Research Profile


1979-1986 studies in German and comparative literature, philosophy, pedagogy, social sciences and art history in Würzburg, Vienna and Münster/Westfalen. 

1984-1986 research assistant at the Chair of Prof. Dr. Dr. hc. Eckhard Heftrich, Germanistisches Institut, Westfälische-Wilhelms-Universität Münster. Collaborating in projects on Robert Musil, the Shakespeare reception in German literature and philosophy, Nietzsche.

1986 Universität Münster: graduation (State Exam/MA). 

1986-1991 research assistant and part time lecturer at the Institut für deutsche Philologie (Ältere Abteilung), Bayerische Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg: German literary mysticism of the Middle Ages (Prof. Dr. Horst Brunner). Doctoral studies and research: (anti-)classicism (Goethezeit), (post-)modernism, critical theory; phenomenology of art, ekphrasis; Hölderlin (Prof. Dr. Helmut Pfotenhauer). 

1991-1994 Visiting Lecturer, 1994-1995 Assistant Professor at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Seoul, Korea (funded by the DAAD). Research on (anti-)classicism, idealism, inter-cultural and aesthetic communication. Teaching German language; history of German literature from the 18th to the 20th century: poetry, short prose; methodology of teaching foreign languages; Co-presenter in foreign language programmes of the Korean Education Channel (EBS, radio and television). 

1995 PhD-graduation (Universität Würzburg). 

1995-1999 Hochschulassistent (Assistant Professor) at the Seminar für deutsche Literatur und Sprache, Universität Hannover. Research and teaching: anthropology and aesthetics of the tragic, performance theory, Goethezeit, Lessing. Academic management: Executive Board of the Faculty of Linguistic and Literary Studies; Advisory Board at the Media Centre of the Protestant Church of Lower Saxony. 

Since 1999 Lectureship in German at UCC. Member of the Faculty of Arts and the Faculty of Law; Co-ordinator of the MA in Comparative and World Literature. 2011 Acting Head of Department. Teaching: German and comparative literature, political culture of Germany, critical theory and aesthetics. Research: literary anthropology, literary theory, media and art, Holocaust representations. 

2010 Habilitation (Universität Rostock). Member of the Philosophische Fakultät, University of Rostock; venia legendi in Modern German Literature. 

2010 Visiting Scholar at the University of Pennsylvania (UPenn) and the University of Washington (UW). 

2012 DAAD Research Fellow at the Canadian Center of German and European Studies, University of Montreal. 

2014 Visiting Scholar at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Seoul.

1979-1986 studies in German and comparative literature, philosophy, pedagogy, social sciences and art history in Würzburg, Vienna and Münster/Westfalen. 

1984-1986 research assistant at the Chair of Prof. Dr. Dr. hc. Eckhard Heftrich, Germanistisches Institut, Westfälische-Wilhelms-Universität Münster. Collaborating in projects on Robert Musil, the Shakespeare reception in German literature and philosophy, Nietzsche.

1986 Universität Münster: graduation (State Exam/MA). 

1986-1991 research assistant and part time lecturer at the Institut für deutsche Philologie (Ältere Abteilung), Bayerische Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg: German literary mysticism of the Middle Ages (Prof. Dr. Horst Brunner). Doctoral studies and research: (anti-)classicism (Goethezeit), (post-)modernism, critical theory; phenomenology of art, ekphrasis; Hölderlin (Prof. Dr. Helmut Pfotenhauer). 

1991-1994 Visiting Lecturer, 1994-1995 Assistant Professor at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Seoul, Korea (funded by the DAAD). Research on (anti-)classicism, idealism, inter-cultural and aesthetic communication. Teaching German language; history of German literature from the 18th to the 20th century: poetry, short prose; methodology of teaching foreign languages; Co-presenter in foreign language programmes of the Korean Education Channel (EBS, radio and television). 

1995 PhD-graduation (Universität Würzburg). 

1995-1999 Hochschulassistent (Assistant Professor) at the Seminar für deutsche Literatur und Sprache, Universität Hannover. Research and teaching: anthropology and aesthetics of the tragic, performance theory, Goethezeit, Lessing. Academic management: Executive Board of the Faculty of Linguistic and Literary Studies; Advisory Board at the Media Centre of the Protestant Church of Lower Saxony. 

Since 1999 Lectureship in German at UCC. Member of the Faculty of Arts and the Faculty of Law; Co-ordinator of the MA in Comparative and World Literature. 2011 Acting Head of Department. Teaching: German and comparative literature, political culture of Germany, critical theory and aesthetics. Research: literary anthropology, literary theory, media and art, Holocaust representations. 

2010 Habilitation (Universität Rostock). Member of the Philosophische Fakultät, University of Rostock; venia legendi in Modern German Literature. 

2010 Visiting Scholar at the University of Pennsylvania (UPenn) and the University of Washington (UW). 

2012 DAAD Research Fellow at the Canadian Center of German and European Studies, University of Montreal. 

2014 Visiting Scholar at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Seoul.

Research Interests

The overarching trajectory of our research is the discourse on the Ästhetik der Ohnmacht, the Poetik des Leibes and the construction/discussion of "syncopic subjectivity" as a post-deconstructive approach to literary and cultural aesthetics, which is focused on the fundamentals of the human condition.

a) Dionysian Poetology: Hölderlin

Focussing on Hölderlin’s writings the study investigates the philosophical and literary renaissance of the Dionysos-mythology around the year 1800. Transcending the boundaries of classicist aesthetics and idealist philosophy Hölderlin, alongside with other authors such as Heinse, develops his own Dionysian poetology, which has an impact on (post-)modernist literary discourses up until today. Main book publication:
Dionysos Archemythos. Hölderlins transzendentale Poiesis, Tübingen Basel: Francke 1996.
(Review: Eckard Wolz in: Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 50/4 (1997), 352-355)

b) Studien zu einer Ästhetik der Ohnmacht / Studies in the Aesthetics of Non-Power

This project is composed of a series of literary and philosophical case studies which examine cultural representations of the conditio humana through artistic (literary, performative) practice. They attempt to analyse the problematic interplay of traumatic experience and poetic initiative through a theory of syncopal or recessive subjectivity which overcomes the poststructuralist and de-constructivist notion of a disintegrating human subject. Main book publication:
Schweigende Tropen. Studien zu einer Ästhetik der Ohnmacht, Tübingen Basel: Francke 2003 (vol. 1 of the series Edition Kairos. Cultural Science and Aesthetics).
(Reviews: Sabine Wilke in: The German Quarterly 77/4 (2004), 515-516; Gisela Dischner in: Aufgang. Jahrbuch für Denken, Dichten, Musik 3 (2006), 411-414.)

c) Figures of Law. Studies in the Interference of Law and Literature

International conference (UCC 2005) and anthology with essay contributions of Law and Arts scholars from USA, Ireland and Germany. The project investigates the representation of fundamental questions of Law in literary and other media approaches and explores the genuinely literary and aesthetic qualities of Law. “The main objective of this book is to search for such figures of law in literature and media representation, which represent human weakness and futility on one hand, but mirror on the other hand certain aesthetic and rhetoric qualities of the law phenomenon; these figures of law often appear to have fallen outside the Law’s conventional reach, while at the same time in a defiant way appealing to it. The “law of the Law” (Derrida), it seems, has an essentially poetic quality. Figures of Law seeks to open the literary discourse on the human condition of law. It investigates literary ways to mirror and articulate the question of law split between sovereign power and human futility, between violence, force, and trauma.” Main publication:
Figures of Law. Studies in the Interference of Law and Literature, ed. Gert Hofmann, Tübingen Basel: Francke 2007 (vol. 3 of Edition Kairos).

d) Poetics after the Holocaust. Crisis and Creativity

International Conference at the Queen’s University Belfast, organised in co-operation with Marko Pajevic, QUB, in June 2008. Book publication with Camden House Publishers in 2011:
Crisis, as a period of crucial transition, also opens the field of established perceptions for motions of change and creativity. Adorno’s famous dictum that to write poetry after Auschwitz would be barbaric, as much as it has haunted poetical discourse, has also given rise to a variety of endeavours seeking to transform its seeming sense of negativism into artistic and literary acts of resistance. Entirely new beginnings seemed necessary to those who considered the humanist tradition to have lost all credibility, yet nevertheless wanted to address the growing sense of artistic innocence lost. Such challenges have ranged from Adorno’s own dialectical theory of literary commitment and aesthetic avant-garde to more recent propositions describing certain kinds of literature as acts of testimony (Levinas et al.) and processes of survival (Agamben).
Embedded in the theoretical discourse triggered by Adorno and others focal points are the oeuvres of Paul Celan, Gottfried Benn and Ingeborg Bachmann, their frictions and mutual contradictions with regards to the meaning of poetical traditions. A second historical stage of the post-war literary discourse is marked by the writings of Heiner Műller, emphasising the significance of figures of discontinuity. Further German authors who are being discussed are Nelly Sachs, Charlotte Beradt, Rose Ausländer, Rolf Dieter Brinkmann, Thomas Kling, and Uwe Timm. The final section of the volume is committed to comparative explorations, dealing with European authors of particular importance such as Jean Paul Sartre, André Malraux, and Danilo Kiš.
Among the contributors are Rüdiger Görner (London), Gisela Dischner (Hannover), Chris Bezzel (Hannover), and Hans-Walter Schmidt-Hannisa (National University of Ireland, Galway)
German and European Poetics after the Holocaust. Crisis and Creativity
, co-ed., Rochester, NY: Camden House 2011.

e) Literature and Cultural Anthropology

In the wider context of Literature and Anthropology, based on a seminar at the ACLA (American Comparative Literature Association) Conference in Long Beach, CA, 2008, I have edited, in co-operation with Snježana Zorić (University of Zadar, Head of Cultural Anthropology), a volume on Topodynamics of Arrival. Essays on Self and Pilgrimage. The book has been published with Rodopi, Amsterdam and New York. Description of content:
“Travelling is the art of motion, motion results in moments of human encountering, and such moments manifest themselves in unsettling linguistic repercussions and crises of meaning. Places of arrival also function as inscriptions of such meaningful repercussions, inscriptions of the past crossing the present, of the other crossing the self. The articles in this book explore places, rituals, texts and scriptures as religious or secular inscriptions – “topographies” – of such “arrivals.”
Each arrival happens, and its very place manifests itself only as momentous component of the process itself. Arrival is an event of conclusion as well as of up-rise and urgency for subsequent explorations of challenging new meanings to be read from the topography of the place, which mirrors thus a signifying dynamic for the metamorphosis of the traveler’s self: “topodynamic” of arrival.”

Topodynamics of Arrival. Essays on Self and Pilgrimage, co-ed., Amsterdam New York: Rodopi 2012.

Current projects and projects planned for the near future are:

f) Poetics/Cultural Aesthetics of the Body.

In the latter half of the 20th century, a range of new literary approaches develops: approaches to the deconstruction of the Subject, the death of the Author, the end of Literature. This “complex” – in both senses of the word – is not restricted to literature and its theory but rather indicative of a far broader cultural and social problem, one affecting mentalities and their histories. The “Poetics/Cultural Aesthetics of the Body” is a theoretical approach to working through this complex in contemporary literary and cultural criticism, laying ground for the discourse on a cross-disciplinary - literary, visual, performative - Cultural Aesthetics of the Body.
A debate about new definitions and delimitations of the subject, alternative concepts of authorship and an extended theory of literature and art that called into question earlier certainties and traditions has been set in train. The boundaries of the person are redrawn; fundamental aspects of its conditio humana become visible, aspects which had hitherto been concealed beneath reflection – either because no language had as yet been found for them or because they had simply not become visible in the conflict of discourses.
The central question: “What aesthetic configuration of human subjectivity is possible in the space between annihilation and self-assertion?” requires a ‘cultural aesthetics of the body’ that has not yet been written. In response, we will examine the phenomenon of corporeality, defining it (within aesthetic parameters) as a ‘recessive’ form of subjectivity – that is, one that is still asserted in the process of its contestation; a form of subjectivity that critiques, relativises and supplements observations upon the disappearance of the subject.

g) Post-deconstructivist and Buddhist Aesthetics. The Formation of Inter-cultural Aesthetics

This project is originally connected with a Research Fellowship which I was awarded by the Japan Foundation for 2006 (I had to decline it, however, due to prior UCC obligations). I had been invited to the Postgraduate Institute of Osaka University by the Japanese philosopher Ryosuke Ohashi (Japan’s leading authority in the field of aesthetics). The aim is to explore the ‘aesthetics of non-power’ and the concept of syncopic subjectivity in the context of Japanese Zen-Buddhist traditions of aesthetic awareness and philosophical thought, especially the School of Kyoto and their concept of dis-symmetry – also to establish principles of an inter-cultural aesthetics discourse and re-ignite the debate about inter-cultural philosophy.

h) Apriorität des Individuellen. Hölderlins Antiidealismus
I have conceived this project as parallel and complementary to my study on the Poetik des Leibes, acknowledging Hölderlin’s unique position against the grain of his contemporary idealist, classicist and romanticist, discourse on aesthetics. I analyse the very late corporeal turn in his poetological thought. The book is entitled Apriorität des Individuellen. Hölderlins Antiidealismus. It will expand, and complete, my previous study on Hölderlin’s Dionysian poetology.

i) Aesthetics and Ethics in the Age of Digitally Networked Societies and Cultures

The project investigates the ethically and aesthetically formative principles of virtual realities in digitally networked societies. Based on an analysis of the critical rapport between social, fictional and virtual spheres of communication, the influence of digital media on the public discourse of aesthetic, ethical, and political norms will be explored.

Research Grants

Start DateEnd DateAward
The Aesthetics of Non-PowerMiscellaneous Non Exchequer01-MAY-0730-APR-10€10,750.00



(2015)Poetik des Leibes.
Hofmann, Gert (2015) Poetik des Leibes. Bielefeld: Transcript. [Details]
(2010)Lektüren zu einer Ästhetik der Ohnmacht.
Hofmann, Gert (2010) Lektüren zu einer Ästhetik der Ohnmacht. Rostock: Universität Rostock, Philosophische Fakultät, Habilitationsschrift. [Details]
(2003)Schweigende Tropen. Studien zu einer Ästhetik der Ohnmacht.
Hofmann, Gert (2003) Schweigende Tropen. Studien zu einer Ästhetik der Ohnmacht. Tübingen, Basel: A. Francke Verlag. [Details]
(1996)Dionysos Archemythos. Hölderlins transzendentale Poiesis.
Hofmann, Gert (1996) Dionysos Archemythos. Hölderlins transzendentale Poiesis. Tübingen, Basel: A. Francke Verlag.   [Details]

Edited Books

(2014)Presence of the Body: Awareness In and Beyond Experience
Hofmann, Gert and Zoric, Snjezana (Ed.). (2014) Presence of the Body: Awareness In and Beyond Experience Presence of the Body: Awareness In and Beyond Experience. Amsterdam and New York: Rodopi. [Details]
(2012)Topodynamics of Arrival. Essays on Self and Pilgrimage
Hofmann, Gert and Zorić, Snježana (Ed.). (2012) Topodynamics of Arrival. Essays on Self and Pilgrimage Topodynamics of Arrival. Essays on Self and Pilgrimage. Amsterdam and New York: Rodopi. [Details]
(2011)German and European Poetics after the Holocaust: Crisis and Creativity
Gert Hofmann, Rachel MagShamhráin, Marko Pajevic, Michael Shields (Ed.). (2011) German and European Poetics after the Holocaust: Crisis and Creativity German and European Poetics after the Holocaust: Crisis and Creativity. Rochester NY: Camden House. [Details]
(2008)Henry Staten, Eros in Trauer. Von Homer zu Lacan (ext. German translation from English original)
Hofmann, Gert (Ed.). (2008) Henry Staten, Eros in Trauer. Von Homer zu Lacan (ext. German translation from English original) Henry Staten, Eros in Trauer. Von Homer zu Lacan (ext. German translation from English original). Tübingen, Basel: Francke Verlag. [Details]
(2007)Figures of Law. Studies in the Interference of Law and Literature
Hofmann, Gert (Ed.). (2007) Figures of Law. Studies in the Interference of Law and Literature Figures of Law. Studies in the Interference of Law and Literature. Tübingen, Basel: Francke Verlag.   [DOI] [Details]
(2005)Language - Text - Bildung / Sprache - Text - Bildung. Essays in Honour of Beate Dreike
Hofmann, Gert; Studer Patrick; Stuhlmann, Andreas (Ed.). (2005) Language - Text - Bildung / Sprache - Text - Bildung. Essays in Honour of Beate Dreike Language - Text - Bildung / Sprache - Text - Bildung. Essays in Honour of Beate Dreike. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang. [Details]
(2001)Alles ist nicht es selbst Das kairotische Gedächtnis der Dichtung
Hofmann, Gert; Kilian, Esther (Ed.). (2001) Alles ist nicht es selbst Das kairotische Gedächtnis der Dichtung Alles ist nicht es selbst Das kairotische Gedächtnis der Dichtung. Aachen: Shaker. [Details]

Book Chapters

(2014)'Dass alle heiligen Orte der Erde zusammen sind um einen Ort ... Hölderlins Frankreichreise und die Geburt einer neuen Poetik'
Gert Hofmann (2014) 'Dass alle heiligen Orte der Erde zusammen sind um einen Ort ... Hölderlins Frankreichreise und die Geburt einer neuen Poetik' In: Frauke Hofmeister and Dietmar Böhnke (eds). Kulturkontakte / Cultures in Contact. Essays for Joachim Schwend. Leipzig: Edition Hamouda. [Details]
(2013)'Poetics of the Body. Figures of Unity in Contemporary Writing'
Gert Hofmann (2013) 'Poetics of the Body. Figures of Unity in Contemporary Writing' In: Thinking Unity after Postmodernism. n/a: unknown. [Details]
(2013)'Nietzsches Theater des Denkens. Eine tiefenphänomenologische Betrachtung zum Verhältnis von Philosophie und Fiktion'
Gert Hofmann (2013) 'Nietzsches Theater des Denkens. Eine tiefenphänomenologische Betrachtung zum Verhältnis von Philosophie und Fiktion' In: Abschied vom Gewohnten. Munich: Luise Rinser Stiftung. [Details]
(2012)'Denn es giebt keine Wahrheit ... Nietzsche's Rehabilitation of Fiction in Philosophy'
Hofmann, Gert; (2012) 'Denn es giebt keine Wahrheit ... Nietzsche's Rehabilitation of Fiction in Philosophy' In: Shakespeare and the Art of Lying. New Delhi: Orient BlackSwan. [Details]
(2012)'Introduction: Topodynamic of Place and Body'
Hofmann, Gert; Zoric, Snjezana (2012) 'Introduction: Topodynamic of Place and Body' In: Topodynamics of Arrival. Essays on Self and Pilgrimage. Amsterdam and New York: Rodopi. [Details]
(2012)'Colonus Heterotopos. Theatre as Tragic Inversion of Ritual Order'
Hofmann, Gert (2012) 'Colonus Heterotopos. Theatre as Tragic Inversion of Ritual Order' In: Topodynamics of Arrival. Essays on Self and Pilgrimage. Amsterdam and New York: Rodopi. [Details]
(2011)'Im dritten Raum der Literatur. Der Weltensammler in Indien'
Hofmann, Gert (2011) 'Im dritten Raum der Literatur. Der Weltensammler in Indien' In: Bilder Indiens in der deutschen Literatur. Frankfurt a. M: Peter Lang. [Details]
Gert Hofmann, Marko Pajevic, Michael Shields; Rachel MagShamhráin (2011) 'Introduction' In: German and European Poetics after the Holocaust. Crisis and Creativity. Rochester, NY: Camden House. [Details]
(2011)'Claude Lanzmann's Shoah and the Aesthetics of Ohnmacht'
Hofmann, Gert; (2011) 'Claude Lanzmann's Shoah and the Aesthetics of Ohnmacht' In: German and European Poetics after the Holocaust. Crisis and Creativity. Rochester, NY: Camden House. [Details]
(2009)'Syncopes: Fractures of Time and Space demonstrated through Nietzsche's Interpretation of Raphael's Transfiguration'
Hofmann, Gert; (2009) 'Syncopes: Fractures of Time and Space demonstrated through Nietzsche's Interpretation of Raphael's Transfiguration' In: Word, Image, Text. Studies in Literary and Visual Culture. New Delhi: Orient BlackSwan. [Details]
Hofmann, Gert, Staten, Henry; (2008) 'Vorwort' In: Henry Staten, Eros in Trauer. Von Homer zu Lancan. [Details]
(2007)'Einleitung / Introduction'
Hofmann, Gert; (2007) 'Einleitung / Introduction' In: Figures of Law. Studies in the Interference of Law and Literature. Tübingen and Basel: Francke. [Details]
(2007)'Dialog über den Nullpunkt der Sprache / Dialogue on the Zero Point of Language'
Hofmann, Gert and Dischner, Gisela; (2007) 'Dialog über den Nullpunkt der Sprache / Dialogue on the Zero Point of Language' In: Figures of Law. Studies in the Interference of Law and Literature. Tübingen and Basel: Francke Verlag. [Details]
(2006)'Nietzsche und Artaud. Theatralität zwischen Religion und Kunst'
Hofmann, Gert (2006) 'Nietzsche und Artaud. Theatralität zwischen Religion und Kunst' In: Scena. Spiel - Ritual - Darstellung (Scena. Theater und Religion Bd. 2). Berlin: LitVerlag. [Details]
(2006)'Synkopen. Zur Komposition der Zeit in Ingeborg Bachmanns Dichtung'
Hofmann, Gert; (2006) 'Synkopen. Zur Komposition der Zeit in Ingeborg Bachmanns Dichtung' In: Re-acting to Ingeborg Bachmann. New Essays and Performances. [Details]
(2005)'Wim Wenders' Der Himmel über Berlin - A Sentimental Journey from heaven to Earth'
Hofmann, Gert; (2005) 'Wim Wenders' Der Himmel über Berlin - A Sentimental Journey from heaven to Earth' In: Language - Text - Bildung / Sprache - Text - Bildung. Essays in Honour of Beate Dreike. Frankfurt, New York: Peter Lang. [Details]
(2005)'Protokoll der Schrecksekunde. Hermann Kasacks Stadt hinter dem Strom'
Hofmann, Gert; (2005) 'Protokoll der Schrecksekunde. Hermann Kasacks Stadt hinter dem Strom' In: Das Protokoll. Kulturelle Funktionen einer Textsorte. [Details]
(2004)'Performance und Poiesis. Kontinuität und Differenzierung des Rituals in der Tragödie'
Hofmann, Gert (2004) 'Performance und Poiesis. Kontinuität und Differenzierung des Rituals in der Tragödie' In: Scena. Theater - Ritual - Religion (Scena. Theater und Religion Bd. 1). Berlin: LitVerlag. [Details]
(2003)'Spiegel meiner Seele. Susette Gontards Briefe an Hölderlin'
Hofmann, Gert; (2003) 'Spiegel meiner Seele. Susette Gontards Briefe an Hölderlin' In: Das literarische Paar / Le couple litteraire. Intertextualität der Geschlechterdiskurse / Intertextualite et discours des sexes. Bielefeld: Aisthesis. [Details]
(2001)'The Kairos of Theatre'
Hofmann, Gert; (2001) 'The Kairos of Theatre' In: Alles ist nicht es selbst. Das kairotische Gedächtnis der Dichtung. [Details]
(2001)'Alles ist nicht es selbst ..., Einführung zu Alles ist nicht es selbst. Das kairotische Gedächtnis der Dichtung'
Hofmann, Gert und Kilian, Esther (2001) 'Alles ist nicht es selbst ..., Einführung zu Alles ist nicht es selbst. Das kairotische Gedächtnis der Dichtung' In: Alles ist nicht es selbst. Das kairotische Gedaechtnis der Dichtung. Aachen: Shaker. [Details]
(2001)'Eros sive Hermes. Gedanken zur europäischen Tradition einer kairotischen Wahrnehmung des Fremden'
Hofmann, Gert; (2001) 'Eros sive Hermes. Gedanken zur europäischen Tradition einer kairotischen Wahrnehmung des Fremden' In: Alles ist nicht es selbst. Das kairotische Gedächtnis der Dichtung. [Details]
(2000)'Corpus versus Forma. Ästhetik der Berührung bei Wilhelm Heinse'
Hofmann, Gert (2000) 'Corpus versus Forma. Ästhetik der Berührung bei Wilhelm Heinse' In: Gestik. Figuren des Körpers in Text und Bild. Tübingen and Basel: Narr. [Details]
(1996)'Hegel-ui Shakespeare Suyong (Hegel's Reception of Shakespeare), transl. into Korean by Kim Yong Ok'
Hofmann, Gert (1996) 'Hegel-ui Shakespeare Suyong (Hegel's Reception of Shakespeare), transl. into Korean by Kim Yong Ok' In: Togil Munhakkwa Saekyae Munhak (German Literature and World Literature). Seoul: Koreanische Gesellschaft für Germanistik. [Details]
(1995)'Das andere Denken. Dichtung und Fremdheit bei Hölderlin'
Hofmann, Gert; (1995) 'Das andere Denken. Dichtung und Fremdheit bei Hölderlin' In: Epochenbrüche. Deutsche Literatur zwischen Aufklärung und Romantik. Seoul: Koreanische Gesellschaft für Germanistik (Korean Society for Germanic Studies). [Details]

Peer Reviewed Journals

(2014)'Marko PAJEVIC: Poetisches Denken und die Frage nach dem Menschen'
Gert Hofmann (2014) 'Marko PAJEVIC: Poetisches Denken und die Frage nach dem Menschen'. Aufgang - Jahrbuch Für Denken, Dichten, Musik, [Details]
(2011)'Literarische Kosmographie, oder Was kostet die Vermehrung der Welt. Ilija Trojanows Roman „Der Weltensammler“'
Hofmann, Gert (2011) 'Literarische Kosmographie, oder Was kostet die Vermehrung der Welt. Ilija Trojanows Roman „Der Weltensammler“'. Literatur fűr Leser, [Details]
(2007)'Spiele der Ohnmacht. Ilse Aichingers Roman Die größere Hoffnung'
Hofmann, Gert; (2007) 'Spiele der Ohnmacht. Ilse Aichingers Roman Die größere Hoffnung'. Aufgang - Jahrbuch für Denken, Dichten, Musik, 4: Eros, Schlaf, Tod (*):281-293 [Details]
(2001)'Tropologie des Staubes. Friedrich von Hardenbergs »Hymnen an die Nacht«'
Hofmann, Gert; (2001) 'Tropologie des Staubes. Friedrich von Hardenbergs »Hymnen an die Nacht«'. Studia Theodisca, Sonderheft 2001 Novalis (*):141-164 [Details]
(1998)'Abraham ist verloren. Semiologie des Schweigens bei Søren Kierkegaard'
Hofmann, Gert; (1998) 'Abraham ist verloren. Semiologie des Schweigens bei Søren Kierkegaard'. Edith Stein Jahrbuch, 4: Das Christentum I (*):271-280 [Details]
(1996)'Charakterbrüche. Hegel und Hamlet'
Hofmann, Gert; (1996) 'Charakterbrüche. Hegel und Hamlet'. Prima Philosophia, 9 (*):297-305 [Details]
(1994)'Lessing und Shakespeare oder die Entdeckung der figurativen Authentizität im Drama '
Hofmann, Gert; (1994) 'Lessing und Shakespeare oder die Entdeckung der figurativen Authentizität im Drama '. Research Journal - Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, * (*):531-543 [Details]
(1993)'Exzentrische Weisheit. Platon und Hölderlin'
Hofmann, Gert; (1993) 'Exzentrische Weisheit. Platon und Hölderlin'. Prima Philosophia, 6 (*):121-131 [Details]
(1993)'Gelassenheit. Versuch über ein Grundwort der literarischen Mystik Meister Eckharts'
Hofmann, Gert; (1993) 'Gelassenheit. Versuch über ein Grundwort der literarischen Mystik Meister Eckharts'. Dogilmunkak: Journal of The Korean Assocation of German Studies, 51 (*):903-925 [Details]

Other Journals

(1995)'Poetry of Life, Ash Tray'
Hofmann, Gert; (1995) 'Poetry of Life, Ash Tray' The Argus. Campus Newpaper of Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Seoul, * :12-13. [Details]
(1988)'Stunden des Sterbens. Thomas Bernhard: In hora mortis'
Hofmann, Gert; (1988) 'Stunden des Sterbens. Thomas Bernhard: In hora mortis' Pannonia, 16 :45-46. [Details]

Conference Publications

Hofmann, Gert; (2013) Exzentrische Signaturen. Hölderlins späte Lyrik . In: Hans-Walter Schmidt-Hannisa eds. Signaturen [Details]

Review Articles

(2010)Florian Vaßen (Hrsg.), Korrespondenzen. Theater - Ästhetik - Pädagogik, Berlin: Schibri 2010 (Review).
Hofmann, Gert; (2010) Florian Vaßen (Hrsg.), Korrespondenzen. Theater - Ästhetik - Pädagogik, Berlin: Schibri 2010 (Review). Scenario. Sprache - Kultur - Literatur, ISSN 1649-8526, Jahrgang 2010: Review Articles [Details]
(2009)Tina-Karen Pusse (Hrsg.), Rhetoriken des Verschwindens, Würzburg: Königshausen u. Neumann, 2008. 220 S. ISBN 978-3-8260-3822-8 (Review).
Hofmann, Gert; (2009) Tina-Karen Pusse (Hrsg.), Rhetoriken des Verschwindens, Würzburg: Königshausen u. Neumann, 2008. 220 S. ISBN 978-3-8260-3822-8 (Review). Germanistik in Irland 4 (2009): Review Articles [Details]
(2008)Ingrid Hentschel, Dionysos kann nicht sterben: Theater in der Gegenwart (Review).
Hofmann, Gert; (2008) Ingrid Hentschel, Dionysos kann nicht sterben: Theater in der Gegenwart (Review). Scenario. Sprache - Kultur - Literatur, ISSN 1649-8526, Jahrgang 2008: Review Articles [Details]
(1999)Transformation der Phänomenologie. Zur Mystik bei Husserl und Heidegger, by Eckard Wolz (Review).
Hofmann, Gert; (1999) Transformation der Phänomenologie. Zur Mystik bei Husserl und Heidegger, by Eckard Wolz (Review). prima philosophia 12 (1999): Review Articles [Details]
(1998)Jakob Böhme, Das Fünklein Mensch. Ausgewählte Texte, herausgegeben und meditativ erschlossen von José Sánchez de Murillo (Review).
Hofmann, Gert (1998) Jakob Böhme, Das Fünklein Mensch. Ausgewählte Texte, herausgegeben und meditativ erschlossen von José Sánchez de Murillo (Review). prima philosophia 11 (1998): Review Articles [Details]

Professional Activities

Honours and Awards

 YearTitleAwarding Body
2012DAAD Research Scholarship DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service)
2007Research Achievement Award UCC, College of Arts, Celtic Studies and Social Sciences
2005Japan Foundation Research Scholarship Japan Foundation
1991DAAD Visiting Professorship Grant DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service)

Conference Contributions

(2014)Guest Lecture Hankuk University of Foreign Studies,
Gert Hofmann (2014) Hölderlins Reise nach Bordeaux und die Poetik der “Zärtlichkeit“. [Invited Seminars/Guest Lectures], Guest Lecture Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Seoul: Graduate School, Brics Hall , 12-JUN-14. [Details]
(2014)PhD-Seminar at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies in Seoul, Korea,
Gert Hofmann (2014) Holocaust Representations. [Invited Seminars/Guest Lectures], PhD-Seminar at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies in Seoul, Korea, Seoul, Korea . [Details]
(2013)The ‘Identities’ Research Cluster, College of Arts Celtic Studies and Social Sciences, Research Seminar,
Gert Hofmann and Graham Parkes (2013) Decomposing Identities: The Human Subject in Contemporary Writing. [Invited Lectures (Workshops)], The ‘Identities’ Research Cluster, College of Arts Celtic Studies and Social Sciences, Research Seminar, University College Cork, O'Rahilly Building , 10-DEC-13. [Details]
(2013)Annual Conference of the German Studies Association of Ireland 2013,
Gert Hofmann (2013) Die Tragödie beginnt. Nietzsche's Zarathustra and the Rehabilitation of Fiction in Philosophy. [Plenary Lecture], Annual Conference of the German Studies Association of Ireland 2013, NUI Maynooth , 12-OCT-13. [Details]
(2012)UCC, Department of German Research Seminar,
Hofmann, Gert (2012) Topodynamic of Place and Body. [Oral Presentation], UCC, Department of German Research Seminar, UCC, Cork , 03-DEC-12 - 03-DEC-12. [Details]
(2012)Body and Awareness. The Discourse between Anthropology, Literature and the Arts,
Hofmann, Gert (2012) Poetics of the Body. Figures of Unity in Contemporary Writing. [Oral Presentation], Body and Awareness. The Discourse between Anthropology, Literature and the Arts, University of Zadar, Croatia , 24-MAY-12 - 26-MAY-12. [Details]
(2012)McGill University Guest Lecture Series,
Hofmann, Gert (2012) „Dass alle heiligen Orte der Erde zusammen sind um einen Ort ...“ Hölderlins Bordeauxreise und der Hervorgang einer anti-idealistischen Poetik. [Invited Seminars/Guest Lectures], McGill University Guest Lecture Series, McGill University, Montreal , 13-SEP-12 - 13-SEP-12. [Details]
(2012)Body and Awareness. The Discourse between Anthropology, Literature and the Arts,
Hofmann, Gert and Zoric, Snjezana (2012) International Conference as forum for debate and dialogue on current theory, practice and form of anthropological, literary and artistic work in social and cultural conceptualizations of body and awareness. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], Body and Awareness. The Discourse between Anthropology, Literature and the Arts, University of Zadar, Croatia , 24-MAY-12 - 26-MAY-12. [Details]
(2012)LANDSCAPE AND TRAVELLING - East and West (Académie du Midi),
Hofmann, Gert (2012) „Dass alle heiligen Orte der Erde zusammen sind um einen Ort ...“ Hölderlins Bordeauxreise und die Geburt einer Poetik des Leibes. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], LANDSCAPE AND TRAVELLING - East and West (Académie du Midi), Alets les Bains, France , 28-MAY-12 - 01-JUN-12. [Details]
Hofmann, Gert etc. (2012) First International Conference of the Comparative Literature Association of Ireland. [Conference Organising Committee Member], TRANSITIONS IN COMPARATIVE STUDIES, UCC, Cork , 28-JUN-12 - 30-JUN-12. [Details]
(2011)International Postgraduate Conference in German Studies,
Hofmann, Gert; (2011) Keynote Lecture: Literarische Kosmographie oder Was kostet die Vermehrung der Welt. Ilija Trojanows Roman Der Weltensammler. [Plenary Lecture], International Postgraduate Conference in German Studies, University College Cork , 09-MAY-11 - 10-MAY-11. [Details]
(2011)Heterotopia. Literatures Dis-placed,
Hofmann, Gert (2011) International Workshop. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], Heterotopia. Literatures Dis-placed, University College Cork , 16-MAY-11 - 16-MAY-11. [Details]
(2011)Heterotopia. Literatures Dis-placed,
Hofmann, Gert (2011) Presentation and Seminar: Theatre of Crisis. Colonus as heterotopos of lived mortality. [Plenary Lecture], Heterotopia. Literatures Dis-placed, University College Cork , 16-MAY-11 - 16-MAY-11. [Details]
(2011)International PhD-Summer School on “Comparing” ,
Hofmann, Gert (2011) Truth in Literature. Truth in Comparing (Hofmannsthal’s ‘Lord Chandos Letter’ and Coetzee’s ‘Lady Chandos Letter’). [Invited Lectures (Conference)], International PhD-Summer School on “Comparing” , UCC, Cork , 05-SEP-11 - 10-SEP-11. [Details]
(2011)Littérature du monde,
Hofmann, Gert (2011) German Literature: broken nationality and idealist universality. [Invited Oral Presentation], Littérature du monde, UCC, Cork , 14-OCT-11 - 15-OCT-11. [Details]
(2010)THINKING IN UNITY AFTER POSTMODERNISM - Figures of Unity, Presence, and Transcendence at the Millennium,
Hofmann, Gert; (2010) Invited workshop: Poetics of the Body. On the Construction of literary Subjectivity in Contemporary Writing. [Invited Lectures (Workshops)], THINKING IN UNITY AFTER POSTMODERNISM - Figures of Unity, Presence, and Transcendence at the Millennium, Ludwig Maximilian University Munich , 11-NOV-10 - 13-NOV-10. [Details]
(2010)Habilitation Lecture,
Hofmann, Gert; (2010) Sie ist Zärtlichkeit, wie unsere Popularität ... Nationalerotik im Spätwerk Hölderlins. [Invited Lectures (Workshops)], Habilitation Lecture, University of Rostock , 25-JAN-10 - 25-JAN-10. [Details]
(2010)TCD Research Seminars (Department of Germanic Studies),
Hofmann, Gert; (2010) Sie ist Zärtlichkeit, wie unsere Popularität ... Nationalerotik im Spätwerk Hölderlins,. [Invited Lectures (Workshops)], TCD Research Seminars (Department of Germanic Studies), Trinity College Dublin, Department of Germanic Studies , 25-MAR-10 - 25-MAR-10. [Details]
(2010)UW PhD Workshop,
Hofmann, Gert; (2010) Sie ist Zärtlichkeit wie unsere Popularität Poetologie des Leibes im Spätwerk Hölderlins. [Invited Seminars/Guest Lectures], UW PhD Workshop, University of Washington, Department of Germanics , 22-OCT-10 - 22-OCT-10. [Details]
(2010)UPenn PhD-Colloquium,
Hofmann, Gert (2010) Im Dritten Raum der Literatur. Der 'Weltensammler' in Indien. [Invited Seminars/Guest Lectures], UPenn PhD-Colloquium, University of Pennsylvania, Department of Germanic Languages and Literatures , 16-SEP-10 - 16-SEP-10. [Details]
(2010)UPenn Faculty Workshop,
Hofmann, Gert; (2010) Poetics of the Body. Hölderlin and the currents of literary theory. [Invited Lectures (Workshops)], UPenn Faculty Workshop, University of Pennsylvania, Department of Germanic Languages and Literatures , 23-SEP-10 - 23-SEP-10. [Details]
(2010)MALCA Annual Conference,
Hofmann, Gert; (2010) Die Ästhetik der Ohnmacht und der Humanismus des anderen Menschen. Ilse Aichingers Roman Die größere Hoffnung. [Oral Presentation], MALCA Annual Conference, University of Vienna , 22-MAY-10 - 25-MAY-10. [Details]
(2009)India in German Speaking Literatures,
Hofmann, Gert (2009) Im Dritten Raum der Literatur. Der 'Weltensammler' in Indien. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], India in German Speaking Literatures, Banares Hindu University , 26-SEP-09 - 29-SEP-09. [Details]
(2009)LEBENSLÄNGLICHe - Auseinandersetzung mit Wirklichkeit - Exhibition Project,
Hofmann, Gert (2009) Philosophie als Kunst der Transfiguration. Nietzsche und Raphael. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], LEBENSLÄNGLICHe - Auseinandersetzung mit Wirklichkeit - Exhibition Project, University of Hanover , 06-NOV-09 - 06-NOV-09. [Details]
(2009)NEMLA-Convention 2009,
Hofmann, Gert (2009) Hölderlin's Antigone. Tragic Excess of Love and Violence. [Oral Presentation], NEMLA-Convention 2009, Boston, MA , 26-FEB-09 - 01-MAR-09. [Details]
(2009)Eye and Mind, Lecture Series,
Hofmann, Gert (2009) Synopsis of Redemption and Abjection: On a Literary History of Raphael's Transfiguration. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Eye and Mind, Lecture Series, University College Cork, Glucksman Gallery , 21-MAY-09 - 21-MAY-09. [Details]
(2008)TCD, Department of Germanic Studies, Research Seminars,
Hofmann, Gert (2008) Antigone. From Sade-Lacan to Hölderlin. [Invited Lectures (Workshops)], TCD, Department of Germanic Studies, Research Seminars, TCD, Department of Germanic Studies, Dublin , 06-MAR-08 - 06-MAR-08. [Details]
(2008)Poetics after 1945. Crisis and Creativity,
Hofmann, Gert (2008) Claude Lanzmann’s Shoah and the Aesthetics of Non-Power (“Ästhetik der Ohnmacht”). [Oral Presentation], Poetics after 1945. Crisis and Creativity, Queen's University Belfast , 20-JUN-08 - 22-JUN-08. [Details]
(2008)Annual Conference of the American Comparative Literature Association 2008 on Arrivals and Departures,
Hofmann G; (2008) Oedipus at Colonus. Tragic Inversion of Ritual Order. [Invited Seminars/Guest Lectures], Annual Conference of the American Comparative Literature Association 2008 on Arrivals and Departures, Long Beach, CA , 24-APR-08 - 27-FEB-08. [Details]
(2008)Topographies of Arrival in Pilgrimage as Ritual, Theatre, and Literature,
Hofmann G; (2008) Seminar on the occasion of the ACLA Annual Conference 2008 on Arrivals and Departures. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], Topographies of Arrival in Pilgrimage as Ritual, Theatre, and Literature, Long Beach, CA , 24-APR-08 - 27-APR-08. [Details]
(2008)Poetics after 1945. Crisis and Creativity,
Hofmann, Gert (2008) Poetics after 1945. Crisis and Creativity. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], Poetics after 1945. Crisis and Creativity, Queen's University Belfast , 20-JUN-08 - 22-JUN-08. [Details]
(2007)ACLA (American Comparative Literature Association) annual conference; Seminar on Love and Death,
Hofmann, Gert (2007) Antigone's Radical Aesthetics of Love. [Oral Presentation], ACLA (American Comparative Literature Association) annual conference; Seminar on Love and Death, Puebla, Mexico , 19-APR-07 - 22-APR-07. [Details]
(2007)Erasmus Visit,
Hofmann, Gert (2007) Kunstbeschreibung und Beschreibungskunst in Wilhelm Heinses Roman Ardinghello. [Invited Seminars/Guest Lectures], Erasmus Visit, University of Leipzig , 09-MAY-07 - 09-MAY-07. [Details]
(2007)Guest Lecture,
Hofmann, Gert (2007) Spiele der Ohnmacht. Ilse Aichingers Roman “Die größere Hoffnung“. [Invited Seminars/Guest Lectures], Guest Lecture, QUB, Department of German , 08-MAR-07 - 08-MAR-07. [Details]
(2007)Erasmus Visit,
Hofmann, Gert (2007) Representing the Holocaust. Lanzmann’s Shoah. [Invited Seminars/Guest Lectures], Erasmus Visit, University of Leipzig, English Department , 10-MAY-07 - 10-MAY-07. [Details]
(2006)Guest Lecture,
Hofmann, Gert (2006) Vom Theater der Philosophie. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Guest Lecture, University of Rostock , 24-APR-06 - 24-APR-06. [Details]
(2006)Research Seminar Series of the Department of German, UCC,
Hofmann, Gert (2006) Aesthetik der Subversion: Antigone. [Oral Presentation], Research Seminar Series of the Department of German, UCC, UCC, Department of German , 09-MAY-06 - 09-MAY-06. [Details]
(2006)Reception Studies. UCC Seminar Series,
Hofmann, Gert; (2006) The Reception of Antigone in German Idealism. [Oral Presentation], Reception Studies. UCC Seminar Series, UCC , 15-FEB-06 - 30-DEC-99. [Details]
(2006)Conversions on Art: Joseph Leo Koerner,
Hofmann, Gert; (2006) Roundtable with Joseph Leo Koerner, Jim Elkins and members of the Faculty of Arts, UCC. [Other], Conversions on Art: Joseph Leo Koerner, UCC, History of Art , 24-MAY-06 - 25-MAY-06. [Details]
Hofmann, Gert; (2006) Exzentrische Signaturen. Hoelderlins spaete Lyrik. [Invited Oral Presentation], Signaturen, NUI Galway , 05-MAY-06 - 05-JUN-06. [Details]
(2006)Nature and Time in Literature and the Visual Arts,
Hofmann, Gert (2006) Syncopes. Time Fractures in Nietzsche's Philosophy. [Oral Presentation], Nature and Time in Literature and the Visual Arts, University of Dehli, India , 05-DEC-06 - 07-DEC-06. [Details]
(2005)Perforum, Board of Drama and Theatre Studies,
Hofmann, Gert (2005) Nietzsche and Artaud: Theatre between Religion and Art. [Oral Presentation], Perforum, Board of Drama and Theatre Studies, Cork, UCC, Granary Theatre , 09-MAR-05 - 09-MAR-05. [Details]
(2005)Figures of Law. Studies in the Interference of Law and Literature,
Hofmann, Gert; (2005) International conference on law and literature and the cultural theory of law. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], Figures of Law. Studies in the Interference of Law and Literature, UCC , 15-JUN-05 - 16-JUN-05. [Details]
(2005)Guest Lecture,
Hofmann, Gert (2005) Nietzsche and Artaud: Theatre between Religion and Art (extended version). [Invited Lectures (Workshops)], Guest Lecture, University of Toronto, Centre for Comparative Literature , 21-MAR-05 - 21-MAR-05. [Details]
(2004)Ingeborg Bachmann Konferenz,
Hofmann, Gert; (2004) Synkopen. Figuren der Ohnmacht in Ingeborg Bachmanns Liebesgedichten. [Invited Oral Presentation], Ingeborg Bachmann Konferenz, University of Dublin, Trinity College , 30-APR-04 - 01-MAY-04. [Details]
(2004)9th Galway Colloquium 2004 on Literature to Film - Film to Literature,
Hofmann, Gert; (2004) Der Himmel über Berlin. A Sentimental Journey from Heaven to Earth. [N/A], 9th Galway Colloquium 2004 on Literature to Film - Film to Literature, NUI Galway , 02-APR-04 - 04-APR-04. [Details]
(2004)ICLA-Conference 2004 (International Comparative Literature Association),
Hofmann, Gert; (2004) Alle Asche ist Blütenstaub ... Romantic Commotions between Anti-Idealism and Meta-Realism. [Oral Presentation], ICLA-Conference 2004 (International Comparative Literature Association), Hongkong , 09-JUL-04 - 15-JUL-04. [Details]
(2004)Conversation on Master Narratives and their Discontents,
Hofmann, Gert (2004) Roundtable with Jim Elkins and guests. [Other], Conversation on Master Narratives and their Discontents, Cork, UCC, History of Art , 20-FEB-04 - 21-FEB-04. [Details]
(2003)XII Annual Conference on Cross-Currents in Literature, Film and the Visual Arts: The Imaginaire,
Hofmann, Gert; (2003) Theater Philosophy. Nietzsche and the Imaginaire. [Oral Presentation], XII Annual Conference on Cross-Currents in Literature, Film and the Visual Arts: The Imaginaire, UCC , 05-MAY-03 - 07-MAY-03. [Details]
(2003)Research Seminar,
Hofmann, Gert (2003) Ästhetische Subversion. Hegels Hamlet. [Invited Oral Presentation], Research Seminar, UCC, Cork , 11-FEB-03 - 11-FEB-03. [Details]
(2002)XI Annual Conference on Cross-Currents in Literature, Film and the Visual Arts: Hemispheres,
Hofmann, Gert; (2002) Poetry as Quotation: Rilke . [Oral Presentation], XI Annual Conference on Cross-Currents in Literature, Film and the Visual Arts: Hemispheres, UCC , 03-MAY-02 - 05-MAY-02. [Details]
(2002)Play - Ritual - Performance,
Hofmann, Gert; (2002) Theaterphilosophie. Nietzsches Ästhetik der Transfiguration . [Invited Oral Presentation], Play - Ritual - Performance, Zentrum für Medien Kunst Kultur in Hanover, Germany , 26-SEP-02 - 28-SEP-02. [Details]
(2002)Guest Lecture Series,
Hofmann, Gert (2002) Novalis. Vom Ritus der Bekenner des Universums. [Invited Lectures (Workshops)], Guest Lecture Series, University of Hanover, Department of German Literature and Language , 01-FEB-02 - 01-FEB-02. [Details]
(2002)German-French conference “Das Liebeskonzil/Le Concile d’amour”,
Hofmann, Gert; (2002) Hadeshochzeit. Zur Deutung der Antigone bei Lacan, Hegel und Hölderlin. [Oral Presentation], German-French conference “Das Liebeskonzil/Le Concile d’amour”, Hanover University, Germany , 11-JUL-02 - 13-JUL-02. [Details]
(2002)New Developments in Gender Studies: Marsilio Ficino and Don Juan,
Hofmann, Gert; Dischner, Gisela; Jürgens, Hans-Joachim (2002) International Research Colloquium. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], New Developments in Gender Studies: Marsilio Ficino and Don Juan, UCC, Cork , 23-JAN-02 - 23-JAN-02. [Details]
(2001)Perforum, a series of lectures and performances organised by the Board of Drama and Theatre Studies, UCC,
Hofmann, Gert; (2001) Performance, Praxis, Poiesis. The Ritual Genesis of Theatrical Art. [Oral Presentation], Perforum, a series of lectures and performances organised by the Board of Drama and Theatre Studies, UCC, UCC, Granary Theatre , 18-FEB-01 - 30-DEC-99. [Details]
(2000)Guest Lecture Series,
Hofmann, Gert (2000) Eros sive Hermes. Zur europäischen Tradition einer ästhetischen Wahrnehmung des Fremden,. [Invited Lectures (Workshops)], Guest Lecture Series, University of Hanover, Department of German Literature and Language , 30-JUN-00 - 30-JUN-00. [Details]
(2000)Theatre and Religion organised on the occasion of the EXPO Theatre Festival SCENA 2000 in Hanover,
Hofmann, Gert; (2000) Performance, Praxis, Poiesis. Kult und Ästhetik der Tragödie. [Invited Oral Presentation], Theatre and Religion organised on the occasion of the EXPO Theatre Festival SCENA 2000 in Hanover, Hanover, Germany, Zentrum fuer Medien - Kunst - Kultur , 04-OCT-00 - 06-OCT-00. [Details]
(2000)Das literarische Paar / Le couple litteraire,
Hofmann, Gert (2000) Spiegel meiner Seele. Susette Gontards Briefe an Hölderlin. [Invited Oral Presentation], Das literarische Paar / Le couple litteraire, Universität Hannover, Germany , 13-JUL-00 - 15-JUL-00. [Details]
(1999)Nietzsche and Post-Analytic Philosophy,
Hofmann, Gert; (1999) Nietzsche, Raphael and the Aesthetics of Transfiguration . [Oral Presentation], Nietzsche and Post-Analytic Philosophy, University of Southampton, UK , 10-SEP-99 - 12-SEP-99. [Details]
(1999)Gestik in Text und Bild,
Hofmann, Gert; (1999) Corpus versus Forma. Ästhetik der Berührung bei Wilhelm Heinse. [Oral Presentation], Gestik in Text und Bild, Universität Konstanz, Germany , 07-OCT-99 - 10-OCT-99. [Details]
(1996)Sorak-Symposium 1996,
Hofmann, Gert; (1996) Annual international conference on German Studies organised by the Koreanische Gesellschaft für Germanistik. [Conference Organising Committee Member], Sorak-Symposium 1996, Sorak Mountain, Korea , 29-MAR-96 - 31-MAR-96. [Details]
(1995)Fremdheit und Kommunikation,
Hofmann, Gert; (1995) DAAD-workshop on theoretical problems of inter-cultural communication. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], Fremdheit und Kommunikation, Goethe-Institut Seoul , 28-MAY-95 - 28-MAY-95. [Details]
(1995)Fremdheit und Kommunikation, DAAD-workshop on theoretical problems of inter-cultural communication,
Hofmann, Gert; (1995) Eros. Mythologie und Philosophie des Fremden. [Plenary Lecture], Fremdheit und Kommunikation, DAAD-workshop on theoretical problems of inter-cultural communication, Goethe-Institut Seoul, Korea , 28-MAY-95 - 28-MAY-95. [Details]
(1995)Sorak Symposium 1995, Koreanische Gesellschaft f. Germanistik,
Hofmann, Gert (1995) Das andere Denken. Dichtung und Fremdheit bei Hölderlin. [Oral Presentation], Sorak Symposium 1995, Koreanische Gesellschaft f. Germanistik, Sorak Mountain , 24-MAR-95 - 26-MAR-95. [Details]

Professional Associations

 AssociationFunctionFrom / To
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Allgemeine und Vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft member/
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ästhetik member/
American Comparataive Literature Association member/
German Studies Association of Ireland member/
Deutscher Germanistenverband member/
International Comparative Literature Association member/
Hölderlin-Gesellschaft member/


 CommitteeFunctionFrom / To
CACSSS Academic Developoment Committee Member, Representative of the School of Languages, Literatures and Cultures2012 /
CACSSS Graduate Studies Committee member2012 /
CACSSS Research Committee member2010 / 2012
Academic Council, UCC Member, Head of German2010 / 2010
CACSSS Executive Committee, UCC member2007 / 2010
Student Affaires Committee , CACSSS, UCC member2006 / 2009
Board of Drama and Theatre Studies, Faculty of Arts, UCC member2004 / 2011
Library Committee, Faculty of Arts member2004 / 2011
Departmental Graduate Studies Committee, German Department, UCC Chair2003 / 2004
Staff-Student Committee, Faculty of Law, UCC member, Law&German representative1999 / 2012
Board of Studies, Faculty of Law, UCC member, Law&German representative1999 / 2012
SCENA Advisory Board (Annual Theatre Festival and Conference) Protestant Church of the State of Lower Saxony, Germany member1999 / 2000
Fachbereichsrat (Faculty Executive Council) Faculty of Literary and Linguistic Studies, University of Hanover Elected Representative of Assistant Professors1998 / 1999
Studienkommission (Board of Studies), Faculty of Literary and Linguistic Studies, University of Hanover elected member1998 / 1999
Faculty Elections Committee, Faculty of Literary and Linguistic Studies, University of Hanover member1998 / 1999
Advisory Board in the Korean Society for Germanic Studies (bi-annual Sorak-Conference on Germanic Studies in Asia) member1993 / 1995
Selection Board for DAAD-PhD scholarship applications, German Embassy, Seoul, Korea Member, local DAAD-Representative1991 / 1995
Ständiger Ausschuss Deutsch als Fremdsprache, German Embassy, Seoul, Korea Member, local DAAD-Representative1991 / 1995


 EmployerPositionFrom / To
UCC Lecturer01-OCT-99 / 30-DEC-99
UCC Acting Head, Department of German01-JAN-11 / 15-JUL-11
Leibniz-Universität Hannover Hochschulassistent/Assistant Professor01-DEC-95 / 30-SEP-99
Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Seoul Lecturer/Assistant Professor/DAAD Visiting Professor01-SEP-91 / 30-NOV-95
Bayerische Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg Research Fellow and Part Time Lecturer01-OCT-86 / 30-AUG-91
Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster Research Assistant01-JUL-86 / 31-DEC-86


2010University of Rostock HabilitationModern German Literature
1995University of Würzburg Ph.D.Neuere deutsche Literatur
1986University of Münster M.A.Education, German, Philosophy


German FluentFluentFluent
English FluentFluentFluent
French BasicBasicBasic
Latin FluentNoneNone
Korean BasicNoneBasic


Cork Institute of Technology
External Examiner (all German courses)
Korean National Intelligence Services
External Examiner (Regular German Language Exams as part of internal career assessment scheme)
Educational Broadcasting System Korea (EBS)
Language consultancy in front of and behind the camera/microphone in the production of language courses for both radio and television channels.
Korean Higher Education Authority
External Examiner at nationwide Language Competitionsfor High School and University students.

Other Activities


Editor (Chair, Board of Editors) of Academic Book Series: Edition Kairos. Kulturwissenschaft und Ästhetik (Cultural Science and Aesthetics), Francke Verlag: Tübingen and Basel, 2003-2010.

Teaching Activities

Teaching Interests

German and Comparative Literature, literary and cultural theory, border areas of literature and philosophy, law, visual and performance arts.

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School of Food and Nutritional Sciences

School of Food and Nutritional Sciences, Room 240 Food Science Building, University College, Cork
