Research Profile

James G R Cronin


James Cronin, PhD, MATLHE, MA, BA (Hons) (NUI, Cork), PGDip Broadcast Journalism (UCLan), Honorary Research Fellow in Information Studies (UCL) is College Lecturer in Teaching & Learning Enhancement at University College Cork, Ireland. James is a recipient of the President's Award for Excellence in Teaching in 2018 and twice recipient of the President's Award for Research on Innovative Forms of Teaching & Learning: first in 2004 for developing learning resources for the newly-established History of Art in UCC and again in 2018 for a learning community partnership between prison educators and University College Cork. 

James is educated in medieval history and modern history. His PhD dissertation is on the topic of parrhesia as a rhetoric of risky truth-telling (at CORA and Merton Center). It focuses on the pacifist writings of American Trappist  Thomas Merton (1915-1968). James evaluates Merton's writings from an historical perspective which has enabled him to reconstruct Merton's correspondence networks as part of a wider arc of transatlantic pacifism during the Cold War. These networks had remained obscure due to the covert manner in which Merton produced and distributed his writings under religious censorship. 

Research Interests

Research interests: Scholarship of Teaching & Learning (SoTL) in higher education; emancipatory education through the Arts; integrative learning in theory and practice; disciplinary formation and identity; information literacy education. 

Research Grants

Start DateEnd DateAward
TOGETHER: crossing prison walls and bordersHigher Education Authority (HEA)07-MAR-2204-SEP-24€200,000.00
Visual Thinking for Convivial Learning in Prison EducationNational Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education30-SEP-2121-DEC-21€2,000.00
National Forum Seminar: Funding Stream 2. Teaching & Learning in a Digital WorldNational Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education13-NOV-1913-NOV-19€1,000.00
Teaching & Learning Research and Enhancement Fund: Application of Visual Thinking Strategies in Prison EducationOther: Not Listed30-SEP-1823-APR-19€2,000.00
Glucksman Fund Travel Grant to engage in archive research at the Thomas Merton Center, Bellarmine University, Louisville, KYOther: Not Listed21-MAY-1521-JUN-15€1,000.00
Irish Association for American Studies Research Travel Grant to engage in archive research at the Thomas Merton Center, Bellarmine University, Louisville, KYOther: Not Listed21-MAY-1521-JUN-15€1,000.00
Historical Geography Research Group for the RGS-IBGOther: Not Listed11-AUG-1111-AUG-11€1,000.00
School of History/ College of Arts, Celtic Studies and Social SciencesCollege of Arts, Celtic Studies & Social Sciences10-OCT-1012-DEC-11€1,500.00
Promoting a research culture in the undergraduate curriculumNAIRTL10-OCT-0812-DEC-09€2,000.00
Making Connections: Strengthening and Documenting Intentional Teaching for Integrative LearningNAIRTL10-OCT-0712-DEC-08€1,000.00
Quality Improvement Award to digitise the Honan Chapel Collection onlineOther: Not Listed10-OCT-0512-DEC-06€2,500.00
President's Award for Research on Innovative Forms of Teaching and LearningOther: Not Listed10-OCT-0312-DEC-04€2,000.00
Quality Improvement Fund AwardOther: Not Listed10-OCT-0312-DEC-04€2,000.00
President's Award for Research on Innovative Forms of Teaching and LearningOther: Not Listed10-OCT-0212-DEC-03€1,500.00


Peer Reviewed Journals

(2023)'Emancipatory Pedagogy in Prison: Participatory Action Research and Prison/ University Partnerships'
Gillian McNaull, Katharina Swirak, Kathleen White, Shadd Maruna, Maggie O’Neill and James Cronin (2023) 'Emancipatory Pedagogy in Prison: Participatory Action Research and Prison/ University Partnerships'. Irish Probation Journal, 20 :95-129 [Details]


(2023)“A Pedagogy of Slow: Integrating Experiences of Physical and Virtual Gallery Spaces to Foster Critical Engagement in SoTL”.
Supple, Briony, and James G. R. Cronin (2023) “A Pedagogy of Slow: Integrating Experiences of Physical and Virtual Gallery Spaces to Foster Critical Engagement in SoTL”. University of Calgary, Canada: Articles [DOI] [Details]

Conference Publications

Cronin, James G.R. (2021) Conviviality for Creativity: Visual Arts as a Transformative Pedagogy in Prison Education ISSOTLConnect21   [Details]
(2020)Telling the Story of Teaching and Learning Exploring What Works, When, How, and Why
Green, Corinne A., Michelle J. Eady, Marian McCarthy, Ashley B. Akenson, Briony Supple, Jacinta McKeon, and James G. R. Cronin (2020) Beyond the Conference: Singing Our SSONG  Telling the Story of Teaching and Learning Exploring What Works, When, How, and Why Teaching and Learning Inquiry 8 (1), , pp.42-60 [DOI] [Details]
(2014)“ ‘Doing’ history: what may liminal space and transition expose during the process”
Cronin, James (2014) Threshold Concepts: from personal practice to communities of practice. Proceedings of the National Academy’s Sixth Annual Conference and the Fourth Biennial Threshold Concepts Conference . In: Catherine O’Mahony, Avril Buchanan, Mary O’Rourke and Bettie Higgs eds. “ ‘Doing’ history: what may liminal space and transition expose during the process” Trinity College Dublin, , pp.38-43   [Details]
(2014)The Master’s Voice Seminar Series
Cronin, James (2014) “Of Silence and Slow Time: How Educators Employ Constructive Silence and Slow Time Interventions to Create Reflective Learning Spaces” The Master’s Voice Seminar Series   [Details]
(2012)What Makes a Good Teacher? Seminar Series
Cronin, James (2012) A Teacher Influences Eternity What Makes a Good Teacher? Seminar Series   [Details]
(2011)Engaging Minds: Proceedings of the National Academy's 5th Annual Conference
Cronin, James G.R. with Bettie Higgs, Marian McCarthy and Jacinta McKeon; (2011) In-at-the-deep-end: graduate teaching assistants as role models in the university Engaging Minds: Proceedings of the National Academy's 5th Annual Conference   [Details]
(2011)NAIRTL/LIN Conference
Daniel Blackshields, James Cronin, Juilanne Nyhan; (2011) Integrative learning and technoculture: what's at stake? NAIRTL/LIN Conference [Details]
(2011)Hidden Histories: Digital Humanities 1949 to the Present
Cronin, James G.R. (2011) “Different stories to be lived and told: recovering Lehmann James Oppenheimer (1868-1916) for the narrative of the Irish Arts & Crafts movement (1894-1925) Hidden Histories: Digital Humanities 1949 to the Present   [Details]
(2010)Digital Resources in the Humanities and the Arts
Cronin, James G.R. ; (2010) Too much information: Why facilitate information and media literacy? . In: Paul S Ell, Kirsti Bohata and Susan Schreibman eds. Digital Resources in the Humanities and the Arts International Journal of Humanities and Arts Computing Volume 4, October, Pages 151-165,   [Details]
(2009)NAIRTL 4th Bologna Symposium -- Integrating generic competences in the Curriculum. Aula Maxima, University College Cork
Cronin, James G.R.; (2009) 'Slow looking' as a tool for reflective practice in the study of art history in adult and continuing education NAIRTL 4th Bologna Symposium -- Integrating generic competences in the Curriculum. Aula Maxima, University College Cork University College Cork, , 30-SEP-09 - 30-SEP-09 [Details]
(2009)Challenging Assumptions, 2nd Annual Conference, National Academy for Integration of Research, Teaching and Learning
Cronin, James; (2009) Digital utopia or dystopia: can educators assume ICT literacy? . In: Higgs, B; Murphy, J eds. Challenging Assumptions, 2nd Annual Conference, National Academy for Integration of Research, Teaching and Learning Waterford Institute of Technology, Ireland, , 13-NOV-09 - 14-NOV-09 , pp.127-134 [Details]
(2008)International perspectives on teaching and learning in higher education. NAIRTL (National Academy for Integrating Research & Teaching & Learning) conference proceedings, November 2007
Cronin, James G.R.; (2008) Scaffolding the learner: Teaching for Understanding (TfU) and the adult learning experience, University College Cork . In: N. Ryan eds. International perspectives on teaching and learning in higher education. NAIRTL (National Academy for Integrating Research & Teaching & Learning) conference proceedings, November 2007 Waterford Institute of Technology, , pp.86-87 [Details]

Review Articles

(2022)Merton's Contentious Catholic Vision, a review essay on Man of Dialogue: Thomas Merton's Catholic Vision by Gregory K. Hillis, Orbis, Maryknoll, NY, 2021 and Signs of Hope: Thomas Merton's Letters on Peace, Race, and Ecology by Gordon Oyer, Liturgical Press, Collegeville, MN, 2021.
Cronin, James G.R. (2022) Merton's Contentious Catholic Vision, a review essay on Man of Dialogue: Thomas Merton's Catholic Vision by Gregory K. Hillis, Orbis, Maryknoll, NY, 2021 and Signs of Hope: Thomas Merton's Letters on Peace, Race, and Ecology by Gordon Oyer, Liturgical Press, Collegeville, MN, 2021. Review Articles [Details]
(2021)Review of 'Day of a Stranger' Dir: Cassidy Hall, Transcendental Media, 2021.
Cronin, James G.R. (2021) Review of 'Day of a Stranger' Dir: Cassidy Hall, Transcendental Media, 2021. UK: Review Articles   [Details]
(2021)Review of Rowan Williams, The Way of St. Benedict. London: Bloomsbury, 2020.
Cronin, James G.R. (2021) Review of Rowan Williams, The Way of St. Benedict. London: Bloomsbury, 2020. Review Articles   [Details]
(2017)Review of A. C. Grayling, War: An Enquiry. Yale, NH, Yale University Press, 2017.
Cronin, James G. R. (2017) Review of A. C. Grayling, War: An Enquiry. Yale, NH, Yale University Press, 2017. Institute of Historical Studies, London: Review Articles   [Details]
(2012)Review of Roman Krznaric, The Wonderbox: Curious Histories of How to Live. London, Profile Books, 2011.
Cronin, James G.R. (2012) Review of Roman Krznaric, The Wonderbox: Curious Histories of How to Live. London, Profile Books, 2011. Reviews in History: Review Articles   [Details]
(2011)Exhibition review of The Secret Laboratory: Notebooks and Narratives.
Cronin, James G. R. (2011) Exhibition review of The Secret Laboratory: Notebooks and Narratives. Review Articles   [Details]

Book Reviews

(2020)Review of Jim Forest, Writing Straight with Crooked Lines: A Memoir. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 2020.
Cronin, James G.R. (2020) Review of Jim Forest, Writing Straight with Crooked Lines: A Memoir. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 2020. UK: Book Reviews   [Details]
(2017)Much Ado about Something: A Vision of Christian Maturity Larry Culliford SPCK, London, 2015.
Cronin, James G. R. (2017) Much Ado about Something: A Vision of Christian Maturity Larry Culliford SPCK, London, 2015. Book Reviews   [Details]
(2016)Review of Subversive Peacemakers, War Resistance 1914–1918: An Anglican Perspective by Clive Barrett.
Cronin, James G.R. (2016) Review of Subversive Peacemakers, War Resistance 1914–1918: An Anglican Perspective by Clive Barrett. Cambridge: Book Reviews   [Details]
(2016)Review of Returning to Reality: Thomas Merton’s Wisdom for a Technological Age, by Phillip M. Thompson.
Cronin, James G. R. (2016) Review of Returning to Reality: Thomas Merton’s Wisdom for a Technological Age, by Phillip M. Thompson. Cambridge: Book Reviews   [Details]
(2013)Review of Silence: A Christian History by Diarmaid MacCulloch.
Cronin, James G.R. (2013) Review of Silence: A Christian History by Diarmaid MacCulloch. Book Reviews   [Details]
(2012)Review of Beyond the Finite: the Sublime in Art and Science. Edited by Ronald Hoffmann and Iain Boyd Whyte. England/USA: Oxford University Press, 2011.
Cronin, James G.R. (2012) Review of Beyond the Finite: the Sublime in Art and Science. Edited by Ronald Hoffmann and Iain Boyd Whyte. England/USA: Oxford University Press, 2011. Interdisciplinary Science Reviews Journal: Book Reviews   [Details]
(2012)Review of Beyond the Finite: the Sublime in Art and Science. Edited by Ronald Hoffmann and Iain Boyd Whyte. Pp. 173. England/USA: Oxford University Press, 2011.
Cronin, James G.R. (2012) Review of Beyond the Finite: the Sublime in Art and Science. Edited by Ronald Hoffmann and Iain Boyd Whyte. Pp. 173. England/USA: Oxford University Press, 2011. Interdisciplinary Science Reviews (ISR): Book Reviews   [Details]
(2011)Review of Elizabeth Bowen's Irish Writings by Eibhear Walshe, Cork University Press.
Cronin, James G.R. (2011) Review of Elizabeth Bowen's Irish Writings by Eibhear Walshe, Cork University Press. History Ireland: Book Reviews [Details]
(2011)Review of Alternative and Activist New Media. Digital Media and Society Series. By Leah A. Lievrouw. USA/England, Polity Press, 2011.
Cronin, James G.R. ; (2011) Review of Alternative and Activist New Media. Digital Media and Society Series. By Leah A. Lievrouw. USA/England, Polity Press, 2011. Scholarly and Research Communication: Book Reviews   [Details]
(2010)Review of Digital Images for the Information Professional by Melissa M. Terras.
Cronin, James; (2010) Review of Digital Images for the Information Professional by Melissa M. Terras. Journal of Interdisciplinary Science Reviews (ISR) 35.1: Book Reviews   [DOI] [Details]
(1999)Review of The Arts & Crafts movements in Dublin and Edinburgh 1885-1925 by Nicola Gordon Bowe & Elizabeth Cumming.
Cronin, James G.R. ; (1999) Review of The Arts & Crafts movements in Dublin and Edinburgh 1885-1925 by Nicola Gordon Bowe & Elizabeth Cumming. History Ireland: Book Reviews   [Details]

Invited papers

(2022)Lessons of The Cell: Reflections of a Student Inmate, Cork Prison, Ireland.
Cronin, James G.R. (2022) Lessons of The Cell: Reflections of a Student Inmate, Cork Prison, Ireland. UK: Invited papers [Details]
(2020)A Brief History of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC).
Cronin, James G.R. (2020) A Brief History of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC). UK: Invited papers   [Details]
(2020)Een Beknopte Historische Schets van de SCLC.
Cronin, James G.R. (2020) Een Beknopte Historische Schets van de SCLC. Belgium: Invited papers [Details]
(2018)Burn His Books: American Catholic Opposition to Thomas Merton in 1968.
Cronin, James G.R. (2018) Burn His Books: American Catholic Opposition to Thomas Merton in 1968. UK: Invited papers [Details]
(2018)Sad nad narodem. Thomas Merton, Frank Kowalski i Modlitwa o pokój w Kongresie Stanów Zjednoczonych.
Cronin, James GR (2018) Sad nad narodem. Thomas Merton, Frank Kowalski i Modlitwa o pokój w Kongresie Stanów Zjednoczonych. Invited papers [Details]
(2017)Fear Thy Neighbour: Merton and the 1961 Shelter Scare.
Cronin, James G.R. (2017) Fear Thy Neighbour: Merton and the 1961 Shelter Scare. UK: Invited papers [Details]
(2016)“The Poetics of History: Thomas Merton’s Use of the Past to Imagine Possible Futures”.
Cronin, James G. R. (2016) “The Poetics of History: Thomas Merton’s Use of the Past to Imagine Possible Futures”. UK: Invited papers [Details]
(2016)“A Nation under Judgment: Thomas Merton, Frank Kowalski and the Congressional Peace Prayer”.
Cronin, James G. R. (2016) “A Nation under Judgment: Thomas Merton, Frank Kowalski and the Congressional Peace Prayer”. USA: Invited papers   [Details]
(2015)“Thomas Merton’s social conscience in formation, correspondences with Czesław Miłosz, 1958-1962.”.
Cronin, James G. R. (2015) “Thomas Merton’s social conscience in formation, correspondences with Czesław Miłosz, 1958-1962.”. UK: Invited papers [Details]
(2010)Assessment of Reflective Portfolios, Journals and Diaries.
Halton, C.; Blackshields, D.; Ryan, T.; Cronin, J.; (2010) Assessment of Reflective Portfolios, Journals and Diaries. Ionad Bairre, The Teaching and Learning Centre, UCC: Invited papers [Details]

Invited Review Articles

(2016)A Design for Life: A Consideration of the Learning Legacy of P.H. Pearse's The Murder Machine.
Cronin, James G. R. (2016) A Design for Life: A Consideration of the Learning Legacy of P.H. Pearse's The Murder Machine. Invited Review Articles [Details]
(2011)Review of the hidden histories symposium on the history of humanities computing at University College London.
Cronin, James G.R. ; (2011) Review of the hidden histories symposium on the history of humanities computing at University College London. Invited Review Articles [Details]
(2011)Excavating the future: taking an 'archaeological' approach to technology.
Cronin, James G.R. ; (2011) Excavating the future: taking an 'archaeological' approach to technology. Interdisciplinary Science Reviews, 36.1, March, 2011: Invited Review Articles   [DOI] [Details]

Book Chapters

(2019)'Supporting Writing Collaborations through Synchronous Technologies: Singing Our ssong about Working Together at a Distance'
Michelle J. Eady, Corinne Green, Ashley B. Akenson, Briony Supple, Marian McCarthy, James Cronin and Jacinta Mckeon (2019) 'Supporting Writing Collaborations through Synchronous Technologies: Singing Our ssong about Working Together at a Distance' In: Nicola Simmons and Ann Singh (eds). Critical Collaborative Communities. Leiden and Boston: Brill.   [Details]
(2016)'El silencio como presencia. Integrando las practicas metacognitivas en los estudios visuales'
Cronin, James G.R. (2016) 'El silencio como presencia. Integrando las practicas metacognitivas en los estudios visuales' In: Blackshields; Cronin; Higgs; Kilcommins; McCarthy; Ryan (eds). Aprendizaje integrado: Investigaciones internacionales y casos prácticos. Madrid: Narcea.   [Details]
(2015)'Silence as presence: integrating meta-cognitive practices in visual studies'
Cronin, James G.R. (2015) 'Silence as presence: integrating meta-cognitive practices in visual studies' In: Daniel Blackshields, James Cronin, Bettie Higgs, Shane Kilcommins, Marian McCarthy, Anthony Ryan (eds). Integrative Learning International Research and Practice. London: Routledge.   [Details]
(2014)''No such thing as innocent by-standing’: the bystander motif in the social writings of Thomas Merton'
Cronin, James G.R. (2014) ''No such thing as innocent by-standing’: the bystander motif in the social writings of Thomas Merton' In: Fiona Gardner, Keith Griffin and Peter Ellis (eds). Universal Vision: A Centenary Celebration of Thomas Merton. Huddersfield: Riley, Dunn & Wilson.   [Details]
(2013)'Threshold Concepts: Informing the curriculum'
Higgs, Bettie and Cronin, James G.R., (2013) 'Threshold Concepts: Informing the curriculum' In: Emerging Issues in Higher Education III: From Capacity Building to Sustainability. Athlone: EDIN.   [Details]
(2010)'Beyond Wikipedia and Google: Web-based literacies and student learning'
Cronin, James G.R., (2010) 'Beyond Wikipedia and Google: Web-based literacies and student learning' In: Making Connections: Intentional Teaching for Integrative Learning. Cork: NAIRTL.   [Details]
(2009)'Critical survey of information technology use in higher education -- blended classrooms'
Cronin, James G.R.; McMahon, J.P.; Waldron, M., (2009) 'Critical survey of information technology use in higher education -- blended classrooms' In: Information technology and constructivism in higher education: progressive learning frameworks. Hershey and New York: Information Science Reference.   [Details]
(1995)'The evangelist symbols as pictorial exegesis'
Cronin, James G.R., (1995) 'The evangelist symbols as pictorial exegesis' In: From the isles of the north: early medieval art in Ireland and Britain:proceedings of the third international conference on Insular art held in the Ulster Museum, Belfast, 7-11 April 1994. Belfast: Her Majesty's Stationery Office (HMSO).   [Details]

Edited Books

(2016)Aprendizaje integrado Investigaciones internacionales y casos prácticos
Cronin, J.; Blackshields, D.; Higgs, B.; Kilcommins, S., McCarthy, M, Ryan, A (Ed.). (2016) Aprendizaje integrado Investigaciones internacionales y casos prácticos Madrid: Nacrea.   [Details]
(2015)Integrative Learning, International research and practice
Cronin, J.; Blackshields, D.; Higgs, B.; Kilcommins, S.; McCarthy, M.; Ryan, A (Ed.). (2015) Integrative Learning, International research and practice Integrative Learning, International research and practice. London: Routledge.   [Details]
(2010)In at the deep end: postgraduate students' experiences of teaching and learning in higher education
Cronin, J.; Higgs, B.; McCarthy, M.; McKeon, J (Ed.). (2010) In at the deep end: postgraduate students' experiences of teaching and learning in higher education In at the deep end: postgraduate students' experiences of teaching and learning in higher education. Cork: NAIRTL.   [Details]

Published Reports

(2015)Teaching for Transitions: A Review of Teaching for Transitions Related Teaching and Learning Activity and Research.
Daniel Blackshields; James Cronin; Bettie Higgs; Marian McCarthy; Tony Ryan; Catherine O’Mahony; Shane Kilcommins; Kathryn O’Sullivan (2015) Teaching for Transitions: A Review of Teaching for Transitions Related Teaching and Learning Activity and Research. T & L National Forum, Dublin.   [Details]
(2015)Teaching for Transitions.
Daniel Blackshields; James Cronin; Bettie Higgs; Marian McCarthy; Tony Ryan; Catherine O’Mahony; Shane Kilcommins; Kathryn O’Sullivan (2015) Teaching for Transitions. T & L National Forum, Dublin.   [Details]
(2005)Using digital images in an art history department: the experience of University College, Cork. A still images case study.
Cronin, James G.R. and Young, G. ; (2005) Using digital images in an art history department: the experience of University College, Cork. A still images case study. JISC Digital Media, UK.   [Details]

Magazine article

(2011)An 'island of cosmopolitan culture: Anson's Voyage round the world and the library at Bowen's Court, Co. Cork.
Cronin, James ; (2011) An 'island of cosmopolitan culture: Anson's Voyage round the world and the library at Bowen's Court, Co. Cork. History Ireland: Magazine article [Details]
(2005)Ray Murphy Doing, kneeling. Artwork of the Month series.
Cronin, James G.R. ; (2005) Ray Murphy Doing, kneeling. Artwork of the Month series. UCC News: Magazine article   [Details]
(2002)Bringing the gallery to the people: a case for public art in Cork's Year of Culture, 2005.
Cronin, James G.R. ; (2002) Bringing the gallery to the people: a case for public art in Cork's Year of Culture, 2005. Corkeye 3 (1): Magazine article [Details]
(2002)Charting a changing Ireland: review of Martin Gale's Lost Fields exhibition at the Fenton Gallery, Cork.
Cronin, James G.R. ; (2002) Charting a changing Ireland: review of Martin Gale's Lost Fields exhibition at the Fenton Gallery, Cork. Corkeye 2 (1): Magazine article [Details]
(1993)The Celtic scribe as artist.
Cronin, James G.R. ; (1993) The Celtic scribe as artist. Mitre Press Winter Issue: Magazine article [Details]


(1999)The same as every other student, a documentary on disability access issues.
Cronin, James G.R. ; (1999) The same as every other student, a documentary on disability access issues. Cork Campus Radio: Documentary [Details]

Encyclopedia Entries

(2008)Donal R. Cronin.
Cronin, James G.R. ; (2008) Donal R. Cronin. Dictionary of Falklands biography (including South Georgia) from discovery up to 1981:Private. Encyclopedia Entries.   [Details]


(2021)Visual thinking for convivial learning in Cork Prison.
Cooper, Therese; Cronin, James G. R. (2021) Visual thinking for convivial learning in Cork Prison. Cork City: Pamphlet [Full Text] [Details]


(2021)Unlocking the Potential of Prison Education.
Cronin, James G.R. (2021) Unlocking the Potential of Prison Education. UCC: Newsletter   [Details]
(2006)Honan celebrations.
Cronin, James G.R. ; (2006) Honan celebrations. UCC News: Newsletter [Details]


(2022)The Honan Chapel (a feminist walk of Cork).
Cronin, James G.R. (2022) The Honan Chapel (a feminist walk of Cork). Map   [Details]


(2023)International Collaborative Writing Groups and Public SoTL.
Huijser, H., Seeley, J., Cronin, James, G.R., (2023) International Collaborative Writing Groups and Public SoTL. International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (ISSOTL): Blog   [Details]
(2012)Day of Digital Humanities (University of Alberta, Canada).
Cronin, James G. R. (2012) Day of Digital Humanities (University of Alberta, Canada). Blog   [Details]
(2012)Linking Learning: Alumni and Friends of Art History, Adult Continuing Education at University College Cork.
Cronin, J (2012) Linking Learning: Alumni and Friends of Art History, Adult Continuing Education at University College Cork. Blog   [Details]
(2011)A Day in the Life of the Digital Humanities (Day of DH) Project.
Cronin, James G.R. ; (2011) A Day in the Life of the Digital Humanities (Day of DH) Project. Blog   [Details]
(2010)Digital Humanities MA/MSc showcased at NAIRTL/LIN Conference.
Nyhan, J.; (2010) Digital Humanities MA/MSc showcased at NAIRTL/LIN Conference. University College London: Blog   [Details]
(2009)Joining the Digital Dots.
Cronin, James G.R. ; (2009) Joining the Digital Dots. Blog   [Details]
(2008)Putting information support in context.
Cronin, James G.R.; (2008) Putting information support in context. Blog   [Details]

Research Report

(2015)Teaching for Transitions: A Review of Teaching for Transitions Related Teaching and Learning Activity and Research.
Daniel Blackshields (Economics, UCC) James Cronin (Arts, Social Sciences, Continuing Education, UCC) Marian McCarthy (Education, Teaching and Learning, UCC) Prof. Tony Ryan (Medicine and Health, UCC) Catherine O’Mahony (Teaching and Learning, UCC) Shane Kilcommins (Law, UL) Kathryn O’Sullivan (Law, UL) (2015) Teaching for Transitions: A Review of Teaching for Transitions Related Teaching and Learning Activity and Research. Research Report   [Details]

Online Database

(2006)The Art of the Honan Chapel Honan Chapel and Collection Online.
Cronin, James G.R. ; (2006) The Art of the Honan Chapel Honan Chapel and Collection Online. University College Cork: Online Database   [Details]
(2006)Rev. Fr. Sir John Robert O'Connell (1868-1943) and the Honan commissions.
Cronin, James G.R. ; (2006) Rev. Fr. Sir John Robert O'Connell (1868-1943) and the Honan commissions. University College Cork: Online Database   [Details]
(2006)Organic change or radical departure?: refurbishing the Honan Chapel, 1983-2001.
Cronin, James G.R. ; (2006) Organic change or radical departure?: refurbishing the Honan Chapel, 1983-2001. University College Cork: Online Database   [Details]
(2006)Honan Chapel, Cork: influences of Jesuit education on the Irish Arts & Crafts movement (1894-1925).
Cronin, James G.R. ; (2006) Honan Chapel, Cork: influences of Jesuit education on the Irish Arts & Crafts movement (1894-1925). University College Cork: Online Database   [Details]

Published Letters

(2012)Falklands history.
Cronin, James G.R. (2012) Falklands history. The Times (London): Published Letters [Details]

Invited Lectures

(2021)Technology and Experience: revisiting Ivan Illich's tools for conviviality for learning design in a post-pandemic pedagogy.
Cronin, James G.R. (2021) Technology and Experience: revisiting Ivan Illich's tools for conviviality for learning design in a post-pandemic pedagogy. UCC: Invited Lectures   [Details]
(2020)Gathering and using student feedback to inform teaching, learning and assessment.
Lee, L., O'Mahony, C. and Cronin, J. (2020) Gathering and using student feedback to inform teaching, learning and assessment. EMINENT: Student Voice and Engagement in Programme Self-Evaluation, Online , 20-NOV-20: Invited Lectures [Details]
(2016)Decorative Arts Association, Cork.
Cronin, James G. R. (2016) Decorative Arts Association, Cork. Invited Lectures [Details]
(2016)Retired Teachers Association (Cork).
Cronin, James G. R. (2016) Retired Teachers Association (Cork). Invited Lectures [Details]

Guest Lectures

(2012)No “radical new beginning”: How can Digital Humanities benefit from engagement with the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning community?.
Cronin, James G. R. (2012) No “radical new beginning”: How can Digital Humanities benefit from engagement with the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning community?. Centre for Digital Humanities, University College London: Guest Lectures   [Details]
(2010)[De]constructing the body.
Cronin, James G. R. ; (2010) [De]constructing the body. Centre for Adult Continuing Education, University College Cork: Guest Lectures [Details]
(2010)Narrative approaches to educational research.
Cronin, James G.R. ; (2010) Narrative approaches to educational research. Ionad Bairre: Centre for Teaching and Learning, University College Cork: Guest Lectures [Details]
(2010)Capturing and documenting teaching and learning using visual evidence.
Cronin, James G.R. ; (2010) Capturing and documenting teaching and learning using visual evidence. Ionad Bairre: Centre for Teaching and Learning, University College Cork: Guest Lectures [Details]
(2009)Emerging from the shadows: disability and creativity.
Cronin, James G.R. ; (2009) Emerging from the shadows: disability and creativity. Centre for Adult Continuing Education, University College Cork: Guest Lectures [Details]
(2009)Making teaching & learning visible: considering the role of space.
Cronin, James G.R. ; (2009) Making teaching & learning visible: considering the role of space. Ionad Bairre: Centre for Teaching and Learning, University College Cork: Guest Lectures [Details]
(2008)A tale of two art histories: imaginative response as formative assessment.
Cronin, James G.R. ; (2008) A tale of two art histories: imaginative response as formative assessment. Seminars in Teaching & Learning, University College Cork: Guest Lectures [Details]
(2008)The art and architecture of the Honan Chapel, Cork.
Cronin, James G.R. ; (2008) The art and architecture of the Honan Chapel, Cork. College of Arts, Celtic Studies and Social Sciences International Summer School in Irish Studies, Un: Guest Lectures [Details]
(2008)Framing disability: art and the fractured body.
Cronin, James G.R. ; (2008) Framing disability: art and the fractured body. Centre for Adult Continuing Education, UCC: Guest Lectures [Details]
(2005)Virtual 'visual literacy': art history computer-assisted learning and the adult education experience.
Cronin, James G.R. ; (2005) Virtual 'visual literacy': art history computer-assisted learning and the adult education experience. Seminars in Teaching & Learning, University College, Cork: Guest Lectures [Details]
(2002)Celtic Revivals: Honan Chapel, Cork.
Cronin, James G.R. ; (2002) Celtic Revivals: Honan Chapel, Cork. Friends of the Metropolitan Museum of Art. New York: Guest Lectures [Details]

Online Multimedia

(2016)Making Understanding Explicit: Decoding the Disciplines.
Cronin, James G.R. (2016) Making Understanding Explicit: Decoding the Disciplines. Online Multimedia   [Details]

Guest Speaker

(2011)Telling Tales: An Eighteenth Century Edition of a Voyage Around the World & the Library at Bowen's Court Co Cork.
Cronin, James G.R. ; (2011) Telling Tales: An Eighteenth Century Edition of a Voyage Around the World & the Library at Bowen's Court Co Cork. Cork City Library and University College Cork: Guest Speaker   [Details]
(2011)Mapping Cork: History revealed through City Library maps.
Cronin, James G.R. ; (2011) Mapping Cork: History revealed through City Library maps. Cork City Library: Guest Speaker   [Details]
(2011)Artful Jesters: Can Art be Funny?.
Cronin, James G.R. ; (2011) Artful Jesters: Can Art be Funny?. Friends of the Crawford, Cork: Guest Speaker   [Details]
(2011)Rediscovering a fragment of the lost library at Bowen's Court, Co. Cork.
Cronin, James G. R. ; (2011) Rediscovering a fragment of the lost library at Bowen's Court, Co. Cork. Cork Literary and Scientific Society: Guest Speaker   [Details]
(2010)The Church of SS. Peter & Paul, Cork.
Cronin, James G.R. ; (2010) The Church of SS. Peter & Paul, Cork. Cork Historical and Archaeological Society: Guest Speaker   [Details]
(2010)Fairytale and Fantasy: Harry Clarke (1889-1931) and the Irish Arts & Crafts movement.
Cronin, James G.R. ; (2010) Fairytale and Fantasy: Harry Clarke (1889-1931) and the Irish Arts & Crafts movement. Lifelong Learning Festival, Cork Central Library: Guest Speaker [Details]
(2010)Cross-currents: viewing the Middle East through Western eyes.
Cronin, James G.R. ; (2010) Cross-currents: viewing the Middle East through Western eyes. Friends of the Crawford, Grawford Gallery, Cork: Guest Speaker [Details]
(2009)Making sense of modern art: Mark Rothko's Segram Murals at Tate Modern.
Cronin, James G.R. ; (2009) Making sense of modern art: Mark Rothko's Segram Murals at Tate Modern. Crawford Gallery of Art, Cork: Guest Speaker [Details]
(2009)Looking & seeing: visual awareness as a tool for critical awareness and inquiry.
Cronin, James G.R. ; (2009) Looking & seeing: visual awareness as a tool for critical awareness and inquiry. University College Cork: Guest Speaker [Details]
(2008)Organic change or radical departure?: refurbishing the Honan Chapel, 1983-2001.
Cronin, James G.R. ; (2008) Organic change or radical departure?: refurbishing the Honan Chapel, 1983-2001. MA in Local History, Department of History, University College Cork: Guest Speaker [Details]
(2009)Silence Breaking/ Silence Making.
Cronin, James G.R. ; (2009) Silence Breaking/ Silence Making. National Sculpture Factory Cork: Guest Speaker [Details]
(2008)Looking & seeing: visual awareness as a tool for critical awareness and inquiry.
Cronin, James G.R. ; (2008) Looking & seeing: visual awareness as a tool for critical awareness and inquiry. Freshers Fest : Undergraduate Registration & Orientation workshop series, University College Cork: Guest Speaker [Details]
(2008)A city of steps and steeples: Cork's architectural heritage.
Cronin, James G.R. ; (2008) A city of steps and steeples: Cork's architectural heritage. Lifelong Learners Festival, AONTAS , the Irish National Association of Adult Education, University C: Guest Speaker [Details]
(2008)An Experiment in Irish Modernism: the Church of Christ the King, Turner's Cross, Cork.
Cronin, James G.R. ; (2008) An Experiment in Irish Modernism: the Church of Christ the King, Turner's Cross, Cork. Cork Literary and Scientific Society, Crawford Art Gallery, Emmett Place, Cork: Guest Speaker [Details]
(2005)Mapping the landscape: Irish Art in context.
Cronin, James G.R.; (2005) Mapping the landscape: Irish Art in context. Cork Literary and Scientific Society, Crawford Art Gallery, Emmett Place, Cork: Guest Speaker [Details]

Invited Seminars

(2022)Disarming discourse: Thomas Merton and the Breakthrough to Peace anthology, October 1961-September 1962.
Cronin, James G.R. (2022) Disarming discourse: Thomas Merton and the Breakthrough to Peace anthology, October 1961-September 1962. Invited Seminars   [Details]
(2021)Where We Are is Where We Belong Thomas Merton and the Ethos of Stability.
Cronin, James G.R. (2021) Where We Are is Where We Belong Thomas Merton and the Ethos of Stability. UK: Invited Seminars   [Details]
(2012)Narrative enquiry as a research method in SoTL (Educating for the Professions cluster, ISS21).
Cronin, James G. R. (2012) Narrative enquiry as a research method in SoTL (Educating for the Professions cluster, ISS21). Invited Seminars   [Details]
(2010)Too much content to cover: how can lecturers turn curriculum quantity?.
Cronin, James G.R. ; (2010) Too much content to cover: how can lecturers turn curriculum quantity?. Ionad Bairre, Support for Teaching and Learning Seminars, University College Cork: Invited Seminars [Details]
(2010)Silence and secrecy on the south-seas: re-reading George Anson's A Voyage Round the World in the Years 1740. . .1744.
Cronin, James G.R. ; (2010) Silence and secrecy on the south-seas: re-reading George Anson's A Voyage Round the World in the Years 1740. . .1744. University College Cork: Invited Seminars [Details]
(2009)Encountering a wall of silence: how can tutors engage students in small group discussion?.
Cronin, James G.R. ; (2009) Encountering a wall of silence: how can tutors engage students in small group discussion?. Ionad Bairre, Support for Teaching and Learning Seminars, University College Cork: Invited Seminars [Details]
(2009)Recovering the power of silence and slow time: what is the current state of debate?.
Cronin, James G.R. ; (2009) Recovering the power of silence and slow time: what is the current state of debate?. Ionad Bairre, Support for Teaching and Learning Seminars, University College Cork: Invited Seminars [Details]
(2009)Lessons learnt in image capture from the Honan Chapel and Collection Online project.
Cronin, James G.R. ; (2009) Lessons learnt in image capture from the Honan Chapel and Collection Online project. University College Cork: Invited Seminars [Details]
(2009)Overview of the Honan Chapel and Collection Online project.
Cronin, James G.R. ; (2009) Overview of the Honan Chapel and Collection Online project. University College Cork: Invited Seminars [Details]
(2009)Towards new understandings of silence.
Cronin, James G.R. ; (2009) Towards new understandings of silence. University College Cork: Invited Seminars [Full Text] [Details]

Presented Papers

(2012)‘Doing’ history: what may liminal space and transition time expose during a process of mentoring postgraduate tutors in the discipline of history?.
Cronin, James G.R. (2012) ‘Doing’ history: what may liminal space and transition time expose during a process of mentoring postgraduate tutors in the discipline of history?. National Academy's 6th Annual Conference and the 4th Biennial Threshold Concepts Conference: Presented Papers   [Details]
(2013)‘Doing’ history: what may liminal space and transition time expose during a process of mentoring postgraduate tutors in the discipline of history?.
Cronin, James G.R. (2013) ‘Doing’ history: what may liminal space and transition time expose during a process of mentoring postgraduate tutors in the discipline of history?. Presented Papers [Details]

Fact Sheet

(2020)Short Guides #2: Scaffolding Learning (Resources for Emergency Teaching in the Coronavirus Pandemic).
Cronin, James G.R. (2020) Short Guides #2: Scaffolding Learning (Resources for Emergency Teaching in the Coronavirus Pandemic). Fact Sheet   [Details]

Video recording / TV

(2018)Millwood's Map of Learning Theories.
Cronin, James G.R. (2018) Millwood's Map of Learning Theories. Video recording / TV   [Details]
(2016)Honan Chapel Centenary Celebrations.
Cronin, James G.R. (2016) Honan Chapel Centenary Celebrations. Video recording / TV [Details]
(2012)The Culture of the Big House.
Cronin, James G.R. (2012) The Culture of the Big House. Video recording / TV   [Details]

Working Paper

(2022)Disarming discourse: Thomas Merton and the Breakthrough to Peace publishing project, October 1961 - September 1962.
Cronin, J. (2022) Disarming discourse: Thomas Merton and the Breakthrough to Peace publishing project, October 1961 - September 1962. Working Paper [Details]


(2021)A Reluctant Pacifist: Thomas Merton and the Cold War Letters, October 1961 - April 1962.
Cronin, James G.R. (2021) A Reluctant Pacifist: Thomas Merton and the Cold War Letters, October 1961 - April 1962. Boole Library, University College Cork and Thomas Merton Center, Bellarmine University, KY, USA: Thesis/Dissertation [Details]
(2009)Of Silence and Slow Time: How Can Educators Employ Constructive Silence and Slow Time Interventions To Create Reflective Learning Spaces?.
Cronin, James G.R. (2009) Of Silence and Slow Time: How Can Educators Employ Constructive Silence and Slow Time Interventions To Create Reflective Learning Spaces?. Boole Library, University College Cork: Thesis/Dissertation [Details]
(1992)Images of Kingship: A Study of Ruler Iconography in the Early Medieval West ca. 869-1031.
Cronin, James G.R. (1992) Images of Kingship: A Study of Ruler Iconography in the Early Medieval West ca. 869-1031. Boole Library, University College Cork: Thesis/Dissertation [Details]

Radio Presentation

(2012)Review of The Sacred Modernist: Josef Albers as a Catholic Artist at Glucksman Gallery, Cork ArtBeat, Cork Campus Radio, 98.3FM. (Producer: Don O'Mahony).
Cronin, James G. R. (2012) Review of The Sacred Modernist: Josef Albers as a Catholic Artist at Glucksman Gallery, Cork ArtBeat, Cork Campus Radio, 98.3FM. (Producer: Don O'Mahony). Radio Presentation [Details]
(2012)Review of AIB Collection at Crawford Art Gallery, Cork ArtBeat, Cork Campus Radio, 98.3FM. (Producer: Don O'Mahony).
Cronin, James G. R. (2012) Review of AIB Collection at Crawford Art Gallery, Cork ArtBeat, Cork Campus Radio, 98.3FM. (Producer: Don O'Mahony). Radio Presentation [Details]
(2010)Review of Mixtapes: popular music in contemporary art. Lewis Glucksman Gallery, Cork.
Cronin, James G.R. ; (2010) Review of Mixtapes: popular music in contemporary art. Lewis Glucksman Gallery, Cork. ArtBeat, Cork Campus Radio, 98.3FM (Producer: Don O'Mahony): Radio Presentation [Details]
(2010)Interview on the graphic art of Peter Saville.
Cronin, James G.R. ; (2010) Interview on the graphic art of Peter Saville. ArtBeat, Cork Campus Radio, 98.3FM. (Producer: Don O'Mahony): Radio Presentation [Details]
(2010)Interview on the dynamics of creativity.
Cronin, James G.R. ; (2010) Interview on the dynamics of creativity. ArtBeat, Cork Campus Radio, 98.3FM. (Producer: Don O'Mahony): Radio Presentation [Details]

Sound recording

(2000)A thousand years of Cumbrian history.
Cronin, James G.R. ; (2000) A thousand years of Cumbrian history. BBC, Radio Cumbria: Sound recording [Details]


(2019)How can Educators Inspire Authentic Online Engagement?.
Cronin, James G.R. (2019) How can Educators Inspire Authentic Online Engagement?. Workshops   [Details]

Professional Activities

Conference Contributions

(2018)Facing the Life and Death Issues: Thomas Merton Society of Great Britain and Ireland,
Cronin, James G. R. (2018) Burn His Books: American Opposition to Thomas Merton in 1968. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Facing the Life and Death Issues: Thomas Merton Society of Great Britain and Ireland, Oakham School, Rutland, UK , 06-APR-18 - 08-APR-18. [Details]
(2016)ISSOTL 2016,
Cronin, J and Marian McCarthy (2016) Mindful gazing: how can educators use visual narrative to foster presence?. [Invited Lectures (Workshops)], ISSOTL 2016, L.A. California, USA , 12-OCT-16 - 15-OCT-16. [Details]
(2016)Decoding Disciplinary History,
Cronin, James G. R. (2016) Invited keynote speaker at the School of History seminar in teaching and learning for postgraduate History tutors. [Invited Seminars/Guest Lectures], Decoding Disciplinary History, School of History, University College Cork , 21-SEP-16 - 21-SEP-16. [Details]
(2016)Workshop in teaching and learning for further education teachers from Denmark,
Cronin, James G. R. (2016) Continuing Professional Development with European Union Partners. [Invited Lectures (Workshops)], Workshop in teaching and learning for further education teachers from Denmark, Centre for the Integration of Research, Teaching & Learning , 11-APR-16 - 15-APR-18. [Details]
Cronin, James G.R. and Marian McCarthy (2016) “Mindful gazing: how can educators use visual narrative to foster presence?” International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. [Invited Lectures (Workshops)], ISSOTL16, Los Angeles, California , 14-OCT-16 - 16-OCT-16. [Details]
Cronin, James G.R. (2016) Lost in translation: employing Thomas Merton’s Taoist writing to translate Multiple Intelligences theory to Chinese graduate teachers”. [Oral Presentation], ISSOTL16, Los Angeles, California , 13-OCT-16 - 15-OCT-16. [Details]
(2014)ACE_EUCEN Conference,
Cronin, James G.R. (2014) Technology of the Self: scaffolding self-directed learning. [Oral Presentation], ACE_EUCEN Conference, University College Cork , 02-DEC-14 - 02-DEC-14. [Details]
(2014)Ireland and the First World War,
Cronin, James G.R. and Holland, Michael (2014) Recovering Lehmann James Oppenheimer and Eric Newton for the narrative of the Honan Chapel, Cork (1916) Ireland and the First World War. [Oral Presentation], Ireland and the First World War, University College Cork , 14-JAN-14 - 14-JAN-14. [Details]
(2014)Annual Conference of the Thomas Merton Society of Great Britain and Ireland,
Cronin, James G.R. (2014) An “Apostolate of Friendship”: Thomas Merton’s Letters to Fellow Writers, 1958-61. [Oral Presentation], Annual Conference of the Thomas Merton Society of Great Britain and Ireland, Oakham School, Rutland, England , 03-APR-14 - 04-APR-14. [Details]
(2013)The Higher Education Academy’s 15th annual Teaching and Learning Conference for Historians,
Cronin, James G.R. (2013) Doing History: what can historians learn from “decoding” historical thinking?. [Oral Presentation], The Higher Education Academy’s 15th annual Teaching and Learning Conference for Historians, Institute of Historical Research at the University of London , 09-SEP-13 - 11-SEP-13. [Details]
(2013)ISSOTL (International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning),
David Pace, James Cronin, Arlene Diaz, Bettie Higgs, Joan Middendorf, Leah Shopkow (2013) Preparing the Next Generation: Placing SoTL at the Core of the Preparation of Future History Instructors. [Invited Lectures (Workshops)], ISSOTL (International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning), ISSOTL 13 (Elon University, Raleigh, North Carolina) , 04-OCT-13 - 04-OCT-13. [Details]
(2013)Seminar in Information Science/ Digital Humanities,
James Cronin (2013) Culture Jamming in an Age of Analogue: how may analogue media “haunt” digital disruptions?. [Invited Seminars/Guest Lectures], Seminar in Information Science/ Digital Humanities, University College London , 13-DEC-13 - 13-DEC-13. [Details]
(2013)10th annual conference of the International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning,
Cronin, James G.R. with Bettie Higgs, David Pace, Leah Shopkow, Joan Middendorf and Arlene Diaz (2013) Making thinking explicit: decoding historical teaching. [Invited Lectures (Workshops)], 10th annual conference of the International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, Raleigh, North Carolina, USA , 30-SEP-13 - 06-OCT-13. [Details]
(2012)4th Biennial Threshold Concepts Conference and 6th NAIRTL Annual Conference,
Daniel Blackshields, Anthony Ryan, James Cronin, Bettie Higgs, Marian McCarthy, Shane Kilcommins, Deirdre Bennett, Walter O'Leary (2012) Building Capacity for Transformative Learning: Embedding Integrative Learning into Threshold Concept Pedagogical Design. [Invited Lectures (Workshops)], 4th Biennial Threshold Concepts Conference and 6th NAIRTL Annual Conference, Trinity College Dublin , 27-JUN-12 - 29-MAR-12. [Details]
(2012)The National Academy's 6th Annual Conference and the 4th Biennial Threshold Concepts Conference,
Cronin, J. (2012) 'Doing history': what may liminal space and transition time expose during a process of mentoring postgraduate tutors in the discipline of history?. [Oral Presentation], The National Academy's 6th Annual Conference and the 4th Biennial Threshold Concepts Conference, University of Dublin, Trinity College , 27-JUN-12 - 29-JUL-12. [Details]
(2012)Seminar in Information Science/ Digital Humanities,
James Cronin (2012) Fostering Collaboration in the Humanities. [Invited Seminars/Guest Lectures], Seminar in Information Science/ Digital Humanities, University College London , 14-DEC-12 - 14-DEC-12. [Details]
(2012)Conference title: Research on Teaching and Learning: Integratity Practices. McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada,
James Cronin with Jacinta McKeon, Marian McCarthy and Bettie Higgs (2012) Mentoring the ethical steward: How may a SOTL approach help faculty to foster habits of ethical stewardship in the formation of junior members? ISSOTL McMaster University, Ontario, Canada. [Oral Presentation], Conference title: Research on Teaching and Learning: Integratity Practices. McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada , 24-OCT-12 - 27-OCT-12. [Details]
(2012)Mentoring the ethical steward: how may a SoTL approach help faculty to foster habits of ethical stewardship in the formation of junior faculty members? (University College Cork),
Cronin, J. with Marian McCarthy, Bettie Higgs, Jacinta McKeon (2012) Mentoring the ethical steward. [Chair Sessions at Symposia], Mentoring the ethical steward: how may a SoTL approach help faculty to foster habits of ethical stewardship in the formation of junior faculty members? (University College Cork), ISSOTL, McMaster University, Ontario, Canada, 2012 , 23-OCT-12 - 23-NOV-12. [Details]
(2012)National Academy's 6th Annual Conference and the 4th Biennial Threshold Concepts Conference,
Cronin, J. with Daniel Blackshields, Anthony Ryan (2012) Building Capacity for Transformative Learning: Embedding Integrative Learning into Threshold Concept Pedagogical Design. [Invited Lectures (Workshops)], National Academy's 6th Annual Conference and the 4th Biennial Threshold Concepts Conference, University of Dublin, Trinity College , 27-JUN-12 - 29-JUL-12. [Details]
(2011)Engaging Minds: Active learning, participation and collaboration in Higher education. NAIRTL 5th Annual Conference and Galway Symposium on Higher Education,
Cronin, J with Bettie Higgs, Marian McCarthy, Jacinta McKeon (2011) In-at-the-deep-end: graduate teaching assistants as role models in the university. [Oral Presentation], Engaging Minds: Active learning, participation and collaboration in Higher education. NAIRTL 5th Annual Conference and Galway Symposium on Higher Education, University College Galway , 08-JUN-11 - 10-JUN-11. [Details]
(2011)Engaging Minds. Annual Conference of National Academy for the Integration of Reseach and Teaching and Learning. NUI Galway,
Cronin, J with Bettie Higgs, Marian McCarthy, Jacinta McKeon (2011) In-at-the-Deep-End: Postgraduate Students as Role Models in the University. [Oral Presentation], Engaging Minds. Annual Conference of National Academy for the Integration of Reseach and Teaching and Learning. NUI Galway, NUI Galway, Galway , 10-JUN-11 - 10-JUN-11. [Details]
(2011)Hidden Histories: Symposium in humanities computing, 1949-1980,
Cronin, J. (2011) Different stories to be lived and told: recovering L. James Oppenheimer for the history of the Irish Arts and Crafts movement (1894-1925). [Invited Oral Presentation], Hidden Histories: Symposium in humanities computing, 1949-1980, University College London , 17-SEP-11 - 17-SEP-11. [Details]
(2011)Royal Geographical Society with Institute of British Geographers Annual International Conference,
Cronin, James G.R. ; (2011) Masters of those Seas: Strategy and space in George Anson's A Voyage Round the World in the Years 1740 ... 1744. [Oral Presentation], Royal Geographical Society with Institute of British Geographers Annual International Conference, Royal Geographical Society, London and Imperial College London , 31-AUG-11 - 02-SEP-11. [Details]
(2011)International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning,
Cronin, J. with Bettie Higgs, Marian McCarthy, Jacinta McKeon (2011) In-at-the-deep-end: graduate teaching assistants as role models in the university. [Oral Presentation], International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee , 18-OCT-11 - 25-NOV-11. [Details]
(2011)Digital Cultures,
Cronin, James G. R. ; (2011) The role of social media in historical recovery. [Oral Presentation], Digital Cultures, University College Cork , 29-SEP-11 - 30-SEP-11. [Details]
(2011)Seminar in Information Science/Digital Humanities,
James Cronin (2011) Fostering Collaboration in the Humanities. [Invited Seminars/Guest Lectures], Seminar in Information Science/Digital Humanities, University College London , 16-DEC-11 - 16-DEC-11. [Details]
(2011)Grundtvig European Learning Partnership on Educational Access and Ageing: e-learning,
Cronin, James G.R.; (2011) E-learning and the lifelong learner: Challenging common assumptions. [Oral Presentation], Grundtvig European Learning Partnership on Educational Access and Ageing: e-learning, VUC, Fyn, Denmark , 27-APR-11 - 30-APR-11. [Details]
(2011)Transforming the Academy through the Theory and Practice of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, USA,
Cronin, J. with Jacinta McKeon, Bettie Higgs and Marian McCarthy (2011) In-at-the-deep-end:graduate teaching assistants providing role models for Faculty. [Oral Presentation], Transforming the Academy through the Theory and Practice of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, USA, Milwaukee, U.S.A , 20-OCT-11 - 22-OCT-11. [Details]
(2010)International Integrative Learning Symposium. Centre for Integrative Learning, University of Nottingham,
Cronin, J with Daniel Blackshields, Bettie Higgs, Shane Kilcommins, marian McCarthy, Walter O'Leary, Anthony Ryan (2010) Integrative learning in practice: Irish Integrative Learning Project. [Invited Oral Presentation], International Integrative Learning Symposium. Centre for Integrative Learning, University of Nottingham, University of Nottingham , 11-MAR-10 - 11-MAR-10. [Details]
(2010)NAIRTL /LIN Annual Conference: Flexible Learning,
Cronin, J with Daniel Blackshields and Julianne Nyhan (2010) Integrative learning and technoculture: what's at stake?. [Oral Presentation], NAIRTL /LIN Annual Conference: Flexible Learning, Royal College of Surgeons , 06-OCT-10 - 07-OCT-10. [Details]
(2010)Assessment of Reflective Portfolios and Journals,
Cronin, J with Daniel Blackshields, Bettie Higgs, Carmal Halton (2010) Ionad Bairre Teaching and Learning Seminar. [Invited Seminars/Guest Lectures], Assessment of Reflective Portfolios and Journals, Council Room UCC , 19-NOV-10 - 19-NOV-10. [Details]
(2010)Ordnance: War + Architecture & Space, 16-18 September 2010,
Cronin, James G.R. (2010) 'Masters of those seas': Strategy and space in George Anson's A Voyage Round the World in the Years 1740. . .1744. [Oral Presentation], Ordnance: War + Architecture & Space, 16-18 September 2010, co-hosted by Department of Geography, University College Cork and Cork Centre for Architectural Education (CCAE), University College Cork and Cork Institute of Technology , 18-SEP-10 - 18-SEP-10. [Details]
(2010)LIN/NAIRTL Flexible Learning conference, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, Dublin,
Cronin, J with Daniel Blackshields and Julianne Nyhan (2010) Integrative learning and technoculture: what's at stake?. [Invited Oral Presentation], LIN/NAIRTL Flexible Learning conference, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, Dublin, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, Dublin , 06-OCT-10 - 06-OCT-10. [Details]
(2009)Digital Resources for the Humanities & Arts - Dynamic Networks of Knowledge and Practice: Contexts, Crises, Futures, 7 - 9 September 2009,
Cronin, James G.R. ; (2009) Too much information: why facilitate media literacy?. [Invited Oral Presentation], Digital Resources for the Humanities & Arts - Dynamic Networks of Knowledge and Practice: Contexts, Crises, Futures, 7 - 9 September 2009, Queens University Belfast , 07-SEP-09 - 09-SEP-09. [Details]
(2008)Digital Resources for the Humanities and the Arts (DRHA) conference. New communities of knowledge and practice,
Cronin, James G.R. ; (2008) Uncovering understanding: lifelong learners' experiences of e-moderation. [Invited Oral Presentation], Digital Resources for the Humanities and the Arts (DRHA) conference. New communities of knowledge and practice, Gonville & Caius College, University of Cambridge, UK , 14-SEP-08 - 16-SEP-08. [Details]
(2006)Digitising Ethnography Symposium,
Cronin, James G.R.; Doolan, D.; Dai, X. ; (2006) Building a virtual exhibition: The Honan Collection Online. [Invited Oral Presentation], Digitising Ethnography Symposium, University College Cork , 14-JUN-06 - 14-JUN-06. [Details]
(2005)Forum for the Advancement of Continuing Education Conference (FACE), Towards a global understanding of lifelong learning: making a difference,
Cronin, James G.R.; (2005) Joining the digital dots: promoting resource integration and autodidactic learning in teaching art history to adult learners. [Invited Oral Presentation], Forum for the Advancement of Continuing Education Conference (FACE), Towards a global understanding of lifelong learning: making a difference, University College Cork , 06-JUL-05 - 08-JUL-05. [Details]
(1994)The third international conference on Insular art,
Cronin, J; (1994) The evangelist symbols as pictorial exegesis. [Invited Oral Presentation], The third international conference on Insular art, Ulster Museum, Belfast , 06-APR-94 - 08-APR-94. [Details]

Professional Associations

 AssociationFunctionFrom / To
International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (ISSOTL) Peer Reviewer01-MAY-12 /
HistorySOTL- International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning: History Special Interest Group Representative committee member for Great Britain and Ireland HistorySOTL23-APR-13 / 23-APR-14
International Thomas Merton Society, Bellarmine University, Louisville, KY International Advisor30-APR-16 / 23-APR-21
DRHA: Digital Resources for the Humanities and the Arts Peer Reviewer01-SEP-12 /
Aontas: Irish National Association of Adult Education Local Representative (University College Cork)01-JUN-07 /


 CommitteeFunctionFrom / To
UCC 2022, Pillar One Working Group: Learning & Teaching Member2021 /
College Exam Board, Centre for the Integration of Research, Teaching & Learning, University College Cork Member2021 /
The Sustainable Development Goals SDGS Toolkit Advisory Group Member2020 /
Directorate, Centre for the Integration of Research, Teaching & Learning, University College Cork Member2020 /
Advisory Group for the Centre for the Integration of Research, Teaching & Learning, University College Cork Member2020 /
University Ethics Committee, University College Cork Member2018 /
College of Business & Law, Teaching & Learning Committee, University College Cork Member2018 /
College of Arts, Celtic Studies and Social Sciences, University College Cork, Teaching and Learning Committee Co-opted committee member2012 / 2013
Learning & Teaching Committee, School of History (2011) Committee Secretary2010 / 2011
Support for Teaching & Learning Group, University College Cork (2010) Committee Member2010 / 2011
DRHA (Digital Resources in the Humanities & the Arts), United Kingdom (2009-15) Programme committee member2008 / 1999
AONTAS (National Adult Learning Organisation) (2007) Local representative2007 / 1999
Administrative Grading Committee, University College Cork (2006-08) Committee member2006 / 2008
Disability Support Liaison, History of Art (2005-11) Liaison representative2006 / 2011
Visual Arts Committee, University College Cork (2006-08) Committee member2004 / 2006
Steering Committee for the Diploma in European Art History, Adult Continuing Education (2002-09) Committee Secretary2002 / 1999

Honours and Awards

 YearTitleAwarding Body
2019Honorary Research Fellow, University College London Department of Information Studies, UCL
2018Teaching & Learning Research and Enhancement Fund Office of the Vice-President for Teaching and Learning
2016Certificate of Recognition (Learning Neighbourhoods & Community Education) UCC, CIT & ETB
2014Honorary Research Associate awarded by the Department of Information Studies University College London
2012Vice President for Teaching and Learning, UCC. Teaching Fellowship in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education Office of the Vice President of Teaching and Learning, University College Cork
2011Teaching and Learning As a Systemic Process in Lifelong Learning (European Commission - Education & Training - lifelong learning programme, Grundtvig) European Commission - Education & Training - lifelong learning programme ¿ Grundtvig
2011Historical Geography Research Group for the RGS-IBG Annual International Conference (registration) Historical Geography Research Group for the RGS-IBG Annual International Conference
2011School of History/ College of Arts, Celtic Studies and Social Sciences, Research Fund (research support) School of History/ College of Arts, Celtic Studies and Social Sciences
2011School of History/ College of Arts, Celtic Studies and Social Sciences, Research Fund (conference support) School of History/ College of Arts, Celtic Studies and Social Sciences
2009Promoting a research culture in the undergraduate curriculum NAIRTL
2008Making Connections: Strengthening and Documenting Intentional Teaching for Integrative Learning NAIRTL and HEA
2006Quality Improvement Award for the Honan Chapel & Collection online QPU, UCC
2004President's Award for Research on Innovative Forms of Teaching and Learning UCC
2004Quality Improvement Fund Award QPU, UCC
2003President's Award for Research on Innovative Forms of Teaching and Learning UCC
1990Dean of the Faculty of Arts, University College Cork, College Scholar Faculty of Arts, University College Cork


2022University College Cork PhD in Modern History (U.S. foreign policy)History
2009University College Cork MA in Teaching and Learning in Higher EducationSoTL
2008University College Cork PGDip in Teaching and Learning in Higher EducationSoTL
2007University College Cork PGCert in Teaching and Learning in Higher EducationSoTL
2000UCLan (Preston, UK) PGDip (Broadcast Journalism)Broadcast Journalism
1992University College Cork MA (Medieval History)History
1991University College Cork BA (English and History)History and English

Outreach Activities


James currently lectures on cultural history in the Cork City Public Library for Centre for Adult Continuing Education, University College Cork.

Contributed guest lectures to the Cork Scientific and Literary Society;

lecturer in arts and facilitating inclusion for Disability Studies, Adult Continuing Education, UCC

Collaboration with prison educators on inclusive curriculum learning design.

Contributed talks and tours to the International Summer School in Irish Studies, School of History, University College Cork;    

Journal Activities

 JournalRoleTo / From
Body, Space & Technology Referee30-SEP-09 - 21-JUN-18
International Journal For The Scholarship Of Teaching & Learning Referee30-SEP-12 -

Teaching Activities

Teaching Interests

Teaching & Learning
  1. Programme Director, Postgraduate Diploma in Teaching & Learning in Higher Education, CIRTL, UCC.
  2. Programme Co-Director, Masters in Teaching & Learning in Higher Education, CIRTL, UCC.
  3. Academic Coordinator and Lecturer, Graduate Studies modules in Teaching & Learning in Higher Education, CIRTL, UCC.
  4. Academic Coordinator and Lecturer, International Visiting Scholars Programme, CIRTL, UCC.
  5. Visiting Lecturer, Education Unit, Cork Prison, Cork VEC and Irish Prisons Service.
  6. Lecturer, Facilitating Inclusion in the Arts for Adult Continuing Education, UCC.
  7. Guest Lecturer, International Summer School in Irish Studies, School of History, UCC.    
Supervised Research in Teaching & Learning Enhancement
Dr. Uschi Linehan (2022) “Enhancing how a student analyses a German literature text using Microsoft Whiteboard as a scaffolding tool” supervised by James Cronin and Marian McCarthy, CIRTL, for the degree of Master of Arts in Teaching & Learning in Higher Education. 

Dr Philipp Hoevel (2022) “Critical friendship in teaching mathematics” co-supervised by James Cronin and Robert Butler, CIRTL, for the degree of Master of Arts in Teaching & Learning in Higher Education. 

Dr. Rhoda Dullea “Developing reflective techniques in small-group communities of practice for enabling self-efficacy in the learning of musical performance among undergraduate students” supervised by James Cronin and Marian McCarthy, CIRTL, for the degree of Master of Arts in Teaching & Learning in Higher Education. 

Ms. Caroline Horgan (2019) "The dental plaque index: A necessary motivational tool or unnecessary paperwork?" co-supervised by James Cronin and Marian McCarthy, CIRTL, for the degree of Master of Arts in Teaching & Learning in Higher Education.

Ms. Martina Collins (2019) "Diabetic Risk: How can Clinicians’ promote patient safety?" co-supervised by James Cronin and Marian McCarthy, CIRTL, for the degree of Master of Arts in Teaching & Learning in Higher Education.

Ms. Mary Healy (2017) Where do nursing students learn professional caring?" co-supervised by James Cronin and Marian McCarthy, CIRTL, for the degree of Master of Arts in Teaching & Learning in Higher Education.

Ms. Eileen O’Donoghue (2017) “Reflective Writing: Where is the learning?” co-supervised by James Cronin and Marian McCarthy, CIRTL, for the degree of Master of Arts in Teaching & Learning in Higher Education.

Ms. Paula Hick (2016) “Empowering the EMT student: Decoding the Perceptions of Self-Directed Learning through an Action Research Approach, of EMT Military Medical Care Students” co-supervised by James Cronin and Marian McCarthy, CIRTL, for the degree of Master of Arts in Teaching & Learning in Higher Education.

Mr. Dave Hick (2016) "Emergency First Response; Perceived Barriers to Role Play in a Simulated Environment with Military Students on a Medical Diploma"co-supervised by James Cronin and Marian McCarthy, CIRTL, for the degree of Master of Arts in Teaching & Learning in Higher Education.    

Adult Education, 2002-21
I have contributed to the Certificate and Diploma (NFQ Level 6 and 7) in European Art History, Centre for Adult Continuing Education (CACE), University College Cork. Since 2009, I have designed a series of short courses on masterpieces from Irish and British art collections. The masterpieces series is intended introduce the public to well known masterpieces from Irish and British art collections. While paintings are the focus for discussion, the courses are histories of culture. since 2009, I have contributed to the "Culture of the Big House: art and culture of the Anglo-Irish". CACE, in partnership with the Irish Heritage Trust, offers this course in Fota House, Co. Cork. This teaching space fosters an authentic learning experience.

School of History, 2001-16
I have tutored in the Department of History, University College Cork (1992-98). I contributed as tutor and guest lecturer to the newly established History of Art (2001-11). I contributed to the following: HA 3013: Special Supervised Research Project [support workshop], (2009-10); HA2009: Creator and Subject: Themes in Portraiture [guest lecture and tutorials], (2003-11); HA 1001: Introduction to Art History [guest lecture], (2001-07); HA 2007: Landscape in Western Art  [guest lecture], (2003-07); HA 2012: The History of Art History and Method [lectures and tutorials], (2003-07). 

Recent Postgraduates

 Graduation YearStudent NameInstitutionDegree TypeThesis Title
2022Dr. Uschi Linehan NUI (UCC)“Enhancing how a student analyses a German literature text using Microsoft Whiteboard as a scaffolding tool”
2022Dr Philipp Hoevel NUI (UCC)“Critical friendship in teaching mathematics”
2021Dr. Rhoda Dullea NUI (UCC)“Developing reflective techniques in small-group communities of practice for enabling self-efficacy in the learning of musical performance among undergraduate students”
2019Caroline Horgan NUI (UCC)Degree: MATLHE, Thesis: "The dental plaque index: A necessary motivational tool or unnecessary paperwork?"
2019Martina Collins NUI (UCC)Degree: MATLHE, Thesis:"Diabetic Risk: How can Clinicians’ promote patient safety?"
2017Eileen O'Donoghue NUI (UCC)Degree: MATLHE, Thesis: “Reflective Writing: Where is the learning?”
2017Mary Healy NUI (UCC)Degree: MATLHE, Thesis: “Where do nursing students learn professional caring?"
2016Dave Hick NUI (UCC)Degree: MATLHE, Thesis: "Emergency First Response; Perceived Barriers to Role Play in a Simulated Environment with Military Students on a Medical Diploma"
2016Paula Hick NUI (UCC)Degree MATLHE, Thesis: “Empowering the EMT student: Decoding the Perceptions of Self-Directed Learning through an Action Research Approach, of EMT Military Medical Care Students”

Research Information

Internal Collaborators

Mr. Daniel Blackshields UCCIRELAND
Dr. Bettie Higgs UCCIRELAND
Dr. Marian McCarthy UCCIRELAND
Prof. Maggie O'Neill UCCIRELAND
Prof. Anthony C. Ryan UCCIRELAND
Dr. Briony Supple UCCIRELAND
Dr. Katharina Swirak UCCIRELAND

External Collaborators

 NameOrganisation / InstituteCountry
Ms. Therese Cooper Education Unit, Cork PrisonIRELAND
Ms. Edel Cunningham Education Unit, Cork PrisonIRELAND
Dr. David Golemboski ITMS, Bellarmine University, KYU.S.A.
Dr. Henk Huijser Queensland University of Technology (QUT), Turrbal and Yugara as the First NationsAUSTRALIA
Dr. Siobhán McPhee University of British Columbia, Vancouver Campus, Musqueam Traditional TerritoryCANADA
Dr. Julianne Nyhan University College LondonUNITED KINGDOM
Dr. Janel Seeley University of WyomingAUSTRALIA

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University College Cork

Coláiste na hOllscoile Corcaigh

College Road, Cork T12 K8AF
