017)'Levels and sociodemographic correlates of accelerometer-based physical activity in Irish children: a cross-sectional study'
Li, X;Kearney, PM;Keane, E;Harrington, JM;Fitzgerald, AP (2017) 'Levels and sociodemographic correlates of accelerometer-based physical activity in Irish children: a cross-sectional study'. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 71 :521-527 [DOI] [Details]
(2016)'Dietary quality in children and the role of the local food environment'
Keane, E;Cullinan, J;Perry, CP;Kearney, PM;Harrington, JM;Perry, IJ;Layte, R (2016) 'Dietary quality in children and the role of the local food environment'. Ssm-Population Health, 2 :770-777 [DOI] [Details]
(2016)'The effect of complex workplace dietary interventions on employees' dietary intakes, nutrition knowledge and health status: a cluster controlled trial'
Geaney, F;Kelly, C;Di Marrazzo, JS;Harrington, JM;Fitzgerald, AP;Greiner, BA;Perry, IJ (2016) 'The effect of complex workplace dietary interventions on employees' dietary intakes, nutrition knowledge and health status: a cluster controlled trial'. Preventive Medicine, 89 :76-83 [DOI] [Details]
(2016)'A systematic review of methods to assess intake of sugar-sweetened beverages among healthy European adults and children: a DEDIPAC (DEterminants of DIet and Physical Activity) study'
Riordan F;Ryan K;Perry IJ;Schulze MB;Andersen LF;Geelen A;Van't Veer P;Eussen S;van Dongen M;Wijckmans-Duysens N;Harrington JM; (2016) 'A systematic review of methods to assess intake of sugar-sweetened beverages among healthy European adults and children: a DEDIPAC (DEterminants of DIet and Physical Activity) study'. Public health nutrition, [DOI] [Full Text] [Details]
(2016)'A systematic review of methods to assess intake of fruits and vegetables among healthy European adults and children: a DEDIPAC (DEterminants of DIet and Physical Activity) study'
Riordan F;Ryan K;Perry IJ;Schulze MB;Andersen LF;Geelen A;Van't Veer P;Eussen S;Dagnelie P;Wijckmans-Duysens N;Harrington JM; (2016) 'A systematic review of methods to assess intake of fruits and vegetables among healthy European adults and children: a DEDIPAC (DEterminants of DIet and Physical Activity) study'. Public health nutrition, [DOI] [Full Text] [Details]
(2016)'The effect of complex workplace dietary interventions on employees' dietary intakes, nutrition knowledge and health status: a cluster controlled trial'
Geaney, Fiona; Kelly, Clare; Scotto Di Marrazzo, Jessica; Harrington, Janas M.; Fitzgerald, Anthony P.; Greiner, Birgit A.; Perry, Ivan J. (2016) 'The effect of complex workplace dietary interventions on employees' dietary intakes, nutrition knowledge and health status: a cluster controlled trial'. Preventive Medicine, 89 :76-83   [DOI] [Full Text] [Details]
(2016)'Changing dietary patterns and associated risk factors on trends in blood pressure levels in middle-aged Irish adults: a population-based study'
Kabir, Z;Harrington, JM;Browne, G;Kearney, PM;Perry, IJ (2016) 'Changing dietary patterns and associated risk factors on trends in blood pressure levels in middle-aged Irish adults: a population-based study'. Journal of human hypertension, 30 :147-148 [DOI] [Details]
(2016)'Positive lifestyle changes around the time of pregnancy: a cross-sectional study'
O'Keeffe, Linda M; Dahly, Darren L.; Murphy, Marion; Greene, Richard A.; Harrington, Janas M.; Corcoran, Paul; Kearney, Patricia M. (2016) 'Positive lifestyle changes around the time of pregnancy: a cross-sectional study'. Bmj Open, 6 [DOI] [Full Text] [Details]
(2016)'Positive lifestyle changes around the time of pregnancy: a cross-sectional study'
O'Keeffe LM, Dahly DL, Murphy M, Greene RA, Harrington JM, Corcoran P, Kearney PM. (2016) 'Positive lifestyle changes around the time of pregnancy: a cross-sectional study'. Bmj Open, 6 (5) [Details]
(2016)'Protective lifestyle behaviours and depression in middle-aged Irish men and women: a secondary analysis'
Maher, Gillian M.; Perry, Catherine P.; Perry, Ivan J.; Harrington, Janas M. (2016) 'Protective lifestyle behaviours and depression in middle-aged Irish men and women: a secondary analysis'. Public Health Nutrition, 19 (16):2999-3006 [DOI] [Full Text] [Details]
(2015)'The use of a dietary quality score as a predictor of childhood overweight and obesity'
Perry, CP,Keane, E,Layte, R,Fitzgerald, AP,Perry, IJ,Harrington, JM (2015) 'The use of a dietary quality score as a predictor of childhood overweight and obesity'. BMC Public Health, 15 [DOI] [Details]
(2015)'Applying the Ideal Cardiovascular Health Metrics to Couples: A Cross-Sectional Study in Primary Care'
O'Flynn, AM;McHugh, SM;Madden, JM;Harrington, JM;Perry, IJ;Kearney, PM (2015) 'Applying the Ideal Cardiovascular Health Metrics to Couples: A Cross-Sectional Study in Primary Care'. Clinical Cardiology, 38 :32-38 [DOI] [Details]
(2015)'Co-occurrence of protective health behaviours and perceived psychosocial job characteristics'
Mc Carthy VJ, Perry IJ, Harrington JM, Greiner BA (2015) 'Co-occurrence of protective health behaviours and perceived psychosocial job characteristics'. Preventative Medicine, 2 (171):812-817   [DOI] [Details]
(2015)'Changing dietary patterns and associated risk factors on trends in Blood Pressure levels in middle-aged Irish adults: a population-based study'
Kabir Z, Harrington J, Browne G, Kearney PM, Perry IJ (2015) 'Changing dietary patterns and associated risk factors on trends in Blood Pressure levels in middle-aged Irish adults: a population-based study'. Journal of Human Hypertension, [Details]
(2014)'Trends and prevalence of overweight and obesity in primary school aged children in the Republic of Ireland from 2002-2012: a systematic review'
Keane, E;Kearney, PM;Perry, IJ;Kelleher, CC;Harrington, JM (2014) 'Trends and prevalence of overweight and obesity in primary school aged children in the Republic of Ireland from 2002-2012: a systematic review'. BMC Public Health, 14 [DOI] [Details]
(2014)'Capturing changes in dietary patterns among older adults: a latent class analysis of an ageing Irish cohort'
Harrington, JM;Dahly, DL;Fitzgerald, AP;Gilthorpe, MS;Perry, IJ (2014) 'Capturing changes in dietary patterns among older adults: a latent class analysis of an ageing Irish cohort'. Public health nutrition, 17 :2674-2686 [DOI] [Details]
(2013)'The effectiveness of workplace dietary modification interventions: A systematic review'
Geaney, F;Kelly, C;Greiner, BA;Harrington, JM;Perry, IJ;Beirne, P (2013) 'The effectiveness of workplace dietary modification interventions: A systematic review'. Preventive Medicine, 57 :438-447 [DOI] [Details]
(2013)'Age-period-cohort analysis for trends in body mass index in Ireland'
Jiang, T;Gilthorpe, MS;Shiely, F;Harrington, JM;Perry, IJ;Kelleher, CC;Tu, YK (2013) 'Age-period-cohort analysis for trends in body mass index in Ireland'. BMC Public Health, 13 [DOI] [Details]
(2013)'Defining Metabolically Healthy Obesity: Role of Dietary and Lifestyle Factors'
Phillips, CM;Dillon, C;Harrington, JM;McCarthy, VJC;Kearney, PM;Fitzgerald, AP;Perry, IJ (2013) 'Defining Metabolically Healthy Obesity: Role of Dietary and Lifestyle Factors'. Plos One, 8 [DOI] [Details]
(2012)'Measured Parental Weight Status and Familial Socio-Economic Status Correlates with Childhood Overweight and Obesity at Age 9'
Keane, E;Layte, R;Harrington, J;Kearney, PM;Perry, IJ (2012) 'Measured Parental Weight Status and Familial Socio-Economic Status Correlates with Childhood Overweight and Obesity at Age 9'. Plos One, 7 [DOI] [Details]
(2012)'Measuring population mental health and social well-being'
Van Lente, E;Barry, MM;Molcho, M;Morgan, K;Watson, D;Harrington, J;McGee, H (2012) 'Measuring population mental health and social well-being'. International Journal Of Public Health, 57 :421-430 [DOI] [Details]
(2011)'Sociodemographic, lifestyle, mental health and dietary factors associated with direction of misreporting of energy intake'
Lutomski, JE;van den Broeck, J;Harrington, J;Shiely, F;Perry, IJ (2011) 'Sociodemographic, lifestyle, mental health and dietary factors associated with direction of misreporting of energy intake'. Public health nutrition, 14 :532-541 [DOI] [Details]
(2010)'A technical assessment of topsoil production from dredged material'
Sheehan, C;Harrington, J;Murphy, JD (2010) 'A technical assessment of topsoil production from dredged material'. Resources Conservation And Recycling, 54 :1377-1385 [DOI] [Details]
(2010)'Temporal trends in misclassification patterns of measured and self-report based body mass index categories - findings from three population surveys in Ireland'
Shiely, F;Perry, IJ;Lutomski, J;Harrington, J;Kelleher, CC;Mcgee, H;Hayes, K (2010) 'Temporal trends in misclassification patterns of measured and self-report based body mass index categories - findings from three population surveys in Ireland'. BMC Public Health, 10 [DOI] [Details]
(2009)'The heights and weights of Irish children from the post-war era to the Celtic tiger'
Perry, IJ;Whelton, H;Harrington, J;Cousins, B (2009) 'The heights and weights of Irish children from the post-war era to the Celtic tiger'. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 63 :262-264 [DOI] [Details]
(2007)'Prevalence of overweight and obesity on the island of ireland: results from the North South Survey of Children's Height, Weight and Body Mass Index, 2002'
Whelton, H;Harrington, J;Crowley, E;Kelleher, V;Cronin, M;Perry, IJ (2007) 'Prevalence of overweight and obesity on the island of ireland: results from the North South Survey of Children's Height, Weight and Body Mass Index, 2002'. BMC Public Health, 7 [DOI] [Details]
(2007)'Prevalence of overweight and obesity on the island of Ireland: Results from the North South Survey of Children's Height, Weight and Body Mass Index, 2002'
Whelton H, Harrington J, Crowley E, Kelleher V, Cronin M, Perry I (2007) 'Prevalence of overweight and obesity on the island of Ireland: Results from the North South Survey of Children's Height, Weight and Body Mass Index, 2002'. BMC Public Health, 7 :187-194 [Full Text] [Details]
(2006)'North South Survey of children's Height, Weight and Body Mass Index, 2002'
Whelton H, Harrington J, Crowley E, Kelleher V, Cronin M, Perry IJ (2006) 'North South Survey of children's Height, Weight and Body Mass Index, 2002'. [Details]
(2015)'Applying the ideal cardiovascular health metrics to couples: a cross-sectional study in primary care'
O'Flynn AM, McHugh SM, Madden JM, Harrington JM, Perry IJ, Kearney PM. (2015) 'Applying the ideal cardiovascular health metrics to couples: a cross-sectional study in primary care'. Clinical Cardiology, [Details]
(2015)'Smoking as an independent risk factor for macrocytosis in middle-aged adults: a population-based observational study'
O'Reilly MA, Millar SR, Buckley CM, Harrington JM, Perry IJ, Cahill MR (2015) 'Smoking as an independent risk factor for macrocytosis in middle-aged adults: a population-based observational study'. American journal of hematology, 90 (9) [DOI] [Details]
(2014)'Nutrition knowledge, diet quality and hypertension in a working population'
Geaney F, Fitzgeral S, Harrington JM, Kelly C, Greiner BA, Perry IJ (2014) 'Nutrition knowledge, diet quality and hypertension in a working population'. Preventive Medicine, [Details]
(2014)'Nutrigenetics: bridging two worlds to understand type 2 diabetes'
Harrington JM, Phillips CM (2014) 'Nutrigenetics: bridging two worlds to understand type 2 diabetes'. Current Diabetes Reports, 14 (4) [DOI] [Details]
(2014)'Diet, Physical Activity, Lifestyle Behaviors, and Prevalence of Childhood Obesity in Irish Children: The Cork Children's Lifestyle Study Protocol'
Keane E, Kearney PM, Perry IJ, Browne GM, Harrington JM (2014) 'Diet, Physical Activity, Lifestyle Behaviors, and Prevalence of Childhood Obesity in Irish Children: The Cork Children's Lifestyle Study Protocol'. JMIR research protocols, 3 (3) [DOI] [Details]
(2014)'Capturing changes in dietary patterns among older adults: a latent class analysis of an ageing Irish cohort'
Harrington, J. M.,Dahly, D. L.,Fitzgerald, A. P.,Gilthorpe, M. S.,Perry, I. J. (2014) 'Capturing changes in dietary patterns among older adults: a latent class analysis of an ageing Irish cohort'. Public Health Nutrition, :1-13   [Details]
(2013)'Prevalence of Diabetes in the Republic of Ireland: Results from the National Health Survey (SLAN) 2007'
Buckley CM, Barron SJ, Fahy LE, Madden JM, Harrington JM, Perry IJ, Kearney PM, Balanda KP (2013) 'Prevalence of Diabetes in the Republic of Ireland: Results from the National Health Survey (SLAN) 2007'. Plos One, 8 (10) [DOI] [Full Text] [Details]
(2013)'Comparison of diabetes risk score estimates and cardiometabolic risk profiles in a middle-aged Irish population'
Phillips CM, Kearney PM, McCarthy VJ, Harrington JM, Fitzgerald AP, Perry IJ (2013) 'Comparison of diabetes risk score estimates and cardiometabolic risk profiles in a middle-aged Irish population'. Plos One, 8 (11) [DOI] [Details]
(2013)'Haematinic deficiency and macrocytosis in middle-aged and older adults'
McNamee, T.,Hyland, T.,Harrington, J.,Cadogan, S.,Honari, B.,Perera, K.,Fitzgerald, A. P.,Perry, I. J.,Cahill, M. R. (2013) 'Haematinic deficiency and macrocytosis in middle-aged and older adults'. Plos One, 8 (1111)   [Details]
(2013)'DASH Diet Score and Distribution of Blood Pressure in Middle-Aged Men and Women'
Harrington, JM,Fitzgerald, AP,Kearney, PM,McCarthy, VJC,Madden, J,Browne, G,Dolan, E,Perry, IJ (2013) 'DASH Diet Score and Distribution of Blood Pressure in Middle-Aged Men and Women'. American Journal of Hypertension, 26 :1311-1320 [DOI] [Details]
(2013)'Cohort Profile: The Cork and Kerry Diabetes and Heart Disease Study'
Kearney, PM,Harrington, JM,Mc Carthy, VJC,Fitzgerald, AP,Perry, IJ (2013) 'Cohort Profile: The Cork and Kerry Diabetes and Heart Disease Study'. International Journal of Epidemiology, 42 :1253-1262 [DOI] [Details]
(2013)'Comparison of Diabetes Risk Score Estimates and Cardiometabolic Risk Profiles in a Middle-Aged Irish Population'
Phillips, CM,Kearney, PM,McCarthy, VJ,Harrington, JM,Fitzgerald, AP,Perry, IJ (2013) 'Comparison of Diabetes Risk Score Estimates and Cardiometabolic Risk Profiles in a Middle-Aged Irish Population'. Plos One, 8 [DOI] [Details]
(2013)'The food choice at work study: effectiveness of complex workplace dietary interventions on dietary behaviours and diet-related disease risk - study protocol for a clustered controlled trial'
Geaney, F,Di Marrazzo, JS,Kelly, C,Fitzgerald, AP,Harrington, JM,Kirby, A,McKenzie, K,Greiner, B,Perry, IJ (2013) 'The food choice at work study: effectiveness of complex workplace dietary interventions on dietary behaviours and diet-related disease risk - study protocol for a clustered controlled trial'. Trials, 14 [DOI] [Details]
(2013)'Prevalence estimates and determinants of pre-diabetes in adults over 45 years in the Republic of Ireland: the Survey of Lifestyle, Attitudes and Nutrition in Ireland 2007'
Buckley, CM,Madden, J,Fahy, L,Barron, S,Balanda, K,Harrington, J,Bradley, CP,Perry, IJ,Kearney, PM (2013) 'Prevalence estimates and determinants of pre-diabetes in adults over 45 years in the Republic of Ireland: the Survey of Lifestyle, Attitudes and Nutrition in Ireland 2007'. Diabetic Medicine, 30 :184-185 [Details]
(2013)'The effectiveness of workplace dietary modification interventions: A systematic review'
Geaney, F,Kelly, C,Greiner, BA,Harrington, JM,Perry, IJ,Beirne, P (2013) 'The effectiveness of workplace dietary modification interventions: A systematic review'. Preventive Medicine, 57 :438-447 [DOI] [Details]
(2013)'Prevalence of Diabetes in the Republic of Ireland: Results from the National Health Survey (SLAN) 2007'
Balanda, KP,Buckley, CM,Barron, SJ,Fahy, LE,Madden, JM,Harrington, JM,Perry, IJ,Kearney, PM (2013) 'Prevalence of Diabetes in the Republic of Ireland: Results from the National Health Survey (SLAN) 2007'. Plos One, 8 [DOI] [Details]
(2013)'Pre-diabetes in adults 45 years and over in Ireland: the Survey of Lifestyle, Attitudes and Nutrition in Ireland 2007'
Buckley, CM,Madden, J,Balanda, K,Barron, S,Fahy, L,Harrington, J,Perry, IJ,Kearney, PM (2013) 'Pre-diabetes in adults 45 years and over in Ireland: the Survey of Lifestyle, Attitudes and Nutrition in Ireland 2007'. Diabetic Medicine, 30 :1198-1203 [DOI] [Details]
(2013)'Haematinic Deficiency and Macrocytosis in Middle-Aged and Older Adults'
McNamee, T,Hyland, T,Harrington, J,Cadogan, S,Honari, B,Perera, K,Fitzgerald, AP,Perry, IJ,Cahill, MR (2013) 'Haematinic Deficiency and Macrocytosis in Middle-Aged and Older Adults'. Plos One, 8 [DOI] [Details]
(2013)'DASH Diet Score and Distribution of Blood Pressure in Middle-Aged Men and Women'
Harrington JM, Fitzgerald AP, Kearney PM, McCarthy VJ, Madden J, Browne G, Dolan E, Perry IJ (2013) 'DASH Diet Score and Distribution of Blood Pressure in Middle-Aged Men and Women'. American Journal of Hypertension, [DOI] [Details]
(2013)'Pre-diabetes in adults 45 years and over in Ireland: the Survey of Lifestyle, Attitudes and Nutrition in Ireland 2007'
Buckley CM, Madden J, Balanda K, Barron S, Fahy L, Harrington J, Perry IJ, Kearney PM (2013) 'Pre-diabetes in adults 45 years and over in Ireland: the Survey of Lifestyle, Attitudes and Nutrition in Ireland 2007'. Diabetic Medicine, [DOI] [Details]
(2013)'Comparison of Diabetes Risk Score Estimates and Cardiometabolic Risk Profiles in a Middle-Aged Irish Population'
Phillips CM, Kearney PM, Mc Carthy VJC, Harrington JM, Fitzgerald AP, Perry IJ (2013) 'Comparison of Diabetes Risk Score Estimates and Cardiometabolic Risk Profiles in a Middle-Aged Irish Population'. Plos One, [Details]
(2013)'Defining metabolically healthy obesity: role of dietary and lifestyle factors'
Phillips, C. M.,Dillon, C.,Harrington, J. M.,McCarthy, V. J.,Kearney, P. M.,Fitzgerald, A. P.,Perry, I. J. (2013) 'Defining metabolically healthy obesity: role of dietary and lifestyle factors'. PLoS One, 8 (1010)   [Full Text] [Details]
(2013)'Cohort profile: the cork and kerry diabetes and heart disease study'
Kearney, P. M.,Harrington, J. M.,Mc Carthy, V. J.,Fitzgerald, A. P.,Perry, I. J. (2013) 'Cohort profile: the cork and kerry diabetes and heart disease study'. Int J Epidemiol, 42 (55):1253-621253   [Details]
(2013)'DASH Diet Score and Distribution of Blood Pressure in Middle-Aged Men and Women'
Harrington, J. M.,Fitzgerald, A. P.,Kearney, P. M.,McCarthy, V. J.,Madden, J.,Browne, G.,Dolan, E.,Perry, I. J. (2013) 'DASH Diet Score and Distribution of Blood Pressure in Middle-Aged Men and Women'. Am J Hypertens,   [Details]
(2013)'The food choice at work study: effectiveness of complex workplace dietary interventions on dietary behaviours and diet-related disease risk - study protocol for a clustered controlled trial'
Geaney, F.,Scotto Di Marrazzo, J.,Kelly, C.,Fitzgerald, A. P.,Harrington, J. M.,Kirby, A.,McKenzie, K.,Greiner, B.,Perry, I. J. (2013) 'The food choice at work study: effectiveness of complex workplace dietary interventions on dietary behaviours and diet-related disease risk - study protocol for a clustered controlled trial'. Clinical Trials, 14 (11)   [Full Text] [Details]
(2013)'The effectiveness of workplace dietary modification interventions: A systematic review'
Geaney F, Kelly C, Greiner BA, Harrington JM, Perry IJ, Beirne P (2013) 'The effectiveness of workplace dietary modification interventions: A systematic review'. Preventive medicine, 57 (5):438-447 [DOI] [Details]
(2013)'Age-period-cohort analysis for trends in body mass index in Ireland'
Jiang T, Gilthorpe MS, Shiely F, Harrington JM, Perry IJ, Kelleher CC, Tu YK (2013) 'Age-period-cohort analysis for trends in body mass index in Ireland'. BMC Public Health, 13 (1) [DOI] [Details]
(2013)'Defining metabolically healthy obesity: role of dietary and lifestyle factors'
Phillips CM, Dillon C, Harrington JM, McCarthy VJ, Kearney PM, Fitzgerald AP, Perry IJ (2013) 'Defining metabolically healthy obesity: role of dietary and lifestyle factors'. Plos One, 8 (10) [DOI] [Details]
(2012)'Cohort Profile: The Cork and Kerry Diabetes and Heart Disease Study'
Kearney, P. M.,Harrington, J. M.,Mc Carthy, V. J.,Fitzgerald, A. P.,Perry, I. J. (2012) 'Cohort Profile: The Cork and Kerry Diabetes and Heart Disease Study'. International Journal of Epidemiology,   [Details]
(2012)'Measured parental weight status and familial socio-economic status correlates with childhood overweight and obesity at age 9'
Keane E, Layte R, Harrington J, Kearney PM, Perry IJ (2012) 'Measured parental weight status and familial socio-economic status correlates with childhood overweight and obesity at age 9'. Plos One, 7 (8) [DOI] [Full Text] [Details]
(2012)'Cohort Profile: The Cork and Kerry Diabetes and Heart Disease Study'
Kearney PM, Harrington JM, Mc Carthy VJ, Fitzgerald AP, Perry IJ (2012) 'Cohort Profile: The Cork and Kerry Diabetes and Heart Disease Study'. Journal of epidemiology / Japan Epidemiological Association, [DOI] [Details]
(2012)'Diet Quality and Blood Pressure in Middle-Aged Men and Women'
Harrington, J,Fitzgerald, AP,Kearney, PM,McCarthy, VJC,Browne, G,Perry, IJ (2012) 'Diet Quality and Blood Pressure in Middle-Aged Men and Women'. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 66 :11-11 [DOI] [Details]
(2011)'Sociodemographic, health and lifestyle predictors of poor diets'
Harrington, J,Fitzgerald, AP,Layte, R,Lutomski, J,Molcho, M,Perry, IJ (2011) 'Sociodemographic, health and lifestyle predictors of poor diets'. Public Health Nutrition, 14 :2166-2175 [DOI] [Details]
(2011)'The impact of a workplace catering initiative on dietary intakes of salt and other nutrients: a pilot study'
Geaney, F,Harrington, J,Fitzgerald, AP,Perry, IJ (2011) 'The impact of a workplace catering initiative on dietary intakes of salt and other nutrients: a pilot study'. Public Health Nutrition, 14 :1345-1349 [DOI] [Details]
(2011)'Sociodemographic, health and lifestyle predictors of poor diets'
Harrington, J.,Fitzgerald, A. P.,Layte, R.,Lutomski, J.,Molcho, M.,Perry, I. J.; (2011) 'Sociodemographic, health and lifestyle predictors of poor diets'. Public Health Nutrition, 14 (12):2166-2175 [Full Text] [Details]
(2011)'Irish exceptionalism? local food environments and dietary quality'
Layte, R,Harrington, J,Sexton, E,Perry, IJ,Cullinan, J,Lyons, S (2011) 'Irish exceptionalism? local food environments and dietary quality'. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 65 :881-888 [DOI] [Details]
(2011)'Sociodemographic, health and lifestyle predictors of poor diets'
Harrington J, Fitzgerald AP, Layte R, Lutomski J, Molcho M, Perry IJ (2011) 'Sociodemographic, health and lifestyle predictors of poor diets'. Public Health Nutrition, :1-10 [DOI] [Details]
(2011)'Irish exceptionalism? local food environments and dietary quality'
Layte R, Harrington J, Sexton E, Perry IJ, Cullinan J, Lyons S; (2011) 'Irish exceptionalism? local food environments and dietary quality'. Jnl. Epidemiology & Community Health, 65 (10):881-888 [DOI] [Details]
(2011)'The impact of a workplace catering initiative on dietary intakes of salt and other nutrients: a pilot study'
Geaney, F; Harrington, J; Fitzgerald, AP; Perry, I; (2011) 'The impact of a workplace catering initiative on dietary intakes of salt and other nutrients: a pilot study'. Public Health Nutrition, :1-5 [DOI] [Full Text] [Details]
(2011)'The clustering of health behaviours in Ireland and their relationship with mental health, self-rated health and quality of life'
Conry, MC,Morgan, K,Curry, P,Mcgee, H,Harrington, J,Ward, M,Shelley, E (2011) 'The clustering of health behaviours in Ireland and their relationship with mental health, self-rated health and quality of life'. BMC Public Health, 11 [DOI] [Details]
(2011)'Sociodemographic, lifestyle, mental health and dietary factors associated with direction of misreporting of energy intake'
Lutomski JE, J van den Broeck, J Harrington, F Shiely, IJ Perry; (2011) 'Sociodemographic, lifestyle, mental health and dietary factors associated with direction of misreporting of energy intake'. Public Health Nutrition, :1-10 [DOI] [Details]
(2010)'Living longer and feeling better: healthy lifestyle, self-rated health, obesity and depression in Ireland'
Harrington, J,Perry, IJ,Lutomski, J,Fitzgerald, AP,Shiely, F,McGee, H,Barry, MM,Van Lente, E,Morgan, K,Shelley, E (2010) 'Living longer and feeling better: healthy lifestyle, self-rated health, obesity and depression in Ireland'. European Journal of Public Health, 20 :91-95 [DOI] [Details]
(2010)'Temporal trends in misclassification patterns of measured and self-report based body mass index categories--findings from three population surveys in Ireland'
Shiely F; IJ Perry; J Lutomski; J Harrington; CC Kelleher; H McGee; K Hayes; (2010) 'Temporal trends in misclassification patterns of measured and self-report based body mass index categories--findings from three population surveys in Ireland'. BMC Public Health, 10 (1) [DOI] [Details]
(2010)'Living longer and feeling better: healthy lifestyle, self-rated health, obesity and depression in Ireland'
Harrington J, Perry IJ, Lutomski J, Fitzgerald AP, Shiely F, McGee H, Barry MM, Van Lente E, Morgan K, Shelley E; (2010) 'Living longer and feeling better: healthy lifestyle, self-rated health, obesity and depression in Ireland'. European Journal of Public Health, [DOI] [Full Text] [Details]
(2010)'The impact of a workplace catering initiative on dietary intakes of salt and other nutrients: a pilot study'
Geaney, F.,Harrington, J.,Fitzgerald, A. P.,Perry, I. J.; (2010) 'The impact of a workplace catering initiative on dietary intakes of salt and other nutrients: a pilot study'. Public Health Nutrition, :1-51 [Details]
(2009)'The heights and weights of Irish children from the post-war era to the Celtic tiger'
Perry IJ, Whelton H, Harrington J, Cousins B; (2009) 'The heights and weights of Irish children from the post-war era to the Celtic tiger'. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 63 (3):262-264 [DOI] [Full Text] [Details]
Shiely F, Hayes K, Lutomski, Harrington J, McGee H, Kelleher CC, Perry IJ (2009) 'A 10-YEAR DECLINE IN SELF-RECOGNITION OF OBESITY: TRENDS IN SENSITIVITY AND SPECIFICITY FROM THREE POPULATION SURVEYS IN IRELAND'. Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health, 63 (11):A31-A31   [DOI] [Details]
(2009)'Temporal Trends in Sensitivity and Specificity of Self-reported and Measured Body Mass Index – Evidence to Support the Social Norms Theory'
Shiely F, Hayes K, Lutomski J, Harrington J, Kelleher CC, McGee H, Perry IJ. (2009) 'Temporal Trends in Sensitivity and Specificity of Self-reported and Measured Body Mass Index – Evidence to Support the Social Norms Theory'. BMC Public Health, 10 (560):1-13   [DOI] [Details]
(2008)'Obesogenic island: the financial burden of private transport on low-income households'
Harrington, J,Friel, S,Thunhurst, C,Kirby, A,McElroy, B; (2008) 'Obesogenic island: the financial burden of private transport on low-income households'. Journal of Public Health, 30 :38-44 [DOI] [Details]
(2007)'Prevalence of overweight and obesity on the island of Ireland: results from the North South Survey of Children's Height, Weight and Body Mass Index, 2002'
Whelton H, Harrington J, Crowley E, Kelleher V, Cronin M, Perry IJ; (2007) 'Prevalence of overweight and obesity on the island of Ireland: results from the North South Survey of Children's Height, Weight and Body Mass Index, 2002'. BMC Public Health, 7 (187) [DOI] [Details]
(2006)'Dietary Patterns in Ireland: An assessment of individual and household level dietary patterns'
Kirby A., Thunhurst C., McElroy B., Friel S., Harrington J; (2006) 'Dietary Patterns in Ireland: An assessment of individual and household level dietary patterns'. Public Health Nutrition, 1 [Details]
(2005)'Urban rural differences in exposure to obesogenic environments'
Harrington J, Meade K, Friel S (2005).6 (Suppl 1), 79.; (2005) 'Urban rural differences in exposure to obesogenic environments'. Obesity Reviews, 6 (Suppl 1) (1):79-79 [Details]
(2003)'Social diversity of Irish adults nutritional intake'
Friel S, Kelleher CC, Nolan G, Harrington J; (2003) 'Social diversity of Irish adults nutritional intake'. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 57 (7):865-875 [DOI] [Details]
(2002)'Measures of self-reported morbidity according to age, gender and general medical services eligibility in the national survey of lifestyles, attitudes and nutrition'
Kelleher CC, Harrington J, Friel S; (2002) 'Measures of self-reported morbidity according to age, gender and general medical services eligibility in the national survey of lifestyles, attitudes and nutrition'. Irish Journal of Medical Science, 171 (3):134-138 [Details]
(2000)'A health behaviour risk factor profile of diabetic respondents from SLÁN. The International Journal of Clinical Medicine-Modern Medicine of Ireland'
Harrington J., Friel S. and Kelleher C. ; (2000) 'A health behaviour risk factor profile of diabetic respondents from SLÁN. The International Journal of Clinical Medicine-Modern Medicine of Ireland'. 30 (6):73-77 [Details]


(2013)Prevalence of diabetes in adults in the Republic of Ireland (RoI).
Barron, S,Buckley, CM,Fahy, L,Madden, J,Harrington, J,Kearney, PM,Perry, IJ,Balanda, K (2013) Prevalence of diabetes in adults in the Republic of Ireland (RoI). Abstract [Details]
(2006)14th UKPHA Annual Public Health Forum.
Harrington, J., Friel S, Thunhurst C, Kirby A, McElroy B; (2006) 14th UKPHA Annual Public Health Forum. Abstract [Details]
(2007)How much heavier are we? Secular obesity trends in the Republic of Ireland.
Whelton, H,Harrington, J,Crowley, E,Kelleher, V,Cronin, M,Perry, IJ (2007) How much heavier are we? Secular obesity trends in the Republic of Ireland. Abstract [Details]
Layte, R,Harrington, J,Sexton, E,Perry, IJ,Lyons, S (2010) LOCAL FOOD ENVIRONMENTS AND DIETARY QUALITY. Abstract [DOI] [Details]
Browne, G,Loughrey, M,Harrington, J,Lutomski, J,Fitzgerald, T,Perry, I (2010) DIETARY SALT INTAKE IN IRISH ADULTS. Abstract [DOI] [Details]

Unpublished Reports

(2005)“Obesogenic environments in Ireland: Issues of access to and availability of healthy food and physical activity options in urban and rural areas”.
Harrington J & Friel S (2005).; (2005) “Obesogenic environments in Ireland: Issues of access to and availability of healthy food and physical activity options in urban and rural areas”. Unpublished Reports [Details]
(2005)The Standard of Healthy Living on the island of Ireland.
Friel S; Harrington J; Kirby A; Thunhurst A; McElroy B; (2005) The Standard of Healthy Living on the island of Ireland. Unpublished Reports [Details]
(2004)Evaluation of Year Tow of the Peer-Led Primary Health Care for Travellers Training Programme”.
Harrington J, McGuire K & Evans D; (2004) Evaluation of Year Tow of the Peer-Led Primary Health Care for Travellers Training Programme”. Unpublished Reports [Details]
(2004)“Needs Assessment of the Special Housing Aid for the Elderly Scheme within the Western Health Board”.
Harrington J & Evans D; (2004) “Needs Assessment of the Special Housing Aid for the Elderly Scheme within the Western Health Board”. Unpublished Reports [Details]
(2003)Survey of Food and Healthy Eating Practices Amongst Staff of the Western Health Board”.
Harrington J, Lydon AM, Evans D.; (2003) Survey of Food and Healthy Eating Practices Amongst Staff of the Western Health Board”. Unpublished Reports [Details]
(2003)“Stress in the Workplace”.
Harrington J & Evans D (2003).; (2003) “Stress in the Workplace”. Unpublished Reports [Details]
(2001)“Oral Health in Disadvantaged Schools in the Eastern Region”.
Harrington J, Friel S, Hyland B, Sadlier D, Bradley C, Brady AM; (2001) “Oral Health in Disadvantaged Schools in the Eastern Region”. Unpublished Reports [Details]

Professional Activities

Honours and Awards

 YearTitleAwarding Body
2012Fellowship for the 44th INTERNATIONAL TEN DAY TEACHING SEMINAR IN Cardiovascular Disease Epidemiology and Prevention International Society of Cardiovascular Disease Epidemiology and Prevention
2013Early Career Investigator Award at the International Conference for Behaviour, Nutrition and Physical Activity International Society for Behaviour, Nutrition and Physical Activity
2013Fellowship to attend the European Society for Hypertension Summer School Irish Heart Foundation/European Society for Hypertension

Professional Associations

 AssociationFunctionFrom / To
International Society of Behaviour Nutrition and Physical Activity Member/
Society of Social Medicine and Population Health Member/

Conference Contributions

(2017)SPHeRE Annual Conference,
Kelleher E, Harrington JM, Shiely F, Perry IJ, McHugh S. (2017) Translation of a multi-disciplinary family-focused childhood weight management programme to the real-world setting: Barriers and facilitators for success. [Oral Presentation], SPHeRE Annual Conference, Dublin , 05-JAN-17. [Details]
(2017)3rd Annual SPHeRE Conference,
Matvienko-Sikar, K., Toomey, E., Queally, M., Hayes, C., Doherty, E., Heary, C., Harrington, J., McHugh, S., McSharry, J., Byrne, M., Kearney, P.M. (2017) Development of an evidence-based pilot intervention to promote healthy infant feeding behaviours in Irish primary care: The HRB Interdisciplinary Capacity Enhancement (ICE) Childhood Obesity project. [Poster Presentation], 3rd Annual SPHeRE Conference, RCSI, Dublin . [Details]
(2017)Association for the Study of Obesity on the island of Ireland (ASOI) annual conference 2017,
Matvienko-Sikar, K., Toomey, E., Queally, M., Hayes, C., Doherty, E., Heary, C., Harrington, J., McHugh, S., McSharry, J., Byrne, M., Kearney, P.M. (2017) Developing an evidence-based pilot infant feeding behaviours intervention for childhood obesity in primary care: The CHErIsH Study. [Poster Presentation], Association for the Study of Obesity on the island of Ireland (ASOI) annual conference 2017, UCD Dublin . [Details]
(2016)Society for Social Medicine Annual Conference,
Kelleher E, Harrington JM, Shiely F, Perry IJ, McHugh S. (2016) Translation of a multi-disciplinary family-focused childhood weight management programme to the real-world setting: Barriers and facilitators for success. [Oral Presentation], Society for Social Medicine Annual Conference, York, UK , 15-SEP-16. [Details]
(2016)Division of Health Psychology,
Kelleher E, Davoren MP, Harrington JM, Shiely F, Perry IJ, McHugh S. (2016) Factors influencing families’ initial and continued attendance at community-based family-focused childhood weight management programmes: A systematic review. [Oral Presentation], Division of Health Psychology, Cork, Ireland , 27-MAY-16. [Details]
(2016)International Society for Behavioural Nutrition and Physical Activity,
Kelleher E, Davoren MP, Harrington JM, Shiely F, Perry IJ, McHugh S. (2016) Factors influencing families’ initial and continued attendance at community-based family-focused childhood weight management programmes: A systematic review. [Oral Presentation], International Society for Behavioural Nutrition and Physical Activity, Cape Town, South Africa , 10-JUN-16. [Details]
(2016)SPHeRE Annual Conference,
Kelleher E, Davoren MP, Harrington JM, Shiely F, Perry IJ, McHugh S. (2016) Barriers and facilitators associated with initial and continued attendance at community based interventions among families of overweight and obese children. [Oral Presentation], SPHeRE Annual Conference, Dublin , 29-FEB-16. [Details]
(2016)International Society for Behavioural Nutrition and Physical Activity,
Kelleher E, Harrington JM, Shiely F, Perry IJ, McHugh S. (2016) Translation of a multi-disciplinary family-focused childhood weight management programme to the real-world setting: Barriers and facilitators for success. [Oral Presentation], International Society for Behavioural Nutrition and Physical Activity, Cape Town, South Africa , 11-JUN-16. [Details]
(2015)Institute of Public Health,,
Kelleher E, Davoren MP, Harrington JM, Shiely F, Perry IJ, McHugh S. (2015) Barriers & facilitators associated with initial and continued attendance at community-based interventions among families of overweight & obese children – Preliminary findings. [Oral Presentation], Institute of Public Health,, Croke Park, Dublin , 01-OCT-15. [Details]
(2014)Society for Social Medicine 58th Annual Scientific Meeting,
Keane E, Perry IJ, Kearney PM, Harrington JM (2014) OP66 Multilevel influences on overweight and obesity in 8–11 year old Irish children: findings from the Cork Children’s Lifestyle Study (CCLaS). [Oral Presentation], Society for Social Medicine 58th Annual Scientific Meeting, Nuffield Department of Population Health, University of Oxford Keble College, Oxford . [Details]
(2014)The impact of lifestyle factors on raised red cell mean corpuscular volume in an Irish population-not just a 'haematology' problem,
O'Reilly, MA,Harrington, JM,Buckley, CM,Perry, IJ,Cahill, MR (2014) HAEMATOLOGICA. [Poster Presentation], The impact of lifestyle factors on raised red cell mean corpuscular volume in an Irish population-not just a 'haematology' problem, Irish Society for Haematology, Sligo . [Details]
(2014)Applying the Ideal Cardiovascular Health Metrics to Couples: a Cross-Sectional Study in Primary Care,
O' Flynn, AM,McHugh, S,Madden, J,Harrington, J,Perry, I,Kearney, P (2014) IRISH JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCE. Applying the Ideal Cardiovascular Health Metrics to Couples: a Cross-Sectional Study in Primary Care, . [Details]
(2014)The Annual Scientific Meeting of the Association of the Departments of General Practice in Ireland,
O'Flynn AM, McHugh SM, Madden JM, Harrington JM, Perry IJ, Kearney PM (2014) Spousal concordance for cardiovascular health in a primary care based sample. [Poster Presentation], The Annual Scientific Meeting of the Association of the Departments of General Practice in Ireland, University College Cork . [Details]
(2013)HRB Centre for Health and Diet Research Conference,
Harrington JM (2013) Dietary patterns and health: a cardiovascular disease perspective. [Oral Presentation], HRB Centre for Health and Diet Research Conference, University College Cork, Ireland , 10-OCT-13 - 11-OCT-13. [Details]
(2009)Psychology, Health and Medicine,,
Shiely F, Hayes K, Perry I.J, Lutomski J, Harrington J, Kelleher C and McGee H (2009) Misclassifications of the BMI derived thresholds normal, overweight and obese in the 1998, 2002 and 2007 Irish Survey of Lifestyle, Attitudes and Nutrition (SLÁN) [Poster presentation]. [Poster Presentation], Psychology, Health and Medicine,, Dublin . [Details]
(2009)European Congress on Obesity,,
Harrington J, IJ Perry, J Lutomski, A Fitzgerald, F Shiely, H McGee, K Morgan, E Shelley (2009) Healthy living- exploring the combined impact of four protective health behaviours on obesity and functional health in the Irish population: Results from the third Survey of Lifestyles, Attitudes and Nutrition (SLÁN) [Poster presentation]. [Poster Presentation], European Congress on Obesity,, European Congress on Obesity, . [Details]
(2006)UKPHA Conference Proceedings,
Harrington J, Friel S, Thunhurst C, Kirby A, McElroy B; (2006) Regional housing cost inequalities in the Republic of Ireland. [Oral Presentation], UKPHA Conference Proceedings, Telford, UK , 14-MAR-06 - 16-MAR-06. [Details]
(2005)European Congress on Obesity,
Harrington J, Meade K, Friel S; (2005) Urban rural differences in exposure to obesogenic environments. [Oral Presentation], European Congress on Obesity, Athens, Greece , 01-JUN-05 - 01-JUN-05. [Details]
(2003)Nutrition Society Annual Meeting,,
Harrington J, Lydon AM and Evans D.; (2003) Food and healthy eating during working hours: attitudes and behaviours of Western Health Board Staff. [Oral Presentation], Nutrition Society Annual Meeting,, University College Cork , 01-JUN-03 - 30-DEC-99. [Details]
(2006)UK Public Health Association Annual Public Health Forum Creating Healthy Sustainable Communities,
Harrington, J; Friel, S; Thunhurst C; Kirby A; McElroy B; (2006) Regional housing cost inequalities in the Republic of Ireland. [Poster Presentation], UK Public Health Association Annual Public Health Forum Creating Healthy Sustainable Communities, Telford, UK , 14-MAR-06 - 15-MAR-06. [Details]
(2006)UK PHA Annual Public Health Forum Creating Healthy Sustainable Communities,
Friel S; Harrington J; Thunhurst C; Kirby A; McElroy B; (2006) The Standard of Healthy Living on the Island of Ireland. [Poster Presentation], UK PHA Annual Public Health Forum Creating Healthy Sustainable Communities, Tleford, UK , 14-MAR-06 - 17-MAR-06. [Details]
(2005)14th European Congress on Obesity, Athens, Greece,
Harrington J, Meade K, Friel S; (2005) Urban rural differences in exposure to obesogenic environments. [Poster Presentation], 14th European Congress on Obesity, Athens, Greece, Athens, Greece , 01-JUN-05 - 04-JUN-05. [Details]
(2002)Nutrition Society Annual Meeting,,
Harrington J., Friel S; (2002) Food Poverty in Rural Ireland. [Oral Presentation], Nutrition Society Annual Meeting,, NUI, Galway , 01-JUN-02 - 30-DEC-99. [Details]
(2001)Nutrition Society Annual Meeting,,
Harrington J., Friel S. and Kelleher C.; (2001) Survey of Lifestyles, Attitudes and Nutrition, SLÁN: Sociodemographic profile of food pyramid compliance”. [N/A], Nutrition Society Annual Meeting,, University College Cork , 20-JUN-01 - 30-DEC-99. [Details]
(2000)Nutrition Society Annual Conference,
Harrington J., Friel S. and Kelleher C.; (2000) “Survey of Lifestyles, Attitudes and Nutrition, SLÁN: risk factor profile of diabetic respondents”. [Oral Presentation], Nutrition Society Annual Conference, DIT, Kevin St, Dublin , 01-JUN-00 - 30-DEC-99. [Details]
(2009)UK Society for Social Medicine,
Harrington J; (2009) Food Poverty and Dietary Quality-Is there a link?. [Oral Presentation], UK Society for Social Medicine, Newcastle UK , 06-SEP-09 - 09-SEP-09. [Details]
(2010)Society for Social Medicine 54th Annual Scientific Meeting,
Browne, G; Loughrey, M; Harrington, J; Lutomski, J; Fitzgerald, T; Perry, I; (2010) P43 Dietary salt intake in Irish adults. [Poster Presentation], Society for Social Medicine 54th Annual Scientific Meeting, Queen's University Belfast . [Details]
(2006)UK Public Health Forum,
Harrington J., Friel S., Thunhurst C., Kirby A., McElroy B; (2006) Regional housing cost inequalities in the Republic of Ireland. [Poster Presentation], UK Public Health Forum, UK , 16-SEP-06 - 16-SEP-06. [Details]
(2004)Food Safety Promotions Board, Cork,
Kirby A., Harrington J., Friel S., Thunhurst C., McElroy B; (2004) Food safety knowledge and communication. [Oral Presentation], Food Safety Promotions Board, Cork, Cork , 04-OCT-04 - 04-OCT-04. [Details]
(2012)Food Choice, Health and Change,
JM Harrington (2012) iet Quality and Blood Pressure in Middle-Aged Men and Women. [Oral Presentation], Food Choice, Health and Change, University College Cork , 06-JUN-12 - 06-JUN-12. [Details]
(2012)UK Society for Social Medicine,
JM Harrington (2012) Dietary Quality and Blood Pressure in the Irish Population. [Oral Presentation], UK Society for Social Medicine, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine , 12-SEP-12 - 18-JAN-13. [Details]
JM Harrington (2012) Diet quality, insulin resistance and risk of type 2 diabetes in middle-aged men and women: results from the cork and kerry diabetes and heart disease study. [Poster Presentation], EuroPRevent, Dublin , 02-MAY-12 - 05-JAN-13. [Details]
(2013)UK Society for Social Medicine,
Perry IJ, Harrington JM, Kabir Z, Browne G, Fitzgerald AP Kearney PM (2013) The contribution of changes in diet and other risk factors to recent favourable trends in blood pressure in middle-aged Irish adults. [Poster Presentation], UK Society for Social Medicine, Bristol, UK , 11-SEP-13 - 13-SEP-13. [Details]
(2013)European Society for Hypertension Summer School,
Harrington JM (2013) DASH Diet score and distribution of blood pressure in middle aged men and women. [Oral Presentation], European Society for Hypertension Summer School, Porto, Portugal , 21-SEP-13 - 27-SEP-13. [Details]
Harrington J, Fitzgerald AP, Kearney PM, Dahly DL, Mc Carthy VJC, Kennedy E, Perry IJ (2012) Diet quality, insulin resistance and risk of type 2 diabetes in middle-aged men and women: results from the Cork and Kerry Diabetes and Heart Disease Study. [Other], EuroPRevent, Europe . [Details]
(2013)International Society for Behaviour, Nutrition and Physical Activity,
JM Harrington, DL Dahly, MS Gilthorpe, AP Fitzgerald, IJ Perry (2013) Capturing changes in dietary patterns among older adults: A latent class analysis of an aging Irish cohort. [Oral Presentation], International Society for Behaviour, Nutrition and Physical Activity, Ghent, Belgium , 23-MAY-13 - 25-MAY-13. [Details]
(2013)European Congress on Obesity,
JM Harrington, DL Dahly, AP Fitzgerald, MS Gilthorpe, IJ Perry. (2013) Capturing changes in dietary patterns among older adults: A latent class analysis of an aging Irish cohort. [Oral Presentation], European Congress on Obesity, Liverpool, UK , 12-MAY-13 - 15-MAY-13. [Details]
(2013)European Society for Hypertension Summer School,
JM Harrington (2013) DASH Diet Score and Distribution of Blood Pressure. [Oral Presentation], European Society for Hypertension Summer School, Porto, Portugal , 21-SEP-13 - 27-SEP-13. [Details]
(2006)1st World Congress on Public Health Nutrition,
Harrington J, Friel S, Thunhurst C, Kirby A, McElroy B ; (2006) An obesogenic Island: The financial cost of physical activity in Ireland. [Oral Presentation], 1st World Congress on Public Health Nutrition, Barcelona, Spain , 01-SEP-06 - 01-SEP-06. [Details]


 CommitteeFunctionFrom / To
Cork Food Policy Council Chair2019 /
Obesity Poilcy Action Plan Oversight Group: Healthy Eating Sub Group Committee memner2018 /
All Island Obesity Action Forum Member2016 /
GAA NAtional Health and Wellbeing Committee Chair2014 / 2024


 EmployerPositionFrom / To
Dept Public Health, HSE West (former Western Health Board) Research Officer01-MAY-02 / 31-MAR-04
School of Public Health University College Cork Senior Lecturer01-DEC-15 /
School of Public Health University College Cork Lecturer in Public Health Nutrition01-OCT-12 / 30-NOV-15
Dept Health Promotion NUI,Galway Researcher01-APR-05 / 30-JUN-05
Epidemiology & Public Health University College Cork Researcher01-JUL-05 /
National Nutrition Surveillance Cente, Dept Health Promotion NUI,Galway Researcher and Data Co-ordinator01-MAY-98 / 31-MAR-03


2012University College Cork PHDEpidemiology & Public Health
1997National University of Ireland, Galway MA Health PromotionUnknown
1996University College Cork BSC IN NUTRITIONAL SCIENCESUnknown
2013University College Cork Postgrad Cert. in Teaching & Learning in HETeaching and Learning in Higher Education

Outreach Activities


Work in a voluntary capacity with the GAA Healthy Club Project. I am the leader of the Health Club Project Team for St Finbarrs Hurling and Football Club, one of 18 clubs nationwide selected to be part of this pilot scheme.

Teaching Activities

Teaching Interests

Leadership in Teaching and Learning

Since January 2017, I have been Director of the BSc Public Health Sciences, the flagship 4-year undergraduate programme in the School of Public Health. In this role, working collaboratively with the Head of School, the Chair of the Teaching and Learning Committee and the Senior Programme Administrator, I have overall responsibility for: 
  1. Programme development and review
  2. Student recruitment and admission
  3. Student support including pastoral support, academic support and examination support 
I coordinate and teach 20 credits of modules on the BSc Programme including:
EH1006: Perspective in Public Health 
EH1009: Determinants of Health
EH1010: Introduction to Public Health
EH3016: Public Health in Practice

In addition to the above modules, I oversee the Yr3 Work placement experience (EH3004) and coordinate the study year abroad for students choosing this option in Yr 3.  

Student Supervision
  1. Annually I supervise 3-4 final year BSc Public Health Science students for their final year projects
  2. Annually I supervise up to 5 postgraduate Master of Public Health (MPH) students for their Masters Dissertation. 
Current PhD supervision

I am currently supervising four PhD Students
  • Clarissa Leydon.  Registration date: October 2020. Due for submission October 2024. Role: Primary supervisor
  • Declan Sullivan (part-time). Registration date: September 2019. Role: Co-supervisor
  • Aoife Burke: Registration Date October 2020. Due for submission October 2024. Role: Co-supervisor
  • Olivia Wall (part-time). Registration date: April 2024. Role: primary supervisor

Recent Postgraduates

 Graduation YearStudent NameInstitutionDegree TypeThesis Title
2018Emily Kelleher University College CorkPHDThe implementation of a family-focused lifestyle programme for managing childhood obesity in the community setting in Ireland
2015Fiona Geaney University College CorkPHD

Research Information

Internal Collaborators

Prof Mary McCarthy University College CorkIRELAND

External Collaborators

 NameOrganisation / InstituteCountry
Prof Catherine Woods University of LimerickIRELAND
Prof Wolfgang Ahrens Leibniz Institute for Prevention Research and Epidemiology – BIPSGERMANY
Prof Sharon Friel Australian National UniversityAUSTRALIA
Prof Jeroen Lakerveld VU University Medical CenterHOLLAND

Contact details

  • Western Gateway Building
    Western Road
    University College Cork
  • +353 21 4205505

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School of Public Health

Scoil na Sláinte Poiblí

4th Floor, Western Gateway Building, Western Road,
