Research Profile

Sandra Irwin


Sandra graduated with a PhD in marine biology from UCC in 1998. Since then she has worked as a post-doctoral researcher and project manager on a variety of national and EU funded projects in both Scotland and Ireland. Sandra has more than 70 publications in international peer-reviewed journals and has co-authored a number of book chapters. She completed a Project Management course with iPM (Integrated Project Management) in 2008. From 2007 until 2014 Sandra was the Programme Manager on the interdisciplinary PLANFORBIO forest biodiversity research programme at UCC, TCD and WIT, and also managed a number of other collaborative research projects at UCC. From 2014 until 2018 Sandra was the Project Manager in the Office of the Vice-President for Teaching & Learning, and subsequently worked in the Registrar's Office before joining the President's Office in 2020. 


Peer Reviewed Journals

(2023)'Current ornithological research in Ireland: the eighth Ornithological Research Conference, UCC, March 2023'
Quinn JL, Smiddy P, Kelly TC, Irwin S & O'Halloran J. (2023) 'Current ornithological research in Ireland: the eighth Ornithological Research Conference, UCC, March 2023'. Irish Birds, 45 :106-146 [Details]
(2021)'Bird and small mammal community composition and abundance in upland open habitats and early conifer forests'
McCarthy A.;Caravaggi A.;Fernández-Bellon D.;Irwin S.;Lusby J.;O’Halloran J. (2021) 'Bird and small mammal community composition and abundance in upland open habitats and early conifer forests'. European Journal of Wildlife Research, 67 (2) [DOI] [Details]
(2021)'Landscape and temporal influences on the winter diet of a threatened diurnal raptor, the Hen Harrier Circus cyaneus'
McCarthy, A;Smiddy, P;Nagle, T;Mee, A;Irwin, S;Caravaggi, A;O'Halloran, J (2021) 'Landscape and temporal influences on the winter diet of a threatened diurnal raptor, the Hen Harrier Circus cyaneus'. Bird Study, 68 :408-421 [DOI] [Details]
(2021)'Expert knowledge assessment of threats and conservation strategies for breeding Hen Harrier and Short-eared Owl across Europe'
Fernández-Bellon D.;Lusby J.;Bos J.;Schaub T.;McCarthy A.;Caravaggi A.;Irwin S.;O'Halloran J. (2021) 'Expert knowledge assessment of threats and conservation strategies for breeding Hen Harrier and Short-eared Owl across Europe'. Bird Conservation International, 31 (2):268-285 [DOI] [Details]
(2020)'Anthropogenic pressures within the breeding range of the Hen Harrier Circus cyaneus in Ireland'
Caravaggi, Anthony; Irwin, Sandra; Lusby, John; Ruddock, Marc; Mee, Allan; Nagle, Tony; O'Toole, Lorcán; O'Neill, Shane; O’Halloran, John (2020) 'Anthropogenic pressures within the breeding range of the Hen Harrier Circus cyaneus in Ireland'. Bird Study, 66 (4):461-470 [DOI] [Full Text] [Details]
(2020)'Forest management and Hen Harrier Circus cyaneus conservation in Ireland'
Caravaggi, A, Irwin, S, Lusby J, McCarthy A, Mee A, Nagle T & O'Halloran J. (2020) 'Forest management and Hen Harrier Circus cyaneus conservation in Ireland'. Irish Birds, 42 :1-12 [Details]
(2020)'Changes in forest cover result in a shift in bird community composition'
Corkery I.;Irwin S.;Quinn J.;Keating U.;Lusby J.;O'Halloran J. (2020) 'Changes in forest cover result in a shift in bird community composition'. Journal of Zoology, [DOI] [Details]
(2019)'Factors influencing Hen Harrier Circus cyaneus territory site selection and breeding success'
Caravaggi, Anthony; Irwin, Sandra; Lusby, John; Ruddock, Marc; O'Toole, Lorcán; Mee, Allan; Nagle, Tony; O'Neill, Shane; Tierney, David; McCarthy, Alan; O'Halloran, John (2019) 'Factors influencing Hen Harrier Circus cyaneus territory site selection and breeding success'. Bird Study, 66 (3):366-377   [DOI] [Full Text] [Details]
(2019)'Functional shifts in bird communities from semi-natural oak forests to conifer plantations are not consistent across Europe'
Pedley S.;Barbaro L.;Guilherme J.;Irwin S.;O’Halloran J.;Proença V.;Sullivan M. (2019) 'Functional shifts in bird communities from semi-natural oak forests to conifer plantations are not consistent across Europe'. Plos One, 14 (7) [DOI] [Details]
(2019)'Effects of development of wind energy and associated changes in land use on bird densities in upland areas'
Fernandez-Bellon, D;Wilson, MW;Irwin, S;O'Halloran, J (2019) 'Effects of development of wind energy and associated changes in land use on bird densities in upland areas'. Conservation biology : the journal of the Society for Conservation Biology, 33 :413-422 [DOI] [Details]
(2018)'Video evidence of siblicide and cannibalism, movement of nestlings by adults and interactions with predators in nesting Hen Harriers'
Fernández-Bellon, D; Wilson, MW; Irwin, S; Kelly, TC; O'Mahony, B; O'Halloran, J (2018) 'Video evidence of siblicide and cannibalism, movement of nestlings by adults and interactions with predators in nesting Hen Harriers'. The Journal Of Raptor Researchthe Journal Of Raptor Research, [Details]
(2018)'Video evidence of siblicide and cannibalism, movement of nestlings by adults, interactions with predators in nesting hen harriers'
Fernandez-Bellon, D;Wilson, MW;Irwin, S;Kelly, TC;O'Mahony, B;O'Halloran, J (2018) 'Video evidence of siblicide and cannibalism, movement of nestlings by adults, interactions with predators in nesting hen harriers'. Journal Of Raptor Research, 52 :393-399 [Details]
(2003)'Effects of diet transition regimen on survival, growth and lipid composition of intensively reared Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua, larvae'
Shields R.;Irwin S.;Smith P.;McEvoy L. (2003) 'Effects of diet transition regimen on survival, growth and lipid composition of intensively reared Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua, larvae'. Aquaculture International, 11 (1-2):119-130 [DOI] [Details]
(1999)'Adaptation and validation of a radioimmunoassay kit for measuring plasma cortisol in turbot'
Irwin S.;Kenny A.;O'Halloran J.;Fitzgerald R.;Duggan P. (1999) 'Adaptation and validation of a radioimmunoassay kit for measuring plasma cortisol in turbot'. Comparative Biochemistry And Physiology C-Pharmacology Toxicology &Amp; Endocrinology, 124 (1):27-31 [DOI] [Details]
(1997)'The wintering behaviour of coot Fulica atra L. at Cork Lough, south-west Ireland'
Irwin S.;O'Halloran J. (1997) 'The wintering behaviour of coot Fulica atra L. at Cork Lough, south-west Ireland'. Biology and Environment-Proceedings of The Royal Irish Academy, 97 (2):157-162 [Details]
(2017)'Activity patterns of breeding Hen Harriers Circus cyaneus assessed using nest cameras'
Fernández-Bellon, D; Wilson, MW; Irwin, S; Kelly, TC; O’Mahony, B; O’Halloran, J (2017) 'Activity patterns of breeding Hen Harriers Circus cyaneus assessed using nest cameras'. Bird Study, 64 (4):557-561 [Details]
(2017)'Breeding ecology and habitat selection of Merlin Falco columbarius in forested landscapes'
Lusby, J;Corkery, I;McGuiness, S;Fernandez-Bellon, D;Toal, L;Norriss, D;Breen, D;O'Donaill, A;Clarke, D;Irwin, S;Quinn, JL;O'Halloran, J (2017) 'Breeding ecology and habitat selection of Merlin Falco columbarius in forested landscapes'. Bird Study, 64 :445-454 [DOI] [Details]
(2017)'Current ornithological research in Ireland: seventh Ornithological Research Conference, UCC, November 2017'
O'Halloran, J; Kelly, TC; Quinn, JL; Irwin, S; Fernández-Bellon, D; Caravaggi, A; Smiddy, P (2017) 'Current ornithological research in Ireland: seventh Ornithological Research Conference, UCC, November 2017'. Irish Birds, 10 :598-638 [Details]
(2017)'The role of planted forests in the provision of habitat: an Irish perspective'
O'Callaghan, CJ;Irwin, S;Byrne, KA;O'Halloran, J (2017) 'The role of planted forests in the provision of habitat: an Irish perspective'. Biodiversity and Conservation, 26 :3103-3124 [DOI] [Details]
(2017)'Hen Harrier Circus cyaneus population trends in relation to wind farms'
Wilson, MW; Fernandez-Bellon, D; Irwin, S; O'Halloran, J (2017) 'Hen Harrier Circus cyaneus population trends in relation to wind farms'. Bird Study, 64 :20-29 [Details]
(2017)'The effects of fieldwork on Hen Harrier Circus cyaneus breeding success'
Wilson, MW; Irwin, S; O'Mahony, B; Kelly, TC; O'Halloran, J (2017) 'The effects of fieldwork on Hen Harrier Circus cyaneus breeding success'. Irish Birds, 10 :457-462 [Details]
(2016)'A review of the range and value of ecosystem services from Irish forests'
Bullock, CH; O’Callaghan, C; Dhubháin, ÁN; Iwata, Y; O’Donoghue, C; Ryan, M; Upton, V; Byrne, KA; Irwin, S; O’Hall (2016) 'A review of the range and value of ecosystem services from Irish forests'. Irish Forestry, 73 [Details]
(2016)'Can ground-based assessments of forest biodiversity reflect the biological condition of canopy assemblages?'
Pedley, SM; Oxbrough, A; Martin, RD; Irwin, S; Kelly, TC; O'Halloran, J (2016) 'Can ground-based assessments of forest biodiversity reflect the biological condition of canopy assemblages?'. Forest Ecology & Management, 359 :190-198 [Details]
(2015)'Reproductive output of Hen Harriers Circus cyaneus in relation to wind turbine proximity'
Fernández-Bellon D; Irwin S; Wilson MW; O'Halloran J (2015) 'Reproductive output of Hen Harriers Circus cyaneus in relation to wind turbine proximity'. Irish Birds, 10 :143-150 [Details]
(2015)'Implications of afforestation for bird communities: the importance of preceding land-use type'
Graham, C. T., Wilson, M.W., Gittings, T., Kelly, T.C., Irwin, S., Quinn, J.L. & O'Halloran, J (2015) 'Implications of afforestation for bird communities: the importance of preceding land-use type'. Biodiversity and Conservation, (13) [DOI] [Details]
(2014)'Effects of forest litter depth on seed germination efficacy of Rhododendron ponticum'
Daly, E; McCarthy, N; O'Halloran, J; Irwin, S (2014) 'Effects of forest litter depth on seed germination efficacy of Rhododendron ponticum'. Irish Forestry, 71 :50-62 [Details]
(2014)'Ground-dwelling spider diversity in rare European oak and yew woodlands and the impact of grazing'
Fuller, L;Newman, M;Irwin, S;Kelly, T;O'Halloran, J (2014) 'Ground-dwelling spider diversity in rare European oak and yew woodlands and the impact of grazing'. Biodiversity and Conservation, 23 :1911-1929 [DOI] [Details]
(2014)'Factors affecting the bird diversity of planted and semi-natural oak forests in Ireland'
Graham, CT,Wilson, MW,Gittings, T,Kelly, TC,Irwin, S,Sweeney, OFM,O'Halloran, J (2014) 'Factors affecting the bird diversity of planted and semi-natural oak forests in Ireland'. Bird Study, 61 :309-320 [DOI] [Details]
(2014)'The value of plantation forests for plant, invertebrate and bird diversity and the potential for cross-taxon surrogacy'
Irwin, S;Pedley, SM;Coote, L;Dietzsch, AC;Wilson, MW;Oxbrough, A;Sweeney, O;Moore, KM;Martin, R;Kelly, DL;Mitchell, FJG;Kelly, TC;O'Halloran, J (2014) 'The value of plantation forests for plant, invertebrate and bird diversity and the potential for cross-taxon surrogacy'. Biodiversity and Conservation, 23 :697-714 [DOI] [Details]
(2014)'Mechanisms and predictors of ecological change in managed forests: A selection of papers from the second international conference on biodiversity in forest ecosystems and landscapes'
Oxbrough A; Irwin S; Wilson M; O’Halloran J (2014) 'Mechanisms and predictors of ecological change in managed forests: A selection of papers from the second international conference on biodiversity in forest ecosystems and landscapes'. Forest Ecology and Management, 32 :1-4 [Details]
(2014)'Commercial spruce plantations support a limited canopy fauna: Evidence from a multi taxa comparison of native and plantation forests'
Pedley SM; Martin RD; Oxbrough A; Irwin S; Kelly TC; O’Halloran J (2014) 'Commercial spruce plantations support a limited canopy fauna: Evidence from a multi taxa comparison of native and plantation forests'. Forest Ecology and Management, 314 :172-182 [Details]
(2013)'Testing indicators of biodiversity for plantation forests'
Coote, L,Dietzsch, AC,Wilson, MW,Graham, CT,Fuller, L,Walsh, AT,Irwin, S,Kelly, DL,Mitchell, FJG,Kelly, TC,O'Halloran, J (2013) 'Testing indicators of biodiversity for plantation forests'. Ecological Indicators, 32 :107-115 [DOI] [Details]
(2014)'The response of ground-dwelling spiders (Araneae) and hoverflies (Diptera: Syrphidae) to afforestation assessed using within-site tracking'
Fuller, L;Oxbrough, A;Gittings, T;Irwin, S;Kelly, TC;O'Halloran, J (2014) 'The response of ground-dwelling spiders (Araneae) and hoverflies (Diptera: Syrphidae) to afforestation assessed using within-site tracking'. Forestry, 87 :301-312 [DOI] [Details]
(2013)'The importance of young plantation forest habitat and forest road-verges for ground-dwelling spider diversity'
Fuller, L;Irwin, S;Kelly, T;O'Halloran, J;Oxbrough, A (2013) 'The importance of young plantation forest habitat and forest road-verges for ground-dwelling spider diversity'. Biology and Environment-Proceedings of The Royal Irish Academy, 113B :259-271 [DOI] [Details]
(2013)'Tracking the impact of afforestation on bird communities'
Graham, C.T., Irwin, S., Wilson, M.W., Gittings, T., Kelly, T.C. & O'Halloran, J. (2013) 'Tracking the impact of afforestation on bird communities'. Irish Forestry, 70 :172-183 [Details]
(2013)'Do irish forests provide habitat for species of conservation concern?'
Irwin, S;Kelly, DL;Kelly, TC;Mitchell, FJG;Coote, L;Oxbrough, A;Wilson, MW;Martin, RD;Moore, K;Sweeney, O;Dietzsch, AC;O'Halloran, J (2013) 'Do irish forests provide habitat for species of conservation concern?'. Biology and Environment-Proceedings of The Royal Irish Academy, 113B :273-279 [DOI] [Details]
(2013)'Deer in Irish commercial forests'
Murphy, V; Carden, RF; Harrison, S; O'Halloran, J; Irwin, S; Butler, F (2013) 'Deer in Irish commercial forests'. Irish Forestry, 70 (1&2):91-103 [Details]
(2013)'Current ornithological research in Ireland: 6th Ornithological Research Conference, UCC, November 2013'
O'Halloran, J., Irwin, S., Kelly, T.C., Quinn, J., Wilson, M.W. & Smiddy, P (2013) 'Current ornithological research in Ireland: 6th Ornithological Research Conference, UCC, November 2013'. Irish Birds, 9 :641-687-687 [Details]
(2012)'Bird communities of forest roads: preliminary findings of a long term study'
Graham, C.T., Wilson, M.W., Irwin, S., Gittings, T.C., Kelly, T.C. and O'Halloran, J. (2012) 'Bird communities of forest roads: preliminary findings of a long term study'. Irish Birds, 9 :367-374 [Details]
(2012)'How can forest management benefit bird communities? Evidence from eight years of research in Ireland'
O'Connell S, Irwin S, Wilson MW, Sweeney O, Kelly TC, O'Halloran J. (2012) 'How can forest management benefit bird communities? Evidence from eight years of research in Ireland'. Irish Forestry, 69 :44-57 [Details]
(2012)'Can mixed species stands enhance arthropod diversity in plantation forests?'
Oxbrough, A;French, V;Irwin, S;Kelly, TC;Smiddy, P;O'Halloran, J (2012) 'Can mixed species stands enhance arthropod diversity in plantation forests?'. Forest Ecology and Management, 270 :11-18 [DOI] [Details]
(2012)'Bird diversity of afforestation habitats in Ireland: current trends and likely impacts'
Wilson, MW, Gittings, T, Pithon, J, Kelly, TC, Irwin, S, O'Halloran, J (2012) 'Bird diversity of afforestation habitats in Ireland: current trends and likely impacts'. Biology and Environment-Proceedings of The Royal Irish Academy, 112B :55-68 [DOI] [Details]
(2012)'Mismatches between breeding success and habitat preferences in Hen Harriers Circus cyaneus breeding in forested landscapes'
Wilson, MW;O'Donoghue, B;O'Mahony, B;Cullen, C;O'Donoghue, T;Oliver, G;Ryan, B;Troake, P;Irwin, S;Kelly, TC;Rotella, JJ;O'Halloran, J (2012) 'Mismatches between breeding success and habitat preferences in Hen Harriers Circus cyaneus breeding in forested landscapes'. IBIS, 154 :578-589 [DOI] [Details]
(2011)'The breeding biology of Hen Harriers in Ireland over a five year period'
Irwin, S; Wilson, M W; Kelly, T C; O'Mahony, B; Oliver, G; Troake, P; Ryan, B; Cullen, C; O¿Donoghue, B; O'Halloran, J (2011) 'The breeding biology of Hen Harriers in Ireland over a five year period'. Irish Birds, 9 :165-172 [Details]
(2011)'Breeding birds of native woodlands and plantations forests in Ireland'
Sweeney, O.F.McD; Wilson, M.W; Irwin, S; Kelly, T.C; Gittings, T. and O'Halloran, J (2011) 'Breeding birds of native woodlands and plantations forests in Ireland'. Irish Birds, [Details]
(2010)'The influence of a native tree species mix component on bird communities in non-native coniferous plantations in Ireland'
Sweeney, OFMCD;Wilson, MW;Irwin, S;Kelly, TC;O'Halloran, J (2010) 'The influence of a native tree species mix component on bird communities in non-native coniferous plantations in Ireland'. Bird Study, 57 :483-494 [Details]
(2010)'Data Mining for Biodiversity Prediction in Forests. In ECAI 2010 - 19th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Lisbon, Portugal, August 16-20, 2010, Proceedings'
O'Sullivan, B; Keady, S; Keane, E; Irwin, S; O'Halloran, J (2010) 'Data Mining for Biodiversity Prediction in Forests. In ECAI 2010 - 19th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Lisbon, Portugal, August 16-20, 2010, Proceedings'. Ecaiecai, :289-294 [Details]
(2010)'Ground-dwelling invertebrates in reforested conifer plantations'
Oxbrough, A; Irwin, S; Kelly, T.C; O'Halloran, J.; (2010) 'Ground-dwelling invertebrates in reforested conifer plantations'. Forest Ecology and Management, 259 :2111-2121 [DOI] [Details]
(2010)'Oxygen microenvironment of coralline algal tufts and their associated epiphytic animals'
Irwin, S;Davenport, J (2010) 'Oxygen microenvironment of coralline algal tufts and their associated epiphytic animals'. Biology and Environment-Proceedings of The Royal Irish Academy, 110B :185-193 [DOI] [Details]
(2010)'A lack of large-diameter logs and snags characterises dead wood patterns in Irish forests'
Sweeney, OFM;Martin, RD;Irwin, S;Kelly, TC;O'Halloran, J;Wilson, MW;McEvoy, PM (2010) 'A lack of large-diameter logs and snags characterises dead wood patterns in Irish forests'. Forest Ecology and Management, 259 :2056-2064 [DOI] [Details]
(2010)'Are bird density, species richness and community structure similar between native woodlands and non-native plantations in an area with a generalist bird fauna?'
Sweeney, OFM;Wilson, MW;Irwin, S;Kelly, TC;O'Halloran, J (2010) 'Are bird density, species richness and community structure similar between native woodlands and non-native plantations in an area with a generalist bird fauna?'. Biodiversity and Conservation, 19 :2329-2342 [DOI] [Details]
(2010)'Breeding bird communities of second-rotation plantations at different stages of the forest cycle'
Sweeney, OFM;Wilson, MW;Irwin, S;Kelly, TC;O'Halloran, J (2010) 'Breeding bird communities of second-rotation plantations at different stages of the forest cycle'. Bird Study, 57 :301-314 [DOI] [Details]
(2010)'The use of forested landscapes by Hen Harriers in Ireland. COFORD Connects, Environment No. 10'
Wilson, MW; Irwin, S; O'Donoghue, B; Kelly, TC; O’Halloran, J (2010) 'The use of forested landscapes by Hen Harriers in Ireland. COFORD Connects, Environment No. 10'. Coford, [Details]
(2009)'The importance of pre-thicket conifer plantations for nesting Hen Harriers Circus cyaneus in Ireland'
Wilson, M.W.a , Irwin, S.a , Norriss, D.W.b , Newton, S.F.c , Collins, K.d , Kelly, T.C.a , O'Halloran, J.a e (2009) 'The importance of pre-thicket conifer plantations for nesting Hen Harriers Circus cyaneus in Ireland'. Ibis, 151 (2):332-343   [Details]
(2008)'Aspects of the breeding biology of Hen Harriers Circus cyaneus in Ireland'
Irwin, S., Wilson, M.W., Kelly, T.C., O'Donoghue, B., O'Mahony, B., Oliver, G., Cullen, C., O'Donoghue, T. & O'Halloran, J. ; (2008) 'Aspects of the breeding biology of Hen Harriers Circus cyaneus in Ireland'. Irish Birds, 8 :331-334 [Details]
(2008)'Current Ornithological Research in Ireland: 5th Ornithological Research Conference'
O¿Halloran, J, Kelly, T. C, Irwin, S and S. Newton ; (2008) 'Current Ornithological Research in Ireland: 5th Ornithological Research Conference'. Irish Birds, [Details]
(2008)'The breeding bird community of Balrath Wood 2007'
Roycroft, D., Irwin, S., Wilson, M., Kelly, T. & O'Halloran, J.; (2008) 'The breeding bird community of Balrath Wood 2007'. Irish Forestry, 65 :60-70 [Details]
(2007)'Measurement of temperature and salinity effects on oxygen consumption of Artemia franciscana K., measured using fibre-optic oxygen microsensors'
Irwin, S;Wall, V;Davenport, J (2007) 'Measurement of temperature and salinity effects on oxygen consumption of Artemia franciscana K., measured using fibre-optic oxygen microsensors'. Hydrobiologia, 575 :109-115 [DOI] [Details]
(2006)'Implications of water flow and oxygen gradients for molluscan oxygen uptake and respirometric measurements'
Irwin, S;Davenport, J (2006) 'Implications of water flow and oxygen gradients for molluscan oxygen uptake and respirometric measurements'. Journal of The Marine Biological Association of The United Kingdom, 86 :401-402 [Details]
(2003)'Hypoxic life of intertidal acorn barnacles'
Davenport, J;Irwin, S (2003) 'Hypoxic life of intertidal acorn barnacles'. Journal of Marine Biology, 143 :555-563 [DOI] [Details]
(2003)'Mercury and organochlorine content of Dipper Cinclus cinclus eggs in south-west Ireland: Trends during 1990-1999'
O'Halloran, J.a , Irwin, S.a , Harrison, S.a , Smiddy, P.b , O'Mahony, B.c (2003) 'Mercury and organochlorine content of Dipper Cinclus cinclus eggs in south-west Ireland: Trends during 1990-1999'. Environmental Pollution, 123 (1):85-93   [Details]
(2003)'Effects of diet transition regimen on survival, growth and lipid composition of intensively reared Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua, larvae'
Shields R.J., Irwin, S., Smith, P. L. & McEvoy, L.A.; (2003) 'Effects of diet transition regimen on survival, growth and lipid composition of intensively reared Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua, larvae'. Aquaculture International, 11 :119-130 [Details]
(2002)'Iron status of adult dogfish (Scyliorhinus canicula) tissues and sources of iron during embryonic development'
Irwin, S;Davenport, J (2002) 'Iron status of adult dogfish (Scyliorhinus canicula) tissues and sources of iron during embryonic development'. Journal of The Marine Biological Association of The United Kingdom, 82 :881-885 [Details]
(2002)'Hyperoxic boundary layers inhabited by the epiphytic meiofauna of Fucus serratus'
Irwin, S;Davenport, J (2002) 'Hyperoxic boundary layers inhabited by the epiphytic meiofauna of Fucus serratus'. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 244 :73-79 [Details]
(2002)'Mouth morphology and behavioural responses of cultured turbot towards food pellets of different sizes and moisture content'
Irwin, S., O'Halloran, J., FitzGerald, R.D. (2002) 'Mouth morphology and behavioural responses of cultured turbot towards food pellets of different sizes and moisture content'. Aquaculture, 205 (1-2):77-88   [Details]
(2002)'The relationship between individual consumption and growth rates of in juvenile turbot (Scopthalmus maximus)'
Irwin, S., O¿Halloran*, J. and Fitzgerald, R. D; (2002) 'The relationship between individual consumption and growth rates of in juvenile turbot (Scopthalmus maximus)'. Aquaculture, 204 :65-74 [Details]
(1999)'Stocking density, growth and growth variation in juvenile turbot, Scophthalmus maximus (Rafinesque)'
Irwin, S.a b , O'Halloran, J.b , Fitzgerald, R.D.a b b (1999) 'Stocking density, growth and growth variation in juvenile turbot, Scophthalmus maximus (Rafinesque)'. Aquaculture, 178 (1-2):77-88   [Details]
(1999)'Adaptation and validation of a radioimmunoassay kit for measuring plasma cortisol in turbot'
Irwin, S., Kenny, A.P., O¿Halloran, J., Fitzgerald, R.F. and Duggan, P.F.; (1999) 'Adaptation and validation of a radioimmunoassay kit for measuring plasma cortisol in turbot'. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, B: Comparative, 124 :27-31 [Details]
(1997)'The wintering behaviour of coot Fulica atra L. at Cork Lough, south-west Ireland'
Irwin, S;O'Halloran, J (1997) 'The wintering behaviour of coot Fulica atra L. at Cork Lough, south-west Ireland'. Biology and Environment-Proceedings of The Royal Irish Academy, 97B :157-162 [Details]
(1995)'Movements of Mute Swans in south-west Ireland'
O'Halloran, J., Smiddy, P., Irwin, S.; (1995) 'Movements of Mute Swans in south-west Ireland'. Irish Birds, 5 :295-298 [Details]

Book Chapters

(2012)'Bird habitats in Ireland'
Sweeney, O, Kelly, T.C., Irwin, S., Wilson, M. & O'Halloran, J. (2012) 'Bird habitats in Ireland' In: Richard Nairn, John O'Halloran (eds). Woodlands, Forest and Scrub. Cork: The Collins Press. [Details]
(2002)'Production II: From egg to market size: onrearing in freshwater and marine environments'
FitzGerald, R., Stefansson., S.O., Garforth, D. & Irwin, S.; (2002) 'Production II: From egg to market size: onrearing in freshwater and marine environments' In: Handbook of Salmon Farming. UK: Praxis publishing. [Details]
(1995)'Research on farmed turbot (Scophthalmus maximus) in Ireland'
FitzGerald, R.D., Flannigan, M., Brennan, C., Haraldsson, H., Clarke, J., Coughlan, J., Irwin, S., Roby, F., Ní Chara, U. & Cross, T.F.; (1995) 'Research on farmed turbot (Scophthalmus maximus) in Ireland' In: Irish Marine Science. Ireland: Galway University Press. [Details]

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School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences

An Scoil Eolaíochtaí Bitheolaíocha, Domhaneolaíocha agus Comhshaoil

Distillery Fields, North Mall, University College Cork, Ireland , T23 N73K.
