CELT document E480001-001

The Voyage of Sir Richard Edgecomb into Ireland, in the Year 1488

Sir Richard Edgecombe(?)


The Voyage of Sir Richard Edgecomb Into Ireland, in the Year 1488.

Collated with a M.S. of Dr. Sterne, late Bishop of Clogher, in the College Library.


Here Articulately ensueth as well the Begynnyng of the Voyage of Sir Richard Edgecombe, Kt. send by the King's Grace into Irelaund, and of souche Communications, and Conclusions, as the seyd Sir Richard haith made an takin there, as also of his retorn agen into Englaund.

Imprimis, June 23rd, 1488. Anno Tertio Henry VII.

The seyde Sir Richard took Shipping at Mountsbay in Cornwall, in a Skipp callid the Anne of Fowey; and there were three othir Skips  1 of Fowey aforesaid, with five Hundryth Men in theym all attending upon him, i.e. the Rebel of Dene, a Skip of Robert Strete, a Barque of Sir John Treffy, Kt. and a Barque of William Brewert; and that Daye he sailed to the Land's End, and there rod at Anchor that Night, because the Wind was contrary.


 A.D.148824. Item, The seyd Sir Richard, hearing that Harletson, and other Rovers, were before the Isle of Silly, made sail, and erly in the Morning came to the said Isle; from which Isle the said Herletson departyd two Days befor; and ther lay at Anchor all that Daye, the Wind being still contrary as aforesaid.

25. Item, The seyd Sir Richard hearing , that a great Fleming Ship of Warr lay in the Severne, daily taking and spoiling the King's Subgets, made Sail, and with all the seyd Ships came in to the Severne, to th'intent to have mett wyth the said Fleming and other Rovers with hym; whych Fleming and Rovers wer warnid by divers of the King's Subgets of the comyng of the said Sir Richard to the Sea, and absented them, and fled theme thence.

26., 27.. Item, The Wind being alway contraryous, the seyd Sir Richard, for the hasty Spede of his Journay, with all the said Ships made travers in the Sea toward the Coast of Irlaund, and with gret Labour and Pain the said 27th Day arrived in the Port of Kinsale in Irlaund, and ther made search for Con Eop  2 a Rover upon the Sea, which had done, and daily doth, gret Harm and Nuisance to the King's Subgets and Frends upon the Coasts of Irlaund; which Eop, as the said Sir Richard was there en- formed, was departid more Eastward; whom the seyd Sir Richard hoped to speak wyth in his way towards Dublyn. And he so being at Kinsale took Others, Ligeance and Fealty of the Lorde Thomas of Barry.

28. Item, At th'especialle Desire and Request of the Lord Courcey, and of the Portreffe and Comminality of Kinsale, the said Sir Richard went to Lond, and upon his Comyng to Lond the seyd Lord Courcey, Portreffe, and Comminalty met him, and ther deliverid unto hym in the Kyng's Name the Keys of the Town, and he in the Kyng's Name deliverid the same agen unto theme, and incontinent they went altoogethir to the chef Church of the Town, and ther in the Chauncell of the fame took as well to the Ooth of Ligeance of the seyd Lord Courcey, as his fealty for his Barony of Kinsale, and that done, the said Portreffe and all the Substance of the seyd Town were solempnly sworn untoo the Kyng; and for the good continuance  p.61 of their seyd Ooths as well of the seyd Lord Courcey, as of the Portreffe and Comminalty of the seyd Town; they bound themselves in pain of a Thousande Pounds both undir the Seal of Arms of the seyd Lorde, and undir the common Seal of the seyd Town; and therupon the said Sir Richard gave untoo the seyd Portreffe and Comminalty, by Virtue of his Commissyon, the Kyng's Pardon for all Offences done untoo his Highness hertofor. The Names of the Portreffe and Comminalty of the seyd Town soe sworn, as aforesaid, be expressed herafter in this Boke; and the same Day and Night the seyd Sir Richard made sayl and travers in the Sea towards Dublyn, and in likewise the 29th Day of the same Moneth traversed in the Sea, the Wind alway being right contrarious.

30. Item, the seyd Sir Richard arrived in the Port of Waterford about nine of the Clock in the Mornyng; and the same Day at Afternoon, two Boats came from the Citty of Waterford, and brought the seyd Sir Richard to the Citty, and ther the Mayor and Worshipful Men of the same honourably receaved hym, and the Mayor lodgid the seyd Sir Richard in his own House, and made him right herty cheer.

July 1. Item, The Mayor had the seyd Sir Richard about the Citty, and shewid unto hym the Walls and Reparations of the same; and, that done, brought hym into the Guild-Hall of the seyd Citty, and the Councill of the same ther assemblid, the Mayor shewid unto the seyd Sir Richard the state of the seyd Citty, and the Disposition of divers gret Men, and of the common People of the Londs; among whych he shewid, that they understood that the seyd Sir Richard had brought wyth hym the King's Pardon for the Erle of Kildare, whych haith always bene, and is, an utter Enemy to the seyd Citty, and especially for their approved Loyalty towards the Kyng's Grace, as they say; and that when he were Sworn, and become the Kyng's Subget, tho' he were not made Deputy of that Lond, yet for the atchieving of his purposed Malice agenst the seyd Citty, they knew well, that he wuld make such means, that he shuld be made Justice of that Lond, and thereby he shulde have souch Authority, that he wuld find the means by him and his Frends utterly to undoe the seyd  p.62 Citty, and desired especially the seyd Sir Richard, that he wuld be means to the Kyngs Grace to be their good and gracious Lord therin, and that they mought be exempt from the Jurisdiction as well of the said Erle, if it fortuned him to have any Rule ther herafter, as of all othir Irish Lordes, that shuld bear any Rule in that Lond for evirmore, and to hold immediatly of the Kyng and his Heirs, and of such Lordes of Englound, as shall Fortune herafter to have the Rule of Irelaund, and of none othirs. To the whych, the seyd Sir Richard answerid and said, That the Kyng's Grace had gyven to him in especiale Commaundment to doo and see especially for the seyd Citty of Waterford, and therfore, and for their approved Throughthes he wuld labour unto the Kyng's Grace in this behaulf, as mouch as was in him; and he undertooke, that if it fortuned the seyd Erle herafter to bear any Rule in the seyd Lond, as he knew not that ever he shuld, he wuld soe Labour and shew the ways unto the Kyng's Grace, that the Citty shulde be exempt from the Power and Jurisdiction of the Erle. And that done, the seyd Sir Richard broke his Fast with the seyd Mayor, and went agen to Skip, and the same Day at Night went out of the same Haven, and traversed in the Sea all that Night, and so likewise he did the secounde Day of July towards Dublyn, the Wind being right contraryous.

3. Item, In likewise the seyd Sir Richard traversed in the Sea, and a great contraryous Wind and Tempest fell upon hym, and that Day wyth gret pain and peril fetched one Island called, Lambay, upon the Coast of Dublyn, and ther came to Anchor, and sent a Man untoo the Lond to go to Dublyn to inquire for the Bushopp of Clocornon  3 or Thomas Dartas, or Richard the Kyng's Porter, to th' intent that they or one of them shuld shew the comyng of the seyd Sir Richard, and to have Knowledge from theme of the Disposition of the Country, and of his sure coming to Lond.

4. Item, Thomas Dartas came to the seyd Sir Richard, lying at Anchor befor the seyd Island, and shewid that  p.63 the Erle of Kildare was gone on Pilgrimage; and that it wuld be four or fife Days aftir, e're then he mought come agen to Dublyn, and desired hym to come to Dublyn in the mean Season, and take his ease.

5. Item, The seyd Sir Richard landid at Malahide, and ther a Gentilwoman callid Talbot receaved, and made hym right good cheer; and the same Day at Aftirnoon, the Bushopp of Meath, 4 John Streete, and othirs came to Malahide aforsaid well accompanied, and fetched the said Sir Richard to Dublyn, and at his comyng thither the Mayor and Substance of the Citty receaved him at the Black Fryers Gate; at whych Black Fryers the seyd Sir Richard was lodgid. 5

6. Item, the seyd Sir Richard lay still in the seyd Black Fryers, abydyng the coming of the Erle of Kildare, and othir Lordes of Irlaund.

7. 8. Item, Likewyse the seyd Sir Richard lay still in the said Fryers, preparing his Matters that he had to declare to the Lordes there; and the said eighth Day the Archbushopp of Dublyn 6 came to the seyd Sir Richard to his lodging.

9. Item, The seyd Sir Richard lay still in the Black Fryers, abyding the comyng of the seyd Erle of Kildare; and that Day the Busshopp of Clocornen and the Threasorer of Irelaund  7 came and spake with the seyd Sir Richard in his lodgings.

10. Item, The seyd Sir Richard in likewise lay still within the seyd Black Fryers abyding the comying of the seyd Erle of Kildare.

11. Item, The seyd Sir Richard in likewise lay still in the seyd Fryers, abyding the comyng of the seyd Erle, to the gret costs and chargis of the same Sir Richard.


12. Item, the Erle of Kildare came to a Place of Canons without the Walls of Dublyn called St. Thomas Court, with the Nomber of two hundrid Horses, and incontinent upon hys comyng he sent the Busshopp of Meath, the Baron of Slane, with dyvers othirs in ther Company to the seyd Sir Richard Edgecomb, and from his Lodging conveyed hym wher the seyd Erle lay, and in a gret Chamber the seyd Erle receaved and welcomed the seyd Sir Richard. Howbeit the same Sir Richard made not Reverence and courtesy to hym, nor to the Lordes ther assemblid, and ther openly deliverid to the seyd Erle the Kyng's Letters, the which by hym read and seen, both the seyd Erle, and the seyd Sir Richard, with all the Lordes went into a privy Chambir, and ther the seyd Sir Richard opened and declarid unto theme his Message that he had unto theme from the Kyng's Grace, and the cause of his comying. And because that dyverse Lordes of the Councill of the Lond were not ther present, nor come nigh to these Parts, they took respite for five Days to give answer therunto; and that Night the seyd Erle departid to a Place of his called Maynoth, ten Miles from Dublyn, and the seyd Sir Richard went to his Lodgings.

13. Item, Sonday the seyd Sir Richard went to the high Church of Dublyn, callid Christ's Church, and causid the Busshopp of Meath ther to declare as well the Pope's Bull of accursing, and the Absolution for the same, as the Grace whych the Kyng had sent by hym to Pardon every Man, that wuld do his Duty unto the King's Hyghness. And that Day of the Archbusshopp of Dublyn, the Busshopp of Meath, and dyverse other gret Men dined with the seyd Sir Richard in his Lodging.

14. Item, Monday Sir Richard Edgecomb, at the especiale intreaty of the Erle of Kildare came to Maynoth, where the said Erle lay, and there had right good Cheer. At whych Place the seyd Erler made promise, that he wuld conform him in all things to the Kyng's Pleasur, in such wise, that the Mynd of the said Sir Richard shuld be contentid; and that was the especiale cause, that the seyd Sir Richard went thither.

15. Item, Tuesday the seyd Sir Richard lay still at Maynoth, and had gret Cheer of the Erle; and that Day came thither the chef Lords, and othirs of the Concill of that  p.65 Lond, and had gret Communications amongst themeselves. Howbeit that Day Nothing was done, that the seyd Sir Richard came for; but took respite unto the Morrow for the Accomplyshment of the comyng thither of the seyd Sir Richard.

16. Item, Wednesday, The seyd Sir Richard always looking that the seyd Erle wuld have done as was agreed over Night, yet notwithstanding the same Erle and his councill made and fayned unreasonable delays, so that Nothing that the seyd Sir Richard came for was done; wherwith the seyd Sir Richard was gretly displeasid, and told theme righte plainly and sharply of their unfitting demeaning. And that Day both the Erle, and the Lordes of the Councill, and the seyd Sir Richard came agen to Dublyn.

17. Item, The Erle of Kildare and othir Lordes of Irlaund kept gret Councill at St. Thomas Court without the Citty of Dublyn; at whych Councill the said Erle and Lordes agreed well to become the Kyng's true Subgets, as they seyd, and for their good abearing herafter offered to be bound, and make as good Suretys as culd be devised by the Kyng's Laws: But in no wise they wuld agree or assent to the bond of Misi  8; and for this bond certen of the seyd Councill came three or four Tymes that Day to the seyd Sir Richard Edgecomb in his Lodging, and requyred hym to leave off calling for the seyd Bond, whych he wuld in no wise do, but gave short Answears, with right fell and angry Words; and that Day no Conclusion was takin. Also the same Day the Lord of Gormanstown dined with the seyd Sir Richard in his Lodging.

18. Item, The seyd Erle and Councill assemblid again at the seyd Place; and that Day at Afternoon gave unto the said Sir Richard plain Answear, that they wuld in no wise be bound in the seyd bond of Misi, and rather than they wuld do it, they wuld become Irish every of them. The seyd Sir Richard hearing, that the common Voice was in the Citty of Dublyn, and all the Country ther abouts, that the Kyng of Scotts was Dead, and thereby callid  p.66 to his Mynd many gret perils that might fall to leave theme in such erronious Opinions, as they have continued in a long Time hertofore, with gret difficulty at the last condescended, that the Erle of Kildare, and all the Lordes of Irlaund shuld be Sworn on the Sacrament for their assuraunce unto the Kyng's Grace, in such form as shuld be devised by the seyd Sir Richard; and that Night the seyd Sir Richard devised as sure and Ooth, as he culd, and that Day no other conclusion was taken.

19. Item, The seyd Sir Richard sent to the seyd Erle and Councill the Ooth was him devised; wherupon the seyd Erle and Councill made many grete Questions and and Doubtes, and at Aftirnoon the seyd Sir Richard went in Person to the seyd Erle and Council, and had Communication with them upon the same, and that Day souche grete delays wer made by the seyd Erle and his Councill, that they wer not fully at a Point of Conclusion upon the said Ooth, and such Bonds as shuld be made in that behaulf.

20. Item, Sunday, the seyd Erle and Council agreed to be Sworne upon the holy Sacrament to be the King's true liege Men from thence forth, after the Tenour of souch Ooth as was agreed betwene the seyd Sir Richard and the seyd Erle and Lordes; whych Ooth the same Erle and Lordes graunted to certifie unto the King's Grace under ther Seals, and offerid then to have be Sworn that Day at Aftirnoon; wherunto the seyd Sir Richard wuld in no wise agree for many causes, but wuld have theme to be Sworn on the Forenoon; and that a Chaplain of his own shuld Consecrate the same Host, on whych the seyd Erle and Lordes shuld be Sworn; and so diferred the taking of their Ooths unto the next Daye; and this Day at Night the Threasorer of Irlaund, and the Lord of Gormanstown supped with Sir Richard Edgecomb.

21. Item, The seyd Sir Richard at the Desire of the seyd Erle went to the Monastry of St. Thomas the Martyr, where the Lords and Councill were assemblid, and ther in a great Chambir callid the King's Chambir, the seyd Sir Richard took Homage, first of the seyd Erle, and aftir that of othir Lordes, whose Names be written herafter in the Boke; and this done, the seyd Erle went into a Chambir, wher the seyd Sir Richard's Chaplain was at Masse; and in the Masse Time the said Erle was Shriven  p.67 and assoiled from the Curse that he stood in by the Virtue of the Pope's Bull, and before the Agnus of the seyd Masse, the Host devided into thre Partes, the Priest turned him from the Altar, holding the seyd thre Parts of the Host upon the Patten, and ther in the presense of many Persons, the seyd Erle holding his right Hand ovir the holy Host, made his solemn Ooth of Ligeance unto our Soverain Lord Kyng Henry the 7th, in souch form as was afor Devised; and in likewise the Bushopps and Lordes, as appearith herafter, made like Ooth; and that done, and the Masse endid, the seyd Erle, with the seyd Sir Richard, Bisshops and Lordes, went into the Church of the said Monastry, and in the Choir therof the Archbushop of Dublyn began, Te Deum, and the Choir with the Organs sung it up solempnly; and at that tyme all the Bells in the Church rung. This done, the Erle, and moost part of the seyd Lordes went home wyth the seyd Sir Richard into his Lodging, and dined with hym, and had right gret Cheer; and the seyd Sir Richard at the makyng of the seyd Erle's Homage, put a Collar of the King's Livery about the seyd Erle's Neek, whych he wore throughout the seyd Citty of Dublyn, both outward and homeward.

22. Item, The seyd Sir Richard went about nine of the Bell in the Morning to the Guild Hall within the City of Dublyn, wher the Mayor, Baylifs, and Comminalty of the same were assemblid; and ther the seyd Sir Richard made them to be Sworn unto the Kyngs Grace upon the holy Evangelist, according to souche form as they have certified unto the Kyngs seyd Grace, undir ther common Seal.

23. Item, The seyd Sir Richard about eight of the Bell went to the Erle of Kildare to a Place of Canons callid All-Hallows without Dublyn, and ther had long Communication with him and his Councill; and that Day at aftir Dinner, the seyd Sir Richard Rode to Droghedah twenty-four Miles thense.

24. Item, The seyd Sir Richard took fealty of the Mayor, and all the Town of Droghedah in the Guild Hall of the same, and tooke of theme sureties for their good abearing towards the Kyngs Grace and his Heirs; and that done he deliverid to theme the Kings Lettres of  p.68 Pardon undir his gret Seal, and lay all that Day within the Town, and had right good Cheer.

25. Item, The seyd Sir Richard Rode to Trim to Dinner, and ther at aftir Noon tooke fealty of the Portrefe, Burgesses, and comminalty of the seyd Town, and alsoo did take that same Day both Homage and fealty of divers, as it appearith heraftir in this Boke.

26. Item, The seyd Sir Richard came agen to Dublyn to his lodging in the Black Fryers.

27. Item, Sunday, the seyd Sir Richard Dined with the Recorder of Dublyn, and had a gret Diner, with gret Cheer, and there Dined also the Arch Bushopp of Dublyn.

28. Item, The seyd Sir Richard lay still at Dublyn, abiding the coming of the Erle of Kildare, and of the Lordes, to have their Lettres and report unto the King's Grace, and also to receave of the said Erle his Certificate unto the King's Grace upon his Ooth, and the Obligation of him and his sureties; for the said Sir Richard wuld in no Wise deliver to the Erle his Pardon, untill the time he had deliverid the forsaid Certificate and Obligation.

29. Item, The seyd Erle of Kildare, and the Lordes Spiritual and Temporal came to a Priory without Dublyn, callid All-Hallows; to whom the seyd Sir Richard came, and had with theme long Comunication; and the seyd Sir Richard understandyng, that certen Persons, which were Noted to be the chief Causes of the gret Rebellion late committed in Irlaund, because the Kings Grace had sent thither ther Pardons, sett little by their heinous offences, and therfor the seyd Sir Richard hitherto refused for that Cause to take either Homage or fealty of Justice Plunket, and of the Prior of Kilmainham, who were specially noted amongst all others chef causes of the seyd Rebellion; and gret instaunce was made by the seyd Erle and Lordes, that the seyd Sir Richard shuld accept theme unto the King's Grace, whych in no wise he wuld graunt unto; and that Day both the Erle and the seyd Sir Richard, with many othir Lordes and Gentilmen Dined with Walter Yvers, and had a gret Dinner; and the seyd Day at Aftirnoon, both the seyd Erle, and the seyd Sir Richard, with Dyvers Lordes Spiritual, and Temporal, met togither at St. Mary's Abby without Dublyn; and ther the seyd Sir Richard took fealty and Homage for the  p.69 Kyng of diverse Gentilmen; and this Day the Archbushopp of Ardmacan came to Dublyn, and came to the seyd Sir Richard into his Lodging, and made both his fealty and Homage.

30. Item, Both the Erle and the seyd Sir Richard, and the Lordes Spiritual and Temporal met at a Church called our Lady of the Dames in Dublyn; and ther great instaunce was made agen to the seyd Sir Richard to accept and take the said Justice Plunket, and the said Prior of Kilmainham to the Kings Grace, and that they mought have their Pardons in likewise as othir had, forasmooch as the Kyng had grantid Pardon generally to every Man. The said Sir Richard answerid unto theme with right sharp words, and said, that he knew better what the Kings Grace had commaunded him to do, and what his instructions were, than any of theme did; and gave with a Manfull Spirit unto the seyd Justice Plunket, and Prior, fearful and Terrible words, insoemuch that both the seyd Erle and Lordes wuld give no answear therunto, but kept their Peace; and aftir the great Ire passid, the Erle and Lordes laboured with souch fair means, and made such profers, that the seyd Sir Richard was agreed to take the seyd Justice Plunket to the Kyngs Grace; and soe he did, and took his Homage and fealty upon the Sacrament; but in no wise he wuld axcept or take the seyd Prior of Kilmainham to the Kyng's Grace, and ere that he departid unto his Lodging, he took with hym divers Judges and othir Noblemen, and went into the Castle of Dublyn, and there put in Possession Richard Archiboll, the King's Servaunt, into the Office of the Constable of the seyd Castle, which the Kings Grace had given unto him by his Lettres Patent; from the which Office the said Prior of Kilmainham had wrongfully kept the said Richard by the space of two Yeres and more, and ere then he departid out of the seyd Church of Dames, the seyd Erle of Kildare deliverid to the seyd Sir Richard both his Certificate upon his Ooth undir the Seal of his Arms, as the Obligation of his sureties; and ther the seyd Sir Richard in the presense of all the Lordes deliverid unto him the Kings Pardon under his Gret Seal in the presence of all the Lordes, and ther tooke his leave of the seyd Erle and Lordes Spiritual and Temporall; and that Day after Dinner the  p.70 seyd Sir Richard departid out of the Dublyn to a Place called Dalcay, six Miles from Dublyn, where his Ships lay; and the Archbushopp of Dublyn, Justice Bermingham, and the Recorder of Dublyn, with many othir Nobles, brought him thither; and that Night he took his skip, and ther lay at Road all Night; because the Wind was contrarye to him; and the skips lay in such a Road, that he culd not get them out without Perill.

31. Item, The skips were gotten out of the seyd Road, and because the Wind was contraryous he culd make no Sail, and that Night he lay beside a place called Houth.

Aug.1 . Item, The Wind being still contraryous the seyd Sir Richard causid the Master and Mariners to take Sayle, and traversed in the Sea till it was about four of the Clock in the Aftirnoon, and the wind began to rise, being still contraryous; so that he was fayne to retorn agen to a Road callid Lambay, about tan Island ten Miles from Dub- lyn, and there lay all Night.

2. Item, Such an huge and gret Tempest rose that Day no Sayle might be made the Wind being still contraryous.

3. Item, The aforesaid Tempest dured still, and at aftirnoon that Day the Wind began to come large; but it Blew so much, and the Coasts were so Jeopardous of Sands and Rocks, that that Night the Mariners durst not Jeoparde to take the Sea, but lay still at Anchor about the seyd Isle, and ther he and his company vowed gret Pilgrimages that God wuld cease the Tempest, and send a fair and large wind.

5. Item, Tuesday the seyd Sir Richard made a Sail, and sailed a Kennyng  9 more into the Sea, and the Wind began to come so contraryous, and so many gret dangers were on every side, and he was fayne to go agen to the seyd Isle of Lambay; and that Day at Aftirnoon the Wind began to come large, and incontinent the seyd Sir Richard caused Sail to be made, and all that aftirnoon sailed in his way, and at Night the Wind calmed, and came agen contraryous, therefore came to an Anchor in the open Sea, and there lay all Night.


6. Item, The Wind being contraryous, Sir Richard causid the Master and Marriners to Traverse in the Sea Homeward; and with great Pain that Day came against a Rock called Tulskerd, and there lay at Anchor all that Night in the open Sea, and the Wind Blew right sore, and was right troublous Weather.

7. Item, The Wind came reasonably large; and that day the seyd Sir Richard sayled until he came open uppon St. Ives in Cornwall; and because the Wind fell open, the Master and Marriners durst not adventure to pass by the gret and perillous Jopardies at the Lands end; and therfore all that Night they traversed in the Sea, and that Night many sudden showers and Winds fell.

8. Item, The Wind and the Sea being troublous, Sir Richard and his Skips came into the haven of Fowey, and there he Landid, and went on Pilgrimage to a chappell of St. Saviour; and that Night all his company Landid.


Here ensueth the Manner of an Ooth that some Persons in Irlaund have made; and alsoo the Names of all souch Persons as have made their Ooths of Allegiance unto the Kyng our Soveraigne Lord Henry VII. before Sir Richard Edgecombe Knight, sent especially by the King's Highness into his Lond of Irlaund.

I Thomas, Lord of Barre, beside the Town of Kensale, promit and bind me by these presents, that from henseforwards I shall be true and faithfull Liegeman and Subget, and true Faith shall bere untoo the most Mighty Christian Prince Henry VII. by the Grace of GOD, Kyng of England, and of France, and Lord Irlaund, my natural liege Lord, and to the Heirs of his Body coming. And I shall nether assent nor favour privily ne apertly any Thing that may be contrary to the wele of my Soveraigne Lord, nor give Aid or Assistaunce to any Person or Persons being Enemies to my said Soveraign Lord, or standing out of his Grace and Favour; but I shall to the uttermost of my Power let and endeavour to Subdue theme. Also if it shall Fortune herafter me to know any Thing that might be contrary to the Wele and Honour of my seyd Soveraigne Lord, or his Seyd Heirs, I shall to the uttermost of my Power indeavour me to lett it, or shall  p.72 without delay shew it to my seyd Soveraigne Lord, or his Heirs, or souch of his or ther Councill as I know well will shew it to Theme. And furthermore I shall utterlie take the party of my seyd Soveraigne Lord and his seyd Heirs, and live and die in his and their Quarrells against all theme that will Attempt the contrary; so help me God, and his Saints, and these holy Evangelie's. In Witness wherof to this my solemn Ooth I have subscribed my Name with my own Hand at the Town of Kensale in Irlaund twenty seventh Day of June the third Yere of the Reign of my Soveraigne Lord befor rehearsed.

Thomas Barre.

Item, The 28. of the seyd Month June James Lord Coursy in the Church of St. Meltoke in Kensale made as well his Ooth of Homage, as his Ligeance and Fealty for his Baronage of Kensale, and subscribed his Name.

James Lord Coursy.

Jeffrye Gallwaye Morys O-Kine
Edmond Roche Thomas Coppner
Patrick Gallwaye William Roche
Davy Martell Robert Martell
Henry Power Richard Coppner
Richard Roche Richard Dewenys
Edmund Martell Thomas Galwan
Thomas Martell John Bleyd
Thomas Boteler Davy Seyne
Richard Ronan Edmund Martell
John Roche Richard Apower
John Barry Moriche Philip Gernon
John Yong Thomas Gayne
Moeth Dowle

Memorandum, the aforsaid 28th of June all these persons above written made their Ooths of Ligeance. Moris Power Maurice Tobbyn Richard Power Andrew Roche Denis Redyggan Richard Roche  p.73 Laurence Tobbyn Patrick Kerne John Dale John Croude Jordan Caton William Walshe

All these Persons be of Kensale.

Item. The same Day German Sullivan, Son in Law to Ederscole, and all his Men, were Sworn at Kensale.

Memorandum, The twenty-first Day of July the third Yere of our soveraign Lord King Henry VII. Gerald, Erle of Kildare, made as well his homage as his Fealty and Ooth of Ligeance before Sir Richard Edgecombe, Knight, sufficiently authorized thereunto by our said sovereign Lord, in a Chambir called the Kings Chambir, within the Monastery of St. Thomas the Martyr beside Dublyn. Jur:

Item, The same Day, and at the same Place, Walter the Archbushopp of Dublyn super Sacramentum made his Homage, and fealty — Jur.

Item, The same Day and place John Bisshop of Meath super Sacramentum, Jur.

Item, The same Day and place Edmond Bishop of Kildare super Sacramentum, Jur.

Item, Roland Eustace, Threasorer of Irlaund, and Lord of Portlester, Homage.

Item, Robert Preston, Vicunt Gormanstown, Super Sacramentum, Jur.

Item, John Abbot of the Monastery of St. Thomas Martyr, Super Sacramentum, Jur.

Item, Walter Abbot of St. Maries beside Dublin, Super Sacramentum, Jur.

Item, James, Prior of Holm-Patrick, Homage.

Item, James Fleming, Baron of Slane, Super Sacramentum, Jur.

Item, Nicholas, Lord Houth, super Sacramentum, Jur.

Item, Christoper Barnewell, Lord of Trimleston, super Sacramentum, Jur.

Item, Sir John Plunket, Lord of Dunsane, super Sacramentum, Jur.

Item, Philip Bermingham Squire, chefe Justice, Homage.

Item, Christopher Bellew, of Bellew's-Town, Squire, Homage, and fealty, super Sacramentum, Jur.


Item, Patrick Bermingham of Baldungan, Homage.

Item, John Archbusshopp, late Archbushopp of Dublyn  10 Homage.

July, 28.
John Nangle, Baron of Navan, made booth Homage and Fealty within the Black Fryers of Dublyn.

July, 29.
Octavianus, Archbushopp of Armagh, and Primate of all Irlaund, within the Black Fryers at Divelin made booth his Homage and Fealty.

Item, The same Day John Gernon of Killinarolly Squyre made booth his Homage and Fealty.

Item, Philip Bermingham Chefe Justice made his Fealty.

Item, Thomas Cusack, Recorder of Divelin, at the said Black Fryers made his Homage and Fealty.

Item, Peter Talbot Knight, Lord of Malahide, at the Monastery of our Lady St. Mary beside Divelin made booth his Homage and Fealty.

Item, The same Day and Place, Mr. Darcy of Platen, fecit fidelitatem & Homagium.

Item, The same Day, William St. Laurence fecit fidelitatem.

July, 30th.
Item, Thomas Dowdall, Mastir of the Rolls at Divelin, made his Fidelity and Ooth of Homage.

Item, Barnaby Barnwell made his Fealty and Ooth of Homage.

Item, The same Day Thomas Plunkett, Chief Justice of the Common Pleas, at the Black-Fryers, made booth Homage and Fealty, sworn on the Holy Sacrament.

Here followith the Ooth that in Conclusion the Erle of Kildare, and all the Lordes Spiritual and Temporal, with the Mayors, and other Governours of Irlaund, made untoo the King's Grace.


I Gerald, Erle of Kildare, promit and oblige me, that from hensefourth I shall be true faithfull and obeysaunt Liegeman and Subget untoo the moost high and  p.75 moost mighty Christian Prynce, my natural and right wise Soveraigne Lord, Kyng Henry VIIth, and by the Grace of God, Kyng of Englaund and of Fraunce, and Lord of Irlaund, and to his Heirs of his Body comyng, Kyngs of Englaund.

Item, I shall nevir ayd, assist, or favour any of my seyd Soveraign Lord's Rebells or Traytors, or any that I may know of his Subgets doing contrary to their Allegiaunce, touching the King's Person or his Crown; nor shall I nevir assist ne Favour Privily ne apertly any thyng that may be contrary to the Weal, Honour, or Surety of my seyd Soverain Lord, or hys Heirs, Kyngs of Englaund, in things concernyng the Conservation of his moost noble Person, and Estate Royall. But yf it shall Fortune me at any tyme to know any thyng that may be to the Hurt, Dishonour, or Displeasur of his Highnes, or any of his seyd Heirs, Kyngs of Englaund contrary to mine Allegiaunce, I shall to the best and uttermoost of my Power resist and let it. And ovir that, I shall, as soon as I can or may shew, or doe the same to be shewed untoo his seyd Highness or his Heirs Kyngs of Englaund, or his or their Counsells.

Item, I shall serve my seyd Sovereign Lord, and all his seyd Heirs, Kyngs of Englaund, in all their Titles to the Crown of Englaund and Fraunce, and Lordship of Irlaund, and in all his and their Titles and Quarrells concerning the Crown live and die with hym and theme agenst all Earthly Creatures, and his and their lawful Commaundments truly and faithfully obey observe and accomplish, to the utmoost of my Power.

Item, If any Messingers or other Persons of what Estate, Degree or Condition they be, be sent from the Dutchesse of Bourgon, or from any oother with Letters or Messages to me, or to any othir that I may have Knowledge of to pervert me or theme from mine or their Allegiaunce, and Obeysaunce, or cause Commotion or Rebellion amoongst the King's Subgets to be renovelled, or if any Person inhabiting within Irlaund being the Kyng's Subget or Stranger resorting to the seyd Lond, use seditious or unfitting Language concerning the Kyng's Person or Honor, I shall, assoon as it shall come to my Knowledge, put me in full Devor to take, or do to be takin, that Person or Persons  p.76 so, as is abovesaid, bringing Letters of Messages exciting new Commnotion or Rebellion, or sowing seditious or unfitting Language, and as mouch as in me is, doe them to be punyshed aftir ther Demerits, accordyng to the Law, or else send him or theme with their Letters or Words untoo the Kyng's Grace.

Item, I shall not let, ne cause to be letted, from this Day forwards the Execution and Declaration of the great Censures of Holy Church to be done agenst any Person of what Estate, Degree, or Condition he be, by any Archbushopp, Bushopp, Prior, Parson, Vicar, or any othir Curate or Priest, in any open Place or Church within the King's Londe of Irlaund, gyven by the Authority of our Holy Father Pope Innocent the VIIIth, that now is, agenst all theme of the King's Subgets, that letten or trouble our seyd Sovereign Lord King Henry VIIth, in hys Title to the Crown of Englaund, and Lordshipp of Irlaund, or cause any Commotion or Rebellion agenst the same, or in any wise supported or comforted any Traytors or Rebells that intendid the Destruction of his moost noble Person, or Subversion of his seyd Realme of Englaund, and Lordshipp of Irelaund, but the same Execution and Declaration of the said Censures by my Power shall ayd and assist and cause to be done, as mouch as in me is, as often as I shall be on the behaulf of our seyd Sovereign Lord required; or otherwise I shall or may have sufficient Matter or Cause lawful. The same Execution to be done without Fraud or Mal-engine: So help me this holy Sacrament of God's Body, in form of Bread here present, to my Salvation or Damnation.

Ista Clausula pro Spiritualibus personis.

Item, I shall from this Day fourth, as oft as I shall be lawfully required on the behaulf of our seyd Sovereign Lord to execute the Censures of the Church, by the Authority of our Holy Fathir the Pope Innocent the VIIIth, that now is, and by his Bull given undir Lead, agenst all those of his Subgets, of what Dignity, Degree, State or Condition he be of, that letteth or troubleth our seyd Sovereigne Lord, or his Title of the Crown of Englaund, and Lordship of Irlaund, or causith Commotion or Rebellion agenst the same, or aydeth, supporteth or comforteth any of hys Traytors or Rebels, that intendeth the Destruction  p.77 of his moost noble Person or Subversion of his seyd Realm of Englaund, or Lordship of Irlaund, the same Sentence with all Solempnity therunto belonging within any Church of my Jurisdiction openly solempnly execute and declare the same Censures upon and agenst all transgressors of the same Bull, or cause to be executed and declarid; so that the Cause why be untoo me notarie, or othirwise lawfully in the behaulf of our seyd Sovereigne, or his Heirs, Kings of Englaund shewid and provid, not letting or sparing soe for to doo for Love, nor Dread, Hatred, Envy, or Enmity of Lordship, ne for any othir Cause. So help me this Holy Sacrament of God's Body in form of Bread here present to my Salvation or Damnation. Salvo ordine Episcopali.

Document details

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File description

Title statement

Title (uniform): The Voyage of Sir Richard Edgecomb into Ireland, in the Year 1488

Author: Sir Richard Edgecombe(?)

Funded by: School of History, University College, Cork, Ireland

Edition statement

1. First draft, revised and corrected.

Responsibility statement

Proof corrections by: Ruth Pilcher and Beatrix Färber

Extent: 7410 words

Publication statement

Publisher: CELT: Corpus of Electronic Texts: A project of University College, Cork

Address: College Road, Cork, Ireland — http://www.ucc.ie/celt

Date: 2015

Distributor: CELT online at University College, Cork, Ireland.

CELT document ID: E480001-001

Availability: Available from the CELT programme for purposes of academic research and teaching only.

Source description


  • British Library (BL, Cotton MS Titus B.xi, fols. 332–77).

About Edgecombe

  • See DNB (http://www.oxforddnb.com).

Secondary literature

  1. J. D. Mackie, The earlier Tudors, 1485–1558 (Oxford 1952).
  2. Nicholas Canny and A. Pagden (eds.), Identity Formation in Ireland: The Emergence of the Anglo-Irish. In: Colonial Identity in the Atlantic World, 1500–1800. (Princeton, New Jersey 1987) 159–212.

The editions used in the digital edition

Harris, Walter, ed. 1st ed. Dublin.

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  editor 	 = {Walter Harris},
  edition 	 = {1},
  publisher 	 = {},
  address 	 = {Dublin},
  date 	 = {1747–1750}


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The CELT edition covers pp. 59–77.

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Correction: Text has been proof-read once and parsed.

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A canonical reference to a location in this text should be made using “Part”, eg Part 1.

Profile description

Creation: By Richard Edgecomb.

Date: 1488

Language usage

  • Text in 15th-century English. (en)
  • Some words and phrases are in Latin. (la)

Keywords: political; prose; diplomacy; law; Oath of Allegiance; 15c

Revision description

(Most recent first)

  1. 2015-03-26: Provisional TEI header created. File parsed and validated. SGML and HTML files created. (ed. Beatrix Färber)
  2. 2015-03-26: File proofed (1), structural and light content encoding applied. (ed. Beatrix Färber)
  3. 2014-11-03: Text keyed in. (Text capture Ruth Pilcher (UCC Works Intern))

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Search CELT

  1. In another M.S. of this Journal it is said that there were four other Ships, but it means four in all. 🢀

  2. Con Hop in another Manuscript. 🢀

  3. i.e. Clogher, of which the Bishop, Edmund Courcey, was firmly attached to the King's Interest both against the Attempts of Simnell and Warbeck, and therefore was confided in by Sir Richard, and much in favour with the King. 🢀

  4. John Paine, Bishop of Meath, was a Prelate, who went all lengths with Kildare in endeavouring to advance Simnell to the Throne; but he turned with the Tide, and unpreached what he had preached before in favour of the mock prince. 🢀

  5. This was the Dominican Abby, near the old Bridge, which now is the King's Inn's, where the Rolls Office is kept. 🢀

  6. This was Walter Fitz-Simons, Archbishop of Dublin, who had joined with the Earl of Kildare in all the inwarrantable Measures in behalf of Simnell. 🢀

  7. Roland Fitz-Eustace, Lord Portlester, then Treasurer. 🢀

  8. This is called the bond of Nisi in some Copies, and perhaps means, that they bound themselves to a forfeiture of their Estates, Nisi, unless they continued faithful to the King. What other meaning it may have must be left uncertain 🢀

  9. Kennyng signifies as far as a Man can see, from the Saxon Kenn or Cunn to perceive. 🢀

  10. This Archbishop was John Walton, who being blind resigned the See of Dublin in 1484, yet retained the Title.  🢀


2 Carrigside, College Road, Cork
