CELT document G100016

Chronicon Scotorum



The text of the following chronicle has been taken from a manuscript preserved in the Library of Trinity College, Dublin, Class H., Tab. 1, No. 18, collated with a good copy in the collection of the Royal Irish Academy, classed P 23 5. The former, which is denoted by the letter A. in the Notes appended to the accompanying translation, is in the fine, bold, Irish handwriting of the celebrated Irish scholar and antiquary, Duald Mac Firbis. The latter, indicated in the Notes by the letter B., is in the handwriting of the Rev. John Conry, or Connery, and was transcribed in France, about the middle of the last century, apparently from the autograph of Mac Firbis. There are three other copies of the chronicle in the Royal Irish Academy, viz:—two in the Betham collection, and one amongst the MSS. recently purchased by the Academy from the representatives of the late John Windele. There is also a copy in the College of St. Patrick's, Maynooth. But these are modern transcripts, full of gross inaccuracies, and so utterly valueless that it has not been considered necessary to collate them with the more correct text supplied by the MS. A.

Some observations on the historical value of the latter MS. will be found further on.

Of the history of its transcriber, Dubhaltach Mac Firbisigh, generally written Duald Mac Firbis (or Dudley Firbisse, as he has himself anglicized the name), but few particulars can now be ascertained. Enough is known however, to show that he was a man of no ordinary talent and character. Although his name is not even once mentioned  p.x by Ware, who was indebted to him for much of the information which enabled him to acquire his distinguished reputation as an Irish antiquary, nor included in the catalogues of native authors published by Bishop Nicholson and Edward O'Reilly, his contributions to Irish history, genealogy, and literature, entitle him to a place in the foremost rank of Celtic scholars.

Neither in the contemporary writings of his friends and associates, nor in the voluminous mass of his own works hitherto discovered, is there any evidence to indicate the date or place of his birth; but he is believed to have been born about the year 1585, at a place called Lecan-mic-Firbisy, now Lackan, in the parish of Kilglass, barony of Tireragh, and county of Sligo, where his family, he states, “wrote books of history, annals, poetry, and kept a school of history.”

According to the genealogy of his tribe, as traced by himself from the ancient records of his ancestors, the family of Mac Firbis was descended from Dathi, or Nathi, the last pagan Monarch of Ireland, and progenitor of most of the principal families of Connaught, from whom the subject of the present notice was, as he alleges, the twenty-ninth in direct descent. But as the death of King Nathi is recorded under the year 428, infra, it is evident that some generations have been omitted in the pedigree, unless it be conceded that more than thirty years, the standard average laid down by Newton, should be allowed to each generation.

In the Introduction to his large genealogical work, the original of which is in the possession of the Earl of Roden,  p.xi Mac Firbis observes that his ancestors were historians, genealogists, and poets to the chief septs of Connaught, such as the families of Ui Fiachrach of the Moy, Ui Amhalghaidh, Ceara, Ui Fiachrach of Aidhne, and Eachtgha; and also to the Mac Donnells of Scotland. Their chief patrons, however, were the O'Dowdas, princes of Hy-Fiachrach, or Tireragh, whose patrimony in 1350, according to the contemporary Topographical poem of John O'Dugan, comprised the entire district
“From the Codhnach of the fairy flood
To the limit of the Rodhba,”
an extent of territory extending from the Cownagh to the Robe, and corresponding to the present baronies of Carra, Erris, and Tirawley, in the county of Mayo, together the barony of Tirawley, and a large portion of Carbury, in the county of Sligo.

At what time the Mac Firbis family began to follow the profession of historians it would now be useless to enquire. They appear to have been one of the many tribes in which the profession was hereditary, in accordance with the practice that seems to have existed since the introduction of  p.xii letters into Ireland. But some individuals of the name are referred to by the annalists, at a very early period, as distinguished for learning and a knowledge of the national history; and their compilations, many of which are still in existence, have always been regarded as among the most authentic of the native Irish records.

The Annals of the Four Masters, under the year 1279, notice the death of Gilla-Isa, or Gelasius, Mac Firbis, “chief historian of Tir-Fiachrach”, or Tireragh, i.e., the O'Dowda's country. Harris, in his edition of the works of Sir James Ware, alludes to another person of the same name, “a learned annalist”, whose death is referred to the year 1301. The obits given by the Four Masters, at the year 1362, include Auliffe and John Mac Firbis, two “intended Ollamhs”, or professors of history. Under the year 1376, also, the same annalists record the death of Donogh Mac Firbis, “a historian”, and three years later, that of Firbis Mac Firbis, “a learned historian.”

Of the numerous compilations made by the older members of the Mac Firbis family, only two are now known to be in existence, viz:—I., the magnificent vellum MS., called the Book of Lecan, written before 1416, by Gilla-Isa Mor Mac Firbis, the ancestor of Duald; and II., the hardly less important volume known as the Leabhar Buidhe Lecain, or Yellow Book of Lecan, written about the same period, and partly by the same hand.

The former of these originally belonged to Trinity College, Dublin, but was carried to France in the reign of James II., and was restored to Ireland in the year 1790; it now enriches the extensive collection of Irish MSS. in the possession of the Royal Irish Academy. The latter, or — to speak more correctly — a large fragment of it, is preserved in the Library of Trinity College, Dublin.

These manuscripts were written, as their names import,  p.xiii at Lecan-mic-Firbisy, in the county of Sligo, the residence of the compilers at the time. The Mac Firbis family seems to have previously resided in the county of Mayo; for, in the genealogical tract on the tribes of Hy-Fiachrach, contained in the Book of Lecan, the Clann Firbisigh, or sept of Mac Firbis, are stated to have resided at Ros-serc, a place still known by the same name, and situated in the barony of Tirawley, in that county. The extent of their possessions is not given; but it is certain that they were amply endowed, according to the usage of the period, by which members of the learned professions in Ireland were entitled to privileges and emoluments hardly inferior to those enjoyed by the rulers of territories. The following extract from the account of the ceremony observed at the inauguration of the O'Dowda, as prince of Hy-Fiachrach, affords a curious illustration of the nature of some of these privileges:—
“And the privilege of first drinking [at the banquet] was given to O'Caemhain by O'Dowda, and O'Caemhain was not to drink until he first presented it [the drink] to the poet, that is, to Mac Firbis. Also the weapons, battle-dress, and steed of O'Dowda, after his nomination, were given to O'Caemhain, and the weapons and battle-dress of O'Caemhain to Mac Firbis. And it is not lawful ever to nominate the O'Dowda until O'Caemhain and Mac Firbis pronounce the name, and until Mac Firbis raises the body of the wand over the head of O'Dowda. And after O'Caemhain and Mac Firbis, every clergyman and comarb of a church, and every bishop, and every chief of a district, pronounces the name.” (Tribes and Customs of Hy-Fiachrach, p. 440.) We have no evidence to show when the family of Mac Firbis removed to Lecan, on the eastern bank of the river Moy, where they appear to have been settled before the year 1397, as some of their compositions are stated to have been written there in that year.


Duald, who was the eldest of four brothers, would seem to have been of a junior branch of the family, for he observes that the Castle of Lecan or Lackan, in which he was born, was erected in the year 1560 by his cousins, Ciothruadh and James. Although there can be no doubt that the Mac Firbises then held the land attached to the castle in right of their profession, their tenure would seem to have been altered at a subsequent period, for by an inquisition taken at Sligo on the 22nd of August, 1625, Donough O'Dowda, their chief and patron, was found to have been then “seized of the castle, town, and quarters of Lecan-mic-Firbisigh, and other lands, which he had settled by deed, dated 28th of August, 1617, to the use of his wife Onora Ny-Connor, for their lives, and then to the use of his own right heirs” — a state of things incompatible with the possession of any permanent interest therein by the Mac Firbises.

‘'It is quite clear', observes Dr. O'Donovan, 'that Donnoghe O'Dowde could not have settled Lacken in this manner, in 1617, if it had been then the freehold inheritance of the family of Mac Firbis. The most that can be believed, therefore, is, that the Mac Firbises may have farmed the townland of Lackan, or a part of it, from Donnoghe O'Dowde, or his successor, till the year 1641, at which period it was forfeited by O'Dowde, and granted to the family of Wood.'’ (Hy-Fiachrach, Introduction, p. vi.)

Respecting his education, Professor O'Curry writes:—
Duald Mac Firbis appears to have been intended for the hereditary profession of an antiquarian and historian, or for that of the Fenechas, or ancient laws of his native country (now improperly called the Brehon Laws). To qualify him for either of these ancient and honourable professions, and to improve and perfect his education, young Mac Firbis appears, at an early age, to have passed into Munster, and to have taken up his residence in the  p.xv school of law and history then kept by the Mac Egans of Lecan, in Ormond, in the present county of Tipperary.
He studied also for some time, either before or after this, but I believe after, in Burren, in the present county of Clare, at the not less distinguished literary and legal school of the O'Davorens, where we find him, with many other young Irish gentlemen, about the year 1595, under the presidency of Donnell O'Davoren.’ (Lectures on the MS materials of Irish History, p. 121)

Duald Mac Firbis's studies were not confined to the ordinary branches of education attainable through the medium of his native language, but included also Greek and Latin. From his account of the Anglo-Norman and Welsh families settled in Ireland, he seems to have been familiar with the writings of Giraldus Cambrensis and Holingshed. He appears also to have read Verstegan's Restitution of Decayed Intelligence, and the Fasciculus Temporum of Rolewinck. In his copy of Cormac's Glossary, preserved in the Library of Trinity College, Dublin, (Class H. 2, 15), he explains many Latin and Greek words in the margin, always writing the Greek in the original character. Nevertheless, the rude Latinity of some of the entries in the following chronicle indicates that his knowledge of Latin was very imperfect.

We have no account of Mac Firbis's proceedings from the period when he had completed his education until the year 1645, two years after the death of his father, when he seems to have been settled in Galway, where he became acquainted with the learned Roderick O'Flaherty (then only seventeen years of age), and Dr. John Lynch, the author of Cambrensis Eversus, to both of whom he  p.xvi acted as Irish tutor, affording them, besides, much valuable assistance in the prosecution of their historical studies. O'Flaherty, who appears to have been much attached to him, and frequently acknowledges, with much feeling, the obligations he owed to Mac Firbis, in his chapter on the letters of the Irish, says of him, that he was “rei antiquariæ Hibernorum unicum, dum vixit, columen, et extinctus, detrimentum.” Again, referring to his enumeration of the kings of Ulidia, O'Flaherty observes: “Horum nomenclaturam, et annorum numerum, quo illorum quisque Ultoniæ præfuit, penes me habeo ab intima nostro amico Dualdo Firbisio è vetustis majorum suorum Monumentis excerptum, qui anno Domini 1670–1 cruenta morte sublatus antiquitatum, et Hiberniæ linguæ cognitioni altum vulnus inflixerat.” (Ogygia, Proloquium, p. [13]) And in another place he calls him “hereditary professor of the antiquities of his country.” Dr. Lynch, who wrote under the name of Gratianus Lucius, also acknowledges having received assistance from Mac Firbis.

During the ensuing five years Mac Firbis was occupied in compiling his important work on Irish genealogies, which he finished in 1650, as he states, in the College of St. Nicholas, Galway. In the year 1652, he lost one of his steadfast friends, Dr. Lynch, who fled to France on the surrender of Galway to the Parliamentary Forces; but he still continued, although under adverse circumstances, to apply his honest zeal and active industry to the task of transferring to a more permanent shape the contents of MSS. falling into decay. A few years later, however, his prospects assumed a brighter aspect. Sir James Ware, impressed with the importance of  p.xvii securing the services of one so thoroughly acquainted with the language, history, and antiquities of his country as Mac Firbis had the reputation of being, employed him, in the year 1655, to collect and translate, from the Irish Annals, materials for the composition of his learned works on the Antiquities and Ecclesiastical History of Ireland. His connection with Ware, who, as already remarked, makes no reference to the services rendered him by Mac Firbis, has been generally considered to have commenced only a short time before the death of that distinguished scholar in 1666; but there are two tracts compiled by Mac Firbis in 1655 — one a catalogue of Irish bishops, preserved in the British Museum, in each of which he states that it was drawn up for his friend and patron, Ware. At a subsequent period he seems to have been an inmate of Ware's house, in Dublin, as appears from the following remark of Harris, in his account of the Bishops of Tuam: —“One John was consecrated about the close of the year 1441. [Sir James Ware declares he could not discover when he died; and adds that some called him John De Burgo, but that he could not answer for the truth of that name.] But both these particulars are cleared up, and his immediate successor named, by Dudley Firbisse, an amanuensis, whom Sir James Ware employed in his house to translate and collect for him from the Irish manuscripts; one of whose pieces begins thus, viz.:—
“This translation beginned was by Dudley Firbisse, in the house of Sir James Ware, in Castle-street, Dublin, 6th of November, 1666,” which was 24 days before the death of the said knight.” “I suppose the death of his patron,” adds Harris, “put a stop to his further progress.”

The small amount of patronage extended to him has also been made the subject of complaint by old Charles  p.xviii O'Conor of Belanagare, the grandfather of Dr. O'Conor, editor of Rerum Hibernicarum Scriptores, “Duald Mac Firbis”, observes this venerable antiquary and scholar, “the most eminent antiquarian of the latter times, was possessed of a considerable number of the Brethe Nimhe. He alone could explain them, as he alone, without patronage or assistance, entered into the depths of this part of Scottish learning, so extremely obscure to us of the present.”

“When we mention Mac Firbis, we are equally grieved and ashamed; his neglected abilities ignominious to his ungrateful country! his end tragical! his loss irreparable!” The death of his enlightened patron, Sir James Ware, having put a stop to his labours in Dublin, Mac Firbis appears to have returned to his native place in the county of Sligo, where he lived in great poverty during the remaining few years of his life. He had outlived many of the friends who had encouraged and assisted him in former years; others, like Dr. Lynch, had sought safety in flight from the vengeance of their successful opponents in the civil war which then distracted the country; and of those who remained behind, the majority, including the learned Roderick O'Flaherty, heir to a handsome patrimony, were reduced by confiscation to a state of poverty hardly less intense than that in which Mac Firbis was plunged.


The state of misery to which his friend O'Flaherty was brought after the confiscation of his ample inheritance, is incidentally told by Dr. Thomas Molyneux, in his account of a journey made to Connaught in the year 1709.

“I went,” he says, “to visit old Flaherty, who lives, very old, in a miserable condition at Park, some three hours west of Galway, in Hiar or West Connaught. I expected to have seen here some old Irish manuscripts; but his ill fortune has stripped him of these as well as other goods, so that he has nothing now left but some few of his own writing, and a few old rummish books of history printed.” O'Flaherty was then in his 80th year, The death of Mac Firbis was sudden and violent. In the year 1670, while travelling to Dublin, he was assassinated at Dunflin, in the county of Sligo. The circumstances attending the event, are thus narrated by Professor O'Curry. “Mac Firbis was at that time under the ban of the penal laws, and, consequently, a marked and almost a defenceless man, in the eye of the law, whilst the friends of his murderer enjoyed the full protection of the constitution, He must have been then past his 80th year, and he was, it is believed, on his way to Dublin, probably to visit Robert, the son of Sir James Ware. He took up his lodgings for the night at a small house in the little village of Dunflin, in his native county. While sitting and resting himself in a small room off the shop, a young gentleman, of the Crofton family, came in and began to take some liberties with a young woman who had the care of the shop. She, to check his freedom, told him that he would be seen by the old gentleman in the next room upon which, in a sudden rage, he snatched up a knife from the counter, rushed furiously into the room and plunged it into the heart of Mac Firbis.”


“Thus it was that, at the hand of a wanton assassin, this great scholar closed his long career—the last of the regularly educated and most accomplished masters of the history, antiquities, and laws and language of ancient Erinn.” The venerable Charles O'Conor, to whom the circumstances attending the murder of Mac Firbis were known, but who withheld them from publicity out of consideration for the descendants of the murderer, thus deplores the event: “Duald Mac Firbis closed the line of the hereditary antiquaries of Lecan, in Tirfiacra, on the Moy; a family whose law reports and historical collections, (many of which lie now dispersed in England and France), have derived great credit to their country. This last of the Firbises was unfortunately murdered at Dunflin, in the county of Sligo, A.D. 1670; and by his death our antiquities received an irreparable blow. The last years of his life were employed in drawing up a glossary for the explanation of our old law terms, the great desideratum of the present age. Of the fate of this last performance we know nothing, but we may well suppose it lost, as the author lived without a single patron, in days unfavourable to the arts of which he was master.”

The compilations of Mac Firbis are numerous, and of the most varied nature, including works on Biography, Genealogy, Hagiology, History, Law, and Philology. He appears also to have transcribed many tracts compiled by others, and to have translated some. The following list comprises all his works that are at present known to exist, either in his own handwriting, or in authentic transcripts therefrom:—

  1. The transcript from which the following chronicle has been printed.
  2.  p.xxi
  3. His large genealogical work, completed in the year 1650, and entitled The Branches of Relationship, and the Genealogical Ramifications of every Colony that took possession of Ireland, &c. together with a Sanctilogium, and a Catalogue of the Monarchs of Ireland, &c. compiled by Dubhaltach Mac Firbisigh, of Lecan, 1650.
    The original of this important work is in the possession of the Earl of Roden, and an excellent copy of it, by the late Professor O'Curry, transcribed in the year 1836, is in the Library of the Royal Irish Academy. This work has been described by Dr. O'Conor, in the Stowe Catalogue, from a copy formerly in the Stowe Collection, and now the property of Lord Ashburnham. A detailed description of its contents, by Dr. Petrie, appears in the 18th vol. of the Royal Irish Academy's Transactions. Professor O'Curry has also published an abstract of its contents in his Lectures on the MS. Materials of Irish History. Charles O'Conor of Belanagare, writing of this volume, observes:—
    “As the work stands it is valuable, by preserving the descents, and pointing out the possessions of our Irish families of latter times very accurately; but it is particularly valuable as rescuing from oblivion the names of districts and tribes in Ireland, antecedently to the second century; since which the Scoti have gradually imposed new names of their own, as they were enabled, from time to time, to expel the Belgic inhabitants. It is a most curious chart of ancient topography, and vastly preferable to that given by the Alexandrian Geographer, Ptolemy, who must know [have known] but little of Ireland, wherein the Romans never made a descent.”
  4. An Abridgment of the foregoing work, with some  p.xxii additional Pedigrees, compiled in the year 1666.
    The original of this abridgment is not now known to exist; but there is a very accurate copy of it in the library of the Marquess of Drogheda, and several in the collection of the Royal Irish Academy.
  5. A Treatise on Irish authors, drawn up in the year 1656. The original of this work, which formerly belonged to Sir James Ware, had been considered, for a long time, as altogether lost, but the Editor found it in the year 1864, in the Bodleian Library, Oxford, bound up with the next tract (No. 5), in the volume Rawlinson, 480, to which his attention was directed by the Rev. Dr. Macray, of Oxford. Although in the Preface to his Genealogical Work Mac Firbis alludes to his having compiled such a treatise, it appears from various data furnished by the Bodleian copy, which is in his own handwriting, that it had not been completed. An accurate copy of this fragment, made by the Editor, has been placed in the Royal Irish Academy.
  6. A catalogue of extinct Irish Bishoprics, together with a list of dignitaries anciently accounted bishops, but not so regarded in the author's time. This very curious tract, written in 1665, is also preserved in the Rawlinson collection, in the same volume that contains the last mentioned treatise. It is in the autograph of Mac Firbis, and appears to have been the property of Sir James Ware, although the editor of his Works does not seem to have known of its existence. Neither was it known to any subsequent investigator, until the Editor  p.xxiii found it under the circumstances referred to in connection with the last mentioned treatise (No. 4).
    A transcript of this catalogue, also made by the Editor has been added to the collection of the R. I. Academy.
  7. A List of Bishops arranged by Mac Firbis for Sir James Ware, already referred to, which is probably a copy, or abstract of the foregoing catalogue.
  8. A Collection of Glossaries, including original compositions and transcripts from more ancient ones. Of these there are several fragments preserved in the MS. volume classed H 2 15, in the Library of Trinity College, Dublin. The same volume also contains transcripts, in Mac Firbis's handwriting, of O'Davoren's law glossary, and the curious glossary believed to have been compiled by Cormac, King and Bishop of Cashel, whose death is recorded infra under the year 907. These two important compilations have been published, from more ancient texts, by Mr. Whitley Stokes.
  9. A Martyrology, or Litany of the Saints, in verse, a copy of which, in his own autograph, is preserved in the British Museum [now British Library].
  10. A transcript, or collection, from a volume of Annals belonging to Nehemias Mac Egan, of Ormond, “chief professor of the old Irish or Brehon Laws”, made in the year 1643, for the Rev. John Lynch, author of Cambrensis Eversus. This collection has been published by the Irish Archæological and Celtic Society, from a copy made directly from Mac Firbis's MS.
 p.xxiv Mac Firbis's translations from the Irish are believed to have been numerous, but in consequence of the wide dispersion of the MS. collection of Sir James Ware, for whom they were chiefly made, their extent cannot now be ascertained. His principal effort in this line was the translation of the Annals of Ulster, now preserved in the British Museum, and of the original Annals of Inisfallen. An important fragment, consisting of a translation of Irish Annals from the year 1443 to 1468, has been published by the Irish Archæological Society; and his English version of a curious tract called the Registry of Clonmacnois, believed to have been originally compiled before the year 1216, has been printed in the Transactions of the Kilkenny Archæological Society, from the translator's autograph in the British Museum.

It is unnecessary to dwell further on Mac Firbis's profound knowledge of the history, language, and literature of his native country. The opinion entertained of his abilities, honest zeal, and industry, by Irish scholars of the present day, agrees with the judgment expressed of him by his learned contemporaries. Although educated with a special view to the profession which his ancestors for centuries had followed, his association with Roderick O'Flaherty, Dr. John Lynch, Francis Kirwan, Skerrett, and the other members of the learned brotherhood which obtained for the Collegiate Institution of Galway, in the seventeenth century, a distinguished reputation for literary eminence, naturally gave a wider range to his studies; and it was probably during his residence among these remarkable men that he acquired whatever knowledge he possessed of the classic languages.

In the art—for such it may be called—of correctly interpreting the very ancient phraseology of the Irish, or “Brehon” laws, he was without an equal. It was the  p.xxv opinion of Charles O'Conor that all chance of rightly translating them passed away with him. He observes nearly as much himself; for in his treatise on Irish authors, he states that there were only “three or four persons” living in his time who understood a word of the subject, and they were “the sons of Ollamhs (professors) of the territory of Connaught,” in which province the ancient Irish customs and system of jurisprudence continued longer than in the other divisions of Ireland. In proof of this Mac Firbis alleges, in the abridged copy of his large genealogical work, that he knew Irish chieftains who in his own time governed their septs “according to the “words of Fithal” and the “Royal Precepts;”” the Fithal alluded to was Brehon, or judge, to Cormac Mac Airt, Monarch of Ireland in the third century, the reputed author of the Royal Precepts, or Teagasg Ríoghdha, of which various ancient copies are in existence.

The MS. A. from which the following text has been taken is contained, as has been already observed, in a volume in the library of Trinity College, Dublin, classed H 1 18, which comprises fragments of several tracts, all in the Irish language. The contents of the volume, which is a paper folio, lettered on the back 'Miscellanea Hibernica', are thus specified in a leaf at the beginning, in a handwriting which Dr. O'Donovan believed to be that of an amanuensis employed by Charles O'Conor of Belanagare, to whom the volume appears to have been lent by Vallancey, in 1774:—
“In hoc vetusto ac valde pretioso codice hæc antiquitatum Hibernæ Monumenta continentur, viz.”:—  p.xxvi

  1. “Tractatus Genealogicus ex libro authentico qui vocatur Leabhar Irse clainn Ui Maael-Conaire desumptus.”
  2. “Tractatus Historicus de bellis familiæ O'Brienorum, tum secum invicem, tum contra Anglorum duces, a medio Sæculi xiii. usque ad annum Gratiæ, 1318, a Joanne Magrath, familiarum de Dail-Gais historico, et scriptore fere coætaneo, stylo copioso, et juxta illorum temporum normam exaratus, atque ex autographo existente anno 1721, a viro in antiquititabus nostris versatissimo, Andrea Mac Crutin nomine, fideliter et ad literam descriptus.”
  3. Annales Tigernachi Clonmacnoicensis, qui ab Augustino Magrada Canonico de Insula Sanctorum, vulgo dicta Oilean na Naomh, et post mortem ejus, a quodam anonyma scriptore, continuantur ad annum 1407.”
  4. “Antiquum Monumentum vulgo dictum Chronicon Scotorum. Videtur esse compendium prædictorum Annalium Tigernachi.
    Haec omnia Monumenta zelo ac industria illustrissimi ac Reverendissimi Joannis O'Brien, Episcopi Cloynensis et Rossensis in Hibernia, qui die xiii. mensis Marti, 1769, Lugduni in Galliâ obiit, comparata et in unum hunc codicem digesta fuerunt.”

The Bishop O'Brien here referred to was the Roman Catholic Bishop of Cloyne, and the learned compiler of an Irish-English dictionary published in Paris, 1769, and republished, with additions, in Dublin in the year 1832. He was also the author of the tract on the Law of Tanistry, published by Vallancey under his own name (without the smallest allusion to the real author), in his Collectanea de rebus Hibernicis, vol. 1. Dr. O'Brien, in conjunction with the Rev. John Conry, a good Irish scholar, was likewise the compiler of the Dublin Annals of Inisfallen. A paper in the Journal des Scavans, on the Macpherson poems of Ossian, is also attributed to Bishop O'Brien.


The contents of the MS. H 1 18 have been more fully described by Dr. Charles O'Conor, who carefully examined it when he was preparing his edition of Tighernach, and also subsequently by Dr. John O'Donovan.

The copy of the Chronicum Scotorum in this volume occupies 52 ½ folios, or 105 pages of two columns each. The handwriting is large and bold, and in Mac Firbis's best style; but the text is very much abbreviated, and some of the contractions are so complicated that it has been no easy task to decipher the words in many places. There is no evidence to fix the date at which the MS. was copied; but from a comparison of the handwriting with that in his larger genealogical work, compiled in 1650, it seems probable that the Chronicle was transcribed before that year.

It is evident from the foregoing summary of contents that the copy of the Chronicum Scotorum in H 1 18 had belonged to Bishop O'Brien; and it was probably during his residence in France, where he lived for several years prior to his death in 1769, that the transcript in the Royal Irish Academy (23 P 3), was made by his friend and associate, the Rev. John Conry. The MS. H 1 18 had previously been the property of the learned Roderick O'Flaherty, who has frequently quoted it as a reliable authority in his Ogygia, and has enhanced its value by many marginal notes and occasional emendations of the text. These annotations, which are all in O'Flaherty's autograph, have been included in the footnotes to the present edition, as it was considered desirable that every memorandum added by so eminent an authority on Irish history and chronology should be carefully preserved. It does not appear at what date, or under what circumstances, the MS. passed from O'Flaherty. But it could not  p.xxviii have been in his possession in 1709, when Dr. Molyneux found with him only “some few [tracts] of his own writing,” his ill fortune having stripped him of his other Irish MSS. After the death of Dr. O'Brien, the MS. A. passed successively through the hands of Vallancey, and of old Charles O'Conor, whose grandson the learned editor of Rerum Hibernicarum Scriptores, has published a description of it in the Stowe Catalogue.

A good deal of uncertainty has hitherto been felt respecting the original from which Mac Firbis made his copy of the Chronicum Scotorum. The late eminent Celtic scholar, Professor O'Curry, was uncertain whether to regard MS. A. as the original, or only a transcript. “Nothing of its history is known to me,” he observes, “but what can be gathered from the book itself, and the hand in which the autograph (or Trinity College copy) is written.” In his valuable lecture on the life and works of Duald Mac Firbis, O'Curry speaks of him as the “compiler” of the Chronicle, which he in another place calls the “compilation” of Mac Firbis, and again a “compendium from some ancient book or books of annals belonging to his family,” and a “utilitarian abstract.” At the conclusion of his description, nevertheless, he gives expression to his doubt on the subject of its origin, in the following words, viz:—“Such as it is, however, and as far as it goes, there can be no doubt of its being one of the most authentic copies of, or compilations from, more ancient annals.”

Professor O'Curry's first supposition, that the Chronicum Scotorum was a compilation, or abstract, made by Mac Firbis, seems to have been founded chiefly on the interpretation of the opening sentence of the work, in which Mac Firbis deprecates the censure of his readers for having  p.xxix given only a summary of the ancient history of the Scotic or Milesian colonists, whose proceedings before their arrival in Ireland, as well as subsequent thereto, are generally detailed at much length by Irish writers. In this very passage, however, Mac Firbis calls his MS. a “copy,” as he does again further on where he speaks of “the vellum from which it has been drawn.” Regarding the reasons which induced Mac Firbis's unwillingness to copy the section of the work forming pp. 1 to 15 of the present edition, Professor O'Curry writes, “It is very probable that it was about this time [1650] that Sir James Ware conceived the idea of availing himself of Mac Firbis's extensive and profound antiquarian learning; and as that learned and well-intentioned writer, was then concerned only with what related to the ecclesiastical history of Ireland, this was probably the reason that Mac Firbis offers those warm apologies for having been compelled to pass over the “long and tedious account of the early colonizations of this country, and pass at one step to the Christian era.””

“(We know that Ware quotes many of our old Annals as sterling authorities in his work. As these were all in the Irish language, and as Ware had no acquaintance with that language, it follows clearly enough, that he must have had some competent person to assist him to read those annals, and whose business it was doubtless to select and translate for him such parts of them as were deemed by him essential to his design.) Excepting for some such purpose as this, I can see no reason whatever why Mac Firbis should apply himself, and with  p.xxx such apparent reluctance, to make this compendium from some ancient book or books of Annals belonging to his family. It appears, indeed, from his own words,” adds O' Curry, “that it was poverty or distress that caused him to pass over the record of what he deemed the ancient glory of his country, and to draw up a mere utilitarian abstract for some person to whose patronage he was compelled to look for support in his declining years.” But Mac Firbis, who asserts that in making the preliminary abstract he was actuated by a desire “to avoid tediousness,” does not refer to “poverty or distress;” and it is certain that his copy of the Chronicum Scotorum was neither made for, nor at any time the property of, Sir James Ware.

It need scarcely be observed that no man was more competent than Professor O'Curry to pronounce, authoritatively, on any subject connected with Irish MSS.; and had he transcribed or translated the MS. A., or been able to devote the time necessary for a minute investigation of its contents, observed the occasional peculiarities of idiom and archaic phraseology, and the conjectural emendations here and there suggested by Mac Firbis, (which will be found referred to in the foot-notes to the present volume), he would doubtless have been led to the conclusion at which the Editor has arrived, viz.:—that it is, in all except the preliminary section, a trustworthy copy of an ancient chronicle compiled in the monastery of Clonmacnois.

The Editor would naturally regret very much to find himself at issue with any deliberate opinion put forward by Professor O'Curry on a question touching the age or history of an Irish MS. And had that distinguished scholar expressed it as his unqualified conviction, after a critical examination of the entire subject, that the Chronicum Scotorum was the actual compilation of  p.xxxi Duald Mac Firbis, the Editor would have bowed submissively to his superior judgment. But O'Curry had spoken in such undecided terms of the authorship of the Chronicle, that the Editor considered the question capable of further elucidation, and the result of his inquiries having been placed before the Right Honorable the Master of the Rolls, His Lordship was pleased to coincide in the conclusion arrived at by the Editor, and to sanction the publication of the present work.

The internal evidence furnished by MS. A. would be sufficient, even if other evidence were wanting, to prove that it is not the original compilation of Mac Firbis. In more than one place, for instance, as has been already observed, he refers to his production as a “copy”. In other places, where a difficulty apparently occurred in deciphering the original from which he copied, he ventures on conjectural emendations, without, however, affecting the integrity of his text. At the year 718 (recte 722), where a large deficiency occurs, he speaks of “the old book” out of which he wrote, as wanting a “front” of two leaves, as a provision for which he leaves a part of his MS. blank. The hiatus left in his transcript of the entry at the year 1013 (recte 1015) illustrates the fidelity with which he copied the original Chronicle. Both these deficiencies might have been easily supplied by Mac Firbis from other Annals, if his desire had been to frame a Chronicle; and his omission to supply them indicates conclusively that the text of the MS. A. has been transcribed from an original by a copyist, not reduced or put into form by a compiler, whose business it would have been not to copy, but to supply, as far as possible, all defects in his sources.

Dr. O'Donovan, who did not make as much use of the  p.xxxii Chronicum Scotorum as he might have done, although he considered it “very valuable as containing passages not to be found in any other Annals,” hesitates, in his account of its contents, to pronounce an opinion on the question of its age or history. But elsewhere he calls it “a good abstract of some Annals which belonged to the Mac Firbises, made by the celebrated Duald Mac Firbis;” and adds that it was “styled Chronicum Scotorum by the transcriber, who states that he shortened or abstracted it from a larger work of the Mac Firbises, omitting everything except what relates to the Scoti or Milesians.” The statement here imputed to Mac Firbis does not correctly express the sense of the passage to which Dr. O'Donovan alludes.

The fact is that O'Donovan seems not to have carefully examined the Chronicum Scotorum.

This will appear evident from some notes in his edition of the Annals of the Four Masters, regarding entries in these Annals which are also contained in the present Chronicle, the original of which may have been among the authorities made use of by the Four Masters. Even the valuable entry at the year 964, infra, where the erection of the Round Tower of Tomgraney, in Clare, is ascribed to Cormac O'Cillin, escaped O'Donovan's notice, which could hardly have happened had he attentively read the Chronicum. His description of the MS. was written in 1836: but, three years afterwards, writing of this very passage, which Colgan (Actt. SS. p. 360) incorrectly quotes from the Four Masters, O'Donovan observes,  p.xxxiii “It is to be lamented that we have not the original Irish of this passage, as it would show that a round tower (cloig theach) was erected at Tuaim-greine in the third quarter of the tenth century.”

That Duald Mac Firbis did make an abstract or compilation from some of the books of Annals belonging to his family is very certain. The collection of Irish MSS. in Trinity College, Dublin, includes a large fragment (classed H 2 11) of the Annals of the Four Masters, in the autograph of Michael O'Clery. This volume seems to have belonged to Roderick O'Flaherty, who has added numerous marginal notes down to the year 1422, and referred to several authorities, among which is a chronicle quoted as that of "D. F." or Dudley Firbisse. But it is hardly necessary to observe that this could not have been the Chronicum Scotorum, with which O'Flaherty was well acquainted, and which he has so frequently quoted in his Ogygia, without, however, mentioning the name of Mac Firbis in connexion with it. There can be no question that, if the Chronicle had been compiled by Mac Firbis, O'Flaherty would not have concealed the fact, or spoken of it as Scotochronicon Tigernachi Cluanense, and Tigernachi Cluanensis Scotorum Chronicon, thus intimating that it was originally written in the monastery of Clonmacnois, where the more ancient and important Chronicle of Tighernach was also compiled.

That the present chronicle was known to Irish scholars in the last century as the Chronicum Scotorum Cluanense, or of Clonmacnois, appears from an article published in the Journal des Scavans for 1764, seemingly from the pen of Bishop O'Brien, in whose possession MS. A. was at the time, and who was, of the Irish scholars of his day,  p.xxxiv the most competent, perhaps, to offer an opinion on the age or history of an Irish MS.

‘“Plusieurs scavans etrangeres,” observes the learned writer, “reconnoissent que les Irlandois ont des Annales d'une antiquité tres respectable, et d'une authenticité a toute epreuve. C'est le jugement qu'en porte Mr. Stillingfleet dans le Preface de ses Antiquités, ou il paroit, au contraire, faire tres peu de cas de tous les Monumens de la nation Ecossoise. Mr. Innes, qui n'a jamais flatté les Irlandois, reconnoit l'antiquité, aussi bien que l'authenticité de leurs Annales, particulièrement de celles de Tigernach, d'Inisfallen, et de quelques autres. Il remarque que la copie des Annales de Tigernach qui appartenoit à Mr. O'Flaherty, Auteur de l'Ogygia, paroissoit plus parfaite que celle qui se trouvoit dans le Bibliothèque du Duc de Chandois. Je crois devoir declarer ici que je possède actuellement cette meme copie des Annales de Tigernach que possedait Mr. O'Flaherty, avec un ancienne apographe de la Chronique de Clonmacnois, qui est bien connu sous le titre de Chronicon Scotorum Cluanense, et qui appartenoit aussi au même M. O'Flaherty, qui le cite bien souvent dans son Ogygia.”’ (Journal des Scavans 1764, tome 9, p. 351.)

In another place in the same journal Bishop O'Brien remarks, criticising Innes's Critical Essay, “Mr. Innes s'accorde parfaitement avec les anciennes Annales d'Irlande, particulierement avec celles de Tigernachus et du Chronicon Scotorum Cluanense, ou on lit la note suivante à l'an 503; “Fergus Mor Mac Eirc cum gente Dalriada partem Britanniæ tenuit, et ibi mortuus est.””

The Rev. Dr. O'Conor, who carefully examined the Chronicum, and made a transcript of MS. A., which he collated with the Bodleian copy of Tighernach, was also of opinion that the Chronicum was originally written at  p.xxxv Clonmacnois. “Some have confounded this chronicle with Tighernach,” he observes, “because it is frequently called Chronicon Cluanense, and was written in Tighernach's Monastery of Clonmacnois.” And among the number of persons so offending, O'Conor rightly includes Roderick O'Flaherty, who undoubtedly has so confounded it, although the chronicle which the latter refers to throughout his Ogygia as the Chron. Cluanense is not the present Chronicle, but Mageoghegan's translation of the so-called Annals of Clonmacnois.

It is very much to be regretted that O'Flaherty has not put his readers in possession of the reasons which induced him to identify the present Chronicle with Tighernach. He probably regarded the Chronicum in the same light as Dr. O'Conor has regarded it, namely, as a reproduction of Tighernach, in a form slightly altered. In O'Conor's edition of Tighernach's Annals, commenting on the entry at the year 434, respecting the “first Saxon depredation in Erinn” (which is supplied from the Chronicum Scotorum), he observes—“Eadem habent ad eundem annum Annales Ultoniæ. Silet tamen Chron. Saxon.; sed vetustiores sunt Annales Tigernachi, qui obiit anno 1088; et Chron. Scotorum nihil aliud est quam compendium Tigernachi, paucis adjectis, a quo vetere auctore ignoramus.” Again, at the year 662, in his edition of the same Annals, referring to a corruption in the Bodleian text, which he has corrected from the Chronicum Scotorum, he says, “Textum in codice Bodleiano hic corruptum restituimus ex codice MS. Dublinii cui titulus Chronicon Scotorum, qui nihil aliud est quam Tigernachi  p.xxxvi compendium propriis verbis ubique fere servatis.” And in another place he describes it as the “Chronicon Scotorum, MS. in Biblioth. Dublin. ex codice Tigernachi jam deperdito.”

That this learned and painstaking writer was certainly wrong in supposing the Chronicum Scotorum to be no more than a compendium of Tigernach, “propriis verbis,” and “paucis adjectis,” will appear evident on a perusal of the present volume, although, as Professor O'Curry has remarked, “the order and arrangement of the events recorded, and the events themselves, often, though not always, agree with the Annals of Tighernach.” Even making due allowance for certain verbal differences attributable to Mac Firbis's practice of altering the orthography and grammatical construction of old texts transcribed by him to the standard in use in his time, the discrepancies between the phraseology of the two chronicles are too marked to justify the opinion that one was actually copied from the other. These discrepancies are rather of a nature to indicate that Tighernach and the original compiler of the Chronicum Scotorum had transcribed from a common original. It is impossible that Mac Firbis could have made his copy from any existing MS. of Tighernach.

It appears from the “Testimonium” prefixed to the Annals of the Four Masters that the laborious compilers of that invaluable collection made use of a chronicle called the Annals of Clonmacnois, which came down to the year 1227. There is no Irish chronicle at present known answering to this description. It could not have been the volume of Annals translated by Conell Mageoghegan, which seems to have extended to the year 1407, inasmuch as several entries quoted from the Book of Clonmacnois by the Four Masters are not to be found in Mageoghegan's  p.xxxvii translation, although some of these entries are such as Mageoghegan would certainly not have omitted had he found them in his original. At the year 1005, for instance, the Four Masters give an account of a great hosting made by Brian Borumha into the north of Ireland, which is stated to have been extracted from the Book of Clonmacnois, and the Book of the Island of Saints, in Loch Ribh. There is no reference to this expedition in Mageoghegan's version of the former chronicle; and there is little doubt that, had Mageoghegan found such a record in the volume which he professed to translate, he would not have failed to make it the foundation of an encomium on Brian, by his extreme partiality for whom the authority of Mageoghegan's version is in many places injuriously affected.

This entry will be found infra, under the year 1004, in nearly the same terms used by the Four Masters. Again, the record of the victory gained by Comaltan Ua Clerigh, King of Ui-Fiachrach-Aidhne, over Fergal Ua Ruairc, which the Four Masters have at the year 964, is stated in the MS. of that work, formerly in the Stowe Library, to have been taken from the same Book of Clonmacnois and of Book of the Island. There is no similar entry in any other known chronicle except the present, in which it appears under the same year. The number of the slain is, however, differently given in these authorities, owing apparently to some mistake in the transcription of either. In a note to his edition of the Four Masters, at the year 806 (recte 811), respecting the curious entry there given of the arrival of a Céle-Dé in Ireland, Dr. O'Donovan  p.xxxviii observes:—“This entry is not in the Annals of Ulster or Clonmacnois [i.e., Mageoghegan's version]. It has been also copied by the Four Masters into their Leabhar-Gabhala (or Book of Invasions), but where they found it the Editor has not been able to determine.” This entry is given in the present chronicle, at the year 811, in almost precisely the same words as in the Four Masters. Referring to the death of Tolorg, chief of Fealla, which the Four Masters record under the year 842, O'Donovan also remarks “This entry is not in the Annals of Ulster, or in those of Clonmacnois. The Editor has not been able to find any other reference to this territory, and thinks that it is a mistake of the Four Masters.” But the same record appears word for word, infra, under the year 844, which is the correct date.

Many other entries, also common to the Annals of the Four Masters and the present chronicle, are not found in any other volume of Irish Annals now known to be in existence.

The curious account in the present chronicle, under the year 1107 (recte 1111), respecting the synod of Uisnech, and the partition of the ancient diocese of Feara-Midhe (Meath and Westmeath), between the Bishops of Clonmacnois and Clonard, furnishes some important evidence towards discovering the real compiler of the original from which Mac Firbis made his transcript. The account in question, which is more than usually specific as to matters of detail, does not appear in any other work now forthcoming, except in the MS. known as the Dublin Annals of Inisfallen, compiled by Bishop O'Brien and the Rev. John Conry, who of course must have copied it from the MS. A. which, as we have seen, belonged to one of them. Dr. Lynch states that the same account was contained in  p.xxxix “a copy of old Irish annals” in his possession. It is to be regretted that Lynch did not more precisely mention his authority. It was probably no other than MS. A., which may have been lent to him by Mac Firbis, his instructor and guide in matters relating to Irish history and antiquities.

Amongst the persons who took a leading part in the synod referred to was an ecclesiastic named Gillachrist Ua-Maeileoin, or O'Malone, abbot of Clonmacnois, to whom the compilation of the Chronicum Scotorum is ascribed, probably with justice.

A copy of the work in the collection of the Royal Irish Academy, classed 23 O 8, has an Irish title prefixed, of which the following is a translation, viz:—
“The Chronicum Scotorum, ie. the Annals of the Scotic Race, written at first at Clonmacnois, sometime in the twelfth century, by Gilla-Christ O'Maeileoin, Abbot of Clonmacnois; in which is contained an account of a great many valuable affairs, particularly the affairs of Ireland, from Adam to the Age of Christ, 1150.”. It is a remarkable fact that the proceedings of the synod in which he acted a principal part are not described, as has been observed, in any other chronicle except this with which his name is connected.

There is no evidence to indicate the source from which this copy was made; but it could not have been transcribed from the MS. A., or any fair copy of it, for although the scribe might in many cases have failed to decipher the text of Mac Firbis's transcript correctly, the discrepancies between the latter MS. and his copy are too numerous to justify the supposition that the one was taken from the other. It is to be remarked that there is now no title-page to MS. A., although there appears to have once been one; and Mac Firbis seems to have always studiously observed the practice of prefixing titles to his works,  p.xl whether original compilations or transcripts. Be this as it may, there is no reason to suppose that the copyist of 23 O 8 invented the foregoing title.

The ecclesiastic to whom the composition of the present chronicle has thus been ascribed, and who is stated at the year 1120 = 1124, infra, to have contributed to the completion of the great belfry, or round tower, of Clonmacnois, seems to have enjoyed a very high reputation for learning. His death is recorded within under the year 1123 (= 1127), in the following words, viz:— “Gillachrist Ua Maeileoin, Abbot of Cluain-muc-Nois, fountain of knowledge and charity, head of the prosperity and affluence of Erinn, quievit.” It is also mentioned in the Annals of Ulster, and by the Four Masters, under the year 1127, in somewhat similar terms.

In neither of these authorities is there any reference to Gillachrist as the author of the present chronicle; but anyone acquainted with the subject of mediaeval literature need not be told that no conclusive evidence against his authorship can be derived from this omission, or from the additional circumstance that the copy in MS. A. comes down to the year 1131 (recte 1135), or 8 years after the death of Gillachrist Ua Maeileoin. The Annals of Boyle, those of Inisfallen, of Connacht, and of Loch-Cé contain no reference to the names of their original compilers, while the continuations added by Augustin Magraidin to the Chronicle of Tighernach, and by Roderick O'Cassidy to the Annals of Ulster, have been supplemented with additional entries by some persons whose names are not known.

Many other circumstances tend to connect the Chronicum Scotorum with the monastery of Clonmacnois. The affairs of that establishment, for instance, are more frequently noticed in it than those of any other place. Even the name of Cluain-muc-Nois is occasionally represented by the first syllable (“Cluain”) only; and as there were several other celebrated ecclesiastical establishments  p.xli in Ireland the names of which began with Cluain (i.e. a sheltered lawn or meadow), as Cluain-Dolcain, Cluain-eois, Cluain-eidhnech, Cluain-ferta-Brenainn, Cluain-Iraird, Cluain-Uamha, and many more collected in the index, each of which would be familiarly called “Cluain” by its inmates, it might reasonably be inferred that the writer who thus indicated Cluain-muc-Nois was in some way connected with the establishment. Many entries also, not found in any other authority, are of a nature to support this conjecture. Of this kind are the entries at the year 922, regarding Flann Fobhair (which, indeed, Mac Firbis seems to have been no more able to understand than the present writer); that under the year 1000, respecting the “deposing of Ua Begulain” from some office; the purchase of the “Eneclar” of the great altar, by King Maelsechlainn, noticed under the year 1005; and the curious entry at the year 1091, referring to the persecution directed against the monastery.

The original of the entries occupying pp. 338 to 349 of the present work is contained in what seems to be a small fragment of some other collection of annals, which follows Mac Firbis's autogragh in A., but has not been copied into B. The fragment, which consists of two leaves only, is in a handwriting of the seventeenth century. The orthography is corrupt, and the phraseology occasionally loose and ungrammatical; but, like the Chronicum Scotorum, it contains some notices of events that are not found in any other accessible authority, and it is consequently much to be regretted that the remainder should have been lost. As it is impossible actually to decide whether the fragment may have been a portion of some original work, or only of some collection intended as a continuation of the Chronicum Scotorum, it has been considered advisable to print its contents by way of supplement to the Chronicum.


The chronology of the following chronicle is in a state of much confusion, notwithstanding the apparent regard for a regular system, indicated by the array of ferial numbers with which the Christian period of the work begins. The feriæ, however, do not run on in consecutive order, owing probably, in large measure, to mistakes committed in the course of successive transcriptions of the original. Much of the confusion created in this respect is traceable to the ease with which the numeral u, as written in old MSS., may be confounded with ii. Nevertheless it is almost incredible that Mac Firbis, who had an extensive acquaintance with Books of Annals, could have committed such errors as the list of criteria exhibits.

The chronicler seems to have followed the Hebrew computation in that portion of the work preceding the Christian era, thus differing from the later annalists who have generally adopted the chronology of the Seventy Interpreters. But any attempt to fix the dates of events that may have taken place from 1000 to 2000 years before the present era, must be regarded with suspicion. This seems to have been the opinion of the transcriber of A., who dismisses the brief summary of the ancient historical accounts with the expression “I pass to another time,” as if intending to convey the impression that he regarded the records of that “other time” as more reliable and authentic.

The first entry in the Christian period is the record of the birth of St. Patrick, which is preceded by the criteria “Kł. Enair, ui,”. “Kal. of January 6,” implying that the kalends, or first, of January occurred on the 6th day of the week, or Friday. The succession of years is then regularly indicated by the repetition of the characters Kł., or K. for “kalends,” accompanied, with some exceptions, as far as the year 641, by the feriæ, or days of the week on which the first of January fell in each year. Subsequently to the date 641, the feriæ are no  p.xliii longer noted, every year being simply marked by the sign “Kł.”. From the entry of the birth of St. Patrick to where the annalist has noted the year of the world 4481 (recte 4381), corresponding to A.D. 429, according to the Irish antiquaries, there are in all 77 “kals.” or years. But as one “kal.” has been manifestly omitted, whilst the sign has been as plainly doubled in two instances, the actual number of “kals.” to be taken into account is 76. The birth of St. Patrick should consequently be referred, according to this computation, to the year A.D. 353, in which the kalends of January coincided with the 6th day of the week, or Friday; although the date 357 has been added opposite to the entry in A., apparently by Charles O'Conor of Belanagare. The year 353 has therefore been added in the margin.

That the entry of St. Patrick's birth under the year 353 is a gross error, appears from the record of his death at the year 489, where he is stated to have died in the 122nd year of his age, although the number of intervening “kals.,” or years, amounts to 135, exclusive of two which have been omitted between the years 429 and 431. In the quatrain appended to his obit, the event is said to have taken place in the year 493; but an enumeration of the “kals.” from where the annalist has noted the year 432 of the Incarnation, the era employed by the Irish chroniclers, (equal to 431 of the common era of the nativity), gives the year 489, which shows that four “kals.” have been omitted in the intervening period. This subject is still further complicated by the entry under the year 660, respecting the mortality which appeared in Ireland in that year, where it is stated to have happened 203 years after  p.xliv the death of St. Patrick, which event should in this case be referred to A.D. 457. But the obit recorded under 457 is that of “Senex Patricius,” who is called “Bishop of the Church of Glastonbury,” and is referred to in Irish chronicles as a distinct individual from “Patrick, the Archbishop,” the Apostle of Ireland, although Dr. Lanigan has laboured hard to identify the one with the other.

Starting from the year A.D. 433, which coincides with the First Indiction, as the annalist has rightly noted, the computation of this chronicle, reckoning the number of “kals.,” representing as many years, is correct down to the year 634, with the exception of a “kal.” or year, omitted between 592 and 594, which has been taken into account. Many entries are, no doubt, out of their proper order, as if some “kals.” had been left out in one place and superadded in another. In the margin opposite to the entry corresponding to the year 538, in A., the original hand has added the note, “Initium Indictionis,” to signify, doubtless, that the Indiction answering to the year was 1; which would be correct. Opposite to the 27th “kal.” from this date, however, the numerals dxxu (525) are written, also in Mac Firbis's hand; but these are manifestly a mistake for dlxu (565), which was undoubtedly the date intended to be recorded by the person who originally added the note, although, strangely enough, the mistake of 40 years here committed has been repeated at several dates further on.

Between the years A.D. 634 and A.D. 718, four “kals.” appear to have been omitted; and the latter year therefore really represents the year 722, as the criteria supplied by the annalist sufficiently indicate. One of these “kals.” seems to have been left out at the year 634, under which  p.xlv date the events of the two years are apparently given, as in the Annals of Tighernach. Another “kal.” appears to have been omitted at the year 639, where the entries for two years have been similarly combined under one date. The entire events of one year have been omitted after the year 645, and a like omission occurs after the year 651.

The reckoning of this chronicle is therefore correct from the year 353 to 634 inclusive. But from 634 to 639, it is one year behind the common reckoning; from 640 to 645 it is two years in arrear; from 646 to 651, the error is three years, and from 652 to 718, the computation is four years in arrear.

The defect which occurs at the year 718=722, and extends to the year 805, is very much to be regretted, in involving, as it does, the loss of, perhaps, the most historically interesting part of the chronicle; for there is hardly any period in the history of his country to which an Irishrnt"tn can look back with more unmixed satisfaction than the eighth century, when Ireland was, in the words of Dr. Johnson, “the school of the west, the quiet Imbitation of sanctity and literature,” when Irish missionaries zeallously laboured to make the savage Teuton a participator in the blessings of Christianity, before the civilization of their own country had sustained the rude shock administered by the Danish invasion. This deficiency is the more to be regretted, inasmuch as the Annals of Tighernach, with which the Chronicum Scotorum may be regarded as of equal authority, are defective about the same period.

But the hiatus in Tighernach is much more extensive, all that portion embracing the transactions of 210 years — viz.: from A.D. 766 to 976 — being unfortuntately missing, This hiatus can be fairly supplied from the present chronicle to the extent of 171 years, i.e. from 805 to 976; but the entries for the 38 years intervening between 766 and 805 are altogether lost.


The next entry, imperfect at the beginning, appears to belong to the year 805, which date O'Flaherty has prefixed in A., as there are 51 “kals.” down to where the date "Anno Domini, 856," has been added in the margin by the original hand. Thenceforward the “kals.” are correctly noted as far as the year 904, between which and the year 1131=1135, four “kals.” would seem to have been omitted. Of these four, one has apparently been left out after the year 904, one at the year 968 (where the transactions of two years have been combined in the one entry), a third at the year 1061, and the fourth at the year 1076, where the entry embraces the events of two years.

The result of these omissions and irregularities may be summarily stated as follows:—
From A.D. 353 to 634, inclusive, the chronology is apparently correct.

From A.D. 635 to 639, inclusive, it is one year in arrear; from A.D. 640 to 645, two years in arrears; from A.D. 646 to 651, three years; from A.D. 652 to 718, four years; and from A.D. 805 to 904, the chronology is correct. From A.D. 905 to 968, it is one year in arrear; from A.D. 969 to 1061, two years; from A.D. 1062 to 1076, three years; from A.D. 1077 to 1131, four years; and from A.D. 1141 to the end the computation is correct.

The loose method followed by the older annalists, of simply indicating the succession of years by the repetition of the sign “Kł.” or “K;.” for “kalends,” to which they sometimes added the ferial or day of the week on which the 1st of January occurred, together with their habitual practice of omitting to paginate their MSS., has led to innumerable errors in the chronology of Irish history.


These errors might in some measure be corrected by the help of the feriæ, if we possessed the original MSS. But these criteria have been so corrupted in the course of successive transcriptions of the earlier chronicles, by ignorant scribes who did not understand their value, that they are comparatively useless in determining the correct chronology, unless when combined with other criteria. Even in the copies of Tighernach at present available, the order of the feriæ is so confused and irregular, that any attempt to bring it into harmony with the succession of “kals.” or years, would prove a fruitless undertaking. O'Flaherty has endeavoured to accomplish the task as regards the present chronicle, the chronology of which he has altered and arranged according to his own corrected system. But although his authority on this subject is entitled to great respect, the Editor felt that the adoption of O'Flaherty's corrections would involve such an alteration of the order and arrangement of the entries, as would seriously affect the integrity of the text, to produce a reliable and accurate edition of which he has sedulously laboured. Bearing in mind, also, the example of Dr. O'Conor, who, in trying to settle the chronology of the Annals of Tighernach, Inisfallen, and Boyle, has committed errors which render his editions of these chronicles quite unreliable, the Editor considered that it was his duty to adhere to the computation of his original text. This he has fatithfully done, with the exception already pointed out, where he felt justified in allowing for a palpable omission; and the marginal dates represent the actual enumeration of the “kals.” or years contained in the chronicle.

The reader will find much assistance towards fixing the  p.xlviii correct chronology in the annotations of O'Flaherty, which have been added in the foot notes, sometimes over the full name, but more frequently over the initials “O'F.”

The English reader will doubtless be surprised at the promiscuous application of the title of “king” to individuals who must have been petty princes, or chieftains. But this very practice is an evidence of the antiquity of the chronicle, as the later annalists, the Four Masters for instance, are more particular in applying the term.

Duald Mac Firbis, writing in 1666 of the chieftains of the O'Dubhdas, or O'Dowdas, states that the historical books gave them the title of kings, “and though strange it appears at this day,” he observes, “it was not so then [i.e., anciently] among the Gaeidhel, according to their own laws at that time, and according to other nations also. Behold,” he adds, “before the coming of the children of Israel to the Land of Promise, how there were thirty kings together in that country, and it not more than 200 miles in length, or breadth.” On this application of the word righ, or king, O'Flaherty also remarks: “Sua omnibus linguis, et nationibus aliqua peculiaris insita est proprietas, cujus absurda foret in aliis imitatio. Quare in eorum sententiam ultro eamus, qui falso contendunt Regem Latine supremum tantum, et nulli subjectum dominum denotare; ac proinde nobis inepte illud Martialis hemistichium exprobrant,
Qui Rex est, Regem, Maxime, non habeat.
Quid vero hoc nostra interest? Scoti sumus, non Galli; Scotice loquimur, non Latine; atque hoc idiomate trito adagio dicimus; ut hemistichio aliud opponam:
Degener in tuguri Rex lare quisque sui.”


And again: “Veteres Regis nomen tribuebant ei, qui uno oppidulo præesset: sic Ithacæ Rex Ulysses, cujus ditionem adeo exiguam nidum æstimat Cicero saxo affixum. Sic Nestor Pyli Rex. Josue 30 regibus in Palestina gulam fregit. Strabo testatur singulas Phoenissarum urbes regem habuisse; et Plinius strategiis et præfecturis omnibus olim reges præfuisse: unde usitato more Divinæ Scripturæ cujusque oppidi Dominus Rex appellatur. Atque ut propius ad vicinos accedam, in Cantii partibus (qui nunc in Anglia Comitatus) quatuor reges Cæsaris ætate regnarunt. Denique nullum modo in Europa, præter ipsam Hiberniam, regnum, quod non pluribus regibus sibi invicem minime subjectis antiquitus paruerit: quos tamen nostræ memoriæ Scriptores, cum in eorum mentionem incidunt, Reges dicere non hæsitant.”

There are numerous references in the present chronicle to the affairs of Scotland and Wales, and also to the Cruithne, or Picts. But the annalist frequently leaves it uncertain whether he refers to the Picts of Scotland or of Ireland. The allusions to the affairs of England are comparatively few, and the events sometimes misplaced by many years. The birth of Bede, for instance, is entered under the year 644, and the composition of his book De Natura Rerum, is referred to the year 686; the former event being 28 years antedated, and the latter probably quite as much too early. The phraseology of the latter entry, which reads, “In hoc anno Beda fecit librum De Natura Rerum et Temporibus, et in pagin et in figell,” seems very corrupt. At least the Editor confesses himself unable to understand the concluding words, “in pagin et in figell”.

It would seem that the compiler consulted some ancient work on English history besides Bede, and the Anglo-Saxon chronicle, as some important events recorded  p.l infra—the death, for instance, of Osiricc, son of Albirt, “royal heir of the Saxons,” entered under the year A.D., 629 — are not found in either of these authorities.

Many entries of curious interest to the Irish historian, which are not contained in any collection of Irish Annals at present available, will be found in the present volume. The reference (at A.D. 964 = 965) to the erection of the Cloigtech, or Round Tower, of Tomgraney, in the county of Clare, (of which not a vestige now remains), is the earliest allusion extant to the erection of such a structure. The curious entry at the year 1095 = 1099, regarding the persecution exercised against Clonmacnois, implies that there was at that date a nunnery in connection with the establishment. The notice which appears under the year 1005 = 1007, recording the purchase of the “Eneclar” of the great altar of Clonmacnois, by King Maelsechlainn, or Malachy II., who exacted “a hide from each fort in Meath on account thereof,” is of value, as proving that at this comparatively late period taxes were paid in such a commodity. The account of the synod of Uisnech, which is given under the year 1107 = 1111, is of especial value to the Irish ecclesiastical historian, as bearing on the much disputed question of the establishment of diocesan jurisdiction in Ireland. But probably one of the most historically interesting notices in the chronicle is the brief one at the year 888, referring to the adoption “by the virgins of Ireland,” of the practice, or “change,” of “cutting the hair.” The phraseology of the original being rather ambiguous, the Editor felt uncertain at first as to whether the adoption, or discontinuance, of the practice of cutting off the hair of females entering into the religious state was intended to be recorded. On further consideration of the subject, however, he has been led to the conclusion that the adoption of the practice was certainly meant.

The question is rather a curious one, both in a historical and antiquarian point of view.


It appears to have been the custom in the monasteries of Egypt and Syria, in the early ages of the Church, to cut off the hair of virgins and widows dedicated to God in religion, as appears from the passage of St. Jerome — ‘Moris est in Ægypti et Syriæ monasteriis, ut tam virgo quam vidua, quæ se Deo voverint, et sæculo renunciantes, omnes delicias sculi conculcaverint, crinem monasteriorum matribus offerant desecandum, non intecto postea contra Apostoli voluntatem incessuræ capite, sed ligato pariter et velato.’ (Ep. ad Sabinianum (Ep. 147, Migne, vol. 1.)) But St. Jerome adds that the custom was observed with a view to personal cleanliness.

This practice of cutting off the hair of virgins does not seem to have prevailed in other, or at least in many other, parts of the Christian Church, in the early ages. From the 6th century to the 9th it was imposed as a punishment for scandalous transgressions in the Western Church. It is not easy to determine the time when the ceremony of cutting off the hair of nuns, in token of voluntary subjection to a life of penance and mortification, was introduced generally into the West. But the entry at the year 888, which undoubtedly refers to the subject, shows that it was practised in Ireland at a very early date.

The Irish text of the present volume is an accurate reproduction of the contents of MS. A., the extension of the abbreviations, and the correction of a few manifest errors on the part of the transcriber, being the only substantial liberties the Editor felt himself justified in taking with the text of the MS., which it appeared desirable to produce with literal exactness, as being the oldest, and far the most valuable copy of the old chronicle now known to exist. Some of the abbreviations are so ingeniously contrived, and difficult to be interpreted, that the  p.lii transcriber of the MS. B., a most accomplished Irish scholar, has frequently misunderstood them, as may be seen by the various readings at foot of the following pages. Whenever a word or two appeared to have been omitted by the scribe, through inadvertence, the liberty has been taken of supplying the words thus left out. The words so supplied have been introduced within brackets in the Irish text, and the coresponding words in the translation will also be found so distinguished.

The idiomatic brevity of many sentences in the Irish text rendered it necessary, in order to convey the actual meaning, to introduce words into the translation which are not represented by corresponding words in the original. In order, however, to make the translation as useful as possible to the Irish student, all words so added have been printed in italics. The transposition of a few expressions in the original has also been remedied in the present text.

The translation is also strictly literal, and consequently may appear rather rugged. But the Editor considered that the objects of the historian and the philologist would be more effectually served by a literal translation than by a free interpretation. The Latin phrases in the original, which are very numerous, and frequently mixed up with the Irish in a most curious fashion, have been rendered into English, where “the perverse ingenuity of successive scribes in disfiguring Latin words” had not made it impossible to do so. Many Latin words have, nevertheless, been left untranslated, as exhibiting characteristic meanings. The words “iugulatio” and “iugulatus est”, for instance, are apparently used by the annalist to signify death by violence of whatever nature, not simply by “cutting the throat”, as it has been understood by the Editor of the Annales Cambriæ, I while the expressions  p.liii “occisus est”, and “interfectus est”, are seemingly meant to convey that death was inflicted in battle. The death of an ecclesiastic is almost invariably signified by “quies”, “quievit”, “dormitatio”, or “dormivit”; but the obit of a layman is nearly always represented by the expression “moritur”, or “mortuus est”. The words “in clericatu”, seem to be used in the sense of “in pilgrimage.” At least some individuals who are stated in the following chronicle to have died “in clericatu”, are represented in the corresponding entries in other Irish Annals, as having died “a n-ailitre”, i. e. “in pilgrimage.”

The Irish ecclesiastical titles airchinnech and comarba have not been translated, for, although they are generally understood as respectively signifying “superintendent” and “successor, or heir”, they are ocasionally used in a sense somewhat different. The word airchinnech for instance, which Dr. Reeves understands to mean the “hereditary warden of a church”, is explained by Dr. O'Donovan as a “lay superintendent of churchlands.” In more recent times the office of airchinnech would seem to have been exercised by a layman, but anciently it was probably filled by an ecclesiastic. At the year 977 infra, one Flann, lector of Clonmacnois, is stated to have been Bishop and airchinnech of Cluain-Deochra; and a similar combination of offices is occasionally noticed in the other Annals.

The word comarba, which appears for the first time in the present chronicle at the year 895, and respecting the meaning of which Ussher seems to have been entirely mistaken, is correctly defined by the Rev. Dr. Todd, as  p.liv properly signifying “co-heir, or inheritor; co-heir or inheritor of the same lands or territory which belonged to the original founder of a church or monastery; co-heir also of his ecclesiastical or spiritual dignity, as well as of his temporal rights.” It is generally used in the sense of “heir” or “successor” to a person, in the present chronicle, but sometimes also in that of “inheritor of a place.” Thus at the year 928, Cele, son of Scannal, is called “comarb of Bennchar”, or Bangor, in Down; under the year 956 Flann, son of Aedhagan, is described as the “comarb of Glenn-da-Locha”; and in the entry at the year 964, Cormac Ua Cillín is called “comarb of Tomgraney”. The liberty has therefore been taken of preserving the word, in the anglicised form of “comarb”, in the translation.

Proper names of persons and places have been printed in the translation as they appear in the original text. To readers of Irish history unacquainted with the Celtic languages they will therefore, appear uncouth, seemingly unpronounceable, and embarrassing. But, as Dr. Todd has correctly observed, “to change the spelling of such names, with a view to represent to English eyes their pronunciation, seemed a course which, besides being unscholarlike, would be very unlikely to effect its object, the name in its new form,” he adds, “would be more barbarous in appearance, and perhaps quite as difficult of pronunciation as it was in its original and correct orthography. Any change in that orthography, made with this view, would destroy the etymology, and render it impossible for the philological student to trace, with any certainty, the real origin and meaning of the name. The reader of the history of Ireland, who is ignorant of the Irish language, must therefore make up his mind to encounter this difficulty, as the reader of the history of France, or Spain,  p.lv Arabia, Russia, or Poland, has to encounter the corresponding difficulty if he should happen to be ignorant of the languages of those countries.” 1

Unknown author

Chronicon Scotorum


 164ra(234a)Incipit Cronicum Scotorum .i. tinnsgantur Croinic na Scot andso.

Tuig, a lécchtóir, fa adhbar áiridhe, et go follus do secna eimealtais, gurab edh as áil linn tagha et tráctad athcumair do denum ar airisin na Scot amain san coipse, ag fagbháil listacda na leapur airisin amuigh, conidh aire sin iarrammaid oirbsi gan ar n-increachadh trid uair d'fedamamar gurab adhbal an t-easnamh he.

Prima Mundi aetas continet annos iuxta Ebreos M.dclui. iuxta uero .lxx. interpretes .ii. millia, ccxlii, quae tota periit in diluuio sicut infantiam mergere solet obliuio; x. generationes. Ag so mar ader an Gaoideal nuimir na haosa so;


  1. It se bliadna .l.
    Se ced, cruth do rimhim,
    Míle mor an airmim
    Ó Adham go dilinn.

Kl u. f. l. x. im.lxcix. anno mundi. A.M. 1599 In hoc anno uenit félia alicuius de Grecis ad Hiberniam cui nomen erat Heru no Berba no Cesair et .l. filiae et iii uiri cum ea. Ladhra gubernator eorum fuit qui  164rb(234b)primus in Hibernia tumulatus est. Hoc non narrant antiquari Scotorum.


Secunda aetas mundi incipit quae continet annos .ccxcii. iuxta uero Ebreos ut poeta ait:—


  1. O dilinn go h-Abram
    Hi genair iar sedaib
    Da bliadain bailc toacht
    Noact ar dib cedoib;
Iuxta uero interpretes .dccccxl..

Kl. Anno mundi im dccclix. A.M.1859 Dec mbliadna iar sin co disgaoiledh an tuir. ix. mbliadna iar sin go Fenius. Hoc anno Feneos compossuit berla na n-Gaoidel a lxx.ii. linguis & post dedit Gaoideal filio Agnomin, .i. .x. anno post distructionem turris Nemroth.

Tertia aetas incipit quae continet annos dccccxlii. et incipit a natiuitate Abram ut dixit poeta: p.4


  1. O{n} gen sin gan ghábadh
    Go Dauid in flaith fedil
    Cethracha do bliadhnaib,
    Naoi ced gan indemin.

Anno .lx. aetatis Abrahami Parrtalon in Hiberniam uenit. As e an Parrtalon so cedrogab Erinn iar  164va(235a) ndilinn a Cetsomain .xiiii. for Mairt octtur a lin .i. cethrar fer et cetrur ban. Ro forbrissit iarum go rapattur .l. ar cetre mile fer & mile ban.

Cethre maige a n-Erinn ro reididhtea le Parrtalón .i. Mag Tuired {no n-Edara} la Connachtaibh et Mag Sere la Connachtaibh & Mag nIta la Laignibh & Magh Latrainn la Dal Araidhe & Lecmagh la H. Mc Uais eter Bir et Camus.

Sect mbliadna iar ngabail Erenn do Parrtalon co ndearbailt an ced fer da muintir .i. Fea a ainm; as ann ro hadhnacht a Muigh Fea conidh uaidh ro hainmniccedh.

Sect lochmadmanna fo thír a fflaithius Parrthalóin .i. Loc Mescu et Loch Decet, Loch Laiglinne, Loch Rudraidhe, Loch Ectra & Murtola Brena.

Tri bliadna iar cedna cath ro bris Parrtalon for Fomorchaibh .i. demna iar ffír a ndealbaibh daoinedh a slemnaibh Maige Itha .i. fir co n-áonlamaibh et go áoncosaibh.

An bliadain do tanastur adbath Slanga an cetramhadh airech Erenn goro adhnacht la Parrtalón a Sleb Slanga conidh uaidh ainmnighter an sliabh.

An bliadain iar n-ég Slanga tomaidm Locha Laighlinne et mors eius unde prius nominatur. As eiside an cetramadh aire Erenn. Og claidhe  164vb(235b)a ferta ro meabaidh an loch et tomaidm Locha Ectra etir Sliab Modurn & Sliabh Fúaid. Fiche bliadna iarum tomaidm Locha Rudraighe la hUlltaibh.

Isin bliadain cedna Murtola mBréna tar tir conid é an sectmad loch; ar ní tairnic Parrtalón a n-Erinn ar a cenn acht tri locha et .x. n-aibne .i. Loc Luimnigh & Loch Fordremuin og Sliabh Mis la Mumain & Finnloc Irrais H. Ffiacrach. Ite imorro na .x. n-aibne.i. Buas eidir Dál nAraidhe et Dal Ríada & Ruirtech abh Liffe et Berba Laigen et Laoi le Mumain & Samaoir eter H. Ffiacrach, Modurn eder Cinel Conaill & Cinel nEogain & Finn etBanna a n-Ulltaibh, Muaidh & Sliccech la Connachtoib.

Cethra bliadhna iar ttomaidm Brena bas Parrtalóin. A senMaigh Ealta ro hadhnocht. As aire imorro asperar senMagh desiom ar nír genur fiodh ann riam. Da bliadain ar .ccccc. no .cccc. ut Eochaidh cecinit ro baoi muinter Parrtaloin a n-Erinn. Cedna duinibadh tánig a p.6 n-Erinn iar ndilinn .i. tamh muintire Parrthalóin; dosforbairt dia Luain i Kl. Mai & forcennsat gusan Domnach dodánustur. As don duinibádh sin muintire Parrtalóin adberur  165ra(236a) tamlecda fer n-Erenn.

.xxx. bliadan iar b-Parrtalón d'Erinn ag fás go ttanig Nimhedh mac Adhnomain .uu. a n-Inber Sgene. Gabais Erinn iar sin amail indister a nGapaloibh Éirenn.

Kl. Anno mundi iim ccc.lu. A.M.2355 Hoc tempore rogapsat Fir Bolg Erinn sed non hoc probandum est.

Kl. Anno mundi iim cccxc A.M.2390. Isan aimsirsi rogabsat Tuatha de Danann for Feraib Bolg .i. Dealbaoth Bress, an Dagda, Nuadha, ogass Ogmha & reliqui.

Kl. Anno mundi iim ccccc xliiii. A.M.2544 Néll mac Fenios in Aegiptum uenit peritus multarum linguarum.



Kl. Tocomla dano Milid meic Bile a hEasbáin don Scíthia & as an Scithia a n-Eigipt iar nguin Refloir meic Nemain amail gaptur a n-Gabalaib {Erenn} et na tuig gurob go gar iar Nell a n-Aegipt acht ilbliadhna 'na diaig cena rainig Milidh as in Scithia iar nguin Refloir oc cosnamh flaithis na Scithia. Céd mbarc a morcablach amail aithriusess an cairt as ar tairrngedh an chóipse. Cóig lanamna .x. gacha bairce & amus gan mnáoi inte. Ansat tri mica a n-Innsi Taprobana, tri mis aile dano for fairge Mara Ruaidhe go rancuttur go Forann go rig Aegipte. Ro foghlaimsit saoirsi andusin. Ansat ocht mbliadna la Forann a n-Aegipt arro silat a n-ildana & a n-ilgnioma. Luidh Scota ingen Forainn go Milidh mac Bile. Iar sin do chóidh Milidh cona shluaigh for muir moir & Scota ingen Forainn leis tar Inis Taprobanae et ansat mís inte. Imrad iar sin timcioll na Scíthia do inber Mara Caisp. Ansat tost teora nomada for Muir Caisp fria dord na murduchánn condatesaircc Caicer draoí. Raissit iarum seach rinn Slebhe Rife atuaidh gur gabsat a n-Dacia. Ansad mís ann. Asbert Caicer draoi friú: “Ni anfam go risum h-Erinn.”

Raissiot sec Gothiam sec Germáin do Bregainn go ngabsat Easbáin. Ba folamh í ar a ccionn. Ansat annsin xxx. bliadna & ro fégsit cethre catha ar caoca fri Fresenu et p.8 Longbardu & Bachru & ro mepaid uile re Milidh mac Bile. Um cert n-Espáine ro fertha na catha sin & as de sin ro hainmniccedh deisim Milidh Espainne & as inte ro gensat da mac Milidh .i. Eremon et h-Érennan it hé an da shosur, an shinsior .i. Donn & Ebhir, ar is tair ro genur Donn isin Scithia & Ebhir a n-Aegipt.

Dus táinig tam aonlaithe in  165vb(237b) Ęaspáin .xii. lanamhna im a ttri righu .i. Milidh mac Bile, Uige & Oige. Tocumluid .xluii. lanamna & cethre amuis la maccoiu Milidh et la Scoit ingen Forainn for fairrge docum Erenn. Do chuattur iarum do gabáil Erenn ig Inper Slaini. Timcillsat Erinn fo tri gur gabsat fa deoigh a n-Inber Sgene. Do chuaid Erennán soser mic Milidh isin ferna shiúil do desgin ca erut uathu go tír. Adbath ann gur sgaoilset a baill um cairrccibh & do bert a cenn a n-ucht a mathar ag ég & focerd osnadh as. “Detber” ar a mathair “fóid h-Erennain eder da inber sech ni rainicc inper gus táinicc, ro sgar fris inper ó ttánicc.” Isin lo sin tainic ainbtine úathmur & sgarus an barc a raib Donn mac Milidh .l. fear & .xii. mnaoi & cetra hamais gur baided ag na dumachaibh isin fairrgi thíar da n-apur Tech nDuinn.

Día Dárdaoin for Kl. Maoí gabais tasgur mac Milidh Erinn in Inber Sgéne, for .xuii. lunae & adbath ann ben Aimergín Glúingil .i. Sgene Dauilsir & focres a fert ann unde Inper Sgene & focres fert Erennain3 don leth ele.

Treas laithe iar ngabail a n-Erinn do macoib Milidh ra cuirsit cath Slebhe Mis fri demnaibh & fri Fomorchaibh & ro meabaidh ría macoib Milidh & ro gabsat cennus Erenn go haithgerr iarum & reliqua.


 166ra(238a)<div2 n="CS353" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

{Kl. Enair ui.}


Patritius natus est in hoc anno.

<div2 n="CS354" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. Enair uii.

<div2 n="CS355" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. iii.

<div2 n="CS356" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. iiii.

<div2 n="CS357" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. u.

<div2 n="CS358" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. ui.

<div2 n="CS359" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. i.

<div2 n="CS360" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. ii.

<div2 n="CS361" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. iii.

<div2 n="CS362" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. iiii.

<div2 n="CS364" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. u.


Muiredhach Tirech do marbadh la Caolbadh mac Cruind la rígh nUladh oc Port Riogh uas Daball.


Kl. u.. Eochaidh Muighmedhon mac Muiredhaigh Thirigh regnauit annis octo rí Erenn.


Patritius captiuus est in Hiberniam ductus.

 p.8<div2 n="CS365" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. ui.

<div2 n="CS366" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. u.

<div2 n="CS367" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. ui.

<div2 n="CS368" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">


<div2 n="CS369" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Patritius a captiuitate solutus est per angelum.

<div2 n="CS370" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. i.

<div2 n="CS371" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Eochaidh Muighmedon mortuus est.


Criomtand mac Fiodhaicch regnauit in Hibernia annis .u..

<div2 n="CS372" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. ii.

<div2 n="CS373" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. iii.

<div2 n="CS374" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. iiii.

<div2 n="CS375" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. u.

<div2 n="CS376" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. ui.


Criomthand mac Fiodhaicch mortus est.


Patricius ad Germanum.

 p.10<div2 n="CS377" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. iiii.

<div2 n="CS378" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. ii.

<div2 n="CS379" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. iii.

<div2 n="CS380" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. iiii.

<div2 n="CS381" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. u.

<div2 n="CS382" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. uii.

<div2 n="CS383" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. i.

<div2 n="CS384" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">


<div2 n="CS385" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Níall Naoigiallach regnauit annis .xxuii.r.e.

<div2 n="CS386" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. iii.

<div2 n="CS387" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. u.

<div2 n="CS388" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. ui.

<div2 n="CS389" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. i.

<div2 n="CS390" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. uii.

<div2 n="CS391" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. ii.

<div2 n="CS392" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. iiii.

<div2 n="CS393" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. u.

<div2 n="CS394" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. uii.

<div2 n="CS395" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. i.

<div2 n="CS396" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. ii.

<div2 n="CS397" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. iii.

<div2 n="CS398" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. u.

<div2 n="CS399" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. ui.  166rb(238b)

<div2 n="CS400" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. uii.

<div2 n="CS401" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. i.

<div2 n="CS402" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. iii.

<div2 n="CS403" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. iiii.

<div2 n="CS404" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. u.

<div2 n="CS405" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. ui.

<div2 n="CS406" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. uii.

<div2 n="CS407" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. i.

<div2 n="CS408" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. iii.

<div2 n="CS409" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. iiii.

<div2 n="CS410" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. u.

<div2 n="CS411" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. ui.

<div2 n="CS412" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. iiii.


Níall Naoigiallach mortuus est iarna guin d'Eochaidh mac Enna Cindsealaigh ig Muir nIcht.

<div2 n="CS413" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. i..


Nathí mac Fiachrach regnauit .xxiii.rí Erenn..

<div2 n="CS414" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. iii.

<div2 n="CS415" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. iiii.

<div2 n="CS416" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. ui.

<div2 n="CS417" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. uii.

<div2 n="CS418" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. i.

<div2 n="CS419" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. ii.

<div2 n="CS420" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. iiii.

<div2 n="CS421" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. u.

<div2 n="CS422" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. ui.

<div2 n="CS423" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. uii.

<div2 n="CS424" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. ii.

<div2 n="CS425" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. iii.

<div2 n="CS426" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. iiii.

<div2 n="CS427" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. u.

<div2 n="CS428" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. uii.

<div2 n="CS429" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. i..


Nathí mac Fiachruch interiit icc Slebh Ealpa fulmine ar ngabáil ricche Éirenn et an domain conuige sein.

<div2 n="CS430" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. ii.


Ab initio mundi secundum Ebreos iiiim cccclxxxi..


Laoghaire mac Nell regnum Hiberniae tenuit .xxx. annis.

<div2 n="CS431" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. iii.


Ab Incarnatione Domini cccc.xxxii.

<div2 n="CS432" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. ui.


A morte Concculaind herois usque ad hunc annum cccc.xxxi, a morte Concupair meic Nessa cccc.xii. anni sunt.


Patricius {.i. archiepiscopus} in Hiberniam uenit atque Scotos baptiare inchoat nono anno  166va(239a)Teodisi minoris, primó anno episcopatus Sixti .xlii. episcopi Romanae eclesiae in .iiii. anno regni Laeghaire meic Nell.

<div2 n="CS433" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. uii.


Prima indictio.

<div2 n="CS434" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. i.


Cedna brad Saxan a n-Eire.

<div2 n="CS435" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">


<div2 n="CS436" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. iii.


BresalLaigen mortuus est.

<div2 n="CS437" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. u.

<div2 n="CS438" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. ui.


Secundinus et Auxilius et Esserninus mituntur ad Hibernenses acht níro gabsad airechus na ughdarras i ré Padraic nama.


Senchus mór do scriobadh isin bliadainsi.

<div2 n="CS439" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. i.


Natiuitas sanctae Brigidae Día Cédáoin an ochtmadh uathadh escca Fephra; Dia Cedáoin ro gaph caille go n-ochd n-oghaiph an .xuiii., Dia Cedaoin an .xxuiii. quieuit.

<div2 n="CS440" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. ii.


Maine mac Nell mortus.


Sixtus episcopus Romae, quieuit.


Amhalgadh mac FiacrachConnacht mortuus est .i. cédri Connocht iar ccrediomh.

 p.12<div2 n="CS441" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. iii.

<div2 n="CS442" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. ui.

<div2 n="CS443" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. uii.

<div2 n="CS444" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. i.

<div2 n="CS445" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. iii.


Bellum Femin in quo cecidit mac Cairtind meic Colboth meic Nell; alii dicunt as do Cruithniph dho.

<div2 n="CS446" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. iiii.


Quies Secundini filii Restituti .lxxu. anno aetatis suae cuius mater  166vb(239b)Culmana Patricii soror..

<div2 n="CS447" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. u.

<div2 n="CS448" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. ui.

<div2 n="CS449" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. i.

<div2 n="CS450" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. ii.

<div2 n="CS451" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. iii.

<div2 n="CS452" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. iiii.


Catraoiniodh mor ría Laegaire mac Nell for Laighneiph.

<div2 n="CS453" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. ui.


Feis Temhra la Laoguire mac Neill.

<div2 n="CS454" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. uii.

<div2 n="CS455" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. i.


Mors Enna meic Cathbadha.

<div2 n="CS456" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. ii.

<div2 n="CS457" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. iiii.


Dormitatio sancti senis Patricii episcopi {.i. Glosdoniensis eaclesiae}.

<div2 n="CS458" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. u.


Cath Atha Dara ria Laighnibh for Laoghaire in quo ipse captus est sed tamen dimisus est iurans per solem et uentum sé bo{u}es eis dimisurum.

<div2 n="CS459" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. ui.


Cath Atha Dara ria Laignibh for Laoghuire quibus Cremtand tunc praeerat.

<div2 n="CS460" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Mors Laegaire meic Nell ig Greallaigh Daiphil for taebh Caisi i Maigh Life edir na dachnoc .i. Eire & Alba a n--anmand. A ratha re Laignibh .i. grian & gaoth ro marphsad e and sicut poeta dixit:

  1. Adbath Laegaire mac Nell
    For taobh Caisi, glaisi i tír,
    Duile De adregaib raith 167ra(240a)
    Tugsad dáil mbais forsan righ.

<div2 n="CS461" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. u.


Initium regni Oilealla Muilt meic Nathí.

 p.14<div2 n="CS462" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. uii.

<div2 n="CS463" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. i.

<div2 n="CS464" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. ii.


Domangort mac Nisi quieuit.

<div2 n="CS465" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. iii.


Quies Benigni successoris Patricii.

<div2 n="CS466" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. u.

<div2 n="CS467" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. ui.


Feis Temhra la h-Oilill Molt.

<div2 n="CS468" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. uii.

<div2 n="CS469" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. i.

<div2 n="CS470" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. iii.

<div2 n="CS471" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. iiii.


Dorndgal Brí Éle for Laigniu ria Oilill Molt.

<div2 n="CS472" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Cath Dumaige Aichir ria Laigniu for Oilill Molt.

<div2 n="CS473" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. ui.

<div2 n="CS474" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. i.

<div2 n="CS475" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. ii.

<div2 n="CS476" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. iii.


Mors Conaill Cremhtainn meic Néll..

<div2 n="CS477" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. ui.

<div2 n="CS478" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. uii.

<div2 n="CS479" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">


<div2 n="CS480" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">


<div2 n="CS481" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">


<div2 n="CS482" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. i.


Oilill Molt do tuitim la Muircertach mac Earca .i. ri Erenn a ccath Ocha et la Lucchaidh mac Laeghaire et la Fergus Cirrbél mac Conaill Cremthainne et la Fiacrach Lónn mac Coelboth righ Dál Araidhe unde Bec mac dixit:


  1. Morcath Ocha fer{s}a itir
    Immoralta catha ili
    For Oilill molt mac Dathí
    Meabuidh ría Dál Araidhi.
  2.  167rb(240b)
  3. La Luccaidh, la Fiacrach Lond
    Is la Muircertach mor oll,
    La Fergus mac Conáill Caoimh,
    Leó docer Ailill saer-righ,
    Et la Fergus go locht;
    Leo ittrochair Ailill sáer Molt.
 p.16 A tempore Concuphair meic Nessa usque ad Cormac mac Airt ccc.uii. anni sunt; a Cormac usque ad hoc bellum cc.uii.

<div2 n="CS483" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. ii.


Initium regni Lugdach meic Laeguire.

<div2 n="CS484" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. iii.


Guin Criomtainn meic Enna CindsealaighLaigen la Eochuidh Guinech d'Ibh Bairrce & la hAradha Cliach.


Céd cath Graine in quo Muircertach mac Earca {uictor} fuit.


Cath ele {i n-Graine} i tír Laighen idir Laignechaib badhein in quo Finnchadh ri Ua Cinnsealaigh cecidit & Coirpre uictor fuit.

<div2 n="CS485" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. u.


Quies espoic Maol a n-Ard Curadh.

<div2 n="CS486" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. u.


Quies sancti Ciarani Daimlíag cui Patricius euangelium suum largitus est.

<div2 n="CS487" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. uii.


Quies espoic Mac Caille.


Cath Ceáll Osnaigh a Muigh  167va(241a)Fea ubi cecidit Aongus mac NathfraoichMuman & uxor eius .i. Eithne Uatach ingen Criomtainn meic Enna Cindsealaigh. Iollann mac Dunlaing et Oilill a bratair et Eochaidh Gluinech et Muircertach mac Earca ri Ailigh uictores erant, ut dicitur:


  1. Adbath craob dosbde móir,
    Aongus molbthach mac Nathfraoich;
    Fagbadh la Iollann a cenn
    A ccath Ceall Osnaigh claoin.

<div2 n="CS488" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. ii.

<div2 n="CS489" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. iii.


Patricius archiepiscopus & apostolus Hibernensium anno aetatis suae centessimo .xxii., xu Kl. Aprilis quieuit, ut dicitur;


  1. O genair Criost, airem ait,
    .cccc. for caom nochait,
    Teora bliadhna becht iar sin
    Go bás Padraig príomhaspail.

<div2 n="CS490" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. iiii.

<div2 n="CS491" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. u.


Cath Taillten for Laighniu ria Coirpre mac Néll.

<div2 n="CS492" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. i.


Cath tanaisi Graine in quo cecidit Fraech mac Fionnchadha ri Laighen Des 167vb(241b)gabhair. Eochaidh mac Coirpre uictor fuit.

 p.18<div2 n="CS493" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. ii.


Quies Cuindedha meic Cathmogha .i. mac Cuilind espoc Lusca.


Def{e}ctus solis aparuit..


Expugnatio Dúin Letglaisi.


Galasius quieuit.

<div2 n="CS494" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



{Anastatius papa ordinatus est, uixit annis ii}.


Cath Slemna Midhe for Laigniu ria Coirpre mac Néll.


Mochaoe Náondroma quieuit.


Epscop Cormac5 ind Ernide comarba Pádraig pausauit.

<div2 n="CS495" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. u.


Ingens terraemotus Ponticam conclusit prouinciam.


Anustasius pausauit.

<div2 n="CS496" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. ui.


Romanae eaclesiae .xlix. Simachus papa uixit annis .xu.


Cath Cind Ailbhe for Laigne re Coirpre mac Néll.

<div2 n="CS497" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. uii.


Cath Seghsa ria Muircertach mac Earca for Duach TengumaConnacht ubi Duach cecidit, unde Cendfaoladh dixit:—

  1. Cath Seghsa,
    Ben do mnaibh fodrúair;
    Ro baó cru  168ra(242a) dar cruisigh
    La Tuisigh ingein Duaicch6.
  2. [rann] Cath Dealga et cath Mucraime
    Et cath Tuama tTrubha,
    La cath Seghsa attrochair
    Duach Tengumha.

<div2 n="CS498" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. i.

<div2 n="CS499" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. iii.


Cath {Droma} Lochmaighe ria Laighnibh ar Uibh Néill.


Fergus Mor mac Earca cum gente Dáil Riada partem Britaniae tenuit et ibid mortus est.

<div2 n="CS500" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. u.


Bellum Inde Moire a c-Crich H. nGabhla for Laigniph & for Iollann mic Dunlaing in quó Muircertach mac Erca uictor erat.


Mors espoic Ibuir in .ix. Kl. Mai cuius aetas ccc.iii. annis.

 p.20<div2 n="CS501" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">


<div2 n="CS502" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">


<div2 n="CS503" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">


<div2 n="CS504" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">


<div2 n="CS505" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Bellum Fremhainne Mide for Fiachaidh mac Neill ria Foilge Berraide, unde dictum est:—

  1. An rí aile asperidh,
    Fiachaidh mac Néll ni cealaidh:
    As fair tar creamna cile
    Cath Slemna Midhe meabaidh.

 168rb(242b)<div2 n="CS506" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. iii.

<div2 n="CS507" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. iiii.


Bas Lughdach meic Laogaire righ Temrach a n-Achadh Farcha. Ro benadh do Nim co farcha tentidhe ina cend ar ndiultadh Padraig.

<div2 n="CS508" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. iii.


Muircertach mac {Earca} regnare incipit.


Mac Cnissi {.i. Aongus} episcopus Condire quieuit cuius pater Fobraoch dictus est cuiusque mater Cnes ingen Comaide do Dháil Ceithire a qua nominatus est Mac Cneisi.

<div2 n="CS509" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">


<div2 n="CS510" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. i.


{Quies} Broni episcopi Caisil Irre.


Defectus solis contigit..

<div2 n="CS511" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. ii.


Quies Erci episcopi Slaine .xc. anno aetatis suae de quo Patricius ait:—

  1. Espog Erca,
    Gach ní concertadh ba cert;
    Gach áon beres concogert cert
    Fortraiph bennacht espoig Erc.

<div2 n="CS512" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Natiuitas Sancti Ciarani félii artificis..


Bellum Droma Dergaige for Foilgi mBerraide ria Fiacraigh mac Nell unde campus Mide a Lagenis sublatus est,  168va(243a)ut Céndfaoladh cecinit:


  1. Diogal dia secht mbliadna
    Bassí digde a cride;
    Cath a n-Dromaibh Dergrige
    Ba de do cer Magh Midhe.

 p.22<div2 n="CS513" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. u.


Dubhthach ab Aird Macha quieuit.

<div2 n="CS514" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. ui.


Quies Darerca Cille Slebe Cuilinn quae Moninne Aninne sanatho postea nominata est.

<div2 n="CS515" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. uii.


Comgall Bénncair natus est.

<div2 n="CS516" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. ii.


Cainnech Achaidh Bó natus est.

<div2 n="CS517" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. iii.


Conlaed espoc Cille Dara quieuit.

<div2 n="CS518" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. iiii.


Bellum Detna a n-Dromaibh Bregh in quo cecidit Ardgal mac Conaill Crémhthainne meic Néll. Muircertoch mac Earca et Colga mac Cloithe mac [canc.] meic Cruinn meic FedlimidhAirgiall uictores erant..


Buti mac Bronaigh obiit; Colam Cille natus est, de quibus dictus est:—


  1. Gein caoin Cholaim ar ccleirigh 168vb(243b)
    Aniú ós Erind eólaicch,
    For aonlith — ni radh n-úabair
    Bás ban Buadhaigh meic Bronaigh.


Ailill ab Áird Macha dormiuit.


Beoid espoc Aird Carna quieuit.

<div2 n="CS519" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. u.

<div2 n="CS520" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Hormista papa quieuit cui successit Iohanes papa .iii. annis.

<div2 n="CS521" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. ii.

<div2 n="CS522" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. iii.

<div2 n="CS523" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Dormitatio Sanctae Brigidae, lxxxuii. aetatis suae uel .lxxuii. ut alii dicunt.


Ioannes papa quieuit.

<div2 n="CS524" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. iiii.


Mors Illaind mic Dunlaing ri Laighen.


Cath Luacra ria Corpre for Uiph Nellquo dictum est:—


  1. Cath lonn Luacra uas anúas
    Adces Brigid, ní firt fhás;
    Flannchath Fionnabrach ba húais
    Um corp Iollaind iar mbás.

 p.24<div2 n="CS525" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl u.

<div2 n="CS526" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. ui.


Gen Caeman Bricc.

<div2 n="CS527" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. uii.

<div2 n="CS528" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. ii. Cath Cind Eich et cath Atha Sige for Laigniu. Muircertach mac Earca uictor erat.

<div2 n="CS529" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. iii.

<div2 n="CS530" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. iiii.


Cath Eblinne ria  169ra(244a)Muircertach mac Earca et cath Muighe Ailbe for Láighnibh et cath Aighne for Connachda et cath Almaine et cath Cinn Eich for Laignibh et orcain na Cliach in uno anno, de quibus Céndfaoladh cecinit:—


  1. Cath Cind Eich, cath Almaine,
    Ba aimsir airdirc aimre,
    Orgain na c-Cliach, cath Aidhne
    Et cath Maighe Ailbhe.

<div2 n="CS531" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. u.


Badhadh Muircertaigh meic Ęrca a ttelcuma fhíona et a losccadh et a guin aidhche Samna a mullach Cleitigh uas Bóinn, ut dictum est a sancto Cairnecho:


  1. Isam omhan ar in ben
    Ima lúaidhfe ilar sín,
    Ar an fer loisgfidher,
    For taeb Cleitigh baidhfidh fíon.
  2. [rann] Sín an ben ro marb thu
    A meic Earca mur adchiú;
    Bidh iomdha a hamnanna abhus,
    Cuirfédh nech for aineolus.
  3. [rann] Ní hionmain an ben
    Dianad comainm Síon;
    Mo dáigh an ri  169rb(244b)loisgfes ten,
    A tigh Cleitigh baidfidh fín.
  4. [rann] Fillis an rí mac Earca
    A lleith ua Néll
    Sirt fuil fernu i maig
    Brogais crica i cén.
  5.  p.26
  6. [rann] Fo secht feris naoi ccarpte no ccatha
    Is bídh cían bus cumhan;
    Do bert gialla leis uú Néll
    La giallaibh maighe Muman.
Síon dixit ag indisi a hanmann:—


  1. Osnadh, Esnadh, Sín gan ail,
    Gaeth garb et Gemadhaigh,
    Ochsadh, Iachtadh, rádh gan gáoi,
    Ite m'anmanda ar áen cáoi.


Ailbe Imlecha Iubhair quieuit.

<div2 n="CS532" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. uii.


Tuathal Maelgarbh, regnauit annis .xi.


Dormitatio sancti Mochtai discipuli Patricii, .xui. Kl. Septembris sicut ipse scripsit in epistola sua: Mochteus peccator prespiter sancti Patricii discipulus in Domino salutem.

<div2 n="CS533" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. i.


Bellum Luacra Moire eidir da Inber ria Tuathal Maelgarbh for Ciannachta.

 169va(245a)<div2 n="CS534" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. ii.


Ailill Ab Arda Macha quieuit.

<div2 n="CS535" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. iii.


Natiuitas Baoithine dalta Colaim Cille.

<div2 n="CS536" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">


<div2 n="CS537" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">


<div2 n="CS538" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. u.


initium indictionis Bellum Claenlocha in quo cecidit Maine mac Cerbaill oc cosnamh gellsine Ua Maine Connachd. GoibhnénnO fFiacrach Aidhne uictor erat.

<div2 n="CS539" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. ui.

<div2 n="CS540" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. uii.


Natiuitas Gregorii papae.

<div2 n="CS541" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. i.


Mortalitas magna quae Belefeth dicitur, in qua Mo Bhi Clairinech cui nomen est Bercán prorectano poetae periit.

<div2 n="CS542" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Ailbe Senchua hua nAililla quieuit.

<div2 n="CS543" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Cath Tortan ria Laignibh in quo cecidit Erca {a quo Fir Cera} mac Aililla Muilt meic Dathi.


Bellum Sligighe in quo cecidit Eoghan BélConnacht. Fergus et Domnáll da mac mic Erca et Ainmire mac Senna et Nindigh mac Duach uictores:— p.28


  1. Fichther cath Ua fFíacrach 169vb(245b)
    La féirg fháobhair tar im Bel,
    Geisis búar namad fri slega,
    Sretha an cath i Crinder.
  2. Arcelt Sligech do muir már
    Fuile fer lia feoil,
    Bertaid iolaigh tar Eba
    Im cend Eogain Beóil.


Lugedus episcopus Condere quieuit.

<div2 n="CS544" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. u.


Tuathal Maelgarbh mac Cormaic Caoich meic Coirpre meic NeillTemrach d'ég o ghuin Mhaoil Mhóir Hu meic hÍ qui & ipse statem occisus est, unde dicitur echt Máoil Móir.


Quies Meic Cuilind & Odran o Letracha.


Dicennad Ambacúc a n-aonach Taillten per uirtutem sancti Ciarani .i. luidhe eithigh do rad fo laimh gur gap allsi for a muinél; uii. annis uiuus mansit apud monacos.


Ciarán Mor mac an tshair xxxiii anno aetatis suae mensis autem septimo postquam Cluain Muc Nois construere coepit. Beoid ainm athar Ciaráin, et Darearca ainm a mathar, sicut ipse dixit: 170ra(246a)

  1. Darerca mo mathairsi
    Níorbo bansgál olc;
    Beoid an sáor m'athairsi
    O Lathairniph Molt.


Díarmaid mac Cerbaill regnare incipit; mac mathar do Diarmaid mac Cerbaill Mael Mór.

<div2 n="CS545" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Tigernach mac Coirpre episcopus Chluana Eois quieuit.

<div2 n="CS546" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. uii.

<div2 n="CS547" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. u.

<div2 n="CS548" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. iii.

<div2 n="CS549" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. iiii. Bec mac De profetare incipit

 p.30<div2 n="CS550" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. u.


Bellum Cuile Conaire a Cera in quo cecidit Oilill Inbanda mac EogainConnachd & Aodh Fortamail a brathair. Fergus et Domnáll da mhac Meic Erca uictores erant.

<div2 n="CS551" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. ui.


Mortal{i}tas magna .i. an Crom Conaill in qua isti sancti pausauerunt .i. Finnian {.i. Cluana Iraird} machu Thelluibh et Colam mac Crimtháind, Colom Innsi Cealtra, Sincell mac Cenannain abb Cille Aichid Dromata et Mac Tháill Cille Cuillinn  170rb(246b)qui nominatur Eoghan mac Corcráin.

<div2 n="CS552" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. i.


Bellum Cuillne ubi cecidit Corco Oche Muman per orationem Itae Cluana Creadan.


Mors Fothaidh meic Conáill.

<div2 n="CS553" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. ii.


Mors Eachach meic ConlaidhUladh a quo hua Echach Uladh nati sunt.


Mors Bic meic Dé profetae.

<div2 n="CS554" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. iii.


Natiuatas Molua machui Oche.


Pestis quae uocatur samtrusg .i. in buidi conaill.

<div2 n="CS555" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. u.


Cathbadh mac Fergusa espoc Achaidh Cuinn .cm.l. anno aetatis suae quieuit.


Uigilius papa quieuit.

<div2 n="CS556" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. ui.

<div2 n="CS557" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Occisio Fergna hUi IbdaighUladh a ccath Droma Cleithe la Deman mac Cairill et la hUib Echach Arda.


Nessan leprosus quieuit.

 p.32<div2 n="CS558" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Iugulatio Colmain Móir meic Diarmada in curru suo ó Dubsloit hu Trena.


{Ecclesia Benncair fundata est}.

<div2 n="CS559" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Brénainn aecclesiam Cluana Ferta fundauit.

  1. O gabais mac hui Eltai,
    Brenaind  170va(247a)go líon a bectai,
    Acht mas ferr ní messa de
    O sin go se Cluain Fertai.

Ascensio Brenaind in curru suo in aerem.

<div2 n="CS560" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Caena postrema {.i. Temra} la Diarmaid mac Cerbaill.


Mors Gabráin meic DomangoirtAlban.


Teithedh d'Albanchoibh ría mBruighe mac MaelconCruithnech.


Iugulatio Cornain meic Aedha meic EchachConnacht la Diarmaid mac Cerbáill ar cumairce Colaim Cille, et as aire sin tuccadh cath Cuile Dremne.

<div2 n="CS561" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Bellum Cuile Dreinme {.i. i cintu} for Diarmaid mac Cerbáill. Fergus et Domnall da mac Meic Erca & Ainmire mac Senna & Nindidh mac Dúach & Aodh mac Eachach Tirmcarna ri Connacht uictores erant per orationem Coloim Cille dicentis: 170vb(247b)

  1. A Dhia,
    Ciodh nach dingba an cia
    Dus an ermaismis a lin,
    An tsluaigh do boing breta din?
  2. Sluagh do cing a ttimcęll cairn
    Is mac ainfthe nosdusmairn.
    Ase mo drú ni mera no [mel]l[a]
    Mac Dé is finne congena.
  3.  p.34
  4. As alainn ferus a lluadh
    Gobar Baedain resin slúaigh;
    Fo-la Baodán fuilt buidhe,
    Beraidh a heren fuirre.


Fraechan mac Tenusan as é do rad an erbe ndrúadh do Diarmaid mac Cerbuill. Tuatan mac Dimain meic Sarain meic Cormaic meic Eoghain as é ro ládh an erbe ndruadh dara cenn. Maglaine ro cing tairsi qui solus occisus est.

<div2 n="CS562" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. ui.


Cath Cuile hUinnsend a tTeffa for Diarmaid mac Cerbaill ria n-Aedh mac BrenainnTeffa in quo Diarmaid fugit.

 171ra(248a)<div2 n="CS563" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Nauigatio Coluim Cille ad insolam Iae .xl ii. anno aetatis suae.


l Kl Cath Mona Daire Lothair for Cruithnechaibh re hUibh Néll an tuaisgirt dú a ttorcrattar .uii. righ Cruithne um Aedh m-Brec. Baetan mac Cuind co ndibh Cruitnibh no fig fri Cruithne et Cinel nEoghain et Conaill no figset, conducti mercede na Lea & Ard Eolairg de quo Cennfaolad cecinit:

  1. Sínsit faobair, sinsit fir
    I m-Móin déirg Doire Lothair;
    Adbhar comranda nad cert
    .uii. righ Cruithnioch um Aodh m-Brec.
  2. Ficthir cath Cruithne n-ule,
    & forloscctar Eilne;
    Fichthir cath Gabra Life,
    Et cash Cuile Dremhne.
  3. Bersait gialla iar congail
    Ass siar, in cnúas n-uach,
    Fergus, Domnall, Ainmire
    agus Nainnidh mac Dúach.
  4.  p.36
  5.  171rb(248b)Fillsit da mac Meic Erca
    Ar cénd an catha chénda;
    Agus an rí Ainmire
    Fillis ar sellaibh Senna.


Edan ua Fiacrach quieuit.

<div2 n="CS564" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Molaisi o Daiminis quieuit.

<div2 n="CS565" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

dxxu Kl.


Occisio Diarmada meic Cerbáill a Raith Bicc .i. ó Aodh Duph mac Suibne Araidhe .i. rí Uladh & tuccadh a cenn co Cluíain Muc Nois coro adnacht inte & ro hadhnacht a colaind hi Condér cui successerunt duo filii Meic Erca .i. Fergus et Domnall.


In hoc anno capta est an muirgeilt .i. Ban ingen Echach meic Muiredha for tracd Ollorba a lín Bedan meic Innle .i. iasgaire Comgaill Benncair.


Quies Brenainn Birra.

<div2 n="CS566" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

dxxui Kl. iiii.


Cath Gabra Life for Laignibh. Fergus et Domnáll uictores erant.


Bas Domnaill meic Muirchertaigh meic Erca cui successit Ainmire mac Senna.


Mors Daimine meic Coirpri Daimargaid.

<div2 n="CS567" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. iii.

<div2 n="CS568" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Occisio Demain meic Cairill la bachlacu Barrinne.

<div2 n="CS569" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. i.


Occisio Ainmirech meic Senda la Fergus mac Nellene, de quo dictum est: p.38

  1. Femen an tan rombui a rí,
    Nirbó mernot nach dedlai;
    Aniú as fordearg a lí
    La h-Ainmire mac Sennai.

<div2 n="CS570" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. ii.


Iugulatio Ferguis meic Nelline ó Aedh mac Ainmirech.


Oena mac hu Laigi ab Cluana Muc Nois {.i. mac Eoguin do Laigis Rete tenens principatum annis .xxxui.} quieuit.

<div2 n="CS571" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

dxxx Kl. iii.


Ite Cluana Creadail quieuit.

<div2 n="CS572" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. iiii.


Moenu espoc Cluana Ferta Breanaind quieuit.


Occisio da hu Muiredhaigh .i. Baetain meic Muircertaigh et Ecach Finn meic Domnaill .iii. anno regni sui.Cronan mac TigernaighCiannachta occisor eorum erat.

<div2 n="CS573" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. ui.


Cath Feimin ria Cormac mac Crimtainn ri Mumhan  171vb(249b)in quo uictus est Colman Bec mac Diarmada sed ipse euasit.


Brenainn Birra {o}biit.


Cath Tala & Fortola .i. nomina camporum eidir Ele & Osraighe etir Cluain Ferta Molua & Saighir. Fiachna mac Baetain uictor erat.

<div2 n="CS574" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. uii.


Bas Conaill meic ComgaillDail Riada xui. anno regni sui qui offerebat insolam Iae Coluim Cille.

<div2 n="CS576" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Quies Brenaind meic Briuin.

 p.40<div2 n="CS577" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. iii.


Quies Brenainn Cluana Ferta.


Iugulatio Aedha meic Echach TirmcarnaConnacht la hUibh Briúin ri connacht.


Primum periculum Uludh a n-Eamhain.

<div2 n="CS578" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. iii.


Quies Etcen espoc Cluana Fota Baitain Aba.


Reuersio Uladh i n-Emain.

<div2 n="CS579" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. u.


Quies Finniani episcopi nepotis Fiachach.


Cairech Dergan quieuit.

<div2 n="CS580" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Cath Droma meic Erce ubi Colcu mac Domnaill meic Muircertaigh cecidit. Aedh mac  172ra(250a) aodh mac [praem.] Ainmirech uictor erat.

<div2 n="CS581" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Baodán mac CairillUladh, mortus est.

<div2 n="CS582" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">


<div2 n="CS583" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">


<div2 n="CS584" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Iugulatio Fergusa Sgandail rígh Mumhan.


Quies Fergusa espoc Droma Lethglaisi qui edifécauit Cell Bían.

<div2 n="CS585" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Quies Meic Nissi — d'Ulltaibh do — ab Cluana Muc Nois.

<div2 n="CS586" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Occisio Baodain meic Ninneda meic Duach meic Conaill Gulban righ Temrach. Cuini mac Colmain & Cumaine mac Librein meic Illadain meic Cerbaill occiderunt eum consilio Colmani parui oc Leim ind Eich. p.42

  1. Meapaidh amail adfiadhar
    Ria Conall an cath ceolach;
    Serig set sretoibh sorann
    Ria Conall et Eogain.


Initium regni Aedha meic Ainmirech.

<div2 n="CS587" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Bellum Bealaig Daithe in quo cecidit Colmán Beg mac Diarmada. Aedh mac Ainmirech uictor erat.


Daigh mac Cairill quieuit.

<div2 n="CS588" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. ii.


Iugulatio Aeda Duibh  172rb(250b)meic Suibne Araidhe quí interfecit Diarmáid mac Cerbaill.

<div2 n="CS589" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. iiii.


Quies espoic Aedha meic Bricc.


Quies Aeda meic BrenaindTeffa. Asse ro iodhbair Durmach do Colum Cille.


Eodem anno estas torrida & sicca contigit.


Dauid Cille Muine.

<div2 n="CS590" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Morss Feidhlimidh meic Tigernaigh righ Muman.


Natiuitas Cuimine Fota.

<div2 n="CS591" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. ui.


Defectio solis mane tenibrarum.


Obitus Lughdach Lis Moir.

<div2 n="CS592" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">


<div2 n="CS593" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Mors Aengusa meic Amalgadha.


Uadu mac Aedha ri Connact ecc adbath.


Gregorius natione Romanus ex patre Gordiano sedit annis .xiii. mensibus .ui. diebus .x. fuit tempus Mauricii & sepultus est in basilica beatí Petrí apostoli ante secretorium.


Iugulatio Senchan meic Colmain Moir.

<div2 n="CS594" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. iii.

<div2 n="CS595" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. iiii.


Quies Coluim Cille in nocte dominica penticostes u. Id. Iuin  172va(251a)anno peregrinationis suae .xxx.u. aetatis uero lxx.uii., ut dicitur:

  1. Tricha bliadhain báoi gar les
    Colum Cille 'na dupregles;
    Luidh go hainglib as a cacht
    Iar seacht mbliadhna sechtmogat.

<div2 n="CS596" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">


<div2 n="CS597" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Cath Sleibe Cua a Mumain, in quo Fiachna mac Baodán dán uictor erat.


Occisio Cumusgaigh meic Aedha la Branduph mac Echach a n-Dunn Buchad.


Morss Tipraide meic Calgaigh.

<div2 n="CS598" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Quies Báoithine abbatis Iae.


Cath Dúin Bolg la Branduph mac Echach co Laignib a .iiii. Id. Enair ubi cecidit Aedh mac AinmirecErenn anno .xix. regni sui, aetatis uero lx.ui. et Bec mac Cuanach ri Airgiall & ceteri nobiles, unde dictum est:

  1. A m-Buach
    Fe{r}as an torn frisin mbruach:
    Atfed scela cesus cr{é}ith,
    Aed mac Ainmirech ro bith.


cuius coniux dixit:

  1. Báttar inmain tri toib
    Frisna fresciu aitherrech b [expunct.]:
    Taeban Taillten, taebh Temra,
    Taeb Aedha meic Anmirech.

  2. Á


 172vb(251b)Initium regní Colmáin Rimedha et Aedha Slaine simul.

<div2 n="CS599" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Ailitir abb Cluana mac Nois quieuit: {do Muscraighe a cinel}.


Saxones fidem accipiunt.

<div2 n="CS600" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Quies Cainnigh Acaidh Bo.


Iugulatio Suibne meic Colmain Móir righ Mide la Aedh Sláine a m-Bri Damh for Suainiu.

<div2 n="CS601" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Beimmenna Branduib i m-Brega.


Morss Brenuinn meic Coirpre meic Fecene {.i. ri Ua Maine o slointer Rait mBrenuinn a Muig Ai}.

<div2 n="CS602" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Comgall ab Benncair quieuit .xci. anno aetatis suae principatus autem .l. anno & .iii. menses et .x. die; u. id. Mai quieuit.


Cath Slemna in quo Colman Rimidh ri Cineoil Eoghain uictor erat et Conall mac Aedha meic Ainmirech fugituus euasit.


Cath Cuile Cóil in quo Fiachna mac Baedain uictor erat & Fiachna mac Demain fugit.


Morss Fogartaigh meic Aedha.

<div2 n="CS603" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Quies Fintani Cluana Eidhnech.


Sineall episcopus Magh Bile.

 173ra(252a) p.48<div2 n="CS604" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

dlxiiii Kl.


Iugulatio Colmain Rimeda a uiro de genere suo qui dictus est Locan Dilmada unde dicitur:


  1. Cedu rige, cedu rect,
    Cedu nert for rigrada,
    Enid Colmain Rimid
    Rombi Lochan Dilmada.


Iugulatio Aeda Slaine o Conall mac Suibne for bru Locha Semdile. Aedh Guastan comalla Conaill et Baegal Bille rogunesttur, unde dictum est:

  1. Níorbu airmirt in airle
    Dona ogaib tuaith Tuirbhe,
    Conall ro-mbí Aedh Slaine,
    Aedh Slaine ro-mbí Suibhne.


Iugulatio Aedha Roin ri Ua fFailge a fFaighthe mac Meccnain: Aedh Buide ri Tepta & ri Ua Maine {.i. Ua Maine meic Nell) a m-Bruigin da Coca on Conall cedna in eodem die quo iugulatus est Aedh Slaine.

  1. Ba romor an ruadhcuma
    For rioghraidh Erenn uile, 173rb(252b)
    Áedh Slaine go socuidhibh,
    Aedh Róin, Aedh Buidhe.


Mors Conaill meic Aedha meic Ainmirech.


Cú cen MatairMuman mortus.


Colmán mac Leníne quieuit.


Lasren Mena Drochit quieuit.


Maur{i}cius moritur.

<div2 n="CS605" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

dlxu Kl.


Cath Slaibre in quo uictus est Branduph mac EchachLaighen. Nepotes Nell uictores erant.


Iugulatio Brainduib ri Laighen a genere suo cuius nomen erat Saran Saebdercc aircinnec Senbot Sine unde dictum est: p.50

  1. Saran Saebdercc, seol nglan gle,
    Aircinnech Senboth Sine,
    He, ní dalbh gen bandul mbrath,
    Ro {mar}ph Brandub mac Ecach.
De quo anus Laigen locuta est rand:


  1. Madh i mbetaidh meic Eachach
    Domrisad an tuaiscertach,
    In cath imanuarathar
    Is cian ho do fiuscarfad.
  2. [rann] Diambad a treiph tuiredhaigh
    Mac Eacach meic Muiredhaigh,
    Noco béraind mo bolg lan
    Do cill ar aei Aedh Aldain.


Obitus Laisren abbatis Iae.


Mors Colmain meic FeradaighOsruighe.


Aodh Allan regnat annis .uii.

<div2 n="CS606" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. iiii.


Morss Aedhain meic Gabrain anno xxx.uii regni sui  173va(253a)aetatis uero lxxx. uiii. {uel ui}.


Iugulatio filiorum Baedáin meic Cairill a n-Dún Mogna a félio matris suae.

<div2 n="CS607" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">


<div2 n="CS608" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Morss Fiacna Caoich meic Baedháin la Cruithnechaibh et quies Echdach.

<div2 n="CS609" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. i.


Occisio Shechnasaigh meic GarbhainCineoil Bogaine ó Domnall mac Aedha.


Quies Luccdach machu Oche.

 p.52<div2 n="CS610" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. u.


Morss Aedha meic Colcain regis na n-Airter in peregrinatione a c-Clúain muc Nóis, de quo dictum est:


  1. Ro baoí tan
    Ba lind ordain Loch Dha Dham;
    Nirbo hé an loch ba hordan
    Acht an flaith Aedh mac Colgan.
  2. [rann] Cuma damh nad mair
    Cara rodomcair,
    Cibe focher trillsi treph
    A n-Innsi Locha Dha Damh.


Bas Silláin maccui Min abadh Bendcuir et bas Aedain ancart.


Bas Maeilumha meic Baedáin.

<div2 n="CS611" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Fulminatus est exercitus Uladh i m-Barciu fulmine terribili.


Mors Maeleduin meic AileneMogdorna.


Quies Colmain Eala machui Selli .lui. anno aetatis suae.

 173vb(253b)<div2 n="CS612" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. u.


Mors Aedha Aildain meic DomnaillTemhrach .i. Aedh Uairidhnach.


Cath OdbaAengus mac Colmain in quo cecidit Conall Loegh Bregh mac Aeda Slaine, ut dicitur:

  1. In sce a mulluch Odhba,
    Cen gai dogra ni les,
    Deithber di ced olcc a denn,
    Ro bui mor cenn ina craes.


Maelcoba regnare incipit.

<div2 n="CS613" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Quies Fintain Oentraib abbatis Benncuir.


Morss Colmáin Uathaigh.

 p.54<div2 n="CS614" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. ui.


Lucaill Fota ab Cluana Muc Nois quieuit.


Stella uisa est hora uii. diei.

<div2 n="CS615" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Iugulatio Maelcoba meic Aeda meic Ainmirech in bello Montis Toath {uel Taeth}. Suibne Menn uictor erat mac Fiachna.


Quies Diarmada tertii abatis Cluana Iraird.


Mors Ronáin meic ColmáinLaighen.


Suibne Menn regnat.


Gorman do Mugh 174ra(254a)dhornaibh, a quo nati sunt meic Cuinn: asse ro buí bliadain for usce Tiprait Fingin & in ailitri a c-Clúain adbath.

<div2 n="CS616" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">


<div2 n="CS617" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Combustio Donnain Ega hi .xu. Kl Mai cum .cl. martiribus et uastatio Toraighe.

<div2 n="CS618" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Caemgen Glinne Dha Locha .cxx. anno aetatis suae in Christo quieuit.


Iugulatio Fergusa meic Colmain MoirMidhe o Anfartach h. Mescan do muinntir Blaitinne.

<div2 n="CS619" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Aedh Bendan airdri Muman quieuit dond Eoganacht.


Mors Sillain Maighe Bile & Fingen mac Fiacrach quieuit.

<div2 n="CS620" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Occisio generis Baodain {.i. Maighe Leced a ccrich Connacht} Ailella meic Baodain et Maoili Duin meic Fergusa meic Baedain & Diucullu.


Mors Fiacrach meic Ciaráin meic Ainmirech meic Senna .i. alius funditoris Daire Calgaigh.

<div2 n="CS621" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Mors Aengusa meic Colmáin  174rb(254b) Moir .i. rí Ua Nell.


Donnchadh mac Eoganán, Nectan mac Canannan & Aed obierunt.


Fingen mac Fiacrach Encride quieuit.

<div2 n="CS622" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Cath Cinn Delgten in quo ceciderunt duo filii Libréin meic Illainn meic Cerbaill. Conall mac Suibne uictor erat et Domnall Brec cum eo.


Uel in hoc anno quies Caeimghin.


Conaing mac Aedain meic Gabrain dimersus est.

  1. Tonna mara morglana grian [canc.]
    Grian rodai-tigsetar;
    Inna curchan flesgach fand
    For Conaing concoirsetar.
  2. In ben ro-la a muing finn
    Inna churchan for Conaing,
    As cas ro tibe a gen
    Indiú re Bile Tortan.


Bas Maoilebracha meic Rimeda meic Colmáin meic Cobthaigh & Ailella meic Ceallaigh.


Cath Cendgubai in quo cecidit Colmán mac Cobthaigh .i. athair GuaireConnacht la Raghallach mac Uadach.


Bas Colgan meic Ceallaigh.

<div2 n="CS623" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Obitus Fergnae ab Iae.


Quies Meic Laisre ab Áird Macha.


Expurgatio Ratha Guala re Fiachna mac mBaedain.

<div2 n="CS624" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Morss Ronain meic Colmain et Colman Stellan obiit.


Iugulatio Doir meic Aoda Allain. Failbe Fland Fidbad rodusgon, unde mater eius ait: p.58

  1. Ba guin sair,
    Ni bu toghail Insi Cail,
    Dia tomat gair na mbiodbadh
    Im cend Failbe Flainn Fiodhbadh.


Natiuitas Adamnain ab Iae.

<div2 n="CS625" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

dlxxxv Kl. uii.


Maodhog Ferna quieuit.


Mac Fiachna .i. Mongan ab Arthur filio Bicuir Britoni lapide percussus interi{i}t unde Becc Bairce dixit:


  1. As uar an gaoth dar Ile,
    Dusfail oga Cinn Tire;
    Do-genait gniom n-amnus de,
    Mairbféd Mongán mac Fiachna.


Cormac Caom & Iollann mac Fiachach moriuntur; Ronan mac Tuathail.

  1. Lanna Cluana Airtir indiu,
    Amra cethrur forsfiadh:
    Cormac Caem friu imfhochid
    & Illann mac Fiachach.
  2. Ogus an dias aile
    Dia fognaid mor do tuataibh,
    Mongán mac Fiachna Lurgan
    & Ronan mac Tuathail.


Aengus mac Colmain Móir ri Mide do marbadh.


Cathal mac AedhaMuman mortuus est.

 174vb(255b)<div2 n="CS626" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

dlxxxvi Kl. i.


Cath Laethit quo interfectus est Fiachna mac Baedain {.i. ri Dal Araidhe}. Fiachna mac Demain {.i. ri Dal Fiachach} uictor erat.

 p.60<div2 n="CS627" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Cath Arda Corrann. Dál Riada uictores erant in quo cecidit Fiacna mac Demain la righ Dail Riada.


Cath Cairn Feradhaigh. Failbe Fland uictor erat. Guaire Aidhne fugit. Conall mac Maelduib ri O Maine cecidit et Maelduin & Maelruain et Maelcalgaigh, Conall mac Maelduib meic Maelbressaill.


Uisio Fursu ostensa est.

<div2 n="CS628" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

dlxxxvii Kl.


Cat Builg Luatha in quo cecidit ipse. Faelan mac Colmain ri Laigen uictor erat.


Bellum Both in quo Suibne Menn mac Fiacna uictor erat. Domhnall mac Aedha fugit.


Occisio Suibne Menn meic Fiacna i Traigh Brene o Congal Caech mac Sgannail.


Pausan Columbani félii Baddani abbatis Cluana.


Iugulatio Cumani filii Colmani.


Uastatio Laigen la Domnall.


Domnall mac Aedha regnat.

<div2 n="CS629" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Bellum Fea Euin in quo Maelcaich {.i. ri Cruithne} mac Sgannail uictor erat. Dal Riada cecidit et Dicull mac Echda ri Cineoil Cruine cecidit et nepotes Aedhan ceciderunt .i. Rigullan mac Conaing & Faelbhe mac Echdach et Oiricc mac Albirit ridamna Saxan cum strage maxima suorum.


Morss Eacach Buidhe meic Aedain anno .xx. regni sui.


Cath Dhuin Ceithern in quo Congal Caech fugit et Domnall mac Aedha uictor erat, in quo cecidit Guaire Gaillsech mac Forannain.

 175rb(256b)<div2 n="CS630" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Cath Letairbi eidir Cinel Feradhaigh et Cinel Meic Erca in quó Maelfithrigh cecidit. Ernan mac Fiachna uictor erat.


Iugulatio Brainduibh meic Maelcobha.


Mors Connaidh Chirr ut alii dicunt anno .i. regni sui in bello Feda Euin.


Dormitatio Finntain meic Maelduibh.


MoBai machui Aldai.


Mors Ealli ri Saxan.

<div2 n="CS631" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. uii.


Mors Cineda meic Luchtren regis Pictorum.

<div2 n="CS632" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Bellum Atha Abla in quo cecidit Dicull mac Fergusa Tuile la Mumain.


Inis Medgoit fundata est.

<div2 n="CS633" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Cath Atha Goan in iartur Liffe in quo cecidit Cremtann mac Aodha meic Senaigh ri Laighen. Faelan mac Colmain et Conall mac Suibne ri Midhe & Failbe Flann ri Muman uictores erant.


Bas Moire Muman.


Enan Droma Raithi quieuit.

 175va(257a)<div2 n="CS634" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. .iiii.


Iugulatio duorum filiorum Aedha Slaine la Conall mac Suibne og Loch Trethin oc Fremain .i. Congal ri Bregh senathair hI Conaing et Ailill Cruitire senatair Sil Dlutaigh.


Occisio Conaill meic Suibne ri Midhi i taigh meic Nafroich la Diarmaid mac Aedha Slaine.


Quies Fintani {Munnu} filii Telchan in .xii. Kl. Nouembris et Ernaine meic Cresine.


Cath Segaisi in quo cecidit Lochene mac Nectain Cennfoda et Cumusccoch mac Aongusa.

<div2 n="CS635" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">


<div2 n="CS636" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Iugulatio Ernane mic Fiachna qui uicit Maolfitrigh mac Aedha Allain a ccath Letairbe.


Effugatio Cartaig {.i. MoCudu .i. Mochta mac Firaull} o Raithiun in diebus Paschae.

 p.64<div2 n="CS637" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Cath Maighe Rath ria n-Domhnall mac Aedha & ria macoibh Aedha Slaine sed Domnoll mac Aedha regnauit Temoriam in illo tempore in quo cecidit Congal Caech  175vb(257b)ri Uladh & Faelchu mac Airmeadhaigh ri Mide {i ffrithghuin} cum multis nobilibus.


Cath Saeltire ria Conall Cael mac Maelcoba for Cinel nEogain in eodem die.


Morss Failbe ri Muman.


Quies Mochta Raithin hi .ii. Id. Mai.

<div2 n="CS638" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Bellum Glinne Mairison in quo familia Domnaill Bricc in fugam uersa est & obsessio Etain.


Cronan macu Loegde abb Cluana Muc Nois quieuit.


Obitus DaChua Ballae.

<div2 n="CS639" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. ii.


Iugulatio Congail meic Dunchada.


Obitus Dunsige uxor Domnaill.


Quies Critan ind Aendruim.


Quies Aeda Duib {.i. ri Laighen} abatis Cille Dara.


Dalaissi machu Imdae abb Leithglinne quieuit.


Mors Ailealla {.i. regis Laigen} meic Aedha Roin.


Hoc tempore Teodorus papa floruit.

<div2 n="CS640" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. iii.


Cath Cathrach Cinn Con la Mumain. Oengus Liathana uictor erat et Maelduin mac Aedha Bennain f{u}git.

 176ra(258a)<div2 n="CS641" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Bas Maeluidhir Caeich regis Orientalium et bas Bruide meic Foith.


Losccadh Maeliduin meic Aedha a n-Inis Cain.


Iugulatio Maeliduin meic Fergusa meic Maelidúin meic Colmain.


Quies Dagain Inber Daile.

<div2 n="CS642" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Mors Domnaill meic Aedha regis Hiberniae in fine Ianuarii .xiii. anno regni sui a n-Ard Fothaigh. Postea Domhnall Brec in bello Sratha Caruinin fine equī [canc.] in fine anni in Decembre interfectus est anno .xii. regní suí ab Hoan rege Britonum.


Iugulatio Ailella meic Colmáin regis generis Laegaire.

<div2 n="CS643" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

Kl. ui.


Hic dubitatur quis regnauit post Domnall. Dicunt alii historigraphi regnasse quatuor reges .i. Cęllach et Conall Cáel et da mac Aeda Slaine .i. Diarmaid et Blathmac per mixta regna.


Báss h-Uaisle filiae Suibne meic Colmáin {.i. rigan Faelan ri Laighen}.


Quies Cronán episcopi Náendroma.


Cath Cinn Chon.


Ceallach & Conall Cáel regnare incipiúnt.


Bas Scanláin Moir meic CinnfaeladhOsraighe.


Báss Cuanach meic Cailcin ri Fer{n}maighe.

<div2 n="CS644" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Iugulatio nepotum Boghuine, Máelbressail et Maelanfaidh Enaigh.


MoChoe Naendroma quieuit.

<div2 n="CS645" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Mors Furudrain filii Bece meic Cuanach ri Úa Meic Uais.


Lochene mac FinginCruithne obiit.


Cath Gabra eidir Laighnibh inuicem.

<div2 n="CS646" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Guin Scándláin meic Becine meic FiacrachCruithnech.


Mac Laisre ab Bendchair quieuit.


Beda tunc natus est.


Hoc tempore Marcianus papa floruit.

 p.68<div2 n="CS647" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Maelcoba mac Fiacna iugulatus est rex Uladh la Congal Cendfada mac Dunchadha.


Builgg Luatba ri Ua Cintsiolaicch.

<div2 n="CS649" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Guin Rogallaigh meic Uadach ri Connacht {.i. la Maelmbrighde mac Mothlachan} .i. Corcu Cullu occiderunt eum.


Cath Cáirn Conaill in die Penticostes ubi duo Cuan ceciderunt  176va(259a) .i. Cuan mac Enda ri Muman et Cuan mc Cairill ri hUa fFidhgente & Tolomnach rí hÚa Liathán et Guaire fugit et Diarmaid mac Aeda Slaine uictor erat. {Dia Domnaigh asedh iarom do luidh Diarmaid do tabairt an catha sin .i. tri Cluain Muc Nois & do rinsit samadh Ciaran et la fair co tisadh slan d'incaib a coraidhechtasom. Iar sodh iarom an rí ro edhbair Doimnerc cona fodluibh .i. Liath Manchan indiu a ainm mur fod fri altóir do Ciarán & do bert teora tristi for ri Mide da ccaitedh nech dia muintir cid dig n-usque, conidh de sin ro rogart Diarmaid a adnacol a c-Cluain Muc Nois}.


Quies Fursa in Parunna {i Frangcoib} secundum alios.


MoChaemóg Léith Moir moritur.

<div2 n="CS650" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Cath Ossa fria Pante in quo Pante cum xxx. regibus ceciderunt.


Cath Dun Crimhthainn in quo cecidit Aengus mac Domnaill. Filii Maelcoba uictores erant .i. Conall Cáel et Cellach.


Mors Cathusaigh meic Domnaill Bric.


Mors Cronain Maighe Bile.

<div2 n="CS651" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Guin da mac Blathmaic meic Aedha Sláine .i. Donnchadh & Conall do Laignibh i muiliund Mailodrain.


Quies Aedani episcopi Saxan.


Iugulatio Oisine meic Oisirg la Maelodhrain8:

  1. A muilinn,
    Ccia ro melt mór do tuirinn,
    Nibo comailt for serbaind
    Aro melt for hu Cerbuill.
  2. An grain meles an muilend
    Ni corca acht is dergtuirenn:
    Is di forgladh an cruinn mair
    Foda muilinn Maelodhrain.

 176vb(259b)<div2 n="CS652" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Obitus Segeni abbatis Iae.


Quies Aedha Loga abbatis Cluana Muc Nois {do Gailenccaibh Corainn a cinél .i. mac Samain.


Dormitatio Mainceni abbatis Mena Drocait.


Imaireg Cuile Corra in quo cecidit Cuilene mac ForannáinÓ fFailge. Maeldreith et Onchu uictores erant.


Cu Gamna mc Suibne moritur.


Uitalianus papa hoc tempore floruit.

<div2 n="CS653" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Iugulatio Conaill Coir.


Cath Connacht {.i. Iartair Seola} in quo cecidit Marcan mac Toman ri H. Maine. Cennfaoladh mac Colgan et Maenach mac Blathin ri Ua mBriuin uictores erant.


Maeldoid mac Suibne ri Midhe moritur.

<div2 n="CS654" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Iugulatio Conaill meic Máelcoba.


Colman episcopus macui Telluibh & Oisine Foda duo abbates Cluana Iraird quieuerunt.


Iugulatio Fergusa meic Domnáill & Fergusa meic Rogallaigh & Aedha Betra meic Cuimine la U fFiacrach Aidhne.


Cath Sretha Etairt re Tolarcan mac Anfrith 177ra(260a) ri Cruithnech du a ttorcair Dunchadh mac Conaing et Congal mac Ronain.


Aodh Ron mac Maelcoba mortus.

 p.70<div2 n="CS656" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Cath Flesccaigh ubi cecidit Cumusccoch mac Oilella ri H. cCremtainn in quo Crundmáol mac Suibnea ri Cineóil Eogain uictor fuit.


Laighnén ri Connacht mortus est.


Mors Crundmaill Erbuilg meic RonánLaighen Desgabuir.

<div2 n="CS657" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Quies Ultaní macuí Conchuphair hí .ii. Nón. Septembris.


Quies Suibne maccu Uirtri ab Iae.


Cath Delenn in quo interfectus est Maeldoid mac Conaing {uel aill}.


Mors Tolargan meic AnfrithCruithnech.


Quies Concaine Cille Slebe.

<div2 n="CS658" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Mors Ceallaigh meic Maelcoba isin mBrugh.


Bas Ceallaigh meic Saráin abb Othna Moire.


MoCua mac Lonáin quieuit.

<div2 n="CS659" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Dima Duph episcopus Connere et Cuimine episcopus Náenndroma & Sillan episcopus Daiminnsi & Dunchadh mac Aedha Sláine mortui sunt.


Iugulatio Oircdoid meic Sechnusaigh & Conn Chinn meic Laighnen.

 177rb(260b)<div2 n="CS660" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Obitus Fináin meic Rimedha.


Episcopus Colmán Glinne da Locha quieuit et Daniel episcopus Cinn Garad quieuit.


Mors Echdaigh meic Blathmaic meic Aedha Sláine.


Guin Faeláin ri Osraige do Laignibh.


Maedhóg Ferna quieuit.


Conall Crandamna mortus est.


Eoghanán mac Tuathaláin moritur.


Oilill mac Dunchada meic Aedha Sláine mortus est.

 p.72<div2 n="CS661" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Tomini ab & episcopus Aird Macha quieuit.


Ladcnenn mac Blathbannaigh quieuit.


Conaing h. Daint ab Imlech Iubair quieuit.


Cuimine abbas ad Hiberniam uenit.


MoGoboc macui Lama quieuit.

<div2 n="CS662" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Cuimine Foda .lxxii. anno aetatis suae quieuit.


Colman h. Cluasaigh quieuit.


Saran h. Critain quieuit.


Maeldúin mac Áedha Bennain mortuus est.


Cath Ogamain oc Cinn Corbadan ubi ceciderunt Conaing mac Congaile meic Aodha Slaine & Ulltan mac ErnaineCiannachta & Cendfaeladh mac GerthidheArda Ciannachta, in quo bello Blathmac mac Aedha Slaine uictus est a sociis Diarmada meic Aedha Slaine qui dicuntur Onchu mac Sárráin et Máelmilchon & Cathasach mac Emhine  177va(261a) in quo bello Faelchu mac Máelumai cecidit. Hoc finis regni Blathmaic ut alii dicunt, initium regni Diarmada re.


Maeldúin mac FurudráinDurlus mortus est.


Maenach mac FinginMuman mortus. .rm.


Maelfuataigh mac ErnaineCianachta moritur.


Conall Cloccach quieuit.

<div2 n="CS663" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Guaire AidhneConnacht mortus & a adhnacal a c-Clúain Mhuc Nois ri conacht.


Iugulatio duorum filiorum Domnaill meic Aeda .i. Conall & Colca o Cerrnceim.


Mors Gartnait meic DomnaillCruithnech et Domnaill meic Tuathaláin et Tuathail meic Morgainn.


Indercadh & Dima duo episcopi quieuerunt.


Quies Segain machui Cuinn abbatis Bennchuir.

<div2 n="CS664" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Tenebrae a Kl. Mai in horo nona et in eadem estate celum ardere uisum est.


Mortalitas in Hiberniam peruenit a Kl. August.


Mors Cernaigh Sotail félii Diarmada meic Aedha Sláine et terraemotus in Hibernia et Comghan mac Cuiteme & Berach ab Benncoir quieuerunt.


Baedan macui Cormaic {do Conmaicnibh Mara a cinel} ab Cluana Muc Nois quieuit.


A  177vb(261b)Maigh Io{t}ha Fothart exarsit mortalitas primo in Hibernia a morte Patricii .cc.iii. post mortalitatem .ccxii

<div2 n="CS665" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Mortalitas magna in Hibernia .i. an buidhe Conaill. Diarmaid mac Aeda Slaine & Blathmac da rí Erenn et Máelbresail mac Maeliduin mortui sunt.


Ulltán machui Cunga ab Cluana Iraird quieuit.


Dormitatio Fecine Fabair et Ereráin an egna et Ronain meic Beraigh et Maeldóid meic Fingin et Cronain meic Silni.


Cu cen Matair mac CathailMuman moritur.


BlathmacTebtha, Oengus Uladh et Manchan Leth episcopi abbates regesque inumerabiles mortui súnt.


Colman cas ab Cluana Muc Nois {mac Fualusccaigh do Corco Mogha a cinel; aen bliadain tribus diebus tantum tenuit principatum}, Cuimine ab Cluana Muc Nois {do Greccraighibh Locha Tethed a cinel} dormierunt.


Sechnusoch mac Blathmaic regnare incipit.

<div2 n="CS666" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Mors Oilellamac [canc.] Flainn Essa meic Domnaill meic Aedha meic Ainmirech.


Maelcaich mac Scandail {.i. ri Cruithne}, Máelduin mac Sgandail ri  178ra(262a)Cinél Coirpri obierunt.


Eochaidh IarlaitheCruithne mortus.


Duibindracht mac DunchadhaH. mBriuin Ai moritur.


Mors Ceallaigh meic Guaire.


Bellum Fertsi etir Ulltu et Cruithne in quo cecidit Cathusach mac Luircini.


Baitini ab Benncair quieuit.


Faelán mac ColmáinLaigen moritur.

<div2 n="CS667" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Mortalitas in qua .iiii. abbates Bennchair perierunt .i. Berach, Cumine, Colum {&} Aedhan.


Cath Aine etir Aradu et H. Fidgente, ubi cecidit Eogan mac Crunnmail.


Guin Brain Finn meic Maeilectraig ri na n-Desi Muman.

<div2 n="CS668" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Nauigatio Colmain episcopi cum reliquiis sanctorum ad Insolam Uaccae Albae in qua fundabat aecclesiam, et nauigatio filiorum Gartnait ad Hiberniam cum plebe Sceth.


Fergus mac Muccedo moritur.


Muircertoch {Nár} rí Connacht .i. mac Guaire moritur.

<div2 n="CS669" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Obitus Cuimini Albi abbatis Iae et Critáin ab Béndchuir et MoChuae meic Cuist et mors Maelifo{thair}thigh meic Suibne  178rb(262b)righ nepotum Tui{r}tri.


Iturnán et Cormda apud Pictones defuncti sunt.

<div2 n="CS670" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Guin Maelidúin nepotis Ronáin.


Mórs Blaithmaic mic Maelcoba et iugulatio Cundai meic Ceallaig.


Uenit genus Gartnaid de Hibernia.


Guin Brain Fhind meic Maelifoturtaigh.


Mors Dunchadha nepotis Rónáin.

<div2 n="CS671" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Mors Ossu filii EdilbritSaxan.


Guin Sechnusaigh meic Blaithmaic regis Temoriae initio hiemis re.

  1. Ba srianach, ba hechlacsgach
    An tech a mbiodh Sechnasach;
    Ba imdha fudell for slait
    Isin tech a mbiodh mac Bláithmaic.
DubdúinCinél Coirpre iugulauit illum.


Bran Fionn mac Maeloctraigh mortus.


Máelruba in Britaniam nauigat.

 p.80<div2 n="CS672" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Bellum Dungaile meic MaeilituileCineóil Bogaine. Loingsech uictor fuit Dungal cecidit.


Morss Cumusccaigh meic Ronáin.


Cendfaeladh mac Blaithmaic regnáre incipit re.

<div2 n="CS673" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Guin Domangairt meic Domnaill BricDail Riada.


Nauigatio Failbe ab Iae in Hiberniam.


Máelruba fundauit aecclesiam Aporcrossan.

<div2 n="CS674" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Guin Congaile Cennfoda meic DunchadhaUladh. Becc Bairche interfecit eum.


Nubes tenuis et tremula ad speciem coelestis arcus .iiii. uigilia noctis .u. feria ante Pascha ab oriente in occidentem per serenum celum apparuit.


Luna in sanguinem uersa est.

<div2 n="CS675" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Bellum Cindfaeladh meic Blaithmaic meic Aodha Slaine. Occisus est Cennfaeladh;


Finnachta mac Dunchadha uictor erat. Finnachta Fledhach regnare incipit.

<div2 n="CS676" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Columbá episcopus Insolae Uaccae Albae & Finan mac Airendain quieuerunt.


Coiseacradh Ailigh Frigreinn la Finnachta mac Dunchadha.


FailbeHibernia reuertitur.


Congal mac Maeilidúin et Aurtaile iugulati sunt.

<div2 n="CS677" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Stella comites uisa est luminosa in mense Septembris & Octimbris.


Dunchadh mac UlltainAirgiall occisus est a n-Dun Forgo la Mael Dúin mac Maeili Fitrigh.


Cath edir Finnachta et Laighnechaibh in loco proximo  178vb(263b)Locha Gabor in quo Finnachta uictor erat.


Congressio Cuile Maine ubi cecideruint da mac Maeliachdain.


Becán Rumind quieuit in insola Britaniae.

<div2 n="CS678" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Mors Colgan meic Failbe FlainnMumhan.


Dairchill mac Cuiretai episcopus Glinde da Lacha quieuit.


Mors Drosto meic Domnaill.

<div2 n="CS679" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Quies Failbe abbatis Iae.


Cendfaeladh sapiens quieuit.


Cath Finnachta {contra} Bec Bairrce.


Dormitatio Nectain.

<div2 n="CS680" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Colman abb Benncair quieuit.


Guin Fianamlo meic Maelituile reigis Lagenorum. Foichsechan dia muintir fesin rod-geghuin ar Fínnachta.


Cathal mac Rogallaigh moritur.


Cath Saxonum ubi cecidit Almune filius Ossu.


Morss Maelifothartaigh episcopi Aird Sratha.


Cath i m-Bodhbhghnu ubi cecidit Conall Oirgnech .i. ri Coirpre.


Lepra grauissima quae uocatur bolgach.

<div2 n="CS681" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Combustio regum a n-Dun Cethirn .i. Dungal mac  179ra(264a)ScandailCruithne et Cendfaoladh mac SuibneCianachda Glinne Gemein initio estatisMael Dúin mac Maelifitrigh.


Cíar ingen Duibrea quieuit.


Cath Blai Slebe postea initio hiemis in quo interfectus est Mael Dúin mac Maelifitrigh la Ciannachda Glinne Geimin et le Fland Fionn mac Maelituile.


Iugulatio Conaill meic Dunchadha a c-Cinn Tire.


Iugulatio Sechnusaigh meic Airmedhaigh et Conaing meic Congaile.

 p.84<div2 n="CS682" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Iugulatio Cindfaoladh meic ColganConnacht. Ulchu Derg h. Caillaidhe di Conmaicnibh Cuile occidit eum.


Cath Ratha Moire Muighe Line contra Britones ubi ceciderunt Cathusach mac Maeliduin ri Cruitne et Ulltán mac Dicolla.

 179rb(264b)<div2 n="CS683" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Dunchadh Muirsce filius Maeilduibh .i. rí Connacht iugulatus ri connacht.


Bellum Coraind in quo ceciderunt Colcu mac Blaithmaic & Fergus mac Maeilidúin ri Cineoil Coirpri.


Initium mortalitatis puerorum in mense Octobris.


Dormitatio Airmedhaigh na Craibhe.


Colman abb Cluana muc Nóis quieuit: a Airtech dhó.

<div2 n="CS684" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Mortalitas paruulorum.


Mors Maine ab n-Aendroma.


Bellum Caisil Findbairr.


Loch nEchach do soudh i ffuil. ingnad

<div2 n="CS685" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Uentus magnus {et} terraemotus in Hiberniae insola.


Saxones campum Breagh uastauerunt et ecclesias plurimas in mense Iunii.


Mors Conaill meic Guaire.


Mors Bressail {meic} Fergusa morbo {.i. ri Coba}.

<div2 n="CS686" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Domnall Brec mac Echach Buidhe do tuitim la Háon righ Bretan i ccath Sratha Carun.


Iugulatio Rotechtaigh  179va(265a)et Dargarta filii Finnguine.


Forcron ab Cluana Muc Nois quieuit.

<div2 n="CS687" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Iugulatio Feradhaigh meic Congaile.


Quies Dochuma Chonon abbatis Uallis da Locha.


Dormitatio Roistene ab Corcaighe Móire.


Mors Ossene episcopi monasterii Fintani {.i. Munnu} meic Tulcani .


Adamnanus captiuos reduxit ad Hiberniam.

<div2 n="CS688" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Quies Segeni episcopi Áird Macha.


Occissio Canoinn meic Carnait.


Finnachda clericatum suscepit.


Cath Imlecha {Fio} ria Níall mac Cernaigh Sotail for Congalach mac Conaing ubi ceciderunt Dub da InberArda Ciannachda et Huarcridhe h. OsseneConaille. Congalach mac Conaing fugit.

<div2 n="CS689" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Findachda reuertitur ad regnum.


Iolan episcopus Garad obiit.


Iugulatio Diarmada Mide {.i. rí Mide} meic Airmedhaigh  179vb(265b)la Aodh mac Dluthaigh rí fFer Cúl.


Mors Cathusaigh h. Domnaill Bric.


Mors Feradhaigh meic Tuataláin.


Mors Maeilidúin meic Conaill Crannamna.


Obscurata est pars solis.

<div2 n="CS690" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Congal mac Maeildúin meic Aeda BennainMuman ab uno scolastico interfectus est, et Dunchadh mac Oircdoith et Ailill mac meic Dungaile ri Cruithne iugulati sunt.


In hoc anno Beda fecit librum de Natura Rerum & Temporibus & in pagin & in figell.


Mors Finguini Longilongi [expunct.] & Feradhaigh Meith meic Nectligh, et Coblaith filia Canonn mortua est.


Bran mac ConaillLaigen moritur.

<div2 n="CS691" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Cronan mac Con Cualne abb Benncair moritur.


Teodorus episcopus Britaniae quieuit.


Fidhghellach mac FláindH. Maine quieuit {uel moritur}.

 p.88<div2 n="CS692" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Adamnanus xiiii anno post pausam Failbi ad Hiberniam pergit.


Luna in sanguineum in colorem in natali sancti Martini.

<div2 n="CS693" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Mors Dirath episcopi Fernan et Bran nepos Faeláin rex Lagnensium mortui sunt.


Cath eidir Osraighe et Laigne in quo cecidit Faelchar h. Maeilodre.


Cath contra filium Panteae.


Pluuia sanguinea in Lagenis fluxit. ingnadh

<div2 n="CS694" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Cronan Bec ab Cluana Muc Nois obiit {.i. Cron Bec .i. a Chuailgne a chinel}.


Obitus Cronáin Balni.

<div2 n="CS695" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Fínshnachta mac Dunchadha meic Aeda SláineErenn et Bressal filius eius iugulati sunt hic Greallaigh Dollaith o Aedh {.i. ri Fer Cull mac Dluthaigh meic Ailella meic Aeda Sláine et o Congalach mac Conaing  180rb(266b)meic Aedha Slaine.


Quies Minnbairénd ab Achaidh Bó.


Loingsech mac Aengasa regnare incipit. r.e.

<div2 n="CS696" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Iugulatio Domnaill meic Conaill Crandamhna.


Finnguine mac Con cen MathairMuman moritur. ri m [with tilde over m]


Fergal {.i. ri Connacht} mac Ardgail meic Guaire Aidhne moritur.


Lochene Menn sapiens ab Cille Dara iugulatus.


Congalach mac Conaing meic Congaile meic Aeda Slaine mortus.

<div2 n="CS697" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Adamnanus ad Hiberniam pergit et dedit legem innocencium populis.


MoLing Luachra dormiuit.

 p.90<div2 n="CS698" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Cath a fFernmaigh ubi ceciderunt Concupar Maechae mac Mailiduin {.i. ri na n-Airter} et Aedh AiredhDail Araide.


Mors Forannáin ab Cille Dara.

<div2 n="CS699" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Pilipus anno uno & mensibus .ui.

<div2 n="CS700" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Accensa est bouina mortalitas in Hibernia i Kl. Febra i Muigh Treagha a tTeathba.


Quies anchoritae Aedha o Shlebtiu.


Sicc mor in hocc anno corresiot locha & aibhni Erenn correi an muir edir Érinn & Albain go mbídh imaithighe eturra forsin licc ega.


Flánd mac Cindfaoladh meic Suibhne iugulatus est.


Fames et pestilentia .iii. annis in Hibernia facta est ut homo hominem comederet.


Fland mac Maeilituile ri Cineóil Eoghain iugulatus.


Conall mac Suibne rí na n-Desi, moritur.

<div2 n="CS701" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Oilill mac Con cen Mathair ri Muman mortus.


Conall mac DoinennaicchH. fFidhgente moritur.

<div2 n="CS702" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Muiredach Muighe Aí ri Connacht {a quo Sil Muiredhaigh nati sunt} moritur.


Irgaluch H. Conaing a Britonibus iugulatus.

<div2 n="CS703" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Cath Maighe Culinn in Aird Aue nEcdach inter Ulltaibh et Britones ubi cecidit filius Radgaind aduersarius aecclesiarum Dei. Ulaidh uictores erant.


Cath an Corainn la Connachta in quo ceciderunt Loingsech {.i. mac Aengusa ri Erenn} cum tribus filiis suis .i. Ardgal et Connachtach & Flann Gerg et duo félii Colcen et Duphdiberg mac Dungaile & Fergus Focraith et Conall Gapra  180vb(267b)et ceciderunt multi duces. In Id. Iulii .ui. hora diei Sabothi hoc bellum confectum est. Ceallach mac Ragallaigh meic Uadach uictor erat.

 p.92<div2 n="CS704" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Strages Dail Riada ic Linn Limniae.


Adomnanus .lxx.uiii. anno aetatis suae in nonas Kalendas Octobris abb Iae quieuit.


Bellum for Cloinath ubi uictor fuit Ceallach Culánd in quo cecidit Bodbcadh Mide mac Diarmad. Fogurtach h. Cernaigh fugit.

<div2 n="CS705" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Bellum Corcumrúadh ubi cecidit Celechair mac Comain.


Ceallach mac Raghallaigh ri Connacht post clericatum obiit.


Congal mac Fergusa regnare incipit.

<div2 n="CS706" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Daconna Daire et Ossene filius Galluist {Fremuinn: do Calraighe Teptha dho}  181ra(268a)abbas Cluana Muc Nois pausauerunt.


Concupar mac MaeilidúinCineóil Coirpre moritur.


Flánn Feabla ab Áird Macha, quieuit.

<div2 n="CS707" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Conodur Fabair obiit.


Occisio Indreachdaigh meic Dunchadha {.i. Muirisge} rí Teora Connacht. Fergal mac Maeilidúin ri Cineoil Eoghain & Fergal mac LoingsighCinel Conaill occiderunt eum.


Coibdenach episcopus Aird Sratha quieuit.

<div2 n="CS708" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Cu Cuarain ri Cruithne et Uladh iugulatus. Finchu H. Rebain interfecit eum.


Boár mor iterum incendit.

 p.94<div2 n="CS709" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Cath Maighe Ele per dolum ubi iugulatí sunt Lethlopur filius Echdach, Cu Allaidh & Cu Dinaisc.


Cathal mac Muirethaigh {.i. rí Connacht} moritur.


Máeldobarcon episcopus Cille Dara quieuit.


Pestis que dicitur baccach cum uentris profluuio in Hibernia.

<div2 n="CS710" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Conmaol mac Failbe abb Iae quieuit.


Congal mac Fergusa ri Temrach subita morte periit.


Fergal regnáire incipit re.

<div2 n="CS711" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Cath for hUa Meith i Slebh Fúaid ubi Tnúthach mac Mochloingsi et Curoí mac Aodha meic Dluthaigh ceciderunt. Fergal uictor fuit.


Cénnfaoladh abb Fobair quieuit.

<div2 n="CS712" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Bellum inter nepotes Aedha Sláine in quo Maine filius Néll meic Cernaigh iugulatus est. Fland mac Aodha meic Dluthaigh uictor fuit.


CucercaOsraighe moritur.


Dubhgualai abb Glinne da Locha quieuit.


Cath Cairn Feradhaigh ubi cecidit Cormac mac MaenaighMuman rm [with tilde over m].

<div2 n="CS713" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Baetan episcopus Innsi Bó Finne obiit.


Failbeus modicus ab Cluana Muc Nois quieuit.


Cormac mac AilillaMuman in bello iugulatus est rm [with tilde over m].


SechnusachH. Maine moritur.

<div2 n="CS714" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Cath Bili Tenedh in Assul ría Murchadh Midhe ubi Flann mac Aedha meic Dluthaigh et Dubhdúin h. Bécce ceciderunt, Colgu et Aed Cluasach mac Diarmada hi ffrithghuin.


Fogurtach h. Cernaigh de regno suo expulsus est, in Britainiam iuit.


Nox lucida in autumno.

<div2 n="CS715" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Ceallach CualandLaigen, mortuus rl..


Guin Murchadha meic Diarmada meic CaeichH. Nell la Conall n-Grant h. Cernaigh.


Domhnáll mac CathailConnacht, moritur.

<div2 n="CS716" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Fogurtach h. Cernaigh iterum regnat.


Obitus Cele Tigernaigh abb Cluana Eois.


Flann Foirbthe mac Fogurtaigh moritur.

<div2 n="CS717" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Dunchadh mac Cinnfaeladh abb Iae moritur.


Expulsio familiae Iae trans dorsum Britaniae a Nectonio rege.


Congresio Dáil Ríada et Britones deuicti sunt.

<div2 n="CS718" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Becc Bairchi obiit.


Cath Cenannsa ubi Tuathal h. Faelcon et Gormgal mac Aedha meic Dluthaigh et Amalccaidh h. Conaing & Fergal frater eius ceciderunt. Conall Grant uictor erat et Conall Grant h. Cernaigh in eo die post bellum interfectus  181vb(269b)est o Fergal mac Maeiliduin.


Tonsurae corona super familiam Iae datur.


Pluit fros meala for Othain m-Bic, fros argaid for Othain Moir, fros fhola super fosam Lagenorum & inde uocatur Níall Frosach mac Fergaile qui tunc natus est.

<div2 n="CS719" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Congressio apud Lagnenses ubi Aedh mac Ceallaigh cecidit.


Uastatio Lagenorum .u. uicibus in uno anno la hUa Nell.

<div2 n="CS720" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Estas pluuialis.


Sinnach Innsi Clothrann dormiuit.


Muirbrucht in mense Octimbris.

<div2 n="CS721" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Cath edir Connachda et Corca Baiscinn ubi cecidit mac Talamnaigh {uel Tomaltaigh}.


Inradh Laighen et naidm na boroma et naidm na gialla Laigen la Fergal.


Inmesguch religiosus legem cum pace Christi super insolam Hiberniae constituit .i. in campo Delenn.

 182ra(270a)<div2 n="CS722" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Cath Almaine edir Murchadh mac BrainLaigen & Fergal mac MaoilidúinErenn .iii. Id. Decimbris die feriae .ui.ae. Numerus Sil Cuinn qui uenerunt ad bellum Almaine fiche mile.. Hi sunt reges generis Sil Cuinn qui in bello ceciderunt: Fergal mac MaeilidúinÉrenn cum .clx. satillitibus suis, Conall Meann ri Cineóil Cairbri & ForbasachCineoil Boguini & Fergal h. Aithechda & Fergal mac Echdach LemhnaTamnaichi, Congalach mac Conaing et Eiccnech mac Colgan rí na n-Airther, Coi{b}denach mac Fiacrach, Muirgius mac Conaill, Lethaitech mac Concarat, Eadgen h. Mathgamnae, Nuadha mac Oirc ri Guill et Irguill et x. nepotes Maeilifitrigh. Ite sin rigthe an tuaisgeirt. Hí sunt reges h. Nell an descceirt  182rb(270b).i. Flann mac Rogellaigh, Oilill mac Feradhaigh, Aodh Laigen h. Cernaigh, Suibne mac Congalaigh, Nía mac Cormaic, Duph dha Crioch mac Duibh dha Inber, Ailill mac Conaill Graind, Flaithemhoil mac Dluthaigh, Fergus h. Eogain. Hic totus numerus de regibus ceciderunt & .clx. de amsaibh Fergaile,et alii & .ix. uolatiles .i. gealta. Cu Bretan mac Congusa cecinit:


  1. Atagar cath forderg flann,
    A fir Fergaile, a deg lind;
    Bronach muintir meic Muire de
    Iar mbreith a taighe dia cind.
  2. [rann] Bo an claimh ro gháod
    A ffarradh a daimh:
    Mairg lamh ro geoghain a brath
    Ría techt a cath go mac Brain.
  3. [rann] Ma beith nech r.e. do bera cath,
    Mada indreamain re mac Brain,
    Annsa lim inas an draoí
    An taoi ro ceachtair an claimh.
 p.100 Nuada h. Lomtuili cecinit:
  1. Do dith laithe Almaine
    Ag cosnam buair Breghmuighe,
    Ro lao badhbh bélderg biorach
    Iolach um cenn Fergaile.
  2.  182va(271a)
  3. Buaidh árd Almaine an fán
    Ag guidhe dal da gach dúil
    Um secht milib dermar,
    Dal Fergail mháir meic Maoilidúin.
  4. Adbath ced ruirech rathach
    Cumach cosdadach carnach
    Um .uii. ngealta gan mine,
    Um uii. mile fer n-armach.


 p.102<div2 n="CS804" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">

 183va(272a)Torand romór et gaoth et tentidhe i llo fele Padraig coro marb daoine ro-imda id est mille & decem uiros i tir Corca Baisginn.


Inradh Laigen la Domnall.

<div2 n="CS805" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Muiredhach mac Aimirgin ab Leithglinne quieuit.


Muircertach mac Donngaile ri Breifne, moritur.

<div2 n="CS806" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Tedm mor a n-Erinn in hoc anno.


Gormgal mac Dinadaigh ab Aird Macha quieuit.


Muintir hIe do marbadh o gentibh .i. .lxuiii.


Lex Patricii la Aodhmac Neill.

<div2 n="CS807" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Conmach mac Duibhda Leithi ab Aird Macha subita morte periit.


Constructio nouae ciuitatis Columbae Cille a cCenannus.


Losccadh Innsi Muirgdhaigh o gentibh et inradh Roiss Caim.


Luna in sanguinem uersa est.

<div2 n="CS808" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Obitus Torbaigh ab Aird Macha.


Finachda mac CeallaighLaigenmoritur.


Quies Toictig ab Áird Macha.

<div2 n="CS809" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Aed ab Glinne da Locha quieuit.


 183rb(272b)Finbil ab{a}tissa Cluana Bronaigh quieuit.

<div2 n="CS810" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Anlón mac ConcupuirAidhne moritur.


Guaire ab Glinne da Locha quieuit.


Tadg & Flaitnia duo filii Muirgesa iugulati sunt o Luignibh. Uastatio Luighne la Muirges mac Tomaltaigh.

 p.104<div2 n="CS811" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Nuada ab Aird Macha do dul i Conachta cum lege Patricii et cona cain.


Annus prodigiorum annso: as inte tainig in Cele Dé don fairgi anes cosaibh tirmaib cen culud et do bertha stuagh sgribta do nimh do triasa ndenad procect do Gaoidelaibh, et do bertea súas doridisi í in tan toirged an procect et tigedh an Cheli Dé gach laoi darsan fairige fodes iar toirgsin an procecta; as inte dano do rignid fuil dona bairgenoib & ro shed fuil estib ica ttesccad; as inte no candais na heóin an cantain daonna. ingnadh


Ár gente la hUlltuibh.

<div2 n="CS812" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Nuadha Locha hUama episcopus et ab Áird Macha quieuit.


Ár gente la firu Umaill.


Ar Conmaicni la gentibh.


Ar gente la Mumain .i. la Cobtach.


Iondradh an desgeirt la Muirges mac Tomaltaicch. 183va(273a)


Cáin Dairi for Connachtaibh.

<div2 n="CS813" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Ar ffer n-Umaill la gentibh ubi ceciderunt Cosgrach mac Flaind Abrat et DunchadhUmaill.


CarolusFrangc et Impir Eorpa quieuit.

<div2 n="CS814" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Edirsgel episcopus & abb Glinne da Locha quieuit.


Forcellach Fobair {do Gailenccaibh Mora} abb Cluana Muc Nois quieuit.


Lex Ciarani for Cruachan eleuata est la Muirgis mac Tomaltaigh.


Saeth mor & trómgalar.

<div2 n="CS815" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Mors Muirgiusa meic TomaltaighConnacht.


Conall mac NeillBregh moritur.


Orgain Cluana Creama do Brefnechaib. Daoine do marbadh inte.

 p.106<div2 n="CS816" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Losgadh Cluana Muc Nois.


Mors Cathail meic OilillaH. fFiacrach.


Tibraide ab Cluana Ferta Brenaind.


Suibne mac Cuanach do Ib Briain Seola ab Cluana M. Nois quieuit iar tricaid la ar losccad Cluana.

<div2 n="CS817" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Cu Congelt mac CatailLaighen Desgabair.

<div2 n="CS818" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Muiredhach mac Brain leithrí Laigen{}


Artri princeps Aird Macha co sgrin Patraic do dul co Connachtaibh.


Cath i ferann Delbnae Nuat .i. cat Forath ubi H. Maine & a righ 183vb(273b) do marbadh .i. Catal mac Murchadha & plurimi. Rige H. mBriuin .i. Diarmaid mac Tomaltaigh & Maolcothaigh mac Fogharthaigh uictores erant.


Diarmaid ab Iae co sgrin Colaim Cille do dul a n-Albain.

<div2 n="CS819" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Uastatio Laigen la Aodh mac Néll.


Mors Aedha meic Neill Frosaigh ic Ath da Ferta a Muigh Conaille.


Cath edir Cinél Eogain & Cinel Conail in quo cecidit Maol Breasail mac MurcadhaCineóil Conaill: Murchadh mac Maeili Duin uictor fuit.


Catal mac Dunlainge ri H. cCinsiolaigh moritur..


Concupar mac Donnchada regnat.

<div2 n="CS820" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Ailebra h. Muirli episcopus Air- & Daimliag moritur.


Fedhlimidh mac Crimthain do gabail Muman.

 p.108<div2 n="CS821" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Sluaiged la Concupur mac Donnchadha co Ard Achod Slebe  184ra(274a) Fuaid. Ionradh na nAirter les co nuige Emhain Macha.


Coniulff ri Saxan moritur.

<div2 n="CS822" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Sicc mór go risit na muire et na locha go ructha na graige & fedhmanna forra.


Eochaidh h. Tuathail episcopus et ab Lughmhaigh quieuit.


Orgain Daiminsi et Corcaighe o gentib.

<div2 n="CS823" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Conaing {.i. mac Congaile}Teathba.


Congalach mac Irgalaigh tanaisi abbad Cluana Muc Nois.


Lex Padraic for Mumain la Feidhlimidh mac Crimthain.


Ronan ab Cluana Muc Nois do ága{ibh a} abdaine.


Saruccadh Cluana Muc Nois do Cathal mac Ailillah. Maine for secnabad Muman .i. Flann mac Flaithbertaigh do Uib Forga contard isin Sinainn contorcair. Dligedh .uii. cell inn.


Maidm ria Cathal mac Oilella for Fedlimid mac Crimthain a Maig hÍ ubi multi ceciderunt:

  1. Robtar trena
    Connachta a Maigh nÍ;
    Nibdar fanna
    Ria Fedlimidh.


Gentiles inuaserunt Bendcur Mór.


Galinde na Bretan exustum est o Fedlimidh mac Crimthain {cum tota} habitatione sua et cum oratorio.


Tene do nimh forsa forudh n-abad a n-Árd Macha gor loisg.


Mors Fergusa meic Loingsicch ab Aird Macha quieuit.

 p.110<div2 n="CS824" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Orgain Bendcair a gentibus.


Cath Fionnabrach in quo ceciderunt Aodh mac Fogurtaigh et ailii.

<div2 n="CS825" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Díarmaid h. Aodha Roin ancorita & religionis doctor Hiberniae.


Magna pestilentia in Hibernia a senioribus & infirmis. teidmor


Gorta mor & ircra aran.


Argain Dúin Lethglaisi ó gentibh.


Losccadh Muighe Bile cona erdaimibh ó gentibh.


Rainiudh i Maig Inis re nUlltaib for gentibh in quo ceciderunt plurimi.


Raoiniudh for Osraigibh ó gentibh.


Orgain Innsi Daimle o gentibh.


Martra Blaithmaic meic Flainn o gentibh i n-I Coluim Cille10.

<div2 n="CS826" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Níall mac DiarmadaMide moritur.


Mac Loingsigh ab Áird Macha, moritur.


Art mac DiarmadaTeabta iugulatus est.


Clemens ab Cluana Iraird quieuit.


 184va(275a)Guin Artrach meic MuirgesaTeabtha.


Lex Da-Íre co Connachta iterum.

<div2 n="CS827" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Saruccadh Eogain a n-Ard Macha la Cumasccach mac Cathail do rí Airgiall & la Airtri mac Concupuir conadh uime sin adbert Eogan fer leiginn Mainistrech ann rann sa diar cuir a sailmceadluidh d'agallam Nell Caille d'iarraidh comurbuis Patraic do cosnamh dho:


  1. Abair le {Niall} niamda
    Guth Eogain meic Anmchada,
    Na biodh san rige a rabha
    Munab abb a anmcara.

Airtri mac Concupair baoi a ccomurbus Patraic an uair sin; mac mathar eside do rí Oirgíall .i. do Cumusccach mac Cathail. As e a p.112 cumair tinoilid na righ a slóigh & fertur cath Leithe Caim a Maigh Enir ria Níall mac Aodha for Airgiallibh & for Ulltaibh in quo ceciderunt Muiredhach mac EachachUladh et Cumusccach mac CathailAirgiall et Congalach a brathair et alii reges d'Airgiallaibh & ro gab Eogan Mainistrech ardcomurbus Patraic fri re .ix. mbliadan iar sin tre nert Neil Caille, conidh do tairrngire  184vb(275b) an catha sin do can DaCiaroc sanctus Aracuil .i. cell:

  1. Lethe cam,
    Do fáosad mor ngalngad ann,
    Tarrustur o Lethe Luin
    Cidh cian cidh cuin cidh mall.

As ag tarrngaire an catha sin aspert Bec mac De:


  1. Lethe cam,
    Conricfaid días amnus ann,
    Bidh rí Eoghan ar Eogan,
    Árd an gleogal bías ann.

Seanóir do muintir Aird Macha cecinit a aithle an catha:

  1. Nima rucsam ar mbaire,
    Nima lodmur sec Lere (.i. Lann Lere11)
    Nimar gabsamur Eogan
    Sech cech ndeoraidh in hEre.


Secnopote Cluana Muc Nois do tabairt do Muimnechaibh na raba riam.

<div2 n="CS828" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



h-Uada mac DiarmadaTebtha interfectus.


Cathraoinedh for gentibh re Coirpri mac Cathoil ri h. Cinsilaigh & ré muintir Tighe Munda.


Mors Muiredhaigh meic RuadhrachLaighen.

<div2 n="CS829" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Cearball mac Finnachda  185ra(276a)Dealbhna Betra moritur.


Diarmaid abb Iae do dul a n-Alban co miondaib Colaim Cille.


Raoined for Connacdaibh re feraibh Midhi.

 p.114<div2 n="CS830" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Aengus mac DunchadhaTeabtha.


Cormac mac Suibhne episcopus & ab Cluana Iraird quieuit.


Losccadh Faire la Feidhlimidh.


Suibne mac Fairnigh ab Daiminsi a n-Ard Macha quieuit.

<div2 n="CS831" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Diarmaid a n-Erinn co miondoibh Colaim Cille.


Muirenn abbatisa Cille Dara quieuit.


Inradh Conaill do gentibh gur gabattur Maol Brighde a rri et Cananan a brathair et co ructa a lonccoib.


Inradh Life la Concupar mac Donnchadha.

<div2 n="CS832" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Cedna orgain Aird Macha ó gentibh fo tri a n-aon mis.


Orgain Lucchmaigh et Mucrima & O Meith et Droma hUbla & araile cell.


Orgain Daimliag Cianain & fine Ci 185rb(276b)annachda cona cellaibh o gentib.


Tuathal mac Feradaigh do breith do gentibh & scrin Adamnain o Domnoch Magagen.


Inradh Bethra fo tríFeidhlimidh.


Losccadh termainn Cluana Ciaráin le Feidlimidh mac Crimthain.


Orgain Lis Móir o gentibh.


Mors Concupuir mac DonnchadhaTemrach.


Quies Artrach meic Concupoir.


Niall Caille regnat.

<div2 n="CS833" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Raoinedh re Níall & re Murchadh for Gullu a n-Dairi Calcaigh.


Orgain Cluana Dolcan o gentibh.


Iugulatio muintire Cluana Muc Nois et losccadh a tennainn corice dorus cille la FeidlimidhCaisil. Faen cuma cedna muintir Durmagh co dorus a ccille.


Mors Diarmada meic TomaltaigConnacht.

<div2 n="CS834" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Eoccan Mainistrech ab Aird Macha quieuit.


Affraic abbatissa Chille Dara quieuit.


Ceallach mac BrainLaigen,et Cinaoth mac ConaingBreg moriuntur.


Cath for gentibh ré Dunchadh mac Scannlainh. fFi{dh}gente dú a ttorcair ile diubh.


Orgain Glinne dha Locha ó gentibh.

<div2 n="CS835" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Orgain Ferna Móir et Cluana Móir Maodóig o gentibh et losccadh Mungairde et araile cell d'Irmumhain.


Aedacan Lugmaigh d'ég a n-ailitre a c-Cluain Muc Nois.

<div2 n="CS836" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Suibne mac Iosebh abb Glinne da Locha quieuit.


Ceall Dara d'argain ó gentibh o Inber Dex & ra loisccsiod leth na cille.


Gabail an dertaighe a c-Cill Dara for Forannán ab Áird Macha go samhadh Padruig archena la Fedlimidh mac Crimthainn co cath et indini & ro gabta icat cona n-umaldoit.


Uastatio Cluana Moir Maodoig a gentibus i nocte Natiuitatis Domini: mortificauerunt multos, plurimos abstulerunt.


Uastatio crudelissima omnium Connachtorum a gentibus.

<div2 n="CS837" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Riacan mac Finnachta leithri Laigen moritur.


Longas tri .xx. lóng do Normaindibh for Boinn. Longus oile tri .xx. long for abainn Liffe. Ro lasad an dana longais sein Magh Life et Magh mBregh edir cella et tuatha.


Raoinedh ré feroibh Breg for gentibh  185vb(275b)contorcrattur se .xx. dibh.


Cath re gentibh for Uibh Néill o Inber na mBarc o muir go Sinuinn dú ra laeedh ár nár hairmedh riamh act optimi reges inuaserunt.


Losccadh Cluana Muc Nois et Insi Celtra et cella Locha hErne uile et Daiminis do dithlaitriuccadh o gentibh.


Marbadh Saxoilbh taisigh na n-Gall la Ciannacht.


Ar gente a c-Carn Feradhaigh.


Maidm na Fertae ria gentibh.


Ár gente ag Es Ruaidh.


Cedgabail Atha Cliath o ghentibh.


Cormac mac Cuilennáin natus est.


Cathal mac Muirgesa ri Connacht moritur.

<div2 n="CS838" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Ruaidri mac Donnchadha {secundus abbas Cluana Iraird} tanaisi abb Cluana Muc Nois quieuit.


Cath ria ngentibh for Connachta in quo ceciderunt Mael Dúin mac Muirgessa et alii.


Bran mac FaolainLaiccen mortus. 186ra(276a)

<div2 n="CS839" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Muiredach mac EchachUladh iugulatus est a suis fratribus .i. Aodh et Aongus et aliis.


Gaill for Loch Ecach gur airgetor tuaisgert Erend as etir cill is túaith.


Losccadh Ferna & Corcaighe ó gentibh.

<div2 n="CS840" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Orgain Lugmaigh do Loch Echach ó gentibh: episcopos & prespiteros & sapientes captiuos duxerunt.


Floricus imperator Francorum quieuit.


FedhlimidhMuman d'inradh Mide et Bregh condesidh a tTemraigh.


Inradh Cell et Betra la Niall mac Aodha.


Morss MurchadaConnacht .i. mac Aodha.


Ioseph Roiss episcopus et abb Cluana Eois quieuit.


Guin Cinaodha meic CoscraighBreagmuine.

 p.120<div2 n="CS841" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Gente for Loch Echach béos.


Longport og Lind Duachaill as ar loitedh tuatha et cealla Teabtha.


Longport og Duibhhnn as  186rb(278b) ar loitedh Laighin et h. Néill eidir tuathaibh et cellaibh co Sliab Bladma.


O{r}gain Cluana Edhnech et dilghenn Cluana Iraird et Cille Aichidh o gentibh.

<div2 n="CS842" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Gente for Duiplind béos.


Orgain Cluana Muc Nois o gentibh do Linn Duachaill.


Orgain Birra & Saighre o gentibh.


Loinges Normaindech for Bóinn oc Linn Roiss. Loinges ele occ Linn Duachaill. Coeman abb Linde Duacháill do goin et do losccadh do gentibh.


Orgain Disirt Diarmada do Cael Usque o gentibh.


Dungal mac FergaileOsraighe moritur.


Cennetigh d'argain etdo losccadh Cluana Muc Nois.

<div2 n="CS843" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Fergus mac Fotaidh ri Connacht moritur. rcon


Donnacan mac Maeili Tuile scriba et ancorita quieuit in Italia.


Mael RúanaidhMidhe moritur.


Congaluch mac Irgalaigh tanaisi abbadh Cluana Muc Nois quieuit.

<div2 n="CS844" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Ronán abb Cluana Muc Nois quieuit: do Laicchnibh Rois Tethrach dho.


Coirpre mac Cathail ri Laigen moritur. rl


Tolorg mac Allailed flaith Fella occissus est o Galloibh Locha Ribh et ternum Finnacan mac Allailed uatoiph. 186va(279a)

<div2 n="CS845" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Forandán ab Áird Macha du ergabail ó gentibh a c-Cluain Comarda cona mindaibh et cona muintir et a mbreith a longaibh go Luimnech.


Orgain Dhúin Masc o gentibh dú ro marbadh Áodh mac Duibh da Crioch ab Thíre da Ghlass et Cluana Eidnigh & Ceiternach mac Con Dinaisc secnab Cille Dara.


Dún la Turges do Gallaiph for Loch Ribh goro loitetor Connachta(?) et Mide et cor loisccsiot Cluain Muc Nois cona dertighibh et Cluain Ferta Brenuinn et Tír da Glass et Lotra et catracha iomdha.


Cathrainedh for gentibh ria Niall mac Aodha a Maigh Itha.


Orgain Dondchadha meic Follamhain & Fláinn meic Mail Ruanaidh la Mael Seclainn mac Mail Ruanaidh.


Turges do ergabad la Maol Sechlainn mac Mail Ruanaidh et badhadh Turges i lLoch Uair.

<div2 n="CS846" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Cathal mac Ailillah. Maine, Ferdomnach sapiens Áird Macha, Connmach Mor mac CoscraighH. mBriuin dormierunt.


Niall Caille mac AedaTemrach do badhadh a cCallaind.


Máol Dúin mac Conaill ri Cal{a}troma do guin o Laighnibh.


 187vb(279b)Cath for Connachta re Galloibh ubi Rígán mac Fergusa et Mughrón mac Diarmada et Aodh mac Catharnaigh & alii ceciderunt.


Donnchadh mac Amalccadha ri h. nEchdach moritur.


Orgain Termainn Ciaráin o Fedhlimidh mac Crimthainn. Ciaran dano do tocht 'na diaigh a Mumain & forgom da bacaill do inn cor gabh guin meadhóin é.


Mael Sechlainn regnat re.

<div2 n="CS847" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



FeidhlimidhMuman optimus Scotorum scriba et ancorite quieuit rm [with tilde over m].


  1. Dursan, a Dhé, d'Feidhlimidh,
    Tonn báis barom rodbáidhe;
    Fo deara brón d'Eirennchaibh
    Nad mair mac Crimthainn Claire.


Togail Innsi Muinremair la Maol Sechlainn di macoib bais Luigni et Gaileng ro battur og innrad na tuath more gentilium.


Ráoinedh mór ré Cerball mac Dunghaile for Agond in quo ceciderunt .m.cc..


Cédorgain Imlicch Iubair o gentibh.


Eogan mac Edacan meic Torbaig ancorita a c-Cl{u}ain Mac Nois quieuit.

<div2 n="CS848" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Findachda mac Tomaltaicc {sanctus Luimnigh} ancorita post & rex Connacht prius quieuit.


Tuathcur mac CobhtaighLuighne moritur.


Cath ré Maol Sechlainn mac Maeil Ruanaidh i Foraig in quo ceciderunt .uii. ced.


Cath re n-OlcobhurMuman & re Lorcán mac Cathlaich co Laignibh for gentibh is Sciaigh Nechtain in quo cecidit Tomrair iarla tanaissi righ Lochlánn et da ced dec immi.


Raoinedh re Tigernach ri Locha Gabar for gentibh i n-Daire Disirt DaConna in quo ceciderunt da ficet dec.


Raoinedh re n-Eoganacht Caisil for gentibh ag Dun Maoile Tuile in quo ceciderunt cuig céd.


Dunadh la h-Olcobar do toghail duin Corcaighe for gentibh.

<div2 n="CS849" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Conaing mac Fláinn ri Bregh moritur.


Niall mac Cinaedha ri Umáill moritur.


Aongus mac Algaile princeps Dhomnaigh Padraic & Fínnachta mac Diarmada ab Daimliag et Maolfuadaigh ab Áird Breacain quieuerunt.


Inradh Duiblinne la Maol Sechlainn et la TigernachLocha Gapur.


Flann mac Cuanach princeps Mainistreach.


Muirfecht seacht ffcit long do muintir righ Gáll do tiachdain do tabairt greama for na Gallaibh battur ar a ecinn commescsat hÉrinn uile iarum.


Maol Bresail mac CernaighMughdhorn iugulatus est a gentilibus iar ttect co clerceth.


An cross a ffaichthe Sláine do chumgabáil isin aer et a combruccadh et a fodail co ttorracht ní dia barr Tailltin & Finnabair Abae.

<div2 n="CS850" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Cédadhach ab Cluana Muc Nois de Ib Cormaic Maenmaighe et Tuathal mac Feradhaigh ab Recrann et Dermaighe quieuerunt.


Cinaodh mac Conaing ri Ciannacda do fhritthaighect re Mael Sechlainn mac Mael Ruanaidh a nert Gáll gurro inder o Sionainn co muir eitir cęlla et túatha et gur ort innsi Locha Gabor & ra loisccedh les durtech Treoite cum cclx. hominibus et durtech Nuarrach cum .lx. hominibus.


Mors Cobthaigh meic Maoili CobhaCiarraighe Luachra.


Rechtaprach ab Cluana Ferta Brenainn quieuit.


Loch Laigh hi crich Umaill la Connacht d'elod.

<div2 n="CS851" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



O{l}cobur mac CinaodhaCaisil moritur.


Cinaodh mac ConaingCiannachda dermersus est in lacu {.i. in Angi} crudeli morte ó Maoil Seclainn et ó Tigernach di foesmaib daighdaoinedh n-Erenn et comarba Padraig specialiter.


Tect Duiphgente do Ath Cliath gur ralsat ár mór for Fionngallaibh et gur indirsiot an longport edir daoinibh et maoinibh. Slat ele do Duibhgentibh co n-ar mor for Finngentibh oc Linn Duachaill.


Rí{g}dhal a n-Ard Macha eidir Maol Sechlainn co maitibh Leithe Cuinn et Madudan co maitibh coiccidh Concubhair et Dermait & Fethgna i fecht co samud Patraic et Suairlech co clercibh Midhe.

<div2 n="CS852" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Duo heredes Padruic .i. Forandan scriba et episcopus & ancorita et Diarmaid sapientissimus omnium {doctorum} Europae quieuerunt.


Uastatio Áird Macha o Gallaibh Linne Duacaill die Samhchasg.


Luct oct .xx. lóng d'Finngentibh do rocttattur do cath fria Duibgentibh do Snam Aignech .iii. laithe et tri aidhche og cathuccadh doibh acht as re Duibhgentibh ro meabaidh go fargsat a cheli o a longaibh leo. Stain fugitiuus euasit et Iercne decollatus est.


Fogurtach mac MaoilbresailAirgiall moritur.


Colum mac Airechtaigh ab Corcaighe quieuit.


Fechtgna a ccomarbus Patruic.

<div2 n="CS853" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Amlaibh mac rí Lochlainne do toigecht a n-Erinn gur giallsat Gaill Erennet cíos o Gaoidealaibh dho.


Eachtaigern mac GuaireLaigen Desgabair iugulatus est dolose ó Bruattar mac Aoda et o Cerball mac Dungaile et Bruattar mac Aoda iugulatus est dolose a sociis suis in .xluii. die post iugulationem Echtaighern.


Catal mac Tomaltaigh leitri Uladh a Normandis interfectus est.

<div2 n="CS854" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Maolseclain ri Temra do dul co feroib Muman corige Indein na nDesi et a ngialla do tabairt.


Inrachtach h. Finnachta heres  190ra(282a)Colaim Cille sapiens optimus .iiii. Id. Mardi apud Saxones martiristat.


Murgel righan Laigen mortua est.

<div2 n="CS855" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Abbatissa Cille Dara {.i. Catrian} quieuit.


Crech la Aodh mac Néll co hUlltu co fargaib Connecan mac Colmáain & Flaithbertach mac Néll & socaidhe archena.


Ailill abb Achaidh Bo moritur.

<div2 n="CS856" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Cuisne mór & siocc gurb imdecda primlocha & primaibne Erenn do coisigibh et do marcachaibh a .ix. Kl. Decimbris usque ad .uii. Id. Ianuarii. Tempest{u}osus annus.


Máelseclainn mac Maelruanaidh a c-Caisil go ttug gialla Muman.


Coccadh mor eidir gentibh et Maelseclainn co Gall-Gaoidelaibh leis.


{Occissio Gormain meic Lonain ridamno Caisil o gentibh i Loch Ceann anno Domini dccclui}.


Duirtech Lusca do losccadh a Normandis.


Horm taoisioch na nDuibgente iugulatus est la Ruadraig mac Mermein ri Breton.


Sodomna episcopus Slaine martirizatur a Normandís.


Morss Nell meic Gilláin íar mbeith dech mbliadna fiched gan biadh gan digh.

<div2 n="CS857" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Raoinedh re nÍomur & re n-Amlaíbh 190rb(282b) for Cathal Finn co n-Gall-Gaoidealaibh a tirib Muman.


Maongal ab Faba{i}r quieuit.


Madudan mac MuircertaighUladh moritur.


Triar do losccadh a tTailltin fulgore.


Bran mac Scanlain ri Gabrain.

<div2 n="CS858" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Sluaccadh mor diar loisccedh Muma a n-áon lo la Maolseclainn mac Maolruanaidh co feraibh Erenn co ttugsad maidm for feraib Muman oc Carn Lugdach gur faccbadh ann Máolcróin mac Muiredhaigh leithrí na n-Dése. Tucc Maelseclainn gialla Muman ó Comur Trí nUisce co Innsi Tarbna iar n-Érinn & o Dún Cermna co hArainn nAirthir.


Ceallach mac GuaireLaighen Dessgabair .i. Ui Cinnsiolaigh moritur.


Maidm ria Cerball & ria n-Iomar a ccrich Aradh Tire for Cinel Fiachach go Gall-Gaoidhealaibh Leithe Cuinn .i. .cccc. ar se míle a lin side.

<div2 n="CS859" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Suarlech ab Achaidh Bo quieuit.


Faolgus ab Ruis Cre quieuit.


Rigdail maithe Erenn og Raith Aodha meic Bric um MaelseclainnTemra & um Fethgna comarba Padraig et im Suarrlech comurba Finnein  190va(283a)ag denamh shithe et caoincomraic fer n-Erenn conidh p.132 ánd do rad CerballOsraighe i ndilsi fri Leth Cuinn & ro gaid Maolgúala mac Dondgaili {.i. ri Muman} a dilsi.


MaolgualaMuman a Normandís occissus est lapidibus.

<div2 n="CS860" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Sloicchedh Laighen et Mumhan et Connacht et H. Néill an deisgeirt isa fochla la MaolseclainTemra co ndesidh ag Maigh Duma a ccomfocus Áird Macha co forbart Aodh mac Néll & Flann mac Conaing an dunadh a n-aidchi cor marbsat daoini for lár an dunaidh & ro meabadh for Aedh go ffargaib ile.

<div2 n="CS861" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Inradh Midhe d'Aodh {.i. Finnliath} mac Neill Caille co n-Galloibh.


Gormlaith ingen Donnchadha rigan Gaoidheal iar n-aithrighe do héc.


Cath Droma da Maighe la Maolseclainn mac Maolruanaidh ar Gallaibh Atha Chath.

<div2 n="CS862" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Domnall mac Elphin rex Pictorum.


Sloiccedh la Aodh mac Néll la rígh Ailigh et la Flann mac Conaing do indradh Midhe.


Dalach mac Maoil 190vb(283b)raitte ab Cluana Iraird quieuit.


Maolseclainn mac Maolruanaidh ri Erend uile .ii. Kl. Decimbris .iii. feria anno regni sui .xui. defunctus est.


Ruarcc mac Broin {} iugulatus est ó Ibh Néll.


Aodh Finnliath mac Neill regnare incipit.

<div2 n="CS863" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Maolpadraic mac Fíanchon episcopus et adhbar abbadh Aird Macha quieuit.


Muirecan mac DiarmadaNais et Airthir Life a Normandis interfectus est.


Daniel h. Luaitide abb Corcaighe et Lis Moir do guin.


Innradh Connacht la Aodh mac Néll.

<div2 n="CS864" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Lorcan mac Catail ri Midi do dalladh la Áodh mac NeillTemra.


Concupar mac Donnchadha leitrí Mide do marbadh in huiscri co Cluain Iráird la h-AmlaoibGall.


Raoinedh mor ré n-Aodh mac Néll & ré Flann mac Conaing for Anfidh mac n-Aedha co nUlltaibh i Tir Conaille Cerd.


Edged Brit episcopus Cille Dara & senex .c.xui. annorum quieuit.


Bás Cermuda meic Catharnaigh taoisech Corca Baiscinn a gentibus.

 191ra(284a)<div2 n="CS865" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Eclipsis solis hi Kl. Enair et eclipsis lunae in eodem die.


Ceallach mac Aililla abb Cille Dara et abb Iae dormierunt.


Tigernach mac FogartaighLocha Gabar & leithrí Breg moritur.


Tadhg mac DiarmadaH. Cinnsiolaigh interfectus est a fratribus suis.


Guin Colmáin meic DunlaingeFoturd Tire da clainn fadesin.

<div2 n="CS866" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Cathraoinedh ré n-Aodh mac Neill & re Cinel Eoghain for Gallaibh oc Loch Feabail co ttuccadh da ficit deg ceann diubh a n-aon baile.


Loch Lebinn do sódh a ffuil go ttarl{a} i pairtibh cro amail sgumu inna imbecdair ingnadh.

<div2 n="CS867" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Máelduin mac AodaAiligh in clericatu moritur.


Rabartach Findglaissi episcopus {quieuit}.


Conall episcopus Cille Scire quieuit.


Cormac h. Liatháin episcopus quieuit.

<div2 n="CS868" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Ceallach mac Cumasccaigh ab Fobair.


Connmach ab Cluana Muc Nois quieuit: do Cinel Echach Gall dó.


Daniel ab Glinne da Locha quieuit.


Cannan mac Dáluigh  191rb(284b)ab Daimlíag quieuit.


Fergus Roiss Ailitre scriba quieuit.


Cath Cille h. nDaigre re nAodh Finnliath mac Nell ri Teamrach & re Concupar mac TaidgConnacht .i. uiii. Id. Septembir oc Cill h. nDaigre for Aibh Nell Breg & for Laignib & for slúgh mór do Gallaibh .i. tri ced no ní as uille; coig míle do Flann mac Conaing & aen míli d'Aedh Finnliath; in quo bello ceciderunt Flann mac ConaingBregh uile et Diarmaid mac EidirsceliLocha Gabar et Gaill iomdha do marbadh ann & Factna mac Maeiliduin rigdomna an Fhochlai do-rocair a frithguin an catha.


Eruptio i{g}notae aquae de Monte Cualánn cum pisciculis atris ingnadh.


Rectabra mac Murchadha abb Corcaighe quieuit.

<div2 n="CS869" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Martan do Dartraigib Daiminnsi ab Cluana Muc Nois & Daiminnsi quieuit.


Dunlung mac MuiredhaighDebulaigen moritur.


Flann mac Fercair equonimus Aird Macha moritur.


Maelciarain mac Ronain righnia Airthir hErenn fennidh foghla Gall iugulatus.


Orgain Áird Macha o Amlaoibh gur loisccedh cona dertaighibh .x. ced eidir braid et marbadh & slatt mor archena.


Donnacan mac Cedfadhah. Cindsiolaigh iugulatus est dolose a socio suo.

<div2 n="CS870" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Suairlech ind Eidnen episcopus & ab Cluana Iraird religiosus totius Hiberniae quieuit.


Inradh Laighen la Aodh Finnliath mac Neill o Ath Cliath go Gabran.


Maelsechlainn mac Nell leithrí deisgirt Bregh interfectus est dolo ó Fulf Dubgall.


Dalach mac Muircertaigh dux Cinel Conaill a gente sua iugulatus.


Maongal episcopus Cille Dara quieuit.

<div2 n="CS871" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Cathalan {mac} Indrecduigh leithrí Uladh iugulatus est dolose a consilio Aodha.


Amlaib & Imar do toicchecht arisi do Ath Cliath a Albain díbh cédoibh lóng et creach mor daine .i. do Saxanaibh & do Breatnachaib do tabairt leo docum hÉrenn.


Oilill mac DúnlaingLaigen a Normandis interfectus est.


Ailill episcopus & ab Fobair quieuit.

<div2 n="CS872" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Gnia princeps Daimliag et episcopus .lxxxuiii. anno aetatis suae finiuit.


Cennfaoladh h. Mochthuigern ri Caisil extenso dolore quieuit.


Feardomnach {.i. do Mughdornaibh} princeps Cluana Muc Nois quieuit.


Ardgal rex Britanorum Sratha Cluaidhe de consilio Constantin meic Cinaodha occissus.


Maoltuile h. Dunan episcopus Tulen quieuit. As é an Maoltuili-si tuc monoir cath eitir firaibh Teabtha & Gailenga & Fir Cúl ig cosnamh Tulen & ro meabadh for Gailengaibh & for Fira Cul & ro marbaid a n-ar for faithce an baile & Coindr an catha ainm an inaidh a ttuccadh o sin alle.


Mugron mac Maeilcothaigh leithrí Connacht moritur.

<div2 n="CS873" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Uathmaran mac Brocain ri H. fFiacrach Aidhne quieuit.


ImhorNormandorum totius Hiberniae quieuit.


Inradh Connacht la DunchadhCaisil & la Cerball go n-Osraigibh.


Inradh Mumhan o Gallaibh Atha Cliath.

 p.140 192ra(286a)<div2 n="CS874" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Aodh mac Fiangusa princeps et episcopus Rois Comain quieuit.


Fethgna episcopus heres Patraic & caput totius religionis Hiberniae quieuit.


Sloicched la Aodh mac Néll co Laignib cor airged Ceall Ausaille & araile cealla.

<div2 n="CS875" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Maongal tanaisi Clúana Muc Nois quieuit.


Robartach mac Meic na Cerda episcopus Cille Dara quieuit.

<div2 n="CS876" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Custantín mac Cinaodha rex Pictorum moritur.


Congalach mac FinnacdaAirgiall moritur.


Coirpre mac Diarmada ri H. Cinnsiolaigh a fratribus suis occissus.


Donngal episcopus Corcaighe subita morte.


Rectapra mac Finnbrain rí na n-Deisi quieuit.


Eogan Topair {d'Aib Crimthainn do} ab Cluana Muc Nois quieuit.

<div2 n="CS877" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Maoltuile h. Cu{a}na ab Cluana Muc Nois quieuit: do Luignibh Connacht dó .i. do Grectraigib Arda.


Ruaidri mac Muirminn rex Britannorum do toighect cum Erenn for teithedh re Duphgallaib.


Cath oc Loch Cuan eidir Finngentibh et Duibgentibh in quo Albann dux na nDuibgente cecidit.

 192rb(286b)<div2 n="CS878" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Fros fola do siledh go ffrith na pairte cro & fola forsna maigib a cCianachda oc Duma na nDeisi go sunradhach.


Uentus magnus et fulgor.


Eclipsis solis .i. noin dorchu.


Scrín Coluim Cille et a minna archena dochum hÉrenn for teithedh ria n-Gallaibh.


Flann mac Maoileclainn regnare incipit.

 p.142<div2 n="CS879" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Aodh Finnliath mac Nell CailleTemrach in .xii. Kl. Decimbris .ui. feria a n-Druim Inasglainn hi crich Conaille dormiuit.


Máelcoba mac Crunnmáel princeps Áird Macha do ergabail et an fer leiginn Mochta.

<div2 n="CS880" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Feradach mac Cormaic ab Iae quieuit.


Maelciaráin mac ConaingTeabthae in clericatu quieuit.


Domhnáll mac Muirigén hi righe Laighen.


Inradh Midhe la fiora Muman go Loch nAindinn et go Loch Semdile.


Inradh Laigen la Flann mac Maeilecláinn & a n-ait{i}ri do tabairt les.

<div2 n="CS881" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Crundmaol Cluana Cain episcopus quieuit.


Durtech Cianáin do brisiodh do Gallaibh & a lán do maoinib do breith ass et postea Barid mac Imair cenn Normandis do éc tre  192va(287a)miorbal Dé et Cíanáin.

<div2 n="CS882" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Sloicchedh la Flann mac Maoilechláinn co nGalloib et co n-Gaoidealaibh isa Fhochlae co ndesidh a Maigh eidir dí Glais cor inrestur Árd Macha & ro gap giall{a} Conaill & Eoghain don turus sin.


Cath eidir Conaille Murtemne & Ulltu du a ttorchair Anfidh mac AodhaUladh et Conall mac MaeilidúinCobha et alii.


Concupur mac TaidgTeora Connacht uitam senilem finiuit.


Inradh Mumhan la Flann mac Maoileclainn et a braigde leis.

<div2 n="CS883" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Maolrúain episcopus Lusca quieuit.


Cumasgach mac DomnaillCineóil Laoguire moritur.


Morss meic Ausile o Otir mac Eirgni & o Muirgil ingen Maoilechláinn.


Eochacan mac Aodha leithrí Uladh iugulatus est ó macoibh Ainfidh meic Aodha.


Cathasach mac Rabartaigh princeps & episcopus Aird Macha quieuit.

<div2 n="CS884" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Domnáll mac Muirigén ri Laigen iugulatus est a sociis suis.


S{g}anlan episcopus Cille Dara quieuit.

<div2 n="CS885" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Maolpadraic {.i. d'Ibh Mane .i. o tig ingine Lingaig} ab Cluana Muc Nois quieuit.


Maelpadraic mac MaelcuarardaAirgialla do guin o muintir.


Eclipsis solis et uisae sunt stellae in celo.


Cormac episcopus Daimlíag extenso dolore quieuit.


An mac oc Craib Laisre do labradh a ccinn da mís iarna geinemain.


Muiredach mac BrainLaighen quieuit.

<div2 n="CS886" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Eiremhon mac Aodha lethrí Uladh o h-Eloir mac Iargni occissus.


Fiacna mac AinfidhUladh a suis.


Orgain Cille Dara ó gentibh: ceithre ficit décc do breith do daoinibh este im an secnab .i. Suibne mac Duib da Bairenn.

<div2 n="CS887" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Maolmuire an file eolach Gaoidel quieuit.


In t-ailithir gus in duilleg do radadh do nimh do tiachtain docum Eirenn co Cain Domhnaigh & forcetlaib maitib.


Maolruain ab Disirt Diarmada & Cille Aiched et Tige Telle quieuit.


Cu cen Matair ab Imligh Iobair quieuit.


Aodan mac Recdadha ab Roiss Cre quieuit.


Ár Gall Luimnigh la Connactoibh.

 p.146 193ra(288a)<div2 n="CS888" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Maolcoba ab Áird Macha quieuit.


Donnchadh mac Duib da BairennCaisil quieuit.


Cathraoinedh for Flann mac MaoilecláinnGallaibh Atha Clíath dú a ttorcair Aodh mac ConcupairConnacht rcon. et Lergus mac Cruinden episcopus Cille Dara et Donnchadh mac Maoilidúin princeps Cille Delga et alii multi.


Snedgius sapiens Disirt Diarmada aidi Cormaic meic Cuilennáin quieuit.


Cerball mac Dunlainge subita morte .i. rí Osruidhe.


Sichfrith mac Imair ri Normandis a fratre suo per dolum occisus est.


Claoclodh bertha la hogo Erenn.

<div2 n="CS889" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



S{l}uaiccedh la Domnall mac Aoda et la tuaiscert Erenn et co Gallaibh co hUib Neill an Deisceirt.


Oenach Taillten cen aige.


Dubhlactna mac Maelghuala i righe Caisil.


Tuadcar episcopus Cluana Muc Nois quieuit.

<div2 n="CS890" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Celum ardere uisum est in nocte hi Kl. Enáir.


Maolodar episcopus Cluana Muc Nois quieuit.

<div2 n="CS891" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Flann mac Maoiliduin ab  193rb(288b)Iae quieuit.


Cormac princeps Fobair & tanaisi abbad Cluana Mac Nois quieuit.


Suibne mac Maoiluma ancorita Cluana Muc Nois quieuit.


Orgain Cille Dara et Cluana Iraird do gentibh.


Maolfabaill mac ClerighAidhne quieuit.


Aonach Taillten do aige la Flann mac Maoileclainn.


Ár Gall la hUib Amalccaidh cor ttorcair Elair mac Bairid ann.

 p.148<div2 n="CS892" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Maolbrighde na gamnaidhe o Gabar .i. Cęll Ula d'feraibh Umaill dó ab Cluana Muc Nois quieuit.


Uentus magnus a mí Marta cor trasgair fiodhbaidh et co rug na dertaighe as a lathrachebh.


Tigernan mac Sellacháin ri Breffne quieuit.

<div2 n="CS893" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Mochta dalta Fetgna episcopus Áird Macha quieuit.


Cumusc cengigis a n-Árd Macha etir Cinel nEógain & Ulltu dú a ttorchair sochaidhe .i. eidir Aidéid mac Laigne & Flaithbertach mac Murchadha cor sgar Mael Brígde. Ríar Maoilbrigde iar sin et enigh Padraicc ó cuigedaibh hErend la gabail a n-aitire tricha secht ccumal et  193va(289a)cethrar hi crocaib ó Ulltaibh cenmothád cealla et manchu.


Riaccán mac Ectigernh. cCinnsiolaigh moritur.


Becc mac ErmainUladh occisus est la Aitéid.

<div2 n="CS894" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Lachtnan mac Maeil CiaráinTeabtha moritur.


Níall mac Laoguire rí na Dese moritur.


Faolán mac Gúaireh. cCinsiolaigh moritur.

<div2 n="CS895" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Duplactna mac MaoilgúaireCaisil moritur.


Maolpedair mac Cuáin episcopus Tire da Glas comurba Brenaindquieuit.


Ceallach mac Flannagáin ri Bregh occisus est o Fhogartach mac Tolairg.


Muiredach mac Eochagáin leithrí Uladh occisus est o Aitéd mac Laigne.


Maolaichen episcopus Áird Macha quieuit.

<div2 n="CS896" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Blathmac princeps Cluana Muc Nois .i. mac Taircedaigh do Breghmainib quieuit.


Ár Gall la Conaille & la Aiteid mac Laigne in qua ciciderunt Amlaibh h. Imair et Glun Tradna mac Glúin Iaráinn cum .dccc.


Scolaige mac MacáinDealb 193vb(289b)na Bethra do marbadh la muintir Cluana Muc Nois conidh indside ro marbadh Maolacaidh. Maolacaidh tanaise Cluana Muc Nois & princeps Damainsi {do rad fri bas conadh baoi cinta do i mmarbadh Scolaighe} do dol martra la Delbna Betra a ndigail Scolaige.


Saorbretach mac Conaid sap{i}ens et episcopus & princeps Corcaighe quieuit.


Flann mac Lonain Firgil Gaedeal .i. primfile Gaoideal do marbadh d'Uíbh Cuirrbuide .i. o hUibh Fothaidh ag Loch da Caoch a n-Desibh Muman +.


Flaithbertach mac Murchadha ri Ailigh occisus est la hU Breasail.

<div2 n="CS897" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Cathraoinedh ria Maolfinnain mac Flandagain is Rait Cro for Ulltaibh & for Dál Araidhe ubi multi ceciderunt um Muircertach mac Edigh ri Dail Araidhe & im mac Maoil Mocherge .i. Aindiarraidh mac Indreactaigh ri Leite Cathail. Aidéid mac Laigne uulneratus euasit.


Uathmuran mac Concupairh. fFoilge a suis.


Inradh Connact la Flann mac Maoilseclainn et a geill do thobach.

 194ra(290a)<div2 n="CS898" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Aided mac {Laighne}Uladh a suis per dolum.


Fros fholu do siliudh a n-Árd Ciannachta.


An t-ailitir do dol a hÉrinn.


Árd Macha d'argain ó Gallaibh Lochu Feabhail et Cumusccach do gabáil dáiph et a mac .i. Aodh mac Cumusgaicch do marbadh.


Ruarc mac TigernáinBreifne moritur.

<div2 n="CS899" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Argadan abb Corcaighe quieuit.


Pluuialis annus.


Defectio panis.


Crech la Connachtaibh a nIartur Midhe.


Saruccadh Innsi Aingin et duini do guin for a lar & scrin Ciaran inte & senudh sruith im Cairpre Crom episcopus Cluana M Nois.


Maidm for Connachtaibh oc Ath Luain ria n-iartur Midhe isin lo cedna co ffargsad drem.

<div2 n="CS900" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Mac Eidigh mac Lethlobair ri Dail Araidhe moritur.


Tadg mac Concupuir ri Teora Connacht extenso dolore quieuit.


Orgain Cille Dara o gentibh.


Quies Maoil{brighde mac} Proilig ardeaspuc Muman.


Quies Domnaill meic Constantin ri Alban.


Ben mór do rala a muir a n-Albain .i. da traighidh décc ar naoi ffictib a fad, .ui. traiccidh .x. eidir a da cich, .xu. traiccidh fod a fuilt, .ui. fod meoir a laimhe, .uii. a ffad a srone. Giliter gés no uan tuinne gach mir dhi.

<div2 n="CS901" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Maolruanaidh mac Flainn meic Maoileclainn o Luignibh Connacht occisus est .i. a losccadh a ttaigh tinedh .i. o macoibh Cernacán meic Taidhg et ó mac Lorcain meic Cathail ubi ceteri multi ceciderunt exceptis tribus .i. Maelcrón mac Domnaill ri Cineóil Laoguire & princeps Rois Ech .i. Dubhcuilinn et alius.


Claochlodh abbad a Cluain M Nois .i. Ioseph tairisi Dedimus.


Claoclodh rig i Caisil .i. Cormac mac Cuilendain a n-ionadh Cinn Gegain.


Maolbresail mac Maoil Doraidh ri Cineoil Conaill do marbadh a ccath Sailtini la Murchadh mac Maoili Duin ri Cineoil Eoghain.

 p.154<div2 n="CS902" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Findguine ri Caisil a suis ocisus.


Indarbadh gentae a hEirinn .i. longport Atha Cliath oc Cherball mac Muirigen co Laignibh et Maolfinnian mac Flannagain go fferoib Bregh go fargsad drect mór do lonccaibh.

<div2 n="CS903" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Caoincomrac episcopus et princeps.


Ceallach mac Saorgusa episcopus Aird Macha quieuit.


Maolfinnian ri Bregh moritur.


Duiphgilla mac Eidirsgeóil ri h. Cinnsilaigh {moritur}.

<div2 n="CS904" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Ioseph {.i. Loca Con d'Uib Fiacrach an tuaisgirt} abb Cluana M Nois in pace quieuit.


Saruccadh Cenannsa la Flann mac Maoileclainn for Donnchadh .i. a mac fadhesin et alii multi decollati sunt circa oratorium.


Dungal mac Baithine princeps ogus episcopus Glinne da Locha quieuit.


Fogurtach mac Maoilruanaidh ri Cineoil Conaill moritur.


Cairpre Cam episcopus Cluana M Nois quieuit. As do tuargaib spirit Maoilseclainn meic Maoilruanaidh cenn.


Ead ri Cruithentuaithe do tuitim fri da h. Imair & fri Catol go d. cedoibh.


Ailech d'argain do Gallaibh.

<div2 n="CS906" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Flann mac Domnaill ridamna an Tuaisgirt moritur.


Eignecan mac Dalaigh ri Cinel Conaill moritur.


Sluaighedh la Flann mac Maoilechlainn et la Cerball mac Muireccén co firu Mumhan coro inreaadar ó Gabrán co Luimnech.

<div2 n="CS907" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Colman episcopus Daimhliag et Lusga quieuit.


Feirgil episcopus Findabrach quieuit.


Sluaighedh fer Muman la Cormac mac Cuilennain et la Flaithbertach go Magh Lena gur tinoilsit Leth Cuinn doibh annsin um Flann mac Máoileachlainn go raoinedh for Leth Cuinn.


Annus mor{t}ahtatis.


Sluaicchedh oile la Cormac et la Flaithbertach for Ua Néll & for Connachta co ttugsat gialla Connacht et gur ortattur insi Locha Ribh assa coblach.


Cain la Cele Cleirech for Leth Cuinn.

<div2 n="CS908" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Sluaigedh la Cinel nEoghain .i. la Domnall mac Aodha et la Niall mac Aodha gur loisccsid Tlachtga.


Bellum Bealaigh Mugnai re Laignibh & re Leith Cuinn for feraib Muman in quo Cormac {mac} Cuilennain ri Caisil scriba optimus atque episcopus & ancorita & sapientissimus Gaoidiol occisus est .i. Fiach h. Ugfadan o Dennlis isse ro mharb Cormac. Fogertach mac Suibne ri Ciarraighe Cuirchi {&} Ceallach mac Cearbaill ri Osraighe occissi sunt, Ailill mac Eogain princeps Trin Corcaighe et Maolmordha ri Rat Ailinne et Maolgorm ri Ciarraighe Luacra .ui.m. ibi multi ceciderunt. Colman princeps Cinn Eittigh & ri Corcu Duibne & alii multi nobiles qui non numerati sunt, ut dixit:

  1. Cormac Feimin, Fogartach,
    Colmán, Ceallach cruaid nugra
    adbathad co n-ilmilibh
    a ccath Bealaigh muaidh Mughna.
  2. Flann Temra don Tailtenmagh,
    Cearball do Carmain cionach,
    i septdecim Septembir
    claoisiod cath cedoibh ilach.
  3. In t-epscop, an {t-}anmcara,
    an sui ba sochla fordarc,
    ri Caisil co n-ilmainib:
    A De, dursan do Cormac.

  4. Cormac.
 p.158 Fland mac Maoilechlainn ri Temrach, Cerball mac Muirigen ri Laigen, Catal mac Concupuir ri Connacht uictores erant.


Maolograi mac Congalaicch ri Lochu Gabar per dolum occisus est o Fhogurtach mac Tolairc.

<div2 n="CS909" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Cearball mac Muirigen ri Laigen dolore mortuus est, ut dicitur rl:

  1. Mor liach Life londgalach
    gan Cearball craibtech celech,
    fer fial fossaidh forbarach
    dia foghain Temair taidlech.


Mu{g}ron mac Sochlain ri h. Maine moritur.


Bec h. Lethlabair ri Dail Araidhe moritur.


Caittell mac Ruadhrach ri Bretan moritur. rbr [with suspension stroke over second r]


Damliag Cluana M Nois do denam la Flann mac Maoileclainn et la Colman Conaillech.

<div2 n="CS910" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Cathraoinedh re Flann mac Maileclainn cum suis filiis for fira Breifne ubi ceciderunt Flann mac Tigernain ri Brefne et a mac & alii multi interfecti sunt .i. tria millia hominum. Cath Maighe Ca [with suspension mark over C] 195va (293a)


Airdhi ingnadh do tocur isin bliadhainsi .i. an da grein do rioth imaille in uno die in pridie nonas Maii.


Coblach la Domnall ua Maoileclainn & la Innrachdach mac Concupuir for Dergdeirc gur rainsit for cablach Mumhan et gur marbsat daoine imdha.

<div2 n="CS911" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Dunlong mac Coirpre ridamna Laigen moritur.


Domnall mac Aodha righ Ailigh do gabáil bachla.


Finis cicli.

<div2 n="CS912" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Saruccadh Aird Macha o Cernacan mac Duiligen .i. cimidh do breith as in cill et a marbadh is Loch Cirr fria Ard Macha anair. Cernachán do bádhadh la Niall mac Aodha rig ind Oclai in eodem lacu i ccinaidh saraigte Padraicc.

 p.160<div2 n="CS913" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Congalach mac Gairbith ri Conaille Muirtemne occisus est a fratre suo.


Catraoinedh ria Niall mac Aodha for Connachtaibh .i. for Maelcluiche  195vb (293b)mac Concupuir du a ttorchuir Maolcluiche et daoine iomdha.


Cath ria Máolmithig mac Flannucain & re Donnchadh h. Maoilechlainn for Lorcán mac Dunchadha & for Fogurtach go Laignibh leó ubi ceciderunt multi.

<div2 n="CS914" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Flaithbertach a righe Caisil.


Gaill do tiachtain a n-Erinn a b-Port Lairge.


Sluag and Ochlai & Ulaid um Niall mac Aodha i Midhe go Greallach nEillte. Cathraoinedh ré Flann mac Maoileclainn cum suis filiis form ainnsen dú a ttorcair dream diob um Fergal mac Aongusa meic Maoilduin et um Maolmordha mac n-Eiremoin mic Aodha d'Ultaibh & um h-Erudan mac Gairbith flan h. mBresail et um Diarmaid mac Sealbhaigh ri Dail Riada & um Maolmuire mac Flannagain ri Fernmaighe et alii et Domnall mac Gairbith ri Conaille et Comucan mac Airectaigh.

<div2 n="CS915" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Oengus mac Flainn meic Maeilechlainn ridamna Eirenn in matura {senectute} periit .lx. no .xx. die post bellum Greallaigi quo iugulatus est unde periit .lx. die.


Domnall mac Aodha meic Nell ri  196ra (294a)Ailigh post penetentiam periit.


Maolciarain mac Echucain princeps Cluana Eois dormiuit et Muccnama episcopus Aird Macha & dalta Fethgna.


Sgannlan episcopus Tamlachta quieuit.


Orgain Corcaighe et Lis Moir et Achaidh Bo o gentibh.

<div2 n="CS916" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Cobflaith ingen Duibdúin abbatissa Cille Dam quieuit.


Maolbarrionn sagart Cluana M Nois quieuit.


Fogurtuch mac Tolairc ri Deisgirt Bregh quieuit.


Flann mac Maoileclainn ri Erenn uile in .uiii. Kl. Iuin.uii. feria .xnuii. anno regni sui defunctus est hi Cind Eich muintire Cluana.

  1. Truagh sin a Eiri iodhnac
    et do daoine doghrach
    o testa Flann {} marb
    do ri rogorm roghlach.


Anoroit mac Ruarach ri Bretan moritur.


Niall Glundup mac {Aodha} regnare incipit.


Oenach Taillten d'atnuaghadh la Niall.

<div2 n="CS917" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Sluaicchedh ffer nErenn la Niall mac Aodha go Gallaibh Locha da Cech gur marbta Gaill & Gaoidhil ann um righ Cairrge  196rb (294b) Brachaide & um taisech h. Cernaigh .i. Maolfinnén mac Donnagáin & um taoisech Cremtainne .i. Fergus mac Muirigén & alii multi occisi sunt.


Catraoinedh Cind Fuait for Laignibh re n-u{a} Imair; se ced uel amplius iman rigraidh et imon airdricch .i. Ugaire mac Aililla & im righ Airthir Life .i. Maolmordha mac Muirigén & um Mugron mac Cindedigh ri na ttri Comann & Laichsi & Cinaodh mac Tuatail ri h. Feneclais et alii multi et iman ardepscop.


O{r}gain Cille Dara do Gallaibh Cinn Fuait.


Gabáil Atha Cliath do Gallaibh ar hécin for feraib Erenn.


Niall Glúnduph go fforgla ffer nErenn et co feraibh Bregh & Midhe hi crich Mumhan co ffarccaibh drem mór dia muintir ánn .i. um righ Teabhtha .i. Donncuan mac Flannagáin & um righ Cairrge Brachaide.


Coisne mor in hoc anno & snecda adhbal co tard ar for innilib.

<div2 n="CS918" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Muirenn ingen Suairt abbatissa Cille Dara quieuit.


Ceall Dara d'argain do gentibh aridisi o Ath Cliath.


Eithne ingen Aodha meic Nell rigan ffer mBreg et Mór ingen Cearbaill meic Dungaile rigan  196va (295a) Laigen Desgabar in penitentia quieuerunt.


Tigernach h. Clerigh ri Aidhne mortuus est.

<div2 n="CS919" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Dalladh Aodha meic Flainn h. Maodechlainn la Donnchadh mac Flainn.


Cath Atha Cliath for Gaoidelaibh ria n-Gallaibh .i. ria n-Imur .i. Sitriuc Gaile in quo ceciderunt Niall Glúnduph mac Aoda ri Temrach et Concupur h. Maoilechlainn ridamna Eirenn .i. ri Midhe & Aodh mac Eochuccan ri Uladh et Maolmithidh mac Flannagain ri Breagh & Maolcraoibe h. Duibsinaigh ri Airgiall et Maolcroib mac Doligen ri Tortan. Ceallach mac Foghartaigh ri Deiscert Bregh, Eiremon mac Cinnedigh flaith Cineoil Maine & alii multi duces qui non nominati sunt cum Niall i ccath Atha Cliath interfecti sunt.


Cormac mac Mothlai ri na n-Deisi moritur.


Dubhgilla mac Lachtnain ri Teabtha moritur.


Donnchad regnat. re


Loingsech episcopus Cluana M Nois quieuit.  196vb (295b)


Caisc for .uii. Kl & Minchaisc a samradh.

<div2 n="CS920" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Cathraoinedh ré Donnchadh mac Flainn h. Maoileclainn for gentibh go ttuccadh ár forra conar fédadh airem fair, gur mo imorro do Gallaibh do marbadh ann inás do Gaoidelaibh do marbadh isin cath roimhe. Muircertach mac Tigernain do tuitim a frrithguin ann.


Cenannus do innradh do Gallaibh iar suidhe et brisidh an doimliag.


Finncar episcopus Daimliag quieuit.

<div2 n="CS921" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Domnall mac Flainn h. Maoileclainn ridamhna Temrach .i. ri Mide do marbad la a brathair .i. la Donnchadh ig Bru{i}dhin da Coca.


Ciarán episcopus Tulain quieuit.


Magna pestilentia in Hibernia.


Ruman mac Catusaicch episcopus Cluana Irairtt.


Goffraicch h. Imair do gabáil a n-Ath Cliath.


Maolseclainn mac Maoilruanaidh ridamna Erenn inmatura morte periit.


Orgain Aird Macha do Gofraicc o Ath Cliath.


Maonach cele De do tiachtain don fairrgi aniar do denam reachda hErenn.  197ra (296a)

<div2 n="CS922" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Tadhcc mac Faolain ri Laigen moritur.


Maol Poil mac Aililla episcopus et optimus Leithe Cuind & cenn Indh Idnain quieuit.


Cormac episcopus Cluana Ferta Brenainn quieuit.


Uathmaran mac Dobailen ri Luigne Connacht mortuus est.


Sluaicchedh la Donnchadh ri Temrach co Connachta gur marbadh drem mor dia muintir ann a nduibtir Ata Luain um Cinaedh mac Concupoir ri h. fFoilge.


Orgain Cluana M Nois do Gallaibh Luimnigh et tect doib for Loch Ribh gur ortattur a innsi uile.


Orgain Eninsi do Gallaibh la Foturtuib Tire dú ro marbta da ced deg do Gaoidiolaibh.


Mael mac Duach ri Aidhne iugulatus o Galloibh.


Finnduine h. Maoilmuaidh ri Wer cCell moritur.

<div2 n="CS923" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Maelmordha mac Concuphair ri h. fFoilge iugulatus.


Ligach ingen Flainn meic Maeileclainn ben righ Bregh .i. Mailmithigh moritur ut dixit Gille Mocudu:

  1. Ingen Flainn is Maolmuire,
    maith an ben Ligach fria linn;
    a clann Congalach caomh crithir
    is Aodh mac Mithidh mhind.


Duiblitir sagart  197rb (296b) Arda Macha do marbadh do Gallaibh .i. Cille Slebe.


Maoltuile mac Colmain fer leiginn Cluana M Nois quieuit.


Dedemus h. Foirbten tanaisi Cluana M Nois quieuit occus Flann Fobair uero anno uno interfuit et omnem12 exprobrauerunt.

 p.168<div2 n="CS924" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Ceallach mac Cerbaill meic Muirigen ridamna Laiccen iugulatus est o Dunchadh mac Domhnaill.


Da céd décc do Gallaibh do badhadh hic Loch Rughraidhe.


Donnchadh mac Domnaill tanaissi Cluana Iraird ridamna Temrach iugulatus est a fratre suo.


Spealan mac Congalaigh ri Conaille a suis.


Gaill for Loch Ribh .i. Colla mac Bairid ri Luimnigh a quibus Echdaigern mac Flannchadha ri Breghmaine occisus est.


Natiuitas Briain meic Cinnedigh.

<div2 n="CS925" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Lorcán mac Dunchadha ri Breacch moritur.


Cathal mac Concupair ri teora Connacht moritur.


Dubgall mac Aodha ridamhna Uladh iugulatus est o Cinél Maene.


Domnall mac Cathuil ridamna Connacht iugulatus est a fratre suo ó Thadhg mac Cathail.


Faolan mac Muiredhaigh ri Laicchen do gabad do Gallaibh Atha Cliath cona macaib.

<div2 n="CS926" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Colman mac Aililla {.i. do Conaillib Muirtemne is leis do rinedh daimliag Cluana M Nois} princeps  197va (297) Cluana M Nois quieuit et Cluana Iraird.


Orgain Duin Suobraige do Gallaibh Locha Cuan.


Orgain Cille Dara do Gallaibh Puirt Lairge. A hargain aridhisi ó Ath Cliath isin bliadain cedna.


Ar na n-Gall do cur la hUlltaibh du ro marbta ocht ccéd la Muircertach mac Neill um an ri .i. Albdan mac Gothfrith & Aufer & Roilt.

<div2 n="CS927" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Maelbrigde mac Tornán comarba Padraic et Coluim Cille cénd cradbadh Erenn uitam senilem finiuit {uel quieuit}.


Sitriuc h. Imair ri Finngall et Dubgall moritur.


Gaill Atha {Cliath} do dhol a hEirinn.


Oenach Taillten do cumuscc do mac Nell um Donnchadh, membrum iniquum inobediens captiuo iniquo.


Caindealban mac Maoilcroin ri Laoguire moritur.


Fogurtach mac Lachtnain ri Teabtha moritur.

<div2 n="CS928" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Muirggl ingen Flainn meic Maoilechlainn in senectute ditissima quieuit a c-Cluain M Nois.


Cainech ingen Canadain rigan rig Temrach. dermad [with] a leghtoir ni sunna fil a hait [at end] 197vb (297b)


Finnachta abb Corcuige quieuit.


Donnchadh mac Domnaill ridamna an Tuaisgeirt a Normandis interfectus est.


Orgain Cille Dara do mac Cofthrith o Purt Lairge.

<div2 n="CS929" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Tuathal ó Enecain episcopus Daim{liacc &} Lusca quieuit.


Cainech ingen Canadain rigan righ Temrach in penetentia quieuit, ben Donnchadha meic Flainn.


Diarmaid mac Cerbaill ri Osraighe mortuus est.


Cele mac Scannail comarba Benncuir ogus episcopus quieuit.


Gabáil for Loch Oirbsen do Gallaibh Luimnigh & innsi an locha d'argain doibh.

<div2 n="CS930" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Obsessio Derce Ferna et a togail ubi mille homines moriuntur.


Ar na n-Gáll ro battur for Loch Oirbsen do chur la Connachtaibh.


Gaill Luimnigh do gabail a Maigh Raighne.


Torolb do gabáil for Loch Echach.


Nuadha episcopus Glinne da Locha quieuit.

<div2 n="CS931" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Gaill Luimnigh do gabail for Loch Ribh.


Tipraide mac Ainnsine de Aibh Briuin princeps Cluana M Nois quieuit.


Bacall Ciarain do badhadh a Loch Teched et da fer .x. maille fria & a faghbailsi fo cedoir.  198ra (298a)


Crundmáol episcopus Cille Dara quieuit.


Cernachán mac Tigernaigh ri Brefne moritur.

<div2 n="CS932" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Flann mac Maoilsinna ri Breg do marbadh d'Aibh Echach.


Loingsech h. Lethlabair ri Dail Araidhe moritur.


Colla h. Bairide ri Luimnigh moritur.

<div2 n="CS933" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Raoinedh ria Fergal mac Domnaill & ria mac Uathmurain for Muircertach mac Néll du a ttorcair Máolgarb mac Gairbith ri Derlais & Conmál mac Bruatturain et alli.


Raoinedh ria Daaigh mac Néll co Gallaibh Locha Echach for coced n-Erend du ro marbta da ced decc uel amplius.


Gaill do gabail for Loch hErne cor loitetur iltuatha agus ecalsa co Loch Gamna.


Ard Macha d'argain do mac Gotrit o Loch Cuan.


Madudan mac Aodha co cuiccedh Erenn et Amlaibh mac Gothbhrith go n-Gallaibh gur ortattur go Shabh Betha conustarraidh Muircertach mac Néll gur fagsad da .xx. deg et a ngabail.


Cuilén mac Ograin ri Osraighe moritur.


Bard Bone primfile Eirenn do marbadh do Ibh Cormaic h. nEchach.

<div2 n="CS934" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Gaill Luimnigh d'innradh Connacht  198rb (298b) go Magh Luirg fo thuaidh et go Badghna sair.


Gothbrith ri Gall ó galor rodocraidh do héc.

<div2 n="CS935" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Cinaoth mac Coirbreh. cCinnsilaigh do marbadh do Gallaibh Lochu Garman.

<div2 n="CS936" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Duo heredes Patricii .i. Ioseph scriba & episcopus et Maol Patraic mac Maoiltuile episcopus quieuerunt.


Cluain muc Nois d'argain ó Ath Cliath.


Ceallachan Caisil & fir Mumhan da slad aridisi.


Gaill Locha Eirne do tect for Loch Ribh.


Losccadh Atha Cliath o Donnchadh mac Flainn ó righ Temrach.

<div2 n="CS937" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Gaill Locha Ribh do dul d'Ath Cliath.


Bruattur mac Duibgille ri h. Cinnsiolaigh moritur.


Cleircen mac TigernainBreifne moritur.

<div2 n="CS938" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Fergal mac Domnaill ri an Tuaisgeirt moritur.


Maol Patraic episcopus Lugmaigh quieuit.


Concupur p [canc.] Maoilchen ri h. fFoilge et a dha mac do marbadh la Lorcán mac Faolain.


Ceall Cuilinn d'argain la h-Amhlaibh mac Cothfrith et dech ced do braid do breth eiste.

<div2 n="CS939" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Dath fola forsan ngréin o tosach láoi go medhón láoi arnamarach.  198va (299a)


Toghail Ailigh for Muircertach mac Néll o gentibh et a irgabáil doibh gur fuaslaicc Dia uataibh.


Fir Muman et uel um Ceallachan co n-Gallaibh d'argain Mide et Cluana Eidhnech et Cille Aiched go Cluain Iraird.


Finachda mac Ceallaigh comurba Daire.


Maidm ria Congalach mac Maoilmitidh for Gailengaibh dú a ttorcair trí .xe. díob.


Domnall mac Lorcain ri Aidne quieuit a cClúain muc Nóis.


Canoin Padraic do cumdach la Donnchadh mac Néll.

<div2 n="CS940" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Sluaighedh la Donnchadh h. Maoileclainn et la Muircertach mac Nell co Laignibh is go fira Muman gur gabsad a ngialla.


Aralt mac h Imair .i. mac Sitric ri Gall Luimnigh do marbadh la Connachtaibh.


Níall mac Fergaile rídhamna Ailigh do marbadh la Muircertach mac Néll.


Lann ingen Donnchadha rigan rí Ailigh moritur.


Coibdenach ab Cille Achaidh do bádhadh a muir Delginnsi.

<div2 n="CS941" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Gaill i n-Inis Mochta iar lec ega  198vb (299b) gur oirgsiod hí.


Muircertach mac Néll go feraib an Ocla et Bregh do dol a ttír n-Osraighe.


Amlaibh mac Gotfrit ri Finngall et Dupgall mortuus est.


Ár na nDése do cur la Cellachán et la feraibh Mumhan dú a ttorcrattur da mile.


Murcablach la Muircertach mac Nell go ttug orgain a hInsib Alban.


Ár Gall do chur la h. fFoilge .i. la h-Amirgin mac Cinaodha et la Cinel Fiachach et da ced décc do marbadh ánd a Maigh Ceisi.


Orlaith ingen Cinneididh meic Lorcáin do bas la Donnchadh mac FlainnEirenn iarna liudh for Aongus for a mac.


Muircertach mac Neill do dul go Caisiol do thaigid rathaigis for CeallachanCaisil go ttug Ceallachan leis go ttárd a laimh Donnchadha meic Flainn ri Eirenn é.

<div2 n="CS942" type="annal" org="uniform" sample="complete" part="N" TEIform="div2">



Dunchadh episcopus Cluana M Nois quieuit.


Faolan mac MuiredhaighLaighen d'écc d'esgor.


Da mac Lorcan meic Dunchadha do marbadh la Congalach mac Maoilmithidh.  199ra (300a)


Clúain M Nois d'argain do Gallaibh Atha Cliath ocus do Blaicaire mac Gotfrith.


Dunflait ingen Maoilmithidh moritur.


Orgain Dúin Lethglaisi la mac Raghnaill et