Research Profile


Of Irish and French nationality, I am a graduate in English and French of UCD, where I was an Entrance Scholar and French Prize winner. After research for a Maîtrise ès-lettres on André Breton and a Doctorat ès-lettres on literature and psychoanalysis in France, working in the Université de Bordeaux III under Professor Claude-Gilbert Dubois, I obtained 8th place in France in the post-doctoral competitive Agrégation in 1983. My second thesis on Heroism Studies was defended at the Sorbonne in 2011. I was appointed to the Université  de Rennes II in 1983, and in 1988 to UCC, where I have been responsible for introducing and developing specialist courses on French cultural studies, theory and thought, women's studies, translation and interpreting.

I set up the MA (Translation Studies) in 1991, and re-started it in 2008 (after a UCC-imposed gap) in response to the recession-caused need for increasingly work- and world-ready graduates. In 2011 I chaired the Working Party tasked with extending this MA to other languages in UCC. The MA in Translation and Interpreting Studies (French) is the only MA other than DCU offering training in simultaneous and consecutive interpreting. This programme has over 60 graduates for French (whether solo or as one of a language pair), generating for UCC some 300,000 euro in fees, and corresponding FTEs.

I developed the French Department Media Room, and organised the School of Languages and Literature's first conference (on language teaching methodology, in 1992: I  edited selective proceedings in 1994).

In 2000 I was invited by the Irish Translators' and Interpreters' Association / Cumann Aistritheoiri agus Teangairi na hEireann (of which I am past Chairperson) to give the annual St Jerome lecture on International Translation Day, 29th September: Translation as Cultural Memory: Visions and Revisions of Identity in Early Irish and Contemporary Anglo-Irish Literature.

In 2001 I was invited to lecture on Jean Renoir's cinema in Harvard University's Department of Romance Languages and Literature, and was awarded, jointly with Dr Martin Munro (University of the West Indies) the French Embassy's Translation Prize Prix de l'Ambassade.

I am a Founder Member and Executive Member of the Paris-based Societé francaise de mémétique, founded in 2000, which brings together scientists and cultural theorists to reflect on issues of cognition and cultural transfer in the new interdisciplinary area of memetics.

I was Chair of UCC's School of Languages and Literature for 2002-2004.

The Irish Research Council for the Humanities and Social Sciences (IRCHSS) awarded me a Government of Ireland Senior Research Fellowship 2003-2004 to carry out full-time research on the tragic heroine in fifth-century BCE Greek, seventeenth-century French, and contemporary, drama.

I am one of the co-editors of the forthcoming complete annotated scholarly variorum edition of the works of George Sand: my first critical edition was published in 2013 (Paris, Champion) and a second is forthcoming in 2017. I am a contributor to the Dictionnaire George Sand (Paris, Champion) published in 2016

The University of Barcelona (Autonoma) invited me to give the opening keynote lecture at their conference Sujet et traduction in November 2004 on: Lector, auctor, auctoritas: la question du sujet dans les écrits d¿Aristote, Montaigne et Compagnon.

The research centre ERCIF (Universite Michel de Montaigne-Bordeaux III) invited me to give the opening keynote lecture of their 20th anniversary conference Le Féminin en héritage in April 2005 on: Fruits défendus et corps défendant dans Extrême fidélité d'Hélène Cixous.

The Association internationale des etudes françaises (Président: Antoine Compagnon, Collège de France) elected me as a membre du Conseil in 2012, and appointed me as a Présidente de journée, on the topic of Heroism Studies, for their LVII congress 2015, École Normale Supérieure, Paris. I co-edited the proceedings, published in 2016 (Paris, Les Belles lettres)..

My active interests other than teaching and writing include singing, art history and painting, acting, philosophy and psychology, ancient cultures, rose-growing, swimming. (There may or may not have been an Irish-French artistic and philosophical participant in a farce murder mystery play in UCC Common Room Christmas 2015. I'm admitting nothing. The butler was holding the gun at the end).

In my various courses, a constant is the reminder to students that, arguably, the greatest thing they learn in a degree programme is how to think. For example:  how to think for themselves; to take responsibility for themselves; how to read, for full understanding; the difference between a fact and an opinion, and how to evaluate the quality of the facts and opinions they encounter; how to make their case, in any situation; how to communicate as well as possible, using techniques of voice-training for actors and singers; how to use their imagination in harmony with their reason

Research Interests

French and comparative literature and thought, especially:

(1) Theory: philosophy and psychoanalysis applied to literature and cultural studies; myth and anthropology; contemporary French theory, especially Barthes, Bourdieu, Compagnon; the rhetoric of the body, especially in Cixous, Belghoul, Ernaux; art history;

(2) cultural studies (including women in the media and traductology);

My current research project, generously supported by the Irish Research Council for the Humanities and Social Sciences, is on the tragic heroine, especially in 5th century Greek, 17th century French and late 20th century tragedy. I am completing a monograph on the heroines of Euripides and Racine (research awarded an IRCHSS Government of Ireland Senior Research Fellowship). I have published on Euripides, Racine and Corneille, the heroines of Molière, `heroinic' representation in the sculptures of Claudel.

I have just completed a volume as one of the editors of the current scholarly critical edition of the complete works of George Sand, under the direction of Professeur Béatrice Didier, of the Ecole Normale supérieure. I am the only Irish scholar in this team.

 I also publish and direct research on traductology. I am the designer and coordinator of UCC's MA in Translation Studies (French) one of our most successful Masters in terms of recruitment and completed dissertations. I supervise Doctoral research in this field, as in heroism studies.
I have organised a number of conferences which have brought to UCC a range of French Studies scholars of world class reputation, leaders in the field such as Professor Antoine Compagnon of the Sorbonne, Columbia University and the Collège de France; Professor Jacques Neefs of Paris VIII and Johns Hopkins University, and Professor Béatrice Didier of the Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris, Professor Diana Knight of the University of Nottingham and Professor Naomi Segal of the University of London. A number of my students have gained opportunities for doctoral study awards through these events. As part of ongoing projects in Heroism Studies, I recently organised a conference Medea Today with world-famous dramatic artist Dr Fiona Shaw CBE





(1996)Tables analytiques des Cahiers de l'Association internationale des Etudes françaises.
Ryan, A, Conesa, G. et al; (1996) Tables analytiques des Cahiers de l'Association internationale des Etudes françaises. : Soc. d'édition Les Belles lettres. [Details]
(2013)Un hiver a Majorque de George Sand. Edition critique par Angela Ryan.
Ryan, Angela (ed), Sand, George.; (2013) Un hiver a Majorque de George Sand. Edition critique par Angela Ryan. Paris: Editions Honore Champion. [Details]
(1995)W.B Yeats: prose inédite. t 2.
Genet, J., Hellegouarc'h, E., Ryan, A. et al.; (1995) W.B Yeats: prose inédite. t 2. : Centre de Publications de l'Université de Caen. [Details]
(1995)W.B Yeats: prose inédite. t. 3.
Genet, J., Hellegouarc'h, E., Ryan, A. et al.; (1995) W.B Yeats: prose inédite. t. 3. : Centre de Publications de l'Université de Caen. [Details]
(1994)Active Language Teaching Methods for Adult and Third Level Students.
Ryan, A; Chu, M., Walsh, A., Spencer, M. et al (1994) Active Language Teaching Methods for Adult and Third Level Students. Cork: School of Languages and Literature UCC. [Details]
(1990)W.B Yeats: prose inédite. t 1.
Ryan, A., Genet, J., Hellegouarc'h, E.,et al; (1990) W.B Yeats: prose inédite. t 1. : Centre de Publications de l'Université de Caen. [Details]
(1986)Cahiers d'études irlandaises, édition spéciale Les Irlandaises aujourd'hui / Irish Women today.
Ryan , Angela et al; (1986) Cahiers d'études irlandaises, édition spéciale Les Irlandaises aujourd'hui / Irish Women today. : Centre d'Etudes irlandaises. [Details]

Book Chapters

(1987)'Poemes de Eithne Strong'
Ryan, A; (1987) 'Poemes de Eithne Strong' In: Poésie d'Irlande. [Details]
(2006)'Visions of Reciprocity in the Work of Camille Claudel'
Ryan, Angela; (2006) 'Visions of Reciprocity in the Work of Camille Claudel' In: Une Belle Epoque? Women and Feminism in French Society and Culture 1890-1910. [Details]
(2006)'Elisabeth's Missteps: hubris and hamartia in Pride and Prejudice, eds. Laurent BURY and Dominique SIPIERE '
Ryan, Angela; (2006) 'Elisabeth's Missteps: hubris and hamartia in Pride and Prejudice, eds. Laurent BURY and Dominique SIPIERE ' In: Pride and Prejudice. Le roman de Jane et le film de Joe Wright. [Details]
(2004)'Nicole Loraux'
Murray, Christopher John (ed), Ryan, Angela et al ; (2004) 'Nicole Loraux' In: Routledge Encyclopedia of Modern French Thought. London: Routedge. [Details]
(2004)'Contemporary French Philosophy'
Murray, Christopher John (ed), Ryan, Angela et al; (2004) 'Contemporary French Philosophy' In: Routledge Encyclopedia of Modern French Thought. London: Routledge. [Details]
(2004)''A Franco-Irish Solution?' Francois Mauriac, Kate O' Brien and the Catholic Intellectual Novel'
Ryan, Angela; (2004) ''A Franco-Irish Solution?' Francois Mauriac, Kate O' Brien and the Catholic Intellectual Novel' In: France and Ireland: Anatomy of a Relationship. Frankfurt. Peter Lang. [Details]
(2004)' The Lost Heroine and the Memetics of Cultural Inscription in Euripides' Hippolytus and Racine's Phèdre'
Ryan, Angela; (2004) ' The Lost Heroine and the Memetics of Cultural Inscription in Euripides' Hippolytus and Racine's Phèdre' In: Heroism and Passion in Literature: Studies in honour of Moya Longstaffe. [Details]
(1994)'Simulation and Role-Play With Video Filming in Teaching Communication Skills: Training Students for Discussion, Interview and Negotiation [B713]'
Ryan, Angela; (1994) 'Simulation and Role-Play With Video Filming in Teaching Communication Skills: Training Students for Discussion, Interview and Negotiation [B713]' In: Active Language Teaching Methods for Adult and Third Level Students. [Details]
(1994)'Terminology and Computer-Aided Translation [B714]'
Ryan, Angela; (1994) 'Terminology and Computer-Aided Translation [B714]' In: Active Language Teaching Methods for Adult and Third Level Students. [Details]
(1994)'Teaching Structured Written-Text and Oral-Text Comprehension With Writing and Note-Taking Skills [B715]'
Ryan, Angela; (1994) 'Teaching Structured Written-Text and Oral-Text Comprehension With Writing and Note-Taking Skills [B715]' In: Active Language Teaching Methods for Adult and Third Level Students. [Details]
(1992)'Translation and Language Courses for Nonspecialist Students: the Implications for University Language Departments [B709]'
Ryan, Angela; (1992) 'Translation and Language Courses for Nonspecialist Students: the Implications for University Language Departments [B709]' In: The Vital Link. [Details]
(2005)''Shadows on a Cloudy Ground': The Poetics of the Informe in George Sand's Un Hiver à Majorque'
Ryan, Angela; (2005) ''Shadows on a Cloudy Ground': The Poetics of the Informe in George Sand's Un Hiver à Majorque' In: Formless: Ways In and Out of Form. [Details]
(2005)'Camille Claudel'
Ryan, A.; (2005) 'Camille Claudel' In: Women Emerging: A Decade of Irish Feminist Scholarship. [Details]
(2004)'The Lost Heroine and the Memetics of Cultural Inscription in Euripides' Hippolytus and Racine's Phèdre'
Ryan, A. ; (2004) 'The Lost Heroine and the Memetics of Cultural Inscription in Euripides' Hippolytus and Racine's Phèdre' In: Heroism and Passion in Literature: Studies in honour of Moya Longstaffe. Amsterdam: Rodopi. [Details]
(2004)''A Franco-Irish Solution?' Francois Mauriac, Kate O' Brien and the Catholic Intellectual Novel'
Ryan, A. ; (2004) ''A Franco-Irish Solution?' Francois Mauriac, Kate O' Brien and the Catholic Intellectual Novel' In: France and Ireland: Anatomy of a Relationship. Frankfurt: Peter Lang. [Details]
(2003)'George Sand's Majorcan Travel Diary: the Poetics of Movement in Un Hiver a Majorque'
Ryan, A.; (2003) 'George Sand's Majorcan Travel Diary: the Poetics of Movement in Un Hiver a Majorque' In: Cross-Cultural Travel: Papers from the Royal Irish Academy International Symposium on Literature and Travel. New York; London; Berlin:: Peter Lang. [Details]
(2003)'Fictions, Factions: Subversive Discourse and Social Politics in Contemporary Irish Women's Writing'
Ryan, A. ; (2003) 'Fictions, Factions: Subversive Discourse and Social Politics in Contemporary Irish Women's Writing' In: The Representation of Ireland/s: Images from Outside and from Within. Barcelona: PPU. [Details]
(2003)'Corps d'origine, pêché originel : sources antiques de la voix tragique'
Ryan, A. ; (2003) 'Corps d'origine, pêché originel : sources antiques de la voix tragique' In: L'Origine des textes. France: Eidôlon. [Details]
(2003)'Memetics, Metatranslation and Cultural Memory: the Literary Imaginaires of Irish Identity'
Ryan, A; (2003) 'Memetics, Metatranslation and Cultural Memory: the Literary Imaginaires of Irish Identity' In: TheLanguages of Ireland. Dublin: Irish Academic Press. [Details]
(2000)'Les Etudes françaises et la théorie'
Ryan, A.; (2000) 'Les Etudes françaises et la théorie' In: L'Avenir des études françaises en Irlande. [Details]
(1994)'The Construction of the Female Subject: Belghoul's Georgette and Colette's Claudine à l'école'
Ryan, A.; (1994) 'The Construction of the Female Subject: Belghoul's Georgette and Colette's Claudine à l'école' In: Women and Representation. WIF Publications (U of Nottingham). [Details]
(1994)'The Construction of the Female Subject: Belghoul's Georgette and Colette's Claudine à l'école'
Ryan, A.; (1994) 'The Construction of the Female Subject: Belghoul's Georgette and Colette's Claudine à l'école' In: Women and Representation. Nottingham: WIF Publications. [Details]
(1986)'L'Enfance dans les nouvelles de Liam O Flaherty'
Ryan, A.; (1986) 'L'Enfance dans les nouvelles de Liam O Flaherty' In: Actes du Congrès SAES de Brest. [Details]

Peer Reviewed Journals

(2006)''...Ou d'elle ou de deux rois' : la Médée de Corneille et la bienséance dans les représentations du pouvoir et de l'absolutisme royaux'
Ryan, A; (2006) ''...Ou d'elle ou de deux rois' : la Médée de Corneille et la bienséance dans les représentations du pouvoir et de l'absolutisme royaux'. Papers On French Seventeenth Century Literature, XXXIII (63):47-59 [Details]
(2003)'Heretical Discourse and the Language of Authority: Translating French Theory'
Ryan, Angela; (2003) 'Heretical Discourse and the Language of Authority: Translating French Theory'. Journal of Irish Translator's and Intepretors, * (Autumn):11-18 [Details]
(2003)'Corps d'origine, pêché originel : sources antiques de la voix tragique. L'Origine des textes. Ed. D. Sabbah et P. Feyler'
Ryan, Angela; (2003) 'Corps d'origine, pêché originel : sources antiques de la voix tragique. L'Origine des textes. Ed. D. Sabbah et P. Feyler'. Eidôlon, 1 (63):279-290 [Details]
(2002)'Camille Claudel: the Artist as Heroinic Rhetorician'
Ryan, Angela; (2002) 'Camille Claudel: the Artist as Heroinic Rhetorician'. Irish Women's Studies Review, 8 (Making a Difference:):13-28 [Details]
(1994)'The Transformation of the Body: Phèdre and Brigitte [B711]'
Ryan, Angela; (1994) 'The Transformation of the Body: Phèdre and Brigitte [B711]'. Paragraph, 17 :81-91 [Details]
(1992)'Kathleen Ni Houlihan and Her Discontents: the Heroine in AngloIrish Drama [B710]'
Ryan, Angela; (1992) 'Kathleen Ni Houlihan and Her Discontents: the Heroine in AngloIrish Drama [B710]'. Alizés, 4 :21-46 [Details]
(1985)'Poètes irlandais du 18e Siècle. Traductions du gaélique: Mac Conmara, Donncha Rua : Bánchnoic Éireann Ó - Les Belles Collines d'Irlande (extraits) 38-41; Mac Cuarta, Seamas Dall : Títhe Chorr an Chait - Les Maisons de Corr an Chait; Fáilte don Éan - Salut, l'oiseau, 20-23; Mac Giolla Gunna, Cathal Buí : An Bonnán Buí- Le Butor Jaune, 24-27; Ní Chonaill, Eibhlín Dubh : Caoineadh Áirt Uí Laoghaire - Lamentation pour Árt Ó Laoghaire (extraits), 34-37; . Ó Longáin, Micheál Óg : Beir Litir uainn don Mhumhain leat - Porte lettre de notre part à Mumhan, 28-31; Ó Rathaile, Aodhagán : Gile na Gile - Lumière des Lumières; Cabhair Ní Ghairfead - Je ne demanderai pas d'aide, 12-19; Ó Suilleabháin, Eoghan Rua : Ragairne an tSaighdiúra - La Vision du Soldat (extraits), 32-33. '
Ryan, Angela Ui Riain, Caitriona; (1985) 'Poètes irlandais du 18e Siècle. Traductions du gaélique: Mac Conmara, Donncha Rua : Bánchnoic Éireann Ó - Les Belles Collines d'Irlande (extraits) 38-41; Mac Cuarta, Seamas Dall : Títhe Chorr an Chait - Les Maisons de Corr an Chait; Fáilte don Éan - Salut, l'oiseau, 20-23; Mac Giolla Gunna, Cathal Buí : An Bonnán Buí- Le Butor Jaune, 24-27; Ní Chonaill, Eibhlín Dubh : Caoineadh Áirt Uí Laoghaire - Lamentation pour Árt Ó Laoghaire (extraits), 34-37; . Ó Longáin, Micheál Óg : Beir Litir uainn don Mhumhain leat - Porte lettre de notre part à Mumhan, 28-31; Ó Rathaile, Aodhagán : Gile na Gile - Lumière des Lumières; Cabhair Ní Ghairfead - Je ne demanderai pas d'aide, 12-19; Ó Suilleabháin, Eoghan Rua : Ragairne an tSaighdiúra - La Vision du Soldat (extraits), 32-33. '. Cahiers D'Études Irlandaises, 1 (*):8-41 [Details]
(1985)'The Mother in Contemporary Irish Poetry'
Ryan, Angela; (1985) 'The Mother in Contemporary Irish Poetry'. Gaéliana, VII (*):121-143 [Details]
(1983)'Les Poèmes d'Anne Peters'
Ryan, Angela; (1983) 'Les Poèmes d'Anne Peters'. Cahiers D'Études Irlandaises, * (*):116-119 [Details]
(1983)'The Changing Rôle of Irishwomen since European Integration'
Ryan, Angela; (1983) 'The Changing Rôle of Irishwomen since European Integration'. Cahiers D'Études Irlandaises, * (*):101-106 [Details]
(1982)'Michael Clancy in the Rôle of the Wandering Scholar'
Ryan, Angela; (1982) 'Michael Clancy in the Rôle of the Wandering Scholar'. Cahiers D'Études Irlandaises, * (*):57-71 [Details]
(2008)'L'Autre aristotelicien - Héroïne et soteria dans le théâtre de Molière'
Ryan, A. ; (2008) 'L'Autre aristotelicien - Héroïne et soteria dans le théâtre de Molière'. Staging Relations in French since 1500 ¿ A Festschrift in Honour of C.E.J. Caldicott, [Details]
(2006)'Elizabeth's Missteps: hubris and hamartia in Pride and Prejudice'
Ryan, A. ; (2006) 'Elizabeth's Missteps: hubris and hamartia in Pride and Prejudice'. Ellipses, [Details]
(2003)'Translating Ireland and France: René Depestre Mer caraibe / Caribbean Mother translated by Angela Ryan; Eithne Strong (1925-1999) Norms for a Literary Piece / Normes pour un morceau littéraire translated by Angela Ryan; Aodhagan O Rathaile Gile na gile / Lumière des lumières translated by Angela Ryan and by Caitriona Ui Riain (1920-2002). (Autumn ): 20-25.Translating Ireland and France: René DepestreMer caraibe / Caribbean Mother translated by Angela Ryan; Eithne Strong (1925-1999) Norms for a Literary Piece / Normes pour un morceau littéraire translated by Angela Ryan; Aodhagan O Rathaile Gile na gile / Lumière des lumières translated by Angela Ryan and by Caitriona Ui Riain (1920-2002)'
Ryan, A. & Caitriona Ui Riain.; (2003) 'Translating Ireland and France: René Depestre Mer caraibe / Caribbean Mother translated by Angela Ryan; Eithne Strong (1925-1999) Norms for a Literary Piece / Normes pour un morceau littéraire translated by Angela Ryan; Aodhagan O Rathaile Gile na gile / Lumière des lumières translated by Angela Ryan and by Caitriona Ui Riain (1920-2002). (Autumn ): 20-25.Translating Ireland and France: René DepestreMer caraibe / Caribbean Mother translated by Angela Ryan; Eithne Strong (1925-1999) Norms for a Literary Piece / Normes pour un morceau littéraire translated by Angela Ryan; Aodhagan O Rathaile Gile na gile / Lumière des lumières translated by Angela Ryan and by Caitriona Ui Riain (1920-2002)'. Journal of Irish Translator's and Intepretors, * (Autumn):20-25 [Details]
(2002)'Camille Claudel: the Artist as Heroinic Rhetorician'
Ryan, A. ; (2002) 'Camille Claudel: the Artist as Heroinic Rhetorician'. Irish Women's Studies Review vol 8: Making a Difference: Women and the Creative Arts, [Details]
(1994)'The Transformation of the Body: Phèdre and Monique'
Ryan, A. ; (1994) 'The Transformation of the Body: Phèdre and Monique'. Paragraph, [Details]


(2008)Baie des Anges depuis Antibes I (oil on canvas).
Ryan, Angela; (2008) Baie des Anges depuis Antibes I (oil on canvas). Artwork [Details]
(2008)St Mary's Collegiate Church Youghal (Landscape, pencil on Canson paper).
Ryan A; (2008) St Mary's Collegiate Church Youghal (Landscape, pencil on Canson paper). Artwork [Details]
(2007)St Mary's Collegiate Church Youghal (Landscape, pencil on Canson paper 29.7 X 42).
Ryan A; (2007) St Mary's Collegiate Church Youghal (Landscape, pencil on Canson paper 29.7 X 42). Artwork [Details]
(2007)Portrait of Ursula Dillon (pencil on Canson paper 29.7 X 42).
Ryan A; (2007) Portrait of Ursula Dillon (pencil on Canson paper 29.7 X 42). Artwork [Details]
(2007)Pendant Portrait Jennifer Flegg (pencil on Canson paper 29.7 X 42).
Ryan A; (2007) Pendant Portrait Jennifer Flegg (pencil on Canson paper 29.7 X 42). Artwork [Details]
(2007)Pendant Portrait of Dr Aubrey Flegg (pencil on Canson paper 29.7 X 42).
Ryan A; (2007) Pendant Portrait of Dr Aubrey Flegg (pencil on Canson paper 29.7 X 42). Artwork [Details]
(2007)Portrait of Nicholas McMurry (pencil on Daler paper 59 X 41.5).
Ryan A; (2007) Portrait of Nicholas McMurry (pencil on Daler paper 59 X 41.5). Artwork [Details]
(2007)Portrait of Nicholas McMurry (pencil on Canson paper 29.7 X 42).
Ryan A; (2007) Portrait of Nicholas McMurry (pencil on Canson paper 29.7 X 42). Artwork [Details]
(2007)Portrait of Cian Holland (pencil on Daler paper 59 X 41.5).
Ryan A; (2007) Portrait of Cian Holland (pencil on Daler paper 59 X 41.5). Artwork [Details]
(2007)Portrait of Cian Holland (pencil on Canson paper 29.7 X 42).
Ryan A; (2007) Portrait of Cian Holland (pencil on Canson paper 29.7 X 42). Artwork [Details]
(2007)Glen Eineach Clare (Landscape, pencil on Daler paper 59 X 41.5).
Ryan A; (2007) Glen Eineach Clare (Landscape, pencil on Daler paper 59 X 41.5). Artwork [Details]
(2007)Portrait of June Clinton (oil on canvas).
Ryan A; (2007) Portrait of June Clinton (oil on canvas). Artwork [Details]
(2006)Portrait of Fiona du Boucher-Ryan (pencil on Canson paper 29.7 X 42).
Ryan A; (2006) Portrait of Fiona du Boucher-Ryan (pencil on Canson paper 29.7 X 42). Artwork [Details]
(2006)Mizen Head (Landscape, pencil on Canson paper 29.7 X 42).
Ryan A; (2006) Mizen Head (Landscape, pencil on Canson paper 29.7 X 42). Artwork [Details]
(2006)Portrait of Michael O'Dea RHA (pencil on Canson paper 29.7 X 42).
Ryan A; (2006) Portrait of Michael O'Dea RHA (pencil on Canson paper 29.7 X 42). Artwork [Details]
(2006)Portrait of Dorothy Dodo Dwyer (pencil on Canson paper 29.7 X 42).
Ryan A; (2006) Portrait of Dorothy Dodo Dwyer (pencil on Canson paper 29.7 X 42). Artwork [Details]
(2006)Portrait of Dr Catherine Molloy (pencil on Canson paper 29.7 X 42).
Ryan A; (2006) Portrait of Dr Catherine Molloy (pencil on Canson paper 29.7 X 42). Artwork [Details]
(2004)Self-portrait (pencil on copy paper).
Ryan A; (2004) Self-portrait (pencil on copy paper). Artwork [Details]
(2004)Portrait of Kintilla du Boucher-Ryan (pencil on Canson paper 29.7 X 42).
Ryan A; (2004) Portrait of Kintilla du Boucher-Ryan (pencil on Canson paper 29.7 X 42). Artwork [Details]
(2004)Portrait of Patrick du Boucher-Ryan (pencil on Canson paper 29.7 X 42).
Ryan A; (2004) Portrait of Patrick du Boucher-Ryan (pencil on Canson paper 29.7 X 42). Artwork [Details]

Professional Activities

Honours and Awards

 YearTitleAwarding Body
2006President's PhD scholarship
2003IRCHSS Government of Ireland Senior Research Fellowship Irish Research Council for the Humanities and Social Sciences
2001Prix de l'Ambassade

Professional Associations

 AssociationFunctionFrom / To
LAPRIL Laboratoire pluridisciplinaire de recherches sur l'imaginaire en litterature Member, Invited speaker at several conferences and events/
ERCIF Equipe de Recherche en creativite des femmes, U. de Bordeaux Member, Invited speaker at several conferences/
Irish Translators' and Intepreters' Assocation President (1992-3) Executive Member. Delivered annual St Jerome lecture 200001-SEP-89 / 21-JUN-06
Association internationale des etudes francaises Executive Committee Member. Invited to co-author the Tables edition of the review.01-SEP-92 / 21-JUN-06
Society for French Studies Member. Delivered invited plenary paper at 1992 conference. Delivered paper at three other conferences.01-SEP-89 / 30-SEP-06
Societe francaise d'etudes irlandaises Member. Organiser of annual conference 1986 and Editor of proceedings01-SEP-82 / 21-JUN-06
Women in French Member. Delivered paper at 1994 and 2002 conferences01-SEP-92 / 21-JUN-06
Association pour la Diffusion de Recherche en Littérature ADIREL · Association des Etudes françaises et francophones d’Irlande ADEFFI: o Member since its foundation. o Delivered paper at 2000 conference. Member01-SEP-03 / 21-JUN-06
Association des Etudes françaises et francophones d’Irlande ADEFFI Member. Delivered paper at 2000 conference. To deliver paper at 2006 conference01-SEP-98 / 21-JUN-06

Conference Contributions

(2004)Sujet et traduction. Annual conference of the research centre Groupe Etienne Dolet, Universita autonoma de Barcelona,
Ryan. A.; (2004) «Lector, auctor, auctoritas: la question du sujet dans les écrits d’Aristote, Montaigne et Compagnon.”. [Plenary Lecture], Sujet et traduction. Annual conference of the research centre Groupe Etienne Dolet, Universita autonoma de Barcelona, Universita autonoma de Barcelona , 12-NOV-04 - 14-NOV-04. [Details]
Helena Buffery, Daragh O'Connell, kerstin Fest, Angela Ryan etc (2012) First International CLAI conference. [Conference Organising Committee Member], Transitions, Cork , 28-JUN-12 - 30-JUN-12. [Details]
(2012)French Department Research Seminar, UCC,
Jansen, Julia; Ryan, Angela (2012) Is Reality Really Real? Sartre’s Two Phenomenologies. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], French Department Research Seminar, UCC, French Department Research Seminar, UCC , 01-JAN-12 - 01-JAN-12. [Details]
(2012)Crawford Art Gallery Autumn Lecture Series 2012 A French Light on Irish Painters: Roderic O'Conor and Pont-Aven,
Dr Angela Ryan (2012) Art History lecture on Franco-Irish relations. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Crawford Art Gallery Autumn Lecture Series 2012 A French Light on Irish Painters: Roderic O'Conor and Pont-Aven, Crawford Art gallery, Cork , 16-NOV-12 - 16-NOV-12. [Details]
(2012)Is Reality Really Real? Sartre’s Two Phenomenologies French Department Research Seminar, UCC, 2012,
Dr Angela Ryan and Dr Julia Jensen (2012) Cluster Seminar on collaborative French - Philosophy research. [Invited Seminars/Guest Lectures], Is Reality Really Real? Sartre’s Two Phenomenologies French Department Research Seminar, UCC, 2012, UCC French Department , 16-FEB-12 - 16-FEB-12. [Details]
(2012)The Senses: The Role of the Visual Sense in the Genesis of George Sand’s Un hiver à Majorque,
Dr Angela Ryan (2012) Society of Dix-Neuviémistes Tenth Annual Conference. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], The Senses: The Role of the Visual Sense in the Genesis of George Sand’s Un hiver à Majorque, Mary Immaculate College, University of Limerick , 30-MAR-12 - 01-APR-12. [Details]
(2011)Modeles de metamorphe dans la traductologie: exemples en anglais, francais et irlandais / Some English, French and Irish examples of shape-shifter models in traductology,
Ryan, Angela; (2011) Research presentation on traductology: the use of metamorphs for complex translation solutions, with examples from English, French and Irish. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Modeles de metamorphe dans la traductologie: exemples en anglais, francais et irlandais / Some English, French and Irish examples of shape-shifter models in traductology, Seminaire de Recherche du centre TRACT (traductologie), Sorbonne nouvelle, Paris , 28-APR-11 - 28-APR-11. [Details]
(2011)The Consumption of Un Hiver à Majorque : George Sand and Unreasonable Expections of Nurturing,
Ryan, Angela; (2011) Research Presentation on the Theory of Unreasonable Expectations of Nurturing, with examples from George Sand's Un hiver a Majorque. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], The Consumption of Un Hiver à Majorque : George Sand and Unreasonable Expections of Nurturing, Women in French conference, Hinsley Hall, Leeds, UK , 06-MAY-11 - 08-MAY-11. [Details]
(2010)Editer George Sand: Un hiver a Majorque,
Ryan, Angela; (2010) Research presentation on a scholarly critical edition of George Sand. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Editer George Sand: Un hiver a Majorque, Ecole normale superieure, rue d'Ulm, Paris , 07-JUN-10 - 07-JUN-10. [Details]
(2006)Association des Études Françaises et Francophones d'Irlande. Eighth Annual Congress,
Ryan, Angela; (2006) « Cent masques, un visage » : héroïsme aristotélicien et subjectivité proustienne. [Oral Presentation], Association des Études Françaises et Francophones d'Irlande. Eighth Annual Congress, Centre culturel irlandais, Paris , 22-SEP-06 - 23-SEP-06. [Details]
(2006)20th Anniversary Round Table of Past Chairpersons,
Ryan, Angela; (2006) Report on Cultural Programmes and Diversity of the Irish Translators' and Interpreters' Association. [Oral Presentation], 20th Anniversary Round Table of Past Chairpersons, Irish Writers' Centre, Dublin , 09-SEP-06 - 09-SEP-06. [Details]
(2006)Modernities: Annual Conference of the Society for Seventeeth Century Studies,
Ryan, Angela; (2006) “Le Sujet de la querelle: vraisemblance contre bienséance dans les Médee d’Euripide et de Corneille.”. [Invited Oral Presentation], Modernities: Annual Conference of the Society for Seventeeth Century Studies, St Catherine's College, Oxford , 28-JUN-06 - 30-JUN-06. [Details]
(2005)La Memoire du livre,
Ryan, Angela; (2005) La Memoire du livre/ Colloque international avec Jacques Neefs, Beatrice Didier, Edric Caldicott, Claude Mouchard, Tony Williams et Angela Ryan. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], La Memoire du livre, UCC , 17-MAY-05 - 30-DEC-99. [Details]
(2004)Journee George Sand,
Ryan, Angela; (2004) Journee George Sand. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], Journee George Sand, UCC , 15-OCT-04 - 30-DEC-99. [Details]
(2003)Language, Literature and the Imaginaire,
Ryan, Angela; (2003) Language, Literature and the Imaginaire: Annual Conference of the School of Language and Literature UCC. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], Language, Literature and the Imaginaire, UCC , 02-MAY-03 - 04-MAY-03. [Details]
(2002)Journees autour d'Antoine Compagnon,
Ryan Angela; (2002) Journees autour d'Antoine Compagnon. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], Journees autour d'Antoine Compagnon, UCC , 17-MAY-02 - 18-MAY-02. [Details]
Ryan, Angela; Chu, Mark; (2002) Hemispheres: Annual Conference of the School of Languages and Literature. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], Hemispheres, UCC , 03-MAY-02 - 05-MAY-02. [Details]
(2007)International Workshop of The Institute of Germanic & Romance Studies,,
Ryan A; (2007) Freud and literature today. [Oral Presentation], International Workshop of The Institute of Germanic & Romance Studies,, School of Advanced Study, University of London , 27-JAN-07 - 27-JAN-07. [Details]
(2007)Violence, femmes, identité : dits et non-dits : Colloque international organisé par l¿ERCIF Université Michel de Montaigne Bordeaux 3 ¿ LAPRIL,
Ryan A; (2007) Ryan, A. « La Résistance incorporée : l¿indicible héroïsme du corps féminin en temps de guerre ». [Oral Presentation], Violence, femmes, identité : dits et non-dits : Colloque international organisé par l¿ERCIF Université Michel de Montaigne Bordeaux 3 ¿ LAPRIL, Violence, femmes, identité : dits et non-dits : Colloque international organisé par l¿ERCIF Université Michel de Montaigne Bordeaux 3 ¿ LAPRIL , 19-JAN-07 - 20-JAN-07. [Details]
(2006)ADEFFI VIIIe congrès annuel, Centre culturel irlandais,,
Ryan A; (2006) Ryan, A. Translating Proust's Hieratics: Some Problems of Terminology and Cultural Transfer. [Oral Presentation], ADEFFI VIIIe congrès annuel, Centre culturel irlandais,, Paris , 03-MAR-06 - 03-MAR-06. [Details]
(2006)Translation: Theory, Practice and Strategies,
Ryan, A.; (2006) “Translating Proust’s Hieratics: Some Problems of Terminology and Cultural Transfer.”. [Plenary Lecture], Translation: Theory, Practice and Strategies, University of Ulster at Coleraine , 03-MAR-06 - 30-DEC-99. [Details]
(2006)War and Resistance. Seminar organized by Joseph Ruane UCC,
Ryan, A.; (2006) “Resistance in the Body: Heroines of the French Resistance”. [Invited Oral Presentation], War and Resistance. Seminar organized by Joseph Ruane UCC, UCC , 25-MAY-06 - 30-DEC-99. [Details]
(2006)17th Annual Conference of the George Sand Association George Sand: Intertextualité et Polyphonie,
Ryan, A.; (2006) “The Road Less Travelled. George Sand, Robert Louis Stevenson and the Appropriation of Elsewhere.”. [Invited Oral Presentation], 17th Annual Conference of the George Sand Association George Sand: Intertextualité et Polyphonie, Dublin City University , 22-JUN-06 - 24-JUN-06. [Details]
(2004)Table ronde autour de Christian Biet: seminar of ancien régime French Studies specialists,
Ryan, A.; (2004) Les Iphigénies d'Euripide et de Racine. [Invited Oral Presentation], Table ronde autour de Christian Biet: seminar of ancien régime French Studies specialists, Trinity College, Dublin , 27-APR-04 - 30-DEC-99. [Details]
(2004)Pudeur, Impudeur, Impudence: Annual Conference of E.R.C.I.F. research centre (Universite Michel de Montaigne-Bordeaux III),
Ryan, A.; (2004) Le Jeu de la passion et de la vertu: les héroïnes de Jane Austen. [Plenary Lecture], Pudeur, Impudeur, Impudence: Annual Conference of E.R.C.I.F. research centre (Universite Michel de Montaigne-Bordeaux III), Universite Michel de Montaigne-Bordeaux III , 30-JAN-04 - 01-FEB-06. [Details]
(2003)Italian Public Lecture Series 2000/2004: Italy and Music,
Ryan, A.; (2003) Music and Art in 15th and 16th Century Florence: Franco-Florentine Links in the 1589 Intermedi 'Una Stravaganza dei Medici' and Paintings from the National Gallery of Art, Washington. [Plenary Lecture], Italian Public Lecture Series 2000/2004: Italy and Music, The National University of Ireland, Galway, , 14-OCT-03 - 30-DEC-99. [Details]
(2003)XII Annual Conference of the School of Languages and Literature: Language, Literature and the Imaginaire, 2-4 May, 2003,
Ryan, A.; (2003) “The Imaginaire and the Symbolique: Michèle le Doeuff’s Le Sexe du savoir and Camille Claudel’s Sakountala”. [Oral Presentation], XII Annual Conference of the School of Languages and Literature: Language, Literature and the Imaginaire, 2-4 May, 2003, UCC , 02-MAY-03 - 04-MAY-03. [Details]
(2003)Habitat : Biennial Conference of Romance Studies. University of Swansea,
Ryan, A.; (2003) «Habitus and Habitat as Structure and Counterstructure in Bourdieu’s Ce que parler veut dire and Leconte’s Ridicule». [Oral Presentation], Habitat : Biennial Conference of Romance Studies. University of Swansea, Gregynog, Powys, Wales , 08-SEP-03 - 10-SEP-03. [Details]
(2003)Translation and Cultural Transfer. Cross-national Video-conferenced Seminar,
Ryan, A.; (2003) Subjectivity, Heretical Discourse and the Language of Authority: Translating French Theory. Friday 4th April 2003. [N/A], Translation and Cultural Transfer. Cross-national Video-conferenced Seminar, UCC/University of Ulster at Coleraine , 04-APR-03 - 30-DEC-99. [Details]
(2002)Annual Conference of the British and Irish Society for French Studies,
Ryan, A.; (2002) Racine entre Euripide et Mnouchkine: cladisme des motifs héroiques et monstrueux / Racine's Heroines: Heroic Choice and Monstrous Determinism from Greek to Contemporary Tragedy. [Oral Presentation], Annual Conference of the British and Irish Society for French Studies, University of Bristol , 01-JUL-02 - 03-JUL-02. [Details]
(2000)Annual Modern Languages Symposium of the Royal Irish Academy,
Ryan, A.; (2000) The Lost Heroine and the Memetics of Cultural Inscription. [Plenary Lecture], Annual Modern Languages Symposium of the Royal Irish Academy, UCD , 10-NOV-00 - 11-NOV-00. [Details]
(1999)Annual Conference of the International Association for Philosophy and Literature,
Ryan, A.; (1999) “Avant-texte and après-texte in Compagnon and Cixous”. [Oral Presentation], Annual Conference of the International Association for Philosophy and Literature, City Hall, Leeds , 30-DEC-99 - 30-DEC-99. [Details]
(1992)Annual Conference of the British Society for French Studies,
Ryan, A.; (1992) “The Voice of the Family: individuality and kinship in the modern French and Irish novel”. [Plenary Lecture], Annual Conference of the British Society for French Studies, The Queen's University of Belfast , 01-MAR-92 - 03-MAR-92. [Details]
(1988)Seminar of the Irish Translators' Association,
Ryan, A.; (1988) “New Translation Methodologies in French Degree Courses (National University of Ireland, Cork )”. [Plenary Lecture], Seminar of the Irish Translators' Association, UCC , 01-NOV-88 - 30-DEC-99. [Details]


 CommitteeFunctionFrom / To
UCC Academic Council Representative, Cpllege of Arts, Celtic Ctudies and Social Sciences/ 2012
French Department Research Committee Chair2011 /
Cork-Rennes International Relations Committee UCC representative2012 /
Irish Translators' and Interpreters; Association Executive Committee Member1992 / 1899
French Department Graduate Studies Committee Member2005 / 2007
UCC International Education Committee member of Committee2000 / 1899
French Department Research Seminar Committee Convenor of the Committee2000 / 2004
French Dept Erasmus Committee Academic Advisor for Bordeaux. I have also been academic advisor for Paris 3, Clermont Ferrand, Mons (Belgium)1989 / 2006
FrenchDept First Year Convenor Year Convenor2004 / 2006
French Dept Staff-Student Committee Chair2004 / 2006
French Dept Final Year Convenor Year Convenor2000 / 2001
French Dept Final Year Staff-Student Committee Chair2000 / 2001
French Dept Second Year Committee Year Convenor2001 / 2002
French Dept Staff-Student Committee (Second Year) Year Convenor2001 / 2002
French Dept Quality Assessment Steering Group Member of committee, participating in preparation meetings, Departmental meetings, drafting of self-assessment report, Quality Review meetings and implementation.2001 / 2002
Arts Faculty Academic Development Committee Member1990 / 1992
Arts Faculty Resources Committee member of Committee1992 / 1994
Library Users' Committee Member of Committee1998 / 1999
Royal Irish Academy Modern Languages Committee Member of the Committee1995 / 1998
Board of the Irish Writers' Centre Representative of the Irish Translators' Association1994 / 1998
IFUT Equality Committee member of Committee1994 / 2006
UCC School of Languages and Literature Chair2002 / 2003
Irish Writers¿ Centre Board of Directors Member/
Cumann Aistritheoiri na hEireann /Irish Translators¿ and Interpreter¿s Association Executive member Member, former Chairperson/


 EmployerPositionFrom / To
UCC Lecturer04-JAN-88 / 21-JUN-06
Dublin Institute of technology Head of School of Languages01-SEP-95 / 30-SEP-96


1974UCD B.A.
1975U. de Bordeaux III Master of ArtsLettres modernes
1981U. de Bordeaux III Ph.D.
1983French Government Agregation


English FunctionalFunctionalFunctional
Irish FunctionalFunctionalFunctional
French FunctionalFunctionalFunctional
German FluentBasicFluent
Ancient Greek FluentBasicNone

Outreach Activities


`Alfred Croquis¿ aux Beaux- arts parisiens : Daniel Maclise and the 1837 ¿ 1841 fresque painting of Paul Hippolyte Delaroche (1797 -1856 ) in the Hémicycle de l¿École des Beaux-arts de Paris.
Crawford Art Gallery, Cork,
November 7th 2008.

"The French Short Story: Maupassant and Colette". Escaping the Labyrinth.
Cork Central Library, 20th May 2008.

"Music and Art in 15th and 16th Century Florence: Franco-Florentine Links in the 1589 Intermedi 'Una Stravaganza dei Medici' and Paintings from the National Gallery of Art, Washington."
The Italian Public Lecture Series 2000/2004: Italy and Music.
National University of Ireland, Galway, 14th October 2003.

"La Grande Illusion de Jean Renoir: tableaux de peintre, fresque de société".
Invited visiting lectures in course Cinéma et culture française, de 1896 à nos jours, Harvard University Department of Romance Languages and Literatures, 23 and 26 February 2001.

Journal Activities

 JournalRoleTo / From
Estudios Irlandeses Member of Editorial Board-
Estudios Irlandeses Referee-
Feminist Media Studies Referee-

Other Activities


A series of Art History and Visual Studies lectures

Preparation and World Premiere of Two Commissioned Works by Jane O'Leary and Dominique Probst. Sept-Dec 2006, with concerts 8th November and 13th December 2006

This newly-formed ensemble of professional and professional-standard musicians - staff, students and alumni of UCC - sings at St Mary's Collegiate Church Youghal and has given concerts in Fota House, Castletownroche and Youghal.

Participation in concerts in UCC, Cork City Hall, numerous venues in Cork County U of Limerick, Royal Hospital Kilmainham, Kilkenny, TCD etc between 1988-1994


Dimanche de Pâques. Oil on canvas board 35 X 25 Cork 2004
Nature morte avec citron, citron vert et aubergine. Oil on canvas board 35 X 25 Cork 2004
Primevères Oil on canvas board 35 X 25 Cork 2004
Nature morte avec pied-d'alouette, coupe et vase. Oil on canvas board 35 X 25 Cork 2005
Portrait of Cian Holland Oil on canvas 75 X 60 Cork 2007-8
Still life with lustreware cups Oil on canvas board 75 X 60 Cork 2006-8




Recital (soprano solo: Bach, Humphreys, Moore) Harbour Point, Cork, September 2008.
Staged performance of Finale Acte II Carmen (Bizet), Ardingly International Singing School, Sussex, August 2008 (chorus member).
Recital of Baroque and Romantic Arias (Soprano solo: Vivaldi, Handel, Bach, Gounod, Godard, Saint-Saens), Crawford Art Gallery, Cork, 29th February 2008.
Three Concert Solos (Soprano: Handel from Theodora and Messiah), St Paul's Church, Ardmore, July 2007.

Visits Abroad

Université de Bordeaux III Student guidance 2005
Université de Bordeaux III Student guidance 2004
Université de Bordeaux III Student guidance 2003

Research Talks:

Ryan, A. « ‘Alfred Croquis' aux Beaux- arts parisiens : Daniel Maclise and the 1837 - 1841 fresque painting of Paul Hippolyte Delaroche (1797-1856) in the Hémicycle de l'École des Beaux-arts de Paris ». Crawford Art Gallery, Cork. Friday November 7th 2008,
Ryan, A. "The French Short Story: Maupassant and Colette". Escaping the Labyrinth Series Cork Central Library 20th May 2008.
Ryan, A. "A New Theory of Perspective in Art" (series of two lectures)" Crawford Art Gallery, Cork. Friday 2 and 9 November 2007

Ryan, A. "Heroinic Representation in Camille Claudel's Sculptures" Crawford Art Gallery, Cork. 2005
Ryan, A. « Nuit étoilée: J.-F. Millet and V van Gogh » Crawford Art Gallery, Cork. 2004
Ryan, A. "Una Stravaganza dei Medici: Music and Art in Florence around the 1589 Marriage of Ferdinando de' Medici and Christine de Savoie" Crawford Art Gallery, Cork. 2003


Teaching Activities

Modules Taught

 Term (ID))TitleLinkSubject
2016Research Dissertation (French) FR6599Research Dissertation (French)
2017Myth, Heroes and Heroines from Aeschylus to Lara Croft: Tragedy, Film, Anime, Romans Graphiques FR6405Myth, Heroes and Heroines from Aeschylus to Lara Croft: Tragedy, Film, Anime, Romans Graphiques
2017Theory and Methodology of Advanced Translation FR6501Theory and Methodology of Advanced Translation
2017Methodology of Simultaneous and Consecutive Interpreting and of Terminology FR6502Methodology of Simultaneous and Consecutive Interpreting and of Terminology
2017Contemporary French Philosophy: Theory as Vision FR6204Contemporary French Philosophy: Theory as Vision
2017Camille Claudel FR6002Camille Claudel

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Department of French

Room 1.22 Block A, First Floor, O'Rahilly Building, University College Cork
