Research Profile

Mark Charles Emmerson


1992-1995 Marine and Freshwater Biology B.Sc. (Hons) 2i QMUL, UK. 1996-1997 Marine and Fisheries Science M.Sc. (with distinction), Dept. Zoology, Aberdeen, Scotland. Ph.D. 1997-2001, Dept. Zoology, Aberdeen, Scotland. Post doc 2001-2003, Dept. Biology, York, UK. College Lecturer 2003-2010, School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences, UCC, Ireland. Professor of Biodiversity 2011 - present, School of Biological Sciences, Queens University Belfast, UK.

Research Interests

Biodiversity and Ecosystem functioning. Marine, Freshwater and Terrestrial systems. Food webs.

I am a marine benthic ecologist by training with a background in theoretical and mathematical ecology. I have been able to capitalise on my training as a theoretical ecologist to bring ideas from the disparate fields of marine, freshwater and terrestrial ecology together. The unifying concept in my work to date has been the consequences of biodiversity loss for ecosystem functioning in a multitrophic level context. Here I have drawn on my expertise as an empirical and theoretical ecologist, to integrate these disciplines and bring experimental research to bear on testing the predictions from ecological theory. I have managed to achieve this in a range of different ecosystems, which have served as model systems in which to test fundamental ecological ideas.

Since appointment at UCC in 2003 my focus has been the development and establishment of a critical mass within my own research group, and in the last five years I have secured funding to support one research M.Sc. student, 11 PhD students and five post doctoral researchers. I also co-supervise One MSc at the Virginia Institute of Marine Sciences, USA, with Prof. Emmett Duffy, and One PhD at the University of Limerick Prof. Richard Moles.

To date, I have secured funding for 14 nationally and internationally peer reviewed grant proposals as Principal Investigator (PI). I am currently Co-PI on two grants, and I am an associated researcher on two UK NERC funded projects. My grant income at UCC is €1.87M, with total collaborative grant capture in excess of €4.8M.

Support for the environmental sciences in Ireland is limited and my research strategy has been to promote biodiversity research and more broadly the sciences of the environment to improve funding opportunities at a national level. These endeavors have been very productive, and in 2004, I prepared a National Case in support of Biodiversity Research (for Ireland), making the case for research in all ecosystems. This document was well received by funding agencies and I was subsequently invited by the Irish Research Council for Science Engineering and Technology (IRCSET) to lead a delegation of Heads from Cognate Departments to a meeting hosted by IRCSET and attended by representatives from most funding agencies in Ireland (e.g. SFI, Marine Institute, EPA, NPWS, Enterprise Ireland and Coford). We were able to communicate the importance of biodiversity science and levied €1.5M in support of the ESF EUROCORES program EuroDIVERSITY (I was subsequently the recipient of two awards under that program, which were internationally peer reviewed by the ESF).

My ambition is to continue the study of fundamental ecological questions, testing ecological theory using model experimental systems. To date, I have had the good fortune to work in a diverse range of ecosystems from the marine benthos (Emmerson & Raffaelli 2001) to forest floors (McLaughlin & Emmerson, In Review). I have studied the consequences of biodiversity loss using marine (Emmerson et al. 2001) and freshwater (Aubry and Emmerson, Unpublished PhD chapter) invertebrates, fish (O'Gorman et al. 2008), and amphibians (Bécart et al. 2008). My work integrates the use of mathematical models with empirical research (Emmerson & Raffaelli 2004) and I would like to continue with this very fruitful avenue of enquiry

• Identify your top three research outputs (for the review period Jan 03 - Sept 08) and describe their significance (1 page maximum).

Emmerson, M.C. & Raffaelli, D.G. (2004) Body size, patterns of interaction strength and the stability of a real food web. Journal of Animal Ecology. 73: 399-409.
The above paper details a mixture of empirical and theoretical research investigating the relationship between predator and prey body mass and the strength of trophic interactions. The paper enables a theoretical exploration of biodiversity loss scenarios, which have been limited by the availability of techniques for estimating the strength of predator-prey interaction strengths. (46 citations).

Woodward, G., Ebenman, B., Emmerson, M.C., Montoya, J.M., Olesen, J.M., Valido, A. & Warren, P.H. (2005) Body size in ecological networks. Trends in Ecology and Evolution. 20: 402-409.
This paper is a review of the importance of body mass in ecological networks. It provides an overview of the state-of-the-art in our understanding of how species body mass affects the composition, structure and ecosystem functioning of natural communities. The paper explicitly identifies the importance of body mass for food web structure and dynamics. This paper resulted from an international meeting on food webs (Giessen, Germany, 2003), which was funded by the ESF funded research network ‘InterACT'. I initiated and secured funding for that network. The book, "Dynamic Food Webs: Multispecies assemblages, ecosystem development, and environmental change", resulted from the same meeting. (54 citations).

Berlow, E., Neutel, A.M., Cohen, J.E., de Ruiter, P.C., Ebenman, B., Emmerson M.C., et al. (2004) Interaction strengths in food webs: Issues and opportunities. Journal of Animal Ecology. 73: 585-598.
This paper is a review of the importance of interaction strengths in ecological networks. It resulted from a meeting and collaboration also funded by the ESF research network ‘InterACT' held in Lesvos Greece in 2002. The paper reviews the use of different measures of interaction strength, outlining their use and misuse. It is a focal reference point for anyone working in food web research at the integration of theory and empirical research. (66 citations).

Research Grants

Start DateEnd DateAward
NRA "The Effectiveness of ecological mitigation measures on national road schemes in Ireland. "01-JAN-09€130,000.00
Local organiser European Science Foundation Research Network Meeting. “Ecosystem functioning of food webs: The consequences of species loss and gain.European Science Foundation01-JAN-04€41,000.00
[NPWS D/C/70 & D/C/127 {Emmerson Dr. Mark} VNational Parks & Wildlife Services (NPWS)01-APR-0431-DEC-07€70,265.00
IRC "Decline in the native honey bee (Apis melifera) in response to the invasive mite, Varroa destructor. "Irish Research Council01-JAN-09€72,000.00
. EuroDIVERSITY an ESF Eurocores programme.Understanding Biodiversity Change in Food Webs (InterWEBS).ERASMUS01-JAN-06€224,000.00
IRC "Meta population dynamics of the Natterjack toad (Bufo calamita) in a fragmented pond complex, South West Ireland."Irish Research Council01-JAN-04€57,000.00
Biodiversity Change and Ecosystem Services, A multifunctional approachEnterprise Irl02-NOV-0922-DEC-09€11,555.00
IRCSET "Biodiversity and ecosystem functioning: experimental tests in a marine benthic"Irish Research Council for Science, Engineering & Technology (IRCSET)31-DEC-0529-FEB-08€102,518.00
NPWS "Where have all the toads gone? Conservation project studying the population dynamics of the Natterjack Toad in county Kerry, Ireland."01-JAN-05€50,000.00
EPA Sectoral Impacts on BIOdiversity & ecoSYStem Services Strive 2007Environment Protection Agency (EPA)01-APR-0802-JUL-13€492,323.00
Environment graduate programme, Projects officer and DIVERSITAS post.Higher Education Authority (HEA)01-JAN-06€137,690.00
SFI "Modelling Biodiversity Change in the Irish Uplands, under different management scenarios."Science Foundation Ireland01-JAN-06€144,000.00
IRCSET "Understanding biodiversity change in food webs" (InterWEBS)Irish Research Council for Science, Engineering & Technology (IRCSET)01-OCT-0630-SEP-11€249,819.00
HEA 'Biodiversity and Ecotoxicology Proposal'Higher Education authority01-OCT-0730-SEP-12€128,898.00
IRC "Grooming behaviour in honey bees in response to the invasive mite Varroa."Irish Research Council01-JAN-09€72,000.00
Conservation of natterjack toad (Bufo calamita) breeding habitats in County Kerry, Ireland.Heritage Council01-JAN-06€26,000.00
IRCSET "The importance of intermediate predators for food web dynamics and ecosystem functioning"Irish Research Council for Science, Engineering & Technology (IRCSET)01-OCT-0531-MAR-09€80,915.00
NPWS "Natterjack Toad population dynamics. Conservation project studying the population dynamics of the Natterjack Toad in county Kerry, Ireland."01-JAN-04€26,000.00
Stable Isotope Analysis of Terrestial Invertebrate Food Web in The Gearagh, South-West IrelandMiscellaneous01-MAY-0630-JUN-09€25,104.00
NERC "A hierarchical approach to the examination of the relationship between biodiversity and ecosystem service flows across coastal margins"01-JAN-12€409,904.00
IRC "Spread of the invasive grey squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis) and its interactions with the native red squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris) in Ireland."Irish Research Council01-JAN-10€72,000.00
NERC "Marine Ecosystem Research Program"01-JAN-14€615,487.00
IRCSET "AGRIPOPES"Irish Research Council for Science, Engineering & Technology (IRCSET)01-OCT-0630-SEP-11€190,501.00
IRCSET "Marine Ecosystem Function & climate change - The Lough Hyne Network Approach"Irish Research Council for Science, Engineering & Technology (IRCSET)01-DEC-0630-NOV-08€96,300.00


Book Chapters

(2009)'Biodiversity and the stability of ecosystem functioning. In: The Consequences of Changing Biodiversity - Solutions and Scenarios. (eds. Naeem, S., Hector, A., & Bunker, D.)'
Griffin, J., O¿Gorman, E., Emmerson, M., Jenkins, S., Klein, A.-M., Loreau, M., & Symstadj, A; (2009) 'Biodiversity and the stability of ecosystem functioning. In: The Consequences of Changing Biodiversity - Solutions and Scenarios. (eds. Naeem, S., Hector, A., & Bunker, D.)' In: Biodiversity and the stability of ecosystem functioning. In: The Consequences of Changing Biodiversity - Solutions and Scenarios. (eds. Naeem, S., Hector, A., & Bunker, D.). *: *. [Details]
(2009)'Forecasting decline in ecosystem services under realistic scenarios of extinction. In: The Consequences of Changing Biodiversity - Solutions and Scenarios. (eds. Naeem, S., Hector, A., & Bunker, D.)'
Duffy, J.E., Srivastava, D.S., McLaren, J., Sankaran, M., Solan, M., Griffin, J., Emmerson, M., & Jones, K.E ; (2009) 'Forecasting decline in ecosystem services under realistic scenarios of extinction. In: The Consequences of Changing Biodiversity - Solutions and Scenarios. (eds. Naeem, S., Hector, A., & Bunker, D.)' In: Forecasting decline in ecosystem services under realistic scenarios of extinction. In: The Consequences of Changing Biodiversity - Solutions and Scenarios. (eds. Naeem, S., Hector, A., & Bunker, D.). *: *. [Details]
(2009)'Towards a Food-web Perspective on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning. In: The Consequences of Changing Biodiversity - Solutions and Scenarios. (eds. Naeem, S., Hector, A., & Bunker, D.)'
Cardinale, B., Duffy, E., Srivastava, D., Loreau, M., Thomas, M., & Emmerson, M; (2009) 'Towards a Food-web Perspective on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning. In: The Consequences of Changing Biodiversity - Solutions and Scenarios. (eds. Naeem, S., Hector, A., & Bunker, D.)' In: Towards a Food-web Perspective on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning. In: The Consequences of Changing Biodiversity - Solutions and Scenarios. (eds. Naeem, S., Hector, A., & Bunker, D.). *: *. [Details]
(2005)'Body-size determinants of the structure and dynamics of ecological networks'
Woodward, G., Ebenman, B., Emmerson, M.C., Montoya, J.M., Olesen, J.M., Valido, A. & Warren, P.H.; (2005) 'Body-size determinants of the structure and dynamics of ecological networks' In: Dynamic Food Webs: Multispecies assemblages, ecosystem development, and environmental change. [Details]
(2005)'Body size, interaction strength and food web dynamics'
Emmerson, M.C., Montoya, J.M. & Woodward, G.; (2005) 'Body size, interaction strength and food web dynamics' In: Dynamic Food Webs: Multispecies assemblages, ecosystem development, and environmental change. [Details]
(2005)'Perturbations and Indirect Effects in Complex Food Webs'
Montoya, J.M., Emmerson, M.C., Solé, R.V. & Woodward, G.; (2005) 'Perturbations and Indirect Effects in Complex Food Webs' In: Dynamic Food Webs: Multispecies assemblages, ecosystem development, and environmental change. [Details]
(2002)'How can marine ecologists contribute to the biodiversity ecosystem functioning debate?'
Emmerson, M.C. and Huxham, M.; (2002) 'How can marine ecologists contribute to the biodiversity ecosystem functioning debate?' In: Biodiversity and ecosystem functioning: synthesis and perspectives. [Details]
(2002)') A new look at the relationship between diversity and stability'
Loreau, M., Downing, A., Emmerson, M., Gonzalez, A., Hughes, J., Inchausti, P., Joshi, J., Norberg, J. and Sala, O. (2002) ') A new look at the relationship between diversity and stability' In: Biodiversity and ecosystem functioning: synthesis and perspectives. *: *. [Details]
(2000)'Energy flow, productivity and food web dynamics in shallow water marine systems'
Raffaelli, D.G & Emmerson, M.C.; (2000) 'Energy flow, productivity and food web dynamics in shallow water marine systems' In: Sandy and Muddy Shores: Ecological comparisons. [Details]
(0)'The importance of body size, abundance and food web structure for ecosystem functioning'
Emmerson, M.C. (0) 'The importance of body size, abundance and food web structure for ecosystem functioning' In: Marine Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning. UK: Oxford University Press. [Details]

Peer Reviewed Journals

(2014)'Fortune favours the bold: a higher predator reduces the impact of a native but not an invasive intermediate predator'
Barrios-O'Neill, D., Dick, J.T.A., Emmerson, M.C., Ricciardi, A., MacIsaac, H.J., Alexander, M.E., Bovy, H.C. (2014) 'Fortune favours the bold: a higher predator reduces the impact of a native but not an invasive intermediate predator'. Journal of Animal Ecology, 83 :693-701 [Details]
(2014)'Response of farmland biodiversity to the introduction of bioenergy crops: effects of local factors and surrounding landscape context'
Bourke D,Stanley D,O'Rourke E,Thompson R, Carnus T,Dauber J,Emmerson M,Whelan P,Hecq F,Flynn E,Dolan L,Stout, J (2014) 'Response of farmland biodiversity to the introduction of bioenergy crops: effects of local factors and surrounding landscape context'. Global Change Biology Bioenergy, 6 :275-289 [DOI] [Details]
(2013)'Perturbing a marine food web - consequences for food web structure and trivariate patterns'
Twomey, M., Jacob, U., Emmerson, M.C. (2013) 'Perturbing a marine food web - consequences for food web structure and trivariate patterns'. Advances In Ecological Research, 47 :349-409 [Details]
(2013)'Distinguishing between direct and indirect effects of predators in complex ecosystems'
O’Connor, N.E., Emmerson, M.C., Crowe, T.P, & Donohue, I. (2013) 'Distinguishing between direct and indirect effects of predators in complex ecosystems'. Advances In Ecological Research, 47 :349-409 [Details]
(2013)'On the dimensionality of ecological stability'
Donohue, I., Petchey, O.L., Montoya, J.M., Jackson, A.L., McNally, L., Viana, M., Healy, K., Lurgi, M., O’Connor, N.E. & Emmerson, M.C. (2013) 'On the dimensionality of ecological stability'. Ecology Letters, 16 :421-429 [Details]
(2013)'The predictive science of community ecology'
Emmerson, M.C. (2013) 'The predictive science of community ecology'. Journal of Animal Ecology, 82 :438-448 [Details]
(2012)'The predictive science of community ecology'
Emmerson, M.C. (2012) 'The predictive science of community ecology'. Journal of Animal Ecology, 80 :1111-1114 [Details]
(2012)'Idiosyncratic species effects confound size-based predictions of responses to climate change'
Twomey, M,Brodte, E,Jacob, U,Brose, U,Crowe, TP,Emmerson, MC (2012) 'Idiosyncratic species effects confound size-based predictions of responses to climate change'. Philosophical Transactions Of The Royal Society B-Biological Sciences, 367 :2971-2978 [DOI] [Details]
(2012)'Patterns of synchrony in natterjack toad breeding activity and reproductive success at local and regional scales'
Aubry, A., Bécart, E., Davenport, J., Lynn, D., Marnell, F. & Emmerson, M.C. (2012) 'Patterns of synchrony in natterjack toad breeding activity and reproductive success at local and regional scales'. Ecography, 35 :1-11 [Details]
(2011)'Taxonomic and functional diversity of farmland bird communities across Europe: effects of biogeography and agricultural intensification'
Guerrero, I., Morales, M.B., Onate, J.J., Aavik, T., Bengtsson, J. Berendse, F., Clement, L.W., Dennis, C., Eggers, S., Emmerson, M., Fischer, C., Flohre, A., Geiger, F., Hawro, V., Inchausti, P., Kalamees, A., Kinks, R., Liira, J., Melendez, L., Part, T., Thies, C., Tscharntke, T., Olszewski, A., Weisser, W.W. (2011) 'Taxonomic and functional diversity of farmland bird communities across Europe: effects of biogeography and agricultural intensification'. Biodiversity and Conservation, 20 :3663-3681 [Details]
(2011)'Body mass-abundance relationships are robust to cascading effects in marine food webs'
O'Gorman, EJ,Emmerson, MC; (2011) 'Body mass-abundance relationships are robust to cascading effects in marine food webs'. Oikos, 120 :520-528 [DOI] [Details]
(2011)'Importance of consumers on exposed and sheltered rocky shores'
O'Connor, NE,Donohue, I,Crowe, TP,Emmerson, MC (2011) 'Importance of consumers on exposed and sheltered rocky shores'. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 443 :65-75 [DOI] [Details]
(2011)'Loss of functionally unique species may gradually undermine ecosystems'
O'Gorman, EJ,Yearsley, JM,Crowe, TP,Emmerson, MC,Jacob, U,Petchey, OL; (2011) 'Loss of functionally unique species may gradually undermine ecosystems'. Proceedings of The Royal Society B-Biological Sciences, 278 :1886-1893 [DOI] [Details]
(2011)'Marine reserve designation, trophic cascades and altered community dynamics'
O'Sullivan, D. and Emmerson, M.C. (2011) 'Marine reserve designation, trophic cascades and altered community dynamics'. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 440 :115-125 [Details]
(2011)'Agricultural intensification and biodiversity partitioning in European landscapes comparing plants, carabids, and birds'
Flohre, A., Fischer, C., Aavik, T., Bengtsson, J.,; Berendse, F., Bommarco, R., Ceryngier, P., Clement, L.W., Dennis, C., Eggers, S., Emmerson, M., Geiger, F., Guerrero, I., Hawro, V., Inchausti, P., Liira, J., Morales, M.B., Onate, J.J., Part, T., Weisser, W.W., Winqvist, C., Thies, C., Tscharntke, T. (2011) 'Agricultural intensification and biodiversity partitioning in European landscapes comparing plants, carabids, and birds'. Ecological Applications, 21 :1772-1781 [Details]
(2011)'Agricultural intensification and biodiversity partitioning in European landscapes comparing plants, carabids, and birds'
Flohre, A., Fischer, C., Aavik, T., Bengtsson, J.,; Berendse, F., Bommarco, R., Ceryngier, P., Clement, L.W., Dennis, C., Eggers, S., Emmerson, M., Geiger, F., Guerrero, I., Hawro, V., Inchausti, P., Liira, J., Morales, M.B., Onate, J.J., Part, T., Weisser, W.W., Winqvist, C., Thies, C., Tscharntke, T. (2011) 'Agricultural intensification and biodiversity partitioning in European landscapes comparing plants, carabids, and birds'. Ecological Applications, 21 :1772-1781 [Details]
(2011)'The relationship between agricultural intensification and biological control: experimental tests across Europe'
Thies, C., Haenke, S., Scherber, C., Bengtsson, J., Bommarco, R., Clement, L.W., Ceryngier, P., Dennis, C., Emmerson, M., et al. (2011) 'The relationship between agricultural intensification and biological control: experimental tests across Europe'. Ecological Applications, 21 :2187-2196 [Details]
(2010)'Manipulating interaction strengths and the consequences for trivariate patterns in a marine food web'
O’Gorman, E.J. & Emmerson, M.C. (2010) 'Manipulating interaction strengths and the consequences for trivariate patterns in a marine food web'. Advances In Ecological Research, 42 :301-419 [Details]
(2010)'Interaction strength, food web topology and the relative importance of species in food webs'
O'Gorman, EJ; Jacob, U; Jonsson, T; Emmerson, MC; (2010) 'Interaction strength, food web topology and the relative importance of species in food webs'. Journal of Animal Ecology, 79 :682-692 [DOI] [Details]
(2010)'Estimation of survival rate and extinction probability for stage-structured populations with overlapping life stages'
Aubry, A; Becart, E; Davenport, J; Emmerson, MC; (2010) 'Estimation of survival rate and extinction probability for stage-structured populations with overlapping life stages'. Ecology, 52 :437-450 [DOI] [Details]
(2010)'Temporal variability in predator-prey relationships of a forest floor food web'
McLaughlin, Ó., Jonsson, T. & Emmerson, M.C. (2010) 'Temporal variability in predator-prey relationships of a forest floor food web'. Advances In Ecological Research, 42 :171-264 [Details]
(2010)'Scaling of food-web properties with diversity and complexity across ecosystems'
Riede, J.O., Rall, B.C., Banasek-Richter, C., Navarrete, S.A., Wieters, E.A., Emmerson, M.C. Jacob, U., & Ulrich Brose (2010) 'Scaling of food-web properties with diversity and complexity across ecosystems'. Journal of Animal Ecology, 79 :682-692 [Details]
(2010)'Persistent negative effects of pesticides on biodiversity and biological control potential on European farmland'
Geiger, F., Bengtsson, J., Berendse, F., Weisserc, W.W., Emmerson, M., et al. (2010) 'Persistent negative effects of pesticides on biodiversity and biological control potential on European farmland'. Basic and Applied Ecology, 11 :97-105 [Details]
(2009)'Press Perturbations and Indirect Effects In Real Food Webs'
Montoya, JM, Woodward, G, Emmerson, MC, Sole, RV; (2009) 'Press Perturbations and Indirect Effects In Real Food Webs'. Ecology, 90 (9):2426-2433 [Details]
(2009)'Perturbations to Trophic Interactions and The Stability of Complex Food Webs'
O'Gorman, EJ, Emmerson, MC; (2009) 'Perturbations to Trophic Interactions and The Stability of Complex Food Webs'. Proceedings of The National Academy of Sciences of The United States of America, 106 (32):13393-13398 [DOI] [Details]
(2009)'Perturbations to trophic interactions and the stability of complex food webs'
O'Gorman, EJ,Emmerson, MC; (2009) 'Perturbations to trophic interactions and the stability of complex food webs'. Proceedings of The National Academy of Sciences of The United States of America, 106 :13393-13398 [DOI] [Details]
(2009)'Press perturbations and indirect effects in real food webs'
Montoya, JM,Woodward, G,Emmerson, MC,Sole, RV; (2009) 'Press perturbations and indirect effects in real food webs'. Ecology, 90 :2426-2433 [Details]
(2009)') Temperature, predator-prey interaction strength and population stability'
Rall, B.C., Vucic-Pestic, O., Ehnes, R.B., Emmerson, M., & Brose, U. (2009) ') Temperature, predator-prey interaction strength and population stability'. Global Change Biology, 16 :2145-2157 [Details]
(2008)'The natterjack toad Bufo calamita in Co Kerry, Ireland: conservation status, current and foreseeable threats'
Becart, E., Aubry, A. & Emmerson, M.C. (2008) 'The natterjack toad Bufo calamita in Co Kerry, Ireland: conservation status, current and foreseeable threats'. The Irish Naturalists' Journal, 28 :477-487 [Details]
(2008)'Macroecological patterns and niche structure in a new marine food web'
Yvon-Durocher, G,Montoya, JM,Emmerson, MC,Woodward, G; (2008) 'Macroecological patterns and niche structure in a new marine food web'. Central European Journal of Biology, 3 :91-103 [DOI] [Details]
(2008)'Macroecological Patterns and Niche Structure In A New Marine Food Web'
Yvon-Durocher, G, Montoya, JM, Emmerson, MC, Woodward, G; (2008) 'Macroecological Patterns and Niche Structure In A New Marine Food Web'. Central European Journal of Biology, 3 (1):91-103 [DOI] [Details]
(2008)'Predator diversity promotes high levels of secondary production and decreases the likelihood of trophic cascades'
O’Gorman, E., Enright, R., & Emmerson, M.C. (2008) 'Predator diversity promotes high levels of secondary production and decreases the likelihood of trophic cascades'. Oecologia, 158 :557-567 [Details]
(2006)'Sequentially assembled food webs and extremum principles in ecosystem ecology'
Virgo, N., Law, R. & Emmerson, M.C.; (2006) 'Sequentially assembled food webs and extremum principles in ecosystem ecology'. Journal of Animal Ecology, 75 (*):377-386 [Details]
(2005)'Body size in ecological networks. '
Woodward, G., Ebenman, B., Emmerson, M.C., Montoya, J.M., Olesen, J.M., Valido, A. & Warren, P.H.; (2005) 'Body size in ecological networks. '. Trends In Ecology and Evolution, * (*):*-* [Details]
(2005)'Global change will alter the stability of food webs. '
Emmerson, M.C., Bezemer, M., Hunter, M.D., Jones, T.H.; (2005) 'Global change will alter the stability of food webs. '. Global Change Biology, 11 (*):490-501 [Details]
(2005)'Measurement of interaction strength in nature. '
Wootton, J.T. & Emmerson, M.C.; (2005) 'Measurement of interaction strength in nature. '. Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics, 36 (*):419-444 [Details]
(2004)'Interaction strengths in food webs: Issues and opportunities'
Berlow, E., Neutel, A.M., Cohen, J.E., de Ruiter, P.C., Ebenman, B., Emmerson M.C., et al.; (2004) 'Interaction strengths in food webs: Issues and opportunities'. Journal of Animal Ecology, 73 (*):585-598 [Details]
(2004)'Weak interactions, omnivory and emergent food-web properties'
Emmerson, M.C. & Yearsley, J.; (2004) 'Weak interactions, omnivory and emergent food-web properties'. Proceedings of The Royal Society, 271 (*):397-405 [Details]
(2004)'Body size, patterns of interaction strength and the stability of a real food web'
Emmerson, M.C. & Raffaelli, D.G.; (2004) 'Body size, patterns of interaction strength and the stability of a real food web'. Journal of Animal Ecology, 73 (*):399-409 [Details]
(2004)'Predator-prey body size, interaction strength and the stability of a real food web'
Emmerson, MC,Raffaelli, D; (2004) 'Predator-prey body size, interaction strength and the stability of a real food web'. Journal of Animal Ecology, 73 :399-409 [Details]
(2004)'How does global change affect the strength of trophic interactions? '
Emmerson, M.C., Bezemer, M., Hunter, M.D., Jones, T.H., Masters, G.J. & Van Dam, N.M.; (2004) 'How does global change affect the strength of trophic interactions? '. Basic and Applied Ecology, 5 (*):505-514 [Details]
(2002)'Biodiversity and ecosystem functioning in shallow coastal waters: an experimental approach. Journal: Journal of Sea Research'
Raffaelli, D.G., Emmerson, M.C., Solan, M., Biles, C., & Paterson, D.; (2002) 'Biodiversity and ecosystem functioning in shallow coastal waters: an experimental approach. Journal: Journal of Sea Research'. 316 (*):1-9 [Details]
(2001)'Consistent patterns and the idiosyncratic effects of biodiversity in marine ecosystems'
Emmerson, M.C., Solan, M., Emes, C., Paterson, D.P. & Raffaelli, D.G.; (2001) 'Consistent patterns and the idiosyncratic effects of biodiversity in marine ecosystems'. Nature, 411 (*):73-77 [Details]
(2000)'Remedial habitat creation: does Nereis diversicolor play a confounding role in the colonization and establishment of the pioneering saltmarsh plant, Spartina anglica? '
Emmerson, M.C.; (2000) 'Remedial habitat creation: does Nereis diversicolor play a confounding role in the colonization and establishment of the pioneering saltmarsh plant, Spartina anglica? '. Helgoland Marine Research, 54 (*):110-116 [Details]
(2000)'Detecting the effects of diversity on measures of ecosystem function – experimental design, null models and empirical observations'
Emmerson, M.C. & Raffaelli, D.G.; (2000) 'Detecting the effects of diversity on measures of ecosystem function – experimental design, null models and empirical observations'. Oikos, 91 (*):195-203 [Details]
(0)'Ecological communities are vulnerable to realistic extinction sequences'
Berg, S., Pimenov, A., Palmer, C., Emmerson, M., Jonsson, T. (0) 'Ecological communities are vulnerable to realistic extinction sequences'. Oikos, [Details]
(0)'The reliability of R50 as a measure of vulnerability of food webs to sequential species deletions'
Jonsson, T., Berg, S., Pimenov, A., Palmer, C., Emmerson, M. (0) 'The reliability of R50 as a measure of vulnerability of food webs to sequential species deletions'. Oikos, [Details]

Conference Publications

(2008)Challenges to marine ecosystems: Foreword. Hydrobiologia. Hydrobiologia Volume 606 (2008))
Davenport, J., Burnell, G., Cross, T., Emmerson, M., McAllen, R., Ramsay, R., Rogan, E. ; (2008) Challenges to marine ecosystems: Foreword. Hydrobiologia Challenges to marine ecosystems: Foreword. Hydrobiologia. Hydrobiologia Volume 606 (2008)) [Details]

Book Reviews

(2013)Distinguishing between direct and indirect effects of predators in complex ecosystems.
O'Connor, NE,Emmerson, MC,Crowe, TP,Donohue, I (2013) Distinguishing between direct and indirect effects of predators in complex ecosystems. Book Reviews [DOI] [Details]
(2010)Manipulating Interaction Strengths and the Consequences for Trivariate Patterns in a Marine Food Web.
O'Gorman, EJ,Emmerson, MC (2010) Manipulating Interaction Strengths and the Consequences for Trivariate Patterns in a Marine Food Web. Book Reviews [DOI] [Details]
(2010)Scaling of Food-Web Properties with Diversity and Complexity Across Ecosystems.
Riede, JO,Rall, BC,Banasek-Richter, C,Navarrete, SA,Wieters, EA,Emmerson, MC,Jacob, U,Brose, U (2010) Scaling of Food-Web Properties with Diversity and Complexity Across Ecosystems. Book Reviews [DOI] [Details]
(2010)Temporal Variability in Predator-Prey Relationships of a Forest Floor Food Web.
McLaughlin, OB,Jonsson, T,Emmerson, MC (2010) Temporal Variability in Predator-Prey Relationships of a Forest Floor Food Web. Book Reviews [DOI] [Details]

Commissioned Compositions

(2005)Monitoring of the Natterjack toad (Bufo calamita) in Ireland- Breeding season 2004. Report to the National Parks and Wildlife Service, Ireland.
Aubry, A. & Emmerson, M; (2005) Monitoring of the Natterjack toad (Bufo calamita) in Ireland- Breeding season 2004. Report to the National Parks and Wildlife Service, Ireland. Commissioned Compositions [Details]
(2005)Monitoring of natterjack toad (Bufo calamita) in ireland. Breeding season 2005. Interim report to the National Parks and Wildlife Service, Ireland.
Becart, E., Aubry, A. & Emmerson, M. ; (2005) Monitoring of natterjack toad (Bufo calamita) in ireland. Breeding season 2005. Interim report to the National Parks and Wildlife Service, Ireland. Commissioned Compositions [Details]

Unpublished Reports

(2006)Monitoring of natterjack toad (bufo calamita) in ireland. Breeding season 2005. Interim report to the National Parks and Wildlife Service, Ireland.
Becart, E., Aubry, A. & Emmerson, M. (2006) Monitoring of natterjack toad (bufo calamita) in ireland. Breeding season 2005. Interim report to the National Parks and Wildlife Service, Ireland. Unpublished Reports [Details]


(2012)Perturbing a Marine Food Web: Consequences for Food Web Structure and Trivariate Patterns.
Twomey, M,Jacob, U,Emmerson, MC,Woodward, G,Jacob, U,OGorman, EJ (2012) Perturbing a Marine Food Web: Consequences for Food Web Structure and Trivariate Patterns. Reviews [DOI] [Details]

Professional Activities

Professional Associations

 AssociationFunctionFrom / To
British Ecological Society Member09-SEP-97 / 30-DEC-99

Conference Contributions

(2007)Biodiversity change in the Kerry uplands,
Anderson, R., O¿Halloran, J., & Emmerson, M.C. ; (2007) Biodiversity change in the Kerry uplands. [Poster Presentation], Biodiversity change in the Kerry uplands, British Ecological Society, Annual meeting, University of Glasgow, UK. Poster , 01-JAN-07 - 01-JAN-07. [Details]
(2007)British Ecological Society, Annual meeting,,
Becart, E., Whelan, P., & Emmerson, M.C. (2007) Habitat management effects on the population of natterjack toads (Bufo calamita) in Ireland. [Poster Presentation], British Ecological Society, Annual meeting,, Glasgow , 01-JAN-07 - 01-JAN-07. [Details]
(2007)Natures constraints: interaction strengths and the functioning of food webs,
Emmerson, M.C; (2007) Natures constraints: interaction strengths and the functioning of food webs. [Poster Presentation], Natures constraints: interaction strengths and the functioning of food webs, National Centre for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis, Santa Barbara, USA , 01-JAN-07 - 01-JAN-07. [Details]
(2007)Trivariate patterns in a marine food web, Lough Hyne,
Twomey, M., Crowe, T., Emmerson, M.C.; (2007) Trivariate patterns in a marine food web, Lough Hyne. [Poster Presentation], Trivariate patterns in a marine food web, Lough Hyne, British Ecological Society, Annual meeting, University of Glasgow, UK. Poster , 01-JAN-07 - 01-JAN-07. [Details]
(2007)How does agricultural intensification affect biodiversity change in Ireland?,
Dennis, C., Giller, P., & Emmerson, M.C. ; (2007) How does agricultural intensification affect biodiversity change in Ireland?. [Poster Presentation], How does agricultural intensification affect biodiversity change in Ireland?, British Ecological Society, Annual meeting, University of Glasgow, UK. Poster , 01-JAN-07 - 01-JAN-07. [Details]
(2007)Habitat management effects on the population of natterjack toads (Bufo calamita) in Ireland,
Becart, E., Whelan, P., & Emmerson, M.C. ; (2007) Habitat management effects on the population of natterjack toads (Bufo calamita) in Ireland. [Poster Presentation], Habitat management effects on the population of natterjack toads (Bufo calamita) in Ireland, British Ecological Society, Annual meeting, University of Glasgow, UK , 01-JAN-07 - 01-JAN-07. [Details]
(2007)Effects of biotic and abiotic processes on the breeding success of toad populations,
Aubry, A., Becart, E., Davenport, J., & Emmerson, M.C. ; (2007) Effects of biotic and abiotic processes on the breeding success of toad populations. [Poster Presentation], Effects of biotic and abiotic processes on the breeding success of toad populations, British Ecological Society, Annual meeting, University of Glasgow, UK. , 01-JAN-07 - 01-JAN-07. [Details]
(2007)Wait to be seated-How to measure Consumer Trophic Level in Nature's restaurant,
Jacob, U., Brose, U., Jonsson, T., Emmerson, M., Brey, T; (2007) Wait to be seated-How to measure Consumer Trophic Level in Nature's restaurant. [Poster Presentation], Wait to be seated-How to measure Consumer Trophic Level in Nature's restaurant, European Marine Biological Symposium, Liepzig, Germany , 01-JAN-07 - 01-JAN-07. [Details]
(2007)Do trophic uniqueness and flexibility characterize consumer's trophic niche & function,
Jacob, U., Brose, U., Emmerson, M.C., Brey, T; (2007) Do trophic uniqueness and flexibility characterize consumer's trophic niche & function. [Poster Presentation], Do trophic uniqueness and flexibility characterize consumer's trophic niche & function, British Ecological Society, Annual meeting, University of Glasgow, UK. BES , 01-JAN-07 - 01-JAN-07. [Details]
(2007)Trivariate patterns in a forest floor food web: The Gearagh,
McLaughlin, O. & Emmerson, M.C; (2007) Trivariate patterns in a forest floor food web: The Gearagh. [Poster Presentation], Trivariate patterns in a forest floor food web: The Gearagh, British Ecological Society, Annual meeting, University of Glasgow, UK , 01-JAN-07 - 01-JAN-07. [Details]
(2007)Species impacts in food webs, patterns of interaction strength, connectance and the spread of indirect effects,
Palmer, C. & Emmerson, M.C. ; (2007) Species impacts in food webs, patterns of interaction strength, connectance and the spread of indirect effects. [Poster Presentation], Species impacts in food webs, patterns of interaction strength, connectance and the spread of indirect effects, British Ecological Society, Annual meeting, University of Glasgow, UK , 01-JAN-07 - 01-JAN-07. [Details]
(2007)Indirect effects and ecosystem functioning in a marine food web,
O¿Gorman, E. & Emmerson, M.C. ; (2007) Indirect effects and ecosystem functioning in a marine food web. [Poster Presentation], Indirect effects and ecosystem functioning in a marine food web, British Ecological Society, Annual meeting, University of Glasgow, UK , 01-JAN-07 - 01-JAN-07. [Details]
(2007)Predator diversity affects interaction strengths in food webs,
Emmerson, M.C. & McLaughlin, O; (2007) Predator diversity affects interaction strengths in food webs. [Poster Presentation], Predator diversity affects interaction strengths in food webs, British Ecological Society, Annual meeting, University of Glasgow, UK , 01-JAN-07 - 01-JAN-07. [Details]
(2007)Agricultural intensification and biodiversity change,
Emmerson, M.C. ; (2007) Agricultural intensification and biodiversity change. [Poster Presentation], Agricultural intensification and biodiversity change, ESF funded AGRIPOPES meeting, Paris France , 01-JAN-07 - 01-JAN-07. [Details]
(2006)European Marine Biological Symposium,
Emmerson, M.C; (2006) European Marine Biological Symposium. [Conference Organising Committee Member], European Marine Biological Symposium, UCC , 01-JAN-06 - 01-JAN-06. [Details]
(2006)Body size, interaction strength and food web dynamics. Invited Departmental Seminar, Department of Zoology, UCD, Ireland,
Emmerson, M.C. ; (2006) Body size, interaction strength and food web dynamics. Invited Departmental Seminar, Department of Zoology, UCD, Ireland. [Oral Presentation], Body size, interaction strength and food web dynamics. Invited Departmental Seminar, Department of Zoology, UCD, Ireland, UCD , 01-JAN-06 - 01-JAN-06. [Details]
(2006)International Temperate Reefs Symposium,
Emmerson, M.C. (2006) Plenary Speaker. [Plenary Lecture], International Temperate Reefs Symposium, University of California Santa Barbara . [Details]
(2006)Postgraduate Ecology Forum,
Emmerson, M.C; (2006) Postgraduate Ecology Forum. [Conference Organising Committee Member], Postgraduate Ecology Forum, UCC , 01-JAN-06 - 01-JAN-06. [Details]
(2006)Predicting predator species impacts: how do direct and indirect interactions affect ecosystem functioning in food webs,
Emmerson, M.C; (2006) Predicting predator species impacts: how do direct and indirect interactions affect ecosystem functioning in food webs. [Poster Presentation], Predicting predator species impacts: how do direct and indirect interactions affect ecosystem functioning in food webs, Plenary session, International Temperate Reefs Symposium, University of California, Santa Barbara, USA , 01-JAN-06 - 01-JAN-06. [Details]
(2006)Biodiversity and ecosystem functioning in food webs,
Emmerson, M.C; (2006) Biodiversity and ecosystem functioning in food webs. [Conference Organising Committee Member], Biodiversity and ecosystem functioning in food webs, UCC , 01-JAN-06 - 01-JAN-06. [Details]
(2006). Body size, interaction strength and food web dynamics. Internal Departmental Seminar, Department of Zoology, Ecology and Plant Sciences, UCC, Ireland,
Emmerson, M.C; (2006) . Body size, interaction strength and food web dynamics. Internal Departmental Seminar, Department of Zoology, Ecology and Plant Sciences, UCC, Ireland. [Oral Presentation], . Body size, interaction strength and food web dynamics. Internal Departmental Seminar, Department of Zoology, Ecology and Plant Sciences, UCC, Ireland, UCC , 01-JAN-06 - 01-JAN-06. [Details]
(2006)Body size, interaction strength and food web dynamics,
Emmerson, M.C. ; (2006) Body size, interaction strength and food web dynamics. [Poster Presentation], Body size, interaction strength and food web dynamics, BioEMCo Summer school, Ecolé Normale Superiéure, Grignon, Paris, France , 01-JAN-06 - 01-JAN-06. [Details]
(2006)Natures constraints, interaction strengths and the functioning of food webs,
Emmerson, M.C; (2006) Natures constraints, interaction strengths and the functioning of food webs. [Poster Presentation], Natures constraints, interaction strengths and the functioning of food webs, International InterWEBS meeting, UCC, Ireland , 01-JAN-06 - 01-JAN-06. [Details]
(2006)Natures constraints: interaction strength and the functioning of food webs,
Emmerson, M.C; (2006) Natures constraints: interaction strength and the functioning of food webs. [Poster Presentation], Natures constraints: interaction strength and the functioning of food webs, Invited seminar, University of Rutgers, USA , 01-JAN-06 - 01-JAN-06. [Details]
(2006)The importance of intermediate predators for ecosystem functioning in a marine food web,
O¿Gorman, E. & Emmerson, M.C; (2006) The importance of intermediate predators for ecosystem functioning in a marine food web. [Poster Presentation], The importance of intermediate predators for ecosystem functioning in a marine food web, Environ 2006, UCD, Ireland. Poster , 01-JAN-06 - 01-JAN-06. [Details]
(2006)Biodiversity and ecosystem functioning in a forest floor food web,
McLaughlin, O. & Emmerson, M.C; (2006) Biodiversity and ecosystem functioning in a forest floor food web. [Poster Presentation], Biodiversity and ecosystem functioning in a forest floor food web, Environ 2006, UCD, Ireland , 01-JAN-06 - 01-JAN-06. [Details]
(2006)Natterjack toad habitat requirements in Ireland,
Becart, E. & Emmerson, M.C; (2006) Natterjack toad habitat requirements in Ireland. [Poster Presentation], Natterjack toad habitat requirements in Ireland, Environ 2006, UCD, Ireland , 01-JAN-06 - 01-JAN-06. [Details]
(2006)Population dynamics of the natterjack toad (Bufo calamita,
Aubry, A. & Emmerson, M.C. ; (2006) Population dynamics of the natterjack toad (Bufo calamita. [Poster Presentation], Population dynamics of the natterjack toad (Bufo calamita, Environ 2006, UCD, Ireland , 01-JAN-06 - 01-JAN-06. [Details]
(2005)Global change, stoichiometry and the stability of food webs,
Emmerson, M.C; (2005) Global change, stoichiometry and the stability of food webs. [Poster Presentation], Global change, stoichiometry and the stability of food webs, Internal Departmental Seminar, Department of Zoology, Ecology and Plant Sciences, UCC, Ireland , 01-JAN-05 - 01-JAN-05. [Details]
(2005)Natures constraints: body size, interaction strength and food web dynamics,
Emmerson, M.C; (2005) Natures constraints: body size, interaction strength and food web dynamics. [Poster Presentation], Natures constraints: body size, interaction strength and food web dynamics, Applied Mathematics, UCC , 01-JAN-05 - 01-JAN-05. [Details]
(2005)Natures constraints and the functioning of food webs,
Emmerson, M.C., Montoya, J.-M., Woodward, G., & Solé, R.; (2005) Natures constraints and the functioning of food webs. [Poster Presentation], Natures constraints and the functioning of food webs, Diversitas: OSC1 meeting, Oaxaco, Mexico , 01-JAN-05 - 01-JAN-05. [Details]
(2005)Modelling food web stability: body size, interaction strength and food web dynamics,
Emmerson, M.C.; (2005) Modelling food web stability: body size, interaction strength and food web dynamics. [Poster Presentation], Modelling food web stability: body size, interaction strength and food web dynamics, MARBEF EU NoE meeting, Portugal , 01-JAN-05 - 01-JAN-05. [Details]
(2003)When size matters: patterns of interaction strength and food web dynamics,
Emmerson, M.C; (2003) When size matters: patterns of interaction strength and food web dynamics. [Poster Presentation], When size matters: patterns of interaction strength and food web dynamics, Invited seminar, Centre for Population Biology, Silwood Park, Imperial College, UK , 01-JAN-03 - 01-JAN-03. [Details]


 CommitteeFunctionFrom / To
Science Faculty Standing Committee for Research and Postgraduate studies Committee member2005 / 1899
Steering Committee ESF Research Network InterACT Committee member and writer of grant application to fund research network2001 / 2004
Departmental Graduate Steering Committee Member of committee, organise departmental postgraduate seminars and end of first year assessments2003 / 1899
National Platform for Biodiversity Research Platform Member, also a member of a sub-working group within the platform that has defined a biodiversity research agenda with an estimated recurrent budget of 30 million per annum from 2006-2012.2003 / 1899
DIVERSITAS national committee National contact point for DIVERSITAS a global change programme (ICSU family) dedicated to biodiversity change. I have responsibility for establishing the national committee.2006 / 1899
Governing body board of the Irish Research Council for Science Engineering and Technology IRCSET Council Member2006 / 2009
Steering committee ESF research networking programme SIZEMIC. Member2007 / 2010
Environment Graduate Programme Member2006 / 2010


 EmployerPositionFrom / To
Zoology, Ecology and Plant Sciences, UCC College Lecturer01-JAN-03 / 01-AUG-10
University of York Postdoctoral Research Fellow (Full Time)01-JAN-01 / 01-JAN-03
University of Aberdeen Postdoctoral Research Assistant (Full Time)01-JAN-01 / 01-DEC-01
School of Biological Sciences, Queens University Belfast, UK Professor of Biodiversity01-JAN-11 /


2001University of Aberdeen Ph.D.Ph.D.
1997University of Aberdeen M.Sc.M.Sc. (with Distinction)
1995Queen Mary University of London B.Sc.B.Sc. (Hons) 2i


French FunctionalFunctionalFluent

Journal Activities

 JournalRoleTo / From
Journal Of Animal Ecology Editor01-JAN-05 - 01-JAN-07
Nature Referee01-JAN-06 -
Ecology Letters Referee01-JAN-03 -
Ecology Referee01-JAN-03 -
Journal Of Animal Ecology Referee01-JAN-03 - 01-AUG-10
Global Change Biology Referee01-JAN-03 -
Oikos Referee01-JAN-03 - 01-AUG-10
Proceedings Of The Royal Society Referee01-JAN-03 -
The American Naturalist Referee01-JAN-03 -
Journal Of Animal Ecology Referee01-JAN-06 -

Other Activities



I have examined twelve PhD theses and one M.Sc. thesis to date.

From 2005 to 2010 I was the thematic leader of the biodiversity component of the Biodiversity & Ecotoxicology thematic group at the Environmental Research Institute, UCC.

Teaching Activities

Teaching Interests


I contribute to teaching at all levels (undergraduate from 1st to 4th year, and postgraduate MSc and PhD supervision). My current undergraduate and postgraduate teaching includes: Environmental Biology, Marine Ecology, Marine Processes, Statistics for Research and Skills in Ecological Management.

Previously I have been module co-ordinator of the following modules: Computing for Biologists, Biodiversity and Conservation, Community Ecology, Ecological Methods and Populations and Communities.

I have also contributed lectures to the following courses: Biodiversity, Ecology and Environmental Biology, Practical Field Ecology, Coastal Ecology and Principles of Conservation.

From 2007 – 2009, I served as Programme Director for the International MSc in Ecosystem Conservation and Landscape Management. This was an international course with partners in The Netherlands (Utrecht, Wageningen & Nijmegen), Finland (Helsinki) and Ireland (Galway).


I have initiated and have been invited to contribute to a number of taught international postgraduate summer schools:

2006 Post Graduate Ecology Forum, Ireland.

2006 – ENS, Bioemco postgraduate summer school, Grignon, Paris.

2006 – SENSE postgraduate summer school, The Netherlands.

2008 – SENSE postgraduate summer school, The Netherlands.



Current Postgraduate Students

 StudentDegree Type
Palmer Catherine Bridget Doctoral Degree

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School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences

An Scoil Eolaíochtaí Bitheolaíocha, Domhaneolaíocha agus Comhshaoil

Distillery Fields, North Mall, University College Cork, Ireland , T23 N73K.
