
Senior Lecturer in the Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering originally appointed in 2008. 

Dominic is Founder and Director of the Intelligent Efficiency Research Group (IERG) an award winning team of PhD and Masters Researchers specialising in the advancement of the next generation of energy efficiency technologies. Areas of research interest include energy efficiency and demand side management in industry and buildings.  More specifically Dominic’s research considers using IT to support this increasingly important area of Engineering. 

Dominic formerly led an energy consultancy business and has supported a number of multinationals across Ireland, Europe and the US in reducing energy consumption.  He has maintained industry links since returning to academia working with a number of industries in his I2E2 (Innovation for Ireland’s Energy Efficiency) research projects, such as Intel, De Puy, Xerox, Analog and Hewlett Packard.   Dominic has also worked with the IERC (International Energy Research Centre) which includes Bell Labs and UTRC (United Technology Research Centre) amongst its member companies.

Dominic has secured over €4.5 million in research funding for UCC.  He has over 50 journal papers published to date.  Dominic is the top cited researcher in Intelligent Efficiency according to google scholar, and ranks in the top 10 cited in areas of Measurement and Verificaiton and Automation and Control. 

Research Interests

Founder and Director of The Intelligent Efficiency Research Group (IERG) - Applying Smart Analytics to Improve Performance  The Intelligent Efficiency Research Group is an award winning team of phd and masters researchers specialising in the advancement of the next generation of energy efficiency technologies.  
The research focus of the group centers on four core areas: ·        
  • The development of intelligent analytics systems to support industrial energy management.
  • The incorporation of fault detection and diagnostics to industrial energy systems.
  • Building energy performance simulation.
  • The application of next generation renewable and sustainable energy systems to industry.  

Sample of significant projects:

Carbon Neutral Building Project
Funding: €500,000
Duration: Dec 2008-Sep 2014
Source: Private Donor
The Carbon Neutral Building Project (CNBP) is researching the renovation of buildings to reduce their carbon footprint.  The CNBP will deliver system solutions that are not alone strategically driven but are also environmentally and economically sustainable.  Retrofit solutions will be proposed by an energy efficiency retrofitting modelling tool with solution optimization capabilities.  Genetic algorithms for optimisation combined with static modelling technologies were used to deliver a solution.  The project used existing UCC buildings to analyse, test and develop a hypothesis for optimal renovation towards achieving carbon neutrality.

I2E2 Appropriate Working Environments Scoping Phase 
Funding: €255,000
Duration: Jan 2009-Dec 2010
Source: I2E2 (Innovation for Ireland’s Energy Efficiency)
This research, funded by a consortium of multinationals with a presence in Ireland (e.g. Intel, Analog, Xerox, EMC), set out to investigate practical methods of reducing the cost of providing “appropriate working environments” for product, people and machinery in Irish Manufacturing Plants.  The research benefited from my considerable time spent in industry advising on advanced HVAC systems and controls.  The project focused on strategies to reduce facility HVAC energy usage whilst maintaining the optimum environmental criteria for people and product.  The research also produced documentation for the consortium members reviewing state of the art technologies and methodologies as well as ongoing research in the space.  

EMWiNS- Appropriate Energy-Monitoring Wireless Networked System 
Funding: €99,534
Duration: Dec 2011-Oct 2013
Source: IERC (International Energy Research Centre)
The EMWiNS project systematically developed a tool to support the embedded monitoring and fault isolation that forms the basis for automated continuous commissioning of HVAC systems in buildings. It achieved this though a combination of reduced order HVAC models and a model based diagnostic system.  With further development the tool could transform energy and diagnostics models into embedded performance models that will continuously update their parameters based on actual building data, and report building energy performance and health-status information based on data from a wireless sensor network. 

I2E2 Automated Fault Detection and Diagnostic (AFDD) Software Tool 
Funding: €231,057
Duration: Jan 2011-Feb 2014
Source: I2E2 (Innovation for Ireland’s Energy Efficiency)
The primary goal of the research project was to develop, test and validate an automated Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) Fault Detection and Diagnostics (FDD) software package. The I2E2 Industry Partner Sites (e.g. Pfizer, EMC, Intel and Xerox) were used for development support, prototype testing and performance monitoring.  The Fault Detection and Diagnostics is based on research of faults in HVAC systems and the development of hierarchical relationships and rules between the different equipment and processes that make up the HVAC system. Installation of FDD technology which is based on “expert knowledge” would enable plant managers to identify faults and highlight operational and control inefficiencies that can often go undetected by plant operators for long periods. In addition, inefficient plant design and missed opportunities to reduce HVAC energy consumption will also be highlighted. 

Water Utilisation Modelling and Optimisation in an Industrial Installation
Funding: €72,000
Duration: Apr 2012-Jan 2015
Source: Irish Research Council
The introduction of ISO50001 Energy Management Systems in 2011 has assisted industries in effectively managing their energy consumption. Worldwide shortages in the availability of water of a suitable quality have now created a shift in focus towards its utilisation. Water is being proclaimed as "the new oil" with individuals and industries alike projecting ahead to the criticality and cost impact of this valuable resource. Within this overall research scheme, it is proposed to consider Water as a utility resource in a similar manner to other environmental energy streams and create a software model of the water utilisation in a large industrial manufacturing facility. It is then proposed to assign categories and values to each of the different forms of treated/processed streams based on the inherent environmental and economic impact of the stream. Ultimately the model will be optimised using appropriate data analytics methods and novel optimisation techniques with a view to the optimum utilisation of each process stream. Feedback and recommendations shall then be generated.   

The development of a multi-criteria decision support system to calculate an optimal energy supply mix for variable manufacturing loads 
Funding: €70,750
Duration: Oct 2013-Sep 2016
Source: Irish Research Council
This research revolves around the development of an energy focused, multi criteria intelligent decision support system, to optimise the use and storage of both electrical and thermal energy. Employing data from the Enterprise Partner, a large manufacturing environment with a mix of onsite generated and grid procured electrical and thermal energy, an optimum supply mix will be determined based on demand. The research will present methods that promote the discovery of new information through the implementation of big data, virtualisation and intelligent agents. These methods will be used to construct an intelligent decision support framework in DePuy Johnson & Johnson, with the aim of reducing energy consumption, using low granularity raw performance data, which can be abstracted in legacy decision support systems. 

Optimising the End-Use of Energy Generated from a Coastal Wind Turbine for use in a Manufacturing Plant

Funding: €80,000
Duration: Feb 2014-Jan 2017
Source: Science Foundation Ireland
Many modern manufacturing plants are looking to diversify their renewable energy portfolio through the use of large wind turbines attached to their site. The cost savings associated with wind turbines are dependent on correctly utilising the energy generated to minimise curtailment and synergise with other possible sources of power on-site, (e.g. CHP plants, PV panels). This study will investigate ways of optimising the manufacturing process to maximise the impact of an installed wind turbine on a manufacturing site. 

The effective use and/or storage of renewable energy to supply dynamic industrial loads

Funding: €225,000
Duration: Feb 2014-Jan 2017
Source: Science Foundation Ireland
MaREI (Marine Renewable Energy Ireland) is a centre that brings together expert groups who have established themselves as international authorities in different aspects of Marine Renewable Energy.  The centre is also researching energy mix scenarios faced by industry whereby companies have increased options for onsite energy generation, e.g. wind, biomass, CHP etc.   To that end this project will develop decision support and data management tools for industries capitalising on big data analytics and cloud based computing to help in determining the optimum mix. 

"Development of a Smart Control System to optimise the energy consumption of Dust Extraction Systems"

Funding: €195,287
Duration: Jan 2014 - Jun 2015
Source: Enterprise Ireland
Dust extraction in any manufacturing facility with prevalent grinding and/or polishing processes is a significant energy user of electricity on site. Dust extraction systems typically operate at a constant volume mode of operation whereby the fans operate to extract dust particles at a constant flow rate, irrespective of the scale of production and hence the level or type of dust to be extracted. This project aims to develop intelligent control algorithms as part of a “smart” controller, coupled with the retrofit of the current constant flow system to make it capable of variable flow. These algorithms will be designed to allow the control system to modulate the operation of the large fan motors to reduce air flow to the minimum required to transport dust through the system based on the particular particulates in the system at any given time.  

Application of Expert Systems to Industrial Optimisation

Funding: €80,000 Duration:
Jan 2014-Dec 2016 Source:
Science Foundation Ireland
An expert system is a computer system which is capable of imitating the reasoning of a human expert within a particular area of knowledge. Applications of expert systems to industrial utility equipment have included fault detection and diagnosis (FDD), automated commissioning and optimisation. For an expert system to fault find or optimise an item of equipment involves a multi stage process comprising; data extraction from existing systems, fault finding or optimisation through rule based or model based diagnostic approaches, and typically some feedback or fault correction control action.  Substantial work has been carried out to date in the application of expert systems to the optimisation of HVAC and refrigeration equipment. This research will develop expert systems for other industrial technologies which display potential for deployment of remotely based expert systems tools for whole system improvement of operation. The key technologies examined are boilers and air compressors. 

Our 2050, funded by NTR
Funding: €250,000
Duration April 2015 – March 2018
Source: NTR
NTR Identifying technology opportunities in the low carbon energy transition.  The research will explore low carbon energy futures for Ireland using an integrated energy system modelling approach. Using a suite of analytical techniques and methodologies, the research will explore low carbon energy futures for Ireland with an emphasis on resilience in a large number of scenarios of varying ambition, risk and cost. The project will help to identify technology opportunities for entrepreneurs in Ireland over the next 35 years arising from a low carbon energy future and it will assess in detail the value chain for these opportunities in order to determine genuine win-wins for Ireland.   

A Tool for Data Ingestion, Contextualisation and Analytics in Smart Manufacturing

Funding: €244,985
Duration Oct 2015 – July 2018
Source: Enterprise Ireland Commercialisation Fund
To implement smart manufacturing organisations will undergo three phases of transformation over the next 10 years. First, all data must be integrated and managed, moving from isolated, proprietary and arbitrary silos, to globally accessible, large-scale and contextualised data platforms. Second, this data will be processed using analytics, simulation and modelling methods to provide insights and knowledge throughout the enterprise. Third, information derived from large-scale data processing will be used to realise process and product innovation for economic benefit.  This tool will address these issues using a number of key components in a sequential workflow that deliver an end-to-end turnkey solution for ingesting, processing, and contextualising data from legacy systems.  

BIM based fast toolkit for Efficient rEnovation in Buildings - BIM4EEB
Funding: €276,806
Duration Jan 2019 – June 2022
Source: EU Horizon 2020
BIM4EEB aims to foster the renovation industry by developing an attractive and powerful BIM management system with BIM-based toolset able to support designers in the design and planning phase, construction companies to efficiently carry out the work and service companies to provide attractive solutions for building retrofitting. The BIM management system combined with the tools facilitates the decision making and the asset management for public and private owners due to the exploitation of augmented reality and the use of updated digital logbooks.       

Optimising Demand Side Response in Smart Grid Applications
Funding: €232,815
Duration Jan 2020 – Dec 2023
Source: Science Foundation Ireland
The global energy landscape is experiencing profound changes driven by increasing energy demand, volatile energy costs, and the urgent need for decarbonization. These developments place significant pressure on electricity grids, necessitating innovative strategies to maintain a reliable and sustainable energy supply. Demand Side Management (DSM) has emerged as a crucial approach to optimizing electricity consumption and enhancing grid stability. This research focuses on the challenges industrial consumers face in participating in demand side management initiatives and offers innovative solutions to those challenges.      

DENIM - Digital intelligence for collaborative ENergy management in Manufacturing
Funding: €477,125
Duration Nov 2020 –  Oct 2024
Source: EU Horizon 2020
The industry sector was responsible for 37% of the total global energy use in 2017, representing a 1% annual increase in energy consumption from 2010, with growth of 1.7% in 2017 following much slower growth of 0.1% the previous year . The increase in energy consumption is driven by escalating production in energy-intensive industry subsectors.  The primary characteristic of Industry 4.0 is the digitisation of manufacturing processes, which offers opportunities for energy saving through the optimisation of or replacement of technologies, the application of new software tools for energy efficiency management or adaptation in the business processes. Energy efficiency remains one of the most effective short to medium term targets to reduce industry carbon footprint and needs to be considered at all stages of the manufacturing process. In order to achieve significant energy savings, the DENiM project will provide the ability to collect, analyse and communicate real-time and historical data, to optimise the performance and resource consumption at machine, process and factory, where decision support systems consider energy consumption globally.      

An investigation on CO2 concentration, energy use and differential performance of mixed-mode ventilation control strategies in a lecture theatre during winter
Funding: €232,815
Duration Jan 2021 – Dec 2024
Source: Science Foundation Ireland To investigate the effectiveness of diverse natural ventilation and mechanical ventilation control strategies and to compare the ventilation sensible heat loss energy of each in a high-occupancy density indoor environment.     

Industrial Cluster FLEXibility platform for sustainable FACTories to reduce CO2 emissions and to enable the Energy Transition
Funding: €733,750
Duration June 2022 – Nov 2025
Source: EU Horizon
To achieve the goals of the EU Green Deal as well as the national energy agendas, an increasing need for flexibility to compensate for fluctuating generation from renewable energy sources is needed. The industrial sector as one of the largest consumers of energy has a mostly untapped potential of flexibility provision. The FLEX4FACT project aims to develop an end-to-end ecosystem based on a modular and multi-level architecture to enable flexible manufacturing in industries and create the conditions for the necessary energy transition in energy intensive industrial sectors.  


Research Grants

  Project Funding
Start Date End Date Award
Foundation Funded Research Carbon Neutral Building Project Foundation Funded Research 01-AUG-08 30-SEP-24 €500,000.00
Appropriate Working Environments Phase 1 Enterprise Ireland 01-JAN-09 31-DEC-10 €255,000.00
SFI - Scholarship Summer Research Internship 209 Helen Guinane Science Foundation of Ireland 08-JUN-09 30-AUG-09 €7,280.00
Appropriate working Environments Research Project, Development of a Fault Detection and Diagnostics Tool. Enterprise Irl 01-JAN-11 01-APR-14 €296,272.00
Energy-Monitoring Wireless Networked System (ENWiNS) Enterprise Irl 01-DEC-11 30-SEP-13 €113,219.00
Proposal Preparation Enterprise Irl 26-JUL-12 11-MAY-13 €12,500.00
Free Cooling Thermal Energy Storage using Phase Change Materials in an evaporative Cooling system. Irish Research Council for Science, Engineering & Technology (IRCSET) 01-APR-12 31-MAR-15 €72,000.00
R&D of an energy data extraction framework. Enterprise Irl 14-MAR-13 30-SEP-13 €6,500.00
Feasibility Study Grant/ Enterprise Irl 01-NOV-13 01-MAY-14 €11,700.00
Dynamic Lean Manufacturing Towards Optimal Performance. Enterprise Irl 15-JUL-13 04-JAN-14 €11,700.00
The development of an intelligent multi criteria decision support system to calculate an optimal energy supply mix for variable manufacturing loads. Irish Research Council 01-OCT-13 30-SEP-16 €70,750.00
Development of Smart Control system to Optimise Energy Consumption of Dust Extraction Systems. Industry/EI Projects 01-JAN-14 30-OCT-15 €39,057.00
SFI 12/RC/2302 MaREI Spoke 3 SFI contribution to DePuy project - Dominic O'Sullivan Science Foundation of Ireland 01-MAR-14 28-FEB-17 €147,736.00
Development of Smart Control System to Optimise Energy Consumption of Dust Extraction Systems. Enterprise Irl 01-JAN-14 30-OCT-15 €161,665.00
SFI 12/RC/2302 MaREI Spoke 3 Industry contribution from DePuy (Ireland) - Dominic O'Sullivan SFI Industry 01-MAR-14 28-FEB-17 €75,000.00
Our 2050, funded by NTR University College Cork 01-APR-15 31-MAR-18 €250,000.00
A Tool for Data Ingestion, Contextualisation and Analytics in Smart Manufacturing. Enterprise Irl 01-OCT-15 31-JUL-18 €318,480.00
SFI contribution to MaREI Spoke 3 DePuy 2 Science Foundation of Ireland 01-JAN-18 31-DEC-22 €62,128.00
DePuy contribution to MaREI Spoke 3 DePuy 2 project SFI Industry 01-JAN-18 31-DEC-22 €25,000.00
BIM based fast toolkit for Efficient rEnovation in Buildings - BIM4EEB Horizon 2020 01-JAN-19 30-JUN-22 €276,806.00
SFI - 18/EPSRC-CDT/3586 - RA7 - Dominic O'Sullivan Science Foundation of Ireland 01-SEP-19 30-AUG-23 €232,815.00
DENIM - Digital intelligence for collaborative ENergy management in Manufacturing Horizon 2020 01-NOV-20 31-OCT-24 €477,125.00
SFI 18/EPSRC-CDT/3586 - RA7(b) - Dominic O'Sullivan Science Foundation of Ireland 01-JAN-21 31-DEC-24 €232,815.00
Industrial Cluster FLEXibility platform for sustainable FACTories to reduce CO2 emissions and to enable the Energy Transition Horizon Europe 01-JUN-22 30-NOV-25 €733,750.00


  Year Publication
(2004) PhD Thesis Improving Building Performance by Tracking Performance Metrics using an IFC Data Model.
Dominic T.J. O' Sullivan (2004) PhD Thesis Improving Building Performance by Tracking Performance Metrics using an IFC Data Model. Cork: UCC. [Details]
(2000) Masters Thesis The Development of a Web Based Multimedia Information System for Building Appraisal.
Dominic T.J. O' Sullivan (2000) Masters Thesis The Development of a Web Based Multimedia Information System for Building Appraisal. Cork, Ireland: UCC. [Details]

Book Chapters

  Year Publication
(2022) 'Digital Tools for HVAC-Design, Operation and Efficiency Management'
Vesanen, Teemu and Shemeikka, Jari and Tsatsakis, Kostas and O’Regan, Brian and Hryshchenko, Andriy and O’Leidhin, Eoin and O’Sullivan, Dominic (2022) 'Digital Tools for HVAC-Design, Operation and Efficiency Management' In: Springer International Publishing Cham. [Details]

Peer Reviewed Journals

  Year Publication
(2024) 'Implementing Industry 4.0: An In-Depth Case Study Integrating Digitalisation and Modelling for Decision Support System Applications'
Ranade, Akshay and G\'omez, Javier and De Juan, Andrew and Chicaiza, William D and Ahern, Michael and Esca\~no, Juan M and Hryshchenko, Andriy and Casey, Olan and Cloonan, Aidan and O’Sullivan, Dominic and others (2024) 'Implementing Industry 4.0: An In-Depth Case Study Integrating Digitalisation and Modelling for Decision Support System Applications'. Energies, 17 (8) [Details]
(2023) 'Comparison of control parameters for roller blinds'
Alkhatib, Hani and Lemarchand, Philippe and Norton, Brian and O'Sullivan, DTJ (2023) 'Comparison of control parameters for roller blinds'. Journal of Solar Energy, 256 :110-126 [Details]
(2023) 'Optimal temperature-actuated control of a thermally-insulated roller blind'
Alkhatib, Hani and Lemarchand, Philippe and Norton, Brian and O'Sullivan, DTJ (2023) 'Optimal temperature-actuated control of a thermally-insulated roller blind'. Building and Environment, 244 [Details]
(2023) 'Development of a modelling tool to aid the transition to carbon neutral industrial manufacturing'
O'Keeffe, Suzanne and O'Sullivan, Dominic and Bruton, Ken (2023) 'Development of a modelling tool to aid the transition to carbon neutral industrial manufacturing'. Journal Of Cleaner Production, 425 [Details]
(2023) 'A dataset for fault detection and diagnosis of an air handling unit from a real industrial facility'
Ahern, Michael and O'Sullivan, Dominic TJ and Bruton, Ken (2023) 'A dataset for fault detection and diagnosis of an air handling unit from a real industrial facility'. Data In Brief, 48 [Details]
(2023) 'A Data-Driven Framework for Quantifying Demand Response Participation Benefit of Industrial Consumers'
Siddiquee, SM Shahnewaz and Agyeman, Kofi Afrifa and Bruton, Ken and Howard, Bianca and O'Sullivan, Dominic TJ (2023) 'A Data-Driven Framework for Quantifying Demand Response Participation Benefit of Industrial Consumers'. IEEE Transactions On Industry Applications, [Details]
(2023) 'Implementation of the IDAIC framework on an air handling unit to transition to proactive maintenance'
Ahern, Michael and O'Sullivan, Dominic TJ and Bruton, Ken (2023) 'Implementation of the IDAIC framework on an air handling unit to transition to proactive maintenance'. Energy and Buildings, 284 [Details]
(2023) 'Comparative simulations of an electrochromic glazing and a roller blind as controlled by seven different algorithms'
Alkhatib, Hani and Lemarchand, Philippe and Norton, Brian and O'Sullivan, DTJ (2023) 'Comparative simulations of an electrochromic glazing and a roller blind as controlled by seven different algorithms'. Results In Engineering, 20 [Details]
(2023) 'Energy efficient ventilation and indoor air quality in the context of COVID-19-A systematic review'
Moghadam, Talie T and Morales, Carlos E Ochoa and Zambrano, Maria J Lopez and Bruton, Ken and O'Sullivan, Dominic TJ (2023) 'Energy efficient ventilation and indoor air quality in the context of COVID-19-A systematic review'. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 182 [Details]
(2022) 'Methodology for Carbon Emissions Neutrality in Industrial Manufacturing'
O'Keeffe, Suzanne and O'Sullivan, Dominic and Bruton, Ken (2022) 'Methodology for Carbon Emissions Neutrality in Industrial Manufacturing'. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 94 :43-48 [Details]
(2022) 'Development of a Framework to Aid the Transition from Reactive to Proactive Maintenance Approaches to Enable Energy Reduction'
Ahern, Michael and O’Sullivan, Dominic TJ and Bruton, Ken (2022) 'Development of a Framework to Aid the Transition from Reactive to Proactive Maintenance Approaches to Enable Energy Reduction'. Applied Sciences, 12 (13) [Details]
(2022) 'Industry 4.0 driven statistical analysis of investment casting process demonstrates the value of digitalisation'
Clancy, Rose and Bruton, Ken and O’Sullivan, Dominic and Keogh, Dermot (2022) 'Industry 4.0 driven statistical analysis of investment casting process demonstrates the value of digitalisation'. Procedia Computer Science, 200 :284-297 [Details]
(2022) 'The HyDAPI framework: a versatile tool integrating Lean Six Sigma and digitalisation for improved quality management in Industry 4.0'
Clancy, Rose and Bruton, Ken and O’Sullivan, Dominic TJ and Cloonan, Aidan J (2022) 'The HyDAPI framework: a versatile tool integrating Lean Six Sigma and digitalisation for improved quality management in Industry 4.0'. International Journal of Lean Six Sigma, [Details]
(2021) 'Development of a Digital Counterpart to Aid Decision Support on Energy Consumption of an Active Manufacturing Process'
Morris, Liam and Ahern, Michael and O’Sullivan, Dominic and Bruton, Ken (2021) 'Development of a Digital Counterpart to Aid Decision Support on Energy Consumption of an Active Manufacturing Process'. Procedia Environmental Sciences, 11 (1) [Details]
(2021) 'An interoperable bim-based toolkit for efficient renovation in buildings'
Daniotti, Bruno and Bolognesi, Cecilia Maria and Lupica Spagnolo, Sonia and Pavan, Alberto and Signorini, Martina and Ciuffreda, Simone and Mirarchi, Claudio and Lucky, Meherun Nesa and Andersson, Birgitta and Andersson, Per and others (2021) 'An interoperable bim-based toolkit for efficient renovation in buildings'. Buildings, 11 (7) [Details]
(2021) 'Methodology for data-informed process improvement to enable automated manufacturing in current manual processes'
Adrita, Mumtahina Mahajabin and Brem, Alexander and O’Sullivan, Dominic and Allen, Eoin and Bruton, Ken (2021) 'Methodology for data-informed process improvement to enable automated manufacturing in current manual processes'. Applied Sciences, 11 (9) [Details]
(2021) 'Progress in demand response and it’s industrial applications'
Siddiquee, SM Shahnewaz and Howard, Bianca and Bruton, Ken and Brem, Alexander and O'Sullivan, Dominic TJ (2021) 'Progress in demand response and it’s industrial applications'. Frontiers In Energy Research, 9 [Details]
(2021) 'Advancing the Industrial Sectors Participation in Demand Response within National Electricity Grids. Energies 2021, 14, 8261'
Brem, A and O’Sullivan, DTJ and Bruton, K (2021) 'Advancing the Industrial Sectors Participation in Demand Response within National Electricity Grids. Energies 2021, 14, 8261'. Energies, [Details]
(2021) 'Deployment and control of adaptive building facades for energy generation, thermal insulation, ventilation and daylighting: A review'
Alkhatib, Hani and Lemarchand, Philippe and Norton, Brian and O'Sullivan, DTJ (2021) 'Deployment and control of adaptive building facades for energy generation, thermal insulation, ventilation and daylighting: A review'. Applied Thermal Engineering, 185 [Details]
(2020) 'Systematic mapping study of digitization and analysis of manufacturing data'
Clancy, R and Ahern, M and O’Sullivan, D and Bruton, K (2020) 'Systematic mapping study of digitization and analysis of manufacturing data'. International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering, 14 (9):717-731 [Details]
(2020) 'Methodology for digitally logging and analyzing manufacturing issues encountered on a factory floor'
Duffy, Annie and Bruton, Ken and Harrington, Richard and Brem, Alexander and O’Sullivan, Dominic (2020) 'Methodology for digitally logging and analyzing manufacturing issues encountered on a factory floor'. Smart And Sustainable Manufacturing Systems, 4 (2):80-98 [Details]
(2020) 'How do companies certified to ISO 50001 and ISO 14001 perform in LEED and BREEAM assessments?'
Brem A.;Cusack D.Ó.;Adrita M.M.;O’Sullivan D.T.J.;Bruton K. (2020) 'How do companies certified to ISO 50001 and ISO 14001 perform in LEED and BREEAM assessments?'. Energy Efficiency, [DOI] [Details]
(2020) 'Development of a Decision Support System to Enable Adaptive Manufacturing'
Adrita, Mumtahina Mahajabin and Brem, Alexander and O’Neill, Patrick and Gorman, Eymard and O’Sullivan, Dominic and Bruton, Ken (2020) 'Development of a Decision Support System to Enable Adaptive Manufacturing'. Smart And Sustainable Manufacturing Systems, 4 (2):146-162 [Details]
(2020) 'Industrial smart and micro grid systems--A systematic mapping study'
Brem, Alexander and Adrita, Mumtahina Mahajabin and O’Sullivan, Dominic TJ and Bruton, Ken (2020) 'Industrial smart and micro grid systems--A systematic mapping study'. Journal Of Cleaner Production, 244 [Details]
(2020) 'A case-study in the introduction of a digital twin in a large-scale smart manufacturing facility'
O’Sullivan, Jamie and O’Sullivan, Dominic and Bruton, Ken (2020) 'A case-study in the introduction of a digital twin in a large-scale smart manufacturing facility'. Procedia Manufacturing, 51 :1523-1530 [Details]
(2020) 'A computationally efficient method for fault diagnosis of fan-coil unit terminals in building Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning systems'
Ranade, Akshay and Provan, Gregory and Mady, Alie El-Din and O'Sullivan, Dominic (2020) 'A computationally efficient method for fault diagnosis of fan-coil unit terminals in building Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning systems'. Journal Of Building Engineering, 27 [Details]
(2019) 'A comparison of fog and cloud computing cyber-physical interfaces for Industry 4.0 real-time embedded machine learning engineering applications'
O’Donovan, Peter and Gallagher, Colm and Leahy, Kevin and O’Sullivan, Dominic TJ (2019) 'A comparison of fog and cloud computing cyber-physical interfaces for Industry 4.0 real-time embedded machine learning engineering applications'. Computers In Industry, 110 :12-35 [Details]
(2019) 'A systematic analysis of real-world energy blockchain initiatives'
O’Donovan, Peter and O’Sullivan, Dominic TJ (2019) 'A systematic analysis of real-world energy blockchain initiatives'. Future Internet, 11 (8) [Details]
(2019) 'Issues with data quality for wind turbine condition monitoring and reliability analyses'
Leahy, Kevin and Gallagher, Colm and O’Donovan, Peter and O’Sullivan, Dominic TJ (2019) 'Issues with data quality for wind turbine condition monitoring and reliability analyses'. Energies, 12 (2) [Details]
(2019) 'Industrial Big Data Pipeline for Wind Turbine PHM in a Large Manufacturing Facility'
Leahy, Kevin and Gallagher, Colm and O’Donovan, Peter and O’Sullivan, Dominic TJ (2019) 'Industrial Big Data Pipeline for Wind Turbine PHM in a Large Manufacturing Facility'. International Journal Of Prognostics And Health Management, 10 (1) [Details]
(2019) 'IntelliMaV: A cloud computing measurement and verification 2.0 application for automated, near real-time energy savings quantification and performance deviation detection'
Gallagher, Colm V and Leahy, Kevin and O’Donovan, Peter and Bruton, Ken and O’Sullivan, Dominic TJ (2019) 'IntelliMaV: A cloud computing measurement and verification 2.0 application for automated, near real-time energy savings quantification and performance deviation detection'. Energy and Buildings, 185 :26-38 [Details]
(2018) 'Cluster analysis of wind turbine alarms for characterising and classifying stoppages'
Leahy, Kevin; Gallagher, Colm; O'Donovan, Peter; O'Sullivan, Dominic T. J. (2018) 'Cluster analysis of wind turbine alarms for characterising and classifying stoppages'. IET Renewable Power Generation, 12 (10):1146-1154 [DOI] [Full Text] [Details]
(2018) 'A robust prescriptive framework and performance metric for diagnosing and predicting wind turbine faults based on SCADA and alarms data with case study'
Leahy, Kevin and Gallagher, Colm and O’Donovan, Peter and Bruton, Ken and O’Sullivan, Dominic TJ (2018) 'A robust prescriptive framework and performance metric for diagnosing and predicting wind turbine faults based on SCADA and alarms data with case study'. Energies, 11 (7) [Details]
(2018) 'The suitability of machine learning to minimise uncertainty in the measurement and verification of energy savings'
Gallagher, Colm V.; Bruton, Ken; Leahy, Kevin; O’Sullivan, Dominic T. J. (2018) 'The suitability of machine learning to minimise uncertainty in the measurement and verification of energy savings'. Energy and Buildings, 158 :647-655 [ Publisher's Version] [DOI] [Full Text] [Details]
(2018) 'A fog computing industrial cyber-physical system for embedded low-latency machine learning Industry 4.0 applications'
O'donovan, Peter and Gallagher, Colm and Bruton, Ken and O'Sullivan, Dominic TJ (2018) 'A fog computing industrial cyber-physical system for embedded low-latency machine learning Industry 4.0 applications'. Manufacturing Letters, 15 :139-142 [Details]
(2018) 'Development and application of a machine learning supported methodology for measurement and verification (M\&V) 2.0'
Gallagher, Colm V and Leahy, Kevin and O’Donovan, Peter and Bruton, Ken and O’Sullivan, Dominic TJ (2018) 'Development and application of a machine learning supported methodology for measurement and verification (M\&V) 2.0'. Energy and Buildings, 167 :8-22 [Details]
(2018) 'Diagnosing and predictingwind turbine faults from scada data using support vector machines'
Leahy, Kevin and Hu, R Lily and Konstantakopoulos, Ioannis C and Spanos, Costas J and Agogino, Alice M and O’Sullivan, Dominic TJ (2018) 'Diagnosing and predictingwind turbine faults from scada data using support vector machines'. International Journal Of Prognostics And Health Management, 9 (1) [Details]
(2018) 'Design and development of a software tool to assist ISO 50001 implementation in the manufacturing sector'
Bruton, Ken and O’Donovan, Peter and McGregor, Andrew and O’Sullivan, Dominic DTJ (2018) 'Design and development of a software tool to assist ISO 50001 implementation in the manufacturing sector'. Proceedings Of The Institution Of Mechanical Engineers Part B-Journal Of Engineering Manufacture, 232 (10):1741-1752 [Details]
(2018) 'Optimization of distributed energy resources in an industrial microgrid'
Blake, Sean T and O'Sullivan, Dominic TJ (2018) 'Optimization of distributed energy resources in an industrial microgrid'. Procedia CIRP, 67 :104-109 [Details]
(2017) 'The true value of water: A case-study in manufacturing process water-management'
Walsh, Brendan P and Bruton, Ken and O'Sullivan, DTJ (2017) 'The true value of water: A case-study in manufacturing process water-management'. Journal Of Cleaner Production, 141 :551-567 [DOI] [Details]
(2016) 'The application of web based LEAN Manufacturing tools to support the implementation of ISO 50001-A Case Study v1. 0'
Bruton, Ken and O'Donovan, Peter and O'Sullivan, Dominic (2016) 'The application of web based LEAN Manufacturing tools to support the implementation of ISO 50001-A Case Study v1. 0'. InImpact: The Journal of Innovation Impact, 8 (2) [Details]
(2016) 'Enabling effective operational decision making on a combined heat and power system using the 5C architecture'
Bruton, Ken and Walsh, Brendan P and \'og Cusack, Donal and O’Donovan, Peter and O'Sullivan, Dominic TJ (2016) 'Enabling effective operational decision making on a combined heat and power system using the 5C architecture'. Procedia CIRP, 55 :296-301 [Details]
(2016) 'Case study: The implementation of a data-driven industrial analytics methodology and platform for smart manufacturing'
O'Donovan, Peter and Bruton, Ken and O'Sullivan, D TJ (2016) 'Case study: The implementation of a data-driven industrial analytics methodology and platform for smart manufacturing'. International Journal Of Prognostics And Health Management, 7 (026) [Details]
(2015) 'Big data in manufacturing: a systematic mapping study'
O’donovan, Peter and Leahy, Kevin and Bruton, Ken and O’Sullivan, Dominic TJ (2015) 'Big data in manufacturing: a systematic mapping study'. Journal of Big Data, 2 :1-22 [Details]
(2014) 'Model-based fault detection and diagnosis of air handling units: A comparison of methodologies'
Sterling, Raymond and Provan, Gregory and Febres, Jes\'us and O'Sullivan, Dominic and Struss, Peter and Keane, Marcus M (2014) 'Model-based fault detection and diagnosis of air handling units: A comparison of methodologies'. Energy Procedia, 62 :686-693 [Details]
(2016) 'An industrial water management value system framework development'
Walsh, Brendan P and Cusack, D Og and O’Sullivan, DTJ (2016) 'An industrial water management value system framework development'. Sustainable Production and Consumption, 5 :82-93 [DOI] [Details]
(2016) 'IAMM: A Maturity Model for Measuring Industrial Analytics Capabilities in Large-scale Manufacturing Facilities'
Peter O' Donovan, Ken Bruton, Dominic T.J. O' Sullivan (2016) 'IAMM: A Maturity Model for Measuring Industrial Analytics Capabilities in Large-scale Manufacturing Facilities'. International Journal of Prognostics and Health Management, 32 :2153-2648 [Details]
(2015) 'Comparative analysis of the AHU InFO fault detection and diagnostic expert tool for AHUs with APAR'
Bruton, K,Coakley, D,Raftery, P,Cusack, DO,Keane, MM,O'Sullivan, DTJ (2015) 'Comparative analysis of the AHU InFO fault detection and diagnostic expert tool for AHUs with APAR'. Energy Efficiency, 8 :299-322 [DOI] [Details]
(2015) 'An industrial big data pipeline for data-driven analytics maintenance applications in large-scale smart manufacturing facilities'
P. O'Donovan and K. Leahy and K. Bruton and D. T. J. O'Sullivan (2015) 'An industrial big data pipeline for data-driven analytics maintenance applications in large-scale smart manufacturing facilities'. Journal of Big Data, 2 (1) [ Publisher's Version] [DOI] [Details]
(2015) 'The water energy nexus, an ISO50001 water case study and the need for a water value system'
Walsh, BP,Murray, SN,O'Sullivan, DTJ (2015) 'The water energy nexus, an ISO50001 water case study and the need for a water value system'. Water Resources and Industry, 10 :15-28 [DOI] [Details]
(2013) 'Free-cooling thermal energy storage using phase change materials in an evaporative cooling system'
Walsh, BP;Murray, SN;O'Sullivan, DTJ (2013) 'Free-cooling thermal energy storage using phase change materials in an evaporative cooling system'. Applied Thermal Engineering, 59 :618-626 [DOI] [Details]
(2012) 'Static Simulation: A sufficient modelling technique for retrofit analysis'
Murray, SN,Rocher, B,O'Sullivan, DTJ (2012) 'Static Simulation: A sufficient modelling technique for retrofit analysis'. Energy and Buildings, 47 :113-121 [DOI] [Details]
(2004) 'Improving building operation by tracking performance metrics throughout the building lifecycle (BLC)'
O'Sullivan, DTJ,Keane, MM,Kelliher, D,Hitchcock, RJ; (2004) 'Improving building operation by tracking performance metrics throughout the building lifecycle (BLC)'. Energy and Buildings, 36 :1075-1090 [DOI] [Details]
(2014) 'Development and alpha testing of a cloud based automated fault detection and diagnosis tool for Air Handling Units'
Bruton, K,Raftery, P,O'Donovan, P,Aughney, N,Keane, MM,O'Sullivan, DTJ (2014) 'Development and alpha testing of a cloud based automated fault detection and diagnosis tool for Air Handling Units'. Automation In Construction, 39 :70-83 [DOI] [Details]
(2014) 'Multi-variable optimization of thermal energy efficiency retrofitting of buildings using static modelling and genetic algorithms - A case study'
Murray, SN,Walsh, BP,Kelliher, D,O'Sullivan, DTJ (2014) 'Multi-variable optimization of thermal energy efficiency retrofitting of buildings using static modelling and genetic algorithms - A case study'. Building and Environment, 75 :98-107 [DOI] [Details]
(2014) 'Review of automated fault detection and diagnostic tools in air handling units'
Bruton, K,Raftery, P,Kennedy, B,Keane, MM,O'Sullivan, DTJ (2014) 'Review of automated fault detection and diagnostic tools in air handling units'. Energy Efficiency, 7 :335-351 [DOI] [Details]

Other Journals

  Year Publication
(2023) 'Data-driven quality improvement approach to reducing waste in manufacturing'
Clancy, Rose and O'Sullivan, Dominic and Bruton, Ken (2023) 'Data-driven quality improvement approach to reducing waste in manufacturing' The TQM Journal, 35 (1) :51-72. [Details]
(2018) 'Cluster analysis of wind turbine alarms for characterising and classifying stoppages'
Leahy, Kevin and Gallagher, Colm and O'Donovan, Peter and O'Sullivan, Dominic TJ (2018) 'Cluster analysis of wind turbine alarms for characterising and classifying stoppages' IET Renewable Power Generation, 12 (10) :1146-1154. [Details]

Conference Publications

  Year Publication
(2022) 3rd International Conference on Industry 4.0 and Smart Manufacturing
Clancy, Rose; Bruton, Ken; O’Sullivan, Dominic; Keogh, Dermot (2022) Industry 4.0 driven statistical analysis of investment casting process demonstrates the value of digitalisation 3rd International Conference on Industry 4.0 and Smart Manufacturing Linz, Austria, , 17-NOV-21 - 19-NOV-21 , pp.284-297 [DOI] [Full Text] [Details]
(2022) 2022 IEEE Texas Power and Energy Conference (TPEC)
Siddiquee, SM Shahnewaz and Agyeman, Kofi Afrifa and Bruton, Ken and Howard, Bianca and O'Sullivan, Dominic TJ (2022) A data-driven assessment model for demand response participation benefit of industries 2022 IEEE Texas Power and Energy Conference (TPEC) , pp.1-6 [Details]
(2022) International Symposium on Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods
Morris, Liam and Clancy, Rose and Hryshchenko, Andriy and O’Sullivan, Dominic and Bruton, Ken (2022) Using model selection and reduction to develop an empirical model to predict energy consumption of a CNC machine International Symposium on Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods , pp.227-234 [Details]
(2021) Proceedings
O’Regan, Brian and O’Leidhin, Eoin and Tahir, Farah and Mould, Karen and O’Donovan, Stephen and O’Sullivan, Sinead and Hryshchenko, Andriy and O’Sullivan, Dominic (2021) BIMcpd: A Combined Toolkit for Constraint Checking, Performance Evaluation and Data Management in Building Renovation Projects Proceedings [Details]
(2021) Proceedings
Daniotti, Bruno and Masera, Gabriele and Bolognesi, Cecilia Maria and Spagnolo, Sonia Lupica and Pavan, Alberto and Iannaccone, Giuliana and Signorini, Martina and Ciuffreda, Simone and Mirarchi, Claudio and Lucky, Meherun and others (2021) Workshop: BIM4EEB: A BIM-Based Toolkit for Efficient rEnovation in Buildings Proceedings [Details]
(2020) 2020 2nd International Conference on Smart Power \& Internet Energy Systems (SPIES)
Siddiquee, SM Shahnewaz and Howard, Bianca and O’Sullivan, Dominic TJ and Bruton, Ken (2020) Demand response in smart grid--A systematic mapping study 2020 2nd International Conference on Smart Power \& Internet Energy Systems (SPIES) , pp.327-332 [Details]
(2020) Proceedings of the 5th Building Simulation and Optimization Virtual Conference, Loughborough, UK
Baamer, A Sameer and Bruton, Ken and O’Sullivan, Dominic (2020) A comparative analysis of energy simulation tools for architectural research: A case study of a typical house in Saudi Arabia Proceedings of the 5th Building Simulation and Optimization Virtual Conference, Loughborough, UK , pp.21-22 [Details]
(2018) 2018 International Conference on Smart Energy Systems and Technologies (SEST)
Gallagher, Colm V.; O’Donovan, Peter; Leahy, Kevin; Bruton, Ken; O’Sullivan, Dominic T. J. (2018) From M&V to M&T: An artificial intelligence-based framework for real-time performance verification of demand-side energy savings 2018 International Conference on Smart Energy Systems and Technologies (SEST) Sevilla, Spain, , 10-SEP-18 - 12-SEP-18 , pp.1-6 [ Publisher's Version] [DOI] [Full Text] [Details]
(2017) Journal of Physics: Conference Series
Leahy, Kevin and Gallagher, Colm and Bruton, Ken and O’Donovan, Peter and O’Sullivan, Dominic TJ (2017) Automatically identifying and predicting unplanned wind turbine stoppages using scada and alarms system data: Case study and results Journal of Physics: Conference Series [Details]
Gallagher, CV;Bruton, K;O'Sullivan, DTJ (2016) Utilising the Cross Industry Standard Process for Data Mining to Reduce Uncertainty in the Measurement and Verification of Energy Savings DATA MINING AND BIG DATA, DMBD 2016 , pp.48-58 [DOI] [Details]
(2016) Enabling Effective Operational Decision Making on a Combined Heat and Power System Using the 5C Architecture
Bruton, Ken and Walsh, Brendan P and Og Cusack, Donal and O’Donovan, Peter and O'Sullivan, Dominic TJ (2016) Enabling Effective Operational Decision Making on a Combined Heat and Power System Using the 5C Architecture Enabling Effective Operational Decision Making on a Combined Heat and Power System Using the 5C Architecture , pp.296-301 [DOI] [Details]
(2014) Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE Emerging Technology and Factory Automation (ETFA)
Leahy, Kevin and Bruton, Ken and O'Sullivan, Dominic (2014) Implementing the Green Batch: A case study: Continuous statistical evaluation to achieve the most energy efficient and reliable process Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE Emerging Technology and Factory Automation (ETFA) , pp.1-4 [Details]
(2002) International Conference on Systems Simulation of Buildings SSB2002. Liege
O’Sullivan, DTJ and Keane, MM and Kelliher, D (2002) Specification of a STEP compliant integrated environment to support performance based assessment and control of building energy systems International Conference on Systems Simulation of Buildings SSB2002. Liege [Details]
(2015) Second International Conference on Sustainable Design and Manufacturing, Seville, Spain
Dr Ken Bruton, Mr. Peter O'Donovan & Dr D.T.J O'Sullivan (2015) The application of web based LEAN Manufacturing tools to support the implementation of ISO 50001 - A Case Study Second International Conference on Sustainable Design and Manufacturing, Seville, Spain [Details]
(2015) Global Cleaner Production and Sustainable Consumption Conference
Brendan P. Walsh, John McCarthy, D.T.J. O’Sullivan (2015) Making the next steps in getting product prices right: An Industrial Water-Management Value-System Framework Development Global Cleaner Production and Sustainable Consumption Conference [Details]
(2015) National Sustainability Summit, Dublin
Brendan P. Walsh, John McCarthy, D.T.J. O’Sullivan (2015) Water Efficiency: An Industrial Water-Management Value-System Implementation & Case-Study National Sustainability Summit, Dublin [Details]
(2013) IMC30 Conference, Dublin
Ken Bruton, Daniel Coakley, Peter O’Donovan, Marcus M. Keane & D. T. J. O'Sullivan (2013) Development of a “cloud” located, Expert Rule based AFDD tool for AHU’s: Field Test Results IMC30 Conference, Dublin [ Publisher's Version] [Details]
(2012) Proceedings of 9th ASMO/ISSMO conference on Engineering Design and Optimization Product and Process Improvement, Cork, Ireland
S.N. Murray, D.T.J. O'Sullivan (2012) A Preliminary Study on Building Energy Efficiency Optimization - The Retrofit Quandary Proceedings of 9th ASMO/ISSMO conference on Engineering Design and Optimization Product and Process Improvement, Cork, Ireland [Details]
(2014) ICEBO - International Conference for Enhanced Building Operations
Sean Hayes, Ken Bruton, Dominic O' Sullivan (2014) Application of Expert Systems to Industrial Utility Equipment ICEBO - International Conference for Enhanced Building Operations [ Publisher's Version] [Details]
(2013) ICEBO - International Conference for Enhanced Building Operations
Bruton, K.; Coakley, D.; O'Donovan, P.; Keane, M.; O'Sullivan, D. (2013) Development of an Online Expert Rule Based Automated fault Detection and Diagnostic (AFDD) Tool for Air Handling Units: Beta Test Results ICEBO - International Conference for Enhanced Building Operations [ Publisher's Version] [Details]
(2012) ICEBO - International Conference for Enhanced Building Operations
Ken Bruton, Paul Raftery, Niall Aughney, M Keane, Dominic O'Sullivan (2012) Development of an Automated Fault Detection and Diagnosis tool for AHU's ICEBO - International Conference for Enhanced Building Operations [ Publisher's Version] [Details]
(2015) Annual Conference of the Prognostics and Health Management Society 2015
Peter O' Donovan, Kevin Leahy, Donal Og Cusack, Ken Bruton, Dominic T.J. O' Sullivan (2015) A Data Pipeline for PHM Data-Driven Analytics in Large-Scale Smart Manufacturing Facilities Annual Conference of the Prognostics and Health Management Society 2015 [Details]
(2013) Emerging Technologies \& Factory Automation (ETFA), 2013 IEEE 18th Conference on
Bruton, Ken and Coakley, Daniel and Donovan, Peter O and Keane, Marcus M and O'Sullivan, DTJ (2013) Results from testing of a “cloud based” automated fault detection and diagnosis tool for AHU's Emerging Technologies \& Factory Automation (ETFA), 2013 IEEE 18th Conference on , pp.1-8 [Details]
(2012) First Building Simulation and Optimization Conference, Loughborough, UK
Murray, Sean N and O’Sullivan, DTJ (2012) An optimization methodology and sensitivity analysis of existing building retrofits First Building Simulation and Optimization Conference, Loughborough, UK , pp.10-11 [Details]
(2011) Sustainable Development 2011
Brendan Walsh, Dominic O' Sullivan (2011) The Application of Phase Change Materials to Evaporative Cooling for Thermal Energy Storage in Ireland Sustainable Development 2011 Dublin, [Details]
(2011) Sustainable Development 2011
Sean Murray, Dominic O' Sullivan (2011) The Carbon Neutral Building Project Sustainable Development 2011 [Details]
(2000) Building Education and Research (BEAR).
O' Sullivan, D.T.J, Keane, M.M.; (2000) The specification of a web based multimedia information system for building appraisal . In: * eds. Building Education and Research (BEAR). Georgia Institute of Technology, USA, , 16-MAY-00 - 18-MAY-00 , pp.*-* [Details]
(2014) 6th International Conference on Sustainability in Energy and Buildings
Sterling, R., Provan, G., Febresa,J., O’Sullivan, D.T.J., Struss, P., Keane, M.M. (2014) Model-based Fault Detection and Diagnosis of Air Handling Units: A Comparison of Methodologies . In: Elsevier eds. 6th International Conference on Sustainability in Energy and Buildings Cardiff, Wales, UK, , 25-JUN-14 - 27-JUN-14 , pp.686-693 [DOI] [Details]
(2014) IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation
John McCarthy; Dominic O'Sullivan (2014) A Data Access Framework for Integration to Facilitate Efficient Building Operation IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation [Details]

Published Reports

  Year Publication
(2023) Case Study Johnson & Johnson - Decission Support Case Study.
DTJ O' Sullivan et al. (2023) Case Study Johnson & Johnson - Decission Support Case Study. Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland, Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland. [Details]
(2023) Case Study Gilead - Data Collection Case Study – Steam Generation Metrics.
DTJ O' Sullivan et al. (2023) Case Study Gilead - Data Collection Case Study – Steam Generation Metrics. Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland, Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland. [Details]
(2021) Energy Data Management Data Collection Strategy Guide.
DTJ O' Sullivan et al. (2021) Energy Data Management Data Collection Strategy Guide. Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland, Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland. [Details]
(2021) Energy Data Management Decission Support Strategy Guide.
DTJ O' Sullivan et al. (2021) Energy Data Management Decission Support Strategy Guide. Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland, Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland. [Details]
(2016) Industrial Water Demand-side Management.
Brendan P. Walsh, D.T.J. O’Sullivan (2016) Industrial Water Demand-side Management. Engineers Ireland, The Engineers Journal, the official journal of Engineers Ireland. [Details]
(2010) Current Standard Solutions for Buildings and Considerations when Retrofitting Buildings Report 2010.
O' Sullivan, D; (2010) Current Standard Solutions for Buildings and Considerations when Retrofitting Buildings Report 2010. Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland, Dublin. [ Publisher's Version] [Details]
(2010) HVAC ‘State of the Art’ Technology Guide For Controlled Environments in Manufacturing Plants.
D. Craddock, A. Kosiel, B. Keohane, D.T.J. O’Sullivan (2010) HVAC ‘State of the Art’ Technology Guide For Controlled Environments in Manufacturing Plants. UCC, Cork, Ireland. [Details]
(2010) HVAC Energy Efficiency Guide For Controlled Environments in Manufacturing Plants.
D. Craddock, A. Kosiel, B. Keohane, D.T.J. O’Sullivan (2010) HVAC Energy Efficiency Guide For Controlled Environments in Manufacturing Plants. UCC, Cork, Ireland. [Details]
(2009) SEI Energy Efficient Design Methodology 2009.
O' Sullivan, D., Bruton, K., Leddy, C.; (2009) SEI Energy Efficient Design Methodology 2009. Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland, Dublin. [ Publisher's Version] [Details]
(2008) SEI HVAC Special Working Group Report 2007.
O' Sullivan, D., Morrison, R.; (2008) SEI HVAC Special Working Group Report 2007. Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland, Dublin. [ Publisher's Version] [Details]

Honours and Awards

  Year Title Awarding Body
2008 CEM (Certified Energy Manager) AEE - Association of Energy Engineers
2011 CMVP (Certified Measurement and Verification Professional) EVO - Efficiency Valuation Organisation
2012 UCC ICT Invention of the Year Winner University College Cork
2013 iMERC Innovation of the Year Runner-Up Irish Maritime and Energy Resource Cluster
2014 SEAI Research Project of the Year Award Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland
2022 Energy Team of the Year Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland

Professional Associations

  Association Function From / To
International Building Performance Simulation Association Vice President 01-JAN-13 / 08-JAN-15
Association of Energy Engineers Secretary - Ireland Chapter 01-JAN-08 / 01-JAN-11


  Committee Function From / To
UCC Energy Committee Academic Representative 2008 /
Timetabling Committee Civil Engineering Representative 2010 /
Staff Student Committee Member 2010 / 2020
Outreach committee Member 2012 / 2019
Quality Review Committee Member 2012 / 2020
Admissions Committee Chair 2013 / 2018
Placement Committee Member 2013 / 2020
Student Placement Committee Member 2013 / 2020
Semesterisation Timetable/Room Booking Working Group Requested Member 2013 / 2014
Accreditation Committee Member of both Energy and Cvil Engineering Accreditation Committees 2014 /
School of Engineering Graduate Studies Committee Member 2017 /
MaREI Centre Executive Management Committee Elected Member 2019 / 2020
School Executive Management Committee Academic Staff Representative 2019 /
ERBE (Energy Resiliance for the Built Environment) CDT (Centre for Doctoral Training)Leadership Team Deputy Director 2019 /
Engineers Ireland Academic Committee Requested Member 2021 / 2023


  Employer Position From / To
University College Cork Senior Lecturer 01-JUL-19 /
University College Cork Lecturer 01-DEC-08 / 30-JUN-19
Eirdata Energy Services Manager 01-MAR-06 / 01-DEC-08
Eirdata Energy Engineer 01-MAR-04 / 01-MAR-06


  Year Institution Qualification Subject
1998 University College Cork BACHELOR OF ENGINEERING Civil
2000 University College Cork & University of California MEngSc Development of a Web Based Multimedia Information System for Building Appraisal
2005 University College Cork PhD Improving Building Performance by Tracking Performance Metrics Throughout the Building Life Cycle


  Client Description
Energy Consultancy

Outreach Activities


Energy Standards Consultative Committee: Dominic is a representative on Ireland's Energy Standards Consultative Committee which reviews and considers incoming legislation from a National perspective and provides input to proposed new International standards.

Industry Collaboration: I have engaged with Cork based industry and successfully got them involved in various EU projects. I have further engaged with industry (Statkraft- Renewable Energy Company) to secure a multiyear scholarship fund for our top Energy Engineering students as well as general funding to support the Introduction to Energy Engineering module (NE1001).

UCC Energy Team: I’m the sole Academic representative on the UCC Energy Team which won SEAI Energy Team of the Year in 2022. This group will be pivotal in delivering UCC Climate Action Roadmap. The energy team feeds into the wider Green Campus Committee of which I am also a member.

SEAI: Dominic consults with the SEAI (Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland).place>Ireland's Energy Standards Consultative Committee which reviews and considers incoming legislation from a National perspective and provides input to proposed new International standards.

Reviewer for South Africa’s National Research Foundation (NRF): Dominic acts as a reviewer for South Africa’s National Research Foundation (NRF) and was complimented for my input; “Your report for the applicant(s) you evaluated was regarded as a most valuable contribution by members of the Assessment Panel and greatly assisted the NRF in reaching a decision.”

Journal Activities

  Journal Role To / From
Buildings Member of Editorial Board 01-FEB-20 -
Frontiers Of Mechanical Engineering Member of Editorial Board 01-JAN-18 -

Teaching Interests

Teaching interests include energy efficiency and demand side management in industry and buildings.  These are taught across a range of modules including “Energy in Buildings”, “Energy Systems” and “Design Studio (HVAC)”. Through these modules I have led the Building Services stream offered to both Energy and Civil Engineering students over the last 15 years.  This discipline is pivotal to achievement of climate goals and in particular delivery of the National Climate Action Plan incorporating delivery of energy efficiency and energy efficient buildings in accordance with SDG9 (Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure) and SDG11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities).  The readiness of our Graduates, in particular those specialising in my Building Services options, has been commended by a number of multinational and indigenous Engineering houses.

Dominic’s research focuses on using IT to support energy efficiency, termed Intelligent Efficiency.  This concept has been brought across to my teaching portfolio recently in creating a new module “Data Analytics for Engineers” to satisfy an increasing demand for data analysis skills for our Engineers across the School of Engineering. While this module was originally intended for Energy Engineers, it is now offered across the School and has had an unprecedented demand since its inception.

Dominic curently has 5 PhD students under his supervision and 2 postdocs.

Recent Postgraduates

  Graduation Year Student Name Institution Degree Type Thesis Title
2011 Walsh Brendan Patrick University College Cork MEngSc Free-Cooling Thermal Energy Storage using Phase Change Materials in an Evaporative Cooling System
2014 Bruton Kenneth Andrew University College Cork PHD The Use of Fault Detection and Diagnostics to Reduce HVAC System Energy Consumption
2015 Murray Sean Noel University College Cork PHD The Application of Computer Modelling to develop a Methodology for 'Existing Building' Upgrades to Move Towards Carbon-Neutral Buildings
2016 Sean Hayes UCC MEngSc Application of Expert Systems to Industrial Optimisation
2016 Sean Davin NUI (UCC) MEngSc Non-intrusive Fault Detection through the use of Smart Analytics in Industry
2017 Brendan Walsh NUI (UCC) PHD Software for Integrated Intelligent Energy and Water Management Systems
2018 Kevin Leahy NUI (UCC) PHD Applying Data Analytics to Improve Performance of a Coastal Wind Turbine
2018 Peter O' Donovan NUI (UCC) PHD The development of an automated self-learning predictive analytics platform for smart manufacturing
2018 Sean Blake NUI (UCC) MEngSc Optimization of Distributed Energy Resources in an Industrial Microgrid
2019 Colm Gallagher NUI (UCC) PHD Measurement and Verification of Energy Savings
2020 Annie Duffy NUI (UCC) MEngSc Methodology for Digitising Information on a Factory Floor
2021 Jamie O' Sullivan NUI (UCC) MEngSc A case-study in the introduction of a digital-twin in a large-scale manufacturing facility
2021 Liam Morris NUI (UCC) MEngSc The development of a data-driven decision support tool to reduce the energy consumption of a manufacturing process
2021 Walter O' Grady NUI (UCC) PHD A Knowledge Management System to Optimise Comfort throughout the Building Life Cycle
2022 Rosie Clancy NUI (UCC) PHD Digitisation of Industrial Data with a view to Improving Decission Making Leading to Increased Efficiency
2023 Mike Ahern NUI (UCC) PHD Development and implementation of a framework to aid the transition to proactive maintenance approaches on air handling units in the industrial setting
2024 Hani Alkhatib Dublin Institute of Technology PHD Adaptive Building Fabric as a Cyber-physical System