Research Profile

Laura Lynch


Laura Lynch is a Research Support Officer in the Health Information Systems Research Centre (HISRC), Business Information Systems at University College Cork.

Research Interests


Peer Reviewed Journals

(2016)'Citizen Participation in Decision-Making: Can One Make A Difference?'
Fitzgerald, C., McCarthy, S., Carton, F., O Connor, Y., Lynch, L ., Adam, F. (2016) 'Citizen Participation in Decision-Making: Can One Make A Difference?'. Journal of Decision Systems, [Details]

Conference Publications

(2017)ICMB 2017: International Conference on Mobile Business
Rowan, W., O'Connor, Y., Lynch, L. and Heavin., C. (2017) Exploring the Situational Approach to Decision Making: User Econsent on a Health Social Network ICMB 2017: International Conference on Mobile Business [Details]
(2017)47th Annual PSI Conference
Rowan, W., O'Connor, Y., Lynch, L. and Heavin., C. (2017) The role of risk homeostasis for eConsent on a Health Social Network (HSN) 47th Annual PSI Conference [Details]
(2017)HCist - International Conference on Health and Social Care Information Systems and Technologies
Rowan, W., O'Connor, Y., Lynch, L. and Heavin., C. (2017) Exploring User Behaviours when Providing Electronic Consent on Health Social Networks: A Just Tick Agree Approach HCist - International Conference on Health and Social Care Information Systems and Technologies [Details]
(2017)Americas Conference on Information Systems
O' Connor, Y., Rowan, W., Lynch, L., Heavin, C. (2017) The Evil Side of Sharing Personal Health Information Online Americas Conference on Information Systems [Details]
(2017)3rd European Technology Assessment Confernence
Lynch, L., Rowan, W., O'Connor, Y., Heavin, C. (2017) To Join or Not to Join: Knowing the Differences between Health Social Networks and Social Network Sites 3rd European Technology Assessment Confernence [Details]
(2016)R&D Management Conference
Fitzgerald, C., McCarthy, S., Carton, F., O Connor, Y., Lynch, L ., Adam, F. (2016) Responsible Research and Innovation: Exploring A New Approach To Engaging The Citizen In Innovation Policy? R&D Management Conference [Details]
(2016)IFIP WG 8.3 DSS 2016 Conference
Fitzgerald, C., McCarthy, S., Carton, F., O Connor, Y., Lynch, L., Adam, F. (2016) Citizen Participation in Decision Making: Can one make a difference? IFIP WG 8.3 DSS 2016 Conference [Details]


(2017)Emotions and eConsent on Health Social Networks: A User Behaviour Approach.
Rowan, W., Lynch, L., O' Connor, Y., Heavin, C. (2017) Emotions and eConsent on Health Social Networks: A User Behaviour Approach. Abstract [Details]
(2016)Health Social Networks and Informed Consent: What happens to your Patient Generated Health Data?.
O' Connor, Y., Lynch, L., Lawlor, A., Heavin, C. (2016) Health Social Networks and Informed Consent: What happens to your Patient Generated Health Data?. Abstract [Details]
(2016)Informed consent on Health Social Networking Sites Predicting decision autonomy through Situated Awareness.
Lawlor, A., Lynch, L., O' Connor, Y., Heavin, C. (2016) Informed consent on Health Social Networking Sites Predicting decision autonomy through Situated Awareness. UCC: Abstract [Details]

Professional Activities

Conference Contributions

(2017)3rd Technology Assessment Conference,
O'Connor, Y., Heavin, C., Rowan, W., Lynch, L., (2017) Session Organiser - Crossing the CHASM to Digital Health Data. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], 3rd Technology Assessment Conference, Cork, Ireland . [Details]
(2016)SIGHealth Workshop, Thirty Seventh International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS),
Lawlor, A., Heavin, C., O’ Connor, Y., Lynch, L. (2016) Predicting Decision Autonomy through Situated Awareness: Towards a better understanding of informed consent on Health Social Network Sites (HSN). [Oral Presentation], SIGHealth Workshop, Thirty Seventh International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Dublin . [Details]


 CommitteeFunctionFrom / To
3rd European Technology Assessment Conference Organising Chair2016 / 2017
iHealth Seminar Organising Committee Organiser2016 /


2007University College Cork MBSMBS Business Economics
2004University College Cork Bachelor of ArtsBA - Geography and Economics

Outreach Activities


Facilitator for CIMULACT Research and Policy Consultation event held in UCC, September 2nd 2016
Facilitator for CIMULACT workshop held in UCC, Dec 15 2015.

Contact details

  • Laura Lynch
    Research Support Officer
  • Researchers
    Department of Accounting, Finance and Information Systems, O' Rahilly Building,
    University College Cork
  • +353-21-420-5209

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