
Fionn Woodhouse is a lecturer in the Department of Theatre in University College Cork. He is a director, producer and facilitator of drama/theatre with particular interest in youth participation and learning through practice.
Fionn is an active educational drama practitioner, having trained and worked with Graffiti Educational Theatre Company for over 14 years. During this time he has co designed and facilitated various programmes including anti racism/bullying. UCC Plus+ Drama Workshops, CIT Access Workshops, etc.
With a strong interest in youth theatre, Fionn is the Artistic Director of Lightbulb Youth Theatre. He is also a current board member of the Youth Theatre Ireland and a member of the Editorial Board for the Youth Theatre Ireland Magazine. Fionn is founder member of With an ‘F’ Productions theatre company that has toured shows both nationally and internationally. The current focus of the company is on developing new writing.

Research Interests

My research interests include both theory and practice in the following areas:
Educational Drama
Drama/theatre as a pedagogy
Youth Theatre
Drama participation impact - social, cultural & educational

Through my professional work with Graffiti Educational Theatre Company, as an educational workshop facilitator and designer, I have developed a strong sense of the importance of practice in developing theory in relation to educational drama. The convergence of theories of Performative Teaching and Learning, Emotional Intelligence, Mindfulness and Play in a practice context and how this practice can be 'captured' from varying viewpoints and reflected upon to further develop both theory and practice has been a theme through my work. 

I have been involved in Youth Theatre as a participant and then professional for over 20 years. Through this long association I have developed interests in the transformative potential of drama participation on young people both through self reflection and participant observation. Notions around Youth Theatre practice as a artistic, personal and social development process with young people as active participants in drama and theatre creation and harnessing this potential continue to interest me. 

My current academic research focuses on the impact of participation in drama practice over time. Building on theories of drama in education, affective engagement and conceptual blending I am researching educational drama workshops as a site of meaningful memory.  


  Year Publication
(2011) The Heights.
Lisa Mcgee (2011) The Heights. Performances [Details]
(2014) The First Decade.
Fionn Woodhouse/Lightbulb Youth Theatre (2014) The First Decade. Mallow, Ireland: Performances [Details]
(2012) Hotel Paradiso.
George Feydeau (2012) Hotel Paradiso. Cork: Performances [Details]
(2012) In through the Past, Out through the Future.
Fionn Woodhouse (2012) In through the Past, Out through the Future. Cork: Performances [Details]
(2008) The Shape of a Girl.
Joan MacLeod (2008) The Shape of a Girl. University College Cork: Performances [Details]
(2013) Sparkle Shark.
Philip Ridley (2013) Sparkle Shark. Blarney, Co. Cork: Performances [Details]

Honours and Awards

  Year Title Awarding Body
2018 Digital Badge Postgraduate Research Supervision National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education
2013 College of Arts, Celtic Studies and Social Sciences Masters Scholarships CACSSS

Professional Associations

  Association Function From / To
Irish Society for Theatre Research Member 23-MAY-14 /
Youth Theatre Ireland Board Member 15-NOV-14 / 21-JAN-20

Conference Contributions

  Year Publication
(2019) Performative Arts & Pedagogy: Ireland Report,
Fionn Woodhouse (2019) Report detailing Performative Teaching and Learning in various contexts in Ireland. [Conference Organising Committee Member], Performative Arts & Pedagogy: Ireland Report, Creative Zone, Boole Library, UCC . [Details]
(2017) Scenario Forum Conference,
Fionn Woodhouse (2017) Interpreting Impact – Workshop examining ‘What Remains?’. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Scenario Forum Conference, University College Cork . [Details]


  Committee Function From / To
University of Sanctuary Member 2019 /
Green Campus UCC Member 2018 /
Student Experience Committee member 2018 /
Graduate Studies Research Forum member 2013 / 2014


  Employer Position From / To
Lightbulb Youth Theatre Artistic Director 01-SEP-04 /
Youth Work Ireland Drama Workshop Facilitator/Director 16-SEP-09 / 12-DEC-13
University College Cork Lecturer 07-SEP-14 /
Graffiti Educational Theatre Company Facilitator 01-SEP-02 /


  Year Institution Qualification Subject
2000 Waterford Institute of Technology Diploma Multimedia Application Development
2014 University College Cork Masters by Research Educational Drama

Outreach Activities


Journal Activities

  Journal Role To / From
Performance Matters Referee -

Other Activities


Founding member and Artistic Director of With an 'F' Productions. Various roles in the company including Director, Producer, Set Design & Construction, Sound design, Technical manger. The company has toured both nationally and internationally to Bucharest, Edinburgh and Brisbane.  

Teaching Interests

I currently primarily teach on and/or coordinate DR2019 Applied Drama and Theatre, DR3020 Applied Drama and Theatre: Advanced, DR3001 Summer Internship, DR3023 In-semester Internship, D3024 Research Placement, DR3009 Special Studies in Theatre Production.

I have also contributed to DR1007 Introduction: Theatre and Performative Practice, DR2003 Theatre and Performative Practice, DR2012 Cultures of Movement and Place, DR2016 Performance Technologies, DR2027 Theatre and Performative Practice 3, DR3013 Final Year Project, DR3018 Cultures of Movement and Place, 

Previously I have contributed to Introduction to Theatre Practice (DR1003 with first year students specifically investigating methods to begun the devising process), DR3011 Theatre and Performance Practice, DR6041 Directed Studies Theatre Social Sciences. 
I have taught DR3008 Drama and Theatre and Allied Arts with third year students. 

Modules Taught

  Term (ID)) Title Link Subject
2020 Performance Technologies DR2016Performance Technologies
2020 Practical Internship Work Placement DR3001Practical Internship Work Placement
2019 Applied Theatre Social Studies DR6042Applied Theatre Social Studies
2020 In Semester Internship DR3024In Semester Internship
2020 Cultures of Movement and Place: Advanced DR3018Cultures of Movement and Place: Advanced
2020 Applied Drama and Theatre DR2019Applied Drama and Theatre
2020 Applied Drama and Theatre: Advanced DR3020Applied Drama and Theatre: Advanced
2020 Special Studies in Theatre Production DR3009Special Studies in Theatre Production
2020 Special Studies in Applied Theatre DR6025Special Studies in Applied Theatre
2020 Cultures of Movement and Place DR2012Cultures of Movement and Place

Internal Collaborators

  Name Institute Country
Marie Kelly Department of Theatre IRELAND
Róisín O'Gorman University College Cork IRELAND