Research Profile

Caroline O'Connor


Ms Caroline O'Connor RGN, ENB 183, BSc(Hons),RNT, MSc., is a lecturer in the  School of Nursing and Midwifery, University College Cork. 

Upon graduation with an RGN from the Regional Hospital Cork she immediately traveled to London, gaining experience in neurolsurgical nursing. There her operating theatre experience began that extended for the next 14 years, in Poole (Dorset, UK), Limerick, Dublin (Ireland), Saudi Arabia and Cork (Ireland). She practiced as a perioperative nurse specializing in anaesthetic nursing, orthopedic elective and trauma, general and recovery nursing.  

In 1996 -1997 Caroline  worked with GOAL, an aid agency involved in community development work  in Northern Angola. On return from Angola she commenced her nursing degree (BSc Hons) followed by a Masters in nurse education (MSc, RNT). Since then she has been a lecturer in the School of Nursing and Midwifery, which commenced an Undergraduate BSc Nursing in 2002. She has gained experience in implementing a new curriculum and further development of the curriculum, supervising undergraduate research projects, coordination of modules of learning, preceptorship, clinical modules and assessment processes. 

Since 2007 Caroline coordinates the Post Graduate Diploma in Perioperative Nursing and has developed the curriculum to the current PGDip/MSc. 

Her research interest is the use of pneumatic tourniquets in the perioperative environment  and their effects on patients post operatively in the recovery room and the orthopedic ward/unit. 
Other research interests include nursing in a  multicultural society, evidence based perioperative nursing,  evidence based orthopedic nursing and research into patient handling techniques. 

Research Interests

 Research interest is the use of pneumatic tourniquets in the perioperative environment  and their effects on patients post operatively in the recovery room and the orthopedic ward/unit. Many publications have been published on this topic by O Connor, C.  and Murphy, S. 

Other research interests include nursing in a  multicultural society, evidence based perioperative nursing,  evidence based orthopedic nursing and research into patient handling techniques. 


Peer Reviewed Journals

(2011)'Perioperative Nurses Perceptions of Pneumatic Tourniquet Use: A Focus Group Study'
O' Connor, C. Murphy, S.; (2011) 'Perioperative Nurses Perceptions of Pneumatic Tourniquet Use: A Focus Group Study' [Details]
(2010)'So what! if a pneumatic tourniquet is used intraoperatively: a study of neurovascular assessment practices of orthopaedic nurses'
Murphy, S. and O' Connor , C. ; (2010) 'So what! if a pneumatic tourniquet is used intraoperatively: a study of neurovascular assessment practices of orthopaedic nurses' [DOI] [Details]
(2009)'Novice Researchers' reflection on conducting a focus group'
O Connor, C. and Murphy, S. ; (2009) 'Novice Researchers' reflection on conducting a focus group' Harrogate, UK [Details]
(2007)'Modern pneumatic tourniquets in orthopaedic nursing practice'
Murphy S., O'Connor C.; (2007) 'Modern pneumatic tourniquets in orthopaedic nursing practice' [DOI] [Details]
(2007)'Pneumatic tourniquet use in the perioperative environment'
O'Connor C., Murphy, S.; (2007) 'Pneumatic tourniquet use in the perioperative environment' [Details]
(2006)'Understanding modern pneumatic tourniquets in Post Anaesthetic Care Units'
Murphy, S., O'Connor, C.; (2006) 'Understanding modern pneumatic tourniquets in Post Anaesthetic Care Units' [Details]

Other Journals

(2007)'Acute pain: fighting the flames'
Sheehan, O., McCarthy, B., O' Connor, C. ; (2007) 'Acute pain: fighting the flames' The World of Irish Nursing, 15 (11) :31-32. [Details]
(2005)'Communication in multiethnic Ireland: considerations for perioperative nurses'
O Connor, C.M.; (2005) 'Communication in multiethnic Ireland: considerations for perioperative nurses' Irish Journal of Anaesthetic and Recovery Nursing, 2 (4) :5-9. [Details]
(2005)'The perioperative nurse inmulticultural Ireland'
O Connor, C.M.; (2005) 'The perioperative nurse inmulticultural Ireland' Irish Journal of Anaesthetic and Recovery Nursing, 2 (2) :6-10. [Details]

Conference Publications

(2009)Association of Maltese Orthopedic Nurses' 2nd International Nurses Orthopedic Conference , St julians, 15th -16th October 2009
Journal of Orthopaedic Nursing; (2009) Pneumatic tourniquet: Irish orthopaedic nurses experiences . In: Santy, J eds. Association of Maltese Orthopedic Nurses' 2nd International Nurses Orthopedic Conference , St julians, 15th -16th October 2009 [DOI] [Details]

Conference Contributions

(2009)5th ERONA Congress,
O'Connor, C. Murphy, S. ; (2009) Perioperative nurse's perceptions of pneumatic tourniquet use, research findings. [Oral Presentation], 5th ERONA Congress, Copenhagen, Denmark , 17-APR-09 - 19-APR-09
(2009)Operating Department Nurses Conference,
O'Connor, C.; (2009) [Conference Organising Committee Member], Operating Department Nurses Conference, Carlow, Ireland , 20-MAR-09 - 21-MAR-09
(2009)ODN, INO Conference,
O'Connor, C.; (2009) Pneumatic tourniquet use: perceptions of perioperative nurses. [Oral Presentation], ODN, INO Conference, Carlow, Ireland , 20-MAR-09 - 21-MAR-09
(2009)2nd AMON International Orthopaedic Conference,
O'Connor, C.; (2009) Orthopaedic nurses knowledge of caring for patients post pneumatic tourniquet. [Oral Presentation], 2nd AMON International Orthopaedic Conference, Malta , 15-OCT-09 - 16-OCT-09
(2008)10th National Orthopaedic Nurse Conference,
Murphy, S. O Connor, C. ; (2008) Modern pneumatic tourniquet use: nursing knowledge. [Oral Presentation], 10th National Orthopaedic Nurse Conference, Dublin, Ireland , 01-JAN-08 - 01-JAN-08
(2006)6th Annual Nursing and Midwifery Research Conference,
O'Connor, C.; (2006) ResearchConferences/. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], 6th Annual Nursing and Midwifery Research Conference, Catherine McAuley School of Nursing and Midwifery , 26-SEP-06 - 26-SEP-06
(2005)Annual International Nursing and Midwifery Research Conference,
O'Connor, C.; (2005) Preparing Irish student nurses to work with minority ethnic communities: an exploration of BSc pre registration nursing programmes as reported by nurse educators. [Poster Presentation], Annual International Nursing and Midwifery Research Conference, Royal College of Surgeons Dublin , 24-FEB-05 - 26-FEB-05
(2005)Guests of the Nation' Community and Social Services Responses to Asylum Seekers,
O'Connor, C.; (2005) Participated in a professional education and training workshop as member of NASC and the NASC drama Group titled Raising cultural awareness. [Oral Presentation], Guests of the Nation' Community and Social Services Responses to Asylum Seekers, Health Service Executive and University College Cork Applied Social Studies, in University College Cork , 15-APR-05 - 15-APR-05
(2005)4th Occupation UK and Ireland Occupational Science Symposium (International Conference),
O'Connor, C.; (2005) Culture and Nurse Education. [Oral Presentation], 4th Occupation UK and Ireland Occupational Science Symposium (International Conference), University College Cork , 09-SEP-05 - 09-SEP-05
(2004)Globalisation and Inclusion, Development Cooperation Ireland(DCI)Conference,
O Connor, C.M.; (2004) Preparing Irish student nurses to work with minority ethnic communities: an exploration of BSc pre registeration nursing programmes as repeoted by nurse educators. [Oral Presentation], Globalisation and Inclusion, Development Cooperation Ireland(DCI)Conference, University College Cork , 31-MAY-04 - 01-JUN-04

Professional Activities

Honours and Awards

 YearTitleAwarding Body
2008Fannin Award Fannin Ireland -at the Annual INO ODN section conference


 AssocationFunctionFrom / To
An Bord Altranais Member30-DEC-99 / 30-DEC-99
Irish Nurses Organisation Member of the Orthopedic Section and the Operating Department Nurses Section30-DEC-99 / 30-DEC-99
Association for Perioperative Practice AfPP Member30-DEC-99 / 30-DEC-99
Foundaton of Nursing Studies FoNS Member30-DEC-99 / 30-DEC-99


 CommitteeFunctionFrom / To
Coordinator of the Preceptorship programme between the HSP and UCC Coordinator of Preceptorship programmes1999 / 1999
Clinical Practice Committee, School of Nursing and Midwifery Member of Committee that links in partnership with Health Service Providers and Centres of Nurse Education.2002 / 1999
A sub committee of the Clincal Practice Committee engaged in Protected Reflective Education Preparation for students on rostered placement.School of Nursing and Midwifery An organising member engaged in Protected Reflective Education Preparation for students on rostered placement.2004 / 1999
School of Nursing and Midwifery; Nursing Research conference organizer Organiser of the 2006 Nursing research conference2005 / 2005
An Bord Altranais Registration Professional body1988 /
ODN (Operating Department Nurses Section), INO, Dublin, Ireland National Secretary2008 / 2010


 EmployerPositionFrom / To
School of Nursing & Midwifery UCC College Lecturer01-AUG-02 /
Cork University Hospital Nurse Tutor (Acting)01-FEB-01 / 01-JUL-02
Cork University Hospital Clinical Placement Coordinator (Acting)01-MAY-00 / 01-FEB-01
Cork University Hospital Staff Nurse , Orthopaedic Trauma theatre01-SEP-97 / 01-MAY-00
GOAL, Angola, Africa. Primary Health Care Nurse - Development Team leader01-JUL-96 / 01-JUL-97


1988Cork Regional Hospital CERTIFICATE IN NURSINGGeneral Nursing
1990Dorset School of Nursing , Poole General Hospital CertificateENB183, Operating Department and Anaesthetic Nursing for Registered Nurses
2003University College Cork MSc (Nursing)Nurse Education (RNT)
2000University College Cork BSC (HONS)Nursing
1996Royal College of Surgeons Ireland DiplomaTropical Nursing
1996Hugh Baird College, Merseyside, England. F.E.T.C. CertificateCity & Guilds (C&G 7307)further Education and Training certificate
1992Royal College of Surgeons Ireland DiplomaMicrobiology


Portuguese BasicBasicBasic

Other Activities


Oct 19th 2011 - Radio Youghal, local radio, Perspectives interview. The purpose of the interview was to promote nursing as a career.  

2011 Reviewer for Nurses Education Today

Book Review:
Reviewed the Oxford Handbook of Preoperative Practice in 2008  

As Coordinator of the Preceptorship programme between the HSP and UCC I have developed and published a biannual Newsletter since 2007 and example can be viewed  

Teaching Activities

Teaching Interests

 Caroline teaches and assess both undergraduate and postgraduate students. 

NU1032   Patient handling techniques
NU1035   Clinical placement preparation
NU2030    Perioperative Nursing                     (Module Leader)

NU3022   General Nursing of Adults:               (Module Leader) 
                   Orthopedic Nursing
                   ENT nursing 
                   Patient Handling techniques 
NU3023   General Nursing for Mental Health Nurses                                             
NU3027   Nursing Research - supervision (literature review level)                                                            

NU4049   Nursing Research  - supervision (proposal level)  
NU4028   PREP  - Protective reflective education in practice                                  

Postgraduate - PGDip/MSc Perioperative Nursing       (Programme Coordinator)

                     Perioperative Specialist Nursing                      NU6086  (Module Leader)
                     Clinical Practicum in Perioperative Nursing      NU6040  (Module Leader)



Modules Taught

 Term (ID))TitleLinkSubject
2014General Nursing with Adults and their Families II NU3022General Nursing with Adults and their Families II
2014Perioperative Specialist Nursing NU6086Perioperative Specialist Nursing

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School of Nursing and Midwifery

Scoil an Altranais agus an Chnáimhseachais

Brookfield Health Sciences Complex College Road Cork, Ireland , T12 AK54
