Research Profile

Alicia Curtin


Dr Alicia Curtin is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Education at University College Cork since 2012. She is MEd Modular Deputy Programme Director and has previously led the MEd Modular Programme (2023) and Education Gaeilge (2019-2022) as Programme Director. She holds a leadership role on the Cohort PhD and related summer schools. She leads modules and teaches on a range of programmes within the school including BScEd (UG), BEDSSPE (UG), PME (PG), MEd Modular (PG) and Cohort PhD (doctoral).

Alicia has supervised 3 PhDs, 29 MEd theses (including Literacy Association of Ireland Award Winner 2017) and 62 Professional Research Papers to completion. She currently supervises 6 PhD students and a range of PG research projects in the school. She is Deputy Chair of the School of Education Learning and Teaching Committee and serves on a number of other committees and working groups within the school. She is a member of UCC’s Work Integrated Learning Community of Practice. She has worked previously with the State Examinations Commission, Dublin Examining Board, Examcraft and as a secondary school teacher of English and German, contributing also to the Teaching Council as External Subject Advisor for these subjects.

Alicia is invited External Programme Reviewer at Trinity College Dublin and External PhD Examiner at The University of the Free State, South Africa. She is also invited competitive funding Assessor with The Research Grants Council of Hong Kong and FCT (Portuguese National Funding Agency for Science, Research and Technology). She peer reviews for a number of national and international journals and publishers including Irish Educational Studies, International Journal of Research and Method in Education, Literacy, Routledge Publishing, Sage Publishing, Peter Lang Publishing and INTO.

Alicia’s research is distinctive and innovative in its sociocultural exploration of relationships between key areas in education, its focus on real world contexts and its engagement of innovative, professional, practical, cultural, societal and alternative stakeholders. Exploring these relationships, settings and people as boundary spaces for advancing education understanding fosters unique insight. Further connecting knowledge across spaces enables more nuanced and joined up approaches to research and theory development in education and learning.

Alicia has published 4 books (2 as invited contributions to international book series), 3 invited chapters in international specialist education handbooks, 1 invited chapter in a pedagogical text, 2 conference proceedings, 6 reports of international standing, 4 DVDs on themes of societal importance and a CPD website and materials for teachers. She has also been invited to guest edit Special Issues of international peer review journals International Journal of Research and Method in Education (2018) and Educational Sciences (2023) and publishes in peer reviewed national and international journals Irish Educational Studies, International Journal of Research and Method in Education, International Journal of Special Education and International Journal of Inclusive Education.

Alicia presents at national and international conferences and her latest publication Reading and Writing Pathways through Children’s and Young Adult Literature showcases contributions from international and award winning authors and has been nominated by Routledge for the prestigious UKLA Academic Book of the Year Award 2023. 

Research Interests

Research Interests

Alicia’s research explores issues highly relevant to education and learning from a sociocultural perspective including learning as identity; power, agency and relationships in teaching and learning; in and out of school literacies and identities; alternative settings for learning; assessment as enacted and experienced in communities of practice; innovative, creative and culturally relevant pedagogical approaches; children's literature as literacy pedagogy; exploring the hidden and hard to know in pedagogical research; school placement in ITE; Continuing Professional Development for teachers; the relationship between educational discourses and learning experiences; and neuroscientific perspectives on literacy and learning.   

Current Research

Documenting Early Career Primary and Post Primary Principals’ Identity Formation
This SCOTENS funded (€4500) research in collaboration with the School of Policy and Practice, Dublin City University and the School of Education, Ulster University explores the interrelationships between identity, policy and practice. It is a mixed methods study including desk research, policy analysis, interview and questionnaire and will contribute to the fields of educational leadership and understanding the identity formation of early career principals.  

A Continuum of Teaching and Learning in Ireland and the EU

Supporting colleagues in the Department of Government and Politics, University College Cork on this EU Jean Monnet Teacher Training Awarded research Alicia serves as a Research Board Advisory Member. The focus of this research is the development of a continuum of education on Ireland and the EU from Junior Infants to 6th Year through the design of content and pedagogy materials and teacher Continued Professional Development in partnership with teaching practitioners.    

Past Research

Developing Literacy Pedagogies through Children’s Literature with Authors (2019 - 2023)
This interdisciplinary and qualitative independent non funded study engaged 16 international award winning authors as innovative but practical stakeholders for the development of literacy classroom pedagogy. Connecting academic, practitioner, professional and learner worlds and perspectives outputs of this research include 1 book and 2 invited chapter contributions to a pedagogy text and a specialist education international handbook.   

Adolescent Literacy, Identity and School ALIAS (2016 – 2018)
Funded by the UCC Strategic Research Fund (€5000) Alicia collaborated on this research with UCC colleagues. This study interrogated intersections between literacy, identity and assessment for learners in school and alternative learning contexts through semi structured interviews, focus groups and curriculum workshops. Outputs include 1 book, 2 peer review papers and 1 conference proceedings publication.  

European Literacy Policy Network (ELINET) (2014 – 2016)

Serving as a Literacy Representative for Ireland in this cross disciplinary research consortium of 79 international and diverse partners across 28 countries (€24000 EU funding to UCC of €3M overall funding) Alicia’s contributions focused on national and EU literacy policy and practice. This interdisciplinary, inter-institutional and international project achieved extensive defined outcomes including large project reports; 30 Country Long Reports; 30 Country Short Reports; 46 Practice Examples; cross country collaboration in Member Conferences; resources for literacy (many available online) and continue to lead policy & practice across EU. Alicia contributed to the development of a number of these outputs and made particular significant intellectual contributions in 4 international reports and is named 1st author on 2 of these. Her work on this project also provided the foundation for 1 book, 1 Guest Editorship of an International Journal and 2 peer review papers.  

Teaching Council National Evaluation of School Placement in ITE Programmes (2014 - 2016)
Commissioned and funded by the Teaching Council (€95000) this large scale mixed methods study of primary and post primary undergraduate and postgraduate ITE provision was a collaboration with Dublin City University and included 334 interviews and 904 questionnaires with students and staff of  6 Higher Education Institutes in Ireland. Outputs include a final report and an Interim Report of International Literature.   

Networks of Mind: Learning, Culture, Neuroscience (2011 - 2014)

This interdisciplinary research study supported by the School of Education UCC explored neuroscientific and sociocultural perspectives on education and included attendance and presentation at an international neuroscientific conference and interviews with 10 neuroscientists alongside an investigation of representations of neuroscience in popular culture. Outputs include 1 book and 2 invited chapters in international peer reviewed specialist education handbooks.   

Assessment in Teacher Education North and South (ATENS) (2011 - 2013)
This systematic investigation of assessment on Initial Teacher Education through desk research, interview and focus group was funded by SCOTENS (€5682) and undertaken in collaboration with St Mary’s University College Belfast. 8 Higher Education Institutes providing Initial Teacher Education across the island of Ireland were included in the study and outputs include a final report and an executive summary.   

Addressing the Concept and Evidence of Institutional Racism in Irish Education (2011 - 2013)
This Irish Research Council funded (€10000) interdisciplinary research project undertaken in collaboration with UCC ISS21 involved 60 stakeholders (academic, cultural, industrial and governmental) and culminated in Ireland’s first ever conference on racism and education held at UCC. Focusing on engaged research and knowledge exchange outputs include 1 conference and 1 conference proceedings booklet.   

Connecting, challenging & transforming practices in schools: The VIP (Voice, Identity & Participation) Project (2010 - 2012)
This Irish Research Council funded (€38000 Knowledge Exchange Strand and UCC Matched Funding) interdisciplinary study undertaken in collaboration with UCC ISS21 involved practitioners, policy agencies, national education stakeholders and international scholars in the development of a Knowledge Exchange Community of Practice focusing on authentic learning and knowledge exchange centered on participant professional perspectives. Outputs include 4 DVDs, 1 public conference, 3 public seminars, Master classes, a CPD website and a final report.       


Research Grants

Start DateEnd DateAward
SCOTENS: Documenting Early-Career Primary and Post-Primary Principals’ Identity FormationOther: Not Listed11-JAN-2131-DEC-23€4,500.00
School of Education Research Support Fund 2015 - 2019Other: Not Listed02-JAN-1531-DEC-19€2,000.00
CACSSS Research Support Fund 2012 - 2109Other: Not Listed02-JAN-1231-DEC-19€4,000.00
EU: The European Literacy Policy Network (ELINET)European Commission01-JAN-1401-JAN-16€24,000.00
The VIP ProjectIrish Research Council10-JAN-1130-SEP-12€38,000.00
SCOTENS: Assessment in Teacher Education North and South (ATENS)Other: Not Listed05-SEP-1102-SEP-13€5,682.00



(2023)Reading and Writing Pathways through Children's and Young Adult Literature: Exploring literacy, identity and story with authors and readers.
Curtin, A. (2023) Reading and Writing Pathways through Children's and Young Adult Literature: Exploring literacy, identity and story with authors and readers. UK: Routledge.   [Details]
(2020)Assessment in Practice: Explorations in Identity, Culture, Policy and Inclusion.
Curtin, A., Cahill, K., Hall, K., O'Sullivan, D. and Ozerk, K. (2020) Assessment in Practice: Explorations in Identity, Culture, Policy and Inclusion. London: Routledge. [Details]
(2016)Research Methods for Pedagogy.
Nind, Mel. Curtin, Alicia. Hall, Kathy. (2016) Research Methods for Pedagogy. UK: Bloomsbury. [Details]
(2014)Networks of Mind: Learning, culture, neuroscience.
Hall, Kathy. Curtin, Alicia. Rutherford, Vanessa. (2014) Networks of Mind: Learning, culture, neuroscience. London: Routledge.   [Details]

Book Chapters

(2023)'Authentic and Identity Affirming Inclusive Pedagogies for English as an Additional Language (EAL) Learners'
Curtin, A. (2023) 'Authentic and Identity Affirming Inclusive Pedagogies for English as an Additional Language (EAL) Learners' In: Perspectives on Teaching English in Port Primary Education. Ireland: Cork University Press. [Details]
(2020)'Children's Literature as Pedagogy: Learning Literacy Through Identity in Meaningful Communities of Practice'
Curtin, A. (2020) 'Children's Literature as Pedagogy: Learning Literacy Through Identity in Meaningful Communities of Practice' In: Handbook of Research on Cultivating Literacy in Diverse and Multilingual Classrooms. USA: IGI. [Details]
(2016)'The rise of neuroscientific discourse in early childhood'
Hall, Kathy. Curtin, Alicia. (2016) 'The rise of neuroscientific discourse in early childhood' In: The Routledge International Handbook of Philosophies and Theories of Early Childhood Education and Care. London: Routledge. [Details]
(2012)'Literacy as Shared Consciousness: a neurocultural analysis'
Curtin, A., Hall, K. (2012) 'Literacy as Shared Consciousness: a neurocultural analysis' In: International Handbook of Research in Children's Literacy, Learning and Culture. Oxford: Blackwells. [Details]

Peer Reviewed Journals

(2024)'Understanding literacy as human practice: exploring stories about (people like) us'
Curtin, A. (2024) 'Understanding literacy as human practice: exploring stories about (people like) us'. Education 3-13, International Journal of Primary, Elementary and Early Years Education, [Details]
Foley, T. Curtin, A. (2022) 'IJDEEL'. [Details]
(2018)'Research Methods for Pedagogy: Seeing the Hidden and Hard to Know'
Curtin, A. Hall, K. (2018) 'Research Methods for Pedagogy: Seeing the Hidden and Hard to Know'. International Journal of Research and Method In Education, [Details]
(2018)'Views from the margins: teacher perspectives on alternative education provision in Ireland'
Cahill K.;Curtin A.;Hall K.;O’Sullivan D. (2018) 'Views from the margins: teacher perspectives on alternative education provision in Ireland'. International Journal of Inclusive Education, :1-18 [DOI] [Details]
(2017)'Contorting identities: figuring literacy and identity in adolescent worlds'
Quinlan, A. Curtin, A. (2017) 'Contorting identities: figuring literacy and identity in adolescent worlds'. Irish Educational Studies, [Details]
(2016)'Primary to Post-primary Transition for Students with Special Educational Needs from an Irish Context'
Foley, T;Foley, S;Curtin, A (2016) 'Primary to Post-primary Transition for Students with Special Educational Needs from an Irish Context'. International Journal Of Special Education, 31 :250-264 [Details]

Conference Publications

(2017)Literacy Association of Ireland
Cahill, Kevin; Curtin, Alicia; Hall, Kathy; O’Sullivan, Dan (2017) Adolescent Literacy, Identity and School (ALIAS): positions, pedagogies and spaces for authoring . In: Brendan Culligan, Gene Mehigan eds. Literacy Association of Ireland Dublin, , pp.32-39 [Full Text] [Details]
(2012)Addressing the Concept and Evidence of Institutional Racism in Irish Education
Karl Kitching and Alicia Curtin (2012) Addressing the Concept and Evidence of Institutional Racism in Irish Education: Proceedings of the Racism and Education Conference and Networking Event 2012 . In: Karl Kitching and Alicia Curtin eds. Addressing the Concept and Evidence of Institutional Racism in Irish Education   [DOI] [Full Text] [Details]

Published Reports

(2024)Documenting the identity formation of early-career school leaders: transition, socialisation, and role duality.
Gorman, A. Brennan, A. Furlong, C. Woods, C. Hall, K. Curtin, A. (2024) Documenting the identity formation of early-career school leaders: transition, socialisation, and role duality. SCOTENS, Ireland. [Details]
(2017)Autonomy, Accountability and Quality Assurance in Primary Education: England and other Countries.
Hall, K. Özerk, K. Curtin, A. (2017) Autonomy, Accountability and Quality Assurance in Primary Education: England and other Countries. Cambridge Primary Review Trust, Cambridge. [Details]
(2016)Country Report Literacy in Ireland: Children and Adolescents.
Alicia Curtin, Christine Garbe, Kathy Hall, Eithne Kennedy, Dominique Lafontaine, Gerry Shiel, Renate Valtin , Valeria Balbinot, Beate Bowien-Jansen, Klaus Buddeberg, JD Carpentieri, Sophie Koch, George Manolitsis, Franziska Pitschke, Helin Puksand, Eufimia Tafa, Giorgio Tamburlini, Anne Uusen, Corina Volcinschi, Christine Wagner, Veronika Zimmer (2016) Country Report Literacy in Ireland: Children and Adolescents. ELINET, EU. [Details]
(2016)Literacy in Ireland: Short Country Report.
Alicia Curtin, Kathy Hall, Eithne Kennedy, Gerry Shiel, Christine Garbe, Dominique Lafontaine, David Mallows, Renate Valtin (2016) Literacy in Ireland: Short Country Report. ELINET, EU. [Details]
(2016)Literacy in England Country Report: Children, Adolescents and Adults.
Klaus Buddeberg, Henrietta Dombey, Christine Garbe, Anke Grotluschen, Kathy Hall, Sophie Koch, Dominique Lafontaine, David Mallows, Gerry Shiel , Renate Valtin, Valeria Balbinot, Greg Brooks, Christina Clark, Brian Creese, Alicia Curtin, Jonathan Douglas, Eithne Kennedy, George Manolitsis, Franziska Pitschke, Helin Puksand, Eufimia Tafa, Giorgio Tamburlini, Anne Uusen, Christine Wagner (2016) Literacy in England Country Report: Children, Adolescents and Adults. ELINET, EU. [Details]
(2015)Interim Report of International Literature on School Placement in Initial Teacher Education.
Hall, Kathy. Murphy, Regina. Mulryan-Kyne, Catherine. Curtin, Alicia. (2015) Interim Report of International Literature on School Placement in Initial Teacher Education. The Teaching Council, Ireland. [Details]
(2013)Assessment in Teacher Education North and South - A SCOTENS funded research project.
Dr Tracey Connolly, Dr Geraldine Magennis and Dr Alicia Curtin (2013) Assessment in Teacher Education North and South - A SCOTENS funded research project. SCOTENS, Ireland. [Details]


(2012)Arts, Science and Education for All.
Hall, K., Curtin, A., Kitching, K., Connolly, T., Ni Laoire, C., Dowling, S. & Chambers, F.C. (2012) Arts, Science and Education for All. DVD [Details]
(2012)Inclusive Literacies.
Kathy Hall, Alicia Curtin, Karl Kitching, Tracey Connolly, Caitriona Ni Laoire, Brian Murphy (2012) Inclusive Literacies. DVD [Details]
(2011)Listening to Learners in mathematics classrooms: What can we learn?.
Kathy Hall, Alicia Curtin, Karl Kitching, Tracey Connolly, Caitriona Ni Laoire (2011) Listening to Learners in mathematics classrooms: What can we learn?. DVD [Details]
(2011)Inclusion: From Evidence to Practice.
Kathy Hall, Alicia Curtin, Karl Kitching, Tracey Connolly, Caitriona Ni Laoire, Denis Burns. Dan O Sullivan (2011) Inclusion: From Evidence to Practice. DVD [Details]


(2023)Editorial Review Board of the Australian Journal of Language and Literacy AJLL.
Alicia Curtin (2023) Editorial Review Board of the Australian Journal of Language and Literacy AJLL. Editorship [Details]
(2023)Educational Sciences Special Issue: Cultural Influences on Classroom Interaction.
Hall, K. Curtin, A. Dennehy, N. (2023) Educational Sciences Special Issue: Cultural Influences on Classroom Interaction. Editorship [Details]
(2018)International Journal of Research and Method In Education Special Issue: Research methods for pedagogy: seeing the hidden and hard to know.
Curtin, A;Hall, K (2018) International Journal of Research and Method In Education Special Issue: Research methods for pedagogy: seeing the hidden and hard to know. ABINGDON: Editorship [DOI] [Details]

Guest Speaker

(2015)Address on Literacy at Literacy Awards Ceremony in Nagle Community College.
Alicia Curtin (2015) Address on Literacy at Literacy Awards Ceremony in Nagle Community College. Guest Speaker [Details]
(2014)Keynote Speaker Literacy Symposium University College Cork.
Alicia Curtin (2014) Keynote Speaker Literacy Symposium University College Cork. Guest Speaker [Details]

Professional Activities

Honours and Awards

 YearTitleAwarding Body
2023School of Education Research Support Fund School of Education, UCC
2019CACSSS Research Support Fund Award College of Arts Celtic Studies & Social Sciences Research, UCC
2019School of Education Research Support Fund School of Education, UCC
2018CACSSS Research Support Fund Award College of Arts Celtic Studies & Social Sciences Research, UCC
2018School of Education Research Support Fund School of Education, UCC
2017CACSSS Research Support Fund Award College of Arts Celtic Studies & Social Sciences Research, UCC
2016CACSSS Research Support Fund Award College of Arts Celtic Studies & Social Sciences Research, UCC
2016School of Education Research Support Fund School of Education, UCC
2015CACSSS Research Support Fund Award College of Arts Celtic Studies & Social Sciences Research, UCC
2015School of Education Research Support Fund School of Education, UCC
2014CACSSS Research Support Fund Award College of Arts Celtic Studies & Social Sciences Research, UCC
2013CACSSS Research Support Fund Award College of Arts Celtic Studies & Social Sciences Research, UCC
2013Participative Research and Policy Funded CPD Award Evidence Informed Policy and Practice in Education and Europe (EIPPEE)
2012CACSSS Research Support Fund Award College of Arts Celtic Studies & Social Sciences Research, UCC

Conference Contributions

(2023)Association for Teacher Education in Europe (ATEE),
Costa, J., O'Brien, W., Prendergast, M., Kennedy, D., O'Ceallaigh, T.J., Curtin, A., & Hall., K. (2023) Collaborative Alignment of Multiple Initial Teacher Education Programme Structures to National Accreditation Standards and University College Cork’s Academic Strate gy. [Oral Presentation], Association for Teacher Education in Europe (ATEE), Braga, Portugal , 26-OCT-23 - 28-OCT-23. [Details]
(2023)United Kingdom Literacy Association (UKLA),
Alicia Curtin (2023) Writing Matters: Reading and Writing through Children's and Young Adult Literature. [Oral Presentation], United Kingdom Literacy Association (UKLA), Exeter . [Details]
(2023)European University Continuing Education Network (EUCEN),
Alicia Curtin (2023) New Pedagogies for Connected Sustainable Development in Civic Social and Political Education: Reading and Writing Pathways through Children’s and Young Adult Literature. [Oral Presentation], European University Continuing Education Network (EUCEN), Utrecht . [Details]
(2023)UKLA SIG Conference: Participatory Approaches in Literacy Research,
Alicia Curtin (2023) UKLA. [Other], UKLA SIG Conference: Participatory Approaches in Literacy Research, UKLA . [Details]
(2022)AERA (American Educational Research Association) Annual Meeting 2022,
Alicia Curtin (2022) [Other], AERA (American Educational Research Association) Annual Meeting 2022, San Diego . [Details]
(2017)Educational Studies Association of Ireland,
Cahill, K., Curtin, A., Hall K. & O'Sullivan, D. (2017) Learning at the limits: Teacher perspectives on learning and identity in post-primary alternative education settings. [Oral Presentation], Educational Studies Association of Ireland, University College Cork , 20-APR-17 - 22-APR-17. [Details]
(2016)Education Studies Association of Ireland,
Cahill, K., Curtin, A., Hall, K. and O'Sullivan, D. (2016) Adolescent Literacy, Identity and School (ALIAS): Creating third space curriculum opportunities. [Oral Presentation], Education Studies Association of Ireland, Galway, Ireland , 31-MAR-16 - 02-APR-16. [Details]
(2015)Education and Transition - Contributions from Educational Research.EERA,
Hall, K. Horgan, M and Curtin, A. (2015) “A critical analysis of Early Childhood Policy in Ireland and the UK with particular reference to children, voice, rights, performativity, the role of church, state and the market. [Oral Presentation], Education and Transition - Contributions from Educational Research.EERA, Corvinus University, Budapest , 08-SEP-15 - 11-SEP-15. [Details]
(2015)Learner Voice Conference of Inclusion in Education and Society Group TCD,
Murphy, B. Conway, P.F., Curtin, A. Rutherford, V. & Murphy, R. (2015) Changing experiences and understandings of literacy development at post-primary level: The voices of student teachers before and after the publication of the National Literacy and Numeracy Strategy. [Oral Presentation], Learner Voice Conference of Inclusion in Education and Society Group TCD, Trinity College Dublin , 26-JUN-15 - 27-JUN-15. [Details]
(2015)United Kingdom Literacy Association 51st International Conference,
Cahill, K., O'Sullivan, D., Curtin, A. and Hall, K. (2015) Literacy curriculum design and cultural bridging. [Oral Presentation], United Kingdom Literacy Association 51st International Conference, National College for Teaching and Leadership, Nottingham, England , 10-JUL-15 - 12-JUL-15. [Details]
(2014)International Conference on Interdisciplinary Research in Education,
Alicia Curtin and Kathy Hall (2014) Networks of Mind - Learning, Culture, Neuroscience. [Oral Presentation], International Conference on Interdisciplinary Research in Education, Milan . [Details]
(2014)ELINET: The European Policy Network,
Hall, K. Curtin, A. (2014) Developing a literacy policy for Europe. [Invited Seminars/Guest Lectures], ELINET: The European Policy Network, Vienna . [Details]
(2014)Annual Conference of the Educational Studies Association of Ireland: Imagining and Innovating for Sustainable Futures; education in challenging times,
Curtin, A., Conway, P., Murphy, B. & Murphy, R. (2014) Curating word worlds: Literacy practice in becoming a secondary teacher. [Oral Presentation], Annual Conference of the Educational Studies Association of Ireland: Imagining and Innovating for Sustainable Futures; education in challenging times, Sheraton Hotel, Athlone , 10-APR-14 - 12-APR-14. [Details]
(2014)UCC Literacy Symposium,
Curtin, A. (2014) Teachers as Curators. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], UCC Literacy Symposium, University College Cork . [Details]
(2014)TACTYC Association for the Professional Development of Early Years Educators,
Alicia Curtin (2014) TACTYC. [Other], TACTYC Association for the Professional Development of Early Years Educators, Birmingham . [Details]
(2013)EERA European Educational Research Association ECER European Conference on Educational Research,
Curtin, A. Hall, K (2013) Plastic Identities – Culture, Discourse, Learning. [Oral Presentation], EERA European Educational Research Association ECER European Conference on Educational Research, Bahçeşehir University, Istanbul, Turkey . [Details]
(2013)ATEE Association for Teacher Education in Europe Educating for the Future Annual Conference,
Curtin, A. Hall, K. (2013) What role for the Teacher Educator in supporting the CPD of Teachers?. [Oral Presentation], ATEE Association for Teacher Education in Europe Educating for the Future Annual Conference, Halden, Norway . [Details]
(2013)UKLA United Kingdom Literacy Association conference,
Curtin, A. Hall, K. (2013) Neuroscientific and Cultural Perspectives on Literacy. [Oral Presentation], UKLA United Kingdom Literacy Association conference, Liverpool, England . [Details]
(2013)37th Annual International Conference of the Reading Association of Ireland 'Language, Literacy and Literature: Re-imagining Teaching and Learning',
Murphy, B., Conway, P., Curtin,A., Rutherford, V. Murphy, R. (2013) Changed experiences of literacy in initial teacher education at post-primary level: before and after the National Literacy and Numeracy Strategy. [Other], 37th Annual International Conference of the Reading Association of Ireland 'Language, Literacy and Literature: Re-imagining Teaching and Learning', Marino Institute of Education, Dublin , 26-SEP-13 - 28-SEP-13. [Details]
(2013)Research Alive - Teachers and Educational Research NCCA,
Kathy Hall, Alicia Curtin (2013) Teachers and Educational Research. [Other], Research Alive - Teachers and Educational Research NCCA, Dublin . [Details]
(2012)ESAI Educational Studies Association of Ireland conference,
Curtin, A. (2012) Adolescent Literacies. [Oral Presentation], ESAI Educational Studies Association of Ireland conference, Cork . [Details]
(2012)Arts, Sport and Science for All,
Curtin, A. (2012) Conference convener and discussant. [Other], Arts, Sport and Science for All, Cork . [Details]
(2011)Wiring the Brain: Making Connections,
Hall, K., Curtin, A. Rutherford, V. (2011) Networks of the mind: a neurocultural perspective on learning. [Poster Presentation], Wiring the Brain: Making Connections, Co. Wicklow , 12-APR-11 - 15-APR-11. [Details]

Professional Associations

 AssociationFunctionFrom / To
FCT Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal. (Portuguese national funding agency for science, research and technology) Assessor30-APR-20 / 30-DEC-24
American Educational Research Association AERA Reviewer09-JAN-23 / 31-AUG-24
Research Grants Council of Hong Kong External Assessor04-AUG-19 / 30-DEC-24
ELINET: European Literacy Policy Network Member04-AUG-14 / 30-DEC-24
Teaching Council External Advisor04-AUG-17 / 30-DEC-24
University of the Free State, South Africa PhD External Examiner30-APR-20 / 30-DEC-20
COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) Literacy Network and Project Action IS1401 Member04-AUG-14 / 30-APR-19
State Examinations Commission Marker30-APR-09 / 30-DEC-13
Educational Studies Association of Ireland (ESAI) Member30-APR-15 / 30-APR-18


 CommitteeFunctionFrom / To
University College Cork Work Integrated Learning Community of Practice Member2023 / 2024
University College Cork Education Gaeilge Board of Studies Member2020 / 2023
School of Education UCC Learning and Teaching Committee Deputy Chair Deputy Chair2021 / 2024
School of Education UCC Research and Innovation Committee Member2021 / 2024
School of Education UCC MEd Modular Committee Member2018 / 2024
School of Education UCC Academic Workload Working Group Member2021 / 2024
School of Education UCC SEREC Ethics Committee Member2023 / 2023
School of Education UCC Undergraduate Programmes Working Group Member2020 / 2023
School of Education UCC School Placement Working Group Member2020 / 2023
School of Education UCC Undergraduate Teaching Council Reaccreditation Group Member2020 / 2022
School of Education UCC Postgraduate Programmes Working Group Member2020 / 2022
School Of Education UCC Quality Review Steering Committee Member2018 / 2020
College of Arts, Celtic Studies and Social Sciences Teaching and Learning Committee, University College Cork Member2015 / 2018
Primary School Board of Management Member2015 / 2018


2023National Forum Digital BadgeRecognition of Prior Learning
2013University of London CertificateParticipative Research and Policy
2011University College Cork Doctor of EducationEducation
2005University College Cork Postgraduate DiplomaEducation
2004University College Cork BACHELOR OF ARTSArts


The Foundation for Science and Technology FCT - Portuguese National Funding Agency for Science, Research & Technology
FCT 3rd (2020), 4th (2021) & 5th (2022) Editions Stimulus Scientific Employment aimed at supporting researchers at different career stages FCT 1st RESTART programme (2023) for the promotion of gender equality and equal opportunities
The Research Grants Council of Hong Kong
The principal public funding body in Hong Kong to support academic research Review of competitive research funding applications across a number of schemes and awards
French National Research Agency (ANR) and Research Grants Council of aging Kong (RGC)
Joint Research Scheme to support international collaborative research
Department of Government and Politics, University College Cork
EU Jean Monnet Teacher Training Award Research Board Advisory Member
Trinity College Dublin
External Examiner
University of the Free State, South Africa
External Examiner
ELINET European Literacy Policy Network
Literacy representative for Ireland
PhD Bursary Award Reviewer

Outreach Activities


In my role as lead researcher on The Voice, Identity and Participation (VIP) Project I organised and participated in a series of public seminars hosting academic scholars of international renown; created a set of pedagogy focused CPD resources (including 4 DVDs on topics of high societal and educational importance) for teachers; developed and maintained a website to further support teacher CPD; and organised and participated in a final one day conference with the support of and held at the Cork Education Support Centre.

Supervising UCC students on School Placement and research activities (Professional Research Papers, MEd Dissertations and PhD theses) affords me an influential in the understanding and development of teaching and learning across a wide range of Post Primary Schools in the Munster area.

My continued academic mentorship (through collaborative publication, conference presentation assistance, invitations to present research to current UCC students) of past UCC students beyond their registration supports the development and dissemination of UCC research to a wider audience.

I have served on local Primary School Boards of Management having been invited to do so as a representative of UCC.

One of the key foci of my research is teacher CPD and the development of new opportunities for teaching and learning through engaged research with schools and communities. For example the ALIAS project included learner interest based Curriculum Workshops facilitated in UCC as well as an exploration of teacher and learner experiences in a number of different alternative learning settings.

I have served as a Young Social Innovators Project Adjudicator at Cork City Hall as a UCC representative and to further support new and creative opportunities for teaching and learning.

I have given classes to a local Senior Citizen community group on the use of IT in learning and their lives.

I work with schools to develop their literacy planning and practice and I am an invited Guest Speaker and Keynote at Post Primary School Literacy Awards.

Journal Activities

 JournalRoleTo / From
Education Sciences Guest Editor02-JAN-23 - 31-DEC-23
International Journal Of Research And Method In Education Guest Editor02-JAN-18 - 31-DEC-18
International Journal Of Research And Method In Education Peer Reviewer02-JAN-18 - 31-DEC-24
Literacy Peer Reviewer02-JAN-18 - 31-DEC-24
Irish Educational Studies Peer Reviewer02-JAN-15 - 31-DEC-24

Other Activities


I have worked with the State Examinations Commission as an Examiner of Junior and Leaving Certificate State Examinations. 

I have served as an Examiner and Examination Setter of national Examcraft Junior and Leaving Pre Certificate Examinations.  

I have served as an Examiner of national Junior and Leaving Certificate Pre Examinations with Dublin Exam Board.

I have served as Internal Examiner on a number of PhD Vivas at the School of Education, UCC.

I have contributed books to international series and book chapters to international education handbooks (all peer reviewed) as a result of invitation from publishers and leading academics.

I peer review book proposals for a number of international publishing houses including Routledge, Sage and Peter Lang. 

My PhD research was in its second year shortlisted for the Mary L. Thornton Scholarship. My work has also been shortlisted in the Concern Worldwide Creative Writing Competition. My 2023 text Reading and Writing Pathways has been nominated by Routledge for the prestigious UKLA Academic Book Award 2023 for which I secured collaboration of a large number of international and award winning authors including Shaun Tan, Margaret Wild, Patricia Forde, Maire Zepf, Todd Hasak-Lowy, Paul Fleischman, Joan Holub, KJ Shapiro, Deborah Heiligman, Michelle Markel, Marita Conlon McKenna, Roddy Doyle, Judi Curtin, Kevin Brooks, Neal Shusterman and Cethan Leahy. 

I am a registered teacher with the Teaching Council. 

Teaching Activities

Teaching Interests

Alicia leads and teaches modules on a number of programmes in the School of Education at undergraduate (Bachelor of Education Sports Studies and Physical Education degree BEdSSPE; Education Science BScEd), Postgraduate (Professional Master of Education PME; MEd Modular MEd) and doctoral (Cohort PhD) level. 

At undergraduate level Alicia has led and taught Foundational (ED3313 Curriculum and Assessment) and Professional (ED4312 Professional Issues in Education) Studies modules on the Bachelor of Education Sports Studies and Physical Education Degree. Supporting undergraduate ITE placement and research Alicia lectures on ED4108 Conceptual Foundations in School Placement Research Portfolio on the topics of Literacy and planning for English as an Additional Language (EAL) learners. This pedagogy focused module invites Science Education student teachers to develop their own subject and context specific definitions of literacy and undertake a small research project with their own pupils while on School Placement to develop planning and practice in areas of literacy and English as an Additional Language learning.

Her work on the development of modules on Education Gaeilge as Programme Director (as well as the development and accreditation of the programme itself) further contributes to the School of Education provision for undergraduate Initial Teacher Education in areas highlighting as experiencing significant national shortage. 

At postgraduate level Alicia contributes significantly to teaching and learning on the PME Professional Master of Education. She has created and taught ED6321 Cross Curricular Pedagogies to explore creative and innovative pedagogies with student teachers who register to teach one subject only on the PME. She lectures on ED6332 School Placement Research and Professional Experience Portfolio B, supporting planning, practice and research on School Placement. Alicia supervises and supports student teachers on School Placement (ED6330). She supervises PME research and the development of Professional Research Papers on ED6359, having previously also lectured on this module, as well as previously facilitating School Placement Support Sessions on ED6330.

On the MEd Modular as well as holding a leadership role as Deputy Director Alicia leads two modules. ED6042 Learning as Identity: Teaching Implications introduces teachers and principals to sociocultural and relational perspectives on teaching and learning. ED6055 Children’s Literature and Pedagogy was created by Alicia in tandem with her own research with international and award winning literature authors and focuses on innovative and creative pedagogies for teaching literacy in the classroom. Alicia also supervises MEd dissertation research (ED6035), including one dissertation awarded the Literacy Association of Ireland Prize for Best Thesis in the area of literacy in 2017. 

As a member of the Cohort PhD Core Team Alicia contributes to the planning, teaching, development and assessment of programme modules including ED7106: Colloquium in Designing and Conducting Educational Research; ED7107: Educational Inquiry and Philosophies of Educational Research; ED7108: Contemporary Issues in Education: Situating Educational Research Problems; ED7109: Advanced Research Methods for Contemporary Issues in Education.

Through its innovative structure of blended learning, Saturday and Summer Schools the Cohort PhD offers a very manageable way for practitioners to engage in research and Alicia has also held a leading role in a large number of doctoral weekend and summer schools across multiple student intakes on this programme.

Recent Postgraduates

 Graduation YearStudent NameInstitutionDegree TypeThesis Title
2023Catherine Begley University College CorkTutoring as a Nomadic Experience: Learning, connecting and the self
2023Paul Twomey University College CorkA critical investigation of how two post-primary schools’ realised outcomes align with the Specification for Junior Cycle History
2022Jennifer Gleeson UCCA Critical Investigation into Student Motivation and Identity in a Post Primary School
2022Nicole O Shea UCCThe perspectives of one group of Irish teachers’ current use of differentiation and a critical exploration of Universal Design for Learning as a next step towards inclusion in their schools
2021Sarah Cahill UCCTo critically investigate the power and importance of reading aloud in one senior infant classroom in an Irish primary school
2021Mercedes Moylan NUI (UCC)To critically investigate models of good practice in the implementation of sociodramatic play in special educational settings for autism
2020Tom Foley University College CorkPhDFaculty and Student attitudes and experiences of blended learning in Postgraduate programmes. A case study of an Irish university
2019Imelda Mulhall University College CorkPhDThe unfolding identities of teacher and pupil in a newly amalgamated school
2019Mary Ellen O Donovan University College CorkM.Ed.Creative writing with 5th and 6th class
2019Rachel Kelliher University College CorkM.Ed.Promoting the Development of Social Skills through Nurture Groups
2018Damien Ryan University College CorkM.Ed.The writing process: An exploration of creative writing in senior primary school classes
2017Annette Golden University College CorkM.Ed.Exploring and encouraging the safe student negotiation of online spaces through digital literacy and multi modal methods
2016Donna Dempsey University College CorkM.Ed.A critical exploration of blogging in one Irish language post-primary classroom through the lens of a social theory of learning: student and teacher perspectives
2016Sile Ni Iarlaithe University College CorkM.Ed.The utilisation of Assessment for Learning methods in the primary school and its impact on student literacy learning
2016Halpin Mary Caroline University College CorkPhDA critical search for the self in Adult Education: Bourdieuian insights into transformative possibilities
2015Ali Geary UCCM.Ed.A Reflective Exploration of Students' Perceptions and Attitudes towards Identity and School Life following a meaningful academic intervention - An Insight into Identity
2015Paul Finn UCCM.Ed.Leading Learning - Teachers' Perspectives
2014Eoin Griffin M.Ed.The integration of ICT into the primary classroom and the effects it has on the childrens' lives
2014Maria Lucey M.Ed.Cooperative Learning in First Class: An Investigation
2014Colette Ni Luasaigh M.Ed.An Exploration of Spelling, Differentiation and the Friday Test
2013Ciara Kelliher M.Ed.An analysis of the purpose, practice and perceptions of the Positive Behavior Policy
2013Evelyn Ann Barry M.Ed.An exploration of how a dialogic teaching style can facilitate the co construction of meaning, as a means to foster literacy as social practice, during reading comprehension lessons involving strategy instruction
2013Sheila Crowley M.Ed.A study of the effect of the Reading Recovery Programme on pupil identity
2013Lynn O' Sullivan Hogan M.Ed.A study of the community of practice of the First Steps Writing Programme
2012Aidan Buckley M.Ed.A critical investigation of the factors which influence the attitude of parents, whose children attend a predominantly middle class mainstream primary school in suburban Cork, to the Irish language
2012Justin O' Connor M.Ed.An exploration of one teacher's professional identity in the subject of English utilising aspects of sociocultural theory
2012Annette Dineen M.Ed.A critical investigation of the types of assessment being carried out in three primary schools located in and around a large rural town
2012Julie O Connell M.Ed.A shared search for meaning: Improving literacy through thought, talk and interaction
2011Tadhg Long M.Ed.A critical exploration of teachers' perceptions and attitudes towards the impact of terminal assessment on teacher practice
2011Tom Foley M.Ed.A critical study of the transition from primary to post primary for students with Special Educational Needs

Current Postgraduate Students

 StudentDegree Type
Chadwick Mary Lorraine Doctoral Degree (Structured)
Barry Ciara Doctoral Degree

Research Information

Internal Collaborators

Professor Kathy Hall School of Education, University College CorkIRELAND
Dr Vanessa Rutherford School of Education, University College CorkIRELAND
Dr Kevin Cahill School of Education, University College CorkIRELAND
Dr Dan O Sullivan School of Education, University College CorkIRELAND
Dr Niamh Dennehy School of Education, University College CorkIRELAND
Dr Tracey Connolly School of Education, University College CorkIRELAND
Dr Rosaleen Murphy School of Education, University College CorkIRELAND
Dr Emmanuelle Schon Quinlivan Department of Government, University College CorkIRELAND
Dr Caitriona Ni Laoire Applied Social Studies, University College CorkIRELAND

External Collaborators

 NameOrganisation / InstituteCountry
Dr Tom Foley Deputy Principal Skibbereen Community SchoolIRELAND
Alison Quinlan Teacher Christ the King Secondary SchoolIRELAND
Professor Paul Conway School of Education, University of LimerickIRELAND
Dr Alan Gorman School of Policy and Practice, Dublin City UniversityIRELAND
Professor Catherine Furlong School of Policy and Practice, Dublin City UniversityIRELAND
Professor Regina Murphy School of Education, Dublin City UniversityIRELAND
Dr Claire Woods School of Education, Ulster UniversityNORTHERN IRELAND
Dr Geraldine Magennis School of Education, St. Mary's University College BelfastNORTHERN IRELAND
Professor Melanie Nind School of Education, University of SouthamptonUNITED KINGDOM
Professor Karl Kitching School of Education, University of BirminghamUNITED KINGDOM
Dr Kamil Ozerk School of Education, University of OsloNORWAY

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School of Education

Scoil an Oideachais

Leeholme, O'Donovan's Road, Cork, Ireland
