CELT document G300001

Aislinge Óenguso


Edited by Francis Shaw


The dream of Óengus

Aislinge Óenguso inso


B Óengus in n-aidchi n-aili inna chotlud. Co n-accae ní, in n-ingin cucci for crunn síuil dó. Is sí as áilldem ro boí i n-Ére. Luid Óengus do gabáil a l-lámae dia tabairt cucci inna imdai. Co n-accae ní; fo-sceinn úad opunn. Nícon ̇fitir cia árluid h-úad. Boí and co arabárach. Nípo slán laiss a menmae. Do-génai galar n-dó in delb ad-condairc cen a h-accaldaim. Nícon luid biad inna béolu. Boí and do aidchi dano aithirriuch. Co  p.44n-accae timpán inna láim as bindem boíe. Sennid céol n- dó. Con-tuil friss. Bíid and co arabárach. Nícon ro-proindig dano arabárach.


Blíadain lán dó os sí occa aithigid fon séol sin condid corastar i sergg. Nícon  p.45 epert fri nech. F-a-ceird i sergg íarum ocus ní fitir nech cid ro m-boí. Do-ecmalldar legi Érenn. Nícon ̇fetatar-som cid ro m-boí asendud. Ethae co Fíngen, liaig Conchobuir. Do-tét-side cucci. Ad-gninad-som i n-aigid in duini a n-galar no bíth for ocus ad-gninad din dieid no théiged din tig a l-lín no bíth co n-galar and.


Atn-gládastar for leith. p.46“Ate! nítat béodai do imthechta”, ol Fíngen, “Sercc écmaise ro carais”. “Ad-rumadar mo galar form”, ol Óengus. p.47Do-rochar i n-dochraidi ocus ní rolámar a epirt fri nech”, ol Fíngen. “Is fír deit”, ol Óengus. “Do-m-ánaic ingen álaind in chrotha as áilldem i n-Ére co n-écusc derscaigthiu. Timpán inna l-láim, conid senned dam cach n-aidchi.” “Ní báe”, ol Fíngen; “do-rogad duit cairdes frie; ocus foítter úait cossin m-Boinn, cot máthair, co tuidich dot accaldaim”.


Tíagair cuicce. Tic iarum in Boann. “Bíu oc frepaid ind ̇fir-se”, ol Fíngen, “d-an-ánaic galar n-ainchis”. Ad-fíadot a scéla don Boinn. p.48Bíd a ̇freccor céill dia máthair”, ol Fíngen. “D-an-ánaic galar n-ainchis; ocus timchelltar h-úait Ériu uile, dús in n-étar h-úait ingen in chrotha so ad-condairc do macc”. Bíid oc suidiu co cenn m-blíadnae. Nícon ̇frith ní ba chosmail di. Is iar sin con-gairther Fíngen doib aithirriuch. “Nícon ̇frith cobair isindísiu”, ol Boann. As-bert Fíngen: “Foítter cossin n-Dagdae tuidecht do accaldaim a maicc”.


Tíagair cossin n-Dagdae. Ticc-side aithirriuch. p.49 “Cid diandom-chomgrad?” “Do airli do maicc”, ol in Boann. “Is ferr duit a chobair. Is liach a dul immudu. At-tá i siurgg. Ro car seircc écmaise ocus ní roachar a chobair”. “Cia torbae mo accaldam?” ol in Dagdae. “Ní móo mo éolas in- dáthe-si”. p.50 “Móo écin”, ol Fíngen. “Is tú síde n-Érenn; ocus tíagar úaib co Bodb, ríg síde Muman, ocus is deilm a éolas la h-Érinn n-uili”.


Ethae co suide. Feraid-side fáilti friu. “Fo chen dúib”, ol Bodb, “a muinter in Dagdai”. “Is ed do-roachtmar”. “Scéla lib?” ol Bodb. “Atáat linni: Óengus macc in Dagdai i siurgg dá blíadnae”. “Cid táas?” ol Bodb. “Ad-condairc ingin inna chotlud. Nícon ̇fetammar i n-Ére cia h-airm i tá ind ingen ro char ocus ad-condairc. Timmarnad  p.51 duit ón Dagdae co comtastar h-úait fond Érinn ingen in chrotha-sa ocus ind écuisc”. “Con- díastar” ol Bodb, “ocus étar dál blíadnae friumm co fessur fis scél”.


Do-lluid cinn blíadnae co tech m-Buidb co Síd Ar Femen. “To-imchiullus Érinn n-uili co fuar  p.52 in n-ingen oc Loch Bél Dracon oc Crottaib Cliach”, ol Bodb. Tíagair úaidib dochum in Dagdai. Ferthair fáilte friu. “Scéla lib?” ol in Dagdae. “Scéla maithi; fo-fríth ind ingen in chrotha-so as-rubartaid.” Timmarnad duit ó Bodb. Táet ass Óengus linni a dochum dús in n-aithgne in n-ingin, conda accathar. Brethae Óengus i carput co m-boí oc Síd Al Femen. Fled mór lassin ríg ara ciunn. Ferthae fáilte friss. Bátar trí láa ocus teora aidchi ocond ̇fleid. “Tair ass trá”, ol Bodb, “dús in n-aithgne in n-ingin conda aiccther”.  p.53Ci ad-da-gnoe, ní-s cumcaim-si a tabairt acht ad-n-da-cether namá.”


To-lotar íarum co m-bátar oc Loch. Co n-accatar inna tri cóecta ingen macdacht. Co n-accatar in n-ingin n-etarru. Ní tacmuictis inna h-ingena dí acht  p.54 coticci a gualainn. Slabrad airgdide eter cach dí ingin. Muince airgdide imma brágait fadisin ocus slabrad di ór ̇forloiscthiu. Is and as-bert Bodb: “In n-aithgén in n-ingen n-ucut?” “Aithgén écin”, ol Óengus. “Ní-m thá-sa cumacc deit”, ol Bodb, “bas móo”. “Ní báe són”, ol Óengus, “ém; óre as sí ad-condarc; ní cumcub a breith in fecht-so.” “Cuich ind ingen-sa, a Buidb?” ol Óengus. p.55Ro-fetar écin”, ol in Bodb, “Caer Ibormeith, ingen Ethail Anbuail a s-Síd Úamain i crích Connacht”.


Do-comlat ass íarum Óengus ocus a muinter dochum a críche. Téit Bodb laiss co n-árlastar in n-Dagdae ocus in m-Boinn oc Bruig Maicc ind Óicc. Ad-fíadat a scéla doib ad-fídatar doib amail m-boíe p.56eter cruth ocus écoscc amail ad-condarcatar. Ocus ad-fídatar a h-ainm ocus ainm a h-athar ocus a senathar. “Ní ségdae dúnn”, ol in Dagdae, “ná cumcem do socht”. “Aní bad maith duit, a Dagdai”, ol Bodb. “Eircc dochum n-Ailella ocus Medbae ar is leo bíid inna cóiciud ind ingen”.


Téit in Dagdae co m-boí i tírib Connacht, trí fichit carpat a lín. Ferthae fáilte friu lassin ríg ocus in rígnai. Bátar sechtmain láin oc fledugud íar sin im chormann doib. “Cid immu-b-rácht?” ol in . p.57 “At-tá ingen lat-su it ̇ferunn”, ol in Dagdae, “ocus ro-s car mo macc-sa, ocus do-rónad galar dó. Do-dechad-sa cuccuib dús in-da-tartaid don macc”. “Cuich?” ol Ailill. “Ingen Ethail Anbuail”. “Ní linni a cumacc”, ol Ailill ocus Medb. “Dia cuimsimmis do-bérthae dó”. p.58Ani for-maith -congairther in t-síde cuccuib”, ol in Dagdae.


Téit rechtaire Ailella cucci. “Timmarnad duit ó Ailill ocus Meidb dul dia n-accaldaim”. “Ní reg-sa”, ol sé. “Ní tibér mo ingin do macc in Dagdai”. Fásagar co h-Ailill anísin. “Ní étar fair a thuidecht; ro-fitir aní dia con-garar”. “Ní báe”, ol Ailill, “do-rega-som ocus do-bértar cenna a laech laiss”. Íar sin cot-éirig teglach n-Ailella ocus muinter in Dagdai dochum in t-síde. Inrethat a síd n-uile. Do-sm-berat trí p.59fichtea cenn ass ocus in ríg co m-boí i Crúachnaib i n-ergabáil.


Is íarum as-bert Ailill fri h-Ethal n-Anbuail: “tabair do ingin do macc in Dagdai”. “Ni cumcaim”, ol sé. “Is móo a cumachtae in- dó”. “Ced cumachtae mór fil lee?” ol Ailill. “Ní anse; bíid i n-deilb éuin cach la blíadnai, in m-blíadnai n-aili i n-deilb duini”. “Ci-ssí blíadain m-bís i n-deilb éuin?” ol Ailill. “Ní lemm-sa a mrath”, ol a h-athair. “Do chenn dít”, ol Ailill, “mani-n-écis-ni”. p.60 “Níba sia cucci dam-sa”, ol sé. “At-bérsa”, ol sé; is lérithir sin ro-n gabsaid occai. “In t-samuin-se as nessam bieid i n-deilb éuin oc Loch Bél Dracon, ocus ad-cichsiter sain-éuin lee and, ocus bieit p.61trí cóecait géise n-impe; ocus at-tá aurgnam lemm-sa doib”. “Ni báe lemm-sa iarum,” ol in Dagdae, “óre ro-fetar a h-aicned do-s-uc-so”.


Do-gníther íarum cairdes leu .i. Ailill ocus Ethal ocus in Dagdae ocus soírthair Ethal ass. Celebraid in Dagdae doib. Ticc in Dagdae dia thig ocus ad-fét a scéla dia macc. “Eirc immon samuin as nessam co p.62 Loch Bél Dracon con-da-garae cuccut dind loch”. Téit in Macc Óc co m-boí oc Loch Bél Dracon. Co n-accae trí cóecta én find forsind loch cona slabradaib airgdidib co caírchesaib órdaib imma cenna. Boí Óengus i n-deilb doínachta for brú ind locha. Con-gair in n-ingin cucci. “Tair dom accaldaim, a Chaer”. “Cia do-m-gair?” ol Caer. “Cotot-gair Óengus”. “Regait diandom fhoíme ar th' inchaib p.63co tís a l-loch mofhrithisi.” “Fo-t-sisiur”, ol sé.


Téiti cucci. Fo-ceird-sium dí láim forrae. Con-tuilet i n-deilb dá géise co timchellsat a l-loch fo thrí conná bed ní bad meth n-enech dó-som. To-comlat ass i n-deilb dá én ̇find co m-batar ocin Bruig Maicc in Óicc, ocus chechnatar cocetal cíuil co corastar inna dóini i súan trí láa ocus teora n-aidche. Anais laiss ind ingen íar sin.


Is de sin ro boí cairdes in Maicc Óic ocus Ailella ocus Medbae. Is de sin do-cuaid Óengus, tricha cét, co Ailill ocus Meidb do tháin inna m-bó a Cúailnge.

Conid <title TEIform="title">“De Aislingiu Óenguso maicc in Dagdai</title> ainm in scéuil sin isin <title TEIform="title">Táin Bó Cúailnge</title>. Finit.

Document details

The TEI Header

File description

Title statement

Title (uniform): Aislinge Óenguso

Title (translation): The dream of Óengus

Author: unknown

Editor: Francis Shaw

Responsibility statement

Electronic edition compiled by: Donnchadh Ó Corráin

Funded by: University College, Cork

Edition statement

1. Third draft, revised and corrected.

Extent: 2530 words

Publication statement

Publisher: CELT: Corpus of Electronic Texts: a project of University College, Cork

Address: College Road, Cork, Ireland—http://www.ucc.ie/celt

Date: 1996

Date: 2011

Distributor: CELT online at University College, Cork, Ireland.

CELT document ID: G300001

Availability: Available with prior consent of the CELT project for purposes of academic research and teaching only.

Source description

Manuscript sources

  • British Library, MS Egerton 1782, folio 70b (vellum, AD 1517. Scribes: Ó Maoil Chonaire family, written for patron Art Buide Mac Murchadha Caomhánach. (See Robin Flower, Catalogue of Irish manuscripts in the British Museum ii (London: British Museum 1926, repr. Dublin: School of Celtic Studies, DIAS) 259–98: 286–87).


  1. Edward Müller, Two Irish tales, Revue Celtique 3 (1876–78) 342–50.
  2. Francis Shaw, The dream of Óengus. Aislinge Óenguso (Dublin 1934). Notice of this edition: J. Vendryes, Études Celtiques 1 (1936) 159–62.


  1. Edward Müller, Two Irish tales, Revue Celtique 3 (1876–78) 342–50.
  2. K. Jackson, A Celtic miscellany (London 1951) § 39.
  3. C.-J. Guyonvarc'h, Le rêve d'Oengus, Ogam 18 (1966) 117–21 [French].
  4. M. Draak & F. de Jong, Het droomgezicht van Aengus, in id. Van helden, elfen en dicters: de oudste verhalen uit Ierland (Amsterdam 1979) 202–07 [Dutch].
  5. J. Gantz, The dream of Óengus, Early Irish myths and sagas (London 1981) 107–12.
  6. T. Mikhaylova, Videniye Engusa, Pokhishcheniye byka iz Kualnge (Moscow 1985) 59–65 [Russian].
  7. Alan mac an Bhaird, Aisling Aonghasa. [Modern Irish]. Available on CELt in file T300001.

Sources, comment on the text and secondary literature.

  1. R. Thurneysen, Aislingi Oengusai, Zeitschrift für Celtische Philologie 12 (1918) 400 (corrections to Müller's readings).
  2. Christian Guyonvarc'h and Françoise Le Roux, Le rêve d'Óengus, Ogam 18 (1966) 132–50.

The edition used in the digital edition

Shaw, Francis, ed. (1934). Aislinge Óenguso‍. 1st ed. Dublin: Brown & Nolan Limited, 119pp.

You can add this reference to your bibliographic database by copying or downloading the following:

  title 	 = {Aislinge Óenguso},
  origtitle 	 = {The dream of Óengus},
  editor 	 = {Francis Shaw},
  edition 	 = {1},
  pages 	 = {119pp},
  publisher 	 = {Brown \& Nolan Limited},
  address 	 = {Dublin},
  date 	 = {1934}


Encoding description

Project description: CELT: Corpus of Electronic Texts

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All editorial preface, introduction, notes, glossary and index have been omitted. Editorial corrigenda are integrated into the electronic edition. The restored editor's text is rendered exactly and all MS readings are recorded in corr sic=""

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Correction: Text has been thoroughly checked and proof-read. All corrections and supplied text are tagged.

Normalization: The printed text is not a diplomatic. Only what were considered important MS readings are given by the FS and only major editorial changes are recorded by FS. Length marks are supplied by FS and marks of lenition in the MS are sometimes suppressed by him. FS substitutes 'Fingen' for MS 'Fergne': this has been retained in the electronic edition, but the correct quantity of the first vowel in 'Fingen', namely 'Fíngen' has been restored throughout. The electronic text represents the edited text. The following emendations are suggested by DÓC but not included in the electronic text: for "áilldem" read "áildem" (1, 3); for "do aidchi" read "'d adaig" (1); for "ro-proindig" read "ro-proind" (1); for "do-rónad" read "do-rigni" (10).

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Reference declaration

A canonical reference to a location in this text should be made using “section”, eg section 1.

Profile description

Creation: By an unknown Irish monastic scholar. c. 700–800

Language usage

  • The text is in Old Irish. (ga)
  • One formulaic word is in Latin. (la)
  • The supplied title is in English. (en)

Keywords: mythology; prose; medieval; Aongus

Revision description

(Most recent first)

  1. 2013-11-05: File updated. (ed. Beatrix Färber)
  2. 2011-10-18: File updated. (ed. Beatrix Färber)
  3. 2008-10-03: Keywords added; file validated. (ed. Beatrix Färber)
  4. 2008-07-24: Value of div0 "type" attribute modified, content of 'langUsage' revised; minor modifications made to header. (ed. Beatrix Färber)
  5. 2005-08-25: Normalised language codes and edited langUsage for XML conversion (ed. Julianne Nyhan)
  6. 2005-08-04T15:46:49+0100: Converted to XML (ed. Peter Flynn)
  7. 1997-09-16: Header modified; file parsed using SGMLS. (ed. Margaret Lantry)
  8. 1997-09-04: Header re-structured; text parsed using SGMLS. (ed. Margaret Lantry)
  9. 1996-05-03: TEI.2 Header revised and additional bibliographical material placed therein. (ed. Donnchadh Ó Corráin)
  10. 1995-01-09: Thorough re-collation of electronic text with the printed. Entire text made fully conformant with TEI.2 in regard to mark-up. TEI.2 header created and additional bibliographical material placed therein. (ed. Donnchadh Ó Corráin)
  11. 1995-01-08: Encoded in TEI.2 for presentation. (markup Peter Flynn)
  12. 1994-12-11: Collation of electronic text and re-checking of the text of the MS readings. (ed. Donnchadh Ó Corráin)
  13. 1993-12-31: Encoded in TEI.1 for demonstration via WWW. (encoding Peter Flynn)
  14. 1993-03-15: First proofing completed. (proofing Donnchadh Ó Corráin)
  15. 1993-03-01:: Data capture completed. (data capture Donnchadh Ó Corráin)

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T300001: Aisling Aonghasa (in Irish)

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