Research Profile

Maurice O'Sullivan


Dr. Maurice O’ Sullivan is a sensory, reformulation scientist and senior lecturer in food science working in the School of Food and Nutritional Sciences, UCC. In the past Maurice has worked in the food industry as a sensory scientist and flavor chemist for Diageo Baileys and Guinness as well as holding the position of Global Regulatory Affairs Manager for Diageo Baileys. He has worked as a food technologist and process/product development scientist for the processed foods sector in the 1990’s as well as more recently a product development consultant to the dairy, meat and beverage industries. He has a Ph.D. in Sensory and Consumer science from the Department of Food Science, University of Copenhagen, Denmark as well as MSc. and BSc. Degrees in Food Science and Technology from University College Cork (UCC). Currently Maurice works in the School of Food and Nutritional Sciences, University College Cork as a senior lecturer and sensory and product reformulation project coordinator on large scale multi-million euro research projects. For many years he has also managed the “Sensory Unit” at UCC working on sensory and flavour based projects involving a diverse selection of products as well as lecturing in sensory science. Maurice has published more than 200 sensory or consumer research based articles (papers, book chapters, proceedings etc.). In 2017 he launched his book “A Handbook for Sensory and Consumer Driven New Product Development (Innovative Technologies for the Food and Beverage Industry) on the 14th September at the 3rd National Food & Drink Business Conference and Exhibition, CityWest Convention Centre, Dublin. In 2020 a second book was published: Salt, Fat and Sugar Reduction; Sensory Approaches for Nutritional Reformulation of foods and beverages. Woodhead Publishing Ltd., United Kingdom. 450pages. This book presents the state of the art in the sensory driven nutritional optimisation of foods and beverages for applications with the industry. It includes the most up to date and innovate sensory/consumer driven methodologies. This book showcases this scientific acumen which will be used to teach undergraduate and postgraduate students as well as update industry.  
I am Director of the International food Science degree program (dual degree with Beijing Technical and Business University) since 2018. This University is ranked 12 in the Shanghai ranking category for Food Science and Technology. I have been to China many times for research, lecturing and assisting in recruiting students. I recruit students and teach FS2005 (24h) in Beijing over two visits annually but now have converted this into a stackable online course delivered through canvas to multinational students. As the International Degree Director, I administer the running of the program across several degrees (Diploma in Food Studies; BSc in Food Science and Technology (ORD); BSc in Food Science and Technology (HON);) which, generates income of +€1000,000 per annum.

Research Interests

I have contributed to numerous research projects, research papers and books (n=200+) which I incorporate into my lectures as research-led teaching. I have written two books, both of which have been adopted as syllabus teaching texts internationally; A Handbook for Sensory and Consumer Driven New Product Development (Elsevier): Salt Fat and Sugar Reduction: Sensory Approaches for Nutritional Reformulation of Foods and Beverages (Elsevier/Woodhead). My research responsibilities involve supervising postgraduate students (n=24), acquiring research funding and publishing prolifically. I have to date secured significant research funding, as a PI and co-PI of 5,927,450 (see below). As head of my research group within the School I have co-supervised 32 post-grads to completion (2PD;16PhD; 5 Research MSc.; 9 MSc Taught), 3 PhD’s ongoing, 1 post-doc and 1 Phd new finding (July 2024), published 124 peer reviewed papers in recognised high impact journals (+10 submitted), 2 books (26 Chapters) 18 Co-authored Books, 45 Book chapters (including books), 36 short papers, +25 oral presentations, 115 poster presentations. I have worked in the area of targeted ingredient (salt, fat, sugar) reduction in and processability of foods since 1997. The focus of this research has been reduction of negative ingredients linked to civilisation diseases (Diabetes, Obesity, Heart Disease, Anaemia) while maintaining sensory but improving nutritional quality of developed products. My latest book “Salt Fat and sugar Reduction” disseminated to both undergraduates, post-graduates but also Industry, highlights innovations. I have close links with many of the world’s most renowned scientists in my field of research and present and disseminate at prestigious international conferences. Additionally, I have extensively collaborated with plant ingredient, meat, confectionary, dairy and convenience food-based research, which is evidenced by my CV, research plan and publications. A current research focus is the development of plant based foods and beverages with the emphasis of using multi-modal and multivariate analysis in order to better understand the ”Beany Flavours” that are currently a limiting factor in applications in this product category. I have also had the pleasure of working in collaboration with the food and beverage industry as the “Head of the Sensory Unit” service, which I manage and employs one post-doc. This sensory science-based service (at UCC) includes testing the difference, affective and descriptive analysis of foods and beverages as well as preference mapping and comparing sensory results to microbiological and analytical (instrumental, physico-chemical) data using multivariate data analysis (MVA).

Research Projects-Funding obtained to date as Co-ordinator of Research Projects/Lead Scientist

Total  €€5,927,450

Co-ordinator of Research Projects/Principal Investigator* Year of Award PG Institutes
University Funding Agency Budget € UCC

22/FFP-P/11259-Starch-based Emulsion Gel Regulating Sodium Ion Release 01/7/24-30/6/28 1PD, 1PhD Teagasc SFI 617,099+184689 (OH)

U-Protein Sustainable Plant Protein Project 2020-ongoing PhD FIRM

KC03-Dietary solution for incorporating red meat in to the diets pf young children
MTI-Meat Technology Institute

Guinness Tier 2- Bunge
Development of a sensory methodology for products formulated with lecithin ingredients 2020-01/01/22 1PD Bunge
UCC, Bunge

SWEETLOW*: Development of optimised low carbohydrate confectionary Ref 14/F/812 2015-22/9/23 2PhD
Teagasc DAFM
FIRM €572,052.80
(UCC €353,796)

NATRIOPT*; Sensory Optimisation of Reduced Salt and Fat Processed Meat Products. 15/F/610 2016-
27/9/23 2PhD
Teagasc DAFM
FIRM €887,106.70
(UCC €468,764)

Seaweed Ingredients for foods-Marigot* non meat protein replacement, meat, dairy products 2019-30/8/22 MSc Marigot Marigot

PROSSLOW*: Development of consumer accepted low salt and low fat Irish traditional processed meats. Ref  11/F/026 2013
Complete PhD UCC
Teagasc DAFM
FIRM* €499,741.2
(UCC €349,253)

COFFEEBAG*; Sensory optimisation of coffee delivery systems with Bewley’s Coffee. Ireland’s oldest coffee roasters. IP/2013/0219. 2013
Complete PhD UCC
Ltd. Enterprise Ireland

RETORTPACK*: Development of a range of convenience-style, retortable seafood products using novel packaging materials). 2007
Complete MSc UCC
Wm. Carr Ltd. EI

DAFM*: Department of Agriculture Food and the Marine, FIRM: Food Industry Research Measure, EI 
Partnered Research Projects as PI UCC Budget

The utilization of a chemometrics/sensometrics approach to optimize sensory and chemical techniques/data using Cheddar cheese as a model food

Consumer perceptions of beef - a comparison of consumers from different regions-Ireland and UK 2016-22/2/22
1/6/20 MSc, PhD UCC
Teagasc, AFBI, 

Development of biofortification approaches for enhanced vitamin K content of foods: [BioKfoods]’ 2017
01/12/20 MSc UCC FIRM

PORKQUAL: Improving the eating quality of Irish pork (Ref: 11/F/057) 2012
Complete PD Teagasc

Bull beef-Sensory optimisation of under-utilised beef animals to improve agricultural and economic efficiency. Ref-11/SF/322 2012

Meat4Vitality- Enhancement of texture, flavour and nutritional value of meat products for older people. (11/F/045) 2012
Complete Ph.D Teagasc

MeatMatrix: Understanding the physico-chemistry of the meat matrix and its potential as a delivery system for added bioactive compounds. 08RDTAFRC671 2008
PhD Teagasc

PACCP: Quantification of variation in beef at processor, retailer, consumer level (PACCP) system. 04/R&D/tTN/256 2007
Complete PhD Teagasc

Teagasc Walsh Fellowships 2016-2020
Impact of grass feeding versus concentrate production systems on the sensory characterisation of Irish beef
 MSc Teagasc

Profiling Milk from Grass – Biochemical and Sensory Analysis of Dairy. Ref: 2016071 2016-
Ongoing PhD Teagasc
UCC Teagasc

Cross Cultural Sensory Perception of Irish Dairy Products. Asia, Europe and North America Cross Cultural Sensory Perception of Irish Dairy Products.  Ref: 2016058 2016-
PhD Teagasc, 
North Carolina Teagasc

Development of optimised low carbohydrate Irish confectionary products-flavour analysis 2016-2023
1 PhD 
 UCC Teagasc

MTI- Meat Technology Institute 2019-2022 PD Teagasc EI 50,000

HEA Covid-19 Project extension Grants; Used to extend current projects (6 Post Grads) due to pandemic related delays.

Total Gross

Research Grants

Start DateEnd DateAward
Guinness Tier 2- Bunge Development of a sensory methodology for products formulated with lecithin ingredients01-JAN-2001-JAN-22€316,312.00
KC03-Dietary solution for incorporating red meat in to the diets pf young children01-OCT-2229-SEP-26€265,869.00
Study on the Mechanism of Starch-based Emulsion Gel Regulating Sodium Ion Release and Salt Taste Perception and Food ApplicationsScience Foundation Ireland01-JUL-2430-JUN-28€801,780.00
MeatMatrix: Understanding the physico-chemistry of the meat matrix and its potential as a delivery system for added bioactive compounds.Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Food (DAFF)30-OCT-0828-FEB-14€458,900.00
Profiling Milk from Grass – Biochemical and Sensory Analysis of DairyDepartment of Agriculture, Fisheries & Food (DAFF)01-SEP-1630-JAN-22€200,000.00
COFFEEBAG*; Sensory optimisation of coffee delivery systems with Bewley’s Coffee. Ireland’s oldest coffee roasters. IP/2013/0219.Enterprise Ireland01-JAN-1301-FEB-18€100,000.00
PACCP: Quantification of variation in beef at processor, retailer, consumer level (PACCP) systemDepartment of Agriculture, Fisheries & Food (DAFF)01-FEB-0730-OCT-10€237,670.00
RETORTPACK*: Development of a range of convenience-style, retortable seafood products using novel packaging materials).01-JAN-07€102,000.00
Bull beef-Sensory optimisation of under-utilised beef animals to improve agricultural and economic efficiencyDepartment of Agriculture, Fisheries & Food (DAFF)01-SEP-1230-MAR-19€226,468.00
Development of plant-based meat and dairy products and analoguesEnterprise Ireland09-JUN-1901-SEP-22€91,000.00
Cross Cultural Sensory Perception of Irish Dairy Products. Asia, Europe and North America Cross Cultural Sensory Perception of Irish Dairy ProductsDepartment of Agriculture, Fisheries & Food (DAFF)01-SEP-1612-DEC-13€131,600.00
NATRIOPT*; Sensory Optimisation of Reduced Salt and Fat Processed Meat Products. 15/F/610Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Food (DAFF)30-OCT-1612-JAN-24€887,106.70
PROSSLOW*: Development of consumer accepted low salt and low fat Irish traditional processed meats. Ref 11/F/026Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Food (DAFF)30-OCT-1328-FEB-19€499,741.00
Meat4Vitality- Enhancement of texture, flavour and nutritional value of meat products for older people.Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Food (DAFF)20-OCT-1230-MAR-17€174,965.00
SWEETLOW*: Development of optimised low carbohydrate confectionary Ref 14/F/812Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Food (DAFF)30-OCT-1528-SEP-23€572,052.00
Teagasc Walsh Fellowships 2017; Ref: 2017212; Level of Award: 4 Year PhDTeagasc01-JUL-1730-APR-20€66,000.00
Impact of Grass Feeding Versus Concentrate Production Systems on the Sensory Characterisation of Irish Beef.Teagasc01-SEP-1931-AUG-21€44,000.00
Teagasc Walsh Fellowships 2017; Ref: 2017213; Level of Award: 2 Year PhDTeagasc01-JUL-1701-JAN-22€96,000.00
Development of Optimised Low Carbohydrate Irish Confedctionary Products.Teagasc01-OCT-1514-FEB-19€88,000.00
Travel Award.Enterprise Irl12-SEP-1231-JAN-13€800.00
MSc ProjectIndustry01-DEC-1931-JUL-22€91,000.00
MTC Project 1.2 Valididation of Genetic and Genomic Evaluations of Red Meat Yield and Meat Characteristics.Enterprise Irl01-JUN-1631-MAY-21€65,000.00

Contract Researchers

 Researcher NameProjectRoleFunding Body
Ciara O'NeillMeat Technology Ireland-Sensory Consumer and Descriptive Analysis of Steaks from Beef Animals Selected from Tough and Tender Animal Genotypes: Genetic Meat Quality Traits Can Be Detected by Consumers.Postdoctoral ResearcherEnterprise Ireland
Andrey TyuftinNATRIOPT*; Sensory Optimisation of Reduced Salt and Fat Processed Meat Products. 15/F/610Postdoctoral ResearcherDepartment of Agriculture, Fisheries & Food (DAFF)



(2020)Salt, Fat and Sugar Reduction; Sensory Approaches for Nutritional Reformulation of foods and beverages.
Maurice O'Sullivan (2020) Salt, Fat and Sugar Reduction; Sensory Approaches for Nutritional Reformulation of foods and beverages. United Kingdom: Woodhead Publishing Ltd. [Details]
(2017)A Handbook for Sensory and Consumer Driven New Product Development: Innovative Technologies for the Food and Beverage Industry.
Maurice O'Sullivan (2017) A Handbook for Sensory and Consumer Driven New Product Development: Innovative Technologies for the Food and Beverage Industry. United Kingdom: Woodhead Publishing Ltd. [Details]


(2023)Addressing Clean Label Trends in Commercial Meat Processing: Strategies, Challenges and Insights from Consumer Perspectives.
Inguglia E.S.;Song Z.;Kerry J.P.;O’Sullivan M.G.;Hamill R.M. (2023) Addressing Clean Label Trends in Commercial Meat Processing: Strategies, Challenges and Insights from Consumer Perspectives. Reviews [DOI] [Details]
(2022)Volatile organic compounds in beef and pork by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry: A review.
Vilar, EG;O'Sullivan, MG;Kerry, JP;Kilcawley, KN (2022) Volatile organic compounds in beef and pork by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry: A review. WEINHEIM: Reviews [DOI] [Details]
(2022)Sensorial, cultural and volatile properties of milk, dairy powders, yoghurt and butter: A review.
Cheng, Z;O'Sullivan, MG;Miao, S;Kerry, JP;Kilcawley, KN (2022) Sensorial, cultural and volatile properties of milk, dairy powders, yoghurt and butter: A review. HOBOKEN: Reviews [DOI] [Details]
(2021)Oxidative Quality of Dairy Powders: Influencing Factors and Analysis.
Clarke, HJ;McCarthy, WP;O'Sullivan, MG;Kerry, JP;Kilcawley, KN (2021) Oxidative Quality of Dairy Powders: Influencing Factors and Analysis. BASEL: Reviews [DOI] [Details]

Peer Reviewed Journals

(2024)'The effect of reducing fat and salt on the quality and shelf life of pork sausages containing brown seaweeds (Sea spaghetti and Irish wakame)'
Halimah O. Mohammed, Michael N. O’Grady, Maurice G. O’Sullivan and Joseph P. Kerry (2024) 'The effect of reducing fat and salt on the quality and shelf life of pork sausages containing brown seaweeds (Sea spaghetti and Irish wakame)'. Applied Sciences, [Details]
(2024)'Incorporation of Sea Spaghetti (Himanthalia elongata) in Low-Salt Beef Patties: Effect on Sensory Profile and Consumer Hedonic and Emotional Response'
Gluchowski A;Crofton E;Inguglia ES;O'Sullivan MG;Kerry JP;Hamill RM; (2024) 'Incorporation of Sea Spaghetti (Himanthalia elongata) in Low-Salt Beef Patties: Effect on Sensory Profile and Consumer Hedonic and Emotional Response'. Foods (Basel, Switzerland), 13 (8) [DOI] [Details]
(2024)'Effect of pH-shifting on the structural, rheological, and microstructural properties of lentil protein gels induced by heating and microbial transglutaminase'
Tang, Q., Roos, Y.H., O′Sullivan, M.G., VahediKia, N.,Miao, S. (2024) 'Effect of pH-shifting on the structural, rheological, and microstructural properties of lentil protein gels induced by heating and microbial transglutaminase'. Food Hydrocolloids, [Details]
(2024)'A comparative study on gelation behaviours of lentil-dairy binary protein mixtures treated by heating and microbial transglutaminase'
Tang, Q., Roos, Y.H., O′Sullivan, M.G, Miao, S. (2024) 'A comparative study on gelation behaviours of lentil-dairy binary protein mixtures treated by heating and microbial transglutaminase'. Food Hydrocolloids, [Details]
(2023)'Addressing Clean Label Trends in Commercial Meat Processing: Strategies, Challenges and Insights from Consumer Perspectives'
Inguglia ES;Song Z;Kerry JP;O'Sullivan MG;Hamill RM; (2023) 'Addressing Clean Label Trends in Commercial Meat Processing: Strategies, Challenges and Insights from Consumer Perspectives'. Foods (Basel, Switzerland), 12 (10) [DOI] [Details]
(2023)'Sensory characteristics of cheddar and related cheeses varieties'
O'Sullivan M.G. (2023) 'Sensory characteristics of cheddar and related cheeses varieties'. Sensory Profiling Of Dairy Products, :179-194 [DOI] [Details]
(2023)'Comparing consumer liking of beef from three feeding systems using a combination of traditional and temporal liking sensory methods'
Corcoran L.C.;Schlich P.;Moloney A.P.;O'Riordan E.;K M.;Botinestean C.;Gallagher E.;O' Sullivan M.G.;Crofton E.C. (2023) 'Comparing consumer liking of beef from three feeding systems using a combination of traditional and temporal liking sensory methods'. Food Research International, 168 [DOI] [Details]
(2023)'Aroma generation in sponge cakes: The influence of sucrose particle size and sucrose source'
Garvey EC;O'Sullivan MG;Kerry JP;Kilcawley KN; (2023) 'Aroma generation in sponge cakes: The influence of sucrose particle size and sucrose source'. Food Chemistry, 417 [DOI] [Details]
(2022)'The impact of pasture and non-pasture diets on the sensory and volatile properties of whole milk powder'
Cheng, Z;Mannion, DT;O'Sullivan, MG;Miao, S;Kerry, JP;Kilcawley, KN (2022) 'The impact of pasture and non-pasture diets on the sensory and volatile properties of whole milk powder'. The Journal of Dairy Research, 89 :302-315 [DOI] [Details]
(2022)'The Influence of Pasture and Non-pasture-Based Feeding Systems on the Aroma of Raw Bovine Milk'
Clarke, HJ;Fitzpatrick, E;Hennessy, D;O'Sullivan, MG;Kerry, JP;Kilcawley, KN (2022) 'The Influence of Pasture and Non-pasture-Based Feeding Systems on the Aroma of Raw Bovine Milk'. Frontiers in Nutrition, 9 [DOI] [Details]
(2022)'The Colour, Composition and Eating Quality of Beef from Late- or Early-Maturing Suckler Bulls Finished at Pasture with or without Concentrate Supplementation'
Moloney, AP;Wilson, SS;Siphambili, S;Moran, L;O'Riordan, EG;O'Sullivan, MG;Kerry, JP;Monahan, FJ;McGee, M (2022) 'The Colour, Composition and Eating Quality of Beef from Late- or Early-Maturing Suckler Bulls Finished at Pasture with or without Concentrate Supplementation'. Animals, 12 [DOI] [Details]
(2022)'Acceptable Inclusion Levels for Selected Brown and Red Irish Seaweed Species in Pork Sausages'
Mohammed, HO;O'Grady, MN;O'Sullivan, MG;Hamill, RM;Kilcawley, KN;Kerry, JP (2022) 'Acceptable Inclusion Levels for Selected Brown and Red Irish Seaweed Species in Pork Sausages'. Foods, 11 [DOI] [Details]
(2021)'Effect of bovine feeding system (pasture or concentrate) on the oxidative and sensory shelf life of whole milk powder'
Clarke, H. J.,Griffin, C.,Hennessy, D.,O'Callaghan, T. F.,O'Sullivan, M. G.,Kerry, J. P.,Kilcawley, K. N. (2021) 'Effect of bovine feeding system (pasture or concentrate) on the oxidative and sensory shelf life of whole milk powder'. Journal of Dairy Science,   [DOI] [Details]
(2021)'An Assessment of Selected Nutritional, Bioactive, Thermal and Technological Properties of Brown and Red Irish Seaweed Species'
Mohammed, HO;O'Grady, MN;O'Sullivan, MG;Hamill, RM;Kilcawley, KN;Kerry, JP (2021) 'An Assessment of Selected Nutritional, Bioactive, Thermal and Technological Properties of Brown and Red Irish Seaweed Species'. Foods, 10 [DOI] [Details]
(2021)'Oxidative Quality of Dairy Powders: Influencing Factors and Analysis'
Clarke HJ;McCarthy WP;O'Sullivan MG;Kerry JP;Kilcawley KN; (2021) 'Oxidative Quality of Dairy Powders: Influencing Factors and Analysis'. Foods (Basel, Switzerland), 10 (10) [DOI] [Details]
(2021)'The application of pureed butter beans and a combination of inulin and Rebaudioside A for the replacement of fat and sucrose in sponge cake: Sensory and physicochemical analysis'
Richardson, Aislinn M.; Tyuftin, Andrey A.; Kilcawley, Kieran N.; Gallagher, Eimear; O’ Sullivan, Maurice G.; Kerry, Joseph P. (2021) 'The application of pureed butter beans and a combination of inulin and Rebaudioside A for the replacement of fat and sucrose in sponge cake: Sensory and physicochemical analysis'. Foods (Basel, Switzerland), 10 (2):1-17 [DOI] [Full Text] [Details]
(2021)'Comparison of Automated Extraction Techniques for Volatile Analysis of Whole Milk Powder'
Cheng, Z;Mannion, DT;O'Sullivan, MG;Miao, S;Kerry, JP;Kilcawley, KN (2021) 'Comparison of Automated Extraction Techniques for Volatile Analysis of Whole Milk Powder'. Foods, 10 [DOI] [Details]
(2021)'Characterising the sensory quality and volatile aroma profile of clean-label sucrose reduced cakes'
Garvey, EC;O'Sullivan, MG;Kerry, JP;Milner, L;Gallagher, E;Kilcawley, KN (2021) 'Characterising the sensory quality and volatile aroma profile of clean-label sucrose reduced cakes'. Food Chemistry, 342 [DOI] [Details]
(2021)'Sensory Consumer and Descriptive Analysis of Steaks from Beef Animals Selected from Tough and Tender Animal Genotypes: Genetic Meat Quality Traits Can Be Detected by Consumers'
O'Sullivan, MG;O'Neill, CM;Conroy, S;Judge, MJ;Crofton, EC;Berry, DP (2021) 'Sensory Consumer and Descriptive Analysis of Steaks from Beef Animals Selected from Tough and Tender Animal Genotypes: Genetic Meat Quality Traits Can Be Detected by Consumers'. Foods, 10 [DOI] [Details]
(2021)'The sensory and physical properties of Shortbread biscuits cooked using different sucrose granule size fractions'
Tyuftin, AA;Richardson, AM;O' Sullivan, MG;Kilcawley, KN;Gallagher, E;Kerry, JP (2021) 'The sensory and physical properties of Shortbread biscuits cooked using different sucrose granule size fractions'. Journal of Food Science, 86 :705-714 [DOI] [Details]
(2020)'Dietary compounds influencing the sensorial, volatile and phytochemical properties of bovine milk'
Clarke H.;Griffin C.;Rai D.;O'Callaghan T.;O'Sullivan M.;Kerry J.;Kilcawley K. (2020) 'Dietary compounds influencing the sensorial, volatile and phytochemical properties of bovine milk'. Molecules (Basel, Switzerland), 25 (1) [DOI] [Details]
(2020)'Effect of salt reduction and inclusion of 1% edible seaweeds on the chemical, sensory and volatile component profile of reformulated frankfurters'
Vilar E.;Ouyang H.;O'Sullivan M.;Kerry J.;Hamill R.;O'Grady M.;Mohammed H.;Kilcawley K. (2020) 'Effect of salt reduction and inclusion of 1% edible seaweeds on the chemical, sensory and volatile component profile of reformulated frankfurters'. Meat Science, 161 [DOI] [Details]
(2020)'Physical, textural and sensory characteristics of reduced sucrose cakes, incorporated with clean-label sugar-replacing alternative ingredients'
Milner L.;Kerry J.;O'Sullivan M.;Gallagher E. (2020) 'Physical, textural and sensory characteristics of reduced sucrose cakes, incorporated with clean-label sugar-replacing alternative ingredients'. Journal Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies, 59 [DOI] [Details]
(2020)'Quality of three muscles from suckler bulls finished on concentrates and slaughtered at 16 months of age or slaughtered at 19 months of age from two production systems'
Moran L.;Wilson S.S.;O'Sullivan M.G.;McGee M.;O'Riordan E.G.;Monahan F.J.;Kerry J.P.;Moloney A.P. (2020) 'Quality of three muscles from suckler bulls finished on concentrates and slaughtered at 16 months of age or slaughtered at 19 months of age from two production systems'. Animal, [DOI] [Details]
(2020)'A cross-cultural sensory analysis of skim powdered milk produced from pasture and non-pasture diets'
Cheng, Z;O'Sullivan, MG;Kerry, JP;Drake, MA;Miao, S;Kaibo, D;Kilcawley, KN (2020) 'A cross-cultural sensory analysis of skim powdered milk produced from pasture and non-pasture diets'. Food Research International, 138 [DOI] [Details]
(2020)'Correlating volatile lipid oxidation compounds with consumer sensory data in dairy based powders during storage'
Clarke H.J.;O’Sullivan M.G.;Kerry J.P.;Kilcawley K.N. (2020) 'Correlating volatile lipid oxidation compounds with consumer sensory data in dairy based powders during storage'. Antioxidants (Basel, Switzerland), 9 (4) [DOI] [Details]
(2020)'Factors influencing the sensory perception of reformulated baked confectionary products'
Garvey E.C.;O’Sullivan M.G.;Kerry J.P.;Kilcawley K.N. (2020) 'Factors influencing the sensory perception of reformulated baked confectionary products'. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 60 (7):1160-1188 [DOI] [Details]
(2020)'Effect of pelvic suspension and post-mortem ageing on the quality of three muscles fromHolstein Friesianbulls and steers'
Moran, L;Barron, LJR;Wilson, SS;O'Sullivan, MG;Kerry, JP;Prendiville, R;Moloney, AP (2020) 'Effect of pelvic suspension and post-mortem ageing on the quality of three muscles fromHolstein Friesianbulls and steers'. Journal of The Science of Food and Agriculture, [DOI] [Details]
(2020)'A Cross-Cultural Evaluation of Liking and Perception of Salted Butter Produced from Different Feed Systems'
Garvey, EC;Sander, T;O'Callaghan, TF;Drake, M;Fox, S;O'Sullivan, MG;Kerry, JP;Kilcawley, KN (2020) 'A Cross-Cultural Evaluation of Liking and Perception of Salted Butter Produced from Different Feed Systems'. Foods, 9 [DOI] [Details]
(2020)'Volatile compounds of six species of edible seaweed: A review'
Garicano Vilar E.;O'Sullivan M.;Kerry J.;Kilcawley K. (2020) 'Volatile compounds of six species of edible seaweed: A review'. Algal Research, 45 [DOI] [Details]
(2020)'A chemometric approach to characterize the aroma of selected brown and red edible seaweeds / extracts'
Garicano Vilar, Elena; O'Sullivan, Maurice G.; Kerry, Joseph P.; Kilcawley, Kieran N. (2020) 'A chemometric approach to characterize the aroma of selected brown and red edible seaweeds / extracts'. Journal of The Science of Food and Agriculture, [DOI] [Full Text] [Details]
(2020)'Colloidal, Tribological and Sensory Properties of Oral Nutritional Supplements'
Bot, F., Crowley, S. V., O'Sullivan, J. J., O'Sullivan, M. G.,O'Mahony, J. A. (2020) 'Colloidal, Tribological and Sensory Properties of Oral Nutritional Supplements'. Italian Journal of Food Science, [Details]
(2019)'Effect of pasture versus indoor feeding regimes on the yield, composition, ripening and sensory characteristics of Maasdam cheese'
Panthi R.;Kelly A.;Hennessy D.;O'Sullivan M.;Kilcawley K.;Mannion D.;Fenelon M.;Sheehan J. (2019) 'Effect of pasture versus indoor feeding regimes on the yield, composition, ripening and sensory characteristics of Maasdam cheese'. International Journal of Dairy Technology, [DOI] [Details]
(2019)'Optimising the acceptability of reduced-salt ham with flavourings using a mixture design'
Delgado-Pando G.;Allen P.;Kerry J.;O'Sullivan M.;Hamill R. (2019) 'Optimising the acceptability of reduced-salt ham with flavourings using a mixture design'. Meat Science, 156 :1-10 [DOI] [Details]
(2019)'Understanding consumer liking of beef using hierarchical cluster analysis and external preference mapping'
Chong, F. S.; O'Sullivan, Maurice G.; Kerry, Joseph P.; Moloney, A. P.; Methven, L.; Gordon, A. W.; Hagan, T. D. J.; Farmer, L. J. (2019) 'Understanding consumer liking of beef using hierarchical cluster analysis and external preference mapping'. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture,   [DOI] [Full Text] [Details]
(2019)'Regional, socioeconomic and behavioural- impacts on consumer acceptability of beef in Northern Ireland, Republic of Ireland and Great Britain'
Chong, F. S.; Farmer, L. J.; Hagan, T. D. J.; Speers, J. S.; Sanderson, D. W.; Devlin, D. J.; Tollerton, I. J.; Gordon, A. W.; Methven, L.; Moloney, A. P.; Kerry, Joseph P.; O'Sullivan, Maurice G. (2019) 'Regional, socioeconomic and behavioural- impacts on consumer acceptability of beef in Northern Ireland, Republic of Ireland and Great Britain'. Meat Science,   [DOI] [Full Text] [Details]
(2019)'Development of a headspace solid-phase microextraction gas chromatography mass spectrometry method for the quantification of volatiles associated with lipid oxidation in whole milk powder using response surface methodology'
Clarke, HJ;Mannion, DT;O'Sullivan, MG;Kerry, JP;Kilcawley, KN (2019) 'Development of a headspace solid-phase microextraction gas chromatography mass spectrometry method for the quantification of volatiles associated with lipid oxidation in whole milk powder using response surface methodology'. Food Chemistry, 292 :75-80 [DOI] [Details]
(2019)'Suckler bulls slaughtered at 15 months of age: Effect of different production systems on the fatty acid profile and selected quality characteristics of Longissimus thoracis'
Moran L.;Wilson S.;McElhinney C.;Monahan F.;McGee M.;O’Sullivan M.;O’Riordan E.;Kerry J.;Moloney A. (2019) 'Suckler bulls slaughtered at 15 months of age: Effect of different production systems on the fatty acid profile and selected quality characteristics of Longissimus thoracis'. Foods, 8 (7) [DOI] [Details]
(2019)'Sensory optimisation of salt-reduced corned beef for different consumer segments'
Conroy, PM;O'Sulliyan, MG;Hamill, RM;Kerry, JP (2019) 'Sensory optimisation of salt-reduced corned beef for different consumer segments'. Meat Science, 154 :1-10 [DOI] [Details]
(2019)'Factors influencing the sensory perception of reformulated baked confectionary products'
Garvey EC;O'Sullivan MG;Kerry JP;Kilcawley KN; (2019) 'Factors influencing the sensory perception of reformulated baked confectionary products'. Critical Reviews In Food Science and Nutrition, [DOI] [Details]
(2018)'Corrigendum to Quality characteristics, chemical composition, and sensory properties of butter from cows on pasture versus indoor feeding systems (J. Dairy Sci. 99:9441-9460)'
O'Callaghan TF;Faulkner H;McAuliffe S;O'Sullivan MG;Hennessy D;Dillon P;Kilcawley KN;Stanton C;Ross RP; (2018) 'Corrigendum to Quality characteristics, chemical composition, and sensory properties of butter from cows on pasture versus indoor feeding systems (J. Dairy Sci. 99:9441-9460)'. Journal of Dairy Science, 101 (9) [DOI] [Details]
(2018)'The effect of buttermilk or buttermilk powder addition on functionality, textural, sensory and volatile characteristics of Cheddar-style cheese'
Hickey, CD;O'Sullivan, MG;Davis, J;Scholz, D;Kilcawley, KN;Wilkinson, MG;Sheehan, JJ (2018) 'The effect of buttermilk or buttermilk powder addition on functionality, textural, sensory and volatile characteristics of Cheddar-style cheese'. Food Research International, 103 :468-477 [DOI] [Details]
(2018)'Salt content and minimum acceptable levels in whole-muscle cured meat products'
Delgado-Pando, G;Fischer, E;Allen, P;Kerry, JP;O'Sullivan, MG;Hamill, RM (2018) 'Salt content and minimum acceptable levels in whole-muscle cured meat products'. Meat Science, 139 :179-186 [DOI] [Details]
(2018)'Cross Cultural Experiences of Chinese Students Studying Food Science in Ireland'
O'Sullivan, M. G.; Supple, B. (2018) 'Cross Cultural Experiences of Chinese Students Studying Food Science in Ireland'. Creative Education, 9 (13):1996-2015   [DOI] [Details]
(2018)'Factors Influencing the Flavour of Bovine Milk and Cheese from Grass Based versus Non-Grass Based Milk Production Systems'
Kilcawley KN;Faulkner H;Clarke HJ;O'Sullivan MG;Kerry JP; (2018) 'Factors Influencing the Flavour of Bovine Milk and Cheese from Grass Based versus Non-Grass Based Milk Production Systems'. Foods (Basel, Switzerland), 7 (3) [DOI] [Details]
(2018)'Factors Influencing the Flavour of Bovine Milk and Cheese from Grass Based versus Non-Grass Based Milk Production Systems'
Kilcawley, KN;Faulkner, H;Clarke, HJ;O'Sullivan, MG;Kerry, JP (2018) 'Factors Influencing the Flavour of Bovine Milk and Cheese from Grass Based versus Non-Grass Based Milk Production Systems'. FOODS, 7 [DOI] [Details]
(2018)'Interaction of salt content and processing conditions drives the quality response in streaky rashers'
Delgado-Pando, Gonzalo; Allen, Paul; Kerry, Joe P.; O'Sullivan, Maurice G.; Hamill, Ruth M. (2018) 'Interaction of salt content and processing conditions drives the quality response in streaky rashers'. Food Science And Technology-Lebensmittel-Wissenschaft & Technologie, 97 :632-639 [DOI] [Full Text] [Details]
(2018)'Impact on the physical and sensory properties of salt-and fat-reduced traditional Irish breakfast sausages on various age cohorts acceptance'
Conroy, Paula M.; O'Sullivan, Maurice G.; Hamill, Ruth M.; Kerry, Joseph P. (2018) 'Impact on the physical and sensory properties of salt-and fat-reduced traditional Irish breakfast sausages on various age cohorts acceptance'. Meat Science, 143 :190-198   [DOI] [Full Text] [Details]
(2018)'Impact on the physicochemical and sensory properties of salt reduced corned beef formulated with and without the use of salt replacers'
Fellendorf, S;Kerry, JP;Hamill, RM;O'Sullivan, MG (2018) 'Impact on the physicochemical and sensory properties of salt reduced corned beef formulated with and without the use of salt replacers'. Food Science And Technology-Lebensmittel-Wissenschaft & Technologie, 92 :584-592 [DOI] [Details]
(2018)'Corrigendum to “Quality characteristics, chemical composition, and sensory properties of butter from cows on pasture versus indoor feeding systems” (Journal of Dairy Science (2016) 99(11) (9254–9262), (S0022030216305720) (10.3168/jds.2016-11271))'
O'Callaghan T.;Faulkner H.;McAuliffe S.;O'Sullivan M.;Hennessy D.;Dillon P.;Kilcawley K.;Stanton C.;Ross R. (2018) 'Corrigendum to “Quality characteristics, chemical composition, and sensory properties of butter from cows on pasture versus indoor feeding systems” (Journal of Dairy Science (2016) 99(11) (9254–9262), (S0022030216305720) (10.3168/jds.2016-11271))'. Journal of Dairy Science, 101 (9) [DOI] [Details]
(2018)'Cross Cultural Experiences of Chinese Students Studying Food Science in Ireland'
O'Sullivan, M. & Supple, B. (2018) 'Cross Cultural Experiences of Chinese Students Studying Food Science in Ireland'. [DOI] [Details]
(2017)'Hedonic and descriptive sensory evaluation of instant and fresh coffee products'
Stokes, CN;O'Sullivan, MG;Kerry, JP (2017) 'Hedonic and descriptive sensory evaluation of instant and fresh coffee products'. European Food Research and Technology, 243 :331-340 [DOI] [Details]
(2017)'Sensory capability of young, middle-aged and elderly Irish assessors to identify beef steaks of varying texture'
Conroy, Paula M.; O’Sullivan, Maurice G.; Hamill, Ruth M.; Kerry, Joseph P. (2017) 'Sensory capability of young, middle-aged and elderly Irish assessors to identify beef steaks of varying texture'. Meat Science, [DOI] [Full Text] [Details]
Conroy, PM;O'Sullivan, MG;Hamill, RM;Kerry, JP (2017) 'MEAT SCIENCE'. Meat Science, 132 :125-130 [DOI] [Details]
(2017)'Effect of pasture versus indoor feeding systems on quality characteristics, nutritional composition, and sensory and volatile properties of full-fat Cheddar cheese'
O'Callaghan TF;Mannion DT;Hennessy D;McAuliffe S;O'Sullivan MG;Leeuwendaal N;Beresford TP;Dillon P;Kilcawley KN;Sheehan JJ;Ross RP;Stanton C; (2017) 'Effect of pasture versus indoor feeding systems on quality characteristics, nutritional composition, and sensory and volatile properties of full-fat Cheddar cheese'. Journal of Dairy Science, 100 (8) [DOI] [Details]
(2017)'Effect of a grazing period prior to finishing on a high concentrate diet on meat quality from bulls and steers'
Moran, L.; O'Sullivan, M. G.; Kerry, J. P.; Picard, B.; McGee, M.; O'Riordan, E. G.; Moloney, A. P. (2017) 'Effect of a grazing period prior to finishing on a high concentrate diet on meat quality from bulls and steers'. Meat Science, 125 :76-83 [DOI] [Full Text] [Details]
(2017)'Effect of different salt and fat levels on the physicochemical properties and sensory quality of black pudding'
Fellendorf, Susann,O'Sullivan, Maurice G.,Kerry, Joseph P. (2017) 'Effect of different salt and fat levels on the physicochemical properties and sensory quality of black pudding'. Food Science & Nutrition, 5 (2):273-284   [DOI] [Full Text] [Details]
(2017)'Effect of different forage types on the volatile and sensory properties of bovine milk'
Faulkner H;O'Callaghan TF;McAuliffe S;Hennessy D;Stanton C;O'Sullivan MG;Kerry JP;Kilcawley KN; (2017) 'Effect of different forage types on the volatile and sensory properties of bovine milk'. Journal of Dairy Science, [DOI] [Details]
(2016)'A Handbook for Sensory and Consumer Driven New Product Development: Innovative Technologies for the Food and Beverage Industry'
Maurice G. O'Sullivan (2016) 'A Handbook for Sensory and Consumer Driven New Product Development: Innovative Technologies for the Food and Beverage Industry'. [Details]
(2016)'Effect of using ingredient replacers on the physicochemical properties and sensory quality of low-salt and low-fat white puddings'
Fellendorf, S;O'Sullivan, MG;Kerry, JP (2016) 'Effect of using ingredient replacers on the physicochemical properties and sensory quality of low-salt and low-fat white puddings'. European Food Research and Technology, 242 :2105-2118 [DOI] [Details]
(2016)'Sensory quality of unheated and heated Mozzarella-style cheeses with different fat, salt and calcium levels'
Henneberry, S,O'Sullivan, MG,Kilcawley, KN,Kelly, PM,Wilkinson, MG,Guinee, TP (2016) 'Sensory quality of unheated and heated Mozzarella-style cheeses with different fat, salt and calcium levels'. International Journal of Dairy Technology, 69 :38-50 [DOI] [Details]
(2016)'A Handbook for Sensory and Consumer-Driven New Product Development: Innovative Technologies for the Food and Beverage Industry'
O'Sullivan M. (2016) 'A Handbook for Sensory and Consumer-Driven New Product Development: Innovative Technologies for the Food and Beverage Industry'. A Handbook for Sensory and Consumer-Driven New Product Development: Innovative Technologies for the Food and Beverage Industry, :1-337 [Details]
(2016)'Impact of ingredient replacers on the physicochemical properties and sensory quality of reduced salt and fat black puddings'
Fellendorf S;O'Sullivan MG;Kerry JP; (2016) 'Impact of ingredient replacers on the physicochemical properties and sensory quality of reduced salt and fat black puddings'. Meat Science, 113 [DOI] [Details]
(2016)'Quality characteristics, chemical composition, and sensory properties of butter from cows on pasture versus indoor feeding systems'
O'Callaghan TF;Faulkner H;McAuliffe S;O'Sullivan MG;Hennessy D;Dillon P;Kilcawley KN;Stanton C;Ross RP; (2016) 'Quality characteristics, chemical composition, and sensory properties of butter from cows on pasture versus indoor feeding systems'. Journal of Dairy Science, 99 (12) [DOI] [Details]
(2016)'Comparative DNA adduct formation and induction of colonic aberrant crypt foci in mice exposed to 2-amino-9H-pyrido[2,3-b]indole, 2-amino-3,4-dimethylimidazo[4,5-f]quinoline, and azoxymethane'
Kim S;Guo J;O'Sullivan MG;Gallaher DD;Turesky RJ; (2016) 'Comparative DNA adduct formation and induction of colonic aberrant crypt foci in mice exposed to 2-amino-9H-pyrido[2,3-b]indole, 2-amino-3,4-dimethylimidazo[4,5-f]quinoline, and azoxymethane'. Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis, 57 (2) [DOI] [Details]
(2016)'Assessment of black coffee temperature profiles consumed from paper-based cups and effect on affective and descriptive product sensory attributes'
Stokes, CN;O'Sullivan, MG;Kerry, JP (2016) 'Assessment of black coffee temperature profiles consumed from paper-based cups and effect on affective and descriptive product sensory attributes'. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 51 :2041-2048 [DOI] [Details]
(2016)'Acquisition of the yeast Kluyveromyces marxianus from unpasteurised milk by a kefir grain enhances kefir quality'
Gethins L;Rea MC;Stanton C;Ross RP;Kilcawley K;O'Sullivan M;Crotty S;Morrissey JP; (2016) 'Acquisition of the yeast Kluyveromyces marxianus from unpasteurised milk by a kefir grain enhances kefir quality'. Fems Microbiology Letters, 363 (16) [DOI] [Details]
(2016)'Microbial Succession and Flavor Production in the Fermented Dairy Beverage Kefir'
Walsh, Aaron M.; Crispie, Fiona; Kilcawley, Kieran; O’Sullivan, Orla; O’Sullivan, Maurice G.; Claesson, Marcus J.; Cotter, Paul D. (2016) 'Microbial Succession and Flavor Production in the Fermented Dairy Beverage Kefir'. Msystems, 1 (5):1-16 [DOI] [Full Text] [Details]
(2015)'Application of soy protein coatings and their effect on the quality and shelf-life stability of beef patties'
Guerrero, P;O'Sullivan, MG;Kerry, JP;de la Caba, K (2015) 'Application of soy protein coatings and their effect on the quality and shelf-life stability of beef patties'. RSC Advances, 5 :8182-8189 [DOI] [Details]
(2015)'Impact of varying salt and fat levels on the physicochemical properties and sensory quality of white pudding'
Fellendorf S;O'Sullivan MG;Kerry JP; (2015) 'Impact of varying salt and fat levels on the physicochemical properties and sensory quality of white pudding'. Meat Science, 103 [DOI] [Details]
(2015)'Resting of MAP (modified atmosphere packed) beef steaks prior to cooking and effects on consumer quality'
O'Sullivan, MG;Le Floch, S;Kerry, JP (2015) 'Resting of MAP (modified atmosphere packed) beef steaks prior to cooking and effects on consumer quality'. Meat Science, 101 :13-18 [DOI] [Details]
(2014)'Utilisation of a cell-free extract of lactic acid bacteria entrapped in yeast to enhance flavour development in Cheddar cheese'
Yarlagadda, AB,Wilkinson, MG,Ryan, SP,Doolan, IA,O'Sullivan, MG,Kilcawley, KN (2014) 'Utilisation of a cell-free extract of lactic acid bacteria entrapped in yeast to enhance flavour development in Cheddar cheese'. International Journal of Dairy Technology, 67 :21-30 [DOI] [Details]
(2014)'Effect of cooking and in vitro digestion on the stability of co-enzyme Q10 in processed meat products'
Tobin, BD,O'Sullivan, MG,Hamill, R,Kerry, JP (2014) 'Effect of cooking and in vitro digestion on the stability of co-enzyme Q10 in processed meat products'. Food chemistry, 150 :187-192 [DOI] [Details]
(2014)'Effect of cooking and in vitro digestion on the stability of co-enzyme Q10 in processed meat products'
Tobin, B.D., O’Sullivan, M.G., Hamill, R. and Kerry, J.P. (2014) 'Effect of cooking and in vitro digestion on the stability of co-enzyme Q10 in processed meat products'. Food chemistry, 150 :187-192 [Details]
(2014)'European consumer attitudes on the associated health benefits of neutraceutical-containing processed meats using Co-enzyme Q10 as a sample functional ingredient'
Tobin BD;O'Sullivan MG;Hamill R;Kerry JP; (2014) 'European consumer attitudes on the associated health benefits of neutraceutical-containing processed meats using Co-enzyme Q10 as a sample functional ingredient'. Meat Science, 97 (2) [DOI] [Details]
(2014)'Assessment of wild non-dairy lactococcal strains for flavour diversification in a mini-Gouda type cheese model'
Cavanagh, D,Kilcawley, KN,O'Sullivan, MG,Fitzgerald, GF,McAuliffe, O (2014) 'Assessment of wild non-dairy lactococcal strains for flavour diversification in a mini-Gouda type cheese model'. Food Research International, 62 :432-440 [DOI] [Details]
(2014)'Utilisation of microfluidisation to enhance enzymatic and metabolic potential of lactococcal strains as adjuncts in Gouda type cheese'
Yarlagadda, AB,Wilkinson, MG,O'Sullivan, MG,Kilcawley, KN (2014) 'Utilisation of microfluidisation to enhance enzymatic and metabolic potential of lactococcal strains as adjuncts in Gouda type cheese'. International Dairy Journal, 38 :124-132 [DOI] [Details]
(2014)'European consumer attitudes on the associated health benefits of neutraceutical-containing processed meats using Co-enzyme Q10 as a sample functional ingredient'
Tobin, B.D., O'Sullivan, M.G., Hamill, R.M. and Kerry, J.P. (2014) 'European consumer attitudes on the associated health benefits of neutraceutical-containing processed meats using Co-enzyme Q10 as a sample functional ingredient'. Meat Science, 97 :207-213 [Details]
(2013)'Use of smart packaging technologies for monitoring and extending the shelf-life quality of modified atmosphere packaged (MAP) bread: application of intelligent oxygen sensors and active ethanol emitters'
Hempel, A., O’Sullivan, M.G., Papkovsky, D.B. and Kerry, J.P. (2013) 'Use of smart packaging technologies for monitoring and extending the shelf-life quality of modified atmosphere packaged (MAP) bread: application of intelligent oxygen sensors and active ethanol emitters'. European Food Reseach and Technology, 237 :117-124 [Details]
(2013)'Use of optical oxygen sensors to monitor residual oxygen in pre- and post-pasteurised bottled beer and its effect on sensory attributes and product acceptability during simulated commercial storage'
Hempel, A;O'Sullivan, MG;Papkovsky, DB;Kerry, JP (2013) 'Use of optical oxygen sensors to monitor residual oxygen in pre- and post-pasteurised bottled beer and its effect on sensory attributes and product acceptability during simulated commercial storage'. Food Science And Technology-Lebensmittel-Wissenschaft & Technologie, 50 :226-231 [DOI] [Details]
(2013)'Use of optical oxygen sensors to monitor residual oxygen in pre- and post-pasteurised bottled beer and its effect on sensory attributes and product acceptability during simulated commercial storage'
Hempel, A., O’Sullivan, M.G., Papkovsky, D.B. and Kerry, J.P. (2013) 'Use of optical oxygen sensors to monitor residual oxygen in pre- and post-pasteurised bottled beer and its effect on sensory attributes and product acceptability during simulated commercial storage'. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 50 :226-231 [Details]
(2013)'The impact of salt and fat level variation on the physiochemical properties and sensory quality of pork breakfast sausages'
Tobin, BD;O'Sullivan, MG;Hamill, RM;Kerry, JP (2013) 'The impact of salt and fat level variation on the physiochemical properties and sensory quality of pork breakfast sausages'. Meat Science, 93 :145-152 [DOI] [Details]
(2013)'Assessment and Use of Optical Oxygen Sensors as Tools to Assist in Optimal Product Component Selection for the Development of Packs of Ready-to-Eat Mixed Salads and for the Non-Destructive Monitoring of in-Pack Oxygen Levels Using Chilled Storage'
Hempel AW;O'Sullivan MG;Papkovsky DB;Kerry JP; (2013) 'Assessment and Use of Optical Oxygen Sensors as Tools to Assist in Optimal Product Component Selection for the Development of Packs of Ready-to-Eat Mixed Salads and for the Non-Destructive Monitoring of in-Pack Oxygen Levels Using Chilled Storage'. Foods (Basel, Switzerland), 2 (2) [DOI] [Details]
(2013)'Nondestructive and continuous monitoring of oxygen levels in modified atmosphere packaged ready-to-eat mixed salad products using optical oxygen sensors, and its effects on sensory and microbiological counts during storage'
Hempel, A., O’Sullivan, M.G., Papkovsky, D.B. and Kerry, J.P. (2013) 'Nondestructive and continuous monitoring of oxygen levels in modified atmosphere packaged ready-to-eat mixed salad products using optical oxygen sensors, and its effects on sensory and microbiological counts during storage'. Journal of Food Science, 79 :1057-1062 [Details]
(2013)'Nondestructive and Continuous Monitoring of Oxygen Levels in Modified Atmosphere Packaged Ready-to-Eat Mixed Salad Products Using Optical Oxygen Sensors, and Its Effects on Sensory and Microbiological Counts during Storage'
Hempel, A,O'Sullivan, MG,Papkovsky, DB,Kerry, JP (2013) 'Nondestructive and Continuous Monitoring of Oxygen Levels in Modified Atmosphere Packaged Ready-to-Eat Mixed Salad Products Using Optical Oxygen Sensors, and Its Effects on Sensory and Microbiological Counts during Storage'. Journal of Food Science, 78 :1057-1062 [DOI] [Details]
(2013)'Sensory and chemical interactions of food pairings (basmati rice, bacon and extra virgin olive oil) with banana'
Traynor, MP;Burke, R;O'Sullivan, MG;Hannon, JA;Barry-Ryan, C (2013) 'Sensory and chemical interactions of food pairings (basmati rice, bacon and extra virgin olive oil) with banana'. Food Research International, 54 :569-577 [DOI] [Details]
(2013)'Effect of varying salt and fat levels on the sensory and physiochemical quality of frankfurters'
Tobin, B.D., O'Sullivan, M.G., Hamill, R.M. and Kerry, J.P. (2013) 'Effect of varying salt and fat levels on the sensory and physiochemical quality of frankfurters'. Meat Science, 92 :659-666 [Details]
(2013)'Use of smart packaging technologies for monitoring and extending the shelf-life quality of modified atmosphere packaged (MAP) bread: application of intelligent oxygen sensors and active ethanol emitters'
Hempel, AW;O'Sullivan, MG;Papkovsky, DB;Kerry, JP (2013) 'Use of smart packaging technologies for monitoring and extending the shelf-life quality of modified atmosphere packaged (MAP) bread: application of intelligent oxygen sensors and active ethanol emitters'. European Food Research and Technology, 237 :117-124 [DOI] [Details]
(2013)'Future development, innovation and promotion of European unique food: An interdisciplinary research framework perspective'
Byrne, DV,Waehrens, SS,O'Sullivan, MG (2013) 'Future development, innovation and promotion of European unique food: An interdisciplinary research framework perspective'. Journal of The Science of Food and Agriculture, 93 :3414-3419 [DOI] [Details]
(2013)'The impact of salt and fat level variation on the physiochemical properties and sensory quality of pork breakfast sausages'
Tobin, B.D., O'Sullivan, M.G., Hamill, R.M. and Kerry, J.P. (2013) 'The impact of salt and fat level variation on the physiochemical properties and sensory quality of pork breakfast sausages'. Meat Science, 93 :145-152 [Details]
(2012)'Assessment of nanoparticle paprika oleoresin on marinating performance and sensory acceptance of poultry meat'
Yusop, S.M., O’Sullivan, M.G., Preuß, M., Weber, H., Kerry, J.F. and Kerry, J.P. (2012) 'Assessment of nanoparticle paprika oleoresin on marinating performance and sensory acceptance of poultry meat'. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 46 :349-355 [Details]
(2012)'High-pressure-based hurdle strategy to extend the shelf-life of fresh chicken breast fillets'
Rodriguez-Calleja, JM;Cruz-Romero, MC;O'Sullivan, MG;Garcia-Lopez, ML;Kerry, JP (2012) 'High-pressure-based hurdle strategy to extend the shelf-life of fresh chicken breast fillets'. Food Control, 25 :516-524 [DOI] [Details]
(2012)'Assessment of nanoparticle paprika oleoresin on marinating performance and sensory acceptance of poultry meat'
Yusop, SM;O'Sullivan, MG;Preuss, M;Weber, H;Kerry, JF;Kerry, JP (2012) 'Assessment of nanoparticle paprika oleoresin on marinating performance and sensory acceptance of poultry meat'. Food Science And Technology-Lebensmittel-Wissenschaft & Technologie, 46 :349-355 [DOI] [Details]
(2012)'Effect of varying salt and fat levels on the sensory quality of beef patties'
Tobin, B.D., O'Sullivan, M.G., Hamill, R.M. and Kerry, J.P. (2012) 'Effect of varying salt and fat levels on the sensory quality of beef patties'. Meat Science, 91 :460-465 [Details]
(2012)'Effect of varying salt and fat levels on the sensory quality of beef patties'
Tobin, BD;O'Sullivan, MG;Hamill, RM;Kerry, JP (2012) 'Effect of varying salt and fat levels on the sensory quality of beef patties'. Meat Science, 91 :460-465 [DOI] [Details]
(2012)'The effects of high oxygen modified atmosphere packaging on protein oxidation of bovine M. longissimus dorsi muscle during chilled storage'
Zakrys-Walliwander, P.I., O’Sullivan, M.G., O’Neill, E.E. and Kerry, J.P. (2012) 'The effects of high oxygen modified atmosphere packaging on protein oxidation of bovine M. longissimus dorsi muscle during chilled storage'. Food Chemistry, 131 :527-532 [Details]
(2012)'The effects of high oxygen modified atmosphere packaging on protein oxidation of bovine M. longissimus dorsi muscle during chilled storage'
Zakrys-Waliwander, PI;O'Sullivan, MG;O'Neill, EE;Kerry, JP (2012) 'The effects of high oxygen modified atmosphere packaging on protein oxidation of bovine M. longissimus dorsi muscle during chilled storage'. Food Chemistry, 131 :527-532 [DOI] [Details]
(2012)'High-pressure-based hurdle strategy to extend the shelf-life of fresh chicken breast fillets'
Rodríguez, J.M., Cruz-Romero, M.C., O’Sullivan, M.G., García-López, M.I. and Kerry, J.P. (2012) 'High-pressure-based hurdle strategy to extend the shelf-life of fresh chicken breast fillets'. Food Control, 25 :516-524 [Details]
(2012)'Effect of varying salt and fat levels on the sensory and physiochemical quality of frankfurters'
Tobin, BD;O'Sullivan, MG;Hamill, RM;Kerry, JP (2012) 'Effect of varying salt and fat levels on the sensory and physiochemical quality of frankfurters'. Meat Science, 92 :659-666 [DOI] [Details]
(2012)'Influence of processing method and holding time on the physical and sensory qualities of cooked marinated chicken breast fillets'
Yusop, SM;O'Sullivan, MG;Kerry, JF;Kerry, JP (2012) 'Influence of processing method and holding time on the physical and sensory qualities of cooked marinated chicken breast fillets'. Food Science And Technology-Lebensmittel-Wissenschaft & Technologie, 46 :363-370 [DOI] [Details]
(2011)'Evaluation of carbon dioxide flavour taint in modified atmosphere packed beef steaks'
O'Sullivan, M.G., Cruz, M. and Kerry, J.P. ; (2011) 'Evaluation of carbon dioxide flavour taint in modified atmosphere packed beef steaks'. LWT - Food Science and Technology, [Details]
(2011)'The `Sense-Award¿ scoring system: Objective adjudication for a multi category food awards competition'
O¿Sullivan, M. G., Byrne, D. V., O¿Sullivan, M.P. and Kerry, J.P. ; (2011) 'The `Sense-Award¿ scoring system: Objective adjudication for a multi category food awards competition'. New Food, [Details]
(2011)'Sensory comparison of commercial low and high oxygen modified atmosphere packed sirloin beef steaks'
Zakrys-Walliwander, P. I., O'Sullivan, M. G., Walshe, H., Allen, P., Kerry, J. P. ; (2011) 'Sensory comparison of commercial low and high oxygen modified atmosphere packed sirloin beef steaks'. Meat Science, 88 :198-202 [Details]
(2011)'Sensory comparison of commercial low and high oxygen modified atmosphere packed sirloin beef steaks'
Zakrys-Waliwander, PI;O'Sullivan, MG;Walsh, H;Allen, P;Kerry, JP (2011) 'Sensory comparison of commercial low and high oxygen modified atmosphere packed sirloin beef steaks'. Meat Science, 88 :198-202 [DOI] [Details]
(2011)'Carbon dioxide flavour taint in modified atmosphere packed beef steaks'
O'Sullivan, MG;Cruz-Romero, M;Kerry, JP (2011) 'Carbon dioxide flavour taint in modified atmosphere packed beef steaks'. Food Science And Technology-Lebensmittel-Wissenschaft & Technologie, 44 :2193-2198 [DOI] [Details]
(2010)'Investigation of the influence of age, gender and consumption habits on the liking for jam-filled cakes'
Michon, C., O'Sullivan , M.G., Sheehan, E., Delahunty, C.M. and Kerry, J.P ; (2010) 'Investigation of the influence of age, gender and consumption habits on the liking for jam-filled cakes'. Food Quality and Preference, 21 :553-561 [Details]
(2010)'The investigation of gender related sensitivity differences in food perception'
Michon, C., O'Sullivan , M.G., Delahunty C.M. and Kerry, J.P.; (2010) 'The investigation of gender related sensitivity differences in food perception'. Journal of Sensory Studies, 24 :922-937 [Details]
(2010)'Effect of marinating time and low pH on marinade performance and sensory acceptability of poultry meat'
Yusop, S. M., O¿Sullivan, M. G., Kerry, J. F. & Kerry, J. P. ; (2010) 'Effect of marinating time and low pH on marinade performance and sensory acceptability of poultry meat'. Meat Science, 85 :657-663 [Details]
(2010)'Investigation of the influence of age, gender and consumption habits on the liking of jam-filled cakes'
Michon, C;O'Sullivan, MG;Sheehan, E;Delahunty, CM;Kerry, JP (2010) 'Investigation of the influence of age, gender and consumption habits on the liking of jam-filled cakes'. Food Quality and Preference, 21 :553-561 [DOI] [Details]
(2010)'Investigation of the effects of commercial carcass suspension (24 and 48 h) on meat quality in high oxygen modified atmosphere packed beef steaks during chill storage'
Zakrys-Waliwander, PI;O'Sullivan, MG;Allen, P;O'Neill, EE;Kerry, JP (2010) 'Investigation of the effects of commercial carcass suspension (24 and 48 h) on meat quality in high oxygen modified atmosphere packed beef steaks during chill storage'. Food Research International, 43 :277-284 [DOI] [Details]
(2010)'Investigation of the effects of commercial carcass suspension (24 and 48 hours) on meat quality in modified atmosphere packed beef steaks during chill storage'
Zakrys-Walliwander, P. I., O'Sullivan, M. G., Allen, P., O¿Neill, E.E and Kerry, J. P.; (2010) 'Investigation of the effects of commercial carcass suspension (24 and 48 hours) on meat quality in modified atmosphere packed beef steaks during chill storage'. Food Research International, 43 :277-284 [Details]
(2010)'Study on the influence of age, gender and familiarity with the product on the acceptance of vegetable soups'
Michon, C;O'Sullivan, MG;Sheehan, E;Delahunty, CM;Kerry, JP (2010) 'Study on the influence of age, gender and familiarity with the product on the acceptance of vegetable soups'. Food Quality and Preference, 21 :478-488 [DOI] [Details]
(2010)'EFFoST Annual Conference: Food and Health'
Rodriguez-Calleja, J.M., Cruz-Romero, M., O’Sullivan, M.G. and Kerry, J.P. (2010) 'EFFoST Annual Conference: Food and Health'. [Details]
(2010)'Effect of marinating time and low pH on marinade performance and sensory acceptability of poultry meat'
Yusop, SM;O'Sullivan, MG;Kerry, JF;Kerry, JP (2010) 'Effect of marinating time and low pH on marinade performance and sensory acceptability of poultry meat'. Meat Science, 85 :657-663 [DOI] [Details]
(2010)'Study on the influence of age, gender and familiarity with the product on the acceptance of vegetable soups'
Michon, C., O'Sullivan , M.G., Delahunty C.M. and Kerry, J.P.; (2010) 'Study on the influence of age, gender and familiarity with the product on the acceptance of vegetable soups'. Food Quality and Preference, 21 :478-488 [Details]
(2009)'Sensory evaluation of Indian-style marinated chicken by Malaysian and European naïve assessors'
Yusop, S, M., O'Sullivan, M. G., Kerry, J. F. and J. P. Kerry ; (2009) 'Sensory evaluation of Indian-style marinated chicken by Malaysian and European naïve assessors'. Journal of Sensory Studies, 24 :269-289 [Details]
Michon, C;O'Sullivan, MG;Delahunty, CM;Kerry, JP (2009) 'THE INVESTIGATION OF GENDER-RELATED SENSITIVITY DIFFERENCES IN FOOD PERCEPTION'. Journal of Sensory Studies, 24 :922-937 [DOI] [Details]
Yusop, SM;O'Sullivan, MG;Kerry, JF;Kerry, JP (2009) 'SENSORY EVALUATION OF CHINESE-STYLE MARINATED CHICKEN BY CHINESE AND EUROPEAN NAIVE ASSESSORS'. Journal of Sensory Studies, 24 :512-533 [DOI] [Details]
(2009)'Sensory evaluation of Chinese-style marinated chicken by Chinese and European naïve assessors'
Yusop, S, M., O'Sullivan, M. G., Kerry, J. F. and J. P. Kerry. ; (2009) 'Sensory evaluation of Chinese-style marinated chicken by Chinese and European naïve assessors'. Journal of Sensory Studies, 24 :512-533 [Details]
(2009)'Consumer acceptability and physiochemical characteristics of modified atmosphere packed beef steaks'
Zakrys, PI;O'Sullivan, MG;Allen, P;Kerry, JP (2009) 'Consumer acceptability and physiochemical characteristics of modified atmosphere packed beef steaks'. Meat Science, 81 :720-725 [DOI] [Details]
(2009)'Consumer acceptability and physiochemical characteristics of modified atmosphere packed beef steaks'
Zakrys, P. I., O'Sullivan, M. G., Allen, P., Kerry, J. P. ; (2009) 'Consumer acceptability and physiochemical characteristics of modified atmosphere packed beef steaks'. Meat Science, 81 :720-725 [Details]
(2008)'Effects of oxygen concentration on the sensory evaluation and quality indicators of beef muscle packed under modified atmosphere'
Zakrys, PI;Hogan, SA;O'Sullivan, MG;Allen, P;Kerry, JP (2008) 'Effects of oxygen concentration on the sensory evaluation and quality indicators of beef muscle packed under modified atmosphere'. Meat Science, 79 :648-655 [DOI] [Details]
(2008)'Effects of oxygen concentration on sensory evaluation and quality indicators of beef muscle packed under modified atmosphere'
Zakrys, P. I., Hogan, S. A., O'Sullivan, M. G., Allen, P., Kerry, J. P.; (2008) 'Effects of oxygen concentration on sensory evaluation and quality indicators of beef muscle packed under modified atmosphere'. Meat Science, 79 :648-655 [Details]
(2003)'Sensory and chemical assessment of pork supplemented with iron and vitamin E'
O'Sullivan MG;Byrne DV;Nielsen JH;Andersen HJ;Martens M; (2003) 'Sensory and chemical assessment of pork supplemented with iron and vitamin E'. Meat Science, 64 (2) [DOI] [Details]
(2003)'Descriptive sensory profiling and physical/chemical analyses of warmed-over flavour in pork patties from carriers and non-carriers of the RN(-) allele'
Byrne DV;O'Sullivan MG;Bredie WL;Andersen HJ;Martens M; (2003) 'Descriptive sensory profiling and physical/chemical analyses of warmed-over flavour in pork patties from carriers and non-carriers of the RN(-) allele'. Meat Science, 63 (2) [DOI] [Details]
(2003)'Sensory and chemical assessment of pork supplemented with iron and vitamin E'
O'Sullivan M.;Byrne D.;Nielsen J.;Andersen H.;Martens M. (2003) 'Sensory and chemical assessment of pork supplemented with iron and vitamin E'. Meat Science, 64 (2):175-189 [DOI] [Details]
(2003)'Evaluation of pork colour: prediction of visual sensory quality of meat from instrumental and computer vision methods of colour analysis'
O'Sullivan MG;Byrne DV;Martens H;Gidskehaug LH;Andersen HJ;Martens M; (2003) 'Evaluation of pork colour: prediction of visual sensory quality of meat from instrumental and computer vision methods of colour analysis'. Meat Science, 65 (2) [DOI] [Details]
(2003)'Evaluation of pork meat colour: Prediction of visual sensory quality of meat from instrumental and computer vision methods of colour analysis'
O'Sullivan, M.G., Byrne, D.V., Martens, H., Gidskehaug, L.H, Andersen, H.J. and Martens. M.; (2003) 'Evaluation of pork meat colour: Prediction of visual sensory quality of meat from instrumental and computer vision methods of colour analysis'. Meat Science, 65 :909-916 [Details]
(2003)'Evaluation of pork colour: sensory colour assessment using trained and untrained sensory panellists'
O'Sullivan, M.G., Byrne D. V. and Martens, M.; (2003) 'Evaluation of pork colour: sensory colour assessment using trained and untrained sensory panellists'. Meat Science, 63 :119-129 [Details]
(2003)'Descriptive sensory profiling and physical/chemical analyses of warmed-over flavour in pork patties from carriers and non-carriers of the RN- allele'
Byrne D.;O'Sullivan M.;Bredie W.;Andersen H.;Martens M. (2003) 'Descriptive sensory profiling and physical/chemical analyses of warmed-over flavour in pork patties from carriers and non-carriers of the RN- allele'. Meat Science, 63 (2):211-224 [DOI] [Details]
(2003)'Sensory and chemical assessment of pork supplemented with iron and vitamin E'
O'Sullivan, M.G., Byrne, D.V., Nielsen, J.H., Andersen, H.J. and Martens, M.; (2003) 'Sensory and chemical assessment of pork supplemented with iron and vitamin E'. Meat Science, 64 :175-189 [Details]
(2003)'A comparison of warmed-over flavour in pork by sensory analysis, GC/MS and the electronic nose'
O'Sullivan, M.G., Byrne, D.V., Jensen, M.T., Andersen, H.J. and Vestergaard, J; (2003) 'A comparison of warmed-over flavour in pork by sensory analysis, GC/MS and the electronic nose'. Meat Science, 65 :1125-1138 [Details]
(2003)'Evaluation of pork colour: Sensory colour assessment using trained and untrained sensory panellists'
O'Sullivan M.;Byrne D.;Martens M. (2003) 'Evaluation of pork colour: Sensory colour assessment using trained and untrained sensory panellists'. Meat Science, 63 (1):119-129 [DOI] [Details]
(2003)'A comparison of warmed-over flavour in pork by sensory analysis, GC/MS and the electronic nose'
O'Sullivan MG;Byrne DV;Jensen MT;Andersen HJ;Vestergaard J; (2003) 'A comparison of warmed-over flavour in pork by sensory analysis, GC/MS and the electronic nose'. Meat Science, 65 (3) [DOI] [Details]
(2002)'Sensory colour assessment of fresh meat from pigs supplemented with iron and vitamin E'
O'Sullivan MG;Byrne DV;Stagsted J;Andersen HJ;Martens M; (2002) 'Sensory colour assessment of fresh meat from pigs supplemented with iron and vitamin E'. Meat Science, 60 (3) [DOI] [Details]
(2002)'The reliability of naïve assessors in sensory evaluation visualised by pragmatical multivariate analysis'
O'Sullivan, M.G., Martens, H., Boberg, S., Kristensen, L. & Martens, M.; (2002) 'The reliability of naïve assessors in sensory evaluation visualised by pragmatical multivariate analysis'. Journal of Food Quality and Preference, 25 :395-408 [Details]
(2002)'Sensory colour assessment of fresh meat from pigs supplemented with iron and vitamin E'
O'Sullivan M.;Byrne D.;Stagsted J.;Andersen H.;Martens M. (2002) 'Sensory colour assessment of fresh meat from pigs supplemented with iron and vitamin E'. Meat Science, 60 (3):253-265 [DOI] [Details]
(2002)'Sensory colour assessment of fresh meat from pigs supplemented with iron and vitamin E'
O'Sullivan, M.G., Byrne, D.V., Stagsted, J., Andersen, H.J. and Martens, M.; (2002) 'Sensory colour assessment of fresh meat from pigs supplemented with iron and vitamin E'. Meat Science, 60 :253-265 [Details]
(2002)'The reliability of naïve assessors in sensory evaluation visualized by pragmatical multivariate analysis'
O'Sullivan M.G.;Martens H.;Boberg Baech S.;Kristensen L.;Martens M. (2002) 'The reliability of naïve assessors in sensory evaluation visualized by pragmatical multivariate analysis'. Journal Of Food Quality, 25 (5):395-408 [DOI] [Details]
(2002)'Descriptive sensory profiling and physical/chemical analyses of warmed-over flavour in meat patties from carriers and non-carriers of the RN_ allele'
Byrne, D. V., O'Sullivan, M. G., Bredie, W. L. P. & Martens, M. (2002); (2002) 'Descriptive sensory profiling and physical/chemical analyses of warmed-over flavour in meat patties from carriers and non-carriers of the RN_ allele'. Meat Science, 63 :211-224 [Details]
(2002)'Data analytical methodologies in the development of a vocabulary for evaluation of meat quality'
O'Sullivan, M.G., Byrne D. V., and Martens, M.; (2002) 'Data analytical methodologies in the development of a vocabulary for evaluation of meat quality'. Journal of Sensory Studies, 17 :539-558 [Details]
(2002)'Data analytical methodologies in the development of a vocabulary for evaluation of meat quality'
O'Sullivan M.G.;Byrne D.V.;Martens H.;Martens M. (2002) 'Data analytical methodologies in the development of a vocabulary for evaluation of meat quality'. Journal of Sensory Studies, 17 (6):539-558 [DOI] [Details]
(2001)'Sensory panel consistency during development of a vocabulary for warmed-over flavour'
Byrne D.V.;O’Sullivan M.G.;Dijksterhuis G.B.;Bredie W.L.P.;Martens M. (2001) 'Sensory panel consistency during development of a vocabulary for warmed-over flavour'. Food Quality and Preference, 12 (3):171-187 [DOI] [Details]
(2001)'Sensory panel consistency during development of a vocabulary for warmed-over flavour'
Byrne, D. V., O'Sullivan, M. G., Dijksterhuis, G. B., Bredie, W. L. P. and Martens, M. ; (2001) 'Sensory panel consistency during development of a vocabulary for warmed-over flavour'. Food Quality and Preference, 12 :171-187 [Details]
(2000)'The effects of dietary a-tocopheryl acetate supplementation and modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) on the quality of lamb patties'
Kerry J.;O'Sullivan M.;Buckley D.;Lynch P.;Morrissey P. (2000) 'The effects of dietary a-tocopheryl acetate supplementation and modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) on the quality of lamb patties'. Meat Science, 56 (1):61-66 [DOI] [Details]
(2000)'Distribution of Ą-tocopherol in beef muscles following dietary Ą-tocopheryl acetate supplementation'
Lynch, A., Kerry, J.P., O¡¦Sullivan, M.G., Lawlor, J.B.P., Buckley, D.J. and Morrissey, P.A.; (2000) 'Distribution of ƒÑ-tocopherol in beef muscles following dietary ƒÑ-tocopheryl acetate supplementation'. Meat Science, 56 (*):211-214 [Details]
(2000)'Distribution of ¿tocopherol in beef muscles following dietary ¿tocopheryl acetate supplementation'
Lynch, A., Kerry, L.P., O'Sullivan, M.G., Lawlor, J.B.P., Buckley, D.J. & Morrissey, P.A. ; (2000) 'Distribution of ¿tocopherol in beef muscles following dietary ¿tocopheryl acetate supplementation'. Meat Science, 56 :211-214 [Details]
(2000)'The effects of dietary α-tocopheryl acetate supplementation and modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) on the quality of lamb patties'
Kerry, J.P., O'Sullivan, M.G., Buckley, D.J., Lynch, P.B. and Morrissey, P.A.; (2000) 'The effects of dietary α-tocopheryl acetate supplementation and modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) on the quality of lamb patties'. Meat Science, 56 :61-66 [Details]
(2000)'Distribution of a-tocopherol in beef muscles following dietary a-tocopheryl acetate supplementation'
Lynch A.;Kerry J.;O'Sullivan M.;Lawlor J.;Buckley D.;Morrissey P. (2000) 'Distribution of a-tocopherol in beef muscles following dietary a-tocopheryl acetate supplementation'. Meat Science, 56 (2):211-214 [DOI] [Details]
(2000)'Distribution of Ą-tocopherol in beef muscle following dietary Ątocopheryl acetate supplementation'
Lynch, A., Kerry, J.P., O¡¦Sullivan, M.G., Lawlor, J.B.P., Buckley, D.J. & Morrissey, P.A.; (2000) 'Distribution of ƒÑ-tocopherol in beef muscle following dietary ƒÑtocopheryl acetate supplementation'. Meat Science, 56 (*):211-214 [Details]
(2000)'The effects of dietary Ą-tocopheryl acetate supplementation and modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) on the quality of lamb patties'
Kerry, J.P., O¡¦Sullivan, M.G., Buckley, D.J., Lynch, P.B. and Morrissey, P.A.; (2000) 'The effects of dietary ƒÑ-tocopheryl acetate supplementation and modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) on the quality of lamb patties'. Meat Science, 56 (*):61-66 [Details]
(1999)'43rd International Congress of Meat Science and Technology Vitality of Meat(1997)'
Burkley, E., Kerry, J.P., O'Sullivan, M.G., Buckley, D.J. and Morrissey, P.A.; (1999) '43rd International Congress of Meat Science and Technology Vitality of Meat(1997)'. :640-641 [Details]
(1999)'42nd International Congress of Meat Science and Technology Meat for the Consumer(1996)'
O'Sullivan, M.G., Kerry, J.P., Buckley, D.J., Lynch, P.B. and Morrissey, P.A.; (1999) '42nd International Congress of Meat Science and Technology Meat for the Consumer(1996)'. :102-103 [Details]
(1998)'The effect of dietary vitamin E supplementation on quality aspects of porcine muscles'
O'Sullivan, M.G., Kerry, J.P., Buckley, D.J., Lynch, P.B. and Morrissey, P.A.; (1998) 'The effect of dietary vitamin E supplementation on quality aspects of porcine muscles'. Irish Journal of Agricultural and Food Research, 37 (*):227-235 [Details]
(1998)'The effect of dietary vitamin E supplementation on quality aspects of porcine muscle'
O’Sullivan, M.G., Kerry, J.P., Buckley, D.J., Lynch, P.B. and Morrissey, P.A.; (1998) 'The effect of dietary vitamin E supplementation on quality aspects of porcine muscle'. Irish Journal of Agricultural and Food Research, 37 (*):227-236 [Details]
(1998)'The effect of dietary vitamin E supplementation on quality aspects of porcine muscles'
O'Sullivan, M.G., Kerry, J.P., Buckley, D.J., Lynch, P.B. & Morrissey, P.A. ; (1998) 'The effect of dietary vitamin E supplementation on quality aspects of porcine muscles'. Irish Journal of Agriculture and Food Research, 37 :227-235 [Details]
(1997)'The distribution of dietary vitamin E in the muscles of the porcine carcass'
OSullivan, MG;Kerry, JP;Buckley, DJ;Lynch, PB;Morrissey, PA (1997) 'The distribution of dietary vitamin E in the muscles of the porcine carcass'. Meat Science, 45 :297-305 [Details]
(1997)'The distribution of dietary vitamin E in the muscles of the porcine carcass'
O'Sullivan, M.G., Kerry, J.P., Buckley, D.J., Lynch, P.B. and Morrissey, P.A.; (1997) 'The distribution of dietary vitamin E in the muscles of the porcine carcass'. Meat Science, 45 (*):297-305 [Details]
(1997)'The Distribution of Dietary Vitamin E in the Muscle of the Porcine Carcass [B1423]'
O'Sullivan, M. G.; Kerry, J. P.; Buckley, D. J.; Lynch, P. B.; Morrissey, P. A.; (1997) 'The Distribution of Dietary Vitamin E in the Muscle of the Porcine Carcass [B1423]'. Meat Science, 45 (*):297-305 [Details]
(1997)'The distribution of dietary vitamin E in the muscle of the porcine carcass'
O¿Sullivan, M.G., Kerry, J.P., Buckley, D.J., Lynch, P.B. & Morrissey, P.A. ; (1997) 'The distribution of dietary vitamin E in the muscle of the porcine carcass'. Meat Science, 45 :297-305 [Details]
(1996)'Meat for Consumer, 42nd International Congress of Meat Science and Technology, Lillehammer, Norway'
Kerry, J. P.; Lynch, M.; Buckley, D. J.; Morrissey, P. A.; Monahan, F. J.; Allen, P.; (1996) 'Meat for Consumer, 42nd International Congress of Meat Science and Technology, Lillehammer, Norway'. :96-97 [Details]

Conference Publications

(2024)Eurosense 2024, Dublin
Conroy, P.M., O’Sullivan, M.G., and Kerry J.P. (2024) The need for food packaging solutions for the elderly consumers in Ireland Eurosense 2024, Dublin [Details]
(2023)IFSTI 2023; 51st Annual Food Science and Technology Conference Food Systems in Changing World - The Science, Challenges and Opportuinities Teagasc Food Research Centre, Ashtown in DublinDecember 6th-7th, 2023
arhan ALI, Prabhav Moholkar, Maurice G. O’Sullivan, Seamus O’Mahony, Joseph Kerry. (2023) Meat Replacement in White Pudding with Pea Protein IFSTI 2023; 51st Annual Food Science and Technology Conference Food Systems in Changing World - The Science, Challenges and Opportuinities Teagasc Food Research Centre, Ashtown in DublinDecember 6th-7th, 2023 [Details]
(2021)Irish Mass Spectrometry Society Conference, Dublin, Ireland
Elena Garicano Vilar, Maurice G O’Sullivan, Joseph P Kerry, Kieran N Kilcawley (2021) Optimization of a high-capacity sorptive extraction (Hi-Sorb) GC-MS method for the determination of lipid oxidation volatile compounds in beef Irish Mass Spectrometry Society Conference, Dublin, Ireland [Details]
(2021)14th Pangborn Sensory Science symposium, Global online conference with live streamed talks and posters, August 9-12, 2021
Corcoran, L.C.1,2, Schlich, P.3, Millar K.A.1, Moloney, A.P.4, Botinestean, C1, Gallagher, E.1, O’ Sullivan M.G.2, Crofton, E.C (2021) Influence of Consumer Demographics on Liking of Beef Steaks from Three Different Feeding Systems 14th Pangborn Sensory Science symposium, Global online conference with live streamed talks and posters, August 9-12, 2021 [Details]
(2021)14th Pangborn Sensory Science symposium, Global online conference with live streamed talks and posters, August 9-12, 2021
Corcoran, L.C.1,2, Schlich, P.3, Millar K.A.1, Moloney, A.P.4, Botinestean, C.1, Gallagher, E.1, O’ Sullivan M.G.2, Crofton, E.C.1. (2021) Application of two temporal liking methods to examine the differences in consumer liking of beef steaks from three different feeding systems 14th Pangborn Sensory Science symposium, Global online conference with live streamed talks and posters, August 9-12, 2021 [Details]
(2020)IFSTI December 2020 46th Annual Food Science and Technology Conference
Holly J. Clarke, Maurice G. O’ Sullivan , Joseph P. Kerry , Kieran N. Kilcawley (2020) Pasture and non-pasture-based feeding systems influence the aroma-active compounds in raw bovine milk IFSTI December 2020 46th Annual Food Science and Technology Conference [Details]
(2020)IFSTI December 2020 46th Annual Food Science and Technology Conference
Elena Garicano Vilar, Maurice G O’Sullivan, Joseph P Kerry, Kieran N Kilcawley (2020) Development of a high-capacity sorptive extraction (Hi-Sorb) gas chromatrographymass spectrometry method for the identification of volatiles associated with lipid oxidation in raw beef IFSTI December 2020 46th Annual Food Science and Technology Conference [Details]
(2020)IFSTI December 2020 46th Annual Food Science and Technology Conference
Corcoran, L.C, Schlich, P, Millar K., Moloney, A.P, Botinestean, C. , Gallagher, E., O’ Sullivan M.G. Crofton, E.C. (2020) Comparing Consumer Liking of Beef Steaks from Three Different Feeding Systems Using Sensory Temporal Liking and Traditional Liking Methods IFSTI December 2020 46th Annual Food Science and Technology Conference [Details]
(2019)65th International Congress of Meat Science and Technology, Berlin, Germany. 4-9 August 2019
Chong, F.S., Kerry, J.P., O’Sullivan, M.G., Legako, J., Hagan, T.D.J. and Farmer, L.J. (2019) Effect of ageing period on volatile flavour compounds in cooked beef 65th International Congress of Meat Science and Technology, Berlin, Germany. 4-9 August 2019 [Details]
(2019)12th Wartburg Symposium on Flavor Chemistry & Biology, May 21 – 24, 2019Eisenach, Germany
Farmer, L.J., Chong, F.S., Hagan, T.D.J., Legako, J., O’Sullivan, M.G., Kerry, J.P. and Polkinghorne, R. (2019) ACCESSIBLE PROTOCOL FOR INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH ON MEAT FLAVOUR MARKER COMPOUNDS 12th Wartburg Symposium on Flavor Chemistry & Biology, May 21 – 24, 2019Eisenach, Germany [Details]
(2019)Pangborn, 2019. 13th Pangborn Sensory Science symposium, Edinburgh, Scotland, 28th July-1st August
O’Sullivan, M.G., Richardson A.M., Tyuftin A.A., Kilcawley K.N., Gallagher E., and Kerry J.P (2019) Sugar reduction strategy for shortbread biscuits: sensory perception properties Pangborn, 2019. 13th Pangborn Sensory Science symposium, Edinburgh, Scotland, 28th July-1st August [Details]
(2019)ASDA, American Dairy Science Association, 2019. 23-26th June, Cincinatti, Ohio
Zeng, C., O’Sullivan, M.G., Drake, M.A., Deng, K.B., Miao, S. and Kilcawley, K.N. (2019) A cross-cultural study of the sensory perception of skim milk powder between Ireland, America and China ASDA, American Dairy Science Association, 2019. 23-26th June, Cincinatti, Ohio [Details]
(2019)13th Pangborn Sensory Science symposium, Edinburgh, Scotland, 28th July-1st August
O’Sullivan, M.G., Richardson A.M., Tyuftin A.A., Kilcawley K.N., Gallagher E., and Kerry J.P. (2019) Sensory perception properties of reformulated low sugar vanilla-flavoured muffins 13th Pangborn Sensory Science symposium, Edinburgh, Scotland, 28th July-1st August [Details]
(2019)65th International Congress of Meat Science and Technology, Berlin, Germany. 4-9 August 2019
Chong, F.S., Kerry, J.P., O’Sullivan, M.G., Legako, J., Hagan, T.D.J. and Farmer, L.J. (2019) Comparison of solid-phase micro-extraction methods for beef volatile analysis 65th International Congress of Meat Science and Technology, Berlin, Germany. 4-9 August 2019 [Details]
(2019)The 48th Annual Food Science and Technology Conference hosted by University of limerick and IFSTI, 16th December, 2019
Dunphy, L., O’ Grady, M.N and O’Sullivan, M.G. (2019) Sequential Reduction of Meat in White and Black Pudding using Ingredient Replacers and the Impact on the Sensory and Physicochemical Properties The 48th Annual Food Science and Technology Conference hosted by University of limerick and IFSTI, 16th December, 2019 [Details]
(2019)Pangborn, 2019. 13th Pangborn Sensory Science symposium, Edinburgh, Scotland, 28th July-1st August
Garvey, E., Gallagher, E., O'Sullivan, M.G., Kerry, J.P., Kilcawley, K.N (2019) Impact of sucrose replacement on the aroma profile and flavour perception of sponge cakes Pangborn, 2019. 13th Pangborn Sensory Science symposium, Edinburgh, Scotland, 28th July-1st August [Details]
(2019)13th Pangborn Sensory Science symposium, Edinburgh, Scotland, 28th July-1st August
Clarke, H., Griffin, C.,Rai, D., O'Sullivan, M.G., Kerry, J.P., Kilcawley, K.N. (2019) Dietary volatile compounds influencing the sensory properties of bovine milk 13th Pangborn Sensory Science symposium, Edinburgh, Scotland, 28th July-1st August [Details]
(2019)2 nd Food Chemistry Conference Seville Spain, 17-19th Sept
Garicano-Vilar, E., O’Sullivan, M.G., Kerry, J.P. and Kilcawley, K.N. (2019) Novel clean label strategies for the nutritional and sensory optimization of reduced salt and fat processed meat products 2 nd Food Chemistry Conference Seville Spain, 17-19th Sept [Details]
(2018)The 47th Annual Food Science and Technology Conference hosted by University College Cork and IFSTI, 6-7th December, 2018
Bolger, Z., O’Sullivan, M.G. Kerry, J.P,, Burke, A., Fitzpatrick, R. and Hamill, R. (2018) Effect of 3D printing on the eating quality of beef patties The 47th Annual Food Science and Technology Conference hosted by University College Cork and IFSTI, 6-7th December, 2018 [Details]
(2018)The 47th Annual Food Science and Technology Conference hosted by University College Cork and IFSTI, 6-7th December, 2018
Garvey, E., O’Sullivan, M.G. Kerry, J.P, and Kilcawley, K.N (2018) ). Application of Response Surface Methodology to Optimise Solid-Phase Microextraction for Volatile Analysis of Baked Confectionary Products The 47th Annual Food Science and Technology Conference hosted by University College Cork and IFSTI, 6-7th December, 2018 [Details]
(2018)32nd EFFoST International Conference. 6-8 November 2018, Nantes, France
Milner, L., O’Sullivan, M.G. (2018) Physical, textural and sensory characteristics of reduced sucrose cakes, incorporated with clean-label sugar-replacing alternative ingredients 32nd EFFoST International Conference. 6-8 November 2018, Nantes, France [Details]
(2018). Eurosense 2018; A sense of taste, 2-5 September 2018, Verona, Italy
Zeng, C., Kilcawley, K.N., Drake, M.A., Deng, K.B. and O’Sullivan, M.G. (2018) Consumer perception of Irish skim powdered milk : A cross-cultural study between Ireland, America and China . Eurosense 2018; A sense of taste, 2-5 September 2018, Verona, Italy [Details]
(2018)EFFoFST, Nov 6th -8th, 2018
Milner, L., O’Sullivan, M.G., Kerry, J.P. and Gallagher, E. (2018) Fundamental dough properties and baked characteristics of novel products with reduced sugar EFFoFST, Nov 6th -8th, 2018 [Details]
(2018)7th European Sensory Science Society Annual Symposium. May 8-9th, 2018, Teagasc, Ashtown, Dublin
Milner, L., O’Sullivan, M.G., Kerry, J.P. and Gallagher, E. (2018) Using cake as a model system to investigate the effects of sugar-replacing ingredients 7th European Sensory Science Society Annual Symposium. May 8-9th, 2018, Teagasc, Ashtown, Dublin [Details]
(2018)64th International Congress of Meat Science and Technology, Melbourne, Australia
Aidan P. Moloney, Edward G. O’Riordan, Mark McGee, Maurice G. O’Sullivan, Joseph P. Kerry, Shannon Coyle, Frank J. Monahan, Sibhekiso Siphambili and Lara Moran (2018) Grass-based production systems for late maturing suckler bulls: carcass characteristics and meat eating quality 64th International Congress of Meat Science and Technology, Melbourne, Australia [Details]
(2018)7th European Sensory Science Society Annual Symposium. May 8-9th, 2018, Teagasc, Ashtown, Dublin
Chong, F.S., Farmer, L.J., Hagan, T.D.J., Moloney, A.P., Kerry, J.P. and O’Sullivan, M.G. (2018) Evaluation of consumer acceptability of beef using cluster analysis 7th European Sensory Science Society Annual Symposium. May 8-9th, 2018, Teagasc, Ashtown, Dublin [Details]
(2018)Eurosense 2018; A sense of taste, 2-5 September 2018, Verona, Italy
Fellendorf, S., Kerry J.P. and O’Sullivan, M.G. (2018) Salt- and fat-reduced foods. A consumer survey on attitudes to reformulated traditional processed meats in Ireland Eurosense 2018; A sense of taste, 2-5 September 2018, Verona, Italy [Details]
(2018)64th International Congress of Meat Science and Technology, Melbourne, Australia
Chong, F.S., Farmer, L.J., Hagan, T.D.J., Moloney, A.P., Kerry, J.P. and O’Sullivan, M.G (2018) Consumer acceptability of beef in regions of the british isles? 64th International Congress of Meat Science and Technology, Melbourne, Australia [Details]
(2018)32nd EFFoST International Conference, 6-8 November 2018, Nantes, France
Richardson, A.M., Tyuftin, A., Kilcawley, K.N., Gallagher, E., O’Sullivan, M.G (2018) Developing innovative food structures and functionalities through process and reformulation to satisfy consumer needs and expectations 32nd EFFoST International Conference, 6-8 November 2018, Nantes, France [Details]
(2018)17th World Congress on Nutrition and Food Chemistry, September 13-15, 2018 London
Richardson, A.M., Tyuftin, A., Kilcawley, K.N., Gallagher, E., O’Sullivan, M.G (2018) Sugar and fat reduction strategies in Irish confectionery products: sensory evaluation and physical properties 17th World Congress on Nutrition and Food Chemistry, September 13-15, 2018 London [Details]
(2018)25th anniversary of the Walsh Fellowship programme: Food Programme Competition Tuesday, September 18th, 2018 Teagasc Food Research Centre, Ashtown, Dublin
Emer Garvey, Maurice G. O’Sullivan, Joseph P. Kerry and Kieran N. Kilcawley. (2018) Using Response Surface Methodology to Optimise Solid-Phase Microextraction for Volatile Analysis of Baked Confectionary Products 25th anniversary of the Walsh Fellowship programme: Food Programme Competition Tuesday, September 18th, 2018 Teagasc Food Research Centre, Ashtown, Dublin [Details]
(2018)25th anniversary of the Walsh Fellowship programme: Food Programme Competition Tuesday, September 18th, 2018 Teagasc Food Research Centre, Ashtown, Dublin
Panthi, R.R., Kelly, A.L., Hennessy, D., O’Sullivan, M.G., Kilcawley, K.N., Mannion, D.T and Sheehan, J.J. (2018) Effect of pasture versus indoor feeding regimes on the yield, composition, ripening and sensory characteristics of Maasdam cheese 25th anniversary of the Walsh Fellowship programme: Food Programme Competition Tuesday, September 18th, 2018 Teagasc Food Research Centre, Ashtown, Dublin [Details]
(2018)17th World Congress on Nutrition and Food Chemistry. 14th Euro Obesity and Endocrinology Congress. September 13-15, 2018 | London, UK
Tyuftin, A., Richardson, A.M., O’Sullivan, M.G (2018) Sugar and fat reduction strategies in Irish confectionery products: Sensory evaluation and physical Properties 17th World Congress on Nutrition and Food Chemistry. 14th Euro Obesity and Endocrinology Congress. September 13-15, 2018 | London, UK [Details]
(2018)32nd EFFoST International Conference. 6-8 November 2018, Nantes, France
Richardson, A.M., Tyuftin, A., Kilcawley, K.N., Gallagher, E., O’Sullivan, M.G (2018) The impact of sugar particle size on the sensory and physical properties of fat reduced brownies using pureed black beans as a fat replacer. Developing innovative food structures and functionalities through process and reformulation to satisfy consumer needs and expectations 32nd EFFoST International Conference. 6-8 November 2018, Nantes, France [Details]
(2018)32nd EFFoST International Conference. 6-8 November 2018, Nantes, France
Richardson, A.M., Tyuftin, A., Kilcawley, K.N., Gallagher, E., O’Sullivan, M.G. (2018) Sugar Consumption in the Republic of Ireland. Developing innovative food structures and functionalities through process and reformulation to satisfy consumer needs and expectations 32nd EFFoST International Conference. 6-8 November 2018, Nantes, France [Details]
(2018)The 47th Annual Food Science and Technology Conference hosted by University College Cork and IFSTI, 6-7th December, 2018
Richardson, A.M., Tyuftin, A., Kilcawley, K.N., Gallagher, E., O’Sullivan, M.G., and Kerry, J.P. (2018) Sugar particle size manipulation as an effective strategy to permit fat replacement in Chocolate Brownies The 47th Annual Food Science and Technology Conference hosted by University College Cork and IFSTI, 6-7th December, 2018 [Details]
(2018)The 47th Annual Food Science and Technology Conference hosted by University College Cork and IFSTI, 6-7th December, 2018
Singleton, A., O’Sullivan, M.G. and Cashman, K. (2018) Sensory and Nutritional Aspects of Vitamin K bio-fortified Eggs The 47th Annual Food Science and Technology Conference hosted by University College Cork and IFSTI, 6-7th December, 2018 [Details]
(2018)AACCI, Oct 21st-23rd, 2018
Milner, L., O’Sullivan, M.G., Kerry, J.P. and Gallagher, E. (2018) Fundamental rheology and instrumental texture of reduced-sugar baked products AACCI, Oct 21st-23rd, 2018 [Details]
(2018)The 47th Annual Food Science and Technology Conference hosted by University College Cork and IFSTI, 6-7th December, 2018
Zeng, C., O’Sullivan, M.G., Drake, M.A., Deng, K.B., Miao, S. and Kilcawley, K.N. (2018) A cross-cultural study of the sensory perception of skim milk powder between Ireland, America and China The 47th Annual Food Science and Technology Conference hosted by University College Cork and IFSTI, 6-7th December, 2018 [Details]
(2017)63rd International Congress of Meat Science and Technology, Cork, Ireland
Gonzalo Delgado-Pando, Paul Allen, Joe Kerry, Maurice O’Sullivan and Ruth M. Hamill (2017) Use of potassium chloride as salt replacer in reduced-salt back bacon rashers: impact on shelf life 63rd International Congress of Meat Science and Technology, Cork, Ireland [Details]
(2017)63rd International Congress of Meat Science and Technology, Cork, Ireland
Gonzalo Delgado-Pando, Paul Allen, Joe Kerry, Maurice O’Sullivan and Ruth M. Hamill (2017) Use of potassium chloride as salt replacer in reduced-salt back bacon rashers: impact on shelf life 63rd International Congress of Meat Science and Technology, Cork, Ireland [Details]
(2017)63rd International Congress of Meat Science and Technology, Cork, Ireland
Fellendorf, S., Kerry J.P. and O’Sullivan, M.G. (2017) Irish consumer attitudes on salt and fat processed meats 63rd International Congress of Meat Science and Technology, Cork, Ireland [Details]
(2017)63nd International Congress of Meat Science and Technology, Cork, Ireland
Lynch, S.A., Alvarez, C., O’Neill, E, O’Sullivan, M.G. and Mullen, A.M. (2017) Characterization of fractions from the recovery of bovine lung Protein using ph shift processing 63nd International Congress of Meat Science and Technology, Cork, Ireland [Details]
(2017)63nd International Congress of Meat Science and Technology, Cork, Ireland
Conroy, P and O’Sullivan, M.G (2017) Sensory capability of young, middle-aged and elderly Irish assessors to identify beef steaks of varying texture 63nd International Congress of Meat Science and Technology, Cork, Ireland [Details]
(2017)Pangborn Sensory Symposium (2017) Rhode Island, USA
Conroy, P. M., O'Sullivan, M. G., Hamill, R. M., & Kerry, J. P. (2017) Comparing the ability to identify MSG in trained and untrained panels Pangborn Sensory Symposium (2017) Rhode Island, USA [Details]
(2017)63rd International Congress of Meat Science and Technology, Cork, Ireland
Gonzalo Delgado-Pando, Paul Allen, Maurice O’Sullivan, Joe Kerry and Ruth M. Hamill (2017) Edible bioactive packaging applied to reduced-salt back bacon rashers: effect on shelf life 63rd International Congress of Meat Science and Technology, Cork, Ireland [Details]
(2017)Brazil, October 2017
Milner, L., Kerry, J.P., O’Sullivan, M.G., Gomez, c and Gallagher, E. (2017) Using cake as a model system to investigate the effects of sugar replacing ingredients Brazil, October 2017 [Details]
(2017)63rd International Congress of Meat Science and Technology, Cork, Ireland
Stokes, C., Kerry J.P. and O’Sullivan, M.G. (2017) Shelf-life extension of low salt sausages using hpmc-based films containing nanoparticle rosemary extract 63rd International Congress of Meat Science and Technology, Cork, Ireland [Details]
(2017)63rd International Congress of Meat Science and Technology, Cork, Ireland
Fellendorf, S., Hamill, R.M., Kerry J.P. and O’Sullivan, M.G. (2017) Sensory quality of salt reduced corned beefs formulated with salt replacers 63rd International Congress of Meat Science and Technology, Cork, Ireland [Details]
(2017)63rd International Congress of Meat Science and Technology, Cork, Ireland
Conroy, P., Kerry J.P. and O’Sullivan, M.G. (2017) Consumer attitudes and expectations of food packaging 63rd International Congress of Meat Science and Technology, Cork, Ireland [Details]
(2017)6rnd International Congress of Meat Science and Technology, Cork, Ireland
Conroy, P., Kerry J.P. and O’Sullivan, M.G. (2017) Sensory capabilities of young, middle aged and elderly Irish assessors to identify beef-steaks of varying texture 6rnd International Congress of Meat Science and Technology, Cork, Ireland [Details]
(2017)63rd International Congress of Meat Science and Technology, Cork, Ireland
Conroy, P. M., O'Sullivan, M. G., Hamill, R. M., & Kerry, J. P. (2017) Salt reduction and potassium replacement perception of traditional corned beef in different age (18-85) cohorts 63rd International Congress of Meat Science and Technology, Cork, Ireland [Details]
(2017)63rd International Congress of Meat Science and Technology, Cork, Ireland
O’Sullivan, M.G., Cruz-Romero, M. and Kerry J.P. (2017) Affective and descriptive (novel) sensory and physiochemical comparison of traditional bone-in dry-aged beef loin 63rd International Congress of Meat Science and Technology, Cork, Ireland [Details]
(2016)62nd International Congress of Meat Science and Technology, Bangkok, Thailand
Conroy, P.. O’Sullivan, M.G. and Kerry J.P. (2016) Investigating varying textures of beef steak with different age cohorts and sensory (texture) losses 62nd International Congress of Meat Science and Technology, Bangkok, Thailand [Details]
(2016)62nd International Congress of Meat Science and Technology, Bangkok, Thailand
Coyle, S. O’Sullivan, M.G. and Kerry J.P. (2016) Sensory comparison of muscles (LD, GM, ST) from charolais and limousin bulls fed on pasture, grass silage and concentrate supplementation 62nd International Congress of Meat Science and Technology, Bangkok, Thailand [Details]
(2016)62nd International Congress of Meat Science and Technology, Bangkok, Thailand
Coyle, S. O’Sullivan, M.G. and Kerry J.P. (2016) Comparison of sensory profiles of bovine muscles (LD, GM, ST) using traditional and rapid analysis mapped with affective testing 62nd International Congress of Meat Science and Technology, Bangkok, Thailand [Details]
(2016)Irish Mass spectrometry Society Conference, Dublin, May 2016
Faulkner, H. O’Callaghan, T.F., McAuliffe, S., Hennessy, D., Stanton, C., O’Sullivan, M.G, Kerry, J.P., & Kilcawley, K.N (2016) Impact of different forage types on the sensory quality and volatile profile of bovine milk in Ireland Irish Mass spectrometry Society Conference, Dublin, May 2016 [Details]
(2016)62nd International Congress of Meat Science and Technology, Bangkok, Thailand
Conroy, P.. O’Sullivan, M.G. and Kerry J.P. (2016) The reduction of salt and fat levels in traditional breakfast sausages developed for the elderly and the effects on physiochemical and sensory properties 62nd International Congress of Meat Science and Technology, Bangkok, Thailand [Details]
(2015)The 11th Pangborn Sensory Science Symposium, Gothenburg, Sweden
Fellendorf, S., O’Sullivan, M.G. and Kerry J.P. (2015) Sensory optimisation methods for reducing salt and fat in processed meat The 11th Pangborn Sensory Science Symposium, Gothenburg, Sweden [Details]
(2015)The 11th Pangborn Sensory Science Symposium, Gothenburg, Sweden
Fellendorf, S., O’Sullivan, M.G. and Kerry J.P. (2015) Sensory acceptance testing and ranking descriptive analysis (RDA) for optimisation of reduced salt and fat black puddings developed using ingredient replacers The 11th Pangborn Sensory Science Symposium, Gothenburg, Sweden [Details]
(2015)3rd International Congress on Cocoa, Coffee and Tea. CoCoTea 2015. 22 - 24 June 2015, Aveiro, Portugal
Stokes, C., O’Sullivan, M.G. and Kerry J.P. (2015) Sensory acceptance testing and sensory profiling to evaluate market potential for new instant and convenient filtered coffee products 3rd International Congress on Cocoa, Coffee and Tea. CoCoTea 2015. 22 - 24 June 2015, Aveiro, Portugal [Details]
(2015)3rd International Congress on Cocoa, Coffee and Tea. CoCoTea 2015. 22 - 24 June 2015, Aveiro, Portugal
Stokes, C., O’Sullivan, M.G. and Kerry J.P. (2015) Assessment of black coffee temperature profiles consumed from paper-based cups and effects on product sensory attributes 3rd International Congress on Cocoa, Coffee and Tea. CoCoTea 2015. 22 - 24 June 2015, Aveiro, Portugal [Details]
(2015)Eurosense, 2014: A Sense of Life. Sixth European Conference on Sensory and Consumer Science, Copenhagen, Denmark
O’Sullivan, M.G., Cruz-Romero, M, Byrne, D.V. and Kerry J.P. (2015) Sensory and physiochemical comparison of traditional bone-in dry-aged beef loin with bone-less dry ageing and ageing using a moisture permeable bag Eurosense, 2014: A Sense of Life. Sixth European Conference on Sensory and Consumer Science, Copenhagen, Denmark [Details]
(2015)The 11th Pangborn Sensory Science Symposium, Gothenburg, Sweden
O’Sullivan, M.G., Grønbeck, Marlene Schou and Byrne, Derek V (2015) Fast sensory and consumer driven product innovation in the food sector: still far from an industry standard The 11th Pangborn Sensory Science Symposium, Gothenburg, Sweden [Details]
(2014)1st International PLEASURE Conference on SALT - SUGAR & LIPIDS Reduction in Foods, 18-19 June 2014 - La Rochelle – France
Fellendorf, S., O’Sullivan, M.G. and Kerry J.P. (2014) The reduction of salt and fat levels in black pudding and the effects on physiochemical and sensory properties 1st International PLEASURE Conference on SALT - SUGAR & LIPIDS Reduction in Foods, 18-19 June 2014 - La Rochelle – France [Details]
(2014)1st International PLEASURE Conference on SALT - SUGAR & LIPIDS Reduction in Foods, 18-19 June 2014 - La Rochelle – France
Henneberry, S, Wilkinson, M.G., Kelly, P.M, Kilcawley, K.N., O’Sullivan, M.G., Guinee, T.P. (2014) Improving the functional and sensory characteristics of reduced-salt, reduced-fat Mozzarella cheese through controlled calcium-induced cross linking of casein 1st International PLEASURE Conference on SALT - SUGAR & LIPIDS Reduction in Foods, 18-19 June 2014 - La Rochelle – France [Details]
(2014)1st International PLEASURE Conference on SALT - SUGAR & LIPIDS Reduction in Foods 18-19 June 2014 - La Rochelle – France
Fellendorf, S., O’Sullivan, M.G. and Kerry J.P. (2014) Impact of varying salt and fat levels on the physiochemical properties and sensory quality of white pudding sausages 1st International PLEASURE Conference on SALT - SUGAR & LIPIDS Reduction in Foods 18-19 June 2014 - La Rochelle – France [Details]
(2012)The 41st Annual Research Conference on Food, Nutrition and Consumer Sciences, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland
O’Sullivan, M.G., Hamill, R. and Kerry J.P. (2012) Carbon dioxide flavour taint in modified atmosphere packed (MAP) beef burgers The 41st Annual Research Conference on Food, Nutrition and Consumer Sciences, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland [Details]
(2012)The 41stAnnual Research Conference on Food, Nutrition and Consumer Sciences, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland
Tobin, B.D., O’Sullivan, M.G., Hamill, R. and Kerry J.P. (2012) Sensory quality of salt and fat reduced frankfurters The 41stAnnual Research Conference on Food, Nutrition and Consumer Sciences, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland [Details]
(2012)The 41st Annual Research Conference on Food, Nutrition and Consumer Sciences, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland
Tobin, B.D., O’Sullivan, M.G., Hamill, R. and Kerry J.P. (2012) The sensory quality of pork breakfast sausages with varying levels of salt and fat The 41st Annual Research Conference on Food, Nutrition and Consumer Sciences, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland [Details]
(2012)Fifth European Conference on Sensory and Consumer Research: a sense of inspiration, 9-12 Sept, Bern, Switzerland
O’Sullivan, M.G., Hamill, R. and Kerry J.P (2012) Flash profiling of modified atmosphere packed beef steak Fifth European Conference on Sensory and Consumer Research: a sense of inspiration, 9-12 Sept, Bern, Switzerland [Details]
(2012)Fifth European Conference on Sensory and Consumer Research: a sense of inspiration, 9-12 Sept, Bern, Switzerland
O’Sullivan, M.G., Hamill, R.M. and Kerry J.P. (2012) Sensory consumer assessment of modified atmosphere packed low salt beef burgers Fifth European Conference on Sensory and Consumer Research: a sense of inspiration, 9-12 Sept, Bern, Switzerland [Details]
(2012)Fifth European Conference on Sensory and Consumer Research: a sense of inspiration, 912 Sept, Bern, Switzerland
Tobin, B.D., O’Sullivan, M.G., Hamill, R. and Kerry J.P. (2012) Effect of varying salt and fat levels on the sensory and physiochemical quality of frankfurters Fifth European Conference on Sensory and Consumer Research: a sense of inspiration, 912 Sept, Bern, Switzerland [Details]
(2012)Fifth European Conference on Sensory and Consumer Research: a sense of inspiration, 9-12 Sept, Bern, Switzerland
Tobin, B.D., O’Sullivan, M.G., Hamill, R. and Kerry J.P. (2012) The impact of salt and fat level variation on the physiochemical properties and sensory quality of pork breakfast sausages Fifth European Conference on Sensory and Consumer Research: a sense of inspiration, 9-12 Sept, Bern, Switzerland [Details]
(2012)The 41st Annual Research Conference on Food, Nutrition and Consumer Sciences, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland
O’Sullivan, M.G. and Kerry J.P. (2012) Flash profiling using sensory standards as a method for the sensory evaluation of meat The 41st Annual Research Conference on Food, Nutrition and Consumer Sciences, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland [Details]
(2011)40th Annual Research Conference on Food, Nutrition and Consumer Sciences, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland
Hempel, A., O’Sullivan, M.G., Papkovsky, D and Kerry, J.P (2011) The use of optical oxygen sensors to monitor residual oxygen in pre-pastuerised beer and its effect on sensory attributes over time 40th Annual Research Conference on Food, Nutrition and Consumer Sciences, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland [Details]
(2010)Fourth European Conference on Sensory and Consumer Research: a sense of quality, 5-8 Sept, Palacio Europa, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain
O’Sullivan, M. G., Cruz-Romero, M and Kerry, J.P. (2010) Carbon dioxide flavour taint in modified atmosphere packed lean beef Fourth European Conference on Sensory and Consumer Research: a sense of quality, 5-8 Sept, Palacio Europa, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain [Details]
(2010)Fourth European Conference on Sensory and Consumer Research: a sense of quality, 5-8 Sept, Palacio Europa, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain
Tobin, B.D., O’Sullivan, M. G. and Kerry, J.P. (2010) Sensory consumer evaluation of reduced fat and salt beef burgers Fourth European Conference on Sensory and Consumer Research: a sense of quality, 5-8 Sept, Palacio Europa, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain [Details]
(2010)The 39th Annual Research Conference on Food, Nutrition and Consumer Sciences, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland
Tobin, B.D., O’Sullivan, M. G. and Kerry, J.P. (2010) Sensory consumer evaluation of reduced fat and salt frankfurters The 39th Annual Research Conference on Food, Nutrition and Consumer Sciences, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland [Details]
(2010)The 39th Annual Research Conference on Food, Nutrition and Consumer Sciences, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland
Tobin, B.D., O’Sullivan, M. G. and Kerry, J.P. (2010) Sensory consumer evaluation of reduced fat and salt sausages The 39th Annual Research Conference on Food, Nutrition and Consumer Sciences, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland [Details]
(2010)EFFoST Annual Conference: Food and Health Dublin, Ireland, 10/11/2010-12/11/2010
Rodriguez-Calleja, J.M., Cruz-Romero, M.G., O’Sullivan, M.G. and Kerry, J.P. (2010) High-pressure based hurdle strategy to increase the shelf-life of fresh chicken breast fillets EFFoST Annual Conference: Food and Health Dublin, Ireland, 10/11/2010-12/11/2010 [Details]
(2010)Fourth European Conference on Sensory and Consumer Research: a sense of quality, 5-8 Sept, Palacio Europa, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain
O’Sullivan, M. G., Kerry, J.P. (2010) Objective scoring methodology for a multi-category generic food awards Fourth European Conference on Sensory and Consumer Research: a sense of quality, 5-8 Sept, Palacio Europa, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain [Details]
(2009)The 8th Pangborn Sensory Science Symposium, Stazione Leopolda, Florence Italy
O’Sullivan, M. G., Kerry, J.P. and Byrne, D. V. (2009) We taste therefore we eat? the sensory validity of a generic food awards scoring methodology The 8th Pangborn Sensory Science Symposium, Stazione Leopolda, Florence Italy [Details]
(2009)The 39th Annual Research Conference on Food, Nutrition and Consumer Sciences, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland
O’Sullivan, M. G., Kerry, J.P. (2009) The sensory validity of a generic food awards scoring methodology The 39th Annual Research Conference on Food, Nutrition and Consumer Sciences, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland [Details]
(2009)The 39th Annual Research Conference on Food, Nutrition and Consumer Sciences, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland
Stockdale, J, O’Sullivan, M. G. and J. P. Kerry (2009) Consumer acceptability of retort pack salmon based convenience foods The 39th Annual Research Conference on Food, Nutrition and Consumer Sciences, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland [Details]
(2009)55th International Congress of Meat Science and Technology (Meat - Muscle, Manufacturing and Meals) • Copenhagen, Denmark 12-16 August 2009. (selected title/papers for Oral Presentation)
Yusop, S, M., O’Sullivan, M. G., Kerry, J. F. and J. P. Kerry (2009) Development, Uses and Functions of Marinades in Meat Products. PhD course in Advance Meat Science 55th International Congress of Meat Science and Technology (Meat - Muscle, Manufacturing and Meals) • Copenhagen, Denmark 12-16 August 2009. (selected title/papers for Oral Presentation) [Details]
(2009)55th International Congress of Meat Science and Technology (Meat - Muscle, Manufacturing and Meals). Copenhagen, Denmark. 16 - 21 August 2009
Yusop, S, M., O’Sullivan, M. G., Kerry, J. F. and J. P. Kerry (2009) Influence of Time and pH of Acidic Marination on the Physicochemical and Sensory Acceptability of Poultry Meat 55th International Congress of Meat Science and Technology (Meat - Muscle, Manufacturing and Meals). Copenhagen, Denmark. 16 - 21 August 2009 [Details]
(2009)The 39th Annual Research Conference on Food, Nutrition and Consumer Sciences, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland
Yusop, S, M., O’Sullivan, M. G., Kerry, J. F. and J. P. Kerry (2009) The influence of various marination treatments on the physical and sensory quality of cooked marinated chicken The 39th Annual Research Conference on Food, Nutrition and Consumer Sciences, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland [Details]
(2009)The 39th Annual Research Conference on Food, Nutrition and Consumer Sciences, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland
Zakrys-Waliwander, P. I., O’Sullivan, M. G., O’Neill, E. E. and Kerry, J. P (2009) Investigation of high oxygen modified atmosphere packaging effects on protein oxidation of longissimus dorsi muscle during chill storage The 39th Annual Research Conference on Food, Nutrition and Consumer Sciences, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland [Details]
(2008)The 38th Annual Research Conference on Food, Nutrition and Consumer Sciences, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland
Stockdale, J, O’Sullivan, M. G. and J. P. Kerry (2008) The Sensory Reliability Of Consumers On A Range Of Prawn Cocktail Samples The 38th Annual Research Conference on Food, Nutrition and Consumer Sciences, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland [Details]
(2008)The 38th Annual Research Conference on Food, Nutrition and Consumer Sciences, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland
Yusop, S, M., O’Sullivan, M. G., Kerry, J. F. and J. P. Kerry (2008) Sensory evaluation of Chinese-style marinated chicken by Chinese and European naïve assessors The 38th Annual Research Conference on Food, Nutrition and Consumer Sciences, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland [Details]
(2008)The 38th Annual Research Conference on Food, Nutrition and Consumer Sciences, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland
Zakrys, P. I., O’Sullivan, M. G., Allen, P., Kerry, J. P. (2008) Consumer acceptability and shelf life of modified atmosphere packed beef steaks The 38th Annual Research Conference on Food, Nutrition and Consumer Sciences, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland [Details]
(2008)The 38th Annual Research Conference on Food, Nutrition and Consumer Sciences, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland
O’Sullivan, M. G. (2008) Sensory colour assessment of fresh meat from organically reared pigs supplemented with silage and chicory root (Cichorium intybus L) The 38th Annual Research Conference on Food, Nutrition and Consumer Sciences, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland [Details]
(2007)The 37th Annual Research Conference on Food, Nutrition and Consumer Sciences, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland
Yusop, S, M., O’Sullivan, M. G., Kerry, J. F. and J. P. Kerry (2007) Sensory evaluation of Indian-style marinated chicken by Indian and European naïve assessors The 37th Annual Research Conference on Food, Nutrition and Consumer Sciences, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland [Details]
(2007)53rd International Congress of Meat Science and Technology, Beijing, China
Zakrys, P. I., Hogan, S. A., O’Sullivan, M. G., Allen, P., Kerry, J. P. (2007) Effects of oxygen concentration on the sensory evaluation and quality indicators of beef muscle packed under modified atmosphere 53rd International Congress of Meat Science and Technology, Beijing, China [Details]
(2007)53rd International Congress of Meat Science and Technology, Beijing, China
Zakrys, P. I., O’Sullivan, M. G., Allen, P., Kerry, J. P. (2007) Relationship between sensory evaluation and quality indicators of MAP beef steaks 53rd International Congress of Meat Science and Technology, Beijing, China [Details]
(2002)Levnedsmiddelkongres, KVL, Frederiksberg, Denmark
O’Sullivan, M.G., Byrne, D.V., Andersen, H.J. and Martens, M. (2002) Evaluation of pork meat colour: Sensory colour assessment using trained and untrained sensory panellists Levnedsmiddelkongres, KVL, Frederiksberg, Denmark [Details]
(2002)48th ICoMST, International Congress of Meat Science and Technology. Rome, Italy. 25-30 August
O’Sullivan, M.G., Jensen, M.T., Andersen, H.J. and Vestergaard, J. (2002) The comparison of warmed over flavour in pork by sensory analysis, GC/MS and an electronic nose 48th ICoMST, International Congress of Meat Science and Technology. Rome, Italy. 25-30 August [Details]
(2002)Future Food, Levnedsmiddelkongres, KVL, Frederiksberg, Denmark
O’Sullivan, M.G., Martens, H., Boberg, S., Kristensen, L. & Martens, M. (2002) The Reliability Of Naïve Assessors In Sensory Evaluation Using Multivariate Data Analysis Future Food, Levnedsmiddelkongres, KVL, Frederiksberg, Denmark [Details]
(2001)The 4th Pangborn Sensory Science Symposium: A Sense Odyssey, July 22-26, 2001, Dijon, France
Byrne, D. V., Bredie, W. L. P., O’Sullivan, M. G., Andersen, H.J. and Martens, M. (2001) Descriptive sensory profiling and physical/chemical analyses of warmed-over flavour in meat patties from carriers and non-carriers of the RN_ allele The 4th Pangborn Sensory Science Symposium: A Sense Odyssey, July 22-26, 2001, Dijon, France [Details]
(2001)Levnedsmiddelkongres, KVL, Frederiksberg, Denmark
O’Sullivan, M.G., Byrne, D.V., Stagsted, J., Andersen, H.J. and Martens, M. (2001) Sensory colour assessment of fresh meat from pigs supplemented with iron and vitamin E Levnedsmiddelkongres, KVL, Frederiksberg, Denmark [Details]
(2001)The 4th Pangborn Sensory Science Symposium: A Sense Odyssey, July 22-26, 2001, Dijon, France
O’Sullivan, M.G., Byrne, D.V., Stagsted, J., Andersen, H.J. and Martens, M. (2001) Sensory colour assessment of fresh meat from pigs supplemented with iron and vitamin E The 4th Pangborn Sensory Science Symposium: A Sense Odyssey, July 22-26, 2001, Dijon, France [Details]
(2000)The 3rd Pangborn Sensory Science Symposium: University of Columbia Columbia, Missouri, USA
O’Sullivan, M.G., Boberg and Martens. M. (2000) Sensory Evaluation of Two Test Meals Designed to Improve Iron Bioavailability in Danish Women with Low Iron Levels The 3rd Pangborn Sensory Science Symposium: University of Columbia Columbia, Missouri, USA [Details]
(2000)Levnedsmiddelkongres, KVL, Frederiksberg, Denmark
O’Sullivan, M.G., Boberg and Martens. M. (2000) Sensory Evaluation of Two Test Meals Designed to Improve Iron Bioavailability in Danish Women with Low Iron Levels Levnedsmiddelkongres, KVL, Frederiksberg, Denmark [Details]
(1997)43rd International Congress of Meat Science and Technology Vitality of Meat, Auckland, New Zealand
Burkley, E., Kerry, J.P., O’Sullivan, M.G., Buckley, D.J. and Morrissey, P.A. (1997) Effect of pasturing or vitamin E supplementation on colour and metmyoglobin formation in beef held under different packaging conditions 43rd International Congress of Meat Science and Technology Vitality of Meat, Auckland, New Zealand [Details]
(1996)42nd International Congress of Meat Science and Technology. Lillehammer, Norway
O’Sullivan, M.G., Kerry, J.P., Buckley, D.J., Lynch, P.B. & Morrissey, P.A. (1996) The effect of dietary vitamin E supplementation on the stability of oxidative and glycolytic pork muscles 42nd International Congress of Meat Science and Technology. Lillehammer, Norway [Details]
(1996)42nd ICoMST (International Conference of Meat Science and Technology), Lillehammer, Norway
O’Sullivan, M.G., Kerry, J.P., Buckley, D.J., Lynch, P.B. & Morrissey, P.A. (1996) Effect of Dietary Vitamin E on the Quality of Pork 42nd ICoMST (International Conference of Meat Science and Technology), Lillehammer, Norway [Details]
(1996)42nd International Congress of Meat Science and Technology, Lillehammer, Norway
O'Sullivan, M. G., Kerry, J. P., Buckley, D. J., Lynch P.B. and Morrissey, P. A. (1996) The Effect of Dietary Vitamin E Supplementation on the Stability of Oxidative and Glycolytic Pork Muscle 42nd International Congress of Meat Science and Technology, Lillehammer, Norway [Details]
(1996)42nd International Congress of Meat Science and Technology Meat for the Consumer, Lillehammer, Norway
O’Sullivan, M.G., Kerry, J.P., Buckley, D.J., Lynch, P.B. and Morrissey, P.A. (1996) Effect of dietary vitamin E on the quality of pork 42nd International Congress of Meat Science and Technology Meat for the Consumer, Lillehammer, Norway [Details]
(1996)42nd International Congress of Meat Science and Technology, Lillehammer, Norway
Kerry, J. P., Burkely, E., O'Sullivan, M. G., Lynch, A., Buckley, D. J. and Morrissey, P. A. (1996) The Effect of Packaging on Colour, Oxidation and Microbiological Status From Vitamin E Supplemented 42nd International Congress of Meat Science and Technology, Lillehammer, Norway [Details]
(1995)41st ICoMST (International Conference of Meat Science and Technology) Texas, USA
O’Sullivan, M.G., Buckley, D.J., Lynch, P.B. & Morrissey, P.A. (1995) The distribution of dietary vitamin E in the muscle of the porcine carcass 41st ICoMST (International Conference of Meat Science and Technology) Texas, USA [Details]
(1995)The Irish Journal of Agriculture and Food Research (Abstract of Presented Paper). 34, 86 (1st Annual Agriculture Research Forum, UCD)
O’Sullivan, M.G., Buckley, D.J., Lynch, P.B. & Morrissey, P.A. (1995) Distribution of Dietary Vitamin E in Porcine Tissues and Effects on Oxidative Stability The Irish Journal of Agriculture and Food Research (Abstract of Presented Paper). 34, 86 (1st Annual Agriculture Research Forum, UCD) [Details]
(1994)24th Annual Food Science and Technology Research Conference, UCC
O’Sullivan, M.G., Buckley, D.J., Lynch, P.B. & Morrissey, P.A. (1994) The Distribution of Dietary Vitamin E in Porcine Tissue 24th Annual Food Science and Technology Research Conference, UCC [Details]
(2021)Irish Mass Spectrometry Society Conference
Cheng, Z., Mannion, D.T., O’Sullivan, M.G., Kerry, J.P., Miao, S., and Kilcawley, K.N. (2021) Comparison of four volatile gas chromatography mass spectrometry extraction techniques with and without salting out using both polar and nonpolar columns on whole milk powder Irish Mass Spectrometry Society Conference [Details]
(2021)Irish Mass Spectrometry Society Conference . Virtual online
Holly J. Clarke, Maurice G. O' Sullivan, Joe P. Kerry and Kieran N. Kilcawley (2021) ’HiSorb Centri-GCMS/Olfactometry Analysis of Aroma Compounds in Raw Bovine Milk Irish Mass Spectrometry Society Conference . Virtual online [Details]
(2020)49th Annual Food Science and Technology Conference, Dublin, Ireland
Elena Garicano Vilar, Maurice G O’Sullivan, Joseph P Kerry, Kieran N Kilcawley (2020) Development of a high-capacity sorptive extraction (Hi-Sorb) gas chromatrography-mass spectrometry method for the quantification of volatiles associated with lipid oxidation in raw beef 49th Annual Food Science and Technology Conference, Dublin, Ireland [Details]
(2020)9th European Conference on Sensory and Consumer Research, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Elena Garicano Vilar, Maurice G O’Sullivan, Joseph P Kerry, Kieran N Kilcawley (2020) Chemometric analysis of volatile flavour sensory characteristics of reduced salt reformulated frankfurters containing 1 % w/w edible seaweeds 9th European Conference on Sensory and Consumer Research, Rotterdam, The Netherlands [Details]
(2020)EuroSense 2020. Virtual online
Holly J. Clarke, Carol Griffin, Maurice G. O' Sullivan, Joe P. Kerry and Kieran N. Kilcawley (2020) ’The Effect of Bovine Feeding System on the Oxidative and Sensory Shelf Life of Whole Milk Powder EuroSense 2020. Virtual online [Details]
(2020)66th International Congress of Meat Science and Technology and 73rd Reciprocal Meat Conference, Florida, USA
Elena Garicano Vilar, Maurice G O’Sullivan, Joseph P Kerry, Kieran N Kilcawley (2020) Optimization of a high-capacity sorptive extraction (Hi-Sorb) method coupled to gas chromatrography-mass spectrometry for the determination of lipid oxidation volatile compounds in beef meat 66th International Congress of Meat Science and Technology and 73rd Reciprocal Meat Conference, Florida, USA [Details]
(2020)49th Annual Food Science and Technology Conference hosted by Technological University of Dublin (TUD) and the IFSTI. Virtual online
Holly J. Clarke, Maurice G. O' Sullivan, Joe P. Kerry and Kieran N. Kilcawley (2020) ’Pasture and Non-pasture-based Feeding Systems Influence Aroma-active Compounds in Raw Bovine Milk 49th Annual Food Science and Technology Conference hosted by Technological University of Dublin (TUD) and the IFSTI. Virtual online [Details]
(2019)Pangborn 2019, Edinburgh International Conference Centre
Holly J. Clarke, Carol Griffin, Dilip Rai, Maurice G. O' Sullivan, Joe P. Kerry and Kieran N. Kilcawley (2019) ’Dietary Volatile Compounds Influencing the Sensory Properties of Bovine Milk Pangborn 2019, Edinburgh International Conference Centre [Details]
(2019)48th Annual Food Science and Technology Conference hosted by University of Limerick (UL) and the IFSTI
Holly J. Clarke, Carol Griffin, Maurice G. O' Sullivan, Joe P. Kerry and Kieran N. Kilcawley (2019) ’Correlating Consumer Sensory Data with the Volatile Profile of Dairy Based Powders during Storage 48th Annual Food Science and Technology Conference hosted by University of Limerick (UL) and the IFSTI [Details]
(2019)48 th Annual Food Science and Technology Conference, Limerick, Ireland
Elena Garicano Vilar, Maurice G O’Sullivan, Joseph P Kerry, Kieran N Kilcawley (2019) Volatile component and odour profiles of three brown and two red edible species of seaweeds and a brown seaweed extract 48 th Annual Food Science and Technology Conference, Limerick, Ireland [Details]
(2019)the 65th International Congress of Meat Science and Technology, Potsdam/Berlin, Germany
Halimah O. Mohammed, Kieran N. Kilcawley, Ruth M. Hamill, Joseph P. Kerry, Maurice G. O’Sullivan (2019) Acceptable inclusion levels for selected red and brown Irish seaweed species in pork sausages the 65th International Congress of Meat Science and Technology, Potsdam/Berlin, Germany [Details]
(2019)ASDA, American Dairy Science Association, 2019. 23-26th June
Cheng, Z., O’Sullivan, M.G., Drake, M.A., Deng, K.B., Miao, S. and Kilcawley, K.N. (2019) A cross-cultural study of the sensory perception of skim milk powder between Ireland, America and China ASDA, American Dairy Science Association, 2019. 23-26th June Cincinatti, Ohio,USA, [Details]
(2019)the 48th Annual Food Science and Technology Conference, Limerick, Ireland
Halimah O. Mohammed, Maurice G. O’Sullivan, Kieran N. Kilcawley, Ruth M. Hamill, Joseph P. Kerry (2019) Effects of Red seaweed species on Physicochemical and Sensory properties of low-salt, low-fat sausages the 48th Annual Food Science and Technology Conference, Limerick, Ireland [Details]
(2018)European Grassland Federation (EGF), Cork, Ireland
Hope Faulkner, Tom F. O'Callaghan, Stephen McAuliffe, Deirdre Hennessy, Catherine Stanton, Holly J. Clarke, Maurice G. O’Sullivan, Joseph P. Kerry and Kieran .N. Kilcawley. (2018) ’Effect of Different Forage Types on the Volatile and Sensory Properties of Bovine Milk European Grassland Federation (EGF), Cork, Ireland [Details]
(2018)47th Annual Food Science and Technology Conference hosted by University College Cork (UCC) and the Institute of Food Science and Technology of Ireland (IFSTI)
Holly J. Clarke, Carol Griffin, Dilip Rai, Kathy Ridgeway, Maurice G. O' Sullivan, Joe P. Kerry and Kieran N. Kilcawley. (2018) ’Dietary Volatile Compounds Influencing the Sensory Properties of Bovine Milk 47th Annual Food Science and Technology Conference hosted by University College Cork (UCC) and the Institute of Food Science and Technology of Ireland (IFSTI) [Details]
(2018)Irish Mass Spectrometry Society Meeting (IMSS), Dublin, Ireland
Holly J. Clarke, David T. Mannion, Maurice G. O’Sullivan, Joseph P. Kerry and Kieran N. Kilcawley. (2018) ’Validation of a HS-SPME GCMS Method for the Quantification of Volatiles Associated with Lipid Oxidation in Whole Milk Powder using Response Surface Methodology Irish Mass Spectrometry Society Meeting (IMSS), Dublin, Ireland [Details]
(2018)EuroFed Lipid Conference, Belfast, Northern Ireland
Holly J. Clarke, David T. Mannion, Maurice G. O’Sullivan, Joseph P. Kerry and Kieran N. Kilcawley (2018) ’Development of a HS-SPME GCMS Method for the Quantification of Volatiles Associated with Lipid Oxidation in Whole Milk Powder EuroFed Lipid Conference, Belfast, Northern Ireland [Details]
(2018)Grass-fed Dairy Conference, Osprey hotel, Naas, Co. Kildare, Ireland
Cheng, Z., O’Sullivan, M.G., Kerry, J.P., Drake, M.A., Miao, S., Kaibo, D., and Kilcawley, K. N (2018) Consumer perception of Irish skim milk powder: A cross-cultural study between Ireland, America and China Grass-fed Dairy Conference, Osprey hotel, Naas, Co. Kildare, Ireland [Details]
(2018)47th Annual Food Science and Technology Conference, Cork, Ireland
Elena Garicano Vilar, Maurice G O’Sullivan, Joseph P Kerry, Kieran N Kilcawley (2018) Effect of salt and fat replacement by seaweed on the sensory and volatile component profile of frankfurters 47th Annual Food Science and Technology Conference, Cork, Ireland [Details]
(2018)8th European Conference on Sensory and Consumer Research, Verona, Italy
Cheng, Z., O’Sullivan, M.G., Kerry, J.P., Drake, M.A., Miao, S., Kaibo, D., and Kilcawley, K. N. (2018) Consumer perception of Irish skim milk powder: A cross-cultural study between Ireland, America and China 8th European Conference on Sensory and Consumer Research, Verona, Italy [Details]
(2018)47th Annual Food Science and Technology Conference, Cork, Ireland
Halimah O. Mohammed, Michael N. O’Grady, Kieran N. Kilcawley, Ruth M. Hamill, Maurice G. O’Sullivan, Joseph P. Kerry (2018) Characterisation of the nutritional and bioactive properties of brown and red Irish seaweeds for potential use as functional ingredients in processed meat products 47th Annual Food Science and Technology Conference, Cork, Ireland [Details]
(2018)64th International Congress of Meat Science and Technology, Melbourne, Australia
Aidan P. Moloney, Edward G. O’Riordan, Mark McGee, Maurice G. O’Sullivan, Joseph P. Kerry, Shannon Coyle , Frank J. Monahan, Sibhekiso Siphambili and Lara Moran (2018) GRASS-BASED PRODUCTION SYSTEMS FOR LATE-MATURING SUCKLER BULLS: CARCASS CHARACTERISTICS AND MEAT EATING QUALITY 64th International Congress of Meat Science and Technology, Melbourne, Australia [Details]
(2018)64th International Congress of Meat Science and Technology, Melbourne, Australia
Chong, F.S., Farmer, L.J., Hagan, T.D.J., Moloney, A.P., Kerry, J.P. and O’Sullivan, M.G. (2018) Consumer acceptability of beef in regions of the british isles? 64th International Congress of Meat Science and Technology, Melbourne, Australia [Details]
(2018)64th International Congress of Meat Science and Technology, Melbourne, Australia
Aidan P. Moloney, Robert Prendiville, Paul Allen, Maurice G. O’Sullivan, Joseph P. Kerry, and Lara Moran. (2018) COLOUR AND TENDERNESS OF MUSCLES FROM HOLSTEIN-FRIESIAN BULLS (19 MONTHS) OR STEERS (24 MONTHS): EFFECT OF CARCASS SUSPENSION 64th International Congress of Meat Science and Technology, Melbourne, Australia [Details]
(2018)64th International Congress of Meat Science and Technology, Melbourne, Australia
Aidan P. Moloney, Edward G. O’Riordan, Mark McGee, Maurice G. O’Sullivan, Joseph P. Kerry, Shannon Coyle, Frank J. Monahan, Sibhekiso Siphambili and Lara Moran (2018) Grass-based production systems for late maturing suckler bulls: carcass characteristics and meat eating quality 64th International Congress of Meat Science and Technology, Melbourne, Australia [Details]


(2018)Sugar and fat reduction strategies in Irish confectionery products: Sensory evaluation and physical Properties. J Nutr Food Sci 2018, Volume 8. DOI: 10.4172/2155-9600-C7-072.
Tyuftin, A., Richardson, A.M., O’Sullivan, M.G., and Kerry, J.P. (2018) Sugar and fat reduction strategies in Irish confectionery products: Sensory evaluation and physical Properties. J Nutr Food Sci 2018, Volume 8. DOI: 10.4172/2155-9600-C7-072. Articles [DOI] [Details]

Book Chapters

(2023)'Cheddar and Cheddar-Type Cheeses; Including American varieties like Monteray Jack, and washed curd'
Maurice O'Sullivan (2023) 'Cheddar and Cheddar-Type Cheeses; Including American varieties like Monteray Jack, and washed curd' In: Sensory Profiling of Dairy Products, edited by John J. Tuohy, Society of Dairy Technology, Technical Series. John Wiley & Sons Limited, UK. London, United Kingdom: John Wiley & Sons Limited, UK. [Details]
(2020)'Traditional foods and beverages of Ireland'
O'Sullivan Maurice G. (2020) 'Traditional foods and beverages of Ireland' In: Nutritional and health aspects of traditional and ethnic foods of Western Europe. United Kingdom: Woodhead Publishing Ltd.. [Details]
(2020)'Nutritional optimisation-Reduced sugar products (food and beverages) and challenges'
Maurice O'Sullivan (2020) 'Nutritional optimisation-Reduced sugar products (food and beverages) and challenges' In: Salt, Fat and Sugar Reduction; Sensory Approaches for Nutritional Reformulation of foods and beverages. Woodhead Publishing Ltd., United Kingdom. London, United Kingdom: Elsevier/Woodhead Publishing Ltd. [Details]
(2020)'Magnitude estimation-alignment od sensory and instrumental analysis for reformulation'
Maurice O'Sullivan (2020) 'Magnitude estimation-alignment od sensory and instrumental analysis for reformulation' In: Salt, Fat and Sugar Reduction; Sensory Approaches for Nutritional Reformulation of foods and beverages. Woodhead Publishing Ltd., United Kingdom. London, United Kingdom: Elsevier/Woodhead Publishing Ltd. [Details]
(2020)'Validation and safety of reformulated (shelf-Life testing)'
Maurice O'Sullivan (2020) 'Validation and safety of reformulated (shelf-Life testing)' In: Salt, Fat and Sugar Reduction; Sensory Approaches for Nutritional Reformulation of foods and beverages. Woodhead Publishing Ltd., United Kingdom. London, United Kingdom: Elsevier/Woodhead Publishing Ltd. [Details]
(2020)'Discrimination testing for reformulated products'
Maurice O'Sullivan (2020) 'Discrimination testing for reformulated products' In: Salt, Fat and Sugar Reduction; Sensory Approaches for Nutritional Reformulation of foods and beverages. Woodhead Publishing Ltd., United Kingdom. London, United Kingdom: Elsevier/Woodhead Publishing Ltd. [Details]
(2020)'Rapid (Hybrid) methods for reformulation'
Maurice O'Sullivan (2020) 'Rapid (Hybrid) methods for reformulation' In: Salt, Fat and Sugar Reduction; Sensory Approaches for Nutritional Reformulation of foods and beverages. Woodhead Publishing Ltd., United Kingdom. London, United Kingdom: Elsevier/Woodhead Publishing Ltd. [Details]
(2020)'Reduced Fat products and challenges'
Maurice O'Sullivan (2020) 'Reduced Fat products and challenges' In: Salt, Fat and Sugar Reduction; Sensory Approaches for Nutritional Reformulation of foods and beverages. Woodhead Publishing Ltd., United Kingdom. London, United Kingdom: Elsevier/Woodhead Publishing Ltd. [Details]
(2020)'Descriptive methods for reformulation'
Maurice O'Sullivan (2020) 'Descriptive methods for reformulation' In: Salt, Fat and Sugar Reduction; Sensory Approaches for Nutritional Reformulation of foods and beverages. Woodhead Publishing Ltd., United Kingdom. London, United Kingdom: Elsevier/Woodhead Publishing Ltd. [Details]
(2020)'Other nutritional foods'
Maurice O'Sullivan (2020) 'Other nutritional foods' In: Salt, Fat and Sugar Reduction; Sensory Approaches for Nutritional Reformulation of foods and beverages. Woodhead Publishing Ltd., United Kingdom. London, United Kingdom: Elsevier/Woodhead Publishing Ltd. [Details]
(2020)'Reduced salt products and challenges'
Maurice O'Sullivan (2020) 'Reduced salt products and challenges' In: Salt, Fat and Sugar Reduction; Sensory Approaches for Nutritional Reformulation of foods and beverages. Woodhead Publishing Ltd., United Kingdom. London, United Kingdom: Elsevier/Woodhead Publishing Ltd. [Details]
(2020)'Packaging and compensatory processes for reformulation'
Maurice O'Sullivan (2020) 'Packaging and compensatory processes for reformulation' In: Salt, Fat and Sugar Reduction; Sensory Approaches for Nutritional Reformulation of foods and beverages. Woodhead Publishing Ltd., United Kingdom. London, United Kingdom: Elsevier/Woodhead Publishing Ltd. [Details]
(2020)'Regulation-Understanding the requirement to reformulate; science, health, consumer demand, regulation and capability'
Maurice O'Sullivan (2020) 'Regulation-Understanding the requirement to reformulate; science, health, consumer demand, regulation and capability' In: Salt, Fat and Sugar Reduction; Sensory Approaches for Nutritional Reformulation of foods and beverages. Woodhead Publishing Ltd., United Kingdom. London, United Kingdom: Elsevier/Woodhead Publishing Ltd. [Details]
(2020)'Qualitative and Quantitative Affective methods for reformulation-Cross cultural case studies'
Maurice O'Sullivan (2020) 'Qualitative and Quantitative Affective methods for reformulation-Cross cultural case studies' In: Salt, Fat and Sugar Reduction; Sensory Approaches for Nutritional Reformulation of foods and beverages. Woodhead Publishing Ltd., United Kingdom. London, United Kingdom: Elsevier/Woodhead Publishing Ltd. [Details]
(2017)'The stability and shelf life of meat and poultry'
O'Sullivan, M.G. (2017) 'The stability and shelf life of meat and poultry' In: Subramaniam (eds). The Stability and Shelf Life of Food. United Kingdom: Elsevier Academic Press. [Details]
(2017)'Cheese Flavour Development and Sensory Characteristics'
Kilcawley, K.N. and O’Sullivan, M. G (2017) 'Cheese Flavour Development and Sensory Characteristics' In: Photis Papademas and Thomas Bintsis (eds). Global Cheesemaking Technology: Cheese Quality and Characteristics. United Kingdom: John Wiley & Sons Ltd. [Details]
(2017)'Shelf Life and Sensory Quality of Foods and Beverages'
Maurice O'Sullivan (2017) 'Shelf Life and Sensory Quality of Foods and Beverages' In: A Handbook for Sensory and Consumer Driven New Product Development: Innovative Technologies for the Food and Beverage Industry. Woodhead Publishing Ltd., United Kingdom. London, United Kingdom: Woodhead Publishing Ltd. [Details]
(2017)'Sensory Properties of Beverage products'
Maurice O'Sullivan (2017) 'Sensory Properties of Beverage products' In: A Handbook for Sensory and Consumer Driven New Product Development: Innovative Technologies for the Food and Beverage Industry. Woodhead Publishing Ltd., United Kingdom. London, United Kingdom: Woodhead Publishing Ltd. [Details]
(2017)'Packaging Technologies for Maintaining Sensory Quality'
Maurice O'Sullivan (2017) 'Packaging Technologies for Maintaining Sensory Quality' In: A Handbook for Sensory and Consumer Driven New Product Development: Innovative Technologies for the Food and Beverage Industry. Woodhead Publishing Ltd., United Kingdom. London, United Kingdom: Woodhead Publishing Ltd. [Details]
(2017)'Sensory Properties of Dairy products'
Maurice O'Sullivan (2017) 'Sensory Properties of Dairy products' In: A Handbook for Sensory and Consumer Driven New Product Development: Innovative Technologies for the Food and Beverage Industry. Woodhead Publishing Ltd., United Kingdom. London, United Kingdom: Woodhead Publishing Ltd. [Details]
(2017)'Sensory Properties Affecting Meat and Poultry Quality'
Maurice O'Sullivan (2017) 'Sensory Properties Affecting Meat and Poultry Quality' In: A Handbook for Sensory and Consumer Driven New Product Development: Innovative Technologies for the Food and Beverage Industry. Woodhead Publishing Ltd., United Kingdom. London, United Kingdom: Woodhead Publishing Ltd. [Details]
(2017)'Sensory and Consumer Led Innovative Product Development-From Inception to the shelf (current and future methodologies)'
Maurice O'Sullivan (2017) 'Sensory and Consumer Led Innovative Product Development-From Inception to the shelf (current and future methodologies)' In: A Handbook for Sensory and Consumer Driven New Product Development: Innovative Technologies for the Food and Beverage Industry. Woodhead Publishing Ltd., United Kingdom. London, United Kingdom: Woodhead Publishing Ltd. [Details]
(2017)'Nutritionally Optimised Low Fat Foods'
Maurice O'Sullivan (2017) 'Nutritionally Optimised Low Fat Foods' In: A Handbook for Sensory and Consumer Driven New Product Development: Innovative Technologies for the Food and Beverage Industry. Woodhead Publishing Ltd., United Kingdom. London, United Kingdom: Woodhead Publishing Ltd. [Details]
(2017)'Instrumental Assessment of the Sensory Quality of Food and Beverage Products'
Maurice O'Sullivan (2017) 'Instrumental Assessment of the Sensory Quality of Food and Beverage Products' In: A Handbook for Sensory and Consumer Driven New Product Development: Innovative Technologies for the Food and Beverage Industry. Woodhead Publishing Ltd., United Kingdom. London, United Kingdom: Woodhead Publishing Ltd. [Details]
(2017)'Packaging Technologies for Maintaining Sensory Quality'
Maurice O'Sullivan (2017) 'Packaging Technologies for Maintaining Sensory Quality' In: A Handbook for Sensory and Consumer Driven New Product Development: Innovative Technologies for the Food and Beverage Industry. Woodhead Publishing Ltd., United Kingdom. London, United Kingdom: Woodhead Publishing Ltd. [Details]
(2017)'Packaging Technologies for Maintaining Sensory Quality'
Maurice O'Sullivan (2017) 'Packaging Technologies for Maintaining Sensory Quality' In: A Handbook for Sensory and Consumer Driven New Product Development: Innovative Technologies for the Food and Beverage Industry. Woodhead Publishing Ltd., United Kingdom. London, United Kingdom: Woodhead Publishing Ltd. [Details]
(2017)'Sensory Properties of Bakery and Confectionary Products'
Maurice O'Sullivan (2017) 'Sensory Properties of Bakery and Confectionary Products' In: A Handbook for Sensory and Consumer Driven New Product Development: Innovative Technologies for the Food and Beverage Industry. Woodhead Publishing Ltd., United Kingdom. London, United Kingdom: Woodhead Publishing Ltd. [Details]
(2017)'Multivariate Data Analysis'
Maurice O'Sullivan (2017) 'Multivariate Data Analysis' In: A Handbook for Sensory and Consumer Driven New Product Development: Innovative Technologies for the Food and Beverage Industry. Woodhead Publishing Ltd., United Kingdom. London, United Kingdom: Woodhead Publishing Ltd. [Details]
(2017)'Rapid Sensory Profiling Methods'
Maurice O'Sullivan (2017) 'Rapid Sensory Profiling Methods' In: A Handbook for Sensory and Consumer Driven New Product Development: Innovative Technologies for the Food and Beverage Industry. Woodhead Publishing Ltd., United Kingdom. London, United Kingdom: Woodhead Publishing Ltd. [Details]
(2017)'Sensory Affective (Hedonic) Testing'
Maurice O'Sullivan (2017) 'Sensory Affective (Hedonic) Testing' In: A Handbook for Sensory and Consumer Driven New Product Development: Innovative Technologies for the Food and Beverage Industry. Woodhead Publishing Ltd., United Kingdom. London, United Kingdom: Woodhead Publishing Ltd. [Details]
(2017)'Descriptive Methods'
Maurice O'Sullivan (2017) 'Descriptive Methods' In: A Handbook for Sensory and Consumer Driven New Product Development: Innovative Technologies for the Food and Beverage Industry. Woodhead Publishing Ltd., United Kingdom. London, United Kingdom: Woodhead Publishing Ltd. [Details]
(2017)'Difference Methods'
Maurice O'Sullivan (2017) 'Difference Methods' In: A Handbook for Sensory and Consumer Driven New Product Development: Innovative Technologies for the Food and Beverage Industry. Woodhead Publishing Ltd., United Kingdom. London, United Kingdom: Woodhead Publishing Ltd. [Details]
(2015)'Low-fat Foods: Types and Manufacture'
O'Sullivan, M.G. (2015) 'Low-fat Foods: Types and Manufacture' In: Encyclopaedia of Food and Health. United Kingdom: Elsevier Academic Press. [Details]
(2012)'Packaging of (fresh and frozen) pork'
O'Sullivan, M.G and Kerry, J.P.; (2012) 'Packaging of (fresh and frozen) pork' In: Handbook of Meat, Poultry and Seafood Quality. Oxford, UK: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd. [Details]
(2012)'Sensory and quality properties of packaged fresh and processed meats'
O'Sullivan M.;Kerry J. (2012) 'Sensory and quality properties of packaged fresh and processed meats' In: Advances in Meat, Poultry and Seafood Packaging. [DOI] [Details]
(2012)'Instrumental assessment of the sensory quality of meat, poultry and fish'
O¿Sullivan, M.G and Kerry, J.P.; (2012) 'Instrumental assessment of the sensory quality of meat, poultry and fish' In: TBC. Cambridge, UK: Woodhead Publishing Limited. [Details]
(2012)'Sensory and quality properties of packaged fresh and processed meats'
O’Sullivan, M.G. and Kerry, J.P. (2012) 'Sensory and quality properties of packaged fresh and processed meats' In: Kerry, J.P (eds). Advances in Meat, Poultry and Seafood Packaging. Cambridge, England: Woodhead Publishing Ltd.. [Details]
(2012)'Packaging of (Fresh and Frozen) Pork'
O'Sullivan M.;Kerry J. (2012) 'Packaging of (Fresh and Frozen) Pork' In: Handbook of Meat, Poultry and Seafood Quality. [DOI] [Details]
(2011)'Case Studies: Meat and poultry'
O¿Sullivan, M.G.; (2011) 'Case Studies: Meat and poultry' In: Food and beverage shelf-life and stability. Cambridge, UK: Woodhead Publishing Limited. [Details]
(2011)'Meat Marinating Technologies'
Yusop, S, M., O¿Sullivan, M. G., Kerry, J. F. and J. P. Kerry ; (2011) 'Meat Marinating Technologies' In: Improving the sensory and nutritional quality of fresh and processed meats. Cambridge, UK: Woodhead Publishing Limited. [Details]
(2011)'Sensory Quality of Fresh and Processed Meats'
O¿Sullivan, M.G & Kerry, J.P. ; (2011) 'Sensory Quality of Fresh and Processed Meats' In: mproving the sensory and nutritional quality of fresh and processed meats. Cambridge, UK: Woodhead Publishing Limited. [Details]
(2011)'Marinating and enhancement of the nutritional content of processed meat products'
Yusop, SM;O'Sullivan, MG;Kerry, JP (2011) 'Marinating and enhancement of the nutritional content of processed meat products' In: PROCESSED MEATS: IMPROVING SAFETY, NUTRITION AND QUALITY. CAMBRIDGE: WOODHEAD PUBL LTD. [Details]
(2011)'The stability and shelf life of meat and poultry'
O'Sullivan, MG (2011) 'The stability and shelf life of meat and poultry' In: FOOD AND BEVERAGE STABILITY AND SHELF LIFE. CAMBRIDGE: WOODHEAD PUBL LTD. [Details]
(2011)'Use of sensory science as a practical commercial tool in the development of consumer-led processed meat products'
O'Sullivan, MG;Kerry, JP;Byrne, DV (2011) 'Use of sensory science as a practical commercial tool in the development of consumer-led processed meat products' In: PROCESSED MEATS: IMPROVING SAFETY, NUTRITION AND QUALITY. CAMBRIDGE: WOODHEAD PUBL LTD. [Details]
(2011)'Use of sensory science as a practical commercial tool in the development of consumer-led processed meat products'
O'Sullivan, M. G., Kerry, J. P. and Byrne, D. V. ; (2011) 'Use of sensory science as a practical commercial tool in the development of consumer-led processed meat products' In: Processed Meats Improving Safety and Nutritional Quality. UK: Woodhead Publishing Ltd. [Details]
(2011)'Principles of sensory shelf-life evaluation and its application to alcoholic beverages'
O'Sullivan M. (2011) 'Principles of sensory shelf-life evaluation and its application to alcoholic beverages' In: Alcoholic Beverages: Sensory Evaluation and Consumer Research. [DOI] [Details]
(2010)'Meat Packaging'
O'Sullivan M.;Kerry J. (2010) 'Meat Packaging' In: Handbook of Meat Processing. [DOI] [Details]
(2009)'Meat Packaging'
O'Sullivan, M.G & Kerry, J.P.; (2009) 'Meat Packaging' In: Handbook of Meat Processing. Chichester, West Sussex, UK: John Wiley & Sons. [Details]
(2009)'Sensory and quality properties of packaged meat'
O'Sullivan M.;Kerry J. (2009) 'Sensory and quality properties of packaged meat' In: Improving the Sensory and Nutritional Quality of Fresh Meat. [DOI] [Details]
(2009)'Sensory evaluation of fresh meat'
O’Sullivan, M.G. and Kerry, J.P. (2009) 'Sensory evaluation of fresh meat' In: Kerry, J.P. and Ledward, D (eds). Improving the Sensory and Nutritional Quality of Fresh Meat. Cambridge, England: Woodhead Publishing Ltd.. [Details]
(2009)'Sensory evaluation of fresh meat'
O'Sullivan, MG;Kerry, JP (2009) 'Sensory evaluation of fresh meat' In: IMPROVING THE SENSORY AND NUTRITIONAL QUALITY OF FRESH MEAT. CAMBRIDGE: WOODHEAD PUBL LTD. [Details]
(2008)'Sensory Evaluation of Fresh Meat'
O'Sullivan, M.G & Kerry, J.P.; (2008) 'Sensory Evaluation of Fresh Meat' In: Improving the sensory and nutritional quality of fresh meat. Cambridge, UK: Woodhead Publishing Limited. [Details]
(2008)'Smart Packaging Technologies for Beverage Products'
O'Sullivan M.;Kerry J. (2008) 'Smart Packaging Technologies for Beverage Products' In: Smart Packaging Technologies for Fast Moving Consumer Goods. [DOI] [Details]
(2008)'Smart packaging technologies for beverage products'
O’Sullivan, M.G. and Kerry, J.P. (2008) 'Smart packaging technologies for beverage products' In: Kerry, J.P. and Butler, P (eds). Use of Smart Packaging Technologies for Use in Fast Moving Consumer Goods. Chichester, England: John Wiley and Sons Ltd.. [Details]
(2008)'Sensory and Quality Properties of Packaged Meat'
O'Sullivan, M.G & Kerry, J.P.; (2008) 'Sensory and Quality Properties of Packaged Meat' In: Improving the sensory and nutritional quality of fresh meat. Cambridge, UK: Woodhead Publishing Limited. [Details]
(2007)'Use of smart packaging technologies for dairy and beverage products'
O'Sullivan, M.G & Kerry, J.P.; (2007) 'Use of smart packaging technologies for dairy and beverage products' In: Smart Packaging Technologies. Chichester, West Sussex, UK: John Wiley & Sons. [Details]

Professional Activities

Honours and Awards

 YearTitleAwarding Body
2021Research Award UCC

Professional Associations

 AssociationFunctionFrom / To
European Sensory Network Member30-APR-11 /
FoodUnique network Member01-JAN-09 /

Conference Contributions

(2024)Seminar-Chinese Dairy industry-Dairy Product Research Centre, Hohhot, Mongolia, China,
O'Sullivan Maurice G. (2024) Sensory and consumer driven new product development: Innovative technologies for the dairy industry-Dairy Product Research Centre, Hohhot, Mongolia, China. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Seminar-Chinese Dairy industry-Dairy Product Research Centre, Hohhot, Mongolia, China, Dairy Product Research Centre, Hohhot, Mongolia, China . [Details]
(2020)Seminar-Department of Food Science, Arhus University, Denmark,
O'Sullivan Maurice G. (2020) Rapid Methods for sensory new product development: Innovative technologies for the food and beverage industry. [Invited Seminars/Guest Lectures], Seminar-Department of Food Science, Arhus University, Denmark, Department of Food Science, Arhus University, Denmark . [Details]
(2024)Seminar-The Ocean University of China (中国海洋大学)-Qingdao, Shandong, China,
O'Sullivan Maurice G. (2024) Sensory and consumer driven new product development: Innovative technologies for the food and beverage industry-The Ocean University of China (中国海洋大学)-Qingdao, Shandong, China. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Seminar-The Ocean University of China (中国海洋大学)-Qingdao, Shandong, China, BJRO, Beijing, China . [Details]
(2023)Sensory Affective Analysis Seminar-Tec De Monterey, Queretero, Mexico,
O'Sullivan Maurice G. (2023) Sensory Affective Analysis Seminar- International Faculty Week, 2023, March 6-10 Tec De Monterey, Queretero, Mexico. [Invited Seminars/Guest Lectures], Sensory Affective Analysis Seminar-Tec De Monterey, Queretero, Mexico, Tec De Monterey, Queretero, Mexico . [Details]
(2020)Dawn Farm Foods Online Conference, August 20th 2020,
O'Sullivan Maurice G. (2020) Salt, Fat and Sugar reduction strategies for industry. [Oral Presentation], Dawn Farm Foods Online Conference, August 20th 2020, Online . [Details]
(2019)Jiangnan Research Seminar-Nov 2019,
O'Sullivan Maurice G. (2019) Rapid Sensory Methods. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Jiangnan Research Seminar-Nov 2019, Jiangnan, Wuxi, China . [Details]
(2019)Shanghai University Research Seminar Nov 2019,
O'Sullivan Maurice G. (2019) Sensory Research-Past, Present and Future. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Shanghai University Research Seminar Nov 2019, Shanghai University Research . [Details]
(2019)2nd Food Chemistry Conference, Sevilla, Spain,
Elena Garicano Vilar, Maurice G O’Sullivan, Joseph P Kerry, Kieran N Kilcawley. (2019) Effect of salt replacement with 1 % edible seaweeds and fat reduction on the chemical, sensory and volatile flavour characteristics of reformulated frankfurters. [Oral Presentation], 2nd Food Chemistry Conference, Sevilla, Spain, 2nd Food Chemistry Conference, Sevilla, Spain . [Details]
(2019)48th Annual Food Science and Technology Conference , IFSTI,
Cheng, Z., Mannion, D.T., O’Sullivan, M.G., Kerry, J.P., Miao, S., and Kilcawley, K.N. (2019) Comparison of different volatile extraction techniques for whole milk powder. [Oral Presentation], 48th Annual Food Science and Technology Conference , IFSTI, University of Limerick (UL) . [Details]
(2019)ADSA (American Dairy Science Association) 2019 Annual Meeting,
Cheng, Z., O’Sullivan, M.G., Kerry, J.P., Drake, M.A., Miao, S., Kaibo, D., and Kilcawley, K. N (2019) A cross-cultural sensory analysis of skim milk powder produced from pasture and non-pasture diets. [Oral Presentation], ADSA (American Dairy Science Association) 2019 Annual Meeting, Cincinati, Ohio, USA . [Details]
(2019)School of Food and Nutritional Sciences Seminar, 13th December 2019,,
O'Sullivan Maurice G. (2019) Cross Cultural Research in Food Science. [Oral Presentation], School of Food and Nutritional Sciences Seminar, 13th December 2019,, Nano Nagle Place, Cork city . [Details]
(2019)All-Ireland Meat Science conference 2019. Feb 28th- Mar 1st,
O'Sullivan Maurice G. (2019) Optimising sensory and nutritional quality of processed meats. [Oral Presentation], All-Ireland Meat Science conference 2019. Feb 28th- Mar 1st, Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute, Belfast . [Details]
(2019)Learning Connections 2019: Spaces, People, Practice, 5-6 Dec 2019,
O'Sullivan Maurice G. (2019) Cross Cultural Experiences of Chinese Students Studying Food Science in Ireland. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Learning Connections 2019: Spaces, People, Practice, 5-6 Dec 2019, Western Gateway Building, UCC, Cork city . [Details]
(2019)NATIONAL SENSORY EVENT New research and industry perspectives in sensory science. Monday 30th September, 2019,
O'Sullivan Maurice G. (2019) Cross cultural sensory evaluation of food and beverages for product optimisation for international markets. [Oral Presentation], NATIONAL SENSORY EVENT New research and industry perspectives in sensory science. Monday 30th September, 2019, Teagasc Food Research Centre, Ashtown, Dublin . [Details]
(2018)61st European Sensory Network Meeting, 10-11 October, Ballsbridge, Dublin,
O'Sullivan Maurice G. (2018) Sensory Science in UCC. [Oral Presentation], 61st European Sensory Network Meeting, 10-11 October, Ballsbridge, Dublin, Ballsbridge, Dublin . [Details]
(2018)7th European Sensory Science Society Annual Symposium. May 9th, 2018, Teagasc, Ashtown, Dublin,
O'Sullivan Maurice G. (2018) Cross cultural studies between Irish and Asian assessors. [Oral Presentation], 7th European Sensory Science Society Annual Symposium. May 9th, 2018, Teagasc, Ashtown, Dublin, Teagasc, Ashtown, Dublin . [Details]
(2017)The Research and Innovation Conference and Exhibition, CityWest, Dublin, 14th February, 2017,
O'Sullivan Maurice G. (2017) Innovative Sensory Methods for the Nutritional Optimisation of Foods. [Oral Presentation], The Research and Innovation Conference and Exhibition, CityWest, Dublin, 14th February, 2017, CityWest, Dublin . [Details]
(2017)Healthier Processed Meats - Fact or Fiction? A workshop based on the outputs of “NutriMeat” and “PROSSLOW” projects. February 16th 2017, Teagasc, Ashtown,
O'Sullivan Maurice G. (2017) Development of low salt and low fat Irish traditional processed meats. [Oral Presentation], Healthier Processed Meats - Fact or Fiction? A workshop based on the outputs of “NutriMeat” and “PROSSLOW” projects. February 16th 2017, Teagasc, Ashtown, Teagasc Food Research Centre, Ashtown, Dublin . [Details]
(2017)Vitamin D & Health in Europe: current and future perspectives, UCC, 5-6th September 2017,
O'Sullivan Maurice G. (2017) Consumer acceptability of bio-fortified meat and eggs. [Oral Presentation], Vitamin D & Health in Europe: current and future perspectives, UCC, 5-6th September 2017, Western Gateway Building, UCC, Cork city . [Details]
(2017)Nursten Conference, Belfast 28th June 2017,
Conroy, P and O’Sullivan, M.G. (2017) Consumer and trained panels sensory acceptances for flavour enhanced traditional Irish breakfast sausages. [Oral Presentation], Nursten Conference, Belfast 28th June 2017, Queens University Belfast . [Details]
(2017)3rd National Food & Drink Business Conference and Exhibition, CityWest, Dublin, 14th September, 2016,
O'Sullivan Maurice G. (2017) Sensory and consumer driven new product development: Innovative technologies for the food and beverage industry. [Oral Presentation], 3rd National Food & Drink Business Conference and Exhibition, CityWest, Dublin, 14th September, 2016, CityWest, Dublin . [Details]
(2016)Food and Drink NPD and Innovation Summit/ Food and Drink Quality and Safety Summit, Motorcycle museum, Birmingham, 30th November 2016,
O'Sullivan Maurice G. (2016) Sensory and consumer driven new product development: Innovative technologies for the food and beverage industry. [Oral Presentation], Food and Drink NPD and Innovation Summit/ Food and Drink Quality and Safety Summit, Motorcycle museum, Birmingham, 30th November 2016, Motorcycle museum, Birmingham . [Details]
(2016)Reformulation for the Future. Food Product Improvement Seminar Friday, 20 May 2016, Ibec, Dublin,
O'Sullivan Maurice G. (2016) Carbohydrate reduction in confectionery. [Oral Presentation], Reformulation for the Future. Food Product Improvement Seminar Friday, 20 May 2016, Ibec, Dublin, Ibec, Dublin . [Details]
(2016)Reformulation for the Future. Food Product Improvement Seminar Friday, 20 May 2016, Ibec, Dublin,
O'Sullivan Maurice G. (2016) Salt and fat reduction in processed meat. [Oral Presentation], Reformulation for the Future. Food Product Improvement Seminar Friday, 20 May 2016, Ibec, Dublin, Ibec, Dublin . [Details]
(2015)Workshop - Consumer quality: A Multisensory Experience. Sensory Food Network Ireland, 21/10/2015, Teagasc Ashtown Dublin,
O'Sullivan Maurice G. (2015) Sensory methodology: Past, present and future. [Oral Presentation], Workshop - Consumer quality: A Multisensory Experience. Sensory Food Network Ireland, 21/10/2015, Teagasc Ashtown Dublin, Teagasc Ashtown Dublin . [Details]
(2014)1st International PLEASURE Conference on SALT - SUGAR & LIPIDS Reduction in Foods, 18-19 June 2014 - La Rochelle – France,
Guinee, T.P. Henneberry, S, Wilkinson, M.G., Kelly, P.M, Kilcawley, K.N., O’Sullivan, M.G. (2014) Improving the functional and sensory characteristics of reduced-salt, reduced-fat Mozzarella cheese through controlled calcium-induced cross linking of casein. [Oral Presentation], 1st International PLEASURE Conference on SALT - SUGAR & LIPIDS Reduction in Foods, 18-19 June 2014 - La Rochelle – France, La Rochelle – France . [Details]
(2014)SenseAsia 2014, Singapore, May 11th-13th,
O'Sullivan Maurice G. (2014) Cross-cultural sensory studies for product development of western food products for Asian markets. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], SenseAsia 2014, Singapore, May 11th-13th, Singapore Expo . [Details]
(2012)European Sensory Network Meeting, Nante, France, 17-19th October, 2012,
O'Sullivan Maurice G. (2012) Using cross-cultural studies for product optimisation. [Oral Presentation], European Sensory Network Meeting, Nante, France, 17-19th October, 2012, Nante, France . [Details]
(2011)The 1st FoodUnique Conference. Defining Food Identity. Copenhagen, Denmark, May 3-6th, 2011,
O'Sullivan Maurice G. (2011) Celtic Unique Food an Irish Perspective. [Oral Presentation], The 1st FoodUnique Conference. Defining Food Identity. Copenhagen, Denmark, May 3-6th, 2011, Copenhagen, Denmark . [Details]
(2011)The 1st FoodUnique Conference. Defining food identity. Copenhagen, Denmark, May 3-6th, 2011,
O'Sullivan Maurice G. (2011) Personalised Foods. [Oral Presentation], The 1st FoodUnique Conference. Defining food identity. Copenhagen, Denmark, May 3-6th, 2011, Copenhagen, Denmark . [Details]
(2011)European Sensory Network Meeting, Munich, Germany, 4-5th May, 2011,
O'Sullivan Maurice G. (2011) Sensory Science in Ireland. [Oral Presentation], European Sensory Network Meeting, Munich, Germany, 4-5th May, 2011, Munich, Germany . [Details]
(2011)The 40th Annual Research Conference on Food, Nutrition and Consumer Sciences, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland,
Tobin, B.D., O’Sullivan, M.G. (2011) Investigation of the comminuted meat matrix system for the development of low fat and low salt processed meat products. [Oral Presentation], The 40th Annual Research Conference on Food, Nutrition and Consumer Sciences, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland . [Details]
(2001)7th Scandinavian Symposium on Chemometrics,
O'Sullivan Maurice G. (2001) The Reliability Of Naïve Assessors In Sensory Evaluation studied by Multivariate Data Analysis. [Oral Presentation], 7th Scandinavian Symposium on Chemometrics, Copenhagen, Denmark . [Details]


 CommitteeFunctionFrom / To
Organising Committee Member- The 5th International Electronic Conference on Foods: 2024 Organising Commitee, reviwer2024 / 2024
CK505-BSc in Food Science-Board of Studies Member2024 /
Board of Studies-The BSc (Hons) Food Science and Technology (International) Member2024 /
Dual Degree Academic Management Committee with BTBU (Beijing Technical and Business University) Member2024 /
FNS Teaching and Learning Committee Member2022 /
Independent chair- Viva Voce- 3PhDs Independent chair2021 /
ASEAN Regional Working Group Member2020 /
Selection Committee Member- Lecturer in Environmental Science, School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences Member2020 /
Selection Committee-Lectureship in Sustainable Food Systems, School of Food & Nutritional Science Member2019 /
International Education Committee (SEFS) member On 29th April 2019 I was appointed Chair of the pastoral care working group for international students2019 /
China Regional Working Group Member2019 /
Innovative Teaching and Learning Committee member of the School of Food and Nutritional Science Member2019 /
FNS School Academic Committee (SAC) Member2019 /
Member of food science degree review committee Member2019 /
Evaluation committee (965278)-Tenure Track in Sensory and Consumer Science -Arhus University Member2018 /
Evaluation Committee (930324)-Associate Professor in Sensory & Consumer Science -Arhus Denmark Member2017 /
School Teaching Learning and Student Experience Committee Member2017 /
Self-Evaluation Report (SER) for the School of Food and Nutritional Science’s Quality Review 2017 Member2017 /
Scientific Committee Member: 63rd International Congress of Meat Science and Technology (63 rd ICoMST), Cork, Ireland, 13-18 th August 2017 Scinetific Commitee, reviewer2017 /
Organising Committee Member- European Sensory Network Seminar, Dublin: September 2018 Organising Commitee, reviwer2018 /
Athena Swan Silver 2024 Member2023 / 2024
Social Research Ethics Committee Board member and reviewer2019 /
New-China Working Group Member2024 /
Athena Swan Bronze Work Package Leader2018 / 2019
Health and Safety Committee SFNS Member2017 /


 EmployerPositionFrom / To
Dept of Life Sciences, The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University, Copenhagen University, Denmark. Post-Doctorate Researcher30-MAR-02 / 01-JAN-03
University College Cork Lecturer03-OCT-16 /
University College Cork Senior Lecturer01-JUL-19 / 01-JAN-35
University College Cork Director of International Joint Degree Programme with Beijing Business and Technology University.03-OCT-18 / 01-OCT-26
Diageo Baileys Global Supply, Nangor Rd., Dublin12. Global Regulatory Affairs Manager01-JAN-06 / 01-MAR-07
Diageo Baileys Global Supply, Nangor Rd., Dublin12. Senior Flavour Chemist/ Sensory Scientist01-JAN-03 / 01-SEP-06
Dawn Farm Foods, The Maudlings Ind. Est., Naas, Co. Kildare. Senior Process Technologist01-SEP-97 / 01-MAR-99


1993UCC BSc. Food Science and TechnologyFood Science And Technology
2002KVL-The Royal Veterinary And Agricultural University,Copenhagen University, Dept of Life Sciences, Denmark. Ph.D. Flavour Chemistry, Sensory Science/Consumer ScienceSensory Science/Flavour Chemistry
2016Centre for the Integration of Research, Teaching and Learning (CIRTL), University College Cork. *Postgraduate Diploma in Teaching and Learning in Higher EducationTeaching and Learning
1995UCC MSc. Food Science and TechnologyFood Science And Technology
2019Centre for the Integration of Research, Teaching and Learning (CIRTL), University College Cork. FellowshipTeaching and Learning
1998TCD/DIT Postgraduate Diploma in Management Practices (Consumer Foods)Management
2015Centre for the Integration of Research, Teaching and Learning (CIRTL), University College Cork. Postgraduate Certificate in Teaching and Learning in Higher EducationTeaching and Learning
2017Centre for the Integration of Research, Teaching and Learning (CIRTL), University College Cork. *MA in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education. MATLHETeaching and Learning


Numerous Food and Beverage (Large and SME) Companies; Research Agencies
I have also had the pleasure of working in collaboration with the food and beverage industry as part of the “Sensory Unit” service, which I manage. This sensory science based service (at UCC) includes testing the difference, affective and descriptive analysis of foods and beverages as well as comparing sensory results to microbiological and analytical (instrumental, physico-chemical) data using multivariate data analysis (MVA). I also routinely used the above described sensory methods as well as some of the new rapid methods, such as Ranking Descriptive Analysis (RDA), in industry based research and applications for NPD. Sensory testing is critical for new product development/optimisation, ingredient substitution and devising appropriate packaging and comparing foods or beverages to competitor’s products. Again, the key to unlocking the hidden secrets of this multimodal data is with MVA (Multivariate Data Analysis).

Outreach Activities


Led UCC Food Science Delegation and present to the Chinese Dairy industry Product Research Centre, Hohhot, Mongolia, China. April 2024..

Cork Summer Show 2017- Food Science Outreach and Recruitment

Cork Summer Show 2024- Food Science Outreach and Student Recruitment

St. Brogans Secondary School STEM event- St Brogans College- March 5th 2024-Student outreach and recruitment

Led the UCC Food Science Delegation and presented to The Ocean University of China (中国海洋大学)-Qingdao, Shandong, China, BJRO, Beijing, China . April 2024.

Led the UCC Food Science Delegation for official Visit to Beijing Business and Technology University (BTBU). April 2024. Review and optimization of joint programmes, student recruitment and teaching.

Led the UCC Food Science Delegation for official Visit to Beijing Business and Technology University (BTBU). October 2019. Review and optimization of joint programmes, student recruitment and teaching.

Led the UCC Food Science Delegation for official Visit to Beijing Business and Technology University (BTBU). March 2019. Review and optimization of joint programmes, student recruitment and teaching.

Promoted the UCC food science programmes at Tec de Monterey, Queretero, Mexico, where I participated in “International Faculty Week". Recruitment and collaboration.

Queens University Belfast- External examiner- in the School of Biological Sciences: Food Science and Nutrition Programme: BSc/MSci Food Science and Nutrition; BSc/MSci Food Science and Nutrition with Professional Studies

Led UCC food science delegation to Jiangnan University, Wuxi, China. (China's no.1 ranked Food Science University). November 2019. Lecturing and promotion of UCC food programmes.

Led UCC food science delegation to Shanghai University. November 2019. Lecturing and promotion of UCC food programmes.

Led UCC food science delegation to China Agricultural University (No. 2 food science university in China). April 2024. Promotion of UCC food programmes and collaboration exploration.

Travelled to Fujian University April 2015 in collaboration with Teagasc Moorepark to assist in collaboration and commissioning an international sensory laboratory. April 2015.

Participated in initiation of the China-Ireland International Cooperation Centre for Food Material Science and Structure Design, College of Food Science Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University. April 2015.

Led UCC delegation to Beijing Technical and Business University (BTBU). March 2017. Lecturing and joint programme promotion.

Journal Activities

 JournalRoleTo / From
Foods Member of Editorial Board-
Foods Series Editor28-OCT-24 - 30-OCT-24
Irish Journal Of Agricultural Food Research Peer Reviewer-
Food Research International Peer Reviewer-
Journal Of Dairy Science Member of Editorial Board-
Meat Science Peer Reviewer-
Lwt - Food Science And Technology Peer Reviewer-
Food Quality And Preference Peer Reviewer-
Food Research International Peer Reviewer-
Journal Of The Science Of Food And Agriculture Peer Reviewer-

Other Activities


Academic Director - FITU (Food Industry training Unit)-Diploma in food Science and Technology.

Support CPD and lifelong learning as Academic Director; Diploma in Food Science and Technology. January 2017-September 2023. Co-ordination with extern and support staff and marking 1st and 2nd year presentations. This course supports CPD with mature students working in the food and beverage sector

I am External examiner for Queens University Belfast- (2023-Ongoing) for the School of Biological Sciences: Food Science and Nutrition Programme: BSc/MSc Food Science and Nutrition; BSc/MSc Food Science and Nutrition with Professional Studies. I meet the staff and students, examine modules, exam scripts and curricula, produce the external evaluation report and attend exam boards.

Senior Lecturer Mentoring Panel Member UCC

CIRTL Fellow

Appointed CIRTL (Centre for the Integration of Research, Teaching and Learning) Fellow in August 2019.
Supervise 8 students annually -Postgraduate Certificate in Teaching and Learning

Director-International Food Science Degree program;

Programme Director; Diploma in Food Studies (2018-present)
Programme Director; BSc Food Science and Technology (ORD), (2018-present)
Programme Director; BSc Food Science and Technology (HONS), (2018-present)

Directing and coordination of programmes, recruitment of students and  liaising with partner universities; Beijing Technical and business University, visited in 2017 March, 2019 (March and October), 2024 (April); Tec De Monterey, Mexico March 2023

-Teaching undergrads (UG) in China (Beijing, Shanghai, Wuxi) and Mexico (Tec De Monterey).
Program generates €1,000,000 annually 

Sensory Unit Manager

Consult for and extensively collaborate with the food and beverage industry as part of the “Sensory Unit” service. This sensory science based service (at UCC) includes testing the difference, affective and descriptive analysis of foods and beverages as well as assessing shelf-life and comparing sensory results to microbiological and analytical (instrumental, physic-chemical) data using multivariate data analysis (MVA). Sensory testing is critical for new product development/optimisation, ingredient substitution and devising appropriate packaging and comparing foods or beverages to competitor’s products.
Significant income is generated for the sensory group through this service annually.

Teaching Activities

Teaching Interests


I am Director of the International food Science degree program (dual degree with Beijing Technical and Business University) since 2018. This University is ranked 12 in the Shanghai ranking category for Food Science and Technology. I have been to China many times for research, lecturing and assisting in recruiting students. I recruit students and teach FS2005 (24h) in Beijing over two visits annually but now have converted this into a stackable online course delivered through canvas to multinational students. As the International Degree Director, I administer the running of the program across several degrees (Diploma in Food Studies; BSc in Food Science and Technology (ORD); BSc in Food Science and Technology (HON);) which, generates income of +€1000,000 per annum. In March 2023 I taught at Tec De Monterey, Mexico extending the international program recruitment and diversification. I travelled to Fujian University, China in April 2015 in collaboration with Teagasc Moorepark to assist in student recruitment and collaboration and commissioning of an international sensory laboratory, which I helped design. Ultimately this has led to a major cross-cultural project being commissioned which allowed us to test the sensory and consumer perception of foods in mainland China. I also co-supervise several Chinese PhD students. I have additionally obtained advanced pedagogical training qualifications with a PG Certificate, PG Diploma and an MA in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education from UCC. I am now also a CIRTL (Centre for the Integration of Research, Teaching and Learning) Fellow supervising 8 certificate students as part of their third level CPD pedagogical training since 2019. For 17 years I have also contributed to teaching the UCC undergraduate modules in Cork, including; FS4003 (Analytical Methods), FS3022 (Sensory Evaluation for Food and Nutritional Sciences; coordinator), FS2002 (Food Chemistry: Food Constituents A), FS2005 (Principles of Food Science and Technology; coordinator) and FS4014 (Food Product Development and Innovation). I currently teach 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, year UG and taught MSc students. I have not only been involved in curriculum development by producing bespoke undergraduate lecture course material, but also in setting and correcting exams. I have developed an exemplary sensory science curriculum for undergraduates (See CV FS3022, Sensory Evaluation for Food and Nutritional Sciences; Credits: 5, 24h + labs), amalgamating sensory modules from the food science and nutritional science degree programs. Specifically, this module is designed to promote the development of sensory and nutritionally optimised foods and beverages using state-of-the-art information.

Current PhD Students;

Farhan Ali              Project; U-Protein-Functional Assessment of Plant-Based Ingredients in a Range of Food Model Systems

Ben Leen Smith    Project; MTI KC03-Detary solutions for incorporating red meat into the diets of young children

Recent Postgraduates

 Graduation YearStudent NameInstitutionDegree TypeThesis Title
2023Elena Garicano Vilar UCCPHDQuantification of volatile compounds (oxidative and olfactory) in meat products and impact on seaweed addition on the sensory and volatile profiles of processed meat products
2017Sarah Lynch UCCPHDCharacterisation of fractions from the recovery of bovine lung protein from bovine lung using ph shift process
2024Alfin Sajan NUI (UCC)MscThe Optimisation of plan protein meat replacers, (pea protein flour) in Black Pudding
2024Nunna Kavya Suma NUI (UCC)MscThe Optimization of plant protein meat replacers, (Pea protein Flour) in White Pudding
2024Lili Tian NUI (UCC)PHDThe interactions of Tremella fuciformis polysaccharides with proteins and physiochemical properties of the protein-polysaccharide complexes
2024Yanjun Sun NUI (UCC)PHDReconstruction of milk fat globules/membrane(MFGs/MFGM)and characterization of its physicochemical properties and techno-functionalities
2023Qi Tang NUI (UCC)PHDPlant protein structure design and its potential substitution to dairy proteins in gelation systems
2022Holly Clarke UCCPHDProfiling Milk from Grass – Biochemical and Sensory Analysis of Dairy Commodities
2020Emer Garvey UCCPHDUnderstanding aroma and flavour formation in baked confectionery products, as influenced by sugar and fat
2021Sean Garvey UCCMscThe optimization of plant protein meat re-placers and clean label water binders in processed meat (white pudding and chicken)
2022Linda corcoran UCCMscItem Temporal sensory liking methods: an investigation with beef steaks from different production systems
2020Laura Milner UCCMscNovel, clean label sweetening ingredients in reduced sucrose cake and biscuits
2019Aislinn Richardson UCCPHDImpact of sugar and fat reduction strategies on the sensory and quality properties of bakery products
2018Paula conroy UCCPHDDevelopment, assessment and optimisation of meat systems for the aging consumer through processing and packaging modification
2020Irene Chong UCCPHDUnderstanding consumer liking of beef with particular reference to flavour
2018Chloe Stokes UCCMscRapid descriptive consumer analysis using simultaneous and monadic sample presentation for coffee
2018Hope Faulkner UCCMscFactors influencing the flavour of bovine milk and cheese from grass based versus non-grass based milk production systems
2016Susann Fellenforf UCCPHDDevelopment of consumer accepted low salt and low fat traditional Irish processed meats
2013Brian Tobin UCCPHDItem Enhancing the health-status of processed meats through ingredient manipulation and its effects on sensory and physiochemical product attributes
2010Salma Yusop UCCPHDAssessment of Novel Processing Technologies in the Optimisation of Marinating Chicken
2009Patricia Zakrys-Waliwander UCCPHDOptimisation of modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) and its effects on beef steak quality indicators
2017Michael O'Sullivan UCCMscSensory and textural analysis of alkaline solubilised bovine heart proteins using a low-salt and low-fat breakfast sausage
2018Hao Ouyang UCCMscMacroalgae as Potential Salt and Fat Replacers in Frankfurter Formulations
2019Lorraine Dunphy UCCMscSequential Reduction of Meat in White and Black Pudding using Plant based Ingredient Replacers and the Impact on the Sensory and Physicochemical Properties
2020Fiona Fernando UCCMscEvaluation of Spices Essential Oils on Shelf Life of Paneer
2023Prabhav Moholkar UCCMscMeat Replacement in White Pudding by Pea Protein
2009Christelle Michon UCCPHDUnderstanding food preferences of older consumers
2022Limin Mariya Baby UCCMscNovel Salt Reduced Processed Meat Products. Physical, Chemical and Sensory Effects
2023Cheng Zeng UCCPHDSensorial, cultural and volatile properties of dairy powders, yoghurt and butter from pasture and nonpasture cow diets

Contact details

  • Maurice O'Sullivan
    Senior Lecturer
  • Room 242
    School Food and Nutrition Science
  • 0214902058

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School of Food and Nutritional Sciences

School of Food and Nutritional Sciences, Room 240 Food Science Building, University College, Cork
