Research Profile

Cornelius Buttimer


Neil Buttimer is a graduate of the National University of Ireland (UCC: BA, with Mansion House Fund Scholarship in Irish, 1975; MA, with Travelling Studentship in Irish, 1977) and Harvard University (PhD, 1983). He was a research Scholar at the School of Celtic Studies, Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies (1977-78). Prior to his retirement during September 2021, he taught and lectured in Modern Irish for over forty years, made enjoyable and rewarding due to the diligence of his former students. His involvement with core research areas of Early Irish literature, Pre-Famine Gaelic Ireland and contemporary cultural policy, continues. Textual analysis and textual scholarship in those domains are the focus of his studies.

Recent representative publications include a Catalogue of Irish Manuscripts in Houghton Library, Harvard University (Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 2022; research support from the United States Fulbright program, and from Notre Dame's Keough-Naughton Institute for Irish Studies); The Art and Ideology of Terence MacSwiney: Caught in the Living Flame, ed. Gabriel Doherty, Fiona Brennan and Neil Buttimer (Cork: Cork University Press, 2022, reprinted 2023; publication support from Cork City Council), where his chapter is on 'Terence MacSwiney's Poetry: Reaching and Revealing the Heart' (pp. 1-36, 921-30); 'The Bórama Revisited', in Kevin Murray (ed.), Revisiting the Cycles of the Kings, Cork Studies in Celtic Literatures 6 (Cork, 2022), pp. 98-127; 'Dáibhí de Barra (ob. 1851): "Poet Laureate of Munster",' Cuid 1, Feasta 76, uimh. 1 (Eanáir 2023), lgh 5-8, Cuid 2, ibid., uimh. 2 (Feabhra 2023), lgh 4-8; 'Callan and the Cosmos', Proceedings of the Harvard Celtic Colloquium 40 (2021 [2023]), pp. 119-40; 'Longes mac nUislennRemscél', in Kevin Murray (ed.), Oidheadh Chloinne hUisneach : Reassessments Irish Texts Society  / Cumann na Scríbheann nGaedhilge Subsidiary Series 34 (Dublin and London, 2023), pp. 1-67.  

His appreciation, 'Professor John A. Murphy (1927-2022)', of UCC's former chair of Irish History and distinguished member of Ireland's Senate, is in Journal of the Cork Historical and Archaeological Society 127 (2022), pp. 170-75.  A commemorative account by him of the prolific Irish-language author, translator and teacher, Liam Prút (1940-2023), will be found in Tipperary Historical Journal (2024), pp. 230-34.

Among his invited keynote presentations are the Statutory Public Lecture, School of Celtic Studies, Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies (1991), the K. H. Connell Memorial Lecture to the Economic and Social History Society of Ireland (2015), and the Alan Harrison Memorial Lecture to the Eighteenth-Century Ireland Society (2008 and 2022).  Recent invited talks to Irish-language scholarly bodies or interest groups include 'Longes mac nUislennn: Remscél', to the Irish Texts Society's Annual Seminar (2022), and 'Filíocht Dháibhí de Barra', to Tionól Chorcaí (2023).

Féach 'Portráidí na Scríbhneoirí' (, dar dáta 2023).

Neil Buttimer may be contacted at this e-mail address:  read less

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Recent Postgraduates

 Graduation YearStudent NameInstitutionDegree TypeThesis Title
2009Finbarr Brendan (Barra) Ua Cearnaigh NUI (UCC)PHDAmhail fuaim chogair bhig: teangeolas Shéamais Uí Scoireadh [Johan Casper Zeuss Award of Societas Celtologica Europaea, 2010, for best PhD in Celtic Studies submitted to a European university in year of completion; published as monograph (An Sagart: An Díseart, An Daingean, 2011)]
2011Laoise Patricia Nic Chárthaigh (Lucy McCarthy) [Government of Ireland, Irish Research Council, Postdoctoral Fellow, 2013-15, Smurfit School, University College, Dublin] NUI (UCC)PHDÚdarás na Gaeltachta & cás Chontae Chorcaí, 1979-2009 [Published as e-book (]
2013Michael Drislane (Micheál Ó Drisleáin) NUI (UCC)PHDAr thóir aitheantais is oidhreachta: Cnuasach an Dra Piaras de Hindeberg sna Déise - anailís agus ábhar [Publication grant, Royal Irish Academy, National Committee for Irish-language learning, 2013]
2015O'Dwyer, Denis (Donnchadh Ó Duibhir) NUI (UCC)PHDStair na Gaeilge i gContae Thiobraid Árann 1700-1901 (
2015Tomás L. Ó Murchú [UCC College of Arts, Celtic Studies and Social Sciences Postgraduate Scholarship holder, 2008-11; Ireland Canada University Foundation Scholar, 2014-15] NUI (UCC)PHDNa marbhnaí do Shéamas Óg Mac Coitir (1689-1720) [for publications from, see above]
2016Seán Breandán Ó hUallacháin NUI (UCC)PHD'Saothair Oideachais an Ghúim 1926-46'

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