Research Profile

Aileen Burton


Research Interests

Chronic Illness, Diabetes, Sexuality and Diabetes, Perioperative Nursing, Infection Control

Research Grants

Start DateEnd DateAward
EU - A pilot of improving counselling quality of diabetics - DIPRAEuropean Union01-OCT-0830-SEP-10€50,352.00


Book Chapters

(2014)'Sexuality in Women: Theoretical Perspectives'
Cleary, V, Burton, A, Hegarty, J. (2014) 'Sexuality in Women: Theoretical Perspectives' In: Fitzpatrick JJ and McCarthy G (eds). Theories Guiding Nursing Research and Practice: Making Nursing Knowledge Development Explicit. New York: Springer Publishing Company.   [Details]

Peer Reviewed Journals

(2011)'An analysis of the existing resources in relation to education and treatment of diabetes in four European countries: Estonia, Finland, Ireland, and Lithuania'
Aileen Burton, Ìrma Mikkonen, Catherine Buckley, Sile Creedon, Marja-Anneli Hynynen, Marit Kiljako, Lilija Kuzminskiene, Patricia Leahy-Warren, Inga Mikutaviciene, Seija Puputti, Vilma Rasteniene, Riita Riikonen, Piret Simm, ; (2011) 'An analysis of the existing resources in relation to education and treatment of diabetes in four European countries: Estonia, Finland, Ireland, and Lithuania'. Applied Nursing Research, 24 [Details]
(2011)'Developing diabetes nursing support programmes in Estonia, Finland, Ireland and Lithuania'
Burton A, Mikkonen I, Buckley C, Creedon S, Hynynen MA, Kiljako M, Kuzminskiene L, Leahy-Warren P, Mikutaviciene I, Puputti S, Rasteniene V, Riikonen R, Simm P, Soovali EM, Tiainen AI & Väistö R (2011) 'Developing diabetes nursing support programmes in Estonia, Finland, Ireland and Lithuania'. Diabetes, 8 :30-33 [Details]
(2009)'Nurses' knowledge regarding the recognition and management of inadvertent hypothermia in the Peri-operative setting'
Hegarty J, Walsh E, Burton A, Murphy S, O'Gorman F, McPolin G, Daly E, Fitzpatrick-Laffan B, Hogan A, Murphy L, Neeham B, O'Rourke L; (2009) 'Nurses' knowledge regarding the recognition and management of inadvertent hypothermia in the Peri-operative setting'. Aorn, [Details]
(2007)'Post anaesthetic care units in the Republic of Ireland: a survey of discharge criteria'
Hegarty J and Burton A; (2007) 'Post anaesthetic care units in the Republic of Ireland: a survey of discharge criteria'. Journal of Perioperative Practice, 17 (2):58-66 [Details]
(2007)'Examining Hand Decontamination Practices in the Recovery Room'
Burton, A.; (2007) 'Examining Hand Decontamination Practices in the Recovery Room'. Irish Journal of Anaesthetic & Recovery Nursing, 4 (1):6-8 [Details]
(2007)'Post Anaesthetic Care Units in the Republic of Ireland: a survey of discharge criteria'
Hegarty, J. and Burton, A.; (2007) 'Post Anaesthetic Care Units in the Republic of Ireland: a survey of discharge criteria'. Journal of Perioperative Practice, 17 (2):56-66 [Details]
(2006)'The use of discharge criteria in Irish Post Anaesthetic Care Units'
Hegarty J and Burton A.; (2006) 'The use of discharge criteria in Irish Post Anaesthetic Care Units'. Irish Journal of Anaesthetic and Recovery Nursing, :6-10 [Details]
(2005)'Mechanisms to Prevent Infection: Invasive Monitoring'
Burton, A.; (2005) 'Mechanisms to Prevent Infection: Invasive Monitoring'. British Journal of Anaesthetic and Recovery Nursing Journal, 6 (2):26-30 [Details]
(2003)'nvasive Monitoring and Catheter Related Blood Stream Infections'
Burton, A.; (2003) 'nvasive Monitoring and Catheter Related Blood Stream Infections'. Irish Journal of Anaesthetic and Recovery Nursing, 1 (1):8-10 [Details]
(2006)'Hand washing and the glove use in post anaesthetic care units'
Burton, A.; (2006) 'Hand washing and the glove use in post anaesthetic care units'. Aspects In Anesthesia, * (*):6-* [Details]
(2006)'Over Active Bladder – Mission Control'
Burton, A., Murphy, J.; (2006) 'Over Active Bladder – Mission Control'. Nursing In The Community, 7 (3):33-34 [Details]

Conference Publications

(2013)Royal College of Nursing (RCN) Research Conference
Burton, A, Coates, V, McLaughln, M (2013) Methodological Challenges in Sexuality Based Research Royal College of Nursing (RCN) Research Conference [Details]
(2008)Sigma Theta Tau 19th International Nursing Research Congress
Burton, A. Coates, V. Heffernan, M. Lillis, S. Linehan, M.; (2008) Realities of Living with both Type 2 Diabetes and Obesity in relation to self management from a client¿s perspective Sigma Theta Tau 19th International Nursing Research Congress Singapore, [Details]


(2005)An observational study to assess hand washing and glove use compliance among nurses in relation to patient care activities in the Post Anaesthetic Care Unit.
Burton, A.; (2005) An observational study to assess hand washing and glove use compliance among nurses in relation to patient care activities in the Post Anaesthetic Care Unit. Thesis/Dissertation [Details]

Professional Activities

Honours and Awards

 YearTitleAwarding Body
2008Life Long Learning Erasmus
2007Martha McMenamin Memorial Scholarship Martha McMenamin Memorial
20063M 3M
20082nd Prize for Best Scientific Poster Irish Nurses Organisation
2005Research Prize for Best Research Project 5th National Conference of the Council for Professional Development of Nursing & Midwifery
20042nd Prize for Best Scientific Poster Irish Nurses Organisation

Conference Contributions

(2008)Irish Anaesthetic and Recovery Nurses Association 6th Annual Conference,
Burton, A.; (2008) . [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], Irish Anaesthetic and Recovery Nurses Association 6th Annual Conference, South Court Hotel, Limerick , 01-OCT-08 - 01-OCT-08. [Details]
(2008)South Infirmary Victoria University Hospital Diabetes Conference,
Burton, A.; (2008) Implications of Living with Diabetes, Diabetes + Obesity =? Sexual Dysfunction. [Oral Presentation], South Infirmary Victoria University Hospital Diabetes Conference, Cork, Ireland , 01-NOV-08 - 01-NOV-08. [Details]
(2007)Irish Anaesthetic and Recovery Nurses Association 7th Annual Conference,
Burton, A.; (2007) . [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], Irish Anaesthetic and Recovery Nurses Association 7th Annual Conference, Tower Hotel, Waterford , 01-OCT-07 - 01-OCT-07. [Details]
(2007)INO Operating Department Section Annual Conference,
Burton, A.; (2007) The Role of the Peri-operative Nurse in Ireland - Past, Present and Future. [Oral Presentation], INO Operating Department Section Annual Conference, Kilkenny, Ireland , 01-APR-07 - 01-APR-07. [Details]
(2007)21st British Anaesthetic and Recovery Nurses Conference,
Burton, A.; (2007) Discharge Criteria used in Post Anaesthetic Care Units in the Republic of Ireland. [Oral Presentation], 21st British Anaesthetic and Recovery Nurses Conference, Brighton, United Kingdom , 01-JUN-07 - 01-JUN-07. [Details]
(2007)21st British Anaesthetic and Recovery Nurses Annual Conference,
Burton, A.; (2007) Infection Control in the Post Anaesthetic Care Unit. [Oral Presentation], 21st British Anaesthetic and Recovery Nurses Annual Conference, Brighton, United Kingdom , 01-JUN-07 - 01-JUN-07. [Details]
(2006)5th Irish Anaesthetic and Recovery Nurses Association Annual Conference,
Burton, A.; (2006) Discharge Criteria used in Post Anaesthetic Care Units in the Republic of Ireland. [Oral Presentation], 5th Irish Anaesthetic and Recovery Nurses Association Annual Conference, Cork, Ireland , 01-OCT-06 - 01-OCT-06. [Details]
(2006)The 4th Congress of European Operating Room Nurses Association,
Burton, A.; (2006) An observational study to assess nurse¿s compliance with hand washing and glove use in relation to patient care activities in an Irish post anaesthetic care unit. [Poster Presentation], The 4th Congress of European Operating Room Nurses Association, Dublin, Ireland , 01-JAN-06 - 01-JAN-06. [Details]
(2005)National Council for Professional Development of Nursing and Midwifery 5thAnnual Conference,
Burton, A.; (2005) Hand washing and glove use in Irish post anaesthetic care units. [Poster Presentation], National Council for Professional Development of Nursing and Midwifery 5thAnnual Conference, Dublin, Ireland , 01-JAN-05 - 01-JAN-05. [Details]
(2005)The College of Medicine and Health UCC 1st Interdisciplinary Conference,
Burton, A.; (2005) Hand decontamination practices in post anaesthetic care units. [Poster Presentation], The College of Medicine and Health UCC 1st Interdisciplinary Conference, Cork, Ireland , 01-JAN-05 - 01-JAN-05. [Details]
(2005)The Catherine McAuley School of Nursing and Midwifery Annual Research Conference,
Hegarty, J. and Burton, A.; (2005) Discharge Criteria used in Post Anaesthetic Care Units in the Republic of Ireland. [Poster Presentation], The Catherine McAuley School of Nursing and Midwifery Annual Research Conference, Cork, Ireland , 01-JAN-05 - 01-JAN-05. [Details]
(2005)4th National Conference of the Irish Anaesthetic and Recovery Nurses Association,
Hegarty, J. and Burton, A.; (2005) Discharge of patients from the Recovery Unit. [Poster Presentation], 4th National Conference of the Irish Anaesthetic and Recovery Nurses Association, Galway, Ireland , 01-JAN-05 - 01-JAN-05. [Details]
(2005)College of Medicine and Health UCC 1st Interdisciplinary Conference,
Hegarty, J. Burton, A. ; (2005) A National Survey of the Discharge Criteria being used in post anaesthetic care units/recovery. [Poster Presentation], College of Medicine and Health UCC 1st Interdisciplinary Conference, Cork, Ireland , 01-JAN-05 - 01-JAN-05. [Details]
(2005)Irish Anaesthetic & Recovery Nurses Association 4th National Conference,
Burton, A.; (2005) Care of Invasive Monitoring, Irish Anaesthetic & Recovery Nurses Association. [Poster Presentation], Irish Anaesthetic & Recovery Nurses Association 4th National Conference, Galway, Ireland , 01-JAN-05 - 01-JAN-05. [Details]
(2005)Irish Anaesthetic & Recovery Nurses Association 4th National Conference,
Burton, A.; (2005) Hand washing and glove use in the recovery room. [Poster Presentation], Irish Anaesthetic & Recovery Nurses Association 4th National Conference, Galway, Ireland , 01-JAN-05 - 01-JAN-05. [Details]
(2005)Sharing Visions and Strategies for the Future, Catherine McAuley School of Nursing and Midwifery 5th Annual Research Conference,
Burton, A.; (2005) An observational study to assess hand washing & glove use compliance among nurses in the post anaesthetic care unit in relation to patient care activities. [Poster Presentation], Sharing Visions and Strategies for the Future, Catherine McAuley School of Nursing and Midwifery 5th Annual Research Conference, Cork, Ireland , 01-JAN-05 - 01-JAN-05. [Details]
(2005)The 13th Annual Medical Faculty Research Day,
Burton, A.; (2005) Hand washing & glove use. [Poster Presentation], The 13th Annual Medical Faculty Research Day, Cork University Hospital, Cork, Ireland , 01-JAN-05 - 01-JAN-05. [Details]
(2005)6th Annual International Research Conference,
Burton A.; (2005) An observational study to assess compliance with hand washing & glove use in the post anaesthetic care unit. [Poster Presentation], 6th Annual International Research Conference, Trinity College Dublin , 01-JAN-05 - 01-JAN-05. [Details]
(2004)INO Operating Department Annual Conference,
Burton, A.; (2004) Invasive Monitoring. [Poster Presentation], INO Operating Department Annual Conference, Killarney, Ireland , 01-JAN-04 - 01-JAN-04. [Details]
(2002)1st Irish Anaesthetic and Recovery Nurses Association Annual Conference,
Burton, A.; (2002) nvasive Monitoring and Catheter Related Blood Stream Infections. [Oral Presentation], 1st Irish Anaesthetic and Recovery Nurses Association Annual Conference, Cork, Ireland , 01-NOV-02 - 01-NOV-02. [Details]
(2002)1st Irish Anaesthetic and Recovery Nurses Association Conference,
Burton, A.; (2002) Invasive Monitoring and Catheter Related Blood Stream Infections. [Oral Presentation], 1st Irish Anaesthetic and Recovery Nurses Association Conference, Cork, Ireland , 01-JAN-02 - 01-JAN-02. [Details]


 EmployerPositionFrom / To
Catherine McAuley School of Nursing and Midwifery College Lecturer01-JAN-04 /
Dublin City University Lecturer School of Nursing (Oscail)01-JAN-02 / 01-JAN-05
Cork University Hospital, Cork Staff Nurse01-DEC-99 / 01-JAN-04
South Infirmary Victoria University Hospital, Cork Staff Nurse01-APR-99 / 01-DEC-99


2005Royal College of Nursing, London MSc Nursing
2001Dublin City University NursingNursing
1999Cork Voluntary Hospitals ¿ Mercy University Hospital & South Infirmary Victoria University Hospital RGN

Journal Activities

 JournalRoleTo / From
Irish Journal Of Anaesthetic And Recovery Nursing Editor01-NOV-08 -
Irish Journal Of Anaesthetic And Recovery Nursing Editor01-JAN-08 - 01-OCT-08
Irish Journal Of Anaesthetic And Recovery Nursing Editor01-JAN-06 - 01-JAN-08

Teaching Activities

Modules Taught

 Term (ID))TitleLinkSubject
2015General Nursing with Adults and their Families - Focusing on Common Acute and Chronic Health Care Conditions I NU2057General Nursing with Adults and their Families - Focusing on Common Acute and Chronic Health Care Conditions I
2015General Nursing with Adults and their Families - Focusing on Common Acute and Chronic Healthcare Conditions II NU2058General Nursing with Adults and their Families - Focusing on Common Acute and Chronic Healthcare Conditions II
2015Diabetes Management NU5077Diabetes Management

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School of Nursing and Midwifery

Scoil an Altranais agus an Chnáimhseachais

Brookfield Health Sciences Complex College Road Cork, Ireland , T12 AK54
