Research Profile

Patrick Crowley


I obtained a BA degree in History and French and later went on to complete an MA in French. I pursued further studies at the Université de Lille, where I successfully completed a Diplôme d'Études Approfondies en analyses des phénomènes interculturels (Masters in Advanced Studies in Intercultural Phenomena). In 2001, I obtained a PhD in French from the University of London where I worked under the supervision of Prof. Michael Sheringham at Royal Holloway, University of London

Since then the primary focus of my research has been on modern and contemporary cultural production in the French-speaking world, in particular Algeria. My research examines aesthetic form, its context and mode of construction and its destabilization. My monograph, Pierre Michon: The Afterlife of Names (2007), examines the place of canonical writers and avant-garde French thinkers in the work of the contemporary French writer Pierre Michon. In 2011, I completed two co-edited volumes: Mediterranean Travels: Self and Other from the Ancient World to Contemporary Society (with Noreen Humble and Silvia Ross) and Postcolonial Poetics: Genre and Form (with Jane Hiddleston). In the same year I was appointed General Editor of the Irish Journal of French Studies. I am a member of the Editorial Boards of Contemporary French and Francophone StudiesModern Languages Open, Francophone Postcolonial Studies book series and the Bulletin of Francophone Postcolonial Studies. 

I was awarded a Government of Ireland Senior Research Fellowship for the project ‘Algeria: Nation and Transnationalism 1988-2010’ by the Irish Research Council for Humanities and Social Sciences (now the Irish Research Council). This has led to a number of publications, including Algeria: Nation, Culture and Transnationalism 1988-2015 (Liverpool University Press, 2017) and a special issue of Studies in Travel Writing 
 titled ‘Travel, colonialism and encounters with the Maghreb: Algeria’ 21: 3 (2017) and, with Megan MacDonald, a special issue of Contemporary French and Francophone Studies, titled ‘The Contemporary Roman Maghrébin: Aesthetics, Politics, Production, 2000-2015’ 20: 2 (2016).

At UCC, I served as Head of the Department of French from 2018 to 2020 and was Head of the School of Languages, Literatures and Cultures from 2019 to 2022.

I was General Editor of the Irish Journal of French Studies from 2011-14 where I transitioned the journal from print to Ingenta's online platform.

I am currently a member of the Society for French Studies Executive and am Chair of the R. Gapper Book Prize Jury. I am also a member of the Society for Francophone Postcolonial Studies where I served as PRO from 2004 to 2007. I served on the Executive Committee of Association des Études Françaises et Francophone d’Irlande (ADEFFI) from 2003 to 2006 and from 2011 to 2014.

 I am a Director of the Centre for Studies in Memory and Literature (University of Iceland).
Between March of 2009 and 2014 I served as a member of a UNESCO Consultative Group and Sponsoring Committee for the project, 'Rabindranath Tagore, Pablo Neruda and Aimé Césaire: towards a reconciled universalism'.

I teach a range of modules relating to postcolonial studies: the relationship between France and Algeria, Francophone diasporas, travel writing and the Mediterranean, as well as contemporary autobiographical forms. I offer supervision to postgraduate students wishing to work on issues of identity regarding contemporary cultural production in French or Francophone postcolonial studies.

Research Interests

Poetic form and colonial contexts

The primary focus of my research is on poetic form, its construction and its destabilization. By 'form' I mean a type or category of literary work and, in this sense, it is synonymous with genre. My work concentrates on a number of particular genres - the novel, the autobiography, the biography, the essay - and on how elements of each can be incorporated into a single text in a way that can unsettle conventional and ideological commonplaces about genre. I examine modern and contemporary prose written in France and in former French colonies. I have published in leading peer-reviewed international journals, including Paragraph, French Forum, Romance Studies, Francophone Postcolonial Studies, Expressions Maghrébines

My analysis of genre in the work of the contemporary French writer Pierre Michon, has led to a monograph and a number of chapters in edited collections. The main focus of my research in this area has been to delineate the ways in which Michon incorporates ideas of genre developed by the French avant-garde of the 1960s and 1970s. The book's reception in France has been positive and resulted in an invitation to present at the international colloquium on Pierre Michon held in Cérisy in 2009. The interdisciplinary nature of my research, and its contribution to literary theory, is reflected in the publication of a co-edited collection Formless: Ways in an out of Form (with my colleague Paul Hegarty).  My work on genre has led to Postcolonial Poetics: Form and Genre, a collection of essays co-edited with Jane Hiddleston and published by Liverpool University Press in 2011. 

Within the context of postcolonial studies my article published in French Forum (2004) on genre and on pragmatic approaches to theories of genre led to two commissioned pieces for publications that will serve as key reference points for students of postcolonial studies namely, A Historical Companion to Postcolonial Literatures: Continental Europe and its Empires (2008) and Postcolonial Thought in the Francophone World (2009). In addition my work has appeared in international journals devoted to colonialism and poetics. My article, 'Images of Algeria', which appeared in a special issue of Expressions Maghrébines led to an invitation to address a conference on cinematic forms of cultural memory held in Sétif, Algeria. Similarly, my article on Edouard Glissant's poetics of opacity was accepted for a special issue of Romance Studies entitled `The Literary Territories of Postcolonialism' and led to an invitation to present at the Sorbonne on the topic of politics and postcolonialism in 2008.  Extending the analysis of postcolonial critique, I have recently co-edited a collection of essays on Travel Writing in the Mediteranean (Oxford, Legenda, 2011) with Noreen Humble and Silvia Ross. I have been asked to act as referee for journals such Modern and Contemporary France, French Studies and Studies in Travel Writing.


























































































Research Grants

Start DateEnd DateAward
Algeria, North Africa and the Mediterranean - Digital Platform, Future Networks.Irish Research Council for Science, Engineering & Technology (IRCSET)01-NOV-1231-MAY-13€3,500.00
IRCHSS Algeria - Nation and Transnationalism 1988-2010Irish Research Council for Humanities and Social Sciences (IRCHSS)03-OCT-1103-JAN-13€104,494.00
Cultural encounters Network - Europe, the Mediterranean and The Maghreb 1988-2010.Irish Research Council for Humanities and Social Sciences (IRCHSS)19-DEC-1131-MAR-12€4,180.00



(2007)Pierre Michon: the Afterlife of Names.
Patrick Crowley; (2007) Pierre Michon: the Afterlife of Names. Oxford: Peter Lang. [Details]

Book Chapters

(2020)'‘Eugène Savitzkaya: Fictional Forms of Remembrance’'
Patrick Crowley (2020) '‘Eugène Savitzkaya: Fictional Forms of Remembrance’' In: What Forms Can Do: Attending to the Real in 20th- and 21st- Century French Literature. UK: Liverpool University Press. [Details]
(2020)'Musée National de l’Histoire de l’Immigration'
Patrick Crowley (2020) 'Musée National de l’Histoire de l’Immigration' In: Etienne Achille, Charles Forsdick and Lydie Moudileno (eds). Postcolonial Realms of Memory. Sites and Symbols in Modern France. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press. [Details]
(2014)'Mythologizing the City, Rethinking the Nation: Salim Bachi's Cyrtha Trilogy'
Patrick Crowley (2014) 'Mythologizing the City, Rethinking the Nation: Salim Bachi's Cyrtha Trilogy' In: Federica Frediani (eds). Mediterranean Cities between Myth and Reality. Florence, Italy: Narbini. [Details]
(2013)'Michon: dans l'ombre bienveillante de Barthes?'
Patrick Crowley (2013) 'Michon: dans l'ombre bienveillante de Barthes?' In: Pierre Michon. La Lettre et son ombre. Paris: Gallimard, Les Cahiers de la NRF. [Full Text] [Details]
(2011)''The Mediterranean Turn''
Crowley, Patrick; Noreen Humble; Silvia Ross (2011) ''The Mediterranean Turn'' In: Mediterranean Travels: Writing Self and Other from the Ancient World to Contemporary Society. Oxford: Legenda. [Details]
(2011)'Eugene Fromentin: Travel, Algeria, and the Pursuit of Aesthetic Form'
Patrick Crowley (2011) 'Eugene Fromentin: Travel, Algeria, and the Pursuit of Aesthetic Form' In: Mediterranean Travels. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press. [Details]
(2011)'Algerian Letters: Mixture, Genres, Literature Itself'
Patrick Crowley (2011) 'Algerian Letters: Mixture, Genres, Literature Itself' In: Postcolonial Poetics: Genre and Form. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press.   [Details]
(2010)'When Forgetting is Remembering: Haneke's Caché and the Events of October 17 1961'
Crowley, Patrick (2010) 'When Forgetting is Remembering: Haneke's Caché and the Events of October 17 1961' In: On Michael Haneke. Detroit: Wayne State University Press. [Full Text] [Details]
(2009)'Édouard Glissant: l'opacité et les imaginaires de nos politiques'
Patrick Crowley (2009) 'Édouard Glissant: l'opacité et les imaginaires de nos politiques' In: Littératures francophones et politique. Paris: Éditions Khartala. [Full Text] [Details]
(2009)'Albert Memmi: the Conflict of Legacies'
Patrick Crowley; (2009) 'Albert Memmi: the Conflict of Legacies' In: Postcolonial Thought in the Francophone World. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press. [Details]
(2009)'Aimé Césaire: Il faut toujours une tempête pour se frayer un chemin'
Patrick Crowley; (2009) 'Aimé Césaire: Il faut toujours une tempête pour se frayer un chemin' In: Aimé Césaire: le legs. Paris: Argol. [Details]
(2008)'France: North Africa and the Middle East'
Patrick Crowley; (2008) 'France: North Africa and the Middle East' In: A Historical Companion to Postcolonial Literatures: Continental Europe and its Empires. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. [Details]
(2008)'Between the Universal and the Particular: Patrick Chamoiseau's Project and Poetics of Diversalité'
Patrick Crowley; (2008) 'Between the Universal and the Particular: Patrick Chamoiseau's Project and Poetics of Diversalité' In: Cultural Memory and Multiple Identities. Berlin: LIT Verlag. [Details]
(2005)'Formless 2: Within and Between: Literature and Formless'
Patrick Crowley and Paul Hegarty; (2005) 'Formless 2: Within and Between: Literature and Formless' In: Formless: Ways in and out of form. [Details]
(2005)'Formless 1: Groundless Interpretations'
Patrick Crowley and Paul Hegarty; (2005) 'Formless 1: Groundless Interpretations' In: Formless: ways in and out of form. [Details]
(2005)'Formless 3: The Interminable Detour of Form: Art and Formless'
Patrick Crowley and Paul Hegarty; (2005) 'Formless 3: The Interminable Detour of Form: Art and Formless' In: Formless: ways in and out of form. [Details]
(2005)'Pierre Michon: Self-performance and the Marchland of the Essay'
Patrick Crowley; (2005) 'Pierre Michon: Self-performance and the Marchland of the Essay' In: The French Essay. Bern: Peter Lang AG. [Details]
Patrick Crowley and Paul Hegarty; (2005) 'Introduction' In: Formless: ways in and out of form. [Details]
(2004)'L'empire du nom: nom et genre dans Nedjma'
Patrick Crowley; (2004) 'L'empire du nom: nom et genre dans Nedjma' In: Paroles déplacées: Echanges et mutations des modèles littéraires entre Europe et Algérie. Paris: L'Harmattan. [Details]
(2003)'Figuring the Past: Cultural Memory in Pierre Michon's Vies minuscules'
Crowley, Patrick; (2003) 'Figuring the Past: Cultural Memory in Pierre Michon's Vies minuscules' In: Cultural Memory: Essays on European Literature and History. Bern: Peter Lang AG. [Details]
(2002)'Rereading Balzac and Barthes: Pierre Michon's Le temps est un grand maigre'
Crowley, Patrick; (2002) 'Rereading Balzac and Barthes: Pierre Michon's Le temps est un grand maigre' In: Tous azimuts II: Les Usages du genre. Glasgow: Glasgow French and German Publications. [Details]
(2000)'Julia Kristeva and the Appropriation of the Gene in La révolution du langage poétique'
Crowley, Patrick; (2000) 'Julia Kristeva and the Appropriation of the Gene in La révolution du langage poétique' In: La Nature Dévoilée: Responses to Science in French Literature. Hull: Hull University Press. [Details]
(1998)'Transgression and the Exploration of the Writing Self in the Novels of Eugène Savitzkaya'
Crowley, Patrick; (1998) 'Transgression and the Exploration of the Writing Self in the Novels of Eugène Savitzkaya' In: Les Lieux Interdits: Transgressions in French Literature. Hull: Hull University Press. [Details]

Peer Reviewed Journals

(2022)'Temporalities. Algerian Revolutions: Whose Star? Then/Now?'
Patrick Crowley (2022) 'Temporalities. Algerian Revolutions: Whose Star? Then/Now?'. Interventions. International Journal of Postcolonial Studies, 24 (7):1106-1126 [DOI] [Details]
(2022)'Algerian Cultural Production Sixty Years after Independence'
Patrick Crowley (2022) 'Algerian Cultural Production Sixty Years after Independence'. French Studies, 76 (4):627-644 [DOI] [Full Text] [Details]
(2021)'‘Traces of Empire: Travel and Jean-Paul Kauffmann’s Allegories of Confinement’'
Patrick Crowley (2021) '‘Traces of Empire: Travel and Jean-Paul Kauffmann’s Allegories of Confinement’'. Studies In Travel Writing, 25 (2):179-194 [DOI] [Details]
(2020)'Within the Opaque Mirror: The Poetry of El-Mahdi Acherchour'
Patrick Crowley (2020) 'Within the Opaque Mirror: The Poetry of El-Mahdi Acherchour'. Yale French Studies, (137/138):251-272   [Full Text] [Details]
(2015)'Frantz Fanon: Religious Language, Messianic Time and the New Man'
Patrick Crowley (2015) 'Frantz Fanon: Religious Language, Messianic Time and the New Man'. Nottingham French Studies, 54 (1):23-37   [DOI] [Full Text] [Details]
(2013)'Savitzkaya: qui-quoi et le jeu des formes'
Patrick Crowley (2013) 'Savitzkaya: qui-quoi et le jeu des formes'. Textyles, 44 :86-96 [Details]
(2013)'‘Salim Bachi: Myth, Modernism, Violence and Form’'
Patrick Crowley (2013) '‘Salim Bachi: Myth, Modernism, Violence and Form’'. Bulletin of Francophone Postcolonial Studies, 4 (1):1-11 [Details]
(2013)'Literatures in French Today: Markets, Centres, Peripheries, Transitions'
Patrick Crowley (2013) 'Literatures in French Today: Markets, Centres, Peripheries, Transitions'. Australian Journal of French Studies, 50 (3):410-425 [DOI] [Details]
(2012)'Les Films de Teguia : Voyager dans le réel — sans carte'
Patrick Crowley (2012) 'Les Films de Teguia : Voyager dans le réel — sans carte'. Asaru Cinema, 10 :35-36 [Details]
(2012)'Memmi and Béji: Decolonization and the Place of the ‘Human’ within ‘Humanism''
Patrick Crowley (2012) 'Memmi and Béji: Decolonization and the Place of the ‘Human’ within ‘Humanism''. International Journal of Francophone Studies, 15 (3-4):415-433 [DOI] [Full Text] [Details]
(2007)'Images of Algeria: Turning and Turning in the Widening Gyre'
Patrick Crowley; (2007) 'Images of Algeria: Turning and Turning in the Widening Gyre'. Expressions maghrébines, 6 (1):79-92 [Details]
(2006)'Edouard Glissant: Resistance and Opacity'
Crowley, Patrick; (2006) 'Edouard Glissant: Resistance and Opacity'. Romance Studies, 24 (2):105-115 [Details]
(2005)'Entre fiction et diction: Qui parle dans le paratexte de Savitzkaya?'
Crowley, Patrick; (2005) 'Entre fiction et diction: Qui parle dans le paratexte de Savitzkaya?'. Irish Journal of French Studies, 5 (*):59-71 [Details]
(2004)'The État Civil: Post/colonial Identities and Genre'
Patrick Crowley; (2004) 'The État Civil: Post/colonial Identities and Genre'. French Forum, 29 (3):79-94 [Details]
(2003)'Paul Ricoeur: the Concept of Narrative Identity, the Trace of Autobiography'
Crowley, Patrick; (2003) 'Paul Ricoeur: the Concept of Narrative Identity, the Trace of Autobiography'. Paragraph, 26 (3):1-12 [Details]
(2003)'Postcolonial Theories and Colonial Microhistories'
Crowley, Patrick; (2003) 'Postcolonial Theories and Colonial Microhistories'. Francophone Postcolonial Studies, 1 (2):33-40 [Details]
(1999)'Eugène Savitzkaya's Un Jeune Homme Trop Gros: Elvis in the Looking Glass'
Crowley, Patrick; (1999) 'Eugène Savitzkaya's Un Jeune Homme Trop Gros: Elvis in the Looking Glass'. Journal of Institute of Romance Studies, 7 (1):217-226 [Details]

Edited Books

(2020)What Forms Can Do. The Work of Form in 20th- and 21st-Century French Literature and Thought
Patrick Crowley and Shirley Jordan (Ed.). (2020) What Forms Can Do. The Work of Form in 20th- and 21st-Century French Literature and Thought Liverpool: Liverpool University Press.   [Details]
(2017)Algeria: Nation, Culture and Transnationalism 1988-2015
Patrick Crowley (Ed.). (2017) Algeria: Nation, Culture and Transnationalism 1988-2015 Liverpool: Liverpool University Press.   [Details]
(2017)Travel, colonialism and encounters with the Maghreb: Algeria
Patrick Crowley (Ed.). (2017) Travel, colonialism and encounters with the Maghreb: Algeria Taylor & Francis, UK: Studies in Travel Writing.   [Details]
(2016)New Edition of L'Exotisme: la littérature coloniale by Louis Cario et Charles Régismanset
Patrick Crowley (Ed.). (2016) New Edition of L'Exotisme: la littérature coloniale by Louis Cario et Charles Régismanset Paris: L'Harmattan. [DOI] [Details]
(2016)Thematic Issue of journal 'Contemporary French and Francophone Studies' titled The Contemporary *Roman Maghrébin*: Aesthetics, Politics, Production 2000-2015
Guest Editors: Patrick Crowley and Megan MacDonald (Ed.). (2016) Thematic Issue of journal 'Contemporary French and Francophone Studies' titled The Contemporary *Roman Maghrébin*: Aesthetics, Politics, Production 2000-2015 US and UK: CFFS/Sites.   [Details]
(2011)Postcolonial Poetics: Genre and Form
Patrick Crowley and Jane Hiddleston (Ed.). (2011) Postcolonial Poetics: Genre and Form Postcolonial Poetics: Genre and Form. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press.   [Details]
(2011)Mediterranean Travels: Writing Self and Other from Ancient World to Contemporary Society
Patrick Crowley, Noreen Humble and Silvia Ross (Ed.). (2011) Mediterranean Travels: Writing Self and Other from Ancient World to Contemporary Society Mediterranean Travels: Writing Self and Other from Ancient World to Contemporary Society. Oxford: Legenda.   [Details]
(2005)Formless: Ways in and out of Form
Patrick Crowley and Paul Hegarty (Ed.). (2005) Formless: Ways in and out of Form Formless: Ways in and out of Form. Bern and Oxford: Peter Lang. [Details]

Other Journals

(2014)'Pour une Cité internationale de la littérature and the ghost of Bourdieu'
Patrick Crowley (2014) 'Pour une Cité internationale de la littérature and the ghost of Bourdieu' FSLG Annual Review, 10 :12-17.   [Details]
(2013)'Essay: The Poetry of Gerry Murphy. On the Edge of Nothing'
Patrick Crowley (2013) 'Essay: The Poetry of Gerry Murphy. On the Edge of Nothing' Poetry Ireland Review, (110) :74-84. [Details]

Conference Publications

(2009)Actes du Colloque International. Image, imaginaire et histoire : procédés d'écriture et représentations idéologiques
Patrick Crowley; (2009) 17 Octobre 1961: les enjeux de la mémoire, l'histoire et l'oubli . In: Si Hachemi Assad eds. Actes du Colloque International. Image, imaginaire et histoire : procédés d'écriture et représentations idéologiques Setif, Algeria, , 10-JAN-08 - 13-JAN-08 , pp.61-67 [Details]

Book Reviews

(2020)Of Maria Flood, France, Algeria and the Moving Image. Screening Histories of Violence 1963-2010 (Cambridge: Legenda, Research Monographs in French Studies 49, 2017).
Patrick Crowley (2020) Of Maria Flood, France, Algeria and the Moving Image. Screening Histories of Violence 1963-2010 (Cambridge: Legenda, Research Monographs in French Studies 49, 2017). Book Reviews [DOI] [Details]
(2014)Frantz Fanon: A Biography (by David Macey) in Bulletin of Francophone Postcolonial Studies 5.2 (2014).
Patrick Crowley (2014) Frantz Fanon: A Biography (by David Macey) in Bulletin of Francophone Postcolonial Studies 5.2 (2014). Liverpool: Book Reviews   [Details]
(2014)Of David Porter Eyes to the South: French Anarchists and Algeria in French Studies 68. 2.
Crowley, Patrick (2014) Of David Porter Eyes to the South: French Anarchists and Algeria in French Studies 68. 2. Oxford: Book Reviews [DOI] [Details]
(2013)Of Jennifer E. Sessions. By Sword and Plow: France and the Conquest of Algeria.
Crowley, Patrick (2013) Of Jennifer E. Sessions. By Sword and Plow: France and the Conquest of Algeria. Oxford: Book Reviews [DOI] [Details]
(2012)Of Anissa Talahite-Moodley (ed.) Problématiques identitaires et discours de l’exil dans les littératures francophones.
Patrick Crowley (2012) Of Anissa Talahite-Moodley (ed.) Problématiques identitaires et discours de l’exil dans les littératures francophones. UK: Book Reviews [Details]
(2010)Of Stuart Kendall, Georges Bataille in Modern Language Review 105: 1 (2010), 253-4.
Crowley, Patrick; (2010) Of Stuart Kendall, Georges Bataille in Modern Language Review 105: 1 (2010), 253-4. Book Reviews [Details]
(2010)Of Patrick ffrench, After Bataille: Sacrifice, Exposure, Community in Modern Language Review 105: 1 (2010), 254-5.
Crowley, Patrick; (2010) Of Patrick ffrench, After Bataille: Sacrifice, Exposure, Community in Modern Language Review 105: 1 (2010), 254-5. Book Reviews [Details]
(2010)Of Mircea Marghescou, Le Concept de littérarité: Critique de la métalittérature in French Studies 64 : 4 (2010), 521-2.
Crowley, Patrick; (2010) Of Mircea Marghescou, Le Concept de littérarité: Critique de la métalittérature in French Studies 64 : 4 (2010), 521-2. Book Reviews [Details]
(2009)Of Maeve McCusker, Patrick Chamoiseau: Recovering Memory.
Patrick Crowley; (2009) Of Maeve McCusker, Patrick Chamoiseau: Recovering Memory. Oxford: Book Reviews [Details]
(2008)Of Nicholas Harrison (ed.), The Idea of the Literary.
Patrick Crowley; (2008) Of Nicholas Harrison (ed.), The Idea of the Literary. Book Reviews [Details]
(2008)Of Trudy Agar-Mendousse, Violence et créativité de l'écriture algérienne au féminin.
Patrick Crowley; (2008) Of Trudy Agar-Mendousse, Violence et créativité de l'écriture algérienne au féminin. Book Reviews [Details]
(2008)Of Jane Hiddleston, Assia Djebar: Out of Algeria.
Crowley Patrick; (2008) Of Jane Hiddleston, Assia Djebar: Out of Algeria. Book Reviews [Details]
(2008)Of Irene Langlet (ed.), Le Recueil littéraire: Pratiques et théorie d'une forme.
Patrick Crowley; (2008) Of Irene Langlet (ed.), Le Recueil littéraire: Pratiques et théorie d'une forme. Book Reviews [Details]
(2007)Of Peter Dunwoodie, Francophone Writing in Transition: Algeria 1900-1945.
Patrick Crowley; (2007) Of Peter Dunwoodie, Francophone Writing in Transition: Algeria 1900-1945. Book Reviews [Details]
(2007)Of Mireille Rosello, France and the Maghreb: Performative Encounters.
Patrick Crowley; (2007) Of Mireille Rosello, France and the Maghreb: Performative Encounters. Book Reviews [Details]
(2007)Of Gary Wilder, Negritude and Colonial Humanism between the Two World Wars.
Patrick Crowley; (2007) Of Gary Wilder, Negritude and Colonial Humanism between the Two World Wars. Book Reviews [Details]
(2006)Of Jack Reynolds and Jonathan Roffe (eds.), Understanding Derrida.
Patrick Crowley; (2006) Of Jack Reynolds and Jonathan Roffe (eds.), Understanding Derrida. Book Reviews [Details]
(2006)Of H. Adlai Murdoch and Anne Donadey (eds.), Postcolonial Theory and Francophone Literary Studies.
Patrick Crowley; (2006) Of H. Adlai Murdoch and Anne Donadey (eds.), Postcolonial Theory and Francophone Literary Studies. Book Reviews [Details]
(2004)Of Peter Davis (ed.), Tous azimuts III: Contemporary Francophone Identities.
Patrick Crowley; (2004) Of Peter Davis (ed.), Tous azimuts III: Contemporary Francophone Identities. Book Reviews [Details]
(2003)Of Christian Garaud (ed.), Sont-ils bons? Sont-ils méchants? Usages des stéréotypes.
Patrick Crowley; (2003) Of Christian Garaud (ed.), Sont-ils bons? Sont-ils méchants? Usages des stéréotypes. Book Reviews [Details]
(2003)Of Sylviane Coyalt-Dublanchet, La Province en héritage: Pierre Michon, Pierre Bergounioux, Richard Millet.
Patrick Crowley; (2003) Of Sylviane Coyalt-Dublanchet, La Province en héritage: Pierre Michon, Pierre Bergounioux, Richard Millet. Book Reviews [Details]


(2008)Public talk on French Algeria and Decolonisation given at the Triskel Cinema on March 8 2005 prior to the French Film Festival screening of the Algerian film Rachida directed by Yamina Bachir Chouikh.
Patrick Crowley; (2008) Public talk on French Algeria and Decolonisation given at the Triskel Cinema on March 8 2005 prior to the French Film Festival screening of the Algerian film Rachida directed by Yamina Bachir Chouikh. Presentation [Details]

Radio Presentation

(2008)Member of discussion panel on the Franco-Algerian history and cinema on Algerian national radio, Chaîne 3; programme `Arabesques'.
Patrick Crowley; (2008) Member of discussion panel on the Franco-Algerian history and cinema on Algerian national radio, Chaîne 3; programme `Arabesques'. Radio Presentation [Details]
(1997)Book review for BBC Radio Four's Arts programme, Kaleidoscope. Books reviewed: Peter Nadas's A Book of Memories and Marie Darrieussecq's Truismes.
Patrick Crowley; (1997) Book review for BBC Radio Four's Arts programme, Kaleidoscope. Books reviewed: Peter Nadas's A Book of Memories and Marie Darrieussecq's Truismes. Radio Presentation [Details]


(2020)Of Maria Flood, France, Algeria and the Moving Image. Screening Histories of Violence 1963-2010 (Cambridge: Legenda, Research Monographs in French Studies 49, 2017).
Patrick Crowley (2020) Of Maria Flood, France, Algeria and the Moving Image. Screening Histories of Violence 1963-2010 (Cambridge: Legenda, Research Monographs in French Studies 49, 2017). Reviews [Details]

Professional Activities

Honours and Awards

 YearTitleAwarding Body
2014IRC New Foundations Award Irish Research Council
2012IRC New Foundations Award Irish Research Council
2011IRCHSS New Ideas Award Irish Research Council for the Humanities and Social Sciences
2011IRCHSS Government of Ireland Senior Research Fellow Irish Research Council for the Humanities and Social Sciences
2011UNESCO International Sponsoring Committee UNESCO
2008Chevalier dans l'Ordre des Palmes Académiques Ministre de l'éducation nationale

Professional Associations

 AssociationFunctionFrom / To
Society of French Studies President of R. Gapper Book Prize Jury30-JUN-20 / 30-JUN-23
ADEFFI (Association des Études Françaises et Francophone d’Irlande) Member of Executive (General Editor of IJFrS01-JAN-11 / 31-DEC-14
Society of Francophone Postcolonial Studies Member of Executive Committee and Publicity Officer since November 2003.21-NOV-03 / 19-NOV-10
ADEFFI (Association des Études Françaises et Francophone d’Irlande) Member of Executive Commitee with responsibilities for Web maintenance and Publicity04-SEP-01 / 30-DEC-99

Conference Contributions

(2020)Eugène Fromentin, 1820 – 2020,
Mary Kelly, Patrick Crowley, Crónán Ó Doibhlin, (2020) ‘Barbara Wright Library of Nineteenth-Century Textual and Visual Studies at the Boole Library, University College Cork, Ireland: legacy, the collection and future impact.’. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Eugène Fromentin, 1820 – 2020, Médiathèque. Michel-Crépeau, La Rochelle, France , 16-OCT-20 - 17-OCT-20. [Details]
(2017)Rupture, Repression, Repetition? The Algerian War of Independence in the Present,
Patrick Crowley (2017) ‘Temporalities of War, Figurations of the Present: Literary Afterlives of the Algerian War of Independence’. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Rupture, Repression, Repetition? The Algerian War of Independence in the Present, University of Leeds , 07-SEP-17. [Details]
(2015)‘Littératures itinérantes’ Observatoire des écritures contemporaines françaises et francophones (OECF),
Patrick Crowley (2015) ‘Eugène Savitzkaya : « un nomadisme de l’imagination ». [Invited Lectures (Conference)], ‘Littératures itinérantes’ Observatoire des écritures contemporaines françaises et francophones (OECF), Université Paris 10 , 15-DEC-15. [Details]
(2014)SFPS Annual Conference Conflict and Commemoration in the Postcolonial Francophone World,
Patrick Crowley (2014) Commemorating Algerian Martyrs: The Seductions of ‘Ghostly National Imaginings'. [Oral Presentation], SFPS Annual Conference Conflict and Commemoration in the Postcolonial Francophone World, Institute of Modern Languages Research, University of London , 21-NOV-14 - 22-NOV-14. [Details]
(2014)The Vernacular Imagination,
Patrick Crowley (2014) Vernacular Imagination and its Limits: Creolity and Creolisation in the Francophone Caribbean and Beyond. [Invited Seminars/Guest Lectures], The Vernacular Imagination, O'Connell House, Dublin , 16-JUN-14 - 04-JUL-14. [Details]
(2014)Intercultural Literary Practices: Rethinking the Political through Intercultural Aesthetics,
Patrick Crowley (2014) Salim Bachi: Imaginings of the Political through Intercultural Aesthetics. [Invited Lectures (Workshops)], Intercultural Literary Practices: Rethinking the Political through Intercultural Aesthetics, University of Oxford, , 26-FEB-14 - 26-FEB-14. [Details]
(2013)Francophone Postcolonial Studies and Book Culture,
Patrick Crowley (2013) ‘Manifeste pour une Cité internationale de la littérature and the ghost of Bourdieu’. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Francophone Postcolonial Studies and Book Culture, Institute of Modern Languages Research, University of London, , 22-NOV-13 - 23-NOV-13. [Details]
(2013)Fanon in Context,
Patrick Crowley (2013) Fanon and Messianic Time. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Fanon in Context, University of Leeds , 11-OCT-13 - 11-OCT-13. [Details]
(2013)Artistic Production and National Culture in Contemporary North Africa,
Patrick Crowley (2013) Title: Algerian Publishing and the Formation of a Cultural Public Sphere. [Invited Lectures (Workshops)], Artistic Production and National Culture in Contemporary North Africa, European University Institute, Florence, Italy , 10-JUN-13 - 11-JUN-13. [Details]
(2013)Diarmuid Whelan Memorial Lecture,
Patrick Crowley (2013) Algeria: History and the Fabrication of Political Legitimacy’. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Diarmuid Whelan Memorial Lecture, University College Cork , 05-NOV-13 - 05-NOV-13. [Details]
(2013)Table Ronde autour de 'Postcolonial Poetics',
Patrick Crowley (2013) 'Yacine Kateb/Kateb Yacine: Colonial Naming and Post/colonial Poetics'. [Invited Oral Presentation], Table Ronde autour de 'Postcolonial Poetics', University of Bourgogne, Dijon, France , 24-JAN-13 - 24-JAN-13. [Details]
(2013)Using Visual Materials in Research/Teaching Study Day,
Patrick Crowley (2013) Illustrating “Algeria” and the Heuristic Use of Examples. [Invited Lectures (Workshops)], Using Visual Materials in Research/Teaching Study Day, University of Portsmouth , 22-MAY-13 - 22-MAY-13. [Details]
(2013)Poisonous Legacies Conference organised by the Pat Finucane Centre for Human Rights,
Patrick Crowley (2013) Title: Paris October 1961. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Poisonous Legacies Conference organised by the Pat Finucane Centre for Human Rights, The Guildhall, Derry , 13-JUN-13 - 15-JUN-13. [Details]
(2012)1962 /Un Monde,
Patrick Crowley (2012) Revisiting 1962? Tariq Teguia and the counter-cultural potential of the avant-garde. [Plenary Lecture], 1962 /Un Monde, Oran, Algeria , 13-OCT-12 - 15-OCT-12. [Details]
(2012)Cultural Representations of Trauma,
Patrick Crowley (2012) Traumas: Real, Chosen, Aesthetized (Algeria 1962-2012). [Plenary Lecture], Cultural Representations of Trauma, University of Iceland , 31-AUG-12 - 01-SEP-12. [Details]
(2012)Imagining Contemporary Algerias Conference,
Patrick Crowley and Megan MacDonald (2012) Imagining Contemporary Algerias - literature, thought, art. [Oral Presentation], Imagining Contemporary Algerias Conference, University College Cork , 07-SEP-12 - 08-SEP-12. [Details]
(2012)Les Indépendances dans les littératures postcoloniales,
Patrick Crowley (2012) L’Étoile comme topos de mémoire(s), lieu de contestation, figure de la Nation Algérienne. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Les Indépendances dans les littératures postcoloniales, Algiers, Algeria , 15-JUN-12 - 17-JUN-12. [Details]
(2012)Mediterranean Identities (IRCHSS/CACSSS Master Class Workshop),
Patrick Crowley (2012) The Mediterranean Turn: Of Strategies and Tactics. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], Mediterranean Identities (IRCHSS/CACSSS Master Class Workshop), University College Cork , 05-JUN-12 - 06-JUN-12. [Details]
(2012)Re-Imagining Nations: the Maghreb, the Middle East and the Mediterranean,
Patrick Crowley (2012) National Allegory and Wayward Tropes: Representations of Algeria since the 1980s. [Invited Lectures (Workshops)], Re-Imagining Nations: the Maghreb, the Middle East and the Mediterranean, European University Institute, Florence, Italy , 22-MAY-12 - 23-MAY-12. [Details]
(2012)Mediterranean Cities: Reality and/or Myth?,
Patrick Crowley (2012) Mythologizing the City, Rethinking the Nation: Salim Bachi and the Cyrtha Trilogy. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Mediterranean Cities: Reality and/or Myth?, Ascona, Switzerland , 25-SEP-12 - 28-SEP-12. [Details]
(2012)Algeria and the Arab Spring: International and Comparative Conference,
Patrick Crowley (2012) The Cinema of Tariq Teguia and Nadir Moknèche: Within and Beyond National Allegory. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Algeria and the Arab Spring: International and Comparative Conference, The University of Portsmouth, UK , 15-DEC-12 - 17-MAR-12. [Details]
(2011)International Workshop on Heterotopias/Other Spaces,
Patrick Crowley (2011) Foucault, Tunisia, and the Colonial Spaces of Heterotopias. [Invited Lectures (Workshops)], International Workshop on Heterotopias/Other Spaces, University College Cork , 15-MAY-11 - 15-MAY-11. [Details]
(2011)Department of French Research Series,
Patrick Crowley (2011) Assia Djebar: Postcards from the Ruins of Autobiography. [Invited Seminars/Guest Lectures], Department of French Research Series, University College Cork , 03-MAR-11 - 03-MAR-11. [Details]
(2011)Litterature-Monde: And Now?,
Patrick Crowley (2011) Co-organised conference. [Conference Organising Committee Member], Litterature-Monde: And Now?, University College Cork , 14-OCT-11 - 15-OCT-11. [Details]
(2011)Constructing 21st Century Literature in French: Publication, translation, collection,
Patrick Crowley (2011) Is there a centre that holds? Bourdieu, the Market and the Un(making) of National Canons. [Invited Lectures (Workshops)], Constructing 21st Century Literature in French: Publication, translation, collection, Institut français, London , 02-DEC-11 - 02-DEC-11. [Details]
(2011)IRCHSS Summer School: Comparing,
Patrick Crowley (2011) Analogies from beyond home: comparisons, postcolonial critique and limits’. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], IRCHSS Summer School: Comparing, University College Cork , 05-SEP-11 - 10-SEP-11. [Details]
(2010)UNESCO seminar L’humanism, l’autre…,
Patrick Crowley (2010) Repenser l’universel: l’ésthétique et les possibilités de « diversalité ». [Invited Seminars/Guest Lectures], UNESCO seminar L’humanism, l’autre…, UNESCO, Paris , 06-DEC-11 - 06-DEC-11. [Details]
(2010)ADEFFI Annual Conference,
Patrick Crowley (2010) Algeria and the Palliative of Form. [Oral Presentation], ADEFFI Annual Conference, Mary Immaculate College, University of Limerick , 29-OCT-10 - 30-OCT-10. [Details]
(2009)Francophone Postcolonial Seminar Series, Homerton College, University of Cambridge,
Patrick Crowley (2009) Nadir Moknèche, Algeria, and the Ironies of Allegory. [Invited Seminars/Guest Lectures], Francophone Postcolonial Seminar Series, Homerton College, University of Cambridge, University of Cambridge , 19-NOV-10 - 19-NOV-10. [Details]
(2009)Postcolonial Literature and Thought: Questions of Genre,
Patrick Crowley (2009) Eugène Fromentin, Assia Djebar: Algeria, Correspondences, and the Search for Form. [Invited Lectures (Workshops)], Postcolonial Literature and Thought: Questions of Genre, Exeter College, University of Oxford , 15-MAY-09 - 15-MAY-09. [Details]
(2009)Colloque Cerisy: Pierre Michon,
Patrick Crowley (2009) Michon: dans l’ombre bienveillante de Barthes?. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Colloque Cerisy: Pierre Michon, Cerisy-en-Salle, France , 22-AUG-09 - 29-AUG-09. [Details]
(2008)French Studies/Queen’s University Belfast Postcolonial Research Forum Seminar Series,
Patrick Crowley (2008) Eugène Fromentin: Figuring Algeria. [Invited Seminars/Guest Lectures], French Studies/Queen’s University Belfast Postcolonial Research Forum Seminar Series, Queen's University Belfast , 10-DEC-08 - 10-DEC-08. [Details]
(2008)Department of French Research Seminar Series,
Patrick Crowley (2008) “Ceci n’est pas du Delacroix”, Eugène Fromentin’s Orientalism. [Invited Seminars/Guest Lectures], Department of French Research Seminar Series, University College Cork , 02-DEC-08 - 02-DEC-08. [Details]
(2008)Department of French, Research Seminars, University College Cork,
Patrick Crowley (2008) ‘ Ceci n'est pas du Delacroix, Eugène Fromentin and the Pursuit of Forms'. [Invited Seminars/Guest Lectures], Department of French, Research Seminars, University College Cork, University College Cork , 02-DEC-08 - 02-DEC-08. [Details]
(2008)Image et Histoire Coloniale,
Patrick Crowley; (2008) When Forgetting is Remembering: Michael Haneke's Caché as Postcolonial Allegory. [Oral Presentation], Image et Histoire Coloniale, Image et Histoire Coloniale , 12-JAN-08 - 13-JAN-08. [Details]
(2008)Annual Colloquium of ADEFFI,
Patrick Crowley; (2008) Member of local organising committee (dissemination of local information, bookings etc. [Conference Organising Committee Member], Annual Colloquium of ADEFFI, UCC , 11-OCT-08 - 12-OCT-08. [Details]
(2008)Francophone Postcolonial Literatures Workshop,
Patrick Crowley (2008) Postcolonial Literatures and the Protocols of Genre. [Invited Lectures (Workshops)], Francophone Postcolonial Literatures Workshop, Maison Française, University of Oxford , 09-MAY-08 - 09-MAY-08. [Details]
(2007)Real Objects,
Patrick Crowley; (2007) From Barometers to Reddened Ears: Pierre Michon and the Return of Literary Realism¿. [Invited Oral Presentation], Real Objects, University of York, UK , 05-JUL-07 - 08-JUL-07. [Details]
(2006)Annual Colloquium ADEFFI,
Patrick Crowley; (2006) Paris in October (1961) and the Fading Light of Cultural Memory. [Oral Presentation], Annual Colloquium ADEFFI, Collège des Irlandais, Paris, France , 21-SEP-06 - 22-JUN-06. [Details]
(2006)Littératures contemporaines postcoloniales: réalités politiques et paradigmes d’interprétation politique,
Patrick Crowley (2006) Édouard Glissant: the Politics and Poetics of Opacité. [Invited Lectures (Workshops)], Littératures contemporaines postcoloniales: réalités politiques et paradigmes d’interprétation politique, Centre d’Études et de recherches comparatistes, Université Paris III-Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris, France , 17-NOV-06 - 18-NOV-06. [Details]
(2006)Annual Conference of Association des Études Françaises et Francophones d’Irlande,
Crowley, Patrick; (2006) Paris in October (1961) and the Fading Light of Cultural Memory. [Oral Presentation], Annual Conference of Association des Études Françaises et Francophones d’Irlande, Collège des Irlandais, Paris, France , 21-SEP-06 - 22-SEP-06. [Details]
(2005)Department of French, Research Day, National University of Ireland, Maynooth,
Crowley, Patrick; (2005) Of Traces, Ruins and Fragments: Memory in Francophone Writing Since 1950. [Invited Oral Presentation], Department of French, Research Day, National University of Ireland, Maynooth, NUI Maynooth , 09-MAR-05 - 09-MAR-05. [Details]
(2005)Research Seminar Series, School of Modern Languages,
Crowley, Patrick; (2005) Inscribing the Name: from État Civil to Kateb Yacine’s Nedjma. [Invited Oral Presentation], Research Seminar Series, School of Modern Languages, School of Modern Languages, University of Liverpool , 01-FEB-05 - 01-FEB-05. [Details]
(2005)The Literary Territories of Postcolonialism,
Crowley, Patrick; (2005) Resistance and the Poetics of Opacity. [Oral Presentation], The Literary Territories of Postcolonialism, University of Wales, Gregynog Hall, Newtown, Wales , 12-SEP-05 - 14-SEP-05. [Details]
(2004)Research Seminar, Colonial and Postcolonial Group, University College Cork,
Crowley, Patrick; (2004) 'Arkhe' names at once the commencement and the commandment: French Archives of Colony and Literature’s Resistance. [Oral Presentation], Research Seminar, Colonial and Postcolonial Group, University College Cork, University College Cork , 04-OCT-04 - 04-OCT-04. [Details]
(2004)UCC Visual Arts Society,
Crowley, Patrick; (2004) 'Affiliations and appropriations: L'art nègre in Paris, 1905-1935'. [Invited Oral Presentation], UCC Visual Arts Society, University College Cork , 18-MAR-04 - 18-MAR-04. [Details]
(2004)Annual conference of the Conseil International d’Études Francophones,
Crowley, Patrick; (2004) ‘Entre Fiction et Diction: l’Incertitude du Paratexte’. [Oral Presentation], Annual conference of the Conseil International d’Études Francophones, Université de Liège, Liège, Belgium , 19-JUN-04 - 24-JUN-04. [Details]
(2003)Paroles déplacées (International Conference on Algerian Literature),
Crowley, Patrick; (2003) ‘L’Empire du Nom: Nom et Genre dans Nedjma et Le Pacte autobiographique’. [Oral Presentation], Paroles déplacées (International Conference on Algerian Literature), Université Lumière-Lyon 2 and Ecole Normale Supérieure Lettres et Sciences Humaines Lyon, France , 10-MAR-03 - 13-MAR-03. [Details]
(2003)Teaching Portfolio Presentations,
Ross, Silvia and Crowley, Patrick; (2003) 'Postgraduate Supervision'. [Oral Presentation], Teaching Portfolio Presentations, UCC , 05-MAR-03 - 30-DEC-99. [Details]
(2002)Le Travail de l’Informe/the Work of Formless,
Crowley, Patrick; (2002) ‘(De)generate forms: genre and the discontent of academics’ Oral presentation. [Conference Organising Committee Member], Le Travail de l’Informe/the Work of Formless, University College Cork , 21-JUN-02 - 22-JUN-02. [Details]
(2001)'L’Essai moderne en français: sociologie, genre, écriture' International Conference,
Crowley, Patrick; (2001) ‘Self–performance and the play of genre in three essays by Pierre Michon’. [Oral Presentation], 'L’Essai moderne en français: sociologie, genre, écriture' International Conference, Lancaster University, UK , 13-NOV-01 - 14-NOV-01. [Details]
(2001)Department of French Research Seminar Series,
Patrick Crowley (2001) Pierre Michon: La passion du nom. [Invited Seminars/Guest Lectures], Department of French Research Seminar Series, University College Cork , 02-FEB-01 - 09-FEB-01. [Details]
(2001)Remembering Empire/Mémoires d’Empire, Annual Conference of the ASCALF (Association for the Study of Caribbean and African Literatures in French),,
Crowley, Patrick; (2001) 'Empire and Intertext in Pierre Michon’s Vie d’André Dufourneau’. [Oral Presentation], Remembering Empire/Mémoires d’Empire, Annual Conference of the ASCALF (Association for the Study of Caribbean and African Literatures in French),, French Institute, London, UK , 29-NOV-01 - 30-NOV-01. [Details]
(2001)Understanding Tradition: a Multidisciplinary Exploration,
Crowley, Patrick; (2001) ‘Between Universalism and Tradition: the Hybrid Notion of Diversality in Patrick Chamoiseau’s Enfance créole’. [Invited Oral Presentation], Understanding Tradition: a Multidisciplinary Exploration, University College Cork , 22-JUN-01 - 24-JUN-01. [Details]
(2000)Cultural Memory, 27th Annual Research Symposium of the Royal Irish Academy,
Crowley, Patrick; (2000) ‘Figuring the past: cultural memory and the writing project of Pierre Michon’. [Oral Presentation], Cultural Memory, 27th Annual Research Symposium of the Royal Irish Academy, University College Dublin , 09-NOV-00 - 10-NOV-00. [Details]
(2000)Phenomenology and Culture, British Society for Phenomenology Conference,
Crowley, Patrick; (2000) ‘Paul Ricoeur: The Concept of Narrative Identity, the Trace of Autobiography’. [Oral Presentation], Phenomenology and Culture, British Society for Phenomenology Conference, University College Cork , 29-JUL-00 - 30-JUL-00. [Details]
(2000)Les Usages du Genre,
Crowley, Patrick; (2000) ‘Rereading Balzac and Barthes: Pierre Michon’s Le temps est un grand maigre’. [Invited Oral Presentation], Les Usages du Genre, University of Glagow , 13-APR-00 - 14-APR-00. [Details]
Patrick Crowley; (1999) Organised Conference on L'attente/Waiting. [Conference Organising Committee Member], L'attente, Royal Holloway, University of London , 13-MAR-99 - 13-MAR-99. [Details]
(1999)Memory and Forgetting in Contemporary French Culture,
Crowley, Patrick; (1999) ‘Rhetoric and Memory: Pierre Michon’s Vies minuscules’. [Invited Oral Presentation], Memory and Forgetting in Contemporary French Culture, University College Dublin , 28-JAN-99 - 29-JAN-99. [Details]
(1998)‘L’Un et L’Autre’: The Resurgence of the Biographical in Contemporary French Writing,
Crowley, Patrick; (1998) ‘Eugène Savitzkaya’s Un Jeune Homme Trop Gros: Elvis in the Looking Glass’. [Invited Oral Presentation], ‘L’Un et L’Autre’: The Resurgence of the Biographical in Contemporary French Writing, Senate House, University College London , 01-MAY-98 - 01-MAY-98. [Details]
(1998)Nature and Literature,
Crowley, Patrick; (1998) ‘Julia Kristeva and the figure of the gene in La Révolution du langage poétique’,. [Invited Oral Presentation], Nature and Literature, Hull University, UK , 13-MAR-98 - 14-MAR-98. [Details]
(1998)Legenda, Fourth International Conference of the British Association of Comparative Literature,
Crowley, Patrick; (1998) ‘Chaotic forms: nebulous shapes in the texts of Pierre Michon and Eugène Savitzkaya’. [Oral Presentation], Legenda, Fourth International Conference of the British Association of Comparative Literature, Lancaster University , 15-JUL-98 - 17-JUL-98. [Details]
Patrick Crowley; (1998) Organised conference on Oubli/Forgetting. [Conference Organising Committee Member], L'Oubli, Royal Holloway, University of London , 20-MAR-98 - 21-MAR-98. [Details]
(1997)Transgressions in French Literature,
Crowley, Patrick; (1997) ‘Transgressions, Genres and Uncertainties: the Texts of Eugène Savitzkaya’. [Oral Presentation], Transgressions in French Literature, University of Hull , 15-MAR-97 - 16-MAR-97. [Details]
(1997)Hermeneutics: Sacred and Profane,
Crowley, Patrick; (1997) Tracing the Trace: The Concept of the Trace in the Work of Paul Ricoeur. [Invited Oral Presentation], Hermeneutics: Sacred and Profane, Université de Lille III, France , 20-DEC-97 - 21-DEC-97. [Details]


 CommitteeFunctionFrom / To
CACSSS Athena Swan Steering Committee Member2022 /
CACSSS Research and Innovation Committee Committee Member2013 / 2015
SLLC Executive Management Committee Research Officer2013 / 2015
SLLC Self-Assessment Steering Committee Member of Committee2012 /
SLLC Graduate Studies Committee Member of Committee2010 / 2011
SLLC Graduate Studies Committee Member of Committee2012 /
University Mitigation Committee Sabbatical Replacement2011 / 2011
CACSSS Student Affairs Committee Member of Committee2009 /
CACSSS Undergraduate Scholarship Committee, 2010-2011 Member of Committee2010 / 2011
CACSSS Self-Assessment Steering Committee Member of Committee2009 / 2011
CACSSS Graduate Studies Committee Elected member of Committee2009 / 2011
Academic Council Faculty of Arts Representative to Academic Council2003 / 2006


 EmployerPositionFrom / To
UCC Lecturer01-JAN-99 /
Royal Holloway, University of London Lecturer Part Time01-JAN-97 / 01-JAN-99
Université d'Artois, Arras Chargé de cours01-JAN-95 / 01-JAN-96
Université d'Artois, Arras Lecteur01-JAN-94 / 01-OCT-95


2001Royal Holloway, University of London PHDFrench
1996University of Lille, France Diplôme d'Études Approfondies (Masters in Advanced Studies)Sociology and history in relation to intercultural phenomena
2018University College Cork Postgraduate Certificate in Teaching and Learning at Higher LevelEducation
1995UCC MAFrench
1987UCC HDipeducation
1986UCC BAFrench

Journal Activities

 JournalRoleTo / From
Modern Languages Open Member of Editorial Board01-JAN-13 -
Romance Studies Referee-
Contemporary French And Francophone Studies Member of Editorial Board01-NOV-13 -
Irish Journal Of French Studies Editor01-JAN-11 -
French Studies Referee01-DEC-08 - 31-DEC-08
Studies In Travel Writing Referee-
Modern & Contemporary France Referee-
Culture Machine Referee01-FEB-07 - 28-FEB-07
Culture, Theory And Critique Referee01-AUG-04 - 31-AUG-04


French FluentFluentFluent

Other Activities


External PhD Examiner University of Oxford (2013)

External PhD Examiner, European University Institute, Florence (2013)

External M.Res Examiner University of Warwick (2014)

External M.Res Examiner, University of Leeds (2012)

External M.Phil Examiner, Queen's University Belfast (2010)

Board Director of Centre for Studies in Memory and Literature (University of Iceland).

Research Information

External Collaborators

 NameOrganisation / InstituteCountry
Professor Gunnþórunn Guðmundsdóttir Department of Comparative Literature, University of IcelandICELAND
Professor Olivier Roy, Chair of the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies and director of the Mediterranean Programme European University Institute (EUI)ITALY
IRCHSS funded Summer School on Comparing UCC/UCD

Contact details

  • Patrick Crowley
    Head of School of Languages, Literatures and Cultures

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University College Cork

Coláiste na hOllscoile Corcaigh

College Road, Cork T12 K8AF
