
Andriy Hryshchenko was born in 1978;
Studied in physics/mathematics lyceum, then obtained the following degrees:

2000: BEng (Hons) Mechanical Manufacturing Engineer; Sumy State University, Ukraine.
2002: BEng (Hons) Agricultural Mechanization Engineer; Sumy National Agrarian University, Ukraine.
2007: MEngSc, IT in AEC, University College Cork, Ireland.

Since 2008: contract Researcher, School of Engineering, IRUSE-Chair IT in AEC.

Research Interests

My major research areas are:
  • Methodologies for Continuous Commissioning (CC) of Building Management Systems, including
    the development of an evaluation system for building’s performance.
  • Evaluation and development of new commissioning strategies for buildings and building services systems including the development and provision of business model templates to support stakeholders in the customised deployment of cc-strategies.

Book Chapters

  Year Publication
(2010) '“EeB-Roadmap: Gap Analysis of Research, Technology, & Development Activities”'
REEB consortium; UCC - A. Hryshchenko, K. Menzel (2010) '“EeB-Roadmap: Gap Analysis of Research, Technology, & Development Activities”' In: “ICT Supported Energy Efficiency in Construction -Strategic Research Roadmap and Implementation Recommendations”. Brussels, Espoo, Sophia-Antipolis: REEB-consortium. [ Publisher's Version] [Details]

Conference Publications

  Year Publication
(2009) CISBAT2009, Lausanne, Switzerland
A. Hryshchenko , A. Ahmed , K. Menzel (2009) INFORMATION MODELLING AND SOFTWARE TOOLS FOR ENERGY MANAGEMENT IN BUILDINGS CISBAT2009, Lausanne, Switzerland Lausanne, Switzerland, , 02-SEP-09 - 03-SEP-09 , pp.On CD-Rom-On CD-Rom [ Publisher's Version] [Details]
(2009) Energy and Sustainability II
U. Gokce, A. Hryshchenko, K. Menzel (2009) “Gap Analysis of Current Research in the Area of IT for Energy” . In: REEB partners: CSTB, Acciona eds. Energy and Sustainability II Bologna, Italy, , 23-JUN-09 - 25-JUN-09 , pp.343-353 [ Publisher's Version] [Details]
(2009) ECTP 2009, Brussels
A. Hryshchenko, K. Menzel (2009) “Information and Communication Technology for Sustainable and Optimized Building Operation” ECTP 2009, Brussels European Construction Technology Platform, Brussels 2009;, , 24-NOV-09 - 26-DEC-09 , pp.Poster-Poster [ Publisher's Version] [Details]
(2010) CIB W78 2010,Cairo
A. Hryshchenko, K. Menzel (2010) “A Comprehensive Vision on Cartography of EU and International Research Initiatives with RTD Gap Analysis in the Area of ICT for Energy in Buildings” CIB W78 2010,Cairo Cairo, Egypt, , 16-NOV-10 - 19-NOV-10 [ Publisher's Version] [Details]

Published Reports

  Year Publication
(2009) “Map of European Research Projects and International Initiatives on Energy Efficiency in Construction”.
A. Hryshchenko, K. Menzel (2009) “Map of European Research Projects and International Initiatives on Energy Efficiency in Construction”. UCC, IRUSE, Cork. [Details]
(2009) “Selection & categorization criteria for European & International research on Energy Efficiency”.
A. Hryshchenko, K. Menzel (2009) “Selection & categorization criteria for European & International research on Energy Efficiency”. UCC, Cork. [Details]
(2010) “ICT-based Energy efficiency in the Construction - Best Practices Guide”.
Philippe Marechal, Marc Bourdeau, A. Hryshchenko (2010) “ICT-based Energy efficiency in the Construction - Best Practices Guide”. CEA, CSTB, France. [Details]


  Year Publication
(2007) Development of a Mobile Application to Support RFID-based Facilities Management.
A. Hryshchenko, Luke D. Allan, ZiXiang Cong (2007) Development of a Mobile Application to Support RFID-based Facilities Management. UCC, Cork, Ireland: Thesis/Dissertation [Details]


  Employer Position From / To
UCC Researcher 01-JUN-08 /
Self-employment Construction design, HW installation 01-JAN-03 / 31-DEC-06


  Year Institution Qualification Subject
2007 UCC, Cork, Ireland Masters of Engineering Science IT in AEC
2002 Sumy National Agrarian University BSc Hons Agricultural Mechanisation
2000 Sumy State University, Sumy, Ukraine BSc Hons Technology of Machine Manufacturing


  Language Reading Writing Speaking
Russian Fluent Fluent Fluent
English Fluent Fluent Fluent

Teaching Interests

  Selected lectures  and seminars: CE4022 CE6012 subjects, "Continuous Commissioning" for Masters Students on IT in AEC.