Research Profile


Dr. Deirdre Horgan is Professor of Education (Early Years and Childhood Studies) in the the School of Education, University College Cork. Her research and teaching interests include childhood, child welfare and protection, children’s rights and citizenship, policy and practice responses to child migration. Deirdre is co-investigator on IMMERSE a Horizon 2020 study examining the socio-educational integration of migrant children across Europe, and the CERV project - Empowering Children’s Participation in Malta SEM - EU Funds for strengthening children's participation in policy making in Malta ( has recently completed a literature review for Hub na nÓg and DCEDIY to inform the development of guidance and a toolkit for consulting with babies and children 0-5 years.

Deirdre is co-editor of Child and Youth Participation in Policy, Practice and Research (Routledge, 2021). Deirdre has also  published articles on 'Supporting languages: The socio-educational integration of migrant and refugee children and young people' in Children & Society and 'Walking and talking with girls in their urban environments: A methodological meandering' in the Irish Journal of Sociology. Recent book chapters include in Sobczak-Szelc, K. Pachocka, M. and Szalanska, J.   (2023) The Integration of Refugees in the Education and Labour Markets: Between Inclusion and Exclusion practices and Frankel and McNamee (Eds) Bringing Children Back into the Family (2020). 

Deirdre has led a number of research projects reporting on policy consultations with children for the Department of Children, Equality, Integration, Diversity and Youth, the Department of Health, and the Department of Education. Her commissioned research on Children's participation in decision-making in their homes, schools and communities, contributed to the National Strategy on Children and Young People's Participation in Decision-making (DCYA, 2015). 

Deirdre is on the editorial board of Children's Geographies journal and is reviewer for a number of high ranking international journals. She was Guest Editor on a Special Issue of 'Transitions in the Lives of Children and Young People' for the Children's Research Digest. She has published extensively in international peer reviewed journals including Childhood; Children's Geographies; Children and Society; Children and Youth Services Review; Race and Ethnicity; Journal of Refugee Studies; Social Inclusion, The Cambridge Journal of Education  Deirdre has presented keynotes and papers at conferences nationally and internationally on issues relating to children's rights and participation, child protection, children in care, child migration policy and practice.

A co-chair of the ISS21 Children and Young People research cluster at UCC, Deirdre is also on the Executive team of UCC Futures: Children. She is Chair of the College Academic Development Committee in the College of Arts Celtic Studies and Social Sciences.

Deirdre is  member of the Expert Panel to the Children’s Fund (established as an action of the Report of the Commission of Investigation into Mother and Baby Homes) responsible for an annual fund which supports children who experience disadvantage She is currently external examiner for the MA (Leadership in Therapeutic Child and Social Care) at the Carlow College, St. Patrick's. She is a judge on the Young Social Innovator Ireland Awards.

Research Interests

Research Interests: My research interest is childhood well-being & citizenship within the broad framework of diversity.  The focus of my research relates to key areas of children's lives including  child protection, participation, rights, early years care and education, children in the care system, family support and child migration as well as children's research methods.  

PhD: The focus of my PhD was child protection policy and inter-professional collaboration.  I have written a number of journal & newspaper articles and presented at national and international conferences on child welfare and protection issues. Currently global child protection is forming part of my research as outlined below.    

Child Migration: I am currently Co-Investigator on the H2020 IMMERSE study (Integration mapping of Refugee and Migrant Children in Schools in Europe) I have been involved in a number of funded research projects (NAIRTL, Irish Aid, IRCHSS, ESF) which focus on the themes of Child Trafficking and Child Labour. In 2012 I was PI on a research project on the safe care of trafficked children in Ireland which was commissioned the Children's Rights Alliance and published in September 2012.

Early Years: With funding from Irish Aid I and colleagues organised an international conference on Early Childhood in Developing World contexts which was held at UCC in April 2011. We produced an edited book Early Childhood in the Global South with Peter Lang in 2013. 

Children's Participation: I was PI on consultations with children regarding school aged care for government which informed the Action Plan on School Age Child care (2017). I was co-investigator on consultations with children and young people on obesity in conjunction with the Department of Children and Youth Affairs and the Department of Health which informed the National Obesity Policy and Action Plan (2016). I was previously PI on an Irish Research Council project for the Department of Children and Youth Affairs entitled Children's Experiences of participation in decision-making in their homes, schools and communities (funded by the DCYA and DECLG). Published extensively on issues related to child and youth participation in international peer-reviewed journals.

Research Methods with children: Key expertise in the area of mixed methods participatory research with children and young people including children's research advisory groups, walking methodologies, mapping etc.

I am a co-convenor of the ISS21 Children and Young people's research cluster which is an interdisciplinary research institute at UCC.




(2022)Child and Youth Participation in Policy, Practice and Research.
Horgan, Deirdre and Kennan, Danielle (2022) Child and Youth Participation in Policy, Practice and Research. UK: Routledge.   [Details]
(2013)Early Childhoods in the Global South: Local and International Contexts.
Jacqui O'Riordan, Deirdre Horgan and Shirley Martin (2013) Early Childhoods in the Global South: Local and International Contexts. Oxford: Peter Lang. [Details]

Edited Books

(2013)Early Childhoods in the Global South: Local and International Contexts
O'Riordan, J. Horgan, D. & Martin, S (Ed.). (2013) Early Childhoods in the Global South: Local and International Contexts Early Childhoods in the Global South: Local and International Contexts. Bern: Peter Lang. [Details]

Book Chapters

(2021)'Experiencing school food policy and practice: Learning from eleven-year-old girls in a working class community in Ireland'
Fernandez, E., Kitching, K., Horgan, D. (2021) 'Experiencing school food policy and practice: Learning from eleven-year-old girls in a working class community in Ireland' In: Dorte Ruge, Irene Torres, Darren Powell (eds). School Food, Equity and Social Justice: Critical Reflections and Perspectives. London: Routledge. [Details]
(2020)'Children’s voice in the home: a relational, generational space'
Horgan, Deirdre; Martin, Shirley; Forde, Catherine (2020) 'Children’s voice in the home: a relational, generational space' In: Sam Frankel and Sally McNamee (eds). Bringing Children Back into the Family: Relationality, Connectedness and Home Vol: 27. UK: Emerald.   [DOI] [Full Text] [Details]
(2020)'Childhoods Lived in Direct Provision: Providing Alternative Spaces and Places Where Children Are Enabled to Flourish'
O'Riordan, J., Horgan, D., Martin, S. (2020) 'Childhoods Lived in Direct Provision: Providing Alternative Spaces and Places Where Children Are Enabled to Flourish' In: O'Riordan, J. and Fitzgibbon, M (eds). Direct Provision: Asylum, the Academy and Activism. UK: Peter Lang.   [DOI] [Details]
(2020)'Children’s Voice in the Home: A Relational, Generational Space'
Horgan,D., Martin, S. and Forde, C. (2020) 'Children’s Voice in the Home: A Relational, Generational Space' In: S. Frankel and S. McNamee (eds). Bringing Children Back into the Family. Bingley, UK: Emerald Publishing. [DOI] [Details]
(2013)'Day-to-day Transitions for Children of People Seeking Refugee Status Living in Ireland'
O'Riordan, J., Horgan, D., Martin, S. and Blaney, M. (2013) 'Day-to-day Transitions for Children of People Seeking Refugee Status Living in Ireland' In: Early Childhoods in the Global South: Local and International Contexts. Oxford: Peter Lang.   [Details]
(2011)'A differentiated Care System: Its Contribution to the Vulnerabilities'
Horgan, D. Martin, S. & O'Riordan, J. (2011) 'A differentiated Care System: Its Contribution to the Vulnerabilities' In: Motmans Joz, Cuypers Daniël, Meier Petra, Mortelmans Dimitri & Zanoni Patrizia (Eds.) (2011). Equal is not enough: challenging differences and inequalities in contemporary societies. Conference Proceedings. Antwerp. Antwerp: : Policy Research Centre on Equal opportunities, University of Antwerp ¿ Hasselt University. [Details]
(1996)'The Personal Social Services in a Period of Modernity [B110]'
Deirdre, Horgan; (1996) 'The Personal Social Services in a Period of Modernity [B110]' In: Social Policy: A Course Reader. [Details]
(1996)'The Personal Social Services in A Period of Modernity'
Horgan D.; (1996) 'The Personal Social Services in A Period of Modernity' In: Social Policy: A Course Reader. University College Cork: Centre for Adult & Continuing Education. [Details]
(1991)'Politik und Praxis der Kinderfursorge'
Horgan, D; Leane, M; Powell, F.W.; (1991) 'Politik und Praxis der Kinderfursorge' In: Sozialarbeit in Irland. [Details]
(2011)'Child Trafficking in Ireland'
Horgan, D., Martin, S. and O'Riordan, J. ; (2011) 'Child Trafficking in Ireland' In: The Changing Faces of Ireland: Exploring the Lives of Immigrant and Ethnic Minority Children. Boston: Sense Publications. [Details]
(2008)'Parent Support in the Republic of Ireland: An Examination of One Model of Intervention'
Horgan D., Duggan H. ; (2008) 'Parent Support in the Republic of Ireland: An Examination of One Model of Intervention' In: Governance and Social Professions: How Much Openness is Needed and How Much Openness is Possible?. New York: Nova Science Publishers Inc. [Details]
(1991)'Policy & practice for Children'
Horgan, D. Leane, M. & powell, F.; (1991) 'Policy & practice for Children' In: Social Policy In Ireland. [Details]

Peer Reviewed Journals

(2021)'Supporting languages: The socio-educational integration of migrant and refugee children and young people'
Horgan, Deirdre; Martin, Shirley; O'Riordan, Jacqui; Maier, Reana (2021) 'Supporting languages: The socio-educational integration of migrant and refugee children and young people'. Children & Society, [DOI] [Full Text] [Details]
(2021)'Young girls experiences of good food imperatives in a working class school community: rethinking food desire?'
Fernández; Eluska; Kitching, Karl; Horgan, Deirdre (2021) 'Young girls experiences of good food imperatives in a working class school community: rethinking food desire?'. Cambridge Journal of Education, 51 :543-561 [DOI] [Full Text] [Details]
(2022)'Sweets are my best friend: belonging, bargains and body-shaming in working class girls food and health relationships'
Kitching, Karl; Fernández, Eluska; Horgan, Deirdre (2022) 'Sweets are my best friend: belonging, bargains and body-shaming in working class girls food and health relationships'. Childrens Geographies, 20 (5):590-603 [DOI] [Full Text] [Details]
(2019)'Promoting the health of children and young people who migrate: reflections from four regional reviews'
Thompson, Jill; Fairbrother, Hannah; Spencer, Grace; Curtis, Penny; Fouche, Christa; Hoare, Karen; Hogan, Deirdre; O’Riordan, Jacqui; Salami, Bukola; Smith, Melody; Taylor, Bethany; Whitakker, Victoria (2019) 'Promoting the health of children and young people who migrate: reflections from four regional reviews'. Global Health Promotion, 27 (4):141-144 [DOI] [Full Text] [Details]
(2018)'Learning from Children's Voice in Schools: Experiences from Ireland'
Forde, C., Horgan, D., Martin, S. and Parkes, A. (2018) 'Learning from Children's Voice in Schools: Experiences from Ireland'. Journal Of Educational Change, [DOI] [Details]
(2018)'Advocacy and surveillance: primary schools teachers' relationships with asylum-seeking mothers in Ireland'
Martin, S;Horgan, D;O'Riordan, J;Christie, A (2018) 'Advocacy and surveillance: primary schools teachers' relationships with asylum-seeking mothers in Ireland'. Race Ethnicity and Education, 21 :458-470 [DOI] [Details]
(2018)'Children’s views on school-age care: child’s play or childcare?'
Horgan, D., O’Riordan, J., Martin, S., & O’Sullivan, J. (2018) 'Children’s views on school-age care: child’s play or childcare?'. Children and Youth Services Review, [DOI] [Details]
(2018)'The Centrality of play in children's ideal after-school environments'
O'Riordan, Jacqui, Deirdre Horgan, Shirley Martin, Jane O'Sullivan (2018) 'The Centrality of play in children's ideal after-school environments'. Children's Research Digest on Resilience, 5 (2):45-51 [Details]
(2018)'Children's views on school-age care: Child's play or childcare?'
Horgan, Deirdre; O'Riordan, Jacqui; Martin, Shirley; O'Sullivan, Jane (2018) 'Children's views on school-age care: Child's play or childcare?'. Children and Youth Services Review,   [DOI] [Full Text] [Details]
(2018)'Including the voices of children and young people in health policy development: An Irish perspective'
Martin, S. Horgan, D. Scanlon, M. Eldin, N. and O'Donnell, A. (2018) 'Including the voices of children and young people in health policy development: An Irish perspective'. Health Education Journal, [DOI] [Details]
(2018)'Decision-Making by Children and Young People in the Home: The Nurture of Trust, Participation and Independence'
Martin, S;Forde, C;Horgan, D;Mages, L (2018) 'Decision-Making by Children and Young People in the Home: The Nurture of Trust, Participation and Independence'. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 27 :198-210 [DOI] [Details]
(2017)'Children and Young People’s Participation in the Community in Ireland: Experiences and Issues'
Forde, C., Horgan, D. and Martin, S. (2017) 'Children and Young People’s Participation in the Community in Ireland: Experiences and Issues'. Irish Journal of Applied Social Studies, 17 (1)   [DOI] [Details]
(2017)'Child participatory research methods: Attempts to go "deeper''
Horgan, D (2017) 'Child participatory research methods: Attempts to go "deeper''. Childhood-A Global Journal Of Child Research, 24 :245-259 [DOI] [Details]
(2017)'Consultations with children and young people and their impact on policy in Ireland'
Horgan, Deirdre (2017) 'Consultations with children and young people and their impact on policy in Ireland'. Social Inclusion, 5 :104-112 [DOI] [Full Text] [Details]
(2017)'Children's participation: moving from the performative to the social'
Horgan, D;Forde, C;Martin, S;Parkes, A (2017) 'Children's participation: moving from the performative to the social'. Childrens Geographies, 15 :274-288 [DOI] [Full Text] [Details]
(2017)'The social care needs of unaccompanied minors: the Irish experience'
Horgan, Deirdre; Ní Raghallaigh, Muireann (2017) 'The social care needs of unaccompanied minors: the Irish experience'. European Journal of Social Work, 33 :1-12 [DOI] [Full Text] [Details]
(2016)'Child Participatory Research Methods: Attempts to go 'deeper''
Horgan, Deirdre (2016) 'Child Participatory Research Methods: Attempts to go 'deeper''. Childhood: Global Journal of Child Research, Online edition (NA):1-15   [DOI] [Full Text] [Details]
(2016)'Transitions in childhood'
Horgan, D. and Haals Brosnan, M. (2016) 'Transitions in childhood'. Children's Research Digest on Resilience, 3 (2):2-7   [Details]
(2016)'Advocacy and surveillance: primary schools'
Martin, S. Horgan, D. O'Riordan, J. and Christie, A. (2016) 'Advocacy and surveillance: primary schools'. Race Ethnicity and Education, :1-13   [DOI] [Details]
(2016)'Children and Young People's Participation in the Community in Ireland: Experiences and Issues'
Forde, C., Martin, S., Horgan, D., Parkes, A. and Mages, L. (2016) 'Children and Young People's Participation in the Community in Ireland: Experiences and Issues'. Youth Studies Ireland, [Details]
(2014)'Early Childhood Care and Education Policy: Ireland Country Note'
Deirdre Horgan, Shirley Martin, Maura Cunneen and Marcella Towler (2014) 'Early Childhood Care and Education Policy: Ireland Country Note'. New Zealand Research In Early Childhood Education, 17 (Special Issue):21-34   [Details]
(2011)''Often they fall through the cracks': Separated children in Ireland and the role of Guardians'
Martin, Shirley, Christie, Alastair, Horgan, Deirdre and O'Riordan, Jacqui (2011) ''Often they fall through the cracks': Separated children in Ireland and the role of Guardians'. Child Abuse Review, 20 (5):361-373 [Details]
(2011)''Often They Fall Through the Cracks': Separated Children in Ireland and the Role of Guardians'
Martin, S; Christie, A; Horgan, D; O'Riordan, J (2011) ''Often They Fall Through the Cracks': Separated Children in Ireland and the Role of Guardians'. Child Abuse Review, 20 :361-373 [DOI] [Details]
(2001)'Childcare in Ireland 2000: Themes & issues'
Horgan, Deirdre; (2001) 'Childcare in Ireland 2000: Themes & issues'. Irish Journal of Applied Social Studies, 2 (3):104-117 [Details]
(1996)'Interprofessional Co-Operation: Teamwork and Child Protection [B109]'
Deirdre, Horgan; (1996) 'Interprofessional Co-Operation: Teamwork and Child Protection [B109]'. Irish Social Worker, 14.1 :4-7 [Details]
(1995)'Garda Social Work Collaboration and the Domestic Violence Bill [B108]'
Deirdre, Horgan; (1995) 'Garda Social Work Collaboration and the Domestic Violence Bill [B108]'. Garda Review, 23.1 :28-29 [Details]
(1992)'Politik Und Praxis Der Kinderfüsorge [B4499]'
Horgan, Deirdre; Leane, Maire; Powell, Fred; (1992) 'Politik Und Praxis Der Kinderfüsorge [B4499]'. Socialarbeit In Ireland, :93-120 [Details]
(2011)'Child Slavery Now: A Contemporary Reader'
Deirdre Horgan; (2011) 'Child Slavery Now: A Contemporary Reader'. Community Development Journal, [DOI] [Details]
(2000)'Childcare in Ireland 2000: Themes & Issues'
Horgan D.; (2000) 'Childcare in Ireland 2000: Themes & Issues'. Irish Journal of Applied Social Studies, 2 (3):104-117 [Details]
(1996)'Interprofessional Co-operation: Teamwork and Child Protection'
Horgan D.; (1996) 'Interprofessional Co-operation: Teamwork and Child Protection'. Irish Social Worker, 4 (14):4-6 [Details]

Other Journals

(2018)'The centrality of play in children’s ideal after-school environments'
O'Riordan, J., Horgan, D., Martin. S. and O'Sullivan, S. (2018) 'The centrality of play in children’s ideal after-school environments' Children’s Research Digest, . [Details]
(1995)'Garda/Social Work Collaboration & the Domestic Violence Bill, 1995'
Horgan, D.; (1995) 'Garda/Social Work Collaboration & the Domestic Violence Bill, 1995' Garda Review, 23 (10) :28-29. [Details]

Conference Publications

(2016)Children's Research Digest
Horgan, D., Forde, C. and Martin, S. (2016) Children and Young People’s Participation in their Everyday Lives: Evidence Based Policy . In: Children's Research Network, Northern Ireland and Republic of Ireland eds. Children's Research Digest Dublin, , 16-DEC-15 - 16-DEC-15 [Details]
(2010)Research-Teaching Linkages: Practice and Policy. Proceedings of the Third Annual Conference of the National Academy for the Integration of Research, Teaching and Learning
Jacqui O'Riordan, Shirley Martin, Deirdre Horgan, Ruth Murray and Caroline Shore; (2010) Children and Global Diversity: Collaborative Development of Learning Materials . In: Jennifer Murphy, Carrie Griffin and Bettie Higgs eds. Research-Teaching Linkages: Practice and Policy. Proceedings of the Third Annual Conference of the National Academy for the Integration of Research, Teaching and Learning Trinity College Dublin, , pp.87-95   [Details]
(2008)Combating Child Trafficking for Labour and Sexual Exploitation
Martin, S., Horgan, D. and O'Riordan, J. ; (2008) Combating Child Trafficking for Labour and Sexual Exploitation . In: Martin, S., Horgan, D. and O'Riordan, J eds. Combating Child Trafficking for Labour and Sexual Exploitation University College Cork, [Details]
(1991)Personal Social Services
Horgan D.; (1991) Conference Proceedings Personal Social Services MidWestern Health Board, , 01-JAN-91 - 01-JAN-91 [Details]

Published Reports

(2021)Evaluation of the In-School and Early Years Therapy Support Demonstration Project.
Lynch, H., Ring, E., Boyle, B., Moore, A., O'Toole, C., O'Sullivan, L., Brophy, T., Frizelle, P., Horgan, D., O'Sullivan, D. (2021) Evaluation of the In-School and Early Years Therapy Support Demonstration Project. National Council for Special Education, Trim, Co. Meath.   [Full Text] [Details]
(2019)An Evaluation of the Operation and Impact of The Ark Children's Council.
Horgan, D. Martin, S. and Cummins-McNamara (2019) An Evaluation of the Operation and Impact of The Ark Children's Council. Dublin, The Ark. [Details]
(2017)Report of Consultations with Children on After-school Care.
Horgan, D., O'Riordan, J., Martin, S. and O'Sullivan, J. (2017) Report of Consultations with Children on After-school Care. Department of Children and Youth Affairs, Government Publications, Dublin, Dublin.   [Full Text] [Details]
(2016)Healthy Lifestyles. Have Your Say: A consultation with children and young people.
Martin, Shirley; Horgan, Deirdre; Scanlon, Margaret (2016) Healthy Lifestyles. Have Your Say: A consultation with children and young people. Government publications, Dublin, Ireland.   [Full Text] [Details]
(2015)Children and young people's experiences of participation in decision-making at home, in schools and in their communities.
Horgan, D., Forde, C., Parkes, A. and Martin, S. (2015) Children and young people's experiences of participation in decision-making at home, in schools and in their communities. Department of Children and Youth Affairs, Dublin.   [Full Text] [Details]
(2012)Safe Care for trafficked Children in Ireland: Developing a Protective Environment.
Horgan, Deirdre; O'Riordan, Jacqui; Christie, Alastair; and Martin, Shirley (2012) Safe Care for trafficked Children in Ireland: Developing a Protective Environment. Children's Rights Alliance, Republic of Ireland.   [Details]
(2009)Children and Global Diversity Learning Materials Working Papers.
O'Riordan, J., Horgan, D. Das Roy, S. Martin, S., Murray, R. and Shore, C. (2009) Children and Global Diversity Learning Materials Working Papers. UCC, Cork. [Details]
(2008)The Josef Fritzl Austrian Kidnap Case: The Aftermath.
Horgan D.; (2008) The Josef Fritzl Austrian Kidnap Case: The Aftermath. Irish Examiner, Dublin. [Details]
(2005)Left to Carry the Baby: National Childcare Opinion Poll.
Horgan D.; (2005) Left to Carry the Baby: National Childcare Opinion Poll. Irish Examiner, Dublin. [Details]
(2002)An Evaluation of the Clonmel Community Parent Support Programme.
Horgan, D. & Duggan, H. ; (2002) An Evaluation of the Clonmel Community Parent Support Programme. University College Cork/South-Eastern Health Board. [Details]


(1991)YouthLinks: An Evaluation.
Horgan D.; (1991) YouthLinks: An Evaluation. Cork Youth Federation/UCC: Articles [Details]

Book Reviews

(2011)Child Slavery Now: A Contemporary Reader.
Horgan, D (2011) Child Slavery Now: A Contemporary Reader. OXFORD: Book Reviews [DOI] [Details]

Newspaper Articles

(2016)En Irlande, les 12-17 ans prennent leur destin en main.
Tristan de Bourbon (2016) En Irlande, les 12-17 ans prennent leur destin en main. France: Newspaper Articles   [Details]
(2013)Childcare sector crying out for funding.
Dr. Deirdre Horgan, Dr. Shirley Martin, Dr. Maura Cunneen (2013) Childcare sector crying out for funding. Ireland: Newspaper Articles [Details]
(2005)Left to carry the baby.
Shanahan, Catherine & Horgan, Deirdre; (2005) Left to carry the baby. Newspaper Articles [Details]
(2005)Pay stay-at-home and working parents.
Horgan, Deirdre; (2005) Pay stay-at-home and working parents. Newspaper Articles [Details]
(2005)Choosing Childcare.
Quinlan, Ailin & Horgan, Deirdre; (2005) Choosing Childcare. Newspaper Articles [Details]

Review Articles

(2000)Child Care & Social Policy.
Horgan, Deirdre; (2000) Child Care & Social Policy. Review Articles [Details]

Unpublished Reports

(1991)Youthlinks - An Evaluation.
Horgan, Deirdre; (1991) Youthlinks - An Evaluation. Unpublished Reports [Details]

Professional Activities

Professional Associations

 AssociationFunctionFrom / To
OMEP member - Irish Branch20-APR-04 / 30-DEC-99
Irish Task Force on Child Labour Member01-JAN-08 /

Conference Contributions

(2017)Fifth International Conference on Geographies of Children, Youth and Families,
Horgan, D. O'Riordan, J. and Martin, S. (2017) Refugee Children in Ireland: Care and Education issues. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Fifth International Conference on Geographies of Children, Youth and Families, Loughborough University, UK , 25-SEP-17 - 27-SEP-17. [Details]
(2017)World Refugee Day Conference,
Deirdre Horgan (2017) Primary schools relationships with asylum-seeking families in Ireland. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], World Refugee Day Conference, UCD, Dublin, Ireland , 20-JUN-17 - 20-JUN-17. [Details]
(2017)Children and Young People's Particiaption in Research: Children's Research Network Annual Conference 2017,
Deirdre Horgan (2017) Consultations with children and young people and their impact on policy. [Oral Presentation], Children and Young People's Particiaption in Research: Children's Research Network Annual Conference 2017, Chartered Accountants House, Dublin , 29-NOV-17 - 30-NOV-17. [Details]
(2017)Children and Young People's Participation in Research: Children's Research Network Annual Conference 2017,
Shirley Martin and Deirdre Horgan (2017) Including Children's Views in Health Policy. [Oral Presentation], Children and Young People's Participation in Research: Children's Research Network Annual Conference 2017, Chartered Accountants House, Dublin , 29-NOV-17 - 30-NOV-17. [Details]
(2016)Contemporary Childhood Conference. Young Citizens and Society: Fostering Civic Particiaption,
Deirdre Horgan (2016) Child participation: Moving from the performative to the social. [Oral Presentation], Contemporary Childhood Conference. Young Citizens and Society: Fostering Civic Particiaption, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow , 02-SEP-16 - 03-SEP-16. [Details]
(2016)VII Conference on Childhood Studies,
Horgan, Deirdre (2016) Children adn young People's Perpectives of Healthy Lifestyles. [Oral Presentation], VII Conference on Childhood Studies, University of Turku, Finland , 06-JUN-16 - 08-JUN-16. [Details]
(2016)Making good decisions about Landscape,
Kilkelly, U. et al. (2016) Making Good Decisions about Landscape – Involving Children in Decision-Making. [Oral Presentation], Making good decisions about Landscape, UCC , 09-JUN-16 - 10-JUN-16. [Details]
(2016)VII Conference on Childhood Studies,
Forde, C. , Horgan, D. and Martin, S. (2016) My friends listen to me: Children and Young People’s Experiences of Participation in Play, Sports and Leisure Activities in Urban and Rural Ireland. [Oral Presentation], VII Conference on Childhood Studies, Turku University, Finland , 06-JUN-16 - 08-JUN-16. [Details]
(2015)4th International Conference on the Geographies of Children, Youth and Families: Young People, Borders and Well Being,
Horgan, Deirdre (2015) The bordered contexts of children and young people’s participation and engagement in everyday life. [Oral Presentation], 4th International Conference on the Geographies of Children, Youth and Families: Young People, Borders and Well Being, San Diego , 12-JAN-15 - 15-JAN-15. [Details]
(2015)Better Outcomes for Children: Are we there yet? Children's Research Network for Ireland and Northern Ireland Annual Conference,
Horgan, D. (Presenter) Martin, S. and Forde, C. (2015) 'CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE’S PARTICIPATION IN THEIR EVERYDAY LIVES: EVIDENCE BASED POLICY'. [Oral Presentation], Better Outcomes for Children: Are we there yet? Children's Research Network for Ireland and Northern Ireland Annual Conference, Chartered Accountants' House, Dublin , 10-DEC-15 - 10-DEC-15. [Details]
(2015)Journal of Youth Studies Conference, `Contemporary Youth, Contemporary Risk´,
Deirdre Horgan, Catherine Forde, Shirley Martin (presenter), Ashling Parkes and Linda Mages (2015) Children and Young People’s participation in the community: The risks of non-inclusion. [Oral Presentation], Journal of Youth Studies Conference, `Contemporary Youth, Contemporary Risk´, Copenhagen , 30-MAR-15 - 01-APR-15. [Details]
(2015)The Great Outdoors? Children, Young People and Families in Natural and Rural Spaces,
Horgan, D. (presenter) and Martin, S. (presenter) (2015) Children and young people’s participation, activism and citizenship in rural spaces. [Oral Presentation], The Great Outdoors? Children, Young People and Families in Natural and Rural Spaces, University of Nothampton , 09-SEP-15 - 10-SEP-15. [Details]
(2014)Anti-racist social justice praxis across education sites in Ireland: Ongoing and emergent issues,
Horgan, Deirdre; O'Riordan, Jacqui and Martin, Shirley (2014) Whose children? Insights into educational professionals' perceptions of Migrant children. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Anti-racist social justice praxis across education sites in Ireland: Ongoing and emergent issues, UCC, Cork , 12-DEC-14 - 12-DEC-14. [Details]
(2014)Crisis, Mobility and New Forms of Migration,
O'Riordan, J. (presenter) Horgan, D. (presenter) MArtin, S. and Christie, A. (2014) Children Living in Direct Provision : State migration policy as a barrier to their welfare and participation in education. [Oral Presentation], Crisis, Mobility and New Forms of Migration, UCC, Cork , 02-SEP-14 - 04-SEP-14. [Details]
(2014)OMEP 66th World Conference : Children's Cultural Worlds,
O'Riordan, J. Martin, S and Horgan, D. (2014) Perspectives of early years providers on meeting the needs of asylum seeking young children in Ireland. [Oral Presentation], OMEP 66th World Conference : Children's Cultural Worlds, UCC, Cork , 03-JUL-14 - 05-SEP-14. [Details]
(2014)Childrens Research Network Annual Conference: Caring for our Children:Lessons learnt - informing future practice and policy,
Martin, Shirley; O'Riordan, Jacqui and Horgan, Deirdre (2014) Interactions of asylum seeking parents, teachers and early years practitioners: Partnership or paternalism?. [Oral Presentation], Childrens Research Network Annual Conference: Caring for our Children:Lessons learnt - informing future practice and policy, Dublin , 10-DEC-14 - 10-DEC-14. [Details]
(2014)Centre for the Study of Childhood and Youth International Conference: Researching Children's Everyday Lives: Socio-Cultural Contexts,
Horgan, D. (presenter), Forde, C., Martin, S. and Mages, L. (2014) Exploring Children's Experience of Participation in Home, School and Community In Ireland. [Oral Presentation], Centre for the Study of Childhood and Youth International Conference: Researching Children's Everyday Lives: Socio-Cultural Contexts, Sheffield University, UK , 01-JUL-14 - 03-JUL-14. [Details]
(2014)What's Working for Young People,
Forde, C., Madges, L., Horgan, D., Parkes, A and Martin, S. (2014) Children's Participation in Home, School and Community. [Oral Presentation], What's Working for Young People, Dublin , 25-MAR-14 - 26-MAR-14. [Details]
(2014)Creative Engagements: Thinking with Children, 9th Annual Conference,
Horgan, D.(presenter), Forde, C., Parkes, A, Madges, L. and Martin S. (2014) ‘Seen and not Heard? An exploration of children and young people’s experiences of participation in the home, school and community using creative child-centred methodological approaches. [Oral Presentation], Creative Engagements: Thinking with Children, 9th Annual Conference, Prague , 16-MAR-14 - 17-MAR-14. [Details]
(2013)ISPCAN European Regional Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect,
Horgan, D. & O'Riordan, J. (2013) Paper presented on Safe care for separated migrant children in Ireland: Issues arising in the transition to a foster care system. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], ISPCAN European Regional Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect, Dublin, Ireland , 15-SEP-13 - 18-SEP-13. [Details]
(2013)EECERA International Confernece: Values, Cultures and Contexts,
Horgan, D.(author and presenter) (2013) Paper presented on Refugee and Asylum Seeking children in Ireland: Educaional Transitions. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], EECERA International Confernece: Values, Cultures and Contexts, Tallinn, Estonia , 28-AUG-13 - 31-AUG-13. [Details]
(2013)Royal Geographical Society-IBG Annual Conference,
Parkes, A., Forde, C., Horgan, D., Martin, S and Madges, L. (2013) Children and Young Peoples Experiences of Participation in Home, School and Community. [Oral Presentation], Royal Geographical Society-IBG Annual Conference, London , 29-AUG-13 - 30-AUG-13. [Details]
(2012)Closing a Protection Gap: Core Standards for Guardians of Separated Children in Europe,
Deirdre Horgan (2012) The concept of 'guardian' in relation to separated migrant children: traversing the migration and child welfare spectrum. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Closing a Protection Gap: Core Standards for Guardians of Separated Children in Europe, Alexander Hotel, Dublin , 23-JAN-12 - 23-JAN-12. [Details]
(2012)All Our Children: Positive Experiences, Successful Outcomes for Looked After and other Vulnerable Children,
Horgan, Deirdre (2012) Foster Care: Developing a supportive environment for separated migrant children in Ireland. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], All Our Children: Positive Experiences, Successful Outcomes for Looked After and other Vulnerable Children, Glasgow, Scotland , 05-SEP-12 - 07-SEP-12. [Details]
(2012)Celebrating Childhood Diversity,
O'Riordan, Jacqui; Blaney, Michael (authors and presenters) Horgan, Deirdre (author) (2012) DAY TO DAY TRANSITIONS FOR CHILDREN LIVING IN DIRECT PROVISION IN IRELAND. [Oral Presentation], Celebrating Childhood Diversity, University of Sheffield , 09-JUL-12 - 11-JUL-12. [Details]
(2012)Celebrating Childhood Diversity: 4th International Conference, Centre for the Study of Childhood and Youth,
O'Riordan, Jacqui, Blaney, Michael (authors and Presenters) Horgan, Deirdre (Author) (2012) Refugee and Asylum seeking children in Ireland: educational transitions. [Oral Presentation], Celebrating Childhood Diversity: 4th International Conference, Centre for the Study of Childhood and Youth, Sheffield, UK , 09-JUL-12 - 11-JUL-12. [Details]
(2011)8th Annual Conference of the Sociological Society of Ireland,
O'Riordan, Jacqui, Horgan, Deirdre, Martin, Shirley (2011) Separated Migrant Children, or Adults : Othering and Migration in Ireland. [Oral Presentation], 8th Annual Conference of the Sociological Society of Ireland, University College Cork , 06-MAY-11 - 08-MAY-11. [Details]
(2010)The Child' and 'Childhood' in Theory and Policy Conference,
D. Horgan and S. McCaughren (Presenters) and S.Martin (contributing author); (2010) The retrospective voice of the institutionalised child: An exploration of childhood discourses in the Irish Commission to Inquire into Child Abuse. [Oral Presentation], The Child' and 'Childhood' in Theory and Policy Conference, University of Leeds , 15-SEP-10 - 15-SEP-10. [Details]
(2010)Issues in Safeguarding Refugee and Asylum-Seeking Children Conference (BASPCAN),
S.Martin (Presenter) and Child Migration and Social Policy Research Group, UCC; (2010) What role for guardians? Work with separated children in Ireland. [Oral Presentation], Issues in Safeguarding Refugee and Asylum-Seeking Children Conference (BASPCAN), University of Lancaster, Preston , 14-APR-10 - 14-APR-10. [Details]
(2010)DICE Conference 2010,
O'Riordan, J., S. Martin, D. Horgan; (2010) Expanding the International Development Focus of an Early Childhood Studies Degree (BA ECS, UCC). [Oral Presentation], DICE Conference 2010, Mary Immaculate College, Limerick , 17-JUN-10 - 18-JUN-10. [Details]
(2010)Meeting Youth Needs in the 21st Century,
D. Horgan and J. Riordan (Presenters) and S.Martin (Contributing Author); (2010) The implications of the dispersal policy for Aged-Out Minors and Separated Children. [Oral Presentation], Meeting Youth Needs in the 21st Century, University College Cork , 12-MAY-10 - 12-MAY-10. [Details]
(2009)Educational Studies Association of Ireland (ESAI) annual conference,
Martin, S. and Horgan, D. ; (2009) Increasing Awareness and Understanding of Global Issues Affecting Children: Development of Learning Materials for Students on the BA Early Childhood Studies. [Oral Presentation], Educational Studies Association of Ireland (ESAI) annual conference, Kilkenny , 15-APR-09 - 16-APR-09. [Details]
(2009)NAIRTL 3rd Annual Conference Research-Teaching Linkages: Practice and Policy,
O'Riordan, J.. S. Martin, D. Horgan, R. Murray, C. Shore; (2009) Children and Global Diversity: Collaborative Development of Learning Materials,. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], NAIRTL 3rd Annual Conference Research-Teaching Linkages: Practice and Policy, Trinity College, Dublin , 11-NOV-09 - 12-NOV-09. [Details]
(2009)British Association for the Study and Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (BASPCAN) Annual Conference,
Martin, S and Horgan, D. ; (2009) Recent Policy and Practice Developments in Child Trafficking in Ireland. [Oral Presentation], British Association for the Study and Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (BASPCAN) Annual Conference, Swansea, Wales , 23-SEP-09 - 24-SEP-09. [Details]
Martin, Shirley, Deirdre Horgan and Jacqui O'Riordan; (2008) Forthcoming Conference Proceedings. [Editorship of Whole Conference Proceedings], , , 17-MAY-08 - 17-MAY-08. [Details]
(1997)Annual Conference of the Irish Association of Counsellors & Therapists,
Horgan, Deirdre; (1997) The Implications of the Child Care Act, 1991 for professionals in a multidisciplinary context. [Invited Oral Presentation], Annual Conference of the Irish Association of Counsellors & Therapists, Tralee, Co. Kerry , 27-MAY-97 - 30-DEC-99. [Details]
(1996)Annual Conference of the Irish Association of Counsellors & Therapists,
Horgan, Deirdre; (1996) Facing the Challenge of Interprofessional Co-operation in Child Sexual Abuse. [Invited Oral Presentation], Annual Conference of the Irish Association of Counsellors & Therapists, Cork , 21-MAY-96 - 30-DEC-99. [Details]
(1995)The Child Care Act, 1991 - Shared professional Responsibility,
Horgan, Deirdre; (1995) Summer School in Guidance & Counselling. [Invited Oral Presentation], The Child Care Act, 1991 - Shared professional Responsibility, UCC , 24-MAY-95 - 30-DEC-99. [Details]
(1994)Interprofessional Co-operation: Teamwork, Education & Child Protection,
Horgan, Deirdre; (1994) Child Abuse & Interprofessional Co-operation. [Invited Oral Presentation], Interprofessional Co-operation: Teamwork, Education & Child Protection, UCC , 27-MAY-94 - 30-DEC-99. [Details]
(2011)3rd Biennial Child Protection and Welfare Social Work Conference,
Horgan Deirdre; (2011) Privatisation of Child protection & Welfare Services considered. [Invited Oral Presentation], 3rd Biennial Child Protection and Welfare Social Work Conference, University College Cork , 28-OCT-11 - 28-OCT-11. [Details]
(2011)Keeping Children Safe & Secure in Ireland,
Kilkelly, U. & Horgan, D.; (2011) Ethical and legal Implications of Secondary Data Analysis. [Oral Presentation], Keeping Children Safe & Secure in Ireland, UCC , 12-SEP-11 - 16-SEP-11. [Details]
(2011)Keeping Children Safe and Secure in Ireland: Maximising the use of existing data to inform research, policy and practice,
Kilkelly, U. & Horgan, D.; (2011) Summer school funded by the Department of Children & Youth Affairs at UCC. [Conference Organising Committee Member], Keeping Children Safe and Secure in Ireland: Maximising the use of existing data to inform research, policy and practice, UCC , 12-SEP-11 - 16-SEP-11. [Details]
(2011)Opportunities and Challenges: Implementing the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child¿,
Horgan, D.; (2011) Childrens Rights: The Case of Separated Migrant Children in Ireland. [Peer Reviewed Abstract], Opportunities and Challenges: Implementing the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child¿, Queens University Belfast , 01-JUN-11 - 02-JUN-11. [Details]
(2010)2nd Equal is not Enough Conference,
Horgan, D. & Martin, S.; (2010) A differentiated care system: its contribution to the vulnerabilities of separated migrant children in Ireland. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], 2nd Equal is not Enough Conference, Antwerp, Belgium , 01-DEC-10 - 03-DEC-10. [Details]
(2010)The Child and Childhood in Theory & Policy,
Horgan, D., McCaughren, S. & Martin, S.; (2010) `The Retrospective Voice of the Institutionalised Child: An Exploration of Childhood Discourses in the Irish Commission to Inquire into Child Abuse (2009)¿,. [Invited Lectures (Workshops)], The Child and Childhood in Theory & Policy, University of Leeds, UK , 15-SEP-10 - 15-SEP-10. [Details]
(2010)International Conference on Meeting Youth Needs in the 21st Century,
Horgan, D. O'Riordan, J. & Martin, S.; (2010) The Implementation Plan of the Commission to Inquire into Child Abuse Report (OMCYA, 2009) and the implications of the dispersal policy for Aged-out Minors and Separated Children. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], International Conference on Meeting Youth Needs in the 21st Century, UCC, Cork, Ireland , 12-MAY-10 - 12-MAY-10. [Details]
(2009)Educational Studies Association of Ireland Conference,
Horgan, D. & Martin, S.; (2009) April 2009: Horgan, D. and Martin S. Children & Global Diversity: Collaborative Development of Learning Materials (UCC/HOPE) . [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Educational Studies Association of Ireland Conference, Kilkenny , 03-APR-09 - 03-APR-09. [Details]
(2008)International Conference on Combating Child Trafficking for Labour & Sexual Exploitation,
Horgan, D.; (2008) Conference on issues of child trafficking for labour and sexual exploitation. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], International Conference on Combating Child Trafficking for Labour & Sexual Exploitation, UCC , 19-MAY-08 - 19-MAY-08. [Details]
(2008)National Academy for the Integration of Research and Teaching and Learning,
Horgan, D.; (2008) Teaching & Learning in Higher Education, Challenging Assumptions. [Poster Presentation], National Academy for the Integration of Research and Teaching and Learning, Waterford Institute of Technology , 13-NOV-08 - 14-NOV-08. [Details]
(2008)Combating Child Trafficking for Labour & Sexual Exploitation,
Horgan D.; (2008) Conference Proceedings. [Editorship of Whole Conference Proceedings], Combating Child Trafficking for Labour & Sexual Exploitation, The Netherlands , 01-JAN-08 - 01-JAN-08. [Details]
(1997)Annual Conference of the Irish Association of Counsellors & Therapists,
Horgan D.; (1997) The Implications of the Child Care Act, 1991 for Professionals in a Multidisciplinary Context. [Oral Presentation], Annual Conference of the Irish Association of Counsellors & Therapists, Cork , 24-MAY-97 - 24-MAY-97. [Details]
(1996)Annual Conference of the Irish Association of Counsellors & Therapists,
Horgan D.; (1996) Facing the Challenge of Interprofessional Co-operation. [Oral Presentation], Annual Conference of the Irish Association of Counsellors & Therapists, University College Cork , 18-MAY-96 - 18-MAY-96. [Details]
(1995)Summer School in Guidance & Counselling,
Horgan D.; (1995) The ChildCare Act: Shared Professional Responsibility?. [Invited Oral Presentation], Summer School in Guidance & Counselling, Tralee , 01-JUN-95 - 01-JUN-95. [Details]
(1994)Conference on Interprofessional Teamwork, Education & Child Protection,
Horgan D.; (1994) Child Abuse & InterProfessional Co-operation: Issues & Possibilities. [Oral Presentation], Conference on Interprofessional Teamwork, Education & Child Protection, University College Cork , 27-MAY-94 - 27-MAY-94. [Details]

Honours and Awards

 YearTitleAwarding Body
2011IRCHSS Social Policy Research Development Initiative - Strand 3 Summer Schools 2011 IRCHSS on behalf of the Office of the Department of Children & Youth Affairs
2012UCC Strategic Research Fund UCC
2012College of Arts Celtic Studies and Social Sciences Research fund 2012 Presentation to the International Looking After Children Confernece, Glasgow.
2015College of Arts Celtic Studies and Social Sciences Research Fund UCC
2018Aspiring Leaders Irish Management Institute
2013College of Arts Celtic Studies and Social Sciences Research Fund UCC
2011College of Arts Celtic Studies & Social Sciences Research Fund College of Arts Celtic Studies & Social Sciences, UCC
2010Embedding Global Childhood Issues into the UCC EYCS Programme Development Education Funding from Irish Aid
2008Increasing awareness and understanding of global issues affecting children: development of learning materials for use with third level undergraduate students on the BA degree in Early Childhood Studie Development Education Fund from Irish Aid
2008IRCHSS Networking grant for a project on child migration and trafficking IRCHSS
2009Research Development Initiative grant to explore Policy and practice responses to Child trafficking in Europe: the role of the National Action Plans on Human Trafficking IRCHSS
1989College Scholar, UCC
1987Scholar of the Year UCC
2007College of Arts, Celtic Studies & Social Science Research Award College of Arts, Celtic Studies & Social Sciences, UCC


 CommitteeFunctionFrom / To
Childrens Research Network SIG on Participation Foiunding committee member2017 /
CYPSC (Children and Young People's Services Committee) information and research group, TUSLA committee member2016 / 2019
Children's Rights Education and Training: A Third Level Audit. DCYA Member of Advisory committee2016 / 2016
YMCA Parents and Kids Together (PAKT) Advisory committee Adivosry committe for NAtional PAKT programmes delivered by the YMCA2015 /
Academic Council. UCC Member2015 / 2018
Executive Management Group BA(EYCS) Member (1996- 2011) Chair (2012-2014) Member (2016 - ongoing)2012 / 2014
ISS21 Children and Young People's research cluster Key responsibilities include organising research seminars and workshops at UCC and devloping interdisciplinary networks for research.2011 /
Staff - Student Liaison Committee, Faculty of Arts Member of a faculty committee. Chief role to design a student handbook2000 / 2002
Department Quality Review Committee (Applied Social Studies) To prepare a report on the Department for the Peer Review Group as part of the Quality Improvement excercise at UCC2004 / 2005
Interim Executive Commmittee - Department of Applied Social Studies To draw up a document on the roles and functions of future Executive committees in the Department. To speciffically address workload, research and staff mentoring issues.2006 / 1899
Executive Management Group - BA(Early Childhood Studies) As Director and member of the committee, to manage all aspects of the degree course.2004 / 1999


2009UCC Postgraduate Diploma Teaching & Learning in Higher EducationPostgraduate Diploma in Teaching & Learning
2014Leadership Foundation for Higher Education Leading Teaching TeamsProgramme for those in a leadership role in an academci context
2018Irish Management Institute Aspiring LeadersIMI certified in house senior leadership development initiatives to deliver on the key goal of UCC’s Strategic Plan 2017-2022 to ‘strengthen leadership development by maximising participation in a dedicated leadership development programme across the university’.
2008University College Cork Graduate Certificate Teaching & LearningTeaching and Learning
1991UCC MSocScSocial Science
1989UCC B.Soc.Sc.
1996UCC Ph.D.


 EmployerPositionFrom / To
University College Cork College Lecturer01-OCT-91 /
University College Cork Technical Special Assistant01-JAN-89 / 01-JAN-91


English NoneNoneNone


External Examiner for Tralee Institute of Technology
External Examiner to the School of Business & Social Studies for the Early Childhood Degree programme  
Health Boards (Southern;MidWest and SouthEast)

Journal Activities

 JournalRoleTo / From
The Omep Ireland Journal Of Early Childhood Studies Editor-

Other Activities


Research Visits 2009 Kolkatta, India, Invited presentation to University and visits to HOPE foundation and other NGO projects working with children. 1 week 2008 NSPCC HQ Camden, London Child Trafficking Network Meeting 1996 Warsaw University, Poland Guest Lectures on Irish Child Care Policy 1 week

Reviewer for Childhoods Today

Organising and facilitating launches of published materials (book and reports) including delivering short paper, facilitating workshops with policymakers and practitioners, media interviews etc.

Leadership Development Programme – Leading Teaching Teams. December 2014 This programme explores the challenges associated with being in a leadership role in an academic context. It focuses on the operational demands and provides the opportunity to spend time with academics in similar roles from across the University.

Review book proposals for Palgrave

Reviewer for the Irish Journal of Social Policy

Review draft Irish Research Council funding applications for Graduate Studies Office UCC

Reviewer for International Social Work; Social inclusion; Gender, Place and Culture; Children and Youth Services Review; and The Children's Research Digest.

Internal  Examiner for PhD theses at University College Cork

Teaching Activities

Teaching Interests

Lecturer on the BA Early Years and Childhood Studies where I teach on:
  • SS1019 Children's Social and Cultural Worlds
  • SS2401 Child Care Policy: contemporary issues
  • SS3403 Social Analysis, Gender and Society 

Teaching on a range of subjects at undergraduate and postgraduate level including:
Bachelor of Social Science - SS2006,
Bachelor of Social Work - SS2208
Masters Social Policy (Co-ordinate SS6316/6317 the Children and Young People Specialist pathway).

Contribute to:
Masters Public Health Nursing 
Masters Criminology
Doctorate Social Science


Recent Postgraduates

 Graduation YearStudent NameInstitutionDegree TypeThesis Title
2012Caroline Cullen NUI (UCC)PHDA Discourse Analysis of the Ryan Report: The Construction of Children in Care in Irish Social Policy
2016Claire Hickey UCCPhDBuilding an Index of Well-being for Children Living in Ireland: Conceptual, Measurement and Policy Considerations
2014Mary Reid NUI (UCC)Masters in Social PolicyToo Young for School? The implications of the lower age limits of the ECCE scheme.
2013Gwen Healy NUI (UCC)Masters in Social PolicyMen In Early Childhood Care and Education.

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School of Applied Social Studies

Staidéar Sóisialta Feidhmeach

William Thompson House, Donovan's Road, Cork, Ireland.,
